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PRESS F TO PAY RESPECTS She was best girl in the first game;_;

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She was best girl in the first game;_;
The OG browntits will be missed.
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>Spoilers as the OP
Fuck you anon. Have despair
F RIP Donuts
Best girl was Junko though
Asahina is A rank Bully Target Material, as such, she is cheerful, reliable and overall a good person. She has plenty of friends and dislike violence. While she lacks some particular gimmicks, one can bully her for her rather excessive love for donuts.
Of course, only an idiot would deny the fact that any surplus energy from donuts is immediately spent by this energetic girl, however, it does not make the feature any less bullyiable.
In short, call her fat.

By the way, I want to bully Saionji so much. I want to scold her to tears and throw her into pool. I want to take her gummies and eat them in front of her. Then I'll force-feed her with lemon-flavored gummies, palm after palm. I want to call her a stinky and take her panties so she has to going commando for the rest of the trip. I want to mock her inability to put her kimono by herself, so I'll strip her every once in a while, yelling what one day, she'll be glad to be able to dress up herself. Also, I'll take her kitty hairpins, making her long blonde hair cover her private parts. And when I'll give kimono back to her, I'll make sure to put Mr. Ants in every single pleat and Mr. Crab in her panties.

And when finally she snaps and try to bully me by any means possible, I'll spank her in front of everyone until she'll like it. And when she'll come to me, begging for another spanking, I'll mock her again, then spank her as if my life depends on it, laughing on her moans full of pleasure. Mere seconds before her climax, I'll throw her into pool once again, leaving her in her aroused state.
I guess at this point, it would have been too predictable if she lived.
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Is she really fucking dead? don't play with me here.

I'm not even mad that you spoiled it, finally gets what she deserves for trying to kill us all.


Rest in piss you air-headed donut bitch.
Hope Kirigiri will die soon too
Actually almost all survived characters from first game are annoying garbage compared to the despairs

Asahina was pretty decent desu fampai, I'll miss her

Fap in memory
Fitting for such a slut.

This is thr cringiest shit I've seen all year
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Asahinafags get to experience their favorite girl becoming a stepping stone for a greater hope.

How wonderful for them.
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Don't get mad that your retarded weebshit bully meme us faggy to the rest of the world
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Good! It helps me to trigger people.

All because Saionji deserved her bullying and more thousand times over!
Why WHY didn't Akane die instead of her
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How is your first DR thread ?
>ultimate animator
>whole thing is just an anime
>no one dies
Because Akane is likeable
Akane was such a pain to talk to due to every word coming out of her mouth either being inane dumb shit or food.
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>Because Akane is likeable
But she has boobs of steel
I know right?, I don't understand how somebody could treat Saionji like that, it's understandable that you act disguisted for that!

Because of that I wanna wrap my arms around her petite frame and spin around playfully, carelessly until we're too dizzy to continue, our bodies tumbling upon the sandy coastline, seabreeze wafting over us both as we soak in the beautiful setting sun.
I want her to mount my shoulders as I scale the castle walls so we can look down upon the lesser peons below us like the ants they are. I wanna crush ants like the pests they are as we snidely laugh at everyone and their weaknesses.
I want to gently tickle her delicate skin as I undress her and draw her a bath to clean her perfect, creamy skin. I wanna lather up those magnificent blonde tresses, rinsing soaking and washing every warm inch of her magnificent body. I wanna pinch her chubby little cheeks and pat her warmly on the crown of her scalp before drying her off and combing those cascading locks that spill down the gentle curves of her bare back.
I want to trace my fingertips alongside her spine as I pull her in close to me, nibbling on her ear before I whisper sweetly how magnificent and perfect she is. I want to dip her freshly cleaned toes in chocolate fudge and suckle them as she playfully teases me.
I want to make her toes curl in sensual bliss as we consummate our love, springs creaking louder as we both grow closer to that sweet finish, headboard bashing against the wall as we finish in tandem, afterglow enshrouding us both as we drift off to sleep.
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>Asahina died
>/v/ discuss Komaeda and Hiyoko yet again

Never change!
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>this thread

Gee, thanks for making my day even worse you assholes.

