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live now
cosmo on suicide watch
skater82297 is his username
Literally no one cares about speedruns out of gdq week.

Any videos up yet.
garbage goes in the garbage
cosmo suicide incoming
Cosmo? I don't know any Cosmo who speedruns OoT.
What is the point of this shit if they're using all these fucking bugs? I understand it's "in the game" but they're not even actually playing the game at this point.
why is this hype? why don't they do no glitch runs instead of any % runs?
Room for improvement.
>Not intentionally making mistakes so you can fix them later
all the categories are arbitrary
we know its you posting this cosmo.

stop posting on 4chan and work on your stream.
>go to his stream
>his voice sounds like a generic nerd stereotype from the 80s
aaaand closed
Anything other than 100% is a meme category
>I want to not play the game as quickly as possible
any%ers are terrorists
There are categories where you don't use bugs, this one is simply "finish the game as fast as you can".
Cosmo's record was broken in less than a week you fucking mongoloid. He's been on suicide watch for years.
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How much closer to suicide does this push cosmo?
Depends on the bugs honestly, some game you can barely skip shit, some games you can skip half the bosses.
no glitch runs exist but no one watches them because they're more boring
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The only thing that would truely kill off cosmo is if John Fucking Numbers got the world record in OoT
I thought his record was beaten a long ass time ago?
what the FUCK
HIS name is COSMO and HE is a HE. HE also has a PENIS. Get over it.

I don't watch speedruns and I tend to never care, I think the concept is stupid.



That, is from what I can understand, a speedrunner that got wrecked so hard from something they went crazy and turned transgender, now becoming as ugly as sin.

Does this same crazy person also hold the OoC record or something and that's about to get smashed?
who cares
someone donated 200 dollars then someone else donated 500 dollars...made 1.8k just today in donations

what the fuck why do people do this?
it was neat the first time I watched someone glitch through the game in under 20 min.

>gotta be the best
That's her giant clitoris, you insensitive shitlord.
he sounds like Kyle's cousin Kyle on South Park but with the jew-y part of the accent taken out
Speedrunning is so fucking pathetic lmao
>VERY tranny man suiciding at incredible hihg speed
yeah his record was beaten by ~11 seconds only a little while after Cosmo got 18:10 and made an entire commentary over the run that seriously implies any% is pretty much done
Now his record has been beat by 40 seconds
This is weird to watch now
>he did it on his birthday too

congrats my man.
Cosmos been on suicide since watch ever since he became a mentally ill tranny his record was broken way before that anyway.
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she's a beautiful streamer, the best in the world who also invented streaming and speedrunning
underrated post

>yfw Soylent caused this, all of it.
A hind D?
Literally terrifying
You're that ninja!

Nintendo World Championship, losing in the final round pushed him over the edge
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is there something more sad than a birthday stream?
How did he save so much time?
wtf i hate Soylent now
No, it only accelerated the process. His actual name is Cosmo, for god's sake. You know his parents are nutjobs.
An empty birthday stream? Cosmo's?
No one cares about your shitty reddit-core game.
Speedrunning is cool though.
Wait, do you mean legal name, the one used on passports, IDs, and signing all other documents?!
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It being your birthday and not even having a stream

Does sHE even play video games anymore?
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>all the categories are arbitrary
>evantually becomes all life is arbitrary.
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so is crying after you get wr in oot any% a long running meme because I've seen a lot of people get wr in other games and they never cry and I don't think I've seen a single oot any% wr where they don't cry
Speedruns are only entertaining if they abuse and break the game. Watching them play it really fasts takes hours and hours and is really boring
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>game existed before Reddit
>didn't really spawn any memes (somehow)
What is it that makes every speedrunner some ugly faggot?

