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EVE Announces F2P

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An option is being implemented to play for free.
This might have mattered literally a decade ago.
Well I suppose it's better than their current trial system. You need way more than 20 days to determine whether to stick with it.
Looks like a solid idea, the base clones have more than enough to be viable in PvP gangs
Fuck off dror.
I would suggest starting a trial account now and getting as much SP and experience as possible, because not only would you have a potentially maxed Alpha account when this goes up, you would have a pretty decent advantage on other Alphas.
>tfw just rewatched the EVE trailers and want to start a new account
What the fuck. Does this mean that PLEX will become much harder to get?
Meh. Shit game.
More players = more ISK in the economy but less PLEX purchases (to keep up their sub), so it should maybe stay the same?
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>tfw ccp will never make eve good
fewer* PLEX purchases..

>tfw having fun with EVE this moment
With time limit gone, I don't see the reason why they wouldn't up the prices. I don't really understand the skill system, but are the ones available would be enough to farm for a plex in a reasonable time or not?
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How does this impact EVE though?

EVE itself is pick up and play, you don't really grind anything for hours to no end like you would in a mmorpg. You usually take a corp fit and they almost never require any skills that would take more than 1 week to develop.

I mean if people could, they would just subscribe to EVE for 1 hour, get all their skill learning going and then they quit again. There's no real advantage of sticking around. How are they going to make this fair to people who already had subscribed and free players? I don't really see how
I'll literally dedicate my existence to making the game as much miserable as possible for the alphafaggots. They are not welcome here.
Great, just what we needed. More noob suicide blobs.

The idea itself is not that bad though. You learn literally nothing about the game in 21 days of trial.
another one bites the dust
This is a good thing, the trial isn't nearly enough time to learn about the game
Can I play for free if I previously had a paid account?
I got to a point where I could PLEX and then the process was so boring I just interest.

What they need to do is release that fucking shooter on PC, they didn't even port it to PS4 yet.
>EVE has gone f2p

I thought this would never happen.

subscription numbers must have plummeted for them to pull this desperation move.
I learnt enough to stop playing.

The moment my ship "crashed" into a meteor and merely bounced off still leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth.
>can't use t2 weapons

literally no point in playing for free
Sure. There are battleships that can do "incursions" (raids) for some of the best ISK.

Those subbed get more targets. Those not subbed get to play a fun MMO.

Enjoying skill training more than playing the game isn't really a gameplay issue.
Oh boy, all the scams I'm going to perform.

All those sweet noob ISKs.
That's nice but the reason I don't play the game isn't its price

The shooter is announced for PC.

The shooter is long dead and long gone.


Subscription numbers have been plummeting since "greed is good" and the stupid cockpit view. All they've done for years now is piss off their existing playerbase in a game that will always have extremely low if /any/ new player growth.

this shit happens after every war though
>port to ps4
What will you do if:

CCP is going to perform a full wipe of the servers.
Not going to happen. Why wouldn't they just give every character all SP at that point and let them duke it out until they ran out of ISK and goods?
I wasn't saying skill training is enjoyable, I'm saying that I don't see how they're going to make it viable to f2p if the solo reason for a concurrent subscription was to issue skill trainning - which by the way is part of the gameplay and therefore an issue with the game.

I mean what's the point in paying real money for subscriptions then? Anyone who actively plays the game or ninja salvages with a f2p account would have enough money in 7 hours to purchase a PLEX.

I'm just confused about how they're going to differentiate f2p and subs, I don't care if skill training is fun or not.
quit immediately
>The shooter is long dead and long gone.

It wouldn't be if they fucking supported it.
Blows my mind just how complacent CCP is, it takes them a decade to make any kind of change.
They could release it on Steam and septuple the playerbase overnight, and then maybe it would actually count for something in-game.

They said they were going to and then they never did.
Never ever but I'd play the shit out of a new server that starts everyone from zero.
f2p has VERY LIMITED skill access
Alpha pods don't get tech 2 weapons and more than their 5M SP. Subscription is still as valuable as ever.
Watch alliance asses explode all over 0sec.

WH won't change at all, I think.
correct, this is just an extended trail period.
Too lazy to read the textwall

How will the F2P model works? WIll it be pay2win?

they would never do that they would lose too many veteran players and their dosh
If you're someone who doesn't play or knows much about Eve then this might seem a great idea on paper.

In practice this is irrelevant for new players because a 21 day trial actually allows MORE than this alpha clone.

All this change will do is give more free low skill alts to veterans. Once again CCP shows they don't understand their own game.
Nah, basically, unlimited trial time that only limits your skills (like the trial already does) and equipment (no T2).
the game is shit, attracts terrible people and not a single ship actually looks good
They're pretty much just turning the free trial they already offer into something permanent.
Hello mr. Scrublord. Point on this mining barge where the ganker touched you.
>implying a scrub would even reach a mining barge
With more restrictions. Not being able to fit T2 mods is fucking ridiculous.
Alpha pods get a list of skills (bottom of the page) that they can train. No tech 2 weapons or drones, and only weapons and ships default to the character faction.
>great war is over
>everything has been nerfed into the ground
>moron 2010+ players in charge because they buy 100 plexs
>valhalla turned running incursions into wage slaving

at least i dont have to pay 100mill every time i have to upgrade my clone now but my god this game has gone to shit.
>tick rate is the same as it was in 2003

The kiss of death
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More players is great for the game.
Man, I remember being a newbie and attempting to mine in a venture despite gankers in fucking 0.0

Baiting him into a friendly fleet was the best. Dumb fuck never D-scanned, apparently.
I'm just going to assume this is something more than the 'Earn ISK, Buy gametime with said ISK' thing that's been around for like 10 years now. Right?
Doesn't that fucks up the PLEX econ?

