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Munich shooter has a Steam account

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Thread replies: 615
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Oh shit.
God i fucking hate this country
The Literal Who?
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>VAC ban

Lmao. Just further illustrates only mentally ill retards cheat and/or scam.
Shit taste tbqhwyf
pretty much everyone male under 30 has a Steam account

>VAC ban
welp, there's the reason for all this
He has another account.
>get VAC banned
>forced to play shooters irl now

I hope Valve gets sued for this.
>He played CSS and CS:GO

So Germany bans violent video games for the sake of refugees now?
>VAC ban

You CAN'T make this shit up
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>VAC ban
Fucking called it!
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>mfw it turns out the shooter did this because of a VAC ban
did he play hatred or postal?
>he gets a VAC ban
>realizes that for the rest of his life he will have a black mark always haunting his every waking moment
>realizes he can't go on living with a VAC ban always present
>goes on a killing spree

thanks valve
he had nothing to live for now than being a shitter at some pixel shooters
should have guessed he was hacking. a 9:1 kill-to-death ratio is as suspicious as fuck
>mfw his names say "German Pride" and "Godlike German"
>mfw this is what the average /pol/lak looks like
>talks about mental retardation
>posts mde

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>VAC ban

How close do you think the VAC ban happened to the first time he started looking up info on mass shootings?

What's mde?
Oh boy, the perfect scapegoat to blame instead of mass illegal immigration.
When will video games finally be banned? They ruin our children!
Stop fucking posting him I'm sick of underage 4channers ruining his fucking fanbase
>Hitler wants to purge the jews
>Now not even a century later Germany has to let them flood in
You can't make this up
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>VAC ban

should've already been executed after that

Posting who?
Do you think the VAC ban was the final thing that sent him over the edge?

I like to think so.
>37 day(s) since last ban

Did Valve cause a mass shooting?

Googled it, doesn't seem to be a person. What's they're last name?
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And nothing of value was lost
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>2k hours in Counter Strike
>VAC banned
I bet he also had a facebook account, stop the fucking presses.
Youre right. Hes barely a person.
I wonder if this is how the media is thinking.
>Should we have an extensive and difficult discussion on immigration and refugees?
>Or blame vidya?

>The new f0rest of pistols?
They're conditioned to believe that they're directly responsible for Hitler and they need to make things right.
We're seeing a pattern emerge. It's well-known that facebook accounts make you hate everyone you know and want to take it out on the human race
>Planetside 2
Well no wonder he went and did the whole murder suicide thing.
million dollar extreme
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How do these screenshots make you feel?
>only release valve he had in life was playing Counter Strike
>can't even do that anymore
>goes on a real life rampage
I mean, it does make an interesting case.
>Prophet 5 Gottgleicher Deutscher
fucking cringe

there's a bunch of german faggots that like to call themselves like this, I laugh every time
>hey bro dont go to germany tomorrow
>last online 11 days ago
He wasn't even a refugee. It's a typical amok run like Erfurt. If there is anything to blame it would probably be the school system and shitty teachers who ignore mobbing like they always do.
>Gottgleicher Deutscher
What does that mean?
>This user has also played as:
>дepьмe Typция
>broken Russian, translates something like 'shit Turkey'

what did he mean by this?
idk he had a bad christmas?
Sounds like Germany Butt Muncher.
godlike german
>shoot was a white male
>not muslim
/pol/ absolutely BTFO
I think someone said he hated turks. Not sure if he generally hated them or if some of the people that bullied him were turks.
>people leaving passive agressive comments on his profile like he can still respond
for what purpose?
>дepьмe Typция
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>God i fucking hate this country
Cheers to that.
He was a second generation, that's pretty much the same. Or depending on your perspective even worse.
Godlike German
>that second screenshot
Some dude ragdoll'd in to a wheelbarrow.
It's meant to be more funny than anything else.
Wasn't the supposed reason for going gun crazy because he was angry at all the refugees entering the country? Thought that was why he screamed "I'm German!"
Should've written
>Should we have an extensive and difficult discussion on immigration, refugees, and how it affects the original countries population and culture?
supreme gentleman
He was born in Germany, but his parents were Iranian.
everyone knows that in the afterlife you just spend an eternity looking at your steam profile without being able to interact with it

this is literally scientific fact
First 5 people to add get a game up to $20 in value

I agree with this. I hate Arabs and Muslims, but even I acknowledge that this shit had nothing to do with the kid's religion or ethnicity.
think i´m gonna add LG to my name just to be edgy
Yes but he didn't run amok because his parents were migrants. Amok runs are caused by mental health problems and bullying, race doesn't play a role in this and you don't prevent this by banning them since the reasons are something else. All other runs in Germany were done by "real" Germans.
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Yeah i read exactly that shit earlier and could only think "fuck everthing, here we go again!"
No, it was because of videogames

I mean, look what happened after DOOM 1&2 got unbanned in 2011!
Are you blind?
And another Islamic faggot. Who would have thought.
ban assault vacs
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>original population

He was Iranian born in germany, in the video someone shouted "fucking turks" after he started shooting to which he responded "I'm German, I was born here"
>looks like a mudslime shitskin
they're conveniently venting their own frustrations on him
I bet hispanic people are white for you too
>5 hours in War Thunder
That would be enough to make anyone a killer.

t.1400 hours
i can;t read german
Time to ban Steam.
maybe he was a fan of Crysis
he was Aryan
Why are Germans so weird?
t. 400+, haven't played in 6 months
he is what you get when you call persians non-white and arab
I missed what happened. When did this guy shoot people in Munich and for what purpose? How many people died?
I don't know man I hate it just as much
fuck this country
steam profile thread?

rate me

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Knowing germans, they're going to now ban steam.
really makes you think
The Germanic race have proven themselves unable to control their murderous rage; it's no surprise that there of all places the reach of the state is widest- it fucking needs to be, when it's dealing with pillager-descended psycho fucks.
second most repressed society in europe, right behind the UK
Well now you know that VAC banned accounts must be profiled to the INTERPOL and prosecuted.

Also anime avatar users.
And mic spammers.

They're time bombs of stupidity.
shot 9 people in a mcdonalds while screaming "ALLAHU ACKBAR"
how's that gun control working out for ya, germany?

Who reckons Germany will start WW3, I mean they did the last two times it's highly likely they will again.
Because they are cucks for letting mudslimes build fucking mosques and let their german daughters get fucked and converted into mudslimes.
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Culture based entirely on looking at their own shit.
fuck you goat fucker
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>VAC ban
2 days ago. Beta uprising, though media are playing it up as Islamic terrorism or some Breivek tribute. 8 dead + 1 suicide.
peaceful mudslimes are the biggest weebs
I thought this particular massacre wasn't religiously motivated?
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Maybe if Dahnald've given me the delegates this wouldn't of happened.
De Maiziere (German Minister of Internal Affairs) wishes for "stronger"/more scrutinous debate on killer games.

