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What are some video game sequels in which the devs decide to

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What are some video game sequels in which the devs decide to NTR you out of your entire party by having the demon god final boss of the first game beat you all and corrupt them into slutty demons?
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corrupted girls are all whores. Only good for impregnating.
That sounds good. Give me some corruption.
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>recycling enemies
so what's new?
Mercenary system is new
explain further
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They turned the priestess into a whore ;_;
>like them better as semen demons
>option to become the demon god and keep them as they are, but under your control
We need more evil paths in games that aren't just "he was so evil that everyone died" I want conquest and domination damn it!
All women are whores.
You can hire a 6th temporary party member as seen in >>358518143 top right, I don't know how they'll function if you'll be controlling them or an AI.

What is this game?
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But now she becomes a whore who thinks about sex all the time instead of being a holy priestess who thinks about god ;_;
Give the writer a raise this is gold
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All healers are sluts
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She always was one. Love her.
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beard or peggy?
Putify them all with dick
If only I had that Mio page with the reverse order
That can't be true ;_;

Some Anons told me Fiora was a chaste and virgin Priestess who loves children and takes care of them and raise them like they are her own.
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Dungeon Travelers 2-2
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am I the only one who wants to bully the FUCK out of lilian?
She was made for bullying because she's a dumb chuuni so no.
>vita game

PC port when
fucking dropped
Her quote in >>358517796 is
>Fiora: It's not good to rush. Must wait till it ripens, then it's time to savor it...
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>She knows what they are
What are the chances of Fiora wearing garter belts under her sacred priestess robes?

If she wore those things all along, it would mean she was a corrupt slut even before she became corrupted...
>Wanting PC ports
>When atlusfags still can't get dual audio on a consistent basis

One thing at a time, champ
Why do you hate good games on good platforms?

Dungeon Travaler's character sprites were amazingly high quality.
<- this is in-game asset pixel by pixel
hooray, more overly eroticized games to have censored if they ever come out here.
can you post alisia's berserker sprite?
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It's erotic, but that's because it's a game for normal people, not homos. Sorry.
Just become her god, problem solved.
>not learning nip
I'm done being a cuck.
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This was supposed to be a pure and holy woman of the Christian faith...
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She is a nun. I bet she always wears thigh highs and garters in her normal attire.
Wait, so the villain bangs them and actually NTRs you? What gaem?
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Fiora got Fucked 24/7 to the point she womb was corrupted by the mark of satan, and her hair changed colour, and she got mind fucked into abandoning her god and worship sex instead.
S-seriously? It's NTR the game?
Who cares about the faggot story. The game was good.

Plus the demon god was some sexy kid wasn't she? Maybe there's some corruption cgs.
At least Alisia is still a virgin, right?

I can't imagine Alisia without her cheerful and innocent smile ;_;
that's a nice armor isn't it
See bottom right corner>>358517796

She became corrupted, and now she abandon her curtch, her faith.
She probably also converted her church into a whore house.
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This is a sluts only zone now
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This game has sexy whores all over the place.
post alisia paladin
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Turns out you never actually beat the demon god in the first game and your party lost. Yeah it's a weird retconn
This is the most pure smile of innocence there ever was.

I will never believe anyone who claims this game is all about sex, and slut, and corruption into prostitution.
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I can't contribute to this thread anymore guys.

I need time to fap and imagine I'm raping some slutty nuns with green hair.
where do people get dangeki scans so early?
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>This thread
Fucking picked the fuck up
idk, I got them from another anon.
>What are some video game sequels in which the devs decide to NTR you out of your entire party by having the demon god final boss of the first game beat you all and corrupt them into slutty demons?

The big mystery is whether or not she's still possessed by the Demon God in 2-2. She might have been discarded as a body.
>There are people who haven't played DT2
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>She is a nun. I bet she always wears thigh highs and garters in her normal attire.
This is extremely normal thing for Nuns to do this.

Japan has taught us this.
It's either vita or emulating the jp psp version that doesn't let you level reset at 90.
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>You will never be as euphoric as Liz
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Please do not sexualise the Dungeon Travelers.

