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Why did you stop playing Space Station 13?

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/vg/ is pretty insular and I want to hear from people that no longer play about why they lost interest.

The game is as popular as ever and is still as it always was with the same pros and cons.
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>games where you're supposed to 'roleplay'
Sorry I'm not gay
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roleplay enforced servers are the minority. most are extremely light rp and only have the bare minimum of no underage names like XxXPr0Sn1p3RXxX. But I'm grateful for the response.
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Mostly because the "communities" end up being cancerous and horrible to newcomers. /vg/ especially has this "meme mentality" and normally while playing you'd pick this up, but I could not for the love of me join /vg/ servers because of how toxic they were to people first not familiar with their inlined jokes.

I'm not unfamiliar with SS13, but /vg/ is hard to get into.
I always knew about this game but never actually got around to playing it

Honestly the best sell for this game and what finally got me to download the BYOND installer was sleepycast "griefing and game design" where oney and the swain (blockhead and mastermind flash series) talk extensively about the shit you can pull in this game and its dwarf fortress levels of insanity. Im still learning it but listen to that sleepycast if youre even remotely interested or wanna know what this game is about

This game could fill a TECHNOLOGY thread
People still play byond shit today?
Anything related to /vg/ in online games is always 100% literally shit with absolutely no exceptions. There's literally zero reason to ever play with them in anything.
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It's better to play in spurts. It helps you tolerate the worst of it.
I actually installed BYOND and saw 150+ people playing some DBZ themed RP game

These games have worlds/second life hidden potentional for just crazy shit you could find
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Because the engine is shit.
It stopped being fun
Rules got annoying to deal with
The most fun i had was being a greytider and other simmilar things.
Besides, a better alternatve exist now but I won't tell you what it is ;^)
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Many SS13 servers aren't on the byond hub. So even though SS13 is by far the most popular game on Byond, it's even bigger than it's represented as.
It ended up with me eventually joining smaller severs, and less people actually had this sort of...comfy feeling. Local and smaller playerbase allowed more focused and intimate RP and conversations, allowed smaller but more personal scenarios.

Fuck /vg/.
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too many people pretending to be gay, or actually being gay and forming cliques

At least the ack was cracked, That was about the last time I played.
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>Mostly because the "communities" end up being cancerous and horrible to newcomers. /vg/ especially has this "meme mentality" and normally while playing you'd pick this up, but I could not for the love of me join /vg/ servers because of how toxic they were to people first not familiar with their inlined jokes.
Please explain. I have never heard anyone say this and that is why I had interest in making the thread (to get outside opinions I never hear).

I answer questions from new players pretty much daily and have a hard time understanding what you experienced.
I started on goon, moved to /vg/ then back to goon then quit after playing for 5 years.

Can't handle the shitty community and shitty admins everyone dickrides and I was burned out already. I'm very glad I stopped playing a few months back since I didn't feel like I could stop.

/vg/ is incredibly shit, it has no real features and relies on feature bloating the server with recycled assets and questionable game design
Just got tired of it, as all games eventually become dull with enough play. Im sure someday I will come back for a few rounds.
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What is a real feature to you?
I got a new computer and didn't want to install byond again. I've forgetting literally everything I've learned about the game so I decided to just stay away.

I really only spectated in my later rounds anyway.
If you don't get /vg/'s gay memes, you'll end up just being in the background, and bored, since it's easy to get lost in all that hustle and shit.
If you will give me one more reply, what are /vg/'s gay memes?
I got bored and real life shenanigans made me really busy and took away my spess time
Its been about a year since my last spessman adventure
Also what's the deal with all of this /VG/ hate?
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I tried it and have no idea what I'm doing. Plus moving around is slow and sometimes my character doesn't even move with the arrows. Anyone wanna explain how to control this game or how it's played so u can get Into it? I hear so much great shit about it but I can't see why
>circlejerking over certain players
>meta club

If you're talking about Lifeweb, it's absolute trash. Played for a day and the community was absolutely toxic crybabies. The forums were even worse. Was just them circlejerking each other about how edgy the game was.
Have you tried reading the wiki you cancerous namefag?
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I got banned from all the /vg/ rooms
1st room was from killing someone after they bashed me over the head and took my upgraded mop

2nd room banned me for talking OOC when i was cut open and and had my brain removed. I was sitting there for 20 minutes without anything to do and brains cant talk

No fun allowed, the videogame
I blew up the escape shuttle on accident when I brewed some Thermite in the labs and wanted to try it out. I never went back to the server because of that.

I'm guessing he wants something completely original to be developed on the server instead of just getting what other servers have in a different version.

I personally stopped playing because the player-admin circlejerk got too much to handle. Everyone would drop anything they were doing to RP with the admin player characters. The thread itself would just be people fellating admins and them being like "u to qt~"
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What server was that?
I went to university and i have a shitty computer there.
Thermite isn't explosive though. But ok fair enough.
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Your why /v/ and /vg/ are turning more and more cancerous. Why not just answer the question instead? I checked the wiki but was hoping to get an opinion or answer from my actual question from an actual person, I don't need a wiki worth of details to answer my question

This is literally all the ss13 /vg/ threads.

This green text, right here. Is everything. If you're not a part of it or don't BECOME a part of it, prepare to be ignored and ultimately just fuck around until you get banned because you did something one of the snowflakes didn't like.

I kept to myself and experimented with stuff and never got banned, but I've seen it happen to other people.
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>Playing /vg/ instead of Hippie.

There's a lot the wiki doesn't teach you and some of the info is outdated.

He's taking the piss because movement is wasd and/or arrow keys. There's drop down menus at the top including a help menu that lists the controls.
/vg/ is a waifushit circlejerk, I left and went to goon and never looked back.

EVERY server has a meta club, but /vg/'s is ridiculous.
tbqh i don't know how to consider some of that. if you don't talk to people and make friends or introduce your friends to the game you won't have friends. the metaclub things funny because it IS a vg meme, and it isn't real. it's a 3 year old joke about things that got shut down long ago.

>complaining about woodys got wood

Are the controls always so unresponsive? I always feel like I'm playing a turn based game because sometime my character just waits 5 seconds before actually moving
At least /vg/ RP rules are more light
you've already posted it 3 times senpai

no, either you joined a super laggy server or joined one while something huge was happening like the entire station was being destroyed.

response time is usually under 300ms
OK I see, guess I'll try to play again later today. That was the thing that bothered me the most. Any suggested servers? Also maybe a tip for new players?
That's the problem with /vg/, though. Everybody is a powergaming faggotron that will laugh at you for role-playing. That's why I stopped playing, at least.
Come to /vg/,that's where all the cool kids are and its the only place where people won't bitch about your incompetence.
I only play spess to erp with fellow /v/irgins. Anyone up for some saucy erping now? Preferably furry :3
vg is fine. read the rules they're very short (although they have many explanations and examples below the short list).

join as an assistant, cargo tech, or janitor. they have hardly any impact on the round and no one minds if they're stuck on the arrival shuttle asking how to take the plastic bag off their head while suffocating.
Hang yourself
Last time I went to /vg/ they told me to read the wiki, lurk, and blamed me for joining the game so late for not knowing how to play. But if you ever see my trip code there, reply, and I'll join whatever game your on seeing as your not some asshole.
I'm not into abuse erp tho
vore and citadel.
I'll do that then, starting small is probably the best thing to do. I understand this game involves taking roles and such
Colonial Marines server.
go ahead and don't trip in the vg thread unless you want everyone to treat you like the dip shit you are.
I only use trip when I know I'm gonna reply alot to people and want them to know it's me and not some random anon being a dick hole but sure I'll just remain Anon
Isn't it full of macro-spamming superusers?
the only macro worth having is say *fart

tripping if you're not an admin in that thread is asking to be crucified.
Thank you for the replies.

It must be an ultra shitty computer because spess is an ultra toaster game.

hippie sux
Last time I played there was one homo who clearly was using macros to grab players and KO them in a way that was basically impossible to stop. He was one of the admins buttbuddies or something too so fuck you if you bumped into him
I don't know maybe it was a temporary bug but all attack actions have built in delays to prevent exactly that.
/vg/ sucks ten times more.
I don't stop. I have bouts where I play it like a madman for days at a time all day then I just do other things.
Then why do players that get banned on /vg/ go to hippie as a second choice then appeal on vg
Why are you using spoiler text? I also don't know that, but am not banned on /vg/ if that's what you're inferring.
>Ever good

Wew laddy
I've been through countless SS13 threads, but I've never seen anyone talk about Yogstation.
Why is that?
Was it a skeleton fetishist? If so hes still around
Most servers are filled with user drama and isolated from 4chan because of it.
Servers are still run alright. /vg/ an /tg/ servers are fucking abysmal through, /tg/ being a tad more playable of the bunch.

Heard theres a new server up that's big and shit, somewhat like goon. Stone station? Idfk I forgot the name.
But 4chan is all about user drama
Just turn off OOC chat. I only have LOOC on so I can still see when someone asks how to do something nearby. The server wide OOC chat is always annoying as fuck in every server.
Alright I'll try it again. I use to play geneticist and got breddy gud at it. Which server should I join
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I wanted to play it, but literally every single time i tried everyone was a complete cunt that would either insult me for no reason or just outright ignore my presence.
SS13 is an incredible experiment about insular communities.
Every server will say that their server is the best while others are cancer with circlejerking, power tripping, unbearable retards.

And in the end every server is the latter.
The game is pretty fun. Just remember to never play on the /vg/ server.
That's why I used to play geneticist because I could lock myself in a room with a grey assistant homie and hulk each other out. no homo.
I like the servers that make the jobs deeper then they already are with new updates, however the very active servers have the strongest metaclubs and you feel pretty faceless after a while. What server does OP play on?
So would you recommend not joining it for my first time? I tend not to care about 4chans community since it's the same as everywhere else just a little more gay.
Hes probably a /vg/tard trying to get people to play on it since their population was slowly dwindling a few weeks ago.

he's posted the same thing five or six times now some people have an axe to grind
is that yang?
I used to play on SA and those guys are some giant homos. I don't know who else is left. /tg/?
That was a few months ago and the only cause for it was we were >>341900195 more insular than ever and no one ever talked about it outside the board.

