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Thread replies: 247
Thread images: 66

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Now I see!
The military has confused me for the likes of you!
So... where do you think you're going with that emerald?

how did they go from a massive lizard on life support to a hedgehog with jet skates
Alien DNA
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Who knows
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Who canonically wins this fight?
Neither. Shadow technically could be considered to have "won" because all he needed to do was delay Sonic long enough for his master plan to start, but he didn't actually beat Sonic in a fight.

>tfw I mouth out how sonic says this everytime I play this
Dark's finale seems to fit the last story more. It makes more sense for Sonic to have never made it to the cannon and blown it up, since it seems to be okay when Gerald's failsafe activates.
Sonic wins.
Shad is left knocked out and later returns to the Ark to oversee Gerald's plan carry out.

Ironically it's Amy that saves the world by convincing him to turn sides
I legit loved this as a kid. It wasn't until I finally played it again years later did I realize just how bad it is.
sonic wins, but eggman beats him there, and activates the canon.

At least it's not boost 2 win shit
Sonic simply because if shadow had won he would have killed sonic.

How the cannon is fine again in Ow the Edge is beyond me. Probably an oversight
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Fucking kek
it seems mature/dark and deep when you're a kid
Shadow's high speed running animation is one of my favs ever.
Shadow's running animations in Sonic 2006
>faggots in this thread talking about fake hedgehog edgelord shadow
sonic adventure is clearly the superior 3d sonic game

I don't remember it.
they need to build on the boost system. its still too simple, make it harder to maintain and make it so that you can transition to/from it with the platforming, rewarding the player for making skilled actions to keep it going seamlessly. also give it a mechanical "inertia" to make it harder to start up, and allow the player to take advantage of it when thay "take there foot off the gas"
Literally Sonic Advance 2.
What did sonic say during light side's final boss?

>aww you stupid, chaos CONTROL!
I always heard

>I'll use your CHAOS CONTROL

But I figured the end of the "your" always got cut off so he ends up interrupting himself with CHAOS CONTROL.
I'll use your move, chaos controoool
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>Somebody picks Amy in 2 player mode

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>Its an AMY episode
Why is there a donut on him his arm
wtf is she supposed to be?
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That's the crystal ring, an artifact of ultimate power that lets sonic get ready to go faster.
One was based on the mural in the ruins of perfect Chaos and the other based on the mural of Super Sonic from S&K
A rose.
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Is this literally the greatest set up, execution, dialogue (sound notwithstanding) and hypest rival fight scene in video game history?

It's ok.
I always pick the hard counter.
LITERALLY any Dante vs Vergil scene.
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>the casual dialogue leading up to them walking next to each other

>the crescendo of music as they pick up speed

>the inevitable aggression they know they must pick up

>the need to survive this one last fight

>the area being destroyed as you keep moving forward

>Them hitting top speed

pic related
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>you have to have this fight TWICE

14 Year Old me will never relive this feeling
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Alright /v/ real talk here...
Why are sonic characters so dam sexy, is it because it's an artstyle we've grown familiar with or is it the body proportions of the characters themselves?
We know sonic is entry level furshit but why is it the most pleasing furshit?
Don't be a faggot and own up that there's at least some sonic character you want to fug

I'm going to fill Blaze with my Vanilla Cream if you know what i'm saying ;)
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Gods YES
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>Action Video game music will NEVER be this hype again
>tfw the music is too loud even in the Japanese version
It's a fucking crime that the game had such shit audio mixing
If you're a close-minded, biased nostalgiafag it sure won't
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>tfw Sonic Adventure's music

I can still hear the Mystic Ruins theme in my head.
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>yfw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPokfq7xxXY hits
i remember turning the game on just to listen to the music when i was 8
It's entirely because of familiarity with the characters.

We have known these characters for so long and have gotten to know them on some level that a sexual attraction just is the logical next step.
It's similar to Misty in the pokemon series. She's nothing special but because we grew up watching her, any bud art stimulates us in a way that makes us very interested.

