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My friend was VAC banned in TF2. He hasn't played TF2 in

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My friend was VAC banned in TF2. He hasn't played TF2 in over a week. He's just been playing Dark Souls.
Is there anything he can do to get past ZERO TOLERANCE? TF2 matchmaking is coming out and he can't play it with an account that doesn't have a phone number tied to the account, but his phone number is banned, so...
Proof that it's not me. He's a great lad and I KNOW he would never cheat. He isn't even good at TF2
He deserves it, get fucked.
He cheated. False VAC bans do happen but are extremely rare and they get removed within a week after being applied.
Get cucked, get KEKbox
>playing tf2
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He really doesn't deserve it. The dude couldn't be a jerk if he tried.

He hasn't played in over a week. He has a lot of valuable items, including gifts from friends (like me). He wouldn't risk it, I know him. There has to be some kind of mistake.

I don't play TF2 anymore
>He hasn't played in over a week.

VAC bans are delayed from either two weeks to around a month.
VAC bans come in waves. It doesn't matter when he played last time. Fuck that faggot.
VAC bans are almost always delayed, meaning the cheat was detected at some point in the past from the date the ban is applied.
Your friend is a cheater and a liar. You are a faggot for believing him. Congratulations.
Reminds me of those beta guys who are in denial about their girlfriend that 'would never' cheat on them.
I had a friend who got vacbanned and he just made a new account. I don't know if family sharing would work, but for TF2 it wouldn't even matter because the game is free.
I guess OP's friend lost his autismbux on TF2

A friend also went through this dumb shit
Might as well pay the PSPlus/XboxLive tax to avoid dumb shit like this
>Get VAC banned
>"I-I wasn't cheating I swear!"

Every time
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If that were true, he would have been caught in the two recent VAC waves that banned a fuckton of hackers from TF2. He was not.

He has a lot of steam games and sentimental unusuals + stranges, and you can't trade without having a non-vac banned phone number associated with your account. He can't make a new account without a new phone number and spending five dollars to get premium.
haven't there been bans in that kind of shit too?
i seem to remember a lot of "banned consoles" ebay listings existing

may as well just stick to singleplayer to avoid that, regardless of platform
That's not how it works
You should probably just accept you internet friend lied to you about cheating.
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Why do these kids always post here when they get banned?

Like someone's gonna come along and wave a magic wand to unban them?

Don't fucking cheat and this shit wouldn't happen in the first place.
>I had a friend that got falsely banned

Summer /v/ wasn't real they said
You do realize cheating in online console games also gets you banned?

Entitlement issues I'm guessing
he was cheating

fuckup about it, this isn't your blog
Kids aren't very smart, which is how they get banned in the first place.

Surely, they must think, if there is a magical program they can use to see through walls, there must be a program or a method to get them unbanned.
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Same here, got vacced from TF2 because I had a shaders mod (topkek).

But, it just gave me a reason to get a smurf account with CS:S, CS:GO and TF2.

The only problem is the shitty ass "476 days since last vacban" bullshit on your steam profile.
But most people I've met doesn't care. It's just me that thinks it looks ugly.
Oh now I get it, this is an intentionally false flagged TF2 Matchmaking advertisement.
I'd also like to point out that the VAC waves I mentioned in >>344250315 were for the previously undetectable premium version of LMAObox, which for years would bypass VAC detection.
There is zero reason to use LMAObox now that it's being caught, ESPECIALLY on a 3 years old account with 2k+ hours in TF2 and sentimental stranges + unusuals.

I posted the chat log just because I knew someone would think it's me.
I can post my Steam profile if you'd like.
>assmad about "zero tolerance" automatically in chat
your "friend" is a cheater and a liar. and chances are you are too. thank god for VAC
/pol/ go back to your containment zone, there is even a happening occurring right now, go have fun
It would be hypocritical for cheaters to care that you have a VAC ban.
You do realize people can lie over the Internet? Here I'll show you.

