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"Noctis of Versus 13 and Noctis of FF 15 are different people"

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"Noctis of Versus 13 and Noctis of FF 15 are different people"
"I read the script of Versus 13 many times, so it was difficult to switch my mind."
"There was an unrealistic psychological depiction in the script of FF 15, I interrupted recording for an hour and consulted with the staff."
This is a remark of a Japanese voice actor who played Noctis.

The script of FF 15 is not written by Nojima.
Itamuro wrote the script of FF 15. Itamuro is a female, an inexperienced writer.
Tabata appointed Itamuro as a screenwriter.
Nomura and Nojima did not touch FF 15 at all since it was dismissed to 2013.

Nomura was ordered to give priority to KH 3 and FF 7.
Luna, old Legis, old Noctis are not designed by Nomura. It is a work of another person.
It is a misunderstanding that Versus 13 was delayed by Nomura.
Wada who was president of Square Enix at the time was disliking the management policy that relied on high-risk giant game.
Wada used mobile gaming machines and arcades and was trying to appeal to non-core gamers.
Wada also prioritized MMO. It is because the company can earn income steadily every month.
It took a long time to complete the game engine of FF 13 and it was difficult to produce with Versus 13 at the same time.
After that, a lot of staff was robbed to restore FF 14 from failure.
Versus 13 had neither budget nor staff.
This is certainly because Wada wrote on his FaceBook.
Actually, when Wada was president, Nomura made only software for portable game machines.

In 2013 the president of Square Enix was replaced from Wada to Matsuda.
Tabata asked Matsuda "let me do the director of FF 15"
Matsuda appointed Tabata as the director of FF 15.
There is no doubt that Tabata responded that way in an interview.
The huge budget that made game, movie and animation was given to Tabata, not Nomura.

This is the history of 10 years. It is the truth.
Japanese enthusiastic FF fans know this.

thank you for reading.
I think that it is difficult to read sentences. I'm sorry.
I am a Japanese. I use Google Translate.
I guess you can not believe it. But it is true.
Please. I want you to spread this story.
Square Enix is sick.
Liars are more influential on the company than creators.

If you look forward to the Square Enix game you will be releasing in the future, please spread this story.
I am helpless.

I pray that I have not violated etiquette.
A signature to revive Versus at "Change.org" has begun.
I do not know if it will be realized. However, we need to communicate our dissatisfaction to SQUARE ENIX.

FFshock Infinite
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Basically, Versus was killed but the character designs were kept intact and slightly modified (for the worse) so that SE could keep the hype alive and stocks from crashing.

Nomura hasn't said a single word about FFXV since he was let go. He didn't even attend the Uncovered event. There is obviously bad blood here.

Tabata has implied he disliked Versus as any change he's made was justified with the prior version being poor.
First for downgrades.
I was wondering who this was since the name is unfamiliar, and
Final Flop XV

Tabata really outdid himself this time.
The musical version nomura jokingly wanted would have been a better game than what we got
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Is this still in the game?
"Intentions to turn the game into a musical after Nomura had seen the 2012 film adaptation of Les Misérables were vetoed by the higher-ups at Square Enix"

>people still think this emo faggot would have delivered
This. Musicals get a bad rep for some reason, but Versus could have pulled it off with the Shakespeare tragic vibe. Something like Phantom of the Opera or Les Mis. I know Nomura was joking, but it would have been better than Final Blunder XV even if he did actually do it.
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Also, does anyone have the /v/ leaks six months before the game was released?

The leaker was right about anything. They were drastically behind schedule and the optimizations that went into Episode Duscae could never be translated to the whole game, which is why the full game looks worse than ED.

We have the puzzles to expose the SE and Tabata lies. We just need to piece it all together.
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>XVbros are enjoying their game while versus cucks will never be anything but cucks who fell in love with a game that was never finished.
She's a hack just like Tabata.
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Will you guys buy the loli luna story DLC? :^)
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Posting superior Nomura Noct. Not a whiny sperg like Tabata's Noct.
Sorry, I was off the internet for a while.
What is the problem with XV?
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That would've been pretty refreshing as a game. Musicals are also epics. Hell, The Illiad is just poetry that could easily be made into a musical.
on one hand, that bloom is absolutely heretical

on the other, the water reflections look better

looks like a trade-off of effects.
they're the same character senpai
I had info into the game also not as in depth as the other leaker but versus and XV development was a shit show.

The good news in all this is it finally came out and can move that big ass team around to the other projects.
I don't understand why you make a bunch of content only to cut it. It's almost like they just made trailers to make trailers and had no plan for how things would fit together
It wasn't identical to the fanfiction I wrote 7 years ago.
>allowing a complete nobody write the biggest game in your company's history
Why? Honestly, why? Did all the talent ditch with Nomura because they got pissed with how SE were doing shit?
Bravo, Tabata.
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>Implying you don't want Atlantica part 2:Electric boogaloo
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They didn't Nomura had a very rough draft of wtf is going on but that is it. The same problem kinda plagues KH3 BUT Disney is on the ball.
the sun is just in a different position

if you was staring at it you would also get more specular on the water and bloom
No they're not XV-kun. His voice actor even said they weren't.
>Can move that big ass team
Kinda, it's good thing that they finally shit it out and move on.

This game is so boring almost XIII-tier, I hope XVI will be better than this
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>The good news in all this is it finally came out and can move that big ass team around to the other projects.
This is probably the only good thing. This clusterfuck was a resource drain on SE and they still managed to make it look like a barely funded PS3 game.
Any good boss fights in this gaem? Im playing KH2 and the "Data" fights are blowing my mind.
Money and DLC, were you born yesterday?
This. If you spend money on assets you damn well make sure those assets don't go to waste.

This game should get the "most chaotic director" award.
>rough draft

Nigger the scenario was complete in 2010. All they had to do was make the game and every update showed it was coming along nicely just slowly because SE are fuckups.
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Fuck off Kagari don't accuse me of being XVkun
can you at least use armiger to block bullets/rockets in this game, like in the trailers?
>Any good boss fights in this gaem?
Aranea and Ravus are the only real boss fights in the game, and neither require strategy or thinking on foot.

Just hold circle to attacka and evade occassionaly.
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Nomura has never created an ending this good. Tabata wins just on that.
Every fight is exactly the same.
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>In addition to Famitsu, director Tetsuya Nomura also spoke with Dengeki PlayStation regarding his upcoming game. Although the interviews were largely similar, several new, important details have surfaced.

>By far the most important thing, is that the game’s scenario is now completed. Not much was elaborated on, but we can only assume that means the entire script and story have been fleshed out and finalized.

>Character designs are also finished. We saw Noctis’ redesigned outfit back in December so it looks like we’ll soon see what has become of Stella and the other characters featured in trailers past. Naturally, this also means that Roen has completed the game’s clothing designs.

This was in 2010. Six years ago.
I wonder why they removed that bloom, it actually made the game look better
The one on the left looks nicer.
Dark and edgy =/= good. KH1 has a better ending.
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I'm not Kagari, XV-kun. Go lick her hairy ass.
This will be a good ending if they deliver a good story and character...sadly they did not and the ending end up as funny instead.
They are not going to add the cut content as DLC. It was from the main story.

It costs more money to make a bunch of useless trailerfu content than it does to just make content for the real game and show those off.
Why do people say Tabata created Luna when she is in this Nomura trailer from 2013? I dont get it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcUSXub_ypU
The ending was shit worse then type-0 which is a feat.
Performance issues, it wasn't bloom, it was a Global Illumination technique, with it active PS4/Xbone just couldn't run it smoothly enough

It makes the world look much flater & boring without it, it's a shame
The first boss is pretty fun but I haven't gotten that far.
I don't get why they waste so much time going over the same landscape and redoing it 20 times. Just do it once and be done with it. Look at all these useless changes of tree placement and shit
>design character
>"Prompto's dad"
>has 30 seconds of screen time in a cutscene
Except this is the same as Type-0's "everybody dies at the end" cookie cutter ending Tabata shoehorns into everything.
Outside of this, Tabata also spoke about the free “Holiday Pack” downloadable content. It’s due out before the end of the year, and will implement “New Game Plus” and a “Level Cap Creation Feature.”

What will NG+ feature?
I already forgot what happened to the dude in your pic. I guess he just died at some point?
The water also lacks the physics of ED and overall the lighting is toned down a lot, and I'm not just talking about that hideous mess of bloom and godrays.
They enjoying eternal paradise in the end.
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Secret ending where everyone dies twice instead of once.
> NG+
> Cooking
> Mid journey banter reminiscent of skits

Tabata really wants to make a Tales game huh?
The PS3 version was mostly done, but Square wanted to move it to PS4 because of performance issues, which is ironic because the demos ran like shit on PS4
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That's stella m8
Died off screen with Emperor Aldercapt.
>What will NG+ feature?
Nothing. You will just be able to play the game again while carrying over stuff.

