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Mass Effect Andromeda Game Informer cover

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Thread replies: 294
Thread images: 64

When did vidya character design become so fucking bad? I'd take 2002 leather over this any day.
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you are such a bitch
Why are they pushing the fem version so much harder now.

I really liked ME3's multiplayer but I keep getting pushed away from buying this game with all this shit.
>this shit
like showing fem shep? fem shep is insanely popular, probably more than male shep.
and see>>356639698
Well these look terrible.
guarnteed its a girl and youre forced to romance dudes.
Now she's more popular maybe. But when original ME was out she was overlooked. You thirsty losers all started clinging to her though and I blame you for making the series shit you fuck.
female va was better than male va
If remove the asari, the n7 tag and the title, its basically the same as all the other sci-fi stuff that came out 5 years ago.
The new generation of American artists are cancer incarnate.
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you are fem shep and this is your male asari lover.
I like the human but the asari is fucking awful
It's bioware so it's probably made by a bunch of brown people in Edmonton
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Why does Mass effect continue to have such repulsive armor designs?
>Glass fishbowl helmet
>Plastic armor
>ugly carnifex
Why can't there be anything like this? Give me a fucking Maccready handcannon magnum and an armor design like this and I'm all set.
They featured the male one in the latest (still no gameplay) trailer didn't they? 50/50 is fine, stop caring about shit that really doesn't matter

Speaking of which, I just really can't bring myself to give two fucks about Andromeda. The thing about the original games were that they threw you into an already-established setting. There was history. There were alliances & grievances & grudges. Just about everything was already 'normal' to the characters. In Andromeda all of that's going to be thrown out the window because it will all be new to your characters, whose own histories are no longer relevant
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Kek Fagshep fans wish
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Fuck me pic related
>Curry Thunder
My sides hurt.
>Mass effect
It's a Bioware thing
What the fuck are those nipple things?
What the fuck is "intersectional diversity"?
Im Indian and even I don't like this guy.

Jesus Christ, the internet was a mistake. Everyone praised Hale's voice acting through the fucking roof when really it was decent at best, overacted and shitty at worst.

Maleshep is the best
this is the only good thing to come out of mass effect
Femshep was always more popular than male shep.

She had amazing VA compared to boring Male VA
>hating the dome helmet

It's an exploration/EVA suit, not combat armor. The dome is for visibility.

/v/ liked this armor when concept art was shown months ago, why so contrarian now?

what are these poses supposed to be

front and right could be running (like a retard pumping her arms but still) and rear center is vaulting but what the fuck is middle left supposed to be doing? she's completely exposed and her gun isn't even at the ready and she's not wearing armor or anything, she's deliberately striking a useless pose in a battlefield
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I just want to see the waifus I can fuck.
Death mask or Skull mask or whatever was the coolest helmet in ass erect 2. Need more shit like that.


Male is best for his deadpan

This is what cucks actually believe. You have to go back
They try to show both the male a female protags equally

I don't really care since if I do end up getting the game i'm going to make some abhorrent, disfigured, mess and then hide it behind a helmet for the rest of the game
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>male asari
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Well I'm not one of those short term memory autists that "praised" Biowares shit. Also a good rule of exploring a new galaxy or planet is to assume everything is out to kill you. Something imposing and intimidating like Ranger Armor with a thermal predatory optics light would have filled my renegade roll.
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Yet, if it was "Asari (male)" /v/ would be flipping its shit
When will SJWs get that minorities who like video games hate them
>thats the joke.

Unless they really did that then jokes on us I guess.
>fights for intersectional diversity
I hate how 'intersectionality' has become this buzzword that's wormed its way into everything & now means virtually nothing. Like what do even want if you're fighting for 'intersectional diversity'? Intersectionality is just about recognising that demographics cross over in a complicated way (eg feminism needing to recognise that not all 'women' are white). How the ever-loving fuck does that fit into DIVERSITY in video games?
Asari aren't female though, that's why there's no lesbian in ME1
Wouldn't put it past them
>we built a ton of lore about diversity based on a single species of aliens who are only female
>it's not diverse enough we need male
Mark my words
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>8% did not cure the genophage
>64% did not get to meet wrex in me3
>4% completed the game on insanity
>Liara is the most popular crewmember
>58% let Garrus win the shootout
>Only a 10% gap between the Quarians and the Geth
>64.5% PARAGON

What. Anon the whole point of Asaris is that they're females that can reproduce with any alien
>I really liked ME3's multiplayer

barebones wave survival co-op with reused assets and microtransactions?

only positive thing i could say about it was the ability to play as other races but even then it was only model changes
No, fuck you. That kind of mentality is why ME2 and ME3 were shit. Stick to Fallout if you need to fellate the Ranger armor that much, don't further infect my space exploration game with more generic shooter bullshit.
>Fights for intersectional diversity in games
>AKA ruining bioware since he joined
They even stuck to the tradition of making the cover have a blue and orange color scheme.