PLEX econ is the base of every economy in EVE.

Unless F2P accounts can't do

Piloting anything bigger than Cruisers

As in, nothing that actually makes money and can be Bot-able.
desu they need a mobile client. Everything you can do can be done through a fucking mobile.

>the game is shit

true, but inbetween those times of shit its the best game ever

don't think ive ever had more fun playing a game than during world war bee
F2P attracts the wrong kinds of players. And that's saying a lot considering Eve players' reputation.

It may be a good for CCP as a company and bring in a ton of money, but it will make the game worse in the end.
>>everything has been nerfed into the ground
>Svipuls exist

Not like there's a lot of game left to ruin, really.


nigger plz that shit needed to be nerfed you muh isk/hr zero risk faggot
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Yeah just heard about this too and came to see if there was some discussion.

Currently getting ready to to start on a fresh DAoC classic server that's going live in the next few weeks but I might join in with this too. Old mmo's are the best mmo's
Based on what logic? It's not as if it's a team based game.
Yes but the difference between eve and other games is that you can murder them all you want.
If WOW, dota, cs and lol they go around being retarded, annoying you and there's nothing you can do about it but suffer their retarded presence.

Here's there is nothing protecting them from you. It's a bunch of lemmings waiting to be farmed.

ha. more eve shitters opinions

you know you are upset at the game because you suck at it, right?
are you going to start calling it a boring spreadsheet next?

>considering Eve players' reputation.

what did he mean by this
It wouldn't be so dead if it was FUN.

But EVE is not fun

Paid client here
Good fucking luck, I'm behind 7000 interceptors.

If I don't like someone, he'll be dead even in 1.0.

Pshh... kid...

>But EVE is not fun

join horde
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Who /gallenteslut/ here?
I've been suggesting basically exactly this for at least 2 years. glad they finally did it.
Someone post the video of the chick that explains how they're going to try and make this work. About the alpha and omega clones.
That's it. It's done then.

This kills the Eve.

The last MMO with any form of complexity left is finally circling the drain.

>in your own spaceship
>in space
Can't tell if it's a tranny or not
It's an actual female, she just looks like that.


gay chick
How is it any less complex now?

EVE's main issue is that only veterans play it so they are trying to get new players to stick around.
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>met someone IRL who plays eve
>talkin about ships and shit
>ask him what alliance he is in
>he looks at his feet and says goonswarm
>my fookin face when
Yeah because there's no sun in space right? You fucking retard.

>all games have to cater to my low intelligence level
>alpha status limits you to your starting faction
>started as caldari, but play drone boats
how fucked am I if I don't stay plexed?
>join goonswarms guise we are the biggest corp EVAR
>don't mind us losing war after war because our member participation is somewhere in the single digits
cross train in advance?
You don't really look at anything directly though
It's always through glass or a screen
And how do you imagine they will keep the new players around?

By dumbing down shit.

your fucked regardless dude no t2 modules allowed
Good, wanted to try this game for years but the sub always drove me away. Fuck subs.
There's been a 21day for literal years you mongloid.

not fucked at all

drones are a meme
missiles rape everything

use them
Now if only I wasn't on a toaster, I could give EVE that try i've been meaning to give it for the last like decade.
starter characters already get plenty of t2 mods, and those skills are staying the same
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they haven't really dumbed anything down over the years if anything its gotten more complex with new ships,modules..etc

oldfags always bitch about shit changing but eve's main problem has/was/always with be the worst ui setup of any software fucking ever
t. Caldari carebear
Doesn't matter, even if I liked it I wouldn't pay a sub for it. No point getting invested in a trial when I know I'm not going to pay the sub when it runs out.
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>The multi box simulator of the internet

I'm oging to mkae 5 accounts and that's gonna be a tame move compared what people is going to try

Either every low account is severely gimped to the not fun territory or is slightly gimped and I can make my own 5 man ganksquad

Either way this seems REALLY exploitable in any way
I play with an integrated graphics card because my main one broke.
It certifiably works on toasters.
> 8 years ago.
fuck this game. even no man's sky is better than this crap. you need to study a fucking college degree just to mine an asteroid
>That absolute BTFO serving by some random richie.
>Get to kick the corpse and be paid for it handsomely.

I wonder what's Lowtax doing nowadays with moot embracing a normal life and Hirohiko "running" 4chan after selling 2channel.
I haven't played in well over a year. my corp is long gone and all my shit is in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, but I have an alt parked in jita sitting on a plex. not gonna waste a plex just to train basic shit I don't want to use if I can do it for free in a month or two.
You need to press F1 to mine an asteroid, you dumb fag.

Which was the last time there was any genuine interest in this ouroboros of a game.
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If you ever enrolled into a real college, you would know better than to say that.
You know you can buy a subscription with ingame money right?

If you were dedicated as a new player there's a good chance you would be able to pay for a subscription in 21 days.
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>already get plenty of t2 mods

literally what nigger
Underage: The Post
Try lurking a little longer before you post, eh, champ?
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No, it doesn't.
just having an integrated chipset isn't a "toaster".
The Multiboxing is going to be REAL

At least I'm going to get fun out of the multitasking

1 Ship and pilot is boring as molasses. But controlling several at once? it's going to be like an RTS.

ISK devaluation soon, fellow Capsuleer.
Broadcasting is banned.
>fly venture
>equip mining laser
>fly to asteroid
>target asteroid
>activate mining laser
>go afk, make some cowfea or whatever
>go back when your cargo is full

I've been out of touch with hardware for a while, but from a glance, I'd guess that you can run eve with that.