I like how this is somehow more tasteful than Mefmera's normal attire
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Why isn't best girl chubby getting some love?
She is so motherly.

It was inevitable that she would be corrupted into a whore who thinks about sex all day and abandons her children, the reverse of what her priestess personality was.
say something rude about lilian!
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What further explanation do you need?
The demon god was trying to revive itself by taking control of monsters.

You with the help of pic related prevent her unsealing but she manages to slip through the cracks and take over your boss

She then impersonates your boss and sends you into dungeons to set things up for her

You eventually discover this and eventually fight her and save the Chief

Sequel changes things and says that you actually lost the final fight and were turned into a shota while the rest of the party you gathered over the course of the game was corrupted.
connete just wants to take it easy

Vitagen has an Anon who has the source to them all.
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She hasn't left my party since I got her
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>corrupt Chief
Ohhh my god
She's sexy but I have no clue how to use her
Are we supposed to play as the Hero who lost in this game and get them back or what? Sorry, I didn't play the first game. I might pick it up though.
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How long before the Japs finally get sick of Underage Panty Quest and get some decent writing besides "Cute girl archetype #3 and cute girl archetype #4 take a bath together"? It's not like these RPGs have rewarding gameplay or interesting battle systems, it's the exact same shit every game for a solid 99 percent of Japanese game devs. And the situation just seems to be getting worse.
Just buy a Vita TV for like $40. You can get it on the big screen and don't have to buy a literal paper weight.
>She then impersonates your boss
I read this as "she impregnates your boss"

And now I have a rock hard erection.
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She was my choice at the end of the game. I love all the girls and wish we had more party slots and got even XP since I ended up skipping a bunch of the later girls.

But Conette is so soft and cuddly and just wants to chill. We could nap together and then eat yummy food.
We already sort of got that with the demon god talking through her in the first game. She looked like her witch form in >>358523092
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It's like you haven't actually played any panty quest games
They really do try to innovate and have fun gameplay
Did I read that paladin's effect text right?

>Vag barrier
The Vita literally has the best games this generation. There's no need to insult the system like that, just because you backed your opinion into a corner.
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The protag is a non playable character that only seals monsters when the party members beat them. He's the white hair guy/kid in this pic and in the sequel he's made into the servant of the new girl with the big hat in >>358517796 that wants him for his demon sealing skills.
wow they IMPROVED the MC
Fuck off Ruggarell. New janitor, start learning to tell and nuke his shit threads please.
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Fuck, better pic here.
>that dark armor
is that a berserk reference?
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On a slut scale from 1 to 10, how lewd and sexual will a corrupted Chief be?

Will the corruption increase her already massive tits?
Will the corruption make her pussy even wetter than it already was in DT2?
>It's not like these RPGs have rewarding gameplay or interesting battle systems
t. someone who hasn't actually played DT2
post melvy sorceress
I came here just to post this. From all the screenshots in here, it looks like all of the characters are very typical harem-waifus. Complete with stuttering tsundere, flirty onee-san, and lolis.
So does this have implied sex or something, or are the pics like that tentacle screen just boring ecchi shit?
Hahahahaha, wut? Did I just hear something stupid? "Best games"? You aren't talking about this game, are you?
And yet it still has excellent gameplay
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Completely open cleavage for easy access when the demons come to impregnate her womb and extract all her motherly breast milk.
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I fucking love chiefu, but I never used her since you get her so late and I didn't feel like doing the end game.

I kind of want to go back and do it, but it probably isn't worth the time and grinding when I have 15 other rpgs unplayed.
I love NTR and sluts, picked up
weird that they're explicitly not showing grishina.
guess they really did replace yae's va. the replacement seems pretty new (only has 23 followers on twitter ;_;)
What gameplay? The only thing being talked about in here is waifus. In all other respects, this looks like a visual novel that might have some typical Dungeon Crawl Elements in it.
Your prejudice doesn't hold water. DT2 is mechanically awesome gameplay in its genre.

