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Fire Emblem Sacred Stones

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This is the best GBA FE right?

For incest.
Fire Emblem Thread?
Fire Emblem Thread.

So I've beaten Sacred Stones, "Fire Emblem" with Eliwood, and Path of Radiance, but NEVER got into supports. Can someone explain them and if they're important? I plan on beating sealed sword soon, but want to know if I'm missing out by not knowing about supports.
no, it is the best fire emblem period
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>Not Supporting Eirika with Seth
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>When L'Arachel asks Eirika to join her tea club
The lesbian vibes were thick. L'Arachel was annoying at first, but she really grew on me near the end. Too bad Eirika is a slut for her brother's dick.
Vanessa is still one of the cutest FE girls to me.
L'Arachel is the best FE girl
Franz and Amelia support is cute close to arthur and lute
Newbie trying to git gud here, what's the best way to balance my EXP gains? Should i keep Seth on the leash and only use him when necessary? Should i worry about my lords?
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Pic related is how supports generally work.
I think in some games supports are just quirky and fun conversations, but in others if you level up a pair's support level they do better in battle when standing next to each other
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Supports provide certain stat boosts when the supported units are within 3 tiles of eachother, and these boosts can be quite substantial. The specific stat boost depends on the element of the two characters. E.g. ike and oscar are both earth element, which means their support bonus is a massive amount of evasion. This sort of support bonus can be critical to your tactics.

Also, people like reading the scenes for the characterization they provide.

Note that in some games there aren't any support conversations but there may still be support bonuses available right from the start. E.g. in FE5 leaf supports Fin, Asvel, and many other characters.
Supports in the gba games are ass. You have to waste time having people stand next to each other for dozens upon dozens of turns for them to go up a rank and receive minimal benefits that you probably won't use in standard gameplay. Just look that shit(the actual support lines) up online.
Oh and I forgot to mention, in the GBA games you build supports by having units stand beside eachother at the end of a turn, while in PoR you just have to deploy units in the same chapter. Then you get the opportunity to have the units talk and get the support. In the DS games you just have to send them out in the same chapter, no conversation necessary. In Conquest they have to be paired up or beside eachother when one attacks (or heals eachother, dances, etc).
Don't let Seth steal Exp early in the game, your other troops need it more

Just make him rescue units that are about to die and train him in the arena.
>Man cucked by his incestous best friend who he was also gay for decides to start a war after his father dies
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Supports for the GBA games work as such:
>Certain characters have supports with each other (see supports page in-game)
>Keep those characters close to each other (within 3 tiles; the closer the better) to build their support rank; when they can rank up, stand next to each other and "support" will be an action option
>Each support rank brings personal dialog + you get attack/defense bonuses when those characters fight together; the closer within 3 tiles means better bonuses, bonuses improves with each rank
So for example, the red and green knights in every game are always going to have a support chance. If you keep them close to each other (one to three tiles) all the time from the first chapter you get them, they'll be an A-rank by mid game and be a great duo. You can also farm support ranks on seize maps with no turn limit by keeping compatible characters next to each other for ~60 turns, but you can only rank up once per chapter.
My general rule is try to keep all your main units within +/- 2 levels of each other, with your main lord being the default standard level. Your lords will usually reach level 20 pretty naturally by the time they're required to promote, just don't make them fight every battle. Save bosses for your other main units or units that are lagging behind.
Seth is a great unit, but ch1 paladins are basically you're ace in the hole if you choose to level them. They're always going to be strong if you use them often, but I personally never use them. If anything else, use him as a back up unit for protecting your flanks or to save the day when shit hits the fan.
Naw man. Game is great though.
exp balance is irrelevant in sacred stones, you can just grind tower over and over if someone falls behind
If you fuck up you can grind.

But you shouldn't because the game is hella easy anyway. Just don't use Seth unless you really need him.

Also you can use Seth later on if you like him because unlike most games in the series where the pre-promoted Paladin/Great Knight is garbage, he's actually pretty fucking good. Outclassed, but good.
You're the reason the games went to shit, huh. Now we have instant gratification base conversations and other garbage.
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are you going to tell me radiant dawn's support system was ass as well?
Thanks for the info. Looks like I'll just continue not learning support since it's probably specific as fuck and would require a guide. I absolutely hate "missable" things in games. It's why I couldn't enjoy Tactics Ogre for the PSP.
Blazing Sword > Sacred Stones >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sword of Seals
For efficiency you can just cheese the entire game by mainly using Seth, Ephraim, Cormag, and Gerik. But if you do that, you won't be prepared for other FE games especially ones like Radiant Dawn.

For exp distribution, only pick a certain amount of units you want to use and mainly and only use them from now on, so then you have some stronger units rather than average units across your army. Good units to invest in are: Eirika, Ephraim, Seth, Franz, Vanessa, Lute, Natasha, Joshua, Tana, Innes, Gerik, Duessel, and Cormag.

