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Bloodborne is SHIT

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For all the PC most-turd race chucklefucks wondering if they should get a PS4 just for Bloodborne, DON'T.

It SUCKS. I played through the entire game and it was a very bad experience.

Here are my criticisms

Broken-up world feel of DS2 (which really goes back to Demons Souls, I know), everything feels disconnected and lacks continuity therefore narrative

Shitty, I mean SHITTY bosses. The only time I had even a slight amount of trouble was Rom the Vacuous Spider and even then all it took was some Bolt Paper and a few good whacks to the ribs

it's SHORT. It felt like 1/4 the size of Dark Souls.

Nothing new under the sun, i.e. they didn't really put anything new into this other than the Chalice Dungeon crap, everything else was a rehash of Souls (not necessarily bad since Souls is actually a decent series)

Fucking EASY, ridiculously huge parry window makes most enemies and, hilariously, bosses fuck-easy to parry.

Bugs, I fell through the ground multiple times (this is on the 1.09 patch)

Weapons that mostly behave the same, and are just variations on the Dark Souls Longsword or Greatsword

No NPCs that make you care enough to want to bother with them, unlike Souls where you have some nice NPC storylines

Graphics are the only nice thing about this game, but even then they are mostly grimdark shit, without much variation and gets boring fast, there are no Shrines of Amana or Dukes Archives here

SHITTY lore, some crap about a healing church and some faggot called Laurence, didn't really interest me at all


now watch the 'this is bait', baitfishimage, never ever replies roll in, there's one thing about ps4turds, they are predictable as fuck.
Oh and I do actually own the game, I'll timestamp my copy/my NG+ faggot sword if you like.
If you ignore the parts where OP implicitly compliments himself this is actually a pretty accurate list.

Would also say that regressing to DeS's healing item system was a bad decision.
>Broken-up world feel of DS2 (which really goes back to Demons Souls, I know), everything feels disconnected and lacks continuity therefore narrative

Stopped reading there.

Bloodborne has some of the best level design in recent memory. You clearly don't know shit about good game design.
pc + ps4 here
bloodborne is subjectively the best souls game created, also at times being the hardest
One thing I forgot to mention is how the game doesn't give the player this urgent need to achieve something, you always had a sense of purpose in DS1/2/3, in this, you're just some faggot on a hunt. Boring and uninvolving.

Yeah like Byrgenwerth and the Study Hall, right? Oh and don't forget the incoherent mess that's the Nightmare Frontier. Great level design my ass.
>being the hardest
Even Demon's Souls was harder. BB has a ridick easy parry window, you can parry the whole fucking game half-asleep.
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Woah, hey there.
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>Oh and I do actually own the game, I'll timestamp my copy/my NG+ faggot sword if you like.

Okay, go for it.
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>you're just some faggot on a hunt. Boring and uninvolving.
lmao did you even get past Rom as you're claiming?
>Even Demon's Souls was harder. BB has a ridick easy parry window, you can parry the whole fucking game half-asleep.
yes but it's also the fastest souls game yet and BIG SURPRISE not every boss can be parried, try fighting Laurence
>Yeah like Byrgenwerth and the Study Hall, right? Oh and don't forget the incoherent mess that's the Nightmare Frontier. Great level design my ass.
nice cherrypicking
also holy shit what a dedicated false-flag lmao
Get good.
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>A critically acclaimed game is bad because i say so and only nitpick evry single element and only focus on the bad.
>And everyone who likes is it just doing it to bait you.
I finished it though. I raped that old wheelchair faggot and became the new wheelchair faggot.
>bbretard doesn't understand what false flag means but uses it anyway
Kys my child ;^)
souls casual here. got so fucking lost in this game and gave up because I didnt know where to go and dont want to use guides. this is SHIT level design and if you disagree youre a pscuck just fanboying the game
>critically acclaimed
>then says critically analyzing bad points in the game is bad
what critics you read are a sham and arent critical enough to live up to their title as critics.
Another retard using a phrase he doesn't quite understand. Noticing a pattern here. Maybe BBturds just don't understand they're playing and need to justify their buttlicking of From.
better not adress what he said about the game content because he misused one term :^DDDDD
Nice NG+ post m8 :^) Maybe practice some more then come back and post again
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>Broken-up world feel of DS2 (which really goes back to Demons Souls, I know), everything feels disconnected and lacks continuity therefore narrative

90% of the game takes place in one city. It's literally the opposite of what you said. Every single area basically looks the same, which I don't see as a bad thing. It makes the city feel large, like the castles in Castlevania; I EXPECT them to look the same.
>The weapons mostly behave the same
There are only 3 weapons int he game that are exactly the same bitch boy that shows me that you didn't even get anywhere.

DS 3 has literally less weapon variation.
he didn't make any decent points otherwise I might have

you're late
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Ha ha, you wasted a ton of cash on a console for one game! Idiot! Moron! King of all cucks!
Not sure what you mean. I have finished the damn game. I posted my copy already. I'll have to fire up the PS4 and get the pic of the faggot sword I guess.
What does that prove anyway? Any retard could finish this lame-ass pseudo-hard game.
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>has trouble with Rom the Vacuous Spider
>think his opinion matters

lul keep summoning and read guides.
Not really, I bought it because I wanted to play DS3 and TLG and Nier 2 and Nioh and FFXV and tonnes of other good shit.
I bought it 2nd hand and Bloodborne came with the machine so I thought why not.
Now go pick up your wife's son from the nursery.
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Do it turn you on? Getting on the 4chan and telling lies?
Nope, soloed it, don't even have PSN+. You're mad as fuck and want to believe that BB is hard, I can tell. But you're not fooling anyone except gullible Fromsheep like yourself.
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hue hue guys here's my copy of Blood Borne I just bought too xD that means I bought and beat the game, right? Hold on let me go find a screen shot online of some NG+ file

DS3 is already on PC idiot, you're shooting your bait in the foot.
God, those New Zealand classification stickers are the fucking worst.
really anon, you think I couldn't beat such an easy fucking game? okay I'm getting the screenshot of the ng+ sword and fuck you for making me do this.
Why did you play through it if the game is so easy and shit?
I don't have a good PC though, retard. It's easier to just buy a console when there are other games I want on it anyway, dumbfuck.
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>I can tell
No one cares about your opinion on Blood Borne and your attempts to prove that you've bought the game / beat it.
sorry, i already did
best game i've played in a while
tfw bought a PS4 just for bloodborne and didn't regret it
No kidding. America is the only country with good aesthetics physicals
Honestly my biggest problem was the build diversity. In the Souls series, I loved heavy shields, so seeing that so gutted in bb was gross. Most of his stuff including party windows and boss difficulty is correct.

It really is demon/dark souls for people who found those games too difficult.
I do agree with all of that. Honestly can't put BB above any of the souls games.
bb and souls games in general suck ass. /v/ only likes them because theyre "hard" and think their elite or something because they beat them
>NG+ sword
He's technically not ENTIRELY wrong? Untricked Burial Blade is a curved sword, after all.
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Australian ones were fine up until 2005, when we got those hideous coloured rectangles.

