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diablo II

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How the fuck am I meant to kill this faggot with a melee character? I have the highest tier of armour at act 2 and he's raping me in seconds
Also diablo II thread
better gear
mercenary with useful aura
use an aura yourself

you playing online?
When I first encountered Duriel, he killed me before the game even fully finished loading. It went straight from a black screen to "YOU HAVE DIED." Fun times.

I found him easier to handle with melee characters than ranged ones. That frost aura makes it hard to keep your distance from him.
Try doing it with skelemancer, all bosses just rape my skeles and then proceed to rape me.

I cheese it by opening a portal first after engaging him, after he killed all my skeles I run into the portal, gather up more skeles and try again, rinse and repeat until he dies.
>Post 8 mb ram post nerf patch niggers complain
get thawing potions and a merc. if this is on normal difficulty then ur melee build and/or weapon is a shit
this is not how i remember tal rashas chamber looks like
Australia so offline, I'll have to look stuff up
I haven't ran any patches m8y
How much attack/defence should be good for him? I'm speccing for a whirly barb so I'm fairly useless atm
That's the part where you meet tyrael
Duriel isn't suposed to be there
is this your first time playing diablo 2? defense rating only affects your chance for an enemy to hit you, it doesn't actually mitigate damage hits, it's a largely useless stat.

cold resistance is good vs durial because of his cold aura
going in blind so I'm a bit lost. What's a good sword tier for duri?
what version of the game are you playing? it should be in the bot right corner on the main screen. also is this with or without the expansion pack? lord of destruction
If you're having this much of a problem you can just abuse scroll of town portal.
phone posting so I can't check, but TLOD straight from the battle chest
Dual wield (if you can) 3-slot weaps and socket them with strong runes and your best gems.
that, and thawing & antidote potions. shouldnt be too hard familia
cool items with neat skills

class variety and hundreds of viable builds

that's really about it most maps were procedurally generated trash tho
you should feel good about that fact that you aren't stuck on the shitty 500mhz pcs of the late 90s that would struggle to load the fucking room before you heard "LOOKING FOR BAAL?" and died
Try cleaning some of the fake tombs to level up, maybe you are underleveled.
you could farm a 2 socked weapon then farm the countess (act 1 miniboss who is in the tower) for runes until you have a Tir and and El rune.

If you put a Tir and an El rune IN THAT ORDER into a 2 SOCKED WEAPON and you create a 'runeword' called Steel that enhances the damage and attack speed of your weapon.

You should try to get a good 'base' weapon. Probably an axe with max damage in the teens for 1h or 30s+ for 2h or sword with max damage in the teens for 1h and upper teens for 2h
Ok, first off, you need to get something with freeze reduction. Buy thawing potions if you can't.

Armor isn't going to do much against him, his attack rating is crazy high. You need block and faster hit recovery, also life leech.

He is going to hit you, no matter what.
>playing diablo 2 on a toaster in 98
This boss was literally impossible
You may want to download some patches from blizzard even if you aren't playing online. The addition of synergies in 1.10 totally revamps the skill system, and tons of items are added.

Anyway I think it's more fun to play online, dunno if that's feasible in australia but there's usually a good amount of people online in the states after a ladder reset (twice a year).
I always liked hammers. The 50% against undead is surprisingly handy across all acts and the base damage you lose out on isn't really that large depending on weapon choice.
Thawing potions raise Cold Resistance by 50 points for 30 seconds.

This effect stacks up to 5 minutes (300 seconds).

The same goes for Antidote Potion and Poison Resistance.

If you are melee you shouldnt have a problem with him.
I managed it, either that or my computer was better then I thought it was. Freaking Compaq.
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>mfw I don't even remember having half an issue with this faggot as a paladin in my very first playthrough many years ago
1. Patch the game. Seriously.
2. Look up a guide so you don't end up as a useless faggot in Hell.
3. Use low-tier Runewords and any Uniques/rares you can find
4. Thawing potion is useless against Baal's aura, it will only reduce the damage taken from it, you'll still be a slow fuck.
5. Farm up in Arcane Sanctuary and the Valley until your skills pack some punch.
6. Just chip away at his health and tele once he is got you down to low health if all else fails.
I hope you put no points in energy OP, it's mostly useless. Just chug potions and teleport back to town for more.
My computer was so bad I'd be dead before the game loaded I'd just load in at the you are dead screen
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this has to be bait
That would happen to me the first time I loaded to the area and then after that it would be fine. I think I also put a lot of stock into health and hit my potions right as I went in.

If anything, I had more trouble with Mephisto as he kept spawning shit, which tanked my FPS really bad.
What's the most recent version of D2?
I heard modern day Blizzard patched it a few times and I want to pirate that version.
Not going to pay Blizzard money for something Blizzard North made.
Meph shoots lightning, he doesn't spawn things, and hes super cheesable.
It is don't reply to him
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seems like it's 1.14d
>the only good mercenary is a sandnigger
>easily spreads his influence over to others (aura)
>attacks everything in sight regardless of how powerful it is
>does no harm
>dies in 1 hit

yeah that's pretty isis alright
other mercs have some niche uses due to runewords and stuff
this is bait, d2 is by farrrrrrr the best d game
Almost done pirating. What class should I play? Usually play skelemancer so I want to try something else.
>It's bait if it's against the hivemind
its bait if it calls one of the best games at all time bad without justification
Don't play any class / spec that requires melee weapon to work. You'll be grinding to world's end to get anywhere in hell if you do.
d2 is better than d3 tho, the latter is p much a big number sim, like a stepmania version of cookie clicker
I'm fine with that honestly.
I think of all the very valid complaints about d3, "big number sim" is the least relevant.
the speed runners use bows socketed with the best gems they can find, preferably poison. its only an issue for barbs and pallies though
you literally have to put out bigger numbers while avoiding their steadily increasing numbers
>one of the best games at all time
That's one mighty opinion. I find it average at best. Grinding is awful in D2 and it's boring as shit to boot. Gearing disparancy between caster / statstick requirer is insanely stupid.

Not to mention without PluggY your stash space is fucking way way way way too limited.

Other than that a lot of the areas are boring. Act 2's desert parts = snoozefest, Act 3 as a whole = even bigger snoozefest.

That aside, the picture has ":|" face on it, not ">:(" or anything that actually resembles bad.
And the former is literally cookie clicker as the AoE of D2 is fucking horrible in most cases.

D2 is really dated in design in a lot of parts.
git gud
>D2 is really dated in design in a lot of parts.

not denying that, but d3 is so oversimplified it's insulting
>not playing Grim Dawn / Path of Exile
Frost Zealot.

Don't forget to keep Crushing Blow items around.
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see this is an alright post
Open a portal and chug potions.
Chug thawing potions too.If i remember they will remove the freezing effect.You'll need a ton of them.
Thawing potions don't do shit against his aura.
on twitch
fight starts at 1:57:00
yes they fucking do you retard. It reduces the damage he does by a shit ton and it removes the slowing effect when you use it
no thanks
D2 is simple as shit to begin with, dude.
It's bait because you post this retarded picture in every fucking diablo 2 threads in a attempt to derail the thread into d2 vs d3 shitposting you mouthbreathing retarded fucking cunt
hes not hue hue hes canadian, or is that even worse?
It's not my post, stupid.

>it removes the slowing effect when you use it

No it doesn't. Despite doing cold damage, holy freeze does not have cold duration. It instead afflicts slow, which is not removed by chugging thawing potions.
nah its how he says hype every few seconds that bothers me. teo is the better runner
Choke on your dad's dick, you fucking panook.

>It should be noted that Holy Freeze is not affected by Cold Resistance or Cannot Be Frozen and Thawing Potions won't offer any protection either.
Have you tried it ingame? Cause I did and it worked for me. It lasted for a second or two but its enough to make a diff if I carry twenty of them.
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>Duriel has a Holy Freeze aura similar to what the Paladin can use. The Cold chill that hits is unavoidable, even if the player is lucky enough to have an item that destroys all other forms of Freezing.