Don't expect them to actually do work for a free update.
Final game shadowing looks better there, although the ground textures may be lower res
>What will NG+ feature?
No one knows for now. But someone on the XV forums who usually translates stuff said this

>Just a small note, the Japanese article says 「強くてニューゲーム」.

>Now I am not entirely sure (take it as a grain of salt), but I think this will also bring hard mode(?). ''強くて'' translates to ''stronger'. I haven't seen this kind of terminology used before like this. So I really cannot say with 100% certainty. But it's possible that New Game Plus will also introduce a harder difficulty.
She looks more like luna.
Why does everyone die offscreen?
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>Please refrain from reposting. If possible, try to skim the board for threads pertaining to your topics/info that may have already been posted
>people posting graphics like they matter at this fucking point

Gameplay and story is confirmed shit, but yea GOAT because they improved their embarassing graphics a bit.
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>you get to fight the CEO of SE and kill him over and over again

That's actually pretty cool. Take all your frustration out on his shit management.
The gameplay is pretty good.
>XIII was a linear mess with a 20 hour tutorial
>XIV was a garbage MMO turned lackluster WoW clone
>XV is the MGSV of the series

Is there any saving this series?
It's Stella, Nomura even talked about that very render. He had nothing to do with Luna.
>This is a remark of a Japanese voice actor who played Noctis.
Nobody gives a single fuck about Luna
15 is a good game and it's time for you to move on.

Easily the best FF since X and on track to be the best selling title.
Literally the only good thing to come out of XV is this DLC.
i might buy this game to kill this faggot
Luna has the same design as Stella just different role and name.

I'm pretty sure they don't make it in time because Tabata was fond of killing his character on screen, lol.
t. XV-kun
That was a trailer for XV not versus.
If you read the interviews it was more because the next gen was fast approaching and all had until then was a 1st draft and scattered scenes nomura thought were kewlz.
Nomura was head of XV before Tabata took over you fucking retard. It's not Luna, get the fuck over it.
>XIII was a linear mess with a 20 hour tutorial
You were still getting stupid tutorials in the orphan's cradle.
It is Wada that is shit not him, he just got a left over from Wada.
The storyline is incomplete, plain and simple. The only thing that feels complete is the final boss confrontation. They gutted everything else. Ten fucking years and this is what they eventually shipped. Thank god I'm already numb to this pain.
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Fuck you.
I'm getting pretty sick of you shitposters ruining every goddamn thread by calling everyone XV kun.

What did he mean by this?
>Same design

No way, Luna is some generic anime moeblob, Stella on the other hand was designed very carefully to look like a generic white girl, which actually got some complaints back in the day which Nomura clarified she was suppose to be normal looking, cause of the whole "fantasy based on reality" thing
>I'm pretty sure they don't make it in time because Tabata was fond of killing his character on screen, lol.
Literally most of the characters in XV died off screen

>The bros

Luna got stabbed but her death was also off screen,
She doesn't look anything like stella tho.
Whatever you say XV-kun.
Do you have anything to back that up?
The there was some girl in Altissia wearing a tiny tank top/sports bra and super short shorts.
requesting pics because i missed her.
Are you literally retarded? Stella's 2013 render was released before Luna's shit render. Luna is the one who looks like Stella. They used Stella's design to make Luna.
Pfft she looks like my friends little brother .
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Not what you requested, but this girl is the best.
Why does she look like a little Japanese boy with blue eyes and platinum blonde hair?


>3 votes

Yeah, I think the leak is very accurate that the production of this game was so rush.
Pics please
pics pls
I actually lost interest with versus after the first few trailers desu.
You friend's little brother looks like 3DPD shit.
>wait what who's that
>cool finally a villain
>oh I guess he's dead

What the fuck is this garbage?
>What is Crisis Core?
Goddamit anon.

I guess Tabata bet on the wrong horse with his Hillary cameo though.
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>hear about how 15 was supposed to be another game
>see all the insane advertising stunts
>read about how this game has to do 10 mil or SE will just become a publishing house
>somewhat interested in the game just because, for good or bad, the FF manages to at least be different
>finally tried 13, ignoring all the hate it got, end up thinking it wasn't too bad, so don't really give too much attention to what people say about games these days
>see people on /v/ freaking out and bringing up all sorts of things

Can someone give me the tl:dr version of what everyone is upset about?
Is there any trick/magic combo to demolish the level 50 something samurai dude in the mine dungeon in early levels or he's just there to say fuck you come back later?
CC was shit tho. Just like type-0 and XV.
versus fags didn't get their game and now they won't stop crying.
That's not a downgrade the light source on Duscae demo is abhorrent.

However, I'm of the opinion that Versus 13 looked better even when it ran on PS3.
So, I've heard about that game but I don't know anything about it.

Can you fill me in or would a google search be better?
>finally tried 13, ignoring all the hate it got, ended up thinking it wasn't too bad

Confirmed shiteater pls go.
So does Sauron from Kingsglaive ever come back or get explained? How the fuck was he so strong and important if he dies to Nyx before you even start XV up?
Leftovers from when they tried to make recurring bosses for the game.

He obviously was supposed to have some backstory with Cor.
>finally tried 13, ignoring all the hate it got, end up thinking it wasn't too bad
Nomura would have never got political, fuck Tabata seriously
XV is shit all on it's own, has nothing to do with Versus. For the record, Versus was superior in every way though. I recommend a google search because you're just going to get biased or cherrypicked diatribes from /v/.
It was mostly just a few cgi trailers/tech demos that was shown over the course of 7 years before it was cancelled.
>explaining things

Pick one and only one anon.
No. Kingsglaive might as well be not canon, it's completely inconsequential.
Game is barely 20 hours long.

Main heroine isn't even on screen for 23 minutes.

Virtually everyone dies offscreen.

Combat is (apparently) terrible.

Game looks like ass compared to even the previous demos released.

Open world is much smaller than promised, virtually empty, and it doesn't even matter anyways because the game becomes completely linear halfway through.
What are japanese´s opinion on this? If they made death threats to Baba for Tales of I can´t imagine what they think of Tabata
That's because Versus 13 had an art style that made it look distinct

XV is very generic looking, seriously take Noctis out of the pictures & some of the areas could be confused for multiple other games, even i looked at a thumbnail & thought it was MGSV for a bit
To be fair their game looked better than yours
Ever play MGSV? How do you feel about the latter half? This game end up being worse than that at least MGSV has an interesting start, this game is not.
Wrong. 30 mins worth of trailers and tons of interviews over the 7 years detailing gameplay, story, characters mostly Noctis though. There was a lot to get hype over.
>Virtually everyone dies offscreen.
Game inside a game confirmed.
lol no.
That first trailer was edgy as fuck
Game announced alongside xiii and type-0
Stuck in development for years, focus and money went to fixing 13 and 14
Game switched to mainline title
Switch in directors so original one could focus on kh3 and 7 remake
New director is inexperienced with making a title this large
Rides off versus hype coattails, changes gameplay, promises a bunch of features that aren't in the game
Game comes out, it's disappointing
They are complaining about it last I heard.
Edgy=good, moeshitter
Edgy and being dark two different thing.
>Game comes out, it's disappointing
User score on MC is 7.9
Your mom is edgy for giving birth to a tryhard abomination like you.
I wonder if they will try the shared universe trilogy again

I believe they tried to do it with 12 as well
>it's a xv-kun was burned so hard by the self-induced hype that he flipflopped 180° degrees and hates everyone connected to FF15 thread
wew autism is hell of a disease
>Game switched to mainline title
You can just say that and everything already makes sense, the game had no business being a mainline title.
Good thing it was dark and not edgy then. Loli's getting raepd is the true form of edge XV-kun.
Not that guy but a glimpse on the thread quoted at the beginning of this reply chain shows a lot of bias for FF15.

>Nomura couldn't produce a game, and Tabata had to come in
Wow. They who do it for free are in full force tonight.