Britain's little circle is alright as well, honestly. The poor old Germans really get shafted in regards to classification icons, though.

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I stuck the timestamp on the screen for you, bitch. You're probably going to say I photoshopped it too right.
This >>345432907 cunt does
Thanks anon. They'll probably claim I'm trying to myself again though.

Take a picture of yourself holding the game in front of a PS4 so we know you didn't just go to a friend's place.
>critically acclaimed
>by the games journalism industry
>critically acclaimed
>I travelled to a friends place just so a cunt on /v/ will stop crying because his game got insulted
Not how it works, anon. Already gone way beyond the call of duty to prove I completed the shit game. Not gonna dox myself to prove it.
P.s.I don't even have friends
Lmao how is the timestamp not enough proof by itself? I think the guy has completed it, let it be.
Who types like that? Are you retarded? Go back to the youtube comment section.
looks photoshopped as fuck. I can cut out the sticky in photoshop and attach it to a photoshop tv as well. need pic of you blocking part of tv so we know its legit
A lot of your criticisms are very valid, but broken up world? Come on my nigga, it's almost as good as Dark Souls the way shit flows together.
How exactly would that prove anything

He could just go to said friend's place. Maybe he should list his address too?

Don't worry, already enough exif data from the photos.
>"I-I bet you don't even own the game that's why you say it sucks!"
>[OP posts pic proving he owns game]
>Can no longer make up excuses for dismissing OP so tries to change the subject
>"W-What kind of idiot owns this game anyway!"
Oh my god shut the fuck up with these posts
Its like we get several threads about this every week that either consist of people baiting or people sperging out
Just please shut the fuck up and end your miserable existence I'm not joking
Why don't you have friends, tho?
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objectively the most complex level design in any souls game
>b-b-b-b-b-but i don't like it and look at those few cherrypicked areas!
finally a souls game that has most bosses monster/animal like instead of just making different kinds of knights
>they were all easy i tell you! you can believe me!
if you don't die often as you're claiming any souls game is surprisingly short i give you that
>better keep silent about the un-parryable bosses tho!
>i fell through the ground multiple times
yeah and i beat it 3 times as of now and NEVER fell through the ground somehow, <insert dsp WOOOOOW>
>npcs / shitty lore
more like your shit taste but no one can fix that, stay mad nostalgia fag
Literally what's the point? You'll just say I photoshopped it again.
>Weapons being the same
Literally the most variation in a Souls game if only because there aren't fifty million weapons so each weapon type isn't clogging the fucking variation up.
Maybe you're just cynical, anon.

I liked it.
Well I triggered enough bloodborne fucktards today, job done. See you tomorrow for more photoshopping fun (except I have never used Photoshop before).
>more variation is always bad

Tbh your type probably can't handle more than a few options. You should really switch over to mobile games at this point.
if its a different angle and your body is blocking part of the tv thats way too complicated to photoshop in such a short time. otherwise youre a pcuck and never ever applies. youll never play the game and experience its glory
>triggered buzzword
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Today we learned OP is a poorfag who can't afford to save up for a new PC and has no friends!
Good job OP, appreciated
That's okay anon. I know you're having a hard time with the cognitive dissonance of someone calling out this faggot game finally but you'll have to suffer this one out. No more photos for you today. I have proved I own it and proved it finished it. I would post my psn profile too but I'm worried you're insane enough to do stupid shit like report me so that won't be happening either. Kys until next time ;^l
I'll be back soon to remind everyone of how shit your favourite game is.
So I'm basically like 60% of /v/? Good to know.
What's your favorite game?
I do have to agree with the world, it didn't feel very cohesive. It's all fine until you start getting to areas like the Forbidden Woods. Why the fuck are there snakes everywhere and what is all this shit? Everything that's not part of Yharnam City proper feels completely different, even if it's something that should still be tenably connected like Yhargul.

Bloodborne did feel a bit short too, somehow. Like, it's a bit of a slog to get through the first portion of the game but once you kill Rom then everything feels a bit more rushed. Maybe it's a balancing issue or something? Like they thought you'd spend more time grinding or something.

I'm still mad that Bloodborne is a rehash of Dark Souls. I don't like Dark Souls, everyone told me the game isn't Dark Souls but it's fucking Dark Souls. "B-But the dodge mechanics are different!"

Don't agree with the weapons, bugs or NPC bits. I experienced no bugs, I thought the weapons were great and I feel like NPCs mean jack fucking all in both series.
Probably something /v/ doesn't like/hasn't heard of. Like Exile, Tie Fighter, Tactics Ogre, Hardwar, or maybe Elite 2. Or DS1.
>I don't like Dark Souls

People with shit taste aren't allowed on /v/

t. OP
>Bloodborne did feel a bit short too
>has chalice with unlimited end game content
BBfags truly are fucking morons. I'm starting to believe the worst fanbase on /v/ meme.
No one fucking likes chalice dungeons, we only do it because we need something from it.
I can probably point out the exact spot I fell through the ground. It was Yahargul Unseen village, and there were 2 walls that had a gap and I tried jumping into it. I know it was dumb but if it let me do that, then that's lazy design.

It's not the game's fault if you do something retarded anon.
I bet this fag is already running to /bbg/ to cry about how /v/ is insulting their favourite game and asking for backup.
>Broken up world feel of DS2
I dont see this at all in BB, there's more looping back onto eachother and overlapping in this than DS2 and DeS.
>Bosses are easy
This is true but it seems only with the necessary bosses you have to beat in order to beat the game. Some of the hardest bosses for me where Amygdala, Logarius, and The Bloody Crow (Not terrible but quite harder than Shadows of Yharnam or Rom)
>Its short
This is quite the same as DaS, with a decently short main story if you know what you're doing. In BB you can just not do Nightmare Frontier, Cainhurst Castle, and Old Yharnam.
>Nothing new
I dont really know what you wanted here. They had blood gems, runes, blood weapons, trick/transform weapons, and the chalice dungeons were pretty good.
I've played multiple times and havent fallen through the ground, the worst thing has been hitboxes through objects or people jumping around shit which happens in every souls game. So this hasn't bothered me.
>Weapons are the same
The weapons arent all that similar in vanilla, but the Old Hunters adds a lot of different weapons that are varied
>No NPCs are interesting
Eileen the Crow had a great quest with a nice challenging boss at the end. Other than that I can mostly agree with you. The DLC questlines are ok, but compared to Dark Souls 1 its about the same. Solaire was ok, and Siegmeyer was the only one who really had a long quest.
>Graphics are mostly grimdark shit, no shrines of Arianna or Dukes Archive
Seems like you never went to Cainhurst, which had a library that felt almost exactly the same as Dukes Archives. Nightmare Frontier, Hemwick Charnel Lane, and Byrgenwerth (Plus Moonside Lake) are some of the coolest areas. Cainhurst is on par with Anor Londo in my book.
>Shitty Lore
It has lovecraftian themes, and the Great Ones are central to the lore not just Laurence. If you dont like Lovecraftian works then thats just your preference.