>It should be noted that Holy Freeze is not affected by Cold Resistance or Cannot Be Frozen and Thawing Potions won't offer any protection either.
>teo is the better runner

a u t i s m

Also here is a video demonstration

> speedrunners are autistic
wow who would have guessed
The point of chugging thawing potions is to remove the slow for 1 or 2 seconds so your poor ass can get some distance from duriel.
>largely useless stat
what the fuck you dumb shit
>not going to buy one of the literally best games ever made
What the hell is wrong with you?
Should I play Diablo II? I completed both Torchlight games a few years ago and sorta liked them. I also played Titan Quest and Path of Exile and never finished them though. I was probably just too burnt out on the genre at the time.
I wish I could still play ARPG's.
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>Paying the people who didn't make the game
Top tier music, art style and voice actors.
You can go through maps after many, many years of playing it for hours on a daily basis and still see new details you never noticed before.

Thawing removes cold, it does not affect slow. Holy freeze only inflicts slow. Cold damage does not apply cold if it does not have cold duration and holy freeze does not have cold duration. The player can not ever remove, reduce or change slow. Slow is a constant upon the player. It is true, however, that thawing potions will reduce the cold damage that Duriel inflicts if you are playing on 1.10+. Before then, holy freeze only applied slow.
Who the fuck thought that archers / projectile throwers should be so fucking OP?

The worst part is that for whatever reason every fucking diablolike after D2 has replicated the same issue.
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Best looking UI ever.
All the modern shit is just basic, transparent windows.
post your stats numb dumb
This, people who made the game abandoned it because Blizzard is made of fucking jews

They are in the Torchlight boat which seems like it fucking sunk already
What happened to Torchlight?
Bowazons in Diablo II are not powerful at all compared to most. It should also be noted that the highest single DPS in the game goes to a melee build
How viable is it to solo hell difficulty with a melee char? I'm assuming online is dead by now.
>Not going to pay Blizzard money for something Blizzard North made.

How does it feel to be illiterate you mongoloid?
Just because Blizzard had the money to buy a developer doesn't mean they deserve my money. I'm not going to pay for something that the creator isn't going to see a dime of.

Not very, unless you are willing to play a version before 1.10 or grind a lot. 1.09 was especially kind to solo melee characters.
USEast is actually pretty damn active.

You can solo hell with any character provided you're not an idiot and you know how to read.
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I have diablo2 installed for some grinding if i feel like, my latest project is a bowazon with strife, bretty guud, didnt have much problem so far, tho i am somewhat struck at hell ancients since they usually get atleast 1 physical immune and I dont have much elemental dmg.

Found a pretty high % buriza, had the runes to upgrade it later, and traded an ohm from one of my other chars and voila
I mean enemies.

Fetish faggots in A3, Porcupines, Skele arches, any sort of projectile enemy just fucking fucks you up in moments and can stunlock you like crazy as well.
It was fun creating absolutely ridiculous items and chars with Hero Editor.
Running around in shiniest gear while meteors come down around you, or being completely invisible.
One-hit killing stuff with lvl 99 boss attacks and having every aura and shit on at the same time, stats going nuts.
And then you start up open BNet, go out of town thinking you'll be wrecking shit and die instantly to something unseen

Also, did anyone else always play with /players 8 when in SP? Felt so boring the normal way.
>If the one guy doesn't get money it's not worth buying
>one guy
>the entire development team is one guy

Alright retard.
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What mods do you anons play?
>Alright retard.
Let me quote you

>something that the CREATOR isn't going to see a dime of.
>not playing amazon/wizard/necromancer and having ranged combat like a non-caveman would
you just picked barbarian to feel manly didnt u
its fucking manly to get raped by dungeon bugs right
true, shit looks so good
I just used PLUGY for the extened stashes, MP runewords and all that stuff.

Archer enemies are OP, bowazons are not (javazons are at clearing tho).

bowazons do fucking shit damage even with a faith grand matriarch and top end gear.

They have practically no "additive" damage without a chains of honor (barbarians generally get like 700 with might mercenary, paladins about 1000, werewolf druids 900ish WITHOUT chains of honor) and they only do 3/4ths weapon damage and have weaker crushing blows.


Physical melee? ridiculously difficult, hell is balanced around you having a top end runeword(grief+) and good gear with crushing blow + deadly strike.

Try playing a zealot with any unique elite weapon, your weapon would break before you kill 10 zombies. Actually your weapons break so fast in hell anyway, hence why almost every top end weapon is indestructible.

2 handers fare a bit better, with an exceptional->unique upgraded ribcracker or an IK weapon or an earthshifter or something.

you still need good uniques that grant crushing/deadly strike though.
get a thawing potion, it increases your frost resistance
How does the original Diablo run on a modern PC? Do you need to tweak anything to make it work?
>Gearing disparancy between caster / statstick requirer is insanely stupid.

how? due to lack of currency (runes and items) i always built low coast builds and did great. the most expensive part on my zealer / ut-smiter was the herald of zakarum and the non perfect ones go away for a mal-rune, tops. sorc full tal set was available even shortly after ladder reset or immortal king barb were cheap alternatives even if you couldnt manage to find the soul cage. javazons were the cheapest mass murderers anyways with titans, peasant crown and skin of the vipermagi. dex-as-dex-can bowazon did great with eaglehorn, and runeword armors like lionheart and natalyas helmet and gave you stats out of the ass. farming torches and annis is a joke with a cheap ass smiter.

if you talk about classic your right, on the other hand.
I'm sorry I mispelled a word.
What mod is this?

Alright go clear hell as a zealot without any high runes and just a basic bitch unique weapon that drops off of nightmare baal.

Meanwhile sorceress with only low runes (spirit +rhyme) and exceptional uniques will absolutely tear through hell.
I played it recently and it worked fine
Works pretty fine on the latest version. I tried vanilla D2 a while back and it simply refused to work except in windowed mode, but I've been playing LoD with no issues over the past week. Only problems I've had are a few framerate issues, funnily enough.
Throughout the game from start to finish casters will always do better with almost no gear needed whereas melee / physical needs that good stat stick upgrade once in a while and constantly needs better and better armor
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Lord of Maidens. It is an interesting mod, as it and Baldur's Gate, Harry Potter and the X-Files are the only other fandom based mods that I am aware of.
If you use skill that adds damage not depending on your weapon, like Phoenix Strike, druid skills and so on, then you are going to have a good time. Barbarians with Berserk kill pretty fast, but die fast.
Basically, you need very good gear - otherwise, monsters may heal faster than you damage them.
I still remember to this day one of my fights with Hephasto the Armorer. Took literally 20 minutes.
Nigga use freezing arrow and multishot/guided with buriza, xbows have crap strafe frames. The cold explosion from freezing arrow gets the freeze and damage bonuses from buriza so it's hella good and you can just spam it unlike immolation arrow.
crushing blow and deadly strike
>and then the RQ only drops shit

I remember Izual taking me that long one time.
Which version are you playing? Piercing attack on buriza was nerfed after 1.10 came up if i remember well.
Is the right screenshot from WoW?
I don't think you get to complain if you play melee.

This guy was annoying as sorceress.
>play ice sorc
>immune to ice enemies
>Alright go clear hell as a zealot without any high runes and just a basic bitch unique weapon that drops off of nightmare baal.

goblin toe and guillaumes face for crushing blow. done.

This is true to some characters. Bowazons and Barbarians suck early game, pallys and assassins rock everything by just using the skills you activate until you get your skills for endgame. except hammerdins. you can throw hammers from level 24 or 30 on i guess but it is not viable until around lvl 45 because of the high mana cost and low damage. javazons get theyr lightning fury starting with lvl 30, until then they suck as skillbased characters. gearing discrepancy between skill heavy and stat heavy builds exists, but only on specific builds.
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>Still waiting on MedianXL Sigma

This. Bar the improvements D2 made (which ware a no brainer since it had the benefit of following up on the first game) D1 is the superior game.
Thanks, yep, it works.
Just drop from /players 8, kill him and then put it back up again.