It's a false /v/tard narrative that sexual themed games can't be good.
NTR games can't be good

I bet you actually played Utawarerumono and think Rance isn't babby's first raep gook game without any substance except white fluids.
Explain how it's mechanically awesome then. It looks like I could get the same gameplay out of Eterian Odyessy or any other DCRPG like Wizardry without having to suffer through boring characters whose only interesting aspects seem to be the fact that they're all underwear models.
Look up Utawarerumono 2 and 3.

It's made by the same developers ad the first.
Does this one actually have battle animations so that I don't get bored 5 minutes in?
As expected EOfags are literally the unholy mix of Christfags and SJWs in one shitty mix.
It's a DRPG. If you're expecting elaborate battle animations you're looking in the wrong place. Many DRPG players even turn animations off so turns go faster.
Drifting into eroge completely killed my enthusiasm to get into cock tease games.
+Great class variety
+every class has a use and skills level to how you want them
+level resets
+Complex dungeons
+weapon upgrading
+challenging gameplay
+post game content is longer than the main story
-plot is barely there
-you're a faggot
I expect at least a screen shake or the sprites to have some kind of movement

just numbers popping up can't grab my attention for more than 5 minutes. I understand it's a good game but I just can't
ok that's nice
It isn't though.
You have eroge that is nice
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Hot rape.jpg
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Wow your ad hominem really backed me into that corner there.

You've literally just described almost ever RPG within the last 10 years. Great mechanics. Amazing. You've really shown me how great the vita is this year. Allow me to go brush off the dust on that screen and enjoy hours and hours of nothing.
You do see some slashes and effects on the screen when you attack or cast spells, but that's about it.
You have to admit you got btfo man.
>tfw stopped playing DT like 1/4 of the way through the story
>tfw this thread

My literal fetish is canon for every girl. Mind control/corruption/heroine getting defeated and raped.
Here's a pity (you). It's your last from me, so try not to spend it all at once.
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What's your party?
Your words have no weight whatsoever. You had no arguments from the start, anon line up facts in your face and now you're desperately downplaying them as you're running out with your tail between your balls.
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>Mind control/corruption/heroine getting defeated and raped.
You just know Fiora is going to give her orphans a good round of sex education when she comes home to them in her corrupted state.
I can still enjoy them, just not fap to them since I need more than what they give.
Melvy, Alisia, the two green sluts, Chief.
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I used her and Lize as Jokers on my frontline. It surprisingly worked pretty well most of the time so long as the RNG gods are on your side.
Do we know what actually happened? Why did they lose and what happened to the MC? Why/how are the girls corrupted?

>tfw will never have a h-game that has gameplay like EO
It's pointless to argue with those people anon
What is this game and is it fun
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Do you like Wizardry?
Do you like dungeon crawling through complex mazes?
Cute girls?
Then this is the game for you
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>Implied sex
The MC is a man of science, only interested in studying monster girls for the sake of research, he's completely asexual.
We don't know yet if it's timefuckery or if they decided to just make you lose the final boss fight in canon and made everything in the post game non canon. The girls got corrupted by the demon god and so did Fried when he became a shota.
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Final boss tricked them.

>Why/how are the girls corrupted?
Probably set some demons to penetrate their pussies over and over until they cum over to their side.
>girls find pics of "sealed" monsters in lewd poses under his bed
>it's only for research into monster sealing techniques

You literally didn't answer my question. What game is this.
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Dungeon Travelers 2
Currently a Vita / PSTV exclusive
Not exactly, since the original DT 2 was released on PSP.
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>this is supposed to be a skeleton
Why is this allowed?
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He's just in to monster girls. That's why he had photos of all the captured monsters hidden under his mattress. If they were just for studying sake he'd have them somewhere else not hidden since he feels shame about it.
Also I don't really blame him for not wanting to shit where he eats. Especially since the moment he goes after one, it'd upset the others on the team and screw up their teamwork.
what the fuck is wrong with you people
The remake is Vita exclusive. And you can't play the PSP in english anyway.
So the English version is considered exclusive as well.
What do you mean?
oh so not a h game.

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I wish someone would rip the monster sprites too
Right. PSP version only had a few differences, though the big one is that vita version adds the level 90 reset while the last level reset psp version had was 50.
They get fuck by demons offscreen :^)
Well, yeah, that's the point silly.
Demons are girls
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This would have been a top tier H game
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Yuri is forbidden love.