It isnt the "Perfect Game", but it isnt trash like you said.
It is though. No game should have flaws like that, that's just a lazy designer not closing up a gap. If you allow too many gaps like that, no game would work properly.
>Wearing the default hunter garb

W E W L A D watch you don't get too creative there
Nice bait. Here's are the areas where it's undeniably best-in-series:

>Best movesets.
>Best regular mobs.
>Best bosses.
>Best atmosphere.
>Best narrative.
>Most consistent level design.
>Most varied combat.
>Least amount of broken/retarded bullshit (such as poise, BS spam, DWGR, weapon arts, etc).
>Overall best combat.

The flaws are the chalices and gems which could use some sprucing up, it's glorious PS4 supercpu performance, the lack of a gold shield, slightly too much stamina, and the lateness of bell maidens.

Compare this to the flaws of DkS1:
>Broken poise, BS, and DWGR that make the game utter garbage.
>Shit-tier moves and weapons.
>Awful 2nd half of the game featuring the worse the series has to offer in terms of level design, bosses, etc.
>Oversaturated healing by endgame.
>Enemies pose practically no threat to you outside of skelly dogs and isolated situations like Silver Knights on the balcony.
>Shield and ranged make the entirety of the game a joke.
>Awfuk story, ruined further consequently in follow-up games and DLCs.
>Horribly disappointing last boss, Gwyn is literally a broken version of Gherman.
>Game loaded-up with shitty empty/incomplete areas.
I like BB, I've only just gotten past Rom however and found my way to Cainhurst Castle. The Nightmare Frontier is fucking horrible. I find I'm having a lot more trouble figuring out what to do than in the other Souls games. The graphics and sounds are very nice though, even if I have got stuck in level geometry several times. Also I found Rom pretty easy, probably because I'm part of the Tonitrus master race.
>He loves greatshields
>Talks about people who find Dark Souls hard
Don't worry, I photoshopped that set in like the anon said, I was actually wearing the Tomb Hunter set.
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>baby cant beat frc
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BB > DaS > DaS III > DeS >>> DaS II

No it's not. If there's a hole in the ground don't fucking jump into it.

The frontier is optional, you can ignore it entirely.
I love the concept of chalice dungeons, but in practice they're lacking. The root of the issue is the fact that unless you wanna continue running glyphs other people have created, you have to go out and farm materials, since not all of the chalice materials are actually buyable in some form until NG+.
So, unless you're actually WILLING to do that so you can continue making fresh dungeon glyphs to explore, you're gonna be stuck seeing the same 10-odd layouts for what could potentially be a couple hundred hours.
I wouldn't mind if I fell into a hole and died, that would make sense from a design point of view. That's not what I'm saying you dumb fuck. I fell through the LEVEL. That shouldn't happen in any well designed game. That happens when a designer is lazy.
BB is frequently seen as the best in the series even with the nostalgia fags crying for baby's firsts. There's no denying it's flawed, but so are DaS1 and DeS. Bloodborne is a masterwork in game design and needs to come to PC.
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can some one tell me how this type of music called.

inb4: remix of chiptune

I'm really not getting you. Could you go and screencap it or something? It sounds interesting.
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Or you could back up your saves like I do whenever you want to spelunk and circumvent that whole silly system.
youve proven nothing except that you havent played the literal masterpiece known as bloodbourne. if you had played it you wouldnt have made that post
I personally only save-scummed when I was farming for Abyssal gems for my Beast Cutter build, because FUCK running an entire 4-floor CRF dungeon that can take up to an hour to clear, just for a shot at a gem.
Not that anon but it sounds like he tried to go past a gap between two walls. He made it, but there isn't any actual "level" there and he fell through the floor. He's saying that the devs are being lazy, since they should either give that area a floor if it's accessible or just not make it accessible entirely.

I assume.
>dat hand writing.
oooh for fuck sake get the fuck out imbecile / edgy underage baiter or both
No I can't be bothered right now. If I get bored enough one day I'll post it to bbg so they can cry like that faggot is crying about Photoshop.

That just makes me more interested.


Make a video, it'd be cool to film the glitch!
Yes, exactly. Thanks for articulating that better than I could.
That doesn't make any sense. I posted a photo showing the burial blade. And anonturd said it was photoshopped. At that point I gave up because literally anything I post will be accused of being a shoop.
>My ass has been blasted so hard I must complain about his handwriting, which is even worse than complaining about someone's grammar when you can't find anything else to say
>Handwriting isn't even that bad
oh dat retard ownes sony tv.... riiiight
What is the funnest build in vanilla? I've got a skill build using Chikage and it's pretty damn fun but I've got the urge to make an alt.
Stake Driver
This. It happened ALL THE TIME in the Kiln of the First flame and still happens in DaS3.
Oh fuck it, I'm gonna go find it now then. I'll post it when I get there and prove that From are niggers.
Yup and? I guess you're gonna say I should own a superior Technika or something equally retarded. Sony make the best TVs you dip.
ive already told you what you need for ppl to believe your bs. another photo with you in it, holding the paper, blocking part of the tv
It happened to me in the catacombs recently

You can record a video using the share button on the PS4, you can save it to the machine then transfer it to a USB from the capture gallery.
I feel like I'm just punching shit with it. Does it get strong with the right build?
I'll do that, good idea.
And how would I prove its not shopped? You don't get it do you, fuck off you autistic little faggot.
it does not matter what i say. you are one incompetent stubborn motherfucker.
shortlisted too.
>its a salty PCuck watches a lets play and "reviews" the game episode
Well, I like bloodborne. And that's good enough for me.
Fuck, well I just realised I'm on ng+ so I would need to unlock the area anyway. I'll do it one day if I get bored, sorry but its not gonna be happening in this thread.
bc it would be a different angle and part of the tv is blocked which is way harder to shop. I think youve proven you dont even own the game and went through all this trouble without even playing it. kek


Hope you do it one day!
Okay so let's do this. I take the photo of the TV from a different angle and what else? Fuck you you won't deny me. I have beaten this shitty game and I will fucking prove it.
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Man, I haven't seen a tantrum like this in a long time. So many of your points are just laughably pathetic.
When I was a kid, I always imagined there was more game to explore if you could get past all the arbitrary waist high fences keeping you in. How wrong my innocent and naive self was.
It was near the endgame, unseen village, I remember the light was the pinkish type and it wasn't too dark.
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>Bloodborne has some of the best level design in recent memory

super mario 3d world

I used to do that with game demos. I thought if I messed about I could get past the barriers and find the full game.
Don't even bother man, people will just keep saying it's fake no matter what. You could fucking fly to their house with your PS4, hook it up to their TV and show them you have Bloodborne and you finished it and they'll go "Photoshop, I can see the pixels".

