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>content, length, and effort/love of unleashed >with the

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>content, length, and effort/love of unleashed
>with the gameplay of generations
>with the same old perfect ost that all sega games have
>with a fresh tone of story that looks promising and action packed after being fed years of kiddyshit, resembling adventure's or unleashed's story
>with the hedgehog engine upgraded for xbox one and ps4 capabilities, making the game look like unleashed again without downgrades

There is no way this game will be bad. This will potentially be the GOTY 2017 if all of the above comes true. Whose hyped?
>>with a fresh tone of story that looks promising and action packed after being fed years of kiddyshit, resembling adventure's or unleashed's story

if by that you mean 'a ridiculously over the top and edgy story that's one gun away from being shadow the hedgehog tier'

the story will be laughably bad as always, but more of an enjoyable laughably bad
Kill yourself, no seriously. The stories in the last 3 games has been terrible
If it's all bad, why not root for a story that is enjoyably bad? Sonic Adventure is worth way more of a laugh than Lost World's Mcdonalds crew. Or did you want more Grimace and Hamburglar looking villains?

Boom looked promising, was complete shit, lost world looked promising, was complete shit.

They can easily fuck it up.
Boom never looked promising, as it was a tie in game for a cartoon show, and 95% of those are destined to suck. I think what you mean is that it was intriguing and had interesting concepts, but the show was the main focus. I never had faith in lost world. The removal of boost and the game looking for literal toddlers made me not care about it, as well as gameplay shown and wisps coming back and all the other dumb stuff about it. It was the first sonic game I ever physically felt like cringing towards, after seeing the cutscenes and dialogue.

Sonic needs to go back to an all ages/general audience type of character instead of focusing on small children.
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How come archie are the only ones that can handle telling a sonic story? their stories aren't cringe over the top serious yet not fully toddler kiddy shit like most sonic games lately, they keep a nice balance and are highly enjoyable.

Why doesn't sega hire the archie writers to make sonic adventure 3? It would be perfect, and the comic is pretty much sonic adventure done right plot wise.
Back to the general or co with you
>Boom never looked promising

Hello newfriend

>Made by the exdevelopers of naughty dog who made crash
>multiple characters with non gimmicky gameplay like in adventure, instead you need them to progress in the world
>open world design, similar to zelda
>basically crash bandicoot meets sonic meets zelda

Promises were very high, everyone on /v/ was ready for this shit even boogie drew porn for /v/ on the threads leading the announcement of the game and the new designs, and we got something so terrible that it gave a new meaning to the sonic cycle.

Point out the part in my post where I said they weren't
there can be more than one type of terrible. bland terrible is less enjoyable than edgy overly serious terrible, but that doesn't change the fact that both are objectively terrible
I was one of the few that was complaining about it and thought it would be bad or average. Turns out I was right over everyone else hyping it. I know a decent game when I see one

Are you autistic, he's making a legit point.

Most of the time comics based around videogames suck, but in the case of sonic comics, most of the games have absolutely terrible stories while the comics get the basic idea of what a sonic story should be right, they even do world building way better than sega (a mix of fantastical setting mixed with human technology, as opposed to sonic games where everything either looks out of place human architecture or floating magical places that don't look like are inhabited by humans).
>why not root for a story that is enjoyably bad?

Do you lack reading comprehension? That's exactly what I'm doing
why else would I call it enjoyably bad?
>There is no way this game will be bad.
That's what all you fucking brain-dead retards have been parroting for a decade since Sonic '06. When will you dumbasses take off your nostalgia goggles and stop buying these garbage games?
The stories in adventure 1, rush, heroes, advance, unleashed, and black knight is not bad. They have shown several times they can have fun stories with good character personalities without needing to make garbage youd see on PBS kids. You fags who pine for more shit like lost world and colors are the exact same as those who want more shadow and 06 type of stories

Sega will never ever recognize the comics as part of the main series. The games dont need all that extra in depth shit that a comic and the writers would have. Just something to open it strongly with (unleashed), keep moving on throughout levels (adventure), and end spectacularly (a lot).

The only bad main game since 06 was lost world you dunce. Stop acting like you even play sonic games and know what you're talking about.
>with a fresh tone of story that looks promising and action packed after being fed years of kiddyshit, resembling adventure's or unleashed's story

How the hell is this a good thing? Sonic Teams attempts at making a deep story have always been some cliche anime bullshit. When they actually got a few western writers to help out with Colors and Generations and dropped the attempt and making a "serious" story the game's improved drastically. The game is about an antropomorphic blue hedgehog with a hip personality and dumb catchphrases, it doesn't need a serious story.

But the writers would obviously not make a complicated story, just something that is enjoyable and not trivial.

Sega have proven again and again that they can't tell a simple story.

>implying archieshit has ever been good
Yes, they actually have as a matter of fact
Yeah, but it's better than the old SA style. Mania will have the best storytelling.

Perspective, I suppose. Good as in good? Hmm. Good as in compared to the rest of the sonic games? Absolutely.

Post soft reboot onwards is basically sonic adventure 3, only actually enjoyable.
>length of Unleashed
Fuck off. One of the best things about Colors and Generations is that Sonic Team realized they didn't need to pad out the game length to make the game good. In fact, they're better because the shit they padded the games with was awful playstyles that was worse than the core one or tedious fucking shit like medal hunting.
>classic autist

Shoo shoo
>Colors and Generations' writing
Funny that you post Frieza when almost all the non-comedy Sonic characters and stories are heavily inspired by Dragon Ball
>when given the option i prefer short games

spoken like a real cuck
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> ITT: People bait with "muh edgy" with Unleashed's story
You're some of the bitchiest cunts, period. Out of all the fucking "story driven" Sonic games, Unleashed was the only one I didn't cringe at. It does Sonic right. Makes him older and down to Earth, without being "Ah yeah, this is happening" at the age of what, 16? That shit was awkward when he was "supposed" to be 10 something in Adventure 1, him doing that shit now is disgusting. He matured perfectly in Unleashed, voice and all, being joyful and uplifting when things slowed down to chat with Chip and co, and when shit get's real, he's ready to take on the action with determination, like Project 17' exactly shows off. None of this "BaldyMcNoseHair/Copyright Law Joke" shit in my face. People bitched Sonic got "too kiddy" when Heroes showed up, why not when Colors did? 06'? Shadow? Understandable, but Unleashed didn't go full retard, everything felt in line to what Adventures did, even less so.

So cry more, if by some miracle Project '17 is Unleashed 2 by story (fuck off Werefags, that's not being included), then SEGA saved Sonic for 10 more years to come.

That's mewtwo bro.
*Meant to add, Sonic Mania and Project '17 saved SEGA.
I'm pretty sure I know Frieza when I see her
Why does it gotta be a GOTY ?

Why not just a good game
Mania can't be a classic, it isn't even out yet.
Yeah a long game sure is good when half that long length is spent playing a shit playstyle.

Platformers don't need to be 20 hours long anyway.
Sonic will never be "game of the year."

You are actually retarded if you think that will ever happen, seriously.
Why did you leave out Adventure 2, when its story has probably the best pacing, feeling of adventure, and most memorable lines out of any Sonic game.
Even with the plot holes and stupid shit here and there it's an enjoyable ride.

Is it just too edgy?
Why then are you okay with Adventure 1, which is about the return of a god of destruction who committed echidna genocide when an echidna chief tried to steal the master emerald so he could beat other echidna tribes in wars, which features scenes like that one bit with the the dead and injured chao everywhere, has Gamma's substory about his brothers being enslaved in robot bodies, so he kills all of them, and which ends with Station Square totally destroyed and presumably many killed?
Please explain.

Also, What? What the fuck story does Advance even have?
Fuck off, its not/isnt shit, just obviously not as good. In any other game they wouldve been seen as a fun with great sequences, atmosphere, music, and platforming. They dont need to be 20 hours but shouldnt be 3 hours either. 6-10 hours is the sweet spot ideally

Was in 2008 and 2011
I never had any expectation that Boom would be good, so I guess I'm probably a bit biased, but while I remember the stuff you're talking about, I don't at all remember it being something the vast majority of people thought, and I specifically remember just the silhouettes of the new character designs turning a ton of people off. Especially fucking Knuckles.
Take a look at every 3D Sonic. The flaw that's most consistent among all of them is that they try to pad things out.

Sonic Adventure 1's best playstyle is Sonic, maybe Tails and Knuckles too. The rest are all just filler and it brings the game down.

Adventure 2's best was Sonic/Shadow. Everything else was okay at best but the game could have been so much better and consistent with just Sonic and Shadow stages.

Heroes was padded out by making you play the same fucking stages 4 times.

Shadow the Hedgehog was padded out by making it so you had to restart from Westopolis every fucking time you wanted a different ending.

Sonic 06 was padded out with 12 fucking characters.

Unleashed was so close to being a gem but they thought "just Daytime stages will end the game too quick, let's add a shitty God of War clone AND lock levels behind medals."

The developers themselves realized with Colors that they don't NEED to make the games so fucking long. Quality over fucking quanity you nigger.
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>>with the gameplay of generations
Directly into the trash

Sonic's controls went to shit after Adventure 1, SA1's controls weren't perfect but they were miles better than what's shat out today.

Sonic's control scheme has gotten out of hand, hold forwards and if you want to go left/right press L1 and R1 accordingly but don't let the joystick slip to the side unless you want to be steered into a wall/off the edge, hold X to go boost while your meter is charged and let go to preform any other move, such as tapping B to somersault or tapping B to light dash through rings but be careful because if you tap B too soon you'll somersault into the rings instead of dash through them.

Sonic needs to go back to having
-Hold forward to run and steer yourself in the direction you want to go
-Hold X to charge for a spindash
-Press X and X again to homing attack
Sonic does NOT do well with complex controls
>When they actually got a few western writers to help out with Colors and Generations and dropped the attempt and making a "serious" story the game's improved drastically.
Dude, no. The story and writing in Colors is complete fucking trash (notably, basically every joke that isn't contained within a PA announcement falls embarrassingly flat), and Generations barely has a story at all and still manages to be disappointing by doing nothing interesting with the concept of classic and modern versions of characters meeting each other outside of some Robotnik/Eggman banter.

>The game is about an antropomorphic blue hedgehog with a hip personality and dumb catchphrases
And? Sonic CD and Sonic 3 & Knuckles had more serious stories than Colors or Generations.
The only bad levels in sa1 is bigs, but his story is done in like 30 minutes if you arent a fucking idiot and have played games before

sa2 was a downgrade to sa1 in most areas, the fast paced mini game feeling the other characters had in the sa1 was gone, the emeral radar was fucked up, and the mechs were clunkier feeling instead of being fast and smooth like omega in sa1

Heroes handled it best and all of it was great except chaotix missions. Possibly done because of collecthon fads and being late to the party

Shadow, sure. Cool idea done bad, it happens

Sonic 06 is a dud all around but the characters are the least of the problems since they just randomly cut in for a segment in a level and dont play radically different outside of silver which has a cool gimmick

Unleashed is a gem and you memelord haters that try your hardest to shit on are delusional. Night levels were fun and only retards got medal issues outside of adabat day

Anything past act 1 in colors might as well not even exist since those are obvious paddings too. Just because you stay as sonic and the camera is 2D for 90% of the game doesnt make it automatically good, you should know that autist

Generations was solid all around but couldve done with 3 or 4 more levels overall. With all the time and concepts in place for sonic 2017, this is what im expecting and hoping for. Same type of gameplay structure but with more content so the credits arent rolling in 3 hours or under (if you arent shit at the game, which you evidently seem to be)

Boost is objectively the best and most fun gameplay for 3D sonic. The controls arent hard at all either. The controls have actually been simplified as fuck since unleashed outside of lost world. If you cant grasp the easy modern controls then theres no hope for you, find another hobby
Normies loved it, which is all that matters to Sega.
Enjoy being a 3rd-class citizen, Adventure babby
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I have no problem grasping them
The problem is that it shouldn't be this fucking complex
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>The Night levels were fun
You have to realize you're a minority on this stance. Most people agree only the Daytime stages were good. Not just journalist cucks either, a lot of fans too. Smart, non-autistic ones like SomeCallMeJohnny.
>only retards got medal issues outside of adabat day
The medals are inherently a bad design because most of the Night medals are in the Day stages and looking for them is completely counter-intuitive to how you're supposed to play the game.
>Anything past Act 1 in Colors is padding
No it isn't. It's all the same playstyle. You're just Sonic and you're running fast and platforming. That's all you need. That's what made people fall in love with Sonic in the first place.

