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Witcher 2 > Witcher 3 > Witcher 1 Agree?

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Witcher 2 > Witcher 3 > Witcher 1

One is dogshit that people pretend to like for cred.
Shit > shit > shit
Switch 3 and 1 and you're correct.
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but witcher one is the better one?
3 > 2 > 1, fight me hipsters.
I replayed TW2 recently and it wasn't very good.
I'm playing one right now its shit, It's literally never ending fetch quest shit, or kill 3-5-10 monsters and run back to the city
Story is all over the fucking place, I guess it would totally make sense if you read all the books, but Geralt seems to come to conclusions and plot points at utter fuking randomness. Also fuck Alchemy.
I'm at 3rd Chapter with 42hours played, yet my character feels so detached from the world and isolated from everything, while theres politics and shit going around, all im doing is just chasing some criminal gang and killing monsters. Wheres my fucking arch demon to slay
CDPR nailed it and did something hardly any devs do

3 > 2 > 1
Just finished 2 for the first time, why was it so short? Slightly disappointed, to be quite honest, famalamafoltests.
A lot of people in this thread are fooling themselves.
because taking different paths does actually open up unique areas and quests

play it again

They were saving everything for witcher 3, but they realized the console fags wouldn't understand any of it, so they dropped all of the witcher 2 storylines anyway
3 is literally an improvement on 2 in every way

Except the lack of main nigga Iorveth.
you went with the elf.
you should kill yourself.
That dragon was fucking annoying.

>Playing Geralt as a house nigger

Don't get me wrong, I like Roche as a person, but the Scoia'tel know what's good
The humans are the niggers of the Witcher.
>invaded the superior elven culture
>outbred the native populace
Honestly you should've been given the option to say "fuck off" to both of them or drag both of them with you. Witcher style isn't about choosing sides, it's about doing what's right.
I was under the impression they went out of their way to show that there is no "right", but you're still forced to choose.
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They did that while It ain't me was playing on loop
1 > 2

2 was the reason I played 1, I played it in the week running up and was actually 2 days late playing 2 because it was longer than I expected.

Then 2 was awful. It was ugly, the dialogue was retarded, the menus were shocking and the combat was such a slog. Each generic encounter took 5-10 fucking minutes. I got hardly any way into the first chapter. I went into a ruin, got backstabbed by a ghost thing, dying instantly and then never played again.

3 looks nice, but I'm sick of buying games I don't like so I'm yet to bother.
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Witcher 3>all previous Witchers
Witcher 3 is the greatest game ever made
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they're all bad though
Just spam ard and roll around like it's meme souls
Works every fucking time
Witcher 3 is probably the best piece of interactive media ever created
I played the first Witcher, then the second, then read all the books and have since played the first again. I haven't touched the third yet, my PC isn't good enough, will get around to it.

Before books 2 > 1, post books 1 > 2, the second is kinda ruined by the fact that you have to make a choice between the Scoia'tael and Temeria. It doesn't feel like Geralt to choose either, a big part of Geralts character in the books is that he remained neutral even though every character he met told him he had to pick a side, he staunchly denied that notion and only started to feel any differently very late into the books, considering the second Witcher is still pre memory recovery he should still very much be of the opinion that as a Witcher it's in his best interest to remain neutral.

Also, after the books my favourite act in the first game is act 2, which most people think is the worst, the reason is its the act that most makes you feel like a Witcher from the books, not just a monster hunter but a detective, it really felt like that one story in Sword of Destiny about the shape changer and the banker.

Anyone who says 1 is shit is just a faggot though, even before I read the books I thought it was excellent, the first act is perfect and really sets up the world nicely and while the middle third is slow the final third is filled with super exciting and surprising twists, doubly so if you haven't read the books and are blindsided by all the Alvin shit.
3 > 2 > 1

Although 2 has the best story.
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I hate the combat, m8. Simple as that. Never before have I played a game that I haven't been able to get through because of the combat mechanics - VtMB is my gotta for Christ's sake. But I can't play Witcher 1.
Meant for
>The Witcher 1
>Anything other than absolute dogshit
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i agree
Witcher 1 > Witcher 2 > Deus Ex > Witcher 3
the only good thing about Witcher 3, BnW is dog poop
Being a Witcher is all about killing monsters and getting paid. But being a turbo killer can make you desirable to someone who wants someone else dead.

You are probably misunderstanding the combat, what I mean is it's clear that its actually designed to be played more like Diablo 2 than something like Elder Scrolls. While the default perspective is in 3rd person all the developer gameplays I've seen were played from the top down perspective where the rythm/clicky combat makes much more sense.

