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Reminder that Rance will be localized on August 12. And it

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Reminder that Rance will be localized on August 12.

And it won't be censored.

Will you buy it?
No because I don't play weaboo shit.
>And it won't be censored.

I don't see why not.

How many haughty lolis are in the game?
>And it won't be censored.
as in no mosaics? Fuck yeah I'll buy it if that's the case.
Technically speaking it will be less censored than the Japanese version
No mosaics.
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Depends on the price and where to get it. Not giving money to fakku.
Which rance?
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Why the fuck would it be Fakku. They don't handle eroge.


01 or VI. Hopefully VI
her hentai ep was pretty gud
She is the best after all.

Kind of bummed they didn't play My Glorious Days during it and that they took out Rance's line about making a Prince before cumming inside her.
Rance Quest ? Or shitty old rance games ?
>however many years later since stumbling across sengoku rance on /v/ and playing it on and off since
>still have not beat it
I know Takeda and the demon army are casual filters but man am I bad at videogames
Rance VI is much better than Quest.

And no they aren't going to bring over the old, already translated freeware games.
I've beaten it, but thanks to a suddenly failing HDD I had to beat it again without New Game+ stuff after I was already in the middle of one and never got around to trying the other routes.
And I didn't back up the save so I'd have to beat it from scratch for a third time.
You really are. The game bends over backwards to win it for you so long as you attempt to fight it out.

The demon blitz happens once
>Rance VI
>much better than Quest.
> Release date 2004/08/27
Yeah nah bruh, I wanna play where Sengoku left off
And this ladies and gentleman, is what localization SHOULD be about.
In VI? None. Rance actually takes down pedophilic brothel, because they ruin little kids before they're ripe enough for him.
Given that MangaGamer has partnership with Alicesoft, anybody else doing it would be really weird.
VI shits all over Quest.

Only area Quest beats it is the lack of Sill
>Rance actually takes down pedophilic brothel, because they ruin little kids before they're ripe enough for him.

He actually does it because he's disgusted about people raping and maiming 6 year old girls.
I think I will never git gud at games like sengoku rance, xcom and darkest dungeon because I get attached to characters too much. I don't like dismissing, and I'm a perfectionist with losing provinces and stuff like that.

You've inspired me though, anon. I'll try to beat it
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As long it wasn't redraw.
VI does have better story than Quest or Sengoku, but depending on your preferences I'd say both of them have better gameplay.
VI is very vanilla, classic JRPG dungeon crawler(and does it well, mind you!) but Sengoku is very accessible strategy game, and Quest has very good almost arcade styled dungeon crawling.
No it won't
Quest doesn't even have a plot.

Half the game is just I was cursed so can't fuck girls under level 35 so I will search for girls over level 35.
Yeah, it was originally marketed as "Game where Rance doesn't save the world!"
The reception was about as good as you'd expect, so when Magnum was released with additional content and mechanic fixes, the marketing line was "This time Rance does save the world!"

Even though overal plot is what it is, I think some of the individual quests have some very good scenes that are exactly what I want from Rance games. The problem is that there's not really anything to tie them together properly.
Is there a single source on this?
I want this to happen, and I'm looking, but neither MangaGamer or AliceSoft have even mentioned Rance being translated from what I can tell.
I know. I played it before Magnum
Mangagamer have heavily, heavily hinted it as one of their announcements on August 12 at otacon
Just lots of teasing from the translators. After how well Haruka performed, more Alicesoft is bsaically confirmed.
Why are they laughing at him?
Why would bunch of girls be laughing at Rance?
>weeb porn

No thanks.
which rance?
first rance?
No. That is freeware>>345855164
No I already played it in Japanese, EOPs bow before me.
Well... that's what I want to know.
They are laughing and he has a tear in his eye, are they laughing at something else?
Fuck off retards

I hate this board
I'm sorry not every board can be as fucking plebeian as /a/.

Weeb shit is fucking filth.
Complaining about weeb shit anywhere on 4chan is pretty retarded tbqh
>posts on fucking 4chan

anon... quit being a mental midget
Also translated freeware
i thought they remade that and the 2nd one?
>Rance will be localized
>And it won't be censored.

That's some nice mind games you got there.
I'm not sure you haven't noticed yet or what, but most of the boards here contain content not related to japanese culture at all.

This is /v/ - video games, not /v/ - japanese video games.

Go to fucking /a/ or /jp/ if you want to be surrounded by weebs.
Rance was going down a dungeon. At each level there was a female enemy. At each level they were hotter than the previous level. So he ignores some really hot girls expecting a big reward but the final boss is really ugly
Why would it be censored?

