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Thread replies: 529
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you mean 0 (Zero) days
Why did the fucking mods delete the other thread?
some fags already got it. "reviewer"

because they are in bed with Karen probably
How many people are even left now that it's leaked?
>healing room takes me 2 hours
>infirmary takes me 10 minutes
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Because we need a general now guys, i could understand we didnt need one on Junpei day and Akane day but now we have loads of shit to discuss with the game out!
I'm just surprised how few spoilers we've had even with the leak. For all the people that said they were gonna ruin us if it leaked, nothing has been said outside of black bars.
http://www.3dsiso.com /nintendo-3ds-roms-downloads/275293-gdrive-zero-time-dilemma-usa.html

Have fun
Did u do the robot room? I can't get the right pattern for the electricity even though I'm following the clue
I'm only here for a second, needed to look something up online and figured I'd see if there was a new thread for funsies. Definitely outtie after this.

There are a lot of people openly posting spoilers.
People are getting stuck at puzzles. I've been playing for 6 hours now and nothing of note has happened yet.
>stuck in the infirmary for 1 hour
I just got to the part where a bunch of different scenes were unlocked. Do I just jump around willy nilly? Should I stay on the same team for as long as I can?
>healing room took 2 hours
Holy fuck.
Spray the lockers
Combine ink and syringe
Syringe tapestry thing
Really? Huh. I may just be lucky then and missed them.

Would anyone be willing to answer questions? I have a few about Mira.
Ended up figuring out the luminol on lockers thing. Thanks anyway, fampai.
is this game a visual novel or is there actual gameplay?
I've literally never pre-ordered vidya from amazon except this one, which I placed July 8 last year.

When will Amazon say that the product is shipping?
Vn with puzzles
Hardly a VN. More like a room escape/puzzle game with cinematics.
Puzzle rooms and branching paths on decisions that kill or save participants
I'm here just in case someone post some unlisted videos.
I really don't want to wait 3 days to watch a LP of this.
I get that you control all teams, but I'd like to finish one teams story then go back and do the other teams rather then finish part A of team D then have to do part A of team C etc.. it just messes with the flow for me and what I'm use to from the previous games
>caring about spoilers
Unless you actively go out of your way to hunt them down, you're not going to get spoiled in any meaningful way
Got the ending with look mom, no hands.
How the fuck do i get out of the healing room? i got some piano keys, stabbed a poster, put water on a glass and the tumbler on the ground, none of it makes any sense.
I just realized Carlos is best boy
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>get the right side of the coin and I will grant you your freedom
>yeah sure buddy
>I pick the right side
>he lets me go
So how are two screws and a screwdriver supposed to be hints?
I dunno man, I'm stuck on the same part. I don't want my phifu to burn.
I might be retarded, but what the fuck are you supposed to do in the Control Room with team C?
Stuck in manufacturing with team D. How do u get the electricity puzzle? I'm following the note but it's not working
Nvm I figured it out. Take control as Phi in the incinerator and unscrew the plate with two screws in it.
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>Got the blank first time
Thank you based Morphogenetic field
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>all these mad bants between Junpei and Akane
Holy fuck
>Junpei/Akane bants
>Phi/"Senile old man" bants
these are top fucking tier
>Sigma calling Junpei "Tenmyouji"
The ride never ends
Jesus these threads are dead. Is it because the spoilers made everyone leave?
How do I filter this vnshit?
What order do I put the pink and green liquids in
No, everyone left to play the game since it leaked.
Probably by going to reddit where you belong
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Same here. What the fuck do you do with that circuit board with the power symbol on the top right? It keeps saying it's the clue but HOW is it the clue?
I'm in the control room with C team and I'm totally stumped. Help??
How the FUCK do you solve that voltage panel in control room in the C fragment?
I've been stuck at it for 1 hour
Stuck here too
there's another poster in the room that shows you the order also marked with the power symbol. However I found that out after trial and erroring the cable puzzle (I lucked out and got it on the second guess).

The crane and button puzzles in the control room for fragment c are what's currently fucking me over, i've done the mirror and circuit puzzle and have found cards 1,2 and 3.
Please help with circuit puzzle??
Can you hear sounds in the glasses? If you can, check the video B in the glasses and with that you can do the crane puzzle.
get glasses behind poster
match the knobs with the screen
combine glasses with battery
match mode A with circuits on the poster to connect the numbers
use these numbers on the actual circuits

this is from memory so forgive me if it's not 100% correct
What's the latest version a 3ds can be to be hacked? Mine is 10.7.

Also if I could where would I go where there's a guide so I don't brick it or something like a retard
Please respond
Well, since I'm too stupid to pirate, at least I can just come here once the game releases and ask for help. You guys are being way cooler about spoilers than I expected, so thanks I guess.

Anyway, are the puzzles really that crazy hard this time around?
Combine glasses with battery
Examine glasses
Am I retarded or is the heart puzzle in the Rec room fucking hard
Yeah I also figured it out soon after. Now I'm stuck on the toolbox puzzle. Not sure if I need to place the red x's on the blue ones
Yes, you need to do that. I also got stuck there before.
Must've fucked up somewhere because I never got a battery.
Serious question--english or moon?
I've found the glasses and the battery and have combined them but I don't hear any distinct sounds in video B.

The mirror puzzle gets you the battery.
After I fucking solved it, it just gave me a note to tell me to do something I've already done.
Healing Room is killing me, help.
You're almost there
Use the coin in the red button. The coin is an improvised screwdriver
Same here.
Bump pls
Oh fuck, we promo art now boys.
>he doesn't know
I've been playing it on my 3ds for 6 hours now.
I scratch your back you scratch mine - what's up?