You might still think "but its still shit if I just click on stuff to kill things", well that's what you've misunderstood, the games challenge has nothing to do with clicking or getting the timing right, the difficulty comes from the preparation rather than the actual combat, things like alchemy or placing traps and using signs correctly.

Also none of that applies on anything but the hardest difficulty so if you're playing it on anything but that I assume it's quite the slog.

That's an absolutely terrible description of a Witcher, it's basically completely wrong.
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They are all amazing games and the opinions of these nigger-dick loving faggots in this thread doesn't matter
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Smug Geralt is the best thing ever
Naah its 3>1>2 desu.
I was sceptical about witcher 3 when I read so much about it here but I recently played and holy shit was it good.
The second witcher is also good but compared to the others its less.
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Heres your (you)
Geralt seemed more like an arrogant cunt in the third game than in the other ones for some reason.
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I've only just started playing 3 and I can already tell it's going to be great. But that's not to imply 1 is bad in any way.

This thread seems to be infested with people who haven't played the first one either because they don't have the patience for it, or skipped it and went straight to 3 and are now trying to convince themselves it's not worth playing.

1 and 3 are actually very similar games. Prior to 3, 1 had the best spooky atmosphere. 1 also had the best quests prior to 3.

2 was completely different. The set-pieces were smaller in comparison but the story was at a grander scale. 2 had better dialogue, a better plot, better characters and was overall better written. The reason why 2 beats 1 is because of replayability. There is very little reason to replay 1 whereas 2 is good for at least 3 playthroughs and you probably won't understand the story completely until your third playthrough. Roche and Iorveth are both bro as fuck and the game is like a road trip with your buddies down the river Pontar.

tl;dr TW1 is not bad in any way, it's only been superseded by TW3 in many of the aspects it excelled at over TW2. The best order to play the games is still 1 then 2 then 3.
>story all over the place
fuck off nigger
Should I play Witcher 2 again? I already beat it going with the Roche-->Triss path. Heard that the elf path is completely different with Saskia and shit. I honestly just went with Roche to fuck Ves though. Worth.

Haven't played Witcher 3 yet though. Should get on that.

Also, was Ves lying about being raped by the king? Cause Geralt mentioned something about Ves lying at the end of the scene, and Roche was all like I trust her with my life.
Absolutely not.

Two isn't even very good as it's own game, let alone compared to the other two entries in the trilogy.
3 > 1 > 2

also acceptable is 1 > 3 > 2

but 2 should never be first. or second.
How can all of you forgive the Fisheye Quest Solver (TM) in the Witcher 3?

It killed almost all of my fun and enjoyment.
If the idea of seeing the same events from a different perspective doesn't intrigue you then no, dont play it again.

But then again playing act 1 again does actually sound like torture.
>not picking Iorveth to experience the comfy dwarven city

Witcher 2 is just a bad mass effect clone, it has a great story but is just unpleasant to play due to mechanical inferiority. Even moving and interacting with the world is unpleasant due to shit programming. Witcher 3 fixed this problem with its better UI and the free movement patch.
yeah it sucked by the world was cool and you could find things without it. for example, found the crookback bog without it, and that crashed cart for kiera metz in her side quest.
It's like ten houses. Barely a village at beast.
Skyrim tier of scale.
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Do it.
Choosing Iorveth on your second playthrough after Roche will make you ask "Why the fuck did I go Roche path and end up in that depressing hovel of a military camp?". Just remember to give Iorveth his sword and to save Mottle. Vergen (the town you end up in if you choose Iorveth path) is the comfiest town in all of The Witcher 2.

But that's not to shit on Roche path either. Roche path let's you influence Temerian politics in Act 3 and makes Act 3 much more bearable as you actually have access to a larger friendly section (Temerian quarter) you won't otherwise see.

Honestly, once I found out I couldn't romance Saskia, I had no regrets of going with Roche. Though the Ioverth path has a lot more sex scenes. Which is unfair. Should be equal.
I played W1 and W2 for the first time in the week leading up to W3's release.

All of them were good games. Witcher 2 was the one I felt the most engrossed in from start to finish, but that might have been a side effect of getting over the initial interest hump in the first game. The first game is really dated and feels like shit at first. Everything feels really janky, but after a certain point, I want to say right after you kill the first real boss in the game, it kind of clicks. The world feels rich, it's rewarding to actually dig into the lore readings, and you really feel as if you're getting better and better at he game as you read up on monsters beforehand, prepare the right potions, use the right sword, use the right spells, and use the right sword style to turn formerly hard enemies into cake. With its close over-the-shoulder perspective, obvious translation errors, and spins on the usual fantasy stuff with "dark" social problems, it really comes into its own as a unique entity.