Then you add this to the characterizations and personalities of sonic characters, which are for the most part non-sexual, and you get some really attractive shit when you actually make them skanky. This is the same reason the hottest sonic character is sonic himself.
SA1's OST is the best one in the seires, IMO.
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>This is the same reason the hottest sonic character is sonic himself.
no lies 2bh
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>That PTSD from fighting the Egg Golem on hero story where you keep fucking homing attacking out of a single jump somehow on the back platforms
>yfw Dark Story makes it look easy

Very underrated song
Finally, kindred spirits.
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>tfw summer 2003
>tfw I would spend hours upon hours abusing Chaos
>tfw I always used Eggman
For me it's SA1/Unleashed/Colors for topmost Sonic OST.
It's really glitchy, but sonic adventure 1 feels so much like the classic sonic in many ways.
Though borrowing songs from sonic 3d blast helps.
A faun you dork.
Where can I find most of shoppaaaa's art?
It's not on his deviantart
Who won in the anime adaptation?
Pretty sure sonic wins
Pixiv, maybe twitter too
I remember Shadow was beating Sonic up with Chaos Spears, not much else
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Will sonic 2016 be announced next week to save us from the p5 2017 delay? I was betting all hope on p5 but now I'm depending on sonikku to save me from a boring holiday.
>sonic 2016
Oh God
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>tfw you first saw Super Sonic in SA1

I loved the shit out of Sonic and had 1 2 and Knuckles as a kid but I wasn't very good at video games so I never got all the chaos emeralds so I had no idea he was in it until my teens.

>Beat Big's story
>Ice cream van arrives and I got to get ice cream during the credits
>Come back and go to the character screen
>Super Sonic

Super Sonic was probably the reason I turned out to be a beyond saving Sonicfag until my late teens.
This desperately needs English translation
I mean...the next main sonic game slated for a tentative 2016 release. Not sonic 06 part 2
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>Relisten to Sonic Adventure 2 OST

Fuck you /v/ I left this game for dead because of the autism magnet it is but now I have a craving for this game again. Now I gotta put SA1/2 and Heroes on my backlog again!

Thanks... :'^)
Adventure 1 has aged horribly.
It's an objectively trash game.

SA2 is still decent
post more sonadow pics pls
Look up the FFShrine SA1/2 OSV downloads.
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>People playing with the english dub even though the japanese dub is obviously superior
To what end

I knew this years ago. Still not gonna stop me though.
by using different animals for testing and the hedgehog worked?
NO! Fuck you!

I wasted years of my life reading sonadow fanfiction and I'm not going to sink back to that level!

I'd like to forget I ever did if possible.
Anon plz.
Best thread
Why does Sonic and MLP attract autism even out of the biggest normies?
If you hate SA2's music you were literally born without taste.
I like how every character is associated with a different musical genre in this game.
Please point out where I said I didn't like it? I was thanking you autists for making me pick the game up again.
Safe keeping.
>not storing donuts on your arm
Maybe yes, maybe not. There's also the Anniversary Birthday Party coming up next month.
Whats the best source of sonic lewd pic?
I mean specifically of sonic himself?

Song fits perfectly

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Darks' ending happens, and then Hero's ending happens.

That's not the final fight of Asura vs Yasha in Asura's Wraths' DLC

But its close

The Ultimate Dance Form
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If it reveals nothing but more stale big memes im done with gaming 2bh. 2015 going into 2016 have been massive disappointments
Shadow doesn't kill Sonic but distracts him long enough to activate the canon.