It's like they want it to look as bland and generic as they can possibly make it.
Does anyone have the Game Informer Mag leak scans? Leaked maybe a Month or two ago
>43 percent soldier

democracy was a mistake

Renegade or Paragon?

I always go renegade in my first playthrough because it's more fun.
>barebones wave survival co-op with reused assets and microtransactions

And it was pretty fun
I always go Paragon because I'm a pussy.
I think it's something Bioware said when that controversy about lesbian sex in ME1 happened
renegade was poorly written cringe shit
curing genophage would mean a widespread plague of war mongering muscle lizards
>I always go renegade

Are (you) trying to fit in?
>64% of players did not meet Wrex in ME3
>Tali has 7.8% popularity
This makes me fucking sick
right and everything i mentioned made it less so
This. The combat itself was pretty fun but I just couldn't get past the fact that every race was essentially the same thing, with maybe a different combat roll thrown in
They actually are making Asari Male/Female now. So we are actually getting Futa Asari, which will be canon now.

I'm not fucking joking ether, the Devs have been making hints it for about three months now. They now refer Asaris as "zhe's" and when talking about them they usually make sure to add; as an example "Asari's are now female/male so both parties can look for their new private appendages"

I'm hoping it's not true because I can't stand Futa fetish, it creeps up on every single thing I ever enjoyed.
>still using shitty military setting
Where is the actual game?
Are they every going to show the game?
Krogans a shit
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What I see
>8% did NOT cure the genophage
I think the two of you are on the same side on that one
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well I guess sheps gunna have a butt baby then because it would be problematic to have the shemale always being the one who gets fucked.
>potentially hazardous enviroment of a completely and utterly alien world
>asari doesn't wear a helmet
I swear to god if they pull thay breath mask only in space shit again I will blow a gasket.
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>that kind of mentality is why ME2 and ME3 were shit.
>Not Biowares incompetence
>Not Microtransitions and DLC out the asshole
>Not longated plotholes and incosistencies
T. Xeno loving Paragon faggot. Why limit my style being professional cold blooded killer that takes shit from nobody and forcing me to be a soppy bitch that wants "peace"? My arms and armor should reflect my personality, retarded looking space exploration suit for alien dick loving faggots, trench coat, facemask military plated, intimidating suit for actual humans.
Every other other Krogan except Wrex and Grunt maybe.
You could just try being less autistic
Coukd you stop posting in these threads and just go play new vegas you fucking autist. Nobody wants some fucking jury rigged rerarded armor in a god damned high tech space opera.
>I can't stand Futa fetish, it creeps up on every single thing I ever enjoyed

Something the first game did well was the fact that it was overwhelmingly NOT about the military aspects. I imagine Bioware has forgotten this, in spite of their cringeworthy attempts at being progressive
Sorry anon I love the ranger armor too but it's not at all fitting for mass effect. It'd be like dumping the armor from vanquish or a fucking guyver suit into fallout.
There is a difference between being autistic and wanting an ounce of realism. Asari are not immune to space. Jack isn't immune to space. There needs to be complete covering and a a full helmet in space.
Asari are psychic. They don't need a helmet because they can create their own invisible one
I don't get this meme
Both Shepards sound like monotone robots to me. There's literally no difference, even if there is it's negligible.
lel XD upvoted
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Ranger armor is probably the greatest representation of renegade you sperg. But oh please you enjoy your high tech space armor with retarded designs, plotholes, filler and DLC.
I don't know about you but I think an armor design similar to Veteran ranger armor can work. Just look at Overwatch. They can integrate Maccready and his western tastes into the future down to his own gun, why not some grizzled merc that rejects the disgusting Mass Effect styles and privately funded his own arms and armor to that menacing style?
If you left Wreav in charge, yeah.
If you didn't fuck up and Wrex lived, it's possible the Krogan could re-civilize.
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Why do they keep pushing a purposely ugly female with every new RPG. I hate them for ruining dragon age, still play Origins sometimes.
There was a grizzled old merc character and his name was Zaed. And he was fucking based.
Krogans were a mistake
The Bioware B-Team (now the only team left) is well known for its triple-A character design.
I was annoyed about it too until I just made up some shit about those masks utilising mass effect fields to keep heat in & radiation out, because mass effect fields are the space magic that explains everything else that's unrealistic in the games. Then I didn't mind so much any more. Clarke's third law & all that
I liked Fem-Hawke
>forgetting engineer poet Krogan
>forgetting Krogan who just wants his presidium fish
>forgetting sick-of-this-shit mechanic krogan
It is no secret that Bioware employs only those who have not been involved with the games industry prior to 2012. Of the Bioware employees that were there before that year, there are none.
I like soldier from a story standpoint, like Shepard is just a mundane human who kills thresher mad and reapers, but I get that the other classes are lots of fun too.
Fem Hawke was a cutie. That voice is stellar, too. Really made the Imperial Agent story in SWTOR for me.
>U-uh what do Sci-fi fans like?
>Um blade runner yeah! lets add Priss' facepaint to shrek!
Just sad at this point.
Your waifu a shit m9. Nobody wants a walking codex entry.
>It's an exploration/EVA suit, not combat armor.

