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guys is it okay if i skip this? is it important to play? i really

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guys is it okay if i skip this? is it important to play? i really dont feel like playing.
it's one of the better KH games
You have no choice. The story expects you to have played every single game that's come out all at once at the exact same time.

But seriously, just look for a Youtube playthrough of Re:Chain of Memories.
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Why did Square think it was a good idea to split their Franchise's story across multiple systems?
>But the HD Collections!
Yeah, it took them over a decade to finally have the decently to do something like that
Didn't they remake it on the PSP or something?

Anyways, it's deviantart-tier weeb Disney autism, play them however the hell you want. Look up a synopsis of what I understand is quite a clusterfuck of a plot if you need to and move on.
They finally translated a ps2 verison, but the gba one is one of the best kh games.
CoM is actually pretty damn good, don't waste your time on Re:CoM though. just 0s 9s and fucking raging storm/lethal frame all day every day.
You should skip all KH games considering they are trash.
nice bait faggot
>with that intro video

it's fucking incredible what the gba carts could do. Hell I'll never forget how capcom tried their attempt at resident evil on the gameboy color.
CoM was pretty rad for a GBA game back in the day. Having a portable KH was amazing.

Nowadays though, I think you're better off just reading a synopsis.
it's the best Kingodom Hearts game and it is very important to the overall story.
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Why lie? What do you gain?
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>They put whole fucking movies on the GBA

Seriously what was the fucking thing capable of
the ps2 version is pretty sweet and I heard a guy made it run on pc at 60 fps
It's the only KH I've ever enjoyed, except for maybe KH 1.

Fuck kingdom hearts.
Get both ReMixes.
but CoM isn't KH2FM LV1CM.
Don't let the cards sway you. It's very fun.
Go to YouTube and watch a play through or even watch a kh com movie compilation on YouTube

Why would you want to do that?
because it's a lot more fun than doing a casual playthrough
>but why
the challenge is exhilarating my nigga. you do play things with arbitrary restrictions to force yourself to get better, right?

I mean I do it all the time, and it started with Zelda ALttP. At first, I played through the game getting all heart containers and pieces. then I played HCs only, then I played 3HC. it was hard as balls at first, then I got better at the game and can beat it nearly blindfold.

Same in KH2FM. LV1CM with added restrictions. it's fucking awesome what you can do with the game.
Because gitting gud feels gud
Story is retarded either way, play the updated chain of memories if you decide to play it though.

KH1&2 Final mix versions are the must-plays with BBS there if you're itching for more
>there are people in this very thread recommending OP to play the inferior remake
but why?
I beat CMLVL1 and I honestly wouldn't recommend doing it to anyone. The boss fights were awesome and exhilarating at lvl1, but it made all the normal enemies awful to deal with. Especially at the end of the game when you have to go thru the corridor of nobodies in the cavern of rememberance or whatever.

Just play normal critical and turn off second chance/once more if you want added challenge
It is important. Personally I liked it better than the Remake.
CoM is mostly filler save for like 1-2 important plot points. You can just read a synopsis if you don't want to play. You also need to know the plot of 365 days before KH2, might as well just read the manga though.
Forget what everyone else says.
Skipping CoM is INTEGRAL to the Kingdom Hearts experience. What you get out of KH2 will be completely different if you skip CoM, but in a good way.

This is how you should experience the Kingdom Hearts series:
>Read plot summary of CoM
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What's the best KH Spin off game?
Not that guy, but so did I (at least 3 times no less) and I would absolutely recommend playing level 1 CM.
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>CoM is actually pretty damn good
My fucking ass.
>Lel grind heartless forever until you get the one card you need because RNG is literally required to progress
I fucking made an entire world extinct of Heartless time and time again with absolutely none of the cards I needed to progress dropping, I still have the cartridge with that save to this day. Fuck Chain of Memories.
I can't even keep up with this stupid series anymore
So autistic KH fans buy every single one and give them shekels?
You don't need to grind shit if you're not retarded. Different worlds drop different map cards which is why you should always make sure you have a healthy stock of map cards of varying colors when you enter a world where you don't know what cards drop.
Only the ones that aren't Sonyggers (And considering the first one was PS2 only, a lot of them are)
What, the 7 games over 15 years? It's a bit fast paced, but it's by no means too fast to keep up with. They even put out the HD collections to help everyone catch up.
Birth by sleep on ps3, i'd say its the only good one actually.

Level 1 just crossed the threshold from fun difficult to bullshit difficult too many times on normal enemy fights for me. By the end of the game you had to keep yourself invincible with limits/drives/summons the entire fight if you wanted to stay alive. I had more trouble with normal enemies than with the bosses which is not what I was wanting from the experience at all
agreed, it fits with the theme of not knowing what the fuck is going on just like the main characters

Days is the best of the games. including the main ones. The first three KH games SUCKED (granted I played the Re: version of CoM).

KH1 is cluncky and its plot is very simple.

CoM is filler and like >>348671995 said it's full of grinding fr cards to get through. Maybe the story itself isn't that bad but I'm not gonna enjoy it if I have to grind through a useless Disney level.

KH2 has an interesting beginning and an interesting ending, and that's it. Everything else is filler (except for second visit to Hollow Bastion). In Vanilla KH2 Sora gets so powerful eventually that you can mash X to win, so if you want any fun at all you gotta turn off many skills. Enemy/boss design was forgetable.

Days was a great game, and BBS was good. How the series managed to get there... I don't know.
>The story expects you to have played every single game that's come out all at once at the exact same time.

Not Re:Coded. You can skip that one pretty much entirely.
You're an absolute madman. KH2FM+ on critical mode is the pinnacle of the series
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Real question -

Could I get by skipping on 358/2 Days and just watching the "movie" on YouTube?

I'm playing it on emulator on my phone and I'm about 6 hours in and it's just fucking terrible to control on a touch screen.

And also I really wanna just get to BBS cause I've heard amazing things.
The only bullshit with normal enemies is encounters with multiple sorcerers. All the other encounters that are kind of bullshit can be trivialized with Stitch and Magnet or limits.
>you do play things with arbitrary restrictions to force yourself to get better, right?

No that's dumb. I play other people to get better at games. Single player content all you're doing is stroking your own ego after a certain point.
Re:coded has the best combat of the spinoff games
>And also I really wanna just get to BBS cause I've heard amazing things
BBS is garbage though. I mean it's a step up from Days sure, but still garbage.
I don't see how this is even up for debate.
>This is how you should experience the Kingdom Hearts series:

Except that's how literally no one except people who jumped into the series late experienced it.
Yeah, you'll be fine just doing KH1 + KH2 + BBS. I played chain of memories too but wouldnt consider it necessary
I've ever only played 1 and 2 and I just know when I start asking questions when 3 comes out I'm going to get shat on by autists
>What do you mean you don't know who Chrolox is? He was on the neo-geo game
can you not emulate it on your computer?

and yeah, you can just watch the movie and get everything you need to know
>Could I get by skipping on 358/2 Days and just watching the "movie" on YouTube?

Yes, and in fact you'll save yourself some trouble because its mission-based gameplay is somewhat bullshit.
playing Re:Coded for the story is dumb though. it's great for the gameplay, literally the best of the Command games (DDD, BBS, Recoded)
I refuse to believe you're serious. Days has the worst story structure and the worst example of damage sponge this series has to offer.
I've played Recoded, and I don't see what it did different from the other spin-offs, Besides the leveling-up Keyblades and the Chip mechanic
>you're an autist for actually caring enough about the games to play them
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Here's what you need to know from each game:

>Sora is a dumb kid and meets disney characters, Riku is a dick, Ansem is DARKNESS, Kingdom Hearts messes up stuff and everyone is separated again for the sequel

>KH: CoM
>some organization members do stuff, Sora stops them, goes into cryo sleep

>notSora kid does some stuff, Sora wakes up and fights more organization members, Ansem wasn't Ansem but some guy named Xehanort sorta, Xehanort is also the villain sorta, Sora reunites with Riku and doesn't give a shit about Kairi, Xehanort is defeated again

>KH: Days
>notSora goofs off with his buttbuddy and genderbent Sora, genderbent Sora dies

>prequel, Terra is retarded and helps the villains, Ven is a dumb kid and has an evil twin and they totally aren't related to Sora, Aqua is a mary sue, Xehanort is the villain again but old, shit fucks up and Xehanort gets deep inside of Terra while Aqua hangs out in the Dark World

>KH: Dedede
>Sora was the chosen one all along and a gary stu and everyone is either Sora or Xehanort

And KH3 will presumably be an army of Soras fighting an army of Xehanorts.
Days' story is fucking amazing for KH. playing as some broken and dejected kid who slowly becomes his own person only to get everything that made him "him" ripped away. really good shit. even the ice cream line hit me bad.
>Sora was the chosen one all along

You mean Riku
but the spinoffs have shit gameplay when you compare it to the main series they are just inferior, and to force people to suffer through inferior shit just so they can understand the story is retarded
>I've played Recoded, and I don't see what it did different from the other spin-offs, Besides the leveling-up Keyblades and the Chip mechanic
for starters, normal Keyblade attacks had both weight and meaningful damage behind them
most keyblades had different combo strings
EVERYTHING can be canceled into EVERYTHING
Bosses are more like KH2 when in BBS and 3D they're more like damage sponges with super armor on top

Plot-wise I very much doubt it is. There's no fixing how 85% of the game is filler.

