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WoW Legion

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Thread replies: 162
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They actually did it. They actually made WoW great again.

What went so right?
>Still using boring 4 difficulty system for raids.

Pick one. Once you complete the PVE content on normal or even heroic you lose all drive to keep playing. No one wants to spam the same shit over and over especially with the titanforging system being as it is.

Plus world quests and artifact power get old real fast.
>Ralph goes to /v/
no surprise
fuck off blizzard
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>What went so right?
Mod support.
Oh look, its again that nearly homeless dogfucker rejected even by furfags and other freaks

get the fuck out unhuman shit

> wow great again
> 90k per token
The premise of the expansion is interesting. So far raids have been fun for the most part. New Valor raid shits all over EN.

That said the gearing system is broken. There is no satisfaction. There is always a better item you can have thanks to mythic+. Not a fan of how the mythic+ as it makes EN hc gear really shit. Also makes mythic raiding easier as most hardcore guilds spam mythic+ until they're decked out in ilvl 880 and can treat mythic like heroic content.

The rng legendary system is awful. No alternative way to acquire the items you're aiming for.

AP grind isn't bad as it gives you something to work towards ... but it's the only grind in the game. There is no alternative to it beside spamming more dungeons in the hopes the legendary you want will drop

Overall so far liking the Pve content but the gearing system is shit

And what are blizzard offering in their future patches? More of the same. Further world quests and AP grinding. At least in TBC you could reach best in slot and the only way to improve your gear was to raid with a guild. Not spam 5 man dungeons hundreds of times. Hell - spamming the same 5 mans over and over again is demoralising
>> 90k per token

That's not really WoW's fault when it's what Euro's are willing to pay for them.

Be glad you do play on any asian servers.
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>best expansion yet
>the item bloat is well past 200 ilvls on the first tier of the expansion
>Classes are gutted to fuck, meaningful group content still non existant outside of raids
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oh look, its him!
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Good post.

I agree with everything, especially the legendary system. I'm in a 7/7 mythic guild, and we're decently try-hard, which means we feel like we're forced to clear heroic and maybe even Normal EN in addition to our mythic clears because of AP and chance of legendary.

Warforged/titanforged system is worse than ever - this was much better in WoD. Getting an item drop isn't as satisfying now, because I know I'm gonna have to go again and again hoping for an even high itemlevel of the same item that *might* drop if I'm extremely lucky.

The game has never before felt like such an obvious attempt to keep my sub active, with mobile game-tier systems.
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Those figures don't match up.
Just dumping some pics from wowg about him. Im not gonna dig up logs and make stupid dogfucker famous
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Do you realize how backwards that logic is
>I don't want to make him more known
>but I want to post about him
Maybe it is. Still
>see dumb avatarfag attentionwhoring
>remind people about some facts avatarfag want to hide
thats all, if someone want "more" he can google archives about it
fuck legendaries
>huge dps gap in between class specific ones
>huge dps loss getting the general ones

Why the fuck didn't they just make class legendaries have utility bonuses and raised the item levels of them to 910 so people aren't getting royally fucked?
lol dogfucker trying to fit in
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>those proportions
Stay mad, dogfucker

>he had one friend but unfortunately they broke up
>now he spends all day shit talking the only friend he had. it's sad really. i feel bad for him, the friend, not ralphie. I would never feel bad for a fat, trans dogfucker

>add someone
>play games with him
>have fun
>don't get upset when they play games with other people because i'm not a controlling dogfucker
>wow human behavior is very difficult !!!

>he really does, even bearheart told everyone that ralph thinks he does but he "doesnt have the money for it"
>this is the same guy that brags about thousands of dollars wasted on server/race changes on wow
>luckily he'll die soon of heart complications because he eats like a pig so he wont be a threat to anyone around him for long
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>dogfucker: the move

>So right

Nothing it's still falling
> dogfucker try so hard to defend his autism

Oh got more pls
President Donald J. Trump
Fat dogfucker triggered so hard xD
Red Senate and House

President Donald J. Trump, 45th president of the United States of America, elected by the people's will. Fat Greek was wrong again, more news at 11
> still try to look inteligent while being dumb dogfucking idiot with no friends or family. Too poor for medical treatment but wealthy for paying hundreds for realm transfers
>States a fact
Actual moron predicts incorrectly that Donald J. Trump would lose the election.

