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the 3DS is still selling well and it is now pretty much hackable along with a pirateable 3DS and DS library.

if you haven't purchased a 3DS or 2DS yet, you have exactly ten seconds to post why you haven't purchased one yet.

inexplicable and invalid excuses like nogames library will only get you nowhere here, anons.

if you already have a 3DS or 2DS - why haven't you hacked your 2DS/3DS yet?
I hacked mine last week senpai.

Right now I'm going through the 3DS game list for games to download.

Hopefully a 1TB drive is enough.
No games.

How can anyone actually believe this?
Can I install ds games yet? Also, is there a guide to upgrading from emunand to the arm9 shit?
Video killed the radio star.
>Can I install DS games yet

No, gotta buy a flashcart, but they're pretty cheap only 15$~.

>tfw we can't have 3ds threads anymore without someone mentioning hacking your 3ds
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> it's another "it's the end of _______ as we know it!" article

Why are people like this keep getting hired to write shit like this?
there's a ds emulator coming out baby
we future now
>along with a pirateable 3DS and DS library.

You cant play DS games for free though, you need to buy a flashcart so its not really 100% free.
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Mobile is the future.

Outside of Monster Hunter and Pokemon/Yokai Japan does not give a flying fuck about handheld games anymore. The only way handhelds survive is if the west picks up the slack and fat chance of that ever happening.
you have to be blind not to realize it

handheld market during the DS-PSP generation was 250 million units

handheld market during 3DS-vita generation is 65 million units

handheld markte during ??? generation will be a fraction of that

it's all mobile now, who would buy a device that can only play video games?
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I have an OG launch 3DS but it's tiny and I hate playing on it, I'll get a New 3DS when there's a good sale

Good thing i still had my old ds flashcart
Have one, hacked it years ago when Cubic Ninja was the hottest shit.

No games, sits on my table collecting dust.
Failed investment.
Other than the EO games, there's nothing I look forward on the 3DS. I sincerely regret having bought mine and not a vita when I could.
Because as our society becomes more and more add we start to play games as a distraction instead of fun.
Because it is true. We hit the peak last gen and now we will watch the downward fall.

Same with home consoles. Last gen was the peak. Most video game fans are going full normie with families and younger children have no real interest in modern games as a smart device is enough.

We are at the end times of this hobby unless something revolutionary happens.
Cool might pick one up, thanks for the guide, send like it'll take a bit
Fine by me, the industry is oversaturated and there are so many games I want to play but haven't yet that I wouldn't mind too much.

>$15 flashcart

what flashcart and where?
r4 SDHC Dual Core

What's the best flash cart to invest in for ds games? I think I have a super old r4 somewhere
Anyone else have really high hopes for the NX?
I'm only excited because of 1) It apparently being a mobile-type thing, and 2) the power itself. I remember hearing that it was incredibly easy to optimize games for(?), and if so, imagine that hacking possibilities for it. We could be looking at maybe gamecube emulation on the go, or even better
This is just wishful thinking though. I could be wrong about it all
hack 3ds, apply whitelist, use your existing r4

wait. hold the phone. i bought a $40 r4i gold from someone craigslist. did i get jewed?
Yeah, way overpriced.

I bought two R4 cards on ebay, neither were higher than 15$.
>when what you're looking forward to in the next gen nintendo consoles is to emulate the last gen
It's really time to face the music Anon.
Does this work on non hacked 3ds's as it implies? Because it says it works on 11.0 , if they release a firmware update and I upgrade even on emunand will it stop working?
Emulation requires CPU power which consoles notoriously skimp on. Even the PS4 is a paltry 1.6ghz

I would bank on NX's CPU being underpowered garbage, what it really needs is a competent GPU
You can use any flashcard nowadays, its justo matter of installing a file to patch The 3ds. Im using my old Acecard 2i, which was one of The earliest cards they blocked
>and DS library.
Oh, how does that work? I'd love to get some old DS games.
im hopefull that it will be a portable/console hybrid a succesor to both the wiiu and 3ds.