I've been stuck on the Biolab for like an hour now. I just don't get how to make different colours with the pink and green liquids. I'm pretty sure I need to use the centrifuge but I can't figure out how to let the game actually let me use it or the microscope without fuzziness.
>No QR codes yet
You fucks are slow.
See those tiny white pixels in the tool shelf? IMPORTANT.
Jesus Christ literally 10 pixels on this tiny 3ds screen

Thanks anon
Goddamn, it feels good as fuck resolving a puzzle after being stuck for a while.
Someone please help me, I QUITE LITERALLY can't see this shit on a 2ds screen

Healing Room: The sequence the keys play in
Serious question

What the fuck is wrong with that horrible animation / art design? I played 999 and it was a pretty game.
peanut budget
So far i
Got the knife
Stabbed a demon poster
Took all the keys from the piano
Put water on the glasses
Put the tumbler on the ground
Bruteforced the flower puzzle
What do?
I think I'm retarded.
So? It's a fucking visual novel, all you have to do is writing and visuals, you barely need the animation. Peanut talent more like.
Oh you're there.

yeah you got stuck where I was, you tell me >>342739241 afterwards, okay?

Next, you have to Go to the Forest and use the camera on the zoomed in armchair section.

we oldschool Point n' Click logic
Sorry but I rly need the answer to this lol, I'm dying watching the thread
Wait, theres a camera?

no it doesnt
Oh! You haven't even done that yet?

Yeah, you have to go to the console and click the bottom right section
>months and months of why haven't you hacked your 3DS yet?
>a game leaks on 3DS (as they always do)
>retards come out of the woodwork, unable to google anything, asking how to hack their 3DS
I'm not gonna spoonfeed you
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Ice Cream

I can't believe it /v/
I still remember that shitty teaser site that I raged about every single day
And now in 3 days I will finally play this game
It's not just the budget. The whole game was outsourced to an obscure developer, and the original art team was replaced.
Appreciate the help! Made lots of progress. Got all 4 cards but I don't know what to do with the black spinner
Diana says theres a cover and i need to find a switch.
Also CDEFGABC for future notes
there should be letters on the panel with the screens that you can match with the cards to get a password. i'm not sure what exactly triggers those so you might not see them yet
pull the switch right next to the cover.
That should be enough to get you through the rest.

Hm, and I think I can use that to fix my issue, thanks.
And inconvenience myself further?
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Hey, I'm playing it, I ain't got time to worry about a sourpuss like you, princess.
What do I use the roulette wheel for?
top of the slot machine
So who killed Jumpei?
Holy shit thank you
What order to the specimens go in? The hint is vague as fuck
Hmm haven't triggered those yet. Don't know what to do with mode B on the glasses, but I got the speaker. Tried spinning the black wheel in every direction and no dice. Can't think of anything else to poke the cable needs to be plugged into something?
Gab, Carlos, Akane, Junpei. Could it be anyone else?
>Linking to adfag
mode B makes the sounds now, right? there's one screen on the left side of the big panel that allows you to control a crane. have you done that yet?
Where and how do you get the speaker for the glasses? A guy slightly further up said you need it for the crane puzzle.
So am I anon
Thank ya, im still missing B and A sadly.
I'm pretty sure it's from the lit up cylinders and the 12 buttons. If that's not it try the little depression in the wall between red and green spinners
Please help

Tired of this room
So I just found out Zero Time Dilemma is also being released on Steam, so I ask you now, what platform are you going to play ZTD on?
I'm thinking I'll stick with 3DS, since it's what I've been playing on and I like the freedom to just pause anywhere by closing the 3DS.
steam leak where
How do I do the cylinder puzzle? The closest hint I've seen is a monitor with some cylinders which doesn't help at all and guessing the pattern has been fruitless.
Gab a.k.a Zero
You need to connect wires in switchboard, if I'm not mistaken.
Anyone know how to open the glass doors in the pantry?
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bottle on potato
What does the specimen hint mean?

Is it a rainbow?
I've done that and got the monitor with a couple of directions for the spinners on (which don't do anything yet) but I have seen nothing other than a monitor with 12 white looking cylinders which obviously isn't the solution (I tried it to be certain).
Did anyone finish the heart puzzle?
do we know what timeline this game takes place in
Did anyone get an 8-digit code? Something about a door of truth?
It's the second "nonary game" chronologically but it's not a nonary game
Fuck i missed the order, how do i play the piano aftee putting back the keys?
Stuck in the locker room with team D. Anyone solved it?
Get in the shower alone with Diana
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>picked C team first
>did the Pantry puzzle
>Junpei dead
>Akane goes insane
>get the scene with Carlos getting his arm chopped off
vlr spoiler i'm more trying to figure out which sigma this is

is it old sigma in young sigma or what
There is only one Sigma.
Answer "me" is much cooler.
santa = zero
santa = zero
santa = zero
santa = zero
So has ? / Blickwinkel become relevant yet in any of your playthroughs?
santa = left
Anyone know the bio lab specimen solution?
the sigma that went through the conditioning
Alright, got the heart puzzle covered, the key to solve it is trying to get the two biggest pieces facing opposite directions.