In the article, the guy says that violent video games' negative impact on youths "cannot be denied".
>race doesn't play a role in this
That's utter bullshit. Race is a huge part of who you are. Yes, it doesn't seem like he was a radicalized muslim or some shit, but it seems like he was some kind of self-hating German nationalist, in which case race has everything to do with the shooting.
he was literally screaming allahu ackbar
Wait, I thought he was supposed to be a German nationalist, he looks awfully like an allah-KABOOM to me.
>groups: Denmark
Really makes you think
I'll tell you who we need
Because this country is full of cucks and gutmenschen.

No one has any balls anymore.
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So which of you is this?
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someone pls go an hack into that steam account and start responding to the comments, i wanna see the shitstorm
top kek
it's not the radical islam influence, it's definitely the video games!

fuck that country too
So far, all evidence points that it wasn't.

But /pol/tards will push that it was, no matter what you tell them.
>Awesome heritage
>The most prominent country in all wars, all the time
>Relative peace and prosperity since no one wants to fuck with Germany
>Efficient, clean and powerful
>WW2 happens
>They lose and they are left stripped from their pride
>Now fap to techno and feel guilty for slapping people out of Yurop

They're the nucucks of Yurop. Everytime someone wants to be proud of his country is suddenly a nazi zealous racist.
We don't know what he was bullied about. Could be just because he was immigrant child. Pushed him to the edge.
Map and territory
His name was Ali "David" Sonboly. How German do you think he was?
Even if it was it would never be admitted. Remember the New Years episode where officials were hiding and denying actual offence and rape crimes from immigrants?
It's to "secure and protect immigrants from unnecessary and baseless hate", but I fear the true motivator is that the people fear that if they call it out they will be called racist. It's insane.
CS players always turn to scum.
If you get 500+ hours in a game it should just ban you just in case you become a shooter
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>Read comments
>+ rep good trader
Initial reports said conflicting things, almost every news outlet decided to downplay the whole thing, stick with the first version they reported, and move on.
before WW2 they got fucked hard, really hard in WW1
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>tfw Munich was T-sided
I want to friend that imouto.
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im dying here
Why are the Dutch weirdos who eat mdma by the handful but they don't shoot each other?
>forgetting the most important part: WW1

how the fuck?
In this case it really wasnt islam.

The minister is blaming games because he dosent want to be responsible. His job is inner security...
They've already decided to blame Anders, so they can put a white supremacists spin on it.
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>May Allah destroy your house

not really in ww1...... They simply ran out of resources fighting on a 2 front war and gave up.

In ww2 they had russians running around Berlin raping women.....
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Can we ban anime instead of videogames? please?
>mudslimes shouldn't be killed on sight

>not really in ww1...... They simply ran out of resources fighting on a 2 front war and gave up
and then they had to sign the Versailles Treaty and entered a horrific economical depression

at least after WW2 they got economical help instead of paying reparations
>people too new to know vg/gsg memes
>though media are playing it up as Islamic terrorism or some Breivek tribute

What the fuck are you talking about.
When the shooting started, police reacted quickly because they suspected a terror attack. After they confirmed his identity and examined his home, they found no relations to IS or any other islamic stuff but found out that he was looking into rampages, bought a gun through the dark web
Considering that Breivek is the only one with a 0 death score, of course he would admire him.

It wasn't. When the shooting began, there were reports of several shootings but those were false.
Considering his recently used Steam names and that he considered himself german, I guess he might have tried to falseflag.
going on /vg
I'm well aware that the media burrow facts when it comes to foreigners commiting crimes and the consequences of non-european immigration. I vote nationalist as well.

This massacre doesn't seem to be religious/race-related though, just a psychologically and socially stunted kid going on a rampage.
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sure thing ahmed
thank god i'm not a muslim anymore, their logic is fucking embarrassing
didnt the dude say that he shot the place up cause he was bullied? i wouldn't be surprised if he posted on /r9k/ too


oh, that's what you mean. your wording was a little funny as you said >In WW1 thought you were specifically saying just during the war
>"May Allah destroy your house"
>Grand Strategy General
Well well...

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>Prophet Deutscher Stolz (AfD)
so can we stop blaming islam now?
>I see you practiced in de_mall
terrorists win

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This. If you found out about MDE in the last few years you need to kill yourself, newfag shit.
After Munich: The corn blah blah blah debate over shootings
Following games aren't available on GOG if you're German:

Aliens versus Predator Classic
Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold
Blood: One Unit Whole Blood
Blood 2: The Chosen + Expansion
BloodRayne 2
Cannon Fodder
Carmageddon Max Pack
Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now
The Chaos Engine
Far Cry
Kingpin - Life of Crime
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
Phantasmorgania 2
Postal 2
Red Faction
Red Faction 2
Redneck Rampage Collection
Rise of the Triad: Dark War
Rune Classic
Shadow Warrior Complete
SiN Gold
Star Wars Dark Forces
Total Overdose
Unreal Tournament 2004
Unreal Tournament GOTY
Mortal Kombat
>VAC ban

>thank god i'm not a muslim anymore
>Why are they killing us?
Why did he kill Euronymous?
Why did he burn churches?

>150 odd people in a week killed by guns in a country of 320 million people with lots of gangs and niggers

kek, gun control logic confounds me
he left, obviously
>Far Cry
>The Chaos Engine
Huh, why? It's a steampunk top-down shooter, I don't remember it being super-violent.
It's not Jews coming in dingus.
>37 days since last ban
>so upset he can't play CS:GO anymore, he shoots up a real place
People did throw trash on the place where that truck driver got killed in france.
Lol wasn't this guy described as a blue eyes white dragon.
Yep. Even after they started showing the photo.
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>Awesome heritage
please , the only thing that changed of the centuries is the dressing code

They went from pelt-wearing ,raw-meat eating knuckle dragging barbarians to slightly better drssed raw-meat eating knuckle dragging barbarians with delusions of grandeur
>only plays Counter Strike

Yeah, I'd shoot up a place too if all I've ever played was that shitty game
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>1 VAC ban on record
You can't deny the 19th century was the german century though
It's like pissing on his grave, except you can do it communally with thousands of other people.

This little shit deserves to have his grave pissed on.
The brother in arms dick poster was funnier.
these fucking names, ahahahahaha holy fucking mother of kek!
>Why did he kill Euronymous?
Because he was a faggot. Also self defense
>Why did he burn churches?
Edgy teenager drama
>9 years
>5 games
I knew one guy who killed himself three years ago and some of his steam friends still make jokes about his death on his profile
Now that's something
I'm sure Sam Hyde appreciates his fans discouraging others from getting into his work
Fucking apostate. Allah might have mercy on you, but I won't.

so he's a ghos? Mudslimes dont take kindly to people leaving the religion.
>posting international terrorists
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>Perma Vac for friendly fire.
Can't make this shit up.
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In other news, CWC has an update for us.

you sound asspained, mohammed
If Mozart, Stalin, Luis XIV or Hitler had a real online profile, i'd imagine there would be millions shitposting everyday. We are such obsessed cunts.
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It's a Google translation for "Scheiß Türkei". Still not following though, did he really think Turks have anything against us Russians?
>With that, I have uploaded a photo of my labia onto imgur

Jesus fucking christ
>why dont they shoot each other?

