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FFXV confirmed being MGSV all over again... People will defend this.

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FFXV confirmed being MGSV all over again...

People will defend this.

No cutscenes in Final Fantasy game? KEK
I really hope every FF fan just gets World of Final Fantasy instead
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The gameplay is better in MGSV though.

This is going to be a laughable blunder.
Final Fantasy isn't known for having long cutscenes so it won't matter. It hurt in MGSV because we expected to get long cutscenes but were left with 2 minute long ones with nothing happening.
Everyone who is not a stupid shithead should know this already
>Its better to put all cutscenes in new flashy CGI trailer instead of actual game

gj SE
Chibishit is just as bad
It really is sad that they're not compensating with more focus on gameplay.
MGSV was a mess, but similar strategy worked great in MGS3, don't interrupt the gameplay with cutscenes constantly.
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oh noooo

that sucks

Except gameplay is amazing in FFXV.
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It's known for having many cutscenes though. Which it no longer has.
Its not fun running across an open desert full of nothing anon
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In no way is this true. It's a buggy fetch quest simulator with bad combat.

When you reach your destination it's not bad. In FFXV you're running across an open _____ full of nothing, when you reach where you're going it gets worse.

I've seen enough to make a conclusion about it, im big fan of action games.
It's been known for a while this game is going to be a disaster.
sure it is, inconspicuous horsing and d walker stampeding was always fun
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Ultimately the game will be fine but some retard will post its 92 Metacritic score and you shitposting will ensue
wow looks almost like monster hunter

is square enix our guy?
>open world
>gameplay is radically different, influenced by more modern games
>barely any cutscenes
>thousands of trailers coming out all at once
>been waiting for this game for years
>trailers are full of modern indie music

its literally Final Fantasy XV: The Phantom Pain
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Ah my fellow penguin fucker.
Its anti-kun time?
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This is the only Final Fantasy game I will own and play besides Crystal Chronicles. I know nothing about the game, didn't watch any trailers, didn't look up any information, know nothing about the rest of the series, and have no expectations. What am I in for?
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People who still use metacritic, whether it's unironically or as a bait, all deserve to be gased.
I got both what's the problem with liking both
Except nobody is hyped and it doesn't look good.

For best game of the generation. No jokes.
metacritic's reviews could have saved japan
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Except everyone as hyped as fuck, the whole world counting days and its looks just excellent.
>Q: In footage I’ve seen, seems like the characters constantly talk to each other. Do they ever stop, and does this get annoying? -@bri_provan

>A: No, they never stop. No, it hasn’t gotten annoying for me yet. The dialogue is generally entertaining and well-written.

>Q: Does the game do a good job of making you care about the characters/plot? -@PatrickKul

>A: Yes. I didn’t think Noct and crew would grow on me as much as they have, but their endless banter has charmed me. There have been moments both big and small that have gradually made me care about Gladio and Ignis and Prompto—good old annoying Prompto—far more than I thought I would. At least one optional cut-scene has popped out of nowhere and surprised me with its raw emotion and intimacy.
Am I supposed to be mad about this, OP?
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I wonder who is behind this post.
>gameplay is shit
>graphics are shit
>now confirmed for having minimal story
why the fuck are we buying this again?
Youre a fucking idiot
Woff is putrid bad
>I-I-I-ts t-t-t-t-otally not 13.
13 is God tier. XV will make everyone realize this
It's not ff7 you should hate it!!!!!! Reeeeeeeeeeeee
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I think Ray Chase already regret about what he said, fanboys will eat him alive.
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I'd rather take a good turn-based battle system with a little story than the piece of shit button-mashing fucknugget gameplay for the ADD kids XV has.
something wrong with having second thoughts?
>game will lack story but have great gameplay like MGS5
Except in this case only like 3 FFs are worth a damn when it comes to story.

>everyone is xv-kun meme
ultimate weapon


>13 is God tier. XV will make everyone realize this

by this post i only realized that you have downy syndrome.
Atlus, my man
Except it has a shitload of story (>>356472095). What it doesn't have is endless movies about nothing like XIII.

I wonder what Bazztek thinks about it, he even liked that twit. I made this thread because of him after all.
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How many redundant activites does this game have?
The entire prerelease coverage feels like a cluster of small distractions to hide the fact that the core game is literally nothing because everything was pomped into that short open world illusion segment.
Everytime I see webms or watch videos of it, it looks more attrocious gameplay-wise.

And this may be the gayest fucking semi-running animation I've ever seen in a big budget game.
I was kinda waiting for him to stretch his arms behind him and run like the turbo-faggot that he is.

Coincidentally I'm just playing Devil Summoner 2 RB.

to the trashcan where it belongs.
t. Nomura
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Honestly it can't get worse than the previous nu-FF games. (10-13)

It's just that we really need a good game from Japan nowadays. It's been maybe a decade since they released a worthwhile game. Everybody is laughing at the japs nowadays.
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>just got confirmation i paid off my ultimate collecter's edition
>mfw i realized i used super saver shipping
kill me
>Honestly it can't get worse than the previous
People used to say that about Sonic before 2006 happened.
That's because you aren't imaginative, it was fun thinking up ways of fucking with the enemy ai.

Decoys were a lot of fun.

Too bad the rest of the game was shit.
FF13 is a joy to play, i don't know why people hate on it.
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>Honestly it can't get worse than the previous nu-FF games. (10-13)
You can't actually believe this. It's already confirmed worse.

Because its trash with 1 button combat, nonsensical story with plotholes, retarded characters without motivations and no world building at all?
i thought that guy already changed his mind about the game. or are you just trying to shitpost?

Funny thing this guy already changed his opinion on the game and really likes it now.
>what is bloodborne
Is this some of the next level of /v/ autism?
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>Final Fantasy isn't known for having long cutscenes so it won't matter.
Wow faggot I don't even want to ear what you consider "long" if ff doesn't qualify.
Fucking normies.

I just wanted to make anti-kun to appear and prove his autism. It didn't take a while.

>story delivered through gameplay instead of cutscenes/datalogs/tapes
There is literally nothing wrong with this.

>not getting both

reminds me of those turkroach webms with the manlet being bullied by normal people.
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>advance through a series of one-way corridors
>spam auto-battle in combat
>watch hours of cutscenes
By all means, be one of those faggots who claim how the game "opens up" after you finally get to Gran Pulse and get to experience switching the paradigms once in a while and exploring one giant hub for several narrow corridors.
How the fuck does that in ANYWAY imply MGSV?

