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Idolmaster Cinderella Girls Viewing Revolution announced for PSVR

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Thread replies: 545
Thread images: 197

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>tfw you were born right in time to witness this
call me when there is a love live version
Time for another boat episode
Looking up skirts is the best use of VR.
If Aquors joins the VR train, bruh
A man can only hope
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I take boats over whatever the fuck the new anime is.
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So what? This'll NEVER come to the states. The SJW will do whatever they can to stop it.
Lovelive is managed by jews and will never get anything worth mention
dont tell miura about this
I'm going to MARRY Kirari
NEVER EVER in the west sadly.
He already preordered 10 copies
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I want to rub Rin's tummy!
Literally worst girl also a slut
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autism galore
Is it me or is the animation worse than Starlight Stage?
You're the only autist here
Will she be in it?
Who is that semen demon?
Flandre from Touhou
Yay I can finally be a faceless man swinging a glowstick
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Two bombs weren't enough.
That looks boring as shit compared to Platinum Stars lives, so how about they make a VR version for that instead?
Better video
Miria is cute! CUTE!
No, it's definitely not flandre
It looks like it was just taken from Starlight Stage, which is a mobile game, so it makes sense that it doesn't look as good as the upcoming PS4 game.

I don't think they're going to make all new concerts for a VR gimmick game.

Maybe I've played too much IIDX, but that rhythm portion seems way too easy.
Maybe it's because the rhythm part isn't the main focus of the game.
Actually, it does look a bit different than Starlight Stage, and by different I mean worse:
Nobody else going to point out that the models are taken entirely from Starlight Stage the mobile game??
well yeah, the models for the cinderella girls were already made, they weren't gonna remake them for some VR gimmick
This is stupid, I don't want to be the stinky fan, I want to be a cute idol wearing a cute dress with frills. I want to experience the make up session before, the training, the dancing. VR has one job for me, making me the little girl.

But even Starlight Stage has better rhythm mechanics though.
SS is a rhythm game, regular games are not.

765 games are about managing idols and VN shit

Why not have Idol management AND rhythm in the same game?
>More Anastasia
I can dig it.

Rhythm games aren't that fun if you're not an autist.

>develop the most advanced porn tools ever
>ayylmao let's use it for pathetic weebs that play with their glowing stick at concerts
Guess I'll have to buy a PS4 now.
Cat is best.
Miyazaki was the first to fall in love with an anime girl though. It's the reason he became and anime director and mangaka.
guess I'm a #whoreforps4 now
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>features the nine idols of the Cinderella Project
>tfw voiceless idols will never ever appear
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We can always hope for a Asian version with English subtitles
So what is this? You pretend you are at a concert of anime girls? What's the point? You might as well just watch a youtube vid of the concert. Is there at least a mode were you can fuck them or something?
Nope, not popular enough
Kaede isn't in the cast too by the way
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Where's the fish fucker?
>dude sex lmao
Holy shit fuck off normalfags.
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I want to commit a crime
Miria is the cutest idol.
I always hope.
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SR when?
I dont think you would need subtitles?

Is it not a concert simulator
>buying a PS4 for a game that will never be localized
>what is import
>not knowing moon already
What are you even doing here?
>going from being the Producer and actually sharing stuff with them to just one of the million faceless (literally) men in the crowd

Give me a single reason why this is a good thing.
Do we know if they're the only ones? The Mobile game only showed 5 in the trailer as well.
>Cinderella girls
Into the trash
The crowd chanting and cheering is one of the best parts of im@s concerts
Summer Lesson

It's like they're implementing the final solution on Otaku.
They announced omly 9 at release
There different sceenshots with different locations
So yes, it's confirmed
I find it annoying in almost any kind of concert.
I found it hype as fuck.

>But even Starlight Stage has better rhythm mechanics
I don't know about Platinum Stars, but Starlight Stage feels more like a QTE than a proper rhythm game. It just feels so random, like it's got nothing to do with the music that's playing.
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>tfw all I wanted to do was make the chuuni dork become the greatest udol the world has ever seen
Well at least I'll get to see her doing some poses I guess
Love this meme

The 765 girls are fine but CG objectively has the better girls
Idol*, fuck
Well that sucks.
There is no objectivity in Idol Master.
> Idolmaster Cinderella Girls Viewing Revolution

This would've been top tier if the girls didn't look like they were being starved to death.
Fuck no, the only thing that CG had over the original IM@S was the anime since for whatever reason they decided to make the original anime some dumb SoL where the girls might as well not even be idols for like 80% of the episodes.

>liking fat "women"
Im thinking more of a situation where they neet so hard they dont ever take off the helmet or get food.
I better be a cinderella girl in the game. Always wanted to dance in front of a bunch of weebs in frilly dresses.
You can see their ribs.
>765 girls are fine
They are old and busted.
You can't see it in the pic anon posted, but they're basically skeletons in the rest of it. Thiccfags can go fuck themselves, but I prefer for my lolis to not be on the brink of death.
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>Cinderella Girls
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Post real fat
Did someone said fat idol?
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>CG have Rin, Anzu, Anastasia, Sachiko

how does 765 even compete?
Have you never seen a little girl's body? And before you try to meme it up by calling me a pedo or whatever, surely you've been to the beach/pool/whatever with a young relative or something.

Little kids have visible ribs, like their whole torso looks very "tight" and defined unless they're fat. That's the best part about loli bodies, and artists who draw lolis as short normal girls without breasts are fucking cancer.
>the only thing that CG had over the original IM@S was the anime

The CG anime is awful compared to the original, and the original is barely an SoL show. Try watching more than the first 5 episodes, retard.
By not having this garbage
At least name actually good CG idols, like Uzuki
>The CG anime is awful compared to the original
Dumbest opinion I've read in the last 3 months
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>muh realism
How can you honestly say with a straight face that this isn't objectively more attractive than if her bones were clearly visible?
cg has the better lolis desu
Better characters, better material to adapt from, god tier broducer, better pacing and structure and more original ideas on the whole IM@S thing.