I wonder what fun glitches there are with Bloodborne though? I wonder how buttmad people will be if I could speedrun the game with glitches and cheesing bosses while complaining how easy the game is?
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Angle 1
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Angle 2

I don't get how mad people are that I finished this pos

Haven't seen /v/ this mad for a while, so I must be doing something right
>Seven Twenty Pee Tee Vee
you have to be in it
dont move the screen

what's that weird stick thing? is that a cigarette?
No fucking way I am putting myself on a photo for /v/ you must be fucking autismal to even ask that. Go take your meds, fuckhead.
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>all that endurance
You know what I didn't like the most about Bloodborne? Running out of blood vials. Sure, you could farm up some more or even just buy some. But it's inconvenient, especially when other SoulsBorne games already had free healing potion refills. Plus it just adds insult to injury when you can't even rechallenge a boss because you need to grind for blood vials now.

Making a game hard is one thing but don't make it tedious. Why does Dark Souls 3 have so many poisonous swamps?
What's the problem? This game looks very nice.
Its a twig I used to clean my keyboard
>running out of vials

How are you so bad at the game?
i knew you were a fraud

also I still cant believe youre fucking doing what I ask you to and replying to me holy shit youre autistic as fuck familia
>there are no Shrines of Amana or Dukes Archives here
Shrine of Amana is a positive?
The problem is people think I couldn't complete it despite it being so easy because I think the game is shit

Apparently only people who love it enough could complete it because its so meme-hard
GIT GUD or go play skyrim or something.

I never had to grind for vials. Not even once.
Welcome to bloodborne fanbase.

I cannot count the number if times i had to timestamp My ps4 with the game to be allowed to say its shit.
Hey OP. Have you played Disgaea 5? This game sounds much more fun to me than BB. Is it worth buying a PS4 for?
I've done more to prove I completed it than I really should have. Why the fuck does putting myself into the pic change things? Why do you want me to dox myself that badly? Is that how mad I've made you? If anything I think I've achieved more than anyone today on this board to get someone that mad.
You asked for angles, you got angles, now go cry to /bbg/
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What is it about this game that makes everyone so fucking salty? Is it really because it's an exclusive?

Why a twig?
More bb owning haters need to stand up and call this piece of meme shit out for what it is. Literally all these cunts have left is the never ever meme and I want to take that away from them.
Because i found it lying around and thought it might be useful
Nope, but I have never really liked disgaea, the writing is terribly and memey.
just post one with you in it and youll be the hero that finally proved bb is bad with your radical, unique opinion

just do it
>Have an old 11 year old TV
>Apparently it was an expensive as fuck Toshiba TV with some rare lamp projector thing inside
>That part burnt out
>It's cheaper to have the one piece replaced than buy a new TV
>Problem is that it takes a while to find the damn piece and then ship it here
>Don't have a TV for two months
>Eventually TV is fixed
>Try playing games again
>I'm fucking terrible at it

Apparently two months is enough to reduce my skill to the point where I died against Ebrietas 8 times, summoning that NPC guy at her nightmare fog entrance 4 of those times. I wasn't even happy when I won, I was still pissed off at all the insight and blood vials I lost.
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Or you could you know, not act like a fucking child and scream about not liking a game.
I don't know, I thought it was the hardest of the games, wasn't my first either.

Do you have a rock in the kitchen for breaking open lids?
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This is the most you'll get
Pcucks and xbots are buttblasted they can't play the game.
Sonnygers will defend it to their death, saying it's the best game ever made because there's nothing else on the PSquadruple and they have buyer's remorse.
Almost no inbetween people.

Simple as that.
I think we need some video footage of this one, lads. He could easily just be cheating and using the image viewer.
It's because people say its a literal masterpiece, and say if you say different then you havent even played it. I personally enjoyed it, thought it was a good game, but quite a bit from perfect. Then you have people like OP who say it was just a giant meme and there is no reason to play it. In reality its a great game that is a nice change for Dark Souls players, thats basically it.
No I use your mums pussy for that ;^]
Couldn't agree more with you, OP, BB is just another soul rehash with nothing new to add. And yes, level design here is garbage.

I don't get it, is that your stomach or your arm?
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Oh look, it's another Soulsborne thread.
>Weapons that mostly behave the same, and are just variations on the Dark Souls Longsword or Greatsword
Did you not use more than two weapons or something?

>SHITTY lore, some crap about a healing church and some faggot called Laurence, didn't really interest me at all
So because you didn't give a fuck about the lore (which there is an abundance of) that makes it shitty?
still dont see you
still a fraud
a face would really seal it
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The dude isn't stupid he actually disabled gps info like an intelligent man.
>No timestamp
Stomach you autist
Why do people finish games that they hate? Like what kind of cuckery is this?

Bloodborne is objectively the best Souls game.
There's a reason no one talks about DaS3 but Bloodborne is still going strong.

If Bloodborne was multiplat you wouldn't have all this salt, but then I would wager the magic of Bloodborne(and Demon's) comes from Sony's involvement so a mutlplat Bloodborne would be mediocre as Bamco would be more focused on selling t-shits and memes.

Wow don't stalk people you creeper.
So in other words, I need to dox myself to prove I beat BB. And you have the fucking cheek to call others frauds? Literally Kys cunt. I have never meant that as seriously as I mean it now, I want you to suicide, do anything, drink bleach, shoot a cop, I don't care. Just end it for the sake of the human race.
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this, OP is an actual retard and having played the game has nothing to do with what he says being credible

its like taking some hillibilly redneck into a 5 star restaurant and telling them to review the food

Is that a button-up shirt?

Are you going into town or something? Why would you wear a button-up shirt indoors? If it's from work you should get changed already.
Bloodborne basically destroyed /v/ when it got leaked here. Ever since the first PROJECT BEAST SONY JAPAN STUDIO FROM SOFTWARE PS4 EXCLUSIVE thread the PCuck Prepare to Meme Edition bandwagonners have been assravaged. No other game has caused such a shitstorm here, and it got worse and worse when the leak was confirmed, the game was GOTY, and confirmed as the best in the Souls series.
Is this seriously happening?
/v/ can really call the dumb OP a fake and to show more and he'll just do it?
Why do you want to prove yourself to /v/ so much you dummy?

This thread is so fucking bizarre.

I cannot fucking believe that you're taking him seriously.
retorting to name calling when you cant show proof lmaoo this guy has never TOUCHED a ps4 in his life
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I see I'm interested in Disgaea because of this cunnybunny.
Bloodborne looks way too western for me.
i cant believe how retarded op is desu
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Glad someone here has some sense. Also, that girl is really cute.
If you didn't like BB you have objectively poor taste in vidya.
OP should record a video of himself playing the game using PS4 recording function clearing some chalice boss.