Mangagamer have no problems with uncensored bestiality rape
Well guess what, japanese videogames are still videogames

Complaining about videogames on a videogame board is pretty stupid, don't you think?
It's still fucking retarded Anon, it's still 4chan.
Might as well complain that people post too many pictures while you're at it.

If it was Sengoku I'd totally buy it.

If its VI I'll probable still get it.
>Stop posting things I don't like!
Remind me what /k/ means? Fuck off retard.
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>This is /v/ - video games, not /v/ - japanese video games.
Does this somehow mean that all games without American developers not belong on /v/? Should we get Hiro to make /tuv/ for Turkish Video Games in order to discuss Mount&Blade?
Do you really need someone to post that image again?

4 leaf clover.

Based on the japanese 2ch.
Plastered all over with weebshit ads and merch.

Started off with only /a/ and grew in boards as more and more people with different hobbies joined.

Animu is the main theme of this site. Deal with that already or move to reddit.
We're still on 4chan kid.
Which rance?
which game? 5?
Who cares?

>reading/playing eroge in English
>not knowing Japanese
Evenicle is better than last few Rances anyway.
evenicle was boring and repetitive a f
And Rance Quest wasn't?!
I want to be as cool as Rance one day.
VI is better than Evenicle
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Bought Haruka Blade, I was waiting for this when i saw alice comment about translating the Rance games
Anime used to be the main theme of this site.

Those days are gone. This is a different site now anon. Japanese culture isn't the dominant force here anymore. Anyone who has been to places besides the designated japanese boards knows these.
Yeah, but Mangagamer isn't gonna risk localizing that.

>Resolution 640x480
You think anyone is gonna buy it? Plebs on Mangagamer forums only care about flashy high-res art.
Well considering Turks aren't people and instead roaches and are Islamist...
better writing.
I'd buy it if you could make Rance a girl, but unfortunately the traditional man quest to sexually conquer the land is not really for me.

Eh, what can you do. I hope you guys enjoy it.
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>I'd buy it if you could make Rance a girl
>still no VH Rance spin-off with femrance
Purchase on principle.
Unless femRance was a futa, then it would be fucking utter shit, because the game would result in you getting fucked like a cuck
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Strap Ons and regular Femdom
Is there a Rance-like game where the protagonist is a carpet-munching turbolesbian conquering all the young maidens of the land?

Magic strapon would be fine, but please, futa is never good.
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>uuuu don't rape me uuu
>heart tongue
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You mean Raidy?
Oh shit, thanks friend. Gotta check that out some time.

Well, how is it? I guess I should ask that before doing anything about getting it.
A really confusing dungeon crawler.
Raidy 3 translation never ever.
It's not very good. The dungeons are boring, and game mechanics are pretty much minimum required of playable dungeon crawler.
Alicesoft, Softhouse Chara, Eushully and Giga games are outliers when it comes to gameplay eroge. Most developers are pretty poor.
>no loli Sheila in 03

Eushully is really poor now
Aw shit, that sucks. Well I was really hoping that'd pan out, but I guess not. Even I'm not willing to suffer through that kind of shit for some warrior girl sucking up maidenhood like a vacuum action, and usually I'm the most willing to do that. Guess I'll just grab the CGs and run.
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Rance fucks grannies.
>Raidy 3 translation never ever.
Dude. That was released over a year ago.
...Where's Mill Yorks?
good point. Wait 5 minutes
It is odd how much younger she is compared to the other mains
Shizuka always laughs at him fucking up
Then what the fuck are you doing on 4chan you twat
>my birthday is on August 13

Make it happen
Which Rance?
If it is Sengoku Rance, sure.

Otherwise nah.
Isn't that sort of backwards? You've already played Sengoku, so wouldn't it be better to play others?
>MangaGamer panel at Otakon
>"And now... A game we've been requested a lot, we're bringing over Rance!"
>Crowd cheers
>"Now, for the next game, a nukige fro-
>"Wait! Which Rance is it?"
>"What do you mean which one? It's a big series, so of course we start with first game."
Best girl, and best sex bomb.
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Lia's expression changed from being the normally being love struck towards Rance to being cool-headed.

Lia: ....... Darling didn't do anything wrong.

Rance: Until now you've had no issue with me fucking Kanami, You've even given me permission to do so.

Lia: Lia is madly in love with Darling.

Lia: You selfishly do as you please, you're a little stupid, lack common sense, don't care about how you bother others and hate troublesome things but Lia loves that Darling.

Rance: "Visibly shocked in regards to Lia's comments about him" ........ You, Do you really love me?

Lia: Lia does, more than anybody else.

Lia: ........ For instance, if Darling said he wanted the world, Lia would conquer the world and give it all to Darling.