Can you not fucking read? He says they are sparse and when shown always matter, and that it's not like FF13 shoving them every 2 steps you take. Not that it's MGSV or anything.
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>gameplay is shit
>graphics are shit
>now confirmed for having minimal story
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Gladio is boss.
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don't you idiots hate cutscenes?
literally this thread, retard. Yapping like a faggot isn't a valid excuse.
>It's another Antikun spreading lies thread.
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fuck off with your common sense, its not neogaf.
>FFXV confirmed being the best game in it's genre
Highly unlikely.

>FFXV confirmed being the best game in the series
That's definitely true, FF games are hot garbage and it seems the finally grew out of turn based cancer, so yea, you're right on that part.
so your whole defense is "you just don't understand", man, that's not going anywhere you know.

he is fucking voice actor for MC.
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People said the same thing about MGSV before it came out, claiming it's a good thing when it isn't.

Read the thread.

It's not common sense, he's being ignorant.
I guess you can't read.
Studies have shown that turn based games give kids ADD.
Name a single fucking FF game that isn't 1 button combat.
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Happy Hallowwen.
Please stop making sense.
Scratch that, name ONE FF that doesn't have everything in your post.
get the fuck outta here with stating the obvious...
Well that pic is the stuff of nightmares.
He's the VA.
And secondly how is anything he said bad?
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Phantom Pain, now this and next will be Breath of the Wild but y'all faggots are going to act surprised again.
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only the gameplay is actually good unlike ff15
I fucking loathe what FFX and FFXIII did to the series. The older FF games had tons of optional conversations and only occasional cutscenes, but thanks to those two movie corridors, FF is now an interactive movie, apparently.
XCX had an excellent world, and its devs are helping with BotW.
Except people have already played XV and said it's good.
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What's wrong with his back? This animation is really fucked up
Why would anyone read a thread that you are clearly samefagging and just dumping your outdated images again in?
>Final Fantasy isn't known for having long cutscenes
what was your first ff game kid?
>top is taken from a PS4
>bottom is a bullshot
wow gee what a mystery...
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The game is broken.
>now this
Now this what? Are you aware of what you are trying to argue at all?
XV has a lot of optional and occasional cutscenes too and it has a world map you explore.
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It's even more bizarre considering that tweet is a response to Q&A saying that the characters almost never stop talking.
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I'm still really fucking unclear if this is an actual ARPG or if it's more like Final Fantasy 12/Xenoblade.
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So XV is actually better. That's nice.
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>XV has a lot of optional and occasional cutscenes
No it doesn't. The world map is empty, it just serves as a hub to execute awful fetch quests.
Both of those are from PS4 you idiot.

Meanwhile this>>356473805 has the top taken from an old oudated build of XV compared to W3 on PC.
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post yfw Xenoblade CX ends up being a better FF15 than FFXV
FFXV is literally the best looking game, with best looking effects, best physics and best animations.

Idk why anti-kun trying so hard

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>from an old oudated build of XV
That's the final game and a PS4 image of Witcher.

That's was my point. XV is doing what the series always did. Hell, it does more because of the sheer amount of banter it has. X and XIII were the anomaly, not the rule.
>gameplay is shit

Dozens of videos. Hell, there is a video above you. Press X For Awesome.

>graphics are shit

Have you seen any of the videos with terrible glitches, poor reflections, DoF being smaller.

>minimal story

Not him, but you're right on this. No proof of such things.

People will defend this. Easily the most unpolished game in the series.
I want to stretch shota Noctis's boipucci with 3 fingers
what the fuck are you on about?
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>No proof of such things.
We've seen over 7 hours of the game which is a big chunk of it. Barely any story.
It does though. And the world map functions like in FF1-9.
Somebody post the picture of a random game with bloom and lighting on via photoshop to make it look like this >>356474357

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Yes it does.
Believe it or not a perfect middle ground exists :^)
>This thread
I don't know how you people do it.
It isn't.
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I don't know what you gain out of lying this blatantly.
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Are the words "spoiler-free gameplay" too long for your tiny brain to comprehend?
Is XV-kun and his persona's going to kill himself when the game is shit?

He doesn't understand the FFXV is going to be shitposted to death on release when it's confirmed shit.
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Are the words "spoilers beware" too long for your tiny brain to comprehend?
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That only shows the gameplay is great and actually involving, not what you said. The graphics are already proven to be better than Witcher 3 on console too.
No it really isn't.
Who. The. Fuck. Cares.

Stop turning shitposters into board celebrities, you stupid cunt.
You know those are all from outdated builds right?
doesn't change the fact that the bottom pic was clearly not actual gameplay footage. It didn't even have a UI for fuck's sake.
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If the combat is half as good as Kingdom Hearts 2 Critical then it'll at least be a good game.
They actually are for him. Just look at the images he's posting, search them on the archive and look at how he posts the same exact images over and over desperately trying to shit on this game because he's scared it's actually turning out to be good.
XV is already confirmed good so maybe you'll kill yourself.
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MGSV's problem wasn't sparse cutscenes, it was that the cutscenes were all Quiet acting like a retard and awkward pauses of silence with no plot development. Everything of significance were on poorly paced tapes.

Also the buggest gripe was the level design. Not enough close quarters and indoor stealth.

FFXV will be shut because the combat is whack as fuck and the plot and characters are weak.
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>nu uh

These threads man
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are you going to cry?
Yes it fucking does. Look at the fucking bottom corner and top right corner you blind fucking retrard, he's riding a Chocobo so it has the Chocobo UI on and the map is on too. And you can disable the UI anyway so what the actual fuck is your point?
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>still comparing an outdated 3gb console demo that has nothing to do with the main game to PC screenshots of W3.
can you prove the pic was from in-game footage?
Why would I cry? Are you sure you aren't the one crying while posting your outdated screenshots from before the upgrade? Look at your scrambling to your shitposting folder so you can repost the same old as fuck images with tears in your eyes.
I did great job to summon both autists. Enjoy the thread guys.

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The game was downgraded since then, it looks even worse now retard everyone knows that.

It's okay to cry

>turn based combat should be judged on the same basis as action-based combat

A better analogy would be if the turn-based FFs literally only allowed you to press Attack. But they don't.
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That pop in is still better than 1st party PS4 games since that's at least in the distance and not literally a few cm away.
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absolute shit game e3.webm
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>he's crying
>sparse cutscenes
>in a fucking FF game

Pre-order cancelled.
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I really want this game to be damn good, so that /v/ says its the worst in the series and that XIII is pretty good. That way, I can have people to discuss XIII with.
I've noticed. About 30 posts in this thread are literally by the same guy, with the same incoherent posting style and poor grammar. It's one of the weirdest cases of genuine autism I've ever seen.
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can't climb.webm
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you can't even climb in this game
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Works everytime
I miss the times when XV-kun was the worst that could happen to a thread

Amazing plan.
Please respond, I'm extremely out of the loop.
You've never played any FF except for X and XIII?
He still is, considering he's the only one that replies and never stops posting his own copypasta and images
The Final Fantasy cycle isn't real. People still shit on VIII and II as hard now as they did 10+ years ago.
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It's like TW3 but worse.

