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Game Idea >Games star some loser nerd (middle school or possible

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Game Idea

>Games star some loser nerd (middle school or possible early high school?)

>Haves a existential crisis

>Main goal of the game is finding the "true meaning" of life through a bullshit conclusion by the end of the year

>Gameplay be adventure gamey with tons of minigames where you are forced in a weird or mundane but turned over the top situation and tried to make it not cringe as possible

>Exploration would mostly likely be Life is Strange minus time traveling and tons of snarky ass and self deprecating humor

>One of the minigames could be defending your (bad) opinion on a Internet forum and it would be like dangan ronpa where you find contradictions in people counter arguements, search for stuff on the Internet to help gain a edge in debates

>Maybe Depending on how you acted on the forum way before the minigames starts, you may have people help you out or not even run into the problem at all due to your popularity

>Another one could be where someone is super pissed off at you and you have to keep your cool while picking the right things and tone to use at the same time

>It could be like you have to play two games at once where on one side you have to quickly pick your answers while on the other, it like a space shooter and you have to "shoot" down any negative thoughts from coming to your brain and getting more mad or unreasonable

>Another thing that would be cool is if depending on how you play the game, you may get completely different minigames or "story" paths (like making different friends or maybe being an Ace at a certain subject)

Idunno, would /v/ try it out?
sounds like gay 2deep4u feels shit
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Fuck off
>Can you describe your game in 3 sentences?
>Go back and redesign that shit

>Italian Mustache man travel the mushroom kingdom to save Princess peach from king Browser
>It's a platformer

>You're a green wearing kid that's destined to save the world
>You solve puzzles and finish quests for NPCs

>God Of War
>In this 3rd person action game
>You're a bald angry spartan that gonna revenge on the Olympus Gods by Killing them All
No, I wouldn't.
why have ideas if you don't make anything out of them?
>middle school
>existential crisis
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>existential crisis
>finding the true meaning of life
Sounds edgy.
define existential crisis
>game is about a kid in high school
>opening dialog is "I was just an ordinary high school student, until..."
>something something, he leaves this reality and falls into a fantasy land of some sort, let's make it a parody of Zelda

I just made your game better.
that doesn't work anymore, sure for the 90's, try that with a modern game. and 'its a peice of shit' doesn't count as a three liner.

and if you actually knew about game design you would have known its princess toadstool.
Sound like something id have expected from Scott Pilgrim
what does knowing a certain characters name have to do with game design?
A sudden thought on how much your life is worth in the world, is there a purpose to anything, etc.
I think you mainly just described Persona 3
A middle school kid going through an existential crisis sounds edgy
That what I kinda want the game to be like? Where it's not seriois at all and it's more stupid then trying to be "profound" and "inspirational".

I just imagine the character being like the protagonist from Watamote where he's a plain weirdo and trying to be at least a decent human being.
Yea in the end, I think more late high school would work better lmao
I could make a sentence 10 pages long.
Why would you agree with me then act retarded?
Now people are going to think I am retarded too.
Isn't everyone though

I'm a weeb, you're a video game nerd

It works out
>gameplay is intentionally "mundane"
fucking dropped
Idk from what it seems, the op may means like "oh this situation maybe mundane in real life but in this game, it gone stupidly overboard and to the point of retarded" or something, shit is poorly typed
Questioning the purpose and value of your own existence.
Who is this QT?
I think it's like the personafication of the game gear? It's part of this Sega Hard Girls thing
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Game Idea

>The MC wakes up in a coma, he has very little memory of his life other than that he wasn't very happy with it
>something has killed off most of the men in the world and women are having trouble getting pregnant using the seed of the remaining men
>the MC does not remember a world that's post-apocalyptic or that super natural entities roam the city
>the MC has a job he doesn't remember applying for. He works with a private military where he has kiss girls to gain super powers and monitor other men who have the ability to gain powers via affection (kissing, drinking breast milk, insemination, adoration). His job is to also protect people from these demon-like creatures
>the powers he get are based on a girl's looks, personality, lifestyle, and skillset.
>he gets a different power type depending on how he kisses a girl ( stealthily kissing her, consensual kissing her, forcibly kissing her, or completely a certain challenge)
>the MC is apparently married to a girl he used to obsess over on the Internet , but he doesn't remember ever befriending her. He has always been a kissless virgin as far as he knew
>women in this world are expected to share their power via affection with men that can use the power for good , but the MC's wife chooses to remain intimate with only the MC
>there are multiple roles the MC can take. He can be loyal to his work, work for another organization, work as a double agent, do things on his own terms, and much more. The ending he gets what depend on what he remains loyal to.
>the game presents itself as a DVD collection, referring to levels as Episodes, playthroughs as Seasons, and side quests as Short Films. When loading a save file, a montage of scenes will show what the player has done so far. When finishing an episode, the player will see a preview of what's going to happen in the next series of levels.
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Thanks dood.
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Every time I see these "this girl likes you, but only if you roll a certain number" thing, I crack up imagining a guy like pic related spilling his sketti.
Alright, I'll bite