A week later and our server was full of fresh faces and that was in the past.

I made the thread to see why people who have left had left not to get more people.
teach me how 2 bomb pls
stopped playing because i only play sec, and the amount i had to power game to stay ahead of the curve was fucking ridiculous. And all the special snow flake faggotry that the admins defend.
Yeah please fuck off.
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ban the do nothing namefags like yahir and his crew of niggers and ill come back
>anime/vn reaction image
Great way to out yourself as nothing else but a shitposter.
Let's see all this advertisement lying about the server being better than the rest and welcoming to new players vanish once Probe gets that Aussie trialmin he's looking for.
Whoa what is "dragon universe"? This game has 250 players and seems way more badass than autism station 13

>yahir still plays

why am I not surprised

Did that powergaming medbot player stop playing? He was the reason medbay was perfect at times, but also boring as fuck to play if he was on shift because he was infinitely better than everyone else.
The name Build Your Own Net Dream takes me back to a more innocent age.
I played on /tg/ station a few times as a janitor or assistant. First time as a Janitor, I got toolboxed in a hallway, dragged into my cleaning closet, killed, and flushed down a toilet. The round went on another 3 hours with me as a ghost, my corpse somewhere off in space.

The next two times as an assistant, I asked a doctor if I could help, he didn't say anything, and then security showed up to arrest me for being a traitor. The next time, I actually was a traitor and killed by clown ten minutes into the round.

I would probably give SS13 more of a chance if I could at least learn the mechanics alone somewhere, as it is, it's pretty difficult to just drop in and learn how to play.
time for DBZ

Yred is always online.
If he's not playing as a mute looking for antags to kill or killing everyone as an antag he's an observer looking for people to report to admins to get banned.
He's online 80% of the time.
It is when it reacts to fire
far too much meta gaming

the namefags that get jerked off in the general get away with murder, and tell their mates where they died, get killed etc so if you're not part of their club you will always 9/10 lose to them. The circle jerking to particular characters turn s the round into player following certain "robust" players and helping them grief/ fuck shit up without ever worrying about any consequences; as soon as security arrests them random shitter no.162562 will break them out just to be part of the circlejerk greentext. The amdins don't do anything to stop said meta because those namefags are what holds the server together and can effectively just ip change grief forever if they even get a warning.

It's a poison mixture of players getting special treatment, admin incompetence/immaturity and game hosting/security limitations that create a nest of abuse and corruption

ITT: if you play, you become a pawn/ plaything for established name fags, if you stay, you get banned by said irritated namefags/ become a name fag yourself
Fuck now I want to play again.
I want to get into some of the more complicated jobs but I don't want to ruin everyone else's game the first few times I try them.
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I've intentionally not mentioned the server and asked about SS13 as a whole. Why you heff to be mad?
In /vg/ admins bait randoms who are suspicious of metagaming by locking them in an isolated place with no radio and wait for their suspected buddies to beeline to their location to rescue them.

But every thread/OOC popufag are actually in a discord hosted and endorsed by admins now so it's really just a main circlejerking shutting down others.
I still play, almost exclusively on /tg/
Honestly because SS13 communities are horrible and you shouldn't lure people back into them.
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i've done basically everything that can be done in that game, i've been playing since it was an atmos simulator in 2004 before the OpenSS13 project, i have done literally every single secret on gooncode before the massive code leak, as well as /tg/ code. never bothered with autistic RP shit like bay/yog/etc. It also greatly ticks me off how many servers have faggy rules about not hurting other people now, when the game was fine for years without them.

if there is a reason for me to come back then I will. I also know pic related IRL

Great, as long as he's there I'm probably not going to go back to /vg/. There's powergaming, then there's Yred levels of powergaming. the former ar usually people who take "precautions" when shit is starting to hit the fan. Yred is just a faggot. Always stops interesting antagonists and ruins fun altogether.
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I used to play on /vg/ alot.

had a fun time too. Decent mods, decent map and would rotate for fun sometimes. Well supported forum.

Then after a while I played as Chaplain and I pretty much got rocked by some greytide faggot who stole and spaced my rod. I decided to beat on him by Security orders and I got boinked from the admin team for griefing.

Long story short; this piece of shit would power game every time he played and would steal high priority shit from every department (teleporter, weapons/armor, fire axe, gloves, janitor galoshes, etc) and then bait people in and immediately rat them out to the admins.

After about 4-6 incidents like this, and an obvious ban baiting on one of my other friends, he got scorned by the community and everyone knew his reptutation for being a raging cunt.

The admin team would always let him off with a warning. I still go to the forums sometimes to see if he's still around and he is.

My assumption is that he's cockriding one of the admins cause the shit he got away with and is still getting away with is absurd. That's why I left.

Fuck you Sirnat you cunt.

There is nothing you nor anyone else can do to improve your server.

It is the people on your server that are the problem. It's like high school over there. /vg/ server itself is pretty fucking good.
It's funny because despite being a no-fun, mute powergamed people only defended him for ages.
Now that he stopped being a borg or CMO every round the shitters are starting to turn on him since he won't be saving them.
But really fuck that community, people praise him still. Just like how every time someone mentions or shows that plasmamen are OP everyone defends them instead because of Sawbones
It's really not. It's shit and every other server is too.
reminder that /vg/ was the server that had MLP sprites and ERP verbs that sprayed cum everywhere, and was always cancerous as fuck. I think Elyina was a /vg/ admin too
The /vg/ server code is pretty good. I just don't play there because the community is 4chan.
Wrong server

Elyina was with /v/stations and a few /vg/stations. Not the current one though
>Why did you stop playing Space Station 13?
I got banned from every server for having to much fun.
SS13 used to be good.

if i had the money to host a server, i would bring back donut1 and donut2, bring back the classic goon ss13 style server with poo, replicants, the T.U.R.D.S, no retarded rules about "griefing" since the POINT OF THE GAME is that it's a survival game where anyone could go crazy and fuck shit up at any time, maybe the clown decides to feed people to the engine. doesn't need to be a traitor. gives security something to do.
I think you're mistaking /vg/ with TG since /vg/ officially scorns and bans ERP despite being run by people who endorse faggotry of the same level.
But its not too different, /vg/ is run by weebs anyway who are just as bad.
no, i am one hundred percent certain that /vg/ was the server with the MLP shit, because I got banned for suicide bombing two people ERPing with their horse sprites. Elyina might have been on a different server but i am CERTAIN that the pony shit was /vg/, this happened about 4-5 years ago
I got tired of the meta gaming, power hungry admins and waifu faggotry my favorite server went to.

Guess which one.
You're thinking of old Goonstation.

I'm aware that Goonstation WAS SS13 back then but now it's 90% those bay/tg forks involving anime or furry circlejerking with dumb rules.
I got a gf
You fool.
Yes, and /vg/ now as well. It's an infinite loop circle jerk now.
That's like any non-RP server.
Hippie? TG? /vg/?
I miss New Eden with that text to speech thing.
"Griefing" being extremely cracked down on and a bannable offense. I get it, nobody likes being taken out of the game for an hour+ because some shitter thinks it would be a really funny idea to blow them up with a bomb, but it's a fucking video game. Security may as well be renamed to "Valid Hunters" because any non-antags doing something bad are often banned, and they are under constant mod scrutiny where actually doing their job may as well result in a ban.
This may have well have changed a lot because I quit a couple years ago, but it's still a problem I saw far too much of.
Static names being a thing.
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Started out with goon station a long time ago. I was always impressed with the core game development they had, but after a time the old guard got so ungodly good it felt like you couldn't have fun without being "in the know" (aka being that select group of players that knew every dumb secret/buddied up with admins). The admins were also a very mixed bag themselves. There were some that just simply did their job, and others that turned into a silly cult of personality. This made dealing with them like edging a minefield. I distinctly remember it getting to a point where the general playerbase came together to tell them to lighten the fuck up when it came to the game.

/vg/ was interesting but by the time I started playing there, I had already lost major interest in the game and couldn't keep my interest too strongly maintained.
Dumb question but why are all the in-game links yellow and almost impossible to read
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Goon became shit and I'm pretty sure I got perma'd there, /tg/ turned into shit with the whole errorage coderbus meltdown and subsequent civil war thing, and I refuse to step foot in /vg/. I forgot my BYOND info too so that's a thing.
I hate /vg/ because I don't like circlejerks.
The time investment required for a good round of spessmans is very bad for my backlog. That, and the magic is basically gone for me. If I'm not an antag I get bored pretty quick. Every once in a while I'll start a game on /vg/ and if I get tator science I tend to have a good time.
>played SS13 since donut station
>game is ridiculously boring after the initial realization you can do whatever you want wears off
>start doing meta shit, such as grabbing powerful weapons/internals from the beginning of the match
>can't have any fun, if the mods don't approve of it

>remove windows from escape
>spacelube the entrance
>people slip and slide into space

>autolathe the escape hallway

>kill someone in self defense

>closed source coders, only way to even have any progress made is to leak the fucking code

>being jailed is boring as fuck
>robusting is just whoever has the better ping and can click faster

the game is just shit, the administration makes it worse, and roleplay fags are cancer
Why is everyone who plays on /vg/ an insufferable condescending cunt?
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>griefing and game design
The only reason I know about this game, so far. Makes it sound very detailed and TECHNOLOGY filled.

I've haven't even seen any gameplay, how does it play?
You can knock someone out and inject them with LSD.

You can forcefeed people burgers to make them fat and have heart attacks from cholesterol.

Just a lot of stuff.

This. They are actually an echo chamber of waifus and husbandos.

