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Is it worth pirating? Or complete SJW dogshit like DA2?

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Is it worth pirating? Or complete SJW dogshit like DA2?
It's a 6/10 if you cheat all the resources and only play story missions.
Its total dogshit.
Don't even bother anon
>complete SJW dogshit like DA2?
Talk about revisionist history.

Bu I'm sure the sum total of 1 character that falls under the banner of "SJW" is enough to not recommend it to you.
It's worth one playthrough, but since you sound like a sensitive flower who gets his fee fee's hurt whenever a lesbian character is introduced, you might as well skip it.
i heard it crashes like a crashtest dummy even on legit copies
Hard no friend.
It's just unbearably bad.
Google the romance options for a straight male. You'll have an easier time fapping to the overworld models in Baldurs Gate and the personalities there are 10x as endearing.
No. Barring any issues with characters, romances, etc, it's just a straight up bad game.

It's amazing just how bad the gameplay is.
Pretty rich coming from someone who defends sjwism.
combat is absolutely stale. bugged partymembers, shitty romance staple of bioware.

Completely honest opinion here, no memes.

It's allright. Better than DA2, but somehow much more bland and mediocre. Most of "content" is retarded mmo fetch quests and main quest is like 20 hours long. Not a single memorable companion besides Dorian. Some cool Ferelden lore and I liked not-france, wish it had more actual missions.

Combat is lame, but knight enchanter is fun.

At best 7/10
>DA:I is SJW
>depicts all the homosexual characters as degenerate, lust obsessed hedonists

If I was gay this game would actually upset me more than it already managed to do with those collectathon quests and bullshit railroading "open world".
Yes it's worth pirating.
It's nearly not as good as DA1 but it's still pretty solid. Skip the MMO tier quests and there are tons of interesting things to do.
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If just pirating, sure. If your going to buy it, get it when its on sale. Game aint worth the full price or to some none at all.

Its an offline MMO, keep that in mind always when playing. Thats the games downfall.
It's fairly clear you didnt play the game at all. But thats fine, this is /v/.
knight enchanter is the lamest way to play. overpowered, 1-2 button spam with hardly any worthwhile dimension whatsoever

God I hated this nigger. Only character I didn't take with me not even once.
Not really. It was better than two, but not by much.

Plays like an MMO with boatloads of collect 20 bear asses quests, Mages got nerfed again, characters are stock as can be (Woman of duty with a stick up her ass, Elven know it all, Uncle Tom Mage too rich to know what tower mages have it like.) At least Dorian was a gay done right (You wouldn't know unless you do the quests with his father), but his skill set leaves him behind for better party members.
>Is it worth pirating?
>worth pirating
Nobody gives a shit about gays and lesbians in videogames, but here they're badly written characters made gay/lesbian for no real reason other than to force them as a selling point on top of a shit game.
>muh SJW

Skip the romance options. There you go.

And that's why its so fun. The combat has zero worthwhile dimension to begin with, at least with knight enchanter you can be a wizard rambo and take everything on by yourself.

I often let my party members do whatever they fucking pleased and finished all the fights on my mc after party died.
Time is also currency
>Nobody gives a shit about gays and lesbians in videogames
Better than two handed warrior.

It's literally just spin to win.

Dude that's hardly the worst part of the game

I don't give a crap about the sjw shit but the game itself is just bad
Yes, unless you're immortal
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>Hey guys, we made mages OP as fuck in the previous games, how should we fix it

>Oh, just make them literally dogshit worthless in this game, it will balance out
There was a major update that changed a shit load of skills and all of the skill upgrades. Spirit Blade now does shit damage but gains "charges" from attacks, which means you can't just spam it over and over anymore, you actually need to use other spells.
>being a filthy pirate
oh shit i totally forgot about 2h entirely
Correct, show me a game with a decent gay or lesbian character that wasn't shoehorned in for social media points that /v/ shat all over.
>show me a game with a decent gay or lesbian character

Am I being memed?
Man, I went from Witcher 3 back to this game and holy shit.

Everything is like a fucking cringy cartoon.

The dialogue is super stuttery, with clumsy as hell connections. Not to mention the fucking terrible writing. And it's like they recorded the VAs on different months for lines of dialogue that follow eachother.

The game looks terrible, all the character models look greasy and have fake mustaches.

And the combat is even worse than Witcher 3s.
I know it is hardly the worst thing about the game, I was just addressing that anon on why those characters were disliked and why I said they were on top of it being a shit game in general.
I keep seeing this, but aside from that one ram meat quest at the very beginning, and class specialisation, I never came across a single other "collect x number of y" quests.
DA:I's necromancer is probably the least satisfying mage I've ever played in a fantasy game. It's just so shit

Fagfag here. This guy gets it actually. In my case, I literally don't care about representation in a video game as long as it's engaging or somehow fun to play.

>he play guames 4 fun ahahaha
Yeah, I know, just kill me
>I know it is hardly the worst thing about the game
The combat, since its 80% of what you do in the game, is worse than the previous game, which was worse than the one before that.
Maybe he meant the requisition requests that give you 1 power for like 15 flowers and 20 metals
New Vegas
Front Mission 2
Witcher 3
Only good gay character in i a video game that i even remember is in the last of us. I actually felt sad for the fucker when he's partners fate is revealed.
Just like a girl, you feel the need to point yourself out for the (You)s

Who even does those?
Witcher 3's combat is actually great if you bother to invest some skill in it.

I bet you're just walking intoa group of drowners and mashing like its street fighter.

You need to use dococtions, dodge, time your attacks and not spam. Killing a group of enemies without actually taking a single hit or even needing to block a blow is so satisfying.
paraphrasing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3QK-t-4Ru4
it's a response to DA2 made into a mediocre game
it's worth playing as much as DA2 to get insight into how to make and write a RPG
Bought it for 20 euros. Played it for hour hours. Sold it for 10 euros and bought The Witcher 3.
I did, at least during my first playthrough. I was under the impression that there was a set amount, and I hate leaving quests unfinished. I think I did about 9 before I looked them up.
Not OP but are the characters and gameplay more similar to the first one or the second ?

