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Be honest, does any one of you understand this shit fully?

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Be honest, does any one of you understand this shit fully?
>this is paradox's consumer base now
Goddammit you casual are the reason ho4 is garbage and EvW will never come out
Honestly I believe that actually many people understand the mechanics very well and the best ways to exploit them to the extent that the game is too easy and boring
I can tell you're quite irritated.
I don't play these autism simulators, if I want a strategy I'll play a Total War game.

I prefer to see the battles and the gore.
Ikr, and you actually get to PLAY the battles!
You know, the fun part.
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>EU4 is too complex for me
I don't want to read a fucking guide to be able to send my fish or whatever to God knows where.
Honestly, what's the point? Really, it's just unnecessery micro. It could be just filed under "base tax" and the game would lose NOTHING
Me too but

2.99 for blood and gore pack for a war game is a total ripoff and i'll never purchase a tw game for more than 75% off the last of which was Attila, which btw I played for <15 hours and uninstalled because its horrendous gameplay

>general sniped instantly in every battle causing entire army to run away even if you had an advantage
>the whole enemy numbers thing that caused your army to shatter even if you had them bottlenecked and were guaranteed victory
>hurr durr every dlc is cut content
Entitled fuck
After 2500 hours I still don't
Mainly because there are so much hidden mechanics and that kind of bullshit
Still enjoy it though
>find out where your main trade node is
>click on it
>collect from here with merchant
>see what nodes goes into that node
>transfer from those nodes
wow sure is hard
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What's difficult to understand? Why do people think everything that can't be learned with a 10 minute tutorial is complex?
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Uh huh, and then you hover over the button and it says the gains are 0.02 gold and some stupid island in America (the other side of the fucking world) is producing more. Yeah, no hidden mechanics there.
Eu4 is the easiest game in the franchise, tooltips(or explanations) are practically spammed in, hover the mouse over anything you see and it will tell you how the game mechanic works.
Total war isn't a strategy game, I loaded up Rome total war 2, highest difficulty, and marched one mega army all the way to Egypt, pressing next turn as fast as I could, and ignored all the ai that declared war on me, it was the worst AI I has ever seen.
how about you send some fucking light ships to that node in order to bump up your trade power you goddamn retard
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>he needs to read guides for GS games
See, this is what I'm talking about. How the fuck am I supposed to know that this ONE kind of ship can infuence this nebulous "trade"? No other thing does this, the merchants don't actually buy or sell stuff but "send the trade downstream" whatever the fuck that means. There are probably tons of rules like that and I can't imagine how pathetic it must be to just sit and study this shit.
Haven't played the games yet, currently saving money, but isn't HoI4 supposed to be the easiest?
>Implying a game is easy because it has tooltips
That's called good UI design.
The AI in HoI4 is just so bad that any conflict is way too easy
Is it worse then in the other games? Or is it just more obvious with altillery and airplanes?
HoI4 and Stellaris are for people who want to pretend they are playing video games. I don't even think it's fair to call them an actual game.
It's not hard when you get a hang of it
Text adventures count as video games.
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If it frustrates you so much, why bother playing it? It's clearly not within your field of interest.

Or just learn to play, you fucking casual.
It's more obvious because it's far easier to exploit. The AI doesn't know how to prevent encirclements, build divisions, or conduct naval warfare at all

It also has tremendous difficulty getting its priorities straight and occasionally sends its armies back and forth between fronts in an endless loop while the country is being raped on all sides
Because the game would be good if it wasn't so needlessly complicated. The only thing this does is feeding that circlejerk "hurr durr I'm so smart I spent 10 hours managing estates"
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Have you ever actually played an infocom game? Because you should, faggot.
>It also has tremendous difficulty getting its priorities straight
So it's a democracy
3k hours here and i think it's shit. No real depth to the gameplay.
t. I'm so stupid I can't spend 10 minutes to figure out a concept and struggle with puzzles in video games that are more difficult than Skyrim
It's not complicated estates are easy hardest thing about the game is managing agressive expansion
You can't even use punctuation marks.
I feel sorry for you retard.
>hardest thing about the game is managing agressive expansion
Yeah, if you blob like a madman.

It seems like that's all people want to do in these games, and then they complain that they're boring.
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My problem is that it took less that 10 minutes to figure out HoI4. I blobbed like crazy on my first try. It's a dumb game for dumb people.
>needlessly complicated
now I mad
>Be honest, does any one of you understand this shit fully?

It's dumb as shit. Risk with a bit more fluff.

If you want complexity and mechanics that are impossible to figure out how to balance efficiently play Civ 4.
>Why do people think everything that can't be learned with a 10 minute tutorial is complex?
EU4 is harder to learn than that but it's still not hardest game in series.
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I understand to depths that Arumba doesn't even dream of.
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And there are people who can't figure it out even after playing for hours, how dumb do you think they must be?
>try playing game about managing estates
>get assfrustrated when you have to manage estates
I don't really understand you. You've got a game which clearly wasn't made for you but yet you still complain about it not catering to your tastes.
I enjoy CKII but not EU4.
I just don't get the appeal of map-painting alone, although I do find some of the alternative history events to be enjoyable to get into.
Sorry I don't really care how I write on an egyptian carpentry fourm
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>needlessly complicated
Lol your s0 random!!
Lift fork!!
That's exactly my definition of fucking casuals.

Those people refuse to learn. They are the same people who can't get into fighting games because "everyone online is autistic idiot who can do combos". They suck at DMC3 because mashing buttons doesn't work - yet they are still trying to mash buttons hoping they will get lucky.

They simply don't understand that getting good in vidya isn't autistic. Sucking at them after spending good portion of time is.
Isn't that what you do in ck2 though?
>Isn't that what you do in ck2 though?
CK2 is incest simulator.
>Probably easiest of Paradox games
>needlessly complex

You will cry about anything that doesn't take you 10seconds to perfect?
>hurr durr im good with numbers so everyone must be.
You must enjoy math problems too.
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You need to go back
I know, rite? I have a physics degree. How can anyone think physics is complicated? It's simple after just a few years of studying. Fucking idiots.
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What should I do for the rest of this game?
Real talk, when starting out, I found ck2 far easier to learn. Is that only me?
>How the fuck am I supposed to know that this ONE kind of ship can infuence this nebulous "trade"?

The game tells you what each ship type is used for. Play the tutorial if you want too be spoonfed

>No other thing does this, the merchants don't actually buy or sell stuff but "send the trade downstream" whatever the fuck that means.

The merchants influence trade based on your trade power in the trade nodes. You can choose to collect/profit from a trade node or you can direct it to a neigboring trade node where you have more influence. How is this hard to grasp

>There are probably tons of rules like that and I can't imagine how pathetic it must be to just sit and study this shit.

The only one who is pathetic here is you since you apparently have the attention span of a 12 year old. The game literally tells you what everything does
take India and SE asia
Why is there like $160 DLC for this game, just why.
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Anybody with at least a middle school education should be able to play this with very little problem.
Are we counting the shit Americans get as education?
i really love going tall with vassals and shit
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I am American and these games WERE my education
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Invade Japan, obviously. It is rightfully Chinese clay. It has been ever since they stole your written language.
education about countries and shit or everything?!

That goes for almost every Paradox game too
>the game would be good if it wasn't so needlessly complicated

you must be 18 to post here
Almost everything I know about history and geography came from Age of Empires II, EUIII, EUIV, and Vicky 2. Now I read actual books and post on /his/. The history curriculum in my state was horrible and contributed almost nothing besides my state's history and some vague information about the French Revolution and the World Wars that I could have learned just by reading Wikipedia.
I was trying to see how the multiplayer is like. It was late so I thought I might as well play with some random American, it's not like we'll ever meet again unless he's a great guy.
>Hey, check out Albania!
>*hears typing*
Dude had to look up where Albania is, I mean cone on, he should at least know the general area.
thats pretty much what governmental educations are all like i guess. i didnt learn much about my countries history too in the classes.
Same here, I pretty much learned all my history and geography form these games
The entire game is about managing that shit. Why would you buy it if you don't like that?

Would you prefer it to be click button to get money?

Fucking hell, EU4 is their simplest game
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The ottomans are fucked.
CK2 has dynasty management and rpg-like elements that add a bit more enjoyment to the game
>thats pretty much what governmental educations are all like i guess.
>hurr durr dem socialists tryin to force their gov onto MY SON'S education! If it were private just like healthcare it would be SO MUCH BETTER
Americans can be fucking dumb. I went in exchange there once and had people tell me I was lying to my face because I said I was from Namibia while being white and having English as my first language.
well in my country government determines the curriculum. no one can teach shit that government doesnt want.
That's pretty much every country

Someone gifted me eu4 shortly after it first came out, I refuse to pay johan the jew for dlc after watching paradox go to shit. When is the dlc activator getting updated, is it even worth playing?