You can use Seth as a meatshield by taking away his weapons to allow your other units to get exp by killing enemies. Even if he hasn't leveled up a bit and you're a bit later in the game, he can still be a helpful combat unit. He basically functions like your Oifey Jeigan, a crutch character who can still develop to be useful later on in the game.
Thanks, i almost beat the game on easy using nothing but overpowered paladins and sages but it felt awkward to not use all the stuff available

Have other questions about promotions, should i go with variety or pick them based on the current stats? Wyverm or Falcon? are warriors and light/dark magic units good? What is the best way to level up healing units? Any OTPs i should look foward to (still want to 100% supports but i want to make some priorities)
Only the best for the Blood God Seth
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The game's manual should provide more than enough explanation and you can probably even figure it out on your own. But it's not essential to beat the games so don't worry.

Anyway, what's the status of the FE4 translation? Are they going to work on FE5 anytime soon?
try to chip down every enemy early on. always try to kill one unit with at least 2 hits by two different characters. give the finishing blow to low level characters who you want to become useful.
FE4 is fully playable from what I've heard.
There's a beta of the new translation. I think.
Sacred Stones was way too easy and the cast was way too small (excluding the boss characters you unlock from the tower). The game was one of my favorites as a kid but after replaying recently I'd say 7 is better.
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>try to do that on the "don't talk to me or my son ever again" map
>rescue my son with flying horse girl
>grand dad goes far away to kill some nigger archer
>send pegasus to save grand dad
>she gets killed
>manage to weaken some bandits
>my son fails to finish them everytime
>gets killed
>bandits go past defenses and kill bishop and (near dead) knight
>should i go with variety or pick them based on the current stats?
variety is good but it doesn't really matter as every promotion is viable. depends on what you need. wyvern is great for armored guys i think but falcon is great for mage units. never used warriors. if you have ross, make him a berserker and give him a killercase. dark magic is great, luna is easily the strongest tome by completely ignoring resistance. have them heal everything or have them keep company to a unit that grinds the arena. you only need one healer who has a good staff rank though. every promoted mage unit can use staffs so the early healers are pretty useless later on.
I think i know what to do them, thanks for the help /v/

Do I promote Dorcas to Warrior or Hero?
Keep pegasus knights away from archers is the first thing.
Garcia should be fine left to himself if you advance fast enough, and make sure to lure them into attacking you whilst you're on a forest or fort tile.
Also Ross will not be able to do shit for now, all he can do is kill steal, so the only people you'll have that you want to take hits are Franz, Seth, Gilliam, (Eirika can take one or two)
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Get units to at least level 16 before you promote, preferably level 20 (max) for maximum stat gains. Rarely, you may need to promote a unit before 20 in order to gain an advantage to complete a chapter (such as if you're getting fucked by reinforcements or powerful bosses), and that's fine to do if you feel it's absolutely necessary.

Just about every class is a good class on its own, but certain characters are going to be better suited for one of their two potential classes. Healers best level by constantly healing every chance they get. Don't bother using thieves for combat. See pic related for "best class for each character", but be wary that this is rather subjective to my opinion on each character and class. Also of the fact that this is pretty hand-holding stuff. Green = Great option, orange = either up to personal opinion on which you prefer (if both arrows are orange) or the second best option (if the other is green), red = bad promotion option.

Child units (tier 0) are some of the best units in the game. Amelia (blonde girl) in particular is my personal favorite unit, she's the stronkest general ever.
Fuck I mean *Garcia
He'd only be able to promote to Warrior as there weren't multiple promotions for each class back in FE7.

Ross doesn't even need to kill steal as any time he damages an enemy, even if it's one hit point, will give him a great amount of exp. It's good thing he can throw that hatchet.
Thanks for the chart based anon
Garcia suffers extremely bad speed so I suggest switching for a better character like Gerik, and then promote Gerik into a hero.
I played the base game a while back and enjoyed it, but have read there's extra content / campaigns that get unlocked when you do so.

What extra content? Is it just a hard mode or something more substantial?
his minions are good at a high level. it's been a while but i remember them dealing good dmg while dodging most. also long range attacks target them instead of your guys.
there is a ruins with several levels which are quite hard to beat.
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>Playing Scorched Sand for the first time
Are summoners even worth trying?
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I recommend promoting a couple units at level 19-20 and the rest ASAP. It's useful to promote a couple units late so they're super strong for endgame, but you won't get enough exp to level everyone to 20/20 so you might as well promote other units early.
The phantoms literally are one hit wonders with no way to raise up their HP, defence or resistance. I felt like they should have at least be able to take a few hits or the summoner to be able to summon multiple.
I hope you have some good flying units like Cormag, Vanessa and Tana.
I probably should have made that arrow orange; I forgot that my summoner had bad growths and so I had a negative impression of them as a whole. I still prefer the druid as a whole.
They're not terrible, if anything they're a good support unit but I don't think it's the best class for Ewan to promote to (the red head mage kid.)
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I would say no, Knoll is pretty terrible, and the only other option is Ewan who will take forever to train up