>never got political
Got that right. Versus had locations patterned on real life buildings. But not 3DPD. Also, for Regis' son, FF15 Noctis sure doesn't look like his blood. He just looks like a goblin.
>Moving goalposts
You talked about endings, and that what I´m discussing with you. If you are wrong, admit it you faggot.
The first trailer was the very definition of try hard edgyness.
I remember liking it in high school but now it's just embarrassing
It was just edgy senpai.
weebus not allowed
>XV-kun got shit on so hard he has nothing left but to hate on Versus and repeat the same busted arguments over and over

>same scene is marred by rest of final quarter
What about 3rd Birthday? Didn't everyone also die at the end of that?
nice buzzword opinion, faggot
>xv-kun is now roleplaying as honorabu japanesu to explain why the game ended up nothing like the hype and broken promises and pinpoints one single person for the failure of the game instead of the whole company
It's true tho
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Was Cool Rock ever added?
>MC score
That's worse than Amazon buyer Review, people never bring MC user score up for discuss for a reason, anon.
Whatever you say XV-kun.
I noticed the distinct hairstyle at first, but then the red eyes made me burst into treats.
Square should read less shonen trash for inspiration.
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>no source
>expects anyone to believe things without facts
The trailer was still really good, even if it was a 12 year old's wet dream
I just said edgy is good. What about that didn't you understand?
Yep, disappointing
Edgy or not, it was a great trailer.
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>calling an edgy trailer edgy makes me XV kun
Edgy trailers are inherently bad.
How old are you?
It's only meaningless when the score is bad, because it's due to 0bombs. The fact that people are willing to shill for this game means that they like it, and that is frightening.
More like
>XV-kun trying to save face and now projects all his delusions on versus instead of FFXV
Now he can stay delusional for the next 100 years because versus will never be a thing and he can never be "proven wrong", because he's sperging about cancelled vaporware.
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>Tabata cuts everything from Versus and doesn't even replace it with something better or much of anything at all

It's literally MGS5 all over again.
i'd rather edge than gay faggot unfinished shit, at least Noct had a personality in VS
The copypasta blames wada, the inexperienced writer, and tabata my man.
What the fuck is a XVkun anyway?
I see that term in these threads when people switch to passive agressive like its some sort of punching bag.
>inherently bad

Opinion discarded.
sorry not everything is moe happy fag times, buzzword spitter. Edge is fun.
The versus shilling here reeks of desperation.
>XV turned out to be shit but versus would've been great.
Now it's an endless self-confirmation loop because cant prove or disprove "facts" about something that never really existed.
Not only shill XV with 10 but they spam 0 other game too, this whole thing with MC user score is just disgusting, man.
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XV-kun is anyone who likes XV
Its a real shame because I really liked a lots of the characters design in this game.

This guy for example
What a fucking waste.
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He's actually a real person that's a notious shitposter but these days it's just used for anyone likes XV.
>Noct had a personality in VS
pic related is for you.
You already tried to push this to get people to hate Versus XV-kun. It didn't work then it's not going to work now. Take the L for once in your delusional life. XV is shit.
As if anyone except for XV-kun gives a shit what monkey faced gook fucked that game up.
You're the only one who memorizes all those chinamen to distritube blame for that blunder on whoever you like right now.

Fact is XV released, it's nothing like the hype promised, versus was never a thing and pretty much vaporware.
Nobody cares what specific gook is to blame for that blunder except for you.
I don't believe you.
>>XV turned out to be shit but versus would've been great

Versusfags have always said this and are going to keep saying because XV is indeed shit. Apply yourself XV-kun.
Tabata cored out a lot of bullshit and replaced it with as much playable game as he could because Nomura doesn't know how to put a game out when he doesn't have people breathing down his neck or know not to implement stupid feature creep without Sakaguchi there to laugh at him and tell him to stop wasting his time with his retarded ideas.
The game was pretty good until i noticed a fatal flaw
it uses the american units to measure distance and i can't fucking change it
not him but XV is a fun game.
t. XV-kun
>push this to get people to hate Versus
XV-kun, why are you shilling for a canelled game that never ammounted to more than a few gameplay mockups you desperate lunatic?
XV is released, it's shit, you were wrong about nobody can make a sound statement about versus because it never came to be, you delusional retard.
I actually saw this copypasta on /vg/ yesterday
But whatever man
That Cap America actor is a huge faggot.
>american units
>not best units
>know youve traveled a mile after 2000 steps
>do you know how long a km is?

Yah just what I thought
Sure, I believe you shill.
Tabata cut a lot of his own trailers too. Like Luna's and Noct's backstory from the dawn trailer. He doesn't have a single idea what he's doing.
>XV-kun is calling everyone else XV-kun now in a desperate attempt to shift blame
Why are you shilling for vaporware that never existed you loser?
Versus was never a thing, you wasted 3 years of your life of having internet fights with XV sceptics who turned out to be right and now you project all your insane delusions and hopes on a dead game that will never come out.
Seek help
>Nobody cares what specific gook is to blame for that blunder except for you.
Just say square-kun to be on the joke, it's not like they release good games anymore.
You can't shill a canceled game XV-kun.
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>no source
I read on Neogaf that for one guy it suddenly changed to metric system and he has no idea how to change it back
>having internet fights with XV sceptics

Versusfags saying Versus was better than XV were among those skeptics, but let's ignore that so you can shitpost and try to save face after getting btfo by Tabby himself with Final Blunder XV.
It shouldn't be hard for you to imagine mentally immature people on /v/.
You're insane enough to do it, XV-kun.
Versus was never a thing, so nobody can say for certain what it would've been, so you're a retard for implying it would have been better or worse than XV. It never came out, discussion is pointless.
XV turned out exactly like all the sceptics told you when you were still to busy trying to defend it, you delusional moron autist ape and now you try to pretend that versus would've been that game you were shilling for.
Get psychological help.

>Can someone give me the tl:dr version of what everyone is upset about?

The Final Fantasy XV that we finally got after a fucktarded amount of development (hell) time, despite doing some impressive things (depending on your subjective opinion), sucks ass and continues the trend of Square Enix fucking up all their big titles.

This was supposed to be this glorious, big deal, an amazing game with a decade of hype instead it combines the biggest fuckups of all the previous FF titles combined:

-Shitty ass "story" that gets almost no focus at all.

-And on top of that its a hideous Frankestein's monster of nonsensical sequitors and dropped and mangled plot points since they just took the mangled remnants of Versus 13 and through them in a pot, with characters dying of screen en masse, most anything not having any point, etc.

-Much like Metal Gear Solid V was a glorified Afganistan and Africa simulator, FF15 is a glorified Eos simulator. You spend the VAST majority of whatever hours you spend playing the game pretending you're playing some combination of an MMO and a sandboxy GTA game. IE, fetch quests, killing mobs, grinding useless shit, cooking, camping, just randomly exploring the world aimlessly, FUCKING ANYTHING besides playing an actual RPG plot.

-The vast "impressive" world is completely fucking empty. Other than the topography and sparkly bits like the meteor craters, there's fucking NOTHING to see, no one to meet, nothing to do. At least in FF12 when you had this shit, if you probed deeply into the dark corners of the world you could get cool gear and hidden summons and other optional bosses.

-Another problem from FF12, and tying back to the plot as mentioned above, because it's an aborted mess of a plot barely salvaged from Versus: The actual plot, villainy, important developments, ALL HAPPEN OFF SCREEN. It feels like there's a FF game out there somewhere you're missing while Noct and crew have a gay camping trip.
>Versusfags saying Versus was better than XV were among those skeptics, but let's ignore that so you can shitpost
You write exactly like XV-kun. Right down to calling rational people "shitposters" while you're the biggest shitposter of them all, writing fanfiction about your stupid cancelled vaporware game as if it was a real game.
Go to sleep XV-kun. Your game is shit and Tabata is a fag.
There are plenty of side dungeons and quests.
Versus would have been great from what we've seen, we've been trying to beat this into your delusional head for years XV-kun but you chose to close your eyes and ears to the truth and now that you got btfo you're still pathetically clinging to your same arguments. XV is shit, you were proven wrong get over it and take your meds.
But it's anti who would write fanfiction about versus13 since the reason he is anti15 is because he is pro-versus13. And never the two shall meet.
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>shitting on the god Emperor of mankind
fucking XVcucks
>everyone who doesnt delusionally hype a game that was stuck in development limbo is XV-kun
Yeah, seek help XV-kun, it's so obvious that it's you.
Nobody can say how versus would've turned out, because it never ammounted to more than a few gameplay mockups, you delusional retard.
XV came out and it turned out exactly like the sceptics told you and now you pretend that you were talking about versus all along.
Your retarded ass discussion style gives you away you loser.
Even right down to how you talk about tabata as if you had a personal grudge against him when you defended him even 2 weeks ago.
Nobody here is defending tabata, you're the only one to get so emotional to actually care about that clown in one way or another.
XV was a giant blunder, deal with it
XV-kun, you're the one who calls Versusfags fanfiction writers and that all they had was "headcanon". Apply yourself XV-kun, this is just sad.
>XV is shit, you were proven wrong get over it
Where do you see me defending XV you insane autist?
FF15 has some pretty alright endgame content to explore.
It's the typical multi-floor dungeon hellscape of death and world bosses but its much more than MGSV where you'd find a music tape and cry yourself to sleep because that's all there is.
>Open world is much smaller than promised
That's for the better. Making it bigger would be worse unless more towns were added. Also I'm on chapter 13 and I can't go back to the open world so I'm assuming open world is only in the first half of the game and then it's removed until I beat the game.
Any world system that allowed him to get elected is retarded. We need a parliamentary system.
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>XV-kun still calling everyone else XV-kun in order to shift the blame for being constantly wrong for 2 years
Where do you see me defending XV? You insane retard.
You're just picking a new object for your obsession and now it turns out it's versus.
Nobody can say how it would have turned out.
It had a few mockup trailers and that's it.
>I'm not XV-kun believe me!