Also, didn't you see that I mentioned Vanille KH2, i.e. I didn't play the FM version?



The Days movie sucks. Days is very well directed, with cutscenes where there needs to be, an intelligently-paced storyline (if very slow at the beginning) and while admittedly the bosses have a bad case of being HP sponges the gameplay generally sets a tone for the game which bolsters its story.

Except for BBS, it has the best character development of the series. While admittedly some Organization members are there for show, the main trio, Xemnas and Saïx aren't, and they make for some very interesting character interactions.

The customization system is also (IMO) the best one. Panels are great once they start progressing.

The movie has awful voice direction, and much of the message and pacing just can't be conveyed through a movie. Also what made some scenes so poignant is that they WERE a cutscene in the first place, and that contrast is completely lost on the movie.

If you're playing on a touch screen, though... it can't do much good either. Have you considered getting a controller for your phone?
>mary sue
she ended up in DARKNESS there's no fucking way she's a mary sue lmfao
Combat has some actual flow to it and commands chain into each other smoothly, enemies actually flinch like they should and the weapons actually let you develop a unique playstyle that fits you. Normal attacks are also not shit. It's also far better balanced than BBS or 3D and even manages to make Magnet functional, but not overpowered.
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Who in the ever-living FUCK thought this mission bullshit was a good fucking idea? Literally same shit all the time. "Inspect" missions are bullshit. I'm not even gonna bother playing the optional missions. I just wanna get through this damn game so I can continue the series
>Aqua is a mary sue
People always say that but don't Mary Sues usually...you know, accomplish things? And not fucking fail horribly at everything they set out to do?

>but the spinoffs have shit gameplay when you compare it to the main series

KH1 has some of the weakest gameplay in the entire series so that's false. I'm going to defend Days for instance, but Coded has the best mechanics in the whole series.

Not to mention, you have literally no excuse thanks to the remaster collections now, unless somehow in 10 years since it came out, you never got a PS3.
well the combat system is strange but i ended up liking it reminds me of battle network a bit.
and the story shit that happens is really not that important

re:Coded didn't have much of a story but I had fun playing it. It varies its gameplays, customization is fun and combat is engaging.

You gotta give it credit for being a phone game.
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I think it's like Day 260 or some shit where you're in Wonderland and have to sneak by. I literally activated a cheat to give me all missions completed, that shit was nerve wracking. and don't fucking forget.

worst fucking boss i've ever played in a video game
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>MFW got every single highest grade on every mission to unlock Mickey and Sora
>Lose my copy of the game a few weeks later
Excuse me if I don't feel sorry for you.
>You gotta give it credit for being a phone game
Re: Coded is not a phone game, though. The phone version of Coded is essentially a completely different game.
Nah man. I played Kingdom Hearts back on one and jumped to 2 when it came out, and admittedly the confusing mess of a story make sense.
I don't know if you're just such a fanboy that you can't see otherwise, or you're fucking with us, but Days was filled with cringeworthy dialog and fanfiction-tier writing. And if it's the former, then I really have to question what you consider good writing.
Nope. That is, Riku was, but so was Sora. BBS makes that clear.

>smarter than everyone else
>stronger than everyone else
>more moral than everyone else
>has no real flaws
>never fucks up in a way that's really her fault
It's funny that no one ever objects to calling Sora a gary stu.
In reality, they'll just emulate all the handheld shit.
You called?

Isn't the phone game basically to parts where you had to shoot at blocks?
the cringeworthy dialogue is there for a fucking reason. Roxas is a goddamn child. DAYS old ffs
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It's actually pretty good.

I only played it and 1 and 2 but I thought it was on par and I loved KH at the time.

Riku is a beast too.
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This is how I'm playing this

It's sub-optimal

I could play on computer but need a way to transfer save data
>It's funny that no one ever objects to calling Sora a gary stu.


Aqua literally failed at everything.
The plot for these games is crappy even once you understand it all the way, no one in their right mind should play kingdom hearts solely for the story.

The gameplay in kh2fm was by far the best and that should be what everyone is after in a video game. BBS was second best, then KH1FM. The rest of the handhelds range from decent to shit.

I honestly think you're trolling

I didn't mean just how Roxas talks, I mean in general.

I swear, does no one even know what proper dialog is anymore?

I'm not even a KH fanboy. I like Days and BBS. KH2 and CoM couldn't do away with Disney filler and with Sora being a shit protagonist and having 2 useless party members, and KH1's plot was as bland as 4chan's board format.
>smarter than everyone else
well duh. when you have a feckless retard and a literal child as partners, you can't NOT be smarter than them.

literally wrong, Terra overpowers her all of the time and she gets wiped all over the floor by Vanitas.

>more moral
she is level headed and tipped moderately heavy towards light, it's kinda hard to not be more moral than either extreme (light - eraqus / darkness - xehanort), and light is always better than dorkness (Terra).

>no real flaws
she gets BTFO by herself, ending up in RoD to save the fucking villain lmao

>never fucks up in a way that's really her fault
yeah, the plot kinda demands it true.

Sora isn't a gary stu, he's just a shonen anime character. that's all. he doesn't have any really overpowered qualities, in fact he loses all the time and the POWAH OF FRENSHIP has to save his ass time and again.
fuck you RotS, I'm only partly glad they didn't make Days into an HD game because god knows this would still be the worst fight in the series even in HD.
>KH2 and CoM couldn't do away with Disney filler
>the biggest reason to play these games

Keep in mind that in KH1, only 4 Disney worlds actually mattered in terms of the overall narrative
>Deep Jungle

The rest? They were there for the reasons these games exist, to explore the stories from Disney, and to fight in a tournament.
>The plot for these games is crappy even once you understand it all the way, no one in their right mind should play kingdom hearts solely for the story.

Played Days first. I don't bother to "fully understand the story". It's 3deep18me.

>The gameplay in kh2fm was by far the best and that should be what everyone is after in a video game.

Haven't played sny FM. Maybe it's fun to play but you can't fix 85% of it being filler.

BBS was pretty good.
>KH1 has some of the weakest gameplay in the entire series so that's false.

having replayed kingdom hearts very recently, I'm not quite sure what you mean by this, care to provide examples?

>Not to mention, you have literally no excuse thanks to the remaster collections now, unless somehow in 10 years since it came out, you never got a PS3.

358/2 days and coded are movies though
please post examples of bad dialog, I honestly can't remember any bad dialog. because, yknow, the org is dealing with a literal child weapon.
>the biggest reason to play these games

I honestly didn't get into KH for Disney.
Again story doesn't matter, you can skip all the cutscenes if you want (and i usually do). It's the best game by far
neither did I. I got into it because Dearly Beloved worked as a really fucking good lullaby when I was in a shit situation in life. pathetic, I know, but goddamn its rendition in KH1 and KH2 are both amazing.
OP play in release order, this thread is full of faggots and are a prime example as to why /v/ is incapable of giving proper advice
Skip it. It's a fucking embarrassing dumpster fire.
>BBS was second best
opinion discarded. BBS is second worst.

Honestly like Days's version the best, then BBS. KH1's is too simple. KH2's is pretty good.

Not gonna buy the HD remaster just to re-play KH2. Maybe I'm missing out but I got a ton of stuff on Steam to play.

And story is pretty important to me, especially if it's a JRPG.
>having replayed kingdom hearts very recently, I'm not quite sure what you mean by this, care to provide examples?