You have been playing on /players 8, right? There weren't people that actually played players 1 post-patch, right?
It certainly looks interesting, thank you anon.

>as a sorceress

You do know that slow does not affect cast speed, right? Were you trying to play as an enchant sorceress or something?
What did the patch change?
They actually put effort to make it look like a real object in the game, not some half-assed overlay taken from some in-house UI library.
any resolution mod that works with the new patch?
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>Want to do some desperate Countess farming on Hell taking ~15 minutes to get there
>Diablo walks the earth just before you get there
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I'm going to play Diablo for the first time.
What should I expect?
>Sorceress' players spend the entirety of the early game kiting monsters in large, open fields.
>Suddenly get locked in a tiny room with a giganigger that slows them to a crawl and then onebangs them.

An untwinked, average level Sorc isn't going to out DPS or out tank Duriel.

The first one? Warrior is the canon class. Always have a Town Portal scroll handy, and good luck.
Depends entirely on which one.

>Diablo 1
Dated mechanics, but fair dungeon crawler that has stood the test of time.

>Diablo 2
Probably a letdown considering the hype and legacy the game has. Game experience may vary depending on class. Game stops fucking around on hell difficulty.

>Diablo 3
Modern hack n slash designed to lull you into comfort.
dont forget they nerfed fire wall at one point and I had all my points in it xD
Thinking of pirating D2 as I heard it is generally the best one and I never play any of the series before, only play Path of Exile which I hated as the items seem overall more importation than the character growth and that annoyed the fuck out of me. Didn't help gems (items) gave you your skills. Anything I should know if I do so? Like would the multiplayer still work or what? Heard people are still playing it to this day beside speedrunners.
>Path of Exile which I hated as the items seem overall more importation than the character growth and that annoyed the fuck out of me.
Don't bother with this genre lol
I recommend playing the first game. It is just 15 hours, so if you end up not liking it, I don't think you should bother grinding the rest of the series.
Not sure what he's implying with the sunken boat but Torchlight 3 is not going to happen since the devs said their burnt out of arpgs
So it is basically the same then? That a shame as a speedrun I seen make it look like it is mostly skill based not equipment based.

I might do that. If nothing else I would know what started the whole genre.
D1 might have better atmosphere, but it plays like a shit. I have a couple friends that still play Lord of Destruction to this day however.

I wouldn't say either is superior utterly, you clearly have an Alien/Aliens thing going though.
>items more important than character
that's the entire point of the genre.
go play baldur's gate or something, gramp

Spellcasters in diablo 2 only require a modest amount of equipment.

physical melee/bowazons need ridiculous gear to even be usable.
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ARPG's are all about grinding, grinding, grinding.

It's why it's such a niche genre.
A big big appeal of the genre is gear, since you are constantly given new equipment and items with many varying properties so you're constantly upgrading and min/maxing

Another appeal of D2 in particular is builds, there's lots of interesting ways to build characters that plays very differently. You can have a lot of fun with experimental builds and shit.

And yes online still exists though I've not played in a long, long time
My boner was expensive as fuck.
There's not going to be a speed elite pack in this run :^)
There's a chance that the CD key has been banned if its a pirate version.

Items in D2 compared to Path of Exile is polar opposite. Rares are easy to find and usually have decent stats, but uniques are stronger as they have no drawbacks. Some high end runewords are game breaking strong and have no equal.
every other rpg genre are more niche except mmo. and mmo is the king of grind.
>play SF swordbarb
>only clubs, staffs and axes drop
A slow game with average gameplay and God Tier atmosphere and music.
Thread theme:
Clicking. Lots and lots of it. Awesome music, great atmosphere, slightly dated visuals, and a fuckton of fun.
>This, people who made the game abandoned it because Blizzard is made of fucking jews
They're fucking spread everywhere using cliché "BY PEOPLE WHO MADE DIABLO 2" fucking everywhere.
I'm currently trying a werebear build. I'm using Maul, Shockwave and the dire wolfs. Should I ditch Maul for the Fire Claws and are the wolf/bear summons any good for a melee build?
Fucking best.

I'm currently trying out a martial arts assasin, everything was well until i hit act 4, can't kill mobs for shit.(Playing on 8 players).

What are some good low level runeswords?
please don't bait me anon.
>tfw bill roper made the mess that was hellgate London

I remember reading about it back then and being hyped for it because "it was made by the D2 headdesigner"
I prefer this one:
Druid's summons are pretty shit desu
They're worth putting at least a point into though
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All of them do, so keep this in mind for the poison fuckers in act 3 as well, and if you're just using a ton of stamina potions.
What potions stack, D2's?
just pick a class or play-style that doesn't revolve around the damage of your weapon. Diablo is heavily item based but in a fun way wheras PoE is tedious as all hell.

Of course. All the resist ones and stamina are most affected by it.
You mean the effects or the actual potions?
Playing melee druid, should I go for Werewolf or bear?
the duration. also thawing potion gives ice resist, antidote potion gives cold resist
>even if you couldnt manage to find the soul cage

As if that was an easy task. Doesn't that shit drop from like 5 mobs total, with an INSANELY low drop chance?

Recently I got Nat's Mark from Pindle and I had no idea how difficult that is to get until I consulted the drop rates. Too bad it's singleplayer only so I must start an assassin to make use of it.
i'm not the one who posted that pic, but d3 is god-like compared to d2 imo. I'd like to hear what is so much better in d2, but if it's about numbers or stats don't bother answering as every single stat in d2 is one way or another baked into d3.
Werewolf is good but the grind to level 30 is suffering
All right you piqued my interest
Alright, lay it to me.

I remember having a blast playing Necromancer, is it actually as fun as I remember it or it's just faulty memories talking here?
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>13 years old
>play D2
>get to Andariel and die 1000 times because you're fapping furiously
whats the best way to play diablo 2 on modern machines,i think i saw something about widesrceen mods but apparently it gets you banned or something.
bought it long ago but never managed to actually stick with it.
Play offline, do not get 1.14, get 1.13c.

Get PlugY and D2SE
What's not fun about commanding a wall of everslashing skelingtons while you yell curses and make corpses blow up left and right?

Recent patches (yes they're still updating it for whatever reason) have made it a little bit better for newer pcs I believe. So you don't really gotta do anything. If you don't like the 800x600 res max though you kinda just gotta deal with it, if you're using your paid version.
Gets boring as shit
A2 Maggot Lair.
maggot lair
Can I buy diablo 2 online instead of a disc?

Also, how fun is the assassin class or huntress? I feel like using bows as my primary.
You can just buy a key and then download the game from battle.net.
>spend months grinding for tal rasha set
>3/4th set is stronger than full set due to speed reduction of looking like witch
Wasn't that only the case with the fireball skill the set granted you?
A key huh? Would that happen to work with the keys on the disk packages? I still have them but I don't have all of the disk to complete installation.
i beat it with a melee necromancer if you're not on nightmare or hell mode, you can eventually somehow plow through anything.
thawing potion
kek, yeah sure that works!
No problem there, mate.
Actually you can reclaim keys through the ones on your physical copy.
how could you possibly have problems with anything in Vanilla diablo
you're a retard shill and you post this image, every day in every thread.
you should kill yourself and die alone before you live too long
nope. i was a boner necro and the attack animation for the witch is waay slower than the necro and amazingly that factors in
Feeling edgy today, huh?
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Well, it actually did work and i'm downloading diablo 2 right now.
This thread made me want to play D2 again after fuck knows how many years. I assume that Battle.net is basically dead or filled with bots, so I'll have to go with singleplayer. Never played a Paladin before, so I guess now's a good time as ever. They any good?

