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Are you ready, /v/?

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Thread replies: 348
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Are you ready, /v/?
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When is it coming back ive been waiting since it was closed
Yeah, when?

I've been seeing people hype it up again the last week, but no one has given a concrete-ish date. Does anyone even know?
>We are happy to announce the details of the third and final stress test! We’re extremely excited about this one, as we have quite some enjoyable events planned. As with the other tests, this one will begin on Sunday, December 4th, at 12:00 PM EST/6:00 PM GMT+1. Additionally, some time after the test is over, we will be announcing our release date!
That's what anyone knows.
The old nost server with the character database is coming out later this month.
The fresh server is probably going to be the first or second week of January.
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So fucking ready.
I already lived the real Vanilla days when the content was relevant. Going back now just feels like a hollow empty shell trying to replicate that same essence but it's not 2000's when the internet was young and people used Thotbot.
I hate how paladins got some of the coolest looking armor sets in Vanilla and yet they were one of the least fun classes to play.
>they were one of the least fun classes to play.
What do you mean "were"?
Fair point.
Paladins have always been the most aesthetically pleasing, and yet ironically the least mechanically fun class.
>tfw no official vanilla server with minor improvements like AoE looting, transmog, and achivements (that can't be linked)
Transmog and achievements are fucking cancer.
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>AoE looting, transmog'

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I've been ready since legion came out since I'm not a nostcuck
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>People call retail wow players shills
>This gets shilled every hour of every day
AoE looting should have been in the game from the start.
What's the point? I already played wow back when it originally came out. It was fun 10 years ago, but I don't know about now...
nice binds
What is wrong with optional character customization? If you don't like it, you don't use it.
>one of the least fun classes to play.

Leveling is AIDS but once you're lvl 60 and geared Paladins are great fun. Literally the hardest class to kill in the game.
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>Every nost thread ever
Sure current wow is not perfect but too many QoL shit around for me to go back to vanilla.
Also since its a private server i aint putting me time into that in fear of being taken down again.
>AoE looting
Eeeeehhh I can live without it.
When you're leveling you usually kill one enemy at a time rather than clusters of them anyways, so not a huge problem but I wouldn't mind it being added in.
This would probably fuck up the economy. Prices for lowbie gear will go up because level capped people will be buying it just because it "looks cool".
Literally pointless.
do you stay up for 20 hours a day waiting to post that image in every nost thread
Daily reminder that only poorfags will play this, especially desperate ones who feel they're superior for playing on a Russian server full of gold farmers and brazillians

Also daily reminder that the Nost team cucked themselves out of what they had, and that their downfall was inevitable due to them advertising their own gold selling in game
What do wrinkly purple testicles have to do with anything?
Is he wrong? Can you even argue against what he is expressing with this picture?
>Prices for lowbie gear will go up because level capped people will be buying it just because it "looks cool".

Great then. You can make enough gold even on low level character with some luck. How is that bad?
>hurr durr muh blackmageweave slutfu
kill yourself.
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>that chat
someone is bullying malfurion!

you need to help him paladin
>Can you even argue against what he is expressing with this picture?

I never played retail vanilla but I had fun when I played on Nost.
they are the shriveled, nostalgic balls of nost cucks.
Never used that feature before, but i got shitload of gold from mofos who love it, so fuck off.
>retailcuck still sore from the nostbullying
I guess its a dual edged sword.
I just don't want to compete with people trying to buy a specific piece of gear I need really badly because they want it for their wardrobe.
I kinda see your point though.
>Prices for lowbie gear will go up because level capped people will be buying it just because it "looks cool".
that was the only benefit of transmog though. gear that very few people/no one would use became relevant just because it looked cool. The real problem of transmog is you can't tell if someone is geared unless you inspect them. it really fucks up pvp.
rather have working autoloot and 100% quest drops/quest objects you have to click on don't despawn
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>Member tarren mill?
>Member rogues being overpowered?
>Member hybrids having one spec?
>Member stats on gear being random as fuck?
This works with a pirated version, right?
Sorry moralfags, I can't buy a game that requires a subscription plan.
Nope and I don't care.
You think you did, but you didn't.
>not already playing on kronos II
it's literally nost w/o the cancer and overpopulation
WoW, even vanilla, is everything that has been wrong with MMORPGs in the last decade. Why do you feel nostalgia for it?
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Missed out on playing WoW before WotLK so I'll definitely give it a shot.

If it's fun, great. If not, oh well, no big deal.

I'm thinking of trying out an UD Warlock on the PvP server. I hear they can handle themselves decently in most PvP situations.
You'll care when you can barely move a foot every couple minutes. Not to mention the bot spam.
It's weird how when vanilla was new I thought it was retarded as fuck and happy when BC came around, but now people are all clamoring for it.
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Yes, participating in the final stress test this Sunday. Greatly anticipating the launch date.
BC fixed a lot of things wrong with vanilla
Yeah, I love transmog but I still think it could use improvements like:

1) An option to turn it off
This would make it so that you don't see anyone's transmog options. Could also include an option to base it on faction or something, so you could see your own side's transmogs but not the enemy's.

2) Disable it in PvP
Granted it's pretty easy to tell how geared someone is based on their HP, but that isn't very reliable when there's 40 people running at each other and you want to pick out which one is the strongest/weakest at a glance. Again, this could just be an option to toggle for yourself when in battlegrounds or arena or something.
not a nostcuckold
The only thing I unironically want is free talent tree changes and a secondary I can switch to on the fly.
>Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
>Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian
>Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros
>green dagger dropped by a random skeleton in Northrend

It always bothered me that the last one on that list is the most powerful

Especially after introducing heirlooms, you'd think Legendaries could scale in level - even if they're just the equivalent of a dungeon blue at max level, at least you'd get to bring them out every expansion for levelling
I remember people being furious when TBC released because questing greens were more powerful than Naxx gear, and now it's regarded by many as the best period of the game. The funny thing about WoW is that its entire history is one long bitchfest and no one was ever happy with the current state of the game.

T3 lasted well into raiding, T4 was barely an upgrade the fuck are you about? The only ones bitching were the casuals losing their hard earned epixxxx from ZG pugs

You know whats funny?

I never ever complained about anything on the forums ever. I was too budy raiding, PvPing etc.

