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Smash Summit 3 - Melee Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 526
Thread images: 102

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Melee invitational hosted by the Beyond the Summit guys. Top 5 all in attendance (RIP pp), featuring the return of Leffen and fan favorites like S2J, PewPewU, Duck, Mafia, etc.

Blind man challenge and iron man probably the most exciting things today.

stream @BeyondTheSummit

full schedule in a sec
easy leffen win with no ice there :^)
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>mfw he bitches at mafia after losing in doubles
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>no PP

what happened bros?
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>best commentator in e-sports not there

why bother watching?
>says 15 more seconds
>lel jk guys wait another 5 minutes

what is this trash music anyway
fuck this bias mango cocksucking faggot
>bobby scarnumale of numale it on me
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>Fan favorites like Mafia
this track is fire
DOTAfag here, which one of these autists is gonna break the wall this time?
was a joke desu

everyone knows MDZ rigged that shit
Phil and Waff gonna be there what are you talking about?
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the first fucking match better not be Teams
Who would not go gay for Abate.
>"I only want singles for 4 days straight" autist is here already

the couch is underrating the skill of the blind man challenge

you can still hear sound effects and these guys have tech skill ingrained in their blood
>no constant stream on one of the tvs they use in the practice room
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>he doesn't want to see the godlike team of Leffen and Mafia
Nah, just kinda want to get Round 1 Singles out of the way, then Doubles. Not the biggest fan of it, sure, but I'm not that guy. I'm the guy with the Chillin pictures[/spoiiler]
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how far will n0ne go, bros? top 8?
he plays armada first so he's probably going 0-2 in bracket

wait what the fuck is this
who /cringe/ here
draft crew picking
get this Survivor music outta here
fuckin westballz
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>mafia last pick
>tfw picked last
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>""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Competitive"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Smash Brothers

Holy fuck just when I thought you losers couldn't get any more pathetic kek
plup/m2k team will win easily
/our guy/ mafia
Leffen > m2k > Westballz > Mango


>no one has made a tito dick skin for falcon yet

how hard is and and what software do I need lads?
that sounds retarded, the america skin is the only one you need

but i'd be interested in the software as well
I have a guide here, Windows only.

what happened to pp
he's transitioning and has started taking female hormones
Have you been living under a rock or what?
taking homones
low test fucked with his focus and energy
He's a hot girl now
Literally low test
Low test, he's saying he's coming back at G4 so wait until TBH7.
I saw Chillin at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
>that sounds retarded
that's the fucking point anon
imagine bringing a setup to a local and busting out the dickman on someone
only problem is that I main spacies and my falcon is fucking garbage
thanks man
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yeh i doubt even makes genesis. nig has said next tournament every few months now.
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>he doesn't root for the O C E A N M A N
Why is /v/ is so shit?
wait isnt that just Tr4sh?
>Lets be the Flaccid Assassins
>mew2king literally REEEEEing
>tfw no wobbles wall-punching minigame this summit

shit tourney tbqhfam
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I have been living under a rock. I thought you guys were kidding about hormones.

why pp

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we better get some more eating reaction images this summit. last summit was a goldmine.
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This is what PP looks like now.
This is a joke right?
When's the gameplay starting for crews or whatever is scheduled

I wanna see mafia get fucking destroyed
wasn't she the girl Hyuga killed his career over
Moon is a goldmine my friend.
You'd have to be a complete retard to even ask that
theres a clock and a time on the screen
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>girl (female)
Why did you post a blank picture?
first gameplay is in 20 min

blind man challenge
suace pls
Where my Westballz bros at?
Yes she is, not sure if i can blame Hyuga, she's a qt.

no porn, but why would you want that
EG PPMD (Formerly VGBC Dr. PeePee, M.D.)
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Does anyone here actually like Alex19?
West, PPMD, m2k, wobbles, hax, and Chu are literally our guys.
Everyone else is not our guys and are impostors
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Who's Gumby? He came out of nowhere and his marth is sick.
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>tfw hyuga killed his career for this
>tfw no more top tier toon link
Alcohol is a hell of a drug.
No and he's a fucking fag for mango. I swear that he has mango on his mind 24/7
get out
he's not even close to being a top player, and his success comes literally from being a mango dickrider
The feeling is mutual

