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Sessions Mirage Tokyo

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Thread replies: 530
Thread images: 126

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We did it again, bros.
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>"Envelopes you"
>Not "envelops you"
Quality work right here. This was within the first hour too.

Also, don't get too happy yet. The game sold under 30k in Japan. Nintendo shouldn't touch these types of games, they don't respect the genre.
So this is actually good, I'd never guess.

Looking forward to emulating.
It got great reviews in Japan, but that didn't stop it from flopping.
Its a nice enough game Ive been trying to say that to /v/ all the time but the game got meme status before it even came out of japan with kowashitai and then the censorship so I expect it to sell 4 copies in the west
>5 reviews
Let's see for how long it can hold that 84 score.
Is it true that you cant play with headphones? I'm cancelling my order if you confirm this
I told you niggas. This game is good. Eat my shit haters
Guess we can't like the game anymore guys, it has a typo
>5 critics
>all of them are mostly nintendrone sites
and the 6th critic just came in with a big fat 70

watch it flunk hard
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>Nintendo game gets good reviews
>reviews matter
>Nintendo game gets bad reviews
>reviews don't matter

Another typical day on /v/.
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This applies to every shitposters game
I still find it hilarious that you think every fanbase is a fucking hivemind, especially on the biggest board of fucking 4chan.
This happens with every game released no matter who the dev or publisher is. And don't forget,
>game gets too good reviews
>must be paid
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Cool I guess.

Shame I can't stomach all that Jpop and idolshit
/v/ has and always will be a Nintendrone board, no matter how hard they deny it. Nintendo is the most discussed vidya company here today.
Weeb shit reviewed by weeb shills
>/v/ has and always will be a Nintendrone board
You're kidding right.
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>alon in a fridy nite?
>JUST remember this fox
americans are pretty stupid
they've deleted a post saying "b-but nintendo"

you're next
>all the good reviews are from nintendo shills

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New Fire Emblem was shit. Not buying this garbage either. Nice try though.
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Seeing shitposting deleted makes me horny.
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>console warriors getting BTFO
It's a shame that it's just making more shitposting fuel though.
I mean you know they're just going to come back later and say something like
>gave legitimate criticism
>post deleted and banned
>not Nintendo/v/
Or some other shit.

You just can't win with these people.
Reminder that this game got BTFO by The Wonderful 101 copies sold.

That's how you know this turd bombed
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It just goes to show you that you can't offer video games to "gamers" these days.
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Gamers play games. Not shallow idolcuck bait
A "game" isn't a 5 hour open world walking/shooting sim.
>see deleted posts
>check archive to see if you missed out on something good
>it's just console wars bullshit
Shame. I expected tiddies.
Same, the game is pretty decent actually, and long. 60 hours for my first playthrough
#FE theme here.
Not in the west, anon.
I knew from day 1 this would be gold. Buying the shit out of this.

Are there jap voices option?
It's spelled correctly in your screenshot are you fucking retarded? Or does This look Normal to You?
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>>Are there jap voices option?
>Buying games day 1 without doing any research
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I like Itsuki, he's like a Marth who can do all the Marth things, plus sings, dances and shoots lightning and Chroms.
Reminder that these will the same retards that will yell "REVIEWS DON'T MATTER REEEEEEE" when the score drops below 70.
Who would win in a battle, Itsuki in Super Saiyan Blue Marth form or Goku?
So did Okami and that was a great game
Depends if Itsuki can charge his Spirit Chrom.
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This can't be happening
It's genuinly a good game f@ms I don't know what you were expecting
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>Import reviews existed for months
>Always positive
>Some reviewer admitted having underscored the game because it would hurt their images despite having genuily enjoyed the game
>No one cared for so long

>Localization reviews comes up
>not a single speak about the disgusting censorship
This cuck industry I swear HAHAHA
Well, the game is good.
I would have given it an 8 though. Probably less for the US version.
>not a single speak about the disgusting censorship
How would they if they are unaware of it? Do you expect journalist to do any research? All they get is the review copy and that's it.
Am I on bizzaro world?
Man I can't wait to emulate this on my PC
Kek I have no words for this
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JRPGs always win baby
Atlus cant make a bad game
Even if the theme is shit, the games will be solid

Any themes are better than generic themes desu
Man if this is getting praised so much then Persona 5 is on track to be declared a game of the generation. Atlus are too good.
So the general consensus is that its supposed to be shit, but its good?
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>Persona 5 is on track to be declared a game of the generation
after seeing the P5's gameplay video, I'm afraid it already is
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>Polygon gave a game with girls mugging all cutely for the camera, singing and shit, one girl running around with her thong showing and all kinds of other generally unwholesome stuff a fucking 9.5
Too bad it will be spoiled to death

That's why it was making a shit ton of money in merchandising and idol concerts right? That's why a sequel was being talked about right?

Because it

Next time learn how idolshit works.
>thong showing

Not in the version they played, not even close.
>No internet until february
I think I can do it

It's still there
They're talking sequels already?
It didn't even break even


baseless rumours are not "talk of a sequel" you fucking moron
adachi is the killer
NoA made sure that those thing would disappear
So is this person going to get fired for their review or has the western games industry finally put nip land's lewdness behind them?
/v/ BTFO
That's what you get for not trusting in based guy from DeSu
where is the gamexplain review. they're slow as fuck
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I like Nintendo and so but 2016 doesn't seem to be good year for the Wii U. Is this pity?

some random gaming journalist said that there may or may not be rumours for a maybe sequel

it was all completely made up and baseless tho
main amnesia character is the messiah
Censorship is a magical thing
I thought the guy is from the vastly inferior DeSu 2?
They're still in for the most part anon.