Ofcourse sometimes I would bitch about rogues in vanilla and TBC, but it always shocked me how people spent their times writing "change this" in official forums.
>4000 chinks minimum
>need to download a Chinese typeset for the game just so their nameplates aren't invisible, let alone all the spam they're sending you and flooding the channels with
>GMs are ultra cucks who refuse to simply ban VPNs because it's "racist"
Besides that yes
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Can't be bothered. I played the shit out of Vanilla when it was current and I'm still sick of the idea, it's honestly boggling that you guys care about it.

I feel like the people who want to play it are the people who thought BC and WotLK was the second coming of Jesus or somethingboth expansions were shit
Plenty of end-game vanilla gear was viable well into the late 60s and even early level 70
>that one quest in I think STV where the quest reward is a cloth piece with strength

Vanilla gear always had interesting variety, for better or for worse.
They just sit in the back, spam dots on everyone and follow up with fear spam. Besides rogues, they were the most annoying class to fight.
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Very ready. Infact I've got a couple of friends coming to stop at mine in January when we all have time off to play together.
Most annoying class goes to mages.
>lmao ice shield
>lmao frost nova while I jump around spamming arcane explosion and use cone of cold
>lmao blink out of your stun/snare
>lmao ice block
>lmao my cooldowns are back up see you later retard
Don't forget
>lmao polymorph
>lmao pyroblast opener
Been messing around on kronos 2. A bit surprised how many people are around the world.
>vanilla end epics lasted into raiding TBC
>wotlk end epics were comparable to level 81 blues
>no one bitches about wotlk > cata jump as much as the vanilla > tbc jump

Is Kronos 2 worth playing on if I want my vanilla fix now instead of in a month?
That's because vanilla was a broken game with items that made certain classes bullshit.

Getting one shotted by mages ring a bell?
I cant wait, gamers! I'm so excited I am shaking!
>you will never pound retailcuck boipucci
Where can I download a client?
it's gonna be dead after a month and you all know that but still want it why
Any 1.12 client works, you can get one from most private servers' websites
Try on kronos

I feel like they just want it to be contrarian at this point. They see the nost team handing their source code to same random russians as a big "fuck you" to the people who thought this was dead and think they're invincible now....that or they're poor and want free wow.

The reality is this shit probably wont last outside of being a meme to piss off people playing retail wow. They only enjoy it because some people playing live wow don't.....they wont admit that it's the same terrible game.
I'm still seriously pissed that Demon Hunters aren't a cloth class
People only enjoy it because other's don't? Are you fucking dumb? Read what you just said.
People want to play the game, because they want to play the game.

Nobody playing nost really gives a fuck about retail. Hence why they're playing nost
You've just undermined your own argument though.

There is nothing different lore wise which separates a random blue in a wrath instance to the green dagger that drops off a random skeleton. And that seems to be your issue, the legendary status of those weapons are now irrelevant when they out performed my random drops and quest rewards.
Planning to do half-half (as best as classes permit). Was thinking...

Horde: Warrior, Shaman, Rogue, Warlock, Priest (Shadow)
Alliance: Paladin, Hunter, Druid, Mage

That being said, what's the best Horde race for rogues?
Undead. If you aren't a min/max-fag, roll troll, its rare and trolls are nice.
I'm pissed they are a class period.
>Latter stage Shadowmoon quest chain that dictates that becoming a demonhunter is unbelievable difficult; only Elves are capable.
>Even then, few survive the intense training Illidan puts them through.
>Only 2 Blood Elves managed to survive the training and even then one of those went crazy and is now a SSC boss

And now there is an entire army of them, including whole armies of the Illidari, chilling on some unknown planet and are now the good guys.
Orc or Troll for PvE
Undead for PvP

I said that they enjoy it to troll the rest of us and because they're deluded into thinking it was somehow not worse than what wow is now, or they're poorfags who just want a free game.

Either way, two things are clear to me after seeing this thread every day.

1. Nost is just a bad meme at this point
2. You lack reading comprehension
Is it really so hard to comprehend that people simply like Vanilla WoW and want to play it? Why are you trying to do all these mental gymnastics to try and find some kind of motive behind all of this?

People just want to play vanilla WoW, dude. Nothing more, nothing less.
Undead for rogue. Trolls however benefit all caster classes and Tauren should be warrior tanks. Bloodfury doesn't work so don't pick Orc.
Shills get paid
Are undead rogues viable for PvE, as well? I'd prefer a race that has viability in both PvP and PvE.
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>Is it really so hard to comprehend that people simply like Vanilla WoW and want to play it?

Actually yes. I played vanilla wow...I was there for my server opening up AQ and I was there when my guild was wiping for weeks because people were dumb as fuck on Thaddius. I have some fond memories of it but as a whole it was an unbalanced mess and felt more like beta wow than vanilla wow when compared to Tbc and even Wotlk.

I can't understand why people want to go back from that aside from pic related.....the game was 100% improved upon each expansion up until the end of Cata.
So someone's subjective opinion is now an objective fact? It's an opinion whether someone think's nost is worse or better than retail.
Poorfags who want a free game may apply to some, but to generalise and imply that all thousand players apply under that, is ridiculous and you're lying to yourself.
How it's a meme idc, people just want to play vanilla wow, they did, it lasted for a year, people had fun, and now we want a repeat of that.
If anyone lacks reading comprehension or basic skills, it's yourself. Stop strawmanning and jumping to conclusions as well as making basic fallacies.
Sure. The only race/class combo that really profits in PVE is Tauren warrior tank imo.
Because you didn't you epic memester
>the game was 100% improved upon each expansion up until the end of Cata.
Objectivity does not equal facts.
they want to play it free

if someone comes up with a current, bleeding edge retail version of wow and they offer it for free,

nost would get immediately abandoned.

everyone making an account knows it.
Then why the fuck are you here? I now hate Smash Bros. and got burned out on it a long time ago, but I don't go into smash threads and yell about the only people who like it are just salty about new Nintendo games or whatever.

