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Youre on a board with bunch of retarded rules that act as a form

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 470
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Youre on a board with bunch of retarded rules that act as a form of censorship, why is it only now an issue?

You only care about censorship when it affects you personally. You never took the stance that all censorship is bad. You only care because you cant fap anymore. It was always abut you.
Because they've been enslaved by petty materialism. It's all just economics now
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What is up with the #FE shilling?

Are they that desperate for WiiU games that they will gobble up this shit?
>Being so insecure you can't deal with digital panties and bikinis
>inb4 some dipshit brings out the hurrrr I'll just look at porn if I wanna see titties argument
Good thing I don't have to care about the censoring and can just play the Japanese versions instead
Yea and the story and gameplay are generally the same what's your point? Are you really this upset over anime tiddies?
Show me the rule that says teen rated games shouldn't portray women in bikini.
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My stance is that I don't buy these games, thats the most I can do.

If you want to make a difference, don't buy it.

If someone is retarded enough to buy it, just stop talking with the faggot.

This kind of censorship is unacceptable.
>eyes clip over hair

>This kind of censorship is unacceptable.

Your complaints dont look very valid when you only put down the censorship you dont like and ignore everything else.
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Thailand blatantly blurred out characters wearing bikinis in some anime
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>it wasn't a soulless cash-in
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It's a children's game. There is a reason to censor it.
>story and gameplay are generally the same
>implying they didn't sell the unblurred version on BDs
Glad I don't live in Thailand
Oh sorry I didn't know children bathed in burqas.
nice job moving those goalposts
>H-How dare you care more about the main story and the gameplay over tiddies in a video game?!?! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

That's how you sound man. Its not my fault that you despise the fact that I enjoy video games for the video game aspect of them.
nope its rated T
Show me the burqas in FE#
you just payed $60 for a weeaboo j-pop idolshit fanservice game, minus the fanservice
congrats I guess
>Welcome to Subway
>What extra toppings would you like
>Oh hey can I get olives
>No that guy doesn't like olives, so NOBODY is allowed to have them
>Hurr durr food analogy doesn't count
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>that UI
>Wii U gamepad is used as your cell phone
>reading text history and shit
Fucking loving this game so far. The battle system is making my pee pee tingle more than any half naked woman will.
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You again?
>Welcome to Subway
>Oh hey can I get olives
>Sorry sir we don't serve olives at this location
>Hurr durr food analogy doesn't count
Gotcha senpai.
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>changing Tsubasas panties into spats

This is some de ja vu right here. You


Need to find something to do. Why not go enjoy those video game aspects.
That's a dress. Have you ever seen a burqa?
See, in this instance we would just import the JP version, but we can't thanks to region lock
Waaah i cant rub the screen to get generic responses! The gameplay was CENSORED!

You might want to change your adult diaper, manchild.
>Olives are at almost every single one of our locations
>But not this one because it hurts people's fee fees or some shit

Yeah, nah, you're a cunt
Don't worry I bet the next game will be properly sanitized.
Why is this picture mirrored?
If you want to play the JP version you should own a Japanese Wii U and import all your games. Every worthwhile game on the console comes out in Japan anway.
It's not actually about censorship.

It's about being morally justified for getting free shit.

Ever notice how every single time they feel morally indignant, the solution is always piracy?
no that's stupid, not every game is censored to hell like this one is.
That's not how you ask to be cummed inside, the lady has to learn some manners.
Or maybe they just don't serve that ingredient in that region of Subways?

It's not censorship, it's capitalism.
>I'm sorry, but nobody outside of Greece wants olives.
>I want olives, though, like I said.
>I'm sorry, but nobody outside of Greece wants olives. If we put olives on our sandwiches, people in your country would be confused.
>Myself and everyone in this line came here because we assumed olives would be one of many choices for our sandwiches.
>Nobody in this line matters, we exclusively sell sandwiches to people who do not buy sandwiches in this country.
>I guess I'll get a free sandwich with olives then.
Other Nintendo games are, and if you bought all your Wii U games in Japanese you would be able to enjoy the same games without censorship. Complaining about region lock is stupid.
Don't worry guys, uncensored patch before next week is out!
>censoring a wedding dress is gonna bring more sales
I'll just wait 6 months for the Wii U emulator to be in working condition and play it uncensored
Having to learn Japanese just to see a pair of tiddies sounds pretty stupid tbqhwyf.

Nobody EVER bitches to get things removed!
>Complaining about region lock is stupid.
now this is shitposting

No, seriously. This is sad.

At least tell me you're doing something else at the same time.
I'm sure the people at Nintendo know more about how to sell their games than you, random autist on 4cahn
The fuck does that mean? Who says its shitposting? It's someones legitimate opinion.
what the fuck are people "ignoring"?

>You only care about censorship when it affects you personally.

Guess that's why I emailed NoA about their retarded policies even though I can read Japanese.
Let's think about this logically.

What are the odds that someone was really on the fence about this game and thought "gee, this game looks really great and all, but gosh, I couldn't play it, that girl is wearing a normal wedding dress that exposes her upper arms! If only it was covered up, then I'd buy it in a heartbeat!"
Well you're just a fucking retard then. There's no reason for region lock and its stupid that nintendo still does it.
Except that's never how that actually works.
If this was an actual analogy for localization, the people who wanted olives would've known weeks beforehand and wouldn't have bothered to be in line to begin with.
And that's always the problem.
You want olives in your sandwitch, get in line, buy a sandwitch, be very vocal about how awesome the sandwitch is, and how much better it would be with olives.

Nintendo is a business, not a democracy. Prove to them there is money to be made, and they'll gladly give you what you want. This is how this works. This is how this has ALWAYS worked.
4chan's rules. Try making a thread saying youd fuck Bowser. Youd get banned.
How is that not censorship?

You'd be shocked to discover how little most "pros" in any field know.
I'm actually pretty convinced that random localization team member at treehouse doesn't actually know what their particular niche audience consumer wants more than me, a particular niche audience member.
you already got BTFO in the other thread with these same copypasta arguments fuck off already
Better than the odds that that someone was really on the fence about this game and thought "gee, this game looks really great and all, but gosh, I couldn't play it, that girl isn't showing enough anime tiddies! If only I could jerk off to these shitty models, then I'd buy it in a heartbeat!"

>Wii U

>Federation Force

>Star Fox Zero


>This game in Japan

No, they really don't.

>Try making a thread saying youd fuck Bowser.

Are the mods that bad now? Back in my day they'd just delete the thread if anything. Or Snacks would ban you and demand CP if you wanted to be unbanned.
You think so?

With the audience that is most interested in this game?

I doubt it.
This board censors CP and 12 year olds raiding twitch. Nintendo is trying to censor navels on cgi characters.

Also, this game is shit anyway. Literally not Fire Emblem.
Crying about not being able to see anime tiddies is stupid to begin with. Why not just learn japanese if you want them that badly?
Complaining about it and hoping something changes is much easier and also somewhat entertaining.
nintendo is shit im pirating everything from them until they fix their shit
its more like "rest of world" not just usa
Im only saying you only care about censorship when it affects you personally. Just because you can't fap to anime tiddies anymore.
>Try making a thread saying youd fuck Bowser.
Furshit has never been welcome here.
Okay, one
Two, you know why Subway did that?