I really want someone to try make an animated gif of it dancing facing left then right just moving its arms up and down.
Fuck. Looks like some weird apparition you'd see before you die. A weird coma dream or if being human was artistic commentary on the abstract.
OOT is one of the games that only supreme autists speedrun. Just like SMB 1

it's weird as fuck to watch her literally only drink that stuff and not eat anything at all in months
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Why would Cosmo care when his record was BTFO so many times?
>Cosmo got so violently thrashed by john numbers it beat the masculinity out of him
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Do you think Chapfizzle is still alive?
you have to never get bored of a game under any circumstances and fixate on it forever

then you start getting wr. what kind of person could do that?
They speedrun their hygiene
i'll be honest, if i saw this thing in vtmb i would close the game immediately
You would fit in perfectly on reddit.
Link to the video?
I like speedrunning but how the fuck do you expect them to look good
He's going to watch the replay on the stream in a few minutes
Fuckin nice
Apparently its this thing called Soylent that they eat, drink?
why do we need to know his heart rate?
Never forget he used a cheat version of the game anyway.
Soylent has fucking nothing to do with this crazy tranny's whatever the fuck. I've been eating it for most meals and not a god damned thing has changed except weight loss due to me not stuffing as many pizzas down my gullet.

Why the fuck would a food product make someone a crazy tranny? It makes as little sense as vaccines causing autism.
>D-do I fit in yet /v/?

You need a 4chan Gold membership.
I hate these "speedruns." They don't even play the game right. They just fuck it all to hell with glitches and trick the game into thinking they've beaten it.
post more cosmo
>any% fans
>want to see a game exploited to its highest potential, cool tricks, learn more about how the game is made

>glitchless fans
>watch 8 hour JRPG "speedruns"
I still don't know who people were talking about.
This guy seems like a big nerd
What happened to cool runners like Sig?
something something something soy acts like estrogen except soylent doesn't even have much soy in it

it's just dumb people being dumb
When did he become like this?
How long has it been when he was normal
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This guys voice.....................
And yet he has a grill
dude weed
nevermind now I know its to show that speedrunning is medically dangerous.
>Michelle Sigler
>Implying Cosmo was ever not on suicide watch
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>Mario speedrunner more charismatic than OoT speedrunner
Gee I wonder how that happens
all the categories are arbitrary
why the hell would you watch him all the time or at all?

Not entirely true.


>Not breaking the game, but using its mechanics to the very limit.

And i know it is a TAS, but i think it is much better see something perfect than someone trying to make it work.
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>Soylent is an open source meal replacement, advertised as a "staple meal", available in both liquid and powdered forms as a beverage, and as a solid-form meal bar.
>open source
ahhahahah what the fuck
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>this autistic high school drop out weed smoking fuck made 1.8k in donation today
Which game is objectively the best for speedrunning?
>he doesn't make his food code publicly available
>glitches permitted
Instantly discarded. There's literally no merit to speedruns that have nothing in common with ordinary playthroughs. The only speedruns worth anything whatsoever are 100% runs both because they're "proper" and they introduce a second dimension of depth determining what order/route to do things in for maximum efficiency. There's 0 interest in going from Gohma to Ganon.
Doesn't matter if he's an "autistic drop out weed smoking fuck."

He accomplished something notable.

You sure haven't.
>Are you a boy or a girl?

Disclaimer: May turn you into a woman
I thought Soylent referred to a person, not a fictional meal bar made from people
the guy apparently received $1.8K of donations today...

I know he's been part of the OOT speedrun community for a long time. Cool to see his work finally paid off. He seems to be pretty autistic though.
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Super Metroid, it practically invented speedrunning in general.
His something notable is gonna get replaced by tomorrow though. He might as well have not even done it.
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>hey guys watch me stop every 30 seconds to get an item

alright calm down
Can't make this shit up.
If you boil shit down like that all the time why not just kill yourself now.

That's such a shitty way to look at life.
>hey guys it's only been 30 seconds but it's over I'm sure glad I never played the game
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that would be doom/quake
They list the ingredients they use to make their product, so other people can make it from scratch if they want. They also sell premixed packages that you just add water to. How is that so hard to understand?
I'm not boiling anything down. Whatever he did today is gonna be outdone tomorrow. It's not like he'll have it for months or even a week.
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It's called a recipe, Stallman.
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Why bother living? No one is going to remember you. You should just kill yourself now
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Cosmo is dead already.