Okay XV-kun, time to go to sleep. Have a glass of warm milk, it might calm you down for once.
you have to go back
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You're exactly right!

I coulda sworn I added that somewhere when writing that post.
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>these paragraph long sperg posts
>I'm not XV-kun I sweare YOU ARE NOT ME REEEE

Get a trip already so I can filter you.
Legit question, what do you get out of calling everyone else XV-kun?
Is that your "payback" for /v/ shitting on your for 3 years and turning out to be right with everything?
Your bipolar insanity is shinning through so much.
Now suddenly everyone who is rational about versus is a xv-lover in your warped mind.
I'm white. I was also born in the US (unfortunately). I want somma dat free healf caia in Canada.
>This is the final boss

The fuck were they thinking?
>Open world is much smaller than promised
It's already way too big for its own good, i don't know how they'd make it feasably bigger unless they went old style with you being a giant on the world map and just go from key location to key location.
So, when's this last Active Time Report happening?
They said sometime post release, do we have a date yet?

And people say Versus was edgy and FF15 isn't...
>xv-kun calling people who are shitting on xv xv-kun in an insane attempt to rationalize having been wrong for 4 years.
It's obvious you are XV-kun.
Why don't you just start avoiding /v/?
Cant be healthy for you to be btfo all the time
It's not better because it's still shit.
Yes. Square needs to stop using shitty sony consoles as the base of creation for the games.
They didn't. They used PC. Which was why all the early shit looked 10x better than the turd that actually got released.
You're not wrong.
>Cant be healthy for you to be btfo all the time

Yea sure XV-kun. You're SQUASHING everyone as usual.
Wait till you see the size of the map they originally planned.

I'm not upset about the world not being as huge as that for obvious reasons but considering how empty the world is anyways it might have been nice just to have more changes of scenery.
>versus-kun is the new /v/ cancer and this time there will be no end to his autism because versus was so shit it never got out of the planning stages
Yuck... just when I thought we could have normal final fantasy threads again.
this, they should go back to being Nintendo exclusive. It isn't a coincidence that once they went to Sony the quality dropped off pretty fast.
You're the only cancer in these threads XV-kun.
everyone is xv-kun
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>it's an XV-kun samefag argues with himself episode
How am I XV-kun? You are obsessed.
>this, they should go back to being Nintendo exclusive
FF16: Now in stunning 720p 20 fps
That's what XV-kun wants you to think. Trust no one, not even yourself.
When he turned out to be wrong about every aspect about FFXV I was so glad we'd finally gotten rid of him.
>XV-kun lore is deeper than XV's lore

Pottery. Still just as shit though.
Then move, renounce your citizenship. Nothing is stopping you, you fucking retard.
>Realize your intended Magnum Opus at the company you've given so much to being yanked from underneath your feet because of bad business practices
>acting like you can't understand that he'd resort to drastic measures to save it from another man soiling his vision
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Stop shitting up the thread you fucking XV-kun this and that shitters

We're here to discuss the game, take your off-topic shit flinging somewhere else
A fucking rock
Musical Versus would've been fun to be honest. More than I can say for XV.

>ywn sing an epic song as you cut people down on the battlefield
XIII was 720p 20fps and no one cared. XV is steady 20fps also. What point are you trying to make?
You'd be surprised how hard it is to move when you're poor. You'd be surprised how no country will take you in when you're poor.
13 was steady 30. And was released in 2009. XV is just a turdy mess and is 900p-1080p
But Canada said it's a sanctuary country and they also said they have no borders. You can just walk in and they'll welcome you with open arms.
Is it true that Canadian's ride on mooseback and blow kisses to everyone feeding them pancakes with maple syrup?
Oh unless you're a crazy mooslem refugee, then they'll take you.

I'm white you fucking retard. No one wants poor white people. Only brown ones.
Canada has actual immigrations laws, so no.

You have to undergo a long screening process before you're even considered for immigration.
Japanese devs have no idea how to make proper game that run well since 7th gen and onward. It baffles me why they complain that they need "stronger" consoles to work with when they can't even optimize their games properly.
I finished that kinda fun show.
She survives but there's some body switching going on since Eve entered Aya's body and Aya got a new hotter body for plot reasons that are giving me an headache just to remember it.
still fun
Then why the fuck are they criticizing Trump for wanting stronger immigration policies and a wall?
To add to the defense of XIII, many cutscenes were not rendered by the game engine, the stuff that would have been heavy for the PS3 and 360 were made into pre-rendered cutscenes.
Fuck off XV-kun
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Tatsuhisa Suzuki (Noct seiyuu) can sing too. Would've been nice.
XV-kun stop falseflagging
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>the hack that wrote Dissidia's story is the hack that killed XV

fucking pottery. Is Tabata fucking this chick or something?

>Plenty of side quests and dungeons

I don't consider single sentence, no story fetch quests to be "side quests".

Dave: "Howdy partner, go find me some dog tags. Let me mark right where they are on your map. Thanks for bringing me them, here's a free 2,000 exp for doing nothing."

Sania: "Aren't I fucking WACKY?! Go fetch me 5 frogs from this spot. The search area's only 10 ft. in diameter, so it'll take 3 seconds. You're already done? GREAT!"

Takka: "I...grg...uhn...need food. Bad. Hey, bro, could you travel across the map and get me three garlic berries? You got them? Well, I'm gonna give you some food items you can get for free on the map in 4,000 places."

These are shit. This is not an MMO.
This board cares, everyone was shitting on Toriyama after XIII.

https://www change org/p/ square-enix-final-fantasy-versus-reboot
this is tabata's vision...
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Tabata has a wife and children, fucking retard
Fuck off. Yeah let's spend even more time and money to make another version of a game that already took ten years. Great fucking idea dipshit.

Yes, and?
Kind of, not to mention SE has a talent director like Hiroyuki fucking Ito but instead of let him work on mainline FF, he use him to deal with mobile section, WTF.

SE has many talent people with them but they have no fucking idea how to use them instead they let a hack like Toriyama and Tabata handle the big project...fucking why?
I doubt SE would ever let Nomura remake it as intended, but I'll sign because Tabata's a hack.
Married men don't cheat on their wives, especially in Japan
To be completely honest this reads like counter-shilling by compeittion. I didn't like any FF game post 6 and 15 is no exception but there's something incredibly fake about these posts.
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>Japanese men don't cheat on their wives
what a boss fight.
I want to remind people that shit like this costed time and money, it is not hard to model a fucking rock realistically.

Money spent on this shit went into:
>photography of said food,
>hiking trips
>photography of those hiking trips
>scanning assets in from said hiking trips
>fashion experts
>worthless fucking VR
>re-writing the story because Tabata was not too keen on it
>bad combat where he has to ASK us how to make it better
>a CGI movie that fucking bombed and hired expensive actors for VOICE ACTING

This shit is literally my fucking nightmare, so much changed in my life waiting for this game except for the hype of the game, I wish I could tell 11 year old me to not look forward to this game because Versus 13 and Early E3 15 are two completely different things. I hope Tabata comes out the other end of this as a fucking Pariah to the game industry.

What I want to know is, did Tabata ask to replace Nomura like the OP is insinuating or was he forcefully put there. I might forgive him the tiniest fucking bit if that is the case, but like how a father would forgive a child rapist for accusing him raping two of his kids instead of one.
gee ya think
Shitposting on /v/ isn't a new thing, but XV is actually shit so who fucking cares.
XII shits on both X and XV but obviously you wouldn't know since you never played it you asshat
If they have children, they certainly don't.
Big open world with nothing in it is bad. So sensibly making smaller world would let devs actually put things in.
But the FFXV world is still empty. They should have just made a linear game with illusion of open world.