You have to possess like genius-level intellect to fully understand EU4, like above 160 IQ, I can guarantee that 99.5% of population is literally incapable of fully grasping it

If you can understand it, good for you, but saying that NOT understanding it means you have below average IQ is fucking retarded.
I like some of the new dlc I guess. Go look up cream api.
>comparing physics to a fucking paradox game
you just need to play shit out of the game tbqh

its not a bad game. just pirate and play, you can easily download mods using your steam copy as well.
literally in the shitty tutorial holy fuck
>i didnt even play the tutorial but im gonna complain about not knowing the basics
>choose a military focused nation
>start a war
>make an alliance instead
>they go to war and drag me into it
I feel like a blind man with infinite lives trying to navigate a murdershop. Some amount of prescience seems necessary to succeed.
Yes I think that's what he did
>play brandenburg
>go protestant
>get quality, quantity, innovative, defensive, aristoractic ideas
>rape whole world with your space marines
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>You have to possess like genius-level intellect to fully understand EU4
Yes, and? That's what a parallel, a metaphor. Don't go full autism and take everything literally and in so doing miss the point.
>>go protestant
>people cant see your facial/body gestures while writing on the internet
>people cant hear your voice to understand your mood/emotions while writing on the internet
>people can only see what you have written
>be surprised when they cant see through your sarcasm
actually thats closer to a false equivalency at this point
>miss morale bonus
>miss discipline bonus
>miss manpower recovery
>miss less cost for ideas
Is the new Hearts of Iron worth playing if I'm a CK2 only babby?

I tried EU 4, but it was fucking boring in how simple it was. I've heard Vicky and the earlier HoI are more complex than what I'm looking for right now

Cute. Doesn't refute my point one bit, but cute.

If you want examples, take me. I'm like the smartest guy around and I can BARELY play the game. People with just above average intellect couldn't even touch this game.
Genuine autism

Not really
I am sure every single EU player has done at least one Brandenburg->Prussia run, don't lie
your iq must be in the double digits
As a proud Northern Irishman I literally can't bring myself to do that
the inner workings of the universe are not a good metaphor for the most simple and stream lined grand strategy game

>10 minutes

you need 10 hours at least to go through all the shit in the EU4. And THEN there is the matter of actually using all you have learned in practice.

I will beat like two other games before I am able to even remotely play this game
Anyone that thinks they're smart isn't actually that smart

You are right, it is!

Top 2.5% of the world.
who cares, its just a game.

as a turk, i cucked otto empire many times as italians/golden horde/russia etc. and vice verse.
Yes it is if you're not being pedantic (you are)
To be fair, Paradox is fucking retarded as we all know
I've played several hundreds of hours of EU3 and vanilla EU4 when it was released
If I started playing it again now (not sure why anyone would want to but that's besides the point), I'd probably have to look up the shitty mechanics from 5 different DLCs they just bolted onto the main game
Didn't know the entire world's IQ had been measured
either this is really convincing bait or you're actually a 14 year old
which is it, lad?
i'm not very good at 3D chess unfortunately, taking over duchies and kingdoms with just weddings and plots is beyond me
game isn't that hard otherwise
>IQ 160
>barley play the game
I have an IQ of 136, far below you to the point where I should seem like a simple robot following psychological instructions that you would easily be able to predict, yet it took no time at all to learn the game. You must be autistic because your intelligence is no where close to being well rounded if you can't grasp the simple concepts of this game

Oh shit, then I don't think I'm smart at all, I'm actually dumb!

Oof, dodged a bullet there, good thing that my intelligence is dictated by 'what I think', instead of quantifiable methods and accomplishments.
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You're not even close to scratching the surface of complexity.
nice one

You don't know many things, apparently, for example what is a sample size and how it can be used fior estimation
Hey genius I never said people who think they're dumb are actually smart

Back to /pol/ Mr Snowflake
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and whatever you've learned will be irrelevant with the next patch
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>tfw to intelligent for EUIV
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I bet these tards don't even wargame :^)
So you're in the top 2.5% of a sample? Not actually the world?

Did an ad you saw on 4chan for a free IQ test tell you that?
What pissed me off about Aurora is that most of the systems couldn't possibly derived from playing the game alone
I'm still pissed off that ships need to have a large-range scanner that can pick up big objects far away, and a more accurate short-range scanner to pick up smaller objects
And it's like that for every single component you add to your ship, you never know what you need or want before you look it up on the wiki

How is this bait? My IQ is in the top 2.5% of the highest IQs. It's an objective fact.

Your next line will be
>meaning shit
accompanied by an ebin reaction image and yes, this is a JoJo reference.
I hate moding ck II every time, not a fan of patches, and more so DLC that always breaks something.
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>tfw to intelligent for anything but Victoria 2 with HPM
no, because youre acting like a 14 year old for easy (you)s
This is for anyone who is in that situation where you try a game like this and go "I would like this if I got it" and occasionally come back and try again: Try CK2 first, its way simpler while introducing the basic concepts well and being a good game in its own right.

Do that and you'll probably find something clicks when you try EU again, and then HoI will start making sense etc.

I wish the same could be said for the fucking X games and me. Every year I try X3 and I just do not fucking get it, and people say its the easiest one to drop into too.
I thought it was the top 2.5% of the world overall, not the highest IQs. Could you please let us know exactly how smart you are? Your ramblings are hard to follow.
WitE isn't even that complex, right? I pirated some old version a while ago to try it out (fucking Matrix pricing policy)
It felt very similar to just moving counters around on the HoI3 map, albeit with a much better encirclement mechanic and actually useful terrain
Never got around to buying it for some reason
Well the game's entire purpose is to be an autism simulator of space.
Anon, I'm not sure you even know what you are talking about. The game has almost NO micro.
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Yeah, one time I saw the AI's ~500 division Germany almost lose to Britain and France with ~200 divisions combined. Turns out they were just stacking hundreds of division on the Eastern Front (where they weren't fighting) while Britain raped them from the north and France from the west.

Also pic related. That was weird.
If you don't want the changes that come with a patch (for example, that one that added fucking shattered retreat and coalitions), you can go into the beta selection menu and select one of the old versions
Its simple as fuck.
Trade can only flow in the directions its shown.
So you either direct wealth from one node to another or you suck the money directly out of it.
You usually wanna pump all the wealth into your homenode or if you cant direct it into the direction of your homenode but its a high-value node you suck the money out of it directly.

I'm actually smart enough to disable ads on 4chan, buddy.

Actually, a certified psychological test has measured my IQ on two different occasions and then I've used chart showing distribution of IQs to understand how I compare to rest of people. Spoiler alert pretty well But hey, not like you gonna believe me, right Anon?

Btw, also read up on standard deviations and when you do, keep in mind the one related to the sample size I've mentioned is rather low.
>Yes, and? That's what a parallel, a metaphor.

My point is that its a shitty metaphor. Only an imbecile would compare physic to a fucking strategy game made for children

>Don't go full autism and take everything literally and in so doing miss the point.

if your point was that eu4 takes a lot time and effort to learn then you're fucking retarded.
>shattered retreat

Who thought this was a good idea anyway?
I'm not going to knock anyone who enjoys Aurora, but the moment you are required by default to research every aspect to HOPEFULLY grasp how to engage with it is the moment the game becomes more of a entity of its own unique categorisation. It's not really a video game, its an aurora, your hobby is videogames AND aurora. Like the difference between flying and ace combat.
That's not what I asked but thank you for this mastubatory post I really enjoyed reading it

I hope you can work out how to play EU in the future
At least in case of Fallout 2 threads I know it's just a meme with how hard the start of the game is.
But whenever people are puzzled by EU4 I'm not sure if that's an elaborate trolling or people really are that fucking stupid.
Reminds me of Kaiserreich
>AI Germany and AI France at war
>frontline is too short to make any proper breakthroughs
>stacks of 40 divs in every province
Well, eventually I want to move to never ones, either because they added something worthwhile, or because of mods. It just means I have to fix my own modifications.

>Hey genius I never said people who think they're dumb are actually smart

Oh noes, my sarcastic, mocking rant didn't make sense :( How will I recover?!

>Back to /pol/

Is /pol/ the new reddit now? Huzzah, I've finally stopped being a redditor, now I'm a poltard, apparently! I love progress.

>Mr Snowflake

The 'Special snowflake' bullshit was created by literal idiots that were jealous of people smarter and better than them, so they tried to prevent them from proclaiming their obvious superiority. Like you are trying now.
There's that one guy who just keeps fishing for replies with his obvious bait IQ shit, but people generally are exactly that dumb
I remember having trouble figuring out EU3 for the first 3 hours or so, and I can't for the life of me remember what I could possibly have had trouble with
Also, I certainly didn't complain on 4chan about the game during those 3 hours, which seems to be the norm now
Trade? It isn't too terrible.
Trade value is determined by the value of goods produced in that node + the resulting trade being pulled forward into it - the trade being pulled away from it.