I don't mind at all that Colors and Generations were 4 hours long. You can beat Sonic 2 in an hour and a half. Sonic 3 and Knuckles in 3-4 hours. That doesn't make them bad games. You love them because they're consistently and inherently fun.
According to who?
Even though the trailer shows basically nothing, it did leave me pondering. Sonic looked angry as fuck. Even in SA2 when eggman wanted to fucking blow up the world he was still a deviant. Has sonic ever been this angry?
According to logical people
>inb4 he's actually defending Sonic steering like a boat, requiring two additional buttons to control him properly
I just hope classic sonic levels have cool corny pop music again

I guess all those logical people are why Colors and Generations were the best-received Sonic games in years.

I don't think SA2 is terribly edgy. It doesn't try to hammer you with "THIS SHIT'S DARK" like StH did. It was just somewhat dark. IMO the only good story I've seen on a Sonic game.

Haven't played them all though.

They arent complex at all though

You have a boost, light dash which is rarely used, and a slide which is also rarely used. Quick steps and drifts can be pressed with either trigger or bumper. Jumping is A, homing attack is either on X or A. Thats it. I suppose games like rayman or donkey kong are now complex because they use more than one button to...?

Night stages need less medals overall so that problem is alleviated. There are tons of free medals in hubs. Night levels throw both medals at you as long as you dont be a bitch and check a suspicious looking corner or object. Shamar, chun nan, spagonia, empire city, and adabat are literally drowning in medals just ever so slightly off the main path. Im not talking about expertise or replaying either. You have to go out of your way to actively avoid the amount of medals the game gives you at times and finding all 400 gives some serious and fun replay value reminiscent of early 3D games

Colors is the antithesis of fast. The old games were much faster and had more unique platforming challenges. Sonic 2 and 3 hold up because no one expected anything else back then and are more lenient towards old games. Colors isnt a bad game despite its tremendous flaws, but its just ultimately a boring one. Lacks the wow factor, speed, and replay value of unleashed, and lacks the polish and solid level design that generations has. Its a generic 2D platformer shat out before the wii collapsed and to recoup losses on unleasheds massive budget
He got pretty miffed in Black Knight and a couple of times in X. He's also had some mad moments in the comic such as LIMIT?! and him slapping the Rogue's shit, crashing their temple ship, and just popping the escape hatch and casually hopping out.
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>best-received Sonic games in years
Yeah because they SURE had some fierce competition to live up to.

>and a slide which is also rarely used
Go play Generations.
You neglected to mention that Adventure and 2006 have you revisit the same pool of stages across their separate stories.
Hell, in 2006, it sometimes happens even in the same story.

>Heroes handled it best and all of it was great except chaotix missions
Not really. Even just playing through the game once with Team Hero, you've probably had enough, since the stages themselves pad their length by frequently rehashing level structure and set pieces, especially later in the game.

If the different teams actually had a number of different mechanics (not JUST team blast, power character jump attack and combo finisher, and espio turning invisible), and if the level design was actually changed a great deal for them, it would be a good way to do things.

As is, fuck that.

>No it isn't. It's all the same playstyle.
Wrong. Every act that isn't the first in every world is either just reused parts of act 1 with some differences, or some gimmick shit like a flying spring platform or the entire act being a quickstep section in a loop.

Imagine Generations except there's no classic Sonic, and you actually have to play all the missions before you can progress to the next level.
Colors is sort of like that with its acts.

>You're just Sonic and you're running fast and platforming.
The non-act 1's are often bogged down with tedious wisp usage, slow, blocky 2D platforming, or the aforementioned shit like flying spring platforms. They are generally much slower than act 1.
Plus Colors just isn't fast in general.

Also feel I gotta mention almost all of Colors's boss fights were reused.
meant to link >>348680223
>and a slide which is also rarely used
Go play Generations.
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I liked Storybook Series. Secret Rings was kinda fun when you unlocked decent controls. Bullshit design but oh well, at least it isn't completely shit.
>every game in the years before Colors is some degree of shit
>Colors and Generations are beloved by all but you
>Lost World is panned when it abandons boost formula and fails to deliver with its new system (I won't mention Boom just to be fair)
>this is somehow pure coincidence
When Lost World's shit reviews and sales came in, people were calling Sega fucking idiots for abandoning the formula that finally got them some praise for once instead of "lol shit game" memery.
You're literally barking at a brick wall. One made of solid diamond.
Wow, guess people still get excited for Sonic games after all these years of mediocrity or shit.


Im of the opinion that I love heroes as is and its level designs. I love the idea of different characters being difficulty modes. I remember my sister would play through team amy while I did team sonic, team dark, and team chaotix. I think, if the music and stage variety werent as good as they were, I would be really annoyed with heroes.

As is for me, i love the way heroes handled its content and the big levels.

I have extensively played generations. There is a slide in almost every level but it last for literally less than a second. Its as inconsequential as it gets
>The stories in adventure 1, rush, heroes, advance, unleashed, and black knight is not bad.

Now that Mania is coming, I no longer give a fuck about side scrolling segments in the 3D games. So I say no to Generations gameplay. Make the 3D better.

>advance story

It's basically a proper sonic 4.
That's the script and poor voice acting, not the story.

>eggman blows up the moon while some muslim family cries
it was embarrassingly bad
So you're just going to ignore anything that doesn't fit the way you want your argument to go?
Then this is over
The voice acting isnt even bad, the first era of VAs were the best for sonic. Script was wonky and funny though

>the script isn't the story

Are you seriously judging the game's narrative based on the abstract framework rather than the execution? Are you really that autistically detached from reality?
Both storybook games are abysmal, but Secret Rings has cool level concepts and nice music, and Black Knight has an almost decent story.
That's about it for the good points.
Like what? Please explain why Sega should not do what will net them the most praise overall.
>The voice acting isnt even bad
>t. "the only media I consume is dubbed anime"

you dont know what that means

They had no direction and everything was stilted. The VA as a whole was awful.
And are you so retarded you don't know that script and plot are two different things? The answer is yes. Get the dick out of your ass, faggot.
>down to earth
>big-ass fucking Final Fantasy boss living inside of our Earth is splitting the planet open
Unleashed has great art style and charm, but I think there's a clash between the cartoony aspects and shit like that which feels more at home in other games

I don't understand why the fuck people here ride Unleashed's dick so hard either. I appreciate that the game wasn't complete shit, but it's still stuffed with tons of bullshit and padding, which is the same problem that bogged down the Adventure games. At least Colors and Generations trimmed the fat.
It means "very bad".
Your lesson for today is concluded.

What was your point?
I hope you're not implying most acting on television isn't shit too.

A script is only as good as its execution. It doesn't matter how much potential a concept has if its execution is shit

>it's good because everything else is just as bad

That's not how logic works anon
And a script isn't the plot, stupid. If you read the lines of the game with no VA it would be a lot less retarded. Reading the general plot makes it even less retarded.


What? What do you even need by that?

Secret Rings can be fun on the later stages when you can control Sonic properly, and Black Knight has god-tier OST, looks BEAUTIFUL and has a fun gameplay. Also story is much better than SR (albeit not that good either).

It isn't AWFUL in SA2. Maybe it's just nostalgia but there's some funny/good delivery on there.

>Like what? Please explain why Sega should not do what will net them the most praise overall.
Aaaand that's changing the subject
Don't pretend you didn't know or that this has anything to do with the original argument, because you know exactly what's going on and you're going to try doing anything you can to get out of it

This is my last reply to you
Even if they werent always directed right, the voices themselves were actually good. The second era of VAs sucked until unleashed. The current era is just ok and has the best direction so far, but they havent gotten a good script (outside of boom cartoon) because of the garbage ass stories that have been happening since colors

The script is how the plot is experienced by the end user. The two are inherently connected, you can't detach them. "plot" is an abstract framework whereas script is how the plot is conveyed. It doesn't matter how good or bad the plot may seem on paper, what matters is how the script executes the plot

And sonic is shit at executing plots. You can't deflect that with 'muh script'.
You say that boost formula is shit and Sega should abandon it. They already tried abandoning it and failed miserably. I have explained why your suggestion is stupid and wrong and will not happen. Do not pretend that running away means that you "win"

The only time Archie could handle a story was when they were threatened to get sued to hell and back, and barely at that fact.

Now they're getting sued, again and Sega's finalyl gonna shut down the comics after the lawsuit is settled.

Is a perfect example of BAD voice acting. You have fond memories of it and find it humorous, but from an objective voice acting analysis it's a really poor delivery
>I don't understand why the fuck people here ride Unleashed's dick so hard either
I agree with you, but it's hard to ignore certain things, like that Unleashed is the fastest and arguably the most enjoyable of the boost games in its daytime stages, or that it has probably the highest production values of any Sonic game ever, or that it invented a pretty solid new 3D Sonic gameplay system and was a much needed turn around for the series after 2006.
>absolutely none of that is confirmed
>whereas script is how the plot is conveyed
Uh, no, retard. A script is simply character interaction. Setting, tone, etc. all are set by the plot. Scripting is easily the least important part of storytelling yet the most prominent on the user end. The scripting may be shit and the VA direction may have been shit but that doesn't make the story shit. What makes the story shit is that it's some generic ancient evil awakens crap.
Not that anon, but when you ignore the fact that the planet is split in parts, the interactions Sonic has with the people, and the atmosphere of each area is very down to earth. When you're actually in the world, you don't even notice that the earth is split. You're just visiting pleasant scenic locations, and talking to the locals.

Also, the reason why Unleashed is so beloved here, is that you have to understand how much Unleashed improved the series after Sonic 06 nearly destroyed it. Unleash's production quality is insane for a 2008 game. Only 2 years after 06, and they tightened Sonic's model to perfection, they lighting is vibrant, the soundtrack may be the best in the series, They actually created real hubs instead of stage select screens, they made a disney/pixar quality promotional short that knocked everyone's socks off, they pulled back on all the seriousness, and made it cartoony again.