Then we can all see his skill and shut up.
>food analogies
OP was wrong from the get go, because buy a console for a single game.
I'm actually /g/ tinfoil-tier, if only these tardcopters knew.
Yep it is. Fuck this feels like I'm actually blogging. I wear shirts indoors all the time, I like to feel slightly dignified while I play my video games.
It's amazing, isn't it? Ever since that Project Beast stuff first got posted here, that Verendus guy on NeoGAF posting details about it (That later turned out to be right) and the Sony/From deal, and then the game's release and critical acclaim, shit's gone out of control.

Question is, will people chimp out en masse about the next two From/Sony Japan Studio games like they did BB?
ive proven op to be a fraud, he wont do it
he doesnt have a ps4
Cmon, I really like Bloodborne but it isnt "Objectively" the best souls game, it only has ONE shield and its a joke. Dark Souls 1 or 2 would be the best, as they have better build variety and the stats arent as easy to manipulate as Bloodborne. People who say Dark Souls 3 is the best are literal retards, as the NOPOISE makes it just a worse Bloodborne. You get all this different armor and weapons but the best builds end up being bloodborne "fast paced" builds with straight swords and dodging being paramount, but the weapons arent fleshed out like trick weapons.
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its like giving Ulysses to some hillibilly redneck and telling them to review the book

The button arrangement is interesting, could you take a photo of just the shirt? You can take it off and lay it out if you're concerned about being in the shot.
>it only has ONE shield and its a joke.
Actually, there are two shields in the game.
>Analogies in general
Why can't you just be smart for once.
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>it only has ONE shield and its a joke.

Shields are a joke and so are you
I'm setting up a stream right now.
>I like to feel slightly dignified while I play my video games.
Oh my fucking god
Don't ever call anyone in this thread an autist ever again for the remainder of it because you are KING autist.

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Analogies are a way to illustrate a point

Bloodborne is of too complex/ high quality for someone like OP to accurately pick apart because he has not the general knowledge to pick apart and review a game when he is as if a kid in kindergarten stood up from the table and started to scream how the food is shit because he doesnt like it because the potatoes are shit and the meatballs are shit and the sauce is shit and the milk was too cold
so determined to prove his opinion to /v/ that he STREAMS the fucking game after posting tons of pictures even though everyone's clearly been fucking with him

You went too far. Stream cancelled.

Aw man!
Ya know I didn't quite expect you to think it out like that.
>Bloodborne is too complex/ high quality
That's where I knew that analogies could only save you.
My point is that there definitely is more build variety in DaS than BB, which means BB isnt "Objectively" better. Even Arcane builds in bloodborne just use regular swords with elemental gems in them. I prefer the fast paced combat of BB, but the fact that one can choose fast or slow paced in DaS makes it a better game overall.
want to start a new game but I'm still having PTSD from chalice dungeons and farming gems
It's pretty fucking bad.
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>He's still at it
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>Bloodborne is of too complex/ high quality for someone
>bbfags actually believe this
Nah it's clearly From fanboys on suicide watch.
That wasn't me. Okay the stream is set up, I need to invite some players, so give me your psn so I can add you.
>haha le laughing reaction image :)

post a crying image next since youve never played the game. Id probably do my everything to shit on it too to dethrone it if I was actually a poorfag

Oh I don't have a PS4. Put it on twitch.
>prepare to meme edition releases
>PCucks meme the game to death
>dark souls 2 comes out
>it sucks
>miyazaki was working on something else
>project beast gets leaked on /v/
>PCucks are assblasted and in denial
>leak is confirmed
>amazing game, way better than dark souls 2, on par with or better than ds1
>PCucks still in denial
>amazing dlc
>PCucks even more assblasted
>dark souls 3 doesn't live up to bb
>bb turns out to be miyazakis magnum opus
>PCucks still anguished
you just summed up OP perfectly. guy cant afford a ps4 to play the greatest game ever made

he still hasnt posted real proof

Pretty much this.

The only good souls game PC got was DaS1, while Playstation users enjoyed 3 great games.

Remember how hyped PC gamers were about DaSII being a souls game made for them?
Haha what the fuck.
>I'm super cool and play games you silly children haven't even heard of
can I please suck your cock?
>Almost no inbetween people.
on the internet maybe. not in real life, mate
The Dark Souls series is trash in reality, people have been fooled by a man with a dream to create a clunky game built on frustrations of normies and they ate that shit up. It's not clunky and shitty it's "difficult".
Now everything that is clunky shitty and difficulty is considered souls like.
The Dark Souls series in itself is a fucking meme you normie mongoloids and you ate that shit.
are you for real? those aren't exactly niche/unknown games. unless you're 12 maybe
fucken lol
OP is gonna deliver, streaming on twitch throwaway now to complete the buttblasting of the BBfags.


BBabbies gonna be on suicide watch after this so be kind to them
I wholeheartedly agree with OP desu, been playing BB on my wife's son's PS4 that I gave him for his birthday, and I can attest to all that.
Mmm. C'mon baby just show me your butt. I won't tell anyone and I'll delete it after.
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Holy shit nigger, you blew it.
I'm streaming though >>345438926, so have the Samaritans number because I think you might commit suicide
>2 viewers
Need more people to an hero, that's not enough
killing the doll isn't a display of skill. get your ass out of the dream and kill some boss
Not the point you complete fuckwit. The point was to show the burial blade. In other words, I am on ng+. Eat shit.
>this thread

Conning some /b/tard tween to run around taking pictures of his television for an hour. Comedy gold.
you still claimed the game is objectively easy. let's go, fuckboy
cool you got your friend/paid escort to show some gameplay. anyone could do that
still waiting for real proof. face pic with the tv in the background
until then youre a fraud and a pcuck who cant afford ps4
And I proved it already. I have completed the shifty game. You lose.
Kill some bosses!
So even the stream wasn't enough proof? So I have a friend who I convinced to stream the game for me all while telling him its shit? Riiight
killing all mandatory bosses in co-op and just shiting on gehrman without consuming a single cord isn't exactly "beating" it
>I proved it already
how? by claiming?
okay then I just proved you're a faggot because I said so.
Don't have psn
I soloed every boss m8. Wonder if that will make you cry now.
Don't waste time knocking on doors anon, just go directly to the cleric beast.
>thinly veiled humble brag thread
>"games so easy and shit, look I beat it"
>no one listens to the retard
>OP starts posting pictures, taking new pictures, and streaming the fucking game in his desperate attempt to show everyone he beat the game and hes proud

holy shit OP youre one of the biggest autists on this website, how does it feel
this is gold
>impying this isnt OP's friend PS4
>I soloed every boss m8
proove it, faggot. cleric beast is right around the corner
Streaming and 3 photos is more than enough proof
You're not the boss of me anon.
he cant control what his friend does so he wont actually do what you tell him
once again he doesnt have a ps4
as if Cleric Beast is any challenge at all, full of staggers as you hack away at its legs
it's Gascoigne who starts fighting back
why summoning father G then?, faggot?



this isn't proof that the game is easy, just that you finished it.
you are just bragging and have to create a whole narrative around it because simply making a thread claiming "hi /v/, I just finished BB! look how good I am!" would just be ignored.
If Bloodborne is easy, I would love to know what you consider hard.
Is Arcane a viable build all the way through?
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Everyone can beat the first boss OP
so far, your fight isn't impressive. you manage just as good as about any other average player. far from flawless or "easy" 10 vials on CB doesn't scream "I'm a pro"
Didn't use him in the fight clearly

And you saw me solo him so stfu now all you faggots

Doesn't really work as well until you get DLC stuff, unless you're prepared to gemgrind.

