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They just couldn't leave well enough alone could they?

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Thread replies: 520
Thread images: 141

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They just couldn't leave well enough alone could they?

That looks pretty bad. But not the worst thing I've ever seen. As long as they don't fuck up Protoman I'm good.
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>Trusting Man of Action
>schoolboy robot
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>Aki Light

Megaman going to school sounds like a cute idea tbqh
I'm sorry anon.
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>It's a "Prom is coming up but Megaman likes anime" episode
The Boom cartoon is actually good. The only real flop about Boom was the games.


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Can videogames just die already?
>The series will follow Mega Man’s newly-introduced alter-ego, Aki Light, a normal, upbeat, schoolboy robot who, when activated, re-forms into a suit of impenetrable armor. Other characters from the games and new characters, including Mega Mini, will also be featured.
Sounds really generic. New Mega Man design looks really amateurish, too.

>Not calling him Rock
Come on, guys. Judging by his surname, I guess Dr. Light is confirmed, not that that's a huge surprise. Fully expecting Dr. Wily to be an evil teacher or something.

That's because the cartoon is basically Ironic the Hedgehog made by people who are well aware of the Sanic meme.
Boom is actually funny, and successful though besides the wii u shitfest.
Doesn't change my point.
He looks like shota Tron.


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>Aki Light
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Watching Capcom steadily destroy this IP over the last few years has been something.

Thank fuck I never cared for the series.
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Fucking hell!
The show is the best part of the reboot, what the fuck are you talking about?

>yfw this is a neo Pac-Man situation and he's Megaman's son
Can Megaman out meme Pacman?
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I don't even care anymore, rape his corpse with corporate cock as much as you feel like
That's not the word you're looking for.

I don't know, Ben 10 and Generator Rex were decent shows, it's just that the execs at CN kept wanting to change and reboot the show in order to sell toys.

Megaman has a large catalog of robot masters, so if they just keep making figures of them I think it will strike a balance.

(That megaman looks terrible though.)
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>Aki Light
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Why not just make it about mega man

Why not just call him rock

Why can't cartoons based off video games be good
I trust him, Ben 10 and Generator X were good
That doesn't change the fact that the redesigns are bad and pointless.
Because video games are evil. Now come into the living room with us and watch this show about ghetto nigresses fighting over haircare products.
If you read the premises of Megaman ZX or Star Force out loud they'd probably sound just as silly.

I don't think this will be all that successful, but it's likely most of you wouldn't like anything created with the intention of appealing to 6-9 year olds today anyway.
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>the series will follow Mega Man’s newly-introduced alter-ego, Aki Light, a normal, upbeat, schoolboy robot who, when activated, re-forms into a suit of impenetrable armor

But he already has an alter-ego named Rock that would fit this bill perfectly???????????????????????
Definetly agree there.
Well...It isn't the worse redesign.
Ben 10 was great. The reason Ultimate Spider-Man was shit was because of Jeph Loeb being insane as usual. Show's gotten better though.
>Aki Light

What was wrong with 'Rock'?

Because Light will probably be Japanese and Rock doesn't sound like a Japanese name so they changed it to Aki sound more Japanese so kids will get that Megaman is from Japan japan japan japan japan
Now I'm curious how the other characters will look.
>this show is going to make the 90s megaman cartoon look like the citizen Kane of TV

Lord help us
>Why can't cartoons based off video games be good
Probably because most of those cartoons are given to people who don't know jack shit about the source material. They're given limited information and construct an entirely new product tailored to a formula. See: Sonic Boom

I'm afraid to see Roll.

Still, this is better than Sonic Boom at least.
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Yeah, that's probably it.

I'm trying not to pass judgement on this just yet. It's not passing itself off as the original Mega Man yet so I can accept it as another alternate universe.
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>Show's gotten better though.
Has it really?
I gave a chance to the first two seasons but Ultimate Spidey pisses me off, the show treats it's audience like retards and aside from White Tiger being hot as fuck and this reaction pic I don't see anything worthwhile.
Whatever, I'm way past the point of caring anymore.
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>Every other game for japan is localized to remove japanese stuff to not alienate murricans
>Murrican shows try really hard to be japanese
>the people who made the Sonic Boom game and the TV show had zero interaction with each other during production
I have to wonder why.
Like THAT will ever happen...
On the plus side, it might bring RVA out of retirement and we can enjoy watching him make fun of it.