The settings will need to be low, but the only setting you need above minimum is medium shaders so you can identify wormhole types.
Everyone always says the PVP in this game is fucking amazing but I just don't get it - you basically look at a spreadsheet of enemy ships and spam your abilities on whatever your fleet lead tells you to. There's no dynamic back and forth or ways to outmanveouer. It's entirely a numbers game.
>playing spreadsheet meme simulator in 2016
>paying to play spreadsheet meme simulator in 2016
>he plays blobshit
>he doesn't roam in small gangs or solo
this prove that MMO is a dead genre.
>I've never been to the WH: the post
>I've never been to lowsec: the post
>I've never 1v1: the post
>I've never sieged: the post

yes, but only because people who run corps with TS are fucking faggots. im too old to be on TS with child niggers who gobble dick

you seem to be forgetting rapid heavy launchers can be fit onto BS. t2 percsision heavies dont need to be backed by webbing or target painters when you have skills maxed, and they will take out the smallest little drone bitch or frigate-fuck who is trying to signature tank

you can also switch to furies on other BS and gain 1k DPS, but in batches of 25 before that long 30sec reload hits.
but still, its a *minimum* 500dps when you factor in the reload time

missiles are the best weapons in the game, and are not used as much as they should because very few people actually know what they're doing
>he doesn't fuck up gate camps
>he doesn't solo small gang pirates with his Proteus
>he never left highsec

Git gud.
fuck you, missiles are expensive and no fun. I want to keep using my drones and lasers.

thats a whole lot of worthless junk
why would you take such an unimportant, retarded screenshot?
It's from the official site, you dingus.
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>fuck you, missiles are expensive

>It's entirely a numbers game.

well duh, its a grand strategy war game basically the "fun" is in the value of ships/systems won and lost and the shit posting that goes along with that

its not for everyone but name another game where people take pixels this seriously https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ix8ECC-jN4
Just don't broadcast
Have fun destroying a pos with missiles only.


did you really fall for this meme?
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It's Path of Exile in 3D without all the spam clicking.
I did. Load T1 missiles like someone who's not retarded and then swap to appropriate ones when you move from bash mode to fight mode.

man, what the fuck are you talking about.
torpedoes (BIG nigger missiles) are literally the most effective thing in the entire game against structures.

and holy fuck, a torp golem is the most devastating shit in the entire game outside of carrier class warships.
only sig tanking can protect you from golem. and if you can effectively sig tank, there is not chance in hell you can do shit against all that motherfucking shielding

holy fuck nobody in this thread knows shit about eve

you're all just a bunch of hipsters
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Resub right now.

your a retarded nigger if you think in any way free 5mil capped SP accounts are gonna be in anyway not worthless in pvp

have fun flying ewar or tackle in your t1 shitfit kek
> ignoring the fact that you can get literally unlimited amounts of these shitfit tackle frigs
Well, to be fair, everyone likes dedicated scanners, so if you're into that sort of thing...

uh, no? new chars start with like 400k sp lol

>oh man i got that premium player's shields down to like 80% in my merlin before he pushed my shit in in his svipul

boy this sure is fun.
EVE's UI is fine and functional unless you do retarded shit like turn EVERYTHING on (like in your pic)

Compare EVE's UI to clusterfucks like WoW and other MMOs and it's no contest.
That's not what I meant.

Pretend to be retarded all you want though.
Capsuleers can wear whatever the fuck they want, they interact with the ship through direct connection in the pod. I'm sure they don't even use their eyes at all when piloting.
There's gonna be fucktons of new players. Im guessing economy will go on a BOOM

Ill tell my friends, it will be a good time to play this until SC drops (someday)
are they changing the curve of the game?

Every time I think about EVE I always remember that it would take a new player for-fucking-ever to get anywhere.
The only tech 2 mods you can't use are like invuls.
>CCP wants newbros to have a paper tank
>so the veterans can get more irrelevant killmails so they too stay in the game
Like pottery
>All they've done for years now is piss off their existing playerbase in a game that will always have extremely low if /any/ new player growth.
I have a feeling this is exactly what they will achieve with this f2p option
Mark my word, it will be cancelled. CCP is not capable of making new games. Their management is a trainwr citizen. That's why dust and word flopped
curve will be the same, new f2p accounts will basically work how current trial accounts do, but instead of being told pay up or fuck off after 3 weeks they can play forever.
That's a meme, in most circumstances.

Assuming you want to fly a capital ship like a carrier or titan, that shit would take you a year to skill.
However, if all you want is making enough ISK per month for a plex you don't have to wait very long. You can skill an Astero in less than a day. In fact, you can make enough ISK in your trail phase to plex you account, if you know what you are doing.
Just ask someone who plays EVE already for an invite, these guys usually give you more than enough start money for your adventures.
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Solid proof that EVE is dying
Post PVP Destroyer/Cruiser builds to level up in the f2p accounts

Time to blob

What's the best?
when is f2p coming out?

talwars nigger, talwars fucking everywhere
Make Dodixie the new Jita
Resubbed yesterday

I'm glad they're doing this, the game really needs more players now. I suspect many of the current pop are just alts.