In response to the OP, I forgot my byond login info and just said fuck it.
I've played the game since some if the first source code releases like. I haven't been playing for a few months. Honestly? I get withdrawal constantly when away from it but it takes up a lot of time and my day flies away because of it and my friends get mad so I have to stay away
I tried playing it, but I got overwhelmed by dramamongering server wars, annoying people, and understanding the meta of the game that people who have been playing for years know like the back of their hands.
>not making people fat and making them explode with a mint
Is this video actually worth watching? The first few seconds of lisping spittle swilling turn me off.

Does he do any crazy shenanigans?
>not robusting 5+ sec officers with nothing but *shit, galoshes and a stolen stunbaton

It's like you don't even fight desu
You can bash someone in the chest with a toolbox, and rupture their lung.(which can only be cured by having the medical staff lay you on a table, knock you out, and perform surgery)
Can someone explain to me WHY Hippie isn't the best SS13 server nowadays? From what I can tell Hippie doesn't have dedicated autistic waifu circlejerk threads.
>chest toolbox
>not eye screwdriver and blinding people
the fun comes from baiting other people to break the rules and getting them into trouble

or just *barely* breaking the rules so that the admins won't really fuck with you
I only mention the chest toolboxing because one time I misclicked the toolbox to my own chest and made my lung commit sudoku, forcing me to find a doc.


Pretty basic idea of what the game looks like.
I play on /vg/ and posted the weeabooism thing but I don't think you're exactly right there you're not exactly wrong though either. Just watching anime a lot makes you an insufferable condescending

oh you want to watch a full round?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJFucZO0WNc It's really old and out of date but this guy has the least offensive videos
>2nd room banned me for talking OOC when i was cut open and and had my brain removed. I was sitting there for 20 minutes without anything to do and brains cant talk
Well it depends. You weren't talking ICC in OOC were you or asking about the round or anything like, right? If not, then yeah that's bullshit.
i never started and its one of my biggest regrets
>From what I can tell Hippie doesn't have dedicated autistic waifu circlejerk threads.

Hippie is notorious for adding dakimakura's of their waifus.

Its literally so endemic its in their code.
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>nobody has mentoned the crippling lag
The lag and the shit performance are excruciating.

Still the most hilarious, varied and engaging game I know of, though.
That's because vg fixed almost all the lag long ago
well shit, I'm gonna play right now.
Yeah but I don't have to worry about fags shitposting on 4chinz about the current round on hippiestation.
>interrogation marks
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I overplayed the game two years ago, and got bored of it since it's just starts to repeat itself after you see everything. I come back once in a while but it's just ain't the same

There's also Lifeweb i played the fuck out of, the only thing that interest me is getting a good aspect and shitting on people with it

Doesn't help i actually have a life so i play vidya in the weekends instead
Its one of those 'story games' that always gets great screencaps about the stories like Dorf Fort but takes so much effort to try and get into and actually learn how to play that it kills the feel. And since its multiplayer and everybody else already knows how to play it feels even worse.
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> join /v/ or /vg/ server or someshit
> assistant because I read he doesn't really have a job so you can freely explore
> announce that I'm a new player
> just look at stuff and get a feel for the controls
> never enter any unrestricted areas
> suddenly get attacked by a security guy
> ask him what I did wrong
> no response
> he steals my stuff, cuffs me and throws me in the brig
> try talking to people but they just ignore me
> in the brig for the rest of the round
> station gets destroyed by aliens or someshit and I die
I'm amazed the game is still "as popular as ever" if you treat all new players like this.

I can see the potential in this game but not if it's run by a bunch of turbo autists.
the learning process can become part of the roleplay element
have someone take you on as their second or apprentice
have them teach you and get you into shenanigans
maybe you'll save their life when something crazy happens

its how i started and made learning fun
sure i made mistakes and goofed around in space but you know you get there.

You'll get it anon I love you <3
Game's great, Communities are shit

RP game communities always, ALWAYS without fail turn into more of a hugbox as time goes on, eventually you end up with basically every time tested SS13 server where they meta friend and have ERP sessions in the middle of the round, /vg/ is no exception.
this game looks good is it easy to get into
I watch a lot of anime but I'm not insufferable or condescending. I swear.
Don't worry I believe you.
I never started. If anything I'd like to try, but I'm afraid I'll let everyone down from my inexperience.
it has a lot of depth and it takes a while to really learn but everything relies on the same set of rules so the more you learn, the less trouble it is to learn more.
if everyone was robust then the game would be pretty boring and at any given time at least 25% of the players have been playing for less than 3 months.
>things that never happened

Not like any server would endure you.
Nobody has respect for greyshits because griefers tend to go assistant as an excuse to start shit all over the station. Once you have controls down, the next step would be to actually pick a department. People are usually very willing to help people out in their own department.
typical /vg/ fag kneejerk response.
My friend got me into it, but he is an rp fag and I'm not. All of the drama and bullshit rules, no matter which server I joined, killed the fun. So I stopped, this being the first and only game so far that I have quit solely because the community is shit.
> be new
> start as cook
> take ages to figure out what the fuck how do I make shit this is so confusing what the hell
> manage to make a few dishes
> suddenly some guy comes in dragging a dead monkey behind him
> blood all over my fucking cantina you cunt what the fuck
> he tells me I can make meat and burgers from its corpse
> okay I guess, try to stuff it in the grinder but it's not really working
> "the emergency shuttle has been called"
> shooting and explosions
> step out of my kitchen
> vomit and blood literally everywhere in the corridors
> see some security guy near death, he's also vomiting occasionally
> drag him behind me
> some cunt knocks me out and drags me to the emergency shuttle
> forgot the details but he was a bad guy or something
> get on the shuttle with him, don't know what's going on anyway
> push him out of the airlock when I get the chance
Confusing but amazing
why would I lie you faggot

It's been a while (like a year maybe?) so some of the details may not be entirely correct but that's more or less what happened.
>I can't read the wiki and I did something stupid
>I don't want to "git gud" so I will just spread lies
Does it make you feel better? Not like we need new people, player levels are at an all time high and strangely I was only jailed once when I was a traitor. So yeah, typical "XY" response I guess.
for a 4chan server it sure is full of incredibly annoying underage b&s
I've honestly gotten away with some crazy shit on goonstation. The few bans I ever got were completely justified. I haven't played for about a year though, so I don't know how shitty the player base and moderation has become.
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terrible community

it's not very fun to play when absolutely everyone is a powergamer/metagamer
God shut the fuck up already. I'm sick of overly defensive /vg/ fags whining whenever anyone says something bad about their shitty server.
>have a bug that makes it so any time I open a command window of any sort the game will freeze solid for 10 seconds and sometimes brick the client
>same thing happens when closing a window
>PDAs, computers, vending machines of any kind, even interacting with objects or players that opens a window
>still tried to play but it became an agonizing hassle every time
>No amount of bugfix or reinstall or client changes fixed anything

I'm still mad, I played so much
Someone on /v/ calling others underage.
You're replying to the wrong guy m8.

And what does reading a wiki have to do with anything? If i'm just running around looking at stuff that's enough to get my ass kicked and jailed?

Sounds like a shitshow you guys are running honestly
Iron huh?
not bad.
>Stop calling out my bullshits!
Okay I will stop if that makes you happy.
I will be honest with you, I'm not the guy you originally replied to. This guy right here >>341910573 and here >>341911175
is. I just want you to stop being such a bitch and stop throwing a fit whenever someone has a negative opinion on /vg/.
>Still new as fuck
>Some kind guy tries to teach me how to be a geneticist
>End up injecting him with some shit that makes him fall over and have spasms
>Don't know what to do, so I run away
>End up finding his dead body by the end of the shift
Poor guy. He was so patient, too. And to this day I don't know a thing about genetics.
yeah it's still pretty fucking laggy - doesn't help that the coders are always adding new stuff
Genetics is just a boring slot machine simulator. It used to be worth it when hulks could still wield guns.
vg sux tg rulez
Are YOU pic related?
Byond is literally the worst platform/engine I've ever seen.

That, and people from /v/ and /vg/ are cancerous to play with. Avoid at all costs.
>It's like high school over there.
Holy FUCK I can't believe how accurate that description is. This is especially evident with how they constantly fawn over the "girls" (AKA grown ass men pretending to be girls online) of the server.
nice response dude - most of the players there are admittedly 17-21, it blew my mind.
I remember one time I saw a picture of this game where a guy made a literal start inside a station
It made me want to start playing but I never got around to it, maybe I still will
that's because most of them are actually in high school and on top of that when they're fawning over 'girls' it's the admins' staticnames so it's not like they don't know it's a guy - they do.
>Why did you stop playing Space Station 13?
i became an admin on my favorite server and realized the community is shit.

that will always be part of a game that is in continuous development and is open source. new shit -> optimized new shit -> new shit is added

hulks can use guns on some codebases
Is there evidence of this or are you just working on assumptions? Not that I disagree with you or anything but still.
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>Dying to someone's incompetence

The beauty of it is that this is literally part of the game and the fun
Genetics is fun when you use it to turn literally everyone in the entire station into you. Not much else really.
>it took you that long
>thinking "halp george malons griffiin me" was just a joke
SS13 is the perfect game with the right people. Once it becomes overly meta it becomes boring.
shitty admin banned me 3 times for bullshit reasons so i just gave up, its a miracle that a friend even convinced me to rejoin after the first ban since im overreactive and retardedly emotionally and i felt like it was just "wrong" for me to be on the server somehow

fun game tho

Banned 3 times, but I had only been playing the game for little over a month.
the 3rd ban was because i decided to gain some confidence for once and call out the admin for her false-positivity bullshit, so what if i "icked in ooc"? everyone knew of what i did anyway, i meant to say in Common that it the AI saying bazinga was my idea, but i accidentally said it in OOC instead, how is that even a fucking issue

It's a video game. You shouldn't take it that seriously that you go false-positivity-I'm-actually-secretly-pissed-off-at-you mode over a mistake. Especially a harmless one.