Or were you referring to the game in whole? Only thing I don't fully understand is how Ottoman doomstacks always rape me up the ass despite having more discipline, and moral while defending in the mountains.
>implying EU4 doesn't have a steeper learnign curve than most games
You are objectively wrong. The tutorial sucks. It doesn't begin to discuss the many gameplay features or the countless unique events the game uses to direct nations down relatively historical paths.
That's why I usually set up a production order for AI and work around their unit design, otherwise Germans regularly get bog down fighting France.

The worst part is how obvious the game lacks various features and you know they will pump them out for next 3-5 years with DLCs, rather than providing playable game.
Fucking modern Paradox.
I'm just saying you don't need to do it for every patch if it just adds shitty features. Aren't you tired of CK2 by now anyway?
Gotta make it more like EU4 so Paradox office multiplayer is more fun!
So pretty much WW1?
lucky nation + morale + high rolls + good generals + extra combat ability
Ottoman early units have better stats and they start with 2 star generals.
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>want to play as England
>But If I don't play as Poland no one can keep the Ottoman's in check
I'm sorry anon but that just sounds pretentious
The game isn't even that ridiculously deep, it just doesn't tell you what all the things you need are
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yeah, I've got 5k hours in v2, another 5 in euiii and 10 modding v2.

I have a problem but I can't stop, I dream about the game, I get feel like I know more about how victoria 2 works than anything else.

I've wasted my life.

rate my america
There was literally ONE Paradox game I had ever any problems with. First, vanilla Vicky. There were just too many options in it to follow and it took me few playthroughts to just figure out all the basics.

Everything else was just piss-easy, plus most of the games had tutorials. Vicky hadn't, which was the main reason why it was such pain in the ass to figure out.
I play it sometimes, more as an RPG then a strategy game, also there's some good mods.
You can have the highest IQ in the world, but fuck, with your attitude, I'd be surprised if you could actually learn anything.
I don't really mind HoI4, it's a fun little encirclement simulator and I've certainly had fun enough with it.

Stellaris on the other hand is just fucking ridiculous. It doesn't have any elements of GS to make it a GS, and doesn't have enough elements of RTS to make it RTS, instead it's just kind of... nothing. Played it for 13 hours, 10 of those were spent wishing I was playing Sins of a Solar Empire.
depends. The game itself isn't ""complex" but the mechanics and data that are happening behind the curtains are very complex. While the player is just doing stuff like moving,creating or destroying divisions the bookkeeping AI is doing stuff like reinforcing divisions to their TOE from a pool of specific equipment like rifle squads or specific models of AT guns and artillery, which the pool is supplied from factories producing said specific equipment, and the equipment that decided to be produced was based off historical production data from the war. Its pretty much the closest game we will ever get to the Eastern Front on a strategic scale. WitP and WitW are good games as I've heard, but I only have WitE as I don't want to spend more money on them. WitE went on sale for like 40 dollars which I think is more reasonable and if you have a legit copy you can play multiplayer games.
Back to /sp/
>choose any nation
>dont do any retarded shit
>win the game
wow game so hard amirite :(((((
So theoretically you have it figured for crude and fuel production?
I mean that's the only shit I can't ever figure, always being low on gas for my modern ships.

HOW THE FUCK prevent workers from quitting job on oil fields?! The moment I get oil. all workers migrate OUT of the province.What the fuck?!
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Since no faggot in /v/ has actually explained it to you yet:

Trade in EU4 (in its current iteration) works simply as multiple nodes in which trade power/trade value can potentially drift along a path before it terminates usually in the Genoan or English Channel trade nodes. Countries that are positioned along trade nodes would do well to to redirect trade power from other nodes using your merchants/light ship fleets in order to siphon additional trade value to your main trading node. It's important to note that if your primary trading node isn't a terminating one, other nations can and will siphon trade power (and your dosh) further on down the line.

You can improve provinces with +trade power buildings, control the provinces that give passive bonuses, increase Mercantilism via events (or spending 100 diplo), and place a merchant to collect in your primary trading node to increase your trade revenue. If you're along sea trade based nodes, your light ship fleets can actually increase the trade value of those nodes by large amounts to simulate the merchant fleets of the time period, as well as any additional manufacturing """factories""" such as plantations to give increased production value to tiles which directly influence that node's trade value.

In laymen's terms: trade nodes aren't even worth worrying about unless you're in the position to siphon thousands of ducats from India to your shitty part of Europe.
I would think that 30k hungarian troops with a 4,4,1 general in the mountains could still win against 32k Ottomans both at tech 10.

I honestly wouldn't have any complains about combat if Paradox gave me other ways to fight off an invasion. Used to be that attrition in places like Africa or the Americas was viable, but then they capped it because their AI is stupid.
Now I have to rely solely on allies or cheesing the AI to win against someone stronger than me.
In my last game Genoa ate half of Anatolia using its allied Austria, don't ask how Austria that is one of the worst choices for allies as Byzantium could beat early game Ottomans. The ai is a lot smarter when a player is not involved.

If you can weaken France enough that Ottomans don't want to ally them you should be ok.
>Your ramblings are hard to follow.

No surprise, given there are 50 people in here, the chance of another person on my level isn't that high.

>I thought it was the top 2.5% of the world overall, not the highest IQs

You thought correctly the first time, your second version would make me EVEN SMARTER, pal. I know it's hard, but try to think before typing.

In simpler terms, as a special favor to you - I'm smarter than 97.5% of the planet, so my IQ puts me withing the 2.5% of people who have the highest IQs on the globe. You get it now?

Tbqh, I'm surprised you are so defensive about this. I honestly don't consider my IQ that big of an accomplishment. It's not that big of a deal, but you brought the topic of IQs first.
Are all the numbers meticulously researched? I'm just wondering because the USSR's army size always seems a little ridiculous, even for Russia
build fuel refineries and ships that eat fuel, subsidize them if you have to, you need to generate demand for oil because no one is buying any until it gets discovered.
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damn anon i didnt expect you to make me feel better about myself thanks :3
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>unironically having a sub-70 IQ
Fair enough anon, I guess my point wasn't to be superlative about aurora's difficulty, its more like that with video games there's usually some kind of common format that allows you to engage with it. The games might be different but they have common mechanical ties.

I don't really think Aurora does. I mean you could argue it's closer to a bespoke software package you'd find in an office environment. It runs entirely on literal windows and menus. I'm sure there are other games of the same calibre, but then what would you call that genre?

sure its 4x, but only in the same way that flight simulator and ace combat both involve flying planes. Again, not about how hard aurora is, just how divorced it is from the more common concepts of video games.
Playing CK2 right now
>Danish Woman trying to steal my capital as >Saxony and Norway also fighting a war
>Norway white peaces, I give one county to Saxony
>Capture Danish woman in battle
>Can't concubine her, but I can execute, which I've never thought of doing instead of suing for peace
>-64% WS, though I have to take back my holdings and I've a larger army and allies
You play Grand Strategy and learn
>That's not what I asked but thank you for this mastubatory post I really enjoyed reading it

Good. I enjoyed typing it. I'm glad we have such a wonderful symbiotic relationship.
I do mind HoI4, because I can see all the great potential wasted on the mediocre game.
I fucking LOVED the autismo mode of HoI3. I loved the fucked up logistics.
Combining those with what already HoI4 has would create a fucking orgasming game...
... but instead they've cut all the good stuff from the 3 and added just few interesting things to 4.

Production, while underdeveloped, is fucking dope in HoI4, scratching so many different itches I have at once. But actual AI performance and combat (especially lack of tooltips in it) is just fucking annoying.
And subs aren't as fun as they were in DH
He has a spuriorty complex, regardless I'd he has a high IQ or not, he's probably not mature enough to accept anything that conflicts with his beliefs, where other people would adapt and grow, he can't. That's pretty clear when he feels the need to flat out shove ithe in our faces, when ironically, he can barely play a game that thousands are able to learn in a few hours, which would make him below average in terms of learning this game.
But it never works. I end up building factories for crude just to get some, because just getting refineries and shitload of ships is not causing any jump on demand.