>...but its much more than MGSV where you'd find a music tape and cry yourself to sleep because that's all there is.

No, that's pretty much my experience with FF15. The world is beautiful but completely barren. EMPTY. Nonexistent of anything.

You can spend literal HOURS combing the nooks and crannies and corners of the Leiden desert, the Duscae forests, and the Cleignian riverlands and all you'll find are random food drops, the same 4 mob enemies recolored a thousand ways, and, if you're lucky, the exact same fucking gas station with nothing to do but pick up a few more hunts of the same monsters.

There's nothing COOL to see or do or find. There are no virtually no NPCs to talk to or interact with. There are no minigames or diversions. There are no optional summons and only a bare TEENY TINY MININUM of "dungeons", and I use the word very loosely.
Well first off it's a copypasta
but a lot of the stuff in it are true
>shitposting is shilling


XV is a turd anyway, who the fuck cares if people shit on it. Good, it deserves it.
They're hardcore at it both husband and wife, Nips is a literal cuck country.
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I was disappointed with FFXV until I learned that Ken-Sama is in the game.
So does Kojima but you're a fool if you think he's not filling out every inch of the Joost's sugar walls with his superior asian cock every night
FF15 really is Bioshock Infinite though. Redone like 5 times
I thought Ken-sama died honorably in the tsunami? Is it his ghost? 2spoopy5me
I wish I could be this young and naive again
Ken-sama is a lot better looking than that guy
I think Versus XIII would have been a 10/10 game but being XV a 7,5/10 game I'll just move on.

You can't turn back the past and 7,5 for a FF is a nice step up from the 5/10 FF XIII
Whether or not 15 is shit is irrelevant to the quesiton at hand. Rival corps shitting up /v/ with formulaic hate threads isn't a good thing.

Kojima is inlove with Geoff, stop.
>TEENY TINY MININUM of "dungeons", and I use the word very loosely.
Can you give a number? you make it sound like there's 2 or 3 and i already found 2 in the desert, i'm not counting the goblin tunnel because that's above ground and not multi leveled like the mine for example.
>What I want to know is, did Tabata ask to replace Nomura like the OP is insinuating or was he forcefully put there.
I seriously doubt that happened. Look at his past record, no sensible person would just let him direct a mainline Final Fantasy game.
What I imagine happened was that bosses at Squenix saw Versus developement being a mess and not going anywhere, but with how much had been put into the project they couldn't just axe it. So they took the valuable director off the project, and picked a small-name from the company who was expendable and told him to make Final Fantasy XV from stuff that was finished. Nobody would reject offer to direct mainline FF in this day and age, but the project was a mess. They threw Tabata to wolves.
I imagine he noticed this pretty soon, but wanted to leave his mark to history, thus resulting in the revised plot, movie, anime series and all the grandiose marketing.
It's not "rival corps" People have been shitposting against XV for the past year you fucking newfag.
XV is a turd tho.
I still can't get past Snow's "resistance"fashion model rejects section.
Does it get any better after that? i'm pratically hating everyone besides the chocobo nest afroman.
Genuine shitposters are not this fucking bad at shitposting.

>Itamuro is a female, an inexperienced writer.
>First for downgrades
>Masturbating over Japanese voice actors
This reads like someone marking checkboxes on a "how to tortanic" list. "Hello fellow kids".
>Masturbating over Japanese voice actors
That's omni present in japan, you can't really escape that.

>XII shits on both X and XV

No, XII is the next shittiest game following this one, discounting the MMOs. It has most of the same fucking problems this game has:

-Pretends it's an MMO cause that's what the creator obviously wanted to make, cause it apes one in EVERY way, fucking off the fact that it's a single player, console RPG.
-Shit, nonexistent story that happens off-screen. You spend 90% of the game trudging from one wilderness to the other across the map whilst looking for nethicite, while the whole plot, political intrigue, character events and deaths, and the grinding of the war and imperial machine happens ELSEWHERE with other people and you don't even hear about most of it.

-To say nothing of the plot appearing out of nowhere with crystal aliens in the last few hours of the game and the random nonsense that is the finale.

-Shit characters and character management outside of Balthier alone and MAYBE Basch, Vaan and Penelope were literally added by execs at the last second and no one has any arcs.

I could go on forever. Mainstream console, single player RPGs should FIRST AND FOREMOST by engaging adventures with evolving, "epic" (in the literary sense) journeys with at least an attempt at complex characters with arcs and twists. With motivations we care about, exotic locations we explore one after the other, etc. aping an "open" sense while staying linear enough that we can appreciate goalpoints.

Added bonuses in lots of fun NPCs, recurring villains, side quests that have their own story or better yet, fit into the main story, lots of dungeons or equivalent areas to delve into, etc.

In other words, pretty much what no final Fantasy since X has managed to do, let alone a ton of other SquEnix RPGs or other companies for that matter,.
>They are not going to add the cut content as DLC

Heh, sure
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I bet you're one of those fags that thinks the right looks better.
>Prompto's dad
>Itamuro is a female, an inexperienced writer.
It's not wrong
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Tell me how they readd this and tell you to replay the story to see it
The game is not bad, just mediocre

It gets better later in the story though
Both of those are bullshots though as PS4 games look a lot worse than that
Also The Last Remnant was really good.
Ears for days
Yet people threatened to move to Canada if Trump won purely based on his illegal immigration policies
>Sania: "Aren't I fucking WACKY?! Go fetch me 5 frogs from this spot. The search area's only 10 ft. in diameter, so it'll take 3 seconds. You're already done? GREAT!"

That one pissed me off
I couldn't find the 5th frog after checking multiple times so just left

It really was.

You hear a croaking sound when one is near.
>game uses assets, and other things from cancelled project to make the most of sunk cost
You do realize this literally happens all the time right?

>there are people itt who will complain about this, while at the same time cheering against a PC port.
>There are no optional summons

>hiring a literal nobody as a writer
Can somebody explain this? Where did Jun Akiyama go?
post a pick of Itamuro, I'll let my dick decide
Tabata was the one that scrap all of it to begin with, SE want him to complete XV instead he scrap all do it and begin it anew...again and it result in, he could not make it in time. Not to mention all that money spend with KG...like who the fuck green lit that shit? Not to mention all those piss poor marketing it make the film flop, holy shit.
After X they lost all their good talent.
So a literal who was better then the hacks you know
Could you try typing that again. But in english?
No, you don't because you're an uneducated americuck.
Having absolutely random sizes for measurements is so stupid and illogical only burger land would use it.
No, it was based either they are fucked in the head and retarded or on the fact that he is going to fuck them over in some way financially by either removing their entitlements or something else.
*better bet.
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I don't know...
FF15: Written by fujoshi for fujoshi
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she doesn't even arouse my yellow fever

still wanna see her tits
>do you know how long a Km is
1000 meters
10000 decimeters
100000 centimetres
1000000 milimitres
the point of that pic is not to promote a game but to show the difference between certain graphical options.
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>it's all Tabata
>Nomura totally isn't a hack

Meanwhile, Kingdom Hearts has been a steaming pile of shit past the first game.
Why is Sania so fucking ugly?
So why not show what the game actually looks like? Because then people would know it looks like a turd. It's still a marketing image.
It's in the guidebook on the character relationship chart.
This is kinda retard when you think about it

>SE want Tabata to complete XV as fast as possible with less budget
>Instead that Tabata said 'I don't rike it' and redone everything again
>Spend more budget on the movie.
>The marketing plan for the movie was so shitty.
>The movie end up as a flop.
>Make a big event to reveal the release date of the game
>Tabata can not finished the game in time.

It's like a fucked up after fucked up, it's not even funny.
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Why are you lying?

This is literally the highest quality game in the entire world, with fletched out story and character development. Plus 200+ hours of side content.

It's Tabata's magnum opus.
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You tell him!
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This guy is so fucking delusional and up his own ass.

Remember that time he spoke to Eurogamer and said the future of Japanese games depended on FFXV?

I remember.
I think they don't realize that writing is important anymore. It's been like this for several games.
>Remember that time he spoke to Eurogamer and said the future of Japanese games depended on FFXV?
I think it's somewhat true.
At least here people had high expectations and it's somehow representative of JRPGs as a whole for westerners.
Spotted the new Sean Murray
Maybe they should look elsewhere, like to Nier Automata or Nioh. It's hilarious that AA games are going to have better combat than a triple A JRPG released only 3-4 months earlier
>Nier Automata
Certainly looks like the best Platinum game so far. Also the devs showcasing it seemed to have lots of fun and goofed around with the debug menus, that's always a good sign.

