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XCOM 2 coming to consoles.

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Thread replies: 472
Thread images: 116

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Awesome game, enjoy consolebros.
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I've never heard anyone talking about XCOM 2. I'm guessing it was a mediocre sequel?
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Pc cucks on suicide watch
Good. I liked EU so I'm excited. What have they changed in XCOM 2?
>Another PC exclusive going to PS4

What's even own a Steam in the first place

>What's even own a steam
>Tripfag having a stroke
>sonycucks excited about scraps

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Thanks for beta testing PCKeks.
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p-pu-puh-pc v-versions of mutiplats C-CU-CUC-COUNT AS EXCLUSIVES!!!
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Good for consolefags. I can only hope they optimise it a little bit
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>muh xcom
When is it coming to Vita?
The game is bare bones without modes
Enjoy it console bros
Cool my PC is too shit to run this anyway
>"d-didn't want it a-anyways, e-e-euhhhhhh-enjoy your scraps!"
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Enjoy our sloppy seconds sonycucks
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Not any time is what they said!
Thank you for trying out the prototype!
Yeah bros enjoy your game that struggled to run on fucking TITAN-X SLI or a 980ti.
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Next up is Star Citizen.
I dont think Xcom 2 can run on the Vita, Xcom on the Vita had some performance issues already.

this entire thread must be purged.
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Sony wins again
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>d-didn't want it a-anyways

Already played it though? Acting like the game is permanently lost because you share toys with others is more of a consolecuck mentality
>B-but It's shit without mods!!!!!
>Call a game shit since it's not on ps4
>holy shit it's finally coming

Why are sonycucks the cancer of /v/?
Star Citizen is a scam, it's not a video game.
where are the sexy snakes ?
sadly it is
There were plenty of threads out the first month or so. Then casuals started getting upset and spamming RNG "That's XCOM, bay-bay!" memes diluting discussions. So you'd have 2 or 3 threads constantly about hit chance filled with arguing.

Go to bed Derek
>pre order now

just kill me senpaitachi

why do consoles always get our scraps then herald it as the second coming

makes no sense
I loved xcom eu and even platinumed it, skipped ew but i will definitely buy this.
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this one hurts bros. We can't keep letting them get away with this.

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The moment you see 1080p 30 FPS Bink Video featured in your PC game, it's safe to assume that it's coming to consoles.
Mods will be standard on consoles in the coming age.
>skipped ew
Ya dun goofed son.
Is there a Long War 2 in the works? Vanilla XCOM 2 was fine, but felt hollow after playing Long War for >100 hours.
Wait, it wasn't ALREADY on consoles?

It's been fucking dumbed down enough and given enough Anti-aliasing compared to UFO: Enemy Unknown.

Yes. It was optimized horrible, the campaign was inferior and the randomly generated maps were top tier ass.
There's no explicit LW2 yet but LWS is still making mods and there's a couple overhauls in very, very early development
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my PS4 is ready.
All of you console war underage faggots are cancer.

I just want to talk about video games without the influx of marketers, tumblr, /r/pcmasterrace and neofaggots bitching in every single thread about every single minute thing.

If you want to be fags, go to gamefaqs.
>all this damage control
holy shit BTFO so hard
stop shitposting you meme loving fuck
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This game will be far less entertaining without mods tbqh
I guess all that begging in twitter worked, we sonywinners iamrite?
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Exclusives PC has lost to PS4 within the last year:
>Dirt Rally
>Assetto Corsa
>Wasteland 2
>prison architect
>Risk of Rain
>Stardew Valley
>Cities Skylines
>Banner Saga
>The Talos Principle
>Divinity Original Sin
>Kerbal Space Program
>Crypt of the Necrodancer
>Nuclear Throne
>Killing Floor 2
>Ark Survival
>and more

PC bros, is the age of PC gaming dead?
>>all this damage control

literally where, all I see is shitposting
>implying that isn't what happens every time a console exclusive gets ported
Nobody ever cared about PC "losing" games to consoles. Wanking over exclusivity is console warrior territory.
here anon
>muh console wars

you must be over 18 to browse this taiwanese decorative tapestry forum
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>people think all these posts are not satire

>game is developed for PC
>all the problems that come from consolization shouldn't be a concern at this point due to it being ported after initial release
why would pcfags care about this? platform exclusive wars are for consoles.
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>Shitty PC game coming to consoles

[dsp shouting wow]

I guess they want an audience that actually pays for games instead of torrenting them or waiting until there's 90% off in a steam sale.

>No mod support

Lol what's even the point?
Man, that last mission is going to melt consoles.
The first game sold better on PC than console

How the hell is it supposed to run on consoles while most PC's can't handle it properly?

It's also objectively worse than XCOM:EW.
posting in an epic thread
still sold well on consoles, probably at least 500-600k. XCOM had 3m on Steamspy but a great deal were cheap as dirt from sales.

XCOM2 is only at 800k on steam and not showing strong legs at all.
Everyone saw this a mile away.
Anyways enjoy it, its a solid title even in vanilla.
The real edition is the PC one due to modding but if you dont have a high performance rig to run it I suppose playing it vanilla on console is a good secondary option.
>first game sold better on PC

Is that lifetime sales? If so, how many of those sales were over $5?
delete this
Who said that? Dum dums probably. Please buy this so I can get more XCOM in the future.
So many forms of damage Control...
>It's shit without mods
>It's a bad game anyway
>the last mission will melt Ps4
>how will it run on PS4 when my SLI can't run it
a lot of talk that month. weak back end. lack of long war is why its quite.
Is it better than the first game?
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E3 starting off on the right foot for consoles, on the wrong one for PC.
Not at all. The only thing that was improved was the in-built modding support.
They rebalanced the action economy. You can now shoot after you take your first action regardless of what it was. Psi is broken as balls. Snipers can go full Woo, and have a gunslinger tree.