When Mango played Mega Man 2, he called Wood Man "Alex's Dick"
>not our guy
Wobbles is literally one of us
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Alex19 isn't so great? Are you kidding me? When was the last time you saw a player with such an ability and movement with fox? Alex puts the game in another level, and we will be blessed if we ever see a player with his skill and passion for the game again. mang0 breaks records. Armada breaks records. Alex19 breaks the rules. You can keep your statistics. I prefer the magic.
why does he wear the mask?
super talk bros melee
nice Twitch chat copypasta fag
Go back to twitch chat faggot
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What have I missed boys? Just got hre
>a literal faggot
>our guy
why are you still here? gtfo
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Who here is their first time. I completely forgot the summit lineup of #2
He's gonna be back by Smash Con 2017 time
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Why are smash events always on weekdays
don't these autists have jobs?
It's only a year he's registered for G4
Get back to streaming, Hugs
Yes, their jobs are to play Smash
>blur follows league

what a fag
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the couch and the commentary we are seeing right now is better,more insightful, and more entertaining than half the tournaments
That dude in the back left could be in Trailer Park Boys with that gut kek
Smash events are never on weekdays actually
When's the next You're Watching SFAT, lads?

Crew picks and people talking about said crew picks. Mafia was picked last.
Wait are you serious? Is he really allowed to attend Genesis? Having him and now Leo in crews would be amazing.
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>being this mad about the magic
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>being a wagecuck
hopefully they don't have this talking segment every day.
>being mad someone has a best friend who they've known since childhood
he follows a bunch of esports since helping esports grow is part of his job at twitch
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>tfw no chillin/chu rap album
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why do people bully my main?
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Guys, can you please help name my boy band?
this pasta originated before summit 1 even started retards its not from twitch its smashboards
>2 hours of stream time of people playing with blindfolds
Beyond the Summit is always comfy as fuck.

Mafia(party game) and Charades when?
Why does reading r/smashbros give me the urge to vomit?

>male chokers
what the fuck am I looking at
People are fags. Nice taste my man
Leffen and the bros
Who won the fanvote?
who is in?
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the fuccbois
They are always on weekends

This is an exception


i'm actually curious about the bindolfded, it's at least a better meme event than fucking 2 hands 1 controller challenge
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S2J, PPU, Duck, Mafia, The Moon, and n0ne
How the fuck did we get another (worse) ESAM in this summit?
Wizzrobe got cucked again?
MDZ rigged the voting.
>works for smashgg
Why was this allowed?
How do we fix smash bros commentating?
Low testosterone is a medical condition. Usually old people get it but it's can show up in younger guys for different reasons.
Yep. Everyone was expecting him in, yet he was miles behind the other guy getting eliminated in the final round of voting.
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I wonder
>looks like a faggot
>acts like a faggot in tournament
He deserves it
>broken-ass downsmash
Return of the God Couch

guest apperance from PPMD
hungrybox-plup is a great team to watch, can't wait for them to cuck the clg fags
MDZ is MIOM Illuminati and can therefore do no wrong
Move the mic farther away from the mouths of the commentators.

Also don't let mouthbreathing autists commentate.

God I hate Tafo.
He's the guy who floated pros through r1 pools so they can have (((eceleb))) signing on the first day.
what do you have against faggots anon?
Literally why?
he's mad they're not sucking his dick
>2 of the best characters to watch
>dopest peach in america

stay mad
Bravo Shroomed
>dopest peach in america
fuck off NE shitter, if you honestly think Mafia should be in over Ice you should neck yourself
well this is garbage
>shroomed cancer in crews AGAIN
Fucking shroomed
blatant cheating
i could do better than these shitters. they're not even using any tech skill. you have to take risks not just use one safe move
y'know this is the Blind Man challenge right

and Armada
our guy hbox
>Dopest Peach
Thats not Armada/Mac D/Bladewise/Scarmada, fuck off NE shitter.
Thought it was Smash 4 challenge :^)
gud one

how do i know you're a cuck?
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Will the BOAT get a 3ummit?
not the same nose
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>that team *screeeeeching* pic
>Phil and HMW already fucking hilarious 1 set into day 1
based summit
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Marth seems like he would be the best in this.
Truly, this is the peak of Melee
so is this like street fighter for kids or..?
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>Hugo can't land a charge shot for his life
>Plup lands them blind