It really is better, CG is trash in comparison and lacks almost everything that made the original's show fucking great on its own.
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It's not just muh realism, it's an integral part of why I'm into loli. I find Benantoka lolis a lot more attractive than the pic you posted, for example.
Not him, but it was terrible
First cour was more or less good, but drama in the second one was just plainly retarded
The only good thing was that They portraited Anya and Rin decision to abandon losers as a good thing, but still ruined it in the next episode with great plot twist "Person who wants absolute control over things left underage girls without any surveillance, so cool producer could save them and look good!!!"
CG would be good if they dumped all the trash and only kept the actually good characters
Name them
Best idol is in sideM
I want to find him.
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
Who love live here?
I wish this meme would die
didn't watch season 2 of the cg anime since season 1 was rushed garbage, but that sounds interesting. what exactly happened?
CG anime is terribad, the girls are good though
When will Toku Idol be released on Starlight Stage?
I love Takumi!
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She was too good to be in the anime.
Her head is the size of the eggs my chickens lay.
I'll take everything you said but
>talking shit about TakeP
Get the fuck out of my face, he was a much better character
Me on the right.
waifu age
Delinquent waifu = auto top tier
Your chicken's an ostrich m8.
in during 765 Pro DLC
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Stop looking at the mirror so much, Rin. It's not good for you.
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So whens the US release slated for?

>US release

However, Play-Asia does currently have an email address you can send requests for games you want to see have an Asia English release. Last I checked, they said Platinum Stars was the #1 most requested game.
Cinderella girls gets a pity game while 765 gets the real game that also has VR support for maximum producer.

How can the CGs even compete?
never ever
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I fucking love that doujin. I hate scat and stuff, but I love the way he just pushes her to her absolute limits and has his life ruined.
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No Karen, not carin'.
>765 is part of an idol management game series
>CG isn't and so it doesn't have a game of that genre
Not hard to understand, is it?
> CGfags have to pretend they don't even want a game to avoid the salt of being mobage garbage
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Remove Sachiko
>cinderella girls

No thank you
I'm a 765 fag, actually. I was just explaining the facts.
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I love Ranko and Anya, truly the best idols.

I don't get how anyone like LL the art is really bad and the characters are so much worse.
>I don't get how anyone like LL
RIP Berserk
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>liking the commie
Snow Halation is catchy.
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These are my dork wives.
>importing games you won't understand
Bargain Bin Yukiho is my favorite CG
Her cuteness is extraordinary
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Which one is that?
That is not okay.
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Not like you can go back in time and stop it.
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Normie Ranko.
Hair down Ranko a best
I can witness it, but i will likely never get not experience it.
Who is this qt? Looks like she belongs in a different game
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Reminder that we could've had an idol show about christmas caks
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Fish Idol Nanami
>Needs a translation to watch a bunch of underage girls dance

No u
He probably means Miho.
Thank god we averted that problem.
I dont like it.
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jesus christ all their faces are the same
Too old
In her rocker chair
Could be worse.
Could be LL, where the faces are in fact all the same.
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It won't have best girl so why bother?
>liking cow tits
>Different eye shapes
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My second favourite girl is Koume and she's nowhere to be found either so I'm still let down.
>tfw you have lived to see sameface become another meaningless memeword
It might as well be the new QUALITY
Better pay up for the new PS4 model goy, else it's going to be running at silky smooth 240p 10fps.
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Is best sister in it?
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>Mika is only interested in lolis

When did this start?
When the loli she lived with didn't give her enough attention
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i like anzu
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Sorry, m8, it's shit for anyone who doesn't have severe mommy issues
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I wanna use her to get to her friend
>that voice
rooooaaadingu roadingu~
Her voice is lovely anon.
If you're deaf
Don't talk about Kirari like that you bully
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Why did Mio do everything wrong?
there needed to be a sacrifice, for the sake of drama
Mio died for our sins

I strongly disliked her until I realized that
VR photoshoot session when
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Because Uzuki was the only one with a somewhat solid reason to be angry
Is this a preview of PSVR?
Really don't feel like watching 20 episodes of CGshit, what happened?
Mio threw a hissy fit about being a starter idol.
Rin basically turned into Judas
Uzuki pretty much quit when literally everything around her just fell apart
Wait that shit happened in the first season
Nah i as just talking about what happened in the whole CG anime series.

Expecting people to make the obvious observation on 4chan and to know things. This thread is going to be about arguing over idols and the state of gaming without any actual rationalizations
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Uzuki had a hard career, but at least she came out on top.
Why do people shit so much about Rin wanting to do something on her own?