No, because it's all still images. If it was sprite based, it would be top tier. Best H-games have action and moving parts.
Futa is best hentai
>Dungeon Troubles 2
Mo Dungeons Mo Problems
>corruption theme
Well I guess I have to buy this now.
Why are autistic chuunis so cute?
I hope they let us use the corrupted forms.
Easy to bully and tease
Does anyone know the artist's name? Of the artworks posted in this thread, i mean.
It's someone who works at Aquaplus.

That's the most I know.
Mitsumi Misato
Isn't that game that is so lewd it got banned from twitch? So how badly it's censored? Does it have multiple endings, dating or something? What are the chances for 2-2 getting translated?
There was only 4 small corrections to some random low tier enemy cgs.

The real meat of the game is untouched.
2 had 4 censored CGs that were altered and one monster class has added spats (to match the CG).

2-2 isn't even out in Japan yet.
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The only censorship is some the monster sealing CGs
I think one of them just added spats and the other removed a banana
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How did we go from this
The real question is does anyone know if there are new characters? Do we get the full roster from the last game with new characters and classes?

to this?
>Look it up
>LITERALLY a women
Like clock fucking work.

All the lewdest games are drawn by women
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To Heart 2 was always a little bit sexual.

The remake even had porn in it.
There's a new character in OP's pic. New magic user.
So any VN dating stuff? It is spin-off of VN datesim as I remember, right?
It's a dungeon crawler, and quite a meaty one at that with extremely good maps.

You can consider your party as your harem if that's what you want.
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Not really
Protag is 100% non-sexual guy
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>What are the chances for 2-2 getting translated?
Probably low, but Atlus are weird with supporting old hardware with games and are releasing Caligula that's a Vita exclusive next year digital only and even announced it before it came out in Japan so you never know. So if you don't hear news about them picking up DT2-2 by around May, then it probably won't happen. Also if it does happen, then don't expect a physical.
The absolute earliest they could get it out would be Winter 2017. Most likely it'd come out around March 2018, and that's assuming that DT2 did well enough for to even think about doing its sequel. Also that'd be 6 years from the Vitas release in the West and it's already at its last legs retail wise.

Cute Touma up top.
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Did Aquaplus still do H scenes these days?
Lame. Interest lost
Judging from Utawarerumono 2 and 3, nope.

They quit the porn.
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Melvy is cute.
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Melvy wanted to fuck the MC pretty hard
The fact that so far there's only been a single new party member confirmed makes me think some twist will happen regarding Siena. That or a previous character is dead like Chief.
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DT2 - Melvy.jpg
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The cutest.
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I kind of forget she even existed. I didn't dislike her but she was one of the more boring girls.
It doesn't look like the type of setting that will kill a character.

From what I've played, it's kind of comedic and light hearted at times when yuo get character interactions.
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Shame, it seems it happens when a company go selling to console like Type-Moon.

>That Konomi and Tamaki threesome scene in Another Days
Fate Stat Night and To Heart were from an era when VN companies thought they could only get the attention of otaku by resorting to porn.

It wasn't what they actually wanted to create.
Are you some kinda retard
You think Siena might actually be Melvy somehow?
>with extremely good maps.
Some extremely good maps. There are a few too many maps that just sum up to 'another tightly packed maze with lots of one ways forcing you to backtrack'.
This is just hearsay. But I heard someone say Sony were run by some really close minded people in the PS1 era, and didn't allow certain genres of games like VNs in the Playstation.

It wasn't until the midlife of PS2 thei eased up and allowed more VNs there.
Fucking warp mazes
Well at least Conette didn't turn into a whore
Siena is a very different character.

Walks around with visible underwear.
Extreme Tsurime.
She also has that arrogant "hmph" type of smile.
Too lazy to be one
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I really enjoyed the maps though.
Is Siena the chick in the OP pic? I actually thought that was corrupted and improved Melvy. Isn't the point of the corruption for the characters to be their opposites?
Anyway to play the censored version in English?
I think there's an uncensored hack of the game.
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PS1 has censored eroge too. The one with gameplay, but still text heavy and originated from a porn game nonetheless.
Corrupt Alisia looks kind of scary.