It's nothing like the previous FF games or any other ARPG made in Japan.
Well, it's a FF not an AC.
You realise that every ff game has had a shit ton of cutscenes besides like ff1 and 2
I never ceases to amaze me how emotionally invested and dedicated to hating this game /v/ is. I mean /v/ hates basically every game, but I've never seen this much for this long over a single game before.

I've never played any FF game, and I know virtually nothing about FFXV, but I come into every FFXV thread anyway just to witness the hate boner. It's fascinating to me.
Lightning Returns had ledge grabs lol
He didn't say the game has few cutscenes though.

>knight enemies look cool as shit
>Main cast looks fucking lame

Why, Nomura?
He's still bad but the shitposter is way worse

He just posts the same images and webms doesn't go away if you ignore him and repeats his lies and shitposts for the whole thread

Its literally one fucking autist.
I've played them all. Every single last one is heavy on cutscenes. Hell, even the 2D NES/SNES ones were. FF basically invented the concept of a cutscene with those games.
Considering FFXV is the first main title without atb or turnbased I can understand why people are pissed

>hating XV

I remember for a long time, /v/ and Gaiaonline where the only places that were excited for this game. The hate in this thread is honestly suprising to me.
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Yes you fucking moron it's literally a screencap from gameplay.
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That's the pro version
Honestly I re read his post multiple times and i still dont know what hes saying
It's literally a single guy.
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>that pop-in

He is already regret about what he said
I don't even know why i come to these threads anymore, they've been the worst on /v/ for months mainly because of two guys
They had lots of dialogue and optional scenes, but they weren't movies. If you had bothered to read the actual Q&A in OP, you would know that the characters in XV "never stop talking" (direct quote) . The game just doesn't make you sit through 40 minute scenes with static talking heads.
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>this thread
then who's playing it?
where does this footage originate?
I never trust sony gameplay demonstrations as they've tricked me in the past with this shit.

Also the fuck is with that pop-in a mere meter away?
There's a lot of gameplay between cutscenes I guess. I'm thinking FFXII rather than MGS5. The spoiler-free gameplay of the first 5 chapters of FFXV have more cutscenes than all of MGS5.
A) These aren't from the final build of the game
B) Go play FFXIII-2 and Lightning Returns if you want to see unpolished

Lol, threads is good since i guess september? You wasn't here before i guess? It was literally shitpost the thread, every second post were pasta or webm.
You do realize all those gameplay videos intentionally had all the story parts cut out so it wouldn't be spoiled, right? Literally any braindead retard could see where the cuts happened.
Literally never entered a XV thread until now; who is XVkun and why is everyone convinced all the shitposting is by one dude?
I'm getting a PS1 era feeling. Where there's alot of interactivity, and that the character's are important. Smaller cast, but perhaps a better game for it.
You've missed like a week of pretty great threads, anon. The threads are completely fine when the autist is banned/gone.
FFXII was pretty good. One of my favorites, I'm actually pretty stoked for the remaster.
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MGSV has the best stealth gameplay in the entire series, and the open environments are a big part of why.
We had some pretty good threads and there were almost no shitposters the last few days
Welcome to /v/.
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And samefagging again. While denying the upgrade.
Damn you're a faggot.
Woah there, Anon. That's not an accusation you throw around lightly.
You can't climb in any FF game.
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>heh i'll post a different time of day that will show him
No, i 've been in these threads for years, but since Uncovered these threads have reached new levels
Sure, but even those aren't that great and you can tell that as soon as we don't get new info every 10 hours the threads just go to shit.
But these two guys will never stop, they dumb kids that always want the last word and take everything too serious, because one of them has no life and the other one is too inscure about a fucking game
Good. FF plots don't need as many fucking cutscenes as they always use. Like FFX would be a better game with all the HA HA HA HA shit cut out.
The fuck is Breath of the Wild?
>Literally never entered a XV thread
What the point of your lies?
This isn't LR and ledge grabs served no real purpose in that.

It's actually just one guy.
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>he bought the collectors edition

God my insufferably faggot of a younger brother wont shut the fuck up about this game and how excited he is for it.

He's also a hipster faggot that tries incredibly hard to shroud all his opinions in enough irony to mask being held to any sort of solid opinion or assertion he may be wrong about.

But this game, or man this game being a complete dud is going to activate levels of smug anime I previously thought impossible. I have him on record multiple times being a complete shill who guzzles down SE jizzum and begs for seconds. He can't weasel out of this one.

I have a whole plan on how to be subtle and draw out the misery by acting exited to watch him progress while making innocuous comments that draw his attention to all the broken promises he doesn't know that I know about.

I actually really like the FF series but its obvious never going to be a good main title again
>who is XVkun
An autist who goes out of his way to defend the game in pretty much every thread about it. He's been doing this for about 3 years now.
>why is everyone convinced all the shitposting is by one dude
He posts the same pictures and webms every thread. XV-kun and him are pretty much two sides of the same autistic coin.
XV-kun is a shitposter and replies to everyone baiting and shitposting against the game. It's really obvious that it's just one guy if you pay attention
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This 'FF' game isn't FF at all, it's an open world witcher 3 wannabe but you can't climb.
Zelda, you negroid.
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>It's actually just one guy
Do you actually believe this? Like for real?
That seems to the common impression from the pre-review build, yes. A tight-knit cast, lots of optional stuff and dialogue, and plenty of exploration with story and characterization-heavy banter while you're doing stuff.
He is saying that it's not like FF13 where there is a cutscene every 2 steps but instead cutscenes in XV actually matter because they are more spread out. Holy fuck why are you people such retards.

You new here?
It's true
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>he then proceeds to post a different time of console
>FFXV confirmed being MGSV all over again
What, they've fire the developer and they're going to release it incomplete?
You underestimate the autism in these threads
So why are all preview is super positive so far? I bet is XV-kun paid them all, r-right?
There isn't a lot of interactivity and the characters aren't really important. The purpose of them is for spewing millenial banter and literal fag talk, it's really bad.