Unleashed is like the phoenix rising from the ashes. It created the foundation for which all future titles were built.
Oh, sure, Generations "trimmed the fat" by getting rid of the werehog. But that game also reused a lot of old level themes, reused a lot of old music, and didn't bother building a world at all. Generations was a novel idea that was pushed out the door. Utilizing the Unleashed framework to make production a breeze.
That's not bad voice acting, that's just poor audio mixing, but it works for that scene
It doesn't need it, but it can be easily done.
I for one enjoyed Bioware's Sonic Chronicles.
The point of a somewhat serious story isn't in making it edgy, it's in simply having some serious tones.
People will always shit talk story in a sonic game, but it can be done right. It just has to not try and make the sonic franchise into something it's not.
Generations was only a gameplay experience, and a pretty meh one at that. They only seem to have their 2d down anymore.
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see image.

>What do you even need by that?
what did you mean by this?
I agree with all of that, but that's still only a portion of the game.

Unleashed is a fucking slog, and it's a shame because I really enjoy the daytime stages.
Night stages, while not necessarily bad, are a complete 180. They're far too slow and far too long for their own good. You end up doing way more of it than daytime stages.
The hub world, while cozy, really is just there to slow you down. There's really no point to any of it that couldn't be done more efficiently, and navigating it is a pain in the ass given how Sonic and the Werehog control. SM64/SMS did it better.
Medals are shit.

How Colors and Generations did it complements the play-style much more. You can jump right into levels. There's no bullshit to sift through.
Great thread.
Colors blows that shit out of the fucking water. Probably the best looking Wii game.
To be fair the only truly bad games are Labyrinth, Shadow, 06, Secret Rings, Boom, and spin-offs like Sonic R, Shuffle, and 3D Blast. The rest don't really fall below meh/mediocre.
Sucks that you're getting meme'd on because you're actually right. Then again most of what these toddlers remember are the dark ages.
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Not really. It looks great, but it's a different art style really, being very abstract while Unleashed was much more grounded.

Unleashed has cool shit like decent lighting effects, a lot of props like furniture and windows to smash through, and going really REALLY fucking fast, while Colors does not.
The problem goes more like...what flaws sonic games might have, are magnified and blown up to new extremes. You have people seriously arguing that games like unleashed is one of the worst games of all time and is 3/10 status. Either these kids have only played 5 games in their lives or just listen to reviewers and youtubers. Fucking garbage ass idiots

People don't want to accept how absolutely awful sega are at handling stories with sonic, and the fact that some comic writers can come up with something better than sega has ever written just by recycling their ideas but actually executing them properly means that there really is no hope for sonic games to be good ever, at least not in story.

So people would rather delude themselves.
Luckily it seems like Ian and one of the artists that also writes a little are worming their way slowly but surely up the food chain into the Boom show soon so who knows. A script from Ian might not get denied in the near future like it did with Colors.
I actually want a story like Adventure 1. Its a cast of Loony toon tier characters fighting a blob of water. And Adventure games had solid gameplay too.
I thought that post was talking about Black Knight.
That's fucking mewtoo you fucking autist
see >>348678024
It is about BK

BK actually does look pretty good. Its a little bland at times, but the setting its in is great and the environments all play it up very well. The story and voice acting is one of the best in the series, and the gameplay has a lot of improvements from SR
I feel Sonic Blast is pretty shit.
Also, if ports count, Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis and Sonic Jam for the game.com are some of the worst ports I've ever seen, and Sonic Jam is possibly the worst game I've played PERIOD, and I've played Bubsy 3D, Superman 64, M&M's Kart Racing, Ride to Hell: Retribution, Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor, and more.
The whole point of that game was to be the opposite of that, and that's why it failed so much you tripple retard.
Here's hoping it isn't rushed like Generations was.
Sorry dude, I'm retarded.
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as long as it has blaze the cat it'll be great if its like generations
Yeah, the ports tend to be pretty shitty outside of GG games and maybe Colors DS.
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>they add a mini Blaze to accompany Classic Sonic
Colors DS isn't a port.
It's basically Sonic Rush 3.
>3DS version of the Wii game
>made by a separate company in order to move the game from one system to another
Nigga, it's a port. You're just playing semantics.
Play the game nigger.
It ain't a port.
>thinking that adding Crash and Zelda elements to Sonic would be a good thing
Why the fuck would anyone even want that? Those are totally different, incompatible types of gameplay for Sonic.
Not to mention Boom just straight up looked like shit from trailer one.
It's a fucking port. Period.
It doesn't matter if the fucking game is different, it's a fucking port just the same as the GG Sonic games.
It's not a port you chucklefuck. It has different stages, different bosses, different powers, different side content.

A port is Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis. Know what Sonic Colors DS is?
A different game
It's still a port, fuckface. By your logic Sonic 2 on Game Gear also isn't a port since it's different.
It's a port. Kill yourself.
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>just the same as the GG Sonic games
So basically, what you're saying is: it isn't a port.
No it's not

I guess that makes SSB4 3DS a port
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Next you are going to tell me that Sonic 06 was a port of the Genesis game.
I mean shit, look, it has the same name. What more proof do you need?
>By your logic Sonic 2 on Game Gear also isn't a port since it's different.
Correct. If it's a completely different game, it's not a port.

The idea was that sonic would play the way he always has, but then with amy / knuckles / tails you'd change to a more puzzle like exploring gameplay, and that's where the crash / zelda elements would kick in, basically sonic adventure if the non sonic sections weren't shit, that was the hope.

Instead everything was shit.
But you forgot
>Used CryEngine for no fucking reason
>Was a cartoon tie-in with little development time
>None of the gameplay leading up to release looked anything but awful
Anon, what the fuck are you talking about?
People are down on alternate playstyles in Sonic. They aren't liked. No one was ever hyped by the prospect of being stopped from playing a Sonic game to do slow puzzle-y shit in Boom. I think you must have imagined all of this.
>porting is the process of adapting software so that an executable program can be created for a computing environment that is different from the one for which it was originally designed
Today we found out no one on /v/ knows what porting means or what a port is. No surprise that all of you are retards.
Nah, it's a port and so are all of the GG ports.
That is probably one of the biggest examples of a port, stupid. Though it came first so technically the Wii U version is the port.
Nice try, retard. 06 is not only a shitty rebranding attempt but shares no gameplay similarities to the very first game. Sonic the Hedgehog on the virtual markets of those consoles is still a port.
Too bad it's not. It is fundamentally similar and was seeking to move the experience of the Genesis games onto a handheld platform. It's a port.
>but shares no gameplay similarities to the very first game
You could say the same of Sonic Colors and Sonic Colors DS, so you're sort of a retard.

You did get a lot of (You)s though, so if that was your goal all along, then kill yourself, and also good job I guess.

No I didn't, that's the impression we got from the trailer. It could also work well if done right and it would fix the fact that you can finish most sonic games in a few hours.
>that's the impression I got from the trailer
>shares no gameplay similarities to the very first game
You run and jump on your way to the end of the level.

>fundamentally similar
Similar on the vaguest of levels

>was seeking to move the experience of the Genesis games onto a handheld platform
Why did they create new levels, new music, new enemies, new bosses, a new plotline, and remove the spin dash, then?
Maybe a better question, why in the fuck am I responding to an actual retard
>little development time

Not quite

It was actually going for like over 2 years and was running smooth on 360 and ps3. The problem was when sega pulled the rug under their feet and told them to suddenly make the cryengine work on wii u. Because they had a 3 game deal with nintendo going on at the time. It honestly wouldve been a lot better if the characters didnt talk as much, they used the combo system the werehog had where there was actually a variety of things to pull off instead of mashing y, and the frame rate was consistent. As far as an adventure game, its pretty good at giving that feeling
>You could say the same of Sonic Colors and Sonic Colors DS
>Colors and Colors DS share no gameplay similarities
>calls me the retard
>tells me to kill myself

neck yourself, my dumbass nigga
>You run and jump on your way to the end of the level.
Oh wow I fucking guess every platformer is a port of another platformer. God damn, I'll let you give it another shot after tripping over your own ass like that but don't fuck up like that again. It only makes me feel sorry for you.
You're not even trying anymore.
Have a pity (You).
You said no gameplay similarities. The gameplay is plenty similar, just ported to use at-the-time next-gen hardware.
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I don't know why but every fucking Sonic thread has that one guy that makes absolutely balls to the wall retarded posts.

This time it's this "Game Gear and Colors DS are ports" guy. Is this some coordinated shitposting or something?

You're an idiot.

> process of adapting software

They didn't "adapt" the wii u version of smash to work on the wii u, it was made separately to work on the wii u to begin with, just like the 3ds version was made separately to work on the 3ds, thus there was no "adapting" needed.

The same is true for sonic colors on the DS, it wasn't "adapted" from the wii version of sonic colors, it was made using the sonic rush engine specifically for the DS. The original wii version wasn't touched or adapted in any way to become sonic colors ds. Ergo not a port.

>that is probably one of the biggest examples of a port, stupid.

You're one of those people, aren't you? People who think they're so smart and always right, people who still believe that they're unique snowflakes because they were brainwashed by their parents as children to believe it.

You're in for a rude awakening, you're not witty, smart, or more knowledgeable than the average person here. In fact, you're quire stupid.
Nice projection. Get out of here, retard.
I'll assume you're talking about 06, and no. You're wrong. You don't get another try. You can leave now.
>You're wrong.
How so?
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Rush 3 when?
I guess colors is and generations 3ds in are in a way.
>In fact, you're quire stupid.
Irony at it's finest.

Cute that you resort to focusing on personal attack because you're flat-out wrong. Regardless of how you look at it. Smash 4 was made first on one console and then modified to work on another. That makes one of them a port, stupid. If you want to bother me some more at least be right.
>The gameplay is plenty similar
Because you said that. They are nothing alike and the only way to make them alike is to be so vague that you describe almost the whole genre.
You run, jump, attack enemies while in a ball form, and collect rings to avoid dying while negotiating set pieces like loops to make your way to the end of the level.
>They are nothing alike and the only way to make them alike is to be so vague that you describe almost the whole genre
You could say the same about Colors and Colors DS.
>slow 3D and 2D platformer with double jump and homing attack and shit
>fast 2D platformer

You didn't adress any of my points.

>Cute that you resort to focusing on personal attack

That is literally the first thing you did on your post.

> Smash 4 was made first on one console and then modified to work on another.

No, it wasn't. Both versions were developed side by side.
I thought this was the greece stage from OW
>Smash 4 was made first on one console and then modified to work on another

While not describing the genre, that is describing the whole main series. You'll need to be a lot more specific.
>You could say the same about Colors and Colors DS.
Actually you fucking can't.
We're done here. Don't choke on your own baby vomit while you sleep. We all know your death would be a great tragedy for this world.
>That is literally the first thing you did on your post
Seems you can't read either.
Regardless, Smash 4 had to be adapted to work on 3DS hardware. To the point of causing Ice Climbers to be cut.
Not DS though. That's not the one I'm talking about. I know you must be confused as you think they are the same game.
>Smash 4 had to be adapted to work on 3DS hardware. To the point of causing Ice Climbers to be cut.

From your previous post

>so technically the Wii U version is the port.

So what you're saying is that the wii u version is the port, but the 3ds version (the original) had to be adapted from the port to work?

Gotcha, didn't I? You don't actually know which version is which, you're simply pulling bullshit out of your ass. Both versions were developed side by side, none is a port of the other, they were both built up separately, the only thing they share in common is gameplay, which was purposely made identical in both versions so people could jump from one version to another without it feeling "odd", characters working differently with different balance, etc.