Fucking hell.
Im gonna jack off to dorothy now phoneposter

Because Hina a shit and almost killed everyone.

And unlike the absolute madman she never got called out for it by anyone but Monokuma.
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I haven't seen such blatant spoilers on /v/ in a while. Go fuck yourself, OP and this thread is shit.

I'm glad it was just an anime episode.

Getting spoiled on a game I won't play for half a year is way worse.
>despair arc
>future arc

Someone explain this retarded anime to me.
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>almost killed everyone.
And because of that, everyone started working together.
Was worth
Man I read this in his voice, this is something he'd say.
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>Kodaka being a hack again
I was expecting Kirigiri to be the first one killed off from the DR1 cast
inb4 she makes it through all the way because they need someone smart to explain what's going on again
I want you to describe me how would you bully Nidai if its even possible
Her NG code is that she can't tell them who the killer is, so she's actually going to be pretty safe. That neutralizes any strategic angle to killing her early and means she's going to have to do more interesting things to stay involved.
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She's dead? Time to break out the champagne. With some luck they'll kill weedman too.
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Thanks! I always try my best to show my love for her!
>Sakura will never choke you out with her mountainous, inescapable thighs

why live
Yeah right
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That's not Mukuro.


Weedman was outside and isn't part of the game
Devil luck
Weedman isn't even a part of the killing game; he's that irrelevant.
Once again, he's living while your favorite characters die.
Wait, a new game came out?
Danganronpa 3 is an anime. It's airing twice a week, the Future arc being set after DR2 and featuring a final killing game and the Despair arc detailing the fall of Class 77 and probably the event itself.
Also, this one isn't awful unlike the DR1 series. It's actually pretty good so far and one of the most ambitious anime projects in years.
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we zero escape now

Also this 'forbidden action' will be such a fucking cheap method of killing off characters.
>Weedman was the real SHSL Luck all along
It's more a way to force additional conflict and make it that much harder for FF members to work together, even ones that get along.
>someone actually reported spoilers
Wow, it's like you don't have any hope or something
>Naegi and Kirigiri dies
>Weedman is the last man standing and telling the story
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I want this guy to be the mastermind simply so he can pull off his mask and go "It was me Naegi! It was me all along!".
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>mfw it was actually naegi
He won't
His prohibited action is taking off the mask
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Good, Hinafags were always unbearable faggots.
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Hina a best.
Hina eternal.
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Hina a dead
Hina a shit

So if I pull off that mask, he'll die?
>Finally adult cast
>They still behave like teenages
It's fate/zero all over again
I shipped her with Weedman
Now he is truly alone in this world
He's a big guy.
I think his bracelet is not allowing him to let Naegi die. While the blond guy with a sword has "kill naegi within 24 hours" on it.
I thought that the surviving DR1 cast (except Weedman) are all 21 or something.
He still has Kanon.
>best friend dies
>little brother dies
>she dies
god fucking dammit
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>The Asahina bloodline was completely purged from the Earth
The toxins would be extremely painful
>implying Kanon is Canon
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This is the first death in the entire series to actually get me, man. I'm actually kinda salty that

A) She survived through a killing game just for this to happen

B) She died in a really average way.

Like, if you're gonna send an older character out, could it not be a bit flashier? Of course, I would have absolutely preferred it if the old cast stayed alive through this whole thing. I know it's cheesy to have plot armor like that, but I really grew to like the first game's survivors. Seeing Bicycle go out like this is disheartening. If this was a second simulation, and she's really alive, I wouldn't even be mad. That's how much I was/am still wanting the main cast to make it through this.
>she died as a virgin
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How do you think he got that 300 million yen Crystal Ball?
>implying they have to explain that shit when they had a guy suplexing entire floor like Incredible Hulk
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Goosebumps and chills took over my entire body. I don't even really care about her and still felt that much.

What the fuck is happening to me.

Wh-when Kyoko....NO. SHE WILL LIVE.
Fuck off Komaeda
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>Naegi was giving her typical cheesy motivational quotes
>she fucking dies
god dammit
Whos the killer this time
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>Bandai fucking dies
>Everyone's only mourning Aoi
I knew /v/ was racist.
I hope it's Hinata who remembered how original Chiaki died
They were just asking to have her die in those final moments. You have me to keep you safe, my good luck will protect us. Might as well just have her wear a sign saying I AM DEAD
>literally who riddled with gimmicks
>brown girl with a game and big tits
pick one
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>Tfw you always fucking open OP spoilers while browsing the frontpage.