The anime adaptations are the weakest part of the franchise
>200 posts into the thread
>replying to 5 hour old post
>making predictions for a thread that basically already happened and still getting them wrong
>modern 4chan addons/extensions make deleting posts pretty much useless
Kinda feel bad for you to be honest
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Same reason why people think that CG was good anime
They didn't grew up yet. There's literally nothing wrong with accepting promotions
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The only good thing from season 2
All hail the best crowned CG
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How long until i can download this on my vive and cheer from there?
I love Takane's design but her character's so shit. Why does the world have to be so unfair.
That's not Ranko.
Which character? Her iDOLM@STER SP character or the lolsorandumb one in the anime?
The anime one, I'm a filthy EOP secondary :^)
The SP game she's in has 2 (Yukiho and Iori) out of 3 routes translated. She appears as a rival in SP but still has plenty of scenes and some nice development.
Never ever. Sony will work hard to ensure it stays on the psvr
I played the Chihaya route in whichever game she was in because Chihaya's the best and that was enough for me. The gameplay wasn't that great, and the fact that I kept giving Chihaya the wrong answers and making her angry was stressful and made me feel like I didn't truly love my waifu. Not the experience I wanted from my idol games.
Chihaya has a pretty obvious case of social anxiety and the game makes it fairly clear, so it's not your fault.
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>scamco im@s section
>caring about baka gaijin
sjw is the least of your worries
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a fine bitch.png
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you're thinking of love live, m8
>There's literally nothing wrong with accepting promotions
are you forgetting about Nana's "sellout"?
>not liking mature idols

Fuck you
I like mature i just don't like the elderly trying to be hip and "with it."
It's a different thing if it works out for them. It didn't really work for Nana and Mika, but it did for Anastasia, and Minami wasn't a bitch about it.
>liking hags
Whoa, everyone look at this grannyfucker
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So is the best idol in it?
Go send them an email so Platinum Stars has a chance at being localized
No, "Met 9 idols in the new VR game"
And I doubt that they will remove idols from the trailer...
Why should I? You can literally buy game in the ps store
I find it funny how it's the only remarkable song.
Yeah, in moon runes and dog noises
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So is it only basically a concert or will there be actual gameplay? because i'm fine either way
Let me ask my dad, he's working on the game
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Yuki + Shiki duo when?
Get out of here Tanaka
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Cheering is good gameplay. Especially if it's for cute characters.
I'm going to headpat Miria!
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>they try to create a "book idol"
>one of the letters gets changed along the way
Well she is a good girl
Well, it's kinda hard if you're already in an established group preparing for an event and then suddenly some new boss just fish you out for her own event just to spite your old boss.
And Minami just proved herself to be the best girl by being the wisest girl out there.
>and then, out of nowhere, Mio announced herself to join a stage play
Which one has the best smelling butt?
Mio has to take whatever chance she can to get ahead.
Her announcement probably one of the most rage inducing moment I've ever seen in anime
Shame because I like her design
Mio was a good girl who din do nuffin.
gook idol???
Hook idol. One of her hands is prosthetic.
Is the gameplay in the PSP games representative of the rest of the series? What about Platinum Stars in general?
CG's core is so fucking boring. Could easily remove newgen and LL without losing much of value.
PSP is similar to two but not enough is known about Platinum Stars to really know much.
>din do nuffin
She was born
I hope you can see everything if you know what I mean.
Yeah but that's a gift to the world.
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They are saving her reveal for later surely.
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That's most of them aside from Natalie
>and Kaede, Jougasaki Sisters, Dekoration...
The answer is nostalgiafaggotry and that only.
This shit would not be profitable in the west. All but the worst weeaboos wouldn't know what to do with it.

In before people claiming it's because based devs getting bullied by tumblr numales.
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>set the game on the western coast of the Iberian Peninsula
>call it Portugal Reality
Jesus Christ that typesetting.
Why though? Almost none of them look Portuguese.
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Kirari a cute
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It's a shame how she's sexualized sometimes. I wish people wouldn't.
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who /konchikichin/ here?
Not by much. she's only like six feet.
Christ, this ones actually pretty cute.
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Brace for impact.
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Kirari tends to be
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I don't understand.
>It's like they're implementing the final solution on Otaku.
It seems Pokemon Go is forcing some Japanese to go outside, though.
Yeah that one I'm familiar with, other dude not so much.
But she's to much of a good girl.
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The only thought I had when I saw this was that Miura will never finish berserk.
>no CG girls covering /m/ songs
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She's FUCKING HUGE for a Japanese girl
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Nope the closest we'll get is the 8-bit retro songs and the xenoglossia OST.
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Well lets just hope he doesn't make the cast board a ship again.
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Hair down Natsuki superior Natsuki
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>The Era of Yuki
for you
I don't get it, why are weebs winning? They get shamed every which way yet the anime menace continues to spread
There are some others, like Imai singing Fafner's Shangri-La, and this
I like all Natsuki's.

But I like that image for her sexy as fuck armpits the most.
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Next up is the year of the rabbit anon.
>I don't get it, why are weebs winning? They get shamed every which way yet the anime menace continues to spread
You why are they getting games they want? Because they pay for them. More importantly, the casuals have moved into mobile games, so the hardcore became more valuable.
>the xenoglossia OST.
I doubt that may ever get an official reference ever again.
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>They get shamed every which way yet the anime menace continues to spread
Meme magic my friend.
A banana?
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Yeah promoting that Brazilian pride.
There isn't really enough
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Xenoglossia was recently featured on the mobile SRW, but that's kind of a wild card since it also had fucking Shinchan in it.
I wish to be the little idol.

POV version when?
>they pay for them.
Weebs are prolific pirates. You're posting on a weeb board that glorifies piracy.
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Which little idol?
Except this is not aimed at them, it's for those otaku who pay mad dosh for the possibility of getting a limited card on mobages.
Not sure what idol would appea to normies but Miku isn't a top choice. I'd think Anya or Rin or something.
He's obviously not talking about shitty cat Miku.
I meant vocaloid Miku for the plebs.