>wouldn't have bothered to be in line to begin with.
Exactly. In this case, the line is the set of people willing to buy a sandwich, whereas everyone outside the line are people who think sandwiches are stupid and prefer wraps, burritos, and literally anything in the world that is not a sandwich. In other words, what Nintendo thinks their target audience is, rather than their actual audience. Of course, "everyone in this line" is hyperbole, and there will be people who line up, realize there are no olives and buy the sandwich anyway, combined with a few who buy an oliveless-sandwich out of spite. But NoA would rather make no profit on selling their olive-less sandwiches than admit to Japan they made a mistake and get their budgets cut.
I want to play the games the way they were meant to be played. That's all I really give a fuck about.
You're really presumptuous about that considering a lot of people here are saying this censorship outright won't be affecting them due to piracy, but are still being outraged.

I'm >>342682038. It doesn't affect me, and I don't even like fanservice.
But this game actually has a very bad translation. Worse than Digimon Cyber Sleuth's machine translation.
So you're assuming the people who wanted to play #FE, but aren't going to anymore, didn't buy 300 dollar Wii U's from Nintendo in order to not play this game they're bitching about?
That nobody bought any other censored game and complained about it?
What would you rather have us do?

Not buying the game has the exact same effect as pirating it. People don't want to support the game's censorship. You know, the whole vote with your wallet thing? Piracy is the obvious solution here. Especially when you can patch in the removed content.
Not really, most European countries are not nearly as prudish as USA.


There's a shit ton of games that sell exclusively on anime titties, absolutely it's a selling point
should I post my consoles and games or what?
If you wanna take this to its logical conclusion everyone should be rioting because free speech isn't absolute and we must constantly censor ourselves. You can't scream "FIRE" in a crowded movie theater, for example.

Of course you only give a shit when it affects you personally. What am I, a fucking superhero or something? I can't do jack shit about most forms of censorship but when something I'm personally interested in is being censored for no good reason of course I'm gonna be upset. Especially since I can make a choice and choose not to support it.
It's selling pretty well, and online whining was just that.
>selling pretty well
Gonna need a sauce on that one.
>Nintendo is a business, not a democracy. Prove to them there is money to be made,
The problem is buying their games proves to them that censorship makes fiscal sense.

If you continue to buy Subway sandwiches, even after they repedetly refuse to add olives despite your requests, you're only telling them that it's profitable for them to keep not serving olives.
I don't care. You're the one buying a mutilated game.
>I play purely for the video game aspect
Oh please. You might as well say you only like women for their personalities and disregard physical attractiveness. Only the woman's beauty was clearly one of the draws.
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reminder it's not censorship if the japanese make changes for a CERO B rating
play the superior uncensored version you EOP
That's literally the entire concept behind things like the Senran Kagura Monsou.

Hell, fanservice works like that even without it being anime titties. Look at Hyrule Warriors just being Dynasty Warriors with Zelda instead of Japan, or Titties, and it outsells them despite the exact same Monsou gameplay.
Lol are you serious senpai? 90% of the entire Vita's library is funded on 2D tiddies.
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Not in Thailand. Most of Southeast Asia is way behind. They don't even have BDs there. Perhaps I'm just thinking of the Philippines, but I know some places used video cds until a few years ago. Yes, not even DVDs. A friend of mine from Indonesia tells me that most people still have SDTVs as well.
You can, but it obviously shows you're not against all forms of censorship. Just censorship you personally dont like. Pretty shallow.
It doesn't really count as censorship if nobody was able to see it that way in the first place.
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>mfw I like the pants look better but get called out for being a censorshill if I say so

the blonde's censored outfit in the OP also looks good, though the other two are shit.
Anime tiddies absolutely have an impact on the game's sales, but not a negative one. How many people actually bought Dead or Alive or Senran Kagura because of the gameplay?
You can still play the game the way it's meant to be played. The gameplay is still the same. The game wasn't meant to be jerk off material for basement dwelling virgins.
I'm glad they censored this game. When I think about the game we could have had, and the complete nonsense we got instead with this shit, it brings me great joy that you guys are suffering so much from this.

>but it obviously shows you're not against all forms of censorship

I'm not against all forms of censorship. I don't think you should be allowed to incite panic in a crowded area. That would be pretty dangerous.

Why do you think people have to be all deep and righteous? The world is filled with petty people, it's not something to be ashamed of. Even the nicest person in the world would care more about things that personally affect them. You're talking about some Jesus-esque anti-censorship deity that doesn't exist.
>The game wasn't meant to be jerk off material for basement dwelling virgins
Nice delusion.
>The game wasn't meant to be jerk off material for basement dwelling virgins.
did you personally ask the devs?
What the fuck are you even saying?
What? A ton of things only come out censored and either the "uncensored" version is only made after the original or the "original" never sees the light of day because it was censored.

Take bleeped out dialog for example. It's still censoring words from being used in public television.
>The game wasn't meant to be jerk off material for basement dwelling virgins
If that were the case, it wouldn't have been changed.
>SMTfags mad
>FEfags mad
>censorship fags mad
>people who just want to discuss the game can't without any of the other 3 getting in the way
It's kind of funny that such an upbeat, bright and cheery game can piss of so many people all at once.
/v/'s rules are consistent and make sense. They're there to make sure discussion actually happen. Nintendo just fails to know who their audience is. More importantly, some people that are not us get to see the content that is censored in this (shitty btw) game. Where can I freely post child pornography without getting banned? Reddit?
It shows you obviously only care about censorship if its something you can fap to. If its not, then who gives a fuck, apparently.

Based on what, exactly? Even GAF is talking about how their gamestop only had one copy, and they've been shilling hard since it got censored.
So why did the developers add fanservice then? Why don't you go tell them they made their game wrong?
At least it's the original devs who make the changes, not someone that shouldn't even be allowed to have that kind of power in the first place.
Yeah I shouldve figured that after you brought up starving African children for no reason that the no child porn rule would conveniently be the rule youd pick out first. Gotta go with the extremes, nevermind that CP is fucking against the law so its not even 4chans fault or responsibility to begin with.
If NISA pulled this shit, nobody would defend them

it's just nintentodlers defending it
So why was it in the Japanese version?
>We want olive sandwiches from Subway
>If you want them so bad, Subway is only going to listen to you if you fucking buy sandwiches
>Just because we're not buying their new "olive-less olive sandwiches" doesn't mean we're not buying fucking sandwiches


>uncensor patch in three days

>works on literally every Wii U

Feeling pretty good, actually.
>If NISA pulled this shit, nobody would defend them

why is NISA still in business then? /v/ is literally their only customers
>The game wasn't meant to be jerk off material for basement dwelling virgins.
It's about idols, anon.
i've always been against it, for any reason. i also think there are limits to what children should be exposed to (like aggressive tongue kissing/extended periods of making out is probably the tamest one) but this shit isn't it. there is no reason to censor this other than feminists being offended.
That's wrong.

If you want to fix the censorship problem, you buy the game, play the uncensored version, and then be extremely vocal about WHY you're doing what you're doing.

Nintendo, like any company, does things it feels will sell them the most copies.
If you don't buy a copy, they don't care about you. If you buy a copy and are then extremely vocal and open about their shitty censorship practices, it'll show them that there is, in fact, an audience, and exactly what that audience wants.
Otherwise your voice will be drowned out by the 6.99998 billion other people who didn't buy the game.
>if its something you can fap to

Wrong, I care about it because it's a video game I want to play, and the game is being altered for no reason, which means it isn't the intended product. It's about artistic integrity. You just choose to look past that and take the easy way out by attributing the outcry with the nature of the censorship, which is inconsequential. The fact that the game is being censored at all is the problem.
Nintentoddlers seem to be the ones saying "I'm just gonna pirate this". The ones defending it seem to be baiters or false flaggers.