I'm also not really worried about the state of the game/community declining due to F2P simply because the nature of the game is a very good retard filter.
DDOS the server for months

you're just wasting training on shit skills
you should plan for the long term

PVPing in tier 1 cheap shit and sub-battleship class is fucking worthless
Okay so, what the fuck is going on here?
3 2 1 V O L L E Y!!!
>Just remembering the Talwar

Oh shit

That's true
Torpedoes everyfuckingwhere
Cheap, fittable, and fast

Is there any way to make the sexy Corvax viable in the same gameplay?

I want my very own Corvax Multibox fleet
Fucking fund it. Dod already has most of my high-sec stuff.
biomass irl

>he doesn't do PvP sub-battleship class

You must hate fun
arty thrashers
dont fit tank dont fit tackle
mwd, sensor booster, tracking computer,
gyros and whatever you need to do to make it all fit

get a single use thukker tribe skin for 900k
>single use
Nigga it's one month for literally nothing.

i always wanted to do corax also cause they look like a fucking uboat but their bad but i dont remember why fitting or bonuses or something
It's alright, EVE has been dying since 2007.
>EVE is the obscure hard MMO everyone hear about
>Everyone know the scams, the ganks, but it's always in almost a romantic fashion
>people will want to try it out to be part of the thing
>some will find it boring because not a single big corp will ever want them in, so they'll leave
>it will be a golden age of ganker corps, shitting all over them in high-sec
>people will rage-quit and post about how awful the game is
>the veterans will defend the game full force
>EVE Online will be even more closed to new players than ever

golden opportunity here, I just need to stock all my trash ammo and swarm the market
That's the limit on the free accounts

It's not like you can go higher than that

Also it's the attainable "fun" out of this piece of shit boring ass unbalanced no fun game.
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At the same time a better NPE system is being implemented

I'm okay with this, as a 11 year old veteran.
I love hauling overpriced skillbooks to noob sectors, aww yiss.
Oh yeah, like opportunities.

Boy did that sure help the new players.
>overpriced skillbooks
fuck I though so much about the booms I forgot this.
Also time to get containers
they are "secure" after all, not like dropping the things in space right?
panfam best senpai, senpai


>flashbacks of buying skill books at 180% regional price

Just a couple mill doesn't matter, r-right?
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>all V
>bcu II
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Star Citizen did it, laddies! It existed at the same time CCP admitted they mishandled EVE into the danger zone!

Have they announced the skill restrictions at this time? Can I be cozy F2P corp leader and organize PvP swarms into Lowsec, just to laugh about the losses on both sides later over comms?

there is a list in the blog but its still subject to change
You are the kind that deserves a fate worse than biomassing.
I don't see how. The f2p players will have 0 influence or lowsec, nullsec, and even wormhole space. In those areas they'll be nothing more than a free killmark.
Remember all those overpriced modules you bought because you were too lazy to go to a system nearby?

Remember those cheap ore sell offers you used because you had to logout soon?

That was me.
I am not even mad.

I spend millions more, because I ma lazy and that is fine.

You make millions more, because you were willing to put the work (autism) and that is also fine.

I salute your industriousness, sir.
>What skills is that assuming for power grid + CPU?
full powergrid and cpu skills, but those can be trained

ignore the bcu ii
Reminder that time you got suicide ganked?

That was me.
Can I get into station trading without perfect skills? Seems like the margins on everything are too small to actually make a profit vs old timers.

Do I have to get into hauling?

nah... numbers>everything nothing stopping abunch of f2p people from fleeting up and roaming anywhere blog says they can join faction warfare also
Station trading is pure cancer now with the increased NPC taxes.

Hauling doesn't make that much without a freighter. And even then, it's pretty sad.
>station trading
Don't do this. Especially in Jita.
It will drive you insane.
Go join red frog if you want to do hauling.

If they are still a thing that is.
I actually don't haul all that stuff myself. I use noobs who want to make some dosh. I teach them a thing or two, of course, but I still win more. Then if they're loyal and reliable enough they rise up a rank and may handle more/bigger jobs etc.

>implying I EVER haul shit myself
When you setup a good business, it's easier to blame other people. You just say "don't worry, that happens to the best of us" and "I'll make you a discount on your debt, you're a good corp member". And then you still get almost all the money.

don't bother with station trading unless you get skills up. the margins are shit.

not opening the blog again but i think you can only train to iv on all the fitting skills, cant train the ships to v either
I haul shit myself all the time.

Granted, it's plex, injectors, skillbooks and implants in a tengu with 200k ehp.
Last I played all profitable reliable stuff was tied up by player corps. There are random requests posted at stations and if you are fast you can get them but it's not a reliable source of income


Just finished my basics trade queue
You can do that if you setup small scams. For the big ones (when you want ALL the profit from noob systems, for example) you need a team.
Don't tell me you're still a member of NPC corp with 10% tax...
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Actually start playing.
There's literally no point starting now when everybody has bazillions of hours put into the retarded skill system.

station trading,space trucking,mining,industry is all pretty shit in eve if pvp isnt your thing i'd play x4 or some other game
Corp tax doesn't affect buy/sell orders.
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>implying your lvl 5 skills will matter when I catch you with your pants down on my T2 frig
>f2p mmos
That's a common misconception. You can easily be competitive with little SP.


PvP is my thing but I need to finance it

I just got back to the game after years away and I'm pretty clueless. I used to just mission run way back
Nigga, I played for a couple of months.
I literally wanted to kill myself ingame because all I was doing was logging in twice a week to queue skills and scouting wormholes for my corp.
how newbie friendly is this game?
Assume I know nothing about terminology, mechanics, or gameplay.
Go make a living off free solo pirating.

