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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Irl _Dc-Tc8U Holy shit I am

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 568
Thread images: 113

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Holy shit I am fanboying the fuck out. I did not think it was possible to top Kingdom Hearts 2 opening but IT FUCKING HAPPENED. Nomura fucking did! Fucking Christ this is beautiful. I'm losing my shit /v/
>fanboying the fuck out

you can say that again. 3D is still top for having the best song and the best opening.
>Three and a half minutes of Aqua bullying is a masterpiece
3D opening was good but it needed lyrics.

KH 0.2 > KH 2 > DDD > KH 1
Id agree with that sure. I love the part when Mickey shows up and they cut to thrm reversing the battle and shattering the darkness.
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Somebody post the picture of Aqua's ass from the opening. So fucking delicious

I really don't like that remix and doesn't really go well with the trailer. Good trailer besides the bad remix though.
So, KH is one of my favortie series, but I don't have a PS4 yet. Should I get a Pro on the 10th, or a Slim? I can't decide. I've heard with the Pro you need to have a 4K T.V., and I don't have a 4 T.V.
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every part of her looks good
This game looks better than any other Kingdom Hearts for the simple reason that it doesn't look as childish.
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>Sora saves Aqua
She FINALLY gets a happy fucking ending. Jesus Christ

Will Sora fug Aqua?
Let's spend more than 2 seconds thinking of that answer anon

I still haven't come up with an answer
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>That opening
>KH 1.5 and 2.5 on PS4 is 60 fps
>Drive forms are back in KH 3

I haven't stopped cumming all day. Based Fucking Nomura
>that moment when all the heroes are together
That's when you know evil done fucked up
>same fucking music all the time

I hope to god KH3 will have a different opening theme and not just Simple & Clean remixed for the 1000th time.
>when mickey saves aqua
>when theyre falling from the sky
>when aqua shields them and sinks
>soras hand

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Fuck.. Aqua is so damn beautiful. Too bad her English voice sounds disgusting
It's ironic that the story in Kindom Hearts is as far from simple and clean as possible
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Its beautiful! Can you do the part when aqua is sinking and she has that look of no regrets?
except for the eyebrows, though.
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this one?
Nah after she saves ven and forgot his name
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Aqua is the best waifu of all time. She's gorgeous
The remix sounds like they are blowing bubbles underwater.
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this or the one from the other trailer
> 0:06 feelsgoodman

Thats the one.
I want to suck your dick, dude!
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So who's going to be playing Master Xehanort now? Both his English and Japanese VA died. And what's even more scary, they died within a month of each other
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I don't really like the remix of the song. Its really annoying to hear those mew mew mew's
Did they change Ansem and Kairi's voices for the first game? listen to the beginnig
Yeah it sounds a little weird, like they recorded some new lines seperately
Is that an entirely new line for kairi? I just played through 1.5 last week and don't remember her saying anything about thoughts.
They probably finally dubbed the final scene
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D-Did they get Billy Zane back for new lines as Ansem? HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT! THAT LINE IS DELIVERED DIFFERENTLY! And yes that is a new Kairi voice. Makes me wonder how they will work Riku's new lines in Final Mix with David Gallagher being much older now
this is virgin thread
Damn son, rekt
literally who's. I don't know anything outside of sora games
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>There are still people that have put off the "side games"
Oh man.
well when they sell them at 1.2 1.3451 2.18. I don't know what teh fuck came out
Good news buy a PS4 you can literally play the entire KH series
What games i need to play if i want to understend the story in order to play KH3? Finished KH2 on PS2 but cant remember the plot. I have PS4, PC and 3DS.
The xehanort curse. Plot twist they both took over someone elses body and that person is the next VA
Did 2.8 get delayed?,
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If these fuccbois aren't in kh3 then I don't care
If you wanna wait until March you can grab the 1.5+2.5 bundle since it will have everything you need to play in order to get caught up for 3.
If not, you can emulate 1, Re:CoM, 2, and BBS on the PC. 3D is on the 3DS. You can try emulating Re:Coded and 358/2 Days but they made them into "movies" so you can just watch them on youtube or something.
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Just pick up 2.8 in January and 1.5+2.5 in March and you are all set . Both on PS4. Also you are the true master race
Yes where you have been? It got delayed because Nomura had to help clean some shit up with FF XV
If you don't care about story then I'd say skip em. They're not very good gameplay wise.
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Tfw Nomura is using Waifubait to trick us into liking KH3's final boss
>'ve heard with the Pro you need to have a 4K T.V., and I don't have a 4 T.V.

>Q: Will PS4 Pro require a 4K TV?
>No. PS4 Pro can display much higher resolutions than the standard PS4 when using a 4K TV. But if you own an HDTV (720p, 1080i, 1080p), PS4 Pro can still improve your gaming experience.
wheres the disney characters? also i played kingdom hearts 2 and who the fuck are all these characters?
Somebody please do this
Oh shit what, Kairi hasnt had a new line since BBS's secret ending right. Is it still Hayden? If she doesn't return im raging
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Hayden has an actual career and has been in rehab a couple of times since she had her baby, so she's a maybe though she did come back to voice Xion in 3D.
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Thanks. So i will wait to play everything on PS4 and watch the movies.

You don't have to
Willa Holland has an actual career too and she's the pointman of 2.8
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Can't wait to play it when I get a PS4.
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>Aqua will never wave at you like this
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>you will bend Aqua over a fuck dat ass
What's the point of living
You can argue who's higher profile but Willa also doesn't have a kid and issue with depression.
I will? Sweet
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Whats his end game?
Is this "Prologue" thing with Aqua an actual game, or is it just a Ground Zeroes/Episode Duscae situation, where you're going to be done with it in an hour?
Something something Kingdom Hearts something something
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Don't let the end of the intro fool you. Aqua will never get a break.
It'll probably be longer than an hour but yeah, that's basically what it is.

Nomura claimed it was the size of one world (couple o of hours likely) and then later said it turned out longer than he had expected.
It's postpartum. I feel bad, but I'd rather her get help than like kill herself or her baby.
Open KH, rebalance the Universe.
Basically Ground Zeroes, but it has been said to be longer than what they initially thought. Kind of a glorified KH3 demo.
Just get leonard nimoy's heartless to voice him
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Cause an apocalypse out of sheer curiousity. No seriously, that's what he wants to do. He literally wants to see what will happen if you end the fucking world. I don't know if that's sheer brilliance or sheer stupidity for a bad guy's motivation
According to his reports in BBS, he want so to gain the power of the "Perfect" Kingdom Hearts using the X-Blade in order to make it so there is a balance of light and darkness in all the worlds
>KH 1.5 and 2.5 on PS4

... Fuck I'm working my way through Kingdom Hearts but I just don't understand the plot at all.
I've only played 1 and 2 so far, but I'm starting through them in proper order thanks to the HD remixes and I just know I'm not going to follow any of it
Just ask questions. KH threads are generally chill and will answer questions.
Now you have to buy a ps4. ps4 pro if you want 60fps
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>0.2 opening looks god-tier
>1.5+2.5 60 fps PS4 bundle confirmed
>New KH3 screenshots
>Drive forms are back along with new forms

Today has been a based day for Kingdom Hearts, thanks Frenchies.
>We're almost off the ride

How many fucking years has it been? I remember buying a PS3 at launch and looking forward to KH3 holy shit.