It's okay, this version is feminismly acceptable.

The donjons that was about a satire of the gravure idol industry is now about the power of friendship! A great improvement!
Also the main girl was held back a year! This is showing better diversity and compassion toward all the women who were undeservedly held back a year in school!
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no one broke da street date yet??
God I hope this weeb shit flops
The gameplay is much improved in DeSu 2 though.

>japan in charge of having good taste
People have different opinions
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>vastly inferior

Kill yourself retard it was a great game, the story was slightly worse but the characters were better. And the gameplay is better in DeSu 2
How is an idol shit game of all things getting unbiased reviews in the west? Have they finally gotten over their fear of cute anime girls? You would expect they skip over the gameplay to "ugh" at the outfits or something.
Still not buying a Wii U.
piratebarney you so crazy

shiki thread
The game isn't popular enough for those people to crawl out of the woodwork. You can expect Persona 5 and Anne's outfit to spawn plenty of baiting articles from them when it drops over here.
Because it's an Atlus JRPG that's not cheap fanservice trash

>nintendo censored it so it would get 9s and 10s in exchange
Don't post my waifu. Thank you.
polyshit confirmed for weeb shit
>People surprised at the bigger scores
>Top reviews are Polygon and the ton of Nintendo fan sites that never give out bad reviews.

Censorship works, no matter the mediocre game.
Peoples in charge of reviewing Nintendo games are usually much more open minded.
They have to review weebshit all year round after all. Even if it's not about cute girls usually, it's still about cute things.
>#FE is a better game than Star Fox Zero


Cortana is alive and is now the main bad guy
top tier bait
Why are pirates always so eager to let everyone know that they pirate?
Feddie Force final boss is Robo-Ridley Mk. 2
Maybe it's just fun. I mean, reviewers have been saying that since it released, but no, we should listen to the people foaming at the mouth that never touched it before.
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Persona will still be better and outsell this 1000x times :^)

Stay mad idolfags
Pirates are the bronies/furries//pol/tards of consumers.
>the story was slightly worse but the characters were better
top fucking kek
Sam was working with Raif and isn't in debt to a cartel boss
Why would you think there's a competition between the two games or fanbases?
>good Nintendo games get bad reviews
>bad Nintendo games get good reviews
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I don't give a shit about this game or nintendo but it's fun to see mustard racers lament another good jap console exclusive they will NEVER EVER play.
How long do you figure before someone makes an uncensored version?
i have the game, can confirm it's good.
Shit, now I REALLY want to play it.
Sucks that it's censored to hell and back.
But this should increase the likelihood of a fan translation.
I have the game, I can confirm this guy is wrong
inb4 someone mentions Cemu
>Zero is a good game
t. sweaty and fat gfur stuck in the past
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>praising 8/10 games

The desperation is palpable. I guess this is what happens when you get so used to 4, 5 and 6.
prove it
You know Atlus still gets the money regardless
i was going to buy a wiiu for this until i saw what it became.
smtxfe had so much potential. i'm still mad.
What would you not praise an 8/10 game, what else would you do to it?
>5 criticks
it only drops from here
>SFZ is not a great game and motion controls aren't the best thing in gaming
t. polio survivor with no coordination
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Why you guys doubted Atlus.
censored game

8/10 is mediocre in today's standards.
It's 20 reviews now and is at 83. So I guess you're technically correct.
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>my mature SMT for mature players meme

Codename STEAM is just wrong.
>Im a falseflagger
t. bubonic plague survivor whose bitter at the world
Please stop pretending /v/ memes are real
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>Wii U gets another good exclusive
how do they keep doing it
Hirsutism aside she is pretty
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>it's real
the bad in mario party 10 isn't exactly bad, it's a party game that is meant to be enjoyed with people who haven't played it before. nobody is going to sit around at home and play single player mario party. it's literally just a mario party game for the wiiu.

idc about the rest, but the criticism of that seems stupid. like they are judging mario party using the same standards as they would a aaa game.
>score is starting to go down

nintendrone weebs are finished
they have to wait 2 years between each one
So in which way is this game connected to Fire Emblem? I heard it has Tiki, Chrom ... and that's it? I want Hector, Ike, Lyn and shit.
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20, actually

Not really considering the score only lowered because of 3 reviewers out of 20
>highest rated review is from polygon
wow it must be amazing
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EAD titles
>Zero is shit
>Color Splash is doomed

SPD titles
>#FE is preddy gud
>Feddie Force ________
?? ??
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>What is CEMU
we'll be playing it in 1080p 60fps in like a month or two
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Too bad it's the only one they're getting for a year
better than waiting 3 years like a Sonygger

How salty are you that the game was BTFO by bottom barrel stuff like STEAM and TW101?
Is it actually worth playing for the combat, though?

Persona combat is usually fucking awful.
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>someone got payed to write this
Werent you saying the same thing a year ago?
it didn't need to be mature, just not fucking idol/magical girl bullshit. how about the ability to actually summon and fuse demons?

it shunned everything that made smt and fe great. it's like if they made a ffxtales guitar hero game.
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>8/10 is mediocre
Honest to god my favorite meme, thanks for the lols friend. (:
Imagine being this delusional
oh yeah, more like 4.
the only good PS4 exclusive out still is Bloodborne
>liking something good makes you a false flagger
please have shit taste on someone else's board
Apparently you can do more as the game progresses so that it doesn't get tedious
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what Tanabe makes without Retro will always be shit
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yfw user reviews will be like 40, due to pc fags crying about how this isnt on pc and censorship fags crying about their no fapping materials.
half of the reviews are from polygon and nintendo friendly sites
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Luis, go to school kid
Just stop it, you're killing me
That meme is beyond outdated
Go play Devil Survivor if you want a grid SRPG with demon summoning.