It's incredibly simplistic. You have a 3 hit combo that you can attach finishers to, and some magic, but that's it. Your jumping is clunky, which isn't good since only 2 this is the game that actually has platforming. Your lack of mobility in general makes the game feel slower paced than it actually is.
Outside of BBS, the handhelds only need to be played by people foaming at the mouth for more KH after playing the main entries

Playing in release order isn't bad advice though, you can just skip the ones you can't stand playing
Days' version initially turned me off. But then, made me cry, but only after beating the game. holy shit. what a fucking ride that game was.
>KH1's is too simple
It's perfectly simple. The more bells and whistles you add to Dearly Beloved, the worse it becomes.
There's way too many shitty spinoffs on the handheld consoles for this to be true. Your opinion is shit
Re: Coded, 3D (despite the latter being kinda shit too) and CoM all play better than BBS. That only leaves Days under it.
>KH1 has some of the weakest gameplay in the entire series
The only game in the series with better gameplay than KH1 is 2(FM). It's the only other game with combat that rewards skillful execution and good tactics, the enemy design is overall pretty solid, and it has the best environmental interactions of any game in the series.

Most games in the series that aren't 1 or 2 quickly devolve into finding the few overpowered tactics and spamming them nonstop, with awful enemy design and non-existent physics souring the experience even if you don't use those overpowered options. CoM tried to curb this by permanently eliminating the first card used in every sleight, but it wasn't enough, and late-game will find you just mindlessly repeating the same sleights over and over again. BBS and DDD are broken messes from the core, and Re:Coded's command deck is an improvement over BBS and DDD but that isn't saying much. Days doesn't have any blatant game-breaking abilities like the other handhelds do, but it's such a chore to play, and the limitations imposed by trying to create a fully 3D action adventure game on a low-powered handheld with no analog stick, that there's really nothing of merit left to it.

>There's way too many shitty spinoffs on the handheld consoles for this to be true
And BBS is one of the shittiest.
When does the story pick up? I'm like 7 hours in and it's still moving slow as fuck
I dont think ive ever seen anyone praise that game which is weird because its one of my favorites.
If he's wanting to go through the series? Then yes the games are all needed to be played to understand what's going on, since they aren't side entries in the least bit.
I know /v/ is fucking retarded and don't actually play the games they shitpost about but it doesn't take a genius to realize how to properly follow a series. Since when was not going in release order not the correct way to follow a series?
It's still better than Days
Oh boy.
What are:
>super armor unversed literally everywhere
>broken commands
>empty overworlds aside from the occasional unversed
>bosses that break combo at random
>i-frames out the ass for everyone not named Terra
>Terra in general
>shit story
all for $500?

by comparison, Days has shit gameplay but fantastic story, and Re:coded has merely a rehash story and great gameplay.

BBS has shit story and shit gameplay. it's only SLIGHTLY better than DDD, which has shit story and shit gameplay suffering from the exact same problems that BBS did.
it gets good near the end. so you have maybe 10 hrs left
When I played DDD, I found that Sora had the shittier gameplay. It's like he has the worse everything. Worse dodge, worse counter, etc.
When the overall plot for the series is just a ridiculous clusterfuck with Nomura just making stuff up as he goes along, and many of the games just being too much of a chore to play to be worthwhile, it's perfectly valid not to want to play every single one.

OP doesn't want to finish CoM and it's not even the worst game. There are plot synopsis for all them available online as well
it doesn't help that he is the shitter of DDD, but yeah Riku really does have the better gameplay and definitely the better bosses. YX and Red Eyes, fantastic bosses imo though RE was a bit short.
Personally lines like this bother me the most

>Oh, come on, don't look shocked. You already know you're a Replica. A puppet whose original purpose was to duplicate Roxas's powers. If he's getting weaker and you're getting stronger... Well, that just means you're borrowing a little more than you oughta be.

Why is it bad? Because they just spend the conversation already saying that. It's the metal gear problem of conversations being extended because characters have to parrot back what's already been said.

Also, it's filled with awkward pauses to try and force lipsynch to the Japanese mouth animations and doesn't do it well.

I'd say it picks up considerably just after you start getting Slot Releasers, however generally speaking Days's story is very character-driven and slow paced. It isn't until the last third where some crazy stuff starts happening.

I liked BBS version on the HD KH 2.5 release more than the other handhelds
I was pissed that Red Eyes and Chernabog weren't replayable bosses. Why the fuck couldn't we refight them?
I can't think of a single KH game I didn't enjoy. I can go back and replay any of them.

Though I'd probably wait with DDD until it's on PS4 because it really could benefit from not being bound by handheld controls.
easy enough when BBSFM was the only "game" as compared to Re:coded movie and Days movie. ;p

here's hoping DDD HD at least attempts to fix its utter lack of keyblade physics.

me too bro. give me a secret version of Red Eyes with even more attacks. it should have been the secret boss imo, not Julius. shit was hype.
>me too bro. give me a secret version of Red Eyes with even more attacks. it should have been the secret boss imo, not Julius.

Those are from 2 different games though.
It's obvious you haven't actually played any of the games past the first, and maybe the second, so I can just disregard your opinion, as really the only KH game I can definitely say is a chore to play is Days, because it's straight shit from the gameplay to the story, and the bosses, and panel system, it's a mess of a game and in a tier of its own, since the only people who like it are either delusional faggots or fujoshits.
I didn't mind Julius. I just wish he weren't the only one. And that stupid move where he jumps off the roof and bounces around is annoying.
no you're thinking of the big heartless beast that Aqua fights in BBSFM.

Red Eyes refers to the nightmare that Riku fights in DDD.
>there are people here who didn't like CoM

I bet you fuckers only built decks out of 9s and only used non-heartless map cards.
Welcome to /v/, where shit taste reigns supreme, you have idiots who love days for fucks sake.
It's not that I didn't like Julius, just that I felt others could have filled the "secret boss" role better. and yeah, there were definitely better fits. Julius almost unanimously received as "wtf where did he come from" by DDD players.
I was always surprised that Chernabog was just some random boss. I mean he's pretty much the devil of the Disney universe, so you'd think he would be a bit more prominent somehow.
>It's incredibly simplistic. You have a 3 hit combo

This isn't a bad thing, it's not flashy but it does exactly what you need it to, well timed attacks are still important to parry/deflect

>Your jumping is clunky, which isn't good since only 2 this is the game that actually has platforming

I mean i guess until you get used to it, but the platforming in general is pretty easy

> Your lack of mobility in general makes the game feel slower paced than it actually is.

Dodge roll helps with this, and in final mix sliding dash solves this

Honestly my opinion might be better of the spinoffs if they weren't trapped on goddawful handhelds looking like dogshit.
Fair enough. Though at least Riku and Sora are both like 'what the fuck' when he appears.
>Honestly my opinion might be better of the spinoffs if they weren't trapped on goddawful handhelds looking like dogshit.

Which isn't relevant for 2 of them anymore, soon to be 3.

>well timed attacks are still important to parry/deflect

Block barely requires timing because everything in KH1 is so telegraphed.
Anyone saying skip CoM is fucking retarded. KH2 takes place right after it and if you don't play it you'll be wondering what the fuck is going on. Besides CoM is one of the better KH games.
>Bosses are more like KH2
Is this bait? Because most of the bosses in Re:Coded always had a stupid gimmick to them.

There were like only 4 normal bosses in Re:Coded (Technically 3 since two of them are fought back to back)
>Pete & Data Riku
>Sora's Heartless
And that's it
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>Want to replay KH 1
>Get 1.5
>Play it for the first time in a decade and watch the intro
>A surge of nostalgia comes and I had to turn off the game

Fuck man, how can you guys do it?
By not being a little bitch like you
>I bet you fuckers only built decks out of 9s and only used non-heartless map cards.

No, I liked CoM's combat system, it was the best thing about the game. Eventually though it got boring as you got OP combos, it was pretty interesting though.

>they didn't liked the games I liked
>their taste is shit

by not turning off the machine and just soaking in the nostalgia?
Liking Days at all is a sign of shit taste.
Start the series with kh2

this nigga is who i'm talking about.

Same poster, CoM having an interesting gameplay was about the only good thing it did. That's why I don't consider it very good.

Oh right him. I always just figured he was something Xehanort conjured up, nothing more.
im slow, just realized that ABC nightmare is basically young xehanort. haha i'm fucking retarded.
Hey faggot, the panel system was goat, and the story was way better than any other story after the original(besides maybe BBS)
So the story of this series is something like:
>everyone is Xehanort
>everyone that isn't Xehanort is Sora

that's a retard's way of looking at it, but yes, you could say that.
pretty much
>everyone that isn't Xehanort is Sora
I never got this part
Almost, but don't forget the DARKNESS
>Which isn't relevant for 2 of them anymore, soon to be 3.