/tg/station btw
>fawning over the girls
not fawning over the superior Lizardboi pussi
I've dived into other BYOND games for shits and giggles, and lemme tell you, I've seen some shit.
DBZ ERP servers with built-in breeding mechanics.
Mountains of shitty character profile pages with awful music and edgy quotes.
Usernames I would've thought were ironic anywhere else. I swear to god, I've seen a Kirito Uchita.
I tried it and spent most of my time just wandering the fuckhuge ship as a janitor doing nothing

I was eventually choked by some guy and stuck me in a closet. I was still alive and just waited in there yelling for help but no one came.

Shit game.
>throwing a fit
So calling out someone for his lies is "throwing a fit". And you wonder why people call /v/ cancer.
This is it. I used to do a fuckton of /v/ and /vg/ groups back in the day. Devolves into the same inane shit every single time.
How much of the modern game was even coded by the original creator guy?
How do you know he's lying exactly? I'm not saying he's telling you the truth, but you have no reason to believe either or.
>And you wonder why people call /v/ cancer.
Yes people post on your hugbox thread on /vg/ about how /v/ is so dumb like you always do.
less than 1%

tbqh senpai you deserved it

try playing the game with an admin just waiting for a reason to ban you because you called their special snowflake static name character a slut for sucking dick in maintenance in a cap announcement.
>And you wonder why people call /v/ cancer.
Then fuck off to whatever shitty forum you came from.
I stopped playing because it eventually became a bunch of shitty cliques on every server power gaming within their shitty little group so that they can fuck up the round for everyone else
>his lies
Yeah because shitcurity has never done stuff like that before, right?

Like other people have said, the community on these servers are shit for the most part.
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It's a game with way too much depth for me. I'm so busy that sometimes I only get to put in 3-5 hours a week. So it doesn't help that I spend all of those hours just trying to learn the fucking thing.

Plus no good servers. I want to actually roleplay on rounds that last at least 2 hours. Not that murderboning 50 player tg station shit where the station's blown up in 30 minutes so there's absolutely no point in trying to do anything.
i made the AI spam bazinga, it was hilarious
every 3rd word it said had to be "bazinga"
i know the big bang theory is a shitty show, thats why its funny
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because I only play the game in short bursts, but I always completely forget how to play the game and have to relearn every time.
Also I'm not really that creative, and usually get killed real easily very early.
The roles I only really gravitate to were
>Drug Dealer
>Robotist that throws out death machines at random
>Asshole Cargo Worker that throws a ton of paperwork at everyone that wants something.
>Miner because comfy.
>Why did you stop playing Space Station 13?
The Byond Client is ass and I only have so much patience for something I only use for one game.
There's like 4 servers with 2+ hour roleplaying
Has any server gotten the blob to work correctly? I liked the random gimmick shit goonstation and a few other servers had. It's been a long time since I've played last.
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I'm similar. Once a year I pick this game up, play for maybe a month, but spend most of that time just learning everything I forgot....
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there's only one thing you need to learn to have fun with the game

>get screwdriver, crowbar, and multitool
>screwdriver airlock
>use the multitool on the airlock
>pulse each wire until you find one that turns the Test Light off results may vary
>quickly crowbar the airlock

congratulations you now have all access enjoy being an assistant don't let security catch you
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I hate to recommend it, but /vg/ did.
Well that fucking sucks. I doubt there is anywhere near enough cohesion to make it not a shitty time.
It still has one glaring problem. We added blob meteors that come in two varieties. A mildly annoying blob shower that sends AI controlled blobs crashing into the station. They need to be removed or else they will eat away at the hull.

And a blob storm that sends up to 4 player controlled blob cores.

1 blob core is a challenge. 2 is a serious, we're probably not gonna make it deal. 4 is just rape. Fortunately it only happens during super high pop.
The headmin already whined and I'm fairly sure that the player-controlled blobs from meteors are now limited to one or two players.

In theory they're very vulnerable since their cores will always be next to open space but if they get new cores up then they often steamroll.

It really depends on how many competent valid hunters are around.
Seeing as you guys seem to know, is the server as shitty as people claim? I'm not new to the game, but it has been a while. How much grief is one allowed to get away with? I don't want to make it a shitty time, but it's still hilarious spraying shit down as a janitor in hallways at inopportune moments.
I'm really a super jaded regular there and I don't wish for others to suffer what I did.
Or to become the people that I hate like how a newfag likes to latch on to a popular namefag on the server and memes about it on OOC.
Honestly it's not as bad as everyone here is making it out to be but it's still pretty bad.
It's not that bad at all
No, they haven't been touched. And I'm Probe so wah
So its your own fault.
One time, I kidnapped the captain, surgically removed his ass, made him watch me cook it into a burger (called an assburger), and then I force fed the captain his own ass.
I can't give you an impartial answer because I'm involved in running the server.

I made a thread to find out why people have left SS13 in general, not our specific server. However I (hope) a lot of the responses are from people who have lost interest or appeal in the game.

So you'r reading, 86 odd different IPs opinions on the game and many of them are dissatisfied. Right now we have 65~ players playing the game on our server alone and we're one of the more mid range servers in terms of player count. They are satisfied enough with the game to be playing it.

itt you'll see one kind of opinion because that's the opinion I wanted to hear about instead of the usual "its ok" that people who are satisfied give.

tl;dr I think there are a few areas that are shit, a lot of areas that are pretty good, and some areas that are great and it's enough to make this game my hobby.

I'm a bad coder but yeah, if you're unwilling to do it yourself then you hold some responsibility if something is shit and you don't help fix it.
You guys have fun stories like this but I get the impression admins are autistic and would ban you for it.
I tried to code before but no one gives any help other than parroting to join the IRC.
Blob clusters with over minds are rare enough that I think that they might be fine being round enders as they are.
I'm sorry Probe, you seem like an alright guy but is 65 people supposed to be comforting?

You have a stable of 10-15 players who are all metafriends and admins that encourage their jackassery, and then an asston of admins who also play and have their own metafriends.

This leaves you with a decent 10-20 players who will try the game and end up burnt out because of the bullshit you guys allow. (this group switches out every few weeks)
There's no way there's more than 5 people who are metafriends and on at the same time
don't fucking bother, these literal kids only complain about every addition to the game without any attempts to contribute themselves, it's a waste of time and will only serve to frustrate you.
Probe acts all nice and whatnot but he doesn't condemn all the waifu and animefaggotry from other admins and regulars.
He's like a well meaning but wholly incompetent administrator. The sort of guy that becomes a footnote in history until a more radical person takes over the institution.
>implying 5 extremely loud faggots (you know exactly who I mean) don't force people to be their friends and act like them.

seriously dude come on.

Tried getting into it, a combination of me not knowing what to do, not wanting other people to suffer for my incompetence at learning and the fact the coding always had some lag to it so it becomes fairly annoying to play.
I am implying that
Great, imply it all you want Probe, you're the sad sack looking for tips to make your server better and ignoring what everyone in this thread is saying.

The game is fine, your community is a bunch of actual teenagers who meme so hard in OOC that it drives anyone with a shred of intelligence away. Fix that.
I ended up banning an admin over this in the past.

I have to deal with real problems. Everyone is welcome to post ban requests and ALL of our logs are public. That's something unique to /vg/. Even our admin logs are right there for you to read when the round ends.

If you see shit that's against the rules then say shit.

I cannot and will not make up rules on the spot to ban people because some players dislike them. That is the exact same problem but from a different persons perspective. Find the wrong, and I will follow.

Coding is a challenge but there have been hundreds of individuals that have added code to the game and many of them started exactly how you were recommended.

They went to irc, they read the byond manual, they asked questions, and others helped.
Not probe sorry
>play the most fun game ever made
>every server makes having fun against the rules
I basically stopped because every server I went on just had a bunch of assholes robusting people to death nonstop. There was hardly any roleplay - at best there was a light film of roleplay people did while the robotic it's got his murder machine ready or the scientist made his Cuban Pete bomb or the virologist... You get the picture.
it was promised to me as a roleplaying game, its full with shitters who dont listen to your shit.

>Play as a lawyer
>Give advice to security
>They dont give a shit
>No one gives a shit
>Do nothing
>Extended round ends

nice, nice game
I'm so sorry man but everything you type is so full of this false sense of grandeur.

You deal with nothing, every ban request every appeal thread all you say is "I've looked at it and it seems OK to me, anyone else".

Not to mention you are suggesting that I 'Banbait' - actively look for people doing things wrong so they can be punished for it - something you admins completely permabanned a player for doing before because the requested player is a metabuddy who often donates to the server.

Get real, you need to purge the shitheads from your server, a seemingly easy way to do this would be to force randomnames but that'd cause Nevill to sudoku
Isn't Baystation what you're looking for? /tg/ and /vg/ are more like "arcade" experiences.
Honestly probe I think you've got some shitty opinions and biases but overall that's human and you're ok I guess.

Please do something about discord, that thing is just disgusting. The discussion about the game and server is rare and it's 90% that horrible group of people talking about random stuff and circlejerking with shitty porn.
I don't know this game but it seems cool, how do I get started?
Senpai only Pomf knows who donates and Pomf isn't active in the administration of the server.

I have NO idea who donates and who doesn't. If I did I would not treat them differently.
oh man discordgate, yeah that's not coming down, the metateam got players banned for suggesting it was metacommunications.
>The discussion about the game and server is rare and it's 90% that horrible group of people talking about random stuff and circlejerking with shitty porn.

>a bunch of people just sit around in the bar every round bullshitting and hanging out with each other
>the thread is full of waifufagging and cancer to the point that even I stop reading it after a while
>they make a discord and leave
win win desu
because it became shit.

from the start it's now just an arms race to see who can get weapons and fuck shit up.

done with this fucking shit
never got into it, too much vidya backlogged to dump any serious time on dumbasses in space, also even virtual socializing is impossible for my autism so I'd just be an assistant or janitor that never talked to anyone until I got gibbed by some retarded bullshit, not to mention the whole insular nonsense I keep hearing about
You're a wholly irrelevant admin anyone can look at the banpage and forums and see that among other things one of the only things you're good at is riding the dicks of the other admins in their review threads.
Why not? Seriously, explain why. Why did you let one of the shittier admins make a discord and call it official? Do you think it would change anything?

