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Who would win?

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Who would win?
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P3 cast because I like them more.
The team that has someone that can scan for weaknesses
I like P4 more, but i would have to give it to P3.


The Universe Arcana (Makoto)
The World Arcana (Yu)
The Investigation Team because Ken and Koromaru suck
These two
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these guys
Armageddon gg
Can the P4 cast even summon their Persona's outside cartoon network?
Door-kun saved the world.
Yu saved a city from some fog.
But P4 has better waifus so, they win
Nope. That was a plot point in Arena.
>But P4 has better waifus.

I dunno about that. Mitsuru is pretty great.
I'm pretty sure Brotag could at least beat a door. Are Japanese doors folded 22 thousand times?
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and then there's P5 MC who killed god without using World or Universe Arcana. Igor gave potter-kun World Arcana after the end of events (for what purpose).
The one with the more powerful scanner who's leader can use armageddon.
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What did she and he mean by this?
3 has more characters
3 have their upgraded personas while 4 don't according to arena
Door has the universe arcana and can use fusion spells while brotag doesn't
3 has Koromaru while 4 has Teddie

Persona 4 obviously wins
That she is best girl
Because of Minato.
Actually Persona 4 characters have personas that evolved into an even higher tier

And Elizabeth who can effortlessly slam the final boss of the Answer on the moon was impressed by Yu's power.
>faggot who died
>this faggot who gets bullied out of back alley ways infront of yukari
>this faggot who gets tired in dungeons
>this faggot who's first persona is garbage compared to Izanagi

wew. Yu is out fucking bitches while the other is a mere door
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>Based on original P3/P4 releases.

SEES without a goddamn doubt.

>Based on spin-offs nerfing the shit out of adult fully-funded shadowkillers and buffing broke-ass teenagers using weapons from random hick.

IT because motherfucking friendship.
Shut up
This. Minato is beta as fuck compared to Yu who is an alpha male. Sadly Joker is also a beta cuck like Minato instead of being similar to Yu. Maybe P6 we'll get another cool MC
>IT because motherfucking friendship.

The same friendship that Minato needed to bullshit to even win against Nyx
>Joker is also a beta cuck like Minato

Wow really? Man Atlus been advertising the fuck out of him making him look like some alpha smug cunt.
>mc has messiah and the fucking universe arcana
>had to earn the power of friendship instead of it being handed to him like yu
>actually got to fuck his attendant
>mc ended up saving the world vs yu saving some bumfuck town
>better waifus
>has 3 (three) arcanas

Bitch suck my cock.
Also yea Orpheus sucks.
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Persona 1: Beta cuck
Persona 2: Feminine looking but tough guy
Persona 3: Beta cuck
Persona 4: Bowlcut but is tall and manly, has bitches on his dick and doesn't need to be edgy
Persona 5: Beta cuck
Persona 6: ???

Really gets my noggin joggin
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This guy

>Bitch who's already dead and only had the ability to influence a single town in her own dimension.
>The universal concept of death itself that cannot be defeated without altering the very rules of the universe or sacrificing oneself for eternity.

Yu shouldn't even need that kind of power to kill Izanami.
>And Elizabeth who can effortlessly slam the final boss of the Answer on the moon was impressed by Yu's power.

And she also loses to/gets fought off by the P3 MC using Armageddon.
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>Gather power trough the mass, not friendship
>Summon gigantic Gnostic Devil
>Headshot the motherfucking Gnostic God
Female Player Characters > Male Player Characters
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I mean the MC from P3 in canon way more powerful and then they haev Aigis is a walking fucking tank even with out the use of a Persona, so ya P3 wins.
Also if we magically brought back the MC and it is them at full power then the P3 cast has two wildcard users.
That was an optional boss and wasn't really part of the story. And even then she was probably holding back because of easy it was for her to one-shot Ereberus
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>mc has messiah and the fucking universe arcana
But is a door now
>had to earn the power of friendship instead of it being handed to him like yu
kek Yu was saving their damn lives each time and you're saying this? He earned their power far more.
>actually got to fuck his attendant
Why lie? He died a virgin and now is a door
>better waifus
Shit taste, too many ugly short haired shits, only maya gets a pass since she's top tier.
>has 3 (three) arcanas
and now is a door

Yu would definently smack his shit in a fist fight too
Chie would punt Aigis and the rest of SEES out the galaxy
Just give her a virus or something and make her into a slut for cocks or something and then you don't have to worry about her.
>muhh if you bring back x

He's a door face it, and nothing will ever bring him back

stronger than death itself=cant die
If we're going to use short supporting biased bullshit then it goes both ways. The P4 casts true ultimate (3rd tier) are option as well for P4G, so they don't get those either.