So both-ish
>Implying you can escape
You'll get sucked back in harder than you ever did before. The ride never ends
>Having trouble with the Egg Golem
Jesus christ
I fucked up the Ghost dude a few times but that Golem thing is easy as long as you aren't a spastic retard.
They've already confirmed that they are done with boost. Expect the next non-boom game, if there ever is one, to play like a tweaked Lost World.
Who is saying "Guess no one cares about me?"
Only thing I can think of that's comparable is Dante vs Vergil and this
The moon was blown in half
>post yfw you heard this song as a kid

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People tend to forget when that happens.
How the fuck did people confuse Shadow and Sonic? They look nothing alike. They're different colors, even
You son of a bitch
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Adventure era Super Sonic has the exact same quill layout as Shadow.
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The artstyle, its so simple yet pleasing to the eye
>my opinion are facts
Why aren't dumbasses like you a bannable offense? Maybe then, /v/ wouldn't be such an irredeemable shithole.
>Moon gets shot with the mind control laser in Colors
I wonder if they're gonna bring that detail in an upcoming game

Bad camera lighting and a government cover up
It was GUN trying to hide the fact Shadow was a thing
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>I wonder if they're gonna bring that detail in an upcoming game
Unfortunately, Sega seems to have a chronic aversion to continuity.
>I wonder if they're gonna bring that detail in an upcoming game

Wouldn't that require the game writers to know what happened in previous games?
Still waiting for my Eggman Chao
I died to this clown again and again.
They already implied the implications the Time Eater was created by the Hyper Go-On explosion. So they're done with that plot.

Generations did some pretty cool map revisions for modern day sonic. Pretty cool.
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They're just really fun to sexualize is all, especially since they have designs that could go either way with it
I have a funny story about pic related.

One time while replaying the game I was playing knuckles's story and I was about to trigger this cutscene. I approached the hotel from the casio and entered the building, to find eggman's character model standing in the plaza of the hotel. He was just standing there repeating his idle animation. Because of this I couldnt trigger the cutscene: I couldnt enter the elevator and fight the boss because eggman's model wouldnt move. Because of this my save file entered a softlock because I physically could not progress through the game.

this is one of the most bizarre glitches i have encountered in a game. I was only 13 or something when it happened so I didnt archive it, unfortunately.
I'm not saying that the Egg Golem is hard, it's just that there is a super annoying glitch with the platforms on his back and 30% of your jump come out as homing attacks instead in a full A button press
This is cute.

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I was legit spooked by that boss when I was a kid. Mostly when he'd turn around and make that noise.
Who's this fluid druid?
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sides are in orbit
I was spooked about the fire he breathes
>all this heresy
Furries. Just.
Need more sonic lewds
So when /v/ when did you get over your sonic phase and how?
I got over it when I was 11.
Shadow The Hedgehog cooled my love for the series and sonic 06 completely killed it.
I never stopped because im not autistic and felt the need to fit in with game journalists. Shame you are though
I still enjoy the franchise, but I'm not as excited as I once was for the series. I'm more just... a casual player, I suppose.
Anyone that grew up with a genesis is cursed forever.

I've already accepted it
I kinda lost interest around 2008 but came back to it a couple years ago thanks to Cobanermani's videos
I have always liked the franchise, though.
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I dont know why, i hate youtubers and think lets plays are cancer but i love this guy. Some of his viewcounts are fucking insane to. Unleashed part 1 has like 15 million views and that was when he wasnt even that popular. He said something that gave me some feels in one of the mod monday videos.
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>I wasted years of my life reading sonadow fanfiction

...I'm glad I'm not the only one.
The ingame render of the final boss was so disappointing
I know what you mean sa2b for the gc was my first game I ever played so sonic will always.
I haven't played any sonic game that came after 2008, but I still keep up with all the news.
>So when /v/ when did you get over your sonic phase and how?
Got over my Sonic phase after Shadow came out, Generations brought me back into it, but I lost interest again until 2014.
Well, I'm here so I can't be fully over it.

I'm not even 5% of the fan I used to be though, Sonic fucking ruled my childhood to adulthood, it used to be all I'd ever think about during my teens, instead of hanging out during breaks at school I'd be in the computer rooms googling Sonic. I made OCs, I fucking read fanfiction everything.