The dialogue is just terrible when you're running around the empty open world.
Who the fuck cares who's playing it? I've shown you that is actual gameplay and yet you are still in denial.
but it wont be xeno games suck sans gears.
Trying too hard
that looks significantly worse to what you posted earlier
XV-kun is a boogeyman made up to act like anyone who defends or likes XV is one guy. There is one dedicated shitposter in this thread though known as Anti-XV-kun who keeps reposting the same images, webms and copy pasta shitposts because he's triggered over the game for some reason.
>So why are all preview is super positive so far?
Well, they aren't.

Not him but that other webm came from Sony and that entire vid they made was touched up. They increased the gamma and removed FPS drops.
no, OC bb
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xvkun is the boogeyman and antikun is the shitposter basically
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>Breath of the Wild is the first open-world Zelda game

Combat system is Kingdom Hearts with more depth, overall game flow seems like it'll be a combination of a classic FF and open world games (ie linear progression but each major area has side-quests and other things to explore/collect.)

>Well, they aren't.

Will you post it in other threads or will you leave that to the shitposter?
I think it might be the broadcasting or whatever they have the game being displayed on. They look arguably similar, but the wetness of the colors and the color bleeding makes it look like a painting in the Paris webm.
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>downy syndrome
Sure man. There're people that call random people xv-kun, but the true xv-kun exists and he's here in this thread and he's bazztek
>w3vsXV images
>replies to every post seperately
>replies to every bait
>gets angry when you tell him to stop
>acts all innocent in other threads
>always brings up usernames and other shit from other websites for no reason
He should just get a room with anti-kun to shout at each other all day
Incredibly, in this case it's true. There's one incredibly autistic hater who spams the same months or even years old shit and babbles nonsense and one similarly autistic defender who always replies to him instead of reporting and ignoring.

It's a clusterfuck of autism.
>Combat system is Kingdom Hearts with more depth
You only hold a button to do combat. There's no depth.
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LR was very unpolished, I agree, but I will always consider XIII-2 polished enough, if only because Archylte Steppe had grass unlike Gran Pulse in XIII.
Is this game actually coming out?
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>Prince who sees the light of dying souls
>Motor driven sword as main weapon
>action driven physically influenced gameplay
>"too ambitious"
>most original nip vidya project in years
>a lot of blood, death and gothic related atmosphere
>Lore so deep it would have required 3 separate games

>sole development ambition is money
>neet weeb waifu bait even has an anime
>lazy neet prince, amerifat plumpto, weeb neet relatable
>invasion fight cut
>storyline butchered
>even a neet loser like you can have a blonde bride (luna) with forced royal wedding
>Launch event (FFXV Uncovered) was a fucking joke
>"lol muh weed, crystal meth & drugs" (aaron paul)
>mostly everything seen in 2011 & 2013 trailers cut
>muh skyrim open-world meme
>pandering lowest common denominator for maximum profit

How people keep defending this shit is beyond me
>XV is actually gameplay and action-driven rather than cutscene and menu-driven like previous games
>/v/ hates it before it's even out

what a fucking surprise

Nevereverember 32 2016
XV-kun is a boogeyman and a real person at the same time

It's nothing like KH

Fuck off with this meme
Literally who would spend his time on this pointless flamewar?
Why would someone try so hard to convince someone not to buy a fucking game (that isn't even out yet)?
It's just 70 bucks. Only 14 year olds would care about this amount of money.
What does this person stand to gain from this?
And these witcher 3 comparisons are fucking pointless.
Like you will have to decide to play one or the other.
Protip: Just play both.
Yet one of them actually produced a video game and the other couldn't even get a tech demo running in six years.
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>The world does seem large but it also feels quite segmented, it's very obvious if you picked a direction at random it wouldn't be long before you'd hit an impassable wall/cliff. Especially in the starting desert area.
>Florence's Stand By Me cover was playing on the pause screen (options, load, save etc not the equipment/skills screen)
>Prompto uses the phrase "totes adorbs" at one point. How about that millennial chutzpah.
>The guys find out about the invasion of Insomnia by reading the morning newspaper. This is really lame. In relation to where they are at the point, Insomnia is essentially just over a nearby hill, it is hard to believe they wouldn't have heard or seen any signs of an invading army going by. I wasn't invested enough in the guys, Noctis, Insomnia, Regis or their quest at this point so this rather pivotal scene lacked impact.
>The giant bird monsters called 'hurricanes' are cool although the aliasing on their wings is intense.
>The driving is very much on rails. If you just hold R2 and turn at the right time you'll be set. I tried forcing the Regalia off the road but it just kinda guides you back into place. It feels very clunky and slow as a result. If I end up playing this I'll more than likely be letting Ignis drive so I can look around.
>It doesn't take long for Noctis to get super angsty. One scene with Cor in a royal tomb sees him chuck a real tantrum: "What was my father thinking! What good am I! What did he expect me to do! I'm no king! etc. Eye-rolling stuff, couldn't dislike it more.
>This dude was in the third dungeon and was pretty tough. He kept one-shotting everyone with his quick slashes, the only way I avoided that was by doing the block parry thing. Basically hold square then quickly press circle when the prompt comes up. It was very frustrating having no control over my party and so they kept dying.
Here we go.
Less than 30 days

Stop replying to the pasta in every thread
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You mean like you just did?
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>trailers are full of modern indie music

You make that sound like a bad thing anon.
>here we go
Yeah like this thread hasn't been bad already
You guys should just stopmaking threads unless there's actual important news, but they're always up 24/7 non stop and people even after years still don't use the fucking hide and report button
It is. He's known as Antikun.
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It is literally one guy. You probably don't frequent these threads enough so it's understandable you don't know.
>the psycho is now spamming walls of text again
This guy is going to shoot up a mall one day.
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Luna is far more interesting and multi layered than most people give her credit for. I get the sense that she withholds a lot more knowledge about the dire importance of Noctis’ ascension to the throne than she lets on. As she parts ways from Nyx, she is clearly aware of how crucial her quest is and that she literally holds the future of the world in her hands. She likely foresaw (and accepted) her own death and hides that information as her objective and sole duty now is to ensure Noctis rightfully fulfills his destiny to save the world. And if for whatever reason he has to kill her to do so as the trailer implies, he would obviously be devastated by it and refuse. If he was still sane by then that is.

So Luna (and Gentiana?) will have to wield her words carefully and delicately manipulate Noctis to travel whatever she perceives is as the correct path when they finally meet. And we all know that he will follow her to the very ends of all worlds. After all, the Night needs the Moon to save them all.

I’m loving the implied twist on Luna being a typical hapless damsel in distress being guided by her King when it’s looking to be the complete opposite in FFXV itself. Our Queen is incredibly strong, focused and is absolutely far from a weakling. I cannot wait to finally see her full potential unfold and discover just how and why Noctis’s and her fate are so intricately intertwined.
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>the cliff and improved lighting and shadows change during different times
Pay attention retard. The game got a huge downgrade.
Are you sure? I'm liking the recent footage, E3 was very dissapointing and so was everything prior. It seems like there is a narrative to the story now, which it didn't have with duscae/ or with platinum.