Also, is there any sort of patch/loader to make the game compatible with modern stuff like resolutions above 800x600 and CPUs above 1GHz? I'm afraid that running the game as is might fuck something up.
Like I said, no problem there.
Have fun.
Wtf. I had no problems with him back when i was a KID. I must be a genius if 10 yo me is smarter than an adult man
Try running it in a windows XP virtual machine, that generally eliminates the issues.
How's Grim Dawn compared to diablo 2 or 3? Thinking of buying it (on sale perhaps)

I personally didn't like it, skill tree felt weird and I didn't like having 2 of them. Items were weird too, I mean what the fuck was that upgrade thing?
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>200+ replies
>not a single mention of this to OP

Thawing potions help a ton yes, but his deadliest ability requires him to knock you back too, this can be countered by having your back against a wall.

This is a key component to fighting him, especially as melee but also a good tip for everyone. Armed with this knowledge I rarely have any issues with this guy

wait does anyone know if diablo 2 runs on game ranger through lan??
Seeing how LAN is independent of Bnet, there's no reason why it shouldn't work. Either GR or Tunngle should do the trick.
Is there a way to pirate D3?

Wanna give it a try but don't want to send my shekels to Blizzard.
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Nope. There's a demo of act 1 only I believe but you need battle.net to get that. Nobody's bothering with piracy for it anymore.
So his hard-hitting knockback ability won't even do its damage if there's a wall behind you?
Itemization is shit in D2. There are too many useless or unique-exclusive mods for there to be a reasonable chance to get non-crap rares, especially considering that the higher tier base items are still super rare in Hell difficulty. Prove me wrong if you can.
Nope. Can't do shit if he can't knock you back. Which somehow makes about as much sense as surviving a direct hit from a truck by having your back to a wall, but fuck it, it's Diablo, they ain't got to explain shit.
>having trouble with NORMAL duriel
you're in trouble, kid

prepot with thawing potions, they raise your cold resis which you need against duriel

you can try for a prayer merc but even if you throw cold resis gear on him and make him as survivable as possible, mercs die like paper to bosses, they take massively increased damage and do decreased damage against act bosses

consider whether your build is viable in early-game. you get three talent resets, that's something we never used to have. make use of them. something that's viable in hell doesn't necessarily scale well at lower levels with shit gear and only a few skill points. consider making an early game build and resetting once it becomes useless (probably sometime around mid-nightmare).
Just ignore the shill anon.
reddit has a bnet-mode server called slashdiablo that's relatively populated during peak hours
Normal Duriel is the hardest Duriel because you don't have any good skills and items on normal.
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>He doesn't have his physical CD-keys to just input those with an .iso.
And people still play this shit online?
>D1 is superior if we ignore that it's not
Damn you are retarded.
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i can't remember ever having issues with him in single player normal, but then i played the game for like 15 years and knew how to break everything in every class

on principle, just no.

i was looking for battlenet keygen sites, because although playing LAN on gameranger is convenient in the short term, LAN characters can't be transferred to bnet, and i know at some point in the future i might end up on bnet.
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>ARPG's are all about grinding, grinding, grinding.
Not necessarily.

I like the formula Grim Dawn has. It can have just as much griniding as any other ARPG if you want it to, but it can also be about making new builds based on the drops you got playing your current build.

Also I like that it has a lot of very good items that you are assured to get once you grind enough reputation. It feels better than praying to RNG all the time.
blizzard had a job position open last year for someone to update sc1 and d2 for modern computers

i'm guessing we'll get a massive update sometime in 2017 or 2018

you can always get the latest official patches from blizzard.com/patches but if you're playing on slashdiablo you need a slightly older patch (it's not lacking anything important)

k, not gonna pressure you. it's a decent community imo and they're pretty helpful, they know a lot about the game (some knew more than i do and that's impressive to me) and i don't recall them being shitty or annoying, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
Have you ever palyed Titan Quest?

It's literally post-apo victorian Titan Quest 2.0. The overall atmposhere is closer to D2 than D3 is, too.
Did they change something on the map? Its been ages ago when I last played D2 but IIRC you started the fight with Duriel in a little ass chamber hardly bigger than the screen.
Solo Any% Hell Speedrun for the Barbarian WR is currently 12h 44m!
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>I'd like to hear what is so much better in d2
Pic and atmopshere/music.

Just fucking compared the cutscenes from D2 and D3, it tells everything.
One of the very best weapons in Baldur's Gate is the Flail of Ages once you hit the second game with your character.
Sorry, that was for HC. Normal is 12h 15m.
My spearzon does fairly well.
My only real concern are extra fast cursing moonlord minions with fanatism.
>it's a decent community imo and they're pretty helpful, they know a lot about the game (some knew more than i do and that's impressive to me) and i don't recall them being shitty or annoying, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

i briefly considered it when i came across /diablo, but, having read some of the regular d2 reddit comments/threads/whatever, i'm very uncomfortable with knowing that these people will be on /diablo

>hey guys, do you know where i could get a keygen?
>just buy the fucking key from blizzard
>they deserve your money
>which they use to maintain servers

>hey kid
>need a diablo 2 keygen?
>come here, g2a, totally legit

/diablo is way different from /slashdiablo, it's a completely different community

the reddit d2 server doesn't even keyauth, as long as you can manage to get the game installed with some random key you find online, you can play on their server
Always a classic.
Also breddy gud.

But this shit right here nigga?
Fuckin comfy.
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>mfw this sound


Nah. The real sound that turns my crank is the ring/amulet dropping sound, or gems.
>Melee Necro
Oh fuck are you me?
I did that shit when I was like 9 or 10 when the game came out.
>Rollin around with my skele-bros with a socketed shitty crystal sword.
>pick Barbarian or Paladin
>Stuff all your points in Double Swing/Zeal
>Have good gear/companion (preferably archer with frost)
>Spam Greater rejuvs
Still one of the hardest bosses though
This is my favorite.
Captures heading into a zone through the great D2 atmosphere and then getting down to business.
Really liked the zone it was attached to as well.

My first character before I knew what I was doing was a bone-spear flinging zweihander swinging necromancer.
>not a melee enchant sorc
has been nerfed since the old days but it's still a fun build
God damn, when is the next ladder reset for diablo 2 ?
Nigga, you need freeze aura and the 3 hit skill which i forgot. Niggerdin is the dankest SOB for this boss and the next act.
>vanilla d3 picture
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Summon some dire wolves. By the time he smashes one you can summon another. Takes a while but it's possible.
>think about playing diablo 2 again
>realize i would have to actually play through the desert, act 3 and act 5 on my own
nope never tocuhing this again
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I actually liked Act 5 anon.
>Helping those barb-bros up the mountain.
>Gettin your very own barb-bro.
>Dat free socket quest.
I don't get what's wrong with the desert, I had fun exploring it, unlike the fucking jungle
In November 2017 i think. They reset ladder like 2 month ago.

I like that feel of relief that you get when you decide not to replay a game
No pain, no gain.

oh you wanted a cool item for playing a hard difficulty and alone? too bad. Only pain, no gain.
>plugy doesnt work with 1.14d

I want it back for the resolution fixes
not if you play online

also i enjoyed all of those except the faggot lair
>everybody wants a helm with +skills
no shit dude
>posting vanilla D3 gear

In D2 you could make a Hell viable character with shit gear but heavy speccing into skills. This isn't okay.
>posting vanilla D3 gear

Maybe becuase all the loot in D3 is level scaling?
>posting vanilla D3

>posting vanilla D3 gear
There are many items that can be used to build your char around certain skillset.

>posting vanilla D3 gear
Also, Enigma was the biggest cancer of D2.

Let's all conveniently forget that in D2 once you found your goal gear for a slot you were pretty much done with it.
In D3 the focus is placed on finding a slightly better piece of a gear to replace the current one.
Why not compare D3 to vanilla D2 and not LoD after a series of patches.
>It should be noted that Holy Freeze is not affected by Cold Resistance or Cannot Be Frozen and Thawing Potions won't offer any protection either.

Yall niggas are stupid, get more vitality and use rejuv potions.
You're the one in here who's a bit slow.
>RoS fixed everything!
Post some good gear that everybody would like to get then.