Its more polished for sure, but I think that EW is better than Xcom2 overall. That may be the hundred hours of Long War talking, though.
So I guess this thread isn't really about XCOM 2 then.
For a moment there I thought we would actually talk about video games.
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I don't get it?

>games that got a console version years after PC
>most of them are pointless without mods or just a chore with a controller
>games announced for a console port at least a year ago and still nothing e.g. Cities Skylines, KSP, KF2

So you're saying I should be on PC to play all these games years earlier?
That's nice for consolefags, exclusivity is dumb.
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>probably at least 500-600k

I doubt it, There's not any proof it sold well, because in the npd the game was never listed after the first month.
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>95% chance they said
I can handle the wait.
Hope you guys have fun with it. It's a good game :3
Okay, cool.
Someone rank the xcom games for me.
I played XCOM and the old one with the underwater missions and I loved both.
The old one was insanely hard though.
This is a legitimate question.
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Half of the fun of XCOM 2 is the mods though.

OpenX-COM > XCOM: Long War > XCOM: EW/EU > XCOM 2
There's quite a few scenarioes where that rings true
Fo4, Skyrim, Stalker, DaS1 (on PC), etc
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holy fuck this thread is getting better and better
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>years after PC
xcom 2 was released this year
Why? I mean that sincerely?
I'm glad, it's a great game and it's good that consolefriends get to play it.
Imagine if you considered video games your hobby while only having one platform. Maybe you'd end up like all the infantile retards in this thread.
you know that there are thousands PC exclusives?
>game is announced
>says PC only
>people question
>oh its coming later because we're a small team
>coming to consoles
Why is /v/, mostly PCucks, so retarded? Everytime I said it would be ported people shitposted me even with the facts.
Don't mind him. Too many fags aren't /idort/ here.

Good, this means guaranteed gamepad support for PC and should hopefully result in more XCOM in the future, provided the console peeps actually buy the game this time around.

Shame that you won't get to enjoy the mods, though. You'll be missing out on Long War 2 and all the other goodies, but hey, that's life on the consoles for you. I'm sure they're used to it.
I'm sure that it will get mods

Fallout 4 has mods for consoles
You know there are millions of movies, yet most people will never watch over a thousand in their lifetime? They are shit.
Have fun console friends.
Thanks for the beta test pcfats, we'll take it from here.

Seriously though, this is great, I loved XCOM1 but my shitty laptop couldn't run XCOM2.
At least they'll probably get all the DLC in a game of the year edition.
>all these announcements just BEFORE E3

I swear to god I don't understand how this fucking industry operates.
Don't worry guys, you still have undertale :^)
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>turn based is good meme

You can have it back. Love the pcuck tears though, keep em coming you faggots.
>Is there a Long War 2 in the works?

>thousands of PC exclusives

Yeah and 99% of them are Smartphone tier shovelware.
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Why are they all announcing this prior to E3? First Horizon Zero Dawn, then Persona 5 and now XCOM 2.

Why arent they saving this for E3?

fucl yea xcom 2 for ps4
Phone shovelware on Steam only started being pushed in the last 2-3 years, you know.
Nah, you gotta buy the DLC separately just like on PC: https://xcom.com/news/en-xcom-2-console-playstation-4-xbox-one

There will probably be bundles on all platforms down the line but initially it'll be no different from how it's sold on PC.
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>Fallout 4 has mods for consoles
There's a few nice total conversions like Dragonpunk in the works, but these things take time. Hopefully Firaxis might package some of them up as a sort of "best of mods" DLC pack for consolefriends at some point.
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Slit your throat and bleed out mustards
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It already doesn't feel right.
It's true
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>This entire thread
Well it does. It's been a bit of a clusterfuck, not all mods work on console, and it's caused a huge shitstorm in the modding community, but it does have mods.
and the only reason for that is that the dev doesnt know anything about programming so he cant port it
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It's not fair bros. I'm sick and tired of the exclusivity lies. Anyone got a link to a good deal for a PS4?
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I see what happened there, you've got a conflict.
The people saying oh good for them enjoy guys! Might just be the saltiest of them all

Technically it is, but the few mods that fallout 4 can get on consoles are trash.

Might be better for Xcom2 since most useful mods are probably not that big or complicated. But Fallout4 mods on consoles are JUST tier.
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more people get to play it, which means we're more likely to get more sequels.
seems pretty good, don't why people would want to keep a game exlusive
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Because there's always a bunch of shit announced at E3 and there's a chance that your ebin announcement will be topped be something even more ebin.

Publishers and devs release info now so people can be hyped without having 30 other studios trying to hype people at the same time.
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>It's also objectively worse than XCOM:EW.

This just isn't true.

It's weaker than Long War in many areas (not that Long War wouldn't be flawless though, plus you just couldn't sell something as demanding as LW to a mainstream audience), but it's definitely an improvement over EU/EW.