I can't believe I'm actually watching this shit.
This is how Sakurai intended the game to be played.
This is awful, one handed smash was better.
>play fox
>don't reflect
>switch to ganon
>don't side B with ganon
seems like it'd be good here
this is lame as fuck , going back to netplay
>no Scar, no Toph, no Lucky, no Ice, no Hax, no Wobbles

Mafia night is sure going to be shit.
Toph is there
>no Scar
Amazing actually, fuck that dicksucking literal cuck
>No Toph
Irrelevant, doesn't contribute to anything noteworthy
>No Lucky
There's enough fucking norwalk degenerates there
>no Hax
He's never been there though?
>No Wobbles
Mango looks more and more like a gun salesman every time I see him.
Was Plup doing the fucking smug pepe pose?
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Alt right fags please leave
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>alt right
Literally nothing to do with 4chan. Also, I'd rather be part of the Alt-Right than of people that can't appriciate how good the word cuck is.
Wouldn't be surpised, he's kinda of a autist
Okay cool, still cancer.
Cancer? What the fuck, where do you think you are? /v/ is the most normalfag board on the entire chan. The hell do you think you call cancer, cuck?
At least this will end fairly quick. The novelty of these events wear off quickly.
....[Spoiler]I would.[/spoiler]
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True, I only go on /v/ for Melee threads. Go on living in your filth, /v/ermin.
no periods in spoiler tags
>posts anime
>thinks he isn't cancer
underage out
Mafia worst coach of the year.
whats with this production. mic drops in and out
This is literally 100% johnys fault
....H...e capit....alize.d the S you retard .

>going back to Yoshi's
He's retarded

Also why do they keep fucking up the audio, it's fine
Nice audio bro.
why does the volume keep changing
seriously I doubt he told him to up b for no reason when he's not even offstage
>supposed to be an e-sports event
>fuck up the most basic shit like audio levels

wheres GIMR when we need him?
>be on yoshis
>spam side b in random directions
>get mad at the other guy for dying
norwalk is all as dumb as a fucking brick
He wasn't invited
Why is Tafo so annoying in everything he does?
>blaming mafia when johnny's jumping around like a idiot
>Fancy ass cutouts and fade ins
>Audio is still fucked up
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that's what extreme autism does
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/our guys/
pictured: One american, 2 illegals, and 1 yurocuck
los banditos
random autist from mafia's region defending him please
why would you pick jigglypuff in a blind match?
Are they using the mic as a buttplug?
Why is leffen so anime?
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/our guys?/
learned a new word there, buddy?
Why are Americans so short? Poor diet?
im not your buddy, fag
>nu males
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our guys.png
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>Toph and Axe in not our guys

Other than that this list is correct
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>abate isn't our guy
Much better than the other one
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Ice cold.webm
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>Ice is not there

the fuck

why would I bother watching now?
Where is scar? I need to know how we feel about scar.
blur is our guy
>not our guy
kneck yourself
>blur not our guy
fuck right off m9
>not /ourguy/

This is a bait.
>The Crimson Based no our guy

Kill self my man
Didnt see Abate, he is our guy as well
Scar is mango dickrider so he belongs in the trash
10/10 list except for chudat because hes a fucking sperglord

Everyone says muh abate is a literal homosexual and/or luigi playing faget
The fuck is hot bid challenge?
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>Axe and Abate not our guys
kys op
>meme player
no thanks
Nah I met Abate when he visited here in Indiana, he's a super chill dude and we talked about various topics like the future of the Gods and his thoughts on his Big House 5 win against S2J
saying* not says. I'm fucking tired.
in English please?
Fuck off faggot Chu has always been our guy
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I wonder who's gonna win
t. Duck ans S2J
fuck off, Abate won fair and square
Abate is our sole guy tho
>he doesn't know

Abate is a handsome, chill and talented melee player

How the fuck is he our guy?
>Literally hoes before bros
>our guy
>"Remember, I don't know if I am gay or not. So, I classify myself as a bi-sexual."

post mango's team
He's everyones guy
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Team Beer.png
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so Ice is not our guy anymore?
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>no Ice
These two are boring as fuck.
God damn PPU and Mafia are ugly as fuck and Mango is fucking fat
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>Why is /v/ is so shit?