>In D2 you could make a Hell viable character with shit gear but heavy speccing into skills. This isn't okay.
Why exactly is it not okay? If gear is theo nly thing that matters then what's the fucking point of skills?

>RoS fixed everything!

>Maybe becuase all the loot in D3 is level scaling?
You are not adressing how shitty it is, you are only saying why it's shitty. Good job.

>RoS fixed everything!

>RoS fixed everything!
None of them offer unique playstyles. Post some if I'm mistaken.

>RoS fixed everything!
You are literally arguing that less options is good.
>There are people that still post this picture unironically
See... It's shit like this that made diablo 2 such a good game
Stack thawing potions, duration increases with each use.
Nah, the real deal is the Black Mushroom
>not fapping to the rouges/Lut Gholein bithes

One thing I love about ol sprite games is how every model is reused so most females int he game have a 10/10 body
Diablo 1 Succubus was the most fappable
>Post some good gear that everybody would like to get then.
Any ancient using Litany of the Undaunted
Any ancient weapon
Traveler's Pledge
Focus and Restraint
Leoric's Crown
Depth Diggers
Convention of the Elements
Obsidian Ring
Illusory Boots
String of Ears
The Witching Hour
Vigilante Belt
Reapers Wraps
Lacuni Prowlers
Strongarm Bracers
Just getting this out of the way and saying I'm not the guy you replied to.

>Post some good gear that everybody would like to get then.
Literally depends on class aside from some common sets or cube effects.

>Why exactly is it not okay? If gear is theo nly thing that matters then what's the fucking point of skills?
Because in Diablo 2 both were a thing. But obviously, reliance on skill damage and skills in general was far better than reliance on weapon and skill because you'd need fuck all gear to make skill based builds viable.

PoE doesn't have +skill gear either (unless they've recently added it), even that game knows it's shit.

>You are not adressing how shitty it is, you are only saying why it's shitty. Good job.
That means fuckall because Diablo 3 basically "begins" at 70 and not during the leveling process. It's not inherently bad like you seem to claim.

>None of them offer unique playstyles. Post some if I'm mistaken.
Why are you moving the goalpost here?

>You are literally arguing that less options is good.
Isn't Enigma literally something that's "must have" for many = less options.
Rogue is pretty good.
You never had the feel when you have a really shitty build, really shitty gear - and you descend into Maggot Lair - and there are Immune To Everything, hard-hitting, ever-spawning, burrowing maggots fucking EVERYWHERE. You try to hack your way through for 2 hours (no joke) and then give up.
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>people hates act 2 but loves act 3

I dont get it, act 3 got the worse map by far, the town aint that great and doesnt do any cool shit like the eclipse or the Horazon lair, just a shitty jungle.

Still the council members gotta be my favorite enemy design of the game even with the crappy soundeffects they got

Act 5 is fucking wonderful, the ice caves suck tho
Fuck all used

Were they Diablo 2?

yea sorry anon
I have never played D2 online (only LAN with friends). Is it worth it when all the niggers are stealing my loot?
Just to add, I've been grinding for ages and ages now and nothing good actually drops. Runeword grinding gets stale really quick as well.

Other than that - fuck immunities. Immunities literally make builds centered around one damage type unviable and require you to get more.

And fuck resurrecting monsters. Jesus fuck.
Just play Median XL
Better than any other ARPG out there right now
No it's not.
D3 is a HUGE upgrade on the gameplay aspect of the game, and Diablo is about gameplay.
It's funny I have it pirated on a folder from years ago and yet, I always wanted a key just to see how was the battle.net on its prime

I could launch it anyday but the craving is not the same as having an original copy. Anyone feels the same way?
Single immunity is fine
But fuck double immunitues
I just cant go back to games without skill hotkeys
I played act 1 ages ago but never got past act 2 due to my brother wanting to do another "ANON YOUR GAMES ARE SLOWING DOWN THE COMPUTER" episode. What class do I roll?
You can play solo if you like. Trading, OP ladder runewords and some unique items, world events. Totally worth it.

Path of Exile's problem is that items REALLY are what buff your character. Diablo 2 has the items enhance the character, but leveling up is what you want to do to get more skills/buff your skills.

Items will protect you in Diablo 2. PoE? They DEFINE you. I'm not sure how to word that, but PoE's item economy is the major problem for me in getting into it. Well that and the Sphere Grid.
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no need to thank me
>1200 health
>85 lightning resist
>35% DR

>still die in half a second from two stray bolts from some random lighting enchanted boss

I have no fucking idea how this game calculates damage.
But it's not the same as before. Much less people are playing nowadays.
>1200 health found the problem
What the fuck

Can't I buy Diablo 1 on battle.net anymore?

is it freeware now or something?
But they do exist, I think, you can even rebind them.
I guess what I'm trying to say is: Is it fun playing with random people online and will I still get loot as an online noob if I'm not used to quickly grab all the viable stuff as it spawns.
Aren't you a paladin?
I remember it was my first character when the game was new and I remember that you could kick any lone monster ass with shield bash over and over again.
Try if that has not changed.
Man blizzard sorc is op as fuck when you have the levels for it.
That's a singer barb though and not really melee.
Don't listen to people who tell you that "items define your character". Sorc and Necro can run around naked and kill stuff. Furizon can clean a room fully packed of monsters at /players 8 with nothing but just a pack of white javelins, sometimes, in one hit.

Going full sonic arround the map with shield bash is one of the best things
I don't think you ever could buy it digitally. Blizzard doesn't want to sell it because it might not work on some modern pcs but they hired someone to work on their old games so maybe it'll be sold digitally someday.
Just pirate it.
Every char can do an Iron Man run.

Extra 1000 wouldn't make a difference.
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here you go

That's why you had trading, so that you could get high runes from selling off gear you find.
Trading is one of the most precious things Diablo 2 had, which the third game ruined. Find something for a druid? No problem, go out and sell it and get yourself something useful to you in return. Find something for a Wizard in Diablo 3? Salvage and keep on farming.
ur insane
I only played Diablo 2 online.
Trading MADE the fuckin' game dawg.

Probably just dropped all together.

I think back when WC3 first came out the original Diablo was banned from battle.net because it was used for channel bots.
Don't joking here, anon. Everytime I played it I fell asleep just to wake up still alive because I kept the attack button pushed. I played it on a console tho.

Wasn't Diablo 1 lacking a cd-key?
Haven't looked into RoS. What's the biggest improvement it made?

I guess I'll give it a go.
play median you cuck fuck
adventure mode

you don't have to play the story to play the game
more like shit mode for cucks
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>What's the biggest improvement it made?
Removal of AH and what >>345216303 said.
but those are just 2 of many improvements they made.
yeah d3 really should be wiped off of satans cock
Have you by any chance played Diablo III? An entire class is designed around flails in gear and skills.
LF a site with elitist builds

specifically lightning javazon
In D3 the majority of your damage source was shifted from skills towards gear, hence the scaling from mainstat. Thus it's almost impossible to post a single item that would satisfy every single character because of mainstat. Oh, Stone of Jordan could be used by any character. Maybe not optimal, but still.

In D2 in many cases you only had to pump 20 skill points into relevant skills and gear becomes a secondary thing to worry about. Also, in D2 your ability to change skills is greatly hindered by ability to respec only 3 times the entire game and after that requires you to farm some hell shit for this.
In D3 you no longer pump skill points into skills - their usefulness is dependant on your gear and you can change skills any tine you want. Gear is actually meaningful for your power and not just a bonus.
Fine, maybe "ok/not okay" is a bit subjective here.

I don't understand what is your problem here. Once I hit lvl 70 I can find every legendary item and it can be potentially useful for me.
Once again, In D2 your main power comes from skills, so you usually want from your gear those cool perks like fcr, +res or +skills and those roughly speaking don't scale on items with time. So once you find them they are great. Wouldn't it be better if - let's say - Lidless Wall could drop only with +10% fcr at ilvl 41 but with +15% fcr at ilvl 62 and with +20% fcr at ilvl81?