Koume like horror movies because the sex scenes turn her on
Category mistake. You're describing a subset of weebs. In other words white, completionist otaku.
Well Miku is fairly known from being on Letterman.
You're shitty.
This is not aimed at weebs period. im@s is still one of the few semi-major Japanese franchises to not be localized. And it likely will remain that way.
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I am awaited, shiny and chrome
Exept for that time Shiny Festa did, but I guess no one wants to remember that.
That was testing the waters for a Western release. And it was an utter failure so Bamco won't bother anymore.
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She is pretty bad. Worse then poser due to her bad taste in food.
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Shame they had to use the worst platform with very little advertisement.
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I want more of the cock rocker desu
>testing the waters
>ios exclusive at $50 for each one
>not even available now

They were just spitting on it.
>Specially release the most popular game in the franchise back then, cheaper on the west
>not testing the waters
I wonder, do you even know how imas games work?
And before removing game from the store they made every dlc free and sold games for the $5 for the 2 months
Hey, there still a way to sell idolmaster games on the west
>Rename every character western style
>English dub only
>Censor questionably content
At least after this, more people will buy it.
You are spamming playasia's e-mail to english release platinum stars right?
Otaku would have ate that shit up. And that's the thing. im@s isn't a franchise that relies on the sales of one or two games every few years. It's a multimedia franchise that has otaku buying games, CDs, manga, merch, and spending absurd amounts of money on mobage gacha with beyond evil roll rates. The market for this franchise doesn't exist outside of Asia.
No, why should I?
You shouldn't. Maybe these EOPs would finally get a clue and learn what they need to learn.
Is there a translationo of that comic? I saw a lot translated but not that one.
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Not until she wins the CG vote.
Nah, she's great actually. In top 5.
Well it sure as hell didn't stop NISA from bringing over Criminal Girls and butchering it
According to the voters she only got in the top 5 once.
>8th place
>8th place
>8th place
>8th place
>8th place
That's because their parent company was falling apart and forced their American branch to localize everything for some quick cash.

Scamco is a fucking behemoth. They don't need your filthy gaijin shekels.
>the voters
No, she's objectively in top 5. My opinion is objective. Nothing else matters.
>>And before removing game from the store they made every dlc free and sold games for the $5 for the 2 months


They also sold them on iOS only.
With less base content than they had on PSP.
With tracks cut from the base game and sold as DLC.
Years after it came out in Japan, and was already fan translated.
On iOS.
For $50 US.

Nobody bought it because it was a fucking joke.
Weebs don't buy fucking phone games for full price, because we're not fucking train-riding nips. If they had put them on, say PSN they'd have sold better.

Oh and because nobody actually wants the fucking shitty rhythm-only games. We want the fucking idol management sim ones, you stupid fucking rancid sack of dog shit.

Neck yourself, bitch.
Seems that I am the only Takumi fag here.
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She's on my top 5 easily.
Ios version was popular as fuck in the japan
it was more expensive
West just don't want idolmaster games, deal with it
>Namco released platinum stars on the west
>Retards like you start boycotting game because dlc policy hurts your feelings
Already can see it
Lol calm down nerd
>We want the fucking idol management sim ones
And you won't get them with your entitled attitude. Why put the effort in translating such a huge amount of text when your main Western market is an extremely small group of lazy EOPs who will buy those few games and nothing else, not even DLC? This franchise is for crazy otaku who would go to the ends of the earth for a card in a phone game.
>Ios version was popular as fuck in the japan
Because Japan spend the majority of their time on their phones riding their fucking trains, or at work and shit, retard.
Westerners don't.
>it was more expensive
That's because the yen is shit and Japs are ball-less wimps that don't care about price.
>West just don't want idolmaster games, deal with it
The West DOES want iM@S games. Deal with it.

>>Namco released platinum stars on the west
>>Retards like you start boycotting game because dlc policy hurts your feelings
>Already can see it
If you weren't a retard you'd know that the West, and weebs in particular, also have no problem buying DLC in droves, you illiterate fucking mong.
What we DON'T like, is when we can literally see both versions of the game, and can see BASE FUCKING CONTENT CUT FROM ONE REGIONS VERSION OF THE GAME AND SOLD BACK TO US AS DLC.

Nice fucking English you foreign monkey. Maybe you should spend less time sucking Bamco's dick, and more time practicing your fucking English.

>Only localize the games nobody wants.
>"Wow why don't they sell lol?"
Gee whizz, Billy. I fucking wonder why. At least with fucking Gundam you have the excuse of
>Muh rights in the West.
And can tell us it's too complicated to excuse your laziness.

>The "West doesn't buy DLC" meme
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I want more of the one that looks like a dyke to be quite honest. She gives me the tinglies in lower quarters.
>entitled attitude
>We want game X, Bamco.
>"O-Ok. Well, here's game Y, but first we have to cut out this little bit, I hope you don't mind paying additional for it either."
>"While we're at it, we're not even going to localize the games we're 'testing the waters' with on the system that people are asking for games for. We're gonna do phones."
>"Does the West have a weeb iOS demographic? I unno, that's not my job desu senpai."
>"That's no big deal, yeah?"
>"Wow why didn't this sell?"
Not that guy you're talking to but isn't the only real expensive cost to the iOS game the licensing for the music of the VAs?

Pretty sure from my recollection there wasn't much in the way of complicated plot when I played the PSP games (which I believe this was a port of one of them?).

$50 for a port is quite ludicrous when you see companies like Square Enix and Capcom charging $10 and $20 for their MH, FF and DQ ports.
>Westerners don't.
See, you admited it yourself, western big eyed barbarians don't want idolmaster games
You're arguing with people that can barely type fucking English and happen to read basic Japanese, so they don't want "EOP's" to get the games because it means they wasted their fucking time.