There is no trace of dumb baka left in her, she just brutal, efficient and scary now ;_;
The censorship is extremely minor (basically what they had to do avoid AO rating and nothing else), don't worry about it.
Why does she have cumstrings in her hair? Hairjobs?
Not worth the headaches bro. Just get the vanilla game.
Really? Off to google I go then.

Nah. I need all that lewdness uncensored. Even if it's minor. I'm autistic like that.
I used to like the more genki characters when I was younger, but now I feel too old to deal with that and like more laid back characters and Christmas cakes now. I don't blame anyone for disagreeing though, everyone has different tastes.

Just play the normal English release.
It's just 4 edited CGs. The first is like 10 hours in, the second about 30 hours in, then the other two are way off in post game. It's really not a big deal since none of the text is edited.
But you lose out of the DLC girls and the EXP ring.

Not worth it.
>wanting a censored game
>Anyway to play the censored version in English?
U wot m8?
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And look where the company is now. They don't even exist anymore.
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But Conette and Fiore are my favorites and they are even more chill and cakey than Melvy?
It got butchered to death. Atlus is worse than NISA and should be shut down by SEGA.
Search out the uncensored version of Eiyuu Senki
It turns the Vita version into the actual H-game complete with nipples and sex
But are the girls really NTR'd from Freid?
He'll get them back one at a time.
If I buy the game new at fuck gamestop, will the money goes to the london who drew all these?
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Somebody fuck with your girls, You fuck them back.

Don't underestimate Fired just because he became a shota.
Some of it. But I assume you're mostly interested in localisation of the sequel, so that's what matters.
>avoid AO

More than likely bullshit, since you need to submit it first to truly know, but seeing what was changed, I'm not that much of a purist to make it an issue
>you fuck them back

The MC has no interest in women.
Reversed personality now though...
>More than likely bullshit, since you need to submit it first to truly know
No, it's very possible to contact them beforehand and ask 'hey is this okay or do we have to change it first' about things that might be questionable.
His body has "urges" now that he's a shota. Whether he acts on them or not are another $5.
So what happened to the MC then?
So the entire goal is to get your old party back?
And get revenge?

Or maybe there will be a new final boss.
They give suggestions upon asking. They don't tell you what the final rating is going to be until you put the money down
Corrupted into a shota and then forced to become the servant of the top left girl in OP pic. She wants to retake the country and rid it of monsters.
Oh come on. There's a line between a slutty outfit and being next to naked.
Whats the point of the other girls to be honest

Like do you guys bother to level them up? Im like to comfy with my main team of melvy monica ali lilian and connete to change
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It's just a matter of tastes bro. There are other classes and other costumes too.

A little bit of something for everybody.
So no hardcore NTR doujins yet? I want to see the shota crying while her girls are getting gang fucked by demons.
Ist has the best maid ability so other maids aren't needed
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To those who actually played the first game does the premise for the sequel get you excited or mad?

I never played the game personally but I would probably be irritated to all hell about the premise since I would technically be the one NTRed here (or at least my time and emotions spent on it).

I understand the appeal but I wouldn't feel particularly good about it.
Is the Vita worth getting at this point?
But they can say "You'll have problems with getting an M rating with these 4 images in particular. Everything else will be fine"
It wouldn't make sense to then submit the game as is anyway when they think that it wouldn't make M in the first place since that'd be a needless waste of money and time. Better to trust their word and edit those images.
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What are you doing with my screenshot?
How you get that?
>I would technically be the one NTRed here (or at least my time and emotions spent on it).
You should feel liberated.

Before, you were asexual.
Now, the Demon god gave you freedom to fuck all your girls.
>To those who actually played the first game does the premise for the sequel get you excited or mad?
Indifferent until I play it. We'll have to see how it works in practice.
Or they can not be jews and provision some re-rating money into their budget for the once every 2 years situation that they might get a AO rating

Yeah, after they were "allegedly" turned into cum buckets by the demons.

