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Persona 5 is LESS THAN A MONTH AWAY. You learned Japanese

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Thread replies: 488
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You learned Japanese for this, right?
No, the syntax makes no sense.
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no one needs fucking japanese, i'd rather learn chinese
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I thought I did, but it turned out to be Korean
Too busy playing Berseria right now to care.
muh gorillion speakers in backwater farmland
Du musst jetzt in den Zug, Schlitzauge
Almost there
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No, its impossible.
literally learned the hiragana
learned the katakana
downloaded Tae Kim
and quit at page 20

I can't make it
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I tried this and it worked,would reccomend
honesty worth a fucing try
nothing else is going to work it's impossible regardless
Actually, i learned japanese for Mizzurna Falls
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Mizzurna Falls is getting translated
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>Significado: Deus Todo-Poderoso
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>tfw it not worked
>tfw no succubus (male)
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I got hiragana and katakana in a week
Japanese is practically done now, right?
Well i already played it 2 years ago
Isn't there another one that's pretty important?
Was it worth it?
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I learned Japanese because I am going to Japan and will probably need it there. I guess I will use it for some MGS pachinko shit, too.
>Learning Chinese

Save yourself the trouble and don't ever go that path, gweilo.
Not only is mandarin a meme, Chinese people are also the shittiest business partners imaginable.
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Just another 4 years and you are done
>spouting this meme when the only reason you believe it some random ass story that some guy posted on an anonymous internet form with no way of actually verifying it's authenticity
You're all fucking idiots.
Hello Wang
I don't know man, he makes a pretty convincing argument.
Fuck off Chow, I buy your egg rolls every week now leave me alone.
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The Kana is only the beginning, it's no harder than learning the alphabet. Now Kanji? My only advice is to be diligent.
That's what you get for following the DJT guide. That shit is designed to make you give up and there are much better systems out there.
I'm waiting until the classes schedule for the next semester which will be released at some time. I thought about getting my Masters degree in chemistry in a different country, and maybe I'll apply at the university in Kyoto
A greentext story that long and detailed is more likely to be true than made up.
My advice is to get a damn good foothold on spoken Japanese and vocabulary before you even begin to look at Kanji. Makes that shit a thousand times easier.
What do you even do after learning kana
Learn phrases? vocabulary? kanji? grammar? all at the same time?
Even if its not the Chinese are still scum. You don't have to be in the steel industry to know that.
You can't learn it
Why is japanese the only nice sounding asian language? Is it because nearly every word ends on a vowel?
Yeah that's pretty much it. It's a pretty clean language phonetically.
How to do it then?
Why would I learn Japanese for a shit JRPG?
Chinese > Korean > Thai > Cambodian > Japanese

In terms of usefulness outside of entertainment
Once you're done with kana, do Genki 1 & 2. You can move on to 3 if you feel comfortable, or start with some kanji if you really want (although those are rarely found in vidya).

Also rosetta stone is pretty good for the grammar exercises. The rest of the app is garbage for learning though.
>memorised a few hundred kanji
>know how to write about 20 of those
>haven't even touched grammer

Everything's going to be daijobu right lads?
>south asians over anything

Is fucking little kids your primary entertainment?
I didn't like Tae Kim, either. I don't like how he explains things, but I read through it in a week. I enjoyed Japanese the Manga Way more. I liked the visual examples better. You'll probably need to go though the Dictionary of Japanese Grammar too. Decide on an easy manga to read (Yotsuba is great) and that will greatly help with reading.

SEA will be huge for startups soon and you will make a lot of money because there aren't many Western translators.
>Chinese is the most useful
Yeah if you plan on living in that shithole maybe. But then you don't even need to know chinese to live there

Except why learn a language for any reason other than entertainment? If your job will become significantly better with the knowledge of a foreign language, or if you know someone who knows another language and you would like to communicate with them then sure, learn one of those languages. This isn't the case for almost anyone on 4chan, and they will get way more benefit from learning a language they actually want to learn.
獣エロゲ分かりたかったから、日本語を習いました ;^)
Manchu > Korean > Thai > Cambodian > Japanese > Chinese
how are you supposed to learn kanji
those symbols look scary and they'd take too long to write

Anon, how often do you write shit by hand in real life? Writing is the least of your problems.
we have computers no one writes them anymore
Just learn them as you go, nigger.
Also Anki.
Translate it br monkeys
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>learning to write

Its a waste of time
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Where did he go?
Who cares, he's a shit teacher.
How does typing Kanji even work? There's several million characters or some shit, isn't there?
Back to Clapistan.
And just to repeat it for the thousandth time, dont take his videos as anything more than entertainment.
Why the fuck would I want to play Persona?
He thought he got a tattoo that meant Almighty God but it means Baka Gaijin (idiot foreigner). It was done by an actual Japanese tattoo artist in Japan too.
You type the word out in hiragana
and then the computer asks you what kanji you want
and then you select it
You type out the hiragana spelling and choose the kanji you want from a short list.
Go to /jp/ and find out
He streams drunk vidya sometimes.
He was streaming Dota like 3 days ago.

If you haven't checked out Put It In Your Mouth I highly recommend it by the way, it's pure kino.
There are about 200+ radicals from which all the kanji are made. After learning them you write kanji like you're building with lego bricks.
I'm going to get it over with and read every spoiler that comes my way and get it over with so I can enjoy my free time instead of walking on eggshells for 5 months.

Fuck Atlus
I really hope this is true
Not gonna play that game but I'm almost at 11k vocab after mining from Core6k and I just started adding the Core10k words, I should end up at almost 14k words, shit's cash. Soon I'll be able to read books. I'm also learning Mandarin just in case they get good pop culture soon.