/v/ isn't shit, Bobby "6th Place" Scarnewman is my favorite commentator.
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PPU and Mafia are pretty average, dude. What are you, a model?
>not picking Mewtwo or Link
Jesus, the production staff is shitting the bed today.
>PPU and Mafia are pretty average, dude. What are you, a model?

Their faces are average at best, but their bodies are below average.
Strictly going by looks they're 4.5/10's on their best days.
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How do you want your audio senpai?
Nintendude is our guy, he fucked autism2king
Shit, didn't know Lovage was here

Loved him at DESU
literally who?
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PPU has a good body tho

Video in the pic is a low key classic tho
Wow an image about our guys that isn't total shit. Hbox has been getting cooler but you can throw Nintendude and fendrick lamar over there on the right.
>Watching the blind melee meta evolve over one afternoon
>tfw no silent wolf
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>isnt respected by the other team mates or anyone at summit
>gets subtly made fun of by commentators
>gets hate for stealing a spot from ice
i hope he kills himself this weekend
What the fuck is wrong with axe you turbo nigger?
>leffen isn't all the way on the left
oh, you're new.
>Mew2King has beaten Nintendude every set they had after G3
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>Little skinnyfat Asian body
And nobody will care because Nintendude didn't act like a manchild losing everything he ever cared about on camera. Get fucked autist
i really like that blind melee just became samus spamming missiles
>And nobody will care because Nintendude didn't act like a manchild losing everything he ever cared about on camera. Get fucked autist

M2K literally has autism, and there are few people who have done as much for Smash as M2K so you're kinda a cunt for shitting on him. M2K is a super nice dude on top of that.
But he's the last dope peach, we need him.
Even when blind Plup is the charge shot master
The Moon is one of my favorites, I'm glad he got in.
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>our guy
just waiting for based iron man desu
what the fuck do you expect from a swede
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Has it ever been confirmed that Leffen isn't actually gay?
better than last summit just because leffen

finally we won't have another shitty armada-fatbox finals
He has a GF doesn't he?
>leffen winning a tournament with two samuses in it

good joke
hey guys what should I fap to, need a way to pass the time
Mango x Hbox fapfiction.
He's had a girlfriend for years
>le leffen is bad against samus meme

bretty sure he's only lost to one samus in the past year (duck), and that's only because it was his first tournament back. he was rusty.
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>Wizzy in our guys


And Grizzly Adam's had a beard, but that doesn't mean he wasn't sucking dick whenever he could.
That picture of Wessbahwz. Every time man.
>beards and girls are the same thing
and that's why you'll never have sex anon
put axe and m2k in our guys, and remove the qualifier for mango and it's perfect

Anybody who disagrees is a cucklord
this production is awful

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oh, and abate is our guy too
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everyone involved with that should be ashamed
lol wonder how much this cost
>this blind shit is still going on
Did the commentators get bored and leave?
Free my nigga Hyuga
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The best girl in Smash
its a replay powered by weedmaps

look at the side
he looks like a sexual predator
>not our guy
you like cosplay my nigga?

is this some trivia shit
is anyone's vid off-centered when full-screened?
couldn't find any that did stuff to my dick, got any?

kinda, vidya cosplay > anime cosplay
How does this mouth-breather Tafo shoehorn his way into everything?
>good mc

I respect him doing it tho
>the phrase...
>the question in the form of a--
>the question in the form of a phrase
>literal smash trivia

this better be funny
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Luigi da homie.png
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this sucks, next 7 decides my new main

pic related, leaving him behind
>lol m2k is a category

prepare for disappointment
So, when is the Melee?

>annoying as shit
>can't even talk properly
Is Tafo our guy?