I used to make a bunch off selling loot and ransoms.
Alpha pods can't fly tech 2 guns or anything above tech 1 frigates - cruisers.
If you don't have friends who play or don't join a noob corp, not at all.

If you do, it's bearable. Just play EACH tutorial and make sure you actually understand shit.

kek thats not how the skills work,

a 10year old account with 100+million sp or whatever will have the exact same bonuses as a couple month old character in a certain frigate or destoryer or whatever you focus on first

the oldfag just has more ships to choose from
not very
there is a basic tutorial though
Not trying to undermine the potential of a low SP viability conversation, but he's very obviously only fighting interceptors, which have a paper tank. Lowsec doesn't really have those either, where a lot of FW is.
>39 min

Eve 'Highlight' vid
>what are noob blobs?
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>How newbie friendly is EVE
Suck at it? How does one suck at making a spreadsheet and playing AFK Quest?

Does the desire to actually play the game make one suck in the EVE universe?
FW complexes and missions.

Possibly relevant:
>FW missions
Enjoy never being able to set foot into Jita again.

sounds like a boring person found a boring corp doing boring shit

should of been less of a faggot and joined people like

pandemic horde,karma fleet,spectre,brave newbies..etc..etc..etc..etc..etc
The description has timestamps for kills and whatnot.
It's actually really simple. All PvP requires is basic ship knowledge.. which can be found by opening Zkill and checking solo pilots for fits, looking at the ship in space.. and of course making sure to dscan.

It's best to get into ranged play instead of close brawling as well -- ships that sit out at 20k+ can more readily outty.
doesn't affect me and practically all I do right now is solo pvp in null/lowsec. I'm actually looking forward to it because I've between newbros 1v3 in frigs before.
>ever going to Jita
Which is what make the idea so fun.
>it's entirely a numbers game
It shows that you've never actually played it.

Here a small gang of Pandemic Horde is trying to head towards their objective but one of the gates leading to their target system is camped by a hostile gang of bombers. Rather than warping straight to the bubbled gate (which will cancel your warp ability and leave you too far to jump the gate) and just spamming weapons, FC makes use of micro jump field generator and jumps his fleet right next to the gate, enabling all of them to jump to the next system before bombers have time to uncloak and fire their bombs.

twitch tv/avaren/v/79820478
oh you~
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nice meme

its been the year of the newbro for like 2years now, nullsec has never been more accessible
Grean tea.

you know there's 3 character slots on an account for a reason right?...
Free meat? You'll easily be able to kite them and do hit and runs with superior navigation skills and modules.
I joined All Out, which was THE CORP for 4chan EVE starters, shilling on both /vg/ and /v/ and being agreed upon being the best place for starting out 4chinners.
So... will I be able to fly my Barge?

If so I'll probably redownload.
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>joined all out

its like you went in intentionally wanting to have a bad time
As a current member of All-Out, all I can tell you is that you're a faggot.
If you didn't learn anything with how far we go to teach newfags and get them involved with ops, you have to be a special brand of retarded.
Mining Barges require Mining V. Alpha clones cap out at IV.
Wouldn't go back to it even if they paid me.
Try Pandemic Horde then, it's pretty good.

t. NBI
Just looks like F2P in this context really just means unlimited trial, or glorified demo while paying subs come and blow your ships apart.

>As a current member of All-Out

what's it like being worse than reddit at a video game
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>all out

So like every f2p game?

>actually wanting to mine asteroids

mc fucking kill yourself
unironically joining the worst corp in eve - all out

people really do this? holy shit
I'm getting dank frags and shitposting RIGHT NOW as opposed to you fagmaster.

pretty sure it's icelandic.
It's good money I can use to pay for Rifters to shoot stuff.

Which I just realised I also won't be able to fly since my character is Gallente.

Well then.
Couldn't have known it was just a big fat meme.

Oh I learned plenty. Like I only needed to PAY TO SKILLSHEET for merely 2 more months until I could do some basic healing for you guys.

You are terribly out of touch with being a new player, if you think that starting out in WORMHOLE SPACE is fun for a new player.

Too late, I've been put off the game already/know too much about it's underlying system and what awaits me at engame.

I mean seriously? A game with endless possibilities at engame for politics and PVP and the best people can come up with is sitting on pre-arranged pieces of territory and waiting for somebody to organize a war in some neutral zone?
It's a fucking joke.

I'd probably play if they made a server reset, but otherwise there's just no point.
I vaguely recall the term "greed is good" but I don't really remember anything about it
>not training multiracial
wtf you doin lad

Also do PI/exploration for money, not mining.

you are a fucking dumbass
get good with missiles and go finance L4 soe sec missions.

it will teach you many basics about the game in a safe enviroment while making good profit.

missiles do this
at leas you get vexxors, I'm stuck with fucking caracals.

>dank frags

imma need a killboard link so i can laugh at you thx
I'm a returning player from the long long ago

Just shy of 24m SP but basically a complete noob cuz I've forgotten almost everything and also times have changed.

What is the quickest way into PvP that will also have me close by a source of isk?

>it's good money

literally the worst money m8 shitbirds running lvl4s in hisec aren't even as poor as miners
>I mean seriously? A game with endless possibilities at engame for politics and PVP and the best people can come up with is sitting on pre-arranged pieces of territory and waiting for somebody to organize a war in some neutral zone?

>pre-arranged pieces
All sov systems have been captured by players and can be recaptured at any time.