Also, (but not has important) can i romance a loli elf, drag her out of my house and tell her to fuck off ?

It's a frame of reference. That's how conversations work. Did you forget how to talk to people in a way that doesn't involve memes? y u so mad bro? :^)
*how not to make and write a RPG
M8, I beat it on deathmarch.

It's just not great 3rd person melee combat.

It's way better than DA:I tho
if you like a offline MMO then play it
>Iron Bull
>Red Jenny elf cunt
>"T-these characters are totally what real gay people act like, r-right?"

It's fairly clear that their gay characters are interchangable from the ones you'd find in terrible sitcoms.
It's fairly clear that I wish I didn't play this terrible fucking game, but I did for 40 fucking hours of my life that I will never get back
You can't be helped
Usally when people say 'sjw' they mean leftist ideology. That can be political/social general world few. It encompasses a verity of subjects. Bioware games fraught with progressive narratives.
>play it on stupidly hard difficulty thats only there for people that are bored and want achievements
>guys! this gameplay sucks!

I bet you think dark souls is bad too.
Closer in tone and gameplay to 2, but at least it's much improved.

And while you can't do that with a loli elf, you can do that with a literally retarded lesbian elf.
Hey dipshit, I've beaten Witcher 3 multiple times, more than you, I'd wager. On different difficulties.

The combat isn't good. Everything else is. Get your fanboy head out of your fucking ass.
Know how I can tell you where on 4chan when DA2 came out? Because the SJW wasnt in the dumps lexicon yet.

The completes stemmed from the ham fisted edginess of the game, the reused assets, retarded character arcs and motivations. Not because of SJW shit.
Just because you can't objectively analyze media doesn't mean others don't.
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What does that even mean?
>you didn't play the game
>uuuh I can't explain why you're wrong you just are

Are you beginning to understand why people complain that this game is SJW?
It's not the terribly written gay characters - that admittedly only barely stand out from the terribly written straight characters.

It's because faggots like you that eat it up and pretend it's "progressive" and therefore above criticism.
people complained plentiful about anders turning gay in 2 because reasons to please hamplanets on the BSN though
Yeah, came out almost 5 years ago. Which was when a lot of this activism shit went full retarded.
he was already gay (at least Bi) in the expansion that no one played apparently.
>decide to befriend Serah, the character /v/ trots out to be its effigy of SJW hate for DA:I
>she is basically a street urchin that is 100% out of her depth regarding mages, templars and magick, to say little of the world ending scenario you're dealing with
>she literally admits to this
>romance her
>she bakes cookies for me and makes direct comparisons to her mother
>all of the above gives me the distinct feeling that I fucked a child
>nope the fuck out of that relationship by reloading a save

She really isn't some whacky gets-away-with-shit character. Seeing her breakdown in the future quest was pretty telling.
Spouting generalised opinions and irrelevant political ideology does not constitute meaningful criticism, and can not possibly be met with reasonable discourse.
so its every bit as vapid and stupid a complaint as it looks.
Maybe it was in some companion banter I missed, but I never came across anything in Awakening to indicate he was bi.
>uuuh I can't explain why you're wrong you just are
buddy you didn't explain how any of those characters are what you claim.

Sera isn't standard sitcom fair, you thinking she is is absurd and without any justification on your part people are right to offhandedly dismiss your bull.
I kinda wish all gay guys were like Dorian.

He was the only fun companion in the game.

Thanks sempai.

MMO with somewhat larger hallway corridors. Not much to explore or do.

Most of the characters are deplorable and total SJW shoehorn crap.

Waste of bandwidth anon.
Depends, I don't identify with most far left stuff. So I find it unpleasant. You probably have a different world view then I do, different polical leanings (obviously). It'd be ridiculous to think someone with those beliefs would find anything wrong with it. (Because again, you see no problema with any of it)
>Maybe it was in some companion banter I missed, but I never came across anything in Awakening to indicate he was bi
It was in some banter you missed, and there is literally no problem in making all of II's love interests bisexual if there's reasoning behind it.
/v/ hates it, but Bill in The Last of Us
Generally speaking indoctrination requires a lax mind. Dependent on a lack of information and susceptibility to ideas. i disgree, I think political ideology very much effect what a creator will make.
Could you maybe be more specific as to what banter it was?
See, saying shit like "the game is a vector for propaganda, and to not see that is being a sheep, that's why a video game is only worth while if I agree with it's developer's political philosophy" is why the real response to your insanity is;

Is the combat still autopilot shit?
>I need to justify why Sera is absurd and sexually crass

Now who hasn't played the fucking game?
it's not worth your time

I liked it, it isn't half bad. There is interesting lore and the characters are overall pretty good.

DA:O much better than this shit
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It's okay, better than DA2, but nowhere near DA:O. Cheat the resources like that other guy said though.
Solas, Blackwall, and Dorian are the best team
i liked it

i also thought DA 2 was also ok because it had some comfy bits.
Bull was bisexual though and he was pretty brotier overall, not like like that flaming queer, Dorian.
It's pretty fucking boring honestly.

The combat should be avoided completely, just cheat yourself whatever items to roll over everything. The story is below average. Some sidequests are pretty ok.

Your choices don't matter because this is a bioware game.
it's pretty mediocre
it has the best battlemage class in any videogame i've ever played though short of Dark Messiah's fun as fuck freeze magic
Every character is bi or gay: the game
>dat dog in the bottom right corner

The main writer (Mark Walberg) was gay and he got pushed by the fans into losing all humility about gay characters. That's why DAI has that obnoxious gay fag who got marketed as the world's first fully gay character.
Depends. There are tons of situational abilities, traps abilities, ability combos, mana recharge methods, enemy grouping methods, defence management, and so on.

Unfortunately, combat is so fast and you have so few ability slots, that you are almost always just going to fall back onto a basic skill rotation. Also, some builds are little more than spamming one or two skills.