I want portable gaming to continue on in handhelds.
I've got a 128gb card and only could fill 64 of it. Couldn't find any other good games
I'm looking forward to both new games to come, and to enjoy the old ones as well
Regardless of its emulating capabilities, if any, I will still most likely purchase the NX if it has some strong opening games
But still, imagine playing WindWaker or TTYD while taking a shit. That'd be amazing
OP is a faggot
you can play DSi games with a hacked 3DS but to play DS games you need a flashcart
>Outside of Monster Hunter and Pokemon/Yokai Japan does not give a flying fuck about handheld games anymore

Outside of Monster Hunter and Pokemon and Yokai and Animal Crossing and Mario and Smash and Mario Kart and Tomodachi

* all multi-million sellers in japan alone
Or just emulate them. I had a Tegra 3 tablet which emulated DS games perfectly.
Shame, I was hoping to toss out SMT4 for Strange Journey and RF3.
DS Lite with slot-1 flash card for DS and slot-2 flash card for GBA is top tier.
>inexplicable and invalid excuses like nogames library will only get you nowhere here
This, considering now it surpassed the psp as emulation machine who the fuck cares about the actual 3ds library?

That's good. From the ashes a renewed industry can be born, one that caters to enthusiasts. Normies have been slowly eroding this industry for several years, there's no saving it, and why would anyone want to?
>Surpassed the psp as emulation machine
Is this legit? Man, I'll homebrew my 3DS in a heartbeat if it is
What about the game devs?
Ah yes, another machine to emulate garbage on.

Haven't we had enough of those?
Yes but be sure to use cfw and new3ds for maximum performance. Homebrew and old 3ds wont get you that far.

The low resolution of the display works wonders with older consoles because it offers 1:1 pixel perfect emulation, not wonky and blurry filters to scale it.
>What is integer scaling
Forgot where I was.
If i get a fresh 2ds how long would it take to hack? Can it play DS roms easily? I just wanna be able to play some soul silver and DGS when it gets translated
Except its the first one with good power and low resolution.

inb4 1080p hd android handhelds or the ps vita which cant actually emulate most snes games
I mean, given it's almost been a decade I'm proud Nintendo is starting to finally catch up to said gap.

Maybe one day.
Shit, I own an O3DS, but I guess it was worth asking
>considering how it surpassed the psp as emulation machine
In what regards?
Can it run N64?
Cuz if not then it's pretty much the exact same as PSP, maybe even less because I haven't heard anything of PS1 or PSP emulation on that thing
>Can it run N64?
>OoT and MM
What versions are hackable? I updated around the time FE came out
Since we're talking about emulation now, which is the absolute best mobile/handheld device for doing so that isn't streaming shit?
Only the Vita is dead, the 3DS is outselling the DS and has a better library than it.
>remakes made with the device in mind = emulation
Lookat dis bozo guise
Just speaking for the majority.
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topkek journalist bribery since 1986
PSP, hands down
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>Can't even run N64 and barely runs Snes
Eh, better than nothing. Should I go for Go or 3000
>N3DS cucks proving to Nintendo hardware revisions that fragment the install base are okay
how is "low resolution" a good thing?
i'd rather scale (by whole numbers) with no filter than not even have enough pixels to reproduce NES games. And GB/GBC games have shitty scaling.
Retards don't understand you can still get 1:1 pixel ratios on screen resolutions other than the emulated device.
How to hack 11.0.0 n3dsxl?
hacking a 3ds past 10.6 is just not easy period
so i gave up

lucky for me Kirby Planet Robobot doesnt force an update so i still have a chance to try again.
>Wants to run N64
>Even PC can't handle that
Dude, c'mon now

That aside, I went with a PSP3000 that I found on $50, but I don't know shit about emulation on Go
Anyone know?
Are DS games 1:1 or emulation based?
Should be the same on Go. However, I recall there being something about the 3000's screen?

2000 for all the benefits of a 3000 except the screen (and Mic).
Go for bluetooth connectivity (to use PS3 controller) alongside a video out cable to turn it into a stationary console at times too. Also has 16GB internal memory stock, can add more.
>reproduce the function or action of (a different computer, software system, etc.)
Thanks for proving yourself wrong, you fucking moron.
2 days ago desmume was released for 3ds, search it up on youtube playing 999 as we speak
Thanks for ignoring the other definitions too, you fucking moron.