Doc of course
Game and Watch
stay with luigi
don't want a char that has even less options than luigi
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how does /v/ feel about zhu?
People who ditch Luigi are vermin.
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Good choice
>upvoted category
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My Beats.jpg
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Our guy better be in the trivia in the Famous Beef category

who needs that shit when you can chaingrab and combo spacies for days and kill everyone at 80%
he's doing better this year hopefully he will have a good 2017
fuck didn't know I was behind
>no one knows easy money
This is a crapfest
real jeopardy on now
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Leffen JUST.jpg
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literally no one remembers Bizzarro Flame?

also everyone needs to shut the fuck up
>team beer drinking every time they get a question right
>team beer drinking every time they get a question wrong
>team beer drinking every time someone mentions team beer
scar would have made this at least watchable. tafo just has no charisma
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Reminder that posting pictures of Abate is considered camwhoring
>Hbox "It was probably m2k punching me"
Jesus how much attention does he need
If chillindude won the lottery, he'd have a million, dude.
Does Leffen dress like this as a joke?
t h e m a g i c
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>alex19 fagboy forcing his way into summit trying to stay relevant
Did Reddit really upvote M2K's misfire more than his 3-0 over Armada? Do they even like the game?
this is terrible lmao
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they make me want to get drunk right now

s-should I?
why is tafo even fucking here
Welcome to every non-smash summit event.
Tafo is ruining this
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He has the 2nd most subscribers for a MElee streamer right behind Mango.
that was quite the long sleep
yeah i miss the money match challenges from the first one.

it was basically melee all night and then mafia. not this forced bullshit
I can't even hear the answers
>weston "westballz" dennis
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i dont evne like leffen but every single smash event is so insanely irrelevant and boring without him
black and yellow twinky bois
"""""Melee"""""" streamer
>The Moon hanging with his already empty Juice Box

I love this guy
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>Alex 19 is ever answer THE MAGIC

Tafo is so shit at this wtf
he keeps sucking it

can't he just run to the nearest trash can
Is it humanly possible to dislike The Moon?
>the last one isn't
Wow, they did the same thing at the mafia LAN
Looks like the mods did you a favor.
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wake me up.jpg
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>there's another round of this
>Rewrite the question into an opinioned question

Tafo no
this summit sucks
>and that's why you'll never have sex anon

Well that's a rude assumption. I've had sex plenty of times. You're the silly one who didn't get the joke I was making.
When a gay man has a wife/girlfriend they're called his "beard."
These questions are so fucking awful lmao
look at mafia, hes physically uncomfortable, he knows he shouldn't be there. nobody takes him seriously and hes just a bystander.

fuck this faggot.
vish should be in charge. at least he;s an alpha that can control a bunch of manchildren
leffen OP
Tafo you fuck, did you need to bring up the visa issues for the dankest may mays

Summit was a mistake
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Who /watchesMeleemorethanplaysMelee/ here?
He'd knew if he had sex in his life as well lmao.
play melee
who even still has a working wii
me because my fucking laptop can´t run dolphin at 60fps
first 2 days always suck.

just waiting for ironman, at least some good melee
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Did anyone else see Mango raise Mafias hand to high five?
what is this from
what song is this.. very familiar
Mafia nights are always good.
Thought it was from Crisis Core at first, but I think it's from pokemon.
oh fuck, it's pokemon, victory road?
at least he streams more melee than hugs
but every night's gonna be a mafia night at this summit
day 1 and 2 are saved.
upvoted brother
nah nah, it was like gen 4 or some shit
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>Genius idea being ignored
That's 3 illegals my man
That's actually a good idea
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this rock version of the Smash theme is shit

give me my new You're Watching SFAT and I'll be on my way
port priority
Summit people are retarded.
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>using logic
that seems like a shitload of work just for a minor issue
Not really practical if a team member who isn't holding the controller wants to buzz in.
Is it really going to be more inaccurate than trying to hear whose buzzer goes off first or who is raising their hands first?
Shitload of work, really?
holy fuck leffen's legs are twigs
Are we gonna try /ssbmg/ again?
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>team screech is in last place with -200
>Yo lets go!
>Autist Jeopardy

I have seen a lot of shit but this is actually too fucking sad to me to see. Why don´t they play the fucking game and that´s it?
Is this cringe?
He buzzed during the question
this is honestly one of the saddest fucking things ive ever seen just because its tafo
This was in reviews on the buzzers Summit is using.
Nice job BTS
This is a trainwreck lmao
yeah, you know this is all tafo's idea just to show off how autistic he is
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>in the words of chillindude, my b
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>mfw how short they all are

I thought the Moon was tall at least.