But now I'm stuck in the fucking card game. 3DS resolution is so shitty that I can't see the face values of the cards. Also, I'm still a retard and have no fucking idea what to do.
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How do you do that? Whenever I try to enter sigma comes with me
how many zeroes are there in ZTD
It's old Sigma's consciousness in young Sigma's body.
What is the response for the "Who killed Junpei?" thing?
Can you subhumans use spoiler tags?
Stuck in the room, the lasers and the cables are the only thing I've managed. The stands with the wheels doesn't do anything when I've set them to corresponding corrections, the crane has me stumped and I don't get the lights. Am I missing any clues?
Seriously can someone help with the bio lab specimen puzzle

I want to keep playing but I don't want to have to restart this room
Explain how.

This is Zero Escape game.
Depending on the ending everyone or no one dies.
Junpei only dies in some endings.
she's Zero, is how
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>learning that Junpei and Seven took down Free the Soul's HQ
Holy shit, C Team best team.

Coin flip at the beginning
Pick Red
It's Red
Expecting Zero to double cross us
He actually lets us out

Seriously? What a fucking hack.
If you are playing this game early you are a faggot.
So is the RNG outcome bullshit?
Pick blue, them the game starts.

I also have no Idea
Akane, Junpei, Carlos, Zero?
Have you tried these?
I've been stuck on the Biolab for 20 fucking minutes now. I've got the capsules and have no idea what they mean, assuming I have to put the right three colours in the analyser and they have something to do with it.
Oh my god, please tell me this is true. All I need is confirmation that Junpei and Seven became cop bros.
microwave the centrifuge
it gives you a hint (orange, blue, white)

tell me if you find out how to get past the specimen part because that's where i'm stuck
Beat the game in 2 mins. Picked blue. I turned off my 3ds In disgust. What a waste. I'm glad I didnt buy this shit
I replayed the scene and picked red again. It ended up blue.
kek just finished that part
And this is where I'm stuck at too

It is. Junpei and Akane exposition-dump a bit during the Decontamination Room segment in C Team's branch. Junpei says he teamed up with Seven at one point (but it's assumed to just be for that one part)

>microwave the centrifuge

I swear I'd tried everything on the microwave, thanks buddy. I'll keep you updated.
Nice b8
Now go back and pick red
Rec room is fucking my shit up. i'm too retarded to figure this shit out
Well never mind

>"Well, there's no hidden items in the puzzle portions, and based on that, they also got rid of the difficulty selection, so there's no easy or hard mode, just like 999, but with that said, as you go through the different Cinema parts, you'll collect story files that give you more backstory."

Fuck. Yes. Now I just have to pray that Lotus is mentioned at some point.
Seriously though, I have no idea what to do.
please help, I've been stuck on this puzzle (the cylinders in the control room) for ages. I have no idea how you find out which cylinders to light up.
She's mentioned in the same dump, but Junpei only says she's doing well, nothing else
I'm fucking retarded. Why won't it work?

From left
->4 right
->1 left
->2 left
->4 right
->3 left

Help In manufacturing room
Try using spoiler tags, newfriend.
So I went ahead and chose.

If you type Akane it leads to a locked ending. Choosing Carlos gives you a bad ending/game over.

So I guess Akane did it, that fucking bitch.
So, what's the catch with the 1/216 dice roll? Is it just a story lock disguised as RNG?
I'm retarded, sorry.

Well that sucks, but I'll take it. Last question, has anyone physically shown up in the game so far besides the 9 / Gab / Zero?
As of yet, no. I've only done two segments of C Team though
It's obvious that Akane didn't do it. Look how she reacts and also her last words are her telling Jumpei sorry for not avenging him.
Thanks for all the answers.

Stuck at the specimen part too now, tried matching the order of the colours in the tablets but luck.
I find it amusing how there are at least three of us minimum stuck at this exact same section of the exact same puzzle at the exact same time.
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You piratefags better make a fucking puzzle guide before the official release
Hello I'm in the study with Q team and I'm stuck help

Opened all the safes beside the big one and the cracked one and examined everything

Have gun, crossbow, part B and combined parts CD, EF
i tried ordering it as a rainbow but that didn't work

the hint literally means fucking nothing

i would trial and error it but it's a 1/64 chance of getting it right so i'd rather masturbate until someone finds the solution
Also stuck here, have no idea where I'm supposed to get any hints for the 12 lights.
you're gonna need it

the hints in this game are vague as fuck at times
I know. I downloaded it just to get a few hours in C team as a holdover, and even the pantry took me a good half-hour
If you get stuck can you switch to another team and just do some other things? Or does it reset all you did in that fragment? Babbys first Zero game
you can but it resets the room
>Babbys first Zero game
wew lad
go play the others first so you actually understand the story, faggot
The japanese voice acting in the scenes after you finish the pantry is one of the best I hear in years.
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>decontamination room
>press the button thinking the DAMN BRAT will press it on me
>neither team pressed it
>everyone gets melted by acid
>it actually shows their melted remains

Holy fuck, they weren't kidding when they said they'd amp up the violence this time around
So people do get dissolved? Can you post a screenshot?
I'll try, since I don't have NTR and Luma3DS has no native screenshot feature (unless someone could tell me how to do it)

Any luck? Feel like I've gone far into the realm of overthinking now, there wasn't enough room in the memo so I started noting everything down on real paper.
Not him but it doesn't show the actual characters dissolving unless there is another part which does which I doubt.

P.S. Use spoiler tags, newfriend.

Nope. Not a single fucking clue. It doesn't make sense. I cannot find any correlation between the insect's fixed fourth position and the color white or the capsules. The capsules may as well be fucking useless, in my opinion.