>watch namasensei (EXTREMELY important)
>learn hiragana and katakana obviously
>download Anki on your PC & smartphone, learn its basics, Anki is your curse but it will give you great power in exchange for your lifetime
>get the Core10k vocabulary deck from ankiweb, do 20 new cards/day but not much more than that because you could get burned out
>bookmark Tae Kim's Grammar Guide and consult it as needed
>block all english shit on sadpanda, from now on you're fapping to nihongo raws fucker, be ready for a lot of pain and 20 minutes per speech bubble in the beginning
>graduate to VNs when you feel ready
>do this for a bit over a year
>start mining cards on your own

If you also want to learn how to write and speak difficulty skyrockets and you might want to check out RTK but people here probably don't care about that
learning japanese seems like it requires alot of effort to learn all the god damn symbols. especially if its just for video games. and it seems pointless aswell, for what reason would i need to learn japanese
>after mining from
after mining after*
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>watch namasensei
Stopped reading there.
Yeah I have the PS4 LE edition on pre-order.
Bring it on family.
>didn't bring his notebook
What's the point of living?
Just do what entertains you, people learn jap for better porn access
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This is my favorite fucking meme, spoken like a true armchair internet intellectual who hasn't actually dealt with any international's for work. Japan has the worlds third largest GDP, and despite being a fucking fraction of the size with one tenth the population of China, isn't far behind them. On top of that, they have a booming science industry and even produced a Nobel Prize winner last year. Tokyo and Osaka University are great schools, and RIKEN is an amazing research institute. They manufacturing companies are also world famous for their quality and attention to detail.

You know what China is known for in the international community? Lying, cheating and stealing everything from tests to get into English colleges, to ripping people off in manufacturing, to literally murdering people with your car so you don't have to pay their medical bills if they survive you hitting them by accident. Please anon, I implore to explain to me why anyone who wasn't a retarded anti-weeb redditor teenager who knows literally nothing of the world would suggest to anyone to learn Chinese and have to interact with those horrible, disgusting people.
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You fucking bitch,let's fucking read.
Boku wa neko ga suki desu.
I like fucking cats.Now drink beer.
>also learning Mandarin just in case they get good pop culture soon.

Watch the Three Kingdoms (2010) series. As far as budget and production value goes, it's basically the Chinese equivalent to Game of Thrones. It's the best work of high drama they've ever produced by a country mile.
It barely has a worse alphabet from a hiragana perspective than any other language; some would even say it's simpler since it's (mostly) based on phonetics and simple syllables.
kek, china is booming and is becoming much more wealthy every year
in the meantime japan is stagnating since 20 years because instead of economical reforms every other legislature period they elect a buffon who has the genius plan of throwing money on the economy (which literally never worked on its own)
I loved PIIYM, the second season was weird/shit though
>kek, china is booming and is becoming much more wealthy every year
As quality of life and business dealings get worse and worse.

>in the meantime japan is stagnating since 20 years because instead of economical reforms every other legislature period they elect a buffon who has the genius plan of throwing money on the economy (which literally never worked on its own)
First off, you a stupid uneducated ESLfag that should kill themself. Second, stop reading headlines about Abenomics and pretending you actually understand the economic climate in Japan and can predict its future.
I know enough to read Yotsubato but I still need to learn way more.

I've been slipping since college is starting back up.
Fuck me. I'm not even excited for it anymore. I was really hoping there wouldn't be a huge gap for the English release.
Yeah I'm planning to, I've heard its great.
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> quality of life
that doesnt get worse, but nice try

>First off, you a stupid uneducated ESLfag that should kill themself. Second, stop reading headlines about Abenomics and pretending you actually understand the economic climate in Japan and can predict its future.
abenomics is a fucking failure
but here read yourself

> The Cabinet Office said output in Asia’s second-largest economy declined by 1.4 percent in annualized, price-adjusted terms.


> Data out this week indicated that the economy was teetering on the brink, with growth flat, trade contracting and the yen appreciating to levels unexpected by exporters and hitting their bottom lines.

but hey you are a weaboo and japan is the best country in the world amirite?
>that doesnt get worse
It does, try going there or talking to Chinese people.

>abenomics is a fucking failure
>Jew York Times
What did I just fucking say about pretending you understand economics, you stupid sub-human faggot?
Try reading something that isn't Daily Show tier "news".

>Data out this week
>this week
I definitely take that seriously.

Now then, show me anything that ranks China's quality of life anywhere Japan's, show me something that talks about working in China or with Chinese people, and show me something that talks about the quality of China's universities and government research centers compared to Japan's. Remember, linking MSM bullshit about how Abenomics is evil and not even pretending to understand how that works or how life there is does not constitute an answer. Show me you're not just an idiot parroting shit he found on his libcuck friends' facebook feed.
シ ツ
ン ソ
エ 工
オ 才
カ 力
タ 夕
ロ 口
ミ 彡
人 入
千 干
土 士
未 末
辛 幸
比 北
綱 網
瓜 爪
微 徴
Its impossible to learn japanese
> show me anything that ranks China's quality of life anywhere Japan's
> show me something that talks about the quality of China's universities and government research centers compared to Japan's
this wasn't even mentioned, you really should have learned to read in school, but I guess you never had a chance in the american system
> show me something that talks about working in China or with Chinese people
hurrdurr facts are not good enough, I need hearsay to sustain my bias
> Show me you're not just an idiot parroting shit he found on his libcuck friends' facebook feed.
of course you are cucked by that retard trump, that explains a lot
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>chinese version releasing at the same time as jp

Its not fair
>未 末
You most suck at "spot the difference" games.
>this wasn't even mentioned,
Are you a fucking idiot? So you really don't know anything about either of these countries, or work opportunities there, and are literally just shitposting about news headlines you read off shitty MSM sites.

Thanks for reminding everyone just how stupid China shills are.

>of course you are cucked by that retard trump, that explains a lot
You have to go back.
It's probably for the best. I imagine there will be people like me posting spoilers in random threads unrelated to P5 for the months leading up to release.
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>Start taking Japanese classes
>"So, why did you choose to learn japanese?"

What do you say?
"I want to travel outside my home country for grad school/work and they're the only first world country that isn't being filled with minorities and muslims while nose-diving and destroying it's own culture and heritage, and I respect that."
To able to read my eroge novels senpai
Porn games.

I've got a guaranteed job in a multinational and I appreciate the low crime rates and tomfoolery that Japanese guys get into.
축하해요 !
Damn, you got rekt HARD by the weeb, son.
International business

Don't be like the fucking moron girls in my Mandarin class 2 years ago that said "well, the college doesn't offer Korean" and proceeded to sperg about k-pop. Way to offend the professor. I can't even imagine a Japanese class.
>have both Hiragana and Katakana memorized, but only by looking at them
>when I try to write them down I can't remember shit

That's the spirit!
then you don't have them memorized.
Start again and do it properly this time
It was, well not for one game. But now i can import every game and don't have to be afraid that i get to play Yakuza games 10 years later
How is the difference to watching subbed/ translated stuff from japanese?
Is there a lot of meaning lost?