I guess all the benefits to resolution and such provided by Dolphin and PCSX2 are just that?
>Only the Vita is dead
Nah it has more games coming to it than most systems
>the 3DS is outselling the DS
No it can't even reach psp numbers yet
>and has a better library than it.
Absolutely incorrect

3 strikes you're out of the game
Don't forget enhanced precision and texture perspective correction for PS1 games!
It's pretty fucking obvious what emulation means in the context of fucking video games, especially when he mentions a system instead of a specific game.
Is Luma the best?
What's the difference between that shit and Aurei
>Because only one definition, but not several, can only ever apply to something
>PC can't even handle that
Really? Guess I'm out of the loop then. I'll check out my local swapmeet next weekend. There's always that one Mexican guy with a shit ton of Sony/Nintendo products, so maybe I'll get lucky
One is the updated version of AuRei with a different name
One is the outdated version of Luma with a different name
True emulation right here, just how I remember it.
It is really an exact emulated replica of the original.
I got one free a while ago. Shit console, wouldn't waste money on it to play another Monster Hunter. Probably my least favorite portable of all time.
Within this particular context, you'd have to be a fucking idiot to misunderstand. So you are a fucking idiot.
Projecting? I'm not misunderstanding, I'm including more (but not excluding) definitions.

But I guess you're just emulating being a faggot.
5-6 hours, and no but you can download 3ds games straight off the servers
Link me up Anon, searched on Youtube and couldn't find anything
Pls don't be b8
because I don't wanna spend any more money buying the PC to 3ds wire and bigger memory shit
they are like political pundits

they are paid to push a narrative, not be right
>I'm including more (but not excluding) definitions.
You're including irrelevant definitions within the context of the conversation.
You're being intentionally obtuse at best, and I can't wait for you to reply to this post with a picture of an obtuse angle, you cockgobbling spermsucking fuckfaced little shit.
n3DS only and kinda slow atm
You mean a port of DSonPSP, which itself was a port of Desmume.

Not faulting you for dumbing it down though, everybody here needs it.
>hurrr, 3ds games aren't free, you gotta buy a 200 dollar system to play them
he updated it to a newer version of desmume though
sorry is that in canadian dollar or something
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how poor are you, really? a 32gb microsd off amazon will run you less almost less than $10 and 3DS chargers off ebay will run you less than $5
Whatever makes (You) happy friend :)

I'll be over here emulating (reproduce the function or action of (a different computer, software system, etc.)) my GC/WII/PS2 games in 4k and custom HD textures to relive the authentic experience.
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apply whitelist
How do I go about doing that?
Yeah im not interested in 3ds stuff. I can buy the games i want when they come out. I just want to play soul silver and my cartridge is corrupt.
>he updated it to a newer version of desmume though
What benefits did that provide?
What size SD card does everyone have? I've been thinking about hacking mine but don't know what a reasonable size for it would be.
The Vita outsells the 3ds in Japan every few weeks or so.
>outselling the DS and has a better library than it
Now that's a straight up lie
half an fps more
anyone have that list of worthwhile 3ds games, i just hacked mine and idunno what to play after i finish kirby
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too bad it will always run like trash and will never have all of the features of a DS flashcart.
32 gb
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because I only have a 4gb sd card
Holy shit you know Vitafags are mad when they make a shitpost thread and samefag the entire thread.

Just buy a 3DS faggot, it's the best selling handheld for a reason, it has actual games.
>will never have all of the features of a DS flashcart.
I doubt this claim.

The main advantages flashcards had was multiple save slots (piss easy) and cheat support.

Some fancier cards had rewinding/save states which I don't think is an issue for emulating.
Wheres a good place to get one? My cyclods is nearing it final days
You could install a few 3DS games fine with 16 GB and have some leftover, if you want more you might as well go for 32 GB. If you really wanted all the games and never uninstall them you could go for 64 or even 128 GB.
oh really?

I haven't even looked at the prices but assumed it was expensive
128GB because I'm not poor
>Wahh people are shitting on my manchild console
>It's okay Mario, I'll never leave you
128gb micro sd card only costs 44 dollars
Larger than 32gb sometimes have compatibility/formatting issues.

get this: https://www.amazon.com/PNY-Turbo-Performance-MicroSDHC-P-SDU32GU390G-GE/dp/B00W77CIZ4/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1465795502&sr=8-4&keywords=pny+micro+sd
>muh vita boogeyman
I want to think you're just falseflagging but at this point i'm willing to believe this is legitimate
I want the smaller New 3DS but the color options in American suck and it only comes in bundles of stuff I don't want.
that's at least a month's worth of allowance to all the children on this board
this is so wrong it hurts
just format it as fat32 and it's completely fine for usage with 3DS
if you're trying to use a 32GB+ card in a flash cart I'm gonna have to ask wtf you're doing
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yeah thanks
What's the appeal of having a 3ds in the first place if you're not underaged? Literally the entire library is nintendo/weeb shit on awful hardware.
>Not falling for the pay $80+ for an extra storage device SLOT meme
>And still brick
I was more talking about DS flash carts, if you're still using Brickway / Sky3DS if you have cfw you might be mildly retarded in Sky3DS's and majorly retarded in Brickway's case.
what's the point of vidya?
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>why haven't you hacked your 2DS/3DS yet?