I've actually been keeping track of things on paper too. Decided to also keep track of some lore/plot peculiarities since I have poor memory. Like (early spoiler you would already know) Q being able to pick up the Force Quit Box but Sigma nor Carlos were able to.
fucking this
all the hype was justified!

seriously though, I'm not liking so far, game seens too grimdark like it's screaming it's a saw movie, and the lack of a visual novel, only scenes kinda ruins for me, it misses the charm the previous games had
Nice. Going to be on steam?
is there ANY way to run ZTD on citra? how do i decrypt it?
The fuck do i do in the locker room, i think i need to put something in the syringe and i have an unsolved puzzle cube.

I've just gotten an idea but hit a bit of a wall.

So the capsules represent directions to go on each row. The insect one doesn't move as it has no capsules in it so it stays at position 4.

This is the only thing I can think of that would have the capsules help map the positions.
>tfw got it by dumb luck and still didn't understand the solution
i believe it was bird, fish, man, insect, plant
I'm wondering the same
tried to decrypt it but failed miserably
The capsule tablets form numbers
The color of the capsules match a species on the pc monitor
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>The capsule tablets form numbers

The puzzle cube is fucking destroying me, I am not seeing at all how I'm supposed to figure out which part goes where.
fucking hell
i feel so dumb now
Here's a picture I took. Couldn't get NTRCFW to work
Spoiler warning
Huh yep that worked. Thanks anon.

jesus fucking christ I would have never figured that one out
I noticed the capsules that were missing the same amount were missing them in different positions but that was it
this guy>>342748451
is right

thanks m8

maybe one day we'll find out what the fuck that hint was supposed to convey
one of you upload screenshot spoilers. pls i don't mind
>maybe one day we'll find out what the fuck that hint was supposed to convey
Jesus. So would you say the game earned its M rating? I feel like 999 and VLR both could've toned down some cursing and come out as T.
Not the same guy but yes, the game earned the M rating.
not even mad
Pls help with Team C rec room

I have the alphabet shit but using the numbers and lining them up isn't working.

And I have no idea what the chess rules have to do with anything.
Just started it, is the game all cinematic?

Because so far the beginning has been terrible. Slow as fuck.

Are there actual VN sections?
Yes, but without playing the first two games I wouldn't really recommend it. Unfortunately the first (999) is DS/iOS only with a Steam port being teased, while the second is 3DS/Vita only.
Not that guy but you actually see corpses and wounds this time. Not to mention severed limbs and heads
Puzzle Cube
How does it work
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Fucking yes. I'm only 2 hours into C-Team's path and I already saw Akane getting her neck sliced, Carlos's arm getting sawed off, and Carlos cutting himself with an axe, on top of that shower scene
I STILL am fucking struggling with these damn 12 cylinders in the control room, how am I supposed to determine which ones to light up. Just to be clear, I've done the switchboard, the mirrors and have obtained the glasses, the battery and cards 1,2 and 3.
It's like that for the whole game.
Same problem. Ijust opened the shower with the key, I have the round piece, the remote control and the hose in my pocket and im completely stuck
>Not mentioning Junpei's body parts everywhere
Got it by figuring out two of the parts had little spherical marks on the side so put them on the middle with the mark facing out and then just tried rearranging the other parts for a while.
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Oh yes, and one of the puzzles has various limbs and whatnot as the main gimmick. Turns out all those limbs are actually Junpei's, and you find his head in a freezer
Wait key, remote and hose.
Where did you get them?
>the mirror
Do you mean the laser part? Because then I'm stuck at the exact same point as you, sorry anon. Does the stands do anything when you put them in the directions suggested by the monitor? Because mine doesn't, and I can't figure out how to operate the crane either.
Dammit. One of you guys stream this.
yeah I mean the laser part. You're at the exact same point as I am. If the earlier info in the thread is right we need to deal with these cylinders to then be able to deal with the crane puzzle. Randomly guessing is not fun.
Someone buy me the game, I'm poor
Yeah I have no fucking clue, the monitor with cylinders doesn't tell me anything. Either they're all lit or they're not, the 3DS has too shit resolution to tell, so I hope I need to activate something for it to tell me the pattern.
lmao look at this retard
I knew about the body parts, but what is the shower scene?
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Just put a damn playthrough on youtube.
I'm sure one of you is smart enough to not get stuck on fucking puzzles.
When you go to the decontamination room, the other 2 teams are also in their respective shower rooms. Each team has a yellow button. If one team presses the button, the other two get melted/dissolved by hydrogen flouride. And no, one team can't press their button after another team has pressed theirs.
Oh, ok, I didn't realize that's where that happened.

People who have played it already, what's your favorite decision game?
Maybe I' confusing myself, I'm in the locker room with team D you too?
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> sliding puzzles
Oh god have mercy
>play shitty 3DS version now and avoid getting spoiled
>wait 4 days and play PC version with better sound quality and graphics
>but have to wait 4 days and might get spoiled
wat do
i'm stuck here too.

and it's probably simple as fuck
So, I'm the control room, Tram C and sliding the stands do nothing.

Also, is there a 4th card? And what do I do with card information? What about the switches next to the mirror puzzle?
At least not come here and lurk like a moron.
Jesus christ, that sounds awful.
Enable "Skip Text". It gives you a button that fast forwards text, but tapping it skips to the next line
I don't remember when did I get it, but there was an piece of paper with the order of the letters. The keyword is scrambled, try to spell something that make sense.

Chess rules will only be useful when you open the chess board.
I know about that, but sometimes it just skips entire lines.
Alphabet shit = Line up the letter chart with the numbers on the roulette table. Hint: 5 is S. The table is 12 across and 3 down. The 5 is 2 across, 1 down, therefore it lines up to the red S. Count if you need to.