I'm pretty sure she never mentions anything even kind of sexual unless you romance her. She's an immature retard, sex is too adult for her most of the time.
Cassandra, Solas and Blackwall are straight.

Replace Dorian with Varric and we're in agreement.
shame really, Dorian was easily the best character alongside Blackwall but the whole marketing "strategy" of look at me im totally gay didnt do him any favours in the slightest.
I'm just fucking with you. There's that banter with Nathaniel where Anders makes a joking half-flirting reply, and there's one with Oghren where he makes a joke about Anders being raped by a Templar which is funny when Anders tells Velanna a joke about wanting to bang one of the (female) Templars who was assigned to him
My point was more that there was nothing specifically excluding them from making him bi, and if it was a conscious choice (like it was with every love interest) I don't really see a problem with it. Stops people bitching about 'why can't I romance X'

DAII was comfy as fuck, if you played as female sarcastic Hawke rogue
It wasn't exactly another Origins, but it was still fun
Wrong game, that's DA2.

Here, among your companions you have three straight men, on gay man, one bi man, two straight women, a lesbian with brain damage, and a ghost. Also, there are romance paths for another straight man and woman.
It's basically an aborted mmo turned into a very mediocre linear RPG. The environments look pretty nice, otherwise the game is complete trash.
DAI is an awful game. They tried to split the difference between strategic DAO style combat and some kind of MMO hack'n'slash. It was pretty fucking bad at both, the controls and animations are too sluggish for h'n's, they're not refined enough for the strategic combat.

The levels are barren single player MMO affairs, just collect x or kill x y's. With a handful of story missions that try something a litle interesting. But you have to grind for resources in the shitty bland areas to progress.

This is from someone who thought DA2 was a passable 6/10. Tried some interesting things but mostly fucked them up.
>The levels are barren single player MMO affairs, just collect x or kill x y's.

The easiest way to tell who never played the game.
so what if he was gay?

ever since gay acceptance started in the western world alot of people have come out as gay, its a pretty common thing from my point of view here
because having to collect grass and ore all the fucking time for those potion upgrades and crafting wasn't in the game ?
Was his story really, "I'm gay and my dad doesn't accept me"?
Not as quests, no.

Also, that's why you just cheat in crafting materials, like a normal person.
Exactly. They made out Dorian as the Jesus Christ of gay characters.
Sorry you found them so interesting and vibrant anon, how long since the stroke?

No you aren't.
That was, unfortunately, his quest, which was awful.

But aside from running away from home because Daddy needed him to buck up and fuck a girl now and then, everything about him was perfectly reasonable. He was a good character, he just has the one real bad blemish.
cant remember exactly but it's in 2 parts, he was working on time magic with a buddy and you end up fighting him together if you choose to side with the mages in the story, you learn later that he left Tevinter because his father attempted to use blood magic to make him straight but he never mentions this until you ambush his father on him, it's never once thrown in your face like it was in DA2 despite all that shitty fucking marketing they did
Dont forget those influence points you needed to farm to progress the shitty story. This was my first and last Dragon Age game. Boring ass singleplayer mmo.
It's literally an offline MMO, not even memeing.
>collect x ore and y herbs
>go to spot x, click on y and return
>go to spot x, kill y and return
>close rift #43246
>capture stronghold #89694
>establish camp #3245
Yeah, all this exciting, carefully crafted content.
Nice false dichotomy. Knowing the difference between an MMO farming quest and a fetch quest is pretty simple, as is telling shit posters from people with legitimate concerns over a mediocre game.
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>Romance Cassandra, the only good girl in the game
>she's a tough warrior woman
>she wants you to read poetry to her
>cute in a silly way
>make sweet love
>she then starts talking about her ex, the only other guy she fucked
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Even MORE SJW dogshit than DA 2, if you can believe that.
It really isn't, but whatever
>I played the worst of the series first, so I'm not going to play any of the other ones
Literally what?

It was a pretty important event for her, anon. She just wanted to finally be able to explain to someone, and thank you for letting her get over him with handholding and sex
I actually played the game, anon. I would know.
You get those by doing quests. And you get a whole lot of them.
There is no reason to play this when games like The Witcher 3 and Divinity: Original Sin exist. If you haven't beaten those, do that instead.

That being said, if you've played through the better fantasy RPGs and still want more, it's a decent use of your time. It's not as bad as /v/ says.
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This fucking game had so much potential.
I mean look at this OP pic related

>hordes of demons coming for your ass
>you and your buddies fighting shoulder to shoulder
>world is in ruins
>literally last hope
>actually feels like it
>build an army that rivals that of other nations
>"Darkness closes in. Will you stand against it? Or lead this world to it's bitter end." implying our choices actually have consequences, AKA too shit party or army, you actually lose.
Instead, the last fight was "hurr me bad guy me go to my enemy's house and taek him down. oh shit i dont have my army anymore".
And then you kill him. Really, really fucking lame.

This game was such a fucking disappointment. But then again so was Dragon Age 2. And Mass Effect 3. And SWTOR.
Beginning to see a pattern here.

>BioWare : Squandering potential is our expertise
you tilt at windmills so you're not exactly an authority.
not worth pirating
but not as SJW as people make it out to be
shit game nontheless
Did you notice the part where you are fully able to be an uncompromising religious zealot, and many companions actually applaud you for it?
Are you seriously telling me that most of the content, the quest logs and actual use of the space of the world wasn't that shit?