That's a fact and you're going to have to deal with it, bitch. Otherwise have fun making more bullshit.
What fucking happened to this thread
Here's a pity (You) for the mentally special. I hope you enjoy it because it's the last you're getting.
What a pathetic high-horse you've built for yourself. The true product in all of its envisioned glory is the Wii U version. That vision was changed to work with the limited 3DS hardware. One way or another, no matter which way you spin it, one of them is a port. Hold that, retard.
Apparently butthurt retards don't know what ports are and get really mad when you explain that they're wrong. Didn't know people here were so mentally fragile.
some guy went full retard and made every post about his terrible arguments
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I mean yeah, it was bad, I get what you're trying to say.

But in comparison, it was arguably the best of the bunch. A somewhat cohesive story, some character development from ones we haven't seen before, plot twists we didn't see happening from 50 miles away unless we were Sherlock Holmes, and only 50% of the edge future games had, despite Shadow being present.

I say give SA2 some credit in that regard, as shitty as it may be.
That sounds like garbage
I don't give a shit about this game I only care about Sonic Mani
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Not enough videogames.

What would you guys like to see from Metal Sonic in the upcoming games?
You mean having best taste?
Kill yourself you fucking gamecube kiddie piece of shit
I'd like to see different takes on the robot Sonic concept, like many of the earlier games had, instead of just CD Metal Sonic every time.
How about you kill yourself
There hasn't been a good story since 3&K
Adventure 1 and 2, Shadow, Heroes, '06, Unleashed etc. were all garbage

And """""""""story""""""""" is the last thing you need to be worried about in a Sonic game you fucking newfag...people like you ruined the franchise
>That vision was changed to work with the limited 3DS hardware

Correct. The point of having both versions was that sakurai didn't want to compromise one version and have another version which had something superior gameplay wise, so certain characters that couldn't work on the 3ds like ice climbers had to be cut from the project.

That still doesn't explain how any of them are ports, they're both separate versions built from the ground up, at no point was the wii u frame modified to run on the 3ds and viceversa, since they were both built at the same time, for their each respective system.

You do understand how computers work, right dummy? You do understand that there is literally nothing preventing this development approach? You do understand that a port is literally when the developers take the frame of a game and then modify to work on a different system? You do understand that at no point were the 3ds or wii u frames modified to run in other systems? And no, cutting stuff because sakurai didn't want to compromise the inferior version doesn't mean that the wii u version was modified to run on the 3ds, that's not how logic works.

Don't think too much though, might hurt yourself.
The GG Sonics are ports from the Master System games you chucklefuck
Only the Tails game is original

I liked metal sonic in heroes the most, i liked how he went sentient behind eggmans back and plotted to destroy the world himself
>And """""""""story""""""""" is the last thing you need to be worried about in a Sonic game you fucking newfag
As long as they are including stories, they had better be decent at least.
The stories in Colors, Generations, and especially Lost World have been godawful. Way worse than the stories in the Adventure games, Heroes, or Unleashed, and without even the amusing terribleness of Shadow or 2006.
Why is that not something worth complaining about?
I agree that SA1 had the best controls
But even that was shitty
3D sonic in general just sucks and isn't that great
His taste is shit too
3D Sonic was never good, period
>Hello newfriend
Nobody was fucking excited for that game at all, infact when footage showed up everyone quickly dispersed and went their separate ways. When the game released everybody made fucking fun of it.

also if you want some big story in new Sonic games, go suck a dick
That's impossible because Modern Pop sucks
I don't think that's what the guy I'm replying to, who believes that Colors Wii and Colors DS are the same, is talking about.
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This guy's pretty hyped.

That first video is legendary...that shit was back when Sonic 4 was revealed and shitstorms were happening

Another legendary video(guy who ranted in this vid died years ago)

Things are looking up with Sonic Mania tho
Don't give a shit about Project Sonic
The 3DS version is still a creation meant to move the experience of that game to a handheld platform. It is inherently a port. Saying it's not is either you being stubborn to the point of retardation or being completely ignorant of what a fucking port is. Smash 4 was clearly meant for the Wii U and a separate version was made to port the game from that hardware and shrink it to fit and work on 3DS so that the game could be enjoyed by more people and be portable to boot.
They took Smash 4 and changed it to work on different, inferior hardware, making it a port because that's what a fucking port is.
Please stop replying to me. It's like you're purposely trying to spread your autism to me.
Don't bother, dude. These dickheads will cry if you mention ports. They'd probably break down if they lived on the coast.
>shitty runner game

kek of the year
So do we know if this game is going to have old zones in it like Sonic Generations?

Cause if so we better see Mystic Cave. Flying Battery would be nice, too.
We haven't seen any gameplay whatsoever.

The gameplay is the same as generations, it just has original levels
>Sonic Jam is possibly the worst game I've played PERIOD
I hope you're referring to the gamecom version
>The gameplay is the same as generations
The trailer
Yeah, I specifically said so in that very comment.
It's sonic, it's either kart racing or runner
Sonic 4 is terrible
So is Advance 2, 3, Rush, Rush Adventure, Adventure 1 and 2, Heroes, Black Knight, Unleashed, Sonic Chronicles etc.
Pretty sure it's the other way around
I'll give you 4 and Chronicles. I forgot about that those. The rest of those is your opinion.
Advance 2, Rush, and Rush Adventure are good. Not so much as platformers, but as speedrun focused games, they're pretty solid.
I'd rather have Colors than garbage like Dark Gaia, Chaos and shit like Black Doom
The corny dialogue was shit but it was just as bad in Adventure

The major problem with Colors and Lost World's stories is the localization where they just make stupid dialogue up(same shit happened with Adventure which added cheesy shit like "or what ya big loser?" which wasn't present in the Jap version)
>gameplay of Generations

oh good I love floaty 2.5d garbage. Will not buy.

And you KNOW it's not going to have a story. SEGA hasn't had a story in a game for ten fucking years.
You must have extremely high standards for video games if you consider those to be anything less than mediocre at worst.
No. Go fuck yourself.
dark gaia, perfect chaos, biolizard > colors, lostworld

that big loser line was funny because of sonics snarky voice and the mouth animation. if sonic still had that voice and called eggman a loser in the same tone, it would still be funny because its mocking. the new sonic voice is good, but doesn't work for these retarded scripts. I'd love to see roger get a script like unleasheds or black knights
Nigga, Colors and Lost World were written by a couple of shithead Americans and I'm pretty sure it was localized to Japan.
What even makes them bad? They are trying to be anything complex, they're just trying to lay out the setting and give you motivation in a simple, saturday-morning-cartoon style way. They accomplish everything they attempt to do in that regard. Not taking themselves seriously doesn't automatically make them bad.
No they're not
They have terrible level design with awkwardly places spikes and death pits everywhere(your typical Dimps-style game design)

They also have some shit-tier physics which make Sonic harder to control properly then solving a rubix cube
Wew lad, it's so funny seeing the kids that grew up with the Dark Age Sonic games acting like they should be the standards for the series.
More like you lowered your standards
Go and play Advance 3 and tell me those aren't some of the worst jump physics and some of the worst collision detection you've ever experienced
I've been around since the series started. I know far better what this series needs than you and it's certainly not the extremes of either side of the spectrum. Shitheads like you certainly don't deserve to be the standard for the series, that's for sure.
>If I say the conversation is over, that means I win!
Grade A autism, even for a Sonic thread.
>The corny dialogue was shit but it was just as bad in Adventure
It's not the same situation at all.
Sonic says some silly shit in Adventure, but it's not intended to make you laugh the way almost all of the dialogue in Colors is.
Colors tries to be funny practically all the time, and it consistently fails at being funny.
Adventure just has Sonic say quips here and there, like "you big drip".
>dark gaia, perfect chaos, biolizard > colors, lostworld
They're all garbage
Robotnik should be the final villain not some stupid Godzilla ripoff you stupid gamecube kiddie

No, the base story was written in Japan by Sonic Team meanwhile Pontac or whatshisname was given the freedom to make bullshit up for the international version...similar to how SoA made bullshit dialogue in SA1 which was non-existent in the Jap version but the Colors writers just drive that shit upto 11
[citation needed]
>I've been around since the series started.
The series didn't start with Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
robotnik uses monsters to help achieve his goals and it fucks up. you still have a showdown with eggman before the ultimate final boss. you seriously just want to have eggman as the last boss forever, youre the autistic one
All types of Sonic fans are fucking cancer. Regardless of what era you grew up in. I've enjoyed the series since the beginning. Story should always be low priority for them, but it doesn't hurt to add something fans could enjoy. The story for the last few Sonic games have been shit. I don't care what kind of story this new title will have but they shouldn't have to dumb it down like they did in Colors and Lost World.
>Sonic says some silly shit in Adventure, but it's not intended to make you laugh
Except it is
"Or what ya big loser?" and Sonic constantly calling Robotnik "Egghead" sounds like an effort to make the player laugh from SoA's part
I never said it did. Guess me saying you were projecting was spot on.
Step it up, kiddo.

He actually has personality in Heroes, and is pretty intersting
It's funny to see people who don't actually like the series act like they should set the standards for the series.

You've had your retro games and old school throwbacks. Go play those.
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Well you're wrong, they were released basically at the same time for both systems since they're basically the same hardware but it was designed for the master system, and the gg was just an afterthough, because, again porting it was very easy (In fact there are romhacks now that let you play any Game Gear game on the Master System now, that's how easy they are to port)

You can clearly see it by how some of the bosses are so cramped, they hardly fit the screen in the Game Gear version due to its tiny native resolution. To this day people still complain about this boss when it's actually a cakewalk in the Master System, since you can see where shit is coming from.
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>People still have the energy to get hyped for sonic

They're definitely not on par with the classic physics, sure, but they're nowhere near as bad as you're making them out to be. To say they're the "worst you've ever experienced" just tells me you haven't played very many games.
>robotnik uses monsters
ever since adventure
which is lame as fuck

this is why modern robotnik is a faggot
his godzilla monsters always turn on him

classic robotnik on the other hand makes several sort of machines to fight sonic and personally fights sonic and co. at the end of almost every zone(barring Sky Sanctuary where he sends Mecha Sonic and Stardust Speedway where you race Metal Sonic but he's still chasing you with a death laser from behind) and he's always the Final Boss
You gotta respect that dedication
Except I wasn't that guy and you started the series on Gamecube not on the Genesis
I've been here since the start too faggot. And I can tell you right now that dark, complex stories are not why people like Sonic.
The stories of the newer games may be kiddie shit to some but I would still gladly take them over the Final Fantasy-esque bullshit Sonic Team was trying to do in 06. THAT'S what these people want again.
Back to youtube/ign
>The story for the last few Sonic games have been shit.
More like every story since Adventure was shit
That fucking sucked
They turned Metal Sonic into yet another Godzilla ripoff that betrays Eggman

Metal Sonic was at his best in the OVA
Rush Adventure doesn't have too terribly many bottomless pits or much in the way of bullshit obstacles you can't see coming. It's not as fair as the classics or anything, but it's pretty goddamn reasonable for how fast it is.
Advance 2 barely has any pits at all until halfway through the game.