I beat all of the Wii games except Colors, which is super fucking overrated and the last game I beat was Generations. Haven't touched a Sonic game since.
>Got over my Sonic phase after Shadow came out, Generations brought me back into it, but I lost interest again until 2014.
Forgot to add that after 2014, I became more obsessed than ever
Fuck puppet.
Sonic games lost the passion or something for me after unleashed and black knight. Does anyone else get what i mean? I dont know how to explain it...sonic games used to feel like adventures and the nu sonic games starting with colors just feel like level packs with some shitty cutscenes and story ever now and then. If this anniversary game doesnt return to pre-2010 sonic customs then I'm pretty much done with the series sadly. This colors/generations/lost world game and story design philosophy just isnt for me. Maybe itll finally be time to move and let this generation of kids have their sonic since I had mine back in the early 2000s.
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Shadow was disappointing, still enjoyed it. Around 13, I figured I was "too old" to like Sonic anymore. When Unleashed was announced, the werehog completely disgusted me and I forgot Sonic for a while. Slowly got interested again thanks to the /co/ story times, Generations and then was fully dragged in by the Ride. And I never got off.
When I was a kid I played Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles on the PC religiously. Then it kinda ebbed, but when I was 14 I went into an extreme Sonic phase for about half a year that my friends never let me live down.

Been kind of a low key fan ever since.
I get EXACTLY what you mean. I love the gameplay of Generations to death, but outside of that it's just kind... eh. Honestly the only thing keeping me interested in Sonic at this point is the comics
>I get EXACTLY what you mean. I love the gameplay of Generations to death, but outside of that it's just kind... eh. Honestly the only thing keeping me interested in Sonic at this point is the comics
Oh, and the Boom TV show too, but not as much
Did they ever put stars back in the game?

I remember after Sonic R, stars were a shity decal to use, and they never resurfaced.
>tfw you grew up playing 1, 2, and 3&K on the Genesis, alongside Advance 1 and 2
>tfw you barely even knew what a 3D Sonic game was like until you played SA1 on the Dreamcast last year, and SA2 on the same console a few months later
>tfw you will never not be called a "GameCube baby" for saying you like the Adventure games
>Espio will never get a Ninja Gaiden-style spinoff
>We almost got an Eggman RTS
>Instead we got Shadow
Man, fuck this timeline
Speaking of the comics

>Live in the UK so no Archie Sonic comics
>Got Sonic Mega Collection and just used to look at the covers it had in the gallery mode

I tried reading them a few years back but the early ones are pretty tough to get through, I heard there was a point more recently where you can jump in, does anybody know the issue?
>I heard there was a point more recently where you can jump in, does anybody know the issue?
Sonic 252 and Universe 55 are where the reboot starts. Don't worry about buying them, you can read them all online
And I forgot to mention,
>tfw the first game in the series you mastered was fucking Sonic CD, which remains your favorite to this day
Its because sega is trying to play it safe and keep sonic's image clean. They took big risks with sonic 06 having the game be over-dramatic and realistic. It actually worked with the adventure games because they were more zany and saturday morning cartoon-like and less serious, but still had deep stories. Also the adventure games were actually pretty good, so that helps.

Sega has lost its direction with sonic so now they are trying to play it safe. They know that they have fucked up and it shows with their newest games, which dont take chances story-wise.
252, soft reboot happened.
Read the Universe series from a certain point too, I think it's a Knuckles and Shadow issue.

UK got Fleetway comics so that was cool.
Best Amy.
Where do most people read it?

I used to download comic files from some site, Tailskicksass or something like that but I'd really like a way to read it on my phone or something.
I had a Sonic phase up till sometime after Shadow the Hedgehog when I was around 12.
Didn't play 06, I just matured out of it I think.