And I really am quite sorry for not knowing about the intricacies of MMO farming quests. I f a quest is shit I don't do it.
/v/ is so stupid
best part about the box art is the Mark is on the wrong hand
but dude you're missing out on that sheep escort mission that's so well written and meaningful
Again, not being retarded and having played the game, any reasonable individual is able to determine that the quests are not "Kill x amount of y". I'm just pointing out that your post is blatantly false and that you never played the game.
I don't get why /v/ hates this game and loves TW3, seems to me like they both have the same flaws.
Yeah, the dogshit fetch quest filler and Ubisoft style collectathons nobody sane actually enjoys. The main area quest is the only decent bit of side content in each region and it gives you nowhere near enough power to progress with the plot just by doing it alone. You either go through all the padding like a good boy or you uninstall.
And SJWs are known by their devout religiousness, right?
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>cory makes a decent entrance as his forces overwhelm yours and they destroy your base
>fucks off for nearly the rest of the game and you fight his lackeys
>connected to one of the biggest events in the dragon age universe
>but you don't get to learn any more unless you choose the templars

You don't have to do too much of the side content. I tried doing all of the side content in each zone like an idiot but you end up with so much extra power that has absolutely no use.
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you just realized this now?

I am here for the gaming updates and whatnot
and watch those people fight over absolutely nothing. its amusing.
DA 2 at least had a combat system that worked with the game as a whole. They well full action which wasn't the best option but hey at least it worked.

Combat in Inquisition is a mix of action and DA 1 style of queuing up abilities...and it's fucking awful. It literally doesn't work at all and ruins the game.

Also everyone is covered in cooking oil and looks greasy.
Did you notice the part where the religion themes are very lightly touched upon, pretty much meaningless for the main story when they're never brought up again, with the titular inquisition being religious in name only if not for the token priests and the cheesy ass song after fleeing Haven and actually just an army ?

What's next, the judging scenes made you feel like a leader ?
Oh yea, fuck whoever suggested covering the whole fucking world in vaseline.

Did anyone made enb or mod to remove the oily layer?
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>can no longer be a blood mage or a arcane knight

whats the fucking point?
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This is Sera, a "realistic" female character from DAI.
SJW Dog shit thats worse than DA2. Mods are limited so you can't really change the models quite effectively nor the dialogues.
TW3 actually looks okay and their female characters are not hideous.
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And this is Ciri, a character from Wither 3.

Can you see why people would like Witcher 3 more, just from comparing these two pictures?
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so im not the only one. love that guy
he's great, his P:T stuff so far has been stellar
So people are idiots then? Is that the point you're trying to make?

From Red Jenny (with the nicest butt around)
Butt butt butts buttz buttershotch butts
Let's check out the side quests in the very first Hinterlands region on the DA wiki.
>The herbs required for this list are 4 units of elfroot and 2 units of spindleweed. (...)Once you have acquired the herbs, return to the healer to hand them in.
>The list tasks you with collecting Spindleweed (5) and Crystal Grace (2).
>You now need to find 1 Royal Elfroot, and 6 units of Elfroot. The regular Elfroot is easy to find but the Royal Elfroot is more rare.
>The bears are found south-west of Forest Camp in Hafter's Woods, north-west of the Grand Forest Villa. They are Large Bears (level 9 elites) that drop Great Bear Claws. You need 3 to complete the quest.
>The refugees at the crossroads are short on food, so the hunter tasks you with finding food for them. The map is updated with an area that has some rams, and the party must kill 10 of them to collect the meat

Every single fucking quest is either Kill X of Y, Gather X of Y, go to X, Y, Z and interact with A. This is the non-MMO quality content you insist on defending.
Graphics or not, it still has dogshit combat and gayass witcher sense.
In DA2 there are quests in repetitive missions
In INQUISITON there are no quests even. Just go close 1000 demon gates like u are playing shitty Oblivion
1st Dragon Fight is epic but party AI is retarded and their management is 10 steps backwards from the original DA.
Dont pirate it
I got it through EA access and couldn't go on playing after maybe an hour, it's just so fucking boring.
Dude her dialogue is bloated with innuendo, I'm also pretty sure she couldn't resist a comment on every female you ask her opinion on.
As an immature retard, sex talk was right up her alley. I can't be imagining this shit.

Please don't make me comb through her fucking VA, please.
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tfw same VA
fugg youre triggering my PTSD back from the DAI shitposting days

Biodrones and reddit actually defended it wtf
minus the shitty pretend english accent
Yes, you are.
They're doing it again with pic related, too.
Yeah TW3 is my favorite game of all time because the female characters in it look good!
I remember doing that sort of endgame mission which requires you to almost explore the game in its entirety to unlock 3 doors in the desert area. clocked in like 20h after completing main storyline just to get it done and the reward was so abysmal I just never bothered to play it again

the whole game was painfully mediocre, muh storyfags couldnt even pretend to like it.
It was my second favorite game after 2.

Inquisition+Trespasser had a good main story.

The Descent was kind of shit, but Hakkon was a great DLC
Worked well enough for the sarcastic lines, desu
what the fuck they did to her model
she was a cutie in DA2
in DAI she looks like a fucking abomination
In other words, DAI is your favourite game of all time because the female characters look "realistic" and progressive.
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reminds me of the "feminized" cortana.

how can people be such hypocrites just to score online equality scores.
No, I think both games are mediocre and the female characters look good is probably the worst reason I've ever heard for saying a game is good.
>try playing it on the hardest difficulty
>realize game wasn't made with friendly fire on in mind at all

Offline MMO with even worse story than WoW.
Literally a combination of amnesia and an ancient evil awakens.

>that /v/ shat over

I think you missed that part.
/v/ didn't shit over those games.
Witcher is good because it's an entertaining game. DAI is bad because it's no fun.

Fuck off. The combat is easily TW3's biggest flaw and I love the game to death.

Stop being such a fucking mindless fanboy.

>the same flaws

TW3 only shares the flaw of shit combat with DA:I. It doesn't have cringeworthy animations, horrible dialogue and a shit story. And even if the combat of TW3 is shit, it's still better than DA:I.

How the fuck can you not see why people prefer one over the other?

Newfags are so cute


everyone who refers to /v/ as a single entity is a newfag, who probably hopped over from Reddit.

See, Reddit actually has a single "voice", since everyone that goes against that just gets downvoted to hell and back. So the only thing you actually SEE there is the same regurgitated opinion.