And one of those two is re:CoM which is an absolute chore to play through, with the only redeeming quality of the game being the bossfights considering if you're not incompetent regular enemies will not only be no threat at all, but never have a chance to attack in the first place

>Block barely requires timing because everything in KH1 is so telegraphed.

its still at a point where you won't get through the game just button mashing, at least on proud mode
Not him, But I wasn't a fan of the panel system, especially when you had to put your fucking levels in there. I also didn't like how they handled magic in Days either.
What? outside of secret bosses you can get through the game just fine by button mashing, Final Mix difficulty or not, that's been how all the series has been.
Is days worth playing or is it enough watching the cutscenes?
Don't force yourself to play it, the cutscenes are more than sufficient.

How much do you like to visualize men teenage boys fucking each other?

That determines whether you want to spend 3 hours watching it or 40 playing it.
No, it's not. The final mix games on their hardest difficulty do actually require some thinking, that's what makes them much better when compared to the rest

>thematically the least offensive with "FRIENDSHIP" bullshit
>no disney filler
>interesting progression and customization
>actualy character arcs
>protagonist isn't shit
>magic doesn't scale linearly and is on short, nuke uses, making using it tactical
>best story (haven't played DDD)
>graphically impressive for a DS

And on downsides...

>sponge enemies
>slow beginning
>some repetitive missions
>bullshit stealth

Meanwhile, say, Vanilla KH2

>most egregious filler in the game
>Sora is game-breaking OP by the time you reach your second visit to Hollow Bastion
>shit protagonist and shit party which are completely passive in plot progression
>linear progression
>literally no character arcs (Riku's happens in Days)

good points:

>combat is flashy and fun when you're not an overpowered asshole
>good beginning and ending arcs
Oh yeah, well I did! I also preferred the implementation of magic in Days to that of KH2
KH1 and CoM are literally the only good games in the franchise. The rest are 7/10 and lower
Do you play all the games on beginner or something?
It's easy as fuck I never got why people had trouble with it, literally just spam the keyblade boomerang for easy kills, and monstro sleigh
Only kh ive played

Twas a fun game, try it
>The final mix games on their hardest difficulty do actually require some thinking

Not him, but noth really. Only at early parts of the game, but after a certain point muscle memory sets in and even on critical you just breeze through the game on pure instinct.
Why do you people get so mad over videogame stories

It's fake
What does everyone think of re:coded?

I thought it was pretty decent overall, aside from shit like judgment triad being stupidly overpowered.
When I say the way they handled magic I mean like how for instance, Curaga is fucking useless as it creates a healing ring that you have to stand in. Or how Thunder would travel in a straight (easy to dodge) line.
>but after a certain point muscle memory sets

The part where you have gotten good at the game does not invalidate what he has said at all, you won't get through the games button mashing, but by playing well.

Look I know you want to watch Axel and Roxas fuck, but don't pretend Days is something it's not.
Fun gameplay, meh story
Some things I disagree with(like the dislike of disney shit), but overall this
I've played several of these games but never 1 or 2
Would it be worth emulating one or both on PCSX2 with a gamecube controller?

I don't remember most of the story from any of the ones I've played because it's been so long since I've played them

I'm emulating BbS now
I beat Terra's story, working on Ven now
Who the fuck thought that difficulty spike with Ven in Deep Space was a good idea
If you watch the cutscenes I think you'll only miss some small stuff like everyone seeing Xion differently
>thematically the least offensive with "FRIENDSHIP" bullshit
I'd rather take friendship shit over a story centered around a completely inconsequential character who's also just a recolor of Kairi.
>no disney filler
Doesn't stop the game from being 70% filler missions though.
>interesting progression and customization
Interesting? Sure. Good? No.
>actualy character arcs
That all center around Xion and consequently become null once she dies. Riku's character arc from CoM beats anything in Days anyway.
>protagonist isn't shit
No, just boring as all hell.
>magic doesn't scale linearly and is on short, nuke uses, making using it tactical
Which is good conceptually, but in practice the vast majority of tier 2 and 3 spells are too gimmicky to be of any practical use.
>best story (haven't played DDD)
Garbage inconsequential story.
>graphically impressive for a DS
So was Re: Coded while also not being shit.
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Hmm. I can't remember that stuff specifically. Been like 8 years or so since I played. But I kind of recall that they did fuck up some forms of the spells, so you're right to complain about that

Yes, and I beat him, what about it? You know you can completely cheese that fight and he can't even fight back, right?


It's not playing well or getting good, I'm just on autopilot at that point. There's no point where you really have to pay attention in these games if you've played games that require actual skill.
this game is fucking trash. just watch the movie with KH 1.5

Yep, people need to realize that Days and recoded are the best handheld kh games, gameplay wise.
>Hey, that Bluto boss fight was pretty tough huh champ? As a reward why don't we take away all your levels and make you backtrack through every world again!
And I never touched that piece of shit again.
You aren't very good at arguing. You can't beat that fight with button mashing or on instinct, you have to spend time learning the fight. Sure, you can lookup a cheese strat online and kill him but what does that prove?

Days is the most fanfictiony of ALL of the KH games, even more than 2. It'll be a cold day in hell when gameplay will let me get over that.
No. Days is pure garbage. Even more so than BBS.
not the anon you responded to, but making the argument that the story in Days is bad because it doesn't tie into the overall KH plot is hysterical, considering the state of it. Having a self contained story that fleshed out the characters was the best decision Nomura made after KH2 was a fuck fest

For me, my dislike of Days comes from the story REALLY focusing on Xion, who I swear, didn't need to be in the game, and the gameplay issues. The leveling thing was especially dumb to me, as all I was reminded of was TWEWY and how they handled raising and lowering your level much better.

People who just "mash" in games are the people who lose first round at Evo.
Except that self contained story went fucking nowhere and was mostly garbage filler. If it had just been Roxas broing it up with the Organization and nothing else happening, that'd be fine but Xion is a shitty character and for some reason we're expected to care about her while every other Organization member gets shafted. There's nothing defensible about Days.
>CoM after KHII
What in the fuck are you doing
>Having a self contained story that fleshed out the characters

Shame the characters that they're fleshing out are all shit. And the story doesn't matter so everything you did was pointless.

Understand that Days is the purest form of fanfiction. It's a game based all around your special snowflake OCs, warping everything so that the focus is on them. Hell it even includes rampant shipping just like fanfiction!
>an intelligently-paced storyline (if very slow at the beginning)
It's very slow the entire fucking time

Even after things start finally happening 80% through the game, it's still slow as sin

>the gameplay generally sets a tone for the game
Yeah, a slow, boring slog.
And it definitely bolsters the story to feel like an even slower, more boring slog.
I always felt a little disappointed that revisiting a world didn't let you fight the original bosses in conventional 3D battles. Riku's initial dialogue about going back to old worlds made me think you could find bonus bosses or other things, but it just ended up being new system sectors.

Play them on Proud.

Why do people even think this? It's on KH2 where Axel's obsession with Roxas is blatant.

>I'd rather take friendship shit over a story centered around a completely inconsequential character who's also just a recolor of Kairi.

You're judging the game as an entry to an overall arc instead of as an individual story.

Also, lol @ Xion "basically being a recolor of Kairi". There characters aren't even remotely similar other than looking alike.

Xion is a deconstruction/cynical take on the Mary Sue character. Apart from being "kind" she literally shares no character traits with Kairi (even that's a stretch). Hell, she doesn't even LOOK like Kairi, that's just how she appears to Roxas. Kairi is just a flat paper cutout which motivates Sora to do things which aren't related to rescuing Kairi.

>Doesn't stop the game from being 70% filler missions though.

Optional missions. Also 70% is a HUGE overstatement, especially since the missions set a tone.

>That all center around Xion and consequently become null once she dies. Riku's character arc from CoM beats anything in Days anyway.

Hell no, Xion is the catalyst only. Roxas's arc is around his loyalty with the Org and about discovering the world around him, while also learning to trust other people and having that trust betrayed when nobody says shit to him.

Axel questions his loyalty throughout the game, seeing that he was only doing stuff because... well, then what else?

Riku's arc (at least in how it's written in CoM, having seen Days's movie it wouldn't surpirs eme if it was bad compared to the original) is a cringe-inducing "see the LIGHT". It's very nadly executed and too kid-friendly for what it's supposed to do.