No problem friend, I'm a good guy all in all.
It is genuinely deep. The whole draw of the game is the depth of detail involved. what is wrong with you?
how do you change the culture of a region? i always struggled making people go to places to make them states and shit.
>I loved the fucked up logistics.
I tried to invade Japanese China once as the USA without setting the supply system to arcade
Shit was impossible
then I won by simply landing straight in Japan instead
Who are you even arguing with? I'm saying it is an unintuitive mess.
these posts are so fucking good, do you also have aspergers?
All of this is information the game gives you
Simply open a pop's window (by clicking on their job icon in the list) and it will tell you how likely they are to assimilate culture each month
Are there any good ways to make money in EU4 without using trade or war?
I have only played a bit after it first got released but thinking of picking it up again.
As I was saying, all the autism of HoI3 + autism of HoI4 and it would be perfect.
Instead we have a pretty casual game with few suprisingly detailed mechanics. The sole concept of reliability is such a trendemous game changer, while appears almost non-existing at first glance. Or such tiny details like designer companies.
And all wasted on ultimately mediocre game with a ripe ground for selling shitload of DLCs, but Paradox can't make them, as they are busy already churming up DLCs for their other games, suffering from being understaffed.
Inflation. Make as much money as you want!
but how do i make it faster really? i dont want it to take 90 years because the span of game is 100 years anyways.

my only complaint about v2 is its just too short, wish it was 6 hours or someshit per time tick instead of a day.

Sure, I have whatever you want me to have, if that will make you feel less pathetic.
The tutorial only covers the basic features just like any other game. The rest is easy to figure out on your own if you dont ignore the tooltips like most of you retards do. Go watch some letsplayer if you want someone to hold your hand throughout the game.
>They will never just let you keep playing, not worrying about the fact that everyone will just get full tech and it'll get a little crazy.
>You'll never be able to play Medieval kingdoms in the 41st century where countries have become completely unrecognizable messes.
The thing is, those are problems that need to be fixed. Stellaris is just inherently fucked, and unlike other games can't rely on the alt history defense.

Although agreed, there needs to be much better feedback on the combat. Also more diplomatic options, the faction system at the moment doesn't really work very well (or represent history very well).
Mod it
If you actually go check a pop's assimilation rate, you'll notice that most of them have -20% because they're in a province with a core of their culture (as in, a nation with their culture has a core there), that is the biggest obstacle
If you just remove that bit of code in the file, you remove the biggest obstacle to a homogenous country
Getting your people to move into a colony to start assimilating people there is a matter of modding emigration
EU4 is just like the Total War campaign but with more depth.
do you know how hypocritical this post was?
do you know that everyone ITT sees you as the blithering retard you are?
"""strategy""" Go suck on a pacifier
Yup. It's not that complicated. You just think it is because you never bothered to go through the tutorials or read the tooltips. It's pretty much all in there.
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>Autistic friend recommends me these map games, literally have zero interest.
>Friend keeps badgering me, won't shut the fuck up about kebabs, thought it was just a /pol/ meme at first.
>Have to watch a YouTube guide on these games just to be able to understand how to play.

Haha, damn I thought we were passed this kind of shit in 2016.
they could have easily balanced the game and made it longer to play. i just want it to span a longer time, just 6 hours ticks are very nice as well imo, makes the game 4 times longer.

>ck2 spans about 400 years, 1 day ticks, total of 146000 ticks
>eu4 spans about 400 years, 1 day ticks, total of 146000 ticks
>hoi is about 15 years but 1 hour ticks, total of 131400 ticks
>v2, 100 years, 1 day ticks, total of 36500 ticks
its really short game imo.
Jesus, the fucking irony. Why are you responding to such obvious shitposting
I've done this with football manager before, not literally because jesus christ I don't have a million years on my hands, but I took a 60-year holiday overnight on my computer and took the first available job.

It was hilarious, entire leagues where teams were being disqualified for not having enough players because after a while the attrition rate of players was too high to be compensated by the youth talent, contracts signed for young players will into their 40s for hundreds of thousands a week.

Wales had suffered heat death. The entire league was empty, except for a vast swathe of news items about teams and managers panicking about their lack of teams.

They've probably fixed that in newer iterations.
Here's your (You) friend! :^)

do you know I don't give a slightest fuck what bunch of Anonymous think about me?

Take a page out of that book, you could use it, considering how desperate you are.to diminish my worth
Depends. USSR has the ability to spend admin points to make new divisons, but those new divisions have to compete for the same men and equipment as other divisions. If the USSR does well in '41 and hold more land than historically, than they will usually have a larger army size since the population centers like Kiev or Smolensk will still be supplying men and if their factories weren't moved than equipment too. For the Axis divisions are on a historical timetable of arriving at and leaving the eastern front that historically was caused by the allies in the west like the invasion of Italy or opening up the Western Front.
pretty sad that i cant do it naturally then. i modded lots of shit in the game to make it more "fun" etc. but its really the best when the original game has all those features.
they'd be interesting if they had more complexity
Daily ticks simply do not make much sense for that era

Thanks, the more the merrier.
If EU4 is equal to a fucking physics degree for you, then what is War in the Pacific? Building a tachyon drive out of a lawnmower?
Oh whoops, meant hourly ticks
honestly, I tried like 3 times to understand the trading, but everytime I changed anything my trade value went down to the point where I believed the AI already makes the best possible choices I can do and simply left it to its own devices.

Sad. All I wanted to do was to establish a trade empire through the Caribbean and South America.
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>"It's NOT like Total War. EU4 is a very complex strategy game with in-depth mechanics and ultimately leads to varied gameplay on every new campaign!"
>TW campaign is historical context strategy in which you blob to win.
>EU4 campaign you and all the AIs just blob.
>At least in TW I can enjoy the battles and climactic clashes rather than watch numbers tick away in a boring snoozefest.

Seriously, /v/? I guarantee you TW blows these Paradox games out of the water sales wise.
6 hours kinda makes sense imo considering the faster transportation with trains and invention of many comm. methods like telgraph and later phone.

also dont forget that battles pretty much took couple of hours and wars were shorter compared to older era.
Because I don't have any number saved, I looked up an LP I read ages ago
This is a decisive Axis victory, where the Axis player killed about 2 million Russians and captured 5 million more, and they still have an army of 5 million men
That simply can't be correct
whats the best total war type game now?
can I run it on a toaster?

>autists thinking every game should be made according to their preferences
>EU4 is a very complex strategy game with in-depth mechanics and ultimately leads to varied gameplay on every new campaign!"

Anyone who played any EU game for 5 minutes knows this isn't the case at all.

Really shouldn't even go the full 100 years desu. Does a really shitty job at portraying World Wars outside of them being massive micromanagement headaches in which what should be a depiction of stalemates with massive casualties end up being the AI trying to sieging your shit down at all costs without engaging your troops.
So if I have a prince-bishop as vassal, do I need the priest or the diplomat to improve relations with him or would both work?

Also, any way I can get that territory for myself? This guy is sitting in my de jure capital and I don't want to make it mine only to end up controlling a church.
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>still doesn't know how analogies work
People like you are the reason why grand strategy is going to shit
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I love Great Wars, I never had the Ai trying to siege everything thing happen
I just station a bajillion troops along the front, engage the enemy somewhere, and we both throw in 100k men due to the ridiculously fast travel times with trains
And then I win because my arty is better and I have more of it, makes me hard every time
Revoke his title, then revoke the title of whoever holds the castle
>the faction system at the moment doesn't really work very well (or represent history very well).
My favourite one is the Polish faction, where all the fucking underdogs of the world usually join, since it's unaligned into any of the three parties.
THREE, for fucks sake!
"best" total war would be Fall of the Samurai.

There's no such a thing as "best total war" though, in all games the AI is retarded to the point that sometimes you wonder if you didn't turn off the AI by accident and the management side of things will always be casual as fuck, especially Warhammer.
>do stupid shit
>game punishes you for it
>complain about it on /v/
wow game so hard to grasp guys, cant believe i have to make decisions based on critical thinking. Why wont game just let me win :(((
I don't know why people (including myself) like the gunpowder TWs so much
It's just letting the AI walk into your line infantry, it's even easier than hammer + anvil
is Attila good?
It's fun watching that fuckhuge line of AI infantry be destroyed in seconds, also naval bombardment is GOAT
In WitE a lot of men don't "die" but are disabled. disabled men are out of the pool but after a set amount of time they return to the pool to be distributed to divisions. When it says 3.6 million men disabled, that can include repeat men as a disabled than returning solider doesn't automatically die if disabled again, although the game doesn't model individual soldiers. I would say that around 2 million of that 5 million would of been disabled soldiers that returned to duty. Ultimately I don't know enough about the actual numbers and documents of the USSR or WW2 to say whether having 5 million in defeat is feasible.
And here I still play Med II. I wish they did better job at modability, TW Warhammer would be greet for some mods.
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>still defending his retarded analogy
i bet you're the guy who makes all the food analogies
On one hand, I'm still mad that the AI manages to make a perfect circle around the bombardment area if you just try to shoot them on the way
On the other hand, I love doing it after they engaged me so they have to decide between getting bombed to shit and walking into my gatling guns
Also, I will never stop being amazed that you can just put carbine cav behind your main line and have them shoot over the heads of your units
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Your analogies are fucking awful and you should really consider suicide
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Well that is a fucking great heir for sure. Only lowborn were available to marry so he immediately suffered a big prestige loss. Her stats were good though. Naturally she died a year after the marriage.
hurr durr you need to be Protestant or Reformed to form Prussia.
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Please actually check the images in the link, I know the difference between disabled and killed/captured men
Either way, I don't know enough about it either so I'm just gonna drop it
Definitely gonna play the game again though now that we talked about it
> he fell for early game start meme
Artificial complexity is not real depth.
Worst thing CA ever did was kill the capability to create huge mods like Stainless Steel for Med 2 or Europa Barbarorum for Rome, what the fuck were they thinking?
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>still believing the IQ meme
>certified psychological test has measured my IQ on two different occasions