And it's only going to get better with age (on PC anyway) thanks to the lively mod community.
The real reason is that the game uses a 4th wall-breaking CTD trick that Sony or MS wouldn't allow.
I'm glad console people get to play it, exclusivity is bogus anyway, and it's a good game. I'll still prefer to play it on PC, but it's nice that others can play.
Doesn't this game run badly even on high end pcs?
What were there topping on?
Was there any DLC offered on this game? It better come bundled.
>get the definitive edition that's optimized, has all the DLC, and has controller support
Pretty fucking based Tbh
>PC game gets console release
>Nobody really minds
>Shitposters have to false flag because they aren't getting the response they wanted

What a terrible thread
2016 has been rough on pc friends.
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Very true. This is exactly what I said when Bloodborne came to PC.
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It's very CPU bound, if you have a shit processor it will tank.
I don't know. I think the game had the most trouble on machines that were right in between recommended and minimum specs.
I had no trouble at all running it on my 390, even if it did get really hot during the menu.
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>Entire thread is literally shitposters baiting nobody
it's funny comparing the PC users reaction to the PS4 users reaction.
Sadly it's not being bundled. I'd say Alien Hunters is worth it, it basically introduces 3 recurring boss aliens that keep their health from mission to mission. They provide a really fun challenge, but the other DLC packs are all cosmetics stuff, so probably not really worth it.

I'm a bit surprised no one is taking the b8
Exactly. Exclusives are the death of video games in the long run, just so some fanboys can wave their dick around.
>Our Take
>It’s great that this is coming to consoles, though we’re unclear if 2K has any plans on bringing over a selection of mods. Those were touted as a prime purpose of focusing on PC, and with Bethesda showing it can be done, it would be great if that functionality came to Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
why does no one remember that the PS3 version of UT3 supported mods?
Because nobody played UT3 on PC, and even fewer played it on consoles.
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As if I need MORE challenge on my Commander run, jesus christ.
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>Flame wars
Are you guys 12 years old?
Only consolekids really care about exclusivity because multiplats are always the best on PC, so a console game going multiplat to PC means they lose the "best platform to play the game on" for that game, while nothing changes when a PC game gets ported to consoles.
>get the definitive edition that's optimized, has all the DLC, and has controller support
>has all the DLC

nigga if you weren't a complete shitposting sonygger then you'd know for a fact that Firaxis is gonna release an expansion pack

you gotta wait at least another year for the actual definitive edition
i played that in 2015, almost worth the 300 bucks i payed to play it, but now my PS4 is mostly collecting dust.
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>game gets ported to anywhere. Doesn't matter where.
>incessant shitposting amplifies.
How do fucks even find entertainment in this after so many years of it?
Basically they get a turn every time you do any action, and the other aliens don't really help them, so it becomes this weird meta-fight going on during normal combat.

Also they typically have moves that KO your soldiers rather than kill them, and they run away at half health.

So it's basically a doomed release then


Well, I hope you're right, I've been meaning to play it and I have a fury
Because PC fanboys are like little kid mentality. They will talk mad shit when they think they have an upper hand in some way, but when that leverage, so to speak, is gone. Silence.

Just a reminder how hard their shitposting was when consoles didn't have a release date. Now that they do, they shut their mouths and give the old, acceptence speech.
Because this place is full of people that don't play games. Not even meming, a lot of people here will never play this game and have just "sided" with something to make their lives have some sort of meaning. They want to fit in. They want to feel they picked the "right side" so they try and shit on the other "side" as much as possible.

These people don't give a fuck about gaming, they only care about their ego.
Yeah, XCOM 2's ending pretty heavily hinted at a Terror From The Deep expansion.

I thought most of that was falseflagging, desu.
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>1080p in 2016
i thought 1440p is almost the standard now

They are making their own game. Expect a Kickstarter this year
You're a memer, of course you thought that.
>Hey, be an adult and respond to these shitposts

Surely you can't be this stupid.
most steam users cant even do 1080p, so probably not
I don't see how it can run on the consoles.
Obviously it does, or they wouldn't announce it, but what it looks like and how well it runs are debatable.
Performance isn't that big of an issue to be honest, it's turn based, who cares about frame drops.
But I do worry it will look like EW did on iOS.
And of course lack of mods, which was a huge selling point for me.
If the mods permabanned everyone who has ever posted goldenlel or the fanboy wojak edits this place would skyrocket in quality overnight. I guarantee it
Actually, they're doing both. And why not when 2K is so generously handing over money to them for it?
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>VR flopped
>Never Persona 5
>Never Yakuza
>Losing only worthwhile exclusive
>No Odin Sphere
>Uncharted 4 has the best graphics in a videogame
>Bloodborne never
>FFXII never

Is this the worst year ever for Pkeks?
or just ban console wars and PC vs console threads
is pc gaming crushed forever?
are we finally free from pcuckery?
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FFXII HD has been on PC for like 5 years already
They do that, it's just often slow or they miss some
Didn't EU sell like garbage on consoles?
Also XCOM2 runs like shit even on a top tier rig

Eh, I suppose it is none of my business but I'm watching this from afar with a case of popcorn
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I'm gonna get it to be honest,

I played xcom EW on pc and played it to death, but my computer is a shitter and just can't handle 2

I think I'll play the original xcom this summer while I'm waiting for september.
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Nice. I really was looking foreword to playing XCOM2, but was sad it wasn't on consoles, but glad to see that it's making the jump.
As long as I get my 4x games, I don't care about ports one way or the other.
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Good for you, console bros. Enjoy it, I know I did.
Yeah what a bunch of kids, making games permanently impossible to discuss on /v/ because you can't live and let live is clearly the superior mentality.
>it's a Sonyggers pretend anyone still falls for the "NEVER EVER" bait thread
Thanks PC bro. I hope many games you wish to play get ported to PC.
>not shitposting is a little kids mentality
Are you underage or just retarded?
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Good attempt at an acceptance speech. Keep em coming.
What bait? the game is coming to consoles.
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Mustard here, I'm glad. Exclusivity is bullshit, even when it's "benefiting" me.