Only that Narcissa thing is left.
It's just stupid to say "open source" like you're being privileged to know what's inside of your food that you're intending on eating every single day for every meal. To use the phrase open source on a food item is just fucking ridiculous on its own as well
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>glitched a video game to trick it into thinking he won it really fast
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God damn, I can literally see the autism leaking out of him
Once upon a time Cosmo was the biggest speedrunner on the internet. He pulled off tricks nobody could believe and made them look easy. He was amusing and fun.

And then the turbo autists discovered speedrunning and compared to his regular autism they slowly but surely out stripped him.

But he remained the face of Speedrunning and as he desperately clung to it he was invited to the Nintendo World Championship.

Where he choked so hard on a tiebreaker in finals it broke his entire mind and he became THAT thing.
To attract cum-guzzlers, it obviously worked with cosmo
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It's more notable than shitposting on a Javanese puppeteering chatroom
I know this is just a replacement for the stupid shit people would watch on tv back then, but it still amazes me how much time people invest in other peoples lives instead of their own.
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It's not a recipe though, I mean, technically, but if you look at the ingredients it reads more like a chemistry project. It's not eggs and flour and butter.
w2c dos shades?
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If you're autistic maybe.
Nobody can decide what is and isn't a glitch.
No glitch in oot actually has many things most people would call a glitch but that they allow. It's a fucking arbitrary joke
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i-is that a buttplug?
I'd probably fug him if he put a bag over his head
post it
Soylent, basically a milk-like drink that has all your daily nutritional requirements.

It tastes like milk. I drink one for breakfast with some protein powder in it before I work out.
Does this autist collect door handles? I collect locks as a hobby?
No, it's a fucking doorknob.
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I'm legitimately afraid.
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You must be 18 years of age to use this site.
I didn't say it was a recipe, I implied that calling it open source was stupid when in any other realm outside of coding that's often referred to "ingredients". They're just trying to be on top of the kids lingo to show that they're with it.
Speedrunning is the most degenerate act mankind has ever conceived.
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>used to watch Cosmo regularly back in 2013 when he ran WW, genuinely enjoyed his streams
>2014 comes, start losing interest in his stream because of his main focus being on OOT Any%

>2015, he gets what he believes is the best possible Any% time and makes commentary to go with it
>only to lose it not too long after
>breaks up with Adrian
>later on, loses to John Numbers at NWC 2015

>shit hits the fan and he goes tranny

It's weird. Like it's hard to believe this is the same person I watched speedrun Wind Waker when I both discovered SRL and explored Twitch in 2013.
check your moms purse bruh
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My bad, 2014 was when he got what he considered the best possible Any% time.
That's not cosmo though

Cosmo has lewds I think
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>these cosmo pics
I should be saying that to you, kiddo.
>dildo in the back
>lube next to it
>cats fucking in the closet
What is it that's so off about that hand? Creeps me out the more I look at it.
Who's Adrian?
That heart rate can't be right.
>Watch his current record video
>He is at almost 14000 attempts according to his splits
fun fact, this game could be beaten in like 5 minutes if there weren't an unskippable door in front of the final boss
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oh shit I'm gonna need my JRPG weapon for this
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>cosmo has lewds
His ex-gf

You cared enough to post.
SMB is too optimized, he resets on every little mistake.
theres at least one of him in a skirt where you can see a bulge. I don't remember if theres ass pics
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I didn't really follow him, but I saw his smash bros melee tutorial when I was starting to play. It's a good video, and he seemed like a decent streamer.

Fast forward a few years and he/she/xim/xir is publicly becoming the biggest headcase i've ever seen. Kinda sad to see a normal-ish person become such a confused spaz
Filtered Water, Maltodextrin, Soy Protein Isolate, High Oleic Algal Oil, Isomaltulose, Canola Oil, Rice Starch, Oat Fiber,
Isomaltooligosaccharide, Soy Lecithin, Potassium Chloride, Calcium Phosphate, Magnesium Phosphate, Natural & Artificial Flavors, Dipotassium Phosphate, Salt, Choline Chloride, Gellan Gum, Sodium Ascorbate, dl-alpha-Tocopheryl Acetate, Ferrous Gluconate, Vitamin A Palmitate, Zinc Sulfate, Niacinamide, Sucralose, Calcium Pantothenate, Thiamine Hydrochloride, Copper Gluconate, Manganese Sulfate, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Vitamin D, Potassium Iodide, Chromium Chloride, Biotin, Folic Acid, Sodium Molybdate, Phytonadione, Sodium Selenite, Vitamin B12.