I might have enjoyed W2 so much because I was just riding the high, but I felt like W2 was so tightly crafted and paced. Combat feels really clunky at first, but it ends up feeling appropriately hefty and lethal as you get used to it. The "dark" fantasy world meshes well with enemies being touch and lethal and you can't just run into the middle of a group of enemies and carve them up like nothing with over-the-top sword spins and flips. People say that it assassinates Geralt's character, but without any book context for it, I didn't give a shit. That kind of play lends itself well to Geralt feeling like an experienced monster hunter who gets by with preparation and planning just as much as inhuman strength and speed.

3 just suffers from the usual lack of focus, pacing, and leveling strength fluctuations that accompany all open-world games.
>Also fuck Alchemy.
This is why we can't have nice things.

I think I'm going to play Witcher 3 first, beat it. Then go back 2, go the Ioverth path and import that save and play 3 again with a new build.
Mass Effect is utter shit compared to The Witcher 2.

Also the mechanics seem terrible at first for TW2, but it CAN be mastered. Watch some LPs of the more skillful players.
I actually think that W2 is better written and characterized Geralt than the books.
are you immortal or something

What is wrong with you?
1>HoS>B&W>Certain 3 side quests>3>2
I read the translations

As an aside, I used to have trouble with the greater than/less than signs like you. I was told to think of it like this: Imagine that the symbol is a very hungry alligator's head. Because it's so hungry, the alligator will open its mouth and face towards the larger value. That really stuck with me as a kid and I never had trouble again, so I hope it helps you in the future as well.

Spotted the nilfgaardian
3 > 1 > 2
>I'm going to play Witcher 3 first, beat it.
Don't go into The Witcher 3 with beating it as your end goal.

From what I've heard from other people, it's the kind of game you have to live in and slowly chip away at.

Reread your post dude it doesn't make any sense.
I believe the characterization and writing behind the character of Geralt from The Witcher 2 to be superior to the characterization and writing behind the character Geralt from the books.
I do actually support nilfgaard as well. General Voorhis alone seems more likeable than any northerner I've met so far.
I have some questions about TW3.
Do you still do that whole thing where you buy books to research monsters to know how to defeat them or get more reagents from their corpses?

I'm still in White Orchard and whereas the herablist Tomira did give me info on Nightwraiths/Noonwraiths/Plague Maidens after I did a quest for her, I don't think I got it from a book.
too bad geralt is the complete opposite of a neutral person. he always looks for the "good" side and then grumbles about "muh neutrality" while still helping them
I find Witcher 2 absolutely unenjoyable due to the combat being a mess with the over emphasis on rolling. I'd even take W1's rhythm game combat over it. As for Witcher 3, it's amazing how so many people play through the entire game for hundreds of hours without even realizing they can counter attack monsters. Significantly better combat compared to W2.
3 is better than 2 because Yennefer.
But I had a shitload of fun with 2.
1 sucked donkey balls.


I liked both 1 and 2 about the same, both are good, but have some issues here and there.
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>1 sucked donkey balls

and your mother sucks dwarf cock, fag.
>Being a Witcher is all about killing monsters and getting paid.

You should really be removing curses or going for reconciliation instead of just waving your silver dick around.

I think you're mad, so mad that I'm not going to even try, enjoy life dude, good luck.
chapter 2 is really different depending on which side you pick in 1.

also on the elf's side you can fuck bestgirl if you have teh enhanced edition

Nah, your bestiary just gets updated, you can access it with B
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No. Geralt obviously likes neither of them. However he needs at least one of them to get triss and leto. Both is stupid since they hate eachother
Music wise
Witcher 1 > Witcher 3 > Witcher 2
I would have preferred a sitcom route where you go with Iorveth and Roche at the same time. They argue mean while Geralt is busy hitting on Ves.

But Ves is only available in the Roche path.
There isn't a better way to do that kind of investigation quest in a 3rd person game. You will need to look around for shiny clue stuff.
So how do I get general info on monsters before fighting them for the first time?
>supporting Nilfgaard

Dunno about 3. Haven't played it yet.

Even IKEA simulator is better than 1 though, so that's not a high hurdle.
Deal with it neckbeard. I deal with people shitting on Morrowind because muh combat. I didn't like the game, now fuck off.
By reading books about them.
3 = 1 >>>>2
Guys I've played Witcher 2 and 3, enjoyed the fuck out of both of them, but I can't stomach Witcher 1, the voice acting and reverends face unsettle me and all of chapter 1 is such a slog fest, is it worth going back and playing? Any mods for the game I need, when does it get good?

An important theme in the series is the difference between how the public see Witchers and what they actually are, most people think the Witchers are murderers for hire, no different from mercs, when in reality the Witchers are problem solvers who specialise in dealing with not only monsters but curses and magic too. Each Witcher knows not only how to cut down a monster but all the physiological and magical aspects of the monster, their demeanor, where they live etc.