On /v/, everyone voices their opinion without being punished. This causes a lot of conflict, but there will NEVER be a unified opinion on /v/. /v/ will argue over literally everything.

Just try it.
Well, that would explain why the game is nothing but shitty boring "collect 5/27 bazingaloos" tasks
The flaws are shitty combat and horrible open world design, neither game have bad dialogue or story.
shaving my vagina hair into a heart shape to surprise my lesbian lover elf and she gets excited and goes down me was a high point in my 40 years of gaming
Is entertaining at best, play it in nightmare difficulty
It's a game that manages to make dragon fights boring. Honestly it's quite a bit like Skyrim.
This sounds like the way to go.

I tried playing this game on two occasions and I just could not stomach all of the incredibly tedious side shit. It's like an endless menial task simulator.
I couldn't even keep playing it long enough to judge the actual content because it's made for consoles and you can't comfortably play it top down, while 3rd person combat sucks fucking ass.
this is the most reddity post i've seen all day, congratz you fit in
>complete SJW
Not "complete" sjw, but some stuff, lore-breaking even, are there.

>dogshit like DA2?
Borderline yes.
its actually good
wont pay for it out of spite becaue i got DA2 on release and fuck that
DA:I has an horrible, lackluster main plot that gets resolved in a DLC and side characters that range from mediocre to decent
>gets resolved in a DLC
They made DLC for this shit?

How did they resolve it?
shit ton of loar
DAI have infinitely worse story and character motivation, not to mention negligible affect from previously established game in the series.

Leveling up in TW3 was much more fun but this is very subjective.

DAI open world design is definitely behind TW3
this, mages suck all kinds of dicks in dai
only way to get some (little) fun of dogshit combat is to go rogue
>go melee
>enemy is on uneven ground
>all my attacks suddenly start missing

Probably the most frustrating thing about the combat. If there was even a slight difference between your footing and theirs you could just miss everything.
rogues have that chain grappling hook thing though, which is why I suspect he mentions it.
Yes, cheat to get all the resources and only do main quests. Play as a rogue, all the other classes are boring as fuck. As for romance options, I actually thought Cassandra was kinda cute, especially the poetry scene.
retcons, boring ass dialogue that passes for political intrigue, killing one of your companions and turning another into the antagonist
More like CasMANdra.
A thread debating weather to play a game for free with others giving you an opinion instead of you forming your own and trying it free.

Is it cool to be pessemistic and poor now?
Decent game, definitely better then 2 in terms of gameplay. However the characters are pretty bad, possibly the worst I've seen in a bioware game.
she's only barely acceptable because she's in this shit game where every potential female love interest is such cancer
Oh you mean Solas or whatever his name was?

I completely forgot that part about the ending of the original game. Mainly because I was bored to tears at that point I suppose.
Not worth it if you aren't a fag or sjw.
Gay as fuck, I pirated it and then deleted it after the first quest.
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I wouldn't play any game with faggots lmao
>download 30GB game
>risk getting locked up for it
>mighht potentially waste time if it really does suck

Your logic is so fucking retarded by the way.

How can we fucking even get throuigh life if we're not allowed to know other's opinions on something?
Are you on a data cap? What does 30gb matter? Also why are you admitting risking getting locked up like even if its the best game ever its by your argument worth getting locked up for? Lol
>The only normal romance doesn't even get a sex scene (Josephine)
The fuck man. I just want to romance a girl that acts and dresses like a girl.

>risk getting locked up for it

Glad I don't live in the land of the free.
I live in the UK.

even worse, its a police state.

Once I downloaded some anime, got a letter through the door saying if I do it again they will take away my internet.
RPGs can live or die by their sidequests, especially ones that tout an open world on the scale that Inquisition does.

And it just falls so fucking short. I honestly did want to like the game and tried my hardest but I find myself just getting bored as fuck very quickly, there's sod all to do outside of the main quest because all of the goddamn sidequests are just generic MMO shit. There's absolutely no substance to the game at all, it's just shitloads of monotonous mediocre filler and then it ends.

I actually really like (most of) the characters as well, but parts where you become involved in their story/personal quests are so few and far between it couldn't carry the game for me.
Have you ever played DA2? It was shit, but not because of "SJW shit". I feel like this board is getting more retarded every day.
>game needs cheating to be playable
>this is what mustards truly believe
The only sidequests I really liked were the ones like the Fallow Mire one or the Emprise du Lion one, where you have to fight through the entire area and stuff. Or the one in the one desert, where you take the keep there and then you do a bunch of operations and quests to clear out the surrounding area and make sure they're well supplied and stuff.

There weren't many dungeons in the game overall but some of them were pretty good.


You're a paying customer, tell them to fuck off. It's not like they're gonna risk you going to some other ISP for something like that.
This is so fucking stupid. I wish you retards would just go back to /pol/ or wherever the fuck you come from and stay there.
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what did they do to her face? and why isn't she pregnant its been 10 years
They used the Frostbite 3 engine
Tell them to suck a dick, you spineless fuck.
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Better graphics has just highlighted how BioWare are incapable of making remotely good looking faces.

Hawke's default appearance is absolutely fucking abysmal.
i fed him to the spider because i like loghain more
>i like loghain more
And why was HE there?
Yeah, Anyone else gets crashes to desktop for no reason with no error messages?
Grey Warden stuff, he takes over a good amount of screen time in several main quests in the mid game and helps your party for awhile
>flaming queer

Yeah you didn't play the game. Dorian is a bro tier sarcastic jokester whos sexuality literally only comes up the one time you meet his father. Before and after that you'd need to actually be told he's gay to know he's gay.
If you like single player MMOs like Kingdoms of Amalur, you might enjoy this. Actually this is practically a spiritual successor.

If you don't, it's a boring, uninspired mess with hilariously out of place genderqueerkin moments.