Stop shitposting and get moving OP! Next boss, pronto!
Was on a call at the same time so was distracted as fuck
Nah I think that's enough to prove the game is shit

(Rate build)
OK people, thread's over. we're grasping at straws now
>this bullying

Lol thanks for watching anon
I could do this for a living like pdp
hell yeah. this looks fun, thx. I'm about to start this shit right now.
I haven't got the DLC but I'm a NEET with too much time on my hands. I actually like grinding.
Its cool anon. They got mad enough that it was worth it. They didn't think I owned the game let alone that I could complete it. And they didn't think I could beat a ng+ boss and I just did. Right in front of them. I think the BB cunts are going to be too cuntblasted to come back for a while. So job done.
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>well that's like your opinion man
>cool opinion, it's personally my favourite Souls game
Judging by the background, it's the same retard who always do these bait threads.
Do a speedrun

> is fucking retarded
Well appreciate your opinion OP, but I strongly disagree.

Actually Bloodborne is my fave game and I don't agree with you, it was just fun to keep following this little train. Thanks for the thread.
>Broken-up world feel of DS2 (which really goes back to Demons Souls, I know), everything feels disconnected and lacks continuity therefore narrative
Yet again OP proves he's a faggot by being completely and utterly wrong on the first """point"".

Bloodborne is the second most connected game beside Dark Souls 1. It's also less linear than both DaS2 and 3. Someone can post the map comparison because I don't really give enough of a shit about OP's horrible opinion to go find it.
Gonna keep the stream going but fuck around to entertain my internet gf, but you guise can keep watching

Never done a bb thread b4
>And they didn't think I could beat a ng+ boss and I just did. Right in front of them. I think the BB cunts are going to be too cuntblasted to come back for a while.
ayy the easiest boss right at the start of the game has totally proved the whole game is like that
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Fucking hell OP, you play like such a fucking pleb. Let me invade you and see how long you last.
Bloodborne isn't on the ps3 you fucking faker.

You rekt them. Now wait and see the damage control
Don't have psn so good luck with that hombre
nice job OP

> this triggered

Well seeing as how you just a train run over you by furaffinity, I think we both know who'd win our encounter.
>wow... I fuking did it... I finally fucking did it!!!! I beat the easiest boss in the game, which comes before even the first storyline boss, right in front of le /vee/, I fucking showed them all how good I am! wow... WOW!!!!!
Oh noes le scary MLG pro faec
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>mfw this is still relevant
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I really don't understand the point of this thread and what would drive someone to make one. It literally reads like an autistic tirade of STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE.

I mean you're entitled to your opinion and the game's not for everyone, but at least try not to sperg out like a literal autistic underage child.
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>the game was GOTY
The sheer amount of shitposting that resulted from Rocket League and Witcher 3 winning the GOTYs is still fresh in my mind, fuck. The GOTYs were also what gave Witcherfags the superiority complex they have today.
Not really. I only put the stream on to show I had completed ng. And then someone thought I must have cheesed it or used summons (I didn't)
So I soloed a retard boss to shut the faggots up. I never claimed to be MLG pro.
>I really don't understand the point of this thread and what would drive someone to make one.
veiled bragging
>almost infinite stamina
>health regen
>hurr hard game
>using Ludwig's meme sword
>r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1
>tanking hits instead of dodging

How can someone be so bad at this?
>never claimed to be MLG pro
Not the same thing dumbfucko

>n-no! n-not yet, you must post your ID, your social security number, your real name, birthday, bank account and only then your opinion matters

These pictures are in poor taste but they always make me kek audibly.
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>Fucking EASY, ridiculously huge parry window makes most enemies and, hilariously, bosses fuck-easy to parry.
You playing on twitch right now seems to show the opposite of how easy it is.
> I only put the stream on to show I had completed ng.
doesn't prove the game is easy, just that you've finished it.
>And then someone thought I must have cheesed it or used summons (I didn't). So I soloed a retard boss to shut the faggots up.
so in order to prove you haven't cheesed during your whole run, you went ahead and soloed one single boss, the easiest one in the game even?
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Bragging about what? Not liking a game that's relatively popular on /v/?

Pic related is how I imagine OP.
See, anon. The point of the thread was to destroy the last argument these dipshits had, I.e. that people only think its bad because they haven't played it. Now they've lost that, I think suicide is the last option.
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about having a ps4, about having BB, about playing BB, about being SO GOOD at videogames that you finished BB and SOLOED ALL BOSSES WOW, whatever tickles the audience's jelly
Time to end the stream, hope you had fungis
>takes 40 s to get up
>traps are fatal
Sounds like DaSIII team patched it.
>the argument was destroyed with empty claims and by beating the easiest boss to prove a point about the whole game being like that
Beating the entire game you cunt. There's a difference. That was ng+.
Man I wish that the Logarius Wheel was a good weapon. It's really the only reason I wanted to get the game, saw it and wanted to SPIN THE WHEEL. I mean, base game, you could beat that with a toothpick - but trying to hit Orphan, Ludwig, or another player?

Will admit, I had more fun with the Beast Cutter than I expected, though. Even if the whip form's range is too ass to be useful outside of specific situations.

>r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1
Isn't that like every weapon in every action game ever, though?

Heavy attacks aren't exactly useless in Bloodborne due to their ridiculously large startups, even without charging, so apart from comboing into a transformed mode on the few weapons where you can do that with the enemy recovering out of it, it's just pressing r1.
>get a PS4 just for Bloodborne
That's stupid.
Who buys a console for 1 game?

No, I can honestly say that BB is one of my most favorite games and I've never experienced any bugs.
Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's shit.
Me for example, I don't like Overwatch but many people seem too like it. I don't make threads saying how shitty it is. But I haven't spend 300 bux on a console just to play it.

>captcha: waterfalls
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Yes yes well done OP, well done.


I hereby counter your ((opinon)) card with my own ((opinion)) card that Bloodborne is, in fact, an excellent game! Here is proof that I, anon, own a Sony PlayStation 4™ with a copy of Bloodborne™ and a complimentary cat.

En garde!
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>easiest boss

We are talking about the most toxic fanbase in any souls game.

>X boss is really hard
>Wait, I confused it a bit, its actually Y
indeed there's a difference: soloing the easiest boss, which stays easy on NG+ since it's already easy by itself plus all your gear and levels, and proving that you haven't cheesed shit for the rest of the game.