Advance 2 has physics fairly similar to the classics, and the physics in Rush and Rush Adventure are not nearly so bad as to be shit tier or "harder to control properly then [sic] solving a rubix cube".
That boss had different patterns in the GG version IIRC so the GG version wasn't an afterthought, the MS version was just expanded
Believe what you wish, powerpoint. As long as it makes you think you're right or superior so you don't give into depression and kill yourself.
And shallow kiddieshit isn't why people like Sonic either. It's far more complex than a simple either/or.
They're fucking terrible
They're barely controllable
The Jump makes platforming almost impossible...I don't why you idiots defend this shit

I was never comparing them to the classics either...even the game gear games have better physics than this for crying outloud
he still uses machines throughout the game and he is still the semi final boss. if anything hes smarter and more destructive for calling help from beings to fuck up the world and build his eggmanland with

no fucking body once in this thread said they want 06 stories back. the general consensus seems to be that adventure and unleashed, especially, hit the tone perfectly for what a story in sonic should flow like.
>gg was just an afterthought
You say this while posting Sonic 2, which had numerous changes and additions from the Master System version, almost all of them improvements.
>Advance 2 has physics fairly similar to the classics
I thought Unleashed had a decent story. I want to say Adventure 2 did as well, but that would just be my nostalgia talking. I also thought Generations was alright. It was simple and straight to the point.

I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I thought Black Knights story was nice. I didn't like Secret Rings story at all.
Adventure and Unleashed had good tones but please tell me you don't want the fucking Monster of the Week formula back too.
More like he's lazier and his spotlight always gets stolen

The mythical monster shit sucks
Sonic was supposed to be Nature vs Technology not this Alien/Monster garbage
I will agree that 06 had a fucking shitty ass story. Definitely the worst in the series, but I still don't like what they have been doing recently. I just want them to focus on something simple. Sonic does some stuff and the end. We don't need some deep ass FF-tier mythology behind everything. Save that for a different IP.
>I thought Unleashed had a decent story.
You confuse "decent" for boring, safe and predictable
Unleashed's story might have been not as bad as '06, Shadow and the Adventure Games but it wasn't good
It was more like a less complicated version of Adventure 1's story
If Colors didn't have the wisp shit and the cheesy dialog it would have been a decent enough story
It has the same physics as Advance 1, which you didn't shit on, and which are reasonably close, though not as good as the classics.
There are some minor additions that don't affect the physics overall, such as having more rings making you reach top speed faster, and the addition of that mach speed mode thing, but it's the same shit otherwise.
If it is Generations 2, which stages do you want to see?
I honestly never found it boring, but I will agree that it was safe and predictable. It wasn't good, but it wasn't bad either. The story was straight to the point. Eggman unleashes a monster and Sonic stops it. That's it. That was decent enough for me. I'll take that over whatever the fuck they were trying to do with 06.
if it means a more epic ending then yes

i sure as fuck remember unleasheds ending and it was an awesome way to end an awesome game. i dont remember colors ending though. you quickstepped a few times and then pressed a for a homing attack on eggman once?

more like hes more proactive and resourceful. you can see in the levels he still has tons of robots out and patrolling and still shows up for boss fights. eggman is always present, stirring up chaos in one way or another.
I agree with you there.
>It has the same physics as Advance 1
No it doesn't
Stop b8ing already
>more like hes more proactive
Holy fuck Modernfags can't be this fucking retarded
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Can this franchise just die? I been asking this for the past decade or so.
Go away Arin.
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Who the fuck is Arin
>I'll take that over whatever the fuck they were trying to do with 06.
You're setting the bar too low then

Colors was an objective improvement over Unleashed(minus the cheesy dialogue) because it had no Chip, no Professor Cucumber Sandwiches and had Robotnik as the Final Boss
Or you could just stop following the franchise. That shouldn't be too hard.
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Thankfully I don't, but I do see these threads pop up on /v/ and unfortunately this fanbase is one of the most obnoxious things to exist in gaming, and that's saying a lot.
professor pickle was based you cuck
I mean turning several planets into amusement parks while defiling them is like an expanded take on what Robotnik did in Sonic CD

Except Colors' storytelling doesn't pull that off as well as CD did
He belonged in Sonic X
I'd agree with you if it weren't for the fact the cheesy dialogue was all over that game. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, though. I did set it too low. If they make future titles like Colors where they focus on just Sonic going against Eggman than that's enough. Just keep the cheesy dialogue and childish humor to a minimum.
this is why /v/ is ded
I can't argue with you there. I'd suggest going to another thread, but I'm pretty sure Metal Gear Survival has taken /v/ over by now.
>Just keep the cheesy dialogue and childish humor to a minimum.
They need to fire those faggots Pontac whatshisname for that
no just sanic san
I'm surprised they didn't immediately after Colors. I guess Sega thinks they're doing a fantastic job. Has it been confirmed whether they're involved in the new title or not?
Also they already failed with Lost World where they had those Skylanders rejects
>Sonic insults Eggman by calling him "Egghead"

>this is comparable to something like Tails' translator not working properly and making a wacky non sequitur translation joke for you to laugh at for the millionth time
>this is comparable to Cubot's voice being glitched and having a wacky stereotypical accent, are you laughing yet?
>this is comparable to Sonic saying something like "no copyright law in the universe is going to stop me," because topical I guess, though it doesn't actually make sense as a response
>this is comparable to "Baldy McNosehair", and the game's constant reminders to you that, yes, that joke was made, and is obviously hilarious
>this is comparable to Sonic boasting to scrap metal about how awesome he is, and then Tails pointing out that Sonic is doing that thing. The wacky hijinks truly cannot be contained.


If the Sonic 06 and Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis combo, hot off the heels of Shadow the Hedgehog, couldn't even kill it, what the fuck could?
Can you think of anything?
It does though.
Sega has embraced Meme culture
The Sonic twitter account is a living meme

Thank god we have guys like Christian Whitehead making games like Sonic Mania
Well you're wrong, you homo. How does it make sense that the obviously crippled Game Gear games were made first? I'm surprised any original games were made for that battery discharger. 8-bit Sonic 1 and 2 are Master System games first and foremost. Sonic Chaos is the only one of the three multipatform games where the GG was even considered at the primary design phase and as a result it's a super easy joke of a game on MS.
It is comparable to
>Knuckles being retarded
>G.U.N mistaking Sonic for Shadow
>Gerald Robotnik

Get the fuck out of here
They did an alright job with Eggman's PA announcements.
Too bad you can barely hear them while playing the game.

They also did other work for Sega in writing the lines for the announcers in Mad World, which were pretty good.

...They should just stick to announcements. They can do those.
It doesn't


Get this through your thick skull you cancerous shitposter
The physics are completely different
>How does it make sense that the obviously crippled Game Gear games were made first?
Because the Game Gear was new
The games were made for the GG than ported to the MS
What? None of that is comparable.
For fuck's sake, you're comparable vocalizations not meant to be words made when doing a flying kick, yelling a name, and unremarkable dialogue like long time no see, to totally serious attempts at making you laugh.
What is wrong with you?
How can you be this dumb?
Eggman being over-the-top fits and worked even in Adventure 1
But Sonic being cheesy is just dumb
>The physics are completely different
But that's wrong.
It's not until Sonic Advance 3 that the physics were changed in any meaningful way.
It was godawful dialogue on par with Colors
But it fucking isn't
It was with Advance 2 that the physics changed completely and the "Gotta hold right" concept was introduced
It wasn't great by any means, but it sure as fuck wasn't Colors-tier.
>It was with Advance 2 that the physics changed completely
Try playing the games again.

>and the "Gotta hold right" concept was introduced
This complaint has literally nothing to do with physics.
You're right it was way worse
Colors never had something as bad as those awkward interactions between Knuckles and Bat Tits
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Jesus Christ, no wonder this fuckhead was so difficult as a kid. I'm glad it wasn't just me.
How about you play the games again you stupid shitposter?
And put a trip while you're at it so I can filter you
Why do you deny how shit Colors' writing is?
Wow you deny how shit Adventure 1 and 2's writing was?
Colors had the best Eggman writing in the whole series when it comes to the games.
No need, I am aware what the games play like, which is how I know Advance and Advance 2 have basically the same physics, albeit with some minor additions like holding lots of rings making you accelerate faster.
Advance 3 on the other hand has really awkward physics, especially how acceleration in the air works, making precision platforming stupid hard compared to its predecessors.
Nope, thats still unleashed
I haven't. All I have said is that Sonic Colors tries to make you laugh and fails miserably, which is entirely different than not trying to make you laugh.
See the original post here: >>348688178

Only the PA announcements.
>Good writing for Eggman
Fuck no
He was Dark Gaia's bitch like he was Chaos' bitch
>Advance and Advance 2 have basically the same physics
They fucking don't
Just die shit-eater
cool, so you havent played it
Except they did try to make you laugh and you're just too retarded to notice it
No dude.
Adventure 2 especially didn't.
The closet thing it has to a joke is them crashing that space ship because of Knuckles.
Everything that's funny is unintentionally so.
Except I have and Robotnik's plan in that game was just like his plan in Adventure 1 except this time he turned Sonic into a werewolf

In Colors he has a more interesting plan by turning several planets into amusement parks which is similar to what his classic incarnation did in Sonic CD with Little Planet

That's infinitely more interesting to me that "Eggman woke up yet another mythical godzilla creature"
Unleashedfags will always be blind to its flaws.

Colors went back to the core idea of Eggman ruining nature and Sonic saving it and that was fucking awesome.
>In Colors he has a more interesting plan by turning several planets into amusement parks which is similar to what his classic incarnation did in Sonic CD with Little Planet
What exactly was his plan, though? As far as I know, the only planet he actually needed was Planet Wisp, for the wisps.
What was the point of the amusement park set up or any of the other planets?
Please explain.
thats funny, i couldve sworn we were talking about dialogue and personality instead of actions
>Found you Faker
>I'll make you eat those words
>Low budget flights and no movies I'm outta here I like running better
>Aahhhhhh watch out you're gonna crash
but see, if he sticks to that, he'll have to deal with how the Colors Eggman built two robots that constantly make fun of how incompetent he is, and how Sonic always one-ups him in their conversations, and so on.
It's easier for him to complain about the monster of the week formula present in Unleashed, as if that had any bearing on the conversation.
>What was the point of the amusement park set up or any of the other planets?
He build his plants there to extract the wisps energy
It's pretty straightforward
>he'll have to deal with how the Colors Eggman built two robots that constantly make fun of how incompetent he is
Confirmed for not playing Unleashed
Orbot was in Unleashed and he made fun of Eggman there too though.
He needs to steal entire planets so he can build tiny factories on them, and they can't be build anywhere else?
This is your explanation?
He has much more personality in Colors than in Unleashed
The other planets were all attractions for the amusement park.