All the monsters are monster girls, it is more likely for them to be penetrated by demonic sex toys filled with the spirits of the monsters girls they have slain.
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I didn't know you were still around.
Wasn't the last boss female? Not like some dickbags is actually NTRing you.
its actually my screenshot
Wouldn't nip purityfags make a huge fuss about heroines being corrupted? Why am I hearing nothing about this?

You mean, living carpets for the muffin munching demons.


Corruption is a fetish in Japan for fantasy/Magical girl genres. You are less likely to find a vanilla doujin of a fantasy/magical girl/henshin heroine before you find a corruption doujin of some sort
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I just kidding anon
But really why you save that?
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>lost my Vita before I had a chance to get DT1
Fuck me. I haven't lost a handheld console since I was 7. I don't know how I became so negligent.
So do you actually get cucked in these games or what?

I've been looking for some decent NTR games but nothing's cutting it.
The margins on these types of games are very, very small, and if they had to factor in the price of rerating games then take out extra time on pushing back the timeline for everything and sitting on their thumbs then they'd take much, much less risks like this.
The other approach would be to do what IFI is doing now which is they won't censor anything anymore, but if there's something that's borderline and might have issues then they just won't touch it or bring it over anymore.
I'd rather have the Atlus approach of getting something even if they have to do some minor edits on only 4 of over 50 GCs over the IFI approach of just not having the game in English at all.
Only in the sequel which makes your victory over the final boss non canon.
You mean like the criminal girls censorship that had the exact opposite effect of what was intended?

Basically your party was defeated and got possessed by demonic spirits of Satanail and became monster girls.
Then do a GoFundMe, if money is an issue

Well given how they gotten better reviews, giving the journalists a blowjob is a lesser evil to companies like NISA.
So they were actually canonically raped by monster or just turned into monsters by magic? And what happened with the MC? MC in first game was asexual wizard or something?
>The demons and monsters are all female

Wow lame. I thought I could roleplay being defeated on purpose to get raped by big muscular Minotaurs and their gigantic thick throbbing veiny cocks.
He got turned into a demon shota see >>358524514
Post more images of her showcasing why you want to bully her.
Go mod Skyrim, you degenerate.

Turned to monster by magic. Of course, it doesn't stop them from being placed into sexually compromising positions.

Why not get raped by scissoring? Scissor rape and forced vag licking and breastplay is the patrician fetish. Lesdom is the only 100% masculine fetish.
That'd be an easy way to effect your relationship with the company you're working with negatively, and any other future company you plan on working with. It's pretty much saying "we have so little faith in your product that we have to beg others for money to release it in hopes that we can maybe break even". And if the company you're licensing it to is doing that, then why even have them do it in the first place when you can just cut out the middle man and do that yourself? But then again, why would anyone have any faith in a release that had to go through a GoFundMe to be brought over in the first place?
So no company in their right mind would ever suggest doing that since it's shooting yourself in the foot.
>basically what they had to do avoid AO rating and nothing else
Kill yourself shill.
I'm assuming everybody is meming around when they say the got corrupted by being fucked by huge demon cocks, considering that this is not a h-game.
atlus is going to censor the localization again
It's to cover the added cost for a re-rating, you retard. Everyone already assumes they operate on razor-thin margins, so asking for money for something extra is not some PR death wish
They got corrupted, whether it's the sexual kind of corruption is another manner. But Fiora, the nun is quite slutty now given her quote in the OP image being
> It's not good to rush. Must wait till it ripens, then it's time to savor it...

We need the sequel!
I dont support whores.
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That NOT!Megumin is clearly the best girl
Gungnir sequel when?
Of course they will. They will westernize the game to shit like the first one.
>and corrupt them into slutty demons?

That is only for hentai games!
I don't support censorship. I pirated the game with uncut patch.
She is stupid, airhead. Not a whore.
If it were really that simple a solution, then why hasn't it been done before? Why isn't it common?
Doing that would make you look like complete amateurs that don't know what they're doing, how to handle finances, or how to make their partners feel at ease. No company would want to work with "professionals" that seem that incompetent. So asking them to do that would absolutely be a PR deathwish.
Fight me faggot
What do you mean? Sequel is already happening. Or you mean 1 game english version?
How much got removed? People are saying only 4 CGs got redrawn.