You answered your own question, cant be bothered shooting people if you keep shoving enough yokes up your nose.
I can't think of much that Germany did that would make the 1880s "the german century".

Maybe I'm wrong but I reckon being the birthplace of the industrial revolution and having the strongest navy in the world at the time would probably make it Britain's century, though you could probably argue France or Russia were on top.
>growing my breasts out
>implying he's just not fat
I think he was trying to falseflag as a Russian who is against Turkey or something. Absolute madman.
anyone got that pic of her labia? sounds hot.
>my labia started splitting open

I think i'm going to vomit.
>/pol/ admin

where were you when CWC posted one of his final updates talking about an infection under his nuts that he thinks is a vagina forming?
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stop posting this horrible human being
Looks like the AfD is responsible for this.
>Angry autistic sperg has a Steam account

what's new

>"""ethnic germans"""


germanic caliphate when
more like ayran
A result of a century of being fucked in the ass by America and all of Europe

>VAC ban

it's not like they started two out of two world wars, no
>shooter literally screams Allahu Akbar
>cuck still denies it had anything to do with Islam
>Page deleted

damn /gsg/ is hardcore
>It's another "Left blaming everything but the religion" episode
God damn, leftists must be tired from all the damage control this week
It's a fake link. Imgur links are randomly generated with upper case letters and numbers, as well as a .extension at the end.
Big surprise, outsiders don't fit in. Makes em prone to do this sort of shit.
>Founder and Administrator of Grand Strategy General and Administrator of Politically Incorrect.
At least this one is easy.
>violent video games
No need for "global warming" or "workplace violence".
They're Caucasian! Just like ethiopians and other obsidian colored whites!
>blaming religion
>not mass immigration
Hope they arent interested in vidya. They are already grasping straws
>look, years ago Breivik shot people. He's clearly a member of the far right.
>Be Spanish
>/pol/ doesn't consider me white even though everyone is confused when I tell them I'm not British when I travel
>sweden beating france in chemistry
Take that mary curry, you bitch.
>blaming mass immigration
Are you a racist anon?

>5 games
>only significantly plays counterstrike
>VAC ban
>comments shitting on him for not killing enough

should have seen this coming
And lost both. Should we praise France for surrending now as well?
>can't read those graphs, the post
Still a nigger, wouldn't have happened if they weren't brought in.
>hundreds of hours in CS
>0.5 hours in ARMA 3

Clearly he had brain problems.
yes, i am, everyone is
I wasn't praising Germany, lol.
Aaaaaand Germany has another attack, this time with a machete.

GG Merkel.
We need to build a wall around Germany and maybe France.

>Be Spanish
>Suddently I'm not white
>People has to put on their sunglasses when I go to the beach because I'm so white the sun has to put sun-lotion itself to not get sunburns.
we should add some of his friends and see if they knew anything about him and why he may have did what he did

I'm guessing its the VAC ban that pushed him over the edge
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it's upper and lowercase, also you only have an extension if you link directly to the image
>"Hey bro I'll be on later, I'm just gonna go to the mall"
>Last Online: 11 days ago
I wonder why no one tried to kill Merkel yet
But France did make a wall?
wtf I hate counter strike now
>everyone is confused when I tell them I'm not British when I travel
I hope you socked those cunts in the face.
nigga wat the fuk is u doin
It makes her a martyr and essentially proves her right
It won't undo what she's done over the years nor will it prompt to do so, either
>Scream "allah akbar" and then open fire on random people
Yeah I bet /pol/ is sad af right now
>this time with a machete.
Probatly played to much mount and blade.

Lets ban it.
this has to be a shitpost
You're pretty stupid.
you don't say
He is admin of steam /pol/ group...
caused by serbia (Serbian backing for the Black Hand terrorists)
was mainly just "everyone against germany and japan" anyway
if germany started it, then russia started it too (they also invaded poland), but noone blames russia, because the whole war was just about fucking up germany anyway
The Maginot Line is not a wall
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It was a poorfag with shit taste in vidya gaymes

good riddance
Sure, let them ban vidya in Germanistan. They deserve every shit that happens to them.
Let's nuke them already. And Sweden while we are at it.
>Prophet Deutscher Stolz (AfD)
>Gottgleicher Deutscher
now i am actually convinced that this wasn't an islamic terror attack.
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Learn the difference between "casus belli" - the formal reason for starting a war, and actual underlying political and economical reasons.

Russia entered Poland two weeks after Germany, and Poland wasn't the first territory Germany annexed anyway. That said, Stalin was hardly an innocent man.
I'd still say it's too coincidental that Chris somehow managed to generate an all lower case link.
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Lets just build a new wall.

Fucking western german cucks destroying our country.
Because anyone critical of refugees is already in prison for hatespeech. Of all those NYE attacks only like 40 men were on trial.

Germany is fucking dead. I'm British, it's shit here but I wanted to visit Germany. Now I dont.
>Visit Gothic Cathedrals
>Get attacked with an axe
>As I die I see some German girl being raped while insisting anyone blaming Islam for this is an idiot and how we are all refugees anyway
>die with a smile, atleast I'm not French. Gensokyo awaits.
Still not a wall.
>Getting shot at by a crazy gunman
Fucking legend.
Japan is a great country.
Why did we nuke them instead of Germany?
not anion you were talking to, just posted for relevancy
>they did the last two times

Austria started WW1 and it was an Austrian who started WW2, when will they pay for their crimes??
Because Japan was retarded enough to attack us on their own.
On the other hand, nuking them converted them into a great country.
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Your default /pol/tard ladies and gentleman.

A shit-skin Muslim who is ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE at the only game he plays.

I mean 0.5 kda ? 27% win rate?

No surprise he tried to cheat.
I was thinking about this when the whole "refugees welcome" thing started.
How many Germans there for tearing down the wall now regret it?
>Mr Putin, rebuild that wall - Trump 2016
>turk roach
>VAC ban
of course scum like this turned out to be an absolute degenerate monkey
I was trying to decipher that gobblygook language of yours for a while before I read the filename and you reinforced my suspicions.

How the fuck could someone ever expect to maintain order if areas take in 12% of their population in a goddamn year? You all are insane.
Uhhh conservakeks?
It's only in the USA that presidents/government heads get killed
>Why did he burn churches?
Because Christianity is stealth-kikery and doesn't belong in Europe.
>Why did we nuke them instead of Germany?
They didn't want to surrender conditionally because it bring great dishonor to famiry
Why is a Brit calling us out for things that are happening in his own country as well?
Japs have good manners and arent cucks. It just seems like Germany deserved the nuclear treatment more than them.
>underlying political and economical reasons
Yes, Churchill said himself they wanted to conquer sales markets with the war, which is why they attacked germany, because germany became too successfull.