Another thing is that Izanami's power was only able to effect one town while P3 MC went against nyx's avatar which was going to destroy the entire world, as well as had the power of every other arcana combined.
>my self insert blank state mc is better than your self insert blank state mc

wew, personacucks really are delusional
So shit, but this thread is about who would win with everyone on the team you giant faggot.
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With P4G in consideration it's really not a fair fight. The P3 cast can hit 999/999 life and mana, but Golden gave the IT absurdly powerful skills, plus battle mechanics like everyone taking a kill shit for Yu, or Chie's galactic cunt.

Until Persona 3 Platinum comes out and gives MC quad-summoning and personas with null almighty, P4 wins thanks to casualization.
>why lie
Skip to 3:30
Meanwhile yu gets a fucking kiss
I'm lmaoing at ur life
What about portable?.
Becuase that works on bosses right?
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Aigis could probably solo the entire cast of p4

You mean the game where MC loses dual summoning and the ability to use most weapons?

Yeah that doesn't really help out either.
>P3 MC went against nyx avatar

You make it sound like he beat it. He just died like a bitch even with the power of friendship. Yu Narukami actually beat Izanami.

Also, it's not implied anywhere that one town is Izanami's limit. If I recall correctly, there was an even bigger final boss in Dancing All Night and that game is canon.
If we count both MCs with their most powerful skills possible P3 still wins because he has a move that's literally instant kill due to no bosses or player characters having more HP than it's damage, so it's safe to assume Armageddon translates to instant death.
No she can't. Chie alone would kick her out of the planet
Now i dont remember but in the original did your party take lethal damage for you?.
Naoto has a gun, so probably p4
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>Naoto has a gun

That's cute.
>has a gun
>still lets herself get kidnapped cause she's a pussy

Still best girl tho.
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>Naoto has a gun
>You make it sound like he beat it.

Thanks for proving you're retardation. He defeated Nyx's avatar but couldn't stop Nyx (fucking moon presence) itself, and had to resort to sealing it off. He also didn't die like a bitch because he literally kept himself alive until their graduation on willpower alone, when his soul was already on the other side holding the gate.
Aigis is like 20 guns.
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Can Aigis even get a virus?
Yeah I kinda forgot that aigis had a bazooka on her hand
>stupid bitch has machine guns
He defeated nothing. Even with the power of friendship all he can do is seal and die like a bitch. If I sacrificed myself and not really kill the enemy, that's not "going against it" or "defeating" it.

You're trying so hard to make Minato sound tough when the guy can't even deal with random punks on the street. Yu would destroy him in a fistfight even without a persona.
Aigis isn't the smartest cookie.
They always seemed to fuck off after she shot at them and she did kill Jin.
That's plot armor. Adachi had no reason to give up just because P4 cast beat him, because they had no proof and he could just return back to the TV world as soon as they let him go. It's just bad writing.

>He defeated nothing. Even with the power of friendship all he can do is seal and die like a bitch.

I'm not the guy you're replying to but you sound severely biased, and bitter. Did the P3 MC steal your girl or something?
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Well Takaya had a gun too.
Just ignore the guy.
Discussing with someone that even isn't argumenting,
is just a waste of time.

Izanami is just a god, not even a particularly powerful one since she's mostly stuck in the underworld.

Nyx is the universal concept of death itself. There's no "beating" that shit without fucking up the universe. Best you can do is cockblock humanity's desire for death from ever making contact.
People do not understand how to compare P3 and P4 teams.

>MC has the Universe Arcana while Yu has the World Arcana etc etc
After getting the Universe Arcana, he sacrifices himself and turns into a Door. Obviously, Yu wins because he's a fucking door. You cant say he has the Universe Arcana when he's already "dead". Using the "well if he was brought back to life..." shit is autistic and doesnt have fair comparison.

>Yu can smack MC around because he's a door
This isnt a fair comparison either because, well, he's a door. It's an auto-win and not viable.