Twinkboi Leffen is a fucking God over all of them.
i dont think its worth it, melee just doesn't have the interest outside of tourneys.
Oh my God, get on to Melee please.
tafo is such a piece of shit no fun allowed mother fucker reminds me of mike yuama that fat fucker fuck this shit
holy fuck tafo is seriously sperging out
>Kpop left Tafo in charge of the side events
We need to go back
I play whenever it's on just run stream on my xbox and have dolphin netplay with my florida homies
wes has a technical falco?
Leffen is 6'5
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Holy fucking fuck did anyone get a cap of Westballz looking straight into the camera for like five seconds?
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Based Griffin.jpg
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iron man next thank god. this is fucking awful
wes is westballz
wes is also wes from NY
thanks was only thinking of the samus
Leffen is like 6'0
I don;'t think any of the americans are over 5'9 though
who says "Yeah better do this than play the fucking game"
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whens the next doc coming out anyway. interested in the ppmd one, he was criminally ignored in the first one
Why is Mafia even there? So fucking awkward. New England voting him in was a mean.
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what did hbox say about the yoshi sheik one?
5'6 Falco main reporting

As well, anyone who has to spout shit like, "cringey" but continues to watch, should kiss themselves.
Nervous Niggers.
Prob can't watch others mistakes because you're too afraid of making your own.
He's there to play Smash

Who cares if he's awkward in these in-between segments
I'd love to be able to play netplay whenever I want, but honestly a lot of people here avoid playing be it because of shyness, specs, net speed, fear of losing, etc. so it's hard to get games even on actual netplay threads.
I love Westballz in these situations
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>all the docbabbies in twitch chat
No he isn't.

um...because summit is the only event thats not just about strictly playing melee?
to be honest, some of us are also in decent enough scenes where playing netplay is not useful at all.
Double Shine was the best category by far.
Me. I feel for the guy. Nobody there acknowledges him and nobody watching likes him.
It's also one of the largest prize pools of any Melee tournament

I don't like Mafia either and I wouldn't have voted him in there but still
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>Who is Doc?

That's actually clever as fuck.
this sucks. i'm so mad this is terrible. i'd rather watch them play mario party or do anything else dumb.
thank god it's over
They're all clever Tafo just didnt explain it
What was the answer?
No explanation necessary tbqh
>mew2king and Dajuan never go here anymore
What an absolute fucking bitch. ESAM was ripped on for getting voted in. But he handled the hate much better than this spastic.
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this is the first i've learned of the non-human cuckold known as "mafia"
>hear the question before making your wager
I know the answer bois
ESAM was a fucking faggot don't judge it after one of his videos dedicated to tr4sh fanbase

I never thought much about this, but why the fuck are they all so tiny?

Are all Americans dwarfs?
this is bullshit
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>mafa is from the shithole known as Massachusetts

what a surprise

gonna be good seeing him get absolutely fucking eviscerated like that worthless combover cuckold he is
Alright which one of you ladyboys wants to catch these hands on netplay?
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What a shitshow
nice tafo decided to say melee instead of M E L E E
really nice
fucking thisr etarrd
Why do meleefags get so pissed off about everything ever? If you want a tournament wait until saturday.
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what a fucking mess
Average height in the US is 5'9"
That as well, I was thinking more of chill netplay for when you're procastinating at home.

I only get to assist my locals on Friday most of the time and everyone lives far apart from each other.

I'm also not at the point where they invite me to stay over at someones house to play for the weekend yet.

how much is that in real units
170 cm
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Post yfw Mafia gets demolished in crews and singles.
175, dumbass
>pinpointing one specific animal in the room for hair loss & small frame.
You're gay.
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shibbolethed a masshole

he's an autistic retard who is awful at smash but thinks he is relevant and worst of all is an obnoxious retard

at least leffen is good and obnoxious, this guys a fucking gigashitter

he deserves to be hated and hopefully will end his own worthless life voluntarily
>Below ESAM
>Only slightly above fucking Toph and Jason "EZ$" Yoon
lol mafia
>Mistah Hamburger Helper
I don't understand what The Moon is talking about most of the time.
It's her dumbass go look at her twitter
Actually agree 100%, would add Axe in our guys too
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Wizzy is upset.
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