>Russia entered Poland two weeks after Germany
Just because they were a shitty ally. They still declared war on poland, just like Germany, and even attacked Finland before this. But noone gave a shit about this, because the war was just about fucking up Germany.
90% of all the people i know are very critical about opening the flood gates.

But im in the east. People here have nothing to lose so they speak their mind.
>he says while posting on 4chin
>tfw europeans are so cucked, they defend an non-native jew's religion as their own
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i wonder what his steam friends think about all of this

i seriously cant wait to see their response
Kill yourself.
It looks like he just joined any group that sent him an invite
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>Ammo Killer
I hope germany ends up banning all violent video games, then I wont have to deal with autistic germans spamming "^^" all the time
Brexit vote.
Not had terrorism for a while.
I'm sure we will soon, looking at how common it is in mainland Europe.

Fuck I love living on an island. Only Iceland and Greenland are in better positions.
>How the fuck could someone ever expect to maintain order if areas take in 12% of their population in a goddamn year?
Its not how many they take but how many live there. Its also a few years old. We have probatly 2 millions more now.

Before this whole thing started last year we had 80% ethnic germans in germany (numbers from german government)
>On 28 July, the Austro-Hungarians declared war on Serbia. As Russia mobilised in support of Serbia, Germany invaded neutral Belgium and Luxembourg before moving towards France, leading the United Kingdom to declare war on Germany.
fuggen Brits! germany dindu nuffins, they good bois!
>even attacked Finland before thi
That was a separate war, an attempt to gain some land to protect Leningrad, second largest city of the country. Didn't help in the end, though.
Why nobody ever says anything about violent movies? Because the movie industry is owned by jews?
Well, if it's all gen 1's then 12% is still fucking absurd.
he didn't scream this. he shouted that he's german and insulted turks though (in the footage on the parking deck)
Violent movies had their time as the scapegoat just like penny dreadfuls did I'm sure
Vidya will be soon enough.
That's even worse.

Refugees still have their cultural identity. 2nd generation doesn't, that's why they are so frustrated.
Viel Glück Arschloch! :DD
Turks are gen 3.

Majority of them are still more turk than german.

The german state is to weak to bind the people so they all do their own shit. Honestly the state dosent even tries.

There is nothing like "being proud to be american" here so its all going down the drain.
>Just because they were a shitty ally.
They were never allies. Russia planned that all along.
>fuggen Brits! germany dindu nuffins, they good bois!
Are you retarded. I never said brits started WW1. They were highly responsible for WW2 though. WW1 was caused by the assassination of Franz Ferdinand by Serbia. If you do shit like this, it's clear that the country will decalre war at you. It's just natural, just like America declared war when 9/11 happened.

>That was a separate war
It was only "seperate" because Britain and France didn't chimp out in response, because all they cared about was fucking up Germany. Germany didn't want war with Britain and France.
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>guy was literally yelling ALAHU AKBAR
>but no it's not the murder zealous religion that taught him that
>it's that one ALAHU AKBAR level in Call of Doody
I hope somebody glasses you Krauts. You pieces of shit are worse than Swedes at this point. Hopefully slavshit snowniggers descend on you and pollute your gene pools again.
Remember to bully all the krauts in online games
Violent music and movies already happend.

This is a generation thing.
I know, assimilation plain doesn't happen in any meaningful proportions. I was just trying to see what they were thinking, no, if they were thinking.
Even for an idiot optimist 12% is way too fucking much.
>guy was literally yelling ALAHU AKBAR
Eh he literally didn't?
What will the next thing be?
Maybe VR games?
He did scream this
There are witness

The "officials" are trying to pretend it has nothing to do with muslims terrorism once agaun but after Dijon and Cologne it's just one more lie
My bet is social media.
Some muslim woman witness said he did.
Because most Europeans (especially the great powers and those of civilized nations) have always had some honorary code, when an enemy surrenders to you, you honor that surrender.

When the Germans surrendered, the messages were relayed to the troops and they were expected to cease all fire. I think there were a case where a group of American GIs continued to kill germans after they explicitly surrendered. There were very rare cases of this but this is a "no-no" in European warfare, and this kind of war codes caught on after maybe 1400-1500, and more prominently in the later years in the 1700s-1800s.

But yea, Germans surrendered, their European rivals honored that.

Japan, however, had a no surrender policy, they were expected to literally never give up at all costs.
Had the bombs not been dropped on Japan, they would have glady continued to fight.
there's nothing wrong with murdering your bullies

killing unrelated people is a dick move though
actually someone tried recently
source or gtfo
>WW1 was caused by the assassination of Franz Ferdinand by Serbia.
So Serbian guy killed FF and Germany invaded Belgium and Luxembourg. Wow! Fucking Serbs!

>Germany didn't want war with Britain and France.
Yeah, but he wanted to fuck up Poland and return some land and grab more (muh lebensraum), he ignored the ultimatum and boom, war. Which wasn't even all that big, really, it was all kinda formal because neither Britain not France didn't really want to bleed much for some Polacks.
Stop posting my profile....
>literally /pol/ president
You're retarded. Explains a whole lot
Because they project themselves onto Germany.
>Mass sexual assaults in Cologne; politicians react fast and get the police chief who tried to hide this shit and even going so far to declare Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia as safe countries
>Organised child sexual abuse in Rotherham that took place for 16 years because their police didn't want to look racist

They just sit on their lazy, fat, inbred asses while feeling good about the british empire.
They also thought they would get rid of colored immigrants but somehow forgot that Indians and Pakis come from the british commonwealth, not the EU. I think the biggest immigrant group from EU states are Poles
I bet they will try to enforce even more gun laws, too.

Even though he bought the gun on dark web.
no he didn't you brainwashed fucktard. CNN made it up, there are no serious reports about it.

he is iranian, like 98% of all iranian immigrants are atheists because they fled their country because of islamism. he literally shouted "IM GERMAN" (there is actual footage of this, in contrast to the allahu akbar bullshit). he insulted turks and talked about his psycho problems. he read about killing sprees, even went to winnenden and had breivik as his profile pic. he was a sick and frustrated teenager and nothing more. it's a normal killing spree like winnenden, erfurt or the weekly one you have in the US.

>The "officials" are trying to pretend it has nothing to do with muslims terrorism once agaun but after Dijon and Cologne it's just one more lie

of course they are. otherwise it wouldn't fit your silly narrative, so it has to be a conspiracy. fuck man, the internet has really made me hate americans much more.