Meh. Still think DDD had the best opening.

oh shit, we getting an official disney pin?

for those who don't know, its like underground shit, no one talks about it but there are shitloads of pins. its pretty much where all the jessica rabbit merch went, she has a shitload of pins.
The first thing that came to my mind with Aqua reaching for Sora's hand was Madoka Rebellion's OP
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Just a reminder that KH3 only ends the Dark Seeker Saga
>We're almost off the ride
NIgga I'm on the ride for as long as it's fun. Post Dark Seeker is gonna be some shit.
I'm gonna play through them all in preparation for the third game, but I'm just gonna need a green text for basically the whole series.
For instance. What the fuck is the Door to the Darkness? And what the fuck is unlocking someone's heart? The princesses of Lights hearts would open that door somehow?
>paid 599 US DOLLARS to play a game that never came out
I feel bad for you man
It would be the best if it wasn't ruined by the lack of Utada, maybe 2.8 might change that.
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Do you anons think he'll get that date?
>The openings have only been getting better and better

3's is gonna blow our fucking minds isn't it?
>Aqua picks up Baldie's keyblade
what other saga is there?
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>KH 0.2 Final Boss is an endless horde of Dark Hearts
>You lose and Aqua ends up becoming a vessel for pure darkness.

>KH3 Final Boss
>Xehanort fuses with the the darkness inside Kingdom Hearts
>The Heart of the Dark King
>It's a mix between No Heart and Ventus Nightmare armor but based on Aqua's armor instead
>hear muffled Aqua voice calling for Terra and Ven throughout the fight.
It's all good I still got to play some good shit.

I was also looking forward to the newest Hitman. So much for that
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I don't know, wait for the cliffhanger at the end of Kingdom Hearts 3 Final Mix to find out
lol this thread shows /v/ is full of underage weebs
>but I'm just gonna need a green text for basically the whole series.
It's long as fuck. Someone has a cap of when someone did it. Though I think it's missing some of the new information.
>What the fuck is the Door to the Darkness? And what the fuck is unlocking someone's heart? The princesses of Lights hearts would open that door somehow?
The Door to Darkness is the door to the Realm of Darkness. Unlocking someone's heart can kind of differ depending on the context.
Honestly, I'm expecting something with either Braig/Xigbar or the Master of Masters.
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literally perfect
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>Hear that Kingdom Hearts will have a special presentation at Paris Game Week
>Go on /v/
>See a thread about it
>People saying don't expect shit. It'll be fucking nothing
>Somehow this gets me
>Don't get my hopes up
>Have low expectations
>KH 1.5 AND 2.5 60FPS ON PS4
>Having a fucking heart attack with all this KH news

Fuck you cynical fucks on /v/. I will remain hyped at all times now.
KH came out 14 years ago anon.
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If KH3 is only the end of the Dark Seeker saga will we get a secret boss to tease the next saga? Will it be as good as the KH1 secret boss?
fucking sarcastic virgin frog
you mean an org13 member?

Every time I get hyped up to see KH news it usually ends up being "EXCLUSIVE NEWS TO PEOPLE ATTENDING THE EVENT ONLY NO PICTURES ALLOWED"

It usually ends with me being fucking furious for wasting an extra 6 hours being awake for nothing.
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I've learned to believe in the opposite of what this board says
>that game is shit, it's probably good
>that game is great, it's probably mediocre
>get HYPE, wow it's nothing
>post girls, its a trap
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I was the one that made that cynical thread, no one would expect all this KH info at a B-tier convention hosted by Trollimoto. Just be glad you didn't get hyped up and things went better than expected rather than the opposite.
What made the kh1 secret boss so good was that it was completely out of pace with the rest of the game. We didn't know shit about the organization at the time so it made a completely unknown figure have more impact.
Hikari > Simple and Clean
Prove me wrong
fuck off retard
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>New KH3 screenshots
>Drive forms are back along with new forms

The fuck? I thought we weren't getting any KH3 news until January. Nomura trolled the shit out of us.
Not all of us were able to bring that shit stateside at the time anon.
Make sure you read the in-game Reports

And just finish the series before asking questions
Some might get answered later and others might involve spoilers if you ask them here
Make me!
Just preordered 2.8 for the pin, I love 'em.
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Not like it made a difference. No one knew shit about the black coats.
>tfw no money for the play arts kai org xii roxas
>Make sure you read the in-game Reports
This. I don't mind answering questions in threads, but a good chunk of the time, it's something that's already explained in a report.

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He knew that everyone was going to be thirsty as fuck since our last KH3 info was December 2015, hes throwing us niggas a bone.
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..No, what is this LITERAL faggotry? Everyone looks like a faggot. Is Aqua the name of post-trans Riku? Is Sora that "manly" character? What's with the bleach Roxas? What the fuck is going on, this is as retarded as it can get. Even the bald bad guy wears makeup lmfao.
They went too far. Should've kept it simple & clean but what to expect from Japan
no one KNEW about him unless you got FM, which no one knew about unless you imported back then. i didn't know about FM1 until about 2005 or so when i saw it at an anime con.
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korra fags have no power here
I-is this Hercules?
Yes Mount Olympus
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>Only played KH1
>Haven't gotten past the intro in KH2 yet
>mfw this opening

I don't know what's happening. God I hope I don't have to play all the side story shit.
I wonder which world the weapon will be from
They said the red form is power form and the weapon is a hammerlike weapon from a word that wasn't shown off yet
Again? God damn it.
>side story
Just play the fuckin games, even if DDD and BBS aren't amazing games they're still fun and you still miss out on KH2FM
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>God I hope I don't have to play all the side story shit.
That whole opening is basically just a BbS recap because the game is a direct sequel to BbS
>They need the pro to run PS2 games/PSP game at 60 FPS

Fucking really?
>>Haven't gotten past the intro in KH2 yet
gopnik, where where you all these years
This world has been confirmed for 3 years
It's Riku! It's really Riku!
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>the "HOLD ME" when they're all sky falling
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>God I hope I don't have to play all the side story shit.
That "side story shit" is most of the series by now.
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As much as I enjoy Simple and Clean it always disappoints me when it's chosen over Sanctuary.

Well so much for buying the PS3 versions.

>those weird sound effects through the entire song
Garbage, but the animation was nice, the content was repetitive as FUCK

KH2 still best intro.

KH2FM+ secret ending best Kingdom Hearts video of all time
i giggled thanks, sounds about right though. Replaying through KH2 with KH2FM+ PS2 rom patched with KH2HD english and textures. It is love.
Why is she so perfect?

Also, general question, is Aqua that popular outside of this board? Like, does Japan like her?
Where's the simple but effect non-retarded story? Donald? Goofy? Why are there twelve Soras? Where's the Final Fantasy? It's like one big disgusting fanfiction that just keeps going and going far beyond the point that it should have stopped.

The Organization was a mistake. Should have just been Sora, Riku, Kairi, and Disney characters fighting against a dark evil. That's all it needed to be.
I still like this one the most
Is the only difference between ps3 and ps4 versions of remix the FPS?

Cause I really don't want to wait till march for it, was looking forward to replaying the series winter break
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Too fucking right

>Liking Sanctuary over Simple and Clean
What? we've never been to Olympus, just the coliseum. We'll probably see Zeus.
No. Someone on /v/ is just memeing that.