Lia: If being royalty is troublesome then Lia can even throw that away as long as it's just us two, even it's just a small restaurant Lia is fine with that. Lia would resign being Queen.

Lia: That's how much Lia loves Darling

Lia: Lia loves Darling to the point that Lia feel like she's going insane

Lia: For that reason, Lia can't forgive this.

Lia: Lia wants to kill all the people that love Darling, It's better that Darling belongs to just Lia. Lia hates that she has to share Darling.

Lia: ........ But because Darling ordered Lia to stop, Lia has given up on doing so.

Lia: But only Kanami is a different, Kanami is a completely different matter.

Lia: ........ What's more! To go from belonging to Leazas to belonging to Darling? I can't forgive that.

Lia: By the way, no matter what Darling says this time Lia won't listen like she always does.

Rance: "Completely serious" ........ Are you serious?

Lia: If Lia wasn't being serious then Lia couldn't say such things to Darling.
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you sure got the bomb part right
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>arcade styled
You mean like double dungeons?
Did Rance finally kick Kayblis in the kunt?
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>tfw Sengoku Rance and KR left me completely phisically exhausted for a week after playing it
No. He's fucked his waifu though
wait what i was not aware of this, get your shit together mangagamer and email me this shit instead of westaboovnattempt989

hell yes i am buying
That's definitely going to happen, it'll be 1-4 and then 7 because Sengoku Rance is so popular. They'll skip 5 and 6.
When is he going to, then?
I've waited years for this shit.
>it won't be censored.
Why would you lie on the internet, senpai?
doesn't sound like rance.
What are you talking about?
there are mods to sengoku rance?
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Never got the appeal of these games, the porn feels tacked on and is too spaced out in intervals which make it impossible to edge, the gameplay is boring.
Same with Kamidori, dropped it after 20 hours with regrets.
I rather play any of these female protag rpg maker games, at least those respect the fact that I play them to fap and deliver a constant stream of fappable scenarios.
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>yfw older than fucking Rance
can I get a link?
Rance is fucking 23?
Rance X

Why would it be censored? It's not going on steam.

23 in Quest and IX.

Younger in earlier games
Their novelty is the fact that they have decent gameplay and have porn. There's a bajillion porn games out there but few like this.
>You've already played Sengoku, so wouldn't it be better to play others?

Those games are completely different.
I'd obviously prefer a new Sengoku Rance-ish game, but it doesn't look like that's happening, does it?

> あ。。。ああ、気にしないで。 今まで店番をしてくれてありがとう。

please explain to me the reason why I can read this but not understand it
>but it doesn't look like that's happening, does it?
Of course not, SR and KR are the exception not the rule. Rance is a RPG
So, you didn't get the jook
It actually does, Rance is pretty unambiguously the hero of the setting and outside of the raping stuff (which is played for laughs) he's shown as an asshole who is secretly kind but doesn't want anyone to know
There is a Total Warhammer mod of Rance
>Never got the appeal of these games, the porn feels tacked on and is too spaced out in intervals which make it impossible to edge, the gameplay is boring.

I'm sorry you're retarded. There's eroge that you play with your dick out and eroge that you play with your pants on. Also the main appeal isn't the gameplay but the story and girls, I don't know how you'd miss that.
Man, why is Rance such a piece of shit of a character.
nah. He's a dick to his core. He's certainly not secretly kind.

He did. He continued with it
Go play nukige then you sad fuck.
What Rance will be localized?
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>supporting ugly women whoring out orphaned lolis until the loli loses an eye
>He's a dick to his core. He's certainly not secretly kind.
Fundamental misunderstanding of his character, it's blatantly stated multiple times by some of the older women in the series what type of person Rance is.

Only the worst kind of nukige go Scene -> Scene -> Scene
He's fucking 23 alright.
No one knows. In fact, the OP is just speculating that it's Rance. The reason for it is because Mangagamer's translators said to get ready for Otakon(the event on August 12)
>implying it won't be Evenicle
Just play Nobunaga's Ambition and be done with it.
What one? VI?
It's blatantly stated many times how unheroic and selfish he actually is.

last thing i heard was that mangagamer took over and killed the franchise
He is not secretely kind. He's just an asshole, not an evil villain that want to see people suffer.
Eiyuu*Senki tries to copy the SR formula.