Depends on the quality of the sub. Things sound funnier in Japanese to me and I feel like some of the humor doesn't translate.
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I wonder who could be behind this post
>Is there a lot of meaning lost?
As a translator who considers his work some of the best around (I don't release anything I'm not happy with, and most fan and professional translators suck) I can say even mine are "passable" at best. The truth is you'll never compare to actually reading and understanding the material in its original language.
Gay furry porn gamgames
But if you learned Japanese as a second language aren't you just understanding it translated to english in your head?
Depends on the quality of the translation, but if you take Drakengard 3 as an example, the english dub completely changes the characters' personalities.
No, it's only like that when you first start learning the language. If you're still at the point where you have to convert all the thoughts into your mother tongue in your head, then you have no business translating. Sadly, a lot of fan translators hardly speak Japanese or English but still do it.
Imo you haven't truly learned a language until you start thinking in that language
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Depends on how you learn really.
You can learn a language in the same way you learned english, and not have the words go through an automatic translator in your head.
When you speak, read, think, or do anything in english, you're not translating it right? They just have meaning. It's the same for when you learn another language.
Well, when you learn it well at least.
They ruined Marie
and a ching chong to you too, li xingxong
I dunno, I would think that jokes that don't translate would require growing up in that culture to understand. It's not something that can just be learned in a textbook.

I guess I'm wrong about that
It's damn near impossible to actually learn a language without also learning that country's culture as well.
Well yeah, when I say learning it well, I also mean immersing yourself in the culture and reading up on it so you can understand things like that.
I dunno man. I watch a lot of GnT and other japanese variety shows and I started "getting" the humor pretty quickly.
Other people I've tried to introduce to that stuff don't seem to get it at all
English is my second language and I understand most of the jokes/references from movies and tv shows. I know nothing of USA's or England's history though.
You only know English right?
Go back to /m/ TE
Swing and a miss, champ.
lol triggered weebs

Learning Japanese is a bigger waste of time.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
You don't even have to get vary far in learning the language to notice how much is lost in translation.
t. dirty chink
>Can't think of a single reason to convince people to learn his shitty chinkland language
>Call them weebs

Heh, that'll show those 4channers amirit?
The difference in most of these is immediately obvious to anyone with even a basic grasp of the importance of the strokes in each character. The problem with this, however, is that you have people who recommend learning Japanese by recognition of characters and sound alone without learning how to write said characters, which makes differentiating them more difficult, because understanding how they're written helps IMMENSELY when trying to differentiate similar characters.

Even if you haven't learned the more complex characters in this list, if you've learned even a small amount of Kanji, the subtle differences in each character becomes painfully obvious even with just a glance.
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>The truth is you'll never compare to actually reading and understanding the material in its original language.
Yeah, sure...
Also context is a big thing
Also, you'll pretty much never mistake characters like カ and 力、タand夕 even though they're essentially written exactly the same way once you know the meaning because just knowing even basic sentence structure will make it obvious as to what is being used.
Can't wait to spoil the game for EOP plebs.
This as well.
my life is a waste of time
isn't that why it's so juicy?
I want to smash Japanese chick's and populate Japan with my Halfie children!
just gonna read spoilers to ruin it for everybody
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Recommend me some games with easy japanese
>listening to nip voice acting

fuck NO.
fuck this shit
make them use romaji or something
this and kanji is too much
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Famicom games
the chinese are filthy scumbags, fuck their language and fuck their shitty country
>Listening to a 40 year old American with no acting skills trying to sound like a "wacky Japanese teen girl"
Fuck no.
what do you use to translate that text?
ur brain
Not him, but I'm pretty sure the idea is that you read it.
do you use a hiragana symbol sheet and look for the matching letters?
Are you retarded?

can you help me anyway
you know what man
whatever works for YOU
don't worry about what I do
>tfw can read at a decent pace with a texthooker
>tfw almost hopeless without one

I think it's going to take me at least a year to read console games at a decent pace.
but i dont know how im supposed to learn japanese by playing nes games man
>can you help me anyway
No, I can't help people who are too lazy and stupid to help themselves.
I've always like japanese history and mythology
It's a very interesting side of world with of different ideas inside
I also had a dream of learning japanese and visiting a pokecenter as like 6-7
Chinese government overestimates the power of their economy and inflates statistics all the time. Industry is good for them right now simply because the lower impoverished class has kept relatively quiet but just wait, shit won't last long as they treat the large swath of their population like literal dirt.
any vidya originally made for Japanese grade schoolers such as Yokai Watch or any Level 5 games you name
newer pokemon. you can switch between english to japanese kana to kanji whenever you feel like it
Is that just for the Japanese version or does even the NA version have that?
Even the nicest chinese I've met are still scum, and I was just glad they were my "friends".
Well that sounds about right. Just keep at it.
all versions
What's that? It has a lot of stats and qt characters.
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Who the fuck is this girl and why does she get associated with learning Japanese?
Mark her words, kiddo. >>349218106
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>he gave up on kanji
No, this kind of game is too weeb for me.
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The more I read this the funnier it gets.

You outdid yourself with this one champ.
Start with English
Because I want to eat this
As always, 6 years into learning Japanese, living in Tokyo now.

Persona 5 is child's play to me. And honestly it just is in general. Sneaking into hearts of sinful adults is such a teenager-oriented premise. I was so hyped for the "phantom thief" concept and this is what they do with it?
Why would I learn Japanese to play a shit game?
have phys/guns overtaken magic in smt4 final?
the only one that fucks with me is the one at the very bottom
I dunno autist friend, P5 looks positively mainstream compared to some other things for キモオタs.
Hang in there PCuck, you'll have your day in the sun one day.
You should consider getting better taste.
Watashi Nippongo nicht comprende de suka
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I can understand very simple phrases. Is Paper Mario good for training? I wanted to play it and thought why not play it in japanese with dictionary and grammar guide.
>Learning a dead language which I won't even be using maybe except for a few porn games.