All the old games will run at 60fps 1080p on any version of the ps4.
Since PS4 forces installs it will most likely also fix the loading times for drive forms which isn't really a huge problems unless you do speedruns or something
2.5 has 1-2 reaction command issues, but we don't know if they fixed those

Overall it's nothing that will kill your enjoyment unless you're super serious about it
Last I heard when there was a character poll she made it in the top 5.
Jesus, could they milk this any harder? What's the point of buying video games anymore if they're just going to come out again on a better system in a year?
Nice meme. It's a Pro only feature.
No shit? Neat
Honestly, I think it's fucking great.
What do you gain from this dude?
>"What would happen if I broke everything?"
>little crowns on the shoes
Vain much?
DDD was shown running at 60fps before the pro was ever announced.
PS2 > 3DS
It's simple biology, Anon.
You do realize that he can get an actual crown, 3 of them in fact, in KH2:FM right?
guys I don't think aqua is going to have a happy ending in kh3
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Then i guess it's impossible to have PS3 games running at 60fps on PS4? Oh wait

Try harder
Fuck, I owned them on PS3 but I'll buy them again for the third time now. Will 1.5 and 2.5 be bundled together for the price of one?
See >>356093083
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That was amazing don't lie to yourself anon
is he wearing timberland boots?
Yep for 49.99.

It's not a bad deal especially if you are a fan of the series.
See, but that's the point. Waifubait is a powerful tool when the character isn't an unlikable monster like Lightning.

Blue Lightning suffers far more than she deserves, that's why we love her.
nigga looking fly as hell
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>mfw the Hikari remix is better than the Simple and Clean one

Glad the waiting game paid off, only had to buy these games once(1 and 2). Pirated/Emulated the rest

Collectors Edition when?
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So, is no one going to mention how much better Sora's hair looks in these pics compared to the screens from last year?
That isn't surprising when Hikari is better than Simple & Clean
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Have you not seen his render? Though they may come out with a new one.
2 is still better since this version of simple and clean is pretty shit
also aqua a shit
I thought it would be obvious. Even 0.2 improved a lot in just 6 months and KH3 always seems to be a few steps ahead of 0.2, it probably already uses a newer built of kingdom shader
Well, you see Xehanort is a guy who likes putting his heart into people.

While Sora is a guy who likes taking in people's hearts into himself.

If one wished to form some kind of "x-blade" created through the fusion of conflicting elements you'd need adequate vessels.

Ergo, Xehanort's real master plan is to have the 13 scattered versions of himself combine with a Sora whose absorbed 6 other hearts. Since he's currently got Xion, Ventus, and Roxas, Sora's just gotta let two more people in to achieve Xehanort's goal. It sure would be a shame if he absorbed Kairi's heart again, since she now counts for TWO if you include Naminie.
I still don't like it. It's going to the left for no reason
Oh my God, this game looks so fucking good
His model, specifically the hair, is looking much better these days.
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>Game looks better after more dev time

You don't say. I know Western trash game has brainwashed you into thinking that finalized products are always shit but cmon now.
Why the fuck does sora have fucking camouflage pants? Looks awful.
thank god the 1.5 and 2.5 are coming out on ps4. I never played bbs or the gameboy game and didn't own a ps3
They're to represent Valor form, since his new outfit already has a prominent red color scheme.
Drive form.
I wanna fuck Ventus.
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What are the chances of seeing these guys reprised as the KH3 final boss?
So what is the consensus on the BBS cast?
I always thought that they were the best characters in the series.

Who is Obviously Evil Ventus and why is he a cunt?

Also, why does he get a fucking sword? That's obviously cheating.
Shieeet, it's almost time for my bi-yearly replays of the games too. Good deal.
They had to have known what the fuck they were doing when they made this face.
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>this version is shit
not as shitty as your taste, friend
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>Eyes not yellow
I like Eraqus
Probably not? All they were was cut forms for Xemnas.
I like them generally
That's technically supposed to be him as Venitas but the eye color is wrong.
Ventus is evil accept it

Fighting Heartless Godzilla would be kinda anticlimactic.

I think you'd be better off fighting one of the meme Xenohearts or however the fuck his name is spelled. There needs to be some kind of plot closure.

The Xemnas fight was actually pretty fucking cool, both the skyscraper version and the epilepsy chamber version. They should reprise something like that.
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i am surprised that no one mentions that there are 7 crowns!


So is Aqua the main character of KH3 or what? Is she KH's Lightning?

Can you give me a tl;dr of "Venitas"? I don't want to hit up the wiki to hear about how he's someone's second clone-twice-removed.
Aqua smiles which automatically makes her better than Lightning.
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Oh Sweet Jesus I want to see that form of Xemnas return

>Nomura cut these fucking bad ass forms for Dragon Xemnas

I want to believe it was because of PS2 limitations and not him thinking the Dragon thing was better.

Damn, that crown is sick as hell.
I think it's the transition from Guard Form to normal
>Is she KH's Lightning?
She's been in 1 full game as a main character. 0.2 is not a full game. Sora is still the main protagonist to answer your other question.
Basically it's when Vanitas, who was originally the dark part of Ventus but forcibily removed and made an actual person, is in charge of their body after they were fused back into one towards the end of the game.
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>he doesn't know
Ok, I guess that makes sense.

Really glad kh3 design is different from this. He seriously looks like the biggest fuckboi possible here.
>13 rectangles around the seven crowns
just kidding its 14 feels bad man
Well Vanitas is the personification of Ventus' darkness after Xehanort ripped it out of him. Vanitas wants to combine with Ven in order to reforge the X-Blade, which is what he's seen wielding there.
>Really glad kh3 design is different from this.
What are you talking about? That's still his KH3 design, or are you talking about the overall model improvements.
Man, he's looking kind of cute here.

I wish he would just leave those three poor children alone, though.
Pretty glad this is in there since I'm not gonna touch that mobile game.
>Giant golem made from skyscrapers with a crown.
We still need this.
Wait, I thought that was the DDD model? Shit...
Which is a shame, because X Back Cover probably won't cover everything in Unchained.

Just making an observation. Also, that's not always the case. The recent FFXV gameplay has worse textures than the 2014 demos.
Is the KH manga worth reading? The art looks nice
I'm really curious who they will get to voice him in KH3 if the old version of Xehanort shows up. What with Nimoy being dead and all.

They have the same problem if Ansem shows up too.
DESU I keep trying to go back to it but it's not nearly as fun as any other Kingdom Hearts game out there. It's not even that great as a time-killer.
It's called "style", anon.
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No. He's aged down temporarily for the majority of 3D. Here's his 3D model and it's what his characer in WoFF in based on.
Nope, Sephiroth kidnapped/killed him.
I played the gam for 5 months and spent $15 on it. I regret everything. Its awful. And outside of emulators, mobile gaming is awful.
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>Simple and Clean AGAIN
So wait, the chick is the hero of BBS?

I thought she turns evil, kills the shota, and then Terra goes full DARKNESS to stop her
What? No. No. Who told you that? You got none of that right.

Thanks brehs.

Does that imply that Darkness is intrinsically sentient, or do metaphysical forces of sufficient complexity spontaneously become sentient when they get removed?