People fucking like games that you may not like. Deal with it, autismo.
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I hope blizzard does the right thing and stops this again. It's stupid that they would issue a c&d and then be magically okay with another nost server going up.
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>Legion is good!
>honeymoon period is over
>Legion's horrible design choices are starting to pile up
>class balance is at an all time worst
>pvp is pointless
>even more RNG systems placed on gear causes high end raid gear to be outclassed by dungeon drops
>newest filler dungeon is already being abandoned because its overtuned and drops shit loot
>nighthold has no release date yet
>next patch is going to utterly destroy stat levels on gear and ruin people's builds
>adding even more legendaries to the pile despite it already being a problem now
Blizzard is astounding. They actually add content to their game yet the actual game is horrible to play

No class is enjoyable to play right now. I'd rather be spamming aimed shot and sitting down to drink than play a retail hunter.
>t's stupid that they would issue a c&d and then be magically okay with another nost server going up.
Blizz sends out c/d all the time. It was the Nost teams decision to shut down because they thought it would give good faith to Blizzard and give them a chance to work with Blizz on an official legacy server

Blizzard ignored them and now they just said fuck it.

c/d is just a warning. Kronos has gotten like 15 of them and is still up
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>Le poorfag argument

Getting pretty tired of hearing this now. I probably have more in my savings account than you've earned in the last 5 years.
Lol, no. I'd rather not have a character with 50 billion health that does 10 million damage a hit and have to play through like 5 expansions of abandoned content just so I can never use the chat log ever and use the LFG tool to instantly warp to where I need to be without ever talking to anyone in game for anything ever.

No fucking thanks. I'll take a flawed old WoW over a soulless dead polished version any day.
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>honeymoon period is over

Oh man I had some good laughs reading the PTR forum the other day when 7.15 got datamined. Even the biggest Blizzdrones who test the PTRs are starting to get fed up.
Are you sure that anon isn't trying to say that
"If Blizzard announced Legacy servers which you could access via a subscription, people would jump ship"

That's how I interpreted it at least.

clicker garbage

My opinion doesn't change the fact that it was an imbalanced mess. If you want to talk strawman go look at all the arguments as to why people thought vanilla was good. It's all just them reminiscing....no substance, no comparative arguments. They just want "the good old days" back...hence the memberberries. When each class has three specializations and only one of them is actually playable....there's a problem.


I'd link you my shaman in his full set of T3 but you'd just argue that I bought it off the BMAH or something so...believe what you want.


>then why are you here

Because I can be, deal with it.


I actually have had quite a few good conversations with people I've met through the group finder (not lfd, fuck that). Some of them have been added to my friends list, some of them still regularly contact me to run dungeons with them.

The only reason the social aspect is less prevalent is because most gamers are jaded shutins now, friendly people are there if you actually look.
>Retails players are actually convinced people play private servers to "troll" them

Man I cannot even begin to fathom what spending a day in your shoes would be like. You seriously live in some fucking self-centred bizarro world.
>I hope blizzard does the right thing and stops this again.

Blizzard didn't stop it the first time. They sent a C&D, and the Nost team took it down voluntarily so they could leverage blizz for official legacy servers. Private servers ignore C&D letters all the time. It would take a long time and be extremely expensive for Blizzard to actually force them to take a server down.
I enjoy vanilla for the community, the levelling, the thrill of exploring things I missed, as well as the different classes compared to what wow is now.

Nothing to do with reminiscing. If you truly thing one out of three specs is viable, then you need to play the game or read a bit more, not the case.

And why are you in this thread then?
No he's saying if retail was free nobody would touch Nost and everyone would be on retail.

But retail is already free, I have enough gold on the character I stopped playing in Cata to pay for plenty of game time. I just don't like retail.
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[Trogg aggro noises]
Wow, member berries, funny joke! Did you come up with this one? Maybe one day the member berry joke will be nostalgic and everyone will look back on it with positive feeling.

Show me serious vanilla raid that had a warrior that wasn't a tank or a priest/shaman/paladin/druid that wasn't a healer and I'll believe that classes had more than one viable spec
I started playing WoW in Cata and played until 2 months ago when I started playing on Kronos and had way more fun playing Vanilla over there than I ever had playing retail. Is it really so hard to believe that some people think vanilla is simply a better game than current retail?

Because it is.
Not everything has to be super serious min/maxing to be viable you fucking autistic no fun retard.

By the end of vanilla guilds were tanking Nefarian with bear druids. Sometimes it's fun for a game to be a little rough around the edges and not a no fun polished to fuck soulless mess.
Viable =/= high end. Nobody is arguing class balance wasn't out of whack in Vanilla but the vast majority of specs were VIABLE. Not good or optimal, viable.
there's a million reasons why people prefer vanilla.

-Smaller world, more populated, world pvp
-Community feeling because of grouping with others/pvping
-Longer leveling feels rewarding, doing dungeons getting loot, etc
-More abilities that have all been pruned in legion
-More fun pvp, More burst damage, stronger cc's
-40 man raids
-No flying mounts
-Better looking armor sets / Doesn't have every player riding a 60 foot shining dragon
-No gay new races like worgen, panda, etc
-Lots of fun dungeons/raids, multiple ways to gear up whether its dungeons, pvp, crafting
-Engineering items in pvp

i could go on
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>Classes don't have to be viable in the only max level content vanilla had to be viable

I think we're done.
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Yeah we are done.
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>I think we're done.
Good, now maybe you'll fuck off from this thread and spread your autism somewhere else.
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You disgust me.
>only max level content available
So you're cancer then. Spriests were good for dungeons and god tier in pvp.

Hate all you want, I never die.
WoW's downfall was every bit of design being centered around end-game raiding.

Vanilla had design decisions based on context and realism (within the Warcraft world).
Memba Vanilla WoW?

1. I don't have any problems running into people to kill in current max level zones

2. That's the community's fault, not wow's. As I said before social players still exist.

3. I don't really have an argument against this. Leveling yes leveling and getting loot feel rewarding but that's not unique to vanilla.

4. Classes still have more buttons now than they did back then, let's not kid ourselves

5. I personally hated them. It was usually 17-20 competent players leading a hoard of chimps....the current size is fine.

6. Again, opinions

7. I could not possibly disagree more with this one. The gear from MoP in particular looks stellar.

8. This isn't even a point.

9. Crafted gear was largely a useless dead end, pieces that took days to farm were worse than stuff you could get from ZG

10. I'll give you that


Tell me what specs were viable in high end raids then, because that was the content that mattered and it still is to this day.


I like this thread though


PVP in vanilla was just pom/pyro mages, rogues, and feral druids....everything else was only viable if they caught you off guard.