Etched Sigil, Smoldering Core
Tal Rasha set forces you to cycle through your skills to drop meteors of different elements.
Crudest Boots with Inna's set lets you have an army of clones.
Lord Greenstone's Fan makes your build revolve around Fan of Knives.

I can reroll stat for an item, I can reforge the item, I can craft Hellfire Amulet.D3 doesn't have runes.

>RoS fixed everything
It did not. There are still many things wrong with it. I just wanted to say that there is no point of comparing to a version of game that was 3 years ago and is no longer relevant.

Probably also true. I just remember using it to hold my SC channel open, and then one day it was gone.

So I bought another SC battle chest and used that instead.
aw man javazon's farm is #1 speed so good man
There's a 90% chance that any stranger you're trading with has botted or duped their shit so it's not much different from having HeroEdited in singleplayer.
Self found or gtfo.
fuck off jay wilson, you don't even work for blizzard anymore
>pretending d3 design is good
>only argument for how good d3 is is to mention how the shallow mechanics objectively work and suck
stop shilling
Yeah, let's just forgo the fact that balancing it around trading makes it miserable for singleplayer.

Oh wait, that was how it was in D3 to too! But people whined about it because it was BAD. But not in Diablo 2, that's where it's GOOD.

>Find something for a Wizard in Diablo 3? Salvage and keep on farming.
35% damage reduced dont affect elemental damage (like lighting enchanted)
1200 is loooooooow life
have fun doing 5000 andariel runs for 1 shaco, if even that. Our guy on the 4chan /vg/ server did until he found his, the one and only.
>Shill calling and reaction image as counter-arguments to actual arguments
This is why nobody takes D2 fags seriously.
>build a javazon
>get to act IV hell
>anter an area
>burning souls
>reload the game
>burning souls
>reload the game
>burning souls

Yep, enough of D2 for me.
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>everyone talking about this game

>nobody starting a game for us to play
Holy shit, that Diablo 3 shill is still shitting up Diablo 2 threads? Fuck that guy.

It's easy, just get an Infinity ;^)
should definitely kill himself and stop poaching peoples souls for his 1 hour progression game where you grind numbers on a riftstone
Kill them with a fucking bow you fucking mongoloid.
the moans and the sprite when it died and you can see their ass gave me many boners when I was a teen
>1spell:The game is better than the same one but with better graphics, better gameplay, better multiplayer and most of all, more than 1 spell
You're supposed to have/use decripify at the point m8
All video games are number grinders. Enjoy.
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Downloading D2 LoD right now. Any essential mods I need to install, any advices for beginner? BEst class for first walkthrough?
>D1 might have better atmosphere, but it plays like a shit.
You realize this is what gives it the atmosphere right?
Its because you can't run once you engage, because the monsters can and will wreck your shit that it holds an atmosphere of dread.
except for d3
>tfw Diablo 2 made your cousin mentally insane so you were never allowed to play it

Do you think I could still enjoy it nowadays?

He played it for weeks with barely any sleep and ended up having to be put in a psych ward.
kill yourself it's not even a debate at this point. Nobody in thread has got the taste for shit like you have.
>1spell:The game
what are hotkeys

>but with better graphics
and worse artstyle and atmosphere

>better gameplay

>better multiplayer
see above

>and most of all, more than 1 spell
what are hotkeys

I expect to be fucking invincible with 85% LR plus 20 absorb from Tgod's Vigor.

The fact the game will always spawn something capable of instakilling you is not an advantage, given the amount of effort I've put into getting my gear.
no mods for the first time
sounds like shill story made up by wilson post pics or didnt happen
You're one of those people who think because Resident Evil before had 4 had shitty tank controls, they were the superior games, aren't you

Don't use mods for a first playthrough.

Don't spend points in energy unless going 100% caster, even then only put a few in it. Use most of the points in vitality, str and dex if a good wep requires it.
you need plugy for infinite backpack that you can share across characters dont listen to this retard>>345217979

sorc is the easiest and cheapest to build and an agile farmer because it's the only class with teleport. It's got 2 elements readily available for farming difficulties with immune mobs. make sorc first
you don't mod d2 unless you're doing full conversion

>any advice for beginner
play what you want, don't follow any guides until you're at nightmare, assume your build is going to be shit

i like necromancer
I always thought they were all canon, but that they all went on the story together. This is why all of them show up in D2
What what?

D3 had an AH around which drop rates were scaled. You barely ever got any fucking loot whatsoever that you could use because of that.

And people hated it. So in the end AH was removed and drop rates became good.

But now apparently that's a bad thing as well.

D2 trading is essentially the same deal as it was with D3 and AH but for some reason people defend it.
>adult man
where do you think you are
Took place years ago, anon. Although while his parents blamed Diablo I'd say he was just an /r9K/tier loner who finally lost it one day.
>You're one of those people who think because Resident Evil before had 4 had shitty tank controls, they were the superior games, aren't you
Hardly no, I don't like resident evil games, they're stupid.
You'll note that I didn't say it doesn't play like shit, because it does. I said it added to the atmosphere which it does.
Gameplay improvements can come at a cost regardless of the intent of the developer.
Use PlugY, fuck what others say. You will fucking die inside with that abysmal stash space.
What the fuck? Barter trading is in no way similar to auction house trading and using currency.
I can spot that sound in any amount of noise pollution

Its very amusing.
>Trading is not the same as trading because I say so

Stop being a retard. You could sell items on AH and buy items on AH. You could go face trading items if you wanted as well.

In place of gold in D2 you'd use items as currency. Currency all the same.
>Get in
>Open Town Portal
>Hit him until you run out of potions
>Get back in town
Do this till he dies
>same deal
lmao that's why people complained
What the fuck was that sound? Was it someone talking?
That's why The Ancients was the only good boss fight.
I still prefer it to D3 AND PoE
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>plugY right off the bat
well that and the massive exp
A barb with a very high attack rate. I never died that way.
Name 3 reasons why you would play LoD over Median XL
median XL is cheating
>I don't know what to say so I'll tell him to kill himself

Why have 1 spell and hotkeys instead of more spells simply binded on whatever button you want? It's more practical, makes more sense, makes the game fast and fluid. If a game plays better than another one, then it has better gameplay anon.

Same for multiplayer, it's simple to join a game, leave one, chose what options you want, it's intuitive.
It's misery to farm anything offline so why not Sorc?

PlugY is literally essential unless you want to pretend that the stash space amount you're given is enough.
I was playing Barb and I killed him on first try. Git gud.
Barbarian just rolls over things if build right. I killed Mephisto without realising I'm facing Boss of 3rd act. First time I ran into troubles was Chaos Sanctuary, which these skemelmages casting Iron Maiden. Still, having high STR and DEX allowed me to kill them off with just bow.
Any way to make D2 hires?
>Why have 1 spell and hotkeys instead of more spells simply binded on whatever button you want? It's more practical, makes more sense
because the game was designed in 2000 and i'll concede that the ui is dated. but the ui isn't everything and there is a lot more that i prefer about diablo 2 compared to diablo 3.

there are games out there that "modernize" d2 while maintaining its general design philosophy and i generally like those. i do not consider d3 to be one of those.
My #2 on the class ladder Javazon got bopped by a Burning Soul this season. I was so upset.

You've never played solo offline. Either that or you got bored after one month and just edited your inventory.
If he's only gonna run through normal with his first char to see what the game is like it doesn't matter what char he plays. There's no need to farm anything to beat normal.
first of all, at the very least go into video options and set resolution to 800x600 (and turn off that fucking perspective shit, it looks retarded)

other than that, wait until blizzard patches it or use a widescreen hack/mod that will get you banned from official servers and some private servers

also your character and all ui elements won't scale so they'll be extremely tiny
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You know what to do.
i beat him first time when i was small and didn't know shit about builds with a druid in which i put one point in every summon and elemental skill tree and use about 15 town portals with a hit and run "tactic"
all 3 heroes of D1 are canon it's just that the one who defeated Diablo was the Warrior(named as Aiden eldest son of Leoric in D3). Rogue became Blood Raven and Sorc became the A2 Summoner
>I just wanted to say that there is no point of comparing to a version of game that was 3 years ago and is no longer relevant.
Diablo 3 sucks at an fundamental level. An expanison does not change the fundamentals, it's still the same fucking game.
i honestly find summon necro the most fun, but some people prefer a more active playstyle
What a convincing argument. You sure showed him. Wow.
But that's not the point. I think D3 is shit, RoS is pretty good, D2 is a billion times better. That doesn't change the fact that D2 has BAD gameplay COMPARED TO D3. The same way Witcher 3 has garbage gameplay and is the best witcher while being a 9/10 game.