Pretty true, everyone has different ones that give them the most trouble.
Expect in BB, every boss you have it the hardest, its actually the easiest if you complain about it.
>ps4 has sold like 40 million
>bloodborne like 2 million
Of course I dont believe sonygers especially when they dont even play their games
>Cleric Beast is really hard
literally who claimed this?
it's an optional boss you caqn fight before the first storyline boss in the game, with easily telegraphed attacks and enormous safe spots you can stay around him to hack away. also if you're using a heavy weapon it will get stunlocked.

it's like you're saying the Asylum Demon or Iudex Gundyr is REALLY HARD.
I beat cleric beast in front of the retards
Today, the entire BB community's anus was rekt
Thanks for proving my point.
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MP3 is great and so is BB
The funny part is not even most sonyggers are dumb enough to like this shit game
>no that's wrong, retard
You didn't make any points to back up your argument therefore you automatically lose
>bloodborne like 2 million


also by your logic every game ever made is utter trash because their attache rate is equally small no matter what

look at the sales numbers of the biggest PS2 hits like resident evil 2 and compare them to the install base
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Except HMPH, all bosses are quite simple to deal with.
27.2 gems are cancer.

Why are they in the fucking game? They break it to a pulp.
>>X boss is really hard
>Thats a hard boss
>thanks for proving my point
>2+2=5, am I smart now?
Most welcome, anon. I don't think they can recover from this assripping.
Gotta give players some reason to slog through the shitty Chalice Dungeon grind.
The gems aren't the issue, it's nerfing invader's HP my 30%. Fucking aids and I can't believe DaS3 did it too.
go kill yourself
>Thats a hard boss
who said that? it's the first boss in the game
yeah, you have to hit it. I guess that's too complicated for you
>2+2=5, am I smart now?
you're pretty smart for your peers at the mental institute
Best thread on /v/ right now
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That's arcane.
>that much told

See how much of a toxic fanbase you are? You are so predictable.
That guy had literally 800HP, this is one of those faggots that claim 40 - 50VGR is pointless, then moan about getting one shot in PvP.

With 40VGR + runes you'll invade with my 1300HP iirc.
Giving the promised eldritch secrets and wonders of the Great Ones, and not just rehashing a bunch of shit from the main game in a fuckmassive empty series of premade rooms (What's even the POINT of premade rooms if you're just going to make them fuckempty anyway?) would've made the grind well worth it.
I think the point anon was making that stupid cunts like you will continually shift the goalposts even long after you have lost the match. Face it, bloodborne is finished on this board. The only thing you should do now is off yourself and probably your family too.
I thought Runes didn't work for invaders.
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Nigger use the fucking transform attacks instead of R1 spamming, they're literally the best part of the Saif.
They should have just dropped Chalice Dungeons altogether and given us like 4-5 new areas in the main game to expand on the eldritch/cosmic stuff.
Kek who the fuck told you that? Smack the 15% and 10% or whatever they were in there with 40VGR and you'll be about as close to even as you can get.
you don't have much of an argument if your entire rebuttal depends on the strawman that someone keeps shifting goalposts when all we've been discussing so far is about a single boss, which is Cleric Beast, which is the easiest boss in the game due to it being the FIRST one you fight, just like the Asylum Demon or Iudex Gundyr
>All that health
I bet you fucking struggled through this game
That wasn't the argument, dumb faggot. I beat the entire game on NG, beat the first boss on ng+ just to prove it can be done and you're just gonna keep saying, "oh how about boss x, huh? Betcha can't beat that!"
I just want you to admit you lost
Bloodborne is SHIT
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But the Saif is made for r1 spam.
Just started playing, this game is pretty godlike, op is a huge fag.

On another note about difficulty, why are the bosses so fucking hard (not cleric beast, plz). Gascoigne felt ridicilously hard for an early boss and then blood starved beast after that.
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>chalices dungeons
>That wasn't the argument, dumb faggot.
and then you claim other people are shifting goalpost, LMAO the irony
>I beat the entire game on NG
with help from others
>beat a potato sack on NG+ to unsuccessfully prove a point about the qwhole game being this easy
>and you're just gonna keep saying, "oh how about boss x, huh? Betcha can't beat that!"
if your claim was about the first boss being easy, then you would have a point. but you claimed that the entire game is like that, which still hasn't been proved at all.
>I just want you to admit you lost
why am I supposed to admit anything when all you've been doing is baiting replies with unrelated shit? again: showing that you've beaten the game proves NOTHING as you could have summoned your way through loads of stuff, beating a tutorial boss solo won't change one bit of the other 99% of the game you could have cheesed
>Bloodborne is SHIT
you're entitled to your shit opinion just like I'm free to call you out for it
>Just started playing, this game is pretty godlike
My argument, not is, is that no matter what boss is said that its hard, you (as the most toxic fanbase on /v/) will instantly say its not.

And you instantly proved me right.
Problem is you'll just get parried instantly when encounter those people who can actually play and know how to counter Saif R1 shitters. It's good for taking out the trash but you need to expand your combos and be more unpredictable.
Well I appreciate them trying to experiment and a series of randomly made dungeons that allow you to use the base mechanics and multiplayer to the fullest IS a great idea, one that would make for a great addition to any action game.

But it had real big fucking problems, to the point where I'd much rather they not exist.

So let's brainstorm, /v/, keeping in mind that the more "new content" you'd want from this, the less likely it is to happen.

>At least an option to keep invasions/invaders at 1:1 with the host (host-side decision), instead of the 30% cut
>A lot more lootable chests that gives gems and echoes instead of ritual materials to get more dungeons to get more materials etc
>Resonance Bells are free in Chalice Dungeons/Co-operators don't dissipate after each boss. Reflects Ni-Oh's system of interacting with the lamp filling both yours and your co-operator's vials and warping them to your location, to encourage full clears
>Just halve them all in size. The room size. Make it arcadey, not atmospheric. They're grinding these things, atmosphere has long since hit the trashcan and they're playing Micheal Jackson's greatest hits in the background
>More variations of rooms/bosses. Just stuff like the Loran sandstorm/electric stuff, doesn't need to be asset changes
>Maybe even host migration if the host gets killed instead of disbanding the party, just throwing that one out there.

There, I'd make say that at least would make it more tolerable.
Yea I'm gonna have to go with this guy >>345442386
I'm sorry anon but you need to provide proof that you own and are currently playing the game you're referring to to have your opinion taken as a factual entity.
maybe you have time for an impromptu FC?
>its an australian's first shitposting thread

schools out i see
and my argument is that your argument is a strawman.
strawman fallacy: create an easily debunkable argument to take down because you can't argue back against the original claim.
>no matter what boss is said that its hard, you will instantly say its not.
you keep making up shit because you can't argue back against what I'm saying
>And you instantly proved me right.
you could say "you just proved me right, you just proved me right" a hundred times, it won't magically become real. sorry, but you need the courage to face what people are actually saying
>steam has like 80 million users
>souls games didnt even hit 200k concurrent peak at launch

hurrr durrr pccuckolds why ever believe them derp durrr
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Here have a pity (You) faggot OPEE.
>put over 100 hours into the game
>its shit
How much autism do you have?
>say something will happen
>something happens
>y-you cant just say it happened!
Game gets better if you just ignore the brightness guidelines and bump it up to 75% of the max.