>what was the point of the amusement park?
Eggman likes amusement parks. I thought Unleashed was your favorite favoritest game of all time, shouldn't you know this? :^)
>I thought Unleashed was your favorite favoritest game of all time
What? Why would you think this?
Yes, but one is less than two. And cubot is especially stupid, so it's worse when even he is making fun of you.
Eggman doesn't give a shit
And he built the amusement parks as a cover for his true plans and so that Sonic has to travel more to get to him thus buying him more time to extract all of the wisps energy fully
I don't see how it was any worse...it was the same shit as in Unleashed except a bit more

You know what Eggman says "the more the merrier"
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Tails Gets Trolled vidya adaptation when?

more based eggman, more based orbot, and eggman is still clownish while also being menacing. he has also never sounded fiercer than in the egg dragoon fight. you colors cucks need to fuck off, game is fucking garbage in almost every way.
Yeah the physics are very different
The jump and the bouncing is fucked and the controls just feel very slippery and imprecise when you're running
Sonic was a mistake that should've been corrected a long time ago. this is bait, don't respond for the love of god
>The jump and the bouncing is fucked and the controls just feel very slippery and imprecise when you're running
I guess you'd better throw Advance 1 in the shit game pile then.
>he has also never sounded fiercer than in the egg dragoon fight
Eggman was at it's most menacing in Adventure 1 when he's like "Away before I make mincemeat out of you"

Deem Bristow>>>>>>>>> Mike Pollock
Nope because Advance 1's physics were actually close to the classics(unlike Advance 2's which are radically different) and were pretty precise

Physics doesn't mean only "spindashing up ramps/rolling down hills" you idiot
Sonic's handling in Advance 2 is piss poor
I want to start making games, one of my ideas is turn the whole TGT odyssey into an RPG Maker series. I would try to give it a SMT combat with all the necromancer shit the series has.
>deem bristow > mike pollock

well thats one thing we can agree on then. but speaking in modern terms, eggman hasnt sounded that sinister since unleashed. before that, it was sa1 and sa2. when i say sinister/menancing, i mean like it sounds like theres an intense rivalry going on or he really intends to end sonic. eggmans a softie now who just gets bullied and memed on. has anyone else noticed that mike has been sounding squeakier too as of late? in some episodes of boom, he sounds like a completely different person at times.
Do you have any example of how the physics in Advance 2 are worse than the original?
Why would they make GG originals that play like shit on a small screen? Even without looking up the facts a retarded baboon could tell you that the levels and game in general was designed for a TV display. A baboon!
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>watches one 20 second trailer that isn't even fucking gameplay
>goty 2017
>makes a thread on 4chan
>305 posts and 25 image replies omitted.

They're far more slippery and you it's harder to control Sonic's speed
It's hard to explain but Sonic feels heavier and it's hard to slow him down without completely stopping him when you need to

The handling just feels a lot more slippery overall
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That would be amazing anon. If you ever do, don't hesitate to post it here. I have some basic animation skills, i'd help whatever way I could. (I use to work on SSF2 years ago, just animation isn't much but aye)
What else is even coming out next year? If everything said in the op is true, combined with mania, then 2017 is definitely sonics year. Only youtube faggots and reviewers would argue otherwise
I don't get this 2bh
Eggman was edgy as fuck in Lost World what with him threatening to strangle a Zeti and whatnot

Thank god they didn't pull this shit with Classic Robotnik(in the games at least since they gave him the full edgelord treatment with SatAM and the Archie Comics back in the day)
>Why would they make GG originals that play like shit on a small screen?
Why would you make a game where Sonic is slow because Robotnik stole his power sneakers? I don't fucking know ask fucking Yuji Naka or some shit bitch
yeah but every single dialogue line of lost world was cringe af
So was most of Unleashed
>most of

still better than all of famicom
Classic Sonic>Modern Sonic
>It's hard to explain but Sonic feels heavier and it's hard to slow him down without completely stopping him when you need to
Aren't even the classics like that? Sonic has always kept running for a while when you let go of the controls, and you have to press in the opposite direction to really slow him down in anything resembling a timely manner.
Advance 2 doesn't feel exceptionally different to me here, though you do reach much higher speeds that obviously take more time and space to slow down from.

>The handling just feels a lot more slippery overall
I dunno, I don't feel it.
>Why would you make a game where Sonic is slow because Robotnik stole his power sneakers?
Because they were on a quest to make GG Sonic originals shit, I guess. Good thing that Sonic 1 and 2 are Master System originals, then!
Triple Trouble is game gear only and good though.
Triple Trouble.
Tails Adventure.
Sonic shouldn't be serious. It's horrible when they try to be serious.

Colors had the best presentation. Lighthearted story with interestimg world building.
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>Actually wanting another Generations
Sonic wasn't good on the Genesis because he went fast in a straight line, it was how momentum was incorporated into the platforming that made it fun
And 3D Sonic games have never been able to incorporate that well, especially Generations, the gameplay boils down to standard 3D Platformer where the character just moves around faster than normal and "speed" setpieces where you just zip from one speed boost to another and put the controller down because actually inputting movement could fuck it up
A new Sonic needs to be about finding ways to become fast and stay fast for as long as possible, not just going from one speed segment to another
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>tfw intelligent enough to realize there were no good Sonic games, even back on the genesis
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>What else is even coming out next year?
And a number of other things, I'm sure.

Nothing's guaranteed to be good, but there's a handful of other hyped games.
Alright cool guy, since its just holding forward and all that now, lets see unleashed and generations times. Actually, you havent even played them, because those games are all about finding ways to stay as fast as possible as long as possible

Now you bring up sonic 06 and other irrelevant shit, go on
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You mean hold down the boost button while running down straight corridors until you either get to the 3D platformer segment or the game turns into a 2D platformer?
Oh wait I almost forgot, you also get to play a shitty God of War Clone in Unleashed
impressive meme
Why do you expect any serious responses when its clear you havent played the games? The original physics engine is gone but the goal is still the same as always was. Even that "shitty god of war clone" is built for time attacking with tons of things to skip and leap over.

But its ok to be butthurt anon, rooftop run took us all 8 minutes the first time. Adabat and eggmanland also tore us a new one, np np
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I'd recommend working at a movie theater with how experienced you are with projecting but you do a really shitty job at it
Honestly, just wait for Sonic Robo Blast 2 to add slopes and slope physics and shit.
Cool! So you have played it, care to post some times then...?
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Wow way to completely cherrypick my post you fucking fuckboi.
I never said the game's ENTIRE plot was down to earth, I explicitly talking about Sonic's personality you fagoloid. And all this "muh FF boss" shit is a horseshit excuse when pic related is probably the most "cartoonish" thing you can seen in the early FF games, yet still have monsters and demons that look like they came out of the depths of Hell, yet there they are, in a "cartoonish" looking game. Sonic isn't a fucking cartoon character, he's a video game character. He's not a character designed for babies, he's a mascot character mainly created to appeal to a majority of people by design to compete with Mario, and that worked as planned. The world around Sonic has never been the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, Hell it's been more of what people seemed to love more back then, SatAM. And yet "Final Fantasy Boss" is too edgy compared to G.U.N(s), damn forth Chaos Emeralds, and taking candy from a baby, which for me isn't fine by me.

Seriously, stop. Unleashed was the tamest Sonic game's ever been doing anything remotely "edgy", maybe on par to how S3&K handled it with the likes of freaking DOOMSDAY ZONE existing, and the like. If you lot can't take anything "serious" and call it edgy, stop playing Sonic and get back to wack-a-mole.

>So is Advance 2, 3, Rush, Rush Adventure, Adventure 1 and 2, Heroes

These games are actually good though.
>advance 3 and adventure 2 made the cut
>but unleashed didnt

What did he mean by this?
Why are you singling out Adventure 2 when it's better than Adventure in most ways?
Idk, i just felt like sa2 was a direct downgrade in every way besides general polish and better graphics. It cut a lot but it badly reinforced concepts seen in sa1
>a direct downgrade in every way besides general polish and better graphics
Removal of the hub
Music wasnt as varied and there was rap
Preferred the more easy going pace of the first game instead of the high action always on the go of sa2
Sonics stages were better for the most part
I liked all gameplay styles except bigs, knuckles had a better radar and bigger levels and gamma moved smoother than sa2 mechs

Thats mainly it. Shadow and rouge are cool though and final rush is my favorite level from that era of sonic games. Im not actively against sa2 but its one of the games i rarely come back to and enjoy a lot more things in sa1 over it

Sonic is best off as an action comedy. Save that dramatic 06, Unleashed, and SA2 bullshit for Final Fantasy
Star Light Zone
Casino Night Zone
Sandopolis Zone
Icecap Zone
Green Forrest
Egg Fleet
Radical Train
Windmill Isle
Starlight Carnival
Sky Road
Somebody should sue Sega then.
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First off Sonic has been canonically 15 since the damn Dreamcast launched. Next off, he has had a reputation for being an over the top walking 90s cliche since the dawn of time. Unleashed fucked up by him NOT being this way.

Lastly, Unleashed is probably the single most boring story in the Franchise. The only thing it got right was Eggman being a jovial asshole. That game also firmly cemented why the 4Kids VA was the shittiest voice for sonic ever. Even at his absolute best performance, Sonic was such a damn bore.

Hiring Western writers was the single smartest thing Sonic Team could have done. If nothing else, they have NAILED the characters to a damn tee. They get special props for Tails who went from a massive faggot in Unleashed to a total fucking bro in Colors and beyond, who basically plays the straight man to Sonic's bullshit while still maintaining some childish naivety.

If there is one thing the new stories did right, its fixing the dymanic between Sonic and Tails. Kys for wanting that Unleashed garbage

Ah yes, the summer tier kids are here.
The one's who use the words "Edgy" for everything.

Name one Game outside of those that shall not be named, that are even remotely "Edgy"
>Removal of the hub
>Preferred the more easy going pace of the first game instead of the high action always on the go of sa2
>Sonics stages were better for the most part
I feel the exact opposite about all of these.

The hubs added nothing for me but loading screens, "get key and bring it to place" puzzles, and sometimes not knowing where to go and touching one of the floating red balls they put everywhere because where to go isn't always clear.

I prefer the constant speed and action pf SA2.

I thought Sonic's stages in Adventure suffered from:
>being broken up into multiple unconnected sections with loading screens in between
>some of those sections being open, non-linear bits you can beat in a couple spindash jumps
>some of these sections being clearly designed for other characters and Sonic feeling out of place (end of Speed Highway)
>having an abundance of shallow set-pieces like the killer whale chase where you can drop the controller and the game will play itself, that avalanche when you're snowboarding that isn't even capable of damaging you, or that tornado section where all you do is walk into springs and jump on jump pads to progress (SA2 isn't that much better here, but they're usually at least possible to fail, and not doing well can affect rank, which doesn't even exist in SA1)
>a surprising amount of sections where you just press forward and Sonic advances down a corridor with few if any features or obstacles (see first half minute of Lost World, most of the underground area in Casinopolis, entire last section of Windy Valley, etc.)

>I liked all gameplay styles except bigs, knuckles had a better radar and bigger levels and gamma moved smoother than sa2 mechs
I don't care for any of them except Sonic, and either game, that's almost exactly 1/3rd of the game.
The styles I disliked the most were Big and Amy though, and that shit wasn't in 2.
You were the only one that thought either of those looked promising.

>People prefer SA2's mech controls over Amy

I'll never understand this. Amy at least has different moves and you have more speed and control over her. Tails and Eggman just control like tanks and you mash the fire button over and over again. They got rid of anything fun from Gamma's gameplay.
Well thats fine, the puzzles and getting lost, thats what makes it an adventure. You take trains, you bring keys to open up new level portals, you explore a jungle to find eggmans secret lair, you get on the egg carrier and walk around. I like doing these things

The multiple sections thing is weird to think about but at least they transitioned well, maybe it was a shortcut for something they hadnt figured out yet. The super powerful spindash in sa1 is what it makes fun, since it can be used to skip a lot of level when used right. Sonic also has a really nice floaty jump that you feel total control of, but sa2 had this as well. I agree that the setpieces are kind of lame and arent as cool as the ones in green forest or radical highway of sa2. And sure the levels are pretty barren at times, cant deny that either. But i dont really mind it because i dont get triggered when sonic is being displayed of going fast. For every windy valley or emerald coast you have twinkle park or sky deck. Amy controls like a dream and has options to accelerate and decelerate and i love those little stealth missions she has, and her story is great. I think the hate for amy in sa1 is overrated.