Bite your tongue.
[Fapping intensifies]
I'm not gonna be hyper negative about it like /v/, if the show is good and the games that come with it are like BN where it's own thing and it's fun then no harm.

Ain't like this will replace the classic series

Well they did that in 2 of the spinoff series.

Legends and Battle Network.
>inb4 they don't count
Liar. I've never trusted Man of Action.

I just didn't expect him to have the Atari Logo on his head.
You know it to be true. She'll be the daughter of some OC female doctor that teases them about how cute they look together.

Nah, the few good game cartoons we've had are the ones that didn't give a flying shit about the original lore.

Games aren't plotted with a cartoon in mind, it's a waste of time to strongarm it;
What if she's Wily's?
meant for >>338942143

Man of Action is a talent pool. Not a person.

He's still a robot, and he's still made by Doctor Lifht (presumably), so it'd be silly to change that.

Although her name loses all meaning, now...
>She'll be the daughter of some OC female doctor
They can't possibly fuck up that badly right?

I'm not being hyper negative, I just think the design looks like shit.

The tron-lights on an already blue body look boring and the face looks like they copy pasted an anime mask on a western cartoon body, it doesn't work.
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>Although her name loses all meaning, now...
Wouldn't be the first time.
Artstyle Literally looks like that awful Brazilian comic
Giving him the surname 'Light' isn't really going to help that, especially if Dr. Light's full name is still 'Thomas Light'. The surname is the better indication of where someone's family comes from, rather than their first name: giving him a Japanese first name but and English surname doesn't really make sense if you're trying to communicate he's Japanese to children. If that's what they wanted to do, they could have called him Rock Hikari or something,
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No it doesn't. But it's on pair with that.
Example.: Pic.
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I-I totally knew that. I don't need someone like you to try to correct me, b-baka
Thanks for informing me
Lmao. Looks more like X than Rock.
It's okay to think of them as one person, anon. They may as well be.
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At least the br art resembles the original designs
X is the better design anyways.
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Oh I wasn't defending the design.

However I was just giving it a benefit of a doubt. I never like the 2012 TMNT designs but the show was decent, same with Green Lantern: the Animated Series and I liked Megaman Zero despite me not liking the character designs

All I hope that it's good and that's it
Boom is better for having little to with the game.
Post YFW they manage to put in "WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOOOOR?"
Oh so that's what that SFM pic was based on
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Holy fuck, post more.
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just fuck our shit up, senpaitachi

it's over, how do we honor mega man's burning legacy
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Play Mega Man 2 again.
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>Aki Light
I ain't even mad.
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>yfw Capcom announces mobile shit for Mega Man at E3 and it makes fans mad enough to buy MN9 purely out of spite

Might be cool. Doesn't look great, though. I hope that isn't flash animation.
>playing the second-worst NES game

nice meme senpai
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HOLY fuck that is some deviant art tier character design.

Also what is going on with that mouth.
of course
>not even Rock Light

They don't know shit
i dont care how bad it is if it has SUPAH FIGHTING ROBOT i will fucking watch that shit
We all will, and that's the worst part.
Why can't these cunts sell/outsource their properties to Nintendo already?
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>implying anyone would buy that game for any reason

Well. I'll try it again. MoA is good.

Not like it's gonna replace Classic, right?
>Other characters from the games and new characters, including Mega Mini, will also be featured.
What the fuck is a Mega Mini
I want to believe it's impossible at this point too, but you never know how retarded fanbases can be.
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MMPU Megaman came to mind

Or it could be Eddie, I dunno
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I remember when a small group of friends and I had exclusivity to that. Those were the days.
>Wanting Nintendo Of America to fuck up even MORE shit
>Other characters from the games and new characters, including Mega Mini, will also be featured.
>mega mini
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>that fucking Mega Man design

Were they even trying?

