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How stronk do you like your dinosaurs, /v/?

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Thread replies: 180
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How stronk do you like your dinosaurs, /v/?
what's that?
what is this shitty meme game you're shilling?
Nice Nintendo 64 game

that looks like a cute psx game

but since this is 4chan it's probably porn
why you gotta be like that 4chan?
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get on with it and post the lewds already
Reminds me of corruption of champions for some reason
gib saus
Looks like there's some kind of cooking element involved.

Tell me more, OP, what is this game.
Who is this Aryan friend?
I'm not actually the dev
He posts in /agdg/
Looks cute though
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He does draw porn
Where did this footage come from? Can't find any on their twitter.
What game?
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I want to fuck that Xdddd
holy chriest
Wrong game homie, that's a dinosaur, not a Xdddd.

Hahah! Hah! omg you are funny :)))))
Looks cute, is a actual game or more proof of concept?
yeah, fuck right off with that shit
Looks like basic bitch shit
>tfw no cute dinosaur wife to cook for me
Where is this from?
i like the style even not being a fan of low poly.
"Dino Dash" working title. Something that doesn't exist past what you are seeing.
>Cute, those thighs, the tail.
I want to breed her.
you need to put the i want to fuck that ______ guy in the game
yeah, this looks like a cute game
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i would fuck the shit out of this dinosaur if you catch my drift
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Just like mama used to make.
What did he mean by this
Why are you all so desperate? Go talk to girls or something.
Jerked off too recently so I have no drive to go out. By the time that drive builds back up I just fap again.
cut off your dick
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>he thinks I want cute dinosaur girls because I don't have 3DPD

you get addicted to perfection once you discover the beauty of 2D
it does look good doesn't it
I'm nonwhite, what's the point? I can only get obese 3/10s so I may as well embrace 2d.
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Who will I have to pay to see her fuck the moth
what fucking game
how much are you offering
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>twitter is better than agdg
Why do people get so defensive whenever fanservice comes up?
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I am prepared to offer Money Dollars for Quality Artwork
I'd love to see this too, but have the character's sizes be accurate, so the moth is smol and bouncing on the dino girl
whites don't have it better either if you saw the whales even /fit/ people settle with. 2d market skyrocket gross 3d compete or extinguish
patrician unexpected taste
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>tfw u will never fuck a qt furry/scalie
why live tho
I look fine and don't suffer from social anxiety. I really just don't want to.
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for you
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work on your gameand I'll buy itnot him btw
full pic where
God job creating the next undertale cancer maymay, just what this place needs.


Your turn.
What's the going rate on furry artwork of in-development game characters

I hope she flies, the game looks super comfy, but if she can't fly at all, it's gonna be a killer for me
I hope she can fly onto my dick
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>tfw nobody needs an artist
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oh shit
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>PC exclusive game
>made in [current year]
>hard locked at 30FPS

Why do so many games do this?
the power of game maker
amad_no_moto is the artist if anyone wanted to know
we dont
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>Pandering "indie game" with THICCCC character, Month, Dino, or otherkin
>"Developer" would rather make it only to seek attention and post WIP Webm's on imageboards and his tumblr blog, then lurk the comments for 2 hours instead of doing any meaningful work
>Game will never be completed anyway but /v/ still eats this shit up

And hey look, a tumblr shitter just as predicted >>360961526
thanks brotato
>rando posts other dev's work on /v/
>Doesn't realize Mothdev's tumblr is full of really cool progress

Why do you shit on people who are doing cool things that others can enjoy?
>sex sells

so what if they entice players with sexual innuendo? as long as the game is good in the end i have no problem with it. i really enjoyed haydee even if i went into it expecting porn and not a terrifying puzzle adventure
what's mothdev's tumblr
>people like thing X
>someone says, ok, I'll make thing X

Wow, dude, it's like you can see the master plan of the Illuminati unfolding before our very eyes!
weirdly sexualized but still in a cartoonish art style so a bunch of horny faggots on an anonymous message board ignore all flaws so they can post TH-THIQUE and freely advertise it.
I was just about to day. Haydee was a great game that just happened to star a sexy robot with massive breasts and ass. Well it was an okay game. It would've been great if you could save anywhere or if there were fewer instant death pits because that got really annoying really fast.
Waifus are a crutch used by game developers when they are not confident in the quality of their game.
>implying devs are a special breed that doesn't also like waifus
>not making games with elements you like in them
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>mothgirl uses a rusty nail as a makeshift sword
it's too cute
i thought it was katia managan too bad is not fuck you
if you are so obsessed with a waifu then you can not be trusted to make a good game as your mind is clearly focused elsewhere.
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She better have a cloaca.
Update never
I don't get why people who don't make games have such a sense of superiority over those who do.

It's not like this is a bullshit game either, clearly these devs know their way around engines and modelling and controllers, why must you give them shit and pretend you know best?
yeah i think they went far with traps and closets but it really made the game suspenseful
>I don't get why people who don't make games have such a sense of superiority over those who do.
Yea? you think your better than me cause you made a game about dinosaur gunt? Go fuck yourself, it was posted here its free to criticize, theres not even any gameplay in the game because the author spends ever hour perfecting the shape of her thighs.

butthurt over talent not put at the large market and thus THEIR disposal.

these people hate anything that's niche and unaffected by social pressure like they are, and also anything that reminds them they gave up on doing things like this themselves.

thus they revile, detest and attack anything outside the AAA, big corporation, brand product, and they engage in fanboy wars.
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Yea, or maybe people don't like furries.

just another niche.

furries are always making drones like you mad because they're hard working and pay out of the ass to make things happen.