That was the best retort you could come up with, my man?
>ywn be Japanese
Thank god.
Only good thing about living in Japan is cheaper gunpla.
>ywn learn Japanese to play football manager: idols edition only to see English speakers clamour for the games and get worried they might get translated.
Love Live or a Project Diva with this mode. I would live in the PS4 headset.
It doesn't matter
Namco tried to sell popular game on the west and gave customers even better conditions compared to the japanese ones
It still flopped
This is facts
People will always find reasons to not buy games, like "Baww, it's on the ps4, but I wanted pc release".
So why even bother with them?
How long before Anzu nudges herself into first place on the polls?
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>it's a "iM@S thread that consists of people arguing over english localization" episode
I would love one, but it's not happening. Namco doesn't give a fuck about bringing the series to the west.
I love Takumi but as long as Anya exists she will always be my second place.

That said Enjin is the greatest thing to come from Starlight Stage since it came out
>The West DOES want iM@S games.
I'm not gonna go back and read this whole autistic argument, but do you have any evidence whatsoever that this game would make worthwhile profits in the west after localization costs?

Seems to me if it would then they'd do it, and if it won't then they won't.
The Western fanbase doesn't exist on mobile though.

They play niche platforms like PSP, PS Vita and Sony Consoles.
The West doesn't buy the absurd amounts of DLC that im@s has.

The market for this franchise does not exist in the West. Get this through your head. And no, a long-running general thread in the corners of an hipster anime imageboard is not indicative of a significant market. A few people spamming emails to Play-Asia for an English translation is not indicative of a significant market. The amount of work that it would take to bring over one of the colossal main games is not justified by the flimsy "weeb" audience in the West. You people don't put up the money for this franchise. You complain about draconian business decisions with the iOS game, yet ignore that the entire fucking franchise is a draconian business decision. You seem to think that this franchise sustains itself on the sales of a few major releases. This is all incredibly laughable.

The West will never ever ever ever get im@s. Just accept it and learn Japanese.
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Is she back up again? I know she used to top the charts but recently she's been ranking lower.
>western otaku don't own smartphones
multiplayer version with other anons in the crowd watching the same thing when?

inb4 models are ripped and we get some premium porn outta this
>western otaku are already an incredibly tiny number
>subtract those that don't like iM@S
>subtract those that are poorfags
>subtract localization costs
Never start a company.
>PS4 getting mobile ports
>western otaku are already an incredibly tiny number
Ding ding. Bringing over the main games is not worth it.
>People don't own a fucking phone but have a psp or ps4 and ready to spend $60 on the game + $400 on the dlc
It's not even a port of the mobile game, it's basically a tech demo using the game models.
bandai has been doing asian english releases. Gundam breaker 3 and Super robot wars are getting one, it's possible at least.
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>fake loli
>fake neet
>fake idol

the worst
For what it's worth, I would have bought whatever idolmaster game they decided to release in the west twice, if only it hadn't been released on the normalfag machine, which no one who would be interested in the game even owns.

I don't know if there's a western market for the series, but their "attempt" was literally the worst possible one in every single way. They localized the wrong game on the wrong platform at the wrong time, so we'll never know how the series would have fared if they hadn't fucked up in every possible way.

Not phone, iPhone. I'm pretty sure most of us haven't bought the 600$ plebphone.
>People don't own a most popular smartphone but own a game console and ready to spend hundreds of dollars on the dlc
This. I'm literally the only one in my weeb circle that cares about Idolm@ster. I can't possibly imagine demand would be high at all.
A couple of months ago, I thought that it was possible that we could be getting an English / English Asia localization (China / Korea are getting the games, more companies including Namco doing Eng. Asia translations, anime idols becoming more popular with the help of Miku and Love Lives), but as time goes on, it the chances grow slimmer and slimmer. It's better to just think it's not happening, so if it does, you can be pleasantly surprised.
>their "attempt" was literally the worst possible one in every single way. They localized the wrong game on the wrong platform at the wrong time, so we'll never know how the series would have fared if they hadn't fucked up in every possible way.
This. The Shiny Festa localization is a great example of how to not localize a franchise.
No shit
And demand on the consoles will be even less, while cost of localization will be higher
>They localized the wrong game
Most popular one back then
>on the wrong platform
iPhones are more popular than psp
Yes, especially if they brought over One for All. I'm pretty sure more weebs own the WEEB JRPG VIDEO GAME CONSOLE than the overpriced normalfag designed in California instagram machine. Since every fucking game in the series is a reboot it's not like they would have to start from the 360 games.
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>"I'm a NEET"
>Works whenever she isn't lazing around
No fucking wonder Takumi is too good to have any songs or cards.
>iPhones are more popular than psp
Definitely not among the target audience for this game
>iPhones are more popular than PSP
I don't disagree with your main point, but I would say that we're not talking about the iPhone userbase as a whole.
It's more of the following:
iPhone Userbase willing to buy a niche $50 weeb game vs. PSP Userbase willing to buy a niche $50 weeb game
>I'm pretty sure more weebs own the WEEB JRPG VIDEO GAME CONSOLE than the overpriced normalfag designed in California instagram machine
How many of this weebs who don't own iphone are ready to spend money on the DLC?
How many of them wouldn't just pirate it, because it's so easy on the psp?
Why? Otaku with money don't own popular smartphones? Oh wait, they fucking do. SIF proved it
I know how Idolmaster works you fucking faggot.

I also know that Western weebs don't buy fucking $50 iPhone games and their DLC.
They DO, however, buy $60 games and their DLC.

>Buying a fucking $600 phone when you're a Western weeaboo and could just get the $200 Android version that is basically the exact same shit.
Are you fucking retarded?

iPhones in the West aren't a weeb machine like in Japan. iPhones in the West are the fucking normalfag go-to. The majority of weebs I see in the West have fucking Samsungs over iPhones.

>Buh buh but they don't buy DLC!

>SIF proved it
SIF is not an iPhone exclusive, you dolt.