That "always dark all the time" shit is fucking obnoxious. Doesn't change the daytime segments of Hunter's Nightmare much, either.
>coming up 400 replies
>thinks I need his pity (You)
>something happens
except it didn't
your own post is
>"no matter what boss is said that its hard, you will instantly say its not"
when all I've been arguing so far is about one specific boss right at the beginning of the game.

sorry m8, you keep making shit up because I'm right and you can't argue back, so you seem to be going through some psycho tantrum repeating in your head "he just proved me right, he just proved me right" because you can't cope with reality. are you sitting on a fetal position too?
I guess it's right what they say about pearls before swine...
It's okay man, you don't need to like the game, just go play something you DO enjoy instead of trying to convince other people the game is bad (which is not going to work anyway since the game is well over a year old and people have made up their own minds about it, be it good or bad)
>two epic memes combined into one ultimate post
>watches playthrough on youtube
>makes joke thread
Missed the thread, dip. I streamed it on twitch and there were like 9 anons watching.
Why would somebody go through so much trouble to LIE about a game they haven't even played?
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I can't beat the final DaS 3 boss, send help. ;_;
You mean NK? Git gud and use a gs
Bloodborne had a stellar dlc, but after playing the base game on release I felt incredibly robbed. Base game had like 2 memorable bosses for me. I don't think it hit some of the lows with design that we have seen in some of the other games but it didn't have any of the highs either.
>You mean NK? Git gud and use a gs

No, I finished Nameless in like 5 tries.

DaS(you) is beating the shit out of me in his 2nd phase though.
soul of cinder?
holy shit oniichan stop being such a scrublord and use faster weapons so you don't stay exposed for too long
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>holy shit oniichan stop being such a scrublord and use faster weapons so you don't stay exposed for too long
He nukes me down with his grab and wombo-combo on 2nd phase.
I'm too old to dodge all of his attacks ;_;
if you're being grabbed that's a signal for you to stop being so close to him.
look at the size of that shit he's holding, that just screams HIT'N RUN
also, that wombo combo is something you should keep at least 2kms radius distance
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never ever.gif
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translation: I'm a shitter making a bait thread
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Well I'm kinda used to be always face to face to the boss
Wow, this board is mostly children.
Anyone made an edit of this with the Doll?
the best opportunities are on his thrust and jump attacks

>buying a console for a Dark Shit game

I guess when you have no life and attach your worth to being a "serious" gamer then you really have to.

>People on youtube winning by mashing buttons and using drums or dance mats
I actually think Bloodborne is a lot better than the Souls games, which I'm not the biggest fan of. Bloodborne encourages you for playing aggressively instead of punishing you, and that alone is such a great difference.

You still shouldn't get a PS4 for it, though. There's literally nothing else on the system. Nothing.
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>Bloodborne """""pvp"""""""
>solid half-second of startup
>gets hit by it twice
You couldn't hit an NPC hunter with that. What a loser.
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More like
Holy shit that other guys reflexes are awful. How can you actually get hit by that?
Please guys just 2 more posts, I haven't made a 400+ post thread for a while and it will make my day
why didn't he parry you?
Lag. In order to get any kind of multiplayer in Bloodborne, I had to turn on cross-region matchmaking. Which meant incredible, ridiculous, godawful lag.
>invade a noob using +10 beastcutter with chalice gems
>be surprised that the noob doesn't know what to do and dies in 2 hits
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just the average bloodborne player
Got twinked on Nightmare Frontier of all places earlier today. Got me for my entire shitty health bar with two light attacks. Who twinks in fucking Bloodborne?

I would like to thank my mum, God, double cheeseburgers, Sony, From Software, Google, the hot girl who works at the Post Office, electricity, /a/, and Lexi Belle
a lot of people

it's definitely not as worthwhile though as in previous games because it's harder to invade
>Broken-up world feel of DS2
I dunno, I felt that everything geographically made sense. The only warps are to Nightmares, which makes sense as they take place in somebody's mind, and to Cainhurst.
Also, how about that fucking underground tunnel in the forest which brings you back to the clinic?
I disagree, but to each their own.
Yeah, can't argue there. I still got plenty of time out of replaying the game and discovering new things, so it didn't bother me.
>Weapons that mostly behave the same
Okay this is just outright WRONG, I dunno what you're talking about here.
>No NPCS worth bothering with
That's accurate, although there are a couple of really cool things you can discover about some of them.
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>he doesn't twink
>walks away slowly
What level are you? All PvP has moved to the frontier so you might have just run into a lvl 80 build with good gems.
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Is a bone ash cannon still funny?
>nothin personal kiddos
Might not be twinks, what level are you?
The PvP meta level is surprisingly low, and the level range for multiplayer is surprisingly broad.
Also blood gems totally FUCK weapon balance, maybe it was accidental.
Nice double takedown
Yep, the -% kin and beast chalice gems absolutely rape in PvP
I agree with you, OP.

I almost wish I hadn't sold my PS4, so I could timestamp all over again and keep the shitposts rolling.
I was like 30-40ish, pretty much all of that in VIT/STR, just the average level for the place since I was in the mood to replay the game.

Well I'm not salty about it, I wish there was more PvP in the game and unlike faggots in Dark Souls he didn't pull any post-death mockery, it just took me by surprise.
I hate how Harrowed Gear looks so fucking much, why'd it have to be basically the best phys-resistant gear in the game.
>not liking the extra huge double collar
the sacks kinda ruin it for me though, I switched off it eventually
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PCuck here, got a ps4 around BB's release and it's one of my favorite games of all time, easily the best souls game
If I wanted an XBOX HUGE collar I'd wear Tomb Prospector's. And do.

Harrowed looks like literal garbage.
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that never happened to me, top kek
>wah! what are we going to do on the eldritch monstrosity?
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You've actually got some valid points, but nobody gives a fuck about your opinion.
I agree with OP, although for mostly different reasons. Bloodborne is disappointing as a Souls game, and utter shit as a Lovecraftian game. I wish Bloodborne memers would leave Lovecraftian threads alone because they don't know what they're talking about.

Then again, /v/ in general has shit taste. People here like "character action games" such as MGR and Bayonetta, they think MGS2 was a masterpiece and that New Vegas is the be-all-end-all Fallout game.
i personally think bb is the best of the bunch, but why are you posting timestamps? it doesnt matter what you say, any criticism of BB always ends in
>you didn't play it!
>show your plat!
>stupid pcuck!
sonydrones literally cannot handle the slightest amount of criticism on this game. its the only game they have.
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And why should I trust your opinion?

What's your track record?
What are your favorite games?
Dunno if you're still here, but I've managed to get my charged R2s on the Stake Driver up to a nifty 2000 damage.
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