Eirika or Ephraim mode? If it's the latter you need to be way of a horde of reinforcements that will appear from where you started, also fliers and mages are great for this one. And see pic related for secret items
maybe i got lucky with growths but my phantoms dodged most and survived multiple turns most of the time.
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Not as bad as this one.
That's mainly because it's fog of war, and you're forced to bring two crappy units. Wyverns out of nowhere, but far fewer people died for me on this one than in FE4's desert chapter
I was just mentioning how much I hated Scorched Sand, the general mobility loss was a pain but more so Caellach and Valter were absolute bastards to kill. Fluorspar's Oath was another annoying map to play.
I was playing through 6 (ch9) but I haven't touched it in a month. My body isn't ready for this. Fuck desert maps.
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>FE4's desert chapter
Well that's not exactly your fault.
I've never really had trouble with this chapter. I think even the equilevant chapter in FE7 is harder.
Flurspar's Oath isn't too bad if you used both Vanessa and Tana, as you can rescue drop Ephraim to one round her with his effective weapon whilst she's still weighed down by bolting
Is the hard mode worth playing? I haven't actually played the original GBA game, should I just download save files for both and start with hard mode?
Radiant Dawn's desert map is a real pain in the ass too if you're playing on normal or higher. The abundance of archers and thunder mages make even an aerial approach very dodgy.
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Just imagine if she got that 2% crit.
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Hard mode without skirmishing actually makes the difficulty not-a-joke.

>mfw the ship chapter on Ephraim's route
for fe 8 absolutely because it's a easy game. fe7 and 6 can be pretty tough so i would first play through normal if you don't know the levels yet.
It happens from time to time

NM might be better to start off with, but if oyu're not finding it challenging enough then HM is a lot tougher, especially the ruins
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>FE7/6 Remake
>Mark can't battle on his own and must be paired with someone in mission for benefits and support
>Already have B support with Nino
>Chapter 29x
>Lyn shows up with Mark
>Both of them get a special scene together and drags Mark to her bedroom
>Look up at the wiki, Lords are automatically swoops in to any units that has highest support in mid game
>Can't marry Nino and raise three kids with her
>Roy stuck with shit growth thanks to Ninian

Fuck this shit.
I find have brave weapons, and the nullify so they can pick off individual enemies like that, also so peggies/Naesala can tank crossbows
eh, depends on how effective you share the exp around your group.
wait, what? is this a hack?
Fire Emblem virgin here should I start with the first game or can I skip to this?
The first game is extremely archaic. I recommend starting with the seventh one (the one with Lyn, Hector and Eliwood). It provides a good, indepth (though long) tutorial for you and should get you a good feel for how the games generally work.

Stay away from Awakening and everything that comes after it.
>Tfw Arena in chapter 5 prologue

How much should I grind my guys here?
besides fe6 and 7 they are all set in different worlds. i'd say play fe 8, then 7, then 6 because the difficulty decreased with every new gba game.
As much as you want, however if you don't have save states I'd advise not to, even if you do abuse the thing to get WTA (when you send somebody in to the arena, say Vanessa and it says she'll be fighting a bandit/fighter soft reset by pushing l+r+a+b, and then send somebody with a sword like Joshua or Eirika in there instead.)

Be careful though arena odds are stacked against you
1,2,3,11,12,13,are all the same world

4 and 5 are same world

6 and 7 are same world

9 and 10 are same world

The only ones that are self-contained properly are 8 and 14
>summoner bad
It's also worth noting that Knoll is a better summoner than Ewan because his summons are better, but it's certainly not a bad class either way, a lot more game breaking than Druid albeit lower caps.
>rogue bad
Rogue has nice caps and is very underrated
>l'arachel has no good promote
Was this a mistake? L'arachel Valkyrie is one of the best units in the game
>Artur a bad bishop
Artur's promotes are pretty much interchangable but slayer is damn useful, IDK why you think sage is better for Artur but bishop for Moulder.

I nitpicked a bit and I agree with this mostly but I think the classes are more balanced than you're giving them credit for. Also Amelia is a fine paladin and Knight>Great Knight is good for her and Gilliam. The mobility offered by great knight and paladin is a LOT more useful than the slightly different caps of general, I feel, especially since GK and Paladin have good caps themselves.

Source: beat SS a fuckton
oh, wow. didn't know that. the gba games and awakening are the only ones i played because i never had a wii
14 is in the same world as 13, Chrom mentions the mythical kingdoms of Nohr and Hoshido in the before awakening DLC, plus you ahve Inigo, Severa, and Owain returning

Generals do have a better sword animation though
I married Ephraim to Tana.

I regret nothing, she's much hotter than Eirika even if I miss on the delicious incest subtext.
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That's fine.

Find them both cute though.
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>Not L'Arachel
It's my favorite one, by far. Ephraim is my favorite lord. I think I'll play through it again.

SoS wasn't THAT bad, I liked Roy and Gonzales.

It's a shame that rogue wasn't that good of a class, I liked Rennac. And wouldn't bishop be the best idea for most characters that can become bishops, since the endgame only has monsters?