If you truly believe that wow's downfall was that end game raiding was the only endgame then why are you not playing the current version? you can gear yourself from literally anything right now.

None of vanilla's design decisions were contextual or realistic, What the fuck was the context? There was no story to tie the world or the content we were doing together aside from AQ...it was a disjointed mess that felt nice at the time because it was all we had.
Why not?
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dat logitech g600
>best mouse ive ever had 10/10
Every race is viable.
The only race/class combo that actually makes a massive difference in the entire game is just Dwarf Priests for fear ward.
Everything else is perfectly playable unless you are a min/maxing autist. Just pick what you think looks cool.
Why did they have to turn him into an edgy looking human?
I liked his old green/brown ranger look.
Greentext is not an argument, you piece of shit
you know pc gaming sucks when people are excited to play a 12 year old online game again

>yes i have a pc
>no i dont have anything to play other than warframe
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>PVP in vanilla was just pom/pyro mages, rogues, and feral druids....everything else was only viable if they caught you off guard.

You seriously never played Vanilla did you? Pretty insane you're arguing so assuredly when you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
>12 years old
>because that was the content that mattered and it still is to this day.
No it wasn't. Majority of the people who originally played the game didn't raid at all, or at least nothing past MC.

This is the misconception that killed the game. You're literally the type of person that came along in Wotlk and killed the game.
>4. Classes still have more buttons now than they did back then, let's not kid ourselves
>PVP in vanilla was just pom/pyro mages, rogues, and feral druids....everything else was only viable if they caught you off guard.

I don't believe for a single second that you have ever played vanilla WoW.
that was meant for the vanilla wow
>because that was the content that mattered and it still is to this day.

You could not be more wrong. A very small percentage of the population actually raided back in retail vanilla WoW (including me), yet the game was still fun and enjoyable for those people. It was absolutely not a required to have fun and get fulfillment out of the game.
>None of vanilla's design decisions were contextual or realistic
Paladin's could fear undead and had an ability that could only damage undead/demons

Undead priests had the best racial ability in the game for shadow priests because in lore most undead priests were shadow because the light hurt them to use.

Hunters had a dead zone because trying to shoot someone with a bow while they were right next to you would be awkward

Every race had class specific racial abilities.

>there was no story to tie the world and content together
Literally Warcraft 1 through 3.

They put too much emphasis on the story now because it boils down to us just watching npcs talk to each other and having gameplay broken up by 40 cutscenes.

I hate trying to talk about Vanilla or TBC now because there's always faggots like you who either didn't play it or didn't understand what was happening.
>giant wall of text trying to convince people not to like a game that the thread is dedicated to

autism in its purest form
This is a person who started playing because of the WoW episode of southpark.

Cancer in its purest form

>He doesn't remember the game as a pristine masterpiece like I did so clearly he didn't play it

Like I said, believe what you want. My account has existed since 2005. I started the game as as a naive teenager and picked shaman thinking I was going to get to fry shit with lightning infused hammers and make nature bend to my will.

Then I hit max level and nobody would allow me into their group if I wasn't restoration. I wanted to see the content but I wasn't allowed to see it the way I wanted to because blizzard had designed an imbalanced mess where hybrids had one fucking spec. So I just got to cast three different flavors of "heal this faggot" and keep totems up.

That was my vanilla experience, and while I have some fond memories of it as a whole I did not enjoy it. My whole world opened up when BC took the first step to fixing the game and I actually got to live out the fantasy I thought I was getting into when I picked shaman in the first place. I'm sorry you see things differently but I cannot fathom how people can argue that class balance was anything but imbalanced in vanilla.


>No it wasnt

Just because you weren't good enough to raid doesn't mean it wasn't the content that mattered.


Except I played them both. You just want to stay in your safe space where vanilla was a box of rainbows and awesome and cant stand when someone points out how flawed it was.
Your being selfish. In a raid you do what's needed of you.
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>Tfw this stupid autist is feverishly typing up his next wall of text reply

Can't even be bothered to read it I'm out. See you all on the stress test on Sunday.
>shitposter ruins Nost thread
These people need to be banned, not because of differing opinions but because they absolutely ruin threads
>where vanilla was a box of rainbows and awesome

It definitely isn't, but you being in this thread listing reasons why you think fucking Legion of all things is somehow better is just sad and laughable.
Great, another wall of text from Mr. Autismo
You know. Nost was fun, but because people kept parading it around. Begging for unwanted attention, they lost it.

There is no shitposting. Anyone who plays Nost now absolutely deserves to be shat on.
Is this your first nost thread in a year? Ever since it shut down it's just been multiple layers of false flagging and shitposting. At the very least this wall of text guy is talking about the game, even if he's retarded.
If you seriously, unironically believe that people play on Nost just to spite Retailcucks you should kill yourself.

Not in a meme kind of way. Please get a rope and hang yourself.
>fast forward to Legion
>everything is "viable"
>half the specs are garbage, dependent on a single legendary item or just not fun to play at all
>well at least everything's viable
Sounds like you're bitter faggot who wasted his life on something he didn't even like and is now shit posting 12 years later in a desperate attempt to make other people hate it too.

This is actually pathetic
Considering that they're going to great lengths to didtance themselves from retail, it's no wonder he thinks that way.
>my accounts from 2005
>this somehow gives me an authority of the subject
Everything in these posts is fake and probably bait.

Either that or this guy is "that guy" everyone knew who played the game, reached 60 and tried to do stupid shit and then got mad at the game.

Vanilla was littered with those people and they still plague our threads and forums to this very day
Vanilla was also a shit game yet here you are.
It would be fine if you could disable every transmog on everyone in your game client. Otherwise it is gucking retarded, and is part of the reason why gear is just a number now instead of something meaningful like back in vanilla.

Since when has gear been about anything other than higher numbers?
It removes motivation for people to actually go out and do harder content to get cool looking gear. My whole motivation during Vanilla TBC was to get cool looking armor.

There's a lot of apathy now because why bother doing the raids when you can just go solo an old raid and get jet turbine shoulder pads?

People don't understand that wearing a clown suit was a right of passage
>Since when has gear been about anything other than higher numbers?
People still circle jerk over stuff like Judgement armor. There's always been good looking armor in this game.