Don't listen to the "ITS BETTER AFTER HINTERLANDS" meme. It just gets worse

I don't understand what the basis for this is. The game is full of fetch quests and kill X enemies throughout, why is the Hinterlands any different?
Dorian was neat but that quest was cringe as fuck.

It was the one of the biggest lies Biodrones were spouting during cisquisitions release. Really, I think it was just an attempt to keep idiots from refunding in a timely manner
No, you didn't get it. WHY IS HE ALIVE?
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>he didn't pick knight enchanter
>he didn't go full jedi mode

He didn't even play the game or he'd know about the knight enchanter

People on v not knowing wtf they're talking about. Color me shocked.
I pirated it, couldn't even make it an hour in before I hated it.

It doesn't have a main quest to make the side quests more bearable, it's ONLY side quests so it feels like a really badly made MMO zone.
This. Great character, fucking awful quest. The character himself is a pleasant surprise whereas the personal quest was the exact hamfisted gay shit you went in expecting.

He's only alive if you made him a Grey Warden. The default NPC is some random fuck called Stroud, but he's replaced by either Alistair or Loghain if you made either a Warden and either survived into DA2/DAI.
>he didn't have loghain become a grey warden

step your game up anon come on
I'll give you that. That entire segment was weird and out of place. Like I am trying to lead a fuck huge army and save the world from demonic hordes, I don't care about your daddy issues man.
I've been pirating in the UK for over 10 years have never received anything like that, don't even use a vpn
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They made an elf party member ugly on purpose to support womenz image.
They purposefully messed her up so bad that her stupid ass bowl cut isn't even straight.
So very SJW, but not as bad of a game as DA2.
Is Inquisition full of Mage-Templar bullshit like DA2?
It's pretty mediocre and all the sidequests are incredibly boring, but you need to do them anyway to progress the main quest.

If you want to play it, do what >>348015467 suggests and just cheat the resources so you don't have to grind sidequests for them.
They didn't make her ugly on purpose. She's just a poorly designed character. You can see what they were going for in the concept art and the retard in charge of modeling failed on all fronts

Just look at Iron Bull. His face looks like it's been through the Mario 64 intro.
The first segment is yes, because you have to deal with the fallout from it that happened in da2 (mage rebellion). Once you pick a side to side with you pretty much end that conflict and move onto something else.

They tried to model him after his voice actor but it didn't work and he looks like a horrible mutant abomination.
Exactly my point. Characters like he and Sera are ugly because Bioware are inept. Saying "WELL NOT EVERYONE IS PRETTY" was just the excuse they used to look less like amateurs running on a AAA budget. I'm shocked people bought that reasoning.
>play origins
>import save to da2
>play da2
>just want to play origins instead
>try playing inquisition
>just want to play da2 instead

bioware are making a habit of franchises becoming progressively shittier
no, 2014 was just that bad
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Oh, God. Good thing the main Mass Effect series ended before they could turn Liara and Tali into tumbrites.
Yes, I did. He's fun, but he's flamboyant as fuck. It's really annoying at times.
According to who?
the same people that gave witcher 3 gotys
i-i enjoyed it
Thoroughly from start to finish?

Did you do all of the side quests and stuff? I don't think it's THAT bad but for me the game is dragged down massively by the fat 95% of the things you can do is mindless grinding.
shitloads of sjw shit, niggers are a common thing everywhere now as well. good thing i pirated it. Wasnt worth the playtrough but i did it anyway...
>i played it start to finish but i hate it guys, i swear

be more of a conformist would you
yup, sidequest were the most fun part of the game, i fuckin loved the dragon battles.
>how can you hate it if you haven't played it
>how can you hate it you haven't even passed hinterlands
>lol retard why would you play it if you hate it

Fucking biodrones
Don't play games you know you're not gonna like just so you can justify having a free shitposting pass in the future by saying you played it so you're allowed to shitpost it
yeah you need to play a game to determine whether or not you like it but you don't need to fucking complete it

either he genuinely played a game from start to finish that he hated in which case he's a retard or he is just shittalking because he thinks it'll make him fit in, if you think this behaviour is new then you need to lurk moar
All I'm getting is

>wah wah i can't accuse you of not playing the game you're shitting on

Grow up.
You just wanna shitpost, but you thought you needed to justify]it by wasting time and probably money first, retard
Warrior's grappling skill felt good though, you bring them over and if upgraded delivers a satisfying kick to their noggins, so fun
What's honestly the most fun class to play in this game?
Pirated it yesterday, Rogue seems fucking dull as shit. Archery is boring and DW just gets me killed because of the massive 2handed weapon arcs that damage me even when I'm behind people.
I'm not even that anon. I just think it's an extremely pathetic cop out to sit there telling people not to form educated opinions.
Combat is shit. They tried to mesh together real-time and pause as you go tactics and it didn't work.

A couple of good characters, but nothing especially memorable.

The character progression is ass.
I'm going to be honest here, after about 10 hours I absolutely loathe Inquisition. It's way too fucking bland, even the story missions are boring as hell. There's also no roleplaying, like at all. I can't act like an evil dick. I can rarely act sarcastic. Even playing as a Qunari, I can't even act stoic most of the time, like how Qunari usually act. I understand you can only play as Tal-Vashoth, but it's a bit jarring when your Qunari acts completely the same as every other Inquisitor.

The combat is absolutely terrible, it's only saving grace is that there's no ANOTHER WAVE. Instead of actually lengthening the cool down on healing spells, they get rid of them all together because they don't know how to balance a fucking game. Also, my character will sometimes not move when I want him to move in the middle of combat, making for quite a number of frustrating moments.

Then there's the fact that they casualized it to the extreme by not even letting you level up your own character attributes. What reason is there for this? Fucking stupid.

Also I hate all of the characters so far(except for my bae Leliana), especially Sera.

I hate this game.
the most fun class is the dps that crunches the biggest numbers so it will be over sooner
so when I played it archer assassin or dual wielding tempest, might have changed with balance patches
Mage, even with the magic being dumbed down as shit.