The only way to fairly compare both teams is to compare SEES before fighting Nyx and the IT before fighting Izanami. In this case, I can conclude the following:

>Vanilla P3/P4
It's incredibly close, but P4 edges out. Both have the power of friendship, but Yu had unbreakable bonds with all of his team members where as MC only had unbreakable bonds with the females of SEES. The IT is therefore more closely connected and thus more powerful. Also, Orpheus is garbage whereas Izanagi is decent. Rise is also more helpful than Fuuka.

>Including Golden
IT by a landslide for obvious reasons
>she did kill Jin.
>He defeated nothing.
He was able to stop the death wish of all of humanity with his seal.

>Even with the power of friendship-
He didn't use the power of friendship to make the seal though. The seal was a 'miracle' that he was able to do when he became the Universe Arcana.

>If I sacrificed myself and not really kill the enemy, that's not "going against it" or "defeating" it.

So you're saying going against some godly being by sealing it off from it's objective is not 'going against it'? Hellooooo retard.

>You're trying so hard to make Minato sound tough when the guy can't even deal with random punks on the street. Yu would destroy him in a fistfight even without a persona.

This just proves you're personal biased. lol
In his defense Nyx is on a different tier than izinami
I think Erby would be a better comparison to p4's final boss, and even then Minato didn't fight him
In the final face off in tarter sauce. Show it more in the movie were she shot him when he was about to throw on of his grenades and then he dropped it and blow himself up like a faggot.
Also where the fuck did he always get those things?
>This just proves you're personal biased.

He ain't lying though, Minato really got bullied away from back street to the point Yuakri almost got him fucked up for standing up for them.
In one of the movies I think she shoots one of his grenades back at him or something. Shit was brutal
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Pretty sure she runs on Windows 98 or something, so sure she can.
>where as MC only had unbreakable bonds with the females of SEES

You're forgetting P3 MC had TWO bonds with the entire team.
Fool AND Judgement
He's a retard. Nyx cannot be defeated at all, otherwise we'd have Elizabeth try to mention looking for a way to stop Nyx instead of a way to free P3 MC and keep the seal intact. They're literally comparing the defeat of a lesser deity to someone who isn't actually alive and cannot be defeated because it's the manifestation of death itself. The laws of defeating a god doesn't apply to what Nyx in the persona universe is supposed to be.
Not biased at all. Just stating facts. And P3 MC can't steal anything because he's a dead androgynous faggot whose harem is currently getting impregnated by Yu Narukami.

Izanami can probably affect more than one town, and P3 MC didn't even defeat Nyx so I don't know why you keep bring that up like it means something. Yu needed that power of friendship too, but at least he beat Izanami.

He sealed something, not kill it. And he had to die to get it done.

If I cage a wild animal but die in the process that's not me being a tough guy who "defeated" it. And he literally had the power of friendship but remained a beta cuck to the very end.

>this just proves your personal biased

Except that was a canon scene in P3? You're the one that's biased since you conviniently forget canon scenes. "lol"
Really? I recalled him suiciding but i guess, still though she could have did this shit way earlier

Y'all actually watched that rushed shit?
>He ain't lying though, Minato really got bullied away from back street to the point Yuakri almost got him fucked up for standing up for them.

And Yu has never been shown to fight off people outside of the TV world. They're both just normal humans outside of the mediums which allows them to use their personas.

>Not biased at all. Just stating facts. And P3 MC can't steal anything because he's a dead androgynous faggot whose harem is currently getting impregnated by Yu Narukami.

You can't beat Nyx. At best you can convince it that the situation is more trouble than its worth, prompting the god to fuck off.
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Delete this
You can say the same for P4.

>P3 Judgement
>SEES new motivation and determination to defeat Nyx

>P4 Judgement
>IT new motivation and determination to seek out the truth after being logical and not throwing Namatame into the TV
Your arguments are pre-garden school level tier
Why are people (including me now...) wasting time giving you "(you)"?
Again, you keep talking about the final bosses like it means something. Minato didn't defeat either final boss so why do you keep bringing that up. Actually this just makes Yu look stronger since he actually defeated a god.
>Rise is also more helpful than Fuuka.
>can't even scan

It was ok the 3rd movie was the only really bad one.
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Another thread that proves Persona 4 and its waifufaggot fans ruined the franchise.
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Again, you forgot Fool.
Even if p4 has judgment it is still 2 on 1
Don't reply to him anymore. He's obviously either shitposting or just spouting nonsense to support his biased. I mean, he's comparing a caged wild animal to godly force that cannot be destroyed or killed because it's just a non-physical manifestation of will itself.
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No, Aigis is a dumb slut.
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You need to stop.
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The last one was actually pretty good.
But 1-3 sucked
>P3 Fool
>The SEES Social Link

>P4 Fool
>The Investigation Team Social Link

>says pre-garden school level tier
>has no valid points and just go for ad hominem

Congrats, you played yourself with one post.