I mean I get where you're coming from but it's still obvious by targeting someone for a second or two that their "turbine shoulderpads" don't mean shit.


That's dumb though...let the idiots have their fun. It doesn't affect gameplay in any way whatsoever.
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>Play vanilla
>love it
>play Panda and Legion
>don't like it at all
>told vanilla was all nostalgia goggles
>play Nost
>none of it was nostalgia goggles
>Nost coming out again
Just ignore the tards and play what you want.
What version of talent trees are they using and did they make any QoL changes to them? Do hunters have lacerate? Are the talents from 1.12?
I was hoping for a release early december. But how things look it's probably going to be late december.

Not on Kronos

You're allowed to enjoy whatever the fuck game you want but denying the fact that it's nostalgia doesn't make it not nostalgia.
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> Classic
> Paladin
> 2h

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What Nost taught me was that it wasn't just nostalgia, and that Vanilla was actually fun. Sure I still feel nostalgic about it, but that doesn't change the fact that I enjoyed playing Nost more than I did legion.
I didn't even get to level 60, which is fine by me since for me Vanilla WoW was about the journey not the destination.
I have never played WoW, is Nastalrius a good place to start?
>the what of wow?
You piece of shit
Yes. I would start when the fresh Elysium server launches in a few weeks.

Thats what was so unbelievably amazing about vanilla. It was all about the journey, BUT then you hit 60 and there is an entire new experience waiting for you with raids, world events and pvp.
>Troll warrior
Fine taste you got there.
Isn't Blizzard just going to shut them down again?

If Kronos doesnt get shut down after 10 CDs then Elysium wont get shut down either.
Blizzard never shut them down to begin with.
The only reason Nost went down is because the devs thought they would be able to negotiate some sort of deal with Blizzard.
..after 10 CDs?

Cease and desist letters.
That's not true, Blizzard officially threatened to sue them by sending them a cease and desist letter

Which all private servers throw in the trash, since they cant do shit outside of the USA.
Right, which they probably could've just ignored like every other private server group does but they didn't.
Instead they tried striking up a deal with Blizz to negotiate official legacy servers and as we all know that went absolutely nowhere.
Nigger all private servers get a C&D

Nost team saw a chance to get employed at Blizzard and they took it.
>Not outside the USA
>Nost hosted in France
>Sacre bleu ze Blizzard ees coming for us! We had better make good face for them to ram our cheezholes, zhey will not sue us zis way!
And look where it got them.
This isn't even what happened, cease and desist letters are an American thing and don't necessarily constitute a threat to sue. Blizzard very literally threatened to sue their hosting company with French lawyers and the hosting company folded immediately.

But there's so much fucking disinformation spread about what happened it's rarely worth explaining.
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I didn't say it was a good choice. Blizzard gave them a tour as a publicity stunt hoping the hype would die down and then stopped returning all the Nost team's phone calls.

Nice German accent.
Blizzard can suck a fucking chode. Nobody isn't playing their shitty game because Nostalrius is free, they're playing because the current game sucks and the old one is really fun. They fucked up along the way with all of the expansion packs and now it's just not fun anymore, and that isn't anybodies fault but their own.

It's a sin to not keep the original game up and running. It's like making super chess and burning all the regular chess boards. Even if super chess was great it would be a dishonor not to keep the original around for posterity.

And.. the way Blizzard just dicked around with Nostalrius purely out of their own self-interest, just to get the public opinion back to neutral or even in their favor. It had absolutely nothing to do with keeping the integrity of their original game, back before it became an abomination and sad parody of what it is now. It was all about looking like they gave a shit.
Just from a Vanilla standpoint as a GM

You can't fly, right?
They fell for the exact thing the Slavs who data mined Half Life 2 did. The Nost team got off lucky. If a company suing you ever says "hey yeah just come on over!" Don't do it
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>want to play vanilla wow for the first time
>nost isn't coming back for a couple weeks
>play kronos for a bit
>having a lot of fun
>don't want to play too much because i'll have to start over on nost
>but it's fun

Nothing wrong with messing around on kronos for a bit to get a feel for the game again. That is what I'm probably going to do.
play a different faction/class than you plan on playing on Nost.
>350+ ping to france
Is there a release date for Nost?
Not yet, but its set to come out some time either later this month or earlier next month. No specifics yet until after Sunday.
Blizz just handled the situation the same way they always do.
They say "yeah, we'll totally get around to it later! ;^))" and then they never do and then they ignore people whenever they bring it up again.
can't wait for this shit
It's just spending time, dude

Unless you'd otherwise be building the fucking Eiffel Tower, "wasting time" is just a myth
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Anyone prefer TBC to classic?
My life is a myth then
I do, but I'm fine with either. I'm not really a fan of the scifi stuff in Outland, but 1-60 feels a lot better and the classes aren't as fucked.
I came back from BC as a prot warrior and stopped about a month in. The active mitigation thing they added where you have to do this rotation between dmg buff and defense buff to get the most out of it feels like shit to play. Also theres no more block/dodge/parry on gear anymore, something I enjoyed capping out. I hated it.
you can
I enjoyed Legion until I got to cap and was forced into doing the same shit every day just to meet lockouts. I'm looking forward to playing Vanilla for the first time.

I'm sure the endgame experience is at least partially the same with how much you probably have to grind consumables just to raid, but at least I can balance out the monotony by doing world PvP and other shit that is actually relevant.
1-60 does feel better
I just love Outland though. Place is absolutely gorgeous
Hopefully they add it one day
Is it worth playing on Kronos if I want my vanilla fix but can't wait for Nost?
>no binds
>very few macros, most of which are rp shit
I think you responded to the wrong guy friend
Yeah, but you're welcome to answer anyway.
What faction is the /v/ guild going to be on so I can roll a mage on the opposite one
Yeah, Kronos is okay. It's vanilla but with the option to buy characters from other players.

It's decent for the urgent vanilla fix.
>that healthbar
man that's disgusting
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Hi everyone Madti here, just a reminder that me and my friend Puddi will be leading the /vg/ Alliance guild on Nostalrius without help from the /wpsg/ and /nosg/ greats of old.

attentionwhores, healsluts, "ERP friendly" anons and "girls" will not be tolerated so don't worry about anything. Loot structure has not been decided other than it will not be loot council because you can exploit that

add us for a discord invite (80 people right now)
All the circlejerkers are going horde
Fuck off and stay in your containment general
Oh would you just fuck right off
It's bad enough you post this several times in the /vg/ thread
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Only a retard plays anything other than Human.