N7 is a military ranking or some other shit in Mass Effect.

You'll be shooting from waist-high cover for the majority of the game.
>Mass effect isnt new vegas!!!

Hey faggot why dont you go to the NV general.
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the game is lead by men hating feminists and anti white racists

if you are a white, straight men you apparently don´t deserve to be happy according to them
Fuck off with your goober bullshit.
if you remove achievements, some of those datas were still datamined using private infos they never said they would extract to begin with.
thanks drm!
then go back to tumblr if you can´t stand diverse opinions
only 18 percent played as a stupid fem shep if this is all true and not some bs someone made on photoshop
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>Why are they pushing the fem version so much harder now.

Because people on social media prefer femShep so they think she's more popular, when in reality most people didn't play as her.
The message in that image doesn't seem to be "straight white men don't deserve happiness", it's "people other than straight white men deserve happiness too"

It's too bad people appear incapable of holding this type of view without also hating straight white men.
the posts are real, nothing to do with your boogeyman.
red coat needs to fuck this indian fuck in the ass with a knife
How about you stop shitting up /v/ with goober bullshit?

There would be non of it on here if it wasn't for faggots like you keep on posting it.
>N7 is a military ranking

And the suit that N7 operative is wearing is an exploration suit.

You realize they are exploring a new galaxy, right? The point of going there is to find a new home for humanity. They aren't going there to with the goal of getting into more fights.

Why does everything have to be combat combat combat with you people. This shit is why Mass Effect turned into less and less of an RPG with each release.
>Vega being that popular

because the majority of /v/ doen´t like sjws
>Why does everything have to be combat combat combat with you people.

Because that's what Mass Effect is, don't kid yourself and think Andromeda will be any different.
>implying you wouldn't listen to her go on about the geth's history and her pilgrimage for hours while you lay on her lap
You probably preferred Ashley
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Then why do you spend all day reading their twitter, blogs, articles, facebook and watching their videos? And why do you post about them non stop on /v/?

If you hate them so much you could stop spending all day everyday obsessing over them and posting about them 24/7 on /v/.
Oh god no, Ashley is even worse.
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>no mention of Javik

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I fucking hate this guy.

> The violent video game literature has previously not extended to the domain of violence against women. The current investigation tested the effects of exposure to sex-typed video game characters versus images of professional men and women on judgments and attitudes supporting aggression against women. Results showed experimental effects of short-term exposure to stereotypical media content on sexual harassment judgments but not on rape myth acceptance. A significant interaction indicated that men exposed to stereotypical content made judgments that were more tolerant of a real-life instance of sexual harassment compared to controls. Long-term exposure to video game violence was correlated with greater tolerance of sexual harassment and greater rape myth acceptance. This data contributes to our understanding of mass media’s role in socialization that supports violence against women.

What the shit does this mean?
>citing a social experiment as if it demonstrates causality
>a social experiment with results based on 60 convenience-sampled male students with zero stratification beyond gender
>with ridiculously fudged graphs to make the results seem more dramatic
>in the year 1986+30
I'm not mad about his values. I'm mad about his lack of intelligence. And the fact that this shit got approved by peer review without recommended changes
>want a more combat-y helmet design instead of exploration
>complain that the game is just combat focused

what the fuck are you doing
>No canon yuri FemHawke x Bethany
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You know I still don't understand BioWares agenda or thinking behind their games. They say that they like the LGBT Community and Minority Community but every time they add them into their games they're some horrible stereo-type of the person.

For example, I'm Black/Mixed and I look like the main character from People of Earth but I don't act or look like Jacob whose suppose to be their "inclusion" character for me, in fact it's a horrible stereotype of a stereotype that's just full on face palming anytime I hear THE PRIZE. Then you have people like Sera in Dragon Age Inquisition whose suppose to be the character for the "LGBT" Community and every LGBT person I've talked to from my friends or in College absolutely hate her THEN they add Vivian but we can't romance a black woman apparently and I can't romance Samantha because it's a Lesbian Only character.