I'm a billionaire that fucks hot Asian call girls every night, I am also co-owner of Activision, Bethesda, Electronic Arts and Ubisoft.

Well, obviously I was referring to non-cheaters.

Getting a vac doesn't mean you get sent to the shadow realm or whatever the fuck, I just can't play TF2 and other source based games on secure servers, that's why I have my smurf, so I can play on secure servers.

I can still play CS:GO on my main and play all of my other games since I'm not vacbanned on them.
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Tell me about the new games rich onii-san
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That you should buy all of them. Especially Fallout 4 and its Season Pass, and then buy it again once the Game of the Year Edition comes out.
>If that were true

That IS true you retard. VAC bans do come in waves. Just accept that your faggot friend cheated and fuck off.
He cheated, his scum, and he deserves that shit.
If you're right and your friend was banned for no reason, I know a way to lift the ban.

As long as it's a mistake; it won't work if he was banned by legit misconduct.
I know people can lie.
But this dude has every reason NOT to cheat.
Sentimental items, including a very special strange festive rocket launcher that he has a funny history with with Steam Support, expensive items, many hours in TF2, 104 games in his library, the knowledge that VAC bans were happening and premium LMAObox is now being detected, the fact that he's always been average in TF2 every time we played together, and the fact that he hasn't played TF2 for a week. Plus the fact that he's super duper nice, though there's not much I can do to prove that.
go cry somewhere else, you won't accomplish anything here.
What do you mean?
I've seen cheaters with $4000+ worth of TF2 items, they too thought they were invincible with LMAObox
He cheated. Being a nice guy doesn't make people not cheat.
Having rare pixels doesn't make people not cheat.
He cheated.
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Your friend is a liar and a cheat, and he deserves it. VAC doesn't just trigger at random, it's automated. Fuck you for this thread, and fuck your friend.
>He hasn't played TF2 in over a week

That doesn't mean anything at all, you don't get an automated VAC ban the second you cheat, that shit takes time
>Honestly didn't cheat or anything before, hasn't even played the game in question for a week before the VAC ban
Fuck off with that suspicious bullshit.

>Hey bro you just got a letter with a speeding ticket eh
>But I never sped
>So are you going to contest it?
>No, they'll never bring it down ever because they're assholes who send out speeding tickets to people that don't speed duh
t. my lazy sociopathic brother that owes everyone in the family assloads of money through begging or outright theft
>He hasn't played TF2 in over a week

VAC can ban people even if they cheated 6 months ago.

your friend is a cheater and you can suck a cock.
>and premium LMAObox is now being detected
The fact that he knows that is suspicious, dude was probably using it.
the vac banned text on people's profiles should be 28 point bold comic sans that changes to different neon colors every hour
What's his steam ID? I have a tool I can use to see weather or not it's a false trigger. If it's false, I can help him take steps to get his name cleared.
I forgot to mention that there's also matchmaking requiring your phone number and that's even more incentive to not fuck up and do something stupid if you're interested in trying out the new matchmaking.

That was before the premium version of LMAObox was detected.
I'd post it was an INTENTIONAL decision.png but I can't manage to find it.

How do you explain not playing TF2 for a week and not being banned in the recent VAC waves? The other stuff was just stuff that would deter someone from cheating.

Again, he was not caught in earlier VAC waves.
I think you guys need the context of this to understand just how impossible this is. LMAObox is an aimbot that's been undetectable for YEARS. Recently something happened that made VAC able to detect the premium version and thousands of cheaters in CSGO and TF2 got banned and lost thousands of dollars in items. This is the context. Now apply this to a dude who has 2k+ hours in TF2, sentimental items, plays tf2 infrequently etc and it just doesn't add up.

There were recently two VAC waves that caught the premium version of LMAObox that was previously undetectable. If he did cheat, he would have been caught in these two waves.