>Some shitty Ace Attorney clone
>you are some faggot who joined a club, and now have to solve crimes, interrogate witnesses, and act as a defense attorney in a school
>It's a visual novel game
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Power Set:
-not every girl provides a power for the MC to use
-over the course of the game, the MC automatically gains abilities by completing parts of the story (you don't have to hunt down specific girls to be able to defeat the True Final Boss,but having a wide range of powers will be helpful )
-when kissing a girl that provides him with an ability, he gets some type of magical rune that is shaped in a certain way. He has a Power Set menu where he can adjust the runes in a way where they fit into a grid. (similar to Megaman Battlenetwork) . These runes can either alter stats or give him an ability.
-some girls will provide special passives that do not take up space in the Power Set menu. Instead it provides a passive that the player can access in other menus (soundtest, clothes, other changes to his appearance, HUD changes , etc)
-all girls kissed will be saved to a detailed archive that the player can filter through to find runes he can use to adapt to certain playstyles or to prepare for certain situations
-some girls and demigoddeses will be hidden behind secret sidequests and secret dungeons where the player is expected to power through using a per-determined Power Set before they can kiss the girl
-at the end of each playthrough, he visits a mysterious area where 4 large women sit before him on their own giant thrones. He gets to kiss one which gives him a huge set of magical runes and a permabuff that he can use in the next playthrough .
-each playthrough is slightly different
-bosses will be harder
-the MC can use his knowledge of the future to tackle the story differently
-characters will start to be aware of the actions the MC has taken in previous playthroughs. Some bosses may become allies. Some allies may become enemies. Characters will start breaking the fourth wall.
-proceeding playthroughs will be shorter than the last (like Nier) , but the player will always have access to unlocked missions and sidequests so they can backtrack to things they may have missed . The player won't always restart from the very beginning of the game
-True Ending is unlocked when MC kisses all 4 of the large women
-there will be more than 4 endings which do alter the story a bit when you unlock them . There will be times where you can save before making a big decision so you can continue playing a playthrough normally after purposely getting a bad ending or joke ending
if you don't know the real name of the princess from mario how am I supposed to believe you know a thing about game design.

-The MC is a sheltered man who was made reluctant after so many failed attempts at trying to be normal
-he has committed suicide , but has found himself awake in a world where something has killed off most of the male population.
-he doesn't remember his suicide until later in the game
-he appears oblivious to how social situations work and well-intentioned , but his bitterness towards women and people in general starts to show as he slowly gains his memories back . Especially when he finds out that his abusive father is still alive and that the guys who bullied him in highschool and college are still alive and living a life of luxury .
-Women dominate politics, military, and most of the work force. Most of the characters you interact with will be attractive women inspired by real life models, Internet celebrities, actors, musicians, etc.
-the tagline "Remember, you have to kiss her" will be repeated throughout the game by various women
-you will fight other men . Some of them drink breast milk for super powers. Some of them thrive from being liked by women. The game will try to be FEELY and 2deep4you like Space Dandy, Wilfred (Tv show), and /r9k/ approved movies
-in cutscenes, you will be prompted to make dialogue choices or decide what the MC will do
-side quests can involve you solving Zelda-esque dungeons, saving a woman's astronaut husband , saving a girl from killing herself, fighting with the goddesses of combat/love/fear/etc so that you can kiss them for super duper ultra secret powers
-the MC may not agree with the jobs he does so he can quit in favor for working for another cause. Or once he gains more of his memories, he can choose to destroy/rule the world out of bitterness.
Not that guy but some people stopped giving a shit about Mario early on instead of sucking Nintendo's dick for years. Some people never cared, some forgot. There's nothing wrong with it.