Because I'm retarded and don't know how, and don't wanna dabble in shit that will break it.

I've considered turning to Craigslist to find and pay someone to do it.
3DS has no weeb games though.

The Vita is nothing but weebshit in comparison.
Import and hack to remove the region lock. That part of the hack can't be patched over so you don't have to worry about that.
How hard is it to hack a 3ds? Is hacking a 3ds similar to hacking a Wii? Because the Wii was easy for me to follow.

I have a 2gig sd card and a N3DS running 11.0. Will I be able to hack this?
it's super easy unless you're retarded
>n3DS running 11.0
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I was going to buy a 3DS soon but I pussied out because I thought the next gen will be out soon and my 3DS support and game production will stop
Now you're telling me that the whole handheld gaming is dying and that's not helping at all man
I just want a gaming platform that lives about 2 or 3 years and gives me some good games but it seems like its too late for that
A Vita is what you want.

It's been dead on arrival but it's still going, literally undying.
see >>340995734
Literally everything presented as "good" is weebshit
>but muh vita boogeyman
It always impresses me how nintendrones can be so collectively underaged as to think this is an argument
Convince me to upgrade from emunand to arm9 or whatever.
What does that mean? What are you implying? If it's so easy then can you link a guide, please?
>3DS has no weeb games though

You're retarded for being on 11.0

However, >>>/vg/hbg
/hbg/ eagerly awaits to help you, and everyone else, hack their toys.
I'm implying that you're fucked because you updated to 11.0. Unless you know who to solder and / or have enough money to either get a hardmod or buy a new 3DS you're shit out of luck, sorry.
You can't hack a system on 11.0 unless you hard mod it.
You cant even name one weeb game on the 3DS.
Hatsune Miku Project Mirai
Senran Kagura

Gee that was easy
Rune Factory 4
Persona Q
Literally half of them, and pretty much all of the ones that are considered """"good"""
>miku games
>rune factory
>bravely censored
Attack on Titan
Tales of the Abyss
Phoenix Wright
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I have a hacked N3DS and FreEshop and I still can't find a game worth playing. This console is a joke. It's literally a MonHun machine and that's it. It's only possible to enjoy this if you like sub-par Nintendo titles and rehashes of sub-par DS franchises.
boxboy is pretty good desu
Oh God I forgot about that piece of shit
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Do you have to hack your 3ds to download 3ds games on the internet and play them for free on your device?

On my DS lite I just bought an r4 card and put shit on that and played it right away. Can I buy a more expensive card that will hack it for me or something?

I spend all my time on machines but I don't know how to do shit. pls help me play new phoenix wright games for free.
The Zero Escape series
Tomodachi Life
OKAY. Let's say I somehow did manage to downgrade it to 10.0. Can you link a guide? I don't believe it's as easy everyone is making it out to be
Dragon Quest
What JRPGs are the best for the console? I've got Bravely Default, FE:A, MH4U and Xenoblade, anything else that's good?
Fire Emblem
Is that really a weeb game though
Luigi's Mansion
yet the vita gets more games.
No that's pretty much everything
Yokai Watch
>This guide will work on New 3DS, Old 3DS, and 2DS in the EUR, JPN, or USA regions on firmware 11.0.0 or below.

>This guide will work on New 3DS 11.0.0 or below

>will work on New 3DS 11.0.0

>New 3DS 11.0.0

Final Fantasy
mario kart
Professor Layton
from later in the guide:
>If you are on version 11.0.0, you MUST have used a hardmod downgrade to successfully complete Part 2 later.
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I'm looking for a game I saw long time ago on /v/
It was about a games that you played as girl who inherited his fathers shop (weapon and armor shop?) And you had to manage the shop with economic tricks and stuff
I don't remember if it was for 3DS or vita but I'm willing to buy a handheld for that game
Anyone knows what game it was?
Rune Factory, if it counts.