Unleashed is my favorite 3D sonic game because it takes a lot from SA1 and just upgrades on it while also feeling strangely familiar. What a treat that game was, nearly a decade after sa1s release.
>he thinks the story and gameplay are correlated
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> First off Sonic has been canonically 15 since the damn Dreamcast launched.
Ok, fine, it's been stated by SEGA, it's in the sources. He still acted rather childish for said age, and my point was him acting like that THEN was fine, NOT after the likes of Riders era+, it just don't look good for a teenager to act like he's still a kid.
> Next off, he has had a reputation for being an over the top walking 90s cliche since the dawn of time. Unleashed fucked up by him NOT being this way.
Yeah, that's right. A 90s character acting 90s, in the 90s. That works. It's fucking 2016. That's 25 fucking years ago, let it go. He's no longer "90s" as you are. You grew up. He should to. And Unleashed Sonic grew up from the little furball that was Classic Sonic, again, Project 17 actually expresses this in the trailer.

>Lastly, Unleashed is probably the single most boring story in the Franchise. Even at his absolute best performance, Sonic was such a damn bore.
And I'd rather have a "boring game" instead of Edge, Edge, and Edgy. Adventure 1 story was "boring" because it had little anthropomorphic animals going around saving the world from a water monster. Unleashed was "boring" because it had little anthropomorphic animals going around saving the world from a darkness monster.

>That game also firmly cemented why the 4Kids VA was the shittiest voice for sonic ever.
Muh Ryan Drummond meme, discarded.

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>putting R, shuffle, and 3D blast in the same category as 06, SR, and Boom

Fite me Irl faggot
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>The rest of your shit taste
I'm not watching AoSTH, I'm playing a Sonic game. One where at least THREE doppelganger robot Sonic's happened, a man going around enslaving woodland creatures, imprisoning a ENTIRE PLANET, makes machines of mass destruction, and above all else, has a fucking DEATH STAR. All isn't "edgy" but "muh FF boss" is. No. Fuck off. Just fuck your shit taste and suck a hundred dicks.
If you want more BaldMcNoseHair jokes, I doubt you'll be finding any in Project 17 when the game's direction seems to be aiming for Unleashed, whether or not they can't do it because they can't get the same writers. But either way, I'll be playing a grown up Sonic, not "Sonic Babies".
The only thing I enjoyed about Amy was that hammer flip move, which while rad as fuck has limited use in any of the levels, and Amy and those mechs are probably about as slow as each other anyway.
Mostly, I just don't enjoy Zero or the slow, puzzle-y gameplay.

On the other hand, I almost enjoy 1 or 2 of Eggman's levels. Cosmic Wall especially, though it drags on way too long.

Tails' levels are all complete irredeemable garbage though.
There's a much greater focus on slow mech platforming and a diminished focus on shooting shit compared with Eggman, and that's about the stupidest thing they could have done considering how much clunkier they made the gameplay style compared with Adventure.

>you get on the egg carrier and walk around. I like doing these things
The Egg Carrier was nice, I will admit. It has a lot of character and little details here and there.

>But i dont really mind it because i dont get triggered when sonic is being displayed of going fast.
I don't mind fast. I do mind that as a player I'm not doing much beyond pushing a direction on an analog stick. I find that pretty boring.
To put this in perspective, I also find Chemical Plant in Sonic 2 boring, as it's largely just watching Sonic go through loops and tubes.
I just don't like when Sonic plays itself or requires minimal input or effort.

Oh, and I forgot to argue with this earlier:
>knuckles had a better radar and bigger levels
Better radar, sure, but bigger levels? What the fuck? The treasure hunting levels in Adventure 2 are huge. Some of them, like Meteor Herd, are perhaps too big.
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>I'll be playing a grown up Sonic
This line is enough to disregard your entire post.

Sonic does not need to be grown up, ever. That is literally why every story from SA2 to Unleashed chugged a bucket of dicks.

>Muh Ryan Drummond meme, discarded.
Who said I liked Drummond, you turbo nigger? RCS is literally the greatest VA sonic's had since god damn Urkel. Hell, the entire new cast shits on both the ones before it, and was smart enough to retain Eggman which was the only good one

>I'll be playing a grown up Sonic
Did I mention how fucking retarded you sound right here? If your goal was a (You) then you got me real good
Thats another thing, sa1 is loaded with little cute details. Like the jump sound being an upgraded version of the old jump sound instead of just a whoosh. Or the metal sonic hideout, the forest etc. I dont mind watching sonic go by himself for a little while because i know its going to go so fast that the regular game will be back in a flash. Chemical plant is my and many others favorite sonic 2 level, so much that it was the generations sonic 2 level. People like seeing sonic go fast since thats what hes capable of doing and its an ideal state of being for him. But there is still input needed later on or to even get to that point in the first place. I dont know what i meant by the bigger knuckles levels. I think i meant to say smaller but im not sure. I feel like i was going to connect them to something about being parts of sonics level but i forgot by now. Its 8 am and i still havent slept
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>gen 6 console Sonic fags
>SA1 had the best controls

When will this meme die.

I sure did like the fact you couldn't even run down a ramp without constantly bumping into the rails on the side of it due to how fucking precise it was at high speeds.
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>tfw Sega is ignoring Adventurefags
>tfw they're making Sonic great again
Sonic adventure
>huge tsunami obliterates a city

Sonic Adventure 2
>eggman blows up the moon, shadow exists (and dies)

Shadow the Hedgehog
>literally everything

Sonic 06
>post-apocalyptic death world

The dreamcast era and its direct successor were the epitome of 'story takes itself too seriously and tries to make a blue cartoon hedgehog serious'
God forbid a game about a cartoony blue hedgehog that runs fast has a kiddyshit story
>defending kiddyshit
sonic 1s, 3s, and cds story was darker than all of these except shadow and 06

the more you know

edgy != dark
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Glad you're staying in the past, fuckboi. Sonic's bad games weren't mainly its stories, Hell that's far from the root of the problem. It was shit gameplay and controls. Not going to far into that and just use a webm for that, Sonic catering to "muh kiddies" shit was one the first things people complained about Colors (not to Heroes extent, however) and what people liked about Colors was the trimmed down gameplay of Unleashed. That's it. Everyone else hated Sonic's voice/characterization, it was shit. Again, you have to grow up man, it's sad to be like this.
If you didn't like Jason, you either cared for Ryan or Roger. If you dislike Ryan and actually like Roger, it's clear you haven't even played Sonic until Colors, being your first game in the series. So with that, good day, no more comments needed to be said.
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I always thought Sonic games were best when they went over the top with the story.

I just thought it was fun how batshit insane shit could get

You dont really see shit like that in the mainline Mario games, and I kinda always liked that Sonic had that going for it
God forbid a game about a cartoony blue hedgehog that runs fast has a kiddyshit story
>kiddy games should have kiddy histories
>this is comparable to Sonic boasting to scrap metal about how awesome he is, and then Tails pointing out that Sonic is doing that thing.
Hey fuck you, that was a good one.
>sa1, sa2


literally the only time the series has ever jumped the gun on darkness was shadow and 06. everything else is a garbage ass meme thats been repeated for so long no one wants to challenge it. after 06, there seemed to be some balance restored with secret rings, unleashed, and black knight. and then colors came along and made it for toddlers instead of all ages like they used to be.
>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who will defend the voice acting of the dreamcast games
>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who see nothing wrong with using a literal child to voice tails
The game didn't used to be just for kiddies. They used to be for anyone. I thought that was superior.

Eggman's voice was good.
why is the tsunami not acceptable? Its a water villain's final form gone mad. Its just to get a point across.
>They used to be for anyone.
Then maybe Sonic should go back to having no story.
Can't have something good for children and adults at the same time, It's just not how it works.
>They used to be for anyone

In the genesis days before any concept of written dialog was introduced, sure
Jap sonic is the best sonic
Look at the post he replied to, he was calling Shadow and 06 edgy
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I thought they were funny.
The over the top stories were fucking crazy and always fun.
Power Rangers destroy cities every episode.
Is that edgy too?

>town of millions of people completely obliterated by water
>not edgy
"everyone got out in time" is irrelevant
I thought they were a retarded waste of time
As well as sa1 and sa2, which arent edgy. Sa2 mightve got weird with the execution squad but as a whole the game was about chasing eggman to the limits of space and fucking up his cannon to save the world. Sounds like a sonic ADVENTURE doesnt it?
>Then maybe Sonic should go back to having no story.
CD and 3&K had stories.

>Can't have something good for children and adults at the same time, It's just not how it works.
Kids should fuck off, then.
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>If you dislike Ryan and actually like Roger, it's clear you haven't even played Sonic until Colors, being your first game in the series
What did he mean by this?
>sonic 1s, 3s, and cds story was darker than all of these except shadow and 06
>he says shadow and 06's stories aren't dark just edgy
Get it now adventurefag
>a game about a cartoony blue hedgehog
Yeah, what about it?
I suppose something like The Secret of NIMH would have been better if it was kiddyshit, because after all it was about a cartoony mouse, right?

What the fuck is with you people who think cartoon character = kiddyshit, and any divergence from this is unacceptable?
normalfags think everything works one way
That's a terrible comparison. Genesis Sonic was pretty kiddy and there was no reason for them to be otherwise, 3D Sonic's """dark""" stories are laughable at best.
They aren't even remotely the same. Secret of the NIMH is a classic for the ages actually giving wisdom to the viewer with a dark but dramatic plot that is easy to follow; Sonic is the product of his times about a totally radical mascot for kids to latch onto.
but flynn might actually be working on the story for the game, he keeps dropping hints about it on twitter.

So hold onto your butt, butt holder.
When you read about it and saw who was working on it and such, it honestly seemed promising.

But you have to be fucking retarded if you didn't think the game didn't look like complete shit the second they released gameplay for it.
woah time for an epic furry soap opera
Can't wait until Sonic's love interest calls him a raging piece of shit for not paying child support and slaps him.
Is that why sally slapped him
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nah she slapped him because he was too busy fighting eggman instead of giving her more attention
then she went to fuck a literal monkey
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and then the universe got reset and she became a good character like in the cartoon, right?
Only kids would think Shadow having his own game as a good thing.
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she got better
>What the fuck is with you people who think cartoon character = kiddyshit, and any divergence from this is unacceptable?

You're right, sausage party is a great movie
so both design AND personality?
Sonic was based on shonen anime from Sonic 2. If you think Sonic shouldn't have a story you literally don't understand the franchise.

Sonic 3 is as dark as the 3D games. You have almost certainly never played it.
What exactly is the story? I haven't been assed to look at this much really.
Yeah now go read the comic.
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here is the entire series summed up in one pic

Is there an archive site where I can read them?
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>there are people who still think Penders is in charge of the comic
>g-guys this one has to be good
Sonic never has and never will be good. Every attempt to resurrect this abortion of a franchise has made it more and more cringeworthy, and only autismos who draw fanart of themselves as Shadow the hedgehogs diaper are keeping this abomination afloat.
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Why does IGN have a review of a game that won't be out for a year?
>this will most likley end up being real
Why does IGN continue to exist?