Japan was not going to surrender, they were even planning on using the population as militia to keep fighting. The nukes were the only way to put some reason on them.
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gee I wonder
I have a feeling he was just shouting whatever he fucking wanted at that point. Kinda like how the Orlando shooter decided to call and say he was part of Isis despite not having any connections to them.
With the welfare money cucked wageslaves gave him. Fucking bravo mommy Merkel.
who the fuck doesnt have a steam account
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>only like 40 men were on trial
nice source
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Ali "Muhammad B" Sonboly
Ali "Slightly brown, you go down" Sonboly
Ali "See a sandnigger, pull the trigger" Sonboly
Ali "Tell me I'm white, or say goodnight" Sonboly
Ali "Pulling my sticks on sunni shits" Sonboly
He was never funny.
Who are the worst gamers to run into: Germans, BR, Russian, Chinese, or french

>turk roach

Come on now

Fuck off with your tabloidshit
i really expected /v/ to be more reasonable but it looks like trump has literally brainwashed half of the country. this thread reads like /pol/.

the US is fucking doomed lmao
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Maybe him and the new guy who just killed several people with a machete can be friends

Yes he did you naive retard

And dont talk me about narrative when they litteraly hid to the public the fact that the Dijon driver shouted "Allah akbar" for over a year
Or tried to remove the word "rape" from the Cologne reports

Everytime this shit happen it's the big circus to see how can we avoid talking about muslim terrorism
This one is juicy tho, I've read a lot of medias purposely forgetting to mention his name, his nationalities, what he screamed but they do remember to say that this the "Breivik anniversary"

Great century to live in
Trump will be assassinated soon, it'll be fine. This farce won't be allowed to continue.
well one is dead and the other isn't (yet), so probably not
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>Who are the worst gamers to run into
t. Russian

Also Spaniards. Christ, fuck them.

Germans are cringe but they at least know how to play.
>tfw this is bait
>but actual thinking of people

When did patriotism become bad?
>germans can't even show an ounce of patriotism without being compared to Nazis
>they have to accept everything like a cuck or have guilt instilled into them
>9 white noble germans died because of one shitskin

end immigration now
>Everyone that do not see the world as I do is brainwashed
How's high school ?

at least its source and not go.
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>Arma 3
>0.5 hrs on record

No wonder he failed. Should've done more operatan.
fucking hell, i really hope you're just a troll. there is no proof at all for what you're saying. literally ALL the evidence (especially the video where the german officials had no influence at all) points to a sick teenager. you are making shit up. how can you possibly be that retarded?

>tfw he got runover by a car

top kek
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>So Serbian guy
The organization this guy was from was backed by the Serbian govenment you retard.
What do you expect a country to do in such a case? Just swallow it down and act like nothing happened, until another person gets assassinated?

>he wanted to fuck up Poland
Germany actually had nothing against Poland, in contrary Hitler was a friend with the Pilsudski. It was only after Pilsudski died and Beck was in charge that polish-german relationship got out of hand, because Beck was anti-german. That's when Germany allied with Russia instead, because they need some ally.
>t. Russian
Haha yes, I know that feel.
>Also Spaniards.
I have a Spaniard friend on Steam and he's super-chill.
>cnn made it up it's not islam :(

So, meanwhile, an asylum seeker just went on a rampage with a machete.


Please tell me how this isn't 'real' terrorism again.
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>Dijon driver shouted "Allah akbar" for over a year

Maybe in whatever country you live in but not in France.
>As are everyone in America, Africa and large chunks of Asia.
Antarctic Master race!
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really makes you think
actually, he killed 3 Turks, 3 Kosovars, 1 Greek and 1 actual German
>fucking hell, i really hope you're just a troll. there is no proof at all for what you're saying.

Well for one, he did scream this. He also shot at people who called him a 'filthy immigrant'.

But I guess facts and logic don't apply as long as you can keep the tolerance train going, right?
marie curie was polish though
Someone prepare me before I open this.
What was his CSGO rank?
Not knowing the difference between patriotism and jingoism is why you fail.
i'm not. what the fuck does this have to do with a completely different incident you fucking retard. fuck man, aren't there debating clubs in the US? it's like none of you even know how arguments work.
Medfags, I know at least one of you are here. Tell me what I'm looking at. I know labiae and that's not one
It's cwc's sweet girlboypussy




>A driver shouting the Islamic phrase "God is great" in Arabic has run down pedestrians in Dijon, France, injuring 11, two seriously, French media say.

You're literally too stupid to google.

in b4 "This is a media coverup to slander the religion of beace"
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>What do you expect a country to do in such a case?
I dunno. Invade a couple of neutral countries? Because that's what Germany did.
>because Beck was anti-german
That's a good enough reason to ignore every international law there is and invade them?
>That's when Germany allied with Russia instead.
And then they backstabbed USSR... though some sources say that Stalin wanted to backstab Hitler himself so who the fuck knows.
>look i did it again

have your (You)
Ali "Where The Sunni Don't Shine" Sonboly
Ali "tell me im white, or say goodnight" Sonboly
A mass shooting happened outside burger land? A mass shooting worthy of news anyhow.
Because the media is covering that up, too. They're trying to make it seem like it's a sick individual with a machete just like you're trying to make it seem like it was a sick individual with a gun.

Despite the fact they both have something in common: Islamic roots from the middle east.

Don't they have debating clubs where ever you come from, too? Stuffing your fingers in your ears doesn't suddenly make the world's problems go away.

Also I'm from the UK. So you can stuff your cultural enrichment.
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>there is no proof at all for what you're saying.
There is a witness, articles about that witness and no debunk anywhere else

As I read Lemonde right now, they mention that witness but casually brush it off by saing the "authorities are not looking at islamism terrorist"

So he did scream it, they wont debunk it, but they'd like you to look away

"Pour me donner du courage j’ai crié Allah Akbar pour annihiler tout esprit critique"

His own. Fucking. Official. Testimony.
And despite all this, they hammered non-stop that they wont treat it as terrorism.
Even a 80IQ blind man would understand the basic misdirection at work.
I'm fairly certain it's the remains of his taint piercing which he fucked up.
>tfw CWC will cut off his duck
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>Prophet Deutscher Stolz (AfD)
you are arguing with paid shills, why even bother.

they are paid to spread such disinfo.
meh, average taste in games.
Why do americans still act like it's ww2? Do they even know what happens in the world outside of america?

Look, you did it again.
>Guy shoots up turks with an illegal pistol
>lets ban bolt action rifles
So krautcucks, what was the real reason you decided out of the blue to bend over and spread your assholes wide for a bunch of shitskin savages from a third world shithole? Surely you can't be such massive cucks that you did it for white guilt, right?

Oh well, I hope your women enjoy the new government sponsored interracial breeding grounds. ;^)
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>"The identities of many of those killed are yet to be confirmed, but the authorities said three victims were Turkish, one was Greek and three were from Kosovo."
It's an open sore under his balls. Most likely from where he got his taint piercing.

Pretty sure this is a serious medical issue. Especially if he starts prodding it and making it bigger by treating it like a vagina.
Holy shit, those comments are gold.
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WW2 is the best lens from which to roleplay as an American
whats the point when the country is going to get rape by muslims anyway.
Because Europe flooded themselves with immigrants, and barely a year after it happened a wave of terrorism attacks hits Europe.

How fucking stupid are Europeans to not realize by now that one is related to the other?

How many more times is this going to happen until they realize that unchecked immigration from Africa, the Middle East, and from their own countries to Islamic hotbeds results in the creation of extremists from an extremist religion?

Holy fuck.