Unfortunately my Sonic phase got my little sister stuck in her Sonic phase. I think she is still in it.
Yeah, I used to read the fleetway comics they were pretty cool. I really liked the style they used.
Shadow and 06 arent good directions/tones the series should go in. The fact that they nailed it perfectly right after 06 with unleasheds story and setting is remarkable and its one of the things they shouldve maintained going forward. SA and unleashed have the best stories in the games, all obviously cartoony but there is still stakes and drama pushing the plot forward. Pontac and graff, pontaff, are fucking terrible writers. The fact theyre still calling the story shots, 6 years later is so disappointing.
160 is when the current writer, the most well known one anyway, came on board and started cleaning shit up. But 252 and universe... I want to say, but I am not sure, 53 is when the reboot starts.
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>But 252 and universe... I want to say, but I am not sure, 53 is when the reboot starts.
55. 55 is the Universe issue you're thinking of
in my mind, no one. sonics ending is none-canon because the true path shows dark paths ending being real.
How was I supposed to know where to find this?
Oh fuck no not this shit again! I promised to give up this shit!
>he didn't try to fly around everywhere with Knuckles and Tails
jolly ranchers
You're here forever anon. You can never fucking leave
Stars don't twinkle, the moon doesn't shine
Stars don't twinkle, the moon doesn't shine
Stars don't twinkle, the moon doesn't shine
Stars don't twinkle, the moon doesn't shine
Stars don't twinkle, the moon doesn't shine
Stars don't twinkle, the moon doesn't shine
These lyrics are so bizarre. Sonic team usa was so wacky (in the good way) when they were a thing. So many small details and references to their other games. I wish ST was let off the leash for a bit and able to make another IP.
Thanks, I'll check it out if I can decide where I want to start.

I want to go with the reboot but there doesn't seem to be that much content at the moment and there were a bunch of things that I wanted to find out about in earlier stories.

Might take a stab in the earlier issues but not too early, maybe 160 like one of you said the new writer joined?
>Might take a stab in the earlier issues but not too early, maybe 160 like one of you said the new writer joined?
Yeah, if you wanna do pre-reboot stuff, that's the place to start if you wanna cut the bullshit. I personally think starting from the very beginning is better because there are a few genuine gems pre-160 (Like Mecha Madness), but I can understand wanting to start where it got consistently good
By looking at it.
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Watch out! You're gonna crash!
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Every time
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the hype was amazing back in the day.

dante vs vergil will always be the best rival fight.
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Contrary to popular theories (that he modeled it after Perfect Chaos), a lizard was chosen because of their regenerative properties, able to regrow lost limbs and tails.
Maria was suffering from a degenerative disease so this seemed like a good area of research to start with.

Unfortunately, it didn't work out as well as Gerald hoped and Biolizard was violent and unruly, especially when exposed to the Chaos Emeralds, and required a life support system powered by Chaos Drives (something Gerald developed during the research) just to stay alive.

This is all revealed in the Japanese strategy guide.

Now as for why he changed to a hedgehog still isn't explained, but officially some aliens showed up and gave him Black Doom's DNA to use.
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still my favorite. it blew my fucking mind as a kid.
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>tfw pinballing through single player levels

>There is currently no text in this page. You can search for this page title in other pages, or search the related logs, but you do not have permission to create this page.

Do you have a source with actual text anon
Add the 3 dots at the end.
he saw the mural from sa1 and used that as a base for shadow, i think this must have been right before or during when black doom gave him his dna and contracted him to gather the chaos emeralds, as he knew about them, and shadow was completed during bd visit
>he saw the mural from sa1 and used that as a base for shadow

This is only someone's headcanon. Doesn't matter how much or how little sense it may make, it's still only headcanon. Jesus, you fucks pay less attention to the series than the current game writers.
dammit sega a you had to do was follow the Chao Train!!!!!!

just make sonic adventure 3 ! its the last hope
>Yuri Lowenthal fights himself
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well its the best guess why Gerald used black dooms dna to make a fucking hedgehog of all things, as well as the why shadows quills are upturned(trying to replicate the super sonic silhouette in the mural)

i mean shit, how else could the writers justify Gerald coming up with a hedgehog that is just an edgy version of sonic for his ultimate life form?
It's not. I know the guy who made it. He's an amateur voice actor.
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Thanks a lot, /v/. Now I want to have sex with 15 year old blue hedgehog.
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i was hype as fuck to play sonic heroes.

finally got around to it on ps2 i think, and everything about it was shit.