>No, just boring as all hell.

He sure isn't some energetic dude, that's for sure.
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I think the themes and character interactions that Xion brought made her a very worthwhile inclusion. I think Days has the best story in the series(or maybe tied with KH and BBS) and by far the best character development. As for the leveling, I think it worked okay as an interesting trade off between equipping those or other skills. Though, I agree that TWEWY did it far better , but that should be no surprise, as TWEWY is a much better game than any KH

>Interesting? Sure. Good? No.
Can't argue. I enjoyed it a lot but if you didn't, what can I say?

>Which is good conceptually, but in practice the vast majority of tier 2 and 3 spells are too gimmicky to be of any practical use.

Only one version of each spell is "too gimicky to use".

>Garbage inconsequential story

>just booted the events in KH2.

Even if it's inconsequential (I don't think it is), it's good as a stand-alone story.

Also, >character dies therefore arc is meaningless meme
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>Why do people even think this?

Gee there can't possibly be a reason why. It's not like there was anything to make people think that.
>Played Days first.
>I don't bother to "fully understand the story".
Well that explains why you like Days.

Anyone who actually looks at it in the context of the series or, in regards to its story, with an even remotely critical eye can see that it's covered in failures.
honestly you can just skip CoM considering sora donald and goofy dont remember it anyways, not to mention what happened in castle oblivion gets shown in the opening and beaten over your head by namine while playing as roxas
Those thigths do not translate to 3D like at all

>in days

are you legit retarded or just see shipping whenever characters make meaningful interactions?
>character dies therefore arc is meaningless

No it's meaningless because everyone forgot she existed and thus her impact was essentially a cosmic reset button. Roxas left for reasons unrelated to her.
>honestly you can just skip CoM considering sora donald and goofy dont remember it anyways

is this your logic, nigger, because it's not really a good idea if someone wants to pay attention to the story.
I wish the TWEWY characters had been more significant somehow.

There's honestly too much BS outside of the games for me to care. Each game connects on one another and IMO the story in each of the games is simple enough to understand, but when people try to pull shit like "Ventus heart was in Roxas and Roxas was Sora's Nobody so Ventus went into Roxas" or some bullshit like that I gotta call it quits and just enjoy the games.
>You're judging the game as an entry to an overall arc instead of as an individual story.
It's shit no matter how you look at it. Xion isn't a deconstruction of shit, she's just a terrible character all around.
>Also, >character dies therefore arc is meaningless meme
It's meaningless because at the end of it it's like Xion never existed and literally every other character's development centers around her. For all intents and purposes, Days never happened. That's shitty writing whether it's self contained or not.

>Even if it's inconsequential (I don't think it is), it's good as a stand-alone story.
Then you're a retard who has no idea what makes for good writing. I bet you think Naruto is a prime example of good storytelling too. How anyone can defend this train wreck is beyond me.
I know you're autistic and want to protect your shit game but it's just insultingly bad, the story especially, Xion power hour: The Game is not an enjoyable experience, it's not an interesting story, it doesn't tell some narrative that captivates you in anyway, it could have though, if it actually was about the Organization and Roxas's growth as a character, but it wasn't since it quickly dropped any pretense of exploring the lives of any of the Org members, who don't get any development whatsoever, except for Xion, who didn't have a reason to exist, considering Roxas already had a valid enough reason to leave the organization. Speaking of Roxas, Days didn't handle him well or make him relatable, he didn't gain any actual insight or learn as a character, that all happens at the tutorial section of KH2, which is funny enough, far more enjoyable of an experience than this full length game, and don't fucking sit there and tell me the magic system was somehow good, let alone the panels.
Your physical combos were hardly able to do shit in comparison to even the most basic magic attack, so instead of using them "tactically", you had to load up on them to win, and on top of that the fact that they limited your magic to panel placements it was really easy to run out in battles and boss fights where you really needed them, since at any moment in time the amount of panels you had access too would be really limited and you might run out, which is tough luck since the shitty panel system doesn't allow for you to get anymore uses out of whatever spell you had, like Cura or Aeroga, unless you use vital panel space for items, instead of level panels or any other upgrade slots available.

Also, while you're right and the game isn't made up with Disney filler, it's made up with shitty missions to bridge the gap between plot points, and finally it doesn't even look that good for a DS game, Re:Coded looks a shitload better and it was made only two years after.
>Riku's arc (at least in how it's written in CoM, having seen Days's movie it wouldn't surpirs eme if it was bad compared to the original) is a cringe-inducing "see the LIGHT"

That's literally not what his arc is at all. It's about learning not to be afraid of his darkness and not suppressing it because it's part of him.
I dunno, as I played the game, Xion just felt 'off'. Like she didn't really need to be there. I mean Axel is supposed to be the best friend right? So it was as if his role there was a usurped a bit by her. I think BBS was the better story out of the two.
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being this big of a faggot
Joshua was pretty significant. I thought it was kinda cool how he was an actual alternate dimension Joshua rather than just a dream too.
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It still hurts that there's no sequel
I'm convinced now that most of the KH fanbase is either actual teenagers, or are the kind of people who don't know what actual good writing is so they put on a pedestal anything they think is good.
>no disney filler
Which means that the filler that is there literally has no justification. Just "here's your mission for today, what do you mean you want to get back to the story?"
>interesting progression and customization
Mission-based gameplay is not interesting, it's lazy and boring and it fucks with the flow of the game. "Start and stop" bullshit.
The customization is trash because you will never, even if you max out your panels, never have enough space to do what you want. They stuffed too many things into too small a space.
>actualy character arcs
For Xion and literally nobody else.
>magic does scale linearly
Making the base levels the only ones you need because they're the most useful.
>is on short, nuke uses, making using it tactical
Except it's actually frustrating because magic is the ONLY way to do meaningful damage for the entirety of the game.
>best story
Fucking stop

>sponge enemies
Don't forget their AI is dumb as a brick as well
>slow beginning
Slow everything
>some repetitive missions
>I'm convinced now that most of the KH fanbase is either actual teenagers
Did you think otherwise before?
>garbage filler
filler that was needed, since these characters literally had nothing defining them in KH2. Fucking christ, god forbid a game give some actual motivation, conflict and personality to the characters. The fact that Xion dies in the end and everyone forgets about her doesn't take away their arcs. Even if it is a stupid gimmick to get it to relate to the story of KH2, it is a immeasurably better story than that game had.
>Hell, she doesn't even LOOK like Kairi, that's just how she appears to Roxas.
You do know that this is her "true" face because Roxas has no memories for her to draw upon, right?

To people without memories relating to Sora, she appears with her hood up. This is how Saïx sees her, and how Axel and Roxas see her at the beginning of the game.

When Roxas sees her take her hood off, that's her "true" face as she's establishing her own identity.

Fuck, if you're going to defend this damn story, the least you could do is actually know what's going on.
The series is what.. 14 years old?

Yes, because I and the people I know who played the games when they came out aren't. We were teenagers when KH1 was released, we're almost 30 now because it's taken this long and this many games to get to 3.

And I still stand by my statement that the people who defend this writing don't read actual books.
>god forbid a game give some actual motivation, conflict and personality to the characters

Yeah shame it never did that and every character that isn't Roxas/Axel/Xion is completely one-note and irrelevant. Even Saix doesn't act any differently from in other established games, being stoic is just his deal.
I can't wait til this doesn't happen in KH3, and we have the unholy trinity of fanbase torture
the others obviously being the website teaser and the new 9 days image

What are you even trying to say? It's not like any game has reached the upper echelons of literature anyway, but it's not like there aren't books on the level of KH.
>I bet you think Naruto is a prime example of good storytelling too

Literally never seen Naruto.
>filler that was needed
Filler is by definition unnecessary fluff that adds absolutely nothing but time.

>The fact that Xion dies in the end and everyone forgets about her doesn't take away their arcs.
It does when she's a focal point in literally everyone's arc in the story, because the story is all about her.
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fuck, image
>is almost 30
>is on /v/ and talking about KINGDOM HEARTS no less
Lmfaoing @ ur lyf rn
I mean if you want to know every nook and cranny of soras asshole then yeah go for it, play everything, but all that really matters in the story is what iss seen from soras perspective, and from soras perspective chain of memories never happened, the series is built on not knowing wtf is going on, i mean kh2 saw you starting as roxas a literal who and they didn't come out with the game explaining where he came from until 4 years later
>What are you even trying to say?