Where can I get uncut patch?
>no monster CG rip
So what is plot? In the previous game they were trying to kill demon lord so what they are doing since they already demons?
As I said I'm assuming it's magical mindcontrol and not a 'being fucked in a cave for 5 months and then loving cocks' kind of corruption, because this is not a h-game.
>pirating a game over 4 small CGs
I can see if it was over shit like Criminal Girls but you were clearly just looking for an excuse.
Purify corrupted party members and kill the demon lord.
All the lolis CGs got removed so the original game is worthless now.
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>pirated the game on my vita (i love my vita!)
>feel bad because its really good

Stop spreading shit
So people who are saying only 4 CGs were removed are shilling for atlus or something?
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>all lolis are now fully clothed
Same shit as "removed" to me. At least NISA censored stuff equally instead of specifically targetting lolis and giving them a burqua.
Also forgot to mention that the pic I posted is in NISA's version of Criminal Girls. Get fucked, it didn't get an AO over it.
No one cares. Kill yourself
>NISA shills
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>being a disgusting lolicon
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It's because your party is the ones doing the rape.
Girls cant rape other girls.
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>current year
>being a pedophobe
Educate yourself, bigot
No, the faggots complaining and whining are more likely the ones who hate the platform the game is on.
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you better not live in burger land
So did your party beating demon lord got retconned or they killed her and got cursed or something?
Nah, I'm just saying NISA>Atlus. Atlus censors more than NISA.
>So did your party beating demon lord got retconned
No CGs got removed

The changes were
1. A ghost stopped eating a mushroom, which was meant to look like a blowjob
2. Loli got spats.
3. Loli kept pants on
Atlus are truly nazis.
Should I get Dungeon Travelers 2 or Moero Chronicle?
DT2 is a better game all around. Better mechanics, better girls, better content.
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So only picrelated got censored in the whole game?
Yeh basically the game was butchered to death. Thankfully it's possible now to pirate games like this to say fuck you to shitty publishers like Atlus USA.
oh, the horror

>censorshipfags are willing to be annoying over this
Uhp, time to get out the bingo card.
I think you guys are taking it too seriously. This is just an alternative take.

For all we know, Dungeon Travelers 3 might very well be the route where the final boss was defeated.
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What if its your party not beating the demon god again?
One of the DLC characters too, Ruu I think it was.
Is this a hentai game ?¨Does steam have hentai games ? What are some good hentai games ? Uncensored if possible. This is my homework for tomorrow so hurry plz.
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It's going to be a long night.
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what about dva

Kill yourself, censorship apologist.
What was the sauce for that? I read it many years ago
[Makionsaka Shinichi] A Little More Assertively (English)
Search for expunged galleries
if anything this just makes me more excited for doujins
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That reminds me. Is DT2 available on PC via patching the game script from the Atlus localization and all that? I mean, it was originally a PC RPG in the first place, wasn't it?

I had to wipe my Vita and get my own PSN account rather than the one I used to share, so I've lost all of my data and digital games, so I've been thinking of starting DT2 again because I never cleared the main story even.

TL;DR I'm interested in whether there's a PC version patched floating around.
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Is there no Dungeon Travelers 1?
I don't think even DT2 had any.
It was never a PC game
The originals were PSP games

Oh snibbidy snab, I didn't even know.

What a shame. I can't do the trick to firmware my Vita because I already updated past 3.60.

Suppose I'll just pick up a copy in a few days and own it physical this time.
Hold it right there
You can still pirate vita games if you buy a cheap PSTV and pretty much any memory card
>Dungeon Travelers 1
there is but it was never brought to the west
The PC game is a different game and it has sex scenes.
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Are you guys stupid?
They got corrupted by THIS
Fucks sake. Is there any summary or something for it online?
DT2 has no story relation with DT1. DT2-2 is a direct sequel to the second game, hence the odd numbering.
well I mean there is a OVA and a bunch of doujins for it.

You're talking about To Heart or whatever, wasn't it?
DT1 is a dungeon crawling spinoff of To Heart 2 and it was never brought to the west or fan translated.