We've already kinda seen it with Nobodies, but it's interesting that it happened with Darkness this particular time.
no shota kills himself (technically) then naps because he is tired
she saves terra from the world of darkness

Aqua had such a hard life.
FF Mobius is the only decent mobile game square has made and even then that's not saying much.
fug u
Uh... none of that happens.
>The recent FFXV gameplay has worse textures than the 2014 demos.
It looks way better than the old master version footage at least.
The chick is good guy, terra goes full characters, the shota "kills" his dark half, and himself(coma)
>So wait, the chick is the hero of BBS?
Pretty much.
I thought she turns evil, kills the shota, and then Terra goes full DARKNESS to stop her
Other way around, minus the "kills the shota", she just puts him away for safekeeping and 10 year long nap, and that wasn't really wholly Terra's fault.
>Does that imply that Darkness is intrinsically sentient, or do metaphysical forces of sufficient complexity spontaneously become sentient when they get removed?
Kind of both.
Inseminate Aqua
Where did you get that from? Just play BBS(including the extra part after you finish the 3 campaigns).
Ventus kills himself but Mickey and Aqua still have to finish the job

Or... vice versa.
Vanitas isn't just darkness, it's the dark part of Ventus's heart. Essentially, the whole person of "Ventus" was ripped in two.
Thats everyone's endgame
How are you going to react when Sora finally saves Aqua?
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>Just about to replay 1.5 and 2.5 in preparation for 2.8
>1.5+2.5 announced
>60 FPS
I think one of the hitching points about KH that a lot of people don't quite grasp is that... there are no real hardset rules for the universe's magic system. We don't get an explanation about Vanitas' creation beyond that he's what happened when Xehanort ripped out Ven's darkness. So if that's just a Thing that's supposed to happen normally or if it's a special case is up in the air. All we know is that Vanitas isn't a Heartless, a Nobody, OR a Replica. And for some reason or another, he also had the ability to spawn the Unversed.
No, to sum up what actually happens.

>Terra has darkness in his heart
>Xehanort uses that to possess him
>Terra's will possesses his old armor and beats Xehanort's ass
>meanwhile Ventus (the shota) fights his evil twin to make the super keyblade, but together with Aqua manages to stop it from being compeleted
>Ven goes catatonic and Aqua seals him away somewhere
>Aqua fights Xehanort in Terra's body
>defeats him and he falls into the world of darkness
>she jumps in and saves him from it, at the cost of she herself becoming trapped inside for reasons
So yeah, Terra is possessed, Ven is slumbering and Aqua is in the WoD.
The fuck is this.
>he doesn't have crowns on his shoes
Top pleb.
its castle oblivions basement
which somehow the organization never found his body
the pre-prologue of the whole series, even before birth by sleep
it shows the keyblade war which was started by some cult wearing cute animal masks because hoodie guy tells them one of the people in the cult is a traitor



>know even if saves can transfer between PS3 and PS4, the trophies won't

I don't fucking want to get those Mushrooms again. Or you know, get Ultimate in 1FM.

>RNG to see the rare enemy
>RNG to get the drop
>Goofy and Donald will interrupt your combo, making your chances of a drop even lower

So is "Ventus" as we know him less of a person for having part of his sentience ripped out of him?

Or can we grow sentient beings like starfish? In Vantias' case, I suppose, an evil starfish.


What precisely are the Unversed? We have Heartless Bodies becoming Nobodies and unanchored hearts becoming Heartless. Are the Unversed some different combination?
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>Have to platinum BBS again
inb4 "eeey Sora, ye douchebag, u killed my grandad xehanort and for this, i shall have my revenge lmao"
Being Aqua is suffering.
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X Back Cover. It's part of the Chi subseries that goes into the Keyblade War.
>Ven goes catatonic and Aqua seals him away somewhere
He's in Castle Oblivion.
>So is "Ventus" as we know him less of a person for having part of his sentience ripped out of him?
It almost killed him. Sora helped him out as a newborn and filled in the missing part. Hence why Vantias, when not fused with Ven, looks like Sora with Black hair.
>What precisely are the Unversed?
Just Vantias' shed off negative emotions.
More like Platinuming Re:CoM.

>Sora finally saves Aqua
>Aqua cries tears of joy when she sees him
>Suddenly, she stops
>She looks down
>There's a hand coming out of her stomach
>Behind her is the face of her friend
>It's Xemnas
>Aqua falls and dies in Sora's arms

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>I don't know if that's sheer brilliance

No, anon. Not even remotely.
>First was just the coliseum
>Then underworld
>then just the coliseum again and a literal square
Now we're going up into the heavens with Mt. Olympus. I personally would have liked to see more of the greek city, but a divine greek city is good too
The Unversed are pretty simple. They're just minions that Vanitas can spawn. They exist pretty much so you have mooks to fight in BBS, and unless Vanitas reappears in a big way, we likely won't have to deal with them in KHIII.
>Already 308 signers.

Huh. That's not bad.
The Ventus we know is for all intents and purpises half of his original self.

Vanitas is the other half.
>Now we're going up into the heavens with Mt. Olympus. I personally would have liked to see more of the greek city, but a divine greek city is good too
The worlds in KH3 seem pretty big and relatively seemless, so I'd hope we'd make it back down to the city part.
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>Aqua reaching out for Sora's hand

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Does a person who has their negative emotions removed become a different person?
Jesus christ man what's up with all the petitions lately. I'm not against games being on multiple platforms, but ffs stop begging so much
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What did Nomura mean by this?
That's already 80% of total signatures it will get
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I hope they change how difficulty trophies work in 1.5 for ps4. But I won't hold my breath
I hope they have some check point system this time around to make up for the bigger areas. Some large areas in Kingdom Hearts 2 got a bit grating when I died right next to a door to the next area and had to re-explore everything.
And then I got gud, so that problem was eventually solved
This is really fucking gay.
We don't know the exact mechanics about that. All we know is that for some reason that in the case of Ventus and Vantias it happened. There are somethings that we just don't know yet or ever will in this series. It's still isn't know how exactly Namine works, as she's still referred to as a anomaly in the series, though there are popular theories.
Notice its always port from Sony console -> other platform too. Really telling of who the real masterrace is.
Sora is dead.
1 and 2 are piss easy compared to the slog that is CoM and BbS.
Weird how the intro makes Ventus and Terra look like retarded children
If they don't, I'm not going to fucking bother.

You know, I wonder if we're getting anything else for Kingdom Heart's 15th Anniversary besides 2.8 and the PS4 ports of the remasters.
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>This looks hype as fuck.
>Only played KH 1 and 2.

So like can I just pick this up and jump straight in?
>So is "Ventus" as we know him less of a person for having part of his sentience ripped out of him?

Alright, so here's sort of what happened. When Master Xehanort ripped out Ven's Darkness, around that exact moment, Sora was born. In order to keep from completely dying, Ven's fractured heart sought out a way to recover and it found Sora's newborn heart. Sora's newborn heart sheltered the fractured part of Ven's heart, almost like a backup hard drive. By tethering to Sora, Ven was able to survive, just barely.

(This is why Ven looks like Sora. The truth is that SORA looks like VEN and tethering to Ven's heart as a newborn shaped who Sora would be. This is why Sora and Ven share similar character tics like putting their hands behind their head)

Ven was left catatonic and dropped off at Master Eraqus' place to recover, where he basically had to rebuild his heart.