Took forever to fix that, fucking PDF formatting.
how much of his face is actually his face, in this pic? jesus christ
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So is there a video for the new records?
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basically if it looks feminine it's shopped
Shit I'm in the wrong place was looking for the mongolian throat singing forum
Cosmo is always on suicide watch. You didn't notice with the whole Narcissa thing? That's a cry for help
if he wants to kill himself so bad maybe he should do it
Meh, make a new thread when the 100% one is beat
Isn't this the same person https://youtu.be/8WotPzG2nys

This was seriously cringey as fuck to watch live and was completely unnecessary.
What a disgusting goblin of a person. I wish we could go back to a time when people like this were afraid to show themselves to the world so proudly.
Cosmo on suicide watch isn't news. Trannies have a high sucicide rate for a reason.
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Must have felt nice.
Yeah that sure sounds healthy, someone has to get him off this shit, probably what cost him the 2015 championship
Why does this look so scary
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>0.0 down the entire board
What is that reason? Not being a smartass. I honestly don't know.
What went oh so wrong?
Mental instability brought on by taking hormone supplements and extreme regret after realizing transitioning isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Yeah its a short run its just a crazy amount of attempts, he's actually only a few seconds slower than the fucking TAS
they're still unhappy with themselves
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>hurf durf I don't understand them big words that means it's bad!

Literal anti-vaxxer mentality.

>All the brainwashed SJWs that call him a "she"

Deluded men are still men
Speaking of bulges cosmos dick dosent even work anymore
Why would they willingly name their product after the cheap, shitty food in that book?
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How has this not been posted?
he's right though.
maltodextrin makes you fat.
it doesn't?
>cosmo thread


What was the context?

Because they fell for the meme and started breathing life into their self hatred.

Thoughts can't hurt you if you don't act on them. But comitting to a moment of mania has long term consequences. It's the shame of self-betrayal.
According to him after taking hormones long enough it stopped working. Pretty normal in trannys.
If we're honestly talking about this, might aswell count in social pressure

Think people look strange at you cause youre fat and ugly ? Think about how many more look at you when you try to deny your actual gender
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In a feminists world, all men are reduced to ghouls.
imagine being such a fucking loser you decide to become a woman

that's literally the only thing he's done since he accepted his fate as a worthless piece of shit with no skills or abilities

now he's a "woman", and that's it, that's all he has

Well now he can't turn back anymore I guess.
He done fucked up and is going to kill himself soon.
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Just sad
>That file name
Hearty chuckle.jpg
is this the same streamer who long time ago screeched on to the mic when he died on ganon?
what a shame. If he had some extreme dental work he might have been a qt

Women are valued primarily on their attractiveness and caretaker abilities.

A tranny is doomed to be an abysmal tier female. Worse than being a woman with leprosy.
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is it your birthday anon?

if it's not.
then happy un-birthday!
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Biology isn't "broscience." Plant estrogen has been known to obstruct male endocrinology for decades. Google it, pisspot.