This. Not only is it the best choice in terms of support bonuses, but they're really cute together.
>Rogue has nice caps and is very underrated
The only real reason why I made that arrow orange was because you can buy that other guy (can't remember his name) and have him be your go-to rogue. I personally never use thieves for combat.
>l'arachel has no good promote
That was more of a "personal opinion" thing, I didn't use L'Arachel enough to get her to a good level as either class so she was still fairly weak, but assuming that her Valkyrie is similar to Priscilla's, then I'm sure she is a great unit. I left them both orange just as a "it's up to your judgement" thing.
For the rest, it's all just subjective opinions as a general recommendation. Some class promotes such as knight to great knight probably should have been a mix of orange and green to show that they're still good options, but ah well. Just opinions and all for a recommendation.
L'arachel is better than Priscilla
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That's not exactly hard to achieve. Even I don't mind Priscilla
i think i remember light tomes being very heavy so you'll rarely double a monster. that limits the bishops usefullness a lot.
light tomes are shit in all 3 gba games. But Slayer makes you do so goddamn much damage that you don't need to double attack. Even still the only monster Artur can't double are mauthe doogs, which no one can double and which die in 1 hit anyway.
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L'Arachel is so cute, I love her entertaining dialogue and usefulness ingame. I always want to pair her up with Rennac, but I know that it won't end with them getting together so I resist the urge.

That would make sense, although Artur won't need to double monsters a lot of the time because his magic growths are pretty good.
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Do any of you use the bonus characters in Sacred Stones? I liked Orson a lot, so I use him.
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I rarely utilize them, cause I forget about it for the most part and just finish chapters, but that also makes some hard runs very difficult, since they can give you the last bit of stat boost you need to tank a few more hits.
no. i get attached to those i met when they were just weak little pubs and who i raised to be legendary monster slayers.
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Which ones?

I sometimes get like that with some units too (Colm and Artur come to mind), but I really liked Orson for some reason.

Hector is a beautiful meme.
So how do you win fights if you can't move half of the units? Or do their time together stack across battles?
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Orson Glen Ismaire Selena. At least that's who I recall using.
Can one afford to upgrade the classes based on what you think would fit the character or you're required to minmax?
Oh yeah, I almost forgot about Glen; I use him too. Solid taste, anon.
Sacred Stones is arguably the easiest game in the series so it doesn't really make much difference.
Unless you're playing hard mode, it's totally fine to go with whichever class you think fits better. Even then, on hard mode, most classes will still do just fine. FE minmaxing comes down to RNG for growths and level up manipulations more than anything.
Barring terrible growth, its always possible to promote however you want in this game. At least on normal mode.

There is easy grind if all else fails, and only the bonus post game dungeon can really be that much of a challenge.
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Yeah pretty much this. But rather "worlds" they're called continents.
1,3,11,12 takes place in Archanea, 2 in Valentia, and 13 in both Archanea and Valentia (the two continents are not too far away from each other.)
4 and 5 takes place in Jugdral.
6, and 7 takes place in Elibe.
8 takes place in Magvel.
9 and 10 takes place in Tellius.
And 14 takes place in Nohr and Hoshido.
>Hit 87%

>Hit 20%

Muh superior nippon steel.
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Skellies are the most broken thing in the game Bar berserker ross and Swordmasters, they instantly aggro everything, fly and scale with the summoner's level.
Level 20 skellies also spawn with Tomahawks, Devil Axes and killer axes.
Wincest > pairing her with boring-ass Seth.

Her sister is hotter
I always pair her with Ines to piss off Ephraim.
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>Her sister is hotter
I will stab you with a killer lance, you bastard.
>Not having Ephrain and Eirika both support L'Arachel and Tana so the four become unstoppable when together
So did you guys enjoy the Ephraim or Eirika route more?
I liked Ephraim's more personally.
Both had their strong points, although I believe that Ephraim's was more enjoyable and carried a little more weight.
Sorry but it's true. Not to say Vanessa is ugly but yeah. At least she's a better unit though.

Ephraim route is better, but I did like that the Eirika route makes it more ambiguous as to whether Lyon was totally possessed or not.
I always thought Eirika's story flowed better with the story since it's jarring to have a completely different Lord suddenly in the middle of the story.

That said, the gameplay segments on the Ephraim route were more fun to me.
I like Syrene more too, but you've already moved this turn so I'm okay
>Seth detroys 90% of the enemy unit
I want to hurt something.
>What the hell is not using OP things in video games.
I mean I know it's the developers fault for not balancing it in the first place, but that's common thing that happens in many video games anyways, for an OP thing to be in it.
You could always not use him. I usually haven't.
>j-just don't use him guys
Nice excuse, faggot.

At least in Final Fantasy Tactics they give you Cid when the game is basically over.
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That title belongs to FE6.

FE8 is a close second, FE7 is dead last however.

Mostly shitty cast aside from Hector, Sain, Raven and Lucius. Garbage ancient evil story that manages to be the worst ancient evil plot out of all of them.