Get packing, you've got a wall to build
>ive made a yuuuge mistake
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> he thinks its something to be proud to waste money on wow while being unable to pay for medical help

Hahaha, what a fucking trash, gonna inform some services about you zoophilia becaus epropably you're forcing that poor dog to fuck your useless existence xD
Someone posted pic with you admiting you're an autistic scum who need medical help badly
You're in so bad state that even furfags hate you
Also, rangebaned from /vg/ you are trying to avatar atentionwhore every wow thread. And you admitted you care so much about what 4chan says about you

and for anons you are just a fat, delusional dogfucker, trying to be inteligent uberman, while being subhuman mentally-ill trash looking for attention on anonymous board

And look peopela re laughing at you so ahrd for a months
Keep lying to yourself. The wall just got twice as tall ;^)
Bye :)
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Confirmed newfag ;^)
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do your 12s kids
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>make wow thread
>go do 3-4 mythic + dungeons
>come back

I'm sorry janitor. I didn't mean for this to happen.
Dogfucker and his doge defence force
>tfw casual since my friends quit
i just can't pug
>wowg personality posts
>wowg autists shitpost at him
>they both reply to each other
Sounds like the norm these days

I don't browse wowg for this reason anon.

/v/ wow threads were always better... when they were in their /vg/ shithole
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>by now you have not cleared +15
Oh well Ralph is your problem now that he's range banned from /vg/ so best get used to this. He won't stop for a year until he's range banned here too

God bless and good luck and remember to report nonstop to get the results you seek faster.
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>It's a gay autistic furry think his opinion matter thread
As a person who can only play 2-3 days a week for maybe 2-3 hours each day, is it worth getting into WoW again? Or will i not have enough time to get good?
Blizzard literally sells gold now, do you think WoW is worth getting back into?
fuck greeks are homo
>They actually made WoW great again.
>RNG for legendaries is completely broken
>Legendaries are mandatory for mythinc raiding.
They fucked it up.
fucking little boys since 500 bc
You're probably Blizzard's new target audience. Just enough time to do your world quests, LFR and pug Normal/Heroic raids. If you had any more time, you'd be bored out of your mind.
>16k gold

Are they ever going to fix the stat bloat?
>artifact weapons
>mythic +
>some class reworks (inb4 no utilities, they're giving them back)
>class specific shit to do (should make it more group oriented tho)
>multiple story quest lines advanced patch by patch
>level scaling

>gear and secondary stats (fixing it in next patch, hopefully)
>legendaries (they should either have specific ways to get or not be in the game at all)
>no pvp gear other than wq's and rng box drop (literally why? I'm prestige lvl 2 and STILL missing half of my glad set. I want that fucking mog.)
>community full of boost me senpai babbies, go guild or go home (altho that might be a good thing, brings back the focus on making friends in the game)

Thats all I can think of at the top of my head. Who excited for 7.2?
I liked the original model of the boss just being the boss. You either could kill him or you couldn't. Now its "choose his power level yourself". If you have that much control over him with a click of a button it really takes away from the experience.
[Muffled shitting noises in the distance]
They aren't. We cleared mythic with only half of us having legendaries and half of that having good ones.
it's your guild/randos on LFR that make it mandatory
>community full of boost me senpai
this is the one that is bothering me at the moment. everything else is whatever.

people somehow get a +5 key, but still want to be carried through it. how about just play within your means like everyone else?
then you get into stealth carry groups where 7 minutes into the instance you discover one of the dps is doing like 1.5 dps, barely above the tank.
or you get into a stealth "guildie" group and discover it's the healer's first time in the dungeon.

protip: don't join guildie runs, they should be called Fischer Price learner's training wheel runs
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It's pretty based as fuck. Maining a Ret Pally all expansion.

The dungeon system has been my absolute favorite thing about Legion. It's been an incredible ride me and my close group of friends have experienced, going from normals at the beginning to Mythic+ 12 now.

EN was a little underwhelming but still solid, and ToV is pretty damn challenging. Can't wait for Nighthold.