8/10, pretty good
Who cares about a little prestige here and there?
Then what is depth, faggot?
Are you saying that designing a ship down to the last module and refining it to be effective isn't depth?
Not that guy but for most modules there is exactly one way to make them effective, that's just memorization
There's hardly any great different builds for your ships
Yeah, when I saw Waarhammer announced I hoped for Third Age. And I hear that modding community itself is dying, I guess their afraid they won't be able to sell DLC when modders add more factions/units.
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>what the fuck were they thinking?
Take a guess.
Why the hell does this use the exact same font as eu4? Seriously this looks exactly like fucking eu4
Maybe because it's the same fucking engine, company, and genre of game, faggot
What if we had a gsg without borders?
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>CK2 uses the same assets as EU4
>playing from Charlememe
He's a retard and you fools can't even easily refute him. What the fuck, the average /v/ermin is getting stupider by the day.

He claimed here>>359867917 that one needs "like above 160 IQ" to understand it. But he offers no argumentation or empirical evidence for the statement.

He just makes a bold claim that he's in the top 2.5 % of people with high IQ in the world and thus changes the conversation to be about himself, covering for the fact that he's being triggered by not understanding the game.

He may be smarter than you folks, as someone who shitposts sure. Not understanding a simple grand strategy game like EU IV is indication of either stupidity, lack of interest, laziness or poor understanding of the languages used in the game's interface.
Isn't that what HoI4 does with its terrible map
The fuck are you talking about assets for? Guy said the font is the same and it somehow looks like EU4 which it really doesn't beyond the way all Paradox games look alike
>start at Charlemagne
>he converts to Lollard
>Christianity falls apart
>Norse take over
>I'm Finland and screwed over by angry Norseman Empire
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I understand more than you could possibly imagine.
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>start at Charlemagne
For me, that was the tip-off that you're a moron
I thought it would give me enough time to be a merchant republic before the Norse and Slavs began to blob
I was terribly terribly wrong
I live very close to Mainz m8, gotta represent every once in a while.
How is Stellaris now after the recent patches?
Blood and gore is literally cut content that was there from day 1
>become merchant republic by switching titles around
>invest initial money into mercs
>conquer whoever is next to you
>be unstoppable forever
most grand strategy (paradox especially) have very little strategic depth; but information on how to play is poorly delivered.

The timescale compounds this as it takes a while to work out you've fucked up when you're forced to trial and error everything.

Shit. I'm amazed they actually managed to make the game worse with the expansion.
>I guarantee you TW blows these Paradox games out of the water sales wise.
Has anybody said otherwise?
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>replying to a 3 hours old bait post
What did they do?
new to Paradox games?

They made an already brain dead AI even more retarded, and all the unique events and shit added in the expansion are broken. Every one of them is broken, not even exaggerating.
That's crazy. Why is Stellaris development so sloppy compared to their other games?
>Charlemagne start
>Play Denmark
>Grow fat and rich from raiding for slightly more than a century
>Fuck this shit, Francia kicks my raider's asses
>Go to war with Francia at the right time, when they're occupied with Moors
>Do it again fifteen years later
>And again
>And again
>Now the Holstein Duchy is all mine
>I'm in position to become the richest motherfucker the world has ever seen if I become a republic
>Easily steamroll Sweden and Norway for them holy sites
>Reform Germanic
>Become a republic
>Suddenly have no demesne limit anymore
>After legally maximizing my demesne I still need 23 stewardship to maintain my demesne of Denmark+Holstein
And that's just a little part of the crazed adventures I had from a Charlemagne start. When Reapers Due really got into things, shit only got better and better.
Can you even fight for more than 2 fucking planets or systems now?
I don't understand why they're trying to force an EU scale on a game with thousands of planets, you can't really play as a space superpower either because they don't let you take things from your enemies.
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indeed they are
>get quality

why the fuck would you ever get quality
Because adding useless tedium is literally the only way they know to disscourage blobbing. It ruined EU4, it made CK2 a lot worse and apparently they even managed to make Stellaris even worse with it.

I have no fucking clue. It's pretty heartbreaking. Stellaris could be a genuinely good game if they fixed the godawful AI and stopped adding more broken shit instead of fixing the already broken shit.

Not really, no. Enjoy fighting decades long wars against half the galaxy just to take three planets.
Quality is pretty allright, it's so all around that as long as you wage war it'll be at least a little useful to you, better question is why you'd take Aristocratic as Brandenburg.
just take offensive why the fuck would you take quality especially as a first idea group
>Enjoy fighting decades long wars against half the galaxy just to take three planets
I may be remembering things wrong, but isn't it just taking the war goals, smashing the enemy's fleet and capitals and then you're good?
Trade is easy to understand as long as you use trial and error and experience, and DO NOT listen to anything the game tells you. Half the information it feeds you is wrong. Especially about sending ships to protect trade. Just worry about what nets you the most ducats each month, don't worry about obscure variables and false information.

The rest of the game is babby tier, if you can't understand it then read the wiki or something. It's really simple, it's based on a board game, it has to be simple to be playable.
As England, wait for a few decades until you can go to war with spain/castile

Take Gibraltar and use this as a port to expand into North Africa

I conquered North Africa in basically every game as a european country with a coast, it's easy as fuck IF you focus yourself on it and are prepared for major rebellions. You open up a new front to the ottomans and with a high enough tech, can fucking wipe the floor with them.
Yeah. It's simple as fuck.
>that amazing feeling when you release all those balkan nations in austria in one war

It feels so good to watch them just drop right off the great powers list
Has anyone formed Jerusalem in the latest patch? Shit is fucking hard.
>As your first idea group
Whoa, I didn't say that. First of all: Quantity is shit for everything else than early game, I'm not the original guy who talked about Brandenburg. Second; your first idea group should, for min maxing, always be humanism. I personally always avoid it, since it feels like cheating. The game is too easy if you do things optimally. I don't ally a biggie like Austira, France or Poland and have them fight all my wars, it's possible but boring, I'd rather have a bit of a challenge.
This. Also, quality gives a lot of shitty events. Offensive and quantity should be your first military idea groups as Brandenburg

Taking war goals in Stellaris has no special effect on the war score, so no. If your enemy is large enough, or if they are in a federation with some decently large allies, you can expect to have to occupy two dozen more more planets just to take three. It's pretty absurd. Especially so because once you smash their fleets they can't do shit to you, so it's just tedium of warping in to a system, bombing the planet, landing troops, and repeating all without meeting any real resistance after that first fleet encounter. Doubly so because the AI tries to rebuild ships but instead of massing them in a secure location to eventually strike back, they just send their ships in to your death swarm one by one to their inevitable death.
haven't played since early 2014 so it might have changed, but I remember having ships protect trade did work. only worth sending a few ships though, since after a certain point they cost more in upkeep than you'll gain from the trade route. but still, 1 or 2 of whatever ship was only good at protecting trade was almost always worth it
In a few years Paradox games will just be glorified idle clicker games.
One of my friends is literally suffering from "too smart for video games" or whatever, but enjoys idle games. He enjoys EU4 too for this reason.
>Buy EU4 """collection"""
>Still need to buy $100 more in expansions


Guess I'm pirating or waiting for the next sale
Light ships protecting trade simply gives a fixed amount of trade power in that node, so it's only worth it in big nodes like the Ivory Coast, the rich american ones and wherever else expensive goods are produced.
Looks cool. I'm autistic so I memorised various atlus and history books when I was a kid. PC games used to be for nerds back in the day. What's this, Europa Universalis?
i know this feeling

i can't play hoi4 anymore. every game is just drawing lines and filling boxes
I kinda enjoy them too while taking a shit, but I wouldn't want my GS games to be like them.
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>You have to possess like genius-level intellect to fully understand EU4, like above 160 IQ, I can guarantee that 99.5% of population is literally incapable of fully grasping it

I tried to play Vicky II a few days ago. I lost all will to do so when I realized that the game is shit if you're not either the USA, United Kingdom or Prussia. Everyone else is just a bystander.

EU4, yes.
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Europa Universalis 4
If feels a lot like that when you start. But it will get better.

Granted Vicky 2 is not a game to play if you want to blob and conquer the world. It's more a game about doing the best with what little you are given.