But it's hilarious how some people feel superior and almightly because of it and keep furiously defending the fact that is wasn't a waste of time.
Is a month enough time to learn enough to play Persona?
Month spent 24/7 on intense learning - sure
Learning things is generally not a waste of time.
I'm thinking of getting back in the scene, maybe work on some H-manga. Any gems that need translating? I was thinking of working on some gender-bender stuff.
If it's not loli don't bother, fag.
only if somewhere where you are surrounded by japanese people, maybe
From nothing? Perhaps, but you'd have to restrict your activities to eat, sleep, and learn Japanese.
This is my excuse

Not defending anyone there but that guy seemed like an idiot himself.

For example sending a single hobo expert to check upon the goods? And after what he's been through? Is he retarded? Why didn't he just go himself when so much was on the line and it was this huge of a deal?

Smells like bullshit to me really and If this is real, serves him right.
No, I'm learning Japanese because I want to properly masturbate to the voice of a 40-something Japanese woman acting as Japanese teenagers

It doesn't go well so far
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>tfw you don't need to learn kanji cause you're a dirty chink
Anon shhhhh Just let him get dementia in his 40s.
Having to be a chink is enough of a curse to balance out that boon.
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>about to go back into learning Japanese
>haven't studied kanji, vocabulary, or grammar in months
At least I still remember most of the Hiragana and Katakana. That's not nothing.
You can't learn Japanese.
Nigga, it's like completing a tutorial level. Just drop it, screw it.
>being this stupid
It's funny you retards bitch about this when Japan has a higher literacy rate than any English-speaking country.
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>study kanji all day
>no end in sight.
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things are pretty bad here
Start using it.
>says the guy using Japanese internet lingo on an English imageboard

Nothing screams "tryhard" harder than this. But it's true the other guy is a tryhard too, P5 is hardly kimoota material.
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So, I'm stuck at Basic grammar. Looks like I can't remember shit if I don't need it. Would be easier if I had a real reason to learn it, I guess. I don't even play vidya nowadays, just brag about it.
Dude speaks Japanese, you reply in Japanese.
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>lighting fast Chinese translations because Japanese easy mode.
I wanna fuck this smug girl.
Unless you can speak Japanese all you'll see is her smugness for all eternity.
some fuccboi will just annotate it on youtube
Too bad my unoversity doesn't seem to offer courses this year.
Morgana leaves the party midway through the game

Final boss is a big judge with a beard

Game is 50 hours long
READ. you won't learn shit unless you apply it like >>349257390 said.
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give it to me straight /v/.

how easy is learning just single kanjis alone all 3000+?
how easy is learning the compound kanjis?
What's a compound kanji?
two or more kanjis together
That's what you call "word".
Infact you should be using it asap.
Even if you're liek spending 30 minutes to read a few pages of yotsuba or some shit.
What "easy"? Kanji and the word "easy" don't belong in the same sentence.
You do realize that Japanese children learn these for their whole school career right?

Hell, most japanese people don't even know more than 2000 kanji and have to translate them in everyday life
dont games rarely make use of kanji?
If you play Pokemon, maybe
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Nah, I'm learning it for visual novels.
>>how easy is learning just single kanjis alone all 3000+?
4 months of fairly laid-back work, maybe an hour a day if you're a bit slow.
>how easy is learning the compound kanjis?
These are called words, you dumb idiot. There are tens of thousands of them. Just because you know the letters c, a, and t, doesn't mean you know what cat means.
Why do keep trying so hard? It's embarassing to watch. Noone cares that you know 草生えた.
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What's the best written Japanese game?
I don't know why anyone would ruin the game for themselves by mashing through all of the dialogue and reading summaries. You do understand that the gameplay will be hot garbage, right? People play these games for the story, and you're getting none of it.
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>tried learning it
>learned kana
>able to make very basic sentences
>realized that playing 1-2 games can't justify wasting time on kanji I have no other use for it at all
No regrets.
are you saying that I wont be able to play it with the google translate app on my phone?
No? Even radicals classify as words, since they still have their own meaning.
ur mum a word
The idea that anyone would ever learn a language to play a single game is pure insanity. What's mindblowing is that you couldn't come up with more reasons than that.

There's so much shit out there that's only in Japanese, and half the stuff that gets translated is done so poorly that you shouldn't even be reading it.
I'd learn vocabulary before I focused entirely on kanji. Vocabulary will give you results sooner and will keep your morale up as more and more sentences become understandable. And once you have a solid vocabulary you will have a much easier time learning the kanji individually because you will have already learned half the readings and recognize them and their general meaning.
Do RTK. it won't teach you kanji, but it will teach you radicals, it really helped me.
>Even radicals classify as words
No, words are used to describe radicals.
数年前に習ったけどダウンロード版は高すぎるね. ¥8800 全然払えないよ
You can fuck qt plastic SK hoes instead of having to deal with bucktoothed fish smelling fucks

As long as it's just a fuck as you go, you shouldn't care that they are plastic
>needing to call people dumb because they don't know moon

for what purpose? to stroke your weeb ego?

a single kanji has its own meaning. radicals make up the kanji or "word"

but 皮肉 = irony

there is probably 10000000+ combinations that like that where the kanjis give you no help.
Please just stop, noone cares that you can mimick shitposters from 2ch. I guess you have to look up a new 2ch post to ape every time you post an reply.
Get lost Wong.
>tfw I work in roofing in Texas and I can easily believe that this story is 100% true
The subhuman chinks I have to deal with here are just as cheap and disgusting as the ones he describes.

Half our sales people flat out refuse to give quotes to people with chink sounding names because of how subhuman you vermin are.

It makes me happy inside, because 100% of the time the chinks trying to con their insurance companies for cash go with the shitty illegal spic roofing "companys" that use substandard materials and then disappear (which means their 'warranties' dont actually exist) after doing shit work. And the insurance company isn't going to pay out twice.

:^) everytime I hear about a beaner defrauding a chink conman I feel happy inside. and it happens all the time.
Sick cherry picking dude, choosing a jukugo that literally exists because of an old Chinese story that was weirdly interpreted by the nips to mean something completely different.
No, because I don't give a shit about Persona.