Yes, it's due to the fact that it's old, but it's still shit, the UI is shit.
I think it becomes reasonably active if you take corpse explosion. Also makes the maggot lair more bearable.
he's right tho
2>1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>a piece of shit> forced to eat shit>>> being forced to fuck your mother at gunpoint > >>> physically emasculated and force feed your own genitalia >>>> 3
>not sorc
dont chime in if you're not pro like us 8-)
yeah but i usually don't take corpse explosion until at least nightmare

the ability to quickly use different skills is just one small part of the gameplay and you can still switch between skills, you just have to use a hotkey

diablo 3 has a better ui in that respect and that particular aspect of gameplay is better, but there are far worse problems with it (though ros did fix a lot).
kill yourself
try using life on hit, or steal life rings or amulets.
life on hit is my favorite fucking thing, I'm doing a heavy LoH hardcore crusader in D3 and I regenerate like 30% of my health every time I deal damage
How can you play such a boring character class who's only pros is being able to beat the game faster than the other character classes
There's why.
You are free to prove me wrong then.
Diablo 2 sucks at an fundamental level. An expanison does not change the fundamentals, it's still the same fucking game.

Im the only person on earth who likes bone necro
Vanilla D2 didn't suck.
you mean bone prison/bone wall? i know a few people who play it, i just prefer skeletons and golems
Yeah. The Gem is perfect.
it doesnt beat the game faster, it provides you with everything you need without needing to have made a sorc before making one of the more expensive classes. everything else is a lot harder to start off with.
oh and revives
D2 is the better game
D3 is the more satisfying game. The sound direction alone makes my member tremble in arousal.
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>still debating with redditors
haha OH WOW
Why doesn't anyone ever talk about Druid or Assassin, do they suck that much?

I like bone spells with curses.

I never played poison necro ever. I find poison in Diablo to be boring as hell
The 3 big problems with vanilla D3 were the broken loot system, the auction house and the stupidely difficult difficulty (very early D3). RoS fixed the loot, removed the AH, made a very nice area/enemies/bosses, but butchered the difficulty to facebook tier games.

Don't know now, haven't played in 1 year and something.
How does it suck at a fundamental level? Because you can't be super awesome with 1 weapon? Because you can't see your billions of damage fly in the air?
yea Health on hit is great no matter what the game.
Diablo 2s Exile runeword was broken as fuck. 15% chance on hit to cast lifetap.
Lifetap made made you unkillable as a zeal/smiter with your attack speed so fucking crazy fast
Vanilla Diablo 3 didn't suck.

Your statement is nothing but a blanket statement.
>Diablo 2 sucks at an fundamental level
Probably among 10 best games of all times.
your all idiots why is op even playing 1.13 are you some kind of shit cake ?
Sorceress has the world records for speed running, how can you tell me it doesn't?
How worth it is the DLC?
I know it adds a fifth act, is that it?
Poison sucks, aren't undead creatures immune to it? Act 2 must be hell for poison necros.
hey what year is it?
Because Assassin is patrish, I did Javazon this ladder but I'm going for Lightning Assassin in November.
>Your statement is nothing but a blanket statement
You really don' see the irony do you?
Finally a D2 thread, I have a cd key and want to play (I bought it after I saw a thread about it a while age) but I cant find anywhere to download it, where can I?
>more satisfying
>abilities are a neon lightshow at a rave
>no more light radius
>fog and bloom everywhere

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lets get this nostalgia rollercoaster rolling
what's your point kiddo
>Vanilla Diablo 3 didn't suck
I wasn't even aware this existed, thanks mate

i hope you checked whether your CD key is still valid nigga
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Fire claw druid was great once I got an insight pole arm for my mercenary.

Got him to act 2 nightmare hardcore before bear form went poof in the middle of a horde of skeletons and I died before Duriel.
if it's a legit cd key you can just enter it on your battle.net account and get access to download an installer at any time

it's handy but i miss carrying around burnt copies of starcraft and brood war with the cd key scribbled across the front
That's literally the only reason to play her. She's so boring otherwise. Just as boring to play as a trap assassin
They're hard to make in 3d.
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you sir at #1 troll, assassins and druids are the most op apart from 100% immortal sorc, here is my ww assassin
if I had gameranger I'd join but fuck it I'm lazy
>Awful disperancy between weapon relying character and skill relying character when it comes to gearing
>Gearing is essentially only balanced if trading is taken into account, most good shit will take literally forever to farm
>Leveling up a certain build can be proper hell especially back when there were no resets at all
>Stat distribution is redundant feature as energy is 99.99% of the time untouched, STR is basically just enough for gear most of the time, Dex for block chance and major dump in vit
>Immunities kill off builds that are built on one damage type

Those are just few things that are bad about Diablo 2.

He posted tons of proper arguments to which the response was a blanket statement. Trying to get people to prove a blanket statement is stupid.

Do you not see I'm just making the same stupid blanket statement against you?
How does GameRanger work with Battlenet?
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rate me

game ranger is the least amount of effort you will spend if you dont want to spend money

also, i'd appreciate if someone joined to show that people can connect anyway
Fucking nice.
ok kiddo
great leveling bow

it doesn't, use LAN config

I'd join if i had a decent internet connection :((
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the difficulty is just spread out over 16 tiers or some shit like that, it's still fairly bullshit at higher torment levels
I always hated the diablo series
It always ultimately ended up with charm farming into charm during and having a god character who will never die with +5000% death aura charms stacked. I don't understand the appeal. I loved my first playthrough, but seeing others min max and trivialize even nightmare and he'll just makes me wonder what the point is, how is that fun when everything just dies when you walk out of town?
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here is my 100% es thats right its over 95% suck it.
Just getting to be that strong is part of the appeal anon, maybe you don't like that aspect of ARPGs.
Hardcore Bnet Duriel is still the most heart attack inducing boss fights of gaming history
Poison Nova has alot of synergies (and damage is big by itself), so not really. Damage does tank by endgame, though.
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>not using /players 8
>not using curses
>not using a good merc
Thanks dude, just got it entered and downloaded. Is LOS necesary?
So you want all characters and builds to be the same? Why don't you like trading? Why would you want everything immediately? Levels was piss easy in D2 and respecs have been around for almost half of D2's lifespan. Stats were a little silly but you could still have options with them just like with skill points. Nothing wrong with stamina or immunities.

All of your complaints sound like they're coming from my nephew who hates games if they don't have checkpoints every 5 minutes or easy quicksave features
>Suggests using a Merc
>Says git gud
But if you're so strong that you dont even have to play the game anymore, what is the appeal?
ladder reset and do it all over again, or try other builds/characters
sorcs cant tank enemies
Mercs do
if only gameranger worked with linux
>Melee character
>Run up with Merc hit Duriel alot well popping potions
>Run out
>Run back to town and buy potions/revive merc
>Repeat until death.

Unless you're overleveled at that point this is pretty much the best strat. Or just pick a Necro reach level 24 get decripify and watch Duriel in slow mo die.
>So you want all characters and builds to be the same?

Pick caster? Easy breezy getting gear that will work in Hell as well. Even if it won't carry completely through.

Pick character that needs a good weapon? Have fucking fun farming a good weapon, armor and the rest of the bunch with abysmal drop rates before you can as much as kill the first zombie on Hell.

>Why don't you like trading?
How do I trade in single player?