Game isn't bad, it's just outdone by 6 in terms of difficulty and lore and 8 in terms of raw gameplay and quality of life enhancements and cast.
Like I said, it's common for games to have OP things. At least give SS with no Seth a chance.
Is weapon how many uses the holy weapons had left?
Also who the fuck did you piss off to have Shin with such little str?
I'm not saying SS is a bad game, it's up there but not the best like OP said
>Mostly shitty cast aside from Hector, Sain, Raven and Lucius
Only one out of those that is good is Hector. Sain is even more gimmicky than your modern FE character, Raven is just your generic 'badass' guy and I don't need to point out what's wrong with Lucius.
>Garbage ancient evil story that manages to be the worst ancient evil plot out of all of them.
All you did you was literally fight a baby Dragon.

..Although that does sound pretty weak compared to 6 where you where slaying them left and right by endgame.
you were far from fighting the same kind of dragons in fe 6. the dragons in fe7 are much stronger i'd say.
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how can one opinion be this wrong
Pretty sure the other games have characters that can solo most of the game as well
>Ancient evil story plot
I don't see on how a misguided evil sorcerer using the essence of life from beings to give himself power and to creating his own minions is anyway "Ancient evil." Explain please.
>Not liking pretty men
Are you gay or something?

Legault, and Renault was pretty interesting, as was the stuff between Fiora and Farina, and Vaida and Heath
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Apparently I fucked up the RNG gods because people say my Lillina had a shitload of Skill.

Even though you're wrong you only prove my point.

Lyn is literally Pocahontas tier and a fucking tutorial character that gets outclassed by the other myrmidons.

Eliwood is trash completely and it's his game.

Don't forget literally walking across the continent taking back slowly all of the major capitols from the batshit crazy king too.

You're literally shitposting. This is a non-post. All you did was upload an image that isn't relevant to FE or video games and then writing "that's wrong" without actually backing up any kind of shitty opinion you may have.

>He is responsible for the creation of Morphs (i.e. Sonia, Limstella, Ephidel) golden-eyed beings that travel the world looking for the quintessence of powerful individuals to give him even greater strength so that he may call dragons through the Dragon's Gate

I'm sorry, how is this not literally "an ancient evil"? The only difference is that it doesn't awaken but he outright summons the ancient evils for "muh power". It's complete trash.

On the other hand Zephiel is plain tired of getting fucked and distrusts everyone because of his fucked up father, so he wants to pretty much wipe this meme from the face of the earth. It's not much better but he has an actual reason besides the typical bullshit power trip sorcerer trope.

Not enough for me to warrant their use at all.
>I'm sorry, how is this not literally "an ancient evil"?
Because humans were the real evil all along
>lyn outclassed by the other myrmidons
are you retarded? She's them with better stats and also better supports and also bows. Karel and Karla are mediocre and Guy is usually only impressive if you're really lucky with str. Eliwood is a better unit in his game than Roy is in FE6 considering Roy is a drag-along for 9/10ths of the game and then gamebreaking in the last three or so chapters.

One of the shittiest things I feel like no one talks about in FE6 is that every fucking map is so shit. They're all FUCKING huge and allow you to take a FUCKTON of units and like 2/3 of every battle is you moving everyone while you're nowhere near any enemies at all. Also axes are garbage, prepromotes are garbage, and every good unit has shit con.
If you think Nergal has less development than Zephiel or that Nergal has stupid motivations then you probably missed a lot of gaiden chapters. Hell, half of zephiel's character development is IN FE7
Lyn doesn't get the crit bonus they do, she's salvageable thanks to her Mani Katti, but the lack of a crit bonus really hurts her.

Sucks to be my favourite units. Percival is great though
Ok so I made it up about myrmidons because I never actually use them, they all end up garbage and Heroes/Fighters are always better with speed that's as good or on par and STR with plenty of crits anyway.

My Roy ended up about the same as my Eliwood, that is to say basically useless but forced on every map anyway.

>every fucking map is so shit
I only disliked SEIZE being the entire objective for all the maps but you're wrong about not being near enemies because reinforcements

Axes are not trash at all, see Gonzales.

Prepromotes have almost always been meat shields except Seth. And Con is fixed with body rings.

Precisely. Zephiel gets 2 games worth and has better motivations on the whole than Nergal ever could.

It's no contest at all.
>good speed
Unless you're talking about Nolan or Charlotte I'm guessing you're making this up too.

Also you only tend to have one or two body rings
>never use myrmidons
>fir and rutger utterly break FE6
your team decisions make no sense and I'm not sure you have any clue what's good and what's not.
>Play FE6
>Get way too many characters poured on my ass
>Don't even know who the fuck to use anymore
>Can't bring myself to care about most of them because there are too many of them
It's actually the worst GBA FE.
I still love it though.
the older the fire emblem game is, the more it assumes you're having characters periodically die. By modern FE they realized literally everyone resets on deaths so they just give you like one of each class or so.
With a support the speed is enough for a fighter to double anything they want.

If not I hand them a Brave Axe or Killer Axe.

Secret shop lets you buy body rings.

I spent like all my gold on a few of those and like 3 pairs of boots.