I am trying to learn Japanese, though. I used to study a year and a half ago, but I stopped and now I'm trying to start from the ground up again with hiragana and katakana memorization. I actually have 5 of these threads open starting from July 28th so I can read through them once I've memorized all of those and see what I should do next.
>What's mindblowing is that you couldn't come up with more reasons than that.
>There's so much shit out there that's only in Japanese
But I don't read manga, don't watch Japanese shows, except for Arino, and big movies already got translations. I only wanted to play a few games, but I don't think I'll even finish them.
You didn't study a year and a half ago if you can't even remember the kana. These threads are also terrible for advice, 70% of people here are underage beginners, 25% are people who haven't even started or jump in to make excuses, and maybe 5% if you're lucky know more than a few hundred kanji.

Did you ever consider that you could do new things? Hell, Arino translations are coming out at a snails pace these days, makes me glad I learned nip to keep up to date with the show. The Pokemon playthrough on Youtube is pretty entertaining, because you get to see the original names of most of the pokemon. Tastes vary, but there's a sizeable chunk of nip TV that's pretty fun to watch that I never would have seen without learning the language, and there's so much variety in manga that I'm convinced anyone who doesn't read it is just an idiot who doesn't know how to look, not everything is Jump shit and you have 30+ years of back-material.
I don't care about Persona 5 unless it let me romance the loli twins in it.
Whatever, 火病-kun, I'm just telling you you're not hot shit for posting 2ch shit on 4chan.
I can remember the kana, I just want to re-grind them so they're fresh in my head now. I wasn't talking about advice, I meant things like what learning resources to look into like Tae Kim for grammar, etc. I've read /a/'s guide a few times but I like looking in other places for these things too.
that's why you need to learn radicals.
And preferably also write it all out by hand. Then you'll never consider something like 千 and 干 or 辛 and 幸even remotely similar.
I'm writing every word of anki.
It's taking longer but it certainly helps with the retention rate.
I can't even fucking see how it looks with my awful sight, have to get closer to the monitor, let alone stuff like 網. Ridiculous.
Complaining about computer fonts is adorable, go read some grass kanji.
>that's why you need to learn radicals.
Go play PS1 games in japanese and then go back.
We'll see if you'll complain about computer fonts after that.
Why would I not complain about literally not being able to see this shit? Recognition isn't even the issue here.
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jesus fucking christ
Because you're obviously incredibly new to the language if this shit bothers you. They're perfectly legible, unless you're the kind of shit eating retard who is browsing on a phone or something.

Depends, humor is hard to translate for example
Didn't like P3 or P4 personally and IDGAF about spoilers

Some day I'll stop being lazy and learn nip so I can play the games I want to that are Japan only
Just pick them up by context you niggers, and learn words, not Kanji individually like a tard.
You know, I guess you are right. Learning things that have that much potentially interesting content behind it is never a waste of time.
I should give Japanese a second try. Can you recommend some easy texts or games with easy texts to read with a grammar guide? Preferably with no kanji or with furigana.

Hilarious coming from someone who's only appearent skill is copying shitpost patterns from 2ch. Give me one more, cause I know you can't stop replying.
Most phones have a decent enough resolution that it's perfectly legible unless they need reading glasses

Maybe they're browsing the thread on a PSP or 3DS
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How can a NEET learn nip? If you had that much dedication you wouldn't be in the situation you are in now.
>Some day
No, you won't. You'll just keep going "maybe tomorrow" and making excuses like "I'm really busy at university right now" or "I want to focus on working for a little bit" and before you know it, you'll be 40 years old and wondering where half your life went, and why you never did anything with it. Then you'll figure it's too late to start anyway, and on your deathbed you'll wish that you had the chance to play Baldr Sky.
That's what I'm planning to do. I just pointed out that these two in particular are extremely similar, and meme spouting like "that's why you learn radicals" doesn't make them look much different, because they even made up of the same parts. I bet even native speakers can sometimes confuse these two.
>incredibly new to the language
Well no shit.
>unless you're the kind of shit eating retard who is browsing on a phone or something.
1080p screen. It's just annoying as fuck that I can't visually distinguish those at the same distance as I can English letters due to the small-ass parts. Guess I'll have to start wearing glasses at all times if I ever get to learning jap.
Passion for one thing but not the other
Interesting observation, I would almost describe it as a toy language from the sound alone.
It just doesn't sound like anything else.
t. butthurt wagecuck who thinks no one should pursue their interests unless it gets their boss an annual raise
Korean sounds fine. Chinese is a ching chong disaster though.
Find a grammar guide that works for you, decent choices are Tae Kim or Japanese The Manga Way, go through Core 2k to get some vocab under your belt, then read Yotsuba. It's easy, entertaining, and there are pictures so it's hard to get confused from a lack of context.

You can't distinguish them because you don't know them. If you knew the symbols, you'd be able to read them even if they were half that size, because you can read English when it's a blurry mess because you're familiar with how words look.
I don't need to learn Japanese to draw porn of it.
Just because there's zero personal value in becoming a mindless corporate slave, doesn't mean NEETs can't be dedicated.

Money is meaningless. A human needs only a minuscule fraction of a minimum wage salary to thrive.
If you went to school and didn't waste your time, you wouldn't be a wagecuck. Not everyone has a job flipping burgers. Go fap to your imaginary gf and kill yourself.
Thank you. Appreciate your help.
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Jrpgs are really in a sorry state when Persona is one of the better looking upcoming games. I was hoping they'd drop that garbage calendar day by day system. But they kept it, so you know it's going to be the same shit again, rushing through the dungeon in one night then fucking about with stupid social links till a specific date just to progress through the damn story.
If you work, you are a literal cuck. You are giving away the hours of your existence for the financial gain of someone else.

I don't work, and I get to study Japanese and do whatever I want all day with your tax money. Suck it.
>Not everyone has a job flipping burgers
99% of people effectively do. There's no real difference between flipping burgers and entering numbers into spreadsheets. The vast majority of jobs are pointless busywork designed only to keep the proles "productive" so the whole system doesn't come crashing to a halt.

You could offer me a high paid job starting tomorrow, with 5 hour work days and a relaxed atmosphere, and I wouldn't take it. I value my time a few orders of magnitude higher than you value yours, which is why you whore yourself for peanuts to buy shiny trinkets to adorn the house you can never spend any time in because you're too busy working.
What's the difference between



Kaiji is that you? Or the narrator?
日本語を学ぶはできない forgot the は in the first one

Good joke. You don't have to be a corporate slave. You /r9k/ school shooters think every job consists of being a corporate wagecuck? Delusion or trying to justify your inability? Living on minimum wage isn't ideal as well, don't lie.