What? Everyone knows this. People lost thousands of dollars worth of items because they thought they were safe and damage control was in full force. It was fucking hilarious and one of the best things to happen to TF2 in recent memory.

if valve were wrong they would reverse it.

he was cheating
>People lost thousands of dollars worth of items because they thought they were safe
Including your friend now.

Who even plays TF2 any more? I feel like it'd just be autistic kiddies, jesus christ.
git gud
why are you typing out this many paragraphs to defend your cheating friend?
We're not gullible, you're not fooling anyone.

seriously what the fuck are you hoping to accomplish here? All you're doing it making yourself look like a fool while we laugh at how naive you are.
He was banned in the recent VAC wave. This one.
>How do you explain not playing TF2 for a week
How do you know he wasn't playing TF2?

You can have multiple steam games open at the same time, he may have had dark souls open so people wouldn't assume he was on TF2. It doesn't false trigger, and your friend is a filthy cheater, and a HUGE faggot.

You're a faggot too, for good measure.
>How do you explain not playing TF2 for a week and not being banned in the recent VAC waves?
Your retarded friend could have cheated a month ago and just got banned today. Learn how VAC works before posting shit you mong.
Just fucking accept that you've been lied to and leave.
Is there anything he can do to get past ZERO TOLERANCE?

Nope, I sent a ticket when I got hit by VACation last year and they just gave back an automated message. Not even surprised because of my past friends' experiences with steam support regarding his items being stolen via hacking.

It's frustrating to not know why you got banned, and whether to expect another one when starting all over on a new account.
OP, I can help, seriously.
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I found the dumb image.

I feel like this is just going to get him harassed.
Would you add me on Steam instead?

We talk daily and I haven't seen him launch TF2.
He also has only 5 hours on record for the past two weeks for TF2.

Again, those waves would have detected him. If he WAS going to cheat on his main account he would not keep his valuable items on his account KNOWING that LMAObox premium is detectable. It's common sense.
Just please fuck off already. He cheated, thought he wouldn't be caught, forgot about it for a few months and now he is banned. Now join him and both end your lives.
>check profile
>0 hours playtime last 2 weeks
Wow, SO fucking hard
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>Letting yourself get harassed when you are aware of the possibility of that shit happening
Surely this is someone else's profile right?
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No, I don't care.

For the hundredth time, there were very recent VAC waves that caught thousands of cheaters in CSGO and TF2. If he cheated that lnog ago he would have been caught then.
someone go through his friends list and find the one with a tf2 vac ban

Just fucking read any of the like 10 posts telling you that and stop being a faggot.
been working on it, still trying
If this was an elaborate ruse to generate your own personal army well done OP
I think it's http://steamcommunity.com/id/wwalksintothread , Dark Souls on the most recently played games and days since VAC

I guess I have autism

Fucking cancerous profile.
VAC bans come in waves.

Massive amount, then nothing, massive amount, then nothing.
What a faggot
He's from homestuck general, oh no
>Cheating with all those items

He could have atleast sold them for mad dosh if he was going to be a faggot
looking at his groups, he's from tf2 general too. Extra faggot
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I didn't think anyone would bother going through my friends list to find him but I was mistaken.
Maybe it'll prove my point.
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>this thread
tell your friend to enjoy using his unusuals with bots lmao
Valve got a hold of the LMAObox source and has been monitoring it's use ever since. 0% chance he wasn't hacking.
>Goes Giantdad

There's a point where you should stop memeing and even OnlyAfro is sick and tired of that meme.
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Have you never received a Steam comment?
Ironic stuff is the norm these days.
he kinda accepts it too easily.

He probably did cheat, and he knows he got caught for it.
looking at his name, picture and description makes me think it isnt ironic
>Maybe it'll prove my point.
was the point that you and your friend are faggots? mission accomplished.
you're a retard op
VAC doesn't just ban in waves you fucktard
He even sounds like he knows he's been cheating in the chat logs.
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>I forgot to mention that there's also matchmaking requiring your phone number and that's even more incentive to not fuck up and do something stupid if you're interested in trying out the new matchmaking.
I bet your friend was retarded and used a public number
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>tfw never vac'ed
>tfw didn't give steam my real name
>tfw not giving gabe my phone number
Valve's got nothin' on me
If I'm understanding this correctly they used one of those public SMS sites and got banned because a billion cheaters use those same site?