They need to fucking stop it, if they're going to add "inclusion" characters but make them horrible stereotypes or not romance-able that's more fucked up then not adding them in at all.

Sorry just got fucking salty after looking at the update videos from the previous thread and being reminded of Bioware
Well we've all got to have something to get angry about on here without actually talking about video games, haven't we?
Maybe not in that image specifically, but that same individual has tweeted a number of times about how he does not like straight white men, regularly culls them from his followers, blocks them for no other reason than that they are white and straight, etc.

Make no mistake, the dude is an honest-to-goodness racist. Can you imagine the shitstorm if someone in his position was publicly saying that shit about blacks? There'd be thousands of tumblrinas sending him death threats.
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>That ship in the clouds
Oh goodie, this is a TORtanic crossover
Is this real?
Because it looks like crap holy shit can't they get one thing right?
No batarians, no buy.
Going to samefag here but seriously, FUCKING 3D BAR CHARTS?!

Yeah, American social scientists seem to have this thing where they think they need to write like pretentious twats in order to be recognised as legitimate scientists, but end up reading worse than Google Translate & still having virtually nothing to contribute

Well I imagine that he's probably got plenty of straight white men sending him death threats now
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I scoured YouTube, Twitter, and a few previous threads and Generals to get all this info. As well as Sheddit to get all of this here for you. BE THANKFUL

Someone posted these in a earlier thread, short and quick videos that sifted through all the Twitters of of the Devs for new info.
Guy in Black and Red armor is suggested to be the main character(s) father. Something happened to their mother
Female and Male Ryder are brother and sister, so if you choose male or female, their counterpart will be in the game and pending on your choices they'll be in different positions in society or another "Specter"
New Ancient Evil has Arisen are what we saw in the Tech Demo a few months back and it's called the Remnants
Release Date is March 21 3... 2... 1... and we have LIFT/LAUNCH
Fan names for the father is called "Papa Ryder" and "Mama Ryder" everyone is trying to figure out who the Mom is


We play as a "Sheriff", handing out new planets and dealing with conflicting aliens in hopes of living in the Andromeda Solar System
The Arks were launched in the beginning to mid-way through Mass Effect 3 as a Plan B if Shepard were to fail (this could have been easily retconned by now)

>New Info
Asari are now Futa in-canon and Liara and all the other Asari from the previous games are too
There's only going to be one or two (pending on your choices) while there will be three different options for all other sex types Gay, Lesbian, Transgender
There are two new races who are Transgender no other information yet
Another race who the female have penis's and the males have holes to carry eggs (really hard to find info on this and the Devs are being vague as fuck)
No black, or brown, tan Humans to romance (thank god)
>in hopes of living in the Andromeda Solar System

You are a retard
I was in a rush to type it all out, excuse me Anon.
>There's only going to be one or two (pending on your choices)
There's only one straight romance that we can get while the majority of others are bi-sexual Aliens. Only a single, straight human so far.
Is she (girl) pretty at least?
Sounds like bullshit, but at this point I would be suprised if they pulled that off.
>There are two new races who are Transgender
Wait, there are two entire species who are largely made up of specimens who all identify as the opposite gender from the biological sex they were born with? Or are they two alien species where all individuals undergo a sex change?
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>Asari are now Futa in-canon and Liara and all the other Asari from the previous games are too
>There's only going to be one or two (pending on your choices) while there will be three different options for all other sex types Gay, Lesbian, Transgender
>There are two new races who are Transgender no other information yet
>Another race who the female have penis's and the males have holes to carry eggs (really hard to find info on this and the Devs are being vague as fuck)

What the fuck?
It's hard to understand what they're getting at but I'm assuming is that the females lay eggs in their males. Think Seahorses?
>Another race who the female have penis's and the males have holes to carry eggs
While I'm assuming this entire post to be bullshit, it wouldn't surprise me to see Bioware's attempts to be 'progressive' backfire into pulling out nonsensical shit like this
We have already seen the male hero as well. It is a Bioware game, you can make a male or female lead.
Another Anon mentioned this early too
Might be true. A lot of the Tumblr/Twitter BioWare fans love Futa; I can't fucking stand it. But if it gets them money I could see it.

Granted that means Im dropping Asari all together and won't give them any of the planets and their disgusting dicks
I'll still pirate it.
>Asari are now Futa in-canon
Way to ruin blueberries for me.
>fem Shepard is insanely popular
>Bioware shows official stats
>18% of ME players played as fem Shep
>the other 82 fucking percent played as male Shepard

This meme needs to die. Fem Shep fans were a very vocal minority.
Nah, I've seen these post too. I think they're giving to much into the idea but what they've stated is that a new sentient race you CAN come across are inhabintits of a race where the "FEMALES" lay their young into their "MALES" but it never specifies anything other then that.