My Rutger had shit STR, something like 10 by level 18 so I benched him.

Fir I got too late to even bother investing with, besides that I was already destroying shit with Lillina and Gonzales powering through everything.
Simple. Use the wiki and choose who's the best choice, by looking at their stat growth rates.
Fir you get before Gonzales, and comes just before bandit country, even if you don't use her she can safely dodge just about everything Maggie and Rose throw at her from base
>Nohr and Hoshido.
God that just reminds me how, 14 doesn't even have a name for the continent. Fates was missing world/lore building so bad.
Sain, Lilina, Gonzales, do you literally just pick highest damage and ignore every other stat? Rutger usually has 11 str by level 18 on normal mode, which I assume you're playing on, that's like almost completely average for him. His utility doesn't end at his str by a long shot. Even if rutger gets no strength he's a hard counter to every axe unit which is like half of the enemies in midgame. By endgame he kills everyone before they can attack, and dodges everything anyway.
>my rutger had shit str
have you only played each once???
That's what happened m9, my levels were shit so I benched him.

My other units got good levels so I used them

Is this hard to understand?
Again, have you played each game only once?
>I had one bad rutger so I never touched him again
stop talking like an authoritarian if you don't know anything about your damn game, rutger is literally usually considered one of the best chars in FE6 by everyone in terms of the sheer utility he brings
Also, again, 10 STR instead of 11 isn't shit levels.
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Alright friends, Post your favorite unit in the series.
Whether it's because they carried your ass or if you just like them doesn't matter.
Isn't it still technically Archanea?

Anyway what really got me about Fates was how they didn't seem to realise what made a death tragic, Lilith was incredibly forced in both BR and Conquest, Kaze dies to fucking nothing if you don't know you have to have an A support with him, Scarlet's death in Revelations seemed to be utterly pointless.

If you ask people what the hardest hitting deaths in FE were , even if you were to include Basilio L. Jackson and Ninian they'd still be ranked above the Fates characters.
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Wyvern Riders are usually great though.
It's strange that Marcia couldn't support with him in PoR, but recruits him straight after
No. Just because Chrom says something about Nohr and Hoshido being "mythical/legendary" that doesn't mean their the same continent/world especially with the Dragons Gate/Outrealms and the fact the continents don't match up at all in terms of geography.
I was actually upset when she died. Scarlet's death just irritated me because it made no sense and I think they did it partially so that it would stop the shipping with Ryoma a bit so that he could marry the Avatar. Lilith's death was fucking stupid.
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Just watching her become Ced 2.0 with RNG blessings up the ass was fucking golden; giving her Excalibur was only the cherry on top. Also I'll admit, I liked her quirky personality and her support with Vanessa. If only if she was in a harder game.
Yeah, I didn't mind Scarlet dying in Conquest because it actually made sense, but the thing about Ninian was my point, even though she's bullshit resurrected at the end it wasn't quite so stupid as the Revelations death. Making her and Reina Corrinsexuals was a mistake
I love the way she glomped onto Vanessa when she said that pegasus feathers were an aphrodisiac, her supports with Knoll were good too, though how she mistakes him for a good unit I'll never know
>. Making her and Reina Corrinsexuals was a mistake
Reina being a Corrinsexual really doesn't sense to me. She comes in mid-game and has connections with several Hoshido characters. What the fuck.
>prepromotes are garbage
Oh, please. Even if you ignore the god that Percival is, most of the prepromotes are fine. It's not like enemies have super high stats in this game.

I think the DS games are the only ones where prepromotes are anywhere close to being "garbage".

Pair Lyn with Hector and keep her away from MU during her chapter. Lilina could use that extra speed growth.

>Roy stuck with shit growth thanks to Ninian

He promotes at the end of chapter 16 now, so some of his growth was cut in half assuming if you don't pair Eliwood with anyone
yeah, Shura is kind of understandable, but she was one of Mikoto's retainers along with Orochi, and Yukimara
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I dunno what it is but I love Nephenee's design.

Runners up would have to be any shaman characters. Knoll and Canas are cool and I like the dark magic spells in the GBA games.
it's more that, excluding 1 or 2 prepromotes, every single prepromote has every single state 2-5 points lower than a manually promoted unit of the same level, which gets fucking ridiculous with Marcus, Zealot, Yuno, Niime, or Dayan. Yuno has 11 str as a level 9 falcoknight. Niime has 25 HP at 2 levels from cap.
I don't I have a set favorite. I like a lot of the characters. But right now I'll say, Lyn, Hector, Xander, Ryoma, Camilla, Soren, Ike, Tibarn, Ranulf, and Titania.
*every single stat
Also there's the issue that their growths are hot garbage so they start OK then don't ever get better
Well if they weren't then you'd have another Seth, Niime and Dayan aren't that bad, outside of her HP, but Yuno is shit
I want light magic to come back. How they did magic in Fates was kind of weird and there were the nerfs.
you can have a character be a Pent without being a Seth yaknow.
There's hardly a point playing each game more than once when I have a huge ass backlog and more Fire Emblems to play in the first place.