Anyone know what to do with the dice and cards? At the moment I have Jam - Odds? + Sadman = answer. I guess this means 100 - ??? + 570 = the answer but I don't know what the ODDS is. I'm not sure where I fucked up with the second one.
>The keyword is scrambled, try to spell something that make sense.

Well I feel dumb, I did have the right letters. The roulette wheel should have given the word away.
Odds is somewhere in the machine with the hearts puzzle
>Team C

And what are the sunglasses' B mode supposed to hint?
Oh damn, I disregarded the slots machine once I'd done the heart puzzle. Thanks.
You will get another piece for the sunglasses, then B mode will be useful.
Where? I can't figure out the 12 lights.

Damn, this game is making me feel stupid.
How is the plot?
Okay, great news, we still have cat puns.

You get the piece after one puzzle, I don't remember which one.
>Transporter Room
Literally been stuck at the goddamn cylinder lights for hours, it's probably something after that one.
Mira a cute
What's the code to open those glass doors in pantry with team C?
I just did that. Don't panic, you can get all the symbols except three with simple maths.
I just hate this kind of puzzle but oh well, better get started.
Use the iodine in the potatoes.
Diana dies in every ending.

Zero is Q's creator.

Q is an android, who kills diana

Junpei kills Q
Should I wait for the PC version or play the 3DS one? Does it run ok?
If three moons is moon x moon x moon there's only one possible number for the moon. And with that, you can continue.
Same as >>342753070
Was there supposed to be a 4th? card? What do we do with them?
Fake and gay.

Oh I shouldn't have a problem SOLVING it, it's just an arbitrary amount of time spent writing it out.
can anybody upload a playthrough video of the pantry?
>Diana dies in every ending.
One ending has to lead to VLR, Diana is alive in the VLR timeline since she meet with Sigma on the moon.
You need the four cards for the password for the Mode C of the glasses. But I'm gonna be a good guy and I will give you the password
betestedbyfire if I remember right
PC and avoid spoilers. The 3DS version is pretty low-res, and the framerate drops to below 10fps sometimes. The loading times are also a turn-off for me, but I'm not sure how much that can be helped here.
Shit, I can't find the fourth card at all.
Right now I'm in the section after the locker room at the door of truth. I need an 8 digit code and I have no idea what it is. The flow chart won't let me jump to any other chapters either.

Should I know this or am I fucked?
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Torrents when?

How did you solve the room? Seriously I feel so stupid, i might have tried everything but i don't know what to do after opening the shower
"I forgive you"

I'm still here, and I won't leave until the 28th.
How about you?
Post screencap.
i don't have a 3ds so i really need to leave but i can't, i'm so goddamn bored
Start with stunning the first one and then go from there
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>mfw I finally got through the heart


Please, where are the clue to the lights?
I'm not exactly sure where you're stuck at in the room, but it took me a while to realize to check the drain

Maybe there's two versions of the locker room? Some anons earlier were saying weird things I didn't encounter.
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Reminder that you'll brick your 3ds if you have ZTD installed.
Please enlighten us I'm stonewalled
Oh god, that happened to me too.
what the FUCK am I supossed to do in the Suspicion fragment in team C
Fuck me you're absolutely right holy shit
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>been a piratefag throughout my entire life
>3ds already has CFW installed
>still feel obligated to buy the game to support the dev because the previous games were so good
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wow gee i wonder how the story will go this time
Go back to the replicator fragment and go to the new ! mark. Watch the scene and you'll encounter a new lock, then be able to go back to the flow chart.
Damn it, that was hardly noticeable. Thanks man.

And how do you get the capsules? O only have the pink and the green one.
solved it.
I'm still hoping for a hilarious anti-piracy scenario.
Someone fucking help me with this stupid control room in a C Team fragment I have no idea what to do.

I have 3 cards, I did the laser puzzle and the electric cables. I dont' see what the fuck esle I'm supposed to do. The crane makes noises but I have no hints for that and there's some stupid lights that I also don't have hints for.
What's the equation for the card table in the C-team rec room? I can't figure this out.
See >>342755439, that's really fucking it.
I feel so stupid! I didn't see the numbers in the drain! Thank you!
Anyone here noticed how you can not lower the Music and sound efects? You can change them in the main menu but the changed values won't save. The music is loud as fuck and i can barely hear the people speaking.
I think he's just implying if you pirated it don't be surprised if you wake up in a weird place and are forced to play a game of life and death as a joke.

If it actually eventually bricks the 3DS or there's some hilarious anti-piracy like a puzzle being unsolvable if it's not a real copy I won't even be mad honestly, that would be impressive.
Fuck me. You can change the values in the ingame menu. Ugh...
When the steam version gonna drop you guys think?
sadly I've gotta wait until Tuesday to play the game cuz I ain't risking my 3DS to try and hardmod it for this
The day it releases. They didn't send out steam codes for review.
spoiler for team C: casino games room
>found the exit
>time for a decision game!
>roll 3 dice and hope they all fall 1!
>0.60% chance chance of victory!