the framerate was terrible, the sound quality varied between sound effects and shit. the level design was so weak compared to adventure 2. it felt like a 3d chaotix, but they didn't even include mighty. dropped it after the first stage.

heard shadow was a robot or some shit. it sounded dumb as fuck.
>heard shadow was a robot or some shit. it sounded dumb as fuck.
He's not.
they ever explain how the fuck he survived falling from space into the planets atmosphere
The PS2 version is fucking terrible.
why the hate man?
>Playing the PS2 version
>ps2 version

you bought the shit version.
Asura's Wrath was a great movie.
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topmost hee hee m8
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Classified information, Chief.
He was in super form.
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The Sonic games from Adventure 1 to Shadow had continuity between them.

I'm upset they didn't stick with the white gold appearance for shadow and instead just retconned him to be regular gold like Sonic (but a bit lighter). Super Sonic is gold because it's the opposite of blue, and Super Shadow was white because it's the opposite of black.
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Asuras wrath jet punch.webm
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It absolutely was.

I watched it on youtube and then bought like 400$ worth of artbooks because I loved it so much
Super Shadow only looked that way in Adventure 2 because of a rendering glitch.
what the fuck am i looking at here.
An unofficial case for the fat PS2 that lets the top open like a skinny PS2.
Source? Because they used that same design philosophy when they made Super Scourge.
Basically, Shadow was still considered "Dead" during Heroes, but he actually survived because he was still Super for most of his descent.
Eggman found him, researched him for a bit then put him into a Stasis Pod to ensure he doesn't ruin his plans, and proceeds to make Robo-Clones.
Rouge finds the real Shadow along with Omega, awakens both of them and it turns out Shadow has amnesia from his crash landing, which the game uses to make it seem like he's just another Robo-Clone especially since Eggman used the exact same Stasis Pods for his Clones.
The jewel is crystal meth, and the ultimate power is autism.
so if you disassemble your ps2, and buy one of these replacement housings for it that doubles as a lid for your disc drive, you can play backups with these discs called swap magic

basically you take swap magic, load it up like a normal game, it tells the system a big game is being loaded up and then stops the drive. you open the top, throw in a copied version of any game you want, close the lid and hit x and off you go.
It was around 2007-2008, when I was poor and couldn't afford console to play sonic 06. Before that I played every single Sonic game on dreamcast, PC and sega, I think I replayed SA1 and SA2 at least 15 times and rewatched Sonic X at least 5 times.

Now I don't get hyped for it at all, but honestly, I'd still take SA1/SA2 over any sonic game that came out after 06
eggman just got done not being a fucking dickhead. why did he go and do a thing like that
Super Scourge was not made by the same people that made Super Shadow. The comic staff may have been following the "opposite" philosophy when making that but the SA2 devs were not.
Status Quo is God, unfortunately.
I know that. But they would've never done it if there wasn't a precedent with Sonic turning gold and Shadow turning white.

It's complete bullshit if they tried to pass it off as a "rendering error" to explain the retcon.
Even if you ignore the inverted colors, if they were both gold, you wouldn't be able to easily tell them apart, which is bad from a gameplay standpoint. It had to have been an intentional decision since they would both be on screen at the same time.
Should I buy SA2 on the 360?
I can't get it on PC because I won't be finished ordering my parts for at least another 2 months.
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It's a port of the Battle version at 720p with the 2P mode and themes sold as DLC.

I'd say it's a much, much, much better port than the lazy SADX port.
The pc port has a stuttering problme where it randomly freezes for a few seconds before moving again. The 360/ps3 ports are just fine and it fells best with the 360 controller anyway. The 360 also serves as a great sonic box

>1, 2, 3, k, cd
>sonic the fighters
>adventure 1
>adventure 2
>heroes (xbox disc/backwards comp)
>shadow (same deal
>06 if youre a mad man
>all stars racing and all stars racing transformed

Pretty versatile machine tbf. But definitely get SA2 on 360
for you
>Super Sonic was inverse color
>Super Scourge was inverse color

I never knew that. That's awesome.
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