Enjoy our scraps Plebstation
Not the actual article, the Sonyggers posting golden lel faces and NEVER EVER to try and get a rise out of PCucks
He means all the gold faces and wojacks
No they didn't say never ever you fuck
Yeah, no thanks.
I've seen the game. Its a shit sequel.
> to try and get a rise out of PCucks
looks like it's working
He means the golden faces.
Which at this point does nothing. It's ironic really, sonycucks created a bait that almost always got a ton of replies, yet they used it so often that they've basically "immunized" everyone to it, making it so nobody cares anymore
Not sure why would a PC gamer care about exclusives. I have my doubts about how the dynamically generated destructive environment will perform on consoles since the XCOM 2 is heavily CPU bound. But for whatever it's worth - enjoy the game.
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Is it bad that I buy PS4 games that were originally PC exclusive, just so I show PC developers all the money is in PS4? I don't even play them.
>Console exclusive finally comes to PC

>PC exclusive comes to console
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>heavily CPU bound

That's an understatement.
>dynamically generated destructive environment
My biggest beef with the game is actually how I can't have my troops target environmental stuff as a normal action. Its really cool how las and plasma weapons can fry walls and stuff on miss, but I wish that I could target them manually. I get that the game is balanced around cover, but it would still be neat to have more options.
If it means less games and money for PC, it's always a good thing
A couple of overhauls? Where can I see them?

>tfw Valkyria chronicles allows this

They have no excuse for not allowing it
>Is it bad

Only for your wallet
Nah, I buy these PS4 games with steam trading cards.
it was shit anyway
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so why would anyone besides kids and poorfags complain when a game is on more platforms?
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There are a lot of skills that destroy cover, and you can destroy cover with grenades.
If you can knock a floor out from under an enemy they will take fall damage which is a great way to kill turrets.
I always take at least two grenadiers with me. It's so satisifying to make your own door.

Have they fixed that "guaranteed damage to cover" skill? It did nothing the last time I last checked it, but it was before the last big patch

It holds back games back in the technical department, wich sometimes affects gameplay.

Also because the Console userbase is more casual, it in turn casualizes videogames, just look at the witcher 3 for an example.

It doesn't apply here anyway since this was a PC game first and console port second

Shit was an iOS title first and foremost.
Can't say I've ever used that, I usually use grenades, rockets and the LMG skill.
I also have a pyro modded class that can destroy cover with a flame-thrower.
Well that's it for pc gaming for me. What's the best deal on a ps4 right now? I'm sick of this shit.
This never happened though. XCOM 2 came out and everybody just said "oh, I guess the console version is coming later" and moved on with their lives. Personally, I'm happy it's coming to consoles because now my friends can play it and I can talk about it with them.
That looks like an unfun steaming pile of shit. Keep it.
Sure, most engagements with a pod go something like grenade, flank, crit crit.
I just would think that for high tier weapons, give them something like the mec's collateral damage ability on a 3 turn CD or therabouts.
I mean, UFO Defense did destroy everything just fine, and that game is ancient.
Didn't the devs themself made fun of consoles or something like that?
>The port will be handled by a relatively new developer called The Workshop, founded by veterans from Call of Duty studio Treyarch. "The incredible reception of XCOM 2 has been rewarding and humbling for the team, and we’ve known console fans have been clamoring to play the game too," XCOM 2 creative director Jake Solomon says. "As avid console players ourselves, we’re excited to work with The Workshop to bring XCOM 2 to all of our fans."

Wait hold the fuck up, what did they work on before they left treyarch?
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Wait for the PS4.5 I hear it will have a GTX 1080 and will run at 4K 60fps.
They also said it was a PC exclusive to deliver a good game
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Oh God it's DOOM all over again.
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And then they realized that pc has no money
Can we just accept that games are platform fluid and stop having threads like this?
I'm own a PS4 aswell but it's kinda sad to see that even big games like xcom can't survive without whoring themself out like that. I mean if they say big stuff like that you'd at least think they can back that up with their actions.
build me a pc for 400 dollars that can run this game.
That's nonsensical, you're wasting money on a retarded console war. Developers are gonna keep making games for both systems for the benefit of everyone.
Mustard here, I'm happy for you guys getting a good game, I don't give a shit about exclusives.
And the "scraps" meme makes no fucking sense whatsoever. It never did and it never will.
Really? I knew they'd do it one day...but will it be as good as the PC version?
probably not, mods are one of the best things about the game
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Le 99% chance huehuehuehue

Where's your god now PCfats?
Post yfw PCkeks got BTFO
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Depends what you're using.
A maxed out heavy gunner will have 3-4 grenades and 1-2 missiles with the hardsuit, normally you should have plasma grenades pretty early if you're not dragging your feet on research.
A good player will have at least 1-2 Haywire grenades on them incase he encounters a sectopod.
So lets assume you have two heavies, that's 8 chances at destroying cover with no accuracy rolls, 12 if you're not using Haywire (which you should be because fuck sectopods).
There's also the cover destroying skill from their LMG, I forget the name, but that's even more opportunities to destroy cover.
Every soldier can carry one or two grenades, so it just adds up.
There shouldn't be many situations in which you can't destroy cover with grenades if your loadout is on point.
Last time I looked through the mods for XCOM2, it was all mediocre character customization options, overpowered weapons, abilities, and classes, and "balance tweaks" that removed mechanics or buffed the player to make everything easy mode. Literally the only mod I saw that I considered using was the one that retroactively gives soldiers their bonus ability if they already hit the randomly assigned rank needed for it before you built the AWC but still chose not to. Mods for XCOM2 are all meh so far.
i hope youre joking, i could buy one for 200 that could run newer games than xcuck 2
but we can still play it on PC.
why would we want to keep something exclusive when it means less sales?
I can make one for a little under $599 and it'll play this game pretty damn well.
thanks for the beta testing, pcucks.