There's a difference between japanese games and weeb games.

Japanese games represent the best of japanese developers focusing on making the best game possible, this is why the 3DS consists of not only the largest variety of games from japan but they represent the best games made in japan in the last decade or so and each game innovates in every single genre and brings japanese games a step forward.

Whereas if you compare it to the Vita it's all poor japanese shovelware developers who have no skills or money to execute making good games so they resort to stuffing it with as much creepy anime girls with as little clothing as possible in order to appeal to an audience that don't care about gameplay at all but anime girls. Weeb games on the Vita represent the downfall of japanese gaming and are the worst games to be made from japan in the past few decades ever.

So the 3DS has literally no weeb games, those games aren't weeb at all.
>T-that doesn't count!
Got em.
>mine are they're better because I said so
>muh vita boogeyman
Every time
Fuck off weeaboo
Found the Treehouse employee.
Agreed. Too bad the DS XL don't have GBA slot despite being big enough to hold one without sticking out at all. Otherwise it would be my favorite DS ever.
Tomodachi is literally nip for "Friend" (among other things based on context), so you tell me.
Nigger if SK and Miku aren't weeb then the vita had no weeb games either since those series are also on the goddamned vita!
Jesus christ
As if it wasn't already obvious enough that nintendo fans were the lowest common denominator of posters
>Mobile is the future.
Mobile devices do not compete with dedicated gaming handhelds. Mobile devices have gutted the laptop market because they compete against laptops, not the gaming handheld market.
Guess there's a difference between good games and Nintendo games then too.
do you mean the 3DS XL or the DSi XL? Because the 3DS XL can emulate GBA games full speed without issues via virtual console.
Sales have been fluctuating forever. Two fucking data points do not make a trend line.
SK and Miku on the 3DS focus on gameplay and are the great games that stand on their own compared to weeb bait that nobody but weeb loser buy.
>implying the Sega Master System controller is that much different, if not worse
>Miku 3DS
Found the faggot who hasn't played a real handheld/console Project Diva game.
They are the same fucking games you failed abortion
SK2 literally has a boob slider and a mission where mirai goes around stealing boobs
>I've never played a miku game in my life
>He's only pretending to be retarded

Good games will come your way but only if you post "Ganbarre, Treehouse-kun" in this thread.
This is still a pretty tedious guide compared to other devices
>reading through this thread
So should I buy a fucking vita or a 3DS?
DSi XL. I don't really have enough incentive to get a 3DS yet. I'm more interested in Vita's library
You should buy a gun so you should never read this again
Do you want weeb games or shit weeb games?
Whichever one has the games you want
It's extremely subjective, just look through the damn charts and decide for yourself
It's expensive in my country but I'm going to buy one when I go to the US in July.
Ganbarre, Treehouse-kun
>resorting to violence
Vitafags everyone
I can't tell which is which
neither 3ds or vita are hackable, just wait for emulators bro

It's on PC though.
Pot calling the kettle black.
Manchild console fags everyone.
I just want good games senpai
But both of them have good games and choosing between the exclusive games only is not always the best choice
I want a handheld my man, I can't take my PC with myself everywhere I go but its always good to know that someday the emulators will be ready for the handheld I didn't buy
Yeah that's the one and damn I thought it was a handheld game
Thanks anon
Also is there any similar games like this for handhelds? I fucking love managing comfy adventurer shops
So the 3DS has the shit ones? Sounds about right considering the library, resolution, and hardware
which layton game is it that always gets posted in feels threads, i want to get into the series and i want a good story
>good story
The story is meh at best, especially considering how long it is.

Across all 6 games, most of it is padded out via the gameplay (solving puzzles). I'd recommend just reading something for each game and be done with it.

Beats Phoenix Wright though.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that, I picked up Rune Factory 4 a while ago and it's pretty fun
Save your money and buy a Vita instead.
basically what im asking is if azran legacy or the mask is better
Why won't vitafags make their own thread?
Do they have to shit up every single 3DS thread?
Not that other fag but
Holy shit, I've never seen somebody try to hide behind a sense of superiority after losing an argument this fucking hard in my life.
All games work towards one story, you can't really just play one and not the others.

You may be thinking "okay but what about the actual STORY/PROBLEM of that game?", even then why? You're admitting it's throwaway.
I don't think either were wrong, people are going to believe what they want to believe.