I'm not saying he's shit, I'm saying mine was bad.
But with Pent you just had people saying how useless Erk was because he couldn't surpass him.
Pre-promotes are meant to be decent, but have less potential than weaker units, so that they aren't just dumped and replaced as soon as possible
>every single prepromote has every single state 2-5 points lower than a manually promoted unit of the same level
Prepromotes are good because they require no effort to be usable.
Marcus and Zealot are useful until chapter 13 or so, which is pretty much half the game.
Yuno and Niime have high magic and staff rank, again with no effort required, which makes them useful in all levels of play
Promotion items are also kinda scarce, unless you find secret shops, so promoting everyone you want can be hard. Prepromotes can fill the empty slots, and the game is usually very generous with the slots.
>bullshit map layouts
>seize ad nauseum, even in stages that don't make sense
>terrible unit growths, even on 'est' archetypes
>bullshit endgame requirements for the actual ending
>lord that requires babying for 90% of the game
>shitty units
>even worse ancient evil story than 6

yeah, nah. as far as GBA titles go, 7>8>6
The reccomendations are so wrong it hurts. Wyvern knight is miles better than falcon knight, thanks to pierce and better promotion gains. Rogue is the best promotion option for colm since it saves lockpick uses and he doesnt combat well anyway. There are plenty more, too
Yuno has nothing, you're thinking of Yodel
Fuck, I got the name wrong.
it's not like lockpicks are rare, also wyvern knights whilst better stats-wise look like a sperm and have the pierce glitch, so swings and roundabouts
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This little nigga. My first playthrough of 8 I turned him into a summoner and he ended up capping everything but luck
>better than 8
>7 which has some of the blandest, most boring maps in the entire series
>better. Than. 8.
I'm triggered. You need to take your shit taste somewhere else, bub
at least 7 has some difficulty
Yeah, but it also had BBD, Cogs of Destiny, Night of Farewells, Victory or Death,
Wyvern Knights are still significantly better than Falcos
The promotion bonuses for rogue and assassin aren't that different, but slayer is less useful than no lockpicks (also the rogue has better combat animations)
I don't know, Vanessa and Tana aren't exactly the most defensively strong units in the game so having your avoid be fucked up by WTD against axe wielders limits your movement and combat. Sure you gain more con with wyvern knight therefore accommodating attack speed loss you also lose more aid and therefore hindered of your unit's abilities to rescue people.
And axereavers aren't exactly easy to come by.
The only bad map in all of ephraims route is the boat. The rest range from good to amazing

It did? Where? I never found any.
Sacred Stones Ephraim hard mode was hard if you didnt use seth, but HHM was trivialized by a wide variety of characters
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Why there are no natural female assassins in the series, aside from MU? I mean, the only female thief that I can remember is Cath, and she cannot promote on her game, and Marisa is a Myrmidon who ends up better as a Swordmaster.

Assassins are probably my favorite class in the series, nothing would beat that edgy but fantastic crit animation. Sages are god tier, however.
Really I found Ephraim Hard mode a whole load easier than HHM.
Also I liked the boat one as that was incredibly hard and really challenging if all three cavaliers were getting screwed on def and speed
>Mattering when enemies in these games are jokes

Who cares if Percy and Seth probably won't cap anything if they already decimate most of the enemy army.
Axe users are generally easy to take out even without wpn adv, vanessa and tana both cap speed absurdly early, pierce is actually really powerful and has a good proc rate in the late game
Aid never really got in my way. Generally i would use vanessa to drop Franz or Ephraim and she was good at that. SS is good about not having many squishy characters
>Why are there no natural female assassins
Ask Jaffar, also I sort of count Kagero as one
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>assassin mini sprite
>thief sprite
Poor Leila.
Well I'm talking about enemy phase with axe wielders. There are times when it's not just one axe user in one area, there could be multiple. It's a big hinderance if you have to take a longer route because taking the quicker route puts you at risk of getting to low HP or worse, dying, because your avoid gets its shit fucked up.
I wonder if Int Sys have ever said why they gave her the two different class sprites
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That post is entirely backwards for the numbers and your opinion is incredibly wrong.

The maps in 6 were fucking great and actually really difficult.
Seize slightly bothered me but it makes a shitload of sense from the story perspective. And it lets you nab victory in some spots where someone might be in mortal danger.
I don't know what the fuck you're talking about bad growths with, the units I ended up using were great and capped quite a few stats.
The endgame requirements for the true ending are bullshit but they make sense in the lore and actually give you a reason to play the gaiden chapters other than a few free levels.
Roy is hardly excusable but once he does finally promote he's at least able to defend himself unlike the 2nd shittiest lord in the entire series, Lyn.
Shitty units is wrong outright because the game has Lillina, Gonzales, Ray, Dieck/Oujay, Fir/Rutger, Shin, and the Pegasus knights.