That the people who defend the writing in KH games are culturally illiterate morons who don't know good writing.
>filler that was needed, since these characters literally had nothing defining them in KH2
And the characters in Days have nothing defining them except Roxas inexplicably loves Xion.
>Fucking christ, god forbid a game give some actual motivation, conflict and personality to the characters
It doesn't though. Roxas has no more personality in Days than he does in KH2: it's literally just muh ice cream with friends. Axel just acts like he does in KH2 as well.
>Even if it is a stupid gimmick to get it to relate to the story of KH2
It has fuck all to do with KH2's story. KH2 could (and did) exist just as well without Days. Days added nothing of value to it while also just being a shitty story in its own right.
>it is a immeasurably better story than that game had
I don't even know why you're bringing up other games' stories when I've never once said KH2 has good writing. What KH2 does have though is a story that's actually relevant to the overarching plot.
I think you're some elitist who can't enjoy ridiculous stories every once in while.
So like with the inclusion of TWEWY in KH3D

does that mean KH is now a game with both Disney and Square characters meaning any square characters are fair game or is it a game with Disney,Final Fantasy, and TWEWY characters?

Does that mean KH3 will have to shoehorn TWEWY into someway some how?
hey look, 3 more well realized characters than KH2 had!

I know how filler is normally used, I was making a point/ Don't be purposefully obtuse
she was just the catalyst for their changes. Axel and Roxas would still be opposed, knowing that Axel had hidden the truth from him and been more loyal to the organization than his friends
If they do bring TWEWY back, make Neku an actual fucking party member

There's a difference between ridiculous and poorly-written.

Alice's Adventures In Wonderland is inherently ridiculous, outright farcical. It's also a masterpiece in satire of abstract mathematics, which was all the rage at the time.
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it's sincerely one of the most important games in the continuity
>hey look, 3 more well realized characters than KH2 had!
>my shit isn't as bad as this shit, so I can pretend my shit is good!

I don't think any of the KH games has some masterful writing nor anything, especially KH2. Doesn't mean I don't think there's some good stuff there.
Not that guy, but there's a difference between enjoying a story and thinking it has good writing. It's enjoyable to see what kind of ridiculous shit Nomura pulls out of his asshole next because I know it's going to be fucking crazy, but I also know it's going to be terrible writing.

Ridiculous and good are also not mutually exclusive and something that's both good and ridiculous is always better than stupid shit that's only enjoyable because you can point at it and laugh.
>Doesn't mean I don't think there's some good stuff there.

There is, it's called the gameplay, which is entirely divorced from the story.
Oh boy shut the fuck up with your bitching and go back to /lit/.

>Waah the story sucks *shits pants* waaaah
Dumb nigger. No one plays KH for the story.
>normally used
There is no other use. You cannot have filler with a purpose.
Then it stops being filler.

>she was just the catalyst for their changes

>Axel and Roxas would still be opposed
You mean like how the flashback showed their relationship in KHII that was completely unchanged in Days?
>no one would miss me
And that's the last they see of each other until Axel tracks him down in the virtual Twilight Town.

Do you even know the story you're defending?
I did not like to play as Ventus as much as the otyer two, so deep space was just suffering to me.
>No one plays KH for the story.
Tell that to the people defending fucking Days of all games.
And the best of it isn't found on any of the handheld games, which these guys seem so obsessive about having people experience for some reason
>inexplicably loves Xion
if you're unable to connect the dots that Roxas would love Xion because he can relate to her as she is a new recruit/outsider who is still very unaware of things, or the fact that he gets to act like a mentor to her, giving himself more purpose, then you are a fucking moron.
>Roxas and Axel
they are both given more depth with their backgrounds and internal conflicts than they had in KH2
Yeah, KH2 existed without Days, and made next to no fucking sense, with flashbacks that were such nonsense that Nomura realized he had to make a prequel to explain it all
>overarching story
I bring up KH2, because you seem to think that games tying into the overarching story that KH2 continued is a good thing, when that game is a piece of shit narratively
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I haven't had to say this in years, but you have to go back.
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>tfw I never started Aqua's story in BBS

I'm just not a fan of magic. I rarely if ever use the magic in KH. Maybe one day i'll get to it.
>people defend an enjoyable game
News at 11. Get bent, /lit/nigger. Keep shitting your pants because someone dares to feel good about Days plot and writing!
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I hope so, cause TWEWY is goat, and if it is included, it gives hope to an eventual sequel
To be frank this movie was garbage looking on GBA because condensing the whole thing onto a GBA cartridge was a mess. Chain of Memories did it just right and didn't include voices for obvious reasons.
Simple, you have a shit tier opinion and others are trying to correct you
Just spam barrier/thunder surge. Aqua's story is shorter than the other two anyway.

Wow i played gaia online in like 2006 or some shit. Its hazy. I remember a blue site with purple login text snd some weird currency you bought with seashells. Or maybe that was Neopets. Lmfao. All a haze
>they are both given more depth with their backgrounds and internal conflicts than they had in KH2
No they aren't. Muh ice cream and Xion does not add any real conflict or depth to the characters.
>Yeah, KH2 existed without Days, and made next to no fucking sense, with flashbacks that were such nonsense that Nomura realized he had to make a prequel to explain it all
It doesn't make any more sense with Days. Roxas was pissed, Axel didn't want him to leave. That's all the context you need and makes perfect sense and all that Xion shit didn't add anything to it. A prequel to flesh things out wasn't a bad idea, but Days didn't do that. It just added some OC donut Mary Sue with no real purpose because Nomura is a hack who can't write compelling characters so he has to rely on gimmicks.

A shit story that ties into the overarching plot is better than a shit story that has fuckall to do with anything and writes itself out of existence.
>KH2 existed without Days, and made next to no fucking sense
Maybe if you're a retard.
>Nomura realized he had to make a prequel
But he had no plans to tell the story of the year between CoM and KHII. Days only happened because Disney wanted a DS game.

And he didn't even write the plot, he handed it off to Tomoco Kanemaki, the novel author.

Xion herself was not conceived until Days was already in production, and Kanemaki is the one that came up with her.

So basically, you're full of shit.
>no other use
I used it in the way that Days actually filled in the gaps in the fucking story of KH

from friendship to opposition. as with your next asinine point, we actually get to experience the development of their friendship and see it deteriorate, as opposed to just having it be told to us at face value
She was the most fun to play as for me oddly enough. Terra was the most boring. Worth it if you ever feel like playing it again.

Right back at you, most Kingdom Hearts games straight up aren't worth playing. The storyline is an actual joke, so if the gameplay isn't worthwhile then there's no point in trudging through them.
I doubt you've even actually played any past the first one
>why are these characters mad at each other?
>since when are these guys supposed to be friends, and why should I care about a relationship I never saw?

Makes perfect since, thanks Nomura.

Wow, they got someone who was less of a hack to write the script. Who cares?
>I used it in the way that Days actually filled in the gaps in the fucking story of KH
That's not ever a way to use the word filler.

>from friendship to opposition

Days is so moody that Roxas feels constantly on the verge of breaking ties with Axel. It hardly feels like they're genuinely friends. It's the fakest shit I've ever seen.

Even BbS did friendships better.
>Yeah, KH2 existed without Days, and made next to no fucking sense, with flashbacks that were such nonsense
Are you a literal retard? One of the few good things about 2's story is that it's completely self-contained and didn't leave unanswered questions when it came out. Everything in the game made sense by the game's own narrative.

How can anyone see the flashbacks and not understand what's happening in them? Roxas leaves for some reason, Axel gives him a "you can't leave, that's not how it works", Roxas blows him off, Axel is sad. That gives you all the information you need. You don't need to know WHY Roxas left, just like you didn't NEED to know why Anakin turned to the dark side. You don't even need to ask why Axel is sent to kill Roxas because CoM already established that Axel is the one in the group that takes care of traitors.
>the post you are replying to is also replying to someone talking about bbs

>lol i bet u havent even played any of them past kh1

Not even that anon, but are you really this retarded?
Days didn't answer anything, it didn't give us any interesting moments or great characters arcs, it didn't have anything great about it except for one or two great songs.
>Muh ice cream and Xion does not add any real conflict or depth to the characters
yeah, if you want to be reductive and ignore what actually happened

>Roxas was pissed, Axel didn't want him to leave. That's all the context you need and makes perfect sense
yeah, let's just tell significant parts of the story in vague flashbacks that have no prior context. sure makes for compelling character drama
Wrong. Keep on choking on that Nomura dick, I'm sure he's laughing all the way to the bank with how much he makes from selling all these shitty spinoff games.