But let me guess, you disagree with all evidence that defies "YOUR TRUTH" right?
Is it yoru bday???
settle down kid
I have never had anything that wasn't some sort of gore make me sick to my stomach until now. The fact that this situation exists in our universe makes me wanna vomit. Fuck this culture of acceptance we have created, this thing should be ostracized.
He needs help, not ostracization.
what really happened is
>gf breaks up with him
>instead of coping with his "loss" he tries to become her as a lot of pre-trans do
>transitions but extremely, making his entire new persona about being obsessed with himself
>spends entire streams painting himself, talking about himself
>people encouraging this shit from the peanut stands
JESUS FUCK it should be illegal to donate to goblins
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This change happened to him only a year ago?
I thought OoT was done already?
Is this the e-sports for casuals? Lol
>He needs help
Yeah but unfortunately the tranny hugbox he has created on twitter will tell him everything is alright and try their hardest to make sure he stays a tranny.
Looks like a shitskin, who cares?
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He's too far gone for help.
Though all trannies, and people "feeling transgender" should be admitted in mental wards and have the extremely complex workings of chromosomes and genitals explained.
It's around the same damage done as chugging pipe-unblocker granules.
Cosmo is the best example of mindbreak. He went literally insane after becoming a nobody.
Professionals stopped thinking like that decades ago. When will you?
Because the solution to depression is suicide
Solution to anorexia is starvation
and solution to transgenderism is irreversibly mutilating your genitals and fucking up hormonal balance
It serves him right too. He was always passively stroking his ego and acting like he was the best. Like when he told off Mirrored during that GDQ like a bitch and forced him to never show his face again.
>admitted in mental wards
Where's the money in that though?
Literally what the fuck are you going on about?
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I'd fuck him good out of curiosity.
Because the solution of homosexuality is to try to make people straight.
he needs dental work. badly
Private health care
if you weren't a braindead retard, you could've noticed a pattern of all of the things i listed being disorders in self-perception
Never said that homosexuality is a disease, it's a choice though.
Homosexuality isn't a problem.
he also needs mental work. badly.
How are transsexuals a problem? Just because they make you fill icky? They are doing what they want with their life.
>homosexuality is a choice
KEK you unironically believe that?
t. Cosmo
So is this Soylent shit legit as a meal replacement or am I being memed by hipsters
No he's baiting, retard.

High suicide rates were mentioned before
>Help my life is completely out of my control, everything is written in my genes despite science not being able to find genes responsible for being a fag
Why do you unironically believe it isn't?
I like that img, I want to cum on his face too
try it and come back and tell us what happens
Hi bait
>How are transsexuals a problem?
Mental problems being used as a cash grab by health professionals.

>Are you sure you're a girl? Go consult with my buddy for 50$ an hour for months on end.
>So he agrees? Alright take thousands of dollars worth of pills for a year.
>Nice tits, now let's go consult with this other dude see if you're ready for surgery.
>Cool beans that'll be 50,000$ to get your dick chopped off.
>Congrats you're a woman now.

What's the suicide rate for trannies again?
I'm gay and I chose to be gay, just like you chose to deal with >womyn

Holy shit this is hilarious. I wonder if he'll ever stop ingesting ungodly amounts of soylent, get help, and come out of his extended mental breakdown, realizing how fucked up he had been acting. He has to live with videos like this being around forever, for everyone to see.
>everyone is just like me

>Mental problems being used as a cash grab by health professionals.

How much would /v/ have to get paid to chop off a mentally ill persons dick?
>not reading my post

How much money do they have?
How much does it cost for me to abandon my morals?
I just feel bad for Cosmo. Dude clearly has severe issues.
fucking lost it

Losing the Nintendo world champion title to John numbers fucked him up for life
>everyone is just like me
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I really fail to understand why you faggots care about him so much. He was born to lose his mind, they named him cosmo ffs.
Poor Cosmo. He used to have the most chill streams.
Context? I'm really sad for this person.
They don't know what they want moron, that is why they usually end up worse and kill themselves. Stop assuming every tranny truly knows what they want and truly has gender dysphoria.
>want to be womyn
>i know! i'll just cut off my dick and balls! then i can finally be the little girl!

and then reality hits, and they realize that they still have no vag, no uterus, a big manjaw, broad shoulders, no tits, and a deep voice. they realize that it is physically impossible for them to fix all of this shit, and that as time goes on and they grow older, all these things will only get worse.

by cutting off their dick and balls they made the decision to become a disgusting mutilated abomination. they will never ever be the cute little girl they so desperately want to be, AND there is no way back to being a man either. they're permanently fucked, forever.

Wanting to remove pieces of your body and thinking that your identity is different from what it actually is are well-documented and seriously bad mental illnesses

Except when culture gets in the way and it becomes OK to hate and hurt yourself
This. Dude used a fucking chinese console with better hardware to achieve his time. And then some kid does it on the VC, which more accurately mirrors the N64's actual hardware. Might even be a slight bit slower, based on what other runners have said.