Gotta get that 10% rep bonus
piss off to your circlejerk
Are we still making a Druid Only Guild?
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It's all nostalgia guys...
Has nothing to do with achievement or enjoying the tighter community
Here are five facts about Puddi!

>She's a girl
>Her name is Puddi
>She's cute!

Cant wait to corpse camp you noobs until you come here and cry about it.

how are people still falling for this
has mfwpizza created one of the most epic trolls of all time?
stop spamming this garbage on /v/ and /vg/
madti and puddi are innocent girls who dont deserve nuffin
Yeb was such a fucking cuck
>wow 20 people! Look how tight our community is guys!

Nostcucks getting desperate
>falling for this
no one is falling for anything

people are saying fuck off retard


they deserve a slow death
>they deserve a slow death
For what? Because some shitposter woke up one morning and decided to force some pasta?
This is really nice. Post this to the forums.

If that shit gets locked by Pottu then all hope is lost.
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Sorry, forgot my picture*

It's me right now. My wife's bull took it seconds ago. And YES, he is going to play on Nost...
no I just don't like them
lol what a smoldering heap of racist bullshit
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>post anything related to private servers or vanilla in general
>blizzdrones get upset and shitpost for no good reason
Just play P1999. Better than vanilla wow could ever hope to be.
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in Vanilla no one was the autistic fucking try hards they are now
you clearly played Nost and are mad you couldn't be ele dps

It's like that guy never played when enhancement shaman were a complete menace.
I already do. I love me some everquest, but I still prefer WoW.
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My friend and I are going to play as Warrior+Priest for world PVP and battlegrounds. Is this a viable combination? How gear reliant is warrior and are there any combos which outshine W+P?
Is there a way to use tmorph on nost? I think that's what it's called it's an addon that changes your appearance in game to anything you want.

I can't play WoW again if I have to sit there again in a clown costume when I already spent so much time in game so long ago.
if you're not baiting, which part of it is racist?
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Of course it's bait, stupid.
Warriors are brutal with pocket healers.
Warriors are also the most gear dependant class in the game.
As long as you recognize that WoW is just a dumbed down version of it, that's fine.

>with a simple trick mfwpizza managed to put 2 randoms on thousands of blacklists

is he /ourguy/? a true genius
it's an obviously lying anti-Chinese screed just like Ford wrote on Jews for example
You are going to have a blast leveling. The warrior can pull an entire group of mobs, hold the aggro and deal insane amount of damage thanks to the rage he gets from getting hit.
>Is this a viable combination?
One of the best. THE best to a lot of people.

>How gear reliant is warrior
Very, getting a good 2H weapon will be your #1 priority. Warrior scale with gear very well.

>are there any combos which outshine W+P?
P+P, shadow priest + Holy priest or just double shadow priest
ready to laugh
Dumbed down in some ways, refined in other ways. But I mostly agree with that.
>fresh start shitters faces when they "dont want to get ganked by overgeared people"

>fresh start shitters faces when they realize that they will get ganked more often and for longer periods of time on the fresh server
This. In vanilla, you could instantly tell how high level someone from the look of their gear. Somebody with a long cape? Probably just finished getting past the noob phase. Tiny shoulder armor? Lvl 20-something. Cool set of gear, but nothing too flashy? Middle range. Guy decked out in a hulking suit of glowing armor painted in bright primary colors? Probably spends his time doing raiding with his max-level-only guild.

I watched a friend of mine play everquest once. He was fighting what looked like a deranged stick bug in a badly textured mountain area.

He said it was a dragon.
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Enjoy your dead server you stupid cuck

>Gear dependent class in the game

Fug, how long till my friend and I are laying down the hurt in PVP? I might play something else if I have to grind for four months to do anything.

enjoy farming mc and bwl for another year mongo

hope you dont quit during the first 2 weeks where the fresh start server will be literally unplayable
Is this guy the reason why we have ten billion DPS warriors but nobody can ever find a fucking tank

Guy's got like three healers on him
Fuck outta here
Shut the fuck up normie casual cuck, you're not a true WoW player if you didn't enjoy the grind
> first 2 weeks where the fresh start server will be literally unplayable

If you're bad at the game, and don't know how to level on a fresh server.

>server will be named something 90% of people wont recognize on the realm screen
>is coming out 3 to 4 weeks after Nost PvP
>will be completely unplayable even after that due to the most number of people ever seen for a start of a server all trying to level at the same time for many days
>spending another half a year to a year on MC and BWL farm
>possibility of it just getting shut down again before Naxx
>calls other cucks


Anyone who isn't a fucking casual already did the grind and geared themselves out on Nost PvP. Some people actually value the time they put into things that they do, anon. I know your time is literally worthless, because you are a degenerate fresh start shitter, but mine isn't.

the irony is that you and 99% of the server will just fall behind the curve again just like they did on nost pvp lul

i cant wait to see all you fucking morons who probably frequent r/wowservers crying for "CRESTFALL WHEN FRESH START PLS IT'S ABOUT THE JOUNREY" in half a year from now
why are nost fans so defensive

Ill be the first to 60 posting my character on /v/. Dont talk like youll be ahead of the curve either.
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This video should explain it


>thinks he's the only one who knows to run to other zones for exp and farm boxes in SW/ORG for copper

gee an0n u r probably a pro i think, here i was trying to out tag 100 people in the starting zone
>you and 99%
p r o j e c t i n g

I have geared 60s on pvp. I just have 10 friend who dont and id like to play with them
I play on Rebirth on and off, might check out Nost provided they don't let 10k people loose on one server again. That shit was horrible.
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on fresh start? absolutely not, i'm not a complete faggot so i wont be rolling there
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Shhh shhh no more shitposting

Let's just take a minute to enjoy the best zone

Wow. You killed a city boss. Amazing!

a few epics out of MC and 5 days played at cap isn't "geared" anon
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You posted the wrong picture though

Let me help you
Elywnn is comfy

I like dun m though
>people playing the normal washed out version of vanilla instead of using sweetFX

>Still shitposting
That's not Eversong Woods

I personally love Barrens, but nothing beats Westfall.
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thanks, it's all r13/14 premades with full BIS gear that are ahead of the curve and the top 1% of the server are good for
>STILL projecting
Probably going to go with the fresh start server. Although, how was the PvP aspect of PvP servers? I really won't want to get repeatedly corpse camped by different people as I move from one ganker's territory to the next.