NISA's only customers are their own message boards and NeoGAF mods, apparently.
>implying people care about your opinion after you handed them your money
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>after you brought up starving African children
What? This is my first post in the thread. Okay, let's try this again. Not being able to post a thread about wanting to fuck my furry waifu Isabelle (which is legal) on /v/ is not censorship. It is just not allowing off topic content. Things removed from the game are on topic since the developers put them in there. m00t did not create /v/ to discuss furry waifu fucking. More importantly, why do you care if people are bothered that the game is censored? Will you be upset if people don't buy it? As long as you enjoy it, I fail to see the problem.
No, they did that because it makes them look tolerant and respectful of their religious beliefs, giving them a PR boost and potential sales.

If Subway could make more money from selling ham and pissing of muslims the absolutely fucking would. Even if muslisms stopped buying from Subway it wouldn't fucking matter.
>Nintendo, like any company, does things it feels will sell them the most copies.
Nintendo is not a company, it is a collection of international companies. And companies do not do what will make them money, they do what they believe will make them money. Even passing failiarity with the fall of Sega will impress upon you how easily companies will make insane decisions in the name of what they believe will be profitable contrary to all evidence.
Reminder that no one would discuss this kusoge if it wasn't censored. I'm halfway convinced Nintendo did this to cause a false controversy just to get people to talk about in forced discussions.
>all of these deflections
it's a fucking stupid decision to change the source so drastically in the first place. why? who are they trying to please? what kind of prude snob find bikinis (modest ones at that) so offensive?

but NISA is a sinking ship, i give it another 2 years before they are out

XSEED and IFI master race
>>people who just want to discuss the game can't
I'm pretty happy about this sempai. NoA fans are hands down the worst group of subhumans on this entire board, so seeing their threads suffer brings me a lot of pleasure. No one else deserves the ruining that NoA fans do.
>If you want to fix the censorship problem, you buy the game, play the uncensored version, and then be extremely vocal about WHY you're doing what you're doing.
>Nintendo, like any company, does things it feels will sell them the most copies.
These two go together like water and oil. The fact that they censored the game and you're giving them 60 dollars means they'll think they're doing something right by censoring it, so they'll keep doing what they're doing.

>Otherwise your voice will be drowned out by the 6.99998 billion other people who didn't buy the game.
If even 50,000 people buy the game, your voice about why you don't like the game will be drowned out by the 49,999 other people praising the game because they bought it unaware/ignoring the censorship.
I am playing it via loadiine...its actually pretty good, solid 8/10 so far and im only 3 hrs in.
Fuck off Nintendo marketer nobody's falling for your lies.
bottom looks better
why would they be wearing bikinis in the middle of the city like that? top makes no fuckin' sense.
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>I enjoy video games for the video game aspect of them.
Then why are you playing jrpgs?
You generally don't actually ever have to do that when you're one of the leading video game companies in the world.

Nintendo, on numerous occasions have literally announced that they have an announcement coming up soon, and the speculation from that alone causes them to be the top trending topic across every game site and twitter feed.
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Who else wants to discuss this game? Casuals that have never even played a FE or SMT game? They don't fucking matter. It's like saying that GeeWunners ruin discussions of Bayformers. Who the fuck cares what weed smoking teens and 10 year old children think about something that's supposed to have call backs to previous entries in a franchise older than them?
JRPGs are the most video gamey video games out there.

Especially in this age of cinematic masterpieces starring tragic player character and the smaller character they have to protect.
>Especially in this age of cinematic masterpieces starring tragic player character and the smaller character they have to protect.
Yeah, Nier was a great videogame to play. Savior of JRPGs really.
slovenly obese feminists. they find it offensive because it makes them feel bad for being bloated bipedal sea mammals. that is all body image shit it about, there is an image i used to like that said something along the lines of "the difference between men and women is that men see a character like james bond or something and want to emulate him, women see a female character as a threat and want to tear them down to their level".

basically, it's just disgusting pigs throwing a fit because nobody will ever love them. they'll probably do it anyway though.
>No, they did that because it makes them look tolerant and respectful of their religious beliefs
...yes? Why is that a bad thing?

Also, they did it because a group of individuals asked the store to cater to their beliefs under these specific circumstances, and the store obliged. I don't know why you people see this as a bad thing, you should be fucking taking notes.
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>If you want to fix the censorship problem, you buy the game
That is the exact opposite of fixing the censorship problem. Don't like it, don't buy it.

If you buy a copy, at that point they don't care about your opinion . You already bought it, they still get paid either way. You are effectively voting with your wallet in support of censorship.

If you think a business is being scummy about what they're offering, the correct response is to both not buy what they're selling AND spread the word that they're being scummy and why.

The whole "if you don't buy it you're not part of the audience" is a fallacy. Because buy giving them your money you're supporting their decisions.
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Do you also think that pen and paper RPGs aren't games? Explain to me how Phantasy Star is not a game.
Companies don't make decisions in a vacuum, anon. There is still such a thing as evidence.
>Also, they did it because a group of individuals asked the store to cater to their beliefs under these specific circumstances, and the store obliged.
And their actual customers who actually buy sandwiches got them for free elsewhere. Seems like everyone got what they wanted, except the idiots still paying for sandwiches.
It's from a buzzword that I don't like, so it doesn't count.
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>It's a nintengaf defend censorship again episode
Do you get paid for it
>There is still such a thing as evidence.
Which companies will happily ignore in favor of their internal culture. Again, see the fall of Sega.

Because it's at the expense of everyone else who wants ham or pork in their Subway sandwiches. All to cater to a vocal minority who can't tolerate certain foods but refuses to eat somewhere else that caters to them. now everyone else has to suffer so Subway can virtue signal.

You should try using your fucking brain for once.
>If Subway could make more money from selling ham and pissing of muslims the absolutely fucking would
>subway in london making any money without catering to muslims
>anything in london making any money without catering to muslims
/v/ has always defended censorship
sony, microsoft, and nintendo all require arbitrary ratings for a company to even release product on their platform and all companies are alive
I hope so. I'd hate to think that anyone on this earth would do this motivated solely by conviction.
>/v/ has always defended censorship because of the ESRB

>and then be extremely vocal about WHY you're doing what you're doing.

Why would they care? You already bought the game. If they think you're going to buy their games regardless then why would they change their ways?
>/v/ has always defended censorship
I'd sure love to see a source that isn't your ass, anon. I'd also love to meet this /v/ person, they sound super interesting.
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>body image shit
>In stock everywhere around
>Even better, the special edition is in stock fucking everywhere
This game is gonna flop pretty good, i can't wait to see it.
Hopefully the uncensored patch will be out by then.
What the fuck are you even talking about. Not all of 4chans rules are about off topic content.
I might buy a special edition just to flip it in a few years. FE console games tend to go up in value.
>The fact that they censored the game and you're giving them 60 dollars means they'll think they're doing something right by censoring it, so they'll keep doing what they're doing.

Oh my god no.

Alright, I'm about to blow your little mind. You ready for this shit?

No company WANTS to censor a game.

On top of altering the original artistic vision for the game, which, contrary to popular belief IS in fact something these companies actually care about, it's also a sunk cost to importing a game, on top of advertising, distribution, and flat translation.