Just wait for Protoman.

He's black

one of those new characters they mentioned.
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>they will fuck up Roll's design even harder


Nintendo already has a plethora of IP's that are either under-utilized, mismanaged or completely dead: why add more to the crypt? Just because Sakurai handles third-party properties well, doesn't mean Nintendo themselves would manage them any better than they do their own franchises.
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I wouldn't even care about that as long as they kept the basic integrity of the designs, which this series is doing worse than the Ruby-Spears series everyone loves to hate.
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Oh god
>protoman is the American foreign exchange student
Prove me wrong
This, give the IP to HAL, they know how to make great platformers. Kirby x Mega Man crossover please.
Watch season three onward.
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>tfw this design actually looks good in comparison

If those properties were as popular as PAC man and Sonic then games would actually be made.

The dead Nintendo franchises are dead for a reason
That looks like a fucking Newgrounds "original the game" character from the 90s
Now tha you mention it, I'm getting some Rockman NEO vibes
Ruby-Spears Proto Man is handsome as fuck. At least he and Mega Man are recognizable and not some Tron knockoff.

Also there was already a comic series where Mega Man went to school. I don't know why they want to revisit this idea.
The only bad thing I see in that design is the face.

Can someone shop the original Megaman face onto that picture?
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>School setting


Ready for dem love interests, boys?
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Remember when Pacman blew up like a blimp, was covered in zits and proceeded to take a huge fart over his friends as it propelled him across the entire city?
This is the worse cartoon trope that has ever spawned, Holy shit
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>that design

Why do we hate Ruby Spears again? I unironically enjoyed it desu.
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>"just call me Jack"
It was a product of its time and people sometimes forget that so they say it was really bad. Depends where you go I guess.

As far as american deceptions of megaman go the cartoon's designs were actually pretty decent; barring the actual content. But jesus fucking christ
Alt. universe bro, main series sonic is still alive and kicking.
>MM in school
Not the first time. That MM comic that folded within a year (not the Ian Flynn one) had that going on, too.

There was also a drama CD in Japan about Wily and his parrot trying to keep Roll from reaching school, but that's neither here nor there

I'm keeping my expectations low. I just hope it's sufficiently quarantined from the franchise proper in case it blows.
Looks like a mock up they created for the article, you people are gullible retards.
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It was so bad it was good
"Oh man, I'm a meme!"
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The Street Fighter cartoon was way worse.

Shirtless Bison, though.
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Cause kids can totally relate to being a combat android that goes to school and probably angrily shakes their hand at Gutsman's butt for taking the last snack in lunchline, amirite?
I was thinking that as well but I'm kinda cynical.

The concept itself does seem pretty stupid, though.
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I'll leave this here.

The only source for that image is the article itself. If they had made an official announcement with that image in the press packets you would find it everywhere, not just on one clickbait article.
If this actually happens I am SO done.
This is how you rework a design without killing the original look.
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except polygon has it too, with the full pic
For as shit as Xover was, the designs weren't too bad.
It's ok
Aside from the fur I never found X-Over's design to be bad

not to mention capcom themselves
Reminds me of this
I fucking hate this kind of artstyle and wish companies would quit doing it. It only works with southpark because they know it's shit and play it up.
More than the shitty new armor design, I won't watch either of these shows because of this terrible fucking artstyle. (and because it will probably have terrible writing)

Well fuck

>it's real
megamans little brother, or roll or a dog.
Ruby Spears had the best Protoman in the entire franchise, but sadly that's about it.
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>Aki means "Bright" LMAO!
Looks better than OP
At least Astro is reasonably on model.
His face and helmet look like shit. Fuck its Sonic Boom all over again.
Scott McNeil is awesome, isn't he?
Why is Pac Man packing heat?
I'm expecting at least a few memes to sneak in to pander to the "older crowd"

And with 80+ RMs to work with, they'll probably sneak a few of them in to the school setting somehow. The question is if they'll also be disguised similar to "Aki", or if they're just going in to rampage at points.

The big problem at the moment is that his design looks flatter than Roll, on top of just being overly busy with all the neon lights. Guessing they wanted to avoid an anorexic version of Classic for this, but this redesign is really bad so far.