But Minato didn't beat Nyx so what's the point of even talking about Nyx? He just died like a bitch and that's it.

Yu fought Yosuke. But that aside looking at both MCs it's obvious Yu would fuck up Minato in a fistfight. Minato is a fucking coward pussy who can't even fight a bunch of bullies.
Rise's scan is automatic from her abilities and had other helpful ones. Fuuka can scan but it takes time. Plus, the only other useful ability Fuuka has is Oracle
>still has no valid argument
>i-if we ignore him we can pretend Minato """"""Defeated""""" Nyx

Facts are facts.
This entire thread is just choice supporting biased.

If you compare MC's alone with the best abilities they can get in vanilla and ports alone the P3 MC still wins because he has an undodgeable, unavoidable instakill ability called Armageddon.

Comparing Izanami to Nyx is like comparing Metatron to Nyarlathotep (p2). One is a powerful near godly being while the other is impossible to kill because it cannot be killed as the plot has suggested.
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Yeah but at least be classy about it.
Don't forget the optional rocket punch.
Thanks for proving me right. You really have no argument.

>game mechanics
They would lose to a lot of rpg characters that isn't in a turn-based game then.

>another contrarian P3 hipster ignoring the autism of other P3fags

As expected.
>Rise's scan is automatic from her abilities and had other helpful ones
And how long into the game does it take to unlock that ability?
Not to mention that she only tells you the weakness IF you have something that the enemy is weak to, which is much less useful.
Fuuka has scanning from the start, tells you if whatever you're about to use is effective or not without having to scan again and she also heals you and pulls you out of dungeons whenever for free.
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Not my fault she is stupid enough to get a virus and become and can only think about cocks anymore. Not really useful for much else anyhow.
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>"H-hey guys! NYX is this powerful universe level character."
>"MC didn't actually defeat him but I'm gonna keep repeating this because he has no other feats"
But fuuka is ugly and her voice is garbage
>ugly and her voice is garbage

Can be applied to most P3 girls
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The better question is which game has the better velvet attendant
But Fuuka is a sweetheart and you're a filthy monolingual peasant who doesn't know who Mamiko Noto is.
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>And Yu has never been shown to fight off people outside of the TV world.

>he's comparing a caged wild animal to godly force

The point wasn't that nyx is as strong as a wild animal, the point was that caging something isn't "defeat"ing it. Minato didn't defeat anything so why pretend it's some kind of amazing feat.
Not him but that hacker girl villain from Watch Dogs 2 be an example of someone ugly. All the Persona girls are at least alright. They did replace her voice later on anyway so that doesn't apply now.
>using P4G anime
>happens inside TV world, not outside

wew another retard
Isn't that in the TV world though?
Like I get the point you are trying to make
No contest

Meh generic nice girl who sometimes has clothing that literally looks like garbage bin bags.
>The gays here vs. the gays there. Who would give each other the worst STD?
And Rise is the generic cheery girl who licks the MC's boots every time she can.
That doesn't happen outside the TV world and it's a fight with one guy, opposed to a group of thugs. Can you reach any harder?
Hoe does it matter? He's physically fighting them.

>using aigis killing jin in the movie as a argument is completely fine
>suddenly using anything from p4 anime is banned
Theo is pretty nice.
I dont understand why you're comparing Fuuka vs Rise 1v1 when the whole premise of this was to compare their usefulness towards the team. Remember: we're comparing SEES before fighting Nyx and IT before fighting Izanami. Therefore, Rise has all these nice useful abilities off the bat where as Fuuka has just Oracle. Theres no escape from this fight.

Like I said, both have Analysis which tells everything, but Fuuka takes time to scan
>opposed to a group of thugs

Like three of them and he was with Junpei so don't give me that crap. Yu smacked a literal cop who had a real gun instead of braindead street rats.
I want P5 to completely kill discussion of 3 and 4. They've been talked to death and I'm burnt out on virtually all the characters from both games.