Pulling out the furry card in 2016 is a sure sign of having no argument, friendo.
yiff in hell faggot
no, furries make me mad because they are disgusting and want to fuck animals

but why are you in a thread for it?

I don't get the whole furry community thing, but I don't mind jacking off to animal people if it has stuff I'm into.
But you're right that they really pay to get things done. I know a lot of people on /d/ bemoan the lack of gender swapping or giantess games but they aren't going to throw down $500k to get those games made.
I'm not even the dev for fucks sake

But its insane that you'd criticize the fact that the artist spent time to make the model look nice
It's against the rules to say why, but I'm sure you can piece it together
If you had reading comprehension you'd know that the problem isn't that it looks nice but rather that he neglects all other aspects because he only cares about that one aspect.
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I just want a robot H-RPG already

Outside of a heavily-modded NV, nothing else really satisfies that itch. I'm willing to get a team and funds together to make it happen, but no one wants money I guess.
>tfw lowpoly is the new 8-bit
Jesus Christ, do you think games are built completely horizontally, with every aspect slowly being worked on equally until everything is perfected at the same moment?

He made a nice model, then some environmental models, then the /gameplay/ of picking up trees and shit. I imagine next he'll beef up mechanics

and thank god for it, since it's much more capable of being fun than le classic platformer shmup and actually requires a bit more effort.

Drift Stage is one of the best driving games in many years.

if people weren't stupid and immature they would realize allying with furries to produce content would work out great and already has in the past.
>and actually requires a bit more effort.
This is not a good thing. The same amount of effort results in less game.
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>All these self-promoting and samefagging
>All these adgd niggers crossboarding

Kill yourself my dudes, also Mothdan and the mentally challenged fags over vg
but that would mean furshit content
people who don't want to fuck animals don't want furshit content

it also filters out people who make a couple sprites and think they're capable of making full games.
Harnessing furry autism does sound lucrative, but I'm afraid something like CoC/TITS would happen and every girl would end up with a 30 inch horse dick.

most big furry productions have a token human or three.

if they wanted more representation they could afford to finance at least some production costs and labor.
nothing wrong with that
If it keeps people like you away than we should welcome the furry waifubait games.

Do you know what a capital letter even is? You swine.
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>only furry degenerates like pixar
Nothing wrong with CoC besides Fenoxo being a faggot. If someone who wasn't a faggot had made it, the distribution of fetishes would've been more towards a general audience instead of "what the dev likes most"
>expecting to learn more about the game
>no discussion about it
I don't know what i expected.
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there is no depth to this type of pointless furfag stuff
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You know where to go to find out more, so go there
Think about this for a second, if you will. You want to have sex with an animal, and you're calling the less mentally disturbed person a swine? You should get your head checked.
Why do you think rule 3 is a thing
>everyone talking about h-games and shit
>bring up pixar

>rule 3 stops /v/ from going off-topic and whinining endlessly like children

pot, meet kettle.
>complaining about off topic shitposting makes you in the wrong and not the ones doing it
self centered way of thinking
>you don't have the right to tell furries to fuck off on fucking 4chan
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The back of her wings are fucking adorable Jesus Christ.

you actually don't.

whinning about moderation(or the lack thereof) is against the rules.

in fact you have NO RIGHTS, only privileges here. As do any other posters UNTIL the moderation applies it's judgement. You are not allowed to bitch about anything save for the feedback and report features.
It's a fucking lion! Get in the car!
This whole thread breaks the rules faggot, and yes, I can tell furries "fuck off" and don't ever recall being banned or even warned for it in 7 years of posting
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What other games feature playable dinos?

>but they started it!
>it's ok when i do it

so you agree with furries shitposting for these same reasons then?
Hook me up with some dinosaur babes in my area, and I will.
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this guy.gif
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Protesting in reaction is not the same as instigating
Didn't a few of the Tekken games have dinosaurs? I remember a raptor and a baby t-rex.
epic dated meme
over 9000 internets for you
>not wanting to plow their sloppy cloaca
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It doesn't go anywhere

You ought to know that by now
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I want to make love to this snake.
Cloaca's are just shitty vaginas, literally.
>tfw no level where you have to swim off of the ladle before the dinoqt does a taste test
>it will never be impossible to win
>it will never end with the dinoqt realizing that there's an off flavoring and spitting you out
Since males have them too, they're more like slimy anuses
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>finally a playable cyoot moth girl


anuses ARE slimy too.
>whiny puritan hates tumblr
what the fuck? you cunts flock to it usually.

Moth Game

For fans of dinosaurs ONLY.
Okay, fine

Fishy anuses
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>mfw the dev changed her to a mothgrill to get more attention
I want to fuck that dinosaur
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that's kinda hot
I always wondered how exactly it worked.

No idea how to google it without hitting bestiality porn.
I think that may have just been a placeholder. This looks much better, anyway.
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Everyone should want to love a snake.
>chicks with dicks
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>last moth related post
>3 months ago
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when is this supposed to come out?
Sometime in the future
dino game might come out soon
moth game is vaporware tumblr note bait
Thread posts: 180
Thread images: 45

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