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xv thread

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Thread replies: 520
Thread images: 135

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xv thread
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First for noctis a cute
>tfw we never see Iris' feet
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Third of Luna a cute
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I have a strong hatred for these enemies.
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>tfw just finished it

can't play anymore because I'm sad as FUCK man

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this scene is pure vidya kino desu
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KHfag is back to ruin the threads again, I see.
Ohh, love the lighting!
>none of these songs made it into the game as playable car tracks




No really, why didn't any of HW's music get in? I thought the nips fucking loved Alexander's theme.
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camera angles
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Why is he so handsome?
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sad about all the cut content
They must have wanted you to see the panties since they put so much detail into them
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Too bad they'll censor this in Final Fantasy XV: Final Mix
Why do I feel like notc is taking too much damage against same level enemies?
Not even gonna argue.
Think a 6.5 is a bit more deserving, bit pretty much everything in there is accurate.
He is /fa/ as fuck.

Bitch needs to lay off the curry
Ravana should have just been in the game.

Question: Is Ravana only a thing in FF14 or is he a thing in the rest of the games?
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Just finished the game.

Wasn't ready for the feels.
I find that there's a strong correlation between people who think the post credits campfire is in the afterlife and that the rest of the party dies and people who have never put their pens inside of a vagina
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Who is the best boy, and why is it Cor?
>people who think the post credits campfire is in the afterlife
but how
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>post yfw "you guys... are the best..."
>Yeah, we know where some of those tombs are
FFVII featured Sakaguchi, Uematsu, a better programming team and was not written by Nomura. KH is trash. Nomura is a hack
Temper temper
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So do you think more magic will be added to the game? Especially for Ring magic, they should add more spells to it and let you customize what spells are equipped to it. Like instead of death you could equip that lightning bolt spell Regis and Nyx used in the movie. Or instead of holy you could equip reflect.
Made me want to text my best friend to be honest.

Couldn't help but wonder why the guys weren't by his side at the throne.
He's a solid character designer.
>English as second language review

Into the trash it goes, subhuman scum
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Some dumbass e-celeb on YouTube said "hurr Noct isn't wearing the ring in this scene and the ring is destroyed so it must be in the afterlife" despite Noct obviously not having the ring on in Hammerhead and a scene being dedicated to him putting it back on in Insomia.

Also, people took Ignis' "it's be an eternity" line literally instead of figuratively.
Is Impervious worth getting?
>she's called "Iris the demon slayer" in world of ruin
Its got a nice ring to it
Holy shit calm your edge. If it wasn't for nomura noctis wouldn't exist.
He's a solid Character designer, sure.
Wish he wouldn't have gone full HAM on the main cast's designs for 15 though.
Because 4chan and the Internet as a whole is full of absolute retarded teenagers who forget scenes that were presented to them 45 minutes later
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It was his and Sakaguchi's story retard. He designed the characters too.
They said they'll add more magic to the ring later on.

Honestly, I was disappointed when we couldn't use Reflect and that Lightning beam.

Alterna needs a buff too even though it's fucking awesome.
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I love Prompto's stupid selfies.
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I can't get that damn Areana glitch to work
Get over it. He did.
Nijima wrote it, dumbass
How long did Noctis cry again after her death? Dude probably wants to kill himself after everything that's happened.
Very 90s-y

It's okay, honestly. His current designs are more modern.
I want stylish magic that can be combo'd
>Going through all your pictures before the final fight
On an emotional level, the ending pushed all the right buttons
Iedolas was a boss fight though
I still don't even understand what L'cie are even after all these years.
Fucking how many games went that had a tie to 13 in some way, shape, or form and for how many years?
What's with Nomura's obsession with belts and zippers
So, we're nitpicking reviews now?

>Gamespot gave Birth By Sleep 7.5
7.5 and gave Final Fantasy XV 8
>Destructoid gave Birth By Sleep 8.5 and gave Final Fantasy XV 9.
Cry? About a minute.
I actually didn't feel anything when Luna dies. Her development is almost non-existent for me to care. His feeling for Noctis was also forced as fuck. The same applies to Noctis. Those flashbacks didn't help either and failed to showr their feelings for each other.

Also, Noctis didn't say that he love Luna. That was only americunt localisation. In the original Jap voice, he only thanked her, just as Yuna did at FFX ending. At the final campfire scene, he literally said that he loves his bros. Muricunt once again changed that line to avoid triggering SJW.
...and then you pick random picture of Cactuar doing goofy shit.
This pisses me off so damn much
He cries when he finds out and, after a few weeks of depression, he cries again on the train.
That's from X-2, and no they're not. They're still visual kei style, which is 90s as fuck. Every time he gets to write something it''s bad. All of the retarded one wing shit in CC is his doing. TWEWY is cringey as hell. Nomura unchecked is the plot of KH2 and beyond. He's a terrible writer. You're just a young little turd and didn't get to witness FF actually dying
His designs are hit or miss with me.
I like a lot of them. But I feel like when he goes full stereotypical goth or too much zipper and belt it just kinda melds together too much.
Dunno. Maybe it's just me.
Finished the game last night, I've been avoiding ffxv threads until I did. So does /v/ like this game or do I have to be sad cause I can't share the joy and feels I got with anyone here?
Loqi and... that was it, right?
>They said they'll add more magic to the ring later on.
Source? In the road map they said they'll only buff the ring, which I interpreted as increase the damage
>I still don't even understand what L'cie are even after all these years
>Fucking how many games went that had a tie to 13 in some way, shape, or form and for how many years?
The XIII trilogy and I guess you can say Type 0. It was like 3-4 years.
>All of the retarded one wing shit in CC is his doing. TWEWY is cringey as hell. Nomura unchecked is the plot of KH2 and beyond. He's a terrible writer. You're just a young little turd and didn't get to witness FF actually dying
I thought that's what was translated from the road map?
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This guy is actually the most powerful story character in X-2.
The people discussing it in a civil manor usually tend to like it but acknowledge that's got a lot of unacceptable flaws and pacing issues that should have been addressed.
But do to the games odd development cycle and current patch promises, we're kinda in the limbo right now.
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>2 dogs
>2 girls
what did he mean by this
>Gladio leaves the party to do some "stuff"
Oh god shit is about to get real, betrayalton incoming.

>Gladio goes to do random hunts for shit and giggles

Why was this even in the game?