>they leave
You know that's wrong.
they didn't leave though, if you know anything about the server Sawbones threw a shitfit after getting in trouble with an 'unofficial' discord, once again flaunting his untouchable status and creating more of a hugbox atmosphere for his 'friends'
/vg/ admins are fucking garbage like mredgelord666
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he's not an admin

if they break the rules let me know.
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>wah they don't spoonfeed newcomers
I quit TGstation because they replaced secborgs with a fucking cookie jar.
i was perma banned from all the good servers for making bombs every round and killing people
basically i got bored
t. shit ninja
I stopped playing because one day i forgot to set up containment for the singularity. I've done it so many times and it just slipped my mind.
he left

and honestly he didn't seem bad to me, i got "OMG ILL BAN YOU FOR THAT THING YOU MIGHT DO IF YOU KEEP UP WITH THIS GIMMICK!!" from literally whos like mustardtiger instead of mrpain which seemed to ban legitimate shitters

mustardtiger also permabanned a non-antag because a changeling used his id to murder people well after he had disconnected and I had to tell him about it after he proudly played his END OF RINE sound
Why contain it?
I hate bombs so much. I wish they didn't exist.
Because it's cold outside and i want to keep it warm with my engine.
prolonged communities of space station 13 was a mistake.
>if these cancerous circlejerkers that shitpost on the thread non-stop break the rules tell me
>when rule 0 exists and people got banned because the headmin simply didnt like them before
owned, fagnoid
They're hilarious and it wouldn't surprise me if the NSA has my name because of the shit I've done with them ingame.
It was impossible to stop, if you can find it look in the forums for the huge thread about this situation -
Sawbones : "is not metacoms we no talk about game look text chat logs of a voice chat room... PROOF!"
Admins: "we have a rule, no metacomms and this is metacoms, here is your ban."
Sawbones: repeats same sentiment

and then ceremoniously the rarely seen server host makes the decree that it's all good in the hood *same seldom seen server host who is the only one who according to probe "can see donations".

There is enough evidence to show that a player with enough friends on the server/forums can convince admins that their rules are worded incorrectly or wrong and get away with impunity for some unknown reason. There is also evidence to show that doing as you suggest - finding proof of rule breaking and reporting it - would end up with me banned (not that I care).
whenever i tried to play janitor nobody read the signs. pointing only lead to batons
You did not explain anything.

Why is there a server endorsed discord being plastered in every thread now? Why does THAT have to exist? That's the one I'm talking about.
What's wrong with this? When I first played SS13 on hippie I constantly used the mentor help function when I didn't know something and they were fine with helping me.
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after this cancerous thread I'm glad I'll never play again. I almost felt nostalgic at first
Rule zero is a dangerous rule that acts as an unholy caveat to prevent someone from ruining the server for everyone.

Make a case for me to use it and I will use it for the first time ever.

The only person I've ever seen banned for making a ban request was a person that fabricated evidence of metagaming and tried to get people banned.

So eh.
after Sawbones and his team of buttbuddies reverted his ban and got the person who reported him banned, the precedent was set and from that point on all they decided they needed was to have an admin in the discord so they can read the text/maybe sometimes listen in to confirm no metagaming.

No idea if it was to placate the metafriends or just a way to contain and monitor the turds because that was pretty much when I was done dealing with the kids.
Ah yes, one of those people who were briefly in that circle I talked about.
I still remember the entire thead and OOC defending Hanako as a great players for weeks, then they GOT someone they disliked banned with evidence they did not show as celt was already feeling close to them.
And after it was show they were just a spiteful weeb faggot they got permabanned and the thread coincidentally started saying how Hanako was always a shitty person.

I don't know how you don't hate yourself for being the head retard wrangler of this server.
I've always liked the guy, he was decent at xenobio
"was a person that fabricated evidence of metagaming and tried to get people banned."
[citation needed]

it's cool how the Sawbones metateam can rewrite history and bend facts.

I can't believe you keep recommending people here to do the extremely autistic log-diving that someone has already tried and gotten permabanned because the player they tried to get banned is untouchable. Truly mind-blowing.
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Celt was not active at the time.

Someone said they had evidence of metagaming and we sent everyone involved to the forum to find out what was going on. The persons evidence ended up being fake.

Whatcha want fampai? Me to ban people you don't like? What happens if someone dislikes you?
This pretty much sums it up for me. It was a amazing ride but I didn't stay for the (sometimes literal) circlejerk.
This is a horrible excuse.
There is nothing preventing them from having separate discord groups to metagame on.
The official discord only makes the community worse by cementing their circlejerking as something accepted.
>[citation needed]

Read to your hearts content.
It's only fun if you're still learning the game

Once you know every role, every job, every item, it stops being a fun challenge and turns into typical meta powergaming

Still the most fun game I ever played
It is too intimidating learning new jobs. Everyone expects you to be perfect at your new job or else they cant do theirs. If you suck even a little people will immediately call you out and that shit leads to jail time or clown pranks or a poisoning or the fucking air lock.

If there was a training day where vets taught their favorite jobs, I'd be hyped as fuck to play again. But that would never happen.
Yeah Hanako was fine, the slime update came right before all the shit so that was kind of sad.

Is probe even the head tard wrangler? what happened to nuklear? did sawbones stress him out with his hilarious youtube videos?
He was a horrible autist.
Join as a scientist in the middle of the round and feel like doing xenobio? Hanako says, "FUCK OFF FROM HERE"
And they always spammed gold slimes when antag, at the slightest appearance of an antag or at the shuttle when the round ended (this last case is fine, but it showed a terrible obsession with it).
My memory fails then, I thought that it was celt that banned people over the faked evidence that wasn't even presented to them.
I didn't, I just don't play it religiously.

Unlike most games that require you to grind so much you burn yourself out and when you go back there is more shit to grind and you don't want to go back, SS13 remains jump in and play so there is a constant rotation of people playing.
nuklear stepped down from headmin exactly because of hanakos faggotry, he partially enabled the bans IIRC.

>hanako was fine
It's good that the update hit after they were permabanned so they could never enjoy their work on the server.

>spend 30 minutes doing useless shit unless you got an admin role or legitimized griefing position (antag)

I have better things to be doing to be honest
Fact from a SS13 host:

People who'd be good admins/mods realize that it's a shitty, thankless job and hence don't want to do it.

So the only people you're gonna get as mods and admins are those who WANT to be mods and admins, you can imagine what these people are like
you for real homie? considering this all happened because someone ANONYMOUSLY POSTED in the /vg/ thread making it seem like they had evidence and were the accuser after 25+ pages of SIDF bullshit.

and I know it was Probe too, for some reason you think an anonymous imageboard is the right place to discuss important fact based decisions and that you have a super-power where you can discern who someone is by reading what they typed.
How apt that I come across this thread just a few days after removing all of my BYOND shortcuts!

Why did I stop playing? Well, my server of choice, Paradise Station, no longer enforces the same standards of role-playing as it once did.

When I first joined, Paradise was true to its labeling as a "medium RP" server. It balanced action and role-playing in a proportion that appealed to me.
Over the past six months, however, I've witnessed a shift in the player base. Old, venerated players flaked away from the server, replaced by newer ones. Correspondingly, the level of role-playing severely diminished.

The breaking point occurred last week, when I came across a player by the name of "Snow Flake," a rainbow colored tajaran. Clearly, this was a reference to the reddit meme. The player controlling Snow Flake behaved senselessly, abandoning their job in favor of drawing all over the station in crayon (an annoyance which not even the in-game security could stop, since grafitti has been removed from the definition of vandalism in Paradise's version of Space Law).

It struck me then just how far Paradise had fallen. What was once a server where immersion was valued and player-to-player roleplaying was a major element of the gameplay has become a shallow sea of memes and power-gamers. You would be better off playing Hippie Station; at least they know what they're doing when it comes to low RP.
You should try Polaris
You sound like a massive fucking loser irl dude, just being candid
wow and PROBE of all people stepped up? Jesus.

Yeah I love it when someone enjoys something enough to make a change others might enjoy and then that person is never allowed to see it come to fruition because a bunch of literal 19 year olds who have been playing the game for 3+ years don't like them.

Gets me hard.
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Short story long, I got bored of it.
I started on /tg/ before it went down the drain with the retarded admins/coder, migrated to /vg/ when Pomf started to host himself because Nexis would stop hosting when anyone would say mean thing to him, and after a long ass while I got tired of the circlejerk community and admins thinking of themselves as godly being gracing us poor peasants with their presence.

After that, I started to play Lifeweb when Randy decided to create Interzone the thrist from /vg/ coders was delicious , but stopped when Randy went full retard and gave in to his greed, as well as the community having the mentality of a 13 years old finding out about /b/.
Now I barely give a shit anymore about SS13 as a whole.

tl;dr : great game, fuckawful community no matter where you go, /vg/ isn't an exception.
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wait are you talking about SS13 or this site?
Well, I really need to proof read my shit before posting at 2 AM.
Sorry about that.
>someone posts about his SS13 experience with valid arguments
> hurrdurrr ur a loser :^)
kill yourself you insufferable cunt
Nuke didn't actually quit fwiw.
I never cared much about probe to be frank but nuklear was almost as distant as pomf.
Are you honestly defending Hanako?
This thread is a perfect example of why I stopped playing. I wasn't even involved in any of the rampant admin powertripping, static namefagging, greytiding, or powergaming and genuinely had fun playing whatever role I randomed.

But the community is pure cancer and anyone intelligent will leave before they get some of it on themselves. SS13 is an inherently social game but the admins and core player base are medically incapable of regular human interaction and it kills the entire experience.
don't care, never even heard of the game, just being honest
I've never played this either, but you sound more autistic than the actual players.
no I'm trying to point out the entitled attitude 90% of the playerbase has. This attitude where a game that has been in open development and has contributors who do it for free/fun should only exist to create for these fucking children.