I do know thanks to previous 2 games there are always a catch around these, but dear fucking lord this must be the biggest bullshit "game/decision" if I ever saw one!
So, what's the deal with the 0.46% chance dice roll? Is it just a glorified story lock?
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They fucked up the flowchart with that Fragment Select screen, I just don't get it

I'm in the timeline where everyone survived, I did the finals where everyone pushed the button and then the ones were nobody did it, but I'm stuck after Diana doesn't pushes it (pic related)

How the fuck can I continue that timeline, what fragment I'm supposed to choose, I want to finish that storyline first so I can play the others later, god this is so confusing, I just want a normal way of storytelling Uchi
seens like, I dunno if you play a room in an earlier time you can change the future later so you can cheat the dice
So... how do I play this? Just get FBI and install it?
Where do I get the last coin in the rec room? I assume it has something to do with chess but I can't find where to start.
that's the catch of the game, you get a fragment without knowing if they already did previous rooms or slept all that time, you solve it and learn little by little until we start fucking up the timeline like we did in VLR
tip, look at the room floor
Does Seven make an appearance or even gets mentioned?
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I also pre-ordered the watch edition for Vita.
Thank you! I saw it before but only now had the poker equipped.
>not using FBI 2.x
I hope you brick
So what's the beaker puzzle in the biolab about? I got the fetus but the hint on the computer does nothing for me.
I don't remember the exact solution, but I remember it being really obvious once i got something. So keep looking, I guess.
How do I do the heart puzzle in the rec room? It's currently fucking me up big time.
It isn't.

It's the Sigma that went through the conditioning, the one that you control in VLR, that's why he has all that bantz with Phi.
The pills are numbered and I'm trying to figure this shit out still, it put the colors in order but I'm colorblind so idk I did them right
There is only one Sigma you dumb fuck.
>Live in Norway
>have to order the physical version from Americlappistan for nearly 100 dollarydoos thanks to import tax
>It will be shipped on Monday, arrive in Oslo on late Tuesday
>It will then stay there until Friday when it will go by truck to my nearest post office and I won't get it until Monday
Fucking postal service sucks!
I should just buy it digitally and have the physical version as a backup.
oh yeah, it's the pills, the colors are the same as on the computer which tells you the order

i think bird was first, but I forget the rest
Biolab help please. I got pink and green liquid and cover of centrifuge with letters on its back. I know i have to use the centrifuge to separate the color but when i click the centrifuge eric just said i have no idea what this machine is.
>Live in Norway
>Import a Jap version with physical booklet
>Plan to buy on Steam when it comes
>Pirate it now
I literally bought a N3DS to hack it just for ZTD
there's papers on the center box of the bookshelf that explain how to use it
Did you even play VLR?

Older Sgima's consciousness went back to try to beat this game and failed, that's why when young Sigma went back to his own time after VLR, R6 was already released and he didn't have his arms. So Akane made him repeat what Older Sigma did: prepare the whole Nonary game Ambidex edition and jump back in time himself to beat the game, this time with his powers already trained.
That 40 min gameplay on youtube is supposedly a steam version which is what he's using to keep it up "Spike Chunsoft which handled the steam release told me I could show the first 40 min"
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Did you even play VLR?
One line = One consciousness = One Sigma
Old Sigma is just Young Sigma that made the jump after VLR + 45 years.
I can't handle how shit it looks on 3DS and I want to take it to my shitty security job at night.
But yeah; PC version is a must.
Welp thanks. Didn't know how i missed that.
What is this game series even about? Is it a bunch of puzzles or is it some gay visual novel garbage?
>the portraits of the 9 at Zero's study
Top kek
I know it's one Sigma you dumb fuck.

But during VLR Old Sigma and Young Sigma exchange consciousness. Old Sigma failed and Young Sigma (the one you control in VLR) has to go through those 45 years again and make the jump like Old Sigma did.

Old Sigma failed reaching the alternate timeline at point E after he jumped back, which is why Young Sigma had no arms and one eye when he jumped back at the end of VLR.
How much will this game cost in the EU?
39,99 or 44,99?
I need to know, because I only have 42€ left
You automatically get it on your third roll.
I just literally couldn't wait, even if the 3DS version is rather shit, yeah. I'd probably buy an English copy too, hadn't dollaroos been so fucking expensive right now. As it is I might still buy it digitally since I want to throw money at Uchikoshi.
0€ if you're not retarded
yeah, i missed it too for a while
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>1/216 chance of rolling all 1s.

Nigga you can't be serious
has anyone posted a decrypted dump of the game yet, or is the only copy floating around an encrypted .3ds file
What are the figures in the study room supposed to represent? Letters? I cant really tell
>Old Sigma failed
Failed what? Old Sigma isn't there during the events of VLR, he can't fail anything.
The events of ZTD and VLR don't happen at the same """time""".

No matter what Young Sigma is going to jump back to point D, age 45 years and then jump back to point A to go through what happens during ZTD.

It's always the same Sigma, there isn't an other old Sigma that jumps back directly to ZTD without having been through VLR.
How shit is the game?
need some rec room help boys. got 4 coins but haven't opened the chess box yet, any ideas?
there's a note about them somewhere, i believe upstairs
Yeah okay so I don't understand the D Locker Room thing with the 9-button code on the locker, I've checked everywhere, every nook and cranny, no indication.

I have the Hose, Round Piece, Remote Control
use the hammer on the chess set (on the last S).
first safe is "exist"
second up is "nil"
others you should figure out from the files you obtain from safes
Someone please give me a hint with the heart puzzle? Like where the pieces go
I'm in the study room with Q team. Given the password J-05-03 and told to shift everything in the password down by 7. What do I need to do? I think I'm missing something super obvious.
big pieces*
thanks senpai, had the hammer but kept trying to hit the chessboard itself and not the c. you're good people <3
W-what did I just do? I just put the specimens randomly and I just succeed. I read posts above and someone mentioned capsule, i don't even have them.
look at the damn figures, it means q-12-10 if i remember correctly
>Phi X-Pass is Twin
>Q X-Pass is Self
shit, I didn't even think to shift them up, thanks friend
They all have like half a fucking dozen X-passes
>Phi and Sigma still remember the D cup talk after all those years

That got me!
>this 1/216 die roll after rec room
this is bullshit, do I just keep retrying until it rolls all 1's?
scratch that.

fucking swear to god that was the dumbest thing ever that makes sense.
I don't think so, maybe we can cheat the dice later
just do it 3 times
I just redid it over and over and got it on the 4th try.
has anyone posted a decrypted dump of the game yet, or is the encrypted .3ds file the only one available right now?
>Failed what? Old Sigma isn't there during the events of VLR, he can't fail anything.
He failed ZTD, which is why R6 was released in the VLR epilogue where Young Sigma wakes up back into his young body except he has no arms and the news anchor kills herself.

