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What's the verdict?

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Thread replies: 170
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What's the verdict?
>ps2 graphics
>it's just a game about lolis and alchemy shit
>Not on PC/10
Best atelier yet? at the very least, better than the Dusk series?
Need to see the porn first.
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Pretty fun. I like not being hard pressed for time.

Guess I'm a casual.
lol pc gaming faggots assblasted beyond recognition.
PC is shit. Who cares?
sony still king of getting jrpgs right now. that and 3ds i guess though that's gotta be ending soon. if pc gamers supported ports more we'd get more than just nep games
My favorite atelier game so far, my only complaint is the pacing of the combat system before the mechanic and high level traits open up because it's boring. That and Monica. Fuck Monica.
Everything else is great, 8.5/10
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Little underaged faggots who thnk they will be part of the cool kids club if they buy a gaming PC.
That's who.
>I like not being hard pressed for time.
They got rid of the time limit? I should get this.
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You must at least be 18 to post here kid. Go ask your parents to buy you a PS4 for christmas.
Yep. You can just chill on maps now and harvest/kill infinitely. You have AP instead though which decreases from gathering, battling, etc. (pretty slowly so far from what I can tell) and hinders your dmg and other stuff.
>hating Monika
megane always best girl, what's wrong with you?
>it still looks and runs like a PS2 game

Why the fuck do they do this?
Why do all these low-budget JRPG games run so terribly?
I've experienced massive frame drops with NOTHING on screen but the player and the ground.
They got rid of the main time limit in Shallie. In Sophie there are requests with time limits as well as a date and time system, though.
It doesn't make much of a difference because the time limits in the previous games were so lenient. Fucking E&L had months of downtime, I'm glad they moved past it.
Do they still do that shit where they talk after every 5 minutes?
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>Fuck Monica
Congrats on literally having the worst taste possible.
why salty pcucks everywhere?
pc gaming so shit now?
Whats wrong with Monika? Seems nice to me. And her titties too.
It runs at 60 fps without drops on PS4
Are you playing on a vita or something?
>It doesn't make much of a difference because the time limits in the previous games were so lenient.
Still not lenient enough for me.
As someone who only played Rorona in the series I'm kinda lost. Like why are there so many fucking gathering areas? When the fuck can I finally build better weapons? Also not a big fan of the new alchemy system and the trait limit on items.
E&L gave you like 3 months to complete a single braindead task and then an entire year to finish the final dungeon. It was stupid
The only time limit quests I've run into so far are kill quests.. which have time limits because you get more gold per monster killed. So they didn't put a cap on the time limit you could abuse it and get infinite gold (probably).. I've only been playing a few hours so idk if there are other time limit quests yet.
You can transfer more traits as your alchemy level gets higher, up to 3 per item
There's a limit on how much gold you can get for kill quests.

Yeah the tutorial said so. Rorona had 5 I think. I'm not anywhere near the end of the game yet so it might not be as bad as I think but crafting postgame gear in rorona was one of the most satisfying things in vidya I've ever done.
The dude said there's a limit to how much he can pay you for kill quests. I think there are diminishing returns for killing a lot of mobs to the point where it isn't worth it
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I wouldn't say it's really bad because you have to combine more traits when synthesising materials to get optimal traits.
>postgame rorona
Oh man, never again, demon lord gave me ptsd

>Atari graphics
>its just a game about furries and shit
Anyone know where Oskar's friendship event is? He's been locked at 25 for a long time, and its a bitch not knowing what day or time his event might be on.
I don't know man, even crafting supplement in rorona was a pain in the ass later on.
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PC gamers on the right
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Is this a bug? It originally had "Alchemy Lv 3 too low" and then once I made it it's at Lv 1 now? The fuck I'm level 9 god damnit.
No. But it's your average atelier localization. It actually means that you're one alchemy level under the itemlevel. Your alchemy level is 9, next to the bomb it says Lvl. 10
You're doing it wrong. It's

What's the /v/erdict?
You need to be alchemy level 10 to make a good one. You can make it early, but it won't be that great.

Notice: 10 - 7 = 3. 10 - 9 = 1.
does it mean 1 level too low?
Derp... thanks
>KT """"localizations"""""
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Don't worry, they always fuck up something.
>tfw arwin
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>Go on youtube
>Atelier Sophie
>First Hour of Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book (No Commentary)
>Guy just fights mobs with a party
>It looks like every other generic JRPG

Why do people like this series so much?
Waifu fags?
It's a game about alchemy.
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Complex crafting system with fun, old-school turn based combat.

Also, waifus.
Pretty good so far. The recipe idea descriptions aren't as poorly translated/worded or organized as some of the tasks from Shallie were.

How long till Book gets a human body? She just remembered that she made the Cauldron thing. I keep talking to the puppet guy too, but nothing happens.
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Is it possible to transfer Dragonscale Defense to cloth or metal?