Thank god for the awesome ending.
I agree but apparently they're adding more cutscenes so maybe that'll help.
My sister hated her during the movie. Said "this bitch needs to die". Pretty hilarious when it actually happened.
My brother chose the same photo.
Solid pick

I picked one of the earlier ones with the Regalia at Hammerhead. Kinda weird when he showed it to his wife, but hey.
>First, we will further increase the gameplay satisfaction level of Chapter 13. For that reason, we have already started work on many enhancements, such as significantly enhancing the power of ring magic and so on. We will announce details on these enhancements and when we plan to offer this update at a later time.
>"Nomura's" depiction is less human than "Tabata's depiction" of an adolescent who was lied to and couldn't help prevent his kingdom from being destroyed and his father dying
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Any more pantushots or there is only these 2 cases when you can adjust camera?
the problem with tabata's noctis isn't the personality. Its the execution. His immaturity is pretty enjoyable honestly
Same here, couldn't pick anything else.
Looked very similar to Regis picture.
>Why was this even in the game?
Everyone has to leave the group at one point for DLC to work.
Vagrant Story.
I don't believe he was in any other FF games.
You'll have to buy the DLC to find out :^)
That's probably because I'm him, you queer
He wasn't out doing random hunts. He was searching for Giglasmesh for a few days, fought him and won. He returned to Lestallum to wait for Noct, Iggy, and Prompto to return.
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Remember when Cor was supposed to be a permanent party member?
>He was searching for Giglasmesh for a few days
This only raises more questions
>printing it out
>framing it
>putting it on the wall
Top tier FF
KH is trash though
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Buy the DLC :^)
It's also a major point to his fucking character. Nerds just dont know anything about narratives, and obsess over minor plot details because they need a coherent world to escape their sexless lives into
There's a lot of positivity but I feel like people take any amount of negativity too hard. I can talk a lot of shit about the game only because I enjoyed it and try exploring every aspect of it. The moment I say any negative opinion I get blasted. I really do like the game though.
Tabata's Noctis never felt unreasonable upset or brooding for no real reason.

Him immaturity is one of "I don't think I'm ready or prepared for this" rather than the boring and stereotypical "FUCK YOU DAD. FUCK MY DUTY. "
He never really was prepared for it, but as he said to his dad at the beginning, he kinda had to be. It's also worth nothing that at no point he decided to quit.
Yup, that's the one. Couldn't pick a pic without the Regalia.
How? I'm not going to say the story in 13 was delivered well. But how do you not grasp what a l'cie is through context?
>phone camera shot
>japanese version
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>The moment I say any negative opinion I get blasted
>not the other way around

What alternate dimension do you hail from, traveler?
>Level 35
Well, if you ignore side missions, I guess
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>this autist is defending the worst FF MC

What the hell are you talking about?
prompto is CUTE!
It was a member of the party in some aspects.
If he rushed through the story like that it's probably the only picture with the four of them together that he has. What a tool.
>still wanting to identify with teenage edgelords

Didn't really need a gayer Zell Dincht, but here we are.
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>damage control for a shitty game
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Must be why all the ladies love him
The one where XV-kun and kun-lites exist, oh wait.

Seriously though, I love the game. Some fuckers here are just too obsessed.
Noctis can never be the worst FF mc when tidus exists.
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Tidus is better in every single way.
Give me a reason why Tidus is bad, go on.
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>see in threads /v/ bitching about chapter 13, but dont read anything to detailed as not to spoilt my blind playthrough
>play thru ch 13 myself
>dat atmosphere
>the intensity and isolation of that chaper
>super creepy inside tiny ass corridors
>like a fucking horror chapter
>fucking strong ass demon stalks you
>Get seen by magitek soilders and try to hide from them
>they catch me slip into the crawl spaces
>they look directly into the camera and drag noctis out of that shit like some horror film
>long ass chapter and longest one in the game no doubt
>ardyn taunting you
>learning a bit about what happened in nilf from radio,ardyn and notes scattered thru out chapter
>dat scene where it looks like prompto is siting in a chair unconscious and its an illusion
>lights go out and strong ass demon comes after you again
>no team mates to help you or use as distractions to avoid damage and abuse invisibility frames from specials


Every other chapter up till now is pretty mmuch go from point "A" to "B" and then you get your chapter complete and free exp.

I bet you casuals hate it cause you went thru the game all easy and shit and then in chapter 13 they take all that shit away and you have to rely on your own skills(which v have none) and that demon keep raping you with his disapear reappear move..

I can only imagine how much of a pain in the ass that gargoyle demon would be if i wasn't lvl 75 and overleveld as fuck.
Its only a lvl 35 daemon,but he still does a good chunk of damage to my health with that disappearing move.

I bet you casuals got you shit pushed in cause you were either around the same level or under leveled cause you rushed thru the game just to brag about how short it was.
but why is noctis dressed as a girl in that pic???

what did he mean by this?
>Double underwear.
What the fuck? Is she constantly leaking or something.
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Is that a dog?
They seriously need to get rid of the little animation that they do after every battle. I'm SICK of it.
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to please feminazi otherwise NO SALES
I think the main, reasonable complaint is that it went on for too long, especially when the previous chapters were so short.

I did still enjoy it.
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>Noctis can never be the worst FF mc when tidus exists.
I'd like to see you argue that so we can have a laugh.
Stop right fucking there, mister.
If you do any fucking side quests at all then the story becomes a cakewalk. Then when I complain, your dumbass comes out and says I shouldn't have done sidequests and overleveled.
So now I'm stuck playing a 9 hour game in order for the story to provide any amount of challenge. Then when I finish and complain, you'll be there once again to tell me I'm playing it wrong once more.
There's no winning.

Can't wait for that level stopper dlc.
He has no real place in the story and is just written in as a lazy way to introduce the player to spira. Half of his character development is just him whining about his dad, and the other half is him getting into a hammy relationship with yuna.

Probably not even a single way honestly. But then again FFX was pretty shit.
I was between this and a picture of the main 4 with Iris posing in the middle.

I went with the latter and laughed a bit as he showed it to his new wife
>Is she constantly leaking or something.
With Noct around? Absolutely.
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This was bound to happen
Chapter 13 was boring as fuck. Felt like games I typically avoid like Tomb raider or Uncharted. Dunno why you would stealth it. I just aggrod so I could run faster then nuked them all at the end.
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>He has no real place in the story
Stopped reading there, you have no argument at all.
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Considering Noct is almost always around, she probably is always leaking.
Thanks, that's been bothering me.
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Ravus' japanese voice is sexy as fuck. Shame he only got 5 minutes of screentime in the game. It's not fair.
I might have asked before, but is Ebony really that good?
My brother fucking hammed chapter 13. It was awful to watch.

Now that I think about it the whole game is bad to watch but fun to play.
How do you defeat MA-X Angelus-0?
This fucking random Magitek armour is harder than anything in the fucking game.
If only Nomura didn't waste 7 years, then probably SE wouldn't have pushed Tabata to finish the game by this year.
He's a garbage mc from one of the worst FF games.