Any company localizes or censors a game if and when they feel it will help the game better appeal to the demographic they're marketing to. A demographic that, chances are, you actually do belong to.
"Well", you might say "There's already an overwhelming presence on social media, surely Nintendo knows about those people!" to which I'll say no, not really.
As you can already see in this thread, people are using the censorship as an excuse to pirate it. Those people don't count, because once piracy enters the equasion, there's no way of telling whether that person is sincere, or if they just want a free game.
The ONLY way to show Nintendo that you're serious is to buy the game, THEN play whichever version you want, and THEN be extremely vocal on social media about why you're playing which version of the game. If enough people do that, you'll get through.
If you can prove to Nintendo that there is an audience who will buy the game, AND they don't have to sink costs in to localization? That's a win/win for everybody involved.
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>Any company localizes or censors a game if and when they feel it will help the game better appeal to the demographic they're marketing to

Clearly censoring an idolshit game will help the game better appeal to the market for idolshit games.
If you actually read the article or did any kind of research, anon, you'd see that it was only specific resturaunts in a very specific, heavily muslim populated area, and suiting the menu to local custom is something Subway has done all the fucking time.
>No company WANTS to censor a game.
Your post is already bullshit from this phrase alone. Treehouse hires writers who very vocally want to censor games regardless of financial realities.
Don't expect it to retain value. I picked up the Xenoblade special edition for $60 at my store, had it reserved then no one bought it for months until i saw it go down and i finally picked it up last week. Resold the game for almost 50.
No jrpgs are basically visual novels with "gameplay" that basically plays itself while being super heavily focused on its story. They are not games

>Especially in this age of cinematic masterpieces starring tragic player character and the smaller character they have to protect.
You know jrpgs popularized this right?
So stop going to subway, hamnigger. Stop playing video games as a whole, find a new waste of time, censornigger
>The ONLY way to show Nintendo that you're serious is to buy the game,

At which point they already have your money. So why do they care about your opinions? You're clearly willing to buy the game in spite of them.

You're proving to nintendo that there is an audience who will buy the game, despite the localization so they continue to believe that it increases their sales. As opposed to not buying the game showing Nintendo that the localization actually cost them sales.
Why should they bother changing the game based on your complains if you're just going to buy anything they shit out either way?
>So stop going to subway
Why? Because muslims can't handle pork? Nobody is forcing them to order it on their Subway sandwiches.

>Stop playing video games as a whole, , find a new waste of time
>So stop going to subway, hamnigger. Stop playing video games as a whole,
Or people could just eat all the free sandwiches that are readily avaliable, now that the local subway has made it clear they don't want business.
>The ONLY way to show Nintendo that you're serious is to buy the game, THEN play whichever version you want, and THEN be extremely vocal on social media about why you're playing which version of the game.
There is literally zero way for Nintendo to know if I'm on facebook/twitter being super vocal about #FE after spending 60 dollars on it or not. Even if I get 500 people out of the 10,000 sales to do that thing you said, then what the fuck is stopping it from becoming
>"Well", you might say "There's already an overwhelming presence on social media, surely Nintendo knows about those people!" to which I'll say no, not really.
I'm genuinely curious what mental acrobatics make Nintendo suddenly care about and listen to my previously irrelevant opinion now that I'm suddenly 1 out of 10,000 people who bought it instead of just 1 out of 30,000 people complaining before?
So if a game is turn based, it isn't a game? Is Mage: The Awakening not a game?
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When did /v/ get so many censorship fags?
Around the time of Bravely Default disaster.
It's okay when nintendoes it.
>so many
>174 posts
>44 posters
I haven't seen anything suggesting all of the pro-censorship *isn't* just falseflagging samefags.
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>If you want to fix the censorship problem, you buy the game
Why are Nintendrones such cuckold pieces of garbage?
It's not Nintendrones, it's NoA drones.
I'm a fucking lifelong Nintendo fanboy, and even I'm not this deluded.
Are there really people who defend Japanese Nintendo but not NoA?
They are both shit but for different reasons.
Here's the big takeaway, since you people don't seem to like moral grey areas so much, and can't understand the concept of company godwill or repeat customers

Don't pirate the game. You pirate the game and your opinion is null and void.

You pirate the game, and it immediately becomes impossible to tell if you pirated it BECAUSE of moral reasons, or simply used them as a crutch to do what you were going to do anyway. It minimizes your voice in the matter, which is the one thing you don't want.

So if you care enough about censorship to have it effect your purchasing decision, then flat don't buy it, don't play it.
I pirated the game.
Then im gonna pirate the game again for an uncensored version.
Had Nintendo released or plans to release an uncensored version, then i would/have bought it.
Japanese nintendo makes games. NoA doesn't have that going for them, why would anyone have any reason to defend them?

I can at least say "shiggy is ruining metroid, but doing alright with Kirby so he's alright" or something to that effect, but I have no grounds to respect Bill from NoA if he fucks up a Kirby Game's translation.
fuck off shill
>You pirate the game and your opinion is null and void.
Oh wow, I had better buy the game then. I wouldn't want to transition from NoA valuing me as a customer and caring about my opinion to this insane nightmare scenario you describe.
Since always. /v/ still has daily Fire Emblem Overwatch and Smash threads despite all being censored. It's literally only a vocal minority that gives a shit about censorship
>You pirate the game and your opinion is null and void.
Because...? Literally how would Nintendo ever take that into account when trying to judge the validity of feedback? How would my opinion suddenly not matter if I do, or suddenly matter if I pay 60 dollars and don't pirate?
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You know with the magic of piracy you can fix missing contents, I will pirate if they don't want me to buy it, fuck off shill.
Is this legit?
>Don't pirate the game. You pirate the game and your opinion is null and void.

No it isn't. Their opinion is just as valid as those who didn't buy the game. Even moreso considering pirates actually played it and can have a more informed opinion. Their voices have just as much relavency in the matter as anyone else who did't buy it

At the end of the day, poor localization practices only creates more incentive for piracy, it doesn't discourage it. Once shit like censorship stops, the only remaining reason to pirate is free games. And someone who just wants free games doesn't need a "crutch" to pirate, they're going to pirate anyway.

So the choice is between "less piracy" or "more piracy". If you and Nintendo want to make the choice betwee "complacency for censorship" and "we kill all our games" then thats your and their problem for being so retarded.
>treehouse workers begging people to buy their shit
What do you think? Sakura doesn't have support convs with Selkie unless she's her mother but the hair colors don't match.
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That's the original.
>and can't understand the concept of company godwill or repeat customers

Actually you're the one who seems not to understand the concept of repeat customers, seeing as they're not repeat customers IF THEY STOP BUYING GAMES DUMBASS. You don't have to worry about repeat customers or company goodwill if everyone keeps buying their games regardless of your shitty decisions.

>if you care enough about censorship to have it effect your purchasing decision, then flat don't buy it, don't play it.
Except you just went out on a rant on how the only way to fix piracy is to buy the game. Not buying it and not playing it contradicts your entire argument.
Your post just shows that you don't really care about the censorship issue, or how fan feedback is recieved by Nintendo, or how piracy allegedly hurts nintendo. You ONLY care about the fact that people get to play the game for free without paying, so you can have the moral high ground on the subject of the game. Ironically you accused pirates of moral justifications earlier ITT.
>Buy the game and companies will totally listen to your opinions. I swear.
>Don't pirate the game and companies will totally listen to your opinions. I swear.
You are not very good at your job.
His job is to collect (You)s, so he's pretty great at that.
I don't know man, I stopped caring about the game, when I saw shit was changed
You didn't miss anything desu, it's just Awakening with more classes.
the only way to fix *censorship is to buy the game
>you people don't seem to like moral grey areas so much
>Don't pirate the game. You pirate the game and your opinion is null and void.