>tfw there are "people" out there who are mad as fuck right now

When did /v/ start dedicating all their freetime sperging over whatever console they have? Can we just talk about games? Anyways, hope you consolebros enjoy the game.
He's not and he's right. XCOM2 is EXTREMELY poorly optimized. Even after the performance update, it still shits the bed in some situations, even if the PC running it can run newer, better looking games on higher settings.
Thanks pc-kun
Steam and PSN should just merge at this point. It'd be the best for everyone.

Even though I already own it, I'll gladly buy it again on PS4 just to support the series.
We'll need to see the final product when it hits the stores.

Mods are XCOM2's strongest point unless they somehow add the ability to include mods into the console versions.

Also since XCOM2 was made originally for PCs, they'll probably have to go and modify the game to fit consoles. And we know well how that sometimes ends when you make a console port of a PC game or vice-versa.
when consoles and pc get worse the fans become more pathetic too
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>PC gets console game
>e-e-e-e-e-enjoy the scraps

>consoles get PC game

you cant make this shit up
I've heard of some more interesting ones coming out. I know that there's a wave survival mod on the workshop now and I think there is one being developed that is supposed to make the game focus more around guerrilla warfare. Something along the lines of reinforcements start to pour in as soon as your squad is detected so you have to do the objective quickly and evac out. You also need to carry the alien corpses to the evac zone if you want to get any research done.
Yeah, I've had my GPU jump to full load in some situations for seemingly no reason.
That's good, hope it sells well on consoles.
Enjoy it, console-bros, it's a very good game, despite what the casuals of /v/ will tell you.
>When did /v/ start dedicating all their freetime sperging over whatever console they have?

where have you been the last 10 years?
Considering the performance issues, it'll probably run at 30fps with drops and not necessarily even at 1080p on consoles at best.

Besides the performance, it should be as nice as vanilla XCOM 2 is in general, but considering how much mods can and already do improve the game, you're going to be missing out on a good amount of stuff.

In other words, nothing out of the ordinary. Multiplats are best on PC as they usually are.
Are you suggesting that /v/ has anything other than free time?
pcuck btfo
I can't tell if some of the people in this thread are just memeing or actually trying to shit on PC players because a game is coming to consoles that was originally on PC first.
>cancerous pc cucks beta testing for consoles
>were shitposting about it for months about being their precious exclusive
>now its coming to console they try to pretend never ever
One way to solve performance issues for consoles would be to remove map generator and bundle the game with 10-20 maps with baked in lightning and destruction animations, like they did with EU
>Uncharted graphics the best
Top kek, that game looks like shit
I mostly stay on /tv/ and /pol/, but I come here occasionally to see gaming news. I never seen the shitposting get this bad until a couple years ago. It's not even funny shitposting, it's straight up serious angst. It's all "It's not fair!" memes or "Never Ever" ones.
I still prefer Long War over it. It just doesn't bring me the same amount of joy like Long War did

Am I autistic?
And that's the PC's strongest point. You can most of the time fix a game if it's bugged or modify it unlike on consoles.
Star Wars TOR ruined the board.
the characters models and animations are great.
too bad the FOV is absolute shit, the actual locations look worse than Crysis and it's somehow still 30fps
I'm loving this new TIMED EXCLUSIVE meme, this industry has you wrapped around their finger. keep the money flowing in goyim.
Cool, but I don't think most of us sonybros actually care, look at the @playstation twitter's retweet/likes compared to say persona or horizon. We just don't care.
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I told you.
It's just blatant falseflagging. I do it to ridicule console wars.
This is a good thing, since exclusives don't benefit consumers at any level.
>when they can put time into optimising...
They didnt even optimised the game for PC
I honestly can't see it working in consoles unless is a massive downgrade
why would you save that. I guess today's your shining moment?
I don't think so. I liked long war a lot more too. More early game options are nice, even if the mid and late game are tedious as fuck.
>2+ year old forgotten game ports
>few months old port of the only decent pc exclusive
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I remember using that image and took 5 seconds to search it on the archive to find the post, you willy.
Why would you remember that?
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Post yfw you will never ever be a pccuck
Optimising is about more than just graphics.
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>2+ year
>Street Fighter V
>It's not fair
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Well yeah, i guess they can take gameplay mechanics like destruction i guess
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This entire thread makes me lose hope in vidya industry
The console war mentality is one of the main pillars of a cancerous community yet /v/ embraces this cancer lime its a good thing
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90% of mine are cosmetic, just because the character customization is so fun.
Why would you not want a Halo Spartan running around with an AK47 and the voice of Sterling Archer?

The others I have are new classes and quality of life tweaks like being able to remove attachments from weapons or allowing partial mission completions.
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>tfw another console war thread and get to laugh at poorfags that can't afford every current gen console and a solid gaming PC
It's just people baiting, my man.
Sweet. My junkbox pc couldnt run it so this is great news for me.
sfv was never exclusive
This thread made me realize how much of a fucking faggot I was when I had the PS4 and was an annoying shitlord acting like how people are acting in this thread

Thanks lord I sold that shit after I was done with BB and Infamous.

PS4 fags are fucking pathetic
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I feel like console only users don't understand how PC getting a console game is different to consoles getting a PC game.

When PC gets a console game, the best platform for that game is trasnmitted to PC, because PC has more options, modability and higher settings.

When a console gets a PC game, the best platform remains PC.
You can't say "thanks for beta testing" because the whole point of that analogy is that the later version works better.