Was big MONTHS ago on the Dragon Age General (ME General is dead on /vg/)
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Hawke's face looks retarded because his eyes are too close together given the overall shape ans size of the face, also something about it looks very effeminate and the bitch on the right looks like she has cherubism.
Why is Bioware so incompetent with character modeling? Their only work that looks good are things are not even human because then you can't tell that they fucked up or maybe even works to their advantage.
>Wasting bandwidth on this garbage

Do you also eat food from garbage cans because it's free?
There are lot of other RPGs available and I rather play those.
>women and faggots are vocal minority

Thanks, m8. Without you, how would we know that?
>having a cap
Between now and and its release Tyranny is the only RPG I'm interested in. Maybe elex if it comes out before it.
Soldier is the normie class. Seriously it is the most boring class in the series, but normies love being "generic space soldier #20583".
Eve/Bakara was also pretty cool.
As of ME2 its really not all that different from the other classes.
>18% of players played femshep
>more popular

It's never too late for remedial math.
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Legitimate BioDrone here I have bought every single CE Edition of every single BioWare game and regularly Tweet and go on Tumblr daily.

What's new about Asari is this. Every Developer on BioWare, even the Artist and Song Writers refer to Asari as "Male/Female" now so as an example, which in one of those BioWareFan videos posted in that giant post above me shows it.

As an example ("Yes, there will be Asari Male/Female in Andromeda") whatever the fuck THAT implies is what everyone is bent on. If they were referring to the Asari we know, there wouldn't be any need to mention "Male/Female" but now in their post referring to Asari they now add that with it too.

So theories go from ALL Asari being Futa now OR there are legitimate Male Asari that were lost, thrown, taken, to Andromeda and we DISCOVER them or something else.

Just to be clear here, I usually post on Reddit/Tumblr/Twitter and I lurk on /v/ on occasion and thought I pop in here. I don't want to be related to you guys what so ever
that sounds fucking stupid
Won't happen.
Been asking for a batarian squad mates since ME2. Bioware said this game has only 3 companions
We know 4 of them already.
>male Krogan name Drak
>female human named Cora
>ugly asari
>male human shown in the 4K demo

That leave 3 spots left. I assume one will be a turian, simply because they are probably the most popular alien race. Another one will be a alien species from the Andromeda galaxy. That leaves one spot left. Not good odds for a batarian.
Ah okay, so more like seahorses? Makes more sense than swapping both sexual organs AND gender roles, at least. But this is a whole new galaxy so why not have life that varies in ways other than what gender they identify as & who has dicks? But then they didn't do that with the entirety of the Milky Way so why should I expect it with Andromeda. ME always lacked imagination
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I read though your entire post twice and still don't understand wft you're talking about.

Are you saying in MEA, some Asari characters will be referred to as "him"?
Please don't fucking buy this..please let it fail.
>Just to be clear here, I usually post on Reddit/Tumblr/Twitter and I lurk on /v/ on occasion and thought I pop in here. I don't want to be related to you guys what so ever
Okay mister Anonymous I'm sure none of us will forget that
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We don't know. WHENEVER they're mentioned now on their Twitter/Tumblr Accounts (the Developers) they always put, or most of the time put "Male/Female", next to Asari whenever they talk about them

Ether Asari now IDENTIFY as Male but still don't have any penises or if they're are legitimate REAL, MALE Asari or Hermaphrodite Asari we don't know. People have asked and the closes we've gotten is

"You'll just have to wait until the game comes out ;)"
Feels weird posting here, is all :/
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another awesome vidya game lore butchered by bioware just for sjw highfives.

im fucking done.
fucking hell
please no
it's just a bad dream

Post a source.
for 30 mins of so
Ive playd the whole series and i ve never used the male Shepard. I dont see a difference so theres no need to be butt hurt. Plus it was cool to see my she-Shepard get it on with Jack
But Asaris can be purple, green, and other shades too, not blue. Not sure what they're implying
Oh god Robert Z'dar
Above average dialogue during missions, good against armor, and there's a lot of armor in 3. He also has a shotgun and a good armor ability. Using him and anyone with overload is going to be pretty solid. Also I'm sure him being a dudebro appeals to plenty of normies whose first ME game was 3.

Not sure what they're implying? Are you a retard?
I can't wait to explore random planets again like you could back in ME1. The planet scanning in 2 and 3 were a shit.
Honestly, you should boycott Bioware games over that guy alone. Racism is fine as long as directed towards white people, apparently.

>Thinking of squad tactics
>in fucking Mass Effect

I could beat ME2 and ME3 with my eyes fucking shut and without squadmates.