Fucking hardwired for this dumb shit.
He was retarded
He could just tell everyone about his bracelet, but he didn't
Life is unfair
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Don't worry.

Aoi shifted to another timeline.
So what the fuck are Sankaku's and Munakata's problems?
Also, The Great Gozu is fucking based.
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How are we gonna overcome this dispair bros
Are all 3 games worth playing?
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Is she gonna use a magic alien time machine to come back?
Fake as fuck, the blood isn't pink

There is no respite from despair.

nah she just slipped and fell on some jelly donuts
They want to remove despair
Naegi saved people who killed thousands innocents
Of course they will suspect him
It's due to the color palette they're using for Future side.
When the housekeeper's death is shown in the first episode of Despair side, the blood is pink there.
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Dude, if only. This is the only character I wanted to see make it to the end, and they just offed her like it was nothing.
Millions according to Future side's first episode.
They should have been executed desu, fuck muh hope.
>Episode 12.
>Errybody dead.
>Hacker girl who hasn't said one word or even stood up finally does.
>It was Junko all along.

n o o o o o o.
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fuckf ufkcfu ckfuck fuck man fuck she's gone man fuck jesus fuck why would they do this to us god damn shit fuck dammit damn shit fuck
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If Hina dies, then every other characters deserves death. I support Wheelchair's genocidal conquest.
This show is too triggering for me. One of my biggest fears is being stabbed while I'm asleep.
Lock your doors and only sleep around people you trust senpai
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don't worry anon; there's always poison!
But anon.
Buy bulletproof windows and 3 guard dogs. Also install security cameras and an alarm system. Learn Martial arts, buy an arsenal and wear armor in bed just to be sure.
I...I am actually surprised they went there
I thought there is no damn way they are going to kill off the DR1 cast
Why couldn't it have been weedman?!?!
What does is matter, anon? Happy Bicycle is already dead. Hope is lost now. The rest of the OG cast doesn't matter because, lets be frank, Weedman's gonna be the only one who lives.
because first of all he's outside and second of all he's weedman: he's invincible and eternal
Because then Kanon would lose her shit completely and murder everyone on the planet.
What does it matter? Best girl's dead and nothing will change that fact.
Kirigiri is the traitor
See you in few days, anon-chan
>Why couldn't it have been weedman?!?!
You answered your own question. Nobody wants him around and nobody likes him.
Character from Ultra Despair Girls's unlockable novel.
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She's with Sakura now.

I'm salty as fuck.
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friendly reminder that Sakura died for nothing, Junko was right again
Sakura had boyfriend, she isn't into yuri
You sure it's that and not her doing detective work all together?
one of the games I will never touch because of the art style
What's so bad about it?
yeah it's true
are you talking about the anime? I haven't watched it, did they really kill her off?
Literally check the 9th post
It gets better as the series goes on.
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what a fucking shitshow
this is literally Game of Thrones: the anime franchise
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the show is about killing you autistic faggot
Game of Normies just kills characters to stay relevant and make normies talk about it with other normies
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The villain shall pay dearly for this!
>the show is about killing you autistic faggot
how about they don't kill off every single character I give a fuck about?
>series has hope and despair as its central themes
>is written is such a way that it incites these two emotions in viewers
>what the fuck why are they making feel despair
Kill yourself, faggot.
that's despair anon
>why is this show making me feel the emotion it set out to do and has been a central theme of the entire franchise.
Best girl
>black guy dies immediately
Yu Narukami can't open doors

Kirigiririgiri can't talk to hope man

Computer girl can't be touched

Have I got that right?
>His NG thing made it nearly impossible for him to survive the game
>Almost as if there is a vested interested in him not surviving

Perhaps I'm overthinking things...
Kyoko is Junko. AI Junko reprogrammed herself to take over Kyoko when she logged out of the simulation in SDR2.