Cosmo was a hack. He always had a big head, and everyone knew he'd implode eventually. None of us realized it'd be in the way it has, though.

Plus a few months. He was fine in E3 2015, which was when John Fucking Numbers destroyed him so badly he ragequit his very gender.
Pure Terror
>Professionals stopped thinking like that decades ago

"professionals" also preached the inevitable triumph of soviet communism over flawed and imperfect western capitalism
and look how that turned out
>Assisted suicide is illegal
>Assisted self-mutilation isn't
Really makes you think
I identify as Adolf Hitler reborn. I have felt like this since I was a little child. I have already painted on a 2-finger-moustache and inhaled posion gas to get my characteristic crackling voice back. I don't only think I am Hitler. I am Hitler. Please refer to me by this name only from now on.
I was talking about actual transgenders not people that are just thinking that maybe they are one. Of course this is something they need to figure out for themselves with professional guidance since it's something that will affect them for the rest of their life.
... Jesus fucking christ. He's broken.
I remember staying up late to watch him run Wind Waker. Him, Demon9. Used to watch Spike run KH2, too.

Now this. It's like watching an old friend deteriorate from drug use. You want to help, and get him back to how he was, but it's too late. He's done too much damage.

Fuck man. /v/, don't ever let this happen to you. Let Cosmo be an example.
All people who call themselves transgender are confused mentally ill people
What really happened is
>no suicide booths in general
shit tier planet
>it's an "using glitches to beat a game faster is autistic" episode
>it's a "100% runs are the only true category despite the fact that most of these runs would take several hours to complete and this is a fucking live event" episode
Gender dysphoria is a real thing dude. Just calling them mentally ill does nothing to help them and neither does telling them ignore it. It's like calling homosexuality a disease and trying to 'cure' homosexuals and make them straight. Allowing them to transition after deciding if they really do want to go through with it is probably the best thing that can be done for them.
>Allowing them to transition after deciding if they really do want to go through with it is probably the best thing that can be done for them.
It's nothing like calling homosexuality a disease
Cure your own mental disabilities. I know society right now is telling you that you should seek help or just flat out accept your weak minds problems as part of yourself, but no. Man the fuck up and deal with your issues internally. Everyone just needs to stop being weak.
They're still not women. A minor malfunction in one specific part of the brain does not justify stuff like
>I really am a woman.
>I'm a woman trapped in a man's body.
Just look at how many trannies there are in gaming communities comapred to real women or ftms. They're fucking men both mentally and physically except for a small part of the brain being slightly more like a woman's.
>finished wiping my ass is record time
>any% run
You must truly be a woman trapped in a man's body, because you sound like a little bitch.
Sexuality =/= Identity
As a man you can be attracted to other men without identifying as a woman.
As a man you can't identify as a woman without being mentally sick.
No amount of soy in soylent could do what's been done to Cosmo.
Do you have the video where he cries to Komm Susser Tod?
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There you go
yes, but I can't be bothered to upload it
cmon anon
it's even more creepy with audio because you can hear someone vacuuming in the background
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Watching the moment a man break live was on hell of experience.
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>As a man you can't identify as a woman without being mentally sick
Triggered, faggot?
Not all men are manly men, but just becuase you're a twink faggot who likes cooking and cleaning it doesn't mean you identify as a woman.
My bad. Read the can't as a can.
my mind wandas...
only in Murrica
>here goy, take that goylent
>yes goy, now you should also take that goystrogen
Why is Cosmo so bad?
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when u.jpg
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>making everyone around you share your delusion
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Post-Mortem Depression.png
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You can put makeup on a corpse, but, its still a corpse
niqqa read the thread
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Jesus. Is there really no going back for Cosmo


Don't name your food after a fictional food that is said to be made of people.

>manly face + beard
>that feminine hand

is someone force feeding him or something?
no warps or gtfo
>cosmo on suicide watch
More like on hormones and makeup
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read the post wrong my dude
have some ass
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