Now, the events of BBS happen and by the end, in order to defeat Vanitas for good, Ven has to basically purge himself again, fracturing his heart and going catatonic. However, because Sora is his backup hard drive, he's still alive. Now Sora needs to track him down and give back the part of Ven's heart he's been harboring in order to fully restore him for good.
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1.5+2.5 is literally happening because enough people begged for it. Like it or not devs do listen to complaints on social media if enough people bitch about it to the point where its a trending topic, that's probably why we have drive forms back too since Nomura wasn't even sure if they needed a return.
lmao, let's make a petition to bring Halo to PS4 just to tick XFags off.
That 0.2 will be as bad as Advent Children?
Gotta pander to the waifufags who want their mary sue waifu
Sora in WoFF as DLC, and hopefully Sora with Ansem and Guardian though I doubt it in Dissidia. And who knows, maybe we'll get that KH cartoon pilot released.
Play at least BBS, and COM or REcom and watch the movies of the DS games. You can finish BBS and Recom rather fast
2.8? Not advised. You'll want to pick up 1.5 + 2.5.
Oh shit we finally are going to fight Aqua
I've only played kh 1 up to the final fight

And and I finoshed kh2. Haven't played any othet kh games

I dont want to have to buy consoles just to play kh games. But ibdo at the same time. But I've missed so much. Who the fuck is aqua
At the VERY VERY LEAST you need to play BBS. I would really recommend just picking up the PS4 collections and playing those. Every game is important in some way.
There'll be a track called Aqua Smiles.
Probably something KH3 news.
Aqua is one of the 3 protagonists in Birth by Sleep which takes place 10 years before KH1.
Reminder that the entirety of KH exists because Aqua, Terra, and Ventus are a bunch of incompetent retards who are incapable of talking to each other. Literally everything would have been okay if these three just stuck together and didn't act like a bunch of idiots

That looks far prettier than it deserves.
SHUT THE FUCK UP Advent Children was one of the greatest things to ever happen in video games, anime, and Japanese culture ALL BUNDLED TOGETHER IN ONE BADASS MOVIE. I fucking hate all you white contrarian shits hating on everything Final Fantasy just because it's waaaa too anime. Well you don't have to fucking watch it, since you obviously can't understand when literal PERFECTION is in front of you.
Yeah but there's a difference between fans giving feedback and wanting to buy games again and ports petitions which are basicly
>these guys have it i want it too wahh
And it would probably not even be worth wasting money on a Xbone port
Jesus Aqua's done some level grinding
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BBS itself made Ventus and Terra look like retarded children. Hell Terra IS a retarded man child

God damn that's fucking convoluted. Who writes this?
They should reprint the manga.

Wait, is it even that hard to find the manga?
>I-it's all their faults! They all share an equal blame!

You're really the worst kind of faggot.
Tetsuya and Nomura
I think. But besides that, give me fuck BBS manga already.
That poor Shadow didn't deserve to go like that
>thunder on X
>not cure
This is so wrong
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Nah it's basically all Terra's fault
Because Sora is a mary sue that can't feel any other emotion than joy.
I guess Ventus is the least at fault for being an actual child, but Terra is shown to be retarded constantly, and Aqua is terrible at keeping them under control.
>aqua a gud gurl she dindu nuffin
>Reminder that the entirety of KH exists because Terra and Ventus are a bunch of incompetent retards who are incapable of talking to each other.

Aqua did nothing wrong aside from being the most competent character in the series.

I guess they get points for being so totally unlike pretty much everything else.
Nojima and Nomura.
It's not gonna happen. The KH manga series is over.
Did you not play the games? This isn't remotely ture.
Jesus Aqua it's one fucking shadow no need to go all Hiroshima on it
He spent the entire end of 3D feeling really sad and angry.
Played every single one multiple times.
>that shitty remix song where lyrics dont even match the beat
>bunch of quick screen cuts
lmao /v/ why are you so stupid
I legit always wished the xbox version of III gets cancelled to see the meltdown it would bring.
You couldn't sound more like a complete nu-male, dumb Disney anime poster.
oh please
kh is literally just discount bleach
which was a discount YYH
>Only played KH I, II, and the gameboy card game
>Always wanted to get back into the series, and replay the first two as well
>Traded PS3 in for PS4, hoping they'd eventually release the remasters on PS4 at SOME point
>Disc reader suddenly breaks and is unable to read blu-rays
>Find out about the whole "no digital versions of any KH ever" thing

I just want to play the games.
Who's the bigger mary sue; Sora or Aqua? I'd say Aqua since at least Sora isn't super bright and gets smacked around a bit in DDD, while Aqua came out of nowhere and is the strongest character in the series, though that may change since Sora is the chosen one.
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>Disney rides
>Limit moves
>Air combo-able magic attacks
>Flow motion
>Shot lock
>Drive forms
>Weapon transformations for every single keyblade
>Possibly multiple characters

All these options, they sure as hell better balance this shit.
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dude just look at how PISSED he gets here. Tells his friends to TAKE A NAP
No Kairi love?

Like, seriously Nomura?

So you just don't pay attention? Good to know.
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>even if BBS isn't amazing
Here you go, now go away.
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Let's not become the XV threads, just ignore it.
To be fair, I did phase in and out at a lot of points in DDD, so maybe he did feel more emotions. I just remember the Xemnas fight being 'nuh uh my friends!'

The only interesting parts were Riku's parts.
She's not in 0.2 you'll have to wait until 3.
Fuck kairi, namine is better.
He's displays emotions other than joy in every game. In 3D he gets mad that Xemnas confirmed that he was lying to the other Org members during all of KH2.
Well Sora did need help to defeat Xemnas, while Aqua solo'd the strongest villain in the series without breaking a sweat.
>Nah it's basically all Eraqus's fault
>Simple and Clean was used a thousand times for games
>Sanctuary was used once
So, 'you're a baddie so I'm going to act mildly annoyed even though I hardly payed attention to XIII's members'?
She had help
Final Chapter Prologue is complete and has been for weeks

Ask me anything about 2.8

i know next to nothing about KH3 but im positive Fragmentary Passage will tie into it
Used in 358/2 days as well, so two games.
No she didn't
Simple and Clean = Good game
Sanctuary = Bad game
There's more than one example like I said. But I already know how the rest of this reply chain is gonna go.
This brand of attention whoring is so weird to me.
>You lied to them, and treated their hearts like bottles on a shelf!
He was pretty miffed
Does Sora show up? Does Kairi even talk? Is Back Cover only up to the end of the first "season" of Unchained?
>but im positive Fragmentary Passage will tie into it
No fucking shit
Re:coded and Re:chain of memories used simple and clean...
Wow you must be a fucking genius
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Time for a confession:

Yes. No. Back Cover goes beyond the first season and actually ties quite a bit into .02
Why are you using tumblr speak?
Nah, Nigga you have to give more than one sentence answers.

Detail the entire plot of Back cover.

Anyoe could porbbly guess what is going to happen in 0.2.
>remix 1.5 and 2.5 coming out
>this is coming out as well
>Kingdom Hearts 3 maybe next year

Glad to know my PS4 wasn't a weasted purchase besides it playing BB. Now there's Persona5, FFXV and hopefully other good japanese games to play.
Why not play other games on it?
>>Kingdom Hearts 3 maybe next year
Kairi doesn't talk. She shows up if you count a couple of still frames and flashbacks as showing up.

Sora shows up but not in the way everyone thinks he's going to. It actually ties into an iconic KH1 scene.

Back Cover's plot is simple. Foretellers were set up, the "traitor" is Anguis/Invi working for the Master of Masters. To elaborate any further would ruin the plot of .02
Why does the new hikari/simple and clean remix make me want to do the bernie while listening to it
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>mfw been a consolefag since NES
>play all the multiplats and exclusives on consoles
Go roleplay on reddit faggot.
We already know the traitor is Luxu, but the traitor told of by the Prophecy is implied to be Ava.