I'd imagine way over half of the people who code for /vg/ don't even play the game anymore because of the inflammatory attitude the BAN THE CODERS kids have.
I gave up when it would take 5 minutes to walk to the left, then you went flying 100 squares farther than you intended due to lag. Every action/click would take a minute to complete and it was unplayable.

I refuse to play unless it's smooth and lag-free now. How bad is it, I haven't played for years? That russian autist making Galactic Space Station 13 vanishing without a trace has somewhat ignited my interest in this again.
I tried to start playing with a friend then some fag master mod told us no communicating outside the game and got really autisticly mad so we quit and never tried again.
I don't understand why you're bringing any of that up while replying to a post talking about Hanako's case then.
Not that guy, but you sound even more autistic than the guy you're responding to

Never played the game either, btw
too much meta teaming on /vg/ last time I played

like you said, the community is too insular

also people get bitchy when someone plays security good. too much boo hoo
>Played on Goon server
>People dickride like absolute faggot
>"Dude all I was doing was opening the panel on the brig door and refused to leave, why'd you flash me brah?"
>Absolute impossible to sec without people whinging 100% of the time
>If it's someone in the inner circle enjoy getting banned.
>Meanwhile they're doing shit like concocting the most purely lethal chems as a cyborg before the AI has any rule changes uploaded
>No one gives a fuck when you point out if a borg is busting out chems with literally multiple lines of suffixes he didn't craft it in the 2 minutes since the AI got fucked with.
>More or less no fun allowed because "everything is griefing" unless some faggot goon is doing it

Fuck that place.
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>oh hey a SS13 thread
>maybe the community has improv-
into the trash
reading comprehension is a skill.

>hanako was fine
>It's good that the update hit after they were permabanned so they could never enjoy their work on the server.

this attitude can eat a big bag of dicks. pretty fucking simple. most of your coders don't even play the game because of this type of shit.

imagine if you will
Admin = "shit guys dylan just died"
every single player = "good I hope it was cancer"
Because I got fucking pissed over /tg/ making thread after thread about it. Combined with the constant quest threads its one of the things I feel killed the board.
it wasn't cancer? Gay.
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Never got into it tbhfamicom.
Don't think I'm a good enough RPfag to really be able to do anything but spectate.
Longtime player here.

I see a lot of people who are complaining about favouritism, and here's what I have to say:

make friends and have a steam chat in the background to alert him when you are getting killed?
oh boy, everyone wave, Sawbones is here!

u will be blessed wit many steamfriends and metabuddies but only if you type "WAIT UP NEVILL" in this thread.
I never understood how the fuck you play it and got banned from a server on my first time after just moving around very fucking mildly.
Are you retarded?
Are you Hanako?

Are you not aware that they got people banned over something they did not do while they claimed to have evidence of it which never existed? Are you aware they got people permabanned because they did not like them? That's why they got permabanned himself.

It's good that they're gone, the fact that they never saw their pull merged is the cherry on top. People who code shit expecting to get free passes from griefing because they contribute to the server are the worst.
>look up the game
>there's not actually a game
>looks like an IRC channel where people are roleplaying

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I use to love /tg/ station, but I didn't like how it became less focused on RP and how murderfests became the norm. I tried out /vg/ station recently, but was it always this janky? It sure feels weird to play in comparison to /tg/ back then.

I miss my lizard waifu.
what did hanako request that he never got to see?

Have you never used IRC or something?
b-b-b-but that's against the rules surely it wouldn't happen?
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[citation needed]
this is all hearsay based on anonymous /vg/ posts
noone was 'banned over something they did not do" they were banned to explain the situation you miserable apologist.

I'm not retarded or Hanako, what now!?
You had more than a billion fucking reasons to ban sawbones over his history, but you just kept that sliding off.

I actually believe the admins are responsible for Sawbone's behavior, for the simple reasons to not actually doing shit about it.
Why the fuck would he care about the rules when he perfectly know you faggots will do jack fucking shit about it?

When a child is let go unpunished when he fuck up, he sure as shit not going to learn from it.
It's Shoe Snatchin' all over again, a griffon on steroid just let free because it amuses you.
How are you going to get help from people without talking to them?
> I didn't like how it became less focused on RP and how murderfests became the norm.

I don't know why anyone would find this surprising. Griefing, either legal or illegal, is the de facto source of fun in SS13. There's no incentive for RPing or extended co-operation because the game has no long-term goals.

It's why I basically don't play unless I get antag or admin, which are both roles that emphasize "legit" griefing. Any other role is basically a waste of time because your work is made irrelevant the minute the shuttle is called.
>Griefing, either legal or illegal, is the de facto source of fun in SS13.

/vg/ player detected - I've not played any other servers mind you but I'm sure there are people who find RP the defacto source of fun in ss13, you can have your opinions but they're just that - opinions.
>play for the first time
>have no idea what I'm doing
>just randomly walking around trying to interact with things
>get banned

oh okay
Jesus fucking Christ. I just read through that thread in /vg/ for their station. What the actual fuck do people see in it? Probe man you had me somewhat convinced to try your server, but after reading that shit, no thanks. Like how does that shit hold together as a community? I'm legit baffled, and I used to play on fucking Goonstation.
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I love how people use SS13 threads to bitch anonymously about players or the management

I used to do it too
He expanded xenobiology, giving more slime reactions since he was obsessed with it.
Then he fucked up and lied to permaban people they did not like, getting permabanned himself so he never got to see his code merged with the server which is implemented now.
>if u dont know how 2 play y r u playing

It's literally the deathmatch server why would anyone play there
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I don't agree. Some of the funniest shit that happened on that game was when people actually played along with antag schemes instead of going VALID SALAD to get their murder boner going.

I mean, check this shit out:


I always believed the game was at its best when it was treated as a stage for some grand impromptu show.
Zach boy genius here, admins wanted to keep it on until nuke told them he would deal with it, captain cancermeteors was whining about how he didn't get to get his banvalids for a week after it.
>tfw the best admins don't play anymore ;_;
Almost every server has completely fixed the latency problems.
There's nothing wrong with RPing when there's an adequate framework in which it's meaningful to do so.

There isn't any such framework in SS13 because there are no long-term goals in the game built around RPing.

Instead, in most griefing-centric games of SS13, RPing is the only effective means of hoodwinking newer players or into behaving and not illegally griefing the station. This is necessary in order to let people with better roles, such as admin or antag, have fun with THEIR legitimised griefing. Everyone else's role is basically to maintain the sandbox in which they carry out this griefing.

It's basically a pyramid scheme of fun.
wait so he coded xenobio stuff only to fuck up and get banned before it got merged? What a shame but funny
That was hanako, they were threatening deadpool on the byond client for bringing up the fact she admitted she never recorded anything to him.
Yeah, there was this big debacle with some players making a Discord room and Hanako claimed they were using it to metagame which I actually believe, the people in the Discord were the worst members of the server and several are known to full on metagame but it was a lie and after a big round of bans and unbans, Hanako got permaed for all that drama

SS13 is a fun game but it would be better without turbo autists who never shut the fuck up and beg for attention constantly
>posting that artist

Now post the one with the robo pussy.
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>RPing as a good lawyer

There's your problem you need to be as crooked as a garden snake kinda lawyer: take bribes, threaten people, beat them up, and call security on people who don't listen to what you say.

Or, if you're not robust find a high RP server.
But I didn't stop, though nowadays I just fuck around on /tg/ lavaland why is it so fun?

Because it ran like shit and the servers were coded from string and used toilet paper.

Plus, nobody acts like real human beings act. Thirty seconds in to any match and everyone is fucking murdering everyone else for no fucking reason. It was always the same shit every time and it was fucking stupid.
>I always believed the game was at its best when it was treated as a stage for some grand impromptu show.
this, unfortunately >>341927671 flavor of autism outweighs our flavor of autism
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> all the good admins left
> you will never play one of jjenjr 's drunk midnight cluster fuck rounds again
> you will never play one of ragnasal fun events again
> you will never have such a based head admin as senaat again
> the only good admin left is mrpain666 and community treats him like shit
Not to mention that pomf shows up once every 4 months to unban some faggot who deserved it. all while the shitty coders add on meme shit that nobody asked for and in the end just making the game even more unstable.
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that's rakihiro. Are you thinking of homelessdude's borgs?

Although Raki is doing lewd borgs now as well:

pain left
>no long-term goals in the game built around RPing
I respectfully disagree. I personally don't enjoy RP but I can 100% see how a comfy crew of 20-30 could indefinitely run a space station just doing their jobs under the right conditions.

In servers like /vg/ where games either go out in a bang in 30minutes to an hour or extended rounds where everyone has given up on their jobs and is hanging out in the bar an hour into the round, I'd argue there is not much to foster RP. Maybe the event process needs to have it's timer turned down or something, I don't know but as it stands it's not exactly too RP friendly(notwithstanding metaclubs).
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Is Maipai still around?
/vg/ rounds last over an hour usually and over two hours in lower pops just fine
Yeah well you sound even more autistic than the guy you're talking about.
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> pain left
I can't even say I'm surprised when he had people like nuklear deadpool and drcelt running the show
Just watch out for the shitty admins.
>/vg/ rounds last over an hour usually and over two hours in lower pops just fine
how often do you actually play? unless there have been big changes in the last few months the valid-hunting culture usually ends a non-extended shift in less than an hour and extended (low pop) more than a couple of hours yes - which as I stated is a problem because in extended noone does their jobs after an hour because they want another chance at an antag roll.
because byond is a piece of shit and all the good servers are in USA which means I get to play with horrible latency and awful '''framerate''' because of how byond works
there isn't anything wrong with celt
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she isn't on the ban list so probably a good chance
>floods plasma as a non antag and attempts to spread it after she didn't get her way with security
>shiggypiggy gives her 3 days
he was probably the worst admin ever made
There are two issues I can see with your hypothetical situation:

1) Unless that 20-30 crew is a metaclub, good luck finding enough people of that sort who will do this. It's not realistically possible for most servers, especially those that are healthy and have an influx of new people.