I legitimately think that Noctis is more interesting than Tidus and I don't even particularly love Noctis.
Get the fuck out, Cor
How about not splitting the moveset between customizable bullshit?
>Half of his character development is just him whining about his dad, and the other half is him getting into a hammy relationship with yuna.
You didn't even play FFX.
I'll agree with you on the atmosphere, thats the saving grace of the chapter. But >>360864637
has a point.
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I kind of agree actually
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>Lightning beam
not in the game
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I got the Vanille's summon fight and stopped. Than proceeded to avoid anything FF for a while since 13 was my first FF before I went back and played 7 and then jumped into 14. Everything else I know is through osmosis.
In the time I actually played 13, I had literally no idea what was going on.
This is what I remember in my autistic mind's way of remembering it:

>Gotta go fight some thing with a weird fucking name with these people I don't know.
>"Moms are tough"
>""I hate you Snow and no I don't care if just talking to you will fix this stupid fucking problem"
>Fight the big weird thing with the weird name
>We've all got weird brands on us and people hate us for some reason.
>Snow has a Lesbian Motorcycle.
>Sazh and Vanille go to an amusement park
>Sazh get's a racecar
>Lightning and Hope go through a forest
>Snow does something with Fang.
>Sazh is the only character I care about at all
>Lets go to Hope's Dad's place for some reason.
>"Give me clearance to land or I'll ram this ship into your ass."
>Why are we fighting the pope?
>Why are we fighting ROBO-Pope?
>Are we on a whole different PLAAANEET.
>Fang and Vanille ore flaming lesbians
>What's the difference between a Fal'cie and a L'cie?
>Why was I railroaded to this single open area and then immediately led out?
>These fucking valve monsters with the long arms are pissing me off
>Alright I think I'm done.

Needless to say I sucked at the game but somehow made it that far. I never cared looking up anything about any of the stuff afterwards.
So what's the rate of completion for this game anyway? When I got to the ending on Sunday it was at <18% for the trophy you get for beating the game.

Kind of disheartening to look at the % go down for each chapter, considering people bought the game at full price and it had been out for a while by that point.
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Not an argument. Noctis is the worst FF main character by a long shot.
>Sazh is the only character I care about at all
this so much
Girls love dogs.
Meant >>360864968 to go to >>360864034
Probably extremely low, the game is terrible.
Why wasn't Cor an actual character instead of a quest who shows up for like 30 minutes in the entire game
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Lightning thre-

Alternatively, aim for the upper body, warp strike and use daggers. Don't get greedy.
5 minutes of descent screentime>>>>>his awful presentation in movie.
Also, his KG design was terrible too.
Heck, if he had been a quest like the fat photography guy, it could have been enough. But he's literally nowhere doing nothing.
They both have ass.
This is ass thread.
No-ass thread over there -->>
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not in the game
Looks better this way.
Left or right?
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I might have answered before but THAT'S IT!
No wonder he's so based
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When directors switched everything Nomura had done for the game was deleted and Tabata rushed the game out, only keeping the bare minimum from Versus.

They wrote a new script, and eve that script was slashed in half because of time constraints. Notice how KG was retconned as an example of even Tabata's shitty script getting slashed.
Canonically cucked
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Luna > Aranea > Iris > Gentiana > Cindy
Sure I did. It's the game with a interesting concept for a battle system and only about 3 fights that use it correctly. Yunalesca and a couple seymours.

Tidus never knows what's going on and asks a lot of questions for the benefit of the player. Other than his dad being sin and wanting to fuck Yuna he's not that different from Vaan in terms of how much he belongs.
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Yeah, he's ten times better in the game and is actually much more tolerable too. I'm glad they'll patch in more scenes of him in the updates.
-ugly like your mom
-gay like you
-good at sports like your big brother
-dumb pants
-probably smells
-some kind of Phillipino
-doesn't even exist

-k00l car
-has friends
-bathes once a day
-no gay gf to kiss in the water like a STUPID GAY BITCH
-Not fat (u r)
-can move left and right unlike Tidus (or as I call him gayus) who can only move front and back
-catches and eats fish instead of his dad being one??
stop shilling shit games
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Both at the same time
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>Snow has a Lesbian motorcycle
Yeah that one was a little on the nose.
I didn't like the whole "summons are Transformers" thing.
Left. Dear god left
You haven't actually argued anything yet. You don't get to say not an argument when you haven't made one.

I've said why I think Tidus is shitty. I think noctis gets better development and has more interesting interactions with the other party members.
>Frodo going wild over FFXV
Memes are alive and well
None of the protagonists in 15 are particularly depressive until the story warrants it. In fact Tidus and Zidane wine longer than Noctis does. You'd know this if you've played any of them instead of watching let's plays while eating your sad dinner
I ended the game at level 47. Chapter 13 was a cakewalk because there is absolutely no reason to play it like the stealth section it wants to be.

It is overlong but that's because they had to cram so much of Ardyn in to make up for the fact they didn't develop him as an antagonist in prior chapters.

The pacing of the narrative and character development is all over the place.
>not wanting Lesbian motorcycle
It was really boring. It was not intense, jumpscares didn't work, there was no need to hide ever, Ardyn's taunts meant nothing because the beginning of the game confirmed you were going to reunite with your bros, nothing about it was creepy, that Prompto scene was obvious and I knew I was wasting my time.

Terrible chapter
I mean I get it, but I was able to pick up what a l'cie is through the context of conversations.

If I say I took my gghdfhgdh for a walk to the park yesterday.

My fhghshdgh is a good friend.

I got a new collar for my hdfghdfhg.

You can tell I'm talking about some sort of pet.
>IIf they don't have a big grin on their face at all times they're depressed emos
Someone please help me understand why that last shot of Noct and Luna leaning against each other and closing their eyes/resting depresses the shit out of me
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Lets talk about best boy
I was half-expecting Prompto to get turned into some Magitek monstrosity. The torture room looked wild with all the tools lying around, but the buildup was really good, despite the reunion later on.
these shill posts make me fucking mad
like look at this fucking picture
does it make one bit of goddamn sense?
I mean fuck dude you could at least fucking try
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because it shits on Versus
He literally posted a mascot character in the positive column. They're uniformly irredeemable trash.
Specs had a hard life
Stylish as always.
Why is are both dogs and the lady to the right staring at her crotch?
>hurr lets copy paste selective screenshots

Im certain none of those characters are not smiling on their box art
I suddenly became very sad that ignis couldn't use 1h swords after becoming blind after seeing him go full blind samurai in group armiger chain
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>I mean fuck dude you could at least fucking try
They have no material. They literally only have "WELL I JUST FINISHED THE GAME IT TOOK ME 90 HOURS I CRIED" samefagging and waifu/gay bait posts. The game was that bad.
I was sure they were going to give him his sight back. But nope, he's just kinda crap for the rest of the game.
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>jumpscares didn't work
Guess I'm the only one who fell for those. Still, I love em'.
>hide between a two walls
>MT walks right past me
>he doubles back and drags me out

>Ardyn's taunts meant nothing
Except for the fact that Prompto was hiding his identity and that you've been murdering innocent men, women, and children?