>neutral zone
What? Nullsec wars often happen in someone's sov, not neutral space.

> best people can come up with
Except last huge war was basically a large casino paying a lot of people to overthrow the largest coalition in EVE and so on.
He's saying he can't fly more than a single faction with an Alpha.
>I mean seriously? A game with endless possibilities at engame for politics and PVP and the best people can come up with is sitting on pre-arranged pieces of territory and waiting for somebody to organize a war in some neutral zone?

Endgame in EVE starts on day 1 of your trial. I've been doing nothing for the past 8months but solo lowsec pvp and thats my endgame because its what I chose my endgame to be. Don't be pissy because you choose to wait until some fat neet with anal prolapse tells you that you can move somewhere else.
Join a nullsec corp (Pandemic Horde, All-Out, TEST etc.) and do PI/Exploration/Ratting/Salvaging

Fuck, my bad.
There you go.
none of these will be available to f2p accounts. you options will be shitty missions/ratting, shitty mining, or shitty hauling.
>organize a war in some neutral zone
What neutral zone? There is no uncontested/uncaptured sov on the map.
Mining is good, but not asteroid mining. Gas mining in WH and null is pretty comfy and profitable.
>paying for an mmo
when will you learn
>Join a nullsec corp (Pandemic Horde, All-Out, TEST etc

You'll be forever a meatshield especially when the f2p comes out. The so-called "new player corps" are basically the worst way to live in EVE. Absolute shit.
Nice argument nigger. Joined PH earlier this year and fought on the frontlines for the entire WWB.
Oviously I meant in some pre-determined space where they could go around wasting billions of ISK for no gain without bothering anyone.

Don't play dumb, you know what I meant.
Just fit a shitty Heron and go into w-space. Easy 100kk a day.
As a meatshield for PL's supers, yes. That's what he's saying.

idk about other newbro friendly alliances but with horde you literally get fitted ships for free to pvp with i think all the newbro groups work that way now

i didn't have to actually buy shit until i started flying Feroxs
>entire WWB

what, like 2 fights where you barely had any input? Did you even tackle anyone in that time?
How much they pay you to shill their shitcorp. I was in WWB too and horde encounter was almost a disaster because nobody told the absolute retards who the fuck is on whose side.
FW is like 50m/hr, and incursions are much more.
>horde ferox blob warps in
>starts shooting literally everywhere


uhhhhh you meant interceptors right? only supers that died were goon nigger's CSAA abortions if i remember right
You're wrong again though.

>wasting billions of ISK for no gain without bothering anyone.
If you waste your resources and therefore will be left unable to protect yourself, you will lose your sov.

So? I've had 99% killboard efficieny with 236.68b destroyed to 746.45m from every month since I joined. Cry more niggers.
This, the best way to play this game at this point is probably together with friends.
Or you know somebody in some corp, so you don't have to completely slave away at tasks nobody else wants to do.
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>killboard efficiency
>Target paints a super/capital
>guys I have 99% isk efficiency!
Kill yourself hordefag.
is that 236b the total value of what you helped to kill or is that after dividing the total by the average number of ships in the fleets?
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mfw one of those feroxes

idk WWB was my first "war" i had fun

i was having more fun in qeerious before the war fighting locals like darwinism,rote,cva though

fighting goon intys and bombers for a month was fucking aids

PL kill your super or someshit? alot of hate toward 10 thousand newbros
lmao nigga I whored on Saranen undock cap kills by shooting at them with a small autocannon from 100k in a svipul.

You can literally look angrily at the ship and you get on the mail. Zkill uses absolutely retarded system of participation.
No i'm just annoyed you use killboard efficiency as a metric to prove how elite of a hordefag you are.

>system of participation.

christ nigger... i bet you solo with links also

train caldari
by yourself with the goal of doing soe level 4 highsec missions

focus on caldari battleship and missiles. these are literally the best skills to train in the game. dont be memed by amar laser garbage.

later on you can go for the golem which is literally the best ship in the game (sub carrier class) or you can start training gallenter and drones so you can wreck shit in a scorpion which is literally the secons best ship in the game.
its a gurista battleship which uses missiles and drones and needs caldari and gallentai skills

by the time you max out the scorpion you will be familiar enough to wreck peoples shit
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Should have allowed upto battle cruisers for f2p so they can take up a big role in large fleet fights.

not killboard fag
>this mental gymnastic

You "helped" to kill something by pointing a flashy red light on it, except you actually didn't do shit.
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What do you even DO in this game

Like, after you've played 3-4 months and got the hang of it, when you log in, what do you do?

In WoW you could go do daily quests for gold, join a random battleground, do a dungeon with randoms, ask people in your guild to go do battlegrounds with you, ask people in your guild to go do dungeons with you, go to raids with people in your guild at pre-determined times and days etc

What is the every day gameplay in EVE? Do people just play the auction house? Do they just camp a spot and gank passerbys?
Does anyone ever explore, or mine, or do quests, or group PVE content that requires coordination and teamwork?