>Trailer shows more of this pic happening.
>N7 guy takes off helmet and is revealed to be black trans male with purple hair.
>Voice over booms: "A new hero rises to save humanity!"
>Fucking modern games not even once.
>Asari are now Futa in-canon and Liara and all the other Asari from the previous games are too

Is this the first time that something has been retconned to appease fetishits?
Look I went from having slight trouble in certain sections at the beginning of a ME3 insanity playthrough(but still being able to beat it quickly enough to consider the game easy) to shitting all over the game as soon as I started thinking about tactics and realizing I could turn squadmate power usage off and choose when to use them myself. In other words the moment I realized the game is actually an ARPG rather than a cover shooter. The kind of retards that couldn't even beat insanity(96% of players according to that image) probably needed a solid team just to get through normal.

btw i meant shield ability(or power, whatever) not armor ability, there are no armor buff powers since you don't get armor in the first place.
Why is futa everywhere in the Western category on panda? Seriously, if it's not furries, there's a good chance it's futa. Or both.
I want this game to crash so this half-assed Star Control ripoff can finally die.
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>Establish something about an alien race over the course of 3 games
>Retcon it because it's the current year so we have to be inclusive
Bioware used to be the shit, now look at them
seeing how well bf1 sold, not a chance in hell
it's gonna sell on the sole fact that console players are in a constant state of starvation for games so they jump on new AAA releases like famished wolves
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>febreze Condoms
>hairy manqueer
is the reason bioware employees are so fucking SJW becuase they were picked on constantly as children for their stupid names?

It's Bioware guys. Go replay dragon age origins ultimate edition with all the dlc and bonus campaigns. Tell me after that this is going to be bad? You are spoiled to have this company make AAA titles in this day and age. In my opinion the only credible RPG company left. If you like classic DnD and 3d edition I would recommend getting the complete infinity engine collection especially if you have old laptop lying around you don't use for anything.
I can't stand it. I hate Futa more then Furry and that's something hard to do.
>Want to read some /u/ content
>They don't bother saying it's Futa and some how Futa is considered Lesbian content when it's FUCKING NOT
I can't stand it.
>Want a thread on a certain character
Nothing but giant fucking Futa Dicks that couldn't even sustain a human let alone just fucking dicks

I didn't ask for this.
Is the new Mass Effect dead on arrival? I don't usually give a shit if their's female protagonists and gay people in my game, but this all seems way to SJW for me and I think I'll skip it. And this is coming from someone who bought the other 3 games.
I really dont think they would do that
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>i buy nubioware and ea games for "waifus"

Hold up, let me dig up my ready paste bin copy links

>This is a copy and paste from a Andromeda thread a few days ago, shortened for people here...

...However, this is BioWare we're dealing with, they TOOK DOWN their own forums because they didn't like reading critiques on their games or peoples opinions anymore. So they opted out to only talk about BioWare games through TUMBLR and TWITTER now, so they can more easily block people who hurt their feelings.
Not even joking ether

>Then this happened
I know /v/ gets triggered by Polygon (not sure if you guys get butthurt about Eurogamer)
Source - http://www.polygon.com/2016/7/29/12325194/bioware-forums-shutdown
wtf are you talking about? I asked if the new game is dead on arrival and you didn't really answer that.
are people seriously going to buy this after ME3? the series is literally a hot smoking pile of abortion at this point
people bought DA:I after DA2, dunno why that would stop them
DA2 wasn't as big or popular as ME was
That's just people asking for male butts in general, not male asari ones.
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>Asari are now Futa in-canon and Liara and all the other Asari from the previous games are too
If this is true I will set fire to BioWare HQ. Screencap this.
Full Paragon in ME1 when Shep is still bright-eyed and idealistic, then gradually becoming more and more Renegade in ME2 and especially 3 as Shep becomes increasingly fed up with litigation bullshit and only cares about getting the job done at any cost.
people still buy EA games no matter how shitty their games are

theres also a factor of competing with other games (ie cyberpunk, or whatever the fuck) when it comes to release dates
>I will set fire to BioWare HQ
please be white
you're just not getting it do you?
any new ip have some kind of appeal, i just don't see people or fans wanting to buy something when the previous game was so fucking bad that it ruined the entire series
>Asari are now Futa in-canon and Liara and all the other Asari from the previous games are too