My point is that the obsessive weeb crowd that would be interested in the game does not buy iPhones. They do buy smartphones, but not fucking iPhones. Go to a fucking /w/ phone thread and count the number of android phones vs iPhones.
>SIF proved it
SIF was free.
The three iM@S games were fifty bucks each, not including DLC.
Not many westerners are willing to buy games on mobile devices, especially that expensive.
>People don't own a most popular smartphone but own a game console and ready to spend hundreds of dollars on the dlc

It's kinda like localizing Tales of Vesperia on the 360, rather than the "Weeaboo JRPG machinestation 3".
>its a love pleb episode
>SIF proved it
Unless there's statistics that show most western players are on IOS, then it proves nothing. Plus, it's a F2P game.
>They DO, however, buy $60 games and their DLC.
The weebest of weebs who would actually be interested in this franchise are incredibly small in number. And the subset of those who would buy any significant amount of the $1000 worth of DLC are even smaller. Too much effort to localize for too little return.
There was a statistic posted last year
SIF is more popular on the iPhone on the west
Strange, right?
Because according to the fantasy worlds of people in this threads everyone use android
Every time I see this, it reminds me of the doujin where Anzu and other idols are filmed taking a shit.
>SIF is more popular on the iPhone on the west
This is factually incorrect.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
No more than the guy I'm responding to has to back up his shit.
So that's a no, then?
Namco made Platinum Stars localization:
>But it's $60!!!
>Majority of weebs own PC and not normalfag shit like PS4!!!!
>Too many DLC!!!
>Worst game in the series, I wanted proper sequel and not a spin-off!!!
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Nobody in this thread has any facts. Only Bamco has the relevant market data.
>I wanted proper sequel and not a spin-off!
Platinum Stars isn't a spin off, it's a sequel in the main series.
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Idols are cute.
Companies research and follow through on what's profitable. The default assumption is that they're not doing it because they've figured out that it's not worthwhile, which makes sense as even my large-ish weeaboo circle doesn't give a fuck about Idolm@ster.

Unless you have some evidence that Occam's Razor doesn't apply here.
Gameplay wise it have nothing to do with imas1-2 and isactually more close to the iphone games
Plot wise too
Not numbered
Not a third vision
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>Cinderella Girls
Don't come back until it's something worth giving a shit about.
It's spinoff in the sense that it's more like OFA than it is like iM@S 2, but it's still a game in the main series. Maybe not a true sequel as in iM@S 3, but it's still a sequel
I'm fucking pissed that it isn't a 3rd Vision game, I'm sick of 2nd Vision
Takumi is one of the silliest ideas in CG. I'm not even close to the "badass delinquent" she is and I would never be caught dead doing all that shit.
>But it's $60
>But it's [regular game price]

>Majority of weebs own PC and not normalfag shit like PS4
>JRPGfags in the West
>Not owning a Sony console
Pick one.

>Too many DLC
Westerners love DLC

>Worst game in the series
Factually incorrect.

>I wanted proper sequel and not a spin-off
Not an argument

>Doing market research
This is the company that refused to localize the GOOD Gundam EXVS game and localized the >psvita one instead.
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I can't decide between Ranko,Anya and Kaede how do I choose?
>Companies research and follow through on what's profitable. The default assumption is that they're not doing it because they've figured out that it's not worthwhile
Because the business practices of Japanese publishers in the west are always reasonable and founded in careful research. In fact, the whole "we localized the worst game in the series for a platform nobody owns and it didn't sell so we're not bringing over anything else ever" happened for the first time with the idolmaster.
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>I have no response so I'm just going to assert a self-evidently healthy company is incompetent
I don't even have to leave then.
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Reminder that beating dead horses is diagnostic of spectrum disorder.

Reminder that thinking best girls are inferior is diagnostic of bad taste.
I'm just copying what you're doing, desu lad. You're very clearly much more rehearsed when it comes to dishing out top-tier arguments, so I figured if I just do as you do you'd lose.
Would you say that SQUARE ENIX is a) not a healthy company or b) competent when it comes to their handling of the Dragon Quest series in the west?
>Because the business practices of Japanese publishers in the west are always reasonable and founded in careful research.
Not always, but if you have some indication that a healthy company is making a drastic mistake then feel free to show this.
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Are we glad she's actually one of the virginal idols?
Tell me lies. Tell me sweet, sweet lies, Bamco.
she's a slut(pure)
I'm not knowledgeable about Squeenix, but I'll say that cherrypicking the odd mistake is evading the simple fact that if you're this successful a company, most of your decisions are good ones.

If you think this decision is one of the rarer bad ones, feel free to show this. Again, purely from my own anecdotal evidence there's no way there are a profitable number of iM@S fans in NA.
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>no chieri
I'll wait for the DLC m8s
>all about bravado
one of us
I'm glad her sister is the slut
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Yeah, the consensus is: Mika is pure but only seems slutty, while Rika is (oddly enough) the reverse.
You could uhh...just go to a real idol concert. Besides it's only cinderella girls and only 9 of them at that.
>Drawing CG girls with the 765 Producer

This should be illegal
This might have been before TakeP.
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It's true though. she isn't afraid of showing skin, but when it comes to actual contact with people she gets a bit shy.
not in all states
From my anecdotal evidence there is.

Bamco are not the best company to look at when it comes to good market research. Nor are Square Enix. Or Nintendo.

Or Capcom.