Reminder that someone was paid real money to write that.
>Schoolboy robot

I'll give this shit ONE chance. If it isn't on-fucking-point, I'm gonna kill'em all.
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Thats a fucking drawing you find in Deviant Art
Same here
Gave Sonic Boom a chance and I didn't regret it, hope this one doesn't drop the ball
You know, that stance looks strangely like the American Mega Man 1 box art stance.

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At least it's not CG shit.
i know the entire thread is about this shitty show but i still don't believe it
If they announced the design it is too late.
That design is in the hands of the animators.

There is no longer hope for man.
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>that Mega Man
Could of been worse. Like they time when they took a piss on megaman and shoved the ugly western art into street fighter x tekken.

I'm sure they did that as a slap in the face to Inafune and all megaman fans.
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>mfw the MN9 cartoon blows this out of the water

It was actually Inafune's idea. One of the last things he did at Capcom.
That is assuming it'll ever be released.
I don't see that happening
MN9 has been one disaster after another and I don't expect the cartoon to be any different
not mega nor man
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>mfw they both flop
I'll have you know that my niece identifies as an attack helicopter.

>Sonic Boom is shit
>Cartoon is good

>Megaman is good
>Cartoon is shit

You might be right.
crowdfunding failed, game is gonna bomb, only a fever dream now.
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He's never a man.

Like that'll happen. As in, it'll ever get released.
As a Murikan, I admit that we can always use more of those so godspeed, little girl, godspeed.
SFxTekken Megaman was pretty funny, but poorly timed. This is just bad.
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is this going to be animated like every other canadian cartoon?
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>No comments
Obligatory keks
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Not even cute desu
Why ask questions that you already know the answer to?
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should've ripped of his Sm4sh model desu
>it's a Proto Man shoots up the school episode

>it's a- who am I kidding we're not getting any robot masters past MM3

>it's one of the three non-consecutive episodes where Bass shows up but has always been Rock's eternal rival
>they pronounce it bass like the fish
shotafags gtfo
that show had its moment
>pronouncing 'bass' as the fish
If they play it off as an homage to the horrendous dubbing to MM8 I'd let that slide.
It was a guilty pleasure for me
But kids today don't even know who Megaman is. When was the last new game released?
The bad megaman art character was meant to be a joke and it only pissed people off because Inafune leaked MML3.
I hope none of you loat your shit when MMBN was originally released.
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No, because it was a SPINOFF


Why do they have to force a fucking school setting of all things? The games are about robots shooting each other to death.
As someone in thr field of watching cartoon shows get pitched, the stereotype isn't a lie, there's a group of old guys in suits with maybe some animators in the back everytime. The people pitching have to do their hardest to essentially translate what makes their show good to "guy with no knowledge of cartoons" speak. I bet you there were people that tried pitching an actual, genuinely more traditional looking, maybe good, megaman show but failed to sell it at the pitch.
School settings are the "in" thing right now.
are the robot masters still gonna be in the show?
i just want them to be more than generic goons with names!
"Hey Bass!"

"It's BASS you moron!"
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Let's just do it without the artifacts, boss
>the JUST league
There will be, but they'll take the Dreamwave approach and have none of the ones from the games
They could have adapted/made a series about MMBN or something if they wanted a school setting no matter what, but I guess thats a dead spin off series within a dead series.
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I love Mega Man more than anyone on this entire board.

I backed that piece of shit MN9 with $100 because the concept looked bomb and we weren't getting any new Mega Man games

I watched FIVE (5) Mega Man titles get cancelled in recent years

He's no longer even allowed to make cameo appearances without Ryu shoving him out of the spotlight at every single turn

Now this. End my suffering.
Not really possible, because three different companies own the rights to BN, making it a nightmare to deal with.

Capcom has the right to the games, while some company has exclusive animation rights, on top of another having the rights to manga / comics.
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>The series will follow Mega Man’s newly-introduced alter-ego, Aki Light, a normal, upbeat, schoolboy robot who, when activated, re-forms into a suit of impenetrable armor.