It depends if they enable the honor system at server launch or not.

If they do, be prepared to get ganked ruthlessly and relentlessly by tryhards trying to get top honor for the week 100% of the time.
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WoW content patches.png
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Hypothetical Scenario:

Blizz are bringing in official vanilla/legacy progression servers! (i.e. releasing new tiers a few weeks/months apart, but stopping before TBC)

HOWEVER: You must select one feature from each expansion to be included in the new legacy servers. Your selections cannot include entire new regions like Outland/Northrend. You are also given a "free slot" which will allow you to make any other change you want, so long as it is within reason and does not cancel out any of the "expansion additions"

>Burning Crusade:
>Wrath of the Lich King:
>Mists of Pandaria:
>Warlords of Draenor:
>Free Slot:
people will be leveling too hard to corpse camp

you underestimate the autists that want bracket 1 who will be rushing to r14 asap m8
few and far between

Ill be killing tho

Need that mount discount
problem is i don't remember a lot of shit that was added over the years
but at least aoe loot, 100% quest drops, no despawning quest objects, pets don't take up inventory, toybox, maybe pet battles since it's just something else to do
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BC: Arena
Wrath: Achievements
Cata: PvE Gear in PvP
MoP: Questing
WoD: None
Legion: None
Free: RBGs
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>Bloodfury doesn't work so don't pick Orc

And we picked this piece of shit server, why?
>Burning Crusade:
Draenei + Blood Elves (and their starting zones if not considered "entire new regions")
>Wrath of the Lich King:
>Mists of Pandaria:
>Warlords of Draenor:
New character models
The new toy box/transmog collection tabs
>Free Slot:
Make it similar to a "ladder mode", so every year and a half or so people's characters would be moved to the "standard realm" and the legacy server would start fresh (and possibly with new additions or changes if needed)
maybe if monks weren't like that dumb kung fu panda shit and were more like the ones in strat living sure
100% quest drops don't really exist - it's just that you get a progressively higher chance for the quest item to drop as you kill more of the mobs

But yeah I get what you mean

I leveled from 13 to 22 killing NOTHING but goretusks for that fucking goretusk liver pie quest
Yeah I just couldn't really think of anything else from Panda land

Not like anyone plays Monk anyway :^)
>Burning Crusade: How Ret plays in WoTLK
>Wrath of the Lich King: Twilight Highlands zone
>Cataclysm: Monk Class
>Mists of Pandaria: Lack of Flying from WoD
>Warlords of Draenor: World Quests from Legion
>Legion: Who knows.
>Free Slot: Remove undead from the game.
I did.
WW monks are fun as shit. I just wish there was a glyph so you can change the attack animations to the standard unarmed ones.
>100% quest drops don't really exist - it's just that you get a progressively higher chance for the quest item to drop as you kill more of the mobs
what do you mean, it's 100% on quest items on retail isn't it
>I leveled from 13 to 22 killing NOTHING but goretusks for that fucking goretusk liver pie quest
christ why, i just did that on the side while doing other shit
as an aside i don't mind quests requiring non quest item reagents since you can buy them off the AH which promotes low level economy, but if it's a quest item which has no intrinsic value aside from being a turn in, it really should have a 100% drop chance
This one hundred billion trillion fucking times.

Artifact appearance for windwalker is garbage.
>take an aspect of the expansion to use in the legacy server

>Burning Crusade: How Ret plays in WotLK
>Wrath of the Lich King: Twilight Highlands zone
>Cataclysm: Monk Class
>Mists of Pandaria: Lack of Flying from WoD
>Warlords of Draenor: World Quests from Legion

Anon I don't think you understand
>(and their starting zones if not considered "entire new regions")
Unfortunately they are. They may both be located on Azeroth on the map, but in the game they're located in the same space as Outland.


fuck off
>it's 100% on quest items on retail isn't it
Sort of. If you kill the mobs your chance of the quest item dropping will increase to 100% if it doesn't drop a few times in a row, but for some quests there's a decent chance the mob won't drop the item for the first few kills.

Think of it like this - you need Item X from a mob for the quest.
First kill: 25% chance of getting item X
Second kill: 50% chance of getting item X
Third kill: 75% chance of getting item X
Fourth kill: 100% chance of getting item X

>I leveled from 13 to 22 killing NOTHING but goretusks for that fucking goretusk liver pie quest
>christ why
I was basically forced onto Ritalin by my shitty teacher because I insisted a kilometer is shorter than a mile. It has bad effects on kids who actually have AD(H)D, let alone those without it.
m8 what the fuck else am I going to take from Cata, the entire thing was shit

I'm sure as shit not taking goblins and furfags
fuck yeah vanilla wsg time with twinks and shit again

can't wait to get obliterated every round by horde scum again

new belt and boot models lol
Is this going to be free to play?
Was Xmog in Cata?
I thought that was added in MoP.
And yet, besides the MoP answer, all my answers would have been the same.
This is why we need RS07-style legacy servers in WoW, so they can change shit like this to make battlegrounds give exp, or add in AoE looting, etc

RS07 has proven it can sure as shit be profitable, and Nostalrius proved there's a market for it - 100,000 active accounts. People like to say "oh but it was free so it's not representative" but I say bullshit, an official one would only be bigger. Plenty of people never played Nostalrius because they knew it'd get shut down (I didn't play for that reason) and even more simply didn't even know it existed. Plenty also wouldn't like the idea of needing to pirate it. I would definitely re-subscribe for a legacy server, but I won't waste time on unofficial ones.
i swear they patched it in so you always got quest items at a certain point, i can't remember since i haven't played retail in forever
>I was basically forced onto Ritalin by my shitty teacher because I insisted a kilometer is shorter than a mile.
but it is
what the fuck

>wanting rs07 style anything

why, so normies and retards can vote en masse to make things farther and farther from what vanilla actually is?
Behold the American Education System.
Now show the time between Legion's launch and its first patch my man
tl;dr : Chinks ruined Nost1.0 Chinks and Russians are going to ruin Nost2.0
>but it is
>what the fuck
Indeed. The teacher told my parents and the school doctor that I was "incredibly disruptive" and "hyper aggressive" and I was basically shoved on it. Only lasted about a month because my parents noticed I was acting like a fucking autistic bipolar robot zombie (if such a thing could exist)

Australian, actually. At one of the best private schools in the country. It's not an "American Education System" problem, it's an "entire western world education system" problem. It's especially bad for boys nowadays since education has been "reformed" so fucking hard that even the slightest display of testosterone is likely to get you onto 50 different meds. The education systems in the western world were excessively "feminised" for lack of a better word, because they wanted to raise female student scores.
Is shockadin viable for leveling? Or only Ret?
Its probably viable but very, very slow because of all the downtime between fights.
Generally speaking if you want to level "fast" on a hybrid you should take the melee dps spec so you don't have to worry about mana consumption as much.