I'll just save us time:
Or [Japanese Game Company].
Minami's Mitsuboshi is close enough.
So you're sayin' she's an exhibitionist.
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>From my anecdotal evidence there is.
Right, you have a good sample size of friends and iM@S fans take up a significant portion. Even the fucking iM@S generals don't rack up a capitalistically significant IP count.
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That's fine. I'll just have her sit above my face and masturbate. No contact required.
While Rika has to keep records of how many guys she "dated"
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Shiki I'm casting sidelong glances at your boobies!
>mika's hair down

so cute
What the fuck is iM@S general gonna talk about?

That's like saying Koei shouldn't localize musou games because /EAGG/ is literally dead 99.9% of the time and skirting page 10 constantly.

Or that Bamco shouldn't just suck it up and bring over PS3 Vesperia.

Or that DoAX3 won't sell.
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But, why?
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She's no slut she just wants to be liker her sister.
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can you even handle
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I wanna fuck a lot of idols in the ass.

Like Miki.
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No i dont like sluts.
Is this the Granblue artist?
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yeah it was from the granblue crossover.
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Do they do porn

What a cutie pie
You've been dodging and responding on the defensive this entire time. Even when I forced you to say you have "evidence" for significant fandom in NA, you suspiciously fail to explain and quickly move on. When I expressed skepticism at this evidence you ignored that bit and attacked the IP statement.

For a company to reach this level, the majority of their decisions are good ones. If you have reason to believe you know what's profitable better than them, then convince me. The evidence certainly can't be 4chan -- the generals are slow and threads die out elsewhere. And I don't believe for a second you have a sizeable weeb circle with a significant portion of iM@S fans.

I think you're defending a false position and are arguing in survival mode.
Possibly, but i doubt it.
i WILL produce that idol!
That's a shame
Yeah, because the "It won't sell!" side of the argument in this thread has been nothing but facts and hard evidence from the very beginning, yeah?

>Even when I forced you to say[...]
You literally didn't force me to say shit, buck-o. I am quite honestly just taking the shit arguments you type and spinning them to my side.
You have given nothing but "I don't think it'll sell because the iPhone games tanked," when you blatantly ignore that the majority of weeb trash gamers don't own fucking iPhones, least of all for $50 DLC ridden games with cut-content being re-sold as DLC.

>For a company to reach this level, the majority of their decisions are good ones.
Soul Calibur.
Tales of.

These are franchises that show that Namco Bandai are very capable of shitting the best constantly without having a single clue about "Why do people like these and buy these games?"
Square Enix are also a large, very profitable company. They're also full-fucking-retard 40% of the time, and you can't say they aren't.

I have reason to believe that an ACTUAL iM@S game, and not some shitty phone spin-off that cuts half the reason people want iM@S games out, will sell. There is a sizable fanbase for it in the West, while not nearly as large as the JPN fanbase obviously, and we cannot judge the scope of how well it would sell until we get a localization to test the waters that isn't on par with shooting your toe off to see if your boots are bulletproof.
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i only know two things now
1. there will never be another chapter of berserk
2. i will be getting psvr
i'll produce this one too!
>I have reason to believe that an ACTUAL iM@S game... will sell
>There is a sizable fanbase for it in the West
There's absolutely no reason to believe either of these things and you've refused to give me any reason to change my mind.

You also don't know the first thing about business or market analysis if you think the smartest thing to do is to just go all-in on an idea and pray it works out. That's retarded. There are dozens of methods of gauging whether something will work out and if the signs point to no, you are a shitty businessman if you follow through anyway.

I've already explained to you that cherry-picked mistakes do not make the majority of a company's decisions. The fact that they are still alive is proof of my position.

Lastly, I'm not the dude who was arguing about mobile games.
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pls no bully the treasure of the production company.
I don't have to change your mind, faggot.

What's your brilliant plan to gauge interest? iPhone ports?
>and we cannot judge the scope of how well it would sell until we get a localization to test the waters
Easy for you to say. But a company has to turn a profit. And wasting money to localize a fuck huge game like the main im@s based on some anecdotal evidence of an alleged market is beyond foolish.
Then what's your fucking plan, buddy?

Because the fanbase doesn't want the shit spin-offs that don't contain the idol-sim shit. If we want shit rhythm games we can just buy Sega's Miku shit.
too smug to bully
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You called?
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>I--I have evidence I just won't give it to you
>Now please explain market analysis 101 to me
>Better call you a faggot in case things are looking bad for me
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I love you anon
>I--I have evidence I just won't give it to you
My evidence is anecdotal, just like yours. Where's yours?

>Market analysis
Look at the fan demand/feedback you've acquired over the years. Create an Asian English release. Get import data from popular Japanese->English import business (i.e. PlayAsia). Gauge interest and profitability via that. Account for possibly drop in DLC purchases due to the constant need to buy PSN HK or Yen or whatever cards. Go from there.

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which one would you confess to
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I could find ways.
Which one is going to make the most money?
>Then what's your fucking plan, buddy?
I don't know. I don't have access to any data that Bamco likely has.
>Because the fanbase doesn't want the shit spin-offs that don't contain the idol-sim shit.
Huh? I didn't know you were the sole representative of the im@s fanbase. im@s is a character driven franchise. You buy the games for the idols, not the simulation gameplay. I enjoy the spinoffs just as much. But I guess I'm not a true im@s fan according to you.
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to the twenty year old in the school uniform.
I've provided both 4chan and my sizeable weeb circle as anecdotal evidence, you have provided none.

Your second paragraph is exactly the sort of thing these companies do, and you should take it as telling that they decided the answer is "no". Unless you have some evidence that they haven't even done these basic analyses? Do you?
cute bra
Rin's Soukyuu
Managing the idols is part of the fun of the im@s games, and gives a much bigger experience of being with the idols than "Yeah fuck off here's a rhythm game with no management. Gimmie money."