6 >> 8 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7 and I fucking love Hector and his mode

deal with it
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Major or minor, who's your favorite FE villain?
You pretty posted him for me.
Lehran/Sephiran and Nergal.
>I have babied this character better than I would Ross/Donnel in order for her to be good

fuck at least Ross has a ranged attack

Lyn is trash for the most part, I hate her shitty Sacaean Pocahontas bullshit lore

7 really is the worst game by far, partially because it forces her on you for 10 chapters of tutorial and the only good thing about them was Sain and Kent.
what? that was just from my last playthrough. I didn't baby anyone.

lyn has solid growths, and lyn gets bows on promotion.
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>It's a 'contrarian thinks FE6 was good' episode
>fe7 is worst
Ok, i agree its shitty compared to the other gba games but its better than shadow dragon and radiant dawn at least
>radiant dawn
Radiant Dawn has some of the best gameplay mechanics and maps in the series
And she's also outclassed by a ton of other units without even a fraction of the effort.

She's made of paper and does need to be babied and take last hits on things to soak exp to even get remotely decent.

I did mean out of the gba games, it's definitely not the worst FE ever.

That goes to probably FE1-3 NES, Shadow Dragon has a strange charm to it, even though it's shit I can't help but like it.
>And she's also outclassed by a ton of other units without even a fraction of the effort.
name one myrm-type unit that outclasses her.

go on, I'm waiting.
>she's made of paper
she's a goddamn myrm, of course she is.
>does need to be babied
not with her spd growth.
>take last hits on things
good thing she can deal with using heavier weapons without losing her doubling, and that the mani katti has so many charges, and that she has a pretty good crit rate.
but she's really good at taking out all the nomads you see early on, see gets enough exp form that, mages and mymridons as Sain, Oswin and Hector aren't always around to one-hit all of them
I didn't specifically mention myrmidons, which rely entirely on RNG to even be good anyway.

Raven is better.
Sain is far far far better.
Hector is better.
Eliwood does damage more reliably and can take a hit a little better.

She does need to be babied for at least 7-10 levels depending on your level ups. Not even worth the time.

Mani Katti is her crutch and when it runs out you're pretty much better off benching, too bad you are forced to take her to the last map.
>raven is better
raven is one of the best units in the game.
>sain is better
he relies on RNG to be good since his growths are middle-of-the-road
>hector is better
see raven
hahahahahaha no.
>She does need to be babied for at least 7-10 levels
those 7-10 levels are filled almost exclusively with fighters, bandits, and mercs, none of whom can hit her.
>mani katti is her crutch
yeah, until she gets enough SPD that she can double anything even with an iron/steel blade.

and thanks to plot, you can use the mani katti as much as you want in lyn mode since she gets a brand new one in hector/eliwood mode.

the only lord worth benching is eliwood; too bad he's mandatory in eliwood mode and you have to take him on the final map.
Even Eliwood gets a rapier, which is more useful than Lyn could ever be
I'm not even the person you're replying to but Sain is generally better, enemies in FE7 aren't that fast so Sain can normally double without too many issues, and enemies that he can't normally get one-shotted by him with a steel lance. Also he's likely to be 10-15 points ahead of Lyn in hp, and 5-10 in def so he can actually take hits, and has a clear advantage in move

I'd say the Mani Katti is more useful than the Rapier in everything except funds rank, but that's a point against using Eliwood's rapier if anything
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FE8 was really easy and really short. Despite that, I do think it's one of the best FEs.
if you want to go for another very challenging run through and mixed up classes use the fe randomizer.

I did that already. It was really fun, but Shaman!Eirika was horrible.

Fortunately, Ephraim got Cavalier. In hindsight, that probably broke the game even more.
i got one where eirika had a pegasi and ephraim along with half the units i got until map 12 or so were wyvern riders. sadly my laptop broke shortly after.
He gets screwed by RNG though. If he doesn't get the speed and/or skill, he won't double or not even hit. Happened to me more often than not.

That's amazing. Those are probably the best thing anybody's come up with in a long time. They really make new playthroughs very interesting.
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eh, I've never had a bad lyn, but I've had sain get fucked on stats multiple times.

hell, my last run I benched him for kent, who ended up becoming godly instead.
He will tend to get the str to make up for it, and even the faster enemies like pegasus knights get weighed down by their steel weapons

>Not using both
my sain died in lyn mode and kent started getting nuts. by the time I got them back sain was already behind.
Wait are you the guy who made those FE playthrough threads in /v/?
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Holy shit your Kent reminds me of my Ced 2.0 Lute.
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who /amelia/ here?
My nigga
Amelia the STRONK, pray for eternal gains
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yeah, it was magical.

my Cia in my current run is stupid good too
>Magic stat rising
I refuse to believe this is anything but part of a master plan
this hack predates TDKR
Bravo Int Sys
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>int sys
blame the literal 15 year old and internet forum who wrote it.
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The only FE game I've played is SS.

I really liked grinding my units up in the towers.
What a hothead
You basically need rutger for the wyvern knight spam on hard mode, whatever the murdoch mission is.
>Rutger for wyverns
>Not Dieck, Gonzales, Perical, or Geese
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