At least they can review a game accurately for once.
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You have autism
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Someone turn this into a niche 4chan only meme like the Cruz Delegates one.
>content, length, and effort/love of unleashed
We don't know that.
>with the gameplay of generations
We, again, don't know that. It's pretty likely but not confirmed.
>with the same old perfect ost that all sega games have
>with a fresh tone of story that looks promising and action packed after being fed years of kiddyshit, resembling adventure's or unleashed's story
The jury is out on this one. I never was a fan of the storytelling from Sonic Colors onwards but we still don't know anything about the actual plot or who the writers are. There are rumors circulating about some of the Archie writers contributing, which could be pretty fucking hype.
>with the hedgehog engine upgraded for xbox one and ps4 capabilities, making the game look like unleashed again without downgrades
Do we know if this is Hedgehog Engine? Again, it seems like a safe assumption but is by no means confirmed.
>There is no way this game will be bad
No anon, your entire post is based around assumptions. I'd love for this game to be a 9/10, another game with the same overall quality as Colors and Generations, but we simply know too little to say yet. And to be honest, I'd prefer to keep my expectations low and not be disappointed if/when SEGA throws pisses on the hype bonfire.

>autistic hand-slappin
Real name of a fag named Egoraptor.
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Do it, it would be the one game /v/ could not hate
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>tfw they're still people that have hope for a "good" sonic game
>last game was so bad it wont even be in generations as an incarnation of sonic, yet silver from 06 will be in it

I believe the entire Sonic community suffers from some extreme form of Stockholm syndrome where they must buy the games even though the games have the worst track record out of any other series.
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There was Sonic Comic World. Was.
Each issue is on Youtube now, panel to panel stuff, sometimes music. As well as the spin off comics and such. There still coming out after around 300 issues in the main comic, and how ever in Universe and the others.
Can't fucking believe Ian made Sonic a fucking cuck. Thank god for the reboot.
FUCK wrong one
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Rip Penders, he was autistic, but he was our autist. Haven't read any issues since the whole debacle and the reboot.
>Sonic 3 is as dark as the 3D games
Uh what
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But if you wanna read the UK only comic, the Fleetaway comic which was completely independent and separate from the Archie stuff, then you wanna go to Ultimate Freeza, he uploads an issue regularly. He's really the only guy who seems to care enough to upload them, and I know I did find a whole stache of all the issues uploaded, I just have to find it.
>have gf
>dump her
>she eventually meets someone new
>you're now a cuck

that's not how it works anon
meant for
>Ultimate Freeza
Well what do you know the whore changed his name. Anyway go here for UK stuff https://www.youtube.com/user/TheUltimateFrieza/featured
he still wants Sega to give him permission to Knuckes
or you could just go to Sonicscanf
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And here's a whole archive of all the issues, downloadable too if the Jews ever come after it.
Yeh, that what I was thinking of before
I miss literally nothing from Penders except the characters that he introduced that Ian made better.
Thank you
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He will never in his fucking wildest dreams get them, he's lucky to still have the rights over the things he made, which is the reason for the hasty unplanned reboot.
Yeh, I fucking miss Scourge so much. Motherfucker had his own arc in Universe with him breaking out of jail and learning to be somewhat of a team player, and the autism match occurs between Penders and Archie, sealing his fate.l
shaddup GCN Adventurefag
They really fucked with Sonic's movement constants a bunch from Advance 2 onward. On a base and fundamental level, it's visibly running on a variant of Advance 1's engine, but Sonic moves a bit weird. He's heavy. There's also the "mach drag" thing they introduced, which contributes to the heavy feeling (Sonic's top speed is lowered a bunch when he doesn't show afterimages).

In Advance 1, he's not spot-on to the classics, but that was never the goal and he controlled pretty brilliantly (other than one issue where he'll just stop completely when falling onto level ground sometimes, all forward momentum gone, and I hate it -- it's in Advance 2 and 3 still)

Rush/Rush Adventure's physics are literally, literally Sonic 4 tier. I mean that, all of the bullshit that's wrong in Sonic 4's physics was already there in Rush.
Boost smooths the whole thing over, since you nearly never have outside forces significantly affecting Sonic anyway, you're always boosting. Slopes don't matter, the ridiculous air drag doesn't matter, the fact that you barely get any speed at all when rolling down a slope doesn't matter.
So in Rush, you definitely feel weird, shit is completely fucked -- but it's playable since Sonic literally plows through the physics.
In 4, he doesn't get that luxury, and you feel everything.

There's not that much too much wrong with the raw control in Advance 3.
It's still weird (his acceleration from a standstill is straight up fucked, among other things, but it's controllable, even immediately after switching from playing Advance 1).
and I've never had collision detection issues

Actually, Advance 3's camera is the biggest issue I have with that game other than the stage design being mostly kind of bad -- Advance 2's camera was great, it's like they went and fucked with it for no reason.
Who cares? I'd rather a dumb, silly story that's easy to ignore than something retarded and over dramatic. I'd play a Drakengard game if I wanted a shit game with a dark story.
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>There is no way this game will be bad.

>All the development focus divided among multiple playstyles resulting in all of them being half assed instead of focusing on a single playstyle and making it good
>Sonic Team already confirmed that they are done with boost so expect either a tweaked, most likely for the worse, Lost World playstyle or something new and untested for Legacy Sonic
>The physics engine most likely being able to get one playstyle kinda alright but the other/s being a shitty simulation of physics from an older game. See Classic Sonic in Generations, especially rolling down hills making you LOSE speed instead of gaining it
>Wisps gimmick returning because the leader of Sonic Team with the fucked up teeth wants Wisps to be to Sonic what mushrooms and fireflowers are to Mario
>Levels most likely not made with the wisps gimmick in mind so they'll feel tacked on at best and horribly implemented and taking away from the game at worst
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>Can't fucking believe Sega made Sonic a fucking cuck.

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This can't be fucking real
No, Knuckles is not real. He's a cartoon.
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it is... it fucking is.
i can't be the only one super hyped for Sonic Mania

imagine if the game heads to Steam Workshop
The most he did for Knuckles was work on his failed comic whose story got merged back into the main series. He shouldn't be there.
search "Knuckles the Enchidna" right now anon
But anon, Ken Penders created the hat which is all the character Knuckles needs.
I know you joking but he didn't even make that.
To be fair, it's probably just Google's shitty algorithms mixing things up, or a misuse of the word "creator". After all, Google also lists DiC Entertainment as having a hand in creating the character of Sonic, when clearly it just means they worked on the cartoon.

It's still pretty funny though. I bet Penders fucking loves seeing his name there.
The man is joke that stopped being funny but yet won't fucking die.
It's going to be great
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>content, length, and effort/love of unleashed
The game isn't out yet you stupid fuck we know nothing about it
>Sonic Smackdown

Once at a con Ken told people he created Sonic.
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http://www.kenpenders.com/ His website looks like it was made in 1995
Sonic don't want none.
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Sonic Battle is the only game in the series with a serious Sonic story that doesn't go off to shit.

also, good fightan' gameplay
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These Sonic comics are really cute.
What issue does it start going downhill
fuck, why is his art so fucking bad now
it wasn't always like this

and I'd give him a little more credit, it's more like a 2000s Geocities page
i miss these kind of sites

fuck Yahoo for shutting down GeoCities overseas.
The sound of being among these shouting Sonic fans is making me uncomfortable.
Comforting to think they even fucked up the on stage presentation while they were fucking up the stream
A bunch usually say after issue 50 it drops over time to really bad levels. A lot say to skip to 160 when it becomes unbearable to you personally.
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So far Im pretty hooked.
So cute
It's a fun series but it's never been THAT good, get over it guys
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He was memed to death, and general spread of autism that is found when dealing with the Sonic franchise for extensive periods. He created a great deal of it.
>>with the gameplay of generations
It was already confirmed that it's not Generations 2, so the gameplay will be (again) different.
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Guy really did have something going for him at one point
We still don't know really. It could be completely new or it could be Generations gameplay, but just in new original locations rather than remastered old ones.
it starts earlier than that but issue 50 is the finale of the original story so it's still worth reading, but it only gets worse after that until issue 160 where the people working on it gets replaced
What are you talking about he memed the comic to death. It's all his fault he got worse, not the Sonic Comic's.
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Yeah, that's right. Only the future will know about this, so we just have to wait.

I wouldn't mind if they bring back Adventure's gameplay.
Nobody cares about this.
More boost 2 win bullshit with horrible 2D platforming physics, only now without the nostalgic paint generations had.

Sonic Mania is the game everyone is excited for and for good reason.
This other shit can go die in the street.

me too, I dont know about you, but I loved the mech stages
The tone of the book will change to more serious stuff, fair warning, it's not all puns forever.
But for now, I'll enjoy Urkel being a big dick alpha
One thing that is making nervous about Project 2017 is that in the trailer is shows 3 Death Egg Bots in a burning city with the tagline of 'Join the Resistance'. This would probably imply that Sonic actually loses, which has only happened twice, Unleashed and unfortunately, 06. While I am interested in seeing what the game will bring to the table, I wouldn't hold my breath. Also, kinda wish that Sonic Mania was more of a HD remake of the classic 3 games with new levels rather than just the new levels part.
Have fun reading, anon.
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>me too, I dont know about you, but I loved the mech stages
I was referring more in terms of Sonic's gameplay. Mech stages from SA1 are fine, but I think they are more appropriate in a new spinoff game, instead being a forced different playstyle.
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Stop! Wait until the game comes out, or at least until we know anything about it.
>Someone else who doesn't hate mech stages

The only bad stage types in SA2 were Treasure Hunting Cosmic Wall is great
I think the classic games have been used enough, I really wish Mania was full on new levels only.
A lot say the 50's but I would put it in the 70's where Ivo 2.0 comes beck. Really, unless you want to see autism in its full fucking force like never before, not even TGT, skip the Dark Age and go to 160.
>Sonic Cycle
You know this was rendered null and void after Unleashed right?
It's just a more autistic way to say people will get hyped by trailers then disappointed by the actual game.
Oh Im reading the whole series, I have a thing for seeing how bad things can get
It really wasn't.
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>The only bad stage types in SA2 were all of them

While things can get really bad, you probably will appreciate the jump in quality 160 will bring, plus you can know all the references.

There's also a few diamond in the rough stories as well.
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Also little tad bit, 160 was basically the comics Renascence, and yet it came out during the 15th anniversary, same year as Sonic 06 and GBA Sonic 1. Still surprised they saved the comic from falling farther.
>critics slammed Sonic Colors, making it a massive disappointment so fans can proclaim they won't get fooled again
When did this happen?
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And don't forget to read the side comics as well, the Knuckles comic, the Sunday Super Special, Universe, Quest or what ever it was called the first Death Egg saga basically, the Original Archie mini series comics that pre-date Issue #1,etc. Look up the Mobius Encyclopedia if you need help with all the offshoots. Your in for the autism ride of your life, over 20 years in the making and continuing.
Be prepared for a lawsuit if you actually go through this.
I hope your baiting, RPG maker is the main source of the uncountable fan RPG games.
Please don't let the thread die.
its in autosage
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Fuck me. Well it was fun everyone. See you next Sonic thread.
In Sonic 3K, you always bounced straight up even on angles.

The fact you counce in accordance to the slope, I am completely erect.

Never played Colors or Generations 3DS, are they worth getting if you liked Rush and Rush Adventure (minus sailing)?
I'm glad they're not just copying the Genesis games and actually going out of their way to improve things from them like making the Bubble Shield more useful.
I've seen people calling Colors DS as Rush 3 (minus Blaze). Generations 3DS I hear is pretty meh.
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