If only PvP was good but the lead designer can't get his head out of his ass and still thinks WoW PvP is going to become an "e-sport". Total fucktard.
Keep in mind that 80% of spriests have terribad dps because they can't into spriest. There's more to it than a scrub icy veins rotation. I personally know 3 who rerolled and haven't had the faintest idea how to improve their dps anymore.
I'd go sham because resto is the shit, enha has sick dps and is fun as balls, ele is also good dps. I have a priest only for the healing specs, fuck shadow.
I haven't done a single keystone with people not from my guild since the start of the xpac and I'm not planning to. It's so toxic it burns my eyes. Not to mention it's actually fun to try and progress with our shitty composition not just go there to grind phat loot.
dont you have dog cum to wash off your bum?
> same pics got deleted
> post it again

Seriosuly get the fuck out cancer, its not your personal blog
your bull is calling
And this is why WoW should be contained to it's general
Based bible thumper
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>can barely get into any mythic+ (it still happens occasionally though) because I'm a demon hunter and there's a fuck ton of demon hunters and no one wants 3 fucking demon hunter fucks in their group

What did I do to myself
If they were gonna keep doing hardmodes they should've done every single fight like Ulduar
But that'd take more effort
Pence is literally assassination protection for Trump.
Who is this Ralph person?

I wonder how intellectually stunted you to be to post a bait image while simultaneously autistically rampaging in the WoW general for years and making everyone there hate your AIDS-infested guts

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>WoW now has less spells/abilities on your action bar than it did in 2004

why did they simplify it so much?
I dont know who are you and wont look for that. I saw pictures of you here and your fucking spam in every wow thread so fuck off because calling anyone about inteligence while failing your exams is dumb as fuck

get the fuck out seriosuly
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>calling it strat live/undead

Tbqh, pruning skills doesn't bother me as much as the insane simplification of stats.

Several classes literally have one(1) stat that is so vastly superior to others that you can just stack it and do stupid DPS.
Look at first posts and guy who posted pcitures about him

In short: social reject looking for attention
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>tfw you can't decide whether to main a Ret Pally or Unholy DK

Both looks like loads of fun to play
>mfw I miss being that stupid hunter that ignored agility and only collected stamina and intellect cause "it makes my bars bigger"
>and uses disengage in my rotation and couldn't figure out why it made me stop attacking

It was such a simpler time, and I was a fucking retard
>WoW Legion

It's boring.
> call people dumb and inferior to you
> have nothing to back it up besides rage, bad grades, failed exams, obesity and confirmed zoophilia
> still have superior complex to people who dont give a shit about who other anons are
>playing the latest meme class
What did you expect?

Honestly the reason I quit legion is it feels to button-mashy now.
Like to do good DPS you have to constantly be hitting buttons all the time. It honestly made my fingers tired after awhile. I miss the slower pace of vanilla/BC when it wasn't all about doing a "dps rotation" of mashing buttons nonstop.
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Ralph BTFO like the scum he is

Anyone looking forward to the 2PM Q&A with Ion today? I hope he addreses Unholy DKs.

Also hope for 7.1.5 notes soon.
I really just need to level my monk to 110 but I don't want to
>I can't play through infinity amount of content!

What are you actually expecting
They wont adress dk because they dont know how to handle this class. Blood DK is copied from early mop dk with same mistakes over again. Also useless mastery and recently added missing skill required for fights like cenarius

Frost and Uh scaling just shows that they dont know what to do. Something like " we wont boost arcane mages because fire mages would ge upset"
>my fingers are too tired to press these buttons

Lmao dude how are you even alive right now holy shit, you should've been left on a hillside as an infant.
Fuck off, i dont kow who you are, dont care about your delusions. Just stop forcing your presence in every wow thread on ANONYMOUS board autist idiot

DKs have already given some pretty good ideas, so they have no excuse. Things like making mastery scale with pet damage as well would go a long way in scaling and making pets less useless.
What the fuck is going on in this thread?
By scaling i mean blood dk shield that drops after 1 normal hit from boss. it shoudl work somehow when one of golden traits are build around sustaining such shield