It was their fault for baiting you with the original name, sucks that you don't like the theme but the battle system has merits on its own and is by the same people.
nintendo of america is buttbuddies with polygon
of course they gave it a good score
I don't think PCfags pay attention to Nintendo enough. That usually happens with Microsoft and Sony games.
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Lyn needs a just edit
>22 critics
>3 70s
>the rest 80 or higher

Turns out it's preeeeeeeeeeeetty good
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>It's going down guise
Can you have girlfriend in this game like Persona or Fire Emblem?
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Uncensored iso when
more like #Censored
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>Romancing idols
>reviews matter
from what i've seen, half the battle system is right out of ff13.
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gee you sure are showing him by not posting other good exclusives
What the fuck? Fire Emblem has it, Persona has it but this doesnt?
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Looks like they fixed loading times from the Treehouse gameplay so I'm pretty hyped.
So be honest /v/ should I get the game or not? I've been craving a new jrpgs until persona5 comes out or should I skip this shit and look else where.
>Romancing idols
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Yeah that's why Polygon gave SF0 a perfect score, right
ISO when?
Uncensored patch when?

Won't touch until it's fixed
No it bombed in Japan so I doubt it's good
Hey, just like real life.
Is this a meme because you guys have been saying a month or 2 for a while
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This is SMT game, idiot. Not Persona.
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this isn't Persona, nor is it a TRPG
yes, especially since the game will have good resale value if you don't end up liking it
>Game is censored to apeal special snowflake that triggers themselves easily
>Special snowflakes that triggers themselves easily gave them a 9/10
Summer drought's kicking in. There's some nice stuff in July but other than that stuff's pretty dry until fall.
soon TM
>microsoft is buttbuddies with polygon


fire emblem has it as well doesn't mean this should ,besides like may have said, they are IDOLS, you cannot waifu idols phisically, it's against the laws of nature
Game reviewers only have one goal: to ruin the game industry by giving bad games good scores.
>I got a mail confirming I'll get my special edition tomorrow
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Now that idols are acceptable in the West, Does this mean we can start getting translations of the Idolmaster games.
it's showing how JRPGs received a same score as those overhyped games or even surpassed them
>InFamous: Second Son
>NieR: Automata
>Gran Tourismo: Sport
>Kingdom Hearts 2.8
>I Am Setsuna
>Bloodborne (Like you said)
>Uncharted 4
>Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir
>Ratchet and Clank
>God Of War
>Horizon: Zero Dawn
>Crash Bandicoot Remakes
Getting a PS4 (Neo) is definitely worth it.

>valkyria chronicles
who /tiki/ here

Where did you buy it?
You're wrong.
>odin sphere
sidescroller with 2 shallow RPG elements =/= JRPG
>games i don't like have shit reviews : based, shit game confirmed
>games i don't like have good reviews : SOLD OUT, trying to ruin the industry
>games i like have good reviews : based, GOTY
>games i like have bad reviews : shit casual reviewers, didn't bribe them enough money

/v/ in a nutshell

There's a typo in every localisation.
>defending Dad of War: RYSEUPâ„¢ edition
So still just bloodborn

Nier looks half decent
I can get setsuna on steam

Literally no reason to but a PS4 especially after they turned god of war into the last of us
what does this game have fire emblem again?
Can Atlus even MAKE a bad game?!

Dancing All Night doesn't count because Sega made them do it
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>Nintenyearsold are literally ten years old
It's just Luis
She's got crazy eyes, like she would cut your dick off for just looking at another girl.
>Odin Sphere
>PS4 exclusive
>most of the games from the list aren't out
and inFamous and UC4 are just the most generic games you could play.
Ratchet and Clank is good though.
that's 2

There is an astounding amount of bait in this post, high points are calling a remaster "remake" out of the blue and saying something stupid like "neo is definitely worth it", yeah buying an upgraded old busted frankenstein of hardware for games that aren't even out yet that will be abandoned in 3 years or LESS sure is the best economical move a human being could make.

Did they seriously think #FE would fail?
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>it's a "everyone on /v/ is a samefag" post
>Polygon gave it a 9.5
>the same Polygon that gave Bayo 2 a 7.5 because "this game is great but it makes me unconfortable"
What a world
>no EFRO
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>This is SMT game
Can i read a non biased review somewhere? Or has someone here played it?
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>vita ports
>shit games
>unreleased games
This is pathetic.

Wow I'm impressed I thought it was gonna be a low 70 or a high 60, guess I'll have to get it now.
It's made by the DeSu guy. He never made dating a thing in that series (the girls all love the MC in these series tho but no fuging) either even though it's pretty much begging for it with the success of Fire Emblem(SRPG) and Persona(another in house game). In a way, I respect him for it, though my pathetic lonely self wishes he would just give in.
Fuck the game is actually good?

I didnt want to try it because of the setting, but after ZTD I may not have many games to play and Ill cave in to get this
Is this the most JUST nintendo game ever?

Like at least Colour Splash has slightly funny dialouge. This game just has nothing.