Whatever happened to scalebound, has it been released yet? I have a feeling it's also met with some kind of development hell.
They're probably delaying it for Scorpio is my guess. It ran like shit on Xbone. It's very ambitious and probably too ambitious for those piece of shit current-gen consoles.
Delayed. Imo it doesn't look that good, i would enver it's Platinum game if i would just see it without a name.
Slow 2-3 hit combos, PS2 dragon sections that Drakengard did better and a weird main character
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Nier Automata is shaping out to be game of the generation alongside Bloodborne

I really hope they don't fuck it up and rush it. This is going to be Platinum's and Taro's magnum opus. And also PC version day 1, thank fucking God.
>And also PC version day 1, thank fucking God.
Oh yeah? That's awesome, didn't know.

Also in Japan? Because I was set on importing it.
Not him but somehow I doubt it. Japan is mostly forced segregated because games are so much cheaper here on Steemsteemlol than they can get. And if they could get around that Japanese devs would start losing their main source of funding.
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>That Ending
What the fuck?
So wait your telling me that over the 10 fucking years they just did literally jack shit?
Also where the fuck did Cor go?
Where the fuck is that bitch that led a mercenary group?
Why the fuck is that Emperor and the old geezer general just fucking dead?
Wait why didn't Noctis just say hey to everyone that was still alive after he magically was back and was like "Hey follow me we can take back our world just fight with me maybe then all my friends won't die for literally no reason"
There are so many fucking problems with this game
I am literally having a fucking stroke right now
Someone fucking just help me to understand this awful fucking game
Also what kind of ending is that? Everyone just dies?
Who's the new king after Noctis?
Is there even a new king?
Why the fuck would you ever put a ending to this game that is supposed to bring back the series to life with everyone dying?
Like can anyone actually tell me right now that the ending is actually good in anyway?
This game has so many fucking problems with it
Someone just fucking shoot me already.
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>ITT: Member Versus XIII

Get off your nostalgia trip, the game is dead.
Where do you get it in full game
What does it do? Requirements for summon?
You get it from the Platinum demo and it can be summoned only on easy difficulty, where it revives/heals you.

That's what I heard at least.

She looks so fucking good.

I hope at least one day we get to see the script of Versus XIII and all the discarded artwork
It's bound to leak. Someone is bound to spill the beans down the road. Now money is on the line so they'll be quiet. But eventually you'll hear people talk about Versus. Sort of like how we just heard that Konami held Kojima locked in a room from the rest of the team for six months.
I think it may have been from killzone but I'm not sure, and it didn't look like that at all, but that's not even the point. why are you so focused on the game in my image?
I'm saying that the biggest change in the FFXV comparison pics is the post processing effects they are running, and that they're also terrible. all they do is obscure details, hide draw distance, and at times restricting the players vision; just so it looks more atmospheric and cinematic.
>lock to easy mode
>waste it on trivial shit considering you can heal yourself out if danger easily have from what I heard
What's the point?
sour grapes for never getting versus XIII?
>It's bound to leak.
How much other shit like this leaked? Where's the original Bioshock Infinite scenario leaks?
Tabata's "vision" won out over Nomura's
As much as I enjoy the game play, I have to say that this game has no direction or clear goal at all, the direction and the vision behind this game is a total mess.
>Game's price has already dropped to 50.99 on Amazon
>Great return to form everyone loves it it's selling so well top tier game guys!
I'm not sure why you felt the need to point out that the shitty writer was female.
I agree. It's only in the west that females can fuck over your game with their insanity. In Japan generally the average female dev is as competent as the average male dev.
Sign that fucking petition.
I dont even care if it works or not but they need to know full well about thier inferior product
Watching the old trailers is fucking depressing, None of that shit in the game

also Stella looked way better than Luna
>dat rapier

What the fuck was Tabata thinking?
Tabata "I don't rike it, problem?"
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I bet they do judging by the metacritic score and the outburst on the official forums.
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>tfw KH II gameplay in a mature grimdark setting neber eber.
>the outburst on the official forums.

Half of the threads are about countless bugs and story being shit.

Well, let us hope XVI will make FF great again.
About 80% of square enix are artists, not programmers or real devs. They're idea guys. This is why they are completely incompetent at actually making games. For older games that was okay because they were able to use smoke and mirrors to disguise the fact that you were playing something mostly non-interactive with a few discrete binary interactions like selecting attacks from a menu. CGI cutscenes, dialogue as pure text box pop ups, prerendered areas as 2D backgrounds with no moving parts except one to three polygonal characters running around on it and occasionally RNG throwing a random battle at you. This type of stuff allowed them to be literally retarded at the process of development and still make playable, even fun, games. But once the illusions had to fall away, all their projects have been development disasters, delayed again and again with tons of cut content and internal game problems stemming from flawed core design.
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See you guys in 2025!

Don't get liver cancer on the way!
FF12: project management disaster, no understanding of realistic scope and what devs can actually accomplish in a set amount of time, delayed time and again, totally uneven pacing due to chaotic and unwealdy design, Matsuno canned or gave up due to the stress of the project.
FF13: actually the least disasterous of the modern ones (and that says a lot) but was disasterous for the player because the player expected more interactivity and Toriyama was using some FFX tricks to try to make development easier on them, many of which were not nearly as poorly implemented in FFX itself: linear corridors to make loading easy to deal with, focus on simplified combat where your choices are discrete, limited and very little actual physics is required, battles in a separate screen to streamline areas and deal with potential bugs that crop up with seemless battles.
FF14: outsourced to china, disaster, most of SE's competent people had to be tapped to fix it wasting more time and resources to do so, totally destroyed planning for other titles as they had to fix it asap.
FF15: too many technically unrealistic ideas at the start, poor planning and management, no idea of hardware limitations in respect to those ideas leading to abandonment of PS3 version and then repeating the same issue making the PS4 version have to be downgraded to hell, bugs everywhere, poorly cobbled together engine designed for high end PCs being used on mid-tier console hardware, combat simplified for a washed up middle aged man who admits he's tired of gaming and only wants to be able to hold a button and have the game perform autocombos or hold another button to guard.
>FF13: actually the least disasterous of the modern ones

Yeah, you actually did zero research and spout shit out of your ass.
XIII was especially disasterous development-wise, almost half the dev time they couldn't even agree on the proper gameplay system.

Also, the thing about FFXV is that it's actually very fun to play and the world is beautifully crafted. And the fact that it runs like it is on consoles it's a Marvel.

The problem with the game is all the cut content, lack of proper art and cinematic direction and cramped story.
I'm talking about shit that shows in the final product. If they eventually sussed out what they wanted to do and polished it up fine then it is not a disaster. FF13 isn't fully that but it is far more polished than 12 (pacing is awful even in the final product and they thought the skill system was so bad they redid it somewhat in Zodiac), 14 1.0 and 15. How do you know FF7 or 9 weren't dev disasters within their own development process since nothing leaked out? The games turned out good but maybe the materia system was slapped in at the last second in its final form.
>FFXV is that it's actually very fun to play
Hold O to attack is now fun, hold X to dodge is now fun.
What Nomura wanted for Versus 13 on PS3 was ridiculous, even PS4 struggles to run it
I wonder when developers will realize open world for the sake of open world is absolute garbage. If you're not going to bend over backwards to make it work perfectly, just abandon the idea, because it's not fun otherwise. JRPGs very rarely need to be open world.
FF7 was revamped many times & a lot was cut, but it was still a solid & focused game

XV is just a mess
>Itamuro is a female, an inexperienced writer.
This is 100% correct, retard.
>a lot was cut,
Tell me. I must know Everything.
Aerith used to be Seph's sister
Did he still put his sword into her lovely abdomen?
You've made this thread at least once before and didnt give any source then and none now
Yep. In all honesty FF7s edits seemed to only help the story be a little more clear and focused, unlike FFXV where you butcher entire characters and the premise for god knows what reason.
It's not like the game would've looked exactly the same, you could've easiyl cut down on character poly counts and have a good consistent artstyle instead of muh tech features that barely anyone cares about
>FFXV is that it's actually very fun to play and the world is beautifully crafted
0.05c has been deposited to your Square Enix account.
You can look most of it up yourself. The part with FFXV's writer being an inexperienced female is 100% true. The part about Noct being completely different is true by just watching the trailers. It's true that Wada was all about mobile. It's true that FF14 stole Versus' resources.