*wakes up from a coma
too real no one would play it fuck off

Here's one a million times better

>Games star some loser nerd (middle school or possible early high school?)

>move to a new school, suddenly gain super powers

>make lots of friends that like you and hot girls want to ride your dick

>Main goal of the game is finding the "true meaning" of life through the power of friendship by the end of the year

>Gameplay be dungeon crawling turn based RPG, put some monster capture/battling system like Pokemon to keep the nerds happy

>Exploration would mostly likely be Life is Strange minus time traveling and made to be just like your favorite slice of life harem japanese anime

>One of the sidequests will be going on dates with your waifu

>Another one could be where someone is super pissed off at you and you tell them to go fuck themselves and they instantly see the error of their ways and worship you

>It could be like you have to play two games at once where on one side you have to play a dungeon crawling JRPG and the other you have to play a dating sim where everyone likes you

>Another thing that would be cool is if depending on how you play the game, you get to fuck each of the different waifus

There, all fixed. Now it sounds like something you could make a multi-million dollar franchise out of and then delay its release by two years (three for other regions due to localization).

>star some loser nerd (middle school or possibly early high school?)
>but every girl loves his dick
>even girls he's never met before
>it goes on for twenty six episodes without any of them coming out on top
>Cast keeps getting bigger as literally every girl wants his dick
>In the end, some shy-but-worthless girl ends up winning

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>something has killed off most of the men in the world and women are having trouble getting pregnant using the seed of the remaining men
you are a guy, and you need to have yourself a nice wank
so you go, and have yourself a nice wank

The game is about 2nd chances.

If you do good, you can choose to relive your old life with the memories of everything that has happened and chance to be happy.

Or keep the current world safe.

Or kill yourself since that's what your character wanted to do before the game started.
>king Browser
Don't leave me hanging, yo
>3 Sentences
Okay I'll try
>Game sets place in a Hub Universe made up from fractions of several worlds combined into one
>Race Wars, Heroes try to bring the lands together
>Soul Harvesting Demons

Ruh roh. Either way, much obliged.

>game takes place a futuristic post-apocalyptic world where men are a rarity
>you can kiss girls for superpowers and you fight other guys that kiss girls for super powers
>it's a third person adventure game
It's mostly /ss/, but then they get attacked by demon/oni rapemonsters. Then... it goes in a completely different direction with the latest chapter. It's not really dark if that's what you're thinking.
Ok, here's an idea

>In this world, every school in the planet has a cheerleaders team
>You have become the leader of the group of cheerleaders of your school
>You have to compete with the other groups in order to bring a better reputation to your school
>The gameplay is basically something like DDR or Stepmania: a rhythm game
>However, your skill in that aspect of the game is not everything: you have to put focus in some other areas
>For example, you have to put care in the outfits of the team, the structure of the dance routines, the hairstyles of the girls, etc.
>In the first part of the game you compete against schools from the same district
>After that, you compete against the schools of your country
>In the later half of the game, your team will compete against the schools of the entire world
>The game ends when your team becomes the greatest in the planet
So Love Live: Western Edition?
I'll try as well

>Some detective game/Ace Attorney clone, just like AAI or Layton
>You play as a young detective that just got into the detective shit, and solve crimes while you realize that some shits are connected to past cases that the prior detective took
>Visual novel with investigation, thinking and ace attorney shit

Well, better scrap that shit, the concept it's too overused
They can clearly clone themselves inserting cells into her uterus

Gurdon's experiment and all that shit

Well that kind of games would work on lifeless pathetic otakus

So it would work in some way
That self insert fantasies, though.
You do know that you made this for your target audience right?
Like, not for yourself?
Not your blog and also not vidya.

Sage and report.
This is fucking terrible. Mario essentially invented the platformer, so describing mario at as one is essentially describing mario as being like mario. You can oversimplify the description of almost any game and more often than not the entire appeal of said game will completely missing from that description.

Point and Click adventure like Telltale Games mixed with RPG elements.

It wouldn't be completely wish fulfillment fantasy.
I'm glad I got that stupid shit out of the way in middle school. I still meet 30 year olds who haven't worked this shit out yet.
You're some kid's dad.
You live in an open world fantasy land with monsters and shit.
There's bows.
Yeah, something like that. But bigger.
its rock paper scissors
but you only have a limited number of rocks, papers and scissors to use
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