This better not be true. The romance between Male Shep and Liara was the most wholesome thing in the whole damn first trilogy
are you saying there's something wrong with futanari?
its not really a matter of the appeal of the IP at this point

its a bioware game
and people will buy it because of that
Is this series any good?
it's not that it is a bioware game it's that it is a mass effect game, people don't care that it's made by bioware at this point because the last game ruined everything
Not anymore. I played DA:I and all the ME games and I have to say that Bioware has really gone down hill. There was a time that I was excited for a new Bioware game when all they had to their name was KoToR and Jade Empire, but all they make is hot garbage now.
only play 1 and 2 and pretend that the series got canned before 3 had the chance to be released
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God, let this game not be filled with social justice bullcrap and let it be good please.
too late they have male asari
Probably about the time ideology became more important than gamedev skills.
you're a good guy, don't enter any of the sfm threads on /gif/
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What the fuck is this shit? Is this like fashion show on the moon or some shit?
really makes you ponder
I'm more annoyed at the cinematic earth being that big.
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>men exposed to sexy women in games reacted more negatively towards a recounting of a women's sexual harassment

That's it?
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>intersectional diversity
>people don't care that it's made by bioware at this point
the failure of me3 didnt stop people from buying preceding bioware games like DA:I

or maybe theres just no competition when ti comes to western rpgs
which is probably why people just bought it
You cannot reach the blind idiot masses, m8.
heh, so he's fucking racist scum
Hey guys I put all this neat dark energy foreshadowing in these games, so you guys should be all set for the next game!
Oh you wanted to make the robots just want to kill everyone and resolve everything with a literal deus ex machina? Thats fine too.

I'm a white lesbian
the failure of one ip doesn't usually effect other ips
it's a cute petite chick

you can't always have thicc latinas srry friend
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ME:A the video game equivalent of the Ghost Busters "remake"
Femshep is a fap material, it's s simple s that. Look ow much rule 34 is there on her.

>literally all of you faggots pretending that there is more to femshep than your cum-stained underwear
To be fair in ME1 the earth was fucking backwards from the moon, so the earth being simply too big would be an improvement.
it's more like the video game equivalent of a sequel to the ghostbusters remake
but dont you think it affects the credibility of the people behind it?

it happened to konami in a sense
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Whites need to rise again and get rid of these fucks
please identify as a white male
people don't care about who made what, they only care about the game, sure some might have that publisher brand mindset but but they are far far away from being a majority in every sense of the word
Question to a white lesbian, is it true you guys hate non-whites just as much as white straights? /u/ is surprisingly /pol/ then I would have thought. You guys apparently hate black/brown/tan lesbians as us straight brothers.

I guess we're not so different
I liked playing her as a sole survivor earthbound that was fucked in the head and slowly went from depending on all the people aboard her ship to mentally cope to leading them and looking out for them like their dysfunctional biotic mother
there's mods for both of those armors in fallout 3
How can you guys like asari to begin with, they have worms for hair...
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THIS is how you secure humanity a new home in a galaxy.....
I don't personally hate them, but yeah anyone that tells you we're inclusive and loving is a goddamned liar. We're as hateful as anybody else, maybe more so because a lot of lesbians I've met hold a grudge against the world because they think they're perceived as subhuman, so they'll lash out with whatever hurtful shit they can and call it fair.

Fuck no, I'm not some degenerate. I just like pussy and tits
>people don't care about who made what, they only care about the game
i dont agree
maybe thats only half true

id argue that social media has made people more closer to their audience and the people behind the game does matter even for the casuals
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Real test here White Lesbian.

Would you fuck image related
I don't think they will put SJW shit in the game. Mass effect is a staple game and doing that would alienate a giant portion of their fanbase. I also don't think it's dear on arrival either
I didn't buy DA:I and I knew not to even play it. I won't be playing any ME until the sjw's are gone.
you've got it backwards, it's not the people who have gotten closer to the audience, it's the audience who have gotten closer to the people
the people only see social media as a place to market their stuff

but they can market their game all they want because with how well received the previous game was they might have a better chance of making a profit by scrapping the game and creating a new ip from the assets
i'd bleach her
If White Supermist got white lesbians on their side they might actually win and turn the tide on Tumblr/Twitter
I'd have to hear her talk first. If she speaks like a human I'm down, if I hear ghetto I'm out.

Unless this is a trick question and there's a penis hidden under there.
>Asari are now Futa in-canon and Liara and all the other Asari from the previous games are too
>There's only going to be one or two (pending on your choices) while there will be three different options for all other sex types Gay, Lesbian, Transgender
>There are two new races who are Transgender no other information yet
>Another race who the female have penis's and the males have holes to carry eggs (really hard to find info on this and the Devs are being vague as fuck)
>No black, or brown, tan Humans to romance (thank god)

Is this sort of thing nowadays like a gameplay mechanic?