"They just keep buying them, I almost can't believe it! I know, next time I'll make it so Roxas is Ansem, and then Sora is Xehanort, and Riku is Sora. Darkness, darkness, darkness. It'll sell a million copies!"
>yeah, if you want to be reductive and ignore what actually happened
that's literally exactly what happens. The characters' relationships are barely explored at all.
>yeah, let's just tell significant parts of the story in vague flashbacks that have no prior context. sure makes for compelling character drama
Oh yeah, making an entire game to explain what happened without actually having anything happen and not clarifying jack shit is what really makes for good drama.
KHII/FM gives you more than enough context and dialogue to surmise the circumstances of Roxas and Axel's relationship. Even the scene of Roxas defecting, if you don't need everything slapped across your face like a large fish, is enough to piece together what went wrong.

It's called cognition and most humans are capable of it.

>they got someone who was less of a hack to write the script
Actually, for Days, Nomura wrote the script. With oversight from others.

But the story itself, the events that transpire, that's Kanemaki.
>KHII/FM gives you more than enough context and dialogue to surmise the circumstances of Roxas and Axel's relationship.

People legit forget that it took us like 10 years to actually get the FM of KHII.
>tangential webster argument
it was filler as in not related to the main plot, as you fuckers seem to love arguing

>what an arc
sorry my phrase long summary didn't wow you, but I'm not going to spell everything out for you, like I did for the reason why Roxas likes Xion
Holy shit, why is there such a big argument over fucking DAYS of all things.
One Anon has horrible taste so we're all making fun of him
>how can anyone not understand what is happening, it's so self contained
>Roxas leaves for some reason
>CoM established that axel takes care of traitors

Roxas's defection is in vanilla and really, the only Axel/Roxas scene in FM is their "goodbye" which isn't a flashback nor something that actually happens in reality.

Axel's dialogue throughout the entire game establishes very clearly the way he feels about Roxas, and the defection scene establishes why Roxas left and what he was feeling.

It's really not hard to figure out.
Surprisingly it is important, which a handheld game should never be for a series started on console.
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>gaps in the story
>not related to the main plot
Anon, are you OK?
people somehow believe that Days story is worse than any other KH story
>yeah, let's just tell significant parts of the story in vague flashbacks that have no prior context.
Days is the only reason it's significant. Aside from being Sora's nobody, Roxas is actually largely irrelevant to the overall narrative. Axel is the only Organization member that matters, and his characterization in Days is not only largely the same as it is in CoM/2/BBS/DDD, but you can boil down his arc regarding his worldview into 6 words: "he didn't care, then he did". That's it, that's literally all there is to him.

Which is hilarious because he was supposed to die right at the start of 2 and got saved by sheer popularity.

It's not even one Anon.
There was such little reason to tell Roxas's story Nomura didn't even do much with the game and handed it off to other people instead.
And then they gave him a keyblade. Ironically, a lot of people weren't pleased with that.
It is, that's not up for debate.
I get that there will be people who don't like a game you like, but to spend the whole thread just arguing over it seems a bit silly. The thread was not even about days.
>didn't contain the main character of the series, making it a side story
>explains events relating to side characters that were poorly implied in the main game
that simple enough for you?
Meant for >>348681506
Might want to get your argument straight with the rest of the people here

Tell me what's wrong with the story of 1? It's before all the bullshit OCs were added in, before before it was all needlessly complicated and was just about believing in your heart, and before they forgot that the focus was supposed to be Disney and FF.


When 2 came out only CoM had happened and Axel was a very popular character. By the time DDD ended we had 3 post-2 games of HEY GUYS, REMEMBER HOW AWESOME AXEL IS?
He only did the outline for the plot, that's it.
people can talk about whatever they want in the thread. Other people brought up Days, and there are like 4 or so people that continue arguing with me. How is it my fault?
You're just so stupid it's hard to not call you names.
>How is it my fault?

Well you're the one defending your shit taste.
1 was the only decent story since the disney characters were actually somewhat relevant to the plot and it was simple and lighthearted. Everything after was full retard

>anything that doesn't star Sora isn't the main story

>somewhat relevant

They were the primary conflict up until Hollow Bastion when SUDDENLY, ANSEM IS STILL ALIVE AND HE'S EVIL.

They'll never do something like Maleficent's Legion of Doom again. She tried to get them back together in 2 but it didn't matter, the OCs had completely overshadowed the plot.
I like the story of 1. It is pretty stupid and simple, but in an enjoyable way. It is probably the best, but I think Days is up there with it
Can you name anything that transpired in Days that actually moves the main plot along?
-- Can you currently say whether the series will end with the third game, or anything else about it?

Nomura: “Kingdom Hearts” is Sora’s story, but the series that we’re developing now is also the story of one other person. You could say that it is a series where that person is the core.

A story that doesn't involve Sora is supplementary
No, but every other game/scenario that doesn't star Sora sure as hell does
you're all spazzing out, contradicting each other, because I have an opinion
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>KH1 actually does somewhat new stories with the Disney worlds
>every following game just poorly adapts and compresses the original movies
Even if they have different reasons, they can all agree that your taste is bad. These stories aren't worth caring about, much less defending the way you do

I want you to say out loud "Xion is a replica made from Sora, who is the fourteenth member of a group called Organization XIII, that is used to siphon energy and be a possible replacement Sora who also can have a face based on the memories of Kairi and her soul reason for existing plotwise is so that Roxas can have an internal conflict and be weakened in the story, resulting in the two having to kill each other. Then when she is defeated, she never existed and even when Roxas sorta remembers her, his memories of her vanish entirely when Riku beats him."

If you can say that out loud and think "yeah, that's pretty good", then all I can say is I pray you aren't a writer.
Your opinion is just really really bad.
It's even the same with the squaresoft characters too. In the later games they all take the backseat to Nomura's extra special OC donot steal characters
>Alice is on trial
>Jafar becomes a genie
>Clayton is an asshole
>Ursula steals the trident
>Oogie Boogie hates Jack
>Hook kidnaps Wendy
>Pinocchio gets lost inside a whale

Nah they're just fragments of the original story instead of new ones.
I don't know why you all pretend like they were ever integral to the first games plot anyways, they barely show up, and really only for the first world. They've always been in the background.
I don't care about it. This story of this series is trash that I only know because I was a faggot as a kid. But I don't mind wasting tie telling you idiots off when you think you have any basis to criticize the story of days over any other shitty story in the series
The Square cast was always irrelevant though. They didn't matter even in the first game.
Are you ESL or have bad eye sight?
>Oogie Boogie hates Jack

Oogie doesn't hate Jack in the movie though, he's actually terrified of him. Jack got involved with him because his trio of brats worked for both of them and later he kidnapped Sally because she was with Santa.
I want you to say that "Namine is a nobody, wait, witch, wait, something that can mess with Sora's memories because she came into being when Kairi's heart was inside of Sora's heart and he decided that the only way to get the heart out was to stab himself with a special, evil keyblade. She is in a castle where she is able to take more of his memories every time he goes up a floor, but she will only be able to reconstruct his memories by putting him into a coma for a year and making everyone forget about him and blah blah blah"

all of the stories are fucking retarded. Days just had the best character development
>all of the stories are fucking retarded. Days just had the best character development
Except it didn't.
Days had no character development though, COM had the best development.
Just tired and not putting in much effort. Sorry if my communication is lacking as a result
>all of the stories are fucking retarded.

Again, what's retarded about 1's story. Actually tell me what.

And saying that Days has the best development completely ignores Riku's story in CoM.
>She is in a castle where she is able to take more of his memories every time he goes up a floor
No, that was a lie Marluxia fed you. The castle itself has no power over your memories, that was all Naminé

Also a lot of Naminé's shtick is predicated on the function of memories in-universe which gives it a proper context.

Xion also works with this idea, but it's just... so shitty.
It's straight up fanfiction.
I mean
>the 14th member of Organization XIII
Fucking come on
Sora, Riku, Kairi, and Ansem were the only original characters that make an appearance in the first game if I'm not forgetting anyone.