Seriously, one of the few things Dragon Age has going is the quite cool mage/fade lore. So why be a generic warrior or thief.
I got 2 crashes total on my 40 hour playthrough
>Also I hate all of the characters so far
Cassandra is best girl anon. Also I liked Dorian and found Solas somewhat interesting. I agree with all of your other points though.
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DA:O > DA:I > DA2

Objective, unbiased, raw truth.

Also the most common tier listing among fans.
epic meme

No way.

For all its flaws I had far more fun with Dragon Age 2 than Inquisition. It's got highs and (a lot of) lows, but Inquisition is just solid underwhelming blandless throughout.
What are the best books in the franchise?
I enjoyed Stolen Throne and might get The Calling.
you are so fucking stupid
I hear Masked Empire is supposed to be the best
I enjoyed Asunder and The Masked Empire the most.
These two are also the most important ones lore wise.
>On /v/, everyone voices their opinion without being punished.

end then you are shitposted to no end if your opinion is against the /v/ hivemind

im not defending reddit since i really hate that layout but /v/ is not that diferent

yeah i am liking it too but im still in the beginning

i actually enjoy grinding soo looks ok soo far..

See i might disagree with you but at least you actually show the reasons that you didnt like it and didnt overuse buzzwords ust to be accepted

i wish you good luck with a game you enjoy anon
You've nothing to fear from shitposting save for hurt feelings.

Don't be a faggot
Jaws of hakkon, descent, and dragon fights are pretty cool but it's really tedious, boring and drawn out cause of the stupid war room mission timers and all the mandatory bitch work necessary to gain influence and power points
In general, the first toy seems very interesting. But in the future quickly tired of the lack of diversity. I can not advise to play it, but the taste and color of comrades there. Who will explain why.
1. First and foremost, probably minus in the game - the standard plot. To describe it, I will not, for those who are interested - Will play will understand what I mean. The storyline does not cling, do not have enough of its disclosure and understandable narrative scheme, which is why the game is lost meaning and the essence of our actions.
2. Graphics. Yes, I do not argue, in the gaming industry to sin zhalvatsya graphics in a computer game, but it's just a nightmare. Guys, even in Serios Sam schedule was better, seriously.
3. The same type of combat system. Oh, this is generally a separate topic. Where have you seen a blunt poking the mouse button? Your gerogy will produce the same attack, no matter where your opponent to what he outfit, its growth, and so on.
4. Gameplay. In general, what can be said about the gameplay ... He is not. And it did not exist. Maps are based on the same scheme, the world is boring and monotonous.
And finally, 5. Artificial Intelligence. Guys, local AI is so stupid that, I'm sorry of course, children 4 years of age are smarter than NPC here.

So, what I say Mogo. Ten criteria.
1. Theme. -
2. Gameplay. -
3. Artificial Intelligence. -
4. World. -
5. Graphics. -
6. Musical arrangement (the only thing that I somehow liked it). +
7. Interest. -
8. playability. -
9. To kill time. +
10. Spend money on something worthwhile. -
Total 2/10..
t. andryciwicz lucukowitczitzyticz
>Not letting you level up character attributes

This. It's an rpg, Let me customize goddammit.
Too bad Bioware nerfed them.
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If pic related says it's good, then it's good.
been playing for maybe 12 hours, and discovered there's a glitch that makes the rogue duster coat thing invisible from the waist down so it looks like shit.

spent ages saving up to buy the schematics and grinding for bear pelts specifically, only to find it looks like ass.
>Romancing Josephine
My nigga :)
Dragon Age Inquisition was fun, but I like MMO-Style games. I had 170~ hours for my first playthrough
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Dragon Age 2 is bad?
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The Witcher doesn't have one of the best written NPCs ever.
Shut up buttface
I want to cum on his bald head
>SJW dogshit like DA2?

I know DA2 is dogshit but it is in no way sjw.
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Typical Witcher fan. All you can think about is tits and blood. Solas is one of the most intelligent and fascinating NPCs ever.

Weekes has taken all of Gaider's crap, and is going to make an amazing game set in Tevinter.
Avallac'h > Solas
you all upset cuz ur pucker couldnt handle the bull lmao

you could actually use a few ingame bugs to get resources but they patched it, now you need to farm out the ass for them and its not worth it. It was a solid 7/10 game at launch, but nothing amazing.

>Vivienne is an annoying stuck-up bitch who thinks her world-view is the only acceptable one.
>Dorian is actually pretty decent. He's a nice guy and even though he's gay I think it was handled decently. I was a male and friends with him.
>Solas is great. I played as an elf, and I took Solas along for every single mission. DragonAge Inquisition is nothing without Solas. He banters constantly and offers interesting insights.


>Varric is pretty bland. His only major relationship is with Cassandra. He kind of sucks in combat, but upgrade Bianca and take direct control and you'll be dealing over 10,000 points of damage easily.
>Sera is inferior. She's not as good at ranged combat as Varric, and not as good at melee combat as Cole. Take her if you need bantz
>Cole is Sera done right. He's a bit fragile, but all rogues in this game are if you don't micromanage them.


>Ironbull has amusing banter, but sometimes it can get cringy. Because of how combat works, Ironbull desperately needs a weapon that gives on-hit guard or he'll always be lying in a pool of his own blood.
>Cassandra is a solid tank, Templar is nice if you want to close every rift.
>Blackwall is a bit bland, but his champion specialization makes him your best tank easily.
i dropped kingdoms of amalur like a hot potato cause of the MMO quest grind so that sucks if its the same thing here.

It pretty much is. But I liked Amalur for that.
Play it once for morrigan then deinstall and burn the hard drive

Morrigan was terrible. I drank from the well myself

She was trying to steal the legacy of my people. No one that hungry for power should have it.

kys waifufag
>Morrigan was terrible so I turned my character into her future bitch
You forgot one for Sera
>is a shite goblin
you don't even lore right you diphthong

Only one person can drink from the well. She can't even turn into a dragon if she doesn't drink. My inquisitor is way more powerful.
>my people
Just for a quick reality check, you do know you are not an elf irl?