Anyway, enjoy the game console-friends.
I can afford a PS4, but I don't think it's a good enough purchase when the only game for it that interests me is Bloodborne.
Maybe by 2017 it will have two whole exclusives that I care about. I might buy it then.
Anyways. No h8, enjoy XCom 2, m8s.
Anyone who didn't see this coming is a fool.
The real question is, how much did ms pay to be the "lead development console"
It had serious optimization issues for a long ass time that pretty much killed a ton of interest it had.

The game itself is pretty ok but some of the enemies are top tier bullshit. This game totally pushes your shit in if you aren't at the exact level you should be at the right time.
Console war is good.
It forces the companies to keep up the edge and actually try and make good shit, instead of sitting on their fat asses milking cash cows.
Console war = competition
Competition = competitors trying harder
Competitors trying harder = better games

Do you want a monopoly? Monopolies destroy product quality.
What mods are these?

The mask looks delicious.
i can understand that, especially with the new PS4 model being announced soon it would be dumb to buy one now.
hopefully games like Bloodborne use it to get 60fps
Pretending to be retarded is no better than being literally retarded
I think they "baited" on this shitposting subjects so hard that thru are no longer baiting, they really believe this carp and hate other consoles with burning passion
You can't make this shit up man
>Console war is good.
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>You can play Bloodborne and XCOM 2 on the same system

At this point why even own a $1200 PC??

My real question is how will this even run?

It runs at 45 fps with AA off on my 960. The optimization is just plain bad
Are you seriously suggesting that consoles are pushing hardware competition?
to get more than 20-30 fps
>consoles won't be able to have cloned ayys in their squads
if you want to have a larger library than just two games
I'm pretty sure it's just people trying to get a rise out of others. I wouldn't be surprised if a third of the people shitposting and saying "PCucks btfo" were PC gamers themselves.
It tends to be a very easy way to get people mad.
I was talking about games anon. I specifically said "better games."
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if consoles wars are so good, then why has the industry become nothing but CAWADOODY and ASSCREED

console peasants reeeeeeee

also I don't think i've really heard anything much about XCOM2 aside for the first 2 (of 3) DLCs included in the season ass were basically vanity options--but not really good vanity options, just sort of cutting room floor sort of pieces.
Why do games need to be exclusive to different platforms in order to compete with one another?
You know when the game released it felt really odd that the game still played casually, like it belonged on consoles than on PC
And lo and behold
XCom 2 looks and performs better on my PC than on the PS4, mate. That applies to every multi platform game that isn't Batman: Arkham Knight. That's a pretty good reason to have a PC, in my opinion famalam.
>It forces the companies to keep up the edge and actually try and make good shit, instead of sitting on their fat asses milking cash cows

Not sure if being sarcastic
Console war between companies is good and you're right, but do you really believe that posting golden faces and shitposting and advertising exclusives and platforms for free on a video game board will increase the community quality?
And the funny point is people always forget that the "console war competition" is not about the quality of the video game, its about how much god damned money the developers and console owners make.
They don't give q fuck about you and me beside milking your wallet yet people defend their platform to justify their purchase like their life is depending on it
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you can't play BB and Demon's Souls on the same system though can you?
its from my toaster laptop
It doesnt look that pretty but I can still run it
those who say that xcom 2 is poorly optimized are just false flaggers
Trying to find the name but Steam Workshop is down and XCOM 2 won't launch unless I download a 180Mb update, but it's one of the most popular mods, should be right on the front page.
It's called something something modular helmets.
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Can't wait for the second wave of "MUH TURN LIMITS" whining
The Fallout 4 experiment already shows that moders hate console players, and go out of their way to make it clear that they WON'T mod for consoles.Mods will not be standard for consoles in the coming age.
>Consolefags huffing and puffing their chest about 1080p/60fps
>Meanwhile people with standards moved onto 1440p/144fps already and can't stand the sight of 1080p/60fps anymore

How adorable.
but since pc isnt a console then wouldnt every game on pc be an exclusive?
>modular helmets
OK, thanks for the info anon.
>they can't even mos it off
This time it's going to be way louder
To be honest, it'd be great if it was impossible to mod the timers so that casuals would have to git gud.
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months later
>f-f-fuck xcom 2, it's u-u-unfair
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XCOM 2 is GIT GUD incarnate.
Consolefags have no idea how to play strategy games.
Let the tears flow like wine.
If anyone wants actual xcom discussion then come on over to the general. They are pretty nice
>"is the age of PC gaming dead?"
We know PC is the future of gaming. Already Consoles can't last another generation without having a massive price hike with their next gen release,
Their popularity in the long run is limited, unless they follow the example of the steam machine, which is just a PC steambox (which is most PC's anyway)
Regardless PC is the 600 pound gorilla of the gaming industry, everyone knows it. Its not going anywhere without gaming itself going away.
Dammit. Why are Vipers so seductive?
>shit game gets port
wohoo. yay. we .... win..
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Because humans are drawn to predatory features
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more of a casual filter. i haven't tried LW, but EW is wayy harder. base building is intense, panic is harder to maintain than abatap and relays are super forgiving as opposed to satellites. plus there's none of THIESE MOTHERFUCKERS.
>"Only decent pc exclusive"
why would a snek need panties
the beast clearly is attempting to seduce me
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/d/ sends her regards


If all the expansions are bundled I'll probably buy it again.
someone post snek guys pls
>unless they follow the example of the steam machine
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Why would you say that?
I'd gladly take thin men over stunlancers, personally.
I can't wait for all the dank new xcom MEMES that ps4 bros come up with
basic stunlancers won't kill you in 1 hit most of the time and if you got fucked by elites then it's your fault for being such a shit by that point in the game. getting critted 17 tiles away from full cover is way more of an XCOM moment.
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Have they optimized the game on PC yet? It still runs like shit for me. Meanwhile I can put almost everything on high to ultra in Witcher 3 and everything runs smoothly.
imagine a world where people like this get kicked in the balls every 10 seconds
PSV release when?
the first game ran pretty good on it.
>expect floods of snake porn from this game
>maybe one page on paheal
What went wrong?
PC is fucking nerds.