Like becoming a great power as Switzerland without starting a single war by focusing on technological pursuit. That kind of stuff.
Any great power and most secondary powers are capable of becoming a superpower
China (if you survive the rebels), Japan, and Persia can also easily become major players.

A bunch of other civs/uncivs can become regional powers which is a fun challenge
there's nothing to do as the usa outside of the civil war and wars with mexico

Vic 2, as the name implies is a grand strategy to play as Britain. they're on the fucking menu screen and the theme is a remix of zadok the priest. they weren't subtle about it.
That is the point, you tasteless plebian
You're right, that's a huge problem in EU4: it's almost impossible to fight off a force that's more numerous than yours from a nation that's richer than you. All you can do is stall until it becomes a war of manpower and money, and once you run out of both of those you lose.

Underdogs cannot win wars period, unless they

abuse the AI flaws (e.g. Go for the weakest war partners first and stackwipe their armies before they can group up, wait for the AI to attack then walk past them and bait them away from their sieges over and over to buy time), or

use a cunning strategy that gives a distinct advantage (e.g. split the Ottoman army in two by attacking them while they fight the Mamluks, spam galleys in order to defeat a more expensive but poorly constructed navy in shallow waters)

In a straight up conflict, it is completely impossible to defeat a larger, richer foe. Attrition is negligible and most of the time the enemy's manpower won't even be affected because they spam mercenaries everywhere, and in doing so they can overwhelm you and make the war so short that it only takes a couple of loans to win. Money is so plentiful though that the Ottomans, France etc. often don't even need loans. Condottieri was supposed to help fix this but arbitrary restrictions related to truces mean that they don't really matter.

And of course once the big powers gobble up a bunch of clay they become so powerful that only other great powers can stand against them, and after that they become so strong no one can stop them. The snowballing is out of control in EU4, it's so bad that as a player you can basically win the game by 1600, to the point where you can just ignore Agressive Expansion because everyone combined isn't enough to defeat you.
>playing as Prussia
>invading the Ottomans, who are allied with Brunei
>Brunei, for those of you who don't know, is southeast of Vietnam
>while my armies are spending 600 days sieging down a level 2 fort, Brunei sails 15,000 troops across the Indian Ocean, around the Cape, north all along the Atlantic, and sieges down my Denmark holdings in about a quarter the time it's taken for me to take any Ottoman holdings
I wish Paradox could make a combat system that isn't total garbage
>play a country in in northen-central Europe
>Renaissance finally spreads to my parts of the world
>spend my entire treasury to embrace it, can't wait, already -40 tech
>a month later the age of discovery starts in fucking Granada
>not even spread halfway here and the new technical revolution is starting in a decade

Gee. Thanks. Might as well play Kongo and get better tech.
The AI auto-retreats the second the rolls don't work out for them, so the only solution is to obsessively monitor every battle and run away the second you inevitable roll your 5th zero in a row. It's doable early, when you probably only have one army, but late game, it's just miserable.
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It does work, but it'll tell you the ships are x ducats of value when really they're not doing that at all. And if you send more ships it'll say you're making like 100 ducats of profit from protecting trade when in reality it's barely even a few. Protecting trade is worth it but the game misleads you heavily.
I made the EU in one of my games. My plan was to more or less cuck humanity into irrelevance by making aliens the leaders of the union and leave earth as a smoldering shithole.
I base my claim on the fact that these nations have decisions, events and other advantages that makes them objectively stronger than their competitors.
USA has better immigrant attraction than any other american nation.
UK has everything it needs, extra starting tech, starts with factories. Oh yeah, and India.
Prussia has the potential to become NGF and Germany, while Austria only can hope to get Hungarians as an accepted culture.
>Vicky 2
>get into fight with the UK
>all 450 English commercial raiders coming in from across the world to fight your 10 dreadnoughts and 20 cruisers.
>one naval battle lasts 2 years
Meanwhile the turks are eternally number one in tech and China doesn't get the printing press until the 1700s

Institutions were a mistake
>Underdogs cannot win wars p
>But they can if they use these strategically smart tricks
I don't see the problem. Also combat is somewhat decided by dicerolls.
>finally get ironclads
>build 40 of them
>fight UK
>they sink the fuck out of your ironclads with their 500 man'o'wars
Well yeah, the games are always grounded in history.

But the good thing is you make your own goals. Whether that is reaching the number 1 spot on the great power list, becoming a regional power, playing world police as the UK, or just having a cozy time trying to make a nice a country as you can keeping yourself out of everyone's squabbles.
Try modernizing China and you'll notice that it's fun to play a country that isn't in a "win immediately as soon as you start the game" position
Playing as Russia can be pretty fun actually. Satellites in Finland, fighting for eastern Europe domination, the Great Game against Britain, reaching to Siberia, colonizing China, taking clay from the sick man of Europe...
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You don't know shit about autism until you've played the CK2 Warhammer mod.
EU4 needs supply lines or something to make the navy actually matter and the army maneuvering less stupid
Turks being #1 is because of their god leaders, not institutions.
>China doesn't get the printing press until the 1700s
Kek. Weren't they and Korea the first who invented them?
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The problem is that the AI will never use those tricks, and in single player that means the entire world is at the mercy of the Ottomemes or France or whatever unless the player plays as a great power and actively works to counteract them.

Also some of those tricks are just straight up exploits, like the one where you distract the autistic AI in order to get them to run around in circles aimlessly and lose.
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>play as Prussia
>all your generals are garbage
It needs to get rid of the mana system that's what.

It's a neat concept and fun to have, but they shouldn't have made EVERYTHING dependent on it. Like make technology it's own thing.
Technically they invented it first but it wasn't the same, they didn't have moveable type and their radical based symbolic writing system meant the printing revolution didn't take off there like it did in Europe.

It's still really stupid that they always fall behind the likes of Hejaz in tech though.
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Somehow, something doesn't seem to be quite right here
Speaking off, are there any other total conversion mods worth playing?

I know of the GoT one but eh, not that interesting in that universe(same with Warhammer).
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>that image
>that guys face
Medieval 1 was the last good strategy game in the series.
It's both. They're on the Mediterranean and near Italy but close enough to central Europe that they can easily get Renaissance, Colonization, Printing Press, and even Global Trade pretty easily.
when the world stopped making sense if you count that. starts with the fall of rome
Fair certain they had movable type. They just weren't as efficient as the western one.

China's was in wood and Korea made the first metal one I think.

Granted that latter part makes sense, gotta be hell to keep track of all those Chinese characters.
I wouldn't have a problem if the game just treated all countries equally but giving some countries special treatment makes it "artificial difficulty". I get that some nations have a better start, and that's okay because the starting point is meant to be historical, but everything thereafter should be dictated by what happens in the game.
A "win as soon as you've modernized" nation isn't that much better.
I tried, but I got demoralized when I thought, "I can beat Prussia if I give it a try and do my best." But when my economy is non-existant and they suddenly become the NGF I'm not in a good spot.

Kind of related. As someone who doesn't have high literacy and capitalists in the beginning of the game, how do I get by in terms of money? I want to remove crime and educate my people too but I've only found that affordable as Spain and Russia if I disband all millitary, set naval spending to minimum and military spending to none.

Another thing is that everyone drinks tea like a brit, so control of either India, China or Japan is very important.
What's that map mod anyways? Feels like everyone is using it these days.
>tfw cucked Europe as Vijayanagar because global trade spawned in my country
The problem is you want an actual strategy game instead of grand strat.
>A "win as soon as you've modernized" nation isn't that much better.
I'm just saying that's the next thing you should try
Go right into playing Kongo if you're just gonna bitch and moan about everything, then
>too stupid to make money but complains about nations being too easy
What is this
>wanting garbage land with retarded coring costs
Just ignore the roaches and let the faggot germans deal with them. Claim western Europe and the New World as yours and yours alone.
When did they fuck up how cavalry work? I remember there being actual weight behind them in Rome, but then they changed it.
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum is the name, it makes the map a lot more bearable and less plastic-looking, even if the colors are a little too dry
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>The problem is that the AI will never use those tricks
I'm more of a CKII player, and in that game the AI is a lot more inclined to go to war with someone who's already occupied in another war already. I think the only reason that this is not the case in EU4 is because the AI doesn't have casus belli on larger nations at all times.
That's not really what their games are about.

They are more like RPG's played using a risk map. Like the computer is the dungeon master and it's up to you to deal with and shape the adventure as it unfolds.

Warhammer is the only total conversion I've played so far. I wasn't really interested in Warhammer before I played this one, but the shear amount of content they added is incredible. There's dozens of different races and religions, each with their own styles of play.

There's amazons who don't get married, but instead conduct slave raids on their neighbors and use the captive men in their fertility rituals. There's elves who live around a giant fucking vortex that apparently keeps the forces of Chaos at bay, but also reduces their fertility so over the course of the game they get more and more depopulated. There's a dozen different factions of vampires, each one played different from.