Watching Europe trying to backflip to justify that this is the cause of every ill in the world except this one thing that happens to be the linking factor between all the attacks is baffling.
>And despite all this, they hammered non-stop that they wont treat it as terrorism.

They never denied "for years" what he shouted about and then went on how he was mentally instable and a drug user and had no ties with terrorist organisations, but I guess it's hard to see when you're blinded by your own narrative.
the police said it. it's very likely that it's just a coincidence though because it was in front of a mcdonalds in a poor neighbourhood, so obviously more immigrants would be there. or that's why he chose the place, who knows.

this shit happened like 40 minutes ago. it's already being said that he was a syrian refugee. fuck's sake you're really dumb.

>Islamic roots from the middle east.

like i said the other guy was probably not even religious for all we know. not a single piece of evidence points to anything religion-motivated. you're the one who sticks your fingers in your ears and proceeds to ignore all the hard facts.
He's still here you fagtron.
Cuck, do you know how Niggers infested your land or are you that much of a cuck you don't notice Jamal in your house.
>Red Faction
> Red Faction 2
.. why? Did they think it was about a leftist terrorist group?
If you weren't retarded you would notice that the shooter wanted to be seen as a german (see his Steam names and him saying "I'm a german") and apparently hated turks/arabs (again his steam name/steam groups).
So the only evidence for him being religiously motivated is one (1) eyewitness. Other eyewitnesses also said that he was wearing a santa claus costume so maybe that tells you something about the reliability of eyewitness reports.


The guy was Iranian though so..?
What the fuck are you even saying
>Invade a couple of neutral countries? Because that's what Germany did.
Great way to prove you have no idea what you are talking about.
>That's a good enough reason to ignore every international law there is and invade them?
The world was already ganging up on Germany anyway. Add to this that there also was a hugely mistreated german minority in Poland. Plus, the land was German anyway, and Germany wanted to have better defence against Communism/Russia.
>And then they backstabbed USSR
USSR backstabed first, by not attack Poland like planned. But German and Soviets were never really an ally anyway. Hitler was clearly anti-communist.
>VAC banned

I guess he had to go do some shooting outside of counter strike since he was so bored
>Implying you know where I'm from

good one krautcuck ;^)

How is your sister enjoying the river of brown cock?

"Le procureur exclut l'acte terroriste"
So going full speed to run over 13 people while screaming allah akbar has nothing to do with terrorism. Just another day in france I guess.
That's good to know anon. Wouldnt want to upset the religion of peace.
this is why people think Americans no nothing about the rest of the world
>Because the media is covering that up, too
fucking lol
"the media", clearly a monolithic entitiy, never falters to bring up the attacker's race, religion and what he supposedly concentrated on shouting while gutting someone to death
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>this shit happened like 40 minutes ago. it's already being said that he was a syrian refugee. fuck's sake you're really dumb.

German media is already trying to cover it up.
Fuck's sake, you're really dumb.

So stupid that you don't even realize that, if it weren't for this picture, they would have held it under wraps for days. Just like the shooting.

He's from the middle east, he has an islamic background. Why are those suddenly 'not important' when judging the motivations of someone who goes on a mass shooting spree?

Every fucking white male shooting spree comes from "WAS THIS AN ACT OF SOCIETY?", and then goes on to bitch about fucking white males, the KKK, and dozens of organizations that the shooter is only related to because they are white.

Suddenly, that's off-limits when it comes to Islam.

Are you fucking jerkin my chain, m8?
>no nothing
opinion invalidated
That preposterous. I'm way tool old to be alive right now.
The Media is much more monolithic than the average person thinks. Just look up who owns the biggest media in your country.
>shitskin from Iran

That's why he got a VAC ban for killing people.
>fucking lol
>"the media", clearly a monolithic entitiy
Monolithic enough to hide what happened in Cologne for a week

Before the evil right wing nazi media and SS policemen forced them to spill the beans about the benefits of muslim cultural enrichement.
>Germany is just STARTING a wave of moral panic that ended in the US a decade ago
How are you faggots so fucking far behind the times?
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Oh no...

OH NO!!! GUYS!!!

>a wave of terrorism attacks
most of which were done by nationals. ISIS is on the rise globally. those attacks would have happened even without the refugee crisis
Sorry you can't read.

>Americans 'no' nothing, we need more immigration :^(

This is why people call Europe the most cucked continent on Earth. You have actual rapes occurring from the millions you've let in unchecked. Your crime rates have skyrocketed. This isn't even covering the terrorist attacks that have ballooned in frequency after the fact.

Yet somehow, that must not be cause of your problems. The cause is that you're not tolerant enough! Please live in my house and have my first-born daughter, Achmed.
That video was funny as hell. He stood at the roof of a building and got shooted at by the neighbours

He was beta even while going on a killing spree.

>eating up mainstream media blue pills instead of relying on twitter for news
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>"the media", clearly a monolithic entitiy

And you think they're not?

Oh you poor redditard.
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Must be convenient for you krautcucks that your government provides these handy instructional pictures for muds to penetrate your underage girls ;^) That's german engineering for you, they even increase the efficiency of getting cucked
You faggot
Oh boy, mass immigration has so much to do with a fag that goes on a killing spree!


>not a mudshit
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>Monolithic enough to hide
that's not the media's fault. it's the police who decided to withhold information from the media. stop feeling so victimized, you're worse than triggered sjw's
>159 friends
This is why I never trust people with online accounts with more than a dozen friends.
video games?
>The world was already ganging up on Germany anyway.
This works both ways, I mean Hitler certainly didn't hide his revanchism.
>literally making statistics up
>europe is one country
>there's one cause of all europes problems
Why are you so obessed with immigrants anon?
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Reminder to report and ignore shitposting. Cucklayer is NOT a representative of /gsg/.
>most of which were done by nationals. ISIS is on the rise globally. those attacks would have happened even without the refugee crisis

If this were true, why aren't other countries feeling the same attacks?

You don't see more Australian terrorist attacks

You don't see more Japanese terrorist attacks

You don't see more Russian terrorist attacks

You don't see more Canadian terrorist attacks

no, the wave of terrorist attacks is centered exclusively on the countries that took in tons of immigrants. Immigrants who have a radical background, who preach a radical message, and convert otherwise harmless people into their cult.

>But it was carried out by nationals!

It was carried out by muslims. Stop trying to make excuses for the fact of the matter: Islam has become stronger and more aggressive with the wave of people who preach more aggressive Islam. There is no way you can disconnect the two from each other.

This retardation is why Europe is going to be a shithole in twenty years. Brainless pricks like you want to wait until the water is boiling until you try to get out of the pot.
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There's a crisis on the other side of the road, and your neighbor needs help and shelter. You offer shelter until his house is ok, but he needs his cousins to stay too. Then they call the cousins that live on another street, and bring their kids and the dog. Somehow they have friends too that never were announced.