The only way to fix censorship is to jihad the fuck out of NoA.
NISA would still be here.
Some going Breivik on Treehouse would certainly make me smile, but no one has it in them and it wouldn't change anything anyway
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Don't get me wrong - I love me some swimsuits, but I'm being 100% honest when I say I actually prefer the new clothes on the bottom picture, they just look so much more adorable and less plain-jane.
>You people just want free shit.


>then stop pirating stuff.

Way to prove him right, asshats.
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The people pirating it have no money because of no job, most likely.

> inb4 "n-no! I do! I just don't wanna spend my money on SHIT!"

You're a child.
I'm surprised the posters weren't taken down all together. Having pictures of little girls on your wall is creepy.
I have no interest in this game, but I have a job and I pirate lots of shit.
whatever makes you feel better.
calling people poor isn't going to convince them to buy censorshit.
>Literally spending your money on shit

You could buy around 60 candybars instead of this shit.
OP girls look more appealing clothed.
>It was always abut you.
Of course its always about me, you stupid OP. Why should it be another way?People always act for their convenience. its almost an instinct, that said, I dont want to fap to them, but I do enjoy the bikins more, plus the censored cutscenes with the blurry ass black smoke on the monsters boobs and the censored bride costume is just retarded that im not going to buy it.

>pirates are poor!
no way in hell im buying this shit in the way they released it. hell, dialogues in battles are not even subbed. what a lazy ass translation.

pirating this and Paper Mario, last game for WiiU ill pay for will be Zelda
I like that comic.
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EOPs, when will they learn?

Just fucking learn Japanese and stop giving money to these """""localization""""" companies. If you idiots started back when you finally realized you were getting fucked when you saw that saw that shitty game Mugen Souls get censored to hell, you would have been fluent already.

So shut the fuck up, stop replying to NoA shills, get the fuck out of this thread and get cracking. It's not even hard.
Having to learn Japanese just to see a pair of tiddies sounds pretty stupid tbqhwyf. Also Nintendo has region lock.
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Pick your poison.
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Because people like you keep making the slippery slope come true with Nintendo happen each time you try to justify your recent censored purchase

>first Awakening censoring a DLC bikini and sexual innuendo
>then Bravely Default censoring costumes
>then FFV having two bikinis censored out
>then XCX having a character creating option removed, 13 year old's sexy armor and bikini altered, and one outfit completely changed for everyone
>then FE Fates having a mini game censored, dialogue changes including a support dialogue all removed, and outfits removed
>then Bravely Second completely altering a costume and censoring sidequest stories and artbooks
>now #FE with censored costumes, dungeon story censoring, missing DLC, and more censored artbooks

Seriously, how much longer can you put up with their bullshit until you finally realize this? What does it take for you people to realize that you're being mocked because the company you idolize couldn't give two shits about you so long as they get money? This isn't even about anime fapfuel anymore, it's about a company so out of touch with its fanbase, it's downright insulting.
Honest question, what are some really recent RPGs that actually have subbed combat dialogue?
Are you literally retarded?

Fuck back to gaia, faggot.
They don't care. NoA apologists are just going to keep moving the goalposts and say when X% of the game censorsed only then is it unacceptable. Also crying at pirates after spending months if not years mocking people and telling them they would buy it anyway.

Basically you're trying to reason with a bag of shit.
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>Long socks
Well now
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>Implying slippery slope

People will stop buying when the changes get to a point where it bothers them. Which is unlikely seeing as most people aren't autists who get triggered by the slightest localizatioin change like you spergs do. I was on the fence about Bravely Second when /v/ said it cut out an entire subplot and completely ruined the context for the ending, when in actuality it just streamlined a bunch of sidequest stories that only contributed to the main story in one very specific way that still makes sense with the changes that improved it.
and you, my senpai, are an unequivocal cuck

That's the best you could come up with after a half hour you shitrag?
This copy pasta again. Sad mindless NoA defense drone.
It's not just this game and it's not just tits. Every localized game gets fucked. Altered graphics, cut costumes, cut story elements, cut gameplay mecahnics, or meme translations. The vast majority of the localized games has at least one of the above. And for the rare 100% faitfully localized game, you still lose meaning in the translation anyways.

If you're the type of person who only cares about anime tiddies, then you shouldn't even be complaining. Just watch porn.
I've played it for like 9 hours today and I had FUN. Lots of it
Case in point
>Every localized game gets fucked.
Not really, you're just exaggerating. Most modern localizations aren't anywhere near as fucked as NoA titles are. I haven't had much issue with faithfully localized games.
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You're wasting your time. Nintendo could make a total conversion of a game and they'd say it's still okay. I now await BlazBlue game on 3ds where all of the sprites are redone to be wearing black robes and the story is changed to friends having a friendly martial arts competition with all of the music done by some dude from Nickelodeon as well. Fuck, they'd be saying it's a new, fresh experience that's unique from the other versions.
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>implying directionless /v/irgins can learn 200 kanji radicals
Keep in mind it's still only normalfag Chads that are successful expats that learn Japanese and get asian wives.
all me :^)
Why does this sound like fricken sega sammy
Nintendrones don't understand logic and reason. Nintendo can do no wrong. If Nintendo changed it, it must be for the better in their eyes.

The only response you'll get is "you are a pervert" when nobody even faps to the bikinis in these games, just like nobody faps to the 5 second bikini shots in tv shows that are usually used to transition back from a commercial break.

No he's right, you sound more like a faggot to me though. But child works as well.
Sammy doesn't sound anything like that you fricken dumbfrick. He just complains about people not liking Sonic and Nintendo rehashing Mario.
Why would I want to do all of that? All I care about is playing games with faithful localizations. It's not that much to ask.
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It's okay to show real teenagers in bikinis on TV, but not cartoon ones in a video game.
>No company WANTS to censor a game
Unless you're Censortendo
>Youre on a board with bunch of retarded rules that act as a form of censorship, why is it only now an issue?
If you wanted a thread you could of just normally made one. No need to bait.
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> abut
are your hands shaking or are they just to fat for the keys
Whats happening here?
>tfw pirated the game and censorship isn't even a problem
Why do you niggas have autism.
You pirated the game so your opinion is null and void.
>bye toe
Olives are shit anyway.
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>T rated game
>no fanservice allowed
>the word shit is
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>Casual fucking weeaboo that doesn't even know Japanese and only watches anime doesn't know he should have written it as "ベイト"
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restoration is in the works so no biggie
Could you please do something about your image?, this is a christian board
Game never looked interesting to me. All I see is Persona 4 and idol shit.

Imagine if 4kids was a modern dubbing company. These retards would defend the descent from "JELLY FILLED DONUTS" and censoring religious references to completely ruining characters' plot arcs and development for the cause of "localization"
When did the meaning of weeb change?
The best thing about this whole shitstorm was seeing my 0 score metacritic reviews passed around on neofag, I did a few pretty obvious 10 score ones too, just blasting ppl for lying about any form of censorship.

quite epic, amirite guis
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>need a new Wii U game until Zelda BOTW
>already played all the must-haves for the system
>considering getting TMS since I like atlus vidya but don't want to support the censorship

wut do
They are using the NA/EU copy of the game, so it's still fucked. NoA changed a lot more than just outfits, they even changed shit like camera angles and Maiko lying down to sitting up

Not to mention their awful translation
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Play JRPGs on Steam, why does the game HAVE to be on the Wii u?
You get Loadiine on your Wii U you can play a pirated version through homebrew. It's very easy to do, just drag and drop a file onto an SD card then you go to the website and it's done. I also heard a group is working on a restoration patch for the game or something.
Pirate it, or if you really want to pay money for it for some reason, wait until there's a used copy somewhere.
>completely rewrote a dungeon and some dialogue
>arbitrary changes that didn't need to be made (aka every change)
I want this shit to end.
I want censorship to end.
If I ever buy an NX, I'll make sure to keep it on its stock firmware.
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>People being surprised that a videogame company known to make games for a younger audience censors their games
This is a niche JRPG that the average kid wouldn't even had heard about let alone be interested in. Not to mention it's main demographics is teens and young adults with idolshit fanservice being one of its main appeals.
The problem is censoring games that obviously AREN'T for little kids.
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Remember when they tried to make games like Mortal Kombat appeal to everyone? Glad to see they've learned after that.
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>it's ok when nintendo does it
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>that feel when you realize you aren't the target audience for nintendyearold games anymore
>play them anyways

never change faggots
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Who the fuck is the target audience for this game then?
Normies won't buy it
Kids won't buy it
SMT and FE fans hate it
Weebs hate it since they took out the fanservice
Hardcore non EOPs and Japanese didn't buy it

Who could possibly love this abortion? Only the most obnoxious service-level weeb would buy this. It's a complete insult
what does this mean?