>that Prompto scene was obvious
That's bullshit.

>nothing about it was creepy
You sound jaded as fuck
FF15 unironically has one of the best final bosses in the series. They realized that action games perfected the final boss formula ages ago. "fight something big, fight a rival with your own powers".
>I... it will heal! Probably
>This won't heal
The mine level really hit me hard
are you okay?
Not him but I agree with most of his posts. As soon as I realized aggroing made me run faster that's all I did. In order to feel scared I have to feel in danger. With the ring I didn't at all. Also the fakeout prompto rescue was obvious as fuck.
>listening Luna`s bullshit about Noctis and Prophecy during 12 years
It`s even sadder than his death.
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Now that the dust is settling, let's give this a try.
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You need to kill yourself immediately for having such shit taste.
Not the time for horseplay!
>no Gentiana
You had one job...
Judging by his constant shitposting on /v/ he has no job anon
Simple question: is it necessary to watch the movie to know what's going on?
>three votes for Aranea before anyone can even vote for Iris or Cidney
Feel free to name better ones. You realize FF7 ended with the 1998 version of a QTE after a regular fight too right? FF10 had a fight you basically couldn't lose after the real final boss.

I'm fairly sure you just don't play any games in the series honestly.
Never watched it either (or the anime) and I did fine

In fact, I did even better because Ardyn is a villain caught me by surprise
But I'm a stupid idiot who needs it spelled out. As my first FF game I was kinda jumping into it expecting all the craze and high praise this series had to offer from what I heard from friends and media. Actually I should mention I played Dissidia on PSP first before 13 and 7.
But had a general idea of what and FF game should be in my head and knew Dissidia was a very different game.
So when I played 13 I was kinda confused.
All these really weird words being used and all this multi-directional storytelling and jumping from one character to another before being able to establish a connection to any of them.

Sure if I played this game today, I'd probably get it better. I have no intention of doing that though.
It's likely I skipped a lot of the text. I probably did knowing me. And if I listened to it I likely glazed over most of it.
so uh pc port when haha
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Irisfags getting BTFO'd
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Venom "Punished" Ignis is the best character in the game
If anything kingsglaive kind of confuses things. Ravus's motivations get really muddy and Luna having some sort of powers but not using them at all in the movie threw me off
>Except for the fact that Prompto was hiding his identity and that you've been murdering innocent men, women, and children?
Nier did it better and the Prompto reveal was "we were all in the same orphanage" tier of who fucking cares.
>That's bullshit.
Are you serious?
>You sound jaded as fuck
No, I just know SE can't pull off being creepy at all. Not with those camera angles, visuals, music, etc.
The original design was so much better, holy shit
Is that webm suppose to mean something?

He killed a boss while nearly at max level.
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>its so hot
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The final boss of the game was just as easy at normal levels, the game is a joke.
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FUCK! Let me try this again. It's time to end this.

I don't understand what's special about Iris anyway. She's annoying as fuck and her mannerisms make her look like a retarded monkey.
I wasn't shitposting though, I liked the more paternal style. Sure, the current one looks like a king, but the previous one looked like a father.
His new design is better to be honest.
They kept his Versus XIII design in the final game. For some reason they modeled him after his actor in Kingsglaive just like they did for Luna.
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I know, all of Tabatas changes were for the worse.
The boss fights are the worst thing about the game. Hunts are better. I can't honestly believe you. That you enjoyed a flashy watered down combat system during their Matrix Revolutions fight.

Aranea was the best boss fight.
Final Fantasy hasn't been difficult since the NES dude.
Best girl. Permanent party member glitch
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>that gif
What does that prove? Falling through the map happens in nearly every game.
>The final boss of the game was just as easy at normal levels
It's almost as if this is a Final Fantasy game. Really makes you think
>the game is a joke
Glad you're having fun, just like me. :^)
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>he's defending this glitchy shit

Yeah, I also avoided /v/ until I finished this game. If /v/ is on the same page on anything, it's how horrible chapter 13 was.

I'm going to replay this game once all the story DLC has been released. The story feels rushed without it.

Where the fuck did Gladdy go?
How did Ignis lose his eyesight?
Prompto is an MT? Doesn't matter now since it's never brought up!
Ah, so that's where the food scene ended up. I was waiting for it throughout the game.
I consider that just part of the qte basically. The on the ground fight against someone with your powers was fun. It was sort of like a really bad version of the vergil 3 fight.
FFX looks the gayest honestly. No shirt with some suspenders is classic gay club shit.
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Another case of cut content because the budget for Tabata's game was paper thin. They wasted years letting Nomura make a good game only to cancel it mid development. Retards.
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>stupid nignog asks for Genti
>doesn't even vote for Gentiana
>votes for Luna instead
hes not wrong, a 6 is slightly too low though
Elder Regis looks better.

Also, Tabata didn't change Gladio's father's look. Gladio's father was modeled after his actor just like Luna, Ravus, and Aldercapt.
>threads are now back to versus shitposting
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6 is too high honestly.
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>ecause the beginning of the game confirmed you were going to reunite with your bros, nothing about it was creepy, that Prompto scene was obvious and I knew I was wasting my time.

Hurr durr i watched a YouTube playthrough so i already knew what was going to happen

Kill yourself
What if post-game is Noctis in heaven adventuring with his bros again?
Old Regis design is better, but new Regis fits the story a lot more.

>For some reason they modeled him after his actor in Kingsglaive just like they did for Luna
I think this was dumb decision. Only game Luna was too weeb, other characters were pretty passable for western audience.
>Feel free to name better ones
Every other FF. The ones where it was possible to die. Even XIII's boss could fuck you up with that move that brought everyone's HP down to barely living.

Ardyn could have been great but he was just a sponge and never staggered. Then you went saiyan and the fight got worse. I didn't know what the fuck I was doing honestly. I just held circle and square until the game ended. It was Vergil and Dante done completely wrong.
Yeah I don't get it. It's like getting made at your kid because the miscarriage you had before him might have possibly turned out better.
I'm legitimately excited for this costume. I want my NG+ party to be a Mexican followed by guys dressed in Spacesuits

>Tidus is better in every single way.
>Give me a reason why Tidus is bad, go on.

Let me guess, you guys are the same faggots that believe X is better than XIII.
I haven't fell through the map in my 50+ hours of exploring. In fact, the only glitch I've encountered is Noct going through the roof of the Regalia and the falling animation for characters doing a specific action.

There was a thread of people listing the glitches they've come across and most people were noting they've only seen one or two notable glitches.
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>It is overlong but that's because they had to cram so much of Ardyn in to make up for the fact they didn't develop him as an antagonist in prior chapters.