Most of it checks out.
>Metal Gear Solid V has an interesting start, this game is not
>interesting start
fuck you and your lying bullshit; as a Metal Gear Fan, only like 3 missions of the start of the game were aight, the rest were bore-fests that were too fucking easy.
MGSV was alright all the way up to where you had to replay chapters and that stupid ass clone twist.
>Wada was all about mobile.
Problem is, nothing is changing. They're still making tons of mobile games.
He's talking about the Hospital

in all honesty the whole game could've taken place on Cypress and be much better

>stronger emphasis on indoor stealth
>procure on site for equipment, exploring a complex base
>supernatural shit going down all over the place
>while trying to solve the mystery of just what the fuck happened to you and everyone there
I hope they never use the combat system again, what a mess. And enemies movesets are the worst you barely see what's happening and sometimes in dungeons you just die for now apperent reason
I think the biggest problem about what Nomura want is warp strike to any place you want. It will be fine if it's just KH fusion with FF, Nomura just want the impossible for PS3 and almost impossible for PS4.
Anyone who wanted Nomura's vision or believed in him will probably get what they want with FF7Remake. This isn't like FF12 where after leaving the project, Matsuno pretty much went quiet. Nomura now has a bigger budget and better tools than pretty much anyone else in the history of the company. After realizing that, FFXV being a missed opportunity doesn't really bother me much.
I get what you mean, but Versus was something special in itself with its own themes that distinguished it from other FFs. FF7R is still technically bound by FF7s legacy, where Versus was something pure.
Gameplay wise; yeah, it's alright all the way up. But story wise and content wise? You're kinda getting fucking jack shit and repeating the same thing over and over again, Peace Walker 2.0 except Peace Walker had a decent enough story for a PSP title.

That Hospital Sequence, the first Afghan mission, the Voices mission, the Eli mission and the Skullface mission are all well enough made missions; the rest is just run and extract; rinse and repeat borefests.

I really enjoyed that Hospital Sequence; if he meant the Hospital, I'd have to agree with that. Such a shame that the rest of the game wasn't as well thought out as that Hospital.

Or had a decent place to infiltrate like Camp Omega (even though Kojima said that if we had Ground Zeroes, we'd be able to return to Camp Omega for a "special surprise")

I'm still mad about MGSV.
>He doesn't know about detective Joe
Nomura's actually lucky that he don't have to direct XV, he's not gonna delivered what he promised with PS4/XB1.
There was suppose to be more Weapon fights for one, 3rd disc would be about killing all the Weapons so the Northern crater opens up

Emerald, Ruby & Diamond were only added in the USA release

Midgar was suppose to be much longer, more sectors to explore

Honeybee Inn was huge, so huge in fact it disturbed other devs

Forgotten city was way larger & had a giant cave leading up to it
Did someone from the Xenogears team insert Big Joe into FF7 as a detective in a joke?
>Anyone who wanted Nomura's vision or believed in him will probably get what they want with FF7Remake.
Are you retarded? VS was a totally different story than FF7.
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It would have been different and unique.
People praise people like Kamina for doing CURAZY ideas than Nomura suggests this and everyone bashes on it.
Versus XIII had a more modern looking fantasy world with a Shakespearean like story. You can even tell in the 2013 trailer that Versus XIII was still there, Nomura had his own idea and game completely taken away from him to focus on KH3 and the FFVII remake.
He should pull a Kojima and ditch Square to make a spiritual successor to what he wanted Versus XIII to be.
Hey, guys, it's ok.


Pick up your shattered dreams and come over to the light. You just have to renounce your old faith and admit that Nintendo are the only ones who are actually capable of achieving what you dream of.
Why do I know all the cut stuff from Chrono Trigger but somehow never stumbled upon all this info?
Yeah, but it's not like he doesn't have creative control. If you look at the interviews and think about all that has to be done with cinematography, voice acting, redesigning the environments, gameplay mechanics, enemy behavior, rewriting the script, there's still a lot there for him to toy around with, and he's very willing to change things. At the end of the day this is still going to be his interpretation of FF7.
I don't think the consoles were the issue as much as the development process of SE and the baggage of trying to recreate this game in a new engine, at a level of fidelity higher than any previous product the company had made, without the toolset even being done. Using UE4 and being able to easily outsource to other technically competent developers like CC2 are the reasons why I expect FF7R's development to go very smoothly in comparison.
>Diamond were only added in the USA release

He means gameplay wise which 7R will be much more easier to deliver than Nomura's V13/XV. Stuff like that can only happening with High-End PC not the current console.

It sucks then that FFXV is GOTY 2016.

Fuck off with your Nomura bullshit, he's not a fucking god. He's the past.
You don't fight Diamond, Ruby and Emerald weapon in Jap version of the game.
The big problem was sword fights in the city, the graphical quality & level of interactivity they wanted just isn't feasible on any hardware right now

In the final boss fight where you finally have a sword fight in the air, the quality of the buildings is very bad & the city pretty much empty, plus the fight itself is pretty scripted so there isn't much interactivity

Nomura wanted a massive detailed open world city with NPC's, Big fucking monsters, drivable vehicles & at the time same warping up to the tallest building seamlessly to stab some fuckers, all with high quality graphics & a high draw distance

Yeah he should have shelved it for PS5
What I mean is that people who were interested in Versus because of Nomura will probably get to see him shine in FF7R.
Not really, what's so impossible about it?

Might aswell post the whole video, The current version is better as you can see from the whole video :>
People were interested in the Versus concept. I don't care about remakes. I would much rather have had Versus over VIIR.
>Yeah he should have shelved it for PS5
No shit, I actually see it happening if Nomura can pulled KH3 and 7R to save the day for SE.
Noctis kinda looked like the villain in vs XII
This>>359435717, it is IMPOSSIBLE for the current gen console, you gotta need a high-end PC or next gen(and not a .5 gen like Pro) to deliver it.
>Honeybee Inn was huge, so huge in fact it disturbed other devs
What a bunch of pussies.
>he thinks there's a script or anything even remotely complete concerning Versus XIII that wasn't just conceptual stage stuff.
" Due to an accident in his childhood, Noctis can see the "light," and has the power to foresee a person's death." so they completely removed this right?
The only real issue are the grpahics. XV doesn't really look that good and is has tons of useless tech that you barely notice but will take up tons of performance same with high poly models. You can make up for it with lighting tricks, lower poly models + enviroment, good textures etc Like MGSV to a certain degree. It's far from impossible, the current XV just has the wrong priorities
It's actually fcomplete Tabata and Nojima actually mention about this.
Both his & Stella's family's were Mafia, so they were both shitheads killing each other over power
The engine isn't very good either, the move from cities to plains was obviously due to performance issues

They could have done much better with Unreal 4, but ego made them stick to their own shitty engine

Don't even get em started on how much time they wasted on the hair tech, only for it to be ruined because they can't into Anti-Aliasing
>iris anything but absolute bottom shit tier
>gentiana not #1
>aranea not #2 (she's still great but can't compare to gentiana's perfection, would be #1 if gentiana didn't exist)

/v/ really does have shit taste
Gays not welcome
It was actually
>Nomura wanted a massive detailed open world city with NPC's, Big fucking monsters, drivable vehicles & at the time same warping up to the tallest building seamlessly to stab some fuckers, all with high quality graphics & a high draw distance

I don't see how that's impossible under a competent developing team. Gravity Rush 2 manages to do that just fine. More hardware power won't fix their shit design decisions.
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Yeah so when are you going to leave?
> Looks like a twisted 4th Doctor in CG.

> Looks like generic anime baddie in game.
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they wasted so many characters in this game like pic related
>wanting that much bloom on your eyes

Are you a literal autist?
Shit looks the same. Maybe the bloom is even still there and its just a different daylight.
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It's better like this honestly.

Tabata would have only ruined him. This way you can still imagine what could've been.
let's see how SE performs with the FF7 remake, they're using Unreal (4 i think) so development hel because of technical debt should not be a thing. If the game fails to deliver then we can safely assume SE is lost forever.
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I worry Nomura might go overboard & want to do everything thhe originally planned with FF7

The Episodic thing is a also a worry
This is FF though. I give two fucks about the gameplay if they tell me a good story. One preferrably that doesn't end with a final boss fight against a metrosexual middle aged man in a fedora.

Got a way better treatment than Iedolas, Loqi, Verstael and that General you kidnap and Ignis lets him get away and you never see again.