>Who could possibly love this abortion?

The same audience that likes Awakening and Fates.
Except those are handheld FE games, with completely different gameplay and style from FE#, a spin off idolshit game on a platform with less than a fraction of the 3DS's install base. Literally who the fuck is this supposed to appeal to?
It's not about sales. It's about sticking it to those icky misogynist goober gators. They literally brag about censoring games.
The stocks of a Fedora factory wouldn't be big enough for this thread.
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idk anon
i bought the game and im enjoying it so far
while censorship is lame, for the most part, it wont stop me from playing a good game
>it won't be possible to restore it 100% so they shouldn't restore as much as possible
Great logic there, friend
I get what you mean.
I'll buy it too once it is confirmed that the patch works with my version of the game.
>good game
But that's the original definition. A person that claims Japanese superiority despite knowing nothing of Japan. like the guy making the picture who clearly knows no Japanese.
you lose your fucking argument the moment you buy it.

It just justifies their decision since at the end of the day they got your fucking money which continues their bottom-line

fuck i thought you were delusion now i know your a fucking marketer.
OR it shows them that there is indeed a market for the games while it shows that this market is fine with it being in the original state.
Which would mean that you a.) need to buy it and b.) be pretty vocal about how the changes bother you.
if you're so damn intent of buying it then a better message would be importing the original version.
sending the company the picture of it.
with the reason of because of the changes you went through the extra trouble of importing since its not the version you wanted.

>Even better, the special edition is in stock fucking everywhere

Are you talking about in stores? Not defending or anything, but I don't see it for sale anywhere online.
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The game is so mediocre and unappealing that even Japs, the target audience, didn't care about it.
Why should I care about the western release that is additionally topped off with 4Kids level of censorship?
Am I really supposed to drop everything and buy it despite all that only because the almighty metacritic tells me it's "good"?
>filter is back

Is there any info on the NA sales yet?
Is it cuck that got filtered?
>implying they aren't gonna retranslate the censored parts and just copy over camera data and animations from the japanese version

wow, file swapping is really hard man
uncensored version when?
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6 months ago.
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then how did he type it
If it's not in English that's useless.
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You are useless.
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I think your point about a slippery slope being true loses some power when it starts with a bikini and sexual innuendo and it ends with a bikini and sexual innuendo.
The Wii U is a console aimed at young children.
This is filth and gives the impression it's OK to parade around a cityscape in a revealing bikini.

Surely you understand that children seeing this would be damaging long term and that sort of content doesn't belong on such a system.
No, I can't tell you you're a fucking retard and should kill yourself.
did you miss the part where the west is locked out of dlc?
Highschoolers wear worse bikinis in real life. Fuck, kids in general nowadays wear for more raunchy shit than most of what's in this.
well we have to stop it and I thank Nintendo for remembering family values.
Given the only missing DLC is a hot springs, nah. I don't think you're gonna find a better description for that than "bikini and sexual innuendo".
But even Awakening had (censored) hot spring dlc for the west.
They hired a pedophile degenerate whore to advertise their games. So, are you sure ?
I could understand that people were on the fence with Fates since the game itself was worth playing, so there was a conflict of interest between supporting NoA and skipping it.
#FE flopped hard in Japan. There's literally no reason to even consider buying that censored garbage.
What´s the point of these threads anymore ? Everybody sane already gave up on Nintendo after FF and Xenoblade. If those nu-males didn´t give it up until now then they never will.

Let them enjoy their beloved cuckery which they enjoy that much.
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What was the purpose of the class changes changing how the Mirages look like if you hardly ever see them during combat anyway? I wish it was like Persona where using skills and spells would summon the Mirage behind the Master.

>I stopped listening to the censorship panickers when they derided Xenoblade X because of a boob slider. Seriously, look at what's being changed before you lose your s***. There's a difference between censorship and localization, Japan and North America have big differences in some areas culturally, and sometimes things are changed just for human decency(see: the aforementioned boob slider)

>westerners are so immature and dumb that they can't handle cultural differences or acknowledge that women have different breast sizes
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>There's a difference between censorship and localization

This is similar to what people used to defend fucking 4kids years ago. "They're not censoring One Piece, just making it more culturally appropriate!"
And that was a map of added core gameplay.

#FE's hot springs dlc is literally bikini outfits and 4 "commercial" cutscenes.
It's incredble they went to such extremes. Back in the day they'd just assume you can't understand moontalk anyway.
Normalfags never ever learn Japanese, you have no idea what you're talking about. Or you have a bizarre definition of normalfag.
It's still restricting dlc no matter how you try to flip it.
Oh well, that's nintendo's problem if they hate extra money. Every other jap company would have no problem throwing up something like bikinis on the store.
I'm sure someone has already said something similar in this very thread, but what child is going to want to buy this niche ass idol based WII U JRPG? Furthermore, why would a parent of such a child give a shit about some bikinis in a video game? They probably already watch anime and see stupid tropes like hot springs episodes and "Whoops I fell face first into her vagina!" all the time. Who is this for? It's not like they're marketing this shit. Why even go through the trouble?
The people who bought it have spoken. The censorship issue was sensationalized. There isn't as much censorship in the game as people say they are.

The people over in /feg/ who bought it also say it's a good game in it's own regard. As long as you don't see it as a crossover.

Let's face it, the people can be upset because it's not the crossover they wanted. But, that doesn't mean it can't be a good game.

The gameplay looks solid, Tsubasa is cute. What's not to like?
>What's not to like?
Most of us played Persona 3 and 4 a decade ago and idolshit with a few new features isn't going to make the piss easy gameplay any better.
>piss easy gameplay
I just got wiped out in the 2nd dungeon by a savage encounter, you retard. The game is actually challenging and a ton of fun.
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>people who care about Japanese stuff less than me are normies
>people who care about Japanese stuff more than me are weebs
>I'm the special snowflake who defines the middle ground
You're basically arguing with this kind of mentality.
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Save for the hijab, sand niggers actually show more skin when they get sold off to a suitor.
I don't think fucking anyone defended "Yo ho ho he took a bite of gum gum". Come up with a different argument.
>The game spawned enemies on me that were objectively superior to me in a turn based rpg!

So you got unlucky?
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>cant fap anymore
why would anyone buy a game just to fap when the internet provides free porn? I hate people like you who use this as an argument
I don't understand this goalpost moving at all. Censorship is ruining gaming, but paid DLC is great? I mean I get you don't have a leg to stand on in saying the hot springs DLC is anything but bikinis and sexual innuendo, but there has to be a better transition to that point than that.