For all we know chapter 13 is the only chapter the managed to complete fully
Jesus, are people shitting on this game this much because there isn't a girl on the main cast? The waifufagging is too strong.
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>I want my NG+ party to be a Mexican followed by guys dressed in Spacesuits
All of them look gay as fuck besides XIII
i just choose Iris sleeping on the chocobo since it reminded me of the goddess sleeping on the XV logo
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I don't get it.
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I definitely need to do this on my level capping playthrough. I chose the group photo with Cid, Cor, Iris, and them.
I've beaten 4 once, I'm not sure I feel like sitting through it again for the new mechanics.
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>The ones where it was possible to die.
So not FFX then.
Pretty nerdy of them. FF started with an all male cast. It's just returning to roots.
>Hurr durr i watched a YouTube playthrough so i already knew what was going to happen
No I watched videos officially released by SE. We knew about the time skip months before the game released because SE officially spoiled it for us. The game starts out with a spoiler. Literally not my fault I got spoiled. Sounds like you didn't play the game.

I own the game on the Pro.
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Bahamut doesn't look that bad.

Bro Tier
>Shiva and her doggos

Neutral Tier

Cunt Tier

Traitor Tier
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>buying shitty games
What's the point in photography? Can you sell the pictures or does it have some story tie-in or anything other then just pretty screencaps?
13 had a good final boss.
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not even how he fucking looks, cunt
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>He doesn't know
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>Bahamut doesn't look that bad.
Holy fuck.

Where were you when FF officially died and the new fanbase has made it a priority to ruin any discussion?
It makes for a more effective credits that hits you hard when you see all the pics you've taken throughout your journey
Why does Insomnia look so bad in this shot?
Surprisingly difficult
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It looks bad in every shot thanks to Tabata, see >>360867221
It looks like they forgot to give it textures
I haven't saved any pictures in post-game. It doesn't seem right.
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>Holy fuck.
Have you even seen the other Bahamuts?
>FF officially died
Hasn't happened yet
>new fanbase
How delusional can you be?
>a priority to ruin any discussion?
>implying that isn't what he's doing right now
>implying /v/ ever has civilized discussion for more than a minute before someone like himself comes in to shit post
>FF7 Cid
>Positive hero

I'm sorry if you think your drunk dad that beats your mother is a positive parent figure, but it isn't, you are just a pussy.
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Why are you so fucking mad? I thought XV's Bahamut was great.


He loved how he was a human/dragon hybrid.
The problem is he doesn't look like Bahamut, all the other summons are easily recognisable but he's a big guy in armour with swords floating behind him.
>that unnecessary chapter 0 spoiler
Did you even start the game?

Also, anyone else mad the game started out that way? Made some scenes less effective. Like that one in chapter 13 where everyone is up against a fuck ton of enemies (pretty hype) and you gotta leave your friends behind. I was almost, ALMOST, worried but then I remembered the beginning of the game. Fuck.
There's honestly a decent chance I was playing FF before you were born and I didn't mind the new bahamut.

Final Fantasy is change, if you can't handle it changing a lot with every entry then fuck off to a different series. The series is not 6 or 10 or whatever one you started with and think is the best. The series is different every time.
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>I'm glad they'll patch in more scenes of him in the updates.
>comparing a trailer to an outdated demo

Why do you guys always have to ruin these threads with this retarded shit?
>when he picks out the veggies off the burger and slowly puts then onto Iggy's plate

fuck that was literally me when I was younger and hated eating the greens.
this begs the questions, what does happen if you save none?
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The final game was identical to the demo if not worse. Just like how all of the Judgement demo bugs "THEY WILL BE FIXED" weren't fixed.
>Have you even seen the other Bahamuts?
They were cool up to IX. I loathe X's but some people swear by it.
>all the other summons are easily recognizable but he's a big guy in armour with swords floating behind him.

The moment I saw him I knew he was Bahamut
I swear the credits showed pictures I never took of Cor so I'm guessing it makes it up.
But you can't change something so drastically while giving it the same name. Bahamut has always been a dragon of some kind, a guy with a dragon helmet isn't Bahamut.
>Dat comparison
Kek, poor Tabby, SE force him to deal with that shit pile of an engine.
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>The final game was identical to the demo if not worse
>identical if not worse
Now you're taking the piss.
>Just like how all of the Judgement demo bugs "THEY WILL BE FIXED" weren't fixed.
Yes, they were. No longer do I encounter that grape soda ocean or the neon lights that nearly blind me or a collection of bugs from Judgement Disc.
>The final game was identical to the demo if not worse.
Does anyone really believe this? I mean, yeah, the trailers and all that stuff for Versus XIII were awesome, but alot of it was clearly just prerendered cutscenes with a HUD overlayed on it. Yeah, alot of the story for Versus and the story for XV was cut, I'll give you that. But I don't think the gameplay was legit.
Were you this pissed about the shitty summons in FFXIII? Because compared to those FFXV is godtier.
He looked more like a faggot in versus.
Comparing pre rendered cutscenes to in game play is dumb as fuk

2 100's
1 95
2 92's
25 90's

3 88's
12 85's
1 82
19 80's

1 79
4 75's
1 73
4 70's

5 60's

30/80 Reviews scored 90 or better.

45/80 Reviews scored 85 or better.

65/80 Reviews scored 80 or better.

>FF7 20 critics,Kh1 46 critics, kh 2 64 critics while FFXV has 80 critics.

If XV came out 5 years again it will got a 89 on metacritic now fuck off anti-kun
>But I don't think the gameplay was legit.
It wasn't. Those trailers were just target renders.
Sorry but in X it wasn't a dragon either, it was like every other X summon or protagonist, a flamboyant faggot clown.
Half the images on the right are CGI while the other half is from a trailer that isn't indicative of the final product.
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You don't even have an argument here.

The neon lights wasn't a bug it was a missing texture map since the 'demo' was just a cut down game.

It's a fact, Insomnia and Altissia look exactly the same in the final game. Cardboard box buildings and everything. Some argue its even worse now.
There's definitely pre-stocked ones if you didn't save many/enough. There was an amazing selfie of prompto and no helmet aranea that I know I didn't take in my credits
He looks vaguely dragon like and that's good enough for me. If we all thought like you bahamut would just be a side quest to advance your job in every game.

I won't say I always love changes in the FF series, but I love that it continues to change. I realize you're not doing this, but it irritates me when people just want their first FF to be remade over and over.
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>it was pre-rendered!!!!!!
Keep telling yourself that.
Ignis farted while driving the car again and the other 3 are going apeshit about it
but it doesn't save those in your stock so what does noctis takes to his death

Casual alert
Isn't Versteal in like literally one cutscene in the game?
Wait shit so was Ledolas.
Man the timeskip raises so many questions
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>You don't even have an argument here.
You're still using images from an outdated demo to support your "argument", you hypocrite. Also, the Platinum Demo Insomnia looks far worse than the actual Insomina.
>The neon lights wasn't a bug it was a missing texture map since the 'demo' was just a cut down game.
Where's your source? Also, why did the neon lights occur in areas we could access without having to glitch into yet it never occurs in the full game?
13 was one which felt like it got extended above and beyond what was originally planned because the rest weren't fleshed out properly.