Consoles are where the fun is.

Seriously, I used a PC and having to navigate the buttons on the buttonboard was utterly retarded. What do they think we are, fucking Einstein?

Get used to it, PCCucks, it's over.
The sales were bad, yeah, but the example they laid out was the important thing.
Anyone who would have been interested in the steam machine was already invested with an actual gaming PC.
i'm sorry but the PC can't fuck anyone.
For me, the only reason to replay it is the mods

>What is Skyrim?
Look at the bright side.

We have mods, while consoles may or may not. Also they'd have to tone down some of the things for the game to work on consoles.
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literally most games require only the mouse or wasd + mouse
>PC loses one of the greatest strats ever
>wwwweeeee don't care we don't care aaaaaassaaaaabhhbbbbbbhhhh
Hahahahahhahhahahahahhahahha Hahahahahahahaha
Get fuckin rekt
You know you're talking to a Sony shitposter, yes?
Keep telling yourself that Pcuck...if i just make another Bloodborne thread only to discuss the game,i bet a pcfag is gonna cry about it
I don't find stun lancers annoying because they're potential to be lethal, and they become irrelevant late game just like thin men do. I find stun lancers annoying because of their chance to knock someone unconscious. I had some very bad luck with that when I first started playing before I learned how to properly deal with stun lancers.
>Keyboards are too complicated for me
Really? Thats the reason you don't like PC? You can connected a controller you know.
losing implies we can't play it anymore.
Did Gaben even lose much on Steam Machines? It seems like it was just a new way those AlienWare faggots to produce overpriced PCs, trying to market them to the console audience this time. Valve didn't mass-produce them, anyway, not like how Nintendo, M$ and Sony mass produce their obsolete dilapidated consoles.

Good job you are one of the people with common sense...too bad your kind are not welcome here kek
Is Gaia leaking?
What begging?
>Consoles will NEVER EVER have access to Microsoft Office
This. My friend introduced me to Xcom, and he is a consolefag. I was disapointed when I found out we wouldn't be able to play 2 and discuss it with each other.
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>console will NEVER EVER have photoshop
Nope, Gabe and Valve don't actually do anything these days.
They sit on their asses and "allow" 3rd parties to to do stupid shit like the HTC Vive and Steam Machines while they take a cut and avoid any risks associated with actually developing anything.
>Xcom twitter is going to announce something
>half the replies are "PLS BE CONSOLE ANNOUNCEMENT"

Nope but your mother is leaking my semen after a fucked her
We're laughing. We never stopped. You can laugh with us or bitch.
I'm guessing your going with the bitching.
we do too
but with mods that streamline performance
>OP literally starts with "Awesome game, enjoy consolebros."
>False flagger and Console fags still have to shitpost like crazy
/v/ can't allow even one decent thread can they?
Except if it's a porn thread full of trap shit
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>people lauding fucking videogames over each other

Truly, platform wars are the worst cancer.
>being this underage
>Dirt Rally
Nigger that shit never was a Exclusive to begin with.
It was planned for Console just like the last games since the beginning but hey went EA first.

>Cities Skylines
>The Talos Principle
When did that happend? Haven't even heard one bit of news on that one coming to Console

>Killing Floor 2
That shit isn't even remotely out on console yet thanks to the dev being incompetent idiots that update once every 6 months.
Same shit as for Rally is the case here too you emo faggot.
>not having a Nintender and a pc or other console
The fuck is your problem?
stop tempting me snek
you'd pay 4 times the price for framerate, what a cunt
Fuck off, faggot.

Why would anyone ever be sad about other people being able to play a good game? Have fun.
700-800 is only like twice of the PS4 price
At least try to hide your butthurt pcfag.
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Tempting you? Where did you get the idea that I was tempting you?

Its funny to see how your anger is literally seething through every post you make.
I'm quite surprised that anybody spoiled the ending. I'm proud of you, guys
You mean the ending where Hodor goes back in time and kills Dumbledore?
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>consolefags will never have nude sneks.
More people get to play it. Cool I guess?
It's not like the PC platform is invalidated, like consoles would be if they lost all exclusives.
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>consolefags will never take their cloned snek to a diner after xcom exposes that advent is just converting people into genetic matter for the elders
can't wait for the aliens to win again
Now I'm wondering how will they make XCOM3 after all that happened.

Hoping for a cyberpunk-ish sequel where you can recruit the aliens you fought in the previous two games to fight a much worse threat. THE BRAINSUCKERS FROM X-COM APOCALYPSE.
> They have to downgrade graphics
Well, they save the HD version for the next generation.

Yeeah, I know, you can't play old games on the new console. xDDD
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Snek dating minigame mod when
Are people this underage on /v/? The most popular PC games were always ported to consoles after the fact.
>Duke 3d
>Unreal Tournament 3 (previous titles were converted to Unreal Championship)
>Orange Box
>Doom 3
>Starcraft Brood War
>SimCity Classic
PC has literally NEVER been about exclusives. Most games were exclusive or temporary exclusives because they were simply too difficult to port because of the control scheme or consoles didn't have enough memory to play the game (A lot of FPS ports are crippled versions of the original game)
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Just finished the game.
I'm now anxiously waiting for the terror from the deep remake they teased.
Also I want my mechs back.

Also if you engage in console wars, you are a bad person.
Cities: Skylines announced a console port ages ago but it's gone nowhere, my guess is they can't figure out how to optimize the game for controller.
I fucking knew it. Hahahhahahahahahhaha.