2) I can guarantee you that after enough time, people would begin to grief anyway out of sheer boredom. It's only natural for most people to want to do crazy shit after enough time in a sandbox where nothing happens. Therefore, in order to prevent things from inevitably going off track, you need concrete end goals in which the round can be said to have been won. This will work for most servers, not just RP metaclub ones.
This, desu.
My fondest memories of rounds are of the ones where people actually went with the antag's James Bond villain antics and Riddler-esque cryptic notes left at crime scenes rather than calling the shuttle and calling it a day.
How often do you actually play? Are you thinking about hippie where rounds longer than 20 minutes get people antsy?

Rounds last over an hour usually bud
circlejerking and metafriend shit

also for every 1 really fun and interesting round there's usually 5 that are drawn out and boring
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Well fuck that noise, /vg/ can fuck right off for all I care then.
I've seen people being permabanned for not even doing a third of what that cunt did, yet he's just getting a slap on the wirst every fucking time.
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> there isn't anything wrong with celt
he abused his admin powers constantly spams horrible music and acts like a faggot. the only admin I can think that might be worse then him in general is nigglywiggly as he was a ban happy faggot who didn't even know the server rules.
2 remedies as I explicitly stated "under the right conditions".

1)they can be a metaclub, there's nothing wrong with that if it's against the rules, hell it's against the rules on /vg/ and it happens.

2)respawn enabled - you bored and want to cause a ruckus? security will put you in line and if you're not able to be rehabilitated you are put to death and come back as a new person - this is a RP server we're hypothesizing so none of this should be a problem or cause problems.
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>mfw I was a bay regular
Who was that faggot admin constantly talking about literal gay shit in OOC again?
Hell even made fucking votes about it too.
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>sawbones is still around
> maipai is still around
> the legion of shitty waifu fags who can barely play the jobs they always steal are still around
Hopefully pomf just gives host and headmin to someone else who will actually deal with shitters like this
That server's fucking dead now senpai

2 people on server playing at prime time. I think people from there are fucking off back to Bay or just fucking off in general.
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it's been a long time but pretty sure that was niggly him and celt would constantly fight in OOC and spam stupid shit nobody cared about.
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that doujin was trippy as fuck
I need to take breaks from playing or else I would be perma banned.
lings is the only gamemode that usually goes over an hour, unless you've got a new player vampire who takes half an hour getting blood from monkeys in maint. As far as I can tell at least - nukeops is done as soon as the first op is spotted and the ensuing yakety saxing and delay on shuttle call shouldn't count as longer than an hour, I'd argue the same for Nar'Sie when everyone is dead or converted yet everyone still has to wait 20 minutes for the game to end, and unless you get ragin' mages and one decides to play a friendly gimmick and the validforce happens to not be online you're getting a 40minute round.
Because it's laggy and unresponsive
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im banned from everything
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full of good reaction images though
>got banned from goon years ago for writing smut on a paper hat
>they never lifted it

I must have really pissed off someone on there.
I played it for about a week, it was kind of fun but I didn't really know what I was doing and got bored quickly. I think it's a neat game with cool ideas and honestly made me more accepting of games that require extensive use of your imagination
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also mindrape mothwaifu, so that's cool too
goon bans over the stupidest shit
Not him but can you give me any tips? I think the most important one is to actually have people pay attention to you instead of thinking of you as yet another assistant but with some useless gimmick.
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The admin/coder base was bad. I tried to give game feedback and participate in the community to help the game but they literally wouldn't listen to anybody outside of the meta-clique. They also doxed me after I told Goofball his fucking chem changes were shit.
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> at some point they were actually considering adding a moth race to /vg/
>had the sprite and everything ready
I can only imagine what sort of shithole that place is if they actually added them.
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>Long time ago start to play again after a long ass hiatus
>After a while decide it's high time to replay engineer again and relearn it
>Spawn as the sole engineer, was counting on other to spawn as they'd do the important shit
>Oh well, I guess it'll have to do
>Open the wiki and general guide to set up Singuloose, want to make sure I don't fuck it up
>After that's done, I leave to go around to wire the solar, it was always good to do that back then
>Midways through get bwoinked by Konater, angrily telling me that I forgot to actually turn off the PA, meaning the singulo will keep growing
>Apologize, point out that I haven't played in a while and try to make my way back as fast as possible
>HoP suddenly barge in Engineering, taze me, strip me, brig me and start to torture me
>Despite me trying to explain the case, it's not enough and want to execute me
>Well okay, guess that's it
>Just ghost out and observe the HoP for a while, don't want to deal with drama and bullshit
>Turns out he's going full Hopcurity I AM THE LAW and execute/torture for the smallest shit possible
>Before he snatched me he already had a bodycount of 5 crewmen, keep in mind that at that point we're 10 minutes into the fucking shift
>Adminhelp the case, trying out to point out the obviously insane HoP as they somehow missed him
>Konater answer me and says that I deserve everything that happened to me for fucking up this bad
>Mfw as I'm trying to point out that I'm not talking about my execution but just the HoP going bonker on the station
>Get told the same shit
>Say that I'll remember that next time I'm HoP
>Get told to fuck off or I get the ban

Now don't get me wrong, I did fucked up bad, if he didn't remind me midway through the singulo coudl've gone lose and ruined the shift for everyone 5 minutes in, but fuck me if that didn't left a sour taste in my mouth.
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And the third chapter was cute as fuck.
If you scream outside my workstation again I will turn you into a mothburger.
Hippie did.

It's funny how people cry FURFAG or DEGENERATE to any race idea no matter what it is while Niggly keeps adding sprites based on fetishes like lolita dresses for female vampires and fetish borgs.
If you're not a goon you can be pretty sure the admins will watch over you like a hawk for the smallest fuck up possible.
>they doxed you

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wait there was a third chapter?
well who the hell honestly hates lolita dresses as a whole?
People have double standards, news at 11.
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> lolita dress
> fetish borgs
I actually like most of the races vox not so much considering they look like shit compared to the larger versions but seriously what else did that degenerate add?
Yepp. [Sakekan Memorial (SolopipB)] Shiragasane -Zen/Tan-
It's cute housemoth nymphet all the way.
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>Had a handful of little servers I liked to go on when not playing hippie
>Some comcast failure a few months ago fucked them all over
>Try to log on to them now
>No Population
>Forum Dead
>Connection Failed

This isn't the future I chose.
There are no good SS13 admins

Prove me wrong
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>fetish borgs

well you've got my interest now
/tg/ is full of nerds that love to persecute each other.
By being absolutely nothing like the thread.

The thread is a dumping ground for greentext and arguing. It's vg.

Janitors refuse to delete waifu shitposting so we just ignore it. Then waifuposters bitch about people making discord groups and talking about the game elsewhere to get away.
I stopped when I grew out of BYOND.

I didn't join in the resurgence.
anyone here play long enough to remember when there was a huge argument on the /tg/station forums if sticking a stun baton up the mime's ass was human harm?

it was JLP
thanks m8
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>don't whammy that fanny
I checked a few weeks ago to look at their map and they had 25~ players which seems pretty normal for bay super rp.
>Playing Lifeweb when Randy has gone full Stalin

The fact that his own stupidity caught up to him and bite him in the ass when he got outplayed by some random landwhale still feels pretty sweet. :V
its also kinda shitty when you're doing a job like medical or engineer and someone else who [wants to do thing] just goes ahead and metas your job because its faster/less hassle
the past week or so there's been barely any players
Senaat was alright.

What is better? To be born based or to overcome ones shitiness through great effort.
also forgot to mention that even if -who says there's 25 people there's only like 5 people actually playing on servers like polaris
> learning atmos
> angelite rushes in as an assistant because she has access given to her because lol metagame
> takes over the place
I wonder if that cross dressing faggot is still playing.
>start the round as a scientist
>didn't start off in Toxins
>ask the person there if they want to switch departments
>they get upset and tell me to leave
>duck around the corner and order a silenced stechkin
>pop pop
>hide her body and the bullet casings in a locker that no one would check
>proceed to turn the station into swiss cheese

I still feel like an asshole for doing that, but I really needed those bombs.
Tried once, couldn't understand a thing so I gave up.
I still play on /tg/ regularly and have been for years. I think in total I've been banned a whooping two times for doing stupid shit, and only once by a shitty admin (who got removed afterwards).

The vast majority of the meta circle jerk is gone, most admins are very lax and will only intervene when you honestly do something really fucking stupid, and as long as you can explain you reasoning without resorting to spouting memes or at least bullshit a apology you'll be fine. There's a great deal of newer players trying out the servers usually and we've got a fairly sized high population. If you want to try out the game it's a good place to start.
shit engine

shit learning curve

literally not fun

i'd rather learn to play dwarf fortress
I wouldn't know about the day to day of heavy rp drama llama shit.

I got my own serb to worry about.

I hear one of the issues is the map is fucking massive and the players are spread out so it feels empty even when it's not. Same issue Goon had with cog2
>the map is fucking massive and the players are spread out so it feels empty even when it's not. Same issue Goon had with cog2

This is completely true. Polaris hinged almost entirely on stealing bay's playerbase and that's waning now so the map just seems empty.
No, I stopped playing.
Its me, the lawyer.

The problem was that security was shit, didnt listen
I miss the old crew at /tg/ though. Feels like everyone kind of scattered to the four winds now.
>lavaland vets spawn in rune ruins
>roleplay animal cult
>tator gives us a fresh sacrifice to kill
>sure why the fuck not
>behead him pray to gods and they're pretty happy with it
>eventually we go on station
>some chucklefuck kills our cow and gets his fucking head cut off
>eventually be one of the four people on escape shuttle
>end game salt calling us meta players when I don't even know my partners

yeah, admins let you do fun shit unless its really really dumb
I have the plugin, but I still can't get past the panda? What gives?
>four winds
>whoa buddy let them shove fetishes in the code its all right


Firefox? Yeah that doesn't work anymore
When did you make the account?
yeah its all right, because I don't play on that server :^)

but yeah, me personally wouldn't give a fuck about those dresses being in, mainly because I don't hate them
Nah, the Chrome one. I used it to read the first two chapters, didn't know there was a third and tried to look at it today to get the damn panda again with no login.
Awhile ago.