Getting 500 bucks a month in autismbux is good to you? You're a literal nigger on welfare. You are exactly the same as them.

>any job makes you a cuck
Even ones where you get 6 figures+ yearly?

Let me guess, you're busy studying Nietzche, and going to the gym improving your body? Who are you lying to like that? You and I both know you sleep with cum stained underwear after fapping to your imaginary friend. Unsightly.

Also, if you were given a high paying 7 figure job with relax hours and atmosphere, you would take it. I don't understand why you have to lie on an anonymous imageboard.
>Even ones where you get 6 figures+ yearly?

I also don't get autismbux, I have 900k left in inheritance.
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Anyone have the webm of the Chinese woman getting swallowed by an escalator and people standing around not fucking helping her?
>he learned kanji
last time i posted that i got banned
>trustfund babby

Not him, but you don't apply in this situation you rich faggot
>Living on minimum wage isn't ideal as well, don't lie.
It is. What you don't understand is that a life spent chasing after buying a bigger house, a bigger car, getting a better wife, it's utter delusional madness sold to you in the hopes that you'll be a better worker bee for the hive.

You don't need a lot of money. I save a few hundred bucks a month because welfare is insanely lenient, 500 bucks a month is far more than anyone actually needs. You're a fool for thinking that you need to work to survive, let alone thrive.

If you gave me 6+ figures a year, all I'd do is put 95% of it into a savings account, buy some property in a few years, and retire while living off the rent. It'd be a little more stable, but effectively I'd be making about the same money I do now doing nothing, but I would have wasted years of my life, while having to deal with tenants.
Neither is correct Japanese grammar.

日本語を学ぶはできない only works if it's like 「日本語を学ぶ」, i.e. it's a quoted phrase.

日本語を学ぶすることはできない has extra する, should be 日本語を学ぶことはできない.
I do because I was a penniless neet for a long time, I had no idea my grandpa was rich until he died.
I see, if it doesn't bother you, can you tell me the proper usage of する in this context? Or just why it doesn't fit here.

Not to mention he paid for a literal stranger's medical treatment.

I'm a paramedic, but you couldn't even pay me (lol) to get in an ambulance and translate for some guy I don't even know, leaving my buddy alone at the mercy of those gook doctors, and then he's goes beyond retarded and pays for the dude, so he got forced into translating and paying for a random stranger. Forget that. He was an idiot.
manabu is already a verb
I presume you learned the grammar as [~することができない]

する there is meant to represent a verb in dictionary form and be replaced by it in any sentences you make. In 日本語を学ぶことはできない you already have a verb 学ぶ. If it were 日本語を勉強することはできない, the verb is 勉強する so you go with that.

At least this is what I presume you found confusing about it.
I feel so stupid right now. Thanks.
Didn't see your post, thanks for thoroughly taking the time to explain. Basically する is for words which aren't always verbs?
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>カ 力
This one apparently bothers even the natives.
To put it in general terms, you take a noun add する and have a verb.

勉強 - studying
勉強する - "to do studying" = to study

This is a very general outline of the idea, you obviously can't do it with every noun etc. etc.
Gotcha, thanks again.

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I just finished watching the last Persona 3 movie and I know for a fact that P5 won't get anywhere close.
Do the movies, unlike the game, actually feel like there's a story going on?
Hard to say for me since I played and finished the game first and only revisited the movies recently.

The fourth movie is absolutely amazing. 1, 2, 3 are sort of meh.
No thanks, I'll wait for the localized version.
Enjoy cucksorship.
To an Anglo maybe.
Is there a non-anonymous chatgroup or something where Nip learners congregate?
When the housing bubble burst China will crash harder than Holo crashing the pyrite market. It has 90s Japan plastered all over it.

I am Japanese :)

My name is Fuji Aya
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Am I the only one who think calling the I-adjective adjective is a stretch? They mostly act like verbs, why don't just call them verbs?
Memes aside, Korean is going to be more useful than Japanese. Korean culture and products are growing at an accelerated rate and spreading worldwide. You really only need to know Jap for weeb shit.
Like a Steam group or a Discord chat?
The last Steam group sort of fell apart quickly for reasons I don't quite get. It had to do with people being on different levels of fluency or something.
Any sufficiently active forum that's not filled to the brim with retards that can't even into kana. Being able to practice speaking is a huge boon.
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Korean is for e-sports, mmo and things that try to be weeb.
WaniKani forum, which you can fully access without being subscribed.
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I have been doing 10 cards a day until around the end of July not realizing (must have turned it to 10 one day and forgot) that the default was 20. Doing 20 a day now though and I regret not realizing this sooner, I am learning so much faster at the same rate, missed out on a bunch of cards cause of this. Oh well at least I'll get to the cards I missed sooner or later
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Don't forget to remove the review cap or you'll get a backlog of reviews that will fuck up the intervals.

>tfw 5 months on anki and can get the gist of doujins
Future so bright
So you basically don't learn grammar at all?
I did this the second I opened anki
Where did I say that?
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started again yesterday after rewatching crows zero i suck ass at writing in general but fuck it's so annoying writing chinkspeak
It's called mango!
Wish I had known about it earlier.

Had to cram about 800 reviews in a single day a month ago.
Wild guess.
People who fixate on anki tend to do that.
No loli romance no buy. Fuck you Atlus.
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>review cap
I learnt Chinese. I'm fluent in it, two dialects in fact, standard Mandarian, and Sichuanese. It is... completely fucking pointless. I'm back home now, and there are shitloads of rich Chinese students everywhere, and fucking with them when I'm out is kind of fun, but other than that it's useless. As for anons talking about working/doing business in China, yeah, you'll get fucked over. I spent a few years there, and one of the places I worked was legit, all the others were dishonest to some degree. Still, I can flirt with waitresses in Chinese restaurants. It was worth it, right.
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>learning a language for an imaginary "what if" scenario instead of an established culture that already has decades of output behind it
Porn is banned in Korea. Video games are vilified and treated as the cause of all societies ills.