Episodic thing is the main reason I'm not excited about FFVIIR
Can someone tell me why they changed the game from this to the final release?
In this trailer the gameplay looked so much faster and better with fluid animations.
Not to mention you could switch playable characters too and even the UI looked way better.
Seriously, why they dumped that
He should. Fuck Square Enix for cutting 90% of Versus
this game is literally type-0 2.0 but at i give type-0 a pass for being a spin off. I gave tabata the benefit of the doubt since this is a mainline game but I was wrong
battlesystem aside you can still see the plagued corridor syndrome in the level design if you check older versus xiii trailers.
I would not be surprised if he sabotages FF7R to fuck with Square
that part of him turning into a demon pissed me off especially since he was presumed to be the main antagonist (or at the very least a major antagonist) since the beginning of versus
I honestly hope he quits and goes to work at some better studio.
Pretty sure it was always Stella, they fought in twice in the trailers

Tbh Type-0 and FFXV could take place in the same universe, they even both have a white colored Evil Empire that specializes in technology.


He had 1 fucking cutscene. 1.
Also he reminds how Noctis is the biggest loser of Eos. He manages to not avenge one single person nor his kingdom and in the end he sacrifices himself to kill Ardyn, when that's exactly what Ardyn wants...to die for good after fucking up the world as revenge.
Jesus christ every fucking fight in this game is a mess even the titan fight. How do you fuck up setpieces
one wing? Oh wew. Such no idea for new final boss concept and desperate nostalgia tripping. lel
well seeing how condensed of a story FFXV is its probably best FFVII is going to release in a trilogy ( wish FFXV was episodic as well)

Supposedly Versus was going to be three games. The first was about fighting and saving Stella from the Empire. The second was about fighting the empire, and the third about the scourge of the stars.

So Stella was going to be the villain of the first game, Ravus probably the villain of the second and Ardyn the final villain of the third game.
FF13, FFXV & Type-0 are all supposed to be in the same universe, or were suppose to

I remember people even joking Lightning would be a super boss in Versus 13, but seeing what super boss we actually got, Lightning sounds good
>He manages to not avenge one single person nor his kingdom
Gladiolus is the biggest loser. He had parents in the city that died that day and he didn't even care.

The entire game is about Noctis, every side character is shallow as fuck and even Noctis is barely doing anything.

Really sad.
with that spelling you can stay in the USA
mfw iris had more character development than luna
That sounds amazing, what a shame we didn't get that

You still got it, just in a Tabata'd way.

We didn't even get to see Tenebrae or Solheim. Kinda like that 4th country of Type-0 was nuked in the end of the first chapter out of nowhere.
>just made trailers to make trailers and had no plan for how things would fit together
Is this a serious question? That's exactly how Square makes these games: first focus in trailers to create the concept, then work on the game.

Obviously, they included that secrettrailer for Kingdom Heart's 3 story, (I can't even remember where), they obviously didn't have a game ready.

The same thing happened to Final Fantasy XIII, where the development was in shambles before they made that demo of the combat which the final game barely even approximates.

The same thing is the case with Versus.
That basically confirms that, unlike people saying they never had a complete game or story, they apparently did, (unless they're lying here), and had to have been plenty of changes, or at the very least, they eliminated a character and changed the beginning.
i heard the strategy guide has more back story of the nephilim and lucis conflict than the game does
I swear there was suppose to be an underwater city, what was the name of that?
I hope this shit is free. It should have been in the main game, a sign of rushed development. I guess ten years isn't enough.

In their defense, they've never done this, at least not I think with mainline game. Though they should have had this to begin with because it's the current year.
What point are you making? The final game looks better in all these shots.
What am I looking at?
https://youtu.be/YiIx9VJWSl8?t=325 i wish we were be able to control the walkers like in versus
Nah even back in the early concepts that was never true. It was more that they were in the same brand instead of the same universe.
>The same thing happened to Final Fantasy XIII, where the development was in shambles before they made that demo of the combat which the final game barely even approximates.
Actually, I take this back. It wasn't even in shambles, it basically didn't begin, at least not really.

>"Final Fantasy XIII was first introduced through a concept trailer shown alongside the announcement of the Fabula Nova Crystallis project at E3 2006 (Fabula Nova Crystallis represents a suite of games and other entertainment media related to Final Fantasy XIII). The trailer was merely a visual concept, and we had not yet created anything playable at that point.

>I felt that this trailer set the bar for the quality we were aiming to achieve, in terms of battle speed and cutscene imagery, and believed that this sentiment was shared by the rest of the team.

>However, it became clear that, at the time, there were actually very few members who saw the trailer as a representation of what we wanted to achieve with Final Fantasy XIII. This lack of a shared vision became the root of many conflicts that arose later in development."

Showing that, contrary to what all these faggots say, there wasn't some Versus game eliminated when Tabata took over: there was never really a game when the change of directors took place.
https://youtu.be/fA5G5sBPZ0k?t=106 is the area in the 1:47 mark still in the game?
People keep complaining that Stella was taken out for Luna, but that was all Nomura since he was still director when the 2013 E3 trailer dropped. Blame him rather than Tabata.
Good bait, Anon, and this is literally bait, showing of their socialist utopia actually has much harsher immigration restrictions than we do.
Stella was still in at that point, Nomura even said he redesigned her to make her more cute, Tabata took this one step further & made her a moeblob
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>Entire post about XIII
>this means versus had nothing
Now, that's hardly fair. Development teams go out all the time to travel and get references for their artwork. Rockstar has done this for for every GTA game, (at least the recent ones), and the MGS4 team did it.

This fucking final boss
>Shitty dialog
>No music
>Repetitive combat
>Fucking motionless flying through the city
>Grunting on top of monologuing
>Everyone dies
>Noctis turns the bad guy into a bracelet in the afterlife after torturing him, after telling him to rest in peace
>No resolution
>Just fucking nothing

What a shit.
The game was 25% done when Tabata took over, meaning they probably had much less than that when this trailer started. I see no evidence whatsoever that that they had the minimum amount of gameplay to make that trailer.

I'm not defending XV, I just don't like this attitude of romanticizing elements left on the cutting room floor seen in trailers, as if there was a great game concept or even an entire game that was scrapped, and a completely different and better game had replaced it.
Policies lots of people are willing to debate. Building a wall is a massive waste of money that the US doesn't have. That's how the whole "Mexico will pay for!" got started but they said they won't and you can't force a country to spend money with force. That would be a major violation of international agreements that have already been made. So if they said they won't and we won't invade Mexico all for a fucking wall then it won't get built which is why most people criticized it. It's not just based on being pro or anti immigration, it's based on the idea that a wall is a good idea. It's not. It's a very stupid way to prevent illegal immigration that won't stop people coming over the water or those being smuggled in.

It was just a dumb thing to propose.
No, they said it was in the same universe, even though it wasn't apparent that this amount to anything. This was probably mostly just an indication of how obsessed and confident SE was in the Final Fantasy XIII universe, wanting to make it a brand within the Final Fantasy brand, similar to what was done with Final Fantasy VII.
It was 25% when it became xv
That certainly does not describe how it's presented in the game. This is probably the least dense story-wise mainline Final Fantasy game ever, including Final Fantasy XI.
and they failed at it twice it seems
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>mfw tenebrae never ever
>mfw invasion never ever even though it was the only thing that was shown from 2006 all the way too 2013
Which was before or after it became XV?
I can't believe how tiny Insomnia was when it was shown so much
>render a movie
>put a fake HUD on top of it
>final game is nothing like it

Classic Square
Before, it became xv in 2012
Two years passed and then tabata became the director
I bet if the Democrats took over the House in two years, (fat fucking chance of that), you would feel thankful we had a separation of powers.
So when should we expect XV-2?
Tabata hates Versus 13 Universe & Nomura is stuck on FF7R
Never hopefully, the game is finally out and they should just let it die after the DLC, it already took enough time and manpower. Just let Tabata work on Type1 or some shit or let him go to the movile division, he would fit in there really well
Okay, but that still means it took them six years to get to 25%, so what you saw in those trailers was probably just about everything. I never thought the combat looked good, and the combat in open areas look horrendous, like Dirge of Cerberus bad.
That's pretty interesting. Usually it's the Nips who get extra shit, after all.
It should get a DLC that fixes everything so I can actually buy the game.

Then we can talk about a sequel.

>Japanese enthusiastic FF fans know this.

Thank you tabata
>Just let Tabata work on Type1 or some shit

>let him go to the movile division, he would fit in there really well
He just make KG bomb.
>Making it bigger would be worse unless more towns were added
Okay, but the world is empty and still comparatively small.
Dat be a joek, sah
>first focus in trailers to create the concept, then work on the game.
They need to stop this. NOW.
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