While i personally don't care too much about the censorship the idol theme is not appealing to me at all
I literally said >>342710024
>did you miss the part where the west is locked out of dlc?
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>failing at a casual turn based jrpg
>calling someone else a retard
You can't make that shit up.
wrong post meant >>342712516
No shit no one did at that point you fucking idiot, but the edits to food in Pokemon and making death not a thing in Yu Gi Oh were defended by some people back then up until they got that ridiculous.
you could've just pointed out all the sonic autists that defended 4kid's dub of X to death since that's more memorable than the think of the children crowd you're talking about
>Look at it this way.
A mother who knows nothing about anime style sees a game like Omega Quintet box art at the store and thinks its ok game for their preteen or whatever. They don't know the characters age, but they assume maybe the girl is 12 due to said anime style. Girl is then in game with boobs shaking and bikini shots. Mother is horrified and takes some story to the news about how the game disguised Pedophilia or something. Thats why they censor this stuff. Pure damage control. You can say the game is for a Niche market that is old enough to deserve to see this but that doesn't matter due to the pure POSSIBILITY that 1 mother could see this game in a store and buy it thinking its the same Nintendo family funtime like everything else they own for their Nintendo Systems.

Thanks for reminding me that website is filled with idiots.
Could you have won that by being smart and using strategy, or is it just you getting fucked by RNG and not having grinded enough?
Yeah, and I said it's the same exact shit that's censored in the first place. The slippery slope ends in the exact same spot it began. They are censoring bikinis and sexual innuendo.

You're trying to move the goalpost as if it being DLC is important. You'd only be making the slightest bit of a point if they were actually charging money in the english version for a censored version of hot springs DLC given it's got no gameplay and is 100% fanservice. But they're not, yet you still need to act like there's escalation to match your outrage with some bogeyman about a slippery slope.
>being this fucking bad

>while it shows that this market is fine with it being in the original state.
Except the game you're buying isn't in it's original state. So all it shows is that the market is fine with it being butchered.
>Which would mean that you a.) need to buy it and b.) be pretty vocal about how the changes bother you.
Or c) don't buy it because it's called voting with your wallet fuckass.
>The people who bought it have spoken.

So basically only people who suffer from post purchase rationalization are allowed an opinion. Nice.

>There isn't as much censorship in the game as people say they are.

There isn't a single instance of censorship that isn't in the game people said there is.
Because they would totally see this and think "Oh, right. Censoring wasn't good!"
and not
"Welp, this was obviously a mistake to release a jrpg like this in the west. Better never try this again."
Strawman argument.

Rules on this board act to the benefit of the community, more or less.

Censorship of games acts to the benefit of none; it's intentional degradation of the costly consumer product without any basis for it. It also harms the developers, their company, and everyone who gets their dime from selling these games.
>Because they would totally see this and think "Oh, right. Censoring wasn't good!"
They're definetely not going to see it that way if you buy it censored.

Like anon said earlier in the thread, if you and Nintendo try to make the choice between "complacency for censorship" and "we kill all our localizations" then thats your problem for being so retarded.
>No company WANTS to censor a game.
Localization companies can sometimes bill by the amount of changes that they make. Censorship is easy way to rack the number of changes up.
My point was that the west wouldn't be getting dlc. I don't know how the fuck you can claim I'm shifting goalposts when I've literally reiterated that same point almost two or three times now. They're not giving the dlc AT ALL, which is ironic given people love to say how they'd rather have a censored product than none at all, yet you and others are ok with this. Is there any other localized game where the non jap version is locked out of being able to buy shit like costumes because the big boys at the office know what's better for adults?

I also hope you don't think I'm the original person that made that slippery slope post either, though that would explain a lot.
It was obviously a mistake to release a niche JRPG like this in the west and make changes that reduce the appeal to the audience for niche games like this, yes.
And you are being retarded for thinking that not buying the game will lead to more games being released in the west.
Guess we are all retarded here in the end.

On another note, I don't think this can be "won". I see where you are comming from and yes, it is a valid way to handle this situation. I just think that Nintendo is not in touch with the people playing/buying their games enough to get, WHY one wouldn't buy the games.
when do you get eleonora and class promotion?
see >>342714207
Nintendo is so out of touch, they won't think the 2nd part of your sentence.
>Yeah, and I said it's the same exact shit that's censored in the first place. The slippery slope ends in the exact same spot it began. They are censoring bikinis and sexual innuendo.

Except for the whole butchered quests thing.
That's Nintendo's fault. Either way I'm not paying for censored games.
Why are the bikinis changed anyway? Plenty of T-rated games have them.
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That's one of the main issues here.
Fallacy Fallacy

No such rule about acting to the benifit of the community on this board.

Censorship of games acts to the benifit of Nintendo and their consituants who don't want to deal with gross shit like unecessary underage anime titties in their western releases.

Sorry the world is moving on without you, the opinions of 4channers aren't respected in the real world.
the amount of censorship is absurd

so easy to pirate on wii u so it's fine
Not a problem, just import the game-


>you are being retarded for thinking that not buying the game will lead to more games being released in the west.

Okay so where did I say that? Oh wait I fucking didn't you retard. Speak for yourself.

It's irrational to make people choose between an excessively censored localization or NO localizations at all. The only valid way to handle the situation is to NOT BUY THE GAME and be vocal about how the changes bother you. It's the basic concept of voting with your wallet. A simple concept that anyone over the age of 12 can understand. How anyone could claim that you should buy the game you want the company to stop fucking with is mindboggling.

If Nintendo cannot accept the feedback then that's their problem for being so inept. It's not the consumer's responsibilty to bend over and buy games they take issue with
I find it weird that this is what Nintendo censors, yet they have no problem putting a character from an M rated game that's the embodiment of sexualization (to the point of having fucking adverts in playboy mags) in smash bros. A game that's actually marketed towards kids.
Because it was Sakurai's and NOJ's decision, not NOA.
Localization companies are incapable of making changes that aren't text/audio. They get the developer to make any other changes, so why would they be paid for work they can't carry out? Why would the make more work for their development partners?
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Because the localization company tells the development partner that the changes are required to have greater cultural appeal to the region it's localizing for. And because the developers aren't experts in cultural standards and expectations for each and every reason they take the localization comapny at their word.
Fuck I need to hack my Wii u this weekend.
>This weekend

You say that like it's as time consuming as hacking the 3ds
Developers can think for themselves, they just go along with anything and everything because they don't give a shit.
Cultural imperialism. Shame on you.
>Developers can think for themselves,
That's not the same as being knowledgable and informed about the cultural standards of each country.

They just go along with anything and everything because they want to make more money and the localisers tell them if you don't change X part of the game it'll sell worse or you might get a worse rating. Whether the localisers are telling the truth is irrelavent, at the end of the day they get paid for it.
so how much copies have been sold in the west?
About 350
just have smoke mirrors you retard
Eleonora in chapter 3, class promotion after chapter 3
the weirdest part is they they still have them in some parts
No they don't. They get paid a flat fee for the whole thing, and then anyone with free time works on it. As development of the next title moves ahead they no longer have any time to make bigger changes, which is why some changes are major (new model/texture work) and other changes are minor (used the paint bucket on a texture).
Well I have no idea how time consuming it is, I haven't looked yet.
Yes they do. Localization teams audit a game and either tell the developers to make the changes or do it themselves. This is well known by this point to anyone who knows anything about localization so I don't know why you're trying to deny it.
>or do it themselves
Which they are incapable of doing. I don't know why you keep posting this bullshit.