It's a story thing. Just keep restoring the memories.
Never played any of those Atelier games.
What's so good about them?
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>Complex crafting system
What do you do with the stuff you craft? It's all just combat items right? I was hoping for Capitalism Ho! where I could just craft and not have to fight.
>old-school turn based combat.
I read that as "Generic run of the mill JRPG combat"
>What do you do with the stuff you craft?
You craft alot of shit. Items that help you exploring, equip, heal / damage items, items that carry special traits that you need for better items, quest items and so on. Here's a trait chart for rorona just to give you an idea.

Neck yourself nintenkek
>can't upskirt
0/10 want a refund
The best games make you work for your upskirts.
Games like neptunia just hand them out like candy.
One of the weaker Ateliers in my opinion. Characters are pretty boring and combat is a step down from Dusk.
they are pretty comfy
Best RPG this year.
Ive had his happen during the day time either outside the church or at one of the shops on the Street. If you ever see him in the plaza when fast traveling, check it out.

Im in the same position with Monica. Though its possible the story has to progress more or something, not sure.
You have pretty poor taste.
It's a balance of crafting and fighting. The older games are like Recettear in that you have a deadline where you have make x of something in time or it's game over. The newer games not so much, since it was a bit too challenging for the waifufags.
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Please elaborate. Which of the Sophie characters do you find enjoyable? And saying Shallie has shitty characters has nothing to do with Sophie, in case that was going to be your response.
How do you even change costumes? Are they all DLC?
Only started and that's my first Atelier but so far I really like it, comfy as fuck.

Who do I proceed to unlock the idea recipe which require some sweet? Can it be looted? Tried to make some, to duplicate it and the buy it but it's still locked
I think they need to be salty. You basically unlock salty through the alchemy grit, it's one of the bars in the bottom right corner when crafting.
Anyone else have some screen cut off? The previous games had an in-game adjuster but this one doesnt. Its set up correctly on ps4 too. Had the same problem with Senran Kagura too.
>it's another "dusk babby thinks his opinion matters" episode
Only thing I can think of is the display area in the PS4 settings.
Why are are Arlandfags incapable of discussing Atelier for a single post without immediately shitting on Dusk while not actually presenting any arguements?

If you think Sophie or any of the Arland games have a better battle system than Dusk you're fucking delusional.
Yes it needed some salt with it if I remember right. Thanks, I had yet to encounter a formula with this sort of need.
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>m-muh combat in a series centered around crafting

This is why no one takes dusk shitters seriously
>I recognize that bulge
Too bad it's censored in NA! HAHA
Just kidding.. I hope
I do think sophie's is better. Dusk's was fun, but it was always the exact same combination of support attacks every time to the point where it was mind numbing. Sophie manages to make that part of the system quicker/automatic and further expand on it in a tactical rpg way
>I have no counterargument so I'll pretend combat doesn't play a signficiant part in Atelier games
I'm sorry Dusk didn't have enough /u/ shit for you, you retarded Arlandfag.
>hurr durr yuri hurr

Thanks for being so predictable, Dusk child
Hold the fuck up
This guy just charged me money to tell me about himself? How much of a jew can you get, Horst
I can respect that. Personally I prefer the fast-paced feel of active supports, even if I can see how they'd feel repetitive. I just don't feel very involved in Sophie's combat.
At least apparently I've aged from a baby to a child. At this rate I'll be a full adult before you actually offer any argument.
>supports in Atelier
>""""fast paced""""

If you have cerebral palsy, maybe.
Since all the upcoming ateliers are going to be on the PS4 and the Vita which system would you recommend more?

Duskfags, everyone.
>inputting commands during an enemy's turn is not faster paced than doing nothing
I'm not claiming it's a fucking Devil May Cry game dipshit.
Vita ateliers are usually digital-only.
PS4 if you want physical copies.
>atelier thread
>everyone's having a good time
>a duskfag comes in and says something stupid
>gets told to fuck off
>starts throwing a fit

every thread
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>without immediately shitting on Dusk
I think Ayesha was the first one that was widely popular for the series. I definitely know it was the first one I played for PS3. Was good times. After that I tried out Totori and Rorona. Ayesha had some better vibes though. Probably mostly just nostalgia though, desu.
>widely popular
Everyone recommends Arland tho.
>nostalgia for a trilogy that was only one year old when Ayesha came out

Is this copy pasta?
I was talking about my nostalgic feelings for it that I have right now, you dumb fucking faggot.
Shut the fuck up nerd don't you dare ever fucking call me a faggot again
>Fuck Monika
Monika is literally top tier, I'd love to fuck her.
This. Usually I'm a DFC guy but Monika's everything makes me harder than diamonds
It's probably your TV. I didn't know I had overscan enabled until I played Estival.
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>Older knight character helps out ditzy alchemist