Don't even bother.
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>when she says the future doesn't scare me at all when it's a scary part
>when she talks about it's hard to walk away when Aqua is leaving Ven and Faggot in their bubbles
>when the narrative of the song matches the context of the scene just right
Why does this get me so hard.
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>"traitor" is Anguis/Invi working for the Master of Masters. To elaborate any further would ruin the plot of .02
>This bullshit again
You'd think you guys would have stopped with the Rebirth theory when the VAs were confirmed to not be the same in English. And you do realize that JP Unchained and X have gone further than your old ass "spoilers" right?
It's not Luxu. If you've played Season 1 of Chi you should know the traitor's identity is never explictly stated on-screen
I'm gonna be on suicide watch if I have to get those fucking trophies again.

Some asshole is going to look at my trophies and say "Look at this fucking casual, he only has all of the trophies on the PS3 version."
But why should you care?
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Because of the possible MILF JAV ladies that are also fans of KH, obviously.
i think anon was implying that isnt considered to be worthwhile news.

Alright, who did Xehanort's Keyblade belong to?
Is there a good place to download the Chi OST? I will never ever play it, but the OST sounds good
How can Aqua be a Mary Sue when her main game ended with her failing catastrophically?
What is a jav someone posted where 3 girls are in leotards exercising?
I will literally only buy this shit if my trophies carey over. Otherwise, I am not in the market to pay for KH2 a fourth time.
All the games that I would play on it are on PC. There's isn't any game I'm interested in PS4 that's out now, as a console exclusive besides Bloodborne.

2017 will be a very good year for PS4 though, even if most of its fans will be unaware of the many gems released.
If YOU played it, you would know that Gula recites a portion of the Prophecy, which comes to pass as Ava attacks Luxu, marking her as the traitor.

But the real traitor, as in the one who goes against the others, was Luxu.

You're just parroting outdated speculations.
>get rid of Sora's voice actor in the last game
Dude, companies should hire a great ideas man such as yourself.
Who are your top 5 characters?

A lot of the tracks are reused from other KH games, but I just took the original tracks off of Youtube. Personally I like it's version of Dearly Beloved.
>You're just parroting outdated speculations.
Hell some of it is over a year old. I don't even know what that tripfag was attempting.
Yes, ofcourse that's the reason.
>most of its fans will be unaware of the many gems released.
The irony.
Didn't they get rid of Snake's VA for Metal Gear Solid 5 though?
This. Tripfag was just being a faggot for attention.
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You can go fuck yourself. Kingdom Hearts is all the guy has left, and I think he does a good job when he isn't trying to be young Sora.
>1.5 and 2.5 finally on ps4
>2.8 next year
>plated a bit of 2 but never finished it
okay I'm falling for the ps4 meme again
It doesn't sound GREAT, but I appreciate the effort of him trying to do a younger voice when he needs to. His regular Sora voice is fucking aces, though. The guy clearly loves doing the role.
And look how well that turned out.
>he still hasn't added the original scene from FFVII
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I only played KH1 and KH2, so what the fuck is going on in here
Nice quints
He failed the mark of mastery because his hand glowed a little dark even if he didn't use the darkness at all and his master sent Aqua to spy on him. Eraqus fucked up.
It will be so weird going from super OP endgame KH2 Sora to almost no abilites Sora in KH3
I wonder what the tutorial will be, maybe young Eraqus
Buy I.5, II.5 and II.8.
>master eraqus, master xehanort wants to use me as a weapon
>don't worry my child, I'll stop him... by KILLING YOU
Eraqus dumb.
>I wonder what the tutorial will be, maybe young Eraqus
KH3 starts with the Eraqus/Xehanort conversation so maybe.
Actually after today, it's 1.5+2.5, and 2.8. So just 2 collections for PS4.
Sora has that issue in later games, but he has his limits and can be pushed, at least in KH1 and KH2. Probably KH3 as well. I like to think he acted overly happy in 3D because he was too cocky, then he got knocked down a peg.
I doubt they will
there is a reason I don't like BBS so much and it's because how fucking overpowered you get at the end of the game. it's like god damn man slow down a little bit.
I wholeheartedly agree, anon. I'm hoping it's not foreshadowing what's to come for KH3.
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Namine practically gave him brain damage in CoM so it's only natural he's a bit too much on the cheery side of things.
>it's because how fucking overpowered you get at the end of the game
If you know the right combos you can easily get powerful commands at the beginning of the game.
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>1.5+2.5 coming out before 3

KH4 confirmed to come out before 3

makes perfect sense for square
Dem digits a rare sight round ere.
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Osaka has done a good job with expectations with literally everything but balance so far so we'll have to see about that.
>see this post

god why is this series my autistic weakness
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its ok anon you can let it out in these threads
Who cares, this series is literally just plain, good old fashioned fun. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
I see now, gets are LIGHT
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careful with that word around here bruv
What I don't understand is how he flunks Terra and makes a huge fuss out of him showing signs of darkness even when he doesn't use it, yet fucking invites Xehanort there to sit right next to him. Y'know, Xehanort, the guy who is openly pro-darkness?
So how long will it take to play KH 2.1 to 2.7?
I think you can laugh at the stupid shit but also get emotionally invested and still care. It's fine anon.

But this series plays at my nostalgia strings hardcore too.
aqua's cg design is fucking me up with that chin
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I would love dual audio in BBS
about tree fiddy
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It's okay, just look at this chin and calm down :^)
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Eraqus is a fucking idiot. It is known.
Which really cracks me up because they fucking shaved Ven's chin down for the Remix.
I....kinda wouldn't. Yeah, the English voice acting is spotty in some instances, ESPECIALLY BBS, but it wouldn't feel the same for the Disney characters, at least to me.
2bh, for BBS i would too.
what do you mean? she's perfect

except her eyebrows
Protip: There is no such thing as side story in KH, everything counts and is important to the story. Yes, even the Android/iOS game.
>releases a week after switch
why is square conspiring with sony to kill nintendo?
So if I wanted to learn the whole story and only had a PS4, I should get this 1.5+2.5, and also 2.8. Is that correct? Also why has no one just recorded all the story scenes from all the main games and just put it in a compilation for someone that doesn't want to go play through all the games,
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Correct, someone probably has done that on youtube, and you shouldn't skip any of the games except maybe Re:Chain and 358. And Unchained.
> Also why has no one just recorded all the story scenes from all the main games and just put it in a compilation for someone that doesn't want to go play through all the games,
People on Youtube have done this. And 3 of the games in compliations are in there in movie form.
So let me get this straight because I'm fucking retarded,

The games necessary to the plot mainly are 1.5, 2.5, and BBS?
Someone probably did it like the movie versionsof MGS
There're also timeline videos and shit, but yeah you need those two collections
I got a bone to pick with you fucking people.

Firstly I love kingdom hearts. I've played each of the main releases other than BBS because it looked bland and boring as fuck to me, plus I'm not getting a PSP for one title that ultimately boils down to an only slightly important prequel.

So heres the question. Why do you people keep eating this decimal bullshit up? All these "mixes" and bullshit unessecary titles could have easily been bundled into the 2 final mixes,

and this little "Aquas story" snippet could have either been some free DLC for 3 or just bundled into it anyway. Squares been milking this shit ridiculously hard and nobody gives a fuck.