Not even Codename: Steam was BTFO this hard.
>over 80
how do we stop the weebs
Why don't they matter?
Do I have to buy every game to be able to talk about them
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>God Of War
Chrom, Tiki, Caeda, Virion are in the game.
sure, just give Bamco the money to license the songs
Stop wasting my fucking time.
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>he didn't believe
>he didn't preorder
>wii u

How do I play this then..

Nintendrone sites always suck ninty cock, and a few SJW sites are praising the censorship.
>Star Fox Zero
you made your entire list pathetic
DAN is good though

>shit prototype clone
>literally who
>*also on PC
>GT is still revelant guise
>aqua simulator panty edition
>*also on PC
>memecharted also known as movie
>ruined by the movie
>won't beat spider man 2 on ps2
>tired dad simulator:cinematic boogaloo
>zelda with scripted shit out of the ass and robo dinosaurs
>calling remasters of ps1 games "remakes"
>buying a console that will be abandoned in 2 1/2 years
>the last of us
Alright, I'm getting sick of this shit.
How in any shape or form is it similar to TLOU? Because you have a child companion? Guess it's ICO clone too!
Or is it because it's in third person? OH! It's a Lords Of The Fallen ripoff!
At least give some logical criticism.
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>didn't even pre order
>still managed to get it today
feels good
The sequel is a rumour, admit it, the game flopped hard in Japan, It's going to flop harder in the West because the target audience is almost non existant and lot of them don't want to buy a censored game.
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>called tiki
>is not ticc
>2nd is a remaster
>4th and 13th icon is shit game
>censored games
>12th game is a port

>anticensorshipfags lost
I'm starting to think this isn't a battle worth fighting.
>Atlus gets the money in both cases
The horror
>XBX higher rating than Splatoon
What the fuck is this shit?
Okami has great reviews too, but it didn't helpep it from bombing. A pity, people don't know what they missed.
i was gonna buy SFZ, but now i see this.

sign me up on this shit
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>SMT battle arts
>SMT combat
>SMT skill-based weapons fusion instead of demons fusion
>post-apocalyptic Tokyo
Here's one but for the nip version

Keep in mind they butchered what the reviewer call "the best dongeon in the entire game"
>game won't even break 100k
>that mean NoAmericuck won
Most people wont even buy it.
Its sad that anyone supports this garbage game though

Polygon probably works with treehouse as a trigger meter.
Ahahaha no it's not
Aside from Crash, no.
>vita ports
>shit games
Wow, great argument there, m8! XD
>unreleased games
At least we're getting games :^)
Yeah, modeled after SJ, the worst SMT game.

>post-apocalyptic Tokyo
I can't believe people are still spewing this meme
no you fucking retard
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>its another games where the dumb perma virgins weebs moeshit eaters are hype for just because it has le waifus XD
Game is shit, get over yourself
The censorship ruining a good game was the whole point retard.
If it was a shit game no one would have cared about it.
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>buying censored shit

>caring about metacritic when the game isn't even fucking out in the US yet
lol watch that score drop like a brick when it's actually released

Game reviewers are fucking paid advertisers, this shitty censored idol game is awful with no redeeming qualities other than 'It's funny to see how fucking islamic Nintendo of America is in their censoring'
>The worst SMT game

That's not IV
That's what an actual marketing/PR budget gets you

>completely changed lighting engine
>modified later half of the game final quest
>radically modified gameplay for items
j-just a remaster!

>shitting on waifu warriors
fite me faggot

>>censored games
only ok when sony does it I see

bayonetta 1 may be a port but it has additional content, better framerate and is giving LITERALLY, meanwhile you fags have had to pay 60$ for a last of us remastered that came out LITERALLY 1 year after the original and all they did was update the resolution and framerate, woah 4thegamers.
>Comparing Okami in any way to this censored idol trash

F*ck you.

You're just mad #FE has OBJECTIVELY superior gameplay, graphics, and girls then Pissona.

/v/ gave me the impression the fanservice was exactly what made the game acceptable.
>Has smt skills
>Shit SJ combat
>wow you can combine things
>wow this game will totally get dark guys I swear!!
Lel, it's almost like Polygon deliberately review things to piss off you guys.
>lol watch that score drop like a brick when it's actually released

Because shitposters like you will bring the score down Luis?

How does that even count?
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i don't understand americans
this kind of shit is okay but video games are censored so hard for some reason
>Hey guys, what do you think of this normal wedding dress?
>Too much skin, color it all in

Thanks Polygon!
>SJ the worst SMT

Yeah, you can stop pretending you have good taste anytime.
>At least we're getting games :^)

Sonyggers are literally Inafune, "lol better than nothing" yeah who cares if it's shit, always numbers, always quantity, never quality, good job costumers.
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>Can't even date the girls like a shitsona game or Neo-Faggot Emblem
>giving this much of a shit about journalists games reviews

Why is /v/ so fucking plebs?
Reviewers aren't as dumb as they look. They saw the rampant censorship and thought this would be a good opportunity to let Treehouse know just how badly this industry "needs" people like them.
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>shits on Devil's 3rd
You just prove your incompetence, faggy boy.
this is fucking idiotic

After merch and idol concerts they're barrly breaking even by business standards. The game, which is the pin in the whole operation, sold like crap. So they tossed up all this merch and had those concerts for idols that next to no one gives a shit about.
That's utterly retarded. The actual single fanservice scene in the entire game is actually a DLC that's not even sold in the US.