One was being inclusive and the other was being exclusive.
How are they ruining it? Hell are they even vitafags here?

Are you the idiot who said the 3ds doesn't have weeb games?
Unwound Future is the one you're looking for
I recommend you play all the games in order though
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In case you're not joking, look at any vita thread as it gets buried by dedicated nintendrones
Considering the vast majority of posts in this thread even mentioning the vita are anti-3ds-criticism posts using the vita as a boogeyman
Nintendrones are the most invasive and touchy motherfuckers I've ever seen, it's insane

Serious question, I bought the new 3ds pokemon 20th anniversary edition, but have like no games. How do I pirate games onto my 3ds? :\
How far along is 3DS emulation?
Oh boy.
Is cracking a 3DS easy? I would like to pirate games.
>who would buy a device that can only play video games?

Are you kidding me? It saves me battery life and the handheld has better games.
because they think the size of the mobile market means the 3DS is tiny
when really the people on phone are people who never bought a gaming handheld ever
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>the 3DS is still selling well

3DS sales have tanked. What the fuck are you talking about? It has like no more fucking games coming after 2016 ends.
>it has like no more games coming after 2016
local shitposter can see future; spends time defending PSVita on korean weaving forum
>Doesn't refute with an actual gaming coming after 2016
At least try.
It's pretty easy if you're on a low enough firmware. It gets a bit daunting if you're doing cfw sysnand or whatever but otherwise it's just your basic step by step.
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Local faggot thinks I don't own a 3DS
Is that like the tenth time this thread you've responded to criticism by somehow deflecting with the vita
>Potentially valid, but negative point about the 3DS
They're not really original with Phoenix Wright icons.
>okay, we need a new icon for AA6
>I know, let's take AA5 icon and change the background to blue
Guess it's just a "staple" now.
I wonder if AA7 will even be on 3DS. Handheld is about to be phased out.
Vita wins in the end.
I just wanna say this "battery life" meme is fucking stupid. Just going about my day I like a good quarter of normies I see on their phones also have an external battery pack held in the same hand as their phone. Modern ones are often just as small and slim as the phone itself. People today do not give a shit, if you're not a retard your phone's battery will last as long as you want it to.
Not that guy but I gotta get me one of these. Even my bpoody grandmother has one and she can barely see the thing.
Just get a solar panel
>if you haven't purchased a 3DS or 2DS yet, you have exactly ten seconds to post why you haven't purchased one yet.

I have a large backlog on steam/ps4
Some good games are on handhelds but action games on them just feel dumb and inefficient. RPGs and the occasional platformer is fine though. Not enough games both in general and that I want a handheld for.
Jesus fucking Christ, do you even know what you're talking about?
Go back to playing your yearly AAA shit on PC, faggot.
No, DS games run natively on the hardware.
If you're not emulating.
3ds is hackable you dumb piece of trash
only if you use it via a flashcart
So is Vita, just not to the same extent.
He's going to overcharge you out the ass. 100% guaranteed.
>you have exactly ten seconds to post why you haven't purchased one yet.
I'm not paying £150 for a handheld with equivalent specs to an Etch-a-Sketch.
Sure the latter wins here.

I have to reason to hack it

Why would I

I enjoy the games I play on it
I don't think you do.
>why haven't you hacked your 2DS/3DS yet?
I don't have the time to sift through all the conflicting guides and learn an entire new lexicon.
>who would buy a device that can only play video games?
Vita always wins.
The same question applies to PS4/Xbox one.
If you're on the right firmware you don't need anything, you just put shit on the 3ds' normal SD card and activate it through an exploit. At most I think you just need an exploit compatible game like Ocarina of Time and some way to load the exploit onto it.
>if you already have a 3DS or 2DS - why haven't you hacked your 2DS/3DS yet?
Don't see a reason to, I already have most games I want (bought my system fairly early, so I had plenty of time to enjoy spaced releases). If I get a game I end up disliking I just sell it.
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can you hack new 3ds yet?
Can you hack good games into the 3DS library yet?
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1. Go to hbg on /vg/
2. Follow the Plailect guide
For the uninformed hacking your 3ds really isn't that difficult however it is very time consuming making sure you follow the guide exactly.

I had a 10.3 O3DS I never messed with and the entire process took me about 5 hours. Backing stuff up and copying it back is the time consuming part.

It was worth it though.
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