Is there a better website to view it on? I'm over this shitty website for low-to-mediocre hentai.
This bitch did everything wrong.
I actually enjoy working on the station and roleplaying, spending time doing my job etc.

But every time I start a round and get started on work the round ends because it was a wizard round or some bullshit.

Learn to do it solo.

>Cleanse cookies
>Log in into e-hentai with an an account at least 7 days old.
>Access exhentai.

Easy as shit.
The problem is on your end, works fine for me. Just change the ex to g.e- in the url.
Admins being shit is why i stopped playing. When favoritism is clearly as fuck happening, thats when you drop it. And i did.
Just googled it and found it on a better site instead. Cheers.
well ok so lets be okay when coders in other servers start adding catmen or wolfmen as playable races
Same here, was around for the early days before the furfag takeover.
I jumped ship when shit got really bad, though.
>a better site instead
Maybe better for retards who can't understand basic instructions.

Enjoy anon, i'll be over here on exhentai reading literally every doujin.
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fuck you moth-chan just cares a lot, it's not her fault she's over protective! Moth-chan is fluffy and cute! CUTE!
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I felt like the longer I was going to play, the more toxic I was going to get.

For some reason, I just could NOT get the meta game and how EVERYTHING works out of my head for every character I played, I rarely if ever had any issues getting robust unless it was something like a quick sleepypen or changeling stunning.

Every time I played I was like some super observant, incredibly skeptical, space wizard with no magical powers, just knowledge of the thing beneath your feet and the things scattered on different z levels.

Nothing beat the feeling of just robusting people, especially when it's someone you should have never even have gotten your hands on and then proceeding to do whatever you pleased with them fitting of their crimes. I managed to take out a syndi soldier who boarded and went alone to the security area but back in the maintenance tunnel area, I joined late so I had to be a grey, I ended up wandering the tunnels looking for people to save, his first instinct was to shoot and I can guarantee you that he regretted chasing me, he got pushed over at the next corner he rushed and choked as I stripped him bare naked with my free hand. I then heard calls of syndi soldiers appearing, I managed to take them all down, sometimes in groups of two at a time.

There really is nothing like this game. But I just feel like I can not go back, even though I may not target people specifically, being knowledgable ruined my experience with the game.
The roleplaying is what made it fun a while ago, and having some leniency with the rules made it interesting too. Goon is shit, Baystation was fun but it had a terrible connection so it was pointless to play on and the rumors of yiffing and shit aren't really that true.
There were several code switches which tried to add more content into the game, but it made it laggy and tried to cover up the lack of real roleplay or fun.
Extended and traitor were all I really needed to enjoy a while back but there were also people like Eenkogneeto who would metagame and powergame super hard, which pretty much just ruins the fun for everybody.
Overall I just got bored, and new threads on /v/ would bring people into the /vg/ server a while back and the new people would usually act like shitters and complain a lot but there were some goodies.
multiple servers already have that anon.
Shut the fuck up you moth shit are you are worse than liggers and birbs combined.
I check back every now and then, but I just found better games to play.

I wasn't interested in shifts that lasted fifteen minutes before Progamer-10th-in-the-world Newcops stomps all the heads and plants the bomb.

I wasn't interested in shifts that lasted six hours because the ling went into the bathroom and crit himself.

And it felt like there were so many whacky game modes now that were either one or the other that the medium-size-shifts-full-of-crazy became more and more rare.

To the point where I found it more fun just to observe. And if I'm observing an SS13 shift while playing Dark Souls in the background, why am I playing SS13?
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*fluffy and terrifying
people usually become admins at that point and answer new players questions while playing Dorf Fort
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I never played as a lizard, but my best bro was one. Its a shame none of the servers ever game them cold-blooded features or anything. That might have been neat.
what do you do when a army of ash liggers are invading the station?
yeah and if servers that don't have them start adding them then no one should be angry about it according to you
I stopped playing because I cant find a server I like. /tg/ is full of metafriending shitlers who came to the server when /v/ discovered the game in 2012. /vg/ is full of valid hunting metagamers. Baystation never has a good population size and neither does paradise so the rounds take hours to finish which is really boring. Haven't bothered to try out the various goon servers. I love ss13 but you need to find the right community for what you want of it to make the game great and I haven't found one to replace old /tg/station.
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I've followed the instructions, not my fault they can't program a better website, or people can't make better plug-ins. Why continue going through all that trouble to read something for 15 minutes?
I don't know actually.
>/vg/ is full of valid hunting metagamers.
thats actually tg but whatever
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and now you're talking shit about birbs? does your shit taste know no bounds?
You seem upset anon.
Kill all non-humans.
>not my fault they can't program a better website
it's meant to keep people out. they host doujins illegally there, almost every doujin taken down somewhere else is now on exhentai.

>people can't make better plug-ins
Literally all you have to do is have a g.e.hentai account older than 7 days

>Why continue going through all that trouble to read something for 15 minutes?
You're using these sites wrong. You're supposed to use them for a 5+ hour masturbatathon.
/tg/station has always been fine for me, I don't see what problem someone would have with it. Just the right mix of RP and non-retardation.
I know the feeling. And as time goes on, we become more like Goon, with less RP (when we had little to begin with) and people cycling rounds as quickly as possible so they can reroll for antagonist, meaning endgame content never manifests anymore.
it's fun to figure out, but after that it gets stale unless there is a GM event or something like that. I made a spreadsheet for the teleporter calculation on goonserver, I have a notepad with most if not all of the chemical recipes as a scientist on goonserver, once you know these things the game isn't as fun and, "HURR DURR, just stop metagaminig." doesn't work.
I got a little upset at /vg/ station for a number of reasons that keeps me from going back.

Some people were banned/abused for reasons that I didn't agree with, and felt like it was only a matter of time until the same was done to me because of how low on the pecking order I was. I didn't have a static name, few people even knew my key. And the few people who were relatively prominent I've tried to talk to really didn't want anything to do with me. They just wanted to go about their shift, play around with the static names they actually knew, and all the greyshirts and rodents who were keeping the station running were just background noise to their own personal story that they were busy with.

It doesn't help that /vg/ has a very strict and complex unspoken ruleset for who you can-and-can-not talk to while in-game and how you can talk to them. For instance, if I go to the bar and strike up a conversation with someone at one of the tables. I can get a drink for them, buy a weapon or something from them, get information, send them PDA messages, and try to join whatever project they have planned.
If they are a male avatar.

If their in-game avatar is female, and I do this, I immediately have a million backseat admins mashing the report button because "ERP! THIS FAGGOT IS TRYING TO ERP IN THE BAR!"
No kidding, there is a thread and a report a week about someone who went into the bar, a public space on the station, and struck up a conversation with someone who was also a guuuurl there.

I haven't had it happen to me, but the only reason I know it's so strict is because I've seen it happen multiple times while I was in the bar. And I've had to put up with the whining more than a few times.

And all I can think is: Why are you going to pretend to be light RP when the people can't light RP?
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>they host doujins illegally
>it's meant to keep people out
then why can I access all the same doujins on another website which is open to the public
>older than
already stated I had one, thanks for paying attention
>using the sites wrong
not all the same doujins anon, ex has shit you can find in other places but some of them is pretty hard to find iirc
Yes because people keep letting others ruin the servers they play on because they can't control their own dicks. It's like everyone is underaged.
>they play
I don't play on it anon, you just seem to be upset that I'm not upset about something that literally doesn't have any effect on me.
this used to happen back on /tg/ sometimes as well. I liked interviewing people for story material, but then some assholes would run up and scream ERP and try to start a fight.
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I didn't say ONLY hard to find doujins were on there, i said if you can't find it anywhere else, there is a very good chance it is on exhentai.

Stay basic.
When was this
You must not have been playing on tg for long. The longer you play the more you will see the shitty meta groups and childish dicksucking politics.
so you're saying that you'd be bothered if a server you played on started doing it?
good lord it's like an episode of DSP tries to get porn
depends on what it is.

If in the end it still doesn't have any effect on me I wouldn't give a fuck
Almost any time Yahir is sitting in the bar and two people besides him start talking.
maybe if you a gay
Not him but women are scary.
I've noticed a fair amount of the same ones on multiple websites. Which specific ones on exhentai do you recommend?
That still doesn't explain why I can still find all the same doujins on a public site.
well when you put it that way, yeah, mothchan is a bit scary by default
You have quite the imagination.
I know there was actual metafriending going on, but is having a group of regulars sitting around doing stuff really that bad?
so your whole point is just "lol dude idgaf :)"?
I mean, just say it instead of dragging on
>And the few people who were relatively prominent I've tried to talk to really didn't want anything to do with me. They just wanted to go about their shift, play around with the static names they actually knew, and all the greyshirts and rodents who were keeping the station running were just background noise to their own personal story that they were busy with.
In all honesty, going about my buisiness, living in the background, chilling with other low key losers while the ""celebrity"" faggots jerk each other off in their 5 minutes of fame sounds pretty comfy, almost makes me want to play despite all the bullshit I've heard from this thread
I used to play /vg/, I would quietly fix the station while everyone else destroyed it.
Haven't played in awhile, I've probably forgotten how to do everything.
I already did, you're just really mad my man.
If you wanna read up through this thread you'll hear the entertaining woes of vg and how people who are friends are literally metagaming ban now
I'm not really mad at you, though.
You could have just said that you didn't have an argument and just did not care about what I was talking about, no need to reply to me.
I just stay out of that shit and don't let it bother me. Maybe I just don't take the game as seriously as you do.
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