You're just judging a game entirely over a few half sexy screenshots. The game is great and made by some of the best Atlus staff.
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Shut the fuck up Strange Journalist
>Lot of merchandise money
>Lot of concerts money

Stop pretending you have any idea how idolshit works
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SO glad I preordered wooooo
>NoA censors the game to hell and back to not offend any genderqueers
>Polygon gives it a good review
Gee, i wonder why
A third person scripted and cinematic game. It features a bearded man with their child. Movements are clunky and realistic.

Which of the 2 games am I describing?

I actually enjoyed TLoU but I really wish Sony wouldn't try to incorporate it into GoW.
But it is shit.
So now can we all agree that #FE is the premier JRPG franchise? I mean, gameplaywise Persona is complete TRASH compared to #FE, and Tsubasa shits all over literally every poorly written waifubait in the persona series.

We fucking won, again
Treehouse has plants on this board, they were the ones that initiated the 'thank you' cards.

Nintendo is pretty well known for viral marketing and FUD stuff. Don't you remember when the Kirby developer was legit spreading FUD stuff about Sony in China and got caught?
Are you retarded? Once people who aren't paid to say it's great despite it being a piece of shit can post reviews the score will drop. Do you even know what shitposting is? Hint: It's not defined as disliking a crappy idol spin-off that was censored for a Muslim audience.
Go fuse an entire moveset to a demon you casualized SMT IV scrub.
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Keep trying Luis
As a Wii U owner, what the fuck are you even talking about? The Wii U isnt even worth defending at this point and this game looks terrible.
I'm disappointed Persona 5 is about spamming weaknesses and allout attack YET AGAIN.
I wish it had #FE battle system.
>shit prototype clone
Infamous came out in May 2009. Prototype in June 2009. Do your research, faggot.
>literally who
lol!!! xD
>*also on PC
Keep on dreaming :^)
>GT is still revelant guise
GT6 sold over 4 million copies. How is it not relevant?
>aqua simulator panty edition
what is this even supposed to mean
>*also on PC
Guess I fucked up there.
>memecharted also known as movie
>/v/ memer also known as that guy who never played Uncharted before
Exclusive to Playstation :^)
>ruined by the movie
>won't beat spider man 2 on ps2
Looks pretty damn good to me.
>tired dad simulator:cinematic boogaloo
for fucks sake
>zelda with scripted shit out of the ass and robo dinosaurs
>scripted shit
>calling remasters of ps1 games "remakes"
Guess I fucked up here too.
>buying a console that will be abandoned in 2 1/2 years
Yeah, just like the PS3, right?
This nigga
>nintendrone buttblasted that I called him out on his shit

Shit son I ain't even a sonygger.
>Haven't seen her adult form
says the bitch who hasn't even played Devil Summoner 1 on Saturn, why don't you go jerk off to the 2 good dungeons in SJ
>Treehouse has plants on this board, they were the ones that initiated the 'thank you' cards.

Poor bait
>The normalfags who buy these games are literally only okay with Japanese titles if they've been Nintendo'd and butchered to hell and back
Why even play a Japanese game at that point?
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Thank you based Treehouse
Now I can play this game without being triggered
Why did no one comment on the heavy alterations? They look legit bad design wise, mixed with entire story arcs being rewritten. This isnt journalism at all.

A HAL employee would never do anything like that. Those guys are fuckin' angels.

show a sauce
>People actually liked SJ
Ahh, this explains why they're so satisfied by this game's shallow gameplay.
This dumb nigger think zero is genuinely good game hahahahha
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>Polygon liking weeb/idol shit

Did I wake up on bizarro world? Was the censorship that hard Polygon liked it? The fuck is going on
>worst SMT
Christ, what's with this thread
How did people develop such shit taste
>litterally defending mash a to win franchise

it's like you never played any of the other dynasty warrior games before
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Kill yourself
Also a Wii U owner. The console is great and has plenty of games worth playing. Yes, #FE is shit, and yes there are literally no other games coming out for it this year, but it's still not a bad console.
It's so censored the clothes got unrealistic instead and they made the main girl a fat retard.
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You know I'm really curious now. Would it have sold better if you could romance the girls? I feel like these type of games are meant for that.
Hi Alison
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>wanted to buy this initially
>decided not to when censorship was even worse than XCX and Fates'
>starts getting good reviews

Literally fuck this shit
what even
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> +I couldn't see any of the girls skin
> -The rest of the game could've been better

In all seriousness though, happy this game turned out good. I hope you folks have fun!
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Although I'm still salty that it wasn't an actual crossover of SMT and FE characters, I would have bought it if it wasn't censored to hell and back.
Who here's gonna just wait for an uncensored version of it through piracy?
Their opinion changes when the game is heavily altered to be SJW friendly.
>So desperate for a boogieman that they throw together abunch of random posts.

Pathetic. I bet you're the guy who made that goddawful /v/ sings video
>romancing idols
Do you want japan to start global riots?
>SJ was my first SMT game
Its 4kids-tier censored, wait for an uncensor patch and then pirate it
Naw, the console is pretty shit, and has very few worthwhile games. I think its pretty bad, as do many others.
He's right though, dear newfag
It having actual dungeons made it better than most SMT games for me, I didn't even notice the battle system because of the exploration and fusing not being OP like casual SMT IV shit.
Buy Odin Sphere instead retard
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So can I fuck loli in this game?
>censored to heck
>still rated high
Uhhhhhh. I mean i was lookig forward to it but i dont know if i want to support that crap. Maybe ill get it used.
>One Tsubasa
>Zero Tsubasas
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>Censored in the cutscene
>Fight itself isn't
>Censored the dungeon focused on a creepy dude being way too into idols
>Redubbed a line to have Tsubasa say she's 18 instead of 17
>Censored Tsubasa's idol wear but not her battle outfit
>Literally removed pelvic outline
I honestly don't understand. I really just do not.