As UH, i feel nothing wrong with actual rotation. just dps output is bottom tier when compared to other classes
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>turn my music up really loud cause slamming on the keyboard sounds so autistic to my ears

they could do with making Soul Reaper baseline

talent is too good and too fun, everyone takes it

would combo great with Dark Arbiter too
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Some autists are getting triggered by some Ralph guy and shitposting non stop about him
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>That UI
They should just change it back to the way it was, with DS costing runes instead of runic power

DS: 2 runes, healing/shield abiltiy etc, nerfed damage
HS: 1-2 runes, main damaging ability (aka you have to make an active choice between DS/HS and therefor between damage or defense)
Marrowrend: Runic power, keeps up boneshield, should cost like 25 RP or something

besides that DKs are fine, we got IBF back in 7.1 which made a big difference
>demon hunters can't use their wings to jusr straight up fly
>tfw love my demon hunter but hate the demonic aesthetic
>like thr paladin and holy priest aesthetic but they're so boring
>want to make a holy transmog set for my DH and be like that stupid light dreadlord
Bunch of shit devs left
Metzen got a new creative outlet he cared about instead of shitting in wow
Moved good devs back to wow team
Hazzikostas is listening
Devs are interacting and involving the community again
And most importantly - abandoned WoD after 1 year, leaving interns to finish it, so the big boys could focus on legion and beyond
>that warrior class mount
rage: 100
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Post you are UI
game is buggy as shit
still have rng legendaries
the gearing curve is garbage
there should be an alternative high-end difficulty for dungeons that isn't timed
secondary stats are too heavily weighted
warrior class mount is fucking stupid
overworld content is STILL too fucking easy
>go to +10 with guild group
>cannot even make the timer
>this is a 7/7M 3/3HC guild btw

>this week make +10 group myself on LFG, not even asking for achievements, just checking their armories a bit
>2 chests, 1.5 minutes away from 3 chests

They noticed I got the +10 achievement and are asking me to go with them, but I really don't want to waste 2 hours with them when I can just clear it with pugs, fuck this.
Warriors in general are fucking stupid, and it made me quite the game that I had to play fucking Arms in PvE to be competitive.

Literal trash specc.
i play prot and i hate dps, so i wouldn't know
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He a Greek troll from wowg that plays big bandas and people get triggered by him

He's a furry, but makes mad bank cause he's a sailor.
He got Greece range banned from vg pol and int
Wonder how can one person has achieved so much hate and butthurt in his name
fury got buffed

based fellow DK bro
Default UI is a classic though and I much prefer it over the "SUPER MINIMALIST" style that people here post all the time.
>fury got buffed

No, enrage damage taken was nerfed by 10%.
>hurr durr i'm retarded
>fuck off retard
>neo4chan so easily triggered
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Suffer well brother
I'm already bored, I'm not even logging in for raids anymore, it's just not fun.
t. close minded bigot who tells himself he's above others
the double iodized
the fuck happened to the rune system?
You have 6x1 runes with same symbol instead of 3x2 diffirent
It's awful don't be delusional
>game has no depth
>no challenging content
>removal of 10 man Mythic/ Challenge Modes (Mythic plus is not a suitable replacement)
>Pet battles still have resources flowing in to it
>The name of the game is RNG.
>Same old world quests
>All of the casters feel the same, as well as all of the Melee DPS feel the same
>Resolve removed from the game, making tanking take literally 0 skill
>Composition diversity is non-existant in this game.
>Tanking literally ruined in terms of class design. Nobody had complaints about the way BM/BDK played.
>Half of the DPS classes ruined. Demo locks are unrecognizable, Hunters are ruined.
>Artifact weapons are retarded. If you want to play two specs you are putting yourself at an immediate disadvantage in one or both specs because if you just funneled all your AP in to your OS weapon(s).
>Gear RNG and not having reforging
>STILL having Garrisons 2.0 and gating your 3rd relic trait behind point and click adventures.

IMO blizz has made so many mistakes this expansion it's not even funny. The inherent problems with warlords weren't that there were no legendaries (other than questlines), class design, class balance, etc...
The problems with WoD were garrisons and lack of content. Blizz is trying to do the polar opposite of WoD but in all the wrong directions. I genuinely believe that as this expac continues, people will begin to realize that it is worse than WoD. There's simply no depth to the game anymore.