If I need a decent LCD, I'll buy one that might have been made in Korea. Anything else? The country could disappear tomorrow, along with everyone in it, and be considered a net positive by every other person on the planet. Sure, Psy is dead, but so is a crazy dictator trying to launch missiles made out of wood pulp.
I don't really understand why people learn languages that they'll never really get much use out of. If Japan exploded tomorrow, I'd still consider the investment worth it, just because I've still got an immense backlog to work through anyway.
Well, I lived there, and didn't know I'd end up getting come back home. When I knew I would be coming back, I thought, considering the numbers of Chinese now in my hometown, it'd be useful for work.

I was so wrong.
how many fucking particles is this
4 you silly buns.
4? Honestly, that's easy as shit.
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People who claim you should only learn languages for their job prospects are lazy faggots who usually end up never learning any themself anyway.
I can't imagine myself being so eager to learn English as a kid if it wasn't for video games and cable cartoons.
Can't handle 13 strokes?
You learn a language when it has any form of importance to you in my opinion. If you have a use for it, it's far more likely to stick.
mfw I bothered to learn to write 齉. I learnt biang too, but that's not even a real character.
>13 extremely intricate lines to make basically 1 word
what a garbage language
For me the same, learned English through video games, TV and the internet, always scored high in school when it came to English.
Now I'm trying my hand at Japanese for almost the same reasons.

I enjoy it.
I also heard of people who learned Chinese for the business prospects, but most of the time they didn't really have a plan or experience with China so it seems a bit shallow in my opinion.
Do whatever feels right, I'm learning Japanese only for the entertainment, some will call me stupid.
Nigga that 鬱 has 33 fucking strokes lul
Count how many lines you have to draw for a word like "minuteness" or a "millionth". Be shocked in amazement!
because it's fun and it fill the void.
29, mate.
29 actually, 麤 has 33 strokes tho.
You find learning languages fun? I'm a little entertained by Japanese, but the fun part is mainly using the language.

Why not learn something a little more interesting, like how to draw, or how to play an instrument? Language buffs are the dullest people imaginable.
>not doing all of those

casual detected
>mfw I can easly recognize te radical
>mfw I suck at writing anyway

why is my calligraphy so fucked up, no matter the languages I'm learning?
Maybe because you don't understand the point. Some of us actually like interacting with natives from other countries, because they tell different stories, have different ways of doing things, different ways of thinking about things.

Also, instruments are fucking gay, bro.
I quit when I got to Kanji since it's too hard to memorize.
If you're bad at writing kanji that's fine a lot of Japanese have issues with it too. A buddy of mine, Aoki, works at a dentist's office and you should see his fucking handwriting, it's completely unintelligible.

Most common ones aren't that hard anyway.
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Those kanji that only multiply existing signs never really impressed me.
>write deer three times and call it a day
Same with pic related. 3 clouds and 3 dragons.
If they had anything interesting to say, they'd just learn English.

I don't see how wasting your time on languages so you can poorly mumble some shit to a German dude who will instantly start using English anyway is any more useful than knowing some basic music theory.
yes. Joke aside, I had a lot of fun when I learnt English, I'm having fun now learning Spanish(for University) and Japanese. having fun while learning Is a matter of doing so through interesitng materials, talking with people and shit.
>They'd just learn English
Xenophobia coupled with poor English classes similar to American Spanish classes, yeah, no. Japanese are usually more concerned with finding an actual job, being independent and that's a continuing process so most don't tend to learn English unless they're surrounded by it every day.
So is vocabulary. In any language.
Kanji is actually amazing for memorizing vocab. My most hated deck in Anki is "Core 6000 Kana". Seriously. Fuck that shit. Especially those jukugo that got simplified to kana-only.
Then you realize most of those fuckers you'll never seen in every day conversations
true but you can just scribble that shit out easily as opposed to extremely elaborate kanji
I'm not talking about nips here, I'm talking about euro countries where learning English is about as difficult as buttering a slice of bread.

If you like Japanese entertainment, then by all means learn Japanese. But nothing worth reading or watching has been produced in Europe for decades, and the languages are close enough that translation work is decent anyway.
I think it's just that you have to remember
>the kanji itself
>the hiragana for it
>the pronunciation for it
>the meaning(s) for it
Your brain will adjust if you just start easy like fucking kids do. The only reason you might fail to remember is when it doesn't hold enough importance to you.
What's good for babbys first listening practice? I can read okayish but I'm fucked for listening and need to improve.
>the pronunciation
Hue this, on'yomi kun'yomi and then there's shit like things just changing on you because FUCK YOU like volcano turning san into zan or exit turning kuchi into guchi.
>the hiragana for it
>the pronunciation for it
You know that Japanese doesn't share the English trait of having a messy writing system that is heavily disconnected from pronunciation, right?
this is only a problem because people make the mistake of looking at everything in isolation and not together with other things, sure some kanji have 10 readings but it's a non-issue if you actually learn the words behind them

sitting there and looking at 上 and trying to memorize ue, uwa, jou, kami, ageru, noboru is a recipe for failure and will get you nowhere

however looking at some sentences with different readings gets you somewhere
>Kanji is actually amazing for memorizing vocab.

It's like a little visual aid
Yeah I get what you mean. You learn the word by itself and you don't even really READ the kanji anymore, because you see god damned FIRE MOUNTAIN gee I wonder what that is.
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Why did you guys start learning another language specially Japanese?
Just to keep you busy? To be able to indulge on untranslated porn? Trying to move to Japan and weeb it up their?