Now you wake up in the morning after two weeks and see the clogged toilet, the feces of the dog and maybe their kids, paintings on the wall, your favorite couch all farted and messed up, your kitchen raided and devoid of food, your bedroom used, your daughters and wife getting peeked and sniffed on, and they kinda don't want to go to their house or fix their problem just yet. For some reason, if you notice and tell people your values arne't the same as theirs, you're a neighborfobic and a really bad person.
Ban assault animation!
>If this were true, why aren't other countries feeling the same attacks?
because those countries you listed didn't already have tons of muslims in. im not saying you can't blame it on islam, im saying you can't blame it on the refugee crisis
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/pol/ threads are allowed on /v/ you stupid shitskin nigger
and how are they trying to cover it up? everybody already knows that it was a syrian refugee. bild has reported it.

>He's from the middle east, he has an islamic background. Why are those suddenly 'not important' when judging the motivations of someone who goes on a mass shooting spree?

who has said that? i just said that there is absolutely NOTHING pointing to any religious involvement. every single piece of evidence points to a "standard" mass shooting from a frustrated and sick teenager. why do YOU just ignore all the facts and talk about something else in every post?

you are making it out like there is no difference between a syrian a refugee and a half german half iranian kid who grew up his entire life in germany. are you mentally challenged?



Are you fucking kidding me? Hitler gave Americans Eiserne Kreuze (highest military medal you can get), he send peace makers to Britain, he even ordered german troups to let britains flee when they actually had the chance to get them in war, he even waited 3 fucking weeks to bomb back, when britain started to bomb german cities, etc etc

Hitler clearly didn't want war with the west. In cotrary, he wanted to be an ally with them. All he was against was just fucking jewry and communism.
>that's not the media's fault. it's the police who decided to withhold information from the media

Many "right wing site" were aware of the rape and made it public. The mainstream media could not have ignored it, they just made the conscious choice not to talk about it.
The police were under pressure to withhold information and didnt, that's how we know.

But if not for that tiny disobeying that is not removing the word "rape", we would have never heard of cologne, the 2000 sexual assaults would have been swept under the rug and just another "Right wing propaganda"

What a time to live in
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instead of saying what you want, which you are perfectly entitled to do, you start doing this stupid garbage and feeling more victimized than an sjw
>los peruANOS
what games allow me to culturally enrich somebody?
He wanted to restore pre-WW1 borders and he wanted to increase Germany's territories. It's true he thought that war with Britain was a mistake, though. Fuck, he wasn't very bright, I guess.
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>europe is one country
>Hurrr I know you called Europe a continent but I'll ignore that for the sake of my cucked message

>Why are you so obsessed with immigrants anon?
I don't know, Europefag. Why are YOU so obsessed with Islam?



I mean, you COULD google these things and try to learn the truth of the matter instead of sucking the tit of your clearly brainwashed Media with an agenda.

Or you could keep calling me a stupid American (Again I'm from the UK) because I can use a Search Engine while your idiot ass can't even make the connection that the huge change in society may be responsible for the ills of your modern society.

DON'T SHOOT THE MESSENGER. I'm just here to tell you that you're completely fucking wrong and have been lied to by your own media about how great your cultural enrichment is going.
Second Life
San Andreas
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I've been sitting here for 5 minutes now, wondering if I should dare to click that
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>Cooking fresh chicken breast with peri peri rub
>Left it seasoning for 24 hours
>Been hungry all day but waited til I was starving so I could appreciate the flavor explosion more
>Finally get to cooking it
>See this
>No longer hungry
Good riddance

>no cheating group
>VAC banned
who are you quoting?
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If you kill your enemies.jpg
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Reminder if we kill the terrorists, we're no better than them. We have to come to a diplomatic solution to his problem.
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>The noob never learned not to kill hostages even after 2000 hours.
Motherfucker, I was drinking coffee.
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top cuck.png
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Let us compile a list of things to ban so such things don't happen.
I'll start
>violent video games
>assault trucks
>social media
ideologues are annoying desu
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german rac.webm
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facbook bought oculus
you are both right
>mass murderer is a cheating piece of shit
A cuck
>because those countries you listed didn't already have tons of muslims in

So you admit the problems are muslims, great. I'm glad I could convert at least someone to realize the core problem of the issue.

>can't blame it on the refugee crisis

I sure as fuck can, because those refugees believe the middle east brand of Islam.

People get their influences from other people. So when you suddenly have extremely violent groups of people living in the same sphere as a similar, peaceful group of people. The attitudes bleed into one another.

You cannot deny that this has not influenced them when it has been found that the attackers all go to mosques and groups frequented by the refugees.

The "But the attackers were nationals!" is a shell game put together to make people not realize that the influences are what cause this, not the person.

is pupper ok?

I don't want pupper to have some kind of toxicological shock or dain bramage ;__;

weed is for shitters though
That wont happen because Austria still exists.
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>he wasn't very bright, I guess
Not his fault that he was surrounded by imperialistic assholes.
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>tfw Polish
>tfw no refugees want to come here because don't give enough welfare and the noes that do contribute to the society
>brb dude, gonna shoot me up some mcdonalds
I love this.
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the gerst.jpg
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Never trust a weeb.
How is Austria compared to Germany?
Seems like we never hear anything on the news about them.
Is Austria still pure or are they as polluted as Germany?
>May Allah destroy your house


Captcha: select all images of a house
>I choose interesting 4chan more than profitable 4chan.
Surprisingly based.
>toxicological shock
>dain bramage

It's fine
I'm glad i live in a small villiage in the middle of nowhere so i'll never have to witness this shitshow
my kumpel
It is good to be the king of Europe.
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>someone plays video games
Can't make this shit up lads.
Born in Germany and self-identifies as German
>Treat refugees like shit.
>Get rewarded by not being bothered by their bitching and bombing.
Feels good to not have a wimpy ass country.
>CS 1.6 without cheaters
Different ages - different values. Seeing colonialism and imperialism as a bad thing was a commie invention btw., it's funny you'd use it to defend Hitler. I don't think he would approve. Hell, even Churchill said something to an effect that lesser nations that failed to develop don't deserve their land. Conquering some natives was okay, starting shit in the middle of Europe - nope, not really.
The USK has been getting more lenient over the last few years. Guess that's gonna be over.
Jelly as fuck.
I'm jealous of the fact that you could say no to refugee crisis and get away with while we had to take in a fucking 1000 of them.
t. northern neighbor
That one guy in the back is as old as I am.

What the fuck
He's fucking balding and he's there fighting among children for some guy's bag?
Don't forget "Run Amok"
A monkey born on the moon will still be a monkey.
The iron cross is not the highest military decoration they had, and who are these americans you're talking about? Also you're referring to dunkerque, which is true, he wanted a truce with britain because he just wanted them to recognize germany's continental supremacy
What do actual germans think of the immigration problem?
Were you born there?
is pupper tho

they react different to chemicals including cannabis
Germany for cucks
Aaahhh, finally a woman that would be tight around my pencil dick.

don't flater yourself faggot. i know it's great to make yourself feel like you're one of the few intelligent, enlightened individuals left in the world but you need to stop the victim complex. not once did i imply that islam wasn't the problem
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>in a small village
sure thing asshole - keep talking out of your ass whatever
>fuck turkey
why is this so funny
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The ones I talked to think just like the ones in this thread: It has caused no problems.