I'm probably retarded but what the fuck are they trying to say
its a schoolboy robot but he's not actived always? and transforms into a suit of armor, thats worn by someone else?
Because money and the kid-relatable factor
which is why ed edd and eddy's school was destroyed in the final episode/movie

The games sucked compared to Battle Network, but Ryuusei Rockman had top tier character designs: http://www.downvids.net/ryuusei-no-rockman-tribe-opening-356009.html
The concept isn't awful, just the execution

It's like they went for a shitty ben 10 style
Mega Man's civilian form has a different name than usual ones like Rock or Mega which is closer to how human ones work. When in battle, he equips armored body with his Megabuster.
I wish the series stayed dead now.
needs the new crash and spyro
>it's a "bubble man shoots up the school" episode

>parents who grew up playing the video games,

Way to make me feel old.
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Sonic Boom's Sonic looks like gold compared to this horseshit.

It's a bad time for Megaman fans all around.
Aki Light? Jesus H. Christ, how do you manage to get more wrong than the goddamn 90s Megaman Cartoon did? That had a fucking Lion Mummy Caveman episode!
>why are they using things popular with kids in this kid's show?

I knew it would be terrible
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Ladies and gentlemen, presenting
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And the crowds of ravenous Mega Man fans were heard screaming only one thing after their hopes had been crushed yet again:
Im done with megaman
Going to delete all games and art from my PC

It's like everyone in that show had some kind of verbal tic.
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>aki light
>not Rocky Light
I don't know what you're talking abouticus
Glad I'm not the only one that instantly thought that.
The new crash wasnt that bad design wise.
Spyro, on the other hand...
They've announced that since like last year

New Conker, too.
>Not Rock Hikari
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ooooooohhhhhh fuuuucccckkk
Even here it is not safe
even his grave has been defaced
What if Mega-mini is actually Eddie but with that megaman's head?
Which this clearly is as well.
Remember how we were all laughing at Sonic a few years ago?
Do you remember?

Look how times have changed! LOOK! Mighty Number 9 shat the bed already, and here comes this new Megaman Cartoon ready to poison the fucking well!

Did you ever think this would be the future for Megaman? Jesus Christ.
>implying his name will still be bass
>implying it won't be something like Ika Dark or some shit
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>Tfw both a Sonic fan and Mega Man fan
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We are now living in a world where Sonic is faring better than Megaman.

Think about that for a second.
>forgetting about based Pharaoh Man
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Even if the show is a hit with kids, Capcom will just shit out another mobile game to cash-in while it's still popular.

Hell, that's probably why they're making the show in the first place.
Speak your thoughts on twitter


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It actually looks like Young Conker
There is nothing about that design that is popular with kids.
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At least my Castlevania is safe and sound r-right
To be fair Sonic and Megaman both started their decline when they failed to make a successful jump into 3D and carry on into the modern age of gaming.

But at least it was only Sonic that was getting raped to death until now, Mega Man was only off the radar.
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I like the redesign. Its the art style that looks like shit.

You guys are forgetting how silly a lot of Megamans designs have looked in the past
I spoke to joe this morning. He's being a little shit saying "you're talking shit about a show you havent even seen yet."
Erotic violence.
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Only vidya cartoon I enjoyed was earthworm Jim and Wakfu
>But at least it was only Sonic that was getting raped to death until now, Mega Man was only off the radar.
It's funny, after 2011 both franchises came crashing down after seemingly getting good again
It's a Konami title so yes, it'll stay dead forever outside of pachinko of course.
Already have.
Lords of Shadow says hi
are you implyinh NT warrior megaman design is bad?
Jerked off to it more times than I can count
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Megaman EXE designs were based as fuck what are you trying to imply
Don't talk about the show premise, talk about the design!
It will probably get a Pachinko machine or two.
A more child friendly Tron Legacy?
Fuck I thought being a Megaman fan couldn't be any worse. I was wrong
Just took the first one on Google, sorry mate.
Battle network looked kind of silly but it was clearly understood to be it's very own concept distinctly seperate from mainline stuff, in design and play.