I'll also provide 4chan and my sizeable weeb circles as anecdotal evidence. As well as PlayAsias current little survey thing they're doing ("Tell us the titles you'd most like to get an Asian English release of!") where im@s was in the lead, and a few of those projects that were similar to OPRainfaill or whatever the fuck it was that pop up every now and then.

>Unless you have some evidence that they haven't even done these basic analyses? Do you?
What has Bamco released that could be considered a GOOD testing ground?
Nothing. They sold 3 iPhone ports for $54.99 each (approx $170 altogether) in a market dominated by $.99 games.
Bamco also has a history of being fucking retarded when it comes to marketing in the West, much like how Square Enix has been fucking retarded when it comes to Dragon Quest in the West.

>Don't even try to make a reasonable attempt.
>Decide no.
That's not how this shirt works, buddy.
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>to the twenty year old in the school uniform.
her embarrassment got me harder than anything else in this thread
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I knew that existed but never listened to it, thanks for reminding me.
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But Nana is Seventeen.
That's pretty mean.
4chan doesn't in any way indicate sizeable western interest in iM@S -- in fact it indicates the opposite as iM@S cannot retain a significant following even on a site with a high convergence of white otaku -- and I don't believe for a second, especially after your previous evasiveness on the subject, that you know a significant amount of IRL people who are fans. What was the number of people who voted on the PlayAsia survey?

>What has Bamco released that could be considered a GOOD testing ground?
Previous iM@S games. It needn't even be Bamco, even the sales of similar such games are indicative as well. I'm not aware of any that profited significantly, relative to localization time and cost.
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>Previous iM@S games
Name three that had English and aren't iphone ports.
>"Yeah fuck off here's a rhythm game with no management. Gimmie money."
If that's how you look at this then don't expect to get anything.
I'm not going to get into a long-winded autistic argument with you like the other guy, but there's basically no way there would be enough white people who would play this.
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It's true though she isn't that old.
Looks like Berserk is never going to get finished now
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I don't expect to get shit because it's Namco fucking Bandai.

Asian English.
Problem solved.
It gives you your Philippines weebs too and all that shit near there
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Underage drinking is bad.
Name any similar such game, iM@S or otherwise, that made worthwhile profits relative to localization costs.
>I can't name 1 let alone 3.
All you had to say, senpai.
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>when you realize this artist has CG doujins
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feels fantastic.
Nice evasion. Idol games, iM@S or otherwise, have been localized in the west. How did they do, relative to localization costs? The answer to this question is an answer to much of this discussion. I can see why you don't want to go down that path though.
Nice dodging, my man. So are you still unable to name three?

I'll name mine when you name yours.
You also didn't address the vast majority of the post, which has been par for the course with you.
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>Shimamu in sukumizu
Is it time?
>vast majority of the pos

Oh yeah, because
>hurr your anecdotal evidence is shit unlike mine
>You don't know any weebs unlike me
are really stressing parts of his post I need to address.
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So we're not sexualizing her? Good.
I'm making things easier for you by not restricting things to the iM@S franchise in particular. I'm literally throwing you a bone here. You don't even have to show that these weeb idol games are profitable in the west with regards to only one franchise. You can even choose a more famous franchise, like Vocaloid. How has that done, relative to localization costs? How about that Puffy Amy Yumi shit?

You gave no indication (understandably, given it doesn't) that 4chan indicates a high percentage fandom of iM@S amongst weebs. You didn't answer whether the PlayAsia survey was a capitalistically significant number. Your manner has suggested strongly you don't actually know a lot of IRL iM@S fans.
Course not there are other girls for that.
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Okay, that's good to know.
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>I can't name three so please, please let me focus this on you instead.

>Puffy Ami Yumi
Isn't that a TV show?

>You didn't answer whether the PlayAsia survey was a capitalistically significant number.
It was posted last week and was a currently "In-progress," thing. I don't believe they showed numbers, only mentioned the top-5 or so.

But to humour you, Project Diva sold well enough to get a sequel, and to get said sequel localized as well.

Reddit has a sizable im@s fandom, as does Crunchyroll.
>How about that Puffy Amy Yumi shit?
Oh shit, I remember that.
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This hurts my eyes. Never post this again, please.
>>I can't name three so please, please let me focus this on you instead.
I'm saying I don't even need to go down that particular rabbit hole, it's just pedantic number-searching. I'm saying choose any franchise you want. Choose the one that fits your argument the best. Give me some indication, some indication at all, that western weebs care about idol and idol-ish games in a capitalistically significant sense. There is none. You're asking if Bamco has analogues to go off, in deciding whether this would be worthwhile. they do, within the iM@S franchise and without. And none give the indication this is a risk worth taking.
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I love sites with "right wing" manchildren who one moment support capitalism in order to not seem socialist, then in the next moment are confused and angered by capitalism when the free market doesn't give them the toys they want.
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>I still can't name 3 so dear Jesus please let me continue to push this on you.

Vocaloid. There. It sold well.
Love Live!'s mobile game did decently.
Hyperdimension Neptunia: Producing Perfection also did decently, despite being fairly shit.

>they do, within the iM@S franchise and without.
kek. Good fuckin' joke, mate.
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Show where capitalism (and not retarded-decision-making) has caused im@s to not be released in the West.

TL Note: You can't.
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Left or right?
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Minami, but Airi is tempting too.
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>japanese sales
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>Game released on Vita and PS3 at the same time sells less than game released on Vita and then PS3 six months later
Whoa shit.
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[laughs internally].jpg
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>put a girl who is known to pass out in the anime
>have other girls except her pass out
Also those are decent sales for
>Re-used assets out the ass
>Barely any new content
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Asian English imports would sell.

Prove me wrong.

You cannot.
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Thread posts: 545
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