I think its good thread so far. Atleast funny.
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>After you see Insomnia has fallen with your own eyes, you have to meet up with Cor, who tells you about the tombs, then you have to get to Lestallum to check on Iris and find another tomb. That was essentially the narrative of the first four hours.
>Cor only joins the party for like 5 minutes max, between two Royal Tombs. Then he rocks up for a bit when you take on an imperial checkpoint on the way to Duscae.
>Cor and your friends all make a big deal about how far away Lestallum is and how you better fill up the tank etc. It was under 2 miles away, which admittedly was the longest drive I did in that session, but it was still weird. Also to get to the third tomb from Lestallum was an even longer drive and they made no mention of that fact. Perhaps nitpicky, but it took me out of it.
>Lestallum looks pretty cool aesthetically but it lacks soul. NPCs are lifeless, wandering around not saying anything, music was repetitive and the ambient sounds of a crowd felt out of place. Compared to the Witcher (I know people are probably sick of this comparison), its incredibly dull. Felt more like a town from Xenoblade in terms of dynamism.
>When you arrive Iris takes you on a tour which was a nice way to see the whole place but she herself isn't much of a character. She's very 'oh this is kinda like a date huh Noctis, tee hee'.
>Combat reminded me of Dragon's Dogma but also of action adventure games like Bayonetta etc. I'm not saying it was as good as either of those games, just that it's similar fundamentally. Combat could be confusing though, the warp strike wouldn't always lock on to where I wanted it to, which was possibly something I was doing wrong. Targetting in general felt a bit iffy.
Seriously how old are those two autists? Or are they just children stuck in the body of a 30 year old neckbeard?
If this turns out as bad as MGS5 i'm gonna quit playing video games.

How the fuck do people defend that shitty game?
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Yes I'm sure. Pay attention to the videos you're watching.

This game is even worse.
you know, what if the shit poster is a bot

it seems a bit too automatic and tireless with very canned responses for everything

It won't. There is alredy more story in first 3 chapters than in the whole mgsv
because MGSV wasn't a bad game, you just have autism and you're mad "a bloo bloo not muh big boss" or that it's not a moviegame

or you're one of those faggots who said "a bloo bloo bloo I'm going to kill myself after MGSV" and you're so desperate to live in misery you'd rather convince yourself it was bad rather than just enjoy it
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>Loading times varied from standard fare for an open world game on PS4, to between 1-2 minutes. These longer ones seemed to only happen between chapters, and when loading the game up from scratch.
>After around 2 hours and 40 minutes the game crashed. Just the one and only back to the dashboard.
>The game does not look good. I was sitting fairly close to a pretty big TV, but even forgetting that there's intense shadow dithering, aliasing to the high heavens (you've all seen the hair), texture and vegetation pop-in and on top of that the frame rate was incredibly inconsistent. I kinda just got used to the combat being a bit of a mess visually. It was often hard to tell what in the hell was happening.
>Moving the camera around somehow makes things worse.
>It's perhaps not the best way to explain this due to the size of this shot but I'd like to draw your attention to the shrubs in the upper left corner of this screen. When blown up to a decently sized TV, even at this close distance, those shrubs looked like sprites from Minecraft/Stardew Valley, and I swear I'm not being hyperbolic.
>Also I tried driving in 1st person and there was some bug (I can only assume) where everything looked pixellated and low-res when looking through the windscreen. Needless to say I refrained from using 1st person after that.
Also Nomura is assisting, or has been doing so for 5-6 months. I think it was in a wreck, and he was called to amend the story. That's what I heard on the rumor vine, it's plausable considering the story is taking a very versus like tone.
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What was promised

>Big open world cities
>Gameplay like Advent Children
>Graphics like Advent Children
>A story based off of reality revolving around the goddess Etro
>Switchable cast of characters
>Cor as a playable character
>Road trip gameplay
>Clouds made using a procedural calculated real time engine
>The City of Insomnia
>A Shinjuku district in Insomnia
>Towns based off of real world architecture like Italy and Greece
>CGI tier graphics
>A release date shortly after FFXIIIs release
>Destructible environment
>A score made by the same composer that did Parasite Eve

What were getting
>Small Jrpg towns with a barren open world that will becom linear halfway through the game
>Gameplay like dynasty warriors with spamming and zero strategy and horrible controls
>Graphics that look worse then FFXIII
>A completely different story that was hated to the point a SE employee leaked it to the public
>Switchable characters now DLC
>Cor assists you for 5 minutes tops
>On rails driving
>Clouds that look like ps2 graphics
>The City of Insomnia that has been hyped up from the first trailer is not playable till the last part of the game
>Towns are empty and lack detail
>FF12 tier graphics with some ps3 models
>Being released nearly 3 years since the 3rd game in the FFXIII trilogy
>A non destructive environment
>A score and waste of resources to get Florence and the Machine
This game will be a critical and financial success, but it will always be a shit game.

You don't promise something and make a completely 180, it just makes you dishonest and untrustworthy. Fuck em, SE doesn't deserve my money
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I was mostly referring to the model detail and object rendering.
>a bloo bloo not muh big boss

While the plot and lack of cutscenes sucked the real reason MGS5 sucked is the huge empty open world you had to get through. for every 10 minutes of good stealth gameplay you had to deal with 50 minutes of dog shit open world stuff.

The rest of your post is just nonsense projecting bullshit
At least this one's kind of new
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>they won't stop
Has any other game had as much shit posting as XV and Bloodborne?
So who the fuck is Aqua

My twitter feed is blowing up with Japanese fans jizzing themselves over Aqua, did they rename Stella AGAIN?
The game's script for the main characters is 400 pages long and the voice recording was finished 5 months ago. Your theory is about as plausible as Ancient Aliens.
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I remember when FF was an RPG series

now it's Grand theft Auto?
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>A score and waste of resources to get Florence and the Machine

Absolutely not a waste.
No it doesn't, not only is that a completely differnet location and time of day but it's also a longer wider open area and a longer webm so the quality looks worse than the shorter webm.

No they didn't.
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But worse.

You can't even drive off-road, it's all on rails.