It's a poorly thought out chapter, the game can't even make its mind up on what it wants from you for half the run time.

>Finally give you Lucis Ring so you have some way to defend yourself.
>Tell player that they can't defend themselves and have to hide/run from enemies 20 minutes later
>just kidding, you can totally kill the stealth section enemies with the ring magic
>Chapter drags on for another hour

It's a fucking mess from a design and communication perspective.
When why didn't they change all the other summons that drastically?
>If we all thought like you bahamut would just be a side quest to advance your job in every game.
Not him but that doesn't make any sense.
He could have the same role in the game but be a dragon. Nothing would change. It'd probably be better honestly. FFXV is sort of a throw back in some ways to classic FFs. Why stop at Bahamut?
I definitely didn't like XIII's, and yeah most of the summons in XV looked great which just made me more disappointed to see the dragon king turn out to be someone wearing dragon-ish armour.
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>Luna dies
That kinda sucks for Noctis.

>Ignis goes blind
>see him falling in the mine
>he says things like "I wish I could've done more" "Am I in the way?"
>heart breaks in two
Ignis has such ripe farts that they stick around in a moving vehicle with no top.
Got to love how literally every character in the game is white
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>the Platinum Demo Insomnia looks far worse than the actual Insomina.>>360867610

>Where's your source?
Are you kidding? What is your shill excuse for it?
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Reminder that this is the best section of the game.
>you had an easy time because you're casual

I guess I'm the ultimate casual.

I would assume because as the king of the summons they wanted to give him a motif similar to the king of man. He looks somewhat similar to the spirits of kings and he fights in a similar manner.
He doesn't even use fucking Megaflare. At that point, you might as well call the summon something else.
>the realization that its Ardyn speaking there and not Prompto
Verstael only ever had one line in the game. He says that it's better to keep the Oracle alive because she could unlock many secrets, implying that he wants to experiment on Luna. And he says this in front of Ravus who happens to be the brother of the Oracle. He never appeared since then, such a wasted potential.
>Regis new design is better
Not with that hair style.
a true british gentleman alright
Reminded that it lasts five minutes.
Why was it only like 5 minutes ;_;
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>Oh uh..d-didn't see you there anon. Did you get the beans I asked for?
I fucking love trains in videogames and wish they could've done more with it.
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>Tfw you realise Bahamut is no longer a dragon, but they turned him into a Dragoon instead

>His new design is better to be honest.
I hate his eyes. He looks like a puppy.
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That looks bad, but not nearly as bad as the image you posted. And that's only a cherry-picked shot of the area too.
>Are you kidding? What is your shill excuse for it?
So now you won't provide a source and instead are opting to start spouting the overused, buzzword known as shill, again.

Fuck off, anti-kun.
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>that look of happiness on Iris' face whenever she gets in the car between Noct and Gladdy

Nigga that's kawaii.
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Stay mad shillboy, you have no argument only your fabricated opinions.
What are the chances of Tabata adding Phantom Train as a boss in FFXV DLC/updates? He did state VI was his favorite and there is a lot of VI pandering in XV
(You) seem to be quite desperate
all that edge.

you must be popular.
It's actually 10 minutes because the fight on foot against the soldiers before the warping phase is also fun as you only have Prompto helping you instead of 4 characters bumbling around one enemy.

Seriously, only having you and one AI made the combat way more enjoyable to me.
or when Noctis head pats her during combat and becomes so happy
You just suck.
she* becomes etc
He just feels out of place compared to the other summons.
They could have redesigned everyone similar to Bahamut and I'd be okay.
I honestly thought he was a spirit of a king, because he looks like one.
No chance, the man's a liar and you should know this by now. Hell, even the goddamn DLC is basically a cut content, I mean what do you expect from this man again? Or the current SE? They shit out an incomplete game and sold it in full price, man.
The royal line is probably directly descended from Bahamut. He/she fucked some human and gave birth to freaks with special magical powers. The whole thing must have been cut but Bahamut retained it's humanoid appearance and they even sneaked a little hint at it by making it's eyes look just like Noctis'.
This. I had really high expectations for their design after seeing Ramuh, Leviathan, and Shiva, but they dropped the ball hard. It's one of the worst designs to me, only topped in horribleness by X and XIII's designs.
>that parry command on Aranea

The prince of DUNKS
I was 100% expecting Doomtrain to appear in this game, giant missed opportunity. Another thing that was probably planned but had to be dropped.
the voice actors did a very good job imitating each other's speech patterns it's kind of subtle but it was fun to catch it.
Reminder that quality doesn't matter when normies buy stuff based on hype and advertising.
Dragoon's don't use swords
He looks like a Bahamut fanboy
when gendiama was revealed to be shiva i expected ardyn to be ifrit and aranea to be bahamut
Reminder that not even normies bought this game.
dragoons could equip them in the older FF's but spears were their best weapons
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>he was caught trying to steal shit from cid and then he just works a cook for the rest of his life
Bahamut is most likely a 'King of Lucis' which is why he resides within the Crystal and why his eyes look so similar to Noct's.
Spears only affected jump damage. Kain will usually end up using a sword in FF4.
well since gilgamesh was confirmed for galdi dlc , there´s a chance doomtrain might show up in prompto ?
and his swords circle around him like using the armiger

I feel like I'm the only person that really liked all the summons and how integrated they were to the world at large.

I was disappointed at the redesign for Bahamut at first because he's my favourite summon in the series (I imagine others have similar opinions because he's such a constant face in the series) but I felt better when I realised his FF15 form makes more sense in FF15 world and it let them reference other FF stuff at the same time.

Pity he only appears twice (once in combat) and doesn't get MegaFlare though.
They also disappear in a similar fashion.
If you want a knight in an armor just use fucking Odin. Bahamut is a dragon, a mother fucking DRAGON not some dude in a stupid ass armor.
they're adding a protect ring in the dlc coming out next week.
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Who is the best Astral?
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Holy shit, the glitch actually worked.

I have managed to take Aranea to Insomnia.
God that Aranea fight is so fucking top-tier. So many things in this game are incredibly inconsistent but for some reason everything involving her is perfect.
Leviathan is cute! CUTE!!
Not free DLC.
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>tfw can't get the Aranea bug to occur

Stupid game, just let her join my party permanently.
>I feel like I'm the only person that really liked all the summons and how integrated they were to the world at large.
They were all amazing. Then there's Bahamut who I would have preferred to be Odin or Alexander.
He might have been Odin originally actually. In the original script every major faction had it's own crystal and we can assume every crystal had a deity inside it; Lucis, being all dark and shit (even the ring casts Death), would be a perfect fit for Odin.

Not to mention the Amano art has a fucking obvious Odin in it.