They've been doing it for decades and there are more than enough outlets now to voice the displeasure we've always had with censorship in our video games.
Just waiting on the undub so I can pirate it the way it was meant to be played
And I don't know why you're in such denial and trying to nitpick a part of my post while ignoring the rest of it and pretend it's bullshit
Some localizations teams work with developers and have access to game code, some external localization teams have to request the developers make the changes.

None of this has to do with the fact that localisers audit games and tell developers what to change based on the potential revenue/public image/ratings boards etc.
>we've always had with censorship in our video games.
Appeal to tradition fallacy.

This isn't the 90's anymore. Every other localization company has caught up with the times so there's no excuse why Nintendo hasn't.
Honestly publishers/developers should just drop the ESRB the same way that DC/Marvel/etc dropped the Comic Code Authority.
Yeah and then have every retail outlet refuse to sell their games.

Do you even know why the ESRB exists to begin with?

Did you even read my post? I in no way made any statement in defense of Nintendo and am in fact advocating for fighting against games being censored as we have the resources now to make a strong voice against it directly with the companies (ie. Nintendo) who do it.
I don't read posts made by retards who need to use all caps to add emphasis to their words.

But you do reply to said posts to validate their existence. Also I brought you fresh, piping hot (you).
Here you go fampai
>google this
>dick is diamonds
>eng release will be handled by sekai project
So we're never getting the actual game, are we?
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u-u got a source for that?
I pre-ordered the game yesterday so I could get some Best Buy points and shit and I will play the game and enjoy it (or not) and continue on with my life.
sorry, forgot link https://mega.nz/#F!Gd5lwa4I!RNgQmd6X7YM1XdOEoA0qcQ
I've been playing for around 6 hours myself and got to the first intermission. You'll have fun.
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>censored thighs
>implying we want more censored garbage in the west
"If you pirate their games, they win."
And that worked with fatal frame?
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>If you want to fix the censorship problem, you buy the game
Yes, to serve as a greedy middle man who can squeeze money out of companies to make sure that the borderline R rated game gets a T instead.
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>a problem becomes a problem when it affects you

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>tfw bought SE and pirated the game uncensored when I got my copy
Feels good man.
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>mfw I actually think they look better with the normal outfits
The bride costume censorship can go fuck itself though.
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Do you not know about expats and soldiers living in Japan? I didn't say they like anime. They're just forced to live there for their jobs. If they were in Mexico, they'd have to pick up Spanish. The language is irrelevant to them, as it's all about their job. Please tell me how much anime you think this guy watches. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BMk47t4v78
Or this fucking white succubus http://www.vagabondish.com/female-foreign-japan/
Are you going to tell me that every expat living in France is there because of Franco Belgian comics as well?
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Why do people want to play this game anyway? It's not even SMT or even Persona.
You reminded me retards don't read ESRB/PEGI.
>It's only now an issue

Oh welcome from reddit. Clearly you are because you've never been to/v/ where we raise up a shit storm every time a game gets censored.
Fuck off anyone who thinks the bottom left looks remotely good is retarded, literally .
She looks cute. Go fuck yourself.
She looks like something someone with actual aspberger would wear.
You sound like someone with actual asperger. Overall has been a thing since forever.
Yeah and now it's only worn by the mentally handicapped when's the last time you saw someone wearing overalls in an urban area?
Literally just saw it few hours ago in the mall, faggot. Women wear that shit all the time.

Maybe you should go out sometimes. Overall is a really common fashion for women, especially the short one.
So when does this happen? I assume chapter 2, which I just got to, since they're talking about Tsubasa doing a modeling shoot and she's embarrassed.

I like the costumes, but the conceit would be pretty dumb if she's just embarrassed to wear some gangsta shit.
Censorship is never justified.
I'd be embarrassed to dress like a nigger as well.
point taken.
Is this game really a more polished persona 4? srsly I keep hearing this
Why is this even a thing
Oh God, you again? You got BTFO in the same thread last night, why the fuck are you back?
>following rules is censorship

That's how retarded (you) are
Looks like something out of a Disney preteen sitcom.
HOLY SHIT if you mirror the picture it translates by itself, i love japanese.
Vocal minority isn't 'many'. Just poorfags who cannot afford video games finding reasons to bitch about them and find excuses to pirate them later.

The majority of us can afford video games and enjoy them greatly, censorship hasn't bothered us since the beginning, why would it bother us now?
I will purchase your shitty game senpai and support the developers, by purchasing with my money a Japanese copy of Tokyo Mirage Sessions.

Are you happy now? Good, now fuck off.
So, let me get this straight.
From what I understand, all you need is a damn SD card to mod your Wii U.
Why are any of you paying money for this?
>gee, this game looks really great and all, but gosh, I couldn't play it, that girl isn't showing enough anime tiddies! If only I could jerk off to these shitty models, then I'd buy it in a heartbeat!
That's 100% correct. I would bet my left nut that they lost more sales from customers that didn't like the censorship vs the sales of people who would have only bought it censored.
enjoy your weebshit j-pop idol fanservice game without the fanservice
i have no idea what this game is or what's happening but i think those outfits look cute
"I-I wanna support the game for more butchered localizations!"
Im not buying your stupid game reggie, in fact i will play more oneechanbara now
>people say censorship is wrong
>yet they encourage the mods to censor "smfh" and "to be honest"

Hippo critical
>I will play more horrible musoushit with uglier models

Why don't you drop the weebshit and pick up a game that requires more than facerolling.
>Wanting to look at niggerbabble all day
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>playing censor shit games

Fuck off this board if you have ever done this. Fucking kill yourself if you have ever played or enjoyed the original censorshit game (pic related)
Get out hippobilly.
The game is great, stop your sweeping generalizations to yourself.
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>tfw learning moon

In a couple years I will finally be free

Anything other than the exact game the devs made with 1:1 translations is pointless. Any changes made to the content of the game for any reason whatsoever corrupts the creative direction that went into it.

Fuck everything about trying to westernize an eastern game. If you don't get their humor you should learn it, memes and shitty dialogue are never worth it.
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guys, you do know that you can play pirated wii u games with loadiine on the newest version of wii u right?
did he say the game was bad?
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>you can play pirated wii u games with loadiine on the newest version of wii u right?

I did not know that.
Can you give me a link to the tutorial you used?
I been putting the idea away for some time now because I wanted to play Super Smash online but fuck I havent turned my Wii in 5 months.
great here
main page
read carefully for instructions
its piss easy and i did it in 5 minutes
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Because I like my Idols to wear swimwear.
Thanks man
I just need a new SD card
remember to block the updates with DNS first
you never know with nintendo
Is someone going to work on an uncensor?
what's the problem if you were apathetic towards the censorship that didn't interest you? No one person in the world can be expected to have an opinion on absolutely everything and its not like you were being a hypocrite either; because you neither agreed or disagreed to it.
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>If you want to fix the censorship problem, you buy the game
yep, done by sunday
might be on tuesday though
Because the story is retarded and the gameplay is a poor man's Strange Journey.
Does the fusion and NPCs make up for it?
Because the rules don't apply more heavily in some places than others. A guy from Japan is also forbidden from posting the jap equivalent of "LOL u tk him 2 da bar?|".
Nintendo is now the 4kids of video games.
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>spats aren't superior
Play games on another system?
What other systems do you own/want to play, I might give you a few recommendations
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So how did they do this scene?
Nintendo fans are 10 years old
Kept it the same, not even altered text

I assume it was okay because it takes place on a beach in guam
Man, I haven't heard about that place for years now.
>censorshill nintengaf on prowl again

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