Get fucked PCucks
The Tropico series somehow does it.
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>B-b-b-bu- it wasn't even good to begin, take the mediocre scarps of an average game, peasants.

Oh you keks are bunch of knuckle heads.
>the terror from the deep remake they teased
Will XCOM3 really be something like that? Or will it be something different?
> Consolewar babbies
Explain to me why I should be angry about people being able to play a game? I can certainly understand NOT being able to play a game, but why should I be happy that other people can't?
They most certainly did say never ever
Even someone on the development team made a joke that there was a 95% chance it was coming to console(cause that means a miss haha) and PC fats posted it for days afterwards
But guess what turns out PC gamers don't buy games so they had to port to console to make any actual money on it. As always PC gamers are their own worst enemy and cause their own problems.
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You might get it, anon.
Because of that i knew it would get a console release, we basically bought the game just so they could make a console version.
An I thank you for that, anon.
>believing it won't come with mods already.
what was so special Bloodborne anyways?
played it and seemed like a generic action game with frame rate that can barely keep 30
How is it going to come with mods if the creators don't port them?
Firaxis does not own the mod content.
This is already happening with Fallout 4 where mod support on consoles was promised yet is almost non-existent because modders either can't or won't port their content.
>what was so special Bloodborne anyways?
Its exclusive.
>because fallout 4 wasn't a disaster
oh, why is that a positive?

I dont know but it makes some peoples wee wee hard.
>PCucks get superior ports of console games
>Consolekeks get inferior ports of PC games

Honestly, I don't give a flying fuck about NEVER EVER EVER shit, but it's pretty pathetic when consolefags are genuinely mocking PCshits when they get stuff like this
Certainly not the PCKEKS
Yes, randomly generated maps, PSYOPS not being a necessity, more variety of enemies, and the support class actually being worth something.

What are 12?

Grow up.
i bet civ 6 is getting a console release to
If the devs want to make more than 3 dollars.
We are not longer separated, once more we unite in our hatred of AYY LMAO's

Civ 2 was on playstation i think.
you can buy pc games outside of steam

that is weapons grade autism

>Implying most consolefags actually like startegy games.
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>mfw consolecucks don't know how to play TBS
>mfw modders hate consolecucks so much they won't mod for ps4
>mfw this flops and Firaxis remembers only PC players play TBS
Civ 5 is one of the most popular Steam games though
Weird considering Civ IV and V got multiple expansion packs and now a sequel without porting to consoles.
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>Awesome game, enjoy consolebros.
>Thanks for beta testing PCKeks.

Never has /v/ better been summed up in two posts

I hope you are underage
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>played EU and EW on Xbox 360 because my PC was shit and loved them both to bits
>four years later and still no new PC, couldn't play XCOM 2
>mfw this news

Man, I am genuinely happy about this. Gonna be a day one buy for sure.
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Fucking normies, fucking normalfags. Get off my game you'e a bunch of fucking normalfags.
And all of them bought it when it was on sale for -99% off. Pkeks don't like games, they like memes and stealing.
That's not a bad idea actually. use Squadron 42 to entice people into building high-end PC's for the full game. Sounds sort of like what EVE did with Dust.
Well, I do it too but for all games. Not because I love consoles or something like that, I don't even own PS4 or XO. I just don't want to buy games on PC because of its retarded community (PCMR), so I pirate and play all games on PC and then buy console version if possible.
Didn't the first xcom sell like utter shit on consoles?
but PS4 users are the niggers
If you're a publisher that wants to make the most money possible, then you port to every system that can justify the resources spent to make it.
2k is a publisher that can more than afford to make ports to every major platform, unreal makes porting itself easy enough, and xcom is a big enough game that it will consistently sell enough on every platform to make back whatever it spent on working on a port.

As long as the ports themselves aren't total fuckups, I'm sure there's a big enough audience for them. Firaxis did the same thing with Enemy Unknown.
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>8 man squad comprised of delta and noble
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>Pkeks don't like games, they like memes
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shitposting aside, that's great news, XCOM2 is a great game. Played it at 15fps on my toaster but still enjoyed it immensely.
>PS4 users are thieving nigs

That's why PS4 games have Denuvo. Oh wait...
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yeah, i also wonder why a bunch of PS4 are on craiglist for a 100 dollars.
totally doesn't sound like niggers
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great, cant wait for the sony shitposting
Ok I got my modlist.

It's called Stenchfury Modular Helmets
And I wonder why pkeks are blowing guys on backpage for a cheese sandwich. Oh, it's because they spent all of their daddy's money on a virgin tower, so they have to torrent all their games now...wah
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>This thread
>sonygger starts posting his cuck fantasies out of nowhere
Yesss this is all I wanted.

Fuck your console/PC shitposting
I wasn't describing a cuck, I was describing a thieving piece of shit who needs Denuvo in all his games. There is literally no money to be made in PC these days. I'm glad Firaxis realized that.
After you play Xcom2 without terrible frame rate its hard to go back to EU
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PS4 is a thief, stop stealing our games.
Did they fix the optimization yet? I got it for my birthday and upgraded to a 970 yes I know poor timing, but I hear even high-end machines have trouble.
>Stenchfury Modular Helmets
Thanks bro. And hello sexy, badass helmets.
I have no issues with an 8350 and a 270X, the game seems very CPU bound.

I'm playing in a mix of medium and high.

I do get some lag and slowdown during the dropship loading screens but I could fix that by putting it on my SSD if it really bothered me.
>Every Xcom fan I know spent their entire time being aggravated with the new game

I would say the game needs to be fixed somehow before it gets ported.
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