It's a shame this game had to be rushed and cut all over the place. But at least we got it, it was this or nothing.
Where do you think this is? Being a cook in a world where literally everything can eat you is a top tier profession.

Ramuh is still the best summon
>It's a fact, Insomnia and Altissia look exactly the same in the final game. Cardboard box buildings and everything. Some argue its even worse now.

Uh huh, tell us more about the ninjas in the yard.
I thought for sure Lucis would have had Diablos. Seems really odd to have it be Bahamut, especially when Niflheim has a dragon as their emblem.
>Watch anime
>She calls him Gladioniichan
>"Gladdy" literally comes from her calling him oniichan
She's the only good boss in the game unfortunately. Titan had two moves. Ravus stood still the entire fight for me just spamming AoE attacks. You were untouchable in the Leviathan fight. That Nif commander guy was just a common monster. Ardyn felt like fighting in a dream, like I'm not doing any damage, but then the fight ended.
What animations does she have? Any motel or diner animation?
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Dragon Knights are kind of like Dragons as well.

I thought it was a nice subversion of my expectations, although when the reveal happened inside the crystal I was kind of taken aback and wasn't quite so positive.

I'm starting to think I might be getting Stockholm Syndrome with some of the parts of this game, but I still hate other design decisions so it can't have gone the whole way.

So how does this work?

Trigger Aranea appearance, warp back to camp, save game, reload?
Bahamut is actually a fish, but dragons look much cooler.
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>That Nif commander guy
>nobody remembers Loqi
I mean I don't blame you for forgetting him, but it still makes me sad.
Good thing I'm not poor or need mommy's money.
>Playing through headlights quest (fuck that dungeon)
>Get summon against boss
Curious about the car and chocobos, seeing as the game stops you from being able to use either of those once you get her in the story, how does this glitch cope with her not having animations for that?
There was another one as well. Just as inconsequential though.
Ifrit was pretty damn cool, how'd you leave him out.
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I finished the game last week and still experienced continous threads with
>new bread
at the end of each one with people posting OC like webum related, discussion how stylish Ignis is, lore discussion, tips for fights, waifu discussion etc. This week however it feels like the standard /v/ set in, aka "witcher 3 phenomena" - now it's all a shit trainwreck and it's about who can slander the game the most
She apparently has a few, but I haven't seen them yet.
I'm currently kicking Ifrit's ass with her
Nah, the summons and how they were integrated into the world AND story were pretty great. The summons themselves are pretty cool, too. Though I hear it's circumstantial when you can summon them.
Fuck, he look stupid.

Or they can delayed it for one more years to delivers a complete game and I won't complain about it. They rush to shit it out to deliver an incomplete game and I'm not happy with shit they delivered.

This game is a mess with the exception of the combat. It was such a shame as it has a potential to be a great game.
>not Lightning

At least try to reach to the bottom of the barrel in this kind of argument.
We're still having some pretty good threads, though you may have missed out on the honeymoon. Last week was pretty great for XV threads. Never expected /v/ to like it that much. Probably most folks have finished it up and may be moving on to other things, so threads may start to become rarer or more bare.
>the game has glitches in it therefore it's bad
Man these people are pathetic. I've put some 70 hours into the game and not encountered a single glitch, so anything that's there is likely not remotely frequent or close to gamebreaking, it's frankly really well polished. Webms like this just give us some fun mishaps to laugh at but we still got a completely serviceable and working game too, what's to lose?
>not Squall

Also Butz a best.
>hey, we should make Empire characters /fa/ as fuck
>hey, we should give em 10 minutes screentime combined

I feel pity for the artists.
She runs behind the car.
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Bah, he's just Hope, but bad.
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Who almost done with postgame here and feeling disappointed?
Hell, I have 100 hours in and not a single glitch either.
Now watch my game fully glitch out on my last couple dungeons.
I know the legend but in FF, he was supposed to be a fucking dragon.

>I-I have money so I'm cool with a ash grab DLC
It was supposed to be in the goddamn game not a fucking DLC, retard.
that just sounds so cruel
poor ara
Got lazy.
I dunno though. He wasn't remarkable. He missed a lot trying to swing at me and I wasn't even dodging. I liked warping at him while he was teleporting around. That was the highlight of the battle.
If Ardyn didn't kill Luna, Iris would have.
>Want DLC to include everything taken from the base game
>Also want DLC to be new content
Man this kinda sucks.
However I just remembered multiplayer is gonna be a thing.
How do you think that'll work? My guess is it'll be dungeon raids where characters are different "classes" (Areana is a dragoon, Prompto is a tinker, etc)
However open-world coop would also be cool
I have ZERO expectations for MP. I doubt it'll even be REAL MP.
Is the dlc katana that I got with my copy OP or actually balanced
>I-I have money so I'm cool with a ash grab DLC
>It was supposed to be in the goddamn game not a fucking DLC, retard.
Sounds like you're just poor.
>Or they can delayed it for one more years to delivers a complete game and I won't complain about it.
It's not up to the team, those decisions come from high above. They were told they had to manage something before -insert date- and they simply had to do it. The team probably feels the worst of anyone about it, since they actually knew, had hands and worked on all that they had to cut and leave out. But of course they're not allowed to confess any of this, it would be terrible for PR and marketing.
so those are noct and lunas ghosts no?
Didn't they bring up creating custom characters for the co-op?
>started all male

No it didn't.
One thing for sure is DLC will be full of cut content and cash grab. SE really went full Crapcom now.
I'm considering not even completing it. I got all Royal Arms before finishing up the game, same with all the side quests.
What I got left are the menace dungeons and Randolphs special hunts.
I did two of the dungeons and when I realized how they're almost like Bloodborne's chalice dungeon in design I felt no excitement at all. I mean is there anything worthwhile at the end of these? I did two so far and found Organix daggers and an upgrade to Ignis auto-potion equipment. Also what bothers me is that when in rooms with multiple exits you can take the one that advanced the labyrinth further without checking the other exits for their loot, but the game will put iron bars the way you came so cannot even check out those optional deadends and will miss the item unless you enter the dungeon again in the future. overall this doesn't excite me the least and now that I got the plat I plan on just waiting for DLC/patches
It's actually pretty weak.
You can find a better greatsword on the ground in like the first hour of play
You kill Iedolas.
Don't know anything about that, however I did hear that there'll be more than the four party members available
Since each dlc episode is supposedly giving each character a new gameplay maybe we'll see them combined on the multiplayer, where each player takes control of one character and it's unique gameplay to take a down bosses together or something.

I don't know, I can't imagine a way to not make it a mess.
>Sounds like you're just poor
Or I just want a finished game? And don't want to support a cheap way to milk the game?
I hit the enemy with the highest HP with it (Adamantoise) and got it to trigger so he instantly lost 30% of his HP. Aside from this it's absolute garbage 5 minutes into the game
FFI all the main characters were male.