Is.. Is that suppose to be your youtube handle?

bretty autistic, dude.
It was actually Devil Children from GBC
Then I played II and DDS
SJ was like the 6th game I played in the franchise.
Thats VenomRoy? The autistic tripfag attention whore spic in smash /v/eekend thread? Top fucking kek.
> 5 critics

it will tumble down to mid 70's
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>No meme girl
>Meme girl
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>ctrl f "censor"
>37 hits
That's why it's going to flop, Nintendo.
I would have bought it were it not censored.
They get paid for doing stuff, they need to do some stuff.

That's it, throw in 5-6 visible changes and done.
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Isn't the game still considered a failure financially? I can't imagine it selling more in America than in Japan.
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keep dreaming
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More localization job - more money for NoA. It's easy.
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it's actually going to stay above 80, isn't it?
Not everyone in here is me, ya know?

Would buying the game and giving it a good review satisfy you?
Are you really surprised that SJW gaming "journalists" are eating up a game that was specifically censored for people like them?

Nintendo paid for the reviews because they know the game is a piece of shit but they want to get other SJWs to buy it after seeing that others like them bought it and supposedly liked it so they can keep their jobs. NoA literally does nothing but they need a way to make it seem like without them and their censorship nothing would sell in the West
You don't understand.

The neo anime fans hate ecchi stuff but still love anime.

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Man, fuck treehouse and those SJW fat fucks and cucks , they only hurt the industry , good thing Nintendo is flopping so hard, they fucking deserve it.

Better play that Omega Quintet I got for 4 dollars instead, I have a feeling it has a better gameplay too
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>tfw you realize that this is the first traditional turn based JRPG on the Wii U
If it didn't stop Fates then it won't stop SMT reversed either.
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you mean just like how Fates flopped because of censorig
God no. Buy something else.
Censored or not, this game is like a walking tumor of the cancer within JRPGs.
And it will be the last.
Why can't they at least do coherent censorship if they're gonna do it at all. Why do money grubbing motherfuckers have to be in this industry instead of people who actually have passion for what they do.
It doesn't I'm going to tell you that now

It didn't even break 40K. You know how everyone considers The Wonderful 101 a flop?

Well #FE sold like 1/6th the amount
This game is just repeating Fates' pattern of shit games getting censored and selling more than they should
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I always knew it was gonna be a great game, but that just makes it worse. I'm not buying anything with a hackjob localization like this. They had a fucking voice actress redub some of her lines to fit an age change, BUT they didn't even fucking bother to translate the battle dialogue, where characters comment on what they're fighting. Fuck Treehouse.
small reviewers only copy paste from larger sites then change the wording slightly
/a/ can mock us all they want, but their hobby is just as dead as ours
Because reviews only matter when /v/ can shitpost with them
>breaking sales records on a console that gets next to no games per year
>artificial scarcity of fire emblem games to up demand
>splitting the game up to generate more sales

And the game still ends up being a mediocre mess of a 'strategy game' with awful visual style, waifu pandering, shitty slice of life dialogue, and awful gameplay.
Nintendo is an SJW company now, why do you think polygon is sucking their dicks so hard now?
I like strange journey but I only found the EO dungeons, setting, NPC negotiation and fusion system great
>no press turn and coop is shit
>Eridanus is unfun
>music is repetitive halfway through game
>one of the worst alignment choices ever
>can't allocate stats, random nature can fuck you over.
>demon sources are shit
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A reminder to you faggots that it rated really well in Japan too and didn't sell well regardless. Just because outlets are shilling a game doesn't mean word of mouth won't prevail or that people will care.

Yeah it will. Whereas Fates sold incredibly well by piggybacking on the mainstream success of Awakening, #FE has nothing but its own legs to stand on, and given the low sales of the Wii U in general and the fact that they alienated a lot of the people looking forward to this, from a logical standpoint, a niche, censored, idol RPG just won't do very well over here.

Your argument holds no water here.
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How can one man be so based?
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Wait a second, does that mean this entire thread is just #FE fags attempting to save face because their gamed bombed twice?
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So what are the chances that we will get a patch for this?
Don't forget horrible localization. Entire conversations missing and a character turned into a pickle shitter trying to force pickles to be some fat joke.
Actually they like feminist slice of life shows with all female protags, they think it's cartoons about strong women role models
That's only because Nintendo is the best complement to PC.
>Reviews don't matter unless its nintendo
People always say that Japan got shit taste but I don't think thats true sometime.

Watch this game selling very well in the west because the weebs here literally buy any kind of games that have anime girls in them no matter how shitty the game is.
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what do you think?
>awful gameplay
Conquest is one of the best games in the series, and the new classes and weapons worked pretty well overall.

It could have been worse, there could have been 3 Awakening style grinding routes and traditional FE would truly be dead, but instead they actually designed some good maps and made one game out of three a worthwhile experience.
This is gonna be used for shitposting material in future threads, isn't it?
I was actually trying to convince myself of the opposite so I guess I should thank you senpai.
Well I'm not going to play it (since no Wii U) but it's nice to see that despite the retarded censorship it's still not a steaming turdcake. Not that I place much stock in "professional" reviews though.
>didn't even break 40k

Why would they have to save face if the game doesn't sell well but gets good reviews? It's more anti fags getting antsy that a game they wanted to be awful got a good score.
>Conquest is one of the best games in the series
For like, 10 maps maybe. Shit tutorial at the start, a few good maps around the middle, game falls apart at the end, contrived gimmick final boss.