To make a cartoon, which is already 1 layer removed, then change the design, another layer, THEN have it have nothing to do with the original megaman setting, or any of the megaman series, is just fucking weird.

That, and battle network mega was at least drawn competantly. OP's image looks like some clipart from a chinese ripoff website, "mighty_child.tiff"
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Did anyone who actually watched this cartoon dislike it though?
>the new games will have that design

Kill me now
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no prob, I'll take any chance I get to post sexy X
Oh fucking hell
almost died laughing.
I don't know, it wasn't really bad but some episodes were retarded.
Like the one with the Lionmen
Protoman looked fine but megaman looked like a god damn retard. He looks nothing like any other megaman we have seen. If the design was shown off now for this new show, you guys would go apeshit.

Seriously, don't let nostalgia blind you. I bet you can't even tell me what Battle Networks design did right, that the new one did wrong
You're saying that like Megaman wasn't always a series of cheap cash-ins.
Sakurai the Savior.
His armors were sick too.
Why is X the most based megaman?
>inb4 cheaply made flash
>tfw we will never ever have anything good come from capcom with mega man ever again
There are no heroes left in man

You just answered your own question.
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A questionable design can be saved by an okay medium for it to show it's worth in. If BN came out today, we'd question it, sure, but if it held up to the quality it did, we'd grow to like it, as we did back then.

The new show COULD be good, but just going off that cheap, hot off the cheap taiwanese factory line feel, I doubt this is going to have any love put into it.
I always loved you and your bizarre stories and completely random quality.
>I bet you can't even tell me what Battle Networks design did right, that the new one did wrong

Where the hell do you want me to start - the fucked up leg, the jutting piece of square metal on the helmet, the helmet-eyebrows, the pointless stomach circle, or overuse of the blue light tabs?
I feel you. I backed it for $40 and haven't filled out the platform survey yet.
Every "Megaman-like" game people recommend looks and plays like ass.
Dark Man 2 had a cool voice
that comic series only got like three issues, didn't it?
>He looks nothing like any other megaman we have seen
Almost as if that was the point. Nearly none of the Battle Network characters look like their original counterparts, they only keep the same motifs.
Hey dumdum, exe had all that except the light tabs and eyebrows
>I bet you can't even tell me what Battle Networks design did right, that the new one did wrong
Better proportions, balanced color placement, and a cleaner design overall. I'm not even mad about the new design.
When I see the face I can't help hearing "Yes papa!"
>that artstyle

Jesus Christ, his face looks like something you would see in an educational flash game from 2003.
Alternate/expanded universe Mega Man games are going to have distinct designs.

That's far from re-imagining the classic Mega so much as it's referencing its lore and going on its own thing. To its credit, EXE has referenced Classic, X and Legends all in one series.
spidey will always be a qt. only qt capeshit for me!
Yup. So naturally it's the obvious choice to take elements from
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How would you feel if Mega Man was

>voiced by a woman
>voiced by a boy
>voiced by a man

Why couldnt they let him alone
Megaman had its time in the spotlight, its time to let go.
The games are boring and simple and half of them are just bad games.
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When will this
>everyone hated ruby spears
meme die?
Voiced by a deep-voiced tranny.

Would pop a boner everytime he talks.
>The games are boring and simple and half of them are just bad games.
Compared to what? Dark souls?
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I didn't think someone could make a Mega Man design worse than Xover.

But, here we are.
Never played a souls game so I dont know, but for a game all about getting new weapons why is it that the most fun way to play is to do buster only runs
>I bet you can't even tell me what Battle Networks design did right, that the new one did wrong

Still looks well drawn
Still has it's own identity instead of looking like a deviant art oc
Has more details than the original mega but doesn't go into detail overload
Sticks closer to the original pallete (still a lot of deviation here, but the new design is just straight up "megaman's blue right? like EVERYTHING on him aside from his flesh is blue, right?"
Keeps a good feel to the anatomy. The new megaman's limbs are so skinny they look like they could snap