Maybe he identifies as an elfkin or something

It's called roleplaying. I immerse myself in a role. I bet you play as a human male for every game. That was my mindset when I made the decision.
>Being this badly informed
Flemeth sent Mythal's godhood to Morrigan before she died. And whoever drank from the Well is under Mythal's command. So better get your asshole ready for that Morrigan femdom.
lmao roleplaying is 4 nerds what are yuo a nerd haah

Her old god soul went to Solas. Do you not pay attention?
what the fuck are you talking about, Solas stole that shit from her, is this some shit from the books or something
Her powers did, not Mythal's soul. It's common knowledge among people that even remotely care about DA that the developer notes clearly state that Flemeth always planned for Morrigan to become Mythal and sending mythal through the eluvian is exactly what we have seen her do in the ending.
You are a bunch of casuals.
i got the game for free at steelseries give away. it a 7/10 at best including all the shitty side quests and stuff but the main quest isn't too bad. just pirate it.
is this what they call headcanon?


Your waifu is irrelevant. It's all Solas now. The Kieran plot is dropped. There is no reason for her to show up now.
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>Not playing as the Human Master Race
Developer notes, it has nothing to do with me.

In case you didn't play trespasser, Elves are the actual master race of Thedas
provide ebidences or it's headcanon
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Just google "Datamined designer notes morrigan mythal" or whatever, there was other stuff they found as well
didn't happen in the game though, flemeth got rekt before anything could happen, i've seen those notes before, just becasue she intended it doens't mean it ended up happening d00d
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It's complete SJW dogshit that includes retcons on the entire Qunari race, a transgender soldier in the army, religion bashing, FIRST FULL GAY CHARACTER whose personal quest is all about being gay, a tumblrdyke hobgoblin "elf" and an annoying niggress.

However. You can be a total cunt as an Inquisitor and the game, with all the DLC, has a lot of content. Sure most of it is bland but it's a decent time sink. Pirate the CPY version which includes every single DLC and give it a shot.
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Ironbull is cringey as fuck Barafag bait. Dropped him and made Cassandra my 2h goddess.

It's funny that you're posting a dark souls image, because that series has gotten worse with each installment, and has retconned and destroyed it's own lore to the point of worthlessness.
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>worse with each installment
False, DS3 is better than DS2.

But it doesn't matter, the gameplay and even the lore of it is still amazing and the franchise as a whole remains one of the best.
Iron Bull could have been prime bara husbando material but they made him profoundly ugly with an awkward stupid looking model complete with Bioware brand QUALITY animations.
>annoying niggress.

are you kidding? she's the only mage besides wynne in all of these games who isn't constanly making excuses for the shitty actions and choices of the mages

plus the dialogue she has with iron bull in the party where she essentially becomes his mom is pretty amusing

Mages should be free
The maker is a false god.
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wtf I suddenly hate Varric now. Seriously, if you dig a little deep, you find an ugly personality.

He just can't handle the banter

Varric is one of those annoying "Just a prank, bro!" People.

He would call you a dumb name and then act offended if you call him out on it.

They have proven they can't be trusted with all that power. Really though, the only thing that needs to change is the tranquil process.

Actually, they have. The inquisitor can ally with them, and there will never be an abomination with their ranks. If Leliana is the divine, everyone will trust the free college of enchanters.

Tranquility can be reversed now, so it's a moot point.

Then call him a dumb name back, you donut.
Don't pirate

You're right. You should support EA
>The inquisitor can ally with them, and there will never be an abomination with their ranks.
Because they are clearly being watched. And that's after they tried to go back to the fucking Imperium.
The bi/gay characters outnumber the straight ones.

That's fucking dumb from a biological standpoint.

Apparently somewhere around 30% of the population actually reproduces and the other 70% just enjoy crazy gay sex. I'm pretty sure that would destroy any population.
They've been nerfed to the ground and considering the only way to play is through Origin which enforces most recent patches....
SJW spotted

fuck off kikecuckshill

The ghost is also straight.
I had to play in console. MGSV has better and more fun resource gathering.
>complain that the gay characters outnumber the straight characters
>I'm an SJW suddenly

Did... Did you get confused?

Because they had nowhere to run to. And you act as if the Tevinter Imperium is evil.

Tevinter is full of good people. You should hate the venatori instead


Wrong. Inquisition has more straight characters. Even Cole is straight.
>Vivienne is an annoying stuck-up bitch who thinks her world-view is the only acceptable one.
Her world view is based on a lot of experience and both the mages and the Orlesians prove a lot of her points right.
>kike aghast at being called out
KEK you yids are soo easy to spot these days
If you didn't disband the Inquisition, you are literally retarded
I just ignored the SJW shit in both games but they're both shit in their own different ways.
Dragon age 2 is a rollercoster between disappointment, disbelief, rage and the occasional good stuff while inquisition isn't as radically bad but just boring the whole playthrough. I felt like I'd just crossed the fucking Sahara after finally being done with it
>Because they had nowhere to run to.
They shouldn't have ran at all. It was pointed out in Origins that they needed to straighten themselves out first because blood magic pops up way too often as a solution to problems.

>Tevinter is full of good people.
Not a whole lot. Even Dorian states they largely can't be trusted.
Banter. Handle it.

They literally had nowhere to run to, since the circles were destroyed and templars were hunting them.
Personally found it surprisingly entertaining.

Me too. But fuck that Orlesian intrigue mission.
Varric is fucking cancer stopped playing 2 after he was introduced and saw previews for cisquisitions with him and never bought it or played it.
>Orlesian intrigue mission

I don't think I got that far.

I kept drawing comparisons between Cassandra and my wife.

And stopped playing it after awhile.

Bitch my dick starvin' Feed it, Feed it, FEED IT, FEED IT

I enjoyed Witcher 3 more. Although I'm having issues working up the motivation to play through the 1st expansion. Don't really like it.
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