Not really into the whole Valve game competitive scene.
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A friend of me said he got VAC banned on Black Ops 2 because he lagged he lagged into a wall
If you link a phone number to a steam account and get VAC'd, it VACs the number. He picked up the public number, applied it to his own account and got VAC'd, so it applied the ban to everyone who linked the number.
You need to use the authenticator every time you log in so using a public number for more than a one-time use won't work.
Not sure if it's the same in black ops 2, but in MW2 joining hacked lobbies got you VAC'd, and people would hack public lobbies so everyone who joined by chance got VAC'd.
You only have to do that if you don't set steam to auto log you in on startup.
but unlike valve game VAC's, MW2 VAC's and B02 VAC's don't carry to source games or gioldsrc games or other COD's. You can have more than one VAC on your account. I think the max possible right now is like 11 or something
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your friend cheated and he deserve it and you for having that shitty gay ponyfucker wallpaper on your desktop
I hope both you and your friend's account get hijacked by some russian

pic related my vac ban although none of my multiplayer games were affected
garry's mod 9 is non steam, the one on steam is 10
portal doesn't have vac

I kept the vac so people would rage at me when I stomp them in pubs thinking I'm cheating
He said he was banned in MW2 for being invited by a "friend" to such a hacked lobby, but for BO2 it was just lag according to him.
Maybe it was a hacked lobby that fucked with ping.
Are you the shuckle that played with walrus at some point.
I don't recall anyone by the name of walrus. Do you mean whale? Maybe walrack?

There's someone in the tf2 comp scene named Shuckle but that's not me.
of course it's not you, shitter

go back to camping in those trade servers
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I got vac banned for cheating while in the single player mode of "dungeon defenders", I didn't notice at the time because I never tried playing online games until someone pointed it out on my profile.

Emailing steam lead to a auto-generated response "WE DO NOT REMOVE VAC BANS"

I don't really care because I don't play that game online ever but its a little embarrassing to have that stamp on my profile permanently.
Maybe he cheated in Dark Souls or used some injector for it.
>>>>>>>>being a fucking faggot
shut up

also your friend isnt missing anything, i havent been able to play the new update all fucking day
VAC bans are game specific. If he cant play tf2 that means he was doing somthing in tf2 that warranted a VAC ban.
It's engine specific, not game.
vac bans are delayed vac bans are delayed vac bans are delayed vac bans are delayed vac bans are delayed vac bans are delayed vac bans are delayed vac bans are delayed
But he did get caught
VAC bans go out in waves and are not immediate. He was probably detected cheating a week ago and now everyone in that wave was banned. Fuck off
Holy fucking shit are you retarded.

Whatever fucking cheat he used finally got detected. Regardless of the waves previous his cheat managed to not be caught until recently.

How fucking stupid are you.

You're friend cheated and won't admit it.

>getting people banned in waves by using their phone number for verification
You bring shame on all Georgians. Fucking faggot
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Shit I didn't even notice that
Hope he doesn't live anywhere near Decatur
I'm safe from all this shit in Houston county. Can't stand Atlanta for the most part.
Who the fuck hacks in garrysmod? You can build a fucking aimbot turret machine with the tools that are avilable in the base game.
>over an entire week
Holy shit you are retarded. VAC works in a simple manner
>Find cheats
>Ban signature of said cheat
>Rack up bans and plenty of signatures over a random period of time
>Apply bans
You can get VAC'd for something youve done 3 months ago.
Yeah, one of my friends has a trade ban because he randomly got banned in tf2, a game he doesn't play. Means he can't get items in dota which sucks. He reported it to valve and nothing ever came of it. I don't think he really cares but I know I would.
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