And, worst of all, and this is me going into autism here, new mega has villainface. He's got the slightly smug smirk, squinty eyes, they shaded over his face. This guy doesn't look like he's fighting for justice, he just looks like a smug asshole. Battle network mega at least looked like he had either a light hearted personality or like he was about to settle some shit.
Mate, I never hated it. It's Mario Bros movie levels of so bad it's good.
>Mega Light Man
>Mega Aki Man
>He's gonna blast President Lincoln!
So will the other robot masters be schoolboys too?
if so, it could be cute
>voiced by a woman
It would be expected
>voiced by a boy
Could be cool but only if the kid can actually act
>voiced by a man
Would be cool if he sounded good but highly improbable
OVER-1 isn't even that bad, besides the furcoat.
I expected a School of Robot Masters
It wont be cute anon
It will be cringe and you know it
cuz bitches aint putting out
>voiced by a woman
this is probably the path they should go
>voiced by a boy
shit>>>>>>>child actors
>a man
They better not do what they did for Gravity falls or the Lorax.
The only bad part is the fur. the rest is good
>blue eyes instead of green

They didnt get ANYTHING right
>Silicon City
xover, for whatever it is, in his default state, still feels like he'd fit in somewhere in the megaman universe. Maybe not as megaman himself, mind you, but you can look at that and go "yep, that's a reploid"

Also, some of his armor designs are pretty alright

I could imagine, under better circumstances, we could have grown to like Over, if he wasn't cellphone/"Let's just kill megaman" era.
At least this one just looks like X in a retarded costume. At least it still has the right artstyle. But this cartoon's style looks cheap as fuck and his face looks awful. The outfit is stupid too, but there's so much more wrong here than just that. At least Xover LOOKS like Mega Man, is what I'm trying to say.
>They better not do what they did for Gravity falls or the Lorax.
>Aimed at kids 6 to 9

Nothing to worry about, I'm sure you'll love it.
OG Megaman always had blue eyes
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>Mega Man is having his grave repeatedly shit on
>MGSV wasn't allowed to be finished
>Devil May Cry is never coming back
>All Konami franchises are all but dead
>Tron Uprising cancelled on a fuckhuge cliffhanger and Tron 3 outright cancelled
is there no peace in this world for me

I'm 18 and it's like I was born at just the right time to experience the best of Mega Man (collections) and hope for the future of the series, only to have it violently torn from below my feet.
At least you oldfags actually lived through the glory days and had prolonged exposure to a Capcom that cared.
>a game all about getting new weapons why is it that the most fun way to play is to do buster only runs
Wow, what a faggot you are.
I don't care if he's voiced by the former two.

First is a safe bet because women's "boyish" voices are immortal but I would prefer not Tara Strong.

Boys have that small window of time of boyish voice perfection before puberty fucks everything over, which is why Volnutt couldn't reprise his role and they had to get the Sailor Jupiter lady on short notice.

Men with boyish, cracky voices are there but sometimes typecasting works against them.
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Reminds me of this megaman
Having a kid sound like someone in their late teens-early 20s
Just proved my point
Classic has blue eyes, silly.
X, Trigger, and EXE have green eyes (and Vent/Aile too, I guess).
Rock always had blue eyes.
The green eye thing started with X
Battle Network was an alternate universe where every character was completely redesigned. Even the premise of their existence is different, they aren't robots. There's no reason for it to be the same.

The Battle Network design is sleeker and simpler than this design. Just about every bit of detail either serves to make him resemble Mega Man, like the design on the helmet, or exist to make the design just work better, like the lines going down his sides so his torso isn't all one colour, and the lines going down his legs as well emphasize movement.

But most importantly, it's just better illustrated. I bet the cartoon design would be improved a lot by having a better artist draw it.
Thundarr was a good show.

If you cover his face he doesn't look bad.

The fact that they completely fucked up something as basic as the hero's face and expression is highly worrying though.