Why not use the time to make the game not shit? You know, like fleshing out the planets and hub worlds, re-adding RPG elements into the Mass Effect universe. You now, that sorta thing.
Didn't realize there were two white lesbians in here I was talking to. In any case you both failed because she's black, shes ugly, she talks like she's from the Ghetto and not intelligent
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>200 replies of shit flinging because a magazine cover had a female character model on it
that shit goes without saying

social media is simply made to abuse word of mouth and to shill shit for less effort
it's difficult to shill something when everyone knows it's shit
it's like the fall of the soviet union
>politicians say stuff that are blatantly false
>people know that what they say isn't true
>people pretend that everything is alright
>one day people wake up and simply don't care anymore so union is disbanded
it's not easy shilling something that has been loathed by everyone who played ME3
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White Lesbian here. Black, African lesbians are absolutely disgusting, same for Hispanic/Mexican/Brazilian/Spanish/Spain are fucking gross. Asian Lesbians are tolerable and European Lesbians can be ok.

Anything with any sort of color is a huge Red Flag for me, their IQs are lower, they smell, violent doesn't matter if they're a lesbian. It's fucking gross.

It's why I was so upset that the only human Lesbian romance was a fucking brown girl. When you're licking a girls pussy you don't know if your licking her skin or a piece of shit that came from her asshole
spanish non white kek
I said I'd fuck it not marry it.

Black lesbians are usually pretty shitty and want to cause drama, not worth a commitment

Though honestly that's most lesbians in general.

Anime has spoiled me. I want pure love.
>diverse opinions
everybody here has the exact same cookie cutter opinion that colored people and women are coming to take your video games away
they even use similar terminology like "triggered" "cuck" "kek" "SJW" and so on
you are all cookie cutter people which is painfully ironic considering you all pride yourself on how unique and anti-establishment your ideas are, people can't think for themselves so they join the Two Minutes Hate
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And what the fuck is this? Hot wheels type of shit? Bioware concept department is so fucking bad.
Don't support this game, just don't. Stop supporting this garbage.
You are just as disgusting as any other lesbian. Lesbians in real life are all fat, masculine, depressed and short haired.
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I bet you're one of those faggots who think generic brooding anime edgelord #5643 is "good character design"
New Thread
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is that real?

Looks like a remote control car.
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>Main writer already dropped to join Bungie.
>One of the writers is a woman with no prior working credit.
>She was hired after being discovered in a viral video where she complained about being "Raped" in GTAV because of a mod that makes you hump other characters.
>Even Gaider jumped ship to go be terrible somewhere else.
>Poo in the loo who hates whitey doing everything he can to interfere with the product.
>None of the original staff working on it.
>Same ugly aesthetic as Inquisition, same terrible animation as well.

It'll suck.
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>asari running without any protection

its gonna be shit. i have no hope for this game
As retarded as the Mako was in gameplay, goddamn did it absolutely nail the 'modern 80's sci-fi' look.
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>>"A new hero rises to save humanity"
>Main antagonists will probably be some other ancient evil, bootleg Reapers
>that godawful armor design
What little interest I had in this game is fading fast
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Are you implying that armor tit cups and noodly arms are good character design? Or whatever the fuck that asari is.
>200 posts
>new thread

Suck my flaccid cock
you fucking cunt, kill yourself
don't worry anon, just kys and it'll all be fine
That's a meme. Only 18% of people actually played femshep.
Jesus, how do you retcon that?

Also, this makes any Liara-romancing male Shepard retroactively gay, doesn't it?

At least Ash wasn't a MTF after all...
its not fucking true
what is wrong with you people
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>y axis starts at 40
>Asari are now Futa in-canon
I call bullshit.
They need vaginas for giving birth but there is absolutely no reason for them to have dicks.
I sure hope it isn't, anon.
its not you fucking retard. Stop posting in this dumbass thread
fine by me, it' only make my dick harder when porn is released of her getting raped by all kinds of aliens, just like ME3
Have any of this guy's twitter shits been brought to the attention of his coworkers? What happened to employees presenting themselves professionally in public forums?
It's Bioware. The higher ups probably encourage this Poo in Loo's behavior.
Calm down, anon. You are unpleasant.

Does the thought of futa excite you *wink*?

>have men featured in the lead for years in any given game
>women show up prominently somewhere
>it's an agenda

Who cares
Welp, fuck this game.

If this is the calibre of developer that bioware is employing, Andromeda is going to be a bigger SJW shitfest than Inquisition.

Mass effect was fine because you could actually choose to be entirely pro human/anti alien, this game will probably force you to be "progressive" as fuck
>SJW spotted
Intersectional just means oppression olympics and sjw cannibalism.
Please consider suicide.
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>second favorite
so what's your garbage first?
/u/ doesn't hate brown lesbians. /u/ loves them as long as they're 2D and cute.
>cum dump simulator
Finally the west is catching up.
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IF you didn't drop this series after ME2 you're basically asking for disappointment.
I personally can't wait to have the strong asari woman who don't need no man on my team so I can solve e her daddy issues for her
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