> Why would you want everything immediately?
Not taking literally 100s of hours =/= immediately

>Levels was piss easy in D2 and respecs have been around for almost half of D2's lifespan.
Yeah it sure is fun fucking hitting things with nothing because you're saving up points for the actually useful skills.

>Stats were a little silly but you could still have options with them just like with skill points.
There's little to no variation. It's completely redundant.

> Nothing wrong with stamina or immunities.
Stamina is just plain redundant mechanic that has never been in Diablolikes ever since. That's how stupid it was.

And there's plenty wrong with immunities. Like I said, people say how you can make oh so many builds in D2 but then you're faced with the fact that you can't have single damage type because plenty of shitters will be immune to that. What's worse is having MULTIPLE immunities.

Other than that, there's the godawful stash space and no shared stash.

You fanboys just can't accept any faults in D2, can you?
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Don't even need the 3 at the end, all they talk about in the Diablo subreddit is 3.
Starting this shit up again. Never really played it back when it was big so I only played solo and mostly play Summoner.
Someone recommend me a fun build.
thawing potions don't work on duriel, nor does cold resistance or Can't Be Frozen attribute from items.
I just got done getting up to The Smith with a nigga paladin and some randoms.
If you're here BlessDBrother you are a G.
Might be on later tonight too if there's a thread up.
Stack enough potions and he can't kill you, so you kill him. Cheese portals for infinite hp. He doesn't have tricky abilities. Dude is literally tank and spank.
>The Krug are attacking!
>There is nothing more you can do for old Norrick...

Watch out, superior ARPG coming through.
Except they do
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captcha ate my image
Never understood why people hated 2.
Die a thousand times and slowly whittle away his health in the process.

People hated 2?

fuck those people dude, 2 was fun
party cap got lowered super hard. you have to clear the game multiple times just to get 6 party members instead of 8. enemies respawn.
You have to understand 95% of the players don't get to experience being >>345221451.
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>You would not belive how many people acuse me of potting
So is Diablo 2 the best aRPG or has something better come out already?
realm of the mad god is better
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>Can't Be Frozen doesn't work on Duriel
>Someone who doesn't blindly hate D3 makes proper arguments
>Someone who blindly hates D3 can only reply with HAHA GO TO REDDIT, telling people to kill themselves, post reaction images, shill memepost or other things that don't have anything to do with the arguments

It's fucking sad. Protip, I think that D3 has plenty of faults. All diablolikes have plenty of faults.

But when you actually refuse to make a proper case for yourself you just make yourself look fucking dumb.
Increase your level, improve your gear.
Join an online game where others kill it.
eric, simply eric
> Gets enchanted
> Rushes and levels self
> 10/10

I liked SOME of the combat from D3, but didn't like the itemization or the obvious borrowings from WoW that didn't mesh with the Diablo playstyle (town portal change for instance).

The biggest letdown for me was the ambiance. The first 2 games had such a chilling, clandestine evil atmosphere that made playing it so fun. The music was awesome and the writing was really well done. D3 lacked all of that. It was too cartoony, too slapstick at times and the music was totally uninteresting.

The original Diablo games really looked like a vision of Hell on Earth. D3 couldn't muster that effort at all.

yeah I know
you should go there
To me the biggest fault of D3 was it hammering the final nail in the coffin for rare qualities. Sure LoD made them less good with runewords and shit but D3 made them completely trash
tie a noose
there's nothing better than an infinity light sorc
prove me wrong
>take a shit
>check thread
>see gameranger shit
>can't join

oh well. back to watching evo

Unfortunately this is something that Blizzard has kept doing across the board. The idea that a so called "legendary" item could be considered vendor trash always bothered me.
Diablo 3 looks like a Diablo game made by different developers. Which it is.
I mean it's fine and I've had some fun with it, but it's not on 1/2 level.
I think you can manage that on your own.
RoS is just as fucking garbage as the base game.

The bottom line is that Blizz gutted Diablo gameplay to make a casual shitfest where they create your build based on special item effects rather than through a skill tree.

The end result is that instead of creating a build for your character as you level and hunt for better gear, you have find the gear first, then you're stuck with the first build you find, then you start looking for a bunch of other items sets to play different builds, and then you re-find those same items so you can have a "best version" of your build because every stat on gear is randomly generated.

The game is fucking trash.

That's what bums me out though. They had enough time to make it on and above D1/2's level and proved to be such a long-term letdown.
>d3 has "build" choice
So wait diablo 3 has no trading at all anymore? I only played for some time after vanilla was released. How are you supposed to get any gear?
grind yourself
it's a full-on singleplayer game now
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come on guys

They don't, they might mitigate damage but not the slow. Look it up.
When they killed the RMAH they also killed the gold-only auction house.

Also trading is only with people who were in the game when you found the item and that's got like a 4 hour time limit or something
its handed to you during the first 30 minutes of playing
that gear shoehorns you into using a specific amount of skills that you'll use until you stop playing
Diablo is casual as shit dude.

> where they create your build based on special item effects rather than through a skill tree.
At the very least it fixed one flaw that D2 had, which had to do with skill tree.

>The end result is that instead of creating a build for your character as you level
Yeah, good luck with that.

Instead of gear being balanced around buying off AH, it's balanced around you actually getting shit.
Still, why did Blizzard fuck us over? D2 has so much more content over the original. More classes, more items (even though somewhat rehashed), more skills, more levels, more animation frames, more everything.
0 taste the image
are you on gameranger or bnet?
Also, good luck fucking playing melee character when odds of you ever ending up with hell clearing melee gear solo is obsolete.

Stop sperging.
Time has nothing to do with it. Current day Blizzard is incapable of making a game to rival Diablo 1/2. They've never worked on either game and apparently don't understand them and their artists have been working on WoW for so long they've forgotten how to create a game in a different style.
AAA cancer happened
If trading existed you'd be done farming in a day. Now it takes about 2/3 days depending on your luck to farm a set.
What the fuck are you talking about?

The skill tree meant you were able to play any build you want regardless of drop RNG. So by the time you hit level 60 in D2, you had a build. By the time you hit 70, that build was even better, and by the time you hit 80, you had a complete build completely separate from fancy item effects.

In D3 you have to find your build. The build you want to play doesn't fucking matter because it's up to the devs to create your build, stick its effects across a bunch of items, and then you have to go find those items. You can spend 1k hours playing the game and never finish a specific build you want to play.

D3 is fucking garbage, and if you think it's better than D2, it's because you're awful at aRPGs.
this >>345226609 person happened
but he hates both act 2 and 3 anon

Because, Anon, they weren't working on it for 10 years. They started working on it for like 2 years or so.

Plus all of Blizzard North left, so you had the Overwatch Team doing it or something.
>The skill tree meant you were able to play any build you want regardless of drop RNG.
No it didn't. How can you play single damage element build when immunities will make that unviable? How are you going to play a build that LITERALLY relies on a good weapon / armor to survive and kill with (like Zealot or werewolf)?

You can't. You absolutely can't without the power of gear.

You can put your skill points optimally if you want but no way you're going to even dent a zombie in Hell (much less survive) without gear.

Good argument.
you keep talking about arguments like you have any
this isn't a debate
go back to plebbit
Your bait is getting stale.
>I suck fucking shit at aRPGs and I need a fake one where the devs constantly cater to my single player experience and remove any challenges and decision making in the process

Fucking kill yourself.
b-b-b-but t-they removed real money a-auction house!
there are pve modifiers on crappy gear like 300% damage to demons and undead and shit.

even with the best gear you can't really pve quickly with any melee class
kys m8 nobody takes your shilling seriously
D2 fanboys are so fucking dense it hurts. You literally can't defend the awful gearing disparancy yet you will still make desperate attempts to do so.
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level 1s

play through act 1 with at least 3 people

game: v
pass: v
>projecting this hard
>tfw I've played d2 online way more than it's expansion
>tfw haven't played or bought the expansion until late 00's
>tfw the expansion wasn't that great after all
Anyone else have preferred the original game over the expansion?
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