Maybe they've retconned it, but in the very first game they were clearly all male.
I believe you but when does this happen?
Is this FF8?
Yeah they said something about creating your "avatar".

>inb4 the multiplayer dlc is the invasion of Insomnia, played through the eyes of residents
Sounds like poor man talk, anon.
If the DLC fills out the game with all they cut out, I'd be very happy.
Wait, how would that even work? What are we going to do, fight with guns?
In chapter 13, he's the winged daemon.
It feels lacking but at the same time it probably has more postgame content than any other FF. It's weird.
dude, leave him be
he's right unless the protect is some shitty accessory then both of you guys shut up
Lightning will forever be the worst MC. Even Squall is fleshed out better.
That had no build up.
This game really needed another year of dev time, but Square probably has something played next year for the 30th anniversary.
>I feel pity for the artists.
>T-tabata san, look at these beautiful areas and cities we made. My favorite is Teneb-
>These will make nice backgrounds for the train.
>Y-yes, thank you.
Or a human being with a brain intact.

I doubt it.
this is /v though, we're suppose to be assholes, don't go soft on them
No they weren't. There was never an explicit detailing of class genders, considering they were all supposed to be blank-slate heroes but it's clear, by design, that the White Mage/White Wizard is a woman. Even at that early stage of pixel graphics.

C'mon now.
can she drive in the car with your guys?
lets try not to be sometimes
besides the games rushed and seems like SE forced the release no matter the game's status on completion
I don't know, a lot of people there must have had some combat training. Maybe not the general populace but soldiers at least. Or play as Kingsglaive while Regis was still alive so they'd still have fancy shit.
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Yeah, this very clearly looks female.
It always did to me. You need better eyes.
Luckily I'm not poor or retarded so I won't be supporting this.
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People actually paid for this game?
They just kind of throw the whole "daemons were people all along!" thing right at you with no build up. It would've been better if Ravus was an early game boss fight and the antagonist for the first part of the game. They could've made it so that he was trying to prevent you from recovering the royal arms, so you'd run into him every once in a while at the tombs. Then you'd kill him early on moving to the bigger overall plot. Later on he'd return all zombified like he does in chapter 13, but much earlier than that, which would drop hints that daemons are people, while better utilizing the character. Then you can have Ignis say that's he's been hearing some suspicious stuff that you can investigate, which would lead to the big reveal. At least that's how I would've handled it.
It looks like whatever the player wants it to be, you're both wrong.
Multiplayer will be two people max

Source: friend sent me PSN screenshot where I was in a session with 1/2 players
Watching that video didn't feel like 3 minutes. Felt like 10.
It always did to you because you played it after playing latter entries and you're conditioned to see white mages as female.
I'd be surprised if it was 2 actual people and not some sort of work around.
He's a fruit.
I just realized combat never changed from when I started. I almost have the platinum trophy but I'm pretty bummed out.
Let me guess, you either didn't play XV and your only knowledge of it is webms, or you were overleveld.
I bought a Pro for the game. Comments like yours make me believe you never played the game.
That seems to be the case for the most vocal haters of this game.
The difference between quality of artworks and writing in modern games just hilarious.
If you want to work on AAA-projects as artist you should be god-tier chink, who spent 2/3 of his life in Photoshop.
If you want to work as writer... alphabet is enought, I quess?
I have played the game, and you can die to bosses if you don't overlevel yourself and don't have 30 mega phoenix.
In Ch. 6, when Iris is with you, why do we stop at a Parking Spot near Caem with nothing else around? It's literally just a Parking Spot with 4 NPCs at it.
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>Want to do the permanent Aranea glitch
>Afraid of getting my file corrupted for future patches that change party members
You have multiple save slots?
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Would be cool if Bahamut pinned targets down with the swords then used Mega Flare as a finisher.
just back up your current saves

It's possible that the autosave slots could become corrupt and screw you out of all your saves.
look at those hot next gen ground textures.
iris wants to stretch her legs after the 3 min. car ride

although i guess if car trip time is supposed to be considered on the same scale as the day-night cycle, it's more like 3 hours
Multiple Saves slots?
Also, If you fight any daemons at night, she will vanish after combat as she is meant to.
Her trigger for leaving is combat finishing at night with daemons.
I want to stretch her legs.
I want to bring her to do those level 80+ endgame dungeons I haven't completed I wouldn't want to do them again If my file got corrupt
>although i guess if car trip time is supposed to be considered on the same scale as the day-night cycle, it's more like 3 hours
Yeah, I think scale is something that gets lost on a lot of gamers, not just on this game.(Like TES games being scaled down from how big those lands actually would be, according to the lore.)
No way around it unfortunately. There is no real way of making a videogame with "real-life sized" terrain and continents. Nor making the time scale 1:1, hell imagine driving on the car for hours or having to wait for hours if you wanted to play during night time.
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I like this image, I'm going to save it ok anon? I'll trade you this one.
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Current poll results.
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>Prompto last

Degenerates, all of you.
This is me >>360864001
I like video games and I judge them realistically. I'm still enjoying the game but that final battle is mechanically awful.
I'll admit I was overleveled early game. I was at the right level by chapter 12.
You can't help but have a million phoenix downs because the game rains them down upon you.
I didn't use a single one against Ardyn. I used three high potions. I think everyone forgot the square button exists also.
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>Wake up in the middle of the night freezing to death
>See this

What do ?
Yeah, it would suck, but I think sometimes people forget those little things. I.E. still need a bit of an imagination for some games.
He's wearing his Waifu glasses, they're like Nostolgia goggles but with Waifus.
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>that one Iris vote
*unzips dick*
i want to cuddle chubby prompto!
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I wouldn't have done that if I was you.
She freezes anything she touches, one touch to the lil'dickie and *SNAP* off it goes.
>vote for Prompto after seeing this
>still only 1 vote for him after I voted

This shit is rigged, get fucked.
I'm trying to imagine her doing something sexual to me, but I can't see what she'd do except make me an ice cube or ASMR me.
I can't handle the cold
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Press F5 you fucking mongrel, most of the time you'll have to reload the page to get current results.
What are you, a nigger?
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She make you into a human Popsicle and lick you back to normal
think this proves that the irisfag is also a samefag
That doesn't sound very...hot.
It still only shows 17 votes to me even after refreshing.
you fuckers need to explain what i'm looking at. I keep seeing this posted without explanation
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Why are KH fans so against this game? I love KH as well but are they just solely angry because Nomura was kicked out from creating his musical? It's not a perfect game by any means and it has flaws, but it's far better than Hallways Simulator XIII.
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Mfw when i bought this game to carry me to 2.8 but I actually really enjoy it
I just can't get myself to spend 60 bucks on 2.8. Why the fuck is it so expensive for what it is.
>we want the Game of Thrones audience
>have the teenage princess voiced by a 40 year old woman
>teenage princess
Who was that?
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