It's much easier in comparison though and the characters aren't that fun. Good production values and art though.
Why are you lying?
23 and accomplished more than you could in 10 lifetimes
I'd buy it just to support Rance no matter what game it was. At this rate if Rance can get popular it means we get more localized Rance. The fan translation projects for Rance seem to gain a lot of momentum and then just die.
I thought that was the point of this thread.
Koei's writing is shit.
Well, the main Alicesoft fan translators, Maria and Arunaru, both work at Mangagamer now anyway. Ludu was a hack and a liar and never did anything except make a bunch of empty promises, so he's literally irrelevant.
If August 12 comes and we don't get a Rance game then I have to ask what the fuck was the point in entering a partnership with Alicesoft?
to give you Haruka of course
Do we have an actual number on how well it sold?
Alicesoft does have other really good titles other than the Rance games, though. Arguably their best game isn't even a Rance title.

I'd be satisfied if we get Evenicle desu.

Really well. It was top 5 consistently since it came out.
No exact numbers though.
Yeah because he's only considered to be a hero by his in universe fans and himself, he's was a parody of the typical hero after all.

>He is not secretely kind. He's just an asshole
He's an asshole to people he doesn't give a shit about and somewhat of a bratty kid to people he cares about. He is kind to some of the characters in the series but is tsundere about it
Evenicle is at best their 5 best ever game.

Really run though
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Maybe related to these slots since op isn't saying anything. It's on mangagamer/announcements page.

Would it say New partner though if it was Rance? Aren't they already partnered with them?
I was referring to Daiakuji but I doubt we'll ever see that localized anyway
No it wouldn't say new partner.

They've been slowing adding slots to that page. A few weeks ago there was only one new partner up there.
Isn't that what being an asshole can mean?
Rance saves stuff for selfish reasons, he doesn't care if people are hurt, he cares for women that he can't fuck.
He ends up caring about a handful of characters but that doesn't make he's any less of an asshole because of that.
Being an asshole is not having no kindness in your person. That is just lazy writing. All major assholes in History cared for someone.

The only time we see him caring if something happens to the world was in KR when it was revealed all that shit about ragnarök, but that is just too much radical, anyone would care if the world would be destroyed.
Rance is an asshole but he does have good intentions for being an asshole some of the times, like with his first son.
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Translated Rance is probably something I'd actually buy rather then being a filthy pirate, though it would have to be uncensored.

It would be nice to play games in the Rance series apart from Sengoku. I've got a Rance mousepad with pic related as the design and it looks awesome, but I haven't played the games the girls are from.
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Shizuka is in pretty much every game
>though it would have to be uncensored.

Looking at MG's other releases it definitely will be.
MG only censors lolis, which the Rance games avoid.
It sold well enough that they're making a limited print run with it.
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>doesn't fuck lolis

since when
"Avoid" does not mean that, anon.
But if they show cgs of Rance fucking lolis or other people fucking lolis how are they avoiding it?
Which rance? If it´s another translation of some old rance game Im not interested
>censors lolis
Do you mean the fact that they left the mosaics in Sweet Sweat in Summer?
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Lolis in rance are so tasty.
VI or 01

All the old games are 1. Freeware and 2. Already translated
VI was realeased before sengoku rance right? What is 01?
*Lolis are always so tasty
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VI is two years older than Sengoku.

01 is a complete remake of I with only the basic plot the same.
SR is VII, 01 is a remake of the original game but other than the very basics it's a completely different game. The trial for 01 had more text then the entirety of the original game
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Rance fucked the blonde as her father was dying in the same room
Demon master Chris?
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01 translation would be neat.
Is this true?
/v/ is obsessed with traps and futa
I'm playing Haruka and can't decide what 3rd skill take for Narika, I have better training and stronger weakest move.
01 is meh as a game.
Rizna is ancient
No, the dungeons are short, there's lots of them, and gameplay generally is very fast. That is because each character is limited by amount of moves that they have on the skill slots(each character gets maximum of 6, though you can switch the actions on fly outside the battles), and non-boss fights are also limited on amount of turns that you get to beat the enemies(not killing everything doesn't give you game-over, just less EXP).
When character runs out of moves you can either keep them in to make use of the passive skills that they have, or switch the character out. You have limited amount of character switches, so it's up to player how to make use of them. Either clear and explore the dungeon with party of weaklings with mage acting as nuke and switching to stronger party for hard battles, or have balanced parties.
One thing I really enjoy about Quest is how you can play it in different ways, simply by party composition and levelling different skills for the characters.
No they don't. Unless you mean Satoko's towel in Higurashi.

That was simply because of the developer. Their other games also have mosaics in, and those don't feature lolis.
It has happened before, I think one of Circus' games also had mosaics intact?
Call me when they translate Quest or IX.

Those are the only games worth giving a shit about besides Sengoku.
VI is better than both and 03 is better than Quest and on par with IX

It's not even confirmed. It's just speculation

Thanks for playing with my feelings.

I'll go back to study Jap.
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