The ones who think it has caused problems are in jail:

He clearly wasn't a Muslim even by self-identification.
it would be a moon monkey
Why do we hate mudslimes again?
>puts women in their place
>kills homos and degenerates
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>mfw the "germans" you see on steam are actually muslim invaders
kill all weeaboos
I thought it was a nice discussion, though. :(
Yes and i'm glad i'm not BURNING UP yet
They bomb non-homos though.
He grew up in a muslim household, was in contact with other muslims, and was born to an Iranian family.

Even if you play the "no TRUE muslim" card, he's still not a White male under any definition.
We ARE degenerates, though.
I don't get why we ever let refuguees in, but then again i barely care about politics to begin with
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football manager.webm
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If anything, if he were a muslim, this probably wouldn't happen, since he only started shooting because everyone was calling him a muslim/aram/turk while he thought he was a white german.
>wanted them to recognize germany's continental supremacy
Complete bullshit. Germany just wanted peace, that's all.
friend of the owner in the webbum was a vet. told them he just had to ride it out.
Somebody needs to expand this image with more recent events and spam it on social media.
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They hate dogs and like cats.
Because your government has a duty to foreigners more than it does to you.
They're a backwards religion that has to bow to the general direction of a cube six times a day.

If it weren't for that, then who would care. Let them kill and enslave women and gays.

But you can't have a society with free speech in the same sphere as a group of people who think that the ghost of their desert-bandit prophet is going to haunt them if someone draws a squiggly stick-figure with a beard.
So I guess the south won, the 3rd Reich still exists, and Fascist Italy has trains that run on time.
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the kid played CS, CSGO, and GTAV, with his shit taste no wonder he couldn't take it anymore, at least he leveled up

They hate alcohol and pork.
And probably video games too.
why is everyone blaming videogames when the guy was a muslim?
Twisted sense of humanitarianism.

That's literally it.
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Because I want women to kept in their place and degenerates to be repressed in another way. Islam is an ugly abrahamic religion and I want nothing to do with its primitive ideology
he wasnt a muslim
So you are unironically racist against people of Iranian descent?
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>practicing friendly fire in your own spawn, huh






why did he killed people?
what makes a man turn into a killing machine?
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>tfw apostate near me
I guess he was shouting "Allahu Akbar" just for fun then.
Your upper-class wants a new serf class now that your middle-class has moved to the point where they will not work for pennies.

That's all it is.

It's a ploy to kick-start your economy by doubling the population pyramid over a few years.
mental illness

tfw playing this while playing RO2

For a degenerate free Germany
he was an iranian muslim though
immigrant too
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They kind of hate fun because it's haram.

>hate fun
Wait minute...
>>puts women in their place
No one but /r9k/ is okay with the idea of having women locked in basements
>>kills homos and degenerates
They are all closet homos and degenerates. So it is more like they are sexually frustrated hypocrites with an absurd level of masculine insecurity.
To create anime
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>check his steam profile
>+rep nice trader
nice source
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No but they're more likely to be retarded Muslims. Or to be radicalized/brainwashed by them. And I'm anti-Muslim.
Pick one or all:

-Feelings of powerlessness
-Urge to feel important
-Sense of belonging
-Sense of righteousness.


they can have wolfenstein 3d
but cant have rise of the triad?

i guess nazi remnants practicing the occult is too edgy, but real nazis are fine?
you can't be born in a country and emigrate to it
there's no evidence that he was a muslim either. he did a racist attack against turks
> 9-1 K/D on DE_Mall
No wonder he needed hacks.
It's not the "he's not a true Muslim" card, it is that he literally isn't one and clearly does not consider himself one regardless of family background.
And just think: That will be America if Hillary becomes president.

Educate yourself in history before posting.

And to answer your question, not nuking them would mean that america would have to invade the japanese main islands. It would result in at least 200k casualities as estimated by the high command. If only the japanese military junta had come to their senses and surrendered instead of fighting to the last it wouldn't have happened
turkslayer is a shitposter on /gsg/ m8
He just decided to do it. There is not a real reason for people doing this. They just do it, because they decided so.
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i might vomit
years-long torture, depression, oppression, that strong background feeling of being a worthless piece of shit that no ordinary everyday events can wipe - and then acting accordingly.
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>we love anime
It's not even that Poland refused. We did get several hundred refugees initially but most of them jumped the border to Germany the very next night.
report and ignore shitposting
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I have seen so much shit, and read so many ridiculous statements I thought I was prepared for anything, but based CWC made me realize there a things mortals should never behold.
>the mudslime owned flight simulator x and World of guns: gun disassembly
He unironically wasn't Muslim. Forget "true Muslim", not even fake Muslim.
Sounds just like me, I don't go out and start killing people though.
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i remember
original ones of this

from starcraft 1

Now just think. This is the kind of shit we have to put up with all the time in /gsg/


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Against Trump.png
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Can't imagine having to deal with that autism.
That's literally unconfirmed reports that contradict known facts of his character.

He wasn't Muslim based on all the evidence and he isn't an immigrant.
but you know how those people feel? When you have N O T H I N G positive in your life? This guy didn't even have a sense of belonging. Normans have a harder time understanding that.
He was a 2nd generation refugee you idiot. He had no cultural identity, being born in Germany and having Iranian parents.

2nd generation being frustrated about having no cultural identity is a serious issue and one of the major arguments against taking the refugees in. Read a book.

kinda comforting desu
>another attack in Germany
>they would have glady continued to fight.
Well they were taught that Americans were literally rape niggers who would drown Japanese babies, and impale the men on wooden posts.

Propaganda at the time suggested women to kill themselves if they were cornered by American men.
no problem senpai
I can't tell if it's ironic shitposting or just shitposting.
Meant to link
>When you have N O T H I N G positive in your life? This guy didn't even have a sense of belonging.
I also have basically nothing, except for video games. My country and the rest of the world basically hates and wants to see me die.
>wife's son
It's edited isn't it?
>My country and the rest of the world basically hates and wants to see me die.
They probably don't actually care.
It's confirmed that his parents were muslims .
Of course they don't because I have no contact to them, but in general, people would hate me like the pest here if they knew me.
yes, but it might as well be real
They probably actually wouldn't care, unless you're a murderer or something. I think you have some perception issues.
have his parents released a statement yet?

feels like in america we'd have the guys 3rd grade teacher weighing in by now
Didn't he knew guns are illegal in germany and this stuff can only happen in the gun friendly nations?

trump didnt, the trilateral commission did, founded by rockefeller in 1973.

the educational standards were too high, so they intentionally made things stupider and dumber and easier and more basic, just to make sure people are more easily controlled.

i wish i was making it up. they did studies on this.
>Guns are illegal in Germany

Citation required
He was also in the gun free zone. The cheek!
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