And somehow I feel like the P5 cast wouldn't be caught dead hanging out with these losers aside from maybe Mitsuru and Akihiko. Maybe because they're from Tokyo and have an intimidating big city vibe.
Oh hey how about the fucking persona 3 movie that has the mc jumping around and slashing people like it's ninja Gaiden then?
>using aigis killing jin in the movie as a argument is completely fine

I didn't and wouldn't support it. I don't see anyone agreeing with that one guy either. this is called choice supporting biased. You looked for the weakest argument that you knew you could counter and went for it, and even then, you still failed by comparing a fist fight in the real world to one that wasn't.
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Persona was a mistake.
Because that Anon directory quoted >outside of the TV world
Yet posted a gif of a fight that happens inside of it. No one said he was unable to fight, but the example he used was stupid
>using aigis killing jin in the movie as a argument is completely fine

So why didn't you reply to that post instead of this one? You're just grasping at straws here. Also, see: >>360597076
Akihiko is a fucking bum, so no they wouldn't and Mitsuru pretty much kept Aigis around as like her sister or something, so I don't think you you wont see them toothier.
P4 crew would win because muh power of friendship, also P3 has two dead party members.

So good luck.
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Doesn't the one on the right have a real katana?
> Rise has all these nice useful abilities off the bat
Rise only gets those nice abilities IF you do her S.link, which isn't assured. You're assuming that her S.Link was completed when the games after P4 show her persona un-evolved, making it clear that those abilities aren't there at all
Rise doesn't have scanning without her evolved persona, Fuuka scans from the start, is it clear now?
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Theodore was my favorite. A shame he was shoved off screen during the fighting game, I like his arsenal of personas more and thought it would have been fun to main.
Theo was great. I'm glad he was in Q.
And nobody would want to be caught dead with this ugly orange splatoon looking neet drop out
You mean "Can only use a katana". MC can use any weapon.
If you played the game you'd know she's nowhere near the NEET meme /v/ wants her to be so bad, but keep shitposting till April.
Well Theodore wasn't canon until P4Q's bullshit forced canonization made him canon. I personally refuse to consider P4Q canon more than any of the spinoff games because it transforms all the characters into one dimensional tropes of themselves. Look at Margaret for example in that game. She goes from who she was in P4/P4G/P4A to just some rude douchey girl who bullies Theodore, and he goes from a soft spoken gentlemen to some extremely wimpy guy. It's only canon because it would assure more sales, so I reject that.
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Not in portable
Only slut in all of P3.
I just want FeMC
Shes a drop out regardless, nobody wants to chill with lames
>Junpei is a professional baseball player
>Yukari is a TV show actor and has been in that power ranger (whatever the hell it's called) movie
>Mitsuru is riched and respected
>Akihiko is a professional boxer
>Fuuka works with Mitsuru
>aigis is... aigis
>Ken is just your average high school kid

Looks like P5's cast would be avoiding a group of people who are practically celebs for no reason.
Nigga how many times do I have to tell you

>We're comparing the SEES team before fighting Nyx and the IT team before fighting Izanami

Do you have problems with reading comprehension? This means that all evolved Personas have been gotten, all social links are maxed out, and most importantly, no spin-off garbage because the spin-offs happened after the Nyx/Izanami fights. Both sides have equal playing field. With this in mind, Rise therefore has all of her abilities and scanning because she has her evolved persona and her slink maxed.

And if you really want to bring up the spin-offs, Rise's persona has a fucking combat mode compared to Fuuka. At that point, any comparison of Rise and Fuuka is dumb because Rise can just pulverize her herself.
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>Only slut in all of P3.
Well, FeMC is a huge slut, but in a good way.