Nost devs secretly partnered with chinese and russian gold farming companies, and used their power over the game to facilitate their gold farm/gold sales to line their own pockets.

This is also why Blizzard went after them as well. It wasn't because they had a vanilla server, it was because they were profiting off it via gold farmers.
>Proof: None
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whether or not this is true will never be known

however, in their post-mortem doc they said that they were finalizing a deal with the chinese VPN company that would have been paying for all of their server costs
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It's a conspiracy theory, but not as far out as a lot of people would probably think. At least in my opinion.
As far as I can tell (and I could be wrong since I'm mostly stupid), there are only so many reasons for them letting the "chinese problem" get so bad.
>They want/obsess over fuckhuge population numbers, either to be "best wow private server ever" or to force the official legacy issue
>The devs/gms are truly so out of touch that they feel anything that may segregate a section of the community by region is "racist" (ignoring the fact that 99% chinese don't communicate with others and have no real reason to - essentially a third in-game faction)
>or option 3, which can be a combination of x-theories: taking cuts from gold selling, having a deal with industrial gold farmers/ranked character sellers, or even under threat of ddos by gold selling organizations

I honestly don't know which, and maybe there are other options that I'm too dense to see. I know that Pottu is firmly entrenched in the SJW sub-culture, not so sure that the valk guys are.
One big ding against your theory and my option#3 is that it seems unlikely morhaime and co. would sit-down with nostfags if they were suspected of being shady.
This a million times
This will be the my first time playing wow since my one month back when TBC first came out.

My favorite race is undead but I don't want to make another rogue for my first character so I was thinking shadow priest. If I go shadow priest will everyone simply refuse to group with me outside of PvP? I want to raid as well but I have a feeling I'll run into problems.

Also are warlocks cool? I always wanted to try one before my initial month ran out.

if you rank to 13 as a shadow priest you will probably have little difficulty getting a spot as a shadow priest in raids, otherwise i would say dont count on it

every raid brings exactly 1 shadow priest, so just add incentive for people to add you to their roster by visibly proving to them you are a big tryhard via your pvp gear

>One big ding against your theory and my option#3 is that it seems unlikely morhaime and co. would sit-down with nostfags if they were suspected of being shady.

This was literally a PR damage control stunt and nothing more.
Its a bit harder to get into a raid as a spriest, but far from impossible. They have their use.
And if you ask me I think shadow priests are loads more fun than a Warlock. Being a healthstone slave is a pain in the ass.
The only thing that's actually worthwhile in that post is AoE looting
>what's the best Horde race for rogues
For PvE it's Orc, blood fury is the best racial for melee DPS.

For PvP it's Undead, WotF 2stronk.

If you want a mix of both, choose Orc -- they also get a 25% stun resist which is useful in PvP.

In TBC up until Cata the best Rogue race is Troll, because of changes made to Blood Fury, which makes the Troll racial Berserking best at max lvl w/ gear.
I do as well
wow was never good
If I didn't play before, isn't the fresh start a better idea than playing catch up?
anyone read this ?
tl:dr pls
Read the thread faggot
The basic idea is why enable non-Latin scripts if they expect people to chat only in English in the public chats. And basically, if you called out people that weren't speaking English in old Nostalrius, you got banned for "racism" or some shit. Now it's the same thing, only now the characters can be used in the names. And there's conspiracy theories about gold farmers and character sellers.

In other words, if this is going to be an issue, why enable the characters to begin with? It raises a lot of questions.
recommend a good vanilla server besides kronos pls
i wanna be a tauren shammy
>TBC up until Cata the best Rogue race is Troll
But that's for PvE right? PvP is still Undead?
>Nobody playing nost really gives a fuck about retail.
Why do they put in tags to make their threads show up when looking for retail then?
/vag/ has "wowg" in their OP to make it shoe up when looking for the retail thread.

Totally desperate.
File: nice desu ne.jpg (24KB, 467x413px)
nice desu ne.jpg
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>Troll Warrior
>actually using the F buttons
haven't seen that in over 20 years, damn

You're playing a game with a bunch of cartoonish gore and the undead, why would a name like Stabba, Choppa, Mangler, etc.
Or do they not give a fuck?
Vanilla and TBC had an entirely different design mindset behind them in comparison with Wrath onwards. They are closer to the 90's games and RPGs (Vanilla started development in 1998), in the sense that they are slower and more focused on resource management (not just your combat resources) and the interactions between the different classes, rather than the combat itself.

From Wrath onwards, Blizzard decided that WoW should be like Diablo and the game should be about rushing to max level, rushing through heroics, rushing through normal and then doing nothing in higher difficulties. Professions and everything else got fucked over because raiders didn't want to do anything but raid and "casuals" wanted free epix.

Essentially, they took the game away from itself by having systems that don't belong there such as insta-teleports and group finders. Classes also got sacrificed to facilitate this style of gameplay and all of them lost their roles. Apart from very high-level arena and certain boss battles you have Ranged/Mele DPS, Healers and Tanks which is awful when the classes themselves were a core part of the game.

Nowadays you have a game that doesn't know what it wants to be and that's the biggest problem.
It's just a catch-all to ban whoever they don't like (and isn't Chinese).

Axel Gembe was a German kid.
BC: Arena
Wrath: Achievements
Cata: Guild Advancement
MoP: Account wide pets/mounts/achievs
WoD: Ability bonuses
Legion: New Animations
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