Holy shit, I'm getting a ton of Sterk vibes from this guy. He doesn't eventually become a bum and start talking to pigeons, does he?
Are all girls lesbians?
Girls can't love girls
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Only for fun. Not for real.
I wouldn't go so far as to say fuck Monica, but she does annoy me a little. Enough to not be on my team
The new artstyle sucks big times. Ayesha was top tier cute, everyone in sophie looks like a fucking retard.
>everyone in Sophie looks like a ducking retard

They do. Not because of the artstyle, though. It's because Gust completely fucked up turning the artist's designs into 3D models. Go to Leon's status page and look at her illustration. It looks great, in my opinion. Then go compare it to her mongoloid 3D model.
No he's sucking Sophie's dick to help his friend.
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Oscar is a bro and if you don't have him on your main team you are a waifu fag.
There aren't any from what I've seen. At most they mentioned how they're jealous of Monica's looks.
I'll proudly be a waifu fag if it means I don't have to have this schizophrenic fat ass on my team
I have gunfag and knightguy in my party over this fat fuck.
You go on a date with a girl and that's about it.
Looks like shit, even the PS3 ones looked better.
Generic autismal Japanese harem fantasy film #265099.
Lesbianism confirmed. hetfags blown the fuck out
Tess is for _____________.
All right then, thanks.
I really dont like the other guys art. The one that draws Plachta, Leon etc.
It has this really rough sketch look to it and clashes way to much with Sophies artist.

Wish Hidari would do the rest of the series. Love her art so fucking much
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Is this a good starting point for the series?
Yes, id fuck monika too
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Looks like it.
They are not all DLC.
This atelier game went full fanservice.
I remember every other atelier game having at least some free DLC for people who bought it in the first week or so. But sophie doesn't have shit on EU PSN, not even BGM packs.
Where the fug is the last kid in Hide and Seek? I found the girl and the boy standing in the edge of town
Between the barrels by the grocer.
Fuck everyone in this game. Fuck sophie, fuck fatguy, fuck fatguys mom, fuck placenta, fuck the bitch with the sword and fuck notcordelia
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Absolute destruction.
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>other two standing in the fucking open
>obvious dots on compass
Well fuck this guy.
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Can you go back to the first costume? The second one looks so bad.
Sophie had the entire OST of every single game in the series as DLC for preorders in Japan and a free theme (2 or 3 if you got digital)
I'm not too interested in themes since I preordered FT but fuck not having any DLC at all. I'd at least buy the ayesha BGM pack.
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Uh oh...
>What's the verdict?

not for pc so shit/10
Yes, went back to the original as soon as the new outfit was forced on me.

Funnily enough, the game is the first of the PS3 + series to not have a mandatory hot spring/swimsuit scene.
fuck off, pc beggar
>>>340789725 >>340790069 >>340790127 >>340801170 >>340803185 >>340805791
Monica is a terrible name
she has a dick?
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I was torn on whether I should wait for a sale. But considering it may take a whole year for it to go on sale, I've decided to just buy it. It just finished downloading and I'm gonna start it soon.

How was dusk? They seemed to pump those ones out quickly and I never heard much about them. They were cheap on amazon wondering if I should grab them.
Dusk was trash but you already knew that someone would say that and you're trying to shit the thread up
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can someone give me a BEST combination for Doll Making? i just put random stuff in and got witch looking doll. kinda shit
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I like Ayesha, but that was the only one I played. Really in my opinion, If you're not the biggest fan, or don't want to really spend the money, don't.
I liked dusk
Ayesha was pretty good. Escha & Logy had improved combat, but world map was cut down a fuckton and pacing was horrid.

Haven't played Shallie, waiting for the Plus version.
They accidentally released the free costume and music pack a few weeks before the game's release. They were supposed to be preorder bonuses. I don't know what they're going to do with it now since they still haven't made it public. I snagged it during the mishap and already downloaded them. Seems to have installed fine.
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But I didn't...
How the fuck are you supposed to kill the Light Elemental?
Throw items at it until it dies
Best of luck to you, anon.
Well? Don't just stand there, post more.
I'm waiting here to see more, so please don't hold back.
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Made me laugh for what ever reason.
Just pissed that we got fucked out of the complete BGM pack collection. None of the preorder bonuses included it and who knows how long if EVER before it releases on PSN. Considering it was preorder for JP I have a feeling we might just get fucked out of it.
Damn they fucked you guys out of the best preorder bonus of all time?
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Tess vs Pamela

who's the best girl?
Pamela was easily the worst girl. She's also a fucking ghost. I shit you not.

Should be called Atelier Waifus instead, so many of them.
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Post more Plachta
Nigga everyone knows Pamela is a ghost
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Pamela didn't give me the forgotten item for 10k donations, so Tess.

Speaking of, what monster drops forgotten wood?

>I shit you not
No fucking shit, she always has been since her first appearance.
Are you new to Gust games?
Funniest scene in Totori. *Spoilers*
Going to have to go with Tess.
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