What better despair than to take over the body of Naegi's crush who cucked Mukuro?
>Kirigiri can't talk to Naeggs
Fug, that makes sense.
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>Expect Seiko and Miyaya to be my favorites
>Fall in love with the Ruruko and Izayoi duo instead
>Miyaya is kind of annoying
>Seiko is pretty great nonetheless
It's going to be heart-wrenching when these two get inevitably split up.
Ruruka is the traitor
I would be okay with that.
Are you sure it's just Naegi? She didn't say anything to the old guy either. I don't think she can talk at all.
Nah she talked during this episode, it was like two lines of dialogue so I can't blame you for forgetting about it
Not canon
>tfw best girl died

RIP Bandai
>it's not canon because I said so
Yeah, she had a line where she spoke to the entire group. It's probably something limiting like specifically to certain people, but speaking to the entire group nullifies it.

It'll probably be one of the few that makes a difference, I imagine most will just be "We're killing off a character now, oops" and not actually be important to how that character behaves.
>the mastermind is choosing this particular people to die so they can't interfer to their plans
it can be possible
When was that? If it's the "Are you alright, Naegi?" line, I'm pretty sure that was an internal thought, not verbal dialogue.
No she said that someone's forbidden action could be telling others their forbidden action.
Naegi is the fucking killer.
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Man, it sure feels great being alive!
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It should've been you!
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>the mastermind doesn't die

Big news
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Oh, so she did.
I'm not convinced it's just Naegi though, since she remains quiet during all her other scenes for some reason.
She lost her best friend in the first game, and in that spinoff, she finds out that her brother is dead.

She's in a better place.
Oh yeah, Baby-Nig died too... that happened.
Not even joking, Yasuhiro is one of my biggest suspects for the traitor.
It's just the kind of twist I could see them pulling.
>bracelet injects you with sleeping drugs
we've gone off-topic
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He's surviving this shit.
>Hope Kirigiri will die soon too
Wouldn't be soon enough. Great job having a super genius that knows the answer to every mystery, riddle, and murder well before you could, and then letting her live to the end of the game. What a brilliant fucking move.
Did she talk directly to someone? If not, maybe it's something like she can't talk to just one person, and she has to address the whole room.
Kumaplex Monotives

I'd prefer something like that over I DID IT FOR LE DESPAIR for the third time
It's because Kirigiri is Junko >>345470343
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Y-yu, calm down!
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Yukizome... Yukizome's my angel!
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>tfw i see these posts so often in every DR thread i come across on 4chan that i anticipate seeing how it will be shoehorned in as a response to the OP

t-thanks, bully-kun
So, are we talking about Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Zetsubou-hen or Mirai-hen ?

Cause I feel broken today and this sounds promising enough to end myself after watching it
Gab did it.
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Why is he so based?
I will fucking celebrate.
And then complain that it took this damn long.
Calling it, his forbidden action is killing Makoto.
Some bullshit . i was about to cum then it changed to another position. So while i was cumming it was black screen . lol . "when porn teases you". XD
>best friend dies
>little brother dies
Exactly why she's better off now. Life was pain for Asahina.
Call it now. Name the three characters you most want to survive out of the remaining cast
And wallow in despair as none of them do
If they've made it clear that the DR1 originals arent safe there's no way Kirigiri's making it out of this as much as it sucks to say

Naegi is my favorite and there's no way they'd kill him off r-right?
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There was only one I wanted, and she made it out just fine.

It feels so good, you don't even know.

Naegi is the heroine, he can't die.
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Scout, Blacksmith, Weedman.
Naegi, Sakaku and Munakata are the safest.
Why boner?
>Why boner?
Are you into femdom and emasculation?
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So who's biting it next Monday? This series is comfy as fuck.
sleep tight, pupper
pupper is back!
kirigiri and naegi please kill anyone else just save those two for the love of god
>people dying
Don't you have to go steal money from your brother or something?
Trash girls dying is super comfy anon. She deserved it since act 4.
That's not the bully though
No I paid it back and he lost the job that he forced me to get for watching the superbowl in the office or something.
>he doesn't find comfort in the deaths of others
lmaoing at ur life famalam
>asshole faggot will survive until the end
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