I'll be unsubbing soon and having my fingers crossed for MoP legacy servers
>>no challenging content
what did he mean by this
Just coming in to agree with this while waiting on my 2.5sec GCD to finish.
>Implying M EN is hard
>Implying M+ 15 is hard
Come on now.

Can you name one thing in this game that is difficult to do now?
Link your m+15 and cenarius m achievements
A MoP server without LFR would be pretty neat. I really enjoyed all the raids and they were fairly challenging.
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Not gonna disclose who I am.
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So you're an LFR shitter, gotcha.
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What are some good Garithos transmogs?
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Clearing it on LFR is the same as clearing it on Mythic.
Exalted Plate is basically his outfit but it's a Vanilla set and has some pretty bad textures.
hello shitter

you're right about mythic EN being shit though, but mythic level 15 dungeons is the hardest dungeon content we've ever had by far. Some bosses are even pretty much impossible on mythic 15, like the endboss in Court of Stars
You serious? CoS? LOL
CoS is one of the easiest M+ high level dungeons out there dude.
Now if you would've said trial of valor with tyrannical...
>Hymdall on +10 and up

the horror
Either bait or you are mentally retarded
But he's right, Melandrus on +15 with Tyrannical basically has 1min enrage with all the fucking copies doing absurd damage.
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Fun question for you guys, where would you place these at in terms of Mythic+ levels:

>BC Dungeons (e.g. Mechanar, Shadow Labs, Blood Furnace)
>Pre-nerf Cata Dungeons
>Patch 3.3 Wrath Dungeons (Pit of Saron, Halls of Reflection)
I would place all below +5
>Takes more than 24 hours to fill a general to post limit
So i assume everyone left outside the usual autistic retards like bearshart and icy?
Difficult to say for me right now because even pugs stepped it up so hard for 5man content right now.

The timer also makes shit much harder, so you could only truly compare it to Shattered Halls maybe?
Thanks for proving that you're a shitter and never done a high level mythic+ CoS

Melandrus is practically impossible on level 15 because of the unavoidable, massive aoe damage he does.
You won't have enough DPS to kill him before he kills you

Was a casual shitter in TBC so don't really have much experience from the heroic dungeons then

I would place Cata Dungeons on between like +4 and +5
The thing about Cata Dungeons that was so hard was that shitters in LFD didn't know how to avoid aoe and stuff that bosses did, so they got fucked instantly.
In mythic+ there so much unavoidable damage that it's really high tuned, and the affixes makes it even more difficult.

Pit of Saron and HoR was never really that difficult, it's just that people were so used to faceroll dungeons that they seemed hard in comparison.
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>gettiing baited this easily
Andd you wonder why faggots never stop shitposting

Wanna join my group? We need a tank and you seem to have a knack for damage control
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kek btfo
i put BC heroic dungeons up there with +8 mythic. had to have cc, wouldn't even get invited into a group unless you had recastable CC and yes, they would say "recastable" in lfg.

pre-nerf Cata were a joke, they were just difficult at first because people were coming off of the WotlK zerg, pull pull pull everything.

the 3.3 dungeons were also a joke. HoR was just mechanics and a dps check and PoS you could literally skip like 70% of the trash in there.
you want spell on your action bar? go play ffxiv.

Dragoon with 30 ish ability rotation + positionning.
>Moved good devs back to wow team
insider here, they actually just hired a whole shitload of new people, they didn't move anyone
>They actually made WoW great again.
As long as the facebook table is in the game it'll never even be decent again
>pre-nerf Cata were a joke,

Some were easy and some were just downright awful. Doing Heroic Deadmines on launch day was fucking ridiculous when you got to Ripsnarl.
"make x great again"

fucking racists theirs a place for you

>wanting something to be great is a bad thing

fuck off shitter, not even talking politics but wanting to improve something or one's self should be celebrated.
Kys retarded drone

You aint improving shit, you are just talking big like a retard
this made my day.
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>TFW realized Varian is dead and he will be never my King again
Yeah gotta love cute gay male pandaren in exposing dresses :3

dat body
At least Genn "Build a Wall" Greymane is carrying on his legacy by telling Sylvanus to eat a dick.
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Thread posts: 162
Thread images: 39

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