>No matter what Young Sigma is going to jump back to point D, age 45 years and then jump back to point A to go through what happens during ZTD.
After ZTD there should be a Sigma that doesn't reach point A and switches timelines in point E.

>It's always the same Sigma, there isn't an other old Sigma that jumps back directly to ZTD without having been through VLR.
You sure? Because there must've been a Sigma that started this (as in, he didn't go through VLR before jumping, and prepared the game just as a fail safe/to keep the timeline stable), because according to Akane the plan was made by both of them, while in the case of VLR's epilogue young Sigma doesn't make the plan, he's just told to repeat what older Sigma did and jump back himself.
>Because there must've been a Sigma that started this

From Uchokishi's Q&A:

>Was there a timeline before the large jumps in time between old and young Sigma, where it was uninterrupted until the start of the AB project?

That’s a tough question. I say it doesn’t exist. What do you think?
So how is everyone playing this? Mix and matching different team's scenes or playing all of one team at once?

I've been playing as team Q first cause they were the three I cared least about, just got the ending where you shoot Eric and leave with Mira after she goes full psycho.. Not sure if I'm doing it right but I think that's sort of the point too.
Then he's either contradicting the AB game backstory or it was mistranslated in VLR.

In any case, it's not as simple as saying it doesn't exist, because it's up to how you think timeline changing and time leaps work (maybe Sigma and Akane making the plan was a timeline switch in itself, switching from an always doomed timeline to a the timeline that has the multiple jumps presented in VLR, and ultimately switching to a third timeline where R6 is never released). That's why I think he makes it so open to interpretation in that answer.

I hadn't read that Q&A though, so thanks for proving your claim.
Is it just me or is Jumpy acting really strange? I don't remember him being this much of a dick in 999
>D-END 2
>Phi is Sigma and Diana's daughter from the timeline where they are left behind at the bomb shelter and transport the babies back in time

oh fuck OH FUCK
I'm missing one coin in the rec room

I got the roulette, the heart, chess and the cards math puzzle

What am I missing? I have a box I cant open.
I got a huge question.

Why did I only get a cutscene of Q's team dying after the execution choice, yet in my flow chart only "everyone is saved" and "Q team executed" are highlighted? I did try every choice for every team.
Got the matches. Nevermind. Fucking resolution.

I couldn't tell you, I only made sure the choices were split so no one was executed.

Haven't gone back and made the other choices yet, not entirely sure what happens when I do.

You have to choose a team twice in a row to get their execution. Go back and do C+C or D+D.

In canon you're supposed to do Carlos's plan, which will give you a D team execution.


>3 way standoff
>Please input Q's name
>Not played any other teans yet, got an inkling though
>Input Quark

Worth a shot.
>decide to go dub for shits and giggles
>it's actually half decent
The dub didn't sound too hot in the trailers, but in game it's actually pretty good.
Did you think her orange eyebrows where just for show?
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I haven't played the game yet, my first instinct would have been to input Kyle
You remember wrong. I don't blame you, I did too.
I replayed 999 recently and Junpei is a fucking dick to everyone
>find out that the bracelets are each set at a different time per team
>suddenly my flowchart changed to reflect that

well shit
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>finish pantry

jesus fuck, why
>1/216th chance
>First try get shredded
>"Oh well bad end"
>Go back to the flow chart
>There's a lock after the bad end
Ok what the fuck is this?
I would try
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>all these faggots who are downloading the torrent

You better be supporting Uchi when the time comes.
I fucking knew Mira was gonna be the "Heart Ripper"
I already have the game pre-ordered, I just wanna play it early.

Near the end of the story Carlos gets stuck in a loop playing the AB game with Junpei, and then realizes that he's an esper. Junpei tells them to all shift to the history where they didn't roll all 1's, so him and Carlos can shield Akane and she can get the X-passes and then shift to the history where they did roll all 1's and escape.

It doesn't work, Zero knows what they did.
I was kinda worried about this but oh well. It seems like that would kind of have nothing to do with Zero's plan, though.
I was one of the people who preordered, I'm definitely getting the game when it arrives legit, I just wanted to play it in the meantime
>Force Quit Box: D

Oh my fucking god, my heart.
Eric is too pure.

what happened?
>you will never fuck mira's fat tits
>Zero knows what they did.
Pretty fucking obvious he would know about esper shenanigans considering the memory erasing drugs.
What worries me is that he might know about ???/BW/the player
Do you know what's the fourth possible answer? I already did
Eric, Mira and Nobody
Try >>342767283
Post results.

After you find out about Diana and Sigma being Phi's parents in D-END 2 they all remember what happened and realize that Phi was one of the babies they sent back in time.