Another important distinction is a Witcher only deals with the super natural, the code forbades them from accepting money to solve any problems not created by the supernatural, such as assassination.

Basically you just described a Witcher if you asked the town boot maker.
another theme is how important people dont get properly paid. Witchering is pretty important to prevent shit from going down but many people refuse to pay
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Look at all that unexplored territory.

The Witcher 4 where you play as a witcher in the school of the Viper in the Nilfgaard Empire WHEN.
>code forbids them
this is literally just a thing witchers tell people so they don't bother them with shit they don't want to do
>Witcher Code

I dunno man, school of the cat was renowned for it's witchers being assassins and taking merc contracts.

Chapter 1 is one of the best chapters, most people think chapter 2 is a slog, specially after the first chapter, most people also seem to start to enjoy the game again in chapter 3, most people start to love and appreciate the game post chapter 4, your mileage may vary.

But from what you've said you're just a faggot anyway to bad luck I guess.
1 is very good, you should really give it a chance.

I couldn't get into it either at first but after I played 2 and 3, I went back to it and completed it since I was "invested" in the characters and lore
My problem was that it was designed as the way to solve almost every quest that I attempted. If it was just used for investigations that would be one thing, but this Witcher sense is to the Witcher 3 what the quest marker was to Skyrim. Lazy design in my opinion.

Pretty much, there is a code but it might as well say "Use the code as an excuse whenever lmao".
viper school was dismantled bub

The code differs from school to school, I was only referring to the school of the wolf, which is where the vast majority of the Witchers that would be doing work in the Northern Kingdoms are from.
It's not worth it. The story is pretty much inconsequential in regards to the sequels, the gameplay is dated.

What stories could the game tell? Maybe a civil war in Nilfgaard? But that wouldn't happen under Ciri's awesome rule. Maybe in the future it turns out Yennefer managed to get around her and Geralt's infertility or some shit, Nilfgaard falls apart, etc.
LA Noire sound cues maybe?
Guess I'll pick it up again and try it out, the main problem was the back and forth of quests, if you don't do them in a certain order there's a lot of back tracking which I usually don't mind, but after a while gets tedious.
Witcher 1 - Neverwinter Nights mod with worse combat
Witcher 2 - "we want the AAA audience"
Witcher 3 - "we want the Skyrim audience"
>This map
I never realized before now that the world of The Witcher is basically just... California.
>played tw2 a while back
>had a good time
>got stuck on some easy boss for whatever reason
>forgot about finishing it

I should probably go back and finish it some day
Comparing Witcher 3 to Skyrim is really fucking unfair. That piece of shit and that other piece of shit called Fallout 4 attracted completely different people than Witcher 3, just look at the fucking sales figures. And they're incomparable in terms of quality.
You're right. Nothing in TW3 can compare to sexy Lydia.
I understand, you can't really fail many quests because the clues tend to lead you to completion. There isn't an actual investigation when its all on rails.

There are a few quests where the senses lead you to a point, after which you need to do additional investigation on your own accord. They could have made more quests like that.
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>Bethesda's sixth (Skyrim) game gets BTFO by polacks third game in every single aspect even though the 2 games before it almost made them bankrupt
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How can she be sexy, animations are crap. On the other hand, when Yennefer slightly lowers her head and looks up, it's so fucking lifelike. I can't believe how well they did in making those characters so realistic.
How do people enjoy witcher 3.
I hate everyone in there.
I hate geralt, I hate the sorceresses, I can't stand ciri; the only characters I can stand are some quests NPCs. And the combat is just unappealing.
>how do people like things that I don't like?

Gee I wonder anon

I just want a Witcher spinoff where Ciri gets to go on wacky adventures with Dandelion and Zoltan. Just make the gameplay similar to DMC3's with crazy shit and teleporting everywhere and I'll buy 8 copies.
I think you should go play Fallout 4
The game you want to play released a few months before TW3. It's called Dragon Age: Inquisition. The writing is probably much more your speed.
this. took a while.
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>why do people like things that I don't
Fuck no. I don't like the characters in TW3 but it's technically impressive.
Not only do I loathe DA:I's characters, every design aspect makes my hair stand on end. Like the daggers being the size of a man's forearm and floating ME style on your back because why bother with equipment when you can recycle your last title?
I only finished the game 4 months ago

And I finished BaW 3 days ago

156 hours of total play time

Its not a game you can power through IMO

Its like a really good book that you have to savor and really take your time with to enjoy

Unlike Skyrim where everything is just a copy paste, TW3 has so many excellent small details that really make the work feel alive. If you rush though it you will miss literally everything that makes the game good
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