The disney+squaresoft characters were the plot, the entire game was just "Hey let's put a bunch of disney and square characters into this and have it be a fun little adventure that's loosely tied together with these kids trying to get rid of these heartless things and find each other and get back home"

It didn't need to go any deeper than that. The square characters lived in hollow bastion and helped sora along the way and that was their purpose
> giving a shit about spinoffs

KH3 will only expect you to know about 1+2 and even these will be presented in some kind of movie form.
One sentence refusals of my claims are so pointless. Considering one of you morons couldn't even understand the relationship between Roxas and Xion, I'm not going to engage in this any further. I don't feel like retelling the plot of Days any more, and we won't convince each other of shit. I'm gone. Feel free to say whatever the fuck you want.
>The disney+squaresoft characters were the plot
Not really, they were just the background giving you an excuse to do shit wherever you were at, which isn't any different than in later games.
This whole thread and not once have you been able to actually establish character development within Days' narrative, despite asserting its existence time and time again.
eat a dick and get some taste you retarded piece of shit

Where do I start?

>Namine is a nobody, wait, witch, wait, something that can mess with Sora's memories because she came into being when Kairi's heart was inside of Sora's heart

That's not why, she just can. It's a power only she has.

>and he decided that the only way to get the heart out was to stab himself with a special, evil keyblade.

Whose sole purpose was to draw out hearts. so even an idiot like Sora can put 2 and 2 together. And it wasn't even a keyblade, it was just the hearts of 6 of the princesses together.

>She is in a castle where she is able to take more of his memories every time he goes up a floor

Literally untrue, Marluxia just told you that. It was just her power over you and going through the floors was just the plot progressing.

>but she will only be able to reconstruct his memories by putting him into a coma for a year and making everyone forget about him

No one forgot Sora, he just had to have the implanted memories in the castle removed, thus setting him back to how he was before CoM started.

Riku was unaffected because his memories were never changed. Her offer to him was to seal away the darkness in his heart again, but he refused because he thought it was better to live with his darkness than deny it.
>The square characters lived in hollow bastion and helped sora along the way and that was their purpose
Yes, they were largely inconsequential then, and they're still inconsequential now. Their representation didn't really change in later games.
You do this everytime, Roxas and Xion weren't anything special, there relationship didn't really reach up to the level of Sora and Kairi or hell, Roxas and Axel, she's just tacked on. Hardly felt like there was a friendship.
They weren't in the background though. If they weren't in the game the plot would have went nowhere.
>No one forgot Sora
Everyone who knew Sora forgot him except those who were actively working on/with him during that year, because Naminé was dismantling his chain of memories which unlinked him from others.

That's why in KHII Kairi sends a message in a bottle to a boy she doesn't know and she has that awkward moment saying "So-ra" like she didn't mean to
holy fuck, Roxas goes from a zombie, to an unwitting Org member and friend of Axel, to a rebel who chooses his new friend over his friend/mentor who betrayed him. Axel goes from a compliant agent of the Org, willing to do shady behavior without batting an eye, to someone who challenges authority and is emoitionally distraught, torn between his new friends and his loyalty to Saix and the Org.

I don't feel like doing Xion's
People did forget Sora. When you head to Hallow Bastion after playing as Sora, Leon even says that 'everyone started to remember you at the same time'.
Only in regards to the first world, in the grand scheme of the game that is inconsequential, hell I don't remember them doing much in Traverse Town anyway, you run into Donald and Goofy on your own, not due to anything the FF cast does.
This game is horribly overrated. I'd skip.
>Everyone who knew Sora forgot him

Yuffie instantly recognizes you, all of the Disney characters you meet again already know who you are, even the summons remember you.
Circumstances surrounding a character =/= character development.

As far as Axel goes, he was never loyal to the Organization.
We knew this in CoM.

That's after he was fixed up, dingus. So all the memories were back where they belonged.
They did forget them though, it's stated in Radiant Garden when you first meet up with the Restoration Committee, Yuffie makes a big deal about it.

My main complaint about this game isn't the platform splitting. It's the fact that a spin-off with practically unrelated mechanics is basically a canon sequel. More power to you if you enjoyed it along with the sequence games, but I have no idea what they were thinking demanding that dual appreciation from the fans of the first game.
There's a reason it's playable in KH 1,5 HD, meanwhile 352 and Re:Coded aren't and you just watch the cutscenes instead.
You have to go back and keep interacting with them throughout the game. They give you info on the world and how everything is setup since Sora doesn't know anything.

Cid works on the gummi ship and you have to talk to him multiple times to get help.

They all know about Ansem since they're from hollow bastion and meetup with Sora there later in the game after you kill Maleficient and Ansem gets revealed.

I guess the thing is, that for the first game the "original" stuff that Nomura came up with only takes up like 20% of the plot, so the disney and square characters feel like they have more importance, even if it's just for dumping info most of the time. For the later games it's maybe 50/50 if that
none of what I said was "circumstances surrounding a character". I put it in terms of how they reacted to events compared to how an earlier version of them was acting, illustrating a change in character.

In CoM, wasn't he betraying an upstart sect of the Org that was trying to usurp Xemnas's org?
You can find your saves on your phone by going to Android/data/com.dsemu.drastic/backups (connecting your phone to PC)
Roxas being "an unwitting member of the Org" or "a zombie" are very much circumstances that he has little control over.

His friendship with Axel, too, is largely a product of circumstance.

If you want to exemplify character development, you could have tried with Roxas's progressive understanding of the world around him and concepts such as friendship.

Marluxia and Larxene were the only traitors.

But Axel eliminated the entire CO team.
>I'm not going to engage in this any further
>engages further
face it retard, you're full of shit and no one likes you. Now fuck off.
>Why did Square think it was a good idea to split their Franchise's story across multiple systems?

Would you have rather there been no KH games between 2005 and now? Because that's what would've happen. Plus them doing all this experimenting with the other games will make KH3 all that much better gameplay wise.
>Roxas gradually waking up from his zombie state and forming his personality doesn't count because "circumstances"
>A friendship built along the entire game is not character development because "circumstances"
I'm starting to see a pattern here
Describing him as a zombie at first and then not doing so was meant to imply that he learns about the world around him. And perhaps I should have said "willfully unwitting" as he never cared about the intentions of the Org until he had personal stake in it and decided to investigate and eventually rebel. Thus, character development.

Regardless of it happening in CoM, we get to experience Axel's changing motivations in Days
to this day i still haven't beaten it because the cuntass RNG stuck me on axel's boss door on floor 13 with a zero map card
i've spent so much time backtracking and grinding for one and i just gave up
I'll respond to you too if you want. :) If you feel the need to sperg out because someone's replay seemed civil yet misguided enough to warrant a response from me, you must really want my attention
>Describing him as a zombie at first and then not doing so was meant to imply that he learns about the world around him.
But his "zombie" phase is the first week of his existence which is actually off-screen.

We start the game as he's just coming out of that state. It's about as much character development as coming out of a coma.

No it's not. You can play Re:Chain of Memories if you want, but there are too many important plot points not to.
Larxene's voice makes my dick diamons
his unquestionable servitude is also part of that state, his friendship with Axel and Xion is what makes him grown and eventually question the shit that's happening around him.
he sees himself in Xion as she keeps getting more and more screwed up, his breaking point being exactly over her death since he could have ended up discarded just like her.
so we miss the parts where he learns how to function in the world and get to see how he acclimates and creates an identity through all of the new stimuli? Yep, definitely not character development
nope, just circumstances :^)
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>across multiple systems

The only problem with it was how it was split between Ninty/Sony. With MGS you could always play all of them from PS1 to 4.
Christ, nice to see someone else who has some understanding for Days. I could've used you before, anon
Except for Ghost Babel, which was the best one.
From how it's described it appears as though he doesn't actually learn or acclimate, he's just kinda "blank" for a week and then he comes out of it.

Like I said, about as much development as coming out of a coma.
Which incidentally, happens like five times in the game
No, you couldn't.
I'm noticing you're talking to a brick wall.
It would've been nice to commiserate over the idiocy of others and then be able to end my Sisyphean struggle knowing there was someone else out there with some ability to comprehend a story
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>Kingdom Hearts 3 will never have a Drakengard/Nier universe/cameo of some kind
Face it, it'd be hilarious if they did
>Kingdom Hearts 3 having a Drakengard 3 final boss
I'll lose my shit
>the Finale is a mashup of tons of iconic Disney song and ending on Simple and Clean/Sanctuary
It's a important part of the story, it introduces some of the main, overall characters of the story.

Just play the original CoM though, RE:CoM is trash.
>it surpasses Lingering Will and Sephiroth by a mile as the hardest boss in the series
Why did you post a picture of Snake?
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