How can you fail in life so hard you drop out of MIDDLE SCHOOL ?
She's non-canon. You have to accept this.
This thread is really making me want to play P3. Should I get FES or P3P?
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>protag is pussy who cant defend his girl from punks
>turns into door but still leaves monsters his friends to have fight

>protag is a charismatic dude that gets into fistfights with his best friend and enemy, gets all the bitches, actually defeats the final boss
Uh, her character bio even says shes a genius savant. Why are you guys sucking Shinji's cock so much if attending class and being a student is so impressive
>protag is pussy who cant defend his girl from punks
>protag is a charismatic dude that gets into fistfights with his best friend and enemy, gets all the bitches, actually defeats the final boss

Couldn't you have made your samefagging less obvious,>>360596592?
I actually liked Marg's characterization in p4q. She went from sounding bored all the time into a tyrant who forces her subjects to do Jojo poses
Just know if you do 40 hours of your time will be wasted

A lot more bearable gameplay/mechanics-wise. If you already played Male MC, you should play FeMC since her social links are way way better than Male's
you keep posting the same shit over and over

we get it, youre gay for the p4 protag
and dont even play like youre a different anon
Dropping out of middle school is just some hilarious shit, your not even meant to take shit serious then
I will never accept it.
FES, better visuals and special attacks in battle. P3P is not balanced properly and it makes for fun gameplay seeing your party members screw up the tactics system occasionally
>This means that all evolved Personas have been gotten
Again, you're making the assumption that an OPTIONAL thing happened and that it can't be proved otherwise.
There's nothing to assure she got those nice abilities because there's nothing to assure that her S.Link was ever touched, so those '' nice abilities'' don't exist
>She went from sounding bored all the time into

Her new VA sounds way more bored than her original IMO. All jokes aside, I would be fine with giving her more character too if it wasn't done the way P4Q did it. Like I said before, all they did was turn characters into one dimensional tropes of themselves, and if they didn't have much to work with.. or didn't know how to work with said chars.. they'd pull a Margaret and simply make her someone else completely. If she was more than this dominant older sister I'd be fine with it but that's all she is in P4Q. Margaret and everyone else in that game felt like they were handled by fanfiction writers.
>Akihiko is a professional boxer
He is?
I thought is just went around Ken style being a bum and beating people up.

I don't know, play arena and find out I guess
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>can't refute it
>baseless accusation

Notice how you didn't refute anything and just shitposted. Because that's all you can do.
Actually, let me cut in between you guys. Let's say every optional ability, item, and whatever the fuck is obtained and everyone is at their prime before they fight their respective final bosses, optional bosses already unlocked. If we take these factors into account Minato has Armageddon which cannot be blocked, avoided, or damage reduced by gameplay mechanics , meaning he wins as soon as he casts it. If don't use Armageddon and try to translate it into some wacky real world/anime fight situation... it literally translates to an end of the world event so it would be the equivalent of YHVH nuking earth with almighty power or some dumb shit.
OPTIONAL has nothing to do with this. What part of "equal playing field" do you not understand? If SEES has evolved personas, then it would be EQUAL for IT to have them as well
He's a professional boxer. Whether he's one of those rich celeb types is never states but he has a job as a boxer.
What? Sorry if im not a huge faggot like you,
I don't really want to spend hours arguing with weebs about which imaginary character is better. I came into this thread to call you gay, and I did.

What kind of high ground do you have here? Are you seriously pretending you're a better person than me because you like japanese cartoons? That's not really a good thing, anon.
>tries to samefag with >>360597914 because his shitpost only makes himself look more stupid
>it fails
>goes back to shitposting in the old replies.

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>spend hours arguing

I literally just came into thread just now. And because you accused me of shit, you obviously was in this thread for way longer.

Also you sound really upset. Don't bust a vein over there. After all it's just cartoons like you said.

Isn't using gameplay mechanics kinda dumb? Akuma can defeat these guys because he's from a fighting game instead of a turn-based rpg. he can just raging demon their souls.
funny because the post you quoted actually proves it wasn't a samefag. But the fact that you are butthurt about this made me chuckle. Thanks for that, anon.
>Isn't using gameplay mechanics kinda dumb?

Which is why I used both gameplay and anime/real world, whatever the hell you want to call it to compare.
>Implying Yu's feelings towards the others were pure.
Sorry if im not that informed about your little pedo jap cartoons, they both look like faggots and you're a faggot for vehemently defending either of them.

Get a life, get laid, stop watching cartoons.
>Alpha beta cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck

Fucking hell, Anon.
>P4 started the waifufag nonsense!
No, it only intensified it. It's been around since P2. Each new iteration has only cranked the dial up further
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He was purest.

>only had the ability to influence a single town

Pretty sure Izanami can influence more if she wanted, she was a god after all.