Official? Below 0. Fanmade? Very high.

I don't think anybody is actually interested in the game.

We're all here for the shitflinging
Until #FEfags realize their game bombed in sales over here. Speaking in future tense of course because we all know it to be true.
So is the WiiU modable yet?

I'm tired of 4kids tier bullshit but I'm low on jrpgs. I'd like to play the game but the obvious changes will just annoy me to no end, so if I could patch it or something, that'd be great.
I'm interested
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>(since no Wii U)
You hates gaming that much?
Could you please explain me the Conquest is da best meme? It's literally Birthright but without grinding, how could it be THAT different?
Hahahahaha what the fuck is this shit, it makes it even worse because someone playing it is going to think her tits are fucking hanging out.
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>yfw techraptor gave it a 6.5
incoming score drop
i'm interested in it and already playing it
>WiiU 619 bucks where I live

I really want to play this but the prices are retarded here.
But I am
The gameplay looks fun and not braindead
Dungeons look better than in SMTIV
No, I actually still play my Wii. I just need to focus on saving money to pay tuition right now. When that's done I'll get a Wii U, or maybe the NX since tuition is high af and it'll take a long time to pay off.
Not having grinding changes pretty much everything and forces you to get good at allocating EXP.

It isn't literally Birthright, the maps are designed to be difficult and have more varied objectives rather than "Rout everyone by soloing them with Ryoma".
But anon, it's just the SJ battle system.
Holy shit move out of Venezuela anon
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I have both!
>it's a solid JRPG with lots of love put into it and a fair amount of challenge
>but I didn't like the story, 6.5.
what even is this
>people are ignoring this
>SJ battle system
>not braindead
>Using Ryoma

>dem other review scores

Looks kinda legit website, picked up
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>lots of love put into it and a fair amount of challenge
Pretty easy to tell this person's background of JRPGs doesn't go very far.
>YFW Nintendo will put this idolshit in Smash 5

>Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE is a solid JRPG, but with the themes surrounding Idol culture in Japan, it’s going to have a very niche audience. It’s not gritty enough that traditional SMT players will likely enjoy it, and it only has just enough Fire Emblem in it to satisfy that audience. But for casual JRPG fans, this game is not a bad choice at all. The presentation, of Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE is stunning. The music, the animated cutscenes, everything aesthetically about Tokyo Mirage Sessions has so much polish to it, and it shows. It’s not an easy game, and the story can be lacking, but the love that went into everything else is outstanding.

Game's great, lots of polish.
Too japanese 6.5
You can literally leave Ryoma alone with a random Kagero sucking his dick on a chosen side while the rest of your army takes care of the other, it's too good to pass up.
i hope it happens and K.Rool doesn't get in
I would have prefered Tsubasa over Corrin, to be honest.

TMS needed that ad in Japan.
Session is actually better than co-op system though.
The only thing that this games lacks (or I haven't seen at least) is turn order shenanigans and the battle system would be really baller.
It looks like it's almost implying challenge is bad.
they haven't added in Waluigi (aka Mario franchise's Spinoff OC) in, so no,
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>But for casual JRPG fans, this game is not a bad choice at all
I don't think this Techraptor dude knows what he's talking about at all.
>Everything with the game is fine
>except it evolves around idols, 6.5

Retarded reviewer is retarded
You totally missed the point, yet continued to spout nonsense. I haven't been on /v/ in a week and now I remember why I left.
Better Tsubasa chan than another stupid Fire Emblem swordsman.

THIS , at least Tsubasa is cute
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>spinoff shit
no it won't, not even "too many FE reps" memes will make it realistic.

expect an AT
>Spear user
I wouldn't mind this at all.
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Since most of /v/ do not know how to detect sarcasm, i have to admit she is stupidly cute.

And, as a redemption from my "sins" against the game, i'll write a positive review thingy and buy the game once the price drops. (Games are fucking expensive in here.)
>niche as can be

They won't even consider it.
>6.5, the game's great
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>game is alright and pretty

Too japanese/10.

Thats not a review score, that is a clickbait score.
Considering Okami is a boring Zelda clone with just great art direction going for it, it isn't far off.
A mysterious.
Power envelopes.
Itsuki's body.

Sums up the game about right.
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You guys need to accept idolshit owns Japan right now.
shh, rosterfags will dig a reason it should and bitch about it later.
Atlus doesnt respect the genre either, so its ok.
Except it's better than 99% of Zelda games
"envelope" is the noun, "envelop" is the verb.
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Well, she does like she is having an orgasm in a hotspring.

I mean, it's hot as hell, but NoA would have censored it anyways.
>It has weird voices
>It's a zelda clone

Also Okami is actually good, unlike Zelda.
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Well guys, I called gamestop. They can't cancel my order. I officially have supported Censorshit.

They said I could return it if I dont open it but I dunno if I have the motivation to that. But I want to be able to say I never willingly supported censorshit.
That's not the problem, the problem is it doesn't own America as well.
>they said I could return it if I dont open it but I dunno if I have the motivation to that
There's no room for laziness during war.
Treehouse already got paid
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>rocket-powered Pegasus Knights
>motorcycle cavaliers
>myrmidons with weird ass ribbon arms and shit
>archers with bows on their wrists that shoot giant arrows out of their chest like some kind of super robot finishing move
>Chrom attacking by leaping into space then crashing like a meteor into the enemy

It's so crazy and over-the-top it shits all on the uninspired Fire Emblem stuff that's actually in Smash.