>press x to u-turn
i don't know which video above you you were watching, but i think he was talking about the one where the enemy literally fell through the floor
She knows more about Noctis, and very well aware at how immature he is, and his age difference. He's a mentally weak person, and of course she knows this.
Next thing you'll be complaining about is no car jacking being included.
what if they intentionally made the game look like ass to try to push the PS4 pro on people?
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I will never understand the point of this webm
>Prince who sees the light of dying souls
This is still there
>Motor driven sword as main weapon
This is still there
>action driven physically influenced gameplay
This is still there
>"too ambitious"
This is still there
>most original nip vidya project in years
It's FF as an Action RPG, FF already had action RPGS before
>a lot of blood, death and gothic related atmosphere
That is all still there, more so now than before
>Lore so deep it would have required 3 separate games
No, it was using trash FNC lore and Versus 3 games were gonna be 20 hours each. XV now has its own original lore and massive scale by putting all three into one plus more

>sole development ambition is money
>neet weeb waifu bait even has an anime
The fuck does that have to do with anything, nice meme post
>lazy neet prince, amerifat plumpto, weeb neet relatable
Exactly as they always were, Ofuji confirmed that him being a fat kid was promptos backstory since Versus too as are all the brotherhood ones
>invasion fight cut
All the original invasion was you fighting Nifl soldiers through some straight streets then fighting Aranea. Now you get to actually experience the world first before shit goes down and when it does you are fighting the same soldiers just outside the city
>storyline butchered
>even a neet loser like you can have a blonde bride (luna) with forced royal wedding
It's a political marriage you fucking retard, it's a ruse set up by Niflheim
>Launch event (FFXV Uncovered) was a fucking joke
>"lol muh weed, crystal meth & drugs" (aaron paul)
>mostly everything seen in 2011 & 2013 trailers cut
Only 2011 since that was Versus
>muh skyrim open-world meme
It's literally confirmed to not be like Skyrim but like FF1-9 in 1:1 scale.
>pandering lowest common denominator for maximum profit

>How people keep defending this shit is beyond me
How anyone doesn't realize how much of a lying cunt you are is beyond me
The fucking second I heard Nomura had been moved off the project, which I think was even before the rename away from versus, I dropped this title like a hot rock.

Nomura is literally the only redeeming thing about modern SE and they treat him like shit. Every major success title since 7 has been his hand in the story, character design, and gameplay. The man does fucking everything.
>What is it, Ignis?
>I thought of a new recipe!

>Hating on Florence+The Machine
Consider suicide
XV can't compare to BB. With XV it's pretty much just one incredibly autistic guy; BB had a genuine circus of pathetic assdevastation around it.
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The PS4 pro didn't exist 10 years ago when this game started being made.
More like you're the only one that gives a shit about copypasta
in after beltnzippers
It's just one guy desperately shitposting
Wizard from Nomura's Disney game, prone to suffering.

look at the difference in framerate, for starters

also GTA allows you to travel faster probably because FFXV would explode from trying to load the environment at that rate
Anon just dont fucking reply to bait.
The game looks great
Yeah, it was rumor. I just thought it was interesting, and the game has cleaned up nicely recently. They did delay the game because reather than patch upon release, they would polish the final code so it wouldn't be necessary.
But that top image is from the supposed "downgrade" that you posted only moments ago, so which is it?
its not on rails you fucking idiot
Final Fantasy XV only started development in 2012 or so. Versus XIII was Nomura sitting on his ass and doing nothing for six years.
I think it's the fact that the wheels spin at the same speed (or just kinda spasm) no matter how fast the car is going.
Yes it is.

Both images are from the same build retard.
So it's just bait?
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It's honestly sad that mods haven't banned his IP yet.
It's honestly sad that people still reply to him
There's still going to be a day one patch, but without the delay it was going to be something like a 10 to 15 GB day one patch.
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>not shown
>xv-kun spazzing out at every post multiple times
Well, optimization isn't just a meme, despite what /v/ would like you to believe sometimes. It's not unheard of that games are literally unplayable even 2 weeks before going gold. The Last of Us is one well-known case.
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fucking kek
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>praise witcher 3, shit on ffxv
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If someone has a problem with underage boipucci in beltz&zippers they are in the wrong franchise to begin with.
>Big open world cities
Still there
>Gameplay like Advent Children
Which is what exactly? AC is a fucking movie.
>Graphics like Advent Children
You actually thought Nomura could deliver AC level graphics on a fucking PS3? That is Nomura's lie
>A story based off of reality revolving around the goddess Etro
And it still is just with a different goddess instead of that hamfisted FF13 trash
>Switchable cast of characters
And replaced with manual weapon switching and increased level of things you can do with Noctis while the others you give menu commands with an ATB like bar
>Cor as a playable character
They only said he would join the party which he still does and multiple times at that.
>Road trip gameplay
Which is true, and you can even mod the car to fly so you can fly freely over the world map
>Clouds made using a procedural calculated real time engine
And this is there.
>The City of Insomnia
Insomnia is still there.
>A Shinjuku district in Insomnia
Which is still there, Insomnia was always going to be just a battlefield and you going there towards the end of the game now instead of the start doesn't change that
>Towns based off of real world architecture like Italy and Greece
Which is still there
>CGI tier graphics
More lies, like seriously you actually thought Nomura could do CGI grapics on a fucking PS3? Nomura lied.
>A release date shortly after FFXIIIs release
Nomura lied.
>Destructible environment
Still there.
>A score made by the same composer that did Parasite Eve
Who is still composing the game.
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vaan had multiple girl friends.

ffxv is literally built for faggots.
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Kitase literally said you're supposed to outgrow Final Fantasy.
blue haired girl from KH
Aha exactly, 10+gb patch to play would hurt sales, anything lower than 1gb would be fine with the majority. Game has been looking pretty rough up til now, and the reviews would tear it apart.
Not what I was after, but it'll do.
>Not knowing who Aqua is
I'm disappointed in you anon. She's in KH BBS.
The game looks worse than ever though, they literally added bugs in the past month.

The patch implementation was just an excuse and there's never been any hint as to how big it was going to be. The game just wasn't finished and there's still a day 1 patch.
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Yeah you can't even jack cars what the fuck is this final fanatasy?

You realize that webm on the top part is slowed down to try and make it look like low framerate right? https://youtu.be/AnKHmB2zXcc?t=16s
This makes me want to seppuku.
Considering his output in the last decade, I don't think he's the best person to analyze the series.
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These threads are absolutely pathetic. A game that had decent threads for 10 years ruined by two cunts and everyone who loves to wank them off by making them fucking celebrities. Fuck this garbage, I'm taking a break from /v/ again.
Both of those characters have been seen hitting on female characters multiple times

Vaan is a literal faggot.
no its not you fucking retard

>Comparing the game CGI to the movie CGI where they used real people for facial capture.
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They've also been shown having anal sex with each other you faggot.
Nope, you need more XV threads EXP.
stop falling for bait
Calm down, anon. The threads are perfectly fine when those two retards aren't here, which is most of the time.
I can't believe this shit, this guy can't be serious anymore. Why does he stil reply to the same copypasta and bait after years. This is not funny anymore, i have genuine concerns for his welfare
Where is this anal sex? Are you able to show me? Surely you know all about gay anal sex, right?
I'm around for most of the XV threads but I must have missed that one
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Yes it is.

