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Hearthstone new expansion thread.

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Thread replies: 140
Thread images: 45

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Card dump because I haven't made this thread in days.
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But does it chuckle?
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It's a regular silver back patriarch gorilla wearing these.
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There is some other cards, I'll post em if this thread picks up.
I feel like if you don't pull a Rag/ Sylvanas or
something equally ridiculous this card is just trash.

>Doesn't say random

Does... Does this let you pick any minion?
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Nope, you can get deathwing from a wisp. Revealed on toasts stream

It can trade in reno so you get it again.

In that case Blizzard needs to get the wording on their fucking cards organized. Barnes specifically say random.
So I assume then whatever you swap with loses battlecry if it has it? Yea its shit.
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some cards are good swaps.

I guess mate.
whew lad warlock arena
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Road hog cards. These next cards are very iffy.
Fuck this card. It's not even out yet and I'm already mad.

Deathrattles were a mistake.
This new hand creature buffing mechanic is pure, distilled, boring ass juice.
Yeah but the other panda return cards can already do that. On the same turn even
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>Worst case scenario, 8 points of stats for 3 mana
>A great statted without drawback 3 drop is 7 points of stats
>Weak to silence which Blizzard refuses to add cards to because countering your opponent's minions creates anti-fun, unlike random effects on cards
But with this card you get a brand new card in place of returning the old one.

this expansion is about hand buffing so it's pretty fucking crazy.

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It really is. It's probably less garbage than inspire at least, even though inspire is still ruining arena runs.
This card with the card buffing mechanic makes this perhaps one of the most OP in the game right now.
>this expansion is about hand buffing so it's pretty fucking crazy.
Not exactly. Hand buffing is the the mechanic for hunters, pallys, and warriors. There really wasn't a theme for the priests, warlock, mage gang at least none I can piece together so far.
> blizzard said they wanted to avoid the stigma that random effect cards get

so now they are just lying to hide shit gameplay
Kazakus incoming.
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Consider how much play Mistwalker saw, and it gave bonuses to your entire deck and not just whatever you happened to have in hand when you played it.

jus sumthin 2 set teh ol thinker ponderin
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One buff to this card, just one single buff, makes it a 9/9 worth of stats on turn 6. Hit it with this, it makes it 12/12 on turn 6.
Blizzard balances cards way too far in advance to the release of these sets making any statement they say completely useless since they probably already finalized the next set so we won't see any changes until another half a year.
Dude it's a turn 6 drop whatever you are replacing it with will probably be 3+ cost it's not worth it.
Getting reno twice is really good though, plus it leaves two solid bodies in play.
I suspect silence cards will be coming back now.
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When is Blizzard going to grow some balls and let you make a true discard deck?
Wouldn't work well with 30 card limit.
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God that's such a garbage card. Will Rogues EVER get another good Legendary?
>Its Silverback Patriarch + Bronze Knuckles stats
he he he
Fuck you, you have Edwin
Will Priest ever get a first good legendary?

3 mana huckster HECK YEAH
Xaril wasn't bad and saw quite a bit of play, mainly because rogues love 1 mana spells.
>Implying Velen or Paletress aren't decent

Fuck off. Literally every legendary past Edwin is pure garbage.
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Rouges got something better than a 1 mana spell this expansion. They got this beauty!
You clearly dont play Priest
Theyre absolute trash legendaries
He was okay when the Rogue decks became dominated by shitty stealing mechanics, and even Malkorok could give better value.
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This card plus the taunt hand buffing card makes it pretty ok. This can pretty much reliably get you 4 armor without buffs too,
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Just in time for tomb robber to fall out of standard. Tomb robber's better, famalam.
Velen is extremely situational and will always get removed immediately.
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>2 mana spell
>Give a (A) (1) (One) random minion of a specific type only, only in your hand so it's not even in play so you don't even get the primary benefit of buff cards which are pseudo-charge, +3/+3
>Opponent uses removal on your 5/10 you spend 7 mana and 2 cards on and 2 for 1s you

Great expansion Blizzard.
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>7 mana 5/10 with a buffing battlecry
how will the opponent remove a 6/7 Monkey on turn 3?
>Then you Grom
with a single spell damage minion, say thalnos or a cult sorc, mage can kill it with >>357721320 on turn3/4 before it actually does anything

great balance blizz
so Ancient of War that takes 2 cards 5 armor on attack might be gud tho
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Am I the only one who wants to fug this fempanda?
I want to fuck Lili
You are literally the only one.

Innervate innervate coin Ragnaros hits monkey ggez
>7 Mana
Well, I mean... maybe.
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No he's not.

>t. Me
why even make this card
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What the fuck is this and why is it a legendary?

Will rogue suddenly get charge or windfury or something?

Why does this actually exist?
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>ALL Minions
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Alternatively, there will be a triumphant return of a gold-standard always include from classic set before the dark times of Naxxramas. But that's pretty fucking unlikely since no one except memesters are going to want to play taunt decks.
On turn 5 though and it gives you 5 armor from the combo. Two hit's against it gives you 10 armor and it will take at least 3 medium minions.
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Arena filler?
>Blood to Ichor
Heh, Greetings.
Deadly shot, hex, polymorph boar.
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That is not a Li Li.
one less removal on your Grom/Rag/etc
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All I want is for New Gadgetzan to be in WoW
play it on turn 6, it dies, and then ALL minions. holy shit this is so fucking broken
What would happen if you played this card?
i miss voljin
aoe effects are good in arena, only issue it has is if your opponent plays bog creeper the turn after, otherwise it even trades with arena dr 7
ALL Minions

The Kabal are supposed to be about singleton Reno decks.
somethingsomething digital cards lolpeople buy these somethingsomething

why isn't there a private server where all cards are unlocked for free?
It would ALL minions.
So you'll run a bad card because it's powerful if you're A: going first because if you're going second your opponent will have 4 mana on hand to answer it, B: have the card in hand on turn 2, and C: have a taunt monkey also in hand on turn 2.