I can't recommend it enough, even if you don't give a shit about Warhammer lore.
What if the Elves just move their capital away?
>grand strategy
I don't know why, but I could never get too much into these games. I always feel like I have to fuck over everyone's shit up or else I get bored.
Hm. Guess I'll give it a try then. Sounds pretty neat.

And I did paint some neat dwarfs back in the day.
Map painting is a side game.
I just really fucking love the economy and resource thing that Vicky has going for it, but I hate most other things about the game.

My complaint is that there are a few "main character" nations with bonuses that almost forces them to be relevant. It's like "Lucky nations" in EU4. Fucking bullshit artificial difficulty is what it is.
Where I am, there I must also blob
>I always feel like I have to fuck over everyone's shit up or else I get bored.
I mean, that's pretty much what you're doing in every single one of these games one way or another, even the better ones.
Something something just like real life something
that's nothing compared to Victoria 2 lmao
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>fight France, win the first battle and destroy their army
>lose all of your manpower just trying to recoup losses
>France shows up with twice your Max troops
Gee, how weird that nations get historical events and bonuses in this history game
>Liking historical railroading
So you want every country to start out with equal amounts of territory or something?
Cavalry in EU4 is only good for flanking. You should only have two or four units of cav per stack. Then have 133 - 150% of your combat width worth of infantry, and depending on what tech level you're at, have anywhere from 50 to 100% as much artillery as inf.

So for example, if it's late game your combat width is 20 then you can make a stack with 30 inf, 4 cav, and 20 art. Or if it's early game and supply is poor so you need smaller stacks and have a combat width of 15, make the stack 18 inf, 2 cav, and 5 art.

Remember that having artillery gives a bonus to sieges, but certain Fort levels only benefit from so much arty, for example if you're sieging a level 1 fort having 5 artillery is a full bonus, the same as having 50 arty, but once that fort becomes level 2, you need more arty for the full bonus.

They can't. The only wars the can conduct are colonization wars, where they take a single coastal province, murder the shit out of everyone there, and colonize it with elves. Then they automatically released it. The elves who live around the vortex are highly isolationist, they see it as their duty to safeguard the vortex and want little to do with the mortal races. FUN things happen when the elves get conquer by some other race.

If you want non-isolationist elves there's some dark elves who love to murder and rape the shit out of everything in their path.
>every single thing is railroading
There shouldn't even be historical starts, every nation should just get an equal amount of territory
Wait, isn't that a Dynasty Warriors character?
A certain degree of guidance is necessary. Isn't that the point of going ahistorical? Beating the historical odds?
Stupid dumb Elves
Just conquer a bunch more territory outside of the vortex range and have your people multiply there
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Unite America under one pirate emperor!
I mean, just play something like Civ if you want no history with historical characters and nations.

But then who would safeguard the world against the coming of the Chaos gods?
How's the performance nowadays? Haven't played it in a year; I heard the game itself got an upgrade in that department. But that mod especially was slowed down as fuck, even at 2x-3x speed.
i was talking about Total War, not Paradox games
It should start from a historical point, but then the player should, with the resources that the selected nation has available, prove that he can do better than what the nation managed historically. By defeating literally retarded AI enemies, reducing people's value to nothing more than a number and having unlikely things not happen because it would be hard to program.
desu Paradox games aren't historical enough. They are barely any DHEs for most nations and most games feel similar. There's no flavor. HPM and BlackICE are perfect examples of how dynamic historical events can completely breathe life into a game.
So do you get a blurb about whatever realm you pick in that Warhammer mod? I know a bt about the lore, but I wouldn't know what my goals as the vampire guys should be, just as an example. Does the mod tell you "YOU SHOULD PROBABLY DO THIS:" at the start?
Also, shouldn't the Empire be united?
But that's what makes the games so fun.

Conquering Japan as Korea wouldn't be any fun if not for the historical aspect.
I think Paradox games are for you, you should check 'em out.
In that case you're still wrong. I play Attila quite a lot and when my cavalry smash into the side or rear of an infantry unit of similar or lighter weight then people die left and right and morales are broken in a second.

Not great. My computer is pretty decent so I can go for 150 years or so before the slow down starts to bother me, but that's about time I start a new game anyway. There's mods for the mod that disable the Underempire and the western continent which helps performance.
Are you being sarcastic? We're talking about Paradox game(s).
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>not producing all of the world's liquor
Haven't played much of V2, what is this liquor meme about?

Should I focus on only building them or something?

My factories always end up going bust.
Nobody really fully understands any Paradox game (or Football Manager). They study it as hard as possible, but the information is so poorly delivered that it's stupid to pay attention to all of it.
All knowledge is going to be useless in the next patch or DLC anyways.
There's a popular mod that increases everyone's demand for liquor making it the new tea.
liquor factories are almost always profitable no matter where you build them
im almost certain the ai gets a huge siege bonus
>but the information is so poorly delivered
What. The games have some of the nicest information delivery in any strategy game I've played.

If you are ever confused about something, just hover over it and it tells you what it does and effects it has. No having to visit annoying lexicons and shit, no cluttering every single space with numbers.
He's probably just a retard who forgot to upgrade his forts because he never expected them to be sieged, giving the asians the "obsolete fort" bonus.

You can generally figure out what your goals should be by reading about the characters on the recommended characters screen thingy, whatever it's called. If you're playing Vlad von Carstein, your goals should be to subjugate the shit out of everyone in the empire while avoiding being murdered. Dying loses you all the event spawned troops and everyone you conquered isn't going to stay conquered for long.
Ah. This work in vanilla as well?
oh right I gotta try to get into Football Manager again
this time I refuse to be put off by the game expecting me to know what position someone should play based on their stats
This, if there's anything Paradox can do quite well, it's UI. It's not perfect, but for the sheer amount of systems involved it has pretty great tooltips.
iirc hpm fixes the liquor demand and other anon was just shitting
liquor factories are very profitable and will pretty much never go bankrupt. Since its not as "profitable" as say machine parts, the AI will often overlook liquor factories and spam machine part factories leaving a nice hole in the supply of liquor. other good factories are glass, cement, limited amounts of wine if you have fruit RGOs, and clothes factories. UK has a near monopoly on cotton so try and keep away from building factories dependent on that unless you have your own cotton RGOs
It doesn't. In vanilla tea is the good that everyone consumes enormous doses of. If you want factories just go for safe bets like glass, cement, steamer convoys or steel, unless you're all out controlled economy.
factories aren't that big a deal anyway, usually I just let the capitalists run everything and subsidize it all, who gives a fuck if that keeps factories open that never sell anything
>Scotland still exists
>Denmark hasn't annexed Norway or Sweden
>Burgundy exists

What the fuck is that game.
You mention wine. I find it problematic that there's so much fruit production in the world, but there's only a little used for food and the rest is used for wine, but only the well-off middle class and the rich drink the stuff, meaning there's a very low demand for it. It's pretty shit, when it comes to consumer goods only paper is worse for sure.
Man. Why can't /v/ ever agree on anything?

Thanks though.

That's what I do but most of then end up going under in the first year or so.
The only game that demands true autismo is Hearts of Iron III. Everything else is not that hard. Obscure, yes, due bad tutorial, but not overly complicated.
They literally cannot go under if you're subsidizing them
watching other people play the game is a good way to learn stuff quickly t b h
Never mind this post, I just remembered that wine is actually used to maintain some military units, giving it an actual purpose, like fine clothes.
Victoria 2 is way more complicated and way more fun. I don't have the typical doom and gloom opinion on paradox though, I still think HOI4 will eventually be good and EU4 is still a decent game, it's just really simple. Stellaris is fun in multiplayer as well, and I'm hoping they implement a combat overhaul to make it more interactive.
You must be the smartest guy in the world then

Much more simple than Hearts of Iron III. Meme battleplan arrows makes things too easy. It needs some patches and expansions.
I tried to play this after I had played HIP for a while and I have to say I dropped this shit so hard cause the mapped looked so damn fucking ugly...

It's all flat and has absolutely no CK II terrain in mind. Makes me sad.
desu you can go through Vicky2 without giving much thought to factories and social policies and come out on top, just like eu4

I wont deny it.
>You will never conquer the world with Byzantium remnant in Europe Universalis.

Download link?
Yeah. I'm just saying there is actual depth as opposed to EU4. It takes a while to learn everything, I understood EU4 fully in like 2 hours.
Why not? Are you a scrub or something?

It wasn't that bad at first. Just make plenty of galleys to block the straits, lock the Ottomans in Anatolia and march all over their greek holdings. It was a very fun, enjoyable game. But now it must be nearly impossible to do it without the help of external great powers.
Like with any game...savescumming is your friend.
>le epic paradox forum login game register social security check

Fuck off.