ITs so tiring. I've lost all semblance of hype for 3 because of it. Why get exited for 3 when I'm just gonna get put in a position where I'd want to buy:


I'm still probably gonna get 3, but squares never gonna get any extra money for their extra bullshit from me. They're lucky I bought 2's "FINAL MIX" after all the other stupid filler shit for those sweet bosses, which is all it ultimately had to offer anyway.
>hopefully other good japanese games to play
get on that yakuza train buddy, y0 comes out the same day as 2.8
2.5 contains BbS. All of the games are important to the story, though some are more debatable than others.
Why? Disney is better in english.
>Why do you people keep eating this decimal bullshit up?
why are you acting like we have a choice?
I wonder if 1.5+2.5 will get it's own cover or just a logo mixup
>and this little "Aquas story" snippet could have either been some free DLC for 3 or just bundled into it anyway.
0.2 is essentially a glorified KH3 demo. This was pretty much one of the first things said about it.
I really wish Disney would make sea salt icecream as a product and sell it at Disney World or in stores.

It's an untapped resource of money. I'd buy some.
There's even a very small convo exclusive to the music tour that's canon. Fucking Nomura the madman.
>Also why has no one just recorded all the story scenes from all the main games and just put it in a compilation for someone that doesn't want to go play through all the games
People have already done that
They've been tag teaming Nintendo since FFVII. This must be the final blow.
Because you do? If you buy stupid irelevant bullshit titles from square they're gonna keep making them.

Can't wait for KH3.85 The return of the character from 3 that doesn't fucking matter. Gonna be the best 20-40 bucks I ever spent. So glad I'm a fanboy.
>yfw it going to be a great year for jrpgs next year
my wallet can only take so much
>I got a bone to pick with you fucking people
Oh please spare us your senseless drivel
Because the decimals are compilations that make it easy for everyone to play the games. 1.5 isn't some new entry in the series, it's a collection of 1, CoM, and Days. 2.5 is a collection of 2, BBS and Coded.

And 2.8 is a collection of .2, DDD, and the story of the iOS game. The only content that's new out of these collections is .2

They're just regular old HD ports like every big PS2 series gets.
i think he had no idea what would happen. He knew darkness would show up in one of his pupils but not sure which one. Also watch the E3 2015 trailer for KHIII you can see them talking when they were young and are aware of the whole darkness vs light.
Then why are they fucking charging you for KH2 for the 4th fucking time just to get that one little stupid fucking plot point?

Why are you people going to buy KH2 for the 4th fucking time again?
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This is new.
No Online multiplayer in BBS again right?
>Then why are they fucking charging you for KH2
Please do some research before you shitpost
That's not what's happening in 2.8. Literally go Google it.
But anon its called 2.8 not KH2. Please learn to read.
You're a fucking retarded, go neck yourself cunt.
What are you talking about? There's only three versions of KHII. There's the PS2 copy, the port on 2.5, and the other port on PS4 2.5.

They're just ports.
1.5 has
>1 Final Mix, which is the first game with extras
>Re: Chain of Memories, the interquel between 1 and 2
>358/2 Days in cutscene form, which was a DS game that also bridged 1 and 2, but for a character prominent in KH2

2.5 has
>2 Final Mix, which is 2 with extras and probably the pinnacle of the series
>Birth By Sleep, a game that takes place 10 years before the first one and features a mostly new cast, and is where most of the shit in this thread and that intro is coming from
>Re:Coded in cutscene form. Fantastic game to play, story is fairly throwaway aside from some stuff at the end, takes place after 2

2.8 will have
>Dream Drop Distance HD, a remaster of a 3DS game, meant to be the first big lead up to 3, takes place after 2
>Unchained X Backcover, a movie version of the mobile game, from the Foretellers perspective, unknown if it'll give you everything you need from the mobile game, but will probably be pretty comprehensive
>Birth By Sleep 0.2 A Fragmentary Passage, takes place after Birth By Sleep and chronicles the fate of one of the characters, most likely to put her in a different position for KH3, will probably shed some insight into a lot of what was going on in KH1 in the background of Sora's main journey

But basically...just get the 2 PS4 games and you'll be fine. 1.5 and 2.5 will be a single release on it, and 2.8 will be it's own release as well.
>All these "mixes" and bullshit unessecary titles could have easily been bundled into the 2 final mixes,
They are HD collections which encompass the Final Mixes you fucking sperg
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>days will never be made into a proper game or make a movie with all the scenes included instead of shitty text summaries.
No, fuck you, I'm sick of square getting away with reboxing/branding stupid shit and making stupid ammounts of money off a franchise I used to love.

Doesn't change the fact that you're buying all the fucking games again. The fact that it isn't a new entry into the series is the problem. Theres too many of these "HD ports" that add nothing to the fucking game. You're buying the games over and over again for shit that doesn't matter, that could have easily been given to you for free via PSN network, for piecemeal, or bundled into actual new releases.

All this shit is just the big tit machine milking a once great franchise for as much money as you suckers will shovel out and to keep the production cycle for their next title as long as possible. To KEEP milking you people.
Noone forces people to buy those games you know? You don't have to buy the PS2 and PS3 version of KH2 to be able to play the PS4 version. It's not bad to have the games in one place especially for newcomers
>sora is the chosen one

I liked it better when riku was the chosen one and sora was just a shit that lucked into getting the keyblade. Now he really is mary sue'ing off the charts.
So what are you going to do? Firebomb the place? Dumb cunt

Oh so they're charging you for 2 completely irrelevant titles that are already out and giving you a little snippet of story?

Something they could have bundled into 3 easily?

Big fucking difference, you're still fucking retarded for eating this shit up you god damned monkies.
>You're buying the games over and over again for shit that doesn't matter, that could have easily been given to you for free via PSN network, for piecemeal, or bundled into actual new releases.
Yeah I wish they had released the Final Mix DLC back in 2005

What the fuck are you even talking about?
>not having to use hacks to run in 60fps
good enough for me.
It's just a game quit being assblasted
Or maybe, just maybe not everyone had every single console/handheld to play the entire series. So collecting them all onto one (now two) consoles is great.

Plus 1/2/BbS Final Mix versions were never released outside of Japan. So to many it was the first time playing the extra content.

Either educate yourself before posting or kill yourself.
I agree, made Sora's victory that much sweeter. I enjoy that he was the normal but happy go lucky teen that bullshitted all these traditions and ceremonies because one of the people meant for the keyblade was a shit, and he did what needed to be done anyway.

Makes all the machinations, both for the good guys and bad guys amount to jack shit, and I enjoy that.

Shame it won't play that way now since he's basically the messiah...but I still like him.
Guys I think there have been enough (You)s given today.
And you're retarded for going apeshit over others peoples decisions. As long as you don't buy it that should be fine for you. Do you also freak out when someone in the supermarket buys too many eggs?
Are you just mad that 0.2 is in a collection and you only wanted to get KHIII?
>Oh so they're charging you for 2 completely irrelevant titles that are already out and giving you a little snippet of story?

Have you ever thought that some people might not have played those games? You do realize you don't have to buy it right if you've already played those games right?
You do realize that's been a meme for a while now right?
hownew.ru right back at you. It's so you don't give the person the (You) directly. Which is what everyone wants.
Hello newfriend
Yeah which is why a PS4 MGS bundle would be the shit.

But you know what konami, the worst developers, haven't even been doing?

Releasing multipule bundles of bullshit instead of one comprehensive bundle on the PS3 that includes every installment of the game on all platforms save for 5 and PO.

If they made another for Ps4 it would likely be the same damn thing but include 5, PO, and a remastered 3.

Which is a way better system than SQuares done with all these bullshit decimal KH titles that you people keep eating up.
Well then don't buy 'em.
>make a new movie with new content
>port the 3ds game for those who didn't play it
>get to play an extended demo detailing a main character and her story
>expect companies to just give shit away for free
Are you guys not in threads a lot? The whole point of the @, now, is so that person doesn't get a (You).
I call someone walking out of the supermarket with a cart full of eggs they've bought 4 seperate times retarded.