>can't leave road
>press button to u-turn
>car automatically steers itself
>most of the time
xv-kun is always here, he just acts all innocent when anti-kun is not around, as long as someone doesn't say one accidentaly wrong word that is. Then he'll just bring up random shit to bait shitposts
>Prompto being a top

Fake as fuck
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Glad i cancelled my pre-order on time. This is shaping up to be an amazing flop.
>genuine circus of pathetic assdevastation around it.
Those are just salty PC people.
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All wrong.
Then you unlock Libra and finally learn how to filter out the autism and bait.
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Are you retarded?
>webm literally proving his point
Why are you false flagging?
How is it a flop exactly?
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how mad are you right now
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OH my fucking lord that looks so shit!
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Thanks for proving my point?

Read the thread. There are no positive posts about the game, just droning and facts about how shit it is.
>webm showns him going from off road terrain to road terrain and steering into another car, reversing after hitting into it and then steering back into the right direction.

Why are you blind?
This guy will never learn will he
I think TW3 did have it's own assblasted hater. I think it died down a little after release. But there are still threads shitting on TW3 these days. Only it's quite seldom.
It shows him driving on one road and turning onto another and the game steering against him when he's trying to turn.

We've played the game, nothing you post is going to change its mechanics.
How so? Actually has crashing unlike Gran Turismo.

No it literally wrecks your point.
>Anti-kun has spent at least half a year shitposting every thread, multiple in one day, with the same pictures
Wew, I hope he's getting paid.
>Read the thread. There are no positive posts about the game, just droning and facts about how shit it is.
Yes, because /v/'s negative opinion on a game means it'll without a doubt be a flop. I don't even think it looks that good but very fucking game would be a flop if that were true. Remember how Overwatch was going to bomb, lads?
It's a bit late you stupid fuck. Can you turn back time?

No? Then shut the fuck up you utter fucking melt.

This faggot MADE HIMSELF A CELEB. It's a guy arguing with himself. Or, as he claims, people from GameFAQ's.

So, guess what chummy chum chum? It ain't going to stop and me mentioning it won't change shit.

Retard. Don't bother replying, it'll be something autistic and pathetic.
Versus 13 gameplay is more dynasty warriors than XV
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>No it literally wrecks your point.

Oh look another drone post.
pretty much a single guy from reddit does it and people join in because, you know, popular and critically acclaimed shit = bad.
Who is we? Because people have already played the game and confirmed you can manually steer as well as turn around whenever, crash into things, damage the car and there is offroad sections you can go on, and even more offroad you can go with the Chocobo's.
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Typical FF fanboy. Can't deal with criticism. Did i hurt your feelings, little man?
Downgrade after downgrade, shady stuff all over the place. You'll see.
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wow all this mad
>XII is my favorite FF game
>Fucking loved XIII
>XV is looking hype as fuck
>Square Enix said they would only remake FFVII once they had made an FF surpassing it
>Reclaim Your Motherfucking Throne

Don't care about the naysayers. I'm still happy with this franchise and XV looks fucking fantastic. My ticket's punched; I'm riding that fucking hype train all the way till the 29th.
I've read the thread, how is it bad?
It's not even "/v/s" opinon, it's literally just that faggot samefagging this whole thread.
I hope both of them get paid for it, otherwise i can't explain this amount of autism. xv-kun gets way too invested into this and attacks everyone and only replies to shitposts, that's all he does. He doesn't give a shit about talking about the game anymore, otherwise he would just stop or never come here again. He complains on the wrong place
There's also one weirdo who keeps making exactly the same thread with PC player counts or something. Untreated mental illness is one hell of a drug.
>can't leave road
>press button to u-turn
>car automatically steers itself

Nothing you said refutes these facts.
So you are retarded.
epic post mad man
You mean upgrade after upgrade and upfront transparency unprecedented for the franchise.
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As a FF fan, I stopped supporting FF after 10
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the spergs are trying really hard to convine themselves that this game won't be shit.
Ahh, your little ego got hurt. Keep crying little fanboy.
>implying FFXI wasn't the best game in the franchise
>b-but nomura
Are you going to bring up witcher 3 next too xv-kun
It would've never come this far, if a certain person would just stop. But that guy literally has tunnelvision and ignores everything that isn't a shitpost
You can leave the road, you can manually turn, U turn button is there for convenience. There is auto and manual mode and you manually steer in manual mode.
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keep trying to hide how mad you are
You are trying way too hard
Are people really this delusional?
These videos and the last gameplay proves different.
Says antikun.
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No you can't, the game fights against you when you do, u turn button is because the driving is so shit and you have almost no control.

Why are you acting like a retard.
You really need to stop trying to hard already.
He apparently posts in other forums, I think bazztek was another name he goes by. He's dedicated I'll give him that
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don't egg them on. they need help.
You can't leave the road.
Stop replying to shitposters.

The only downgrades happened before GC
I don't bring up Witcher 3, it's always faggots who try to use Witcher 3 to shitpost against XV that bring it up first, and I only ever reference it after that happens, never before.
At least MGSV's cutscenes looked really good
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See >>356478205
It's been upgraded every time it's been shown since August.
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Imagine being so desperate for clicks that you don't even do any research
FFXV already looks way better, it's the best looking open world game ever made with the best gameplay and story in the last 10 years and the gameplay is worlds above metal gear!

Man being xv-kun is really easy
Yes you do, the game doesn't, U turn is there for convenience, you have manual control.

Still posting outdated shit, even outdated headlines holy fuck.
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>he's still posting different times of day

The game was downgraded and that hasn't changed.
>X-2 is underrated because faggot western men don't like cute girls as much as emo muscle twinks.
>12 was pretty shit all around
>13 had garbage gameplay but the story was actually good if you were patient
>13-2 was GOAT and practically a perfect game
>Lightning Returns had a shitty name but was solid enough to be 13-3 and was a perfect conclusion to the 13 story

Some """fan""". 10 was pretty hallway as well and just as story driven as 13.
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holy shit this game is confirmed awful
You also need to reply to muliple posts and write a 250 word essay to each one saying what you learned in boating school
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Those cars look like they're sinking into the parking lot
Jesus christ, they really fucked it up big time.
Hey, backstreet boys were cool
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Is that even PS3 footage or is it some PC bug?