I've asked this question many times over the years and EVE players just say "Oh you can do whatever you want" and then never elaborate or answer. Molyneux style.
That would encourage multi-boxing off multiple freebie accounts, and CCP would much rather people give them sub money for that.

nah fuck that
>with T1 fits and max 5mil skillpoints
That's going to be some real shitfit BC's
>tfw rails are the best looking weapon system

>plays blobing online
>doesnt like blobs

muh space bushido, go make a solo pvp video and post on failheap about it faggot
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abloo abloo qq

those lewd shoes are giving me a hardon

>citadels 12

been inactive for months but i miss all them free goon citadel kills i got in horde
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you can
>mine in high sec
>do mining missions
>mine in low sec
>mine in null sec
>mine in WH space
>kill NPCs in high sec
>kill NPCs in low sec
>kill NPCs in null sec
>PVE missions
>PVE raids
>hauling missions
>play the market
>craft shit
>micromanage planets
>gate camp
>pvp roam
>suicide gank
>bump friegthers out of alignment in high sec with a shuttle
>scam in jita
>isk gamble online
I could go on and give more detail, but I'm too fucking lazy for that.

You could do incursions if you just want group pve
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For the love of /dog/ don't talk about shoes in this game or you will summon xer.
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>blobbing online

pfftttt hahaha
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>spend an hour perfecting my Caldari ruthless businesswoman who'll crush my balls and force me to eat her ass
>can't even use her because there's no point switching from my main
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>Isk Required: III
>Difficulty: III
I'm signing in.

no they are not,
shut the fuck up
couldnt you just grind till you have enough for a plex and then your f2p account becomes premium ?

Someone has to buy the PLEX so someone will always be paying for the account. Also good luck grinding 1 billion+ isk every month.
yes, but you'll need to keep yourself plexed if you want to keep using your non-f2p stuff. with the proposed limitations on f2p accounts grinding enough isk for a plex will take you quite a bit of time, especially with the projected inflation of the economy due to increase in materials coming in.
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Best review of 2016, from the meme man who triggered the Star Shitizen community.
what if you multibox 10 accounts just to plex 1?

2 years?
yeah like 4

eve says it has 20k players online average
but the real number is closer to 2000

ccp is full of shit
He's a little opinionated towards some shit, but I agree in him in one particular aspect.

To make game more dynamic, we need more WH-like stuff.
A bit difficult as a new player but with some experience possible. It's not that hard.
That's a pretty decent idea.

It would probably be best just like quadboxing an alpha fleet and PvPing.

worm holes are literally for niggers
if you can afford a rig that can multibox 10 accounts then you can afford to sub and not waste time multiboxing.

subs still exist and get access to everything.

free accounts (alpha clones) will only have access to cruisers and below, as well as limited skill training. they can play free forever for this. admittedly - there is still quite a bit you can do at that level, but most will want to pay up to dive deeper.

i for one will start mass-producing t1 items to reap that ez noob ISK.
>t. sucker of goons' dick
>hurrr $15/m is a lot

if you can't pay $15/m then you need a better job. it's cheap entertainment. very cheap.
You are assuming CCP will let you multibox alpha clone accounts.

If they allow this they are even more incompetent than I ever could imagine.
They already allow multiple windows for paid accounts only. I think that won't change.
Always wanted to get into that, yet never know where to start.
What do you do? Set up a pos, buy some bp's, mats and just produce shit and sell it in the nearest tradehub?

basically. the hard part is finding good margins. if you can't get ore/minerals cheap (or get it yourself) it's very difficult to turn any profit. along with high skills of course.
You have a job that can you pay 15 dollars a month, yet, you're not intelligent enough to figure that's not what that poster meant?
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Remember that mining the raw materials yourself means you save money by not buying it straight from the market.
>for paid accounts only
Yeah exactly. You need to shekel out 15$ (or at least someone else does).

Can you imagine how many fucking alts everyone's going to have if you can just multibox dozens of clients for free? It's a sure way to completely flood the market with free minerals.
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The game has fundamental issues

Every time they try to tackle some of these fundamental issues, people like you complain that they're just making stupid changes that piss off their player base.

While yeah, some of their changes are pretty dumb, but a lot of them are not, yet the salt is high for either case, good or bad.
>F2P players have a max of ~5 million skillpoints

So totally worthless in every way and used only as cannon fodder then?

You need at the very least 10M to join any respectable corp as a new player. Not to mention that you can't choose where that 5m skillpoints are spent, and you lack access to ALL t2s, let alone t3s.

Also with only 5m skillpoints you have less than a snowballs chance in hell of ever getting enough isk to buy a plex.
the problem fixes itself. If everyone has 20 mining bots then the cost of minerals will go down so low that they'll never be able to make enough to plex in the first place.
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>tfw you undock in your new Raven for the first time
I just realized that they're not allowed.

Other options are like 50-150m/hr fw complexes and missions.
You can already play for free, what's the difference? Is it going to be like an infinite trial? That would be cool, no need to rush to pay for the month with ingame cash.
>Is it going to be like an infinite trial
Noice, maybe I'll finally get into eve permanently this time. I end up just giving billions to whoever's online in guild and bail.
What? I remember farming enough for a plex in 14 day trials, with 700k SP.
This has been just a few months ago... in 2010.
Yeah I'm definitely looking forward to such market fluctuations.
The combat needs a total revamp, but they'll never go that far

the best they can do is introduce some actual fun ships, like the tech 3 destroyers or the jump destroyers
In 2010, plex were significantly cheaper (as in, 2 orders of magnitude afaik).

Last time I played, PLEX was something around 450 million, which I could get via incursions despite having a shitter rokh.

Now its over 1 billion.

I really wish the ultra-jew plex monopolists would realizing that scalping plex prices does nothing but hurt the game in the long run because it drastically lowers your playerbase.
That is essentially all it is.

You'll have a bunch of blowhards trying to tell you that it isn't -- 99% of the time they're wrong. 1% of the time, yeah, you have to change things up.