Don't forget bolster while you're dreaming of memes.
>Getting reno twice
...Unless you're a Rogue that ain't happening, since Goya's effect wouldn't heal you if she pulled out a Reno.
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I..I don't know what that means though

>I have cunningly baited my opponent into gaining card advantage over me so I will be more likely to successfully play big minions 5 turns later
those "buff in hand" cards are going to be absolutely nuts for arena
a properly constructed deck can deal with a 6/7 turn 3 but an arena deck?
1. ALL minions
2. die, if not buffed in hand, or a lord was in play
It's simple Anon.

ALL Minions
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No, you reno then Goya then draw him later.

ALL MINIONS. Are you a casual or something

Also there are some more cards but they are pretty bad.
Does Blizzard make you pay for appropriate card descriptions now?
Id fug the one behind it.
it's a joke

ALL Minions.

The problem with that is singleton decks are going into the trash once Reno is phased out in 2017. The new singleton legendary can do cool shit but it's not as consistent or decent to build a deck around as fully healing yourself. We'll have a brief crazy window when priest dragon decks are awesome and RENO STRONK and then shit will get awful.
Anon, it's very simple, just ALL minions. Not a single enemy or friendly minion, just all of them
>Play a Huckster deck with the card that reduces other class cards' cost
>Play cards that make 1/1 copies of him
>get whirlwinded and lose it all
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who is ready for the expansion
What do the cudgels under the mana cost mean?

That's actually pretty powerful. Murloc paladin is already the best type of paladin since you can draw like the goddamn wind with divine favor, especially since you don't much care about giving your opponent card with oracle since that'll just boost your favors anyway.
how the fuck do you even amass that much gold, i would love to have that much so i can go through every adventure but i struggle to get gold to get through arena
I have 1/10th of that so not me.
Would these be able to steal gang cards as well? because that would be pretty rad
Ohhh, yeah, lookit that. Well never mind the card DOES have use.

Around 5k myself since I was fucking around a lot before they announced the expansion. I'm at about 30,000 dust though which won't do me much good because I haven't seen a single legendary in the new set I want to craft
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It's a gang, it means that the card is restricted to 3 classes rather than just the one or all.
ALL minions
Your evil deeds end now
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Not even THIS bad boy?
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just do the daily quest every other 2 days. I like to play HS in windowed mode like this and just tab in when its my turn while watching a stream on the 2nd monitor. very comfy
It's a new thing where some cards are part of factions which can only be used by certain classes. I don't recall the names of the factions but the split is
-mage, priest, warlock
-warrior, pally, hunter
-rogue, shaman, druid
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>blood manos turn 6
>stormwind champion turn 7
it's no surprise they had to do a ban on this in competitive hearthstone. it's like picking sagat in SF2
>inspires rotate out
>this guy comes in
yet another fuckup by blizzard
>implying inspire decks would even use it
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>3 mana 3/4 legendary with no text
Guess Spider Tank was too OP, so they had to bump the rarity and remove the tribal tag.
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Yeah you'll get charge and windfury when you fight warriors and shamans with that card.
Forsen is that you?
Anyone know if this will be one of those expansions that you unlock the cards from packs instead of those shitty adventures?
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Big expansion. They got big expansion, small expansion, big expansion, small expansion. They do it in an order.
you could make some kind of garbage burgle deck with that one, saraad and poison blade. it'd probably be pretty satisfying winning one in every 15 games with a deck built on the shoulders of two of the shittiest cards yet.
I fucking hate that blizzard thinks shitty legendaries are okay.

It fucks over F2Pers even harder then everything else always does.
adventures usually have better cards.
League of explorers was the best expansion ever.
Knowing Blizzard it'd be "Transform a card in your opponents hand into a random X"
my first 3 legendaries were cho, king krush and king krush

still mad
And the previous one, One night in Karazhan or whatever was a big piece of shit
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>Reno's reincarnation is limited to mage, warlock, and priest.
Makes me sad, was hoping all the Gadgetzan gangs will get their own version of Reno.
I play reno rogue
Any good rogue weapons revealed so far?
unless i'm missing something, this card looks like the worst one revealed.
it seems like the goal is to swap out little cards for big ones but what's the point if the enabler card is itself an expensive one?
>Velen is niche but can be powerful, saw pretty decent use

>Paletress was in literally every single priest deck when she was released

I want what you're smoking.
It's still better than shadowverse.
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Said the mechanic essentially forces your opponent to use his best removal on just decent cards, then you drop a fucking beast on them and they can't deal with that.
ah forlorn stalker, if only you were around for huntertaker
Reno is only crucial for Warlock anyway, ever since they butchered Molten Giant. Literally impossible to play anything other than zoo without it.
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>shitty adventures

Literally the only reason I come back to this RNG ridden garbage
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