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>30 vs 60 fps.jpg
on top of 4 men traveling around and sleeping together with no women for extended time being gay as fuck, its also gross and probably really stinky.
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>He's still samefagging and posting outdated screens.
Is it impossible for this guy to just not reply or get angry at every post?
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>a 3gb demo that isn't even part of the game

So XV is superior than it ever was when Versus.
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Yet you post PC images yet XV manages to shit all over that.
Lol no
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It's at least going to be better than woff right?
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>b-but it hasn't been downgraded. Lol, keep defending it.
It is though.

>having less story is a bad thing

Neogaf I know that's you.
I'm having fun with it, i don't get why anyone expected a masterpiece.
Nice shoop.
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/V/ Sooo scared tis game will be GOTY
>literally copypasta and compilation images war once again
The tunnelvision is amazing with those guys.
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Except yes.

I'm not sure you konw what a downgrade is, if superior models, lighting and textures is a downgrade to you then you need help.
It already is.
>right literally looks better
>he posted ps4 images

How fucking autistic are you? Holy FUCK.
>inb4 but nomura
I'm not playing either. Type-Next fucking when, holy shit. It's the only thing I want from Jew Enix at this point, then they can fuck off.
Good. Phantom Pain was great.
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Who are these people that post that same shit each and every thread?

There's that guy that posts the same webms every thread.
The guy that always brings up Witcher 3.
That other guy that always brings up Xenoblade.

Who are you people?
Top kek you fuckin blind?
All me.
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You are in denial. Holy fuck.
Anti-kun and XV-kun
Too long to explain, don't talk to them or you'll regret it
Dragon dogma over again, I hate AI companions, you can AFK and they play for you, at least you can turn off on FFXII
I bet none of that is even in the final game, but by all means, keep going.
ffxv is already way better than dragon's shit or any game out there, best ai ever in open world game fuck off vapid cunt
Actually updated.
Lol, you are proving me right.
You are being delusional if you think the 2016 picture looks better than the one in the 2014.
Literally what is the reason for these threads
They answer no questions, they go nowhere. how do they not get deleted right away once these two autists show up
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What's the point of this autistic image? That image came from an official video of the game pre-downgrade.

That looks like pure shit compared to how normal it looked before.

Nice draw distance. Where is the cable car?
You are an autistic faggot, since when did ff have a lot of long cutscenes
>Altissia and Leviathan are obviously still in the game
>It's not in the game
how you know?
I'll never understand why someone would -want- a game to be bad. How does that help them in any way? If it turns out nicely, they get something to play too

I also don't understand everyone wigging out about visuals, things like texture or model quality when last gen games -still- look absolutely fantastic. I feel like we've reached a point where everything with at least a little effort and artistic sense tends to look pretty damn good
>that fucking aliasing
and this is before the downgrade

bravo square
only my opinion matters
Now fuck off you vapid cunt faggot
Are you stupid, there's no cable car in the picture of 2016. There's clearly a downgrade. How can you not see?
even for bait you are bad
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>vapid cunt
ignore xv-kun he's just an ape
How do you think you are? XV-kun?
That building falling apart, will it be there? That is the question.
Confirmed removed.
Why are you defending him? huh? You're the shitposter here and you're an apologist cunt, go fuck yourself off nomuracuck this game is already better than the witcher 3
I would've thought the same.
But after watching the Titan escape scene, it's probably still there.
defending who?
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>witcher 3
And there it is
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Well, there's that. Good to know.
Had i not cancelled the pre-order, i would be raging right now.
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It is though. But by all means keep being retarded.
Aside from it being one guy, this is one of those games where it would apply
>/v/ told me it'd be bad
>it's good
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If you say so. At least i know the building scene won't be there, so that's confirms it.
No it looks better now than it did before.
All the shitposters in this, i don't give a shit about you. I'll fight everyone who shits on this game and spreads misinformation, no fuck off stellacuck.
Yes witcher, the game that is already way inferior to FFXV, just give it up kagari i know it's you. The game will come out and it will be a 10/10 it wil be the best game of the past 20 years and yuo can do nothing against
>b-but this game waaahhhh blabla
I win, now go back to neocuck
Yes it's still there.
That looks like garbage you autist.
>X-2 was underrated because it was shit
>12 was shit
>13 was shit
>b-but the sequels fix it
can even bring himself to mention the online games that are within the mainline numeration
I'd tell you to eat shit, but you already do
xv-kun you've become a parody of yourself. Sad
if you don't give a shit about me, why you respond?
Well looks you are a common FFXV fanboy faggot, good to know
See? You're doing it again, why are so delusional you faggot? Are you sp afraid that the game will be success. You're on SUICIDE watch, just fuck off yourself you apoligist vapid cunt
I worry that you might go postal one day xv-kun. Please seek help
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>Post YFW Watch Dogs 2 beats this as the best game of November
The Altissia stuff is still there.
Because i can what are you gonna do about it? Stalk me on twitter, go ahead, name's _bazztek, send me all your hatemail
This game will be AMAZING and all you witcherucks can suck nomura dick.
Now you're doing it too, defending the shitposters, just FUCK OFF i only want to discuss this game but then people like you show up and i have to reply to them because they're retard with their misinformation and boogeymans
>waahh don't state facts
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>make a game about bros having a road trip adventure
>cant fucking control the car

whose fucking idea was that
Watch dogs 2 won't even be the best game in the week it comes out.
Doesn't mean it won't be better than this
Yes, you can it's already way better than Gran Turismo or Watch Dogs 2 and has better grpahics and combat than any game ever. Why are you spreading misinformation HUH!? Fuck off shitposting nomuracuck, back to 9gag with you.
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You can control the car and it also flies.
fanboy and attention whore

I don't play withcer 3
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So ass devastated over getting proven wrong.
Sure you don't
>wahh i don't even play it i don't care waah
Go ahead stalk me more on twitter i know you already do it. _bazztek.
Nice goalpost moving kingdom farts fag

You can stop trying to false flag as me already.
The mech fainted
Samefag more
Another thread with the anti xv faggot getting btfo
I bet you feel proud of yourself that you spent Halloween by yourself defending a subpage game on a Indian designated shitting street board
You're all trying to kill an amazing game with bullshit and lies and i will not let you. I will always be here to fight you assholes and stop your spread of misinformation. Go fuck yourselfs. This place is cancer and i will come here everyday to fight it, this game will sell well

>Prompto uses stop bullets
>Enemy frozen perpetually in time
>He will always be there

That detail.
Feels better than you do every night. What with your ass cancer.

Those are all just one guy desperately shitposting against the game.
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