1vs1 le epic skillfights are decided in the ship fitting screen, rather than by any meaningful actions you can take DURING the fight, because aside from controlling transversal and distance, and knowing which module to press and when, there really isn't any meaningful skill required. It's honestly a low skill floor compared to most other games. You'll literally have more fun station trading.

For the larger battles the winner is generally whoever brought the most ships. The exception being if you bring a direct counter to the enemy fleet (see ship fitting above).

CCP have so far made 3 attempts to break away from this cancerous gameplay design, and every single one has been met with derision by Eve's autistic playerbase:

T3 Cruisers (Failed)
T3 Destroyers (Marginal Success - needs work)
Jump Destroyers (Success)

The last and middle introduce new gameplay mechanics (A jump drive that lets you jump people around the battlefield, and swapping ship bonuses on the fly in order to deal with changing situations, respectively).

I want to like eve, but the fundamental gameplay issues prevent it from actually being fun, and the autistic oldfags are so ingrained in how it already is that they don't want it to change, even if never changing means the slow/quick death of the game.
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Whatever happened to their first person shooter thing? I heard it was suppose to be coming out on PC but didn't hear any more.
The combat is great.
Range play is all about knowing how to directionally outmaneuver other ships.
It sounds like you misunderstand something. What you said is mostly true, but not the part about the game being skillless. Firstly, the game is not balanced around 1v1 fights at all, they're balanced around large group fights in fact. Secondly, it's true that fitting plays a significant role in every fight format, but that's because the game is based around strategy rather than tactics, although in group fights there is still a meaningful tactical element and the team with the better tactical skills WILL win.

As you said, however, numbers typically have too much of an effect over mere tactics or strategy, which is a shame.

Regardless, I think you're not tackling eve the right way: you shouldn't be focused on fights per se, but on user interactions in the large. The interactions between traders, scammers, pirates, miners and researchers, spying, bounty hunting and corporation politics, etc. Winning without firing a single shot has been done successfully many times in eve history (although on the other hand, ruskies have reportedly disconnected someone's internet to prevent them to login with their capital ship during an encounter).

In the end, though, to each his own.
It was supposed to never come out on PC because PC has eve (so PS4 gets dust 514). I'm pretty sure it tanked though.
Dust 514 is kill.
They're making another shooter though, I forgot what it was called.

They showed some gameplay footage sometime earlier this year.
FPS is a mistake in the first place. RTS or TBS would have been a better idea.
Is eve honestly hard to get into?
I know this is like every question every single person has and i'm sure it gets tiresome after a while.
I think an EVE RTS could be cool.
Or a mix, like Savage or Natural Selection
I almost got into this game like 10 fucking years ago but the subscription put me off. Maybe I'll finally give it a go.
no, it's easy as fuck, don't listen to the autists
Honestly, yes, but it depends on your tastes in the first place. If you want to fight in pvp all day every day, you'll have trouble with eve. If you want a taste of traditional MMOs, you'll love it right away. If you want a more friendly game that you can progress through and only leave the safe path once you're ready, you will have trouble getting into eve. If you hate spreadsheets and number crunching, there's no way you'll ever like eve. If you love theorycrafting, you'll fall in love with eve once you get far enough.
>spreadsheets and number crunching
There is literally no need to use a spreadsheet unless you're a turbo autist
There needs to be better maneuver elements in combat so you have actual tactics you can use to offset a poor fitting or imbalance of numbers.

And anything past the size of a battlecruiser takes way too long to die. Like the game is made for people with reaction times measuring in seconds or minutes.

The new carrier combat mite b kool but I haven't played since they announced that shit. I don't even know if it's in the game yet.

It's a shit game, free or not. /thread
>/threading your own post
Fuck off newfag shit
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Which folder do you guys want some of my eve infographics and statistics from?

How tastes the bait, you massive throbbing anus?

>I-I was just p-pretending.

>I-i didn't fall for it.
Even more pathetic. Go play your shit tier space simulator and leave space for true quality posts.
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There is literally only one image in there. It's this one.
Jovian paid DLC fucking WHEN.
Can I run this on my thinkpad? Would love to play a relaxing trading simulator while saving for a fighter.
You can lower all settings and it will be bearable, I think.
The trading in this game is better than the fighting is.
Did you even ever play PoE?
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Cool. Will come back to see how much it has changed since 2010.
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>I don't really remember anything about it
EVE Online literally started selling hats. And monocles. Yes, for a game where you never see your pilot.
They planned a mode where you CAN see your pilot in stations and mingle with other people but they never developed it beyond station view.
I'm still salty about this. I'm one of the few people who liked captains quarters.
I liked it too, although it's true that "what the fuck? spend money on bettering the game, numbnuts!"

I think it was more to do with the leaked document that laughed at the playerbase for thinking that they're crafty cutthroat space jews in a video game that they have to pay monthly for, where everything is completely at the whim of the developers.
The protests at jita were glorious, though.
lmao nerds

logging in now, what are you all up to today?
Install Gentoo
As someone that joined All-Out at the start, and left not too long after due to not having sub and seeing the writing on the wall, I feel like I missed some magical moments when I read these captions

The people that are able to keep PLEX prices so high in a consistent manner don't care about silly things such as ramifications about the impact on new players, and with this new change from CCP, it makes it a moot point.

Before, PLEX was something people grinded for to keep their alts or main to keep them ingame, but now PLEX will be used to allow an account to be useful, which means maximum Jewing due to supply and demand.
All-out has always and will always be dogshit.
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