DT2 was brought to the west and DT2-2 is the sequel to DT2.
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DLC sprite rips maybe soonâ„¢
I've fapped to NTR doujins of this character even without playing her game.
She's from a hentai game
Is this actually a hyper sexualized game where all your party members get corrupted into total sluts or are you fags just memeing about anime pantyshots?
Combat portraits seem to indicate that they rejoin your party after you purify them of their corruption.
I'd love to but
Of course mate. You don't need to go back to elementary school to relearn to distinguish letters at all.
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I'm not much of a weeaboo, but this game is one of the few classic dungeon-crawlers on vita which come close to EO's level. Demon Gaze and the experience inc games, 7th dragon can't even compare to DT 2's level with its multi class system.
If you can get past the ecchi otaku pandering artstyle, the game is really hard, challenging and the post game is great.
DT2 is Vita TV compatible and Vita TVs are $30 refurbed from Gamestop,have a slot for physical copies and last I checked they were selling new copies of DT2 at $20 and used at $17.50. Also with the 1GB built in you won't need a memory card if you're just buying physical and if you have a PS3 or PS4 controller, you can use that with it.
It's almost like that's the only selling point.
The people who have actually played it here say otherwise.
If Atlus brings over 2-2 they better not fucking censor it like with the first. Let some other company pick up the DT IP for the west like PQube or XSEED or Aksys.
Hate to break it to you but most companies are going to censor any loli content.

No company is gonna localize an AO tier game, they will censor whatever is needed to get it down to M regardless of who localizes it.
Theres been games that has lolis that got brought over to the west uncensored. Atlus and NISA sucks balls at it.
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I stop right at final boss revealing to the party and the city is burning

Is it possible for me to beat the final boss if I somewhat struggle on the elephant boss without massive grinding?

I think my party setup was a Paladdin / Berserker / Doll Master / Bishop / Maid.
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Power grinding to lv50 is easy with the double exp item and a 2 or 1 member team
All men are pigs
Guess it's back to grinding.
Sorry but these are modern times when people have to make sure they don't offend people. Anything localized now is going to have loli stuff censored, especially a game as fanservice heavy as DT2.

is this what metzen left blizzard to do?
Fuck off retards. There was nothing to censor in DT2.
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More games need to do this. Localization when?
What's this game?
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This is LITERALLY my fetish.
Dungeon Travelers 2-2
So I'm guessing I 100% have to play 2 to understand what's happening in this one? Is it for anything besides Vita?
JP PSP version, but post game can be annoying since it lacks the ability to level reset to 90 that the vita version added.
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one of my favorite tags, along with mindbreak and ahegao

>dat sasara's secret 2 doujin
I always thought I'd miss out on the first game since its the second of its series. Turns out I'm wrong, going by the title of the OP (2-2). Looking into it.
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Ah so this is DT 2-2 , my dick feels compelled to locate my lost copy and finish 2 now. Atlus better not pull a Nintendo of America and censor this.
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DLC character portraits
Also forgot to add
>No Utawarerumono 2 and 3 translation
Fuck you Atlus.
Do we play as the corrupted characters?
Battle portraits suggest that the girls go back to normal when they join you but nothing in the screenshots so far show hints of the MC changing back to adult form.
Cool, then I'll just get it for my Vita. Is the first one worth playing, or was that not English or something like that?
First one wasn't translated and isn't required for the enjoyment of the second game since the first one was just a spinoff of an eroge game with all the characters thrown in a fantasy setting.

Damn, it would be cooler if you played like on the evil side for a while.
I was hoping they would stay evil though. They should go through with it like in the OP pictures and don't go back on it. Unless they only show their good side when you're around, so as to keep the NTR feel the OP talks about. Would also be pretty cool.
Okay, cool. So I do get to play as these corrupted semen demons in this new one?
see >>358559760
That's dumb. I wanted to be able to play as a bunch of corrupted girls.
Hey they're cute. I should buy this if comes over. Though the censorship is pretty bad on the first one, according to wiki. But I'll give it a go sometime anyway because I'm EOP.
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Do you have a link to a pack for the rest of the character portraits?
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