I just grabbed it from /gsg/.
Its Yuan Shao

Never industrialise before having tech from the 50-60s. Industrialization is not worth the cost before that date. Too inefficient and not enough clerks and labor.
EU4 is such an easy fucking game, I legitimately don't understand how anyone has trouble with it

It's literally a fucking board game
I've found that going mercantilist and protectionist is surprisingly worth it in Victoria 2 with certain resource-rich countries. Insane tariffs helps you ruin the artisan class and force them to work in factories. The money that you make can help you finance your resources and industrialisation efforts.
Wow no shit
What great revelation is next, you can lower taxes once you get tax efficiency up to get the same percentage?
Never put China in your sphere of influence for too long. This kills your factories. There are so many Chinese artisans, that they don't need to industrialise to compete with your factories. It's ridiculous.

I heard it was complex as shit - I quit before I even finished my first game because it was simple, tedious and repetitive.
We're losing to Chaina! They're ripping us off!
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>tfw to intelligent for non-paradox games
Maybe the game's focus on characters owning land is easier for someone to understand than the abstracted "ur a country lmao" stuff
I find annoying that you can't spy in Victoria 2.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, I guess.
Just take their coastal provinces
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I've been playing the CK Elder Scrolls Mod for some time now. Kinda fun. Still tons of bugs though and the last Update was about a year ago I think.
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>all those daughters
>not teching up
>borders in general
Did I find all the things that were supposd to trigger me?
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>he thinks board games can't be complex

That's a really tiny map.
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>Game has nothing to do during peace time
>Increase truce timers
>Game still has nothing to do during peace time
>Add development for mana, mana which only western powers generally have to spare
>Game still has nothing to do during peace time
>add estates that you spend 5 seconds clicking a couple buttons every 25 years
>Game still has nothing to do during peace time
>add Institutions, watch as your country slowly gets green lines and blobs through it and your tech costs go up or spend 1k ducats.

>Add more Pro-Ottoman events+ mechanics because fuck you
At release I find CKII to be a simpler game to understand than EUIV. EUIV simply has more systems for you to worry about, but I can't say for sure if that's still true to this day.
>female and male symbol
is this a sex game
I hope they deleted all that extra garbage outside of Tamriel. What a gigantic waste of time.
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No I mean it's literally a board game

I'd hate to see you babies exposed to something actually complex like War in the East or Command Ops.
Estates were such an underdeveloped system. Then they went and made it worse with the patch that "fixed" their opinion system.
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>a bad thing
fucking casual
I think its fine. A decent amount of "spy" actions are incorporated in diplomacy/sphere mechanics. Encouraging rebels would be nice but broken as fuck since you could pretty much kill off a great power's pops and derank them from killing so many rebels.
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This would be fun if the AI wasn't shit.
wait, why the fuck is he asian
god i fucking hate these Swedish cucks with a passion. what i would give to have each of them crucified on my front lawn while the IPs go to someone else
He somehow got a goddamn mongol on the throne of Britannia

>while the IPs go to someone else
And who would that be?
But he's not, he's English, it says right there m8.
culture is different from ethnicity
i dont even know anon i dont even know
we're between a rock and i hard place here
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You can basically play on all of the current known continens on Nirn, with Akavir and whatnot

Tsar of all the Romes.
Byzantium collapsed. I restored it as Emperor of Russia, united the Catolich and Orthodox church and re-established the Roman Empire.
That's the problem, there isn't really anyone else.
Paradox is the lesser of two evils. They just have to get their stuff together.
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i started with a mongolian character and had so many kids that the entire british empire is ruled by mongolians
Matrix Games :^). That said theres like no other RtwP strategy developers besides paradox out there. Matrix Games and Slitherine would just take the IPs and make them all turned based and cater to a niche market, however the games would probably improve in quality and come as a complete package but the base game would cost more.

>Two Germanies and two Bavarias.
>come as a complete package but the base game would cost more.

I'm okay with this. Matrix games are cheap compared to buying 100 DLC.
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anyone know how to play pirated dlc with an owned base game on steam? i keep hearing its possible. i tried putting the files in the dlc folder but that obviously isn't enough
not how that works you dumb cunt
How do I trigger the collapse of Austria-Hungary? I manage to get on the top quite regularly, but I've never seen Austria outright collapsing.
I honestly enjoy playing during peacetime than wartime.

Wartime is just tediously chasing enemy legions, sitting on and watching your allies' AI do stupid shit.

At least during peacetime, you can settle down, focus on finances and development, and maybe carefully choose alliances/etc.
>At least during peacetime, you can settle down, focus on finances and development, and maybe carefully choose alliances/etc.

You can do all that during wartime if you just pause the game.
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>So downloaded Sons of Abraham and I was having the standard game as Ireland in a TOG start, exploring the hilarity of jewish courtiers and loans thereof, pilgrimages that turned me into closet atheists without fail and the occasional Irish Band usurpation of Turkastan turning the aral sea into an Irish Catholic lake (Which is a story all its own, believe you me, you have not seen crusader kings lunacy until you see Irishmen fend off a Cuman invasion singlehanded and troll the Islamic world like it ain't no thing.

>But then interesting things happened. I was called into a petty war over a single province by the king of Navarra, my father in law which dragged on for ****ing ever because I only recently unified Ireland and I had zero boats and Galicia was taking its sweet time in attacking Navarra, which is when I got the Joan of Arc event chain (won't go into detail here but needless to say, this was ****ing amazing) Lasairfionna the Maid of Ormond arrived at my court, the stories that generated where worth a book of their own, turning my king from Cynical to Zealous and aiding my efforts in coming to the aid of the King of Strathclyde in evicting the norse and having him swear to me, greatly improving my martial tech growth and generally being badass, so of course I married her to my heir (this is before I noticed the celibate trait and was like 'Damnit') who promptly got her pregnant because apparently he's a ****ing beast. My king became a paragon of virtue, gaining the nickname the Holy, the college of Cardinals has three Irish cardinals at any one time and at least one Irish Pope. Not bad for my first 30 years of ruling.

>Thats about the time I had my daughter, Sebdan, the child of SATAN.
>focus on finances in wartime
>making alliances in wartime
Anon pls
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I do this too. Although I usually spend most of my peacetime building huge fleets of ships which drastically exceed my maximum ship limit.
RP fags who act like these shitty events are amazing are the worst

>67 in plotting

Does she look at people an instantaneously die?
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Speaking of wargames, how Scourage of War Waterloo? I've heard good things about it and being part of the chain of command is a nice idea. Price isn't a big deal but it is on sale

This one is quite long. 70 events and triggers. The evil kid can even recover from castration through unholy healing.
Also, EU4 is shit and you're retarded for playing it.
t. paradox plaza
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Roman Empire games are the most fun. Started this one as a count in Britanny
what mod are you using for the country flags?
I've been playing EU4 a lot, I think I'm gonna try CK2 next. Can you really fuck your sister in that game? Sounds pretty win.
for the glory of your waifu
yup. and if you play as a zoroastrian, people will like you more for it as it's the most holy form of marriage
I have more trouble getting good at Total War games than I have with getting good at grand strategy games.
Link to these? Does the one that cuts out the New World also cut out the High Elves?
>Can you really fuck your sister in that game?
Only if she lets you. As >>359889898 says some religions can have you marry your siblings, that way she won't have much choice. Just remember that unless you marry another house, you're not getting an alliance out of the marriage.
Spent 30 minutes watching a streamer like Darren and it all becomes easy from there after you find out about controls you never knew of before.

Damn shame the TW campaign map part is a tedious piece of shit.

They are on the paradox plaza link I posted earlier, and yes it cuts out the high elves.

I feel the same way. EU4 seemed a lot easier to get into.
>Playing portugal
>Conquer literally every strip of coast around africa to the far east indies
>Fully upgrade the trade buildings in each province
>Have 100% trade power in various nodes
>Divert 90+% of trade away from a multiple of critical junctions
>1000 ducats a month

The trade is easy. There is a bunch of numbers but the only one that really matters is how many light ships you can create to increase your trade power in the area.
After the End was made by some guy in /vg/, it's in America after an apocalyptic event that returned to medieval age.
Well made and decent amount of flavor.
>linking to paracox forums
r/paradoxplaza get out
The only thing that matters is sending all the world's riches back home to you.

Fuck off, autismo. No one cares about your irrational hatred of certain forums.
it's not because of that

it's because he pirated the base game and can't view the site
Zoast starts are pretty tough for a new player though.
Karen is probably the easiest, and you have zero room for error with how you need to use those event troops you get at the start.
>paying for paradox games post V2
>be netherlands
>see portugal do that
>take ivory coast node
>divert everything to amsterdam
>cuck portugal out of all its trade income
>it's because he pirated the base game and can't view the site
Literally what?
to view the forums you need to register your cd key

can't do that if you pirated the game
Can't access mod forum without registering base game to stop pedophiles.
>start EU4
>spend more time picking a country than actually playing the game
Does anyone else do this?
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