It also explains why Phi has red hair.
Did someone do Team Q triangle? I think Iam going insane here:

Found the node with J-05-03 and the 3 statues that do the shift -7 pose. WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO SHIFT LIKE I TRIED EVERYTHING PLZ HAVE MERCY GUYS
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I dont get it. Help
I'm stuck in the rec room
What do i do after i put the water on the box and fire
I only got one coin
Nothing works
Eric is too pure and Mira is a legit psycho.
Cards to letters, letters to objects in the room, objects to numbers.
Look at the calender and translate the cards into words. If you dont already have a calender, do the other sections of the room first.

visual novels aren't video games. they aren't really anything at all
Easy there baito-kun, aren't you a bit late? Maybe you should research what kind of game it is first as well.
I did that. Jam odds sadman or some shit. What the fuck man I'm tired so I'm kinda dumb right now but how do I get the dice combination from that
These are the correct words, Look at the table for Jam, the gamble machine for odds and the wine for sadman.

And please someone help me with that shit
>I'm tired so I'm kinda dumb right now
Then don't play a fucking puzzle game you nigger.
Wait 3 days and then follow a walkthrough you cunt.
please respond
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Thank you very much for your help
How hard are the puzzles? People seem to be getting stuck often and I'm shit at puzzles. 999 was easy but a few of the rooms in VLR managed to fuck my shit up.
This is the first Legit spoiler ive seen. Awesome
For me so far easier than VLR, but people are getting stuck in places that I did without problem.
Look at what one of the armored guys holds in his hands.
I hadn't problems up until now, but it got late while I was stuck in that gay ass rec room. Want to finish that and go to sleep after that.

Anyway, I'm out of here before I get spoiled. Enjoy the game everyone. It was a long wait for this.
Its +7 not -7
shift the other way
Okay, what the hell is up with the voltage puzzle in the control room? It's obvious it's related to the poster, but I somehow can't figure out how it correlates even though it can't be anything difficult and it's driving me mad.
I never actually used those things. It confused me. I got the 3 statues and the second code for the chair but then I opened the big safe with the key I already had assembled and it cleared the room and I was like "wait what".
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What defines a video game?
I need a definitive guide to the rec room
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Thank fuck the Steam sale came about around this time.
Now I can play games and decide summer courses and stay the fuck off of /v/. Dodging spoilers for this game will be so easy when I got Far Cry 4, Arkham Knight, Resi REMAKE Hd and 6, along with a bunch of others to keep me busy.

Good luck anons staying on the board. You really should leave, however.
I still dont get it guys. It is 3 statues so I tried shifting all letters or only 3 and I think Iam just too stupid for this.


I hope we get an spinoff of Junpei's life between 999 and ZTD.
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>that placidity remix
Can you just tell me the second code for the fucking chair please.
Gotta say, that picture got me interested. What is this/where can I find it when it releases?
Poker on hatch, hammer on chess board, match the pieces to the numbers
Roulette on slot machine
I hope you're good at putting mieces together
Throw the box in the fire place
Pray for the .46
How do i get the dice off the jukebox
Is Q's name itself a spoiler? I tried saying "kill Q" but the game is like PLEASE INPUT Q'S NAME, and suicide is not an option that works.
I understand know, you don't need it. This is still stupid, but atleast Iam done with this shit.

But, but
Who is Left?
> Unhidden
Fuck your shit
> Reads the spoiler
Wait, what?
I'm missing A and B in the healing room (the camera stuff)

I got:

1. The one in the water tank when it's red
2. The one on the chair+log
3. The one with the vase on the floor
4. The one on the checkered patterned wall
5. The one with the candle
6. The one in the blooming flower

Thanks anyway
Who is Left
Zero Time Dilemma, it's apart of the Zero escape series.
It'll be on 3DS, Vita, and PC
Get out of this thread and go play Zero Escape:999 and Zero Escape Virtue's last reward.
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Are you guys gonna go Dub or Sub for this?
I tried both in VLR and they both seemed shit.
Dub cause I played VLR in dub as well.
Also because of ericposting.
what hatch
I'm playing right now and using dub. It's alright, but I might switch to sub at one point since they've got some fantastic JP VAs
Somebody help please?

so phi and q are twins???
on the floor by the card table
What happened to "black bar general"? Why are fags openly posting spoilers

nevermind, sorry
The ones posting open spoilers are fake.
>fantastic JP VAs
Really? Then how come some of their performances don't seem too convincing? I'm getting mixed feelings about it.
To be honest I'm just waiting for the 'true' end and wanting to know what happens to my OTP of the series.
Anyone know where the A and B keys are in the healing room?
what the hap is fuckening help
explain what happened while i was away
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is that delta shit real???
holy shit this is legit. fuck delta
Well I've only heard a bit from the trailers and I know some of the JP VAs have a pretty impressive track record.

I'll probably switch to JP soon to get a proper feel for it.
Damn son.
What the hell is a perceptive end? bad ending? good ending?
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How can you be so sure?
Fourth wall ending
It has yellow circle icon so it's something close to unlocking true ending like in vlr
What the hell happens in this ending?

See >>342772181

You shoot the camera.
wheres the star in the healing room? i can't find it i already got the glasses filled with water
YOU are zero and Q kills you, you say his real name before you die

what's q's real name?
He sounds like a pussy.
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actually... i'm santa.
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Has anyone decrypted the game by chance? I don't have a 3ds to use. Apparently it can run on Citra but needs decryption.
Post screencaps
>This old man's name is Q


Anyone else stuck in the healing room?
Japanese cast is pretty much an all star one.
Puzzles are made to be solved, no reason to get stuck anywhere.
What the fuck am I supposed to do in the transporter room? 5 purple symbols are floating in the air, and there's a table where you can see which cards beat other cards or something. I don't get it.
I've been in this room for two hours and I still don't know what the star is supposed to be...
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