No cartoons are the best.
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>implying Mitsuru wouldn't command her army of maids to restrain the P4 girls and tease them relentlessly
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Combining gameplay elements with anime/real world stuff is kinda dumb. That means Minato can just equip null physical and be invincible towards anything (which would be a no-limits fallacy so it still can't be used in a vs debate)
If you have any history with SMT or Persona you'd know that not all gods are equal and not all of them can influence the large areas. Some can only do things like plant the seed of awakening into humans like Izanami did and allow them to fuck up the world themselves. I'm not saying she couldn't influence more than just the town, and I personally think she could, but you have to be awareness of this.
equiping null physical would only make him nullify physical damage. Fire or anything else would damage him. There's also skills and abilities that go through nulls. Almighty cannot be blocked as well.
Also, I wasn't combining them. I was speaking in a metaphorical situation where we wouldn't use gameplay mechanics and simply translate what made sense into an anime/real life situation where moves that relied on shit like RNG or some other dumb mechanic would translate to it's real world equivalent.
If dubs then P3 is unquestionably the best!
haha anon
you just got pwned!
To elaborate more on this

This is why comparing the P3's failure to truly defeat Nyx to the P4's ability to defeat Izanami invalid and nonsensical. In the P3 universe Nyx is more than a godly being and much more like a force akin to the final destination series. She isn't exactly a conscious being and more like the universe's systematic force with the only purpose of life extinction. Izanami on the other hand is a sentient being with strengths and weakness. She can be killed, she can take damage and is inferior to a lot of other gods by her lore.

YHVH is infinity stronger than Izanami but can be defeated just as she can if enough power and cosmic rules are set against him. However he will eventually be revived regardless of the billions of times he is destroyed because of humanity unintentionally breathing life into his existence.

Lucifer should be many tiers ahead of Izanami as well but can still be defeated and destroyed the same way she can. He has the same influential powers as Izanami is shown to have in P4 as well as many other abilities that have been shown through out the SMT series.

Guys like Nyarlathotep should be as powerful as Lucifer in his prime (Helel/Angel Days) or angels way above him but can influence in way more ways than he and Izanami can combined. He also share's the unkillable, exists so long as humanity breaths life into them factor that both YHVH and Nyx share/

I'm just using these guys to show the difference in godly levels and tiers, and what they can do. Izanami is a very powerful being and defeating someone like her is a big feet, but it cannot be compared to a fight with Nyx. Nyx is basically an indestructible slime. It doesn't matter what godly attacks you do to it cannot be harmed and will continue to do what it does.
This desu
At best when you kill a god it will inevitably come back, however sentient ones usually respect your abilities and decide to fuck off.
Was Erby the big bad of p3? I know nyx is supposed to be benevolent and is a villain of circumstance, yet was Erby one with nyx pre-answer?
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>team members has deeper psychology and trust issues than ever before
>fully clad in practical gear where other parties all wore school clothes
>all members ecxept one carry a miliary grade firearm
>one member refuses to follow your cause by rusing

This is a weak party, the weakest ever.
>At best when you kill a god it will inevitably come back

Only some of them can come back. They all have the ability to return but in different ways. YHVH only exists because of humanity wanting to believe their a God they can turn to and their combined will gives him life over and over again. This is how it works for the many other gods. Some of them can eventually be revived at will but some must rely on humanities wishes, like how Nyx can only function if humanity wills it. There will always be only one Chernobog to exist because he is a forgotten god who cannot revive himself at will and will never be revived by humanity. The SMT/Persona series always follows the theme of humans unintentionally create gods, demons, and shadows. Gods can create and revive other Gods but humanity's will can do much more. This is why Nyarla needed humans in P2 to fuck up the world, why Izanami 'care's' for humanity so much and needed them to put her plan in motion and so on.

The persona/SMT and everything related to these games follow the multiverse and beyond that. The Axiom (that's what they're calling the Great Will now) is non-sentient. It's basically the reality network that makes everything function. Humans Observe things and the Axiom gives their Observation sentience, this is where gods, angels, and demons come from. YHVH is just being recycled into a new form, as are all demons. YHVH (GOD) the strongest God because a very large collection of humanity shares a powerful belief (you know which religion I'm talking about) that there is an omnipotent being above all, more powerful than any other God who can do anything, and the Axiom takes this will and creates one. People defeat him, people still believe in a god, he revives, repeat.

He is not. He is a lesser god made out of the negative will of humanity and who wants to make contact with Nyx. The problem is that him contact Nyx is enough to spark her extinction function.
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Too bad he's dead.
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