Tsubasa or any #FE girl barely has any porn, it is safe to assume Japan didn't even bother at all
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ITT: Sm4sh hype circa. 2014
>Anon: "YFW Nintendo will put Lana/Cia in Smash 4"
>million of (You)s hailing it's realistic
>Preordering a Nintendo game that isn't Mario, Zelda, or Pokemon
You brought this on yourself. Taking a risk like that in this day and age is usually a mistake.
>preordering anything ever


Well VGchartz, who pull their Japanese numbers from Media Create, put #FE at 50k Japanese sales. The game sold like shit. #FE apologists will spout "b-b-but merch and concert sales!!!". Problem is that it isn't do well there, either.
this review is alright
i don't understand why everyone is acting like 6.5 is a bad score
>Spear user that isn't from Kirby

IT's shit
Linkle is already confirmed for Smash 5.

You knew this was going to happen, remember Xenoblade and Fatal Frame?
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>Well VGchartz,
opinion discard
Xenoblade is basically untouched by comparison.
Yeah Oboro would be pretty great as long as she kept her original VA.
It's not that the "6.5 is bad," it's that it's so incongruous with everything the reviewer actually said about the game that the score seems hilariously arbitrary.
The gameplay looks like persona but improved.

I'd say got for it, people shit on it for stupid reason like m-muh censorship, muh idols and muh sales but it's actually a pretty solid game.
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just like Lana right :)
Xenoblade is way better off than #FE is.
Lana wasn't well received. Or something.

VGchartz pulls their Japanese sales numbers from Media Create, you shitlord. What? Now you're gonna say Media Create is ALSO full of shit?
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Thanks you techraptor , hope it's the first of many <70 scores
It's the new 7.8 Too much Water
>6.5 Too Japanese
>muh Nintendogaf
The exact same shits happen with PS4 or PC games. The score even doesn't matter, because it woulb be ever a "we did it' or "blunder of the century" flood. /v/ has became a parody of itself.

The "censorship" gives a reason for people who otherwise didn't give a shit to try and bomb the review score.
Got to hand it to Altus, they make wacky designs.
>no Flynn or jackfrost in smash
VGchartz still makes up data regardless

i rather go to Media Create itself or look at what Nintendo sent out from an investors meeting than letting VGchartz tell me what to do.
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Why would anyone buy this censored trash?
the gameplay is fun
lol no, those dungeons suck ass
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/v/ won't stop messing with me if i don't.
It is a good game, to be honest.
Also, cute girls.
I really don't understand the wedding dress one. It honestly looks like a normal ass wedding dress before the change.
>tfw uncensor loadiine masterrace
oh, so you don't know?

spinoff oc characters are the least likely characters to see playable in game outside ATs. and don't even look at Little Mac, cause Waluigi fits the same bill as Lana/Linkle in Zelda.
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>That wedding dress
It looks like she's been tarred and feathered. How can anyone think this is aesthetically pleasing?
>mfw games being modified to be sharia approved is slowly ceasing to be a meme anymore
This is not how meme magic is meant to operate.
No it isn't. It's a generic JRPG.
It's funny because that's how most muslim women see westerners.
why aren't you faggots using opencritic?
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Tsubasa is best girl.

Smt ia a very good game.

Is it more reliable than metacritic?
>tfw muslims may one day infiltrate the gaming industry
And then it'll all be over.
Good. Bronze girls are best girls.
hell yes

techraptor isn't even on MC as a matter of fact.

They're review aggregators. They just have different ways of presenting the general reception. They're not changing reviews en masse.

Splatoon had good merch sales with the highest selling amiibo in moonland and Squid Sister concerts too. The fuck is your point?
Splatoon sold well.

Yes but see


if you are going to be a review aggregators, at least put them all of those who get early copies
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>those Codename Steam, Kirby and Triforce Heroes scores

Steam in particular is great.
Splatoon is far more popular than this censored trash. Its basically a cultural phenomenon in Japan.
The two situations are won't even close to comparable, fuck off retard.
>Muslims take over the world
>Everybody gets Brown girls and Absolute Harems

I'm not seeing the problem
>Codename SHIT fans exist
Take a screencap cause you'll never see this lonely fucker again

Well sadly Media Create doesn't have an easily searchable list. And #FE was only ever in their top 20 weekly ONCE. On its release week. At number 14. With 26k sales. Dropped out of the top 20 the next week. It never came close to that again and as of the last week of Media Create sales figures, it isn't even in the top 50.
The problem is you're seeing fictional delusion instead of what's actually going to happen.
Calm the fuck down, /pol/.
Men wouldn't honestly lose much, it's the women that would get fucked.
enjoy your sharia law and ramadan
Not really, there have been a couple of comfy CS threads in the last month.

Sorry we actually played the game instead of shitposting mama mia.
Well things like porn, birth control, and contraceptives would be outlawed.
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>Last of Infamy
>The Alienation of The Last of Us
>Nier to the Last of Us
>Last of Tourismo
>The Last Kingdom
>>Blood of the Last of Us
>The Uncharted of Us
>The Odin Sphere of Us
>Last and Us
>Last of Us-Man
>Last of the Gods
>The Last Horizon
>The Remake of Us: Crash
I've never been to /pol/ in my life.
The Fisher price art style turned me off, also ironically badass Abe Lincoln is so overdone and its always poorly done, its like the lowest common denominator to appeal to hipsters.
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