I'm curious.
Why did I bother to learn English?
In most cases it's best to learn kanji with their most common on'yomi reading.
If you do that you become a wizard who can read every compound word without breaking a sweat.
Also, the more you learn, the more you get used to rendaku. Which means you'll have little problem understanding why san turns into zan in volcano.
>To be able to indulge on untranslated porn?
Is that alone not good enough reason for you?
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I wanted to learn a language and Japanese happened to be the only one I'd ever use. Really I just wanted to read stories on One Yukkuri Place and help translate them for others.
It's a combination of little joys.
Like how I could play SMT IV Final back in February and how I will get to play P5 5 months before the dubfags.
It all adds up.
gimme sum mnemonics for hiragana u fucks
yeah. the really funny thing with japanese is, nobody has any clue how to actually learn it. I'm serious here.




throw these sentences into anki and you'll quickly learn the differences between readings of 山

>people think hordes of single-word flashcards is how you learn a language

Why would I need a reason to educate myself?
Holy shit nigga. I literally just finished watching the movie too. I got my bd yesterday. It was fucking amazing. I'm impressed that they didn't fuck up the ending.
Neither are sentence flashcards.
You actually need to challenge yourself reading new things.
>mnemonics for hiragana
Just install a quiz app and drill them in until you recognize them all.
i did that and memorized each column but if i tried flash carding them all at once i start full on spagetti'ing
tried mnemonics and it became 1000x easier
>people think they can keep up with thousands of terms just by reading
Loving every laugh. SRS is just the most efficient method, dude.

and then you take the sentences you couldnt read and flashcard them so that you can actually read them next time because you'll never learn the word in question without that


you're trying to tell me that someone who studies words in isolation will have any idea how to actually speak and read japanese?
Everything is easier with mnemonics.
I'm amazed this method is still not taught in actual schools but only in those "memory schools" that cash in heavily on using simple methods to teach even the dumb kids how to perform well in school.
I use sentence flashcards only for grammar points and reading practice. I find them hardly useful for vocab. It's more useful to know words even out of context.
No, because I'm not a Ching Chong Cuckalong

If you speak ANY language other than English you shoull kill yourself.
You should kill yourself if you DON'T speak any language other than English.
>I can't imagine myself being so eager to learn English as a kid if it wasn't for video games and cable cartoons
It was kind of the same for me, but that wasn't all. You are comparing usefulness of English to something like Japanese which I would have to learn for what? Playing one or two JRPGs?

I already know like 4 languages anon. Definitely won't be bothering with Jap anytime soon.
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>being this buttmad
Which one is it?
You're leaving this place in September or did you already accept that everything major will be spoiled to you months before you even play it?
how much japanese do you know

just out of curiosity (maybe vocab only is better at certain points of knowledge? I'm not sure)
moshi moshi

beito desu
I'm a insecure weeb : the thread
Gonna try N3 this December.
I used to have a large sentence deck in Anki but I found myself unconsciously memorizing the entire sentences and being able to tell them just from their "shape" which I felt killed the entire purpose of that deck.
>implying there are absolutely no people on /v/ who feel that way about P5 release
huh. I see.

maybe cloze deletion would have been better? I'm N2 level and had some luck with that

good luck on your test
sugoi post, anonkun
do you mind sharing the deck? Right now I'm having trouble with long sentences, maybe it might be useful
That's hella gay brah
Daily reminder that the americans are so cucked that even their own language is named after another country

American english is barely english at all.
I wanted to watch Downtown.
I want to be spoiled. If the story and characters are as fucking awful as Persona 3 then I won't want to play it
They were really basic and most of them were straight from Genki.
Unfortunately I no longer have it.
so, like the japanese2k... Nothing I really need right now. However, thanks.
Found the P4babby
>had german as school subject for 8 years
>learned some basic stuff, never was too interested in it
>been learning jap for over a year on my own
>when I try to think of german words I keep thinking of japanese ones
Es ist totemo schlecht desu.
>Baldr Heart releases this week
My Japanese is ready.
I already know that Berseria has spoiled me, it has a shitload of voiced lines even by Tales standards. Even some minor NPCs are voiced.
From what I have seen of P5 is just texttexttext. Disappointing taking into account the cast list, how much money they made with P4 and how long the game has been in the oven.
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>tfw no 14-18yo japanese pussy
I started learning Japanese because of it but I've only been at it for a month or so. Still would like to play the JP dub once I learn more.
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>learning some incomplete clusterfuck language for 5 years to watch animes without subs
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>Being mad that you're too stupid to learn a far eastern language
>mfw took me less than 2 years to watch anime with Japanese subs
My listening is bad.
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>being this salty that you've wasted your life

What does Korea produce of artistic value? Their music industry and television/movies industry are commercial garbage. Korea is a heavy consumerism society, they are only good at working hard and playing video games.
>wasted your life
I'm a grad student in Japan. How was learning Japanese a waste of my life?
If you live any where other than England and speak English than you better go fuck off cunt.
No, I did make my eyes have a gap three times the width of each between them though. That way I can look like a European electric socket.
>700 due cards

what the fuck
>had no issue until 未 末, 土 士 and 綱 網
>未 末
>土 士

The lengths of the top and bottom lines are different. It's much more apparent on the latter set than the former

For the last one, the character on the right is totally different
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I tried learning it thrice

The last attempt earned me the ability to read some simple phrases and understand most of it.

But I gave up.

I think I will just sub on wanikani, I need someone dictating my study pace or I will just slack off
>skipping days
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Hell no. I'd rather learn Midwest African Tribespeak.
Delete and start again
Now I feel better about myself, thank you lazybros
I laughed
>Playing Pokémon in Japanese
>Not really fluent, but I can get by
>Everyone has speech patterns and different levels of formality
>It's almost like I can hear what they say now, and every character has personality that wouldn't be as easily distinguishable in English (all the ways to say "I lost" wouldn't translate over to English)
is it better then tales of zestria?
Well as a matter of fact I did. Pre-ordered that sweet ass 20th anniversary edition.
Welcome to the subtle nuances of Japanese. It only gets better from there. Most rpgs have a varied cast with different nuances in speech patterns.

Now you understand what any translation is inherently bad.
What about chink language senpai?
Someone already did the whole "Shitposter pretends Japanese isn't worth learning and you should learn Chinese instead" thing during this thread.
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What is the explanation to this image and japanese?
lurk moar
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does that mean wait until someone asks the same question and some anon answers it?
no that means not to be a fucking retard and ask to be spoonfed.
Just lurk and then you'll see where it comes from
wtf is all of this shit real? how come a asian society has even stronger feminism than a western/european country?


now it all makes sense holy shit, the K-pop guys are gayest male pop artists usually, that makes males try to be effeminate too and makes males even more prone to be passive, this whole k-pop shit is a feminist revolution
sounds like the same thing
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PM Mario.jpg
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I want to be ready for the 2020 Memelympics so Japanese is a definite must.
No because if you weren't such an obnoxious newfag then you would know what I'm talking about and you would know what the picture signifies
I know there is at least one generous anon out there that would tell./
>There are still people who can't tell ツ and the completely different looking ツ apart
fuck yourself
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We shall see, anon.
Thread posts: 488
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