Yes, because .2 is fucking ireelevant and belongs in 3 anyway, just like DDD did, just like everything since fucking 2 besides the Final Mix did.

Then bundle them all up in 3 or in one fucking cohesive bundle like Metal Gear did. Its less money the customerbase has to shovel and more content in less pieces.

You stupid fucking fanboys are worse than the metal gear fags, because you LITERALLY make the industry worse by shoveling out for this shit.
Did they reveal drive forms? when did this happen?
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>Charge for it as one small piecemeal instead of bundling it in 3.
>retards eat it up
>Release 3
>Double the profits.

You seriously don't see a fucking problem here?
Another newfriend
that's not the trailer, that's the opening
Jesus Christ you're retarded. Kill yourself.
>.2 is fucking ireelevant and belongs in 3 anyway, just like DDD did, just like everything since fucking 2 besides the Final Mix did
Jesus fucking christ you're asking for well over 70 hours of gameplay shoved into a title which will already have at the least 40 hours of content put into it. That's an incredibly horrible idea that would drag 3 down
>People are bad for buying something they want.
>Under the implication its all the same content.

You argument is irrelevent since as stated lots of people haven't played said games. Please try to not be so self entitled ;)
You have problems kid. You don't have to buy it, it's that easy, but you don't have to try so hard to change others opinions or force your own onto others
>why don't companies make three games in one and sell it for the price of one
Kill yourself.
Times change gramps.
Guys, we're at bump limit. Just stop responding.
This really, really gets me. More than probably any other moment in any of the CG intros.
Nah, not possible.
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Yes, you're a bad person for buying this irrelevant bullshit bundled into piecemeals that could have been amalgamed in a much better way and showing the industry they can milk you like the cow you are by not petitioning them to stop piecemealing their content to you like every other developer handles their remasters/makes.

You are literally decreasing the quality of further KH titles and should kill yourself.

>DDD and .2 are 70 hours of gameplay.
Yeah, no they aren't. And its a brilliant idea to get people to get 3 even though they haven't played DDD, how the fuck would it drag it down?
Fuck off MoM.
Did you read the post you typed before you responded to mine? I don't think so
Circle is Japan's X, man.
>Why doesn't this company include this irelevant and tiny DS title in with its small movie and tech demo into the game its supposed to be relevant to?
>Buying all 3 of these useless content pieces as a full retail title before buying 3 sounds perfectly reasonable.
Kill yourself.
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>Yes, because .2 is fucking ireelevant and belongs in 3 anyway

Nomura LITERALLY made 0.2 because it was way too much shit to shove into Kingdom Hearts 3. How is it irrelevant? You need to seek fucking help
There's a fair amount of content packed into it and that's not counting the bullshit trophies you can get if you hate life
But he's not, really. Sora's whole point is that he's not the chosen one and he's not special, but that's still what makes him important. He throws of Xehanort's plans because there was no way Xehanort could've predicted him. He's not really a messiah, moreso he's the, well, heart of the team. Riku and Mickey are better leaders, hell Aqua probably is. But Sora's the one that holds them all together. He's the main character, not the messiah
Let me ask you something. Can you fit all three of these collections into a single blu-ray disc?
>.2 is fucking ireelevant
So why are you mad
I did. And I'm still right, as proven by you doing nothing to address my argument that you and many others are worthless cows waiting to be milked for your disposable incomes. You contribute nothing to the industry but detriment, and should stop playing videogames because you're a hopeless fanboy.
>Not special
Nigger what?
and what do you contribute hotshot?
>everything since 2 Final Mix
Literally five complete games averaging at about 30 hours each plus 0.2

That's way too goddamn much on top of KHIII's native content
I'm right with you there, OP. I squealed like a fangirl.
Because stupid shithead fanboys in this thread are going to eat it up and decrease the quality of further titles. It might seem shocking but I actually adored KH and bought the final mixes when they released because they were actual proper remasters.

Yes. Very fucking easily. And if not just one, guess what, include a SECOND Blu-ray disk that costs less than a fucking penny.

That doesn't change the fact that its a tiny as fuck 3ds game that doesn't need to be re-sold before KH3 comes out, because its plot is irrelevant to KH3 save Aquas small role. And if they felt it was important enough that players SHOULD play it before 3 they should have fucking bundled it into 3. Along with the movie and tech demo.

But no fanboys gonna shovel out dosh for ANOTHER USELESS BUNDLE.
>Yes, you're a bad person for buying this irrelevant bullshit

Subjective comment.

>bundled into piecemeals that could have been amalgamed in a much better way

Two seperate games isn't really considered piecemeal.

>showing the industry they can milk you like the cow you are by not petitioning them to stop piecemealing their content to you like every other developer handles their remasters/makes.

Again you seem to be under the assumption that all of it is remastered content. Piecemeal isn't 2 games. The only reason people will buy 1.5+2.5 is if they haven't played it already on PS3.

You're argument seems to consist of bias and subjective comments. I recommened calming down before the salt in your body causes your blood to congelate and form a tumor to your brain.
>people buying video games is negatively affecting the video game industry
What video?
Is that the only form revealed?

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>its plot is irrelevant to KH3
It was a tweet. No video.
Name all UNIQUE games with UNQIUE content and their file sizes that have released since KH 2 FM and and tell me they wont all fit on 1-2 Blu-rays.

Heres a hint: You're fucking wrong.
No video. Just those two screenshots.
They're not talking about size, but content you fucking retard.
Im under no assumptions but you're a vehemet fanboy desperately defending square for making you buy piecemeal bundles, and its literally negatively affecting the industry by allowing this to continue.

You've yet to prove me wrong.
>because they were actual proper remasters.
And 2.8 isn't? DDD is being remastered.

They just sweetened the deal with brand new content to make up for the lack of two other games to include.
You haven't shown any evidence to prove wrong dumbass.
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so what the hell is the story line in kingdom hearts now, it all sounds so complicated. Can i get a summary?
>That doesn't change the fact that its a tiny as fuck 3ds game that doesn't need to be re-sold before KH3 comes out, because its plot is irrelevant to KH3 save Aquas small role.

Are you fucking serious?!!?!
>Im under no assumptions but you're a vehemet fanboy

Subjective comment with no bias.

>desperately defending square for making you buy piecemeal bundles

As stated not piecemeal. Of course to seem incapable of doing anything but making the same points.

> and its literally negatively affecting the industry by allowing this to continue.

Far worse things in the industry than releasing remasters to people who want to play those games. If people don't want it they won't buy it, simple.

>You've yet to prove me wrong.

You've yet to make any valid points that don't involve empty rhetoric.
>That doesn't change the fact that its a tiny as fuck 3ds game that doesn't need to be re-sold before KH3 comes out, because its plot is irrelevant to KH3

Okay, you're shitposting. The plot is absolutly necessary to KH3.
It's actually incredibly easy to follow if you just play the games.
If you know for sure he is, just stop responding.
I'm having too much fun
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>3 retards fuck up and everything goes to shit
>kh1 happens and Sora Donald and Goofy save the universe
>Sora Donald and Goofy save the universe again
>By killing two Xehanorts they effectively revived him and now he can clone himself into 13 fucks
>Sora's gang must gather 7 people to fight the 13 bad guys
Then comes KH3
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