To clarify what's wrong with the face:

-Eyes look slightly squinted, making him look like he doesn't care
-They're in shadow, making him look "evil"
-Outlines too thin and inconsistent, like they can't decide if they want to have them or not
-Mouth and nose almost invisible, would look better if they were removed completely
-Mouth and nose way too small, too close together and high on the face
-Mouth has a retarded looking smirk that doesn't even curl up like a proper smirk, it looks more like an expression of disgust
-That dumb looking line below his mouth, if you're gonna go with a super small anime mouth, don't try to draw lips on it

So much wrong here, combining to form a face that just says "fuck you, I dont even want to be here".
>Man of Action

Well, at least they learned how to draw circles and cylinders.
He's not even using the buster, jackass.
So now Sega acknowledged the Sonic meme status to make it canon and sell shit?
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I am too.
That's why I'm remembering a time when you couldn't mention Sonic without trolling endlessly

But you know what? SEGA is at least very to pick up the pieces if they fuck up, while Capcom has completely abandoned Megaman, and his 'replacement' completely shat the bed despite all of that time, development and money thrown into the series. It's ridiculous.

Just think about it. THIS is Megaman's latest appearance in media for several years. Sonic Boom is gold compared to this garbage, because at the very least we got the show out of it.
THIS is all that remains of Megaman. Even the comic got canceled.
It's literally generic TV-Y7 cartoon sitcom no. 3554423. Take Boom, and remove Sonic characters from the brand and nothing changes.
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>this is what is happening to megaman
I'm going to fucking do it. This is the last straw
Im so glad I stopped being a megaman fan years ago
You haven't seen the Twitter, have you?
>THIS is all that remains of Megaman. Even the comic got canceled.
I'm still fucking mad about that. I won't stop being mad about that. I'll never stop being mad
Megaman has been voiced by a woman all the time in Japan.
If you jump off a bridge make sure to do Mega Man's jump pose and make sure someone's recording it
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This definitely looks worse.
OP's pic is only bad because of the artstyle, meanwhile Xover's design is even worse than OC tier.
Which characters would those be?
What is this?
And it's now complete.
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>comic canceled
Don't remind me
Now now, officially it's "on hiatus". We both know it's bullshit, but hey.
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Laziest bait I've seen all month.
So am I the only one who liked this design?
It isn't bad itself, the artstyle is just ruining it.
i'll never get over how weak MM7's jumps feel.
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No I am flying to japan. This madness needs to end
That's not 5.

I though beck's character design was bad.....
They will probably make the other robot masters look human
Does he have to have his mouth wide open as well?
Meh, Boom's designs aren't that bad as long as the mouth stays on the side of his face
On one hand that looks like trash

on the other it's still better than Xover or the chinese bootleg.
It's over. .....megaman is finished!!!
Get in line.
Thank you for reminding me how many boners that MILF used to give me.
I'm willing to give this the benefit of the doubt.
The design is fine and man of action isn't a bad studio by far.
>implying it's bait
>he actually thinks MM2 is good

nice nostalgia goggles fampai, MM5 and MM6 are the best NES games
Never seen this before, but I'm okay with that design.
It's been over.
Enjoy your upcoming mobile game.
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>tfw we'll never get a new Megaman X
>tfw we'll never get a new Megaman ZX
>tfw we'll never get a new Megaman Legends
>tfw we'll never get a whole new Megaman that isn't shit.
They actually did it. They actually managed to kill themselves. God fucking damnit.
No but it is preferred that he holds out a gun with a lemon tied to it
We won't even get a good videogame tie-in out of this. It'll be some cheap outsourced western shit. Sad!
That's not the 7 demake
Archie, please come back...
Thanks for reminding me I haven't seen the second season of starforce
I feel the same way about bad boxart Megaman in that one crossover fighter. It felt like salt getting thrown into a bad wound because Megaman was getting his games canceled. If none of those games got canceled and if he wasn't cut from MvC3 then I think it wouldn't have bugged people.
It sucks even more that the first.
Seeing as Legends and Battle Network's Mega Man and Roll are a thing that wouldn't be as surprising as you'd think.

Seeing as this is another version of the characters that wouldn't surprise me as well.
I like 6, even if the wily bosses are lacking, but, seriously, no. It's in the middle with 2 for me.
Fuck no.
That's at the bottom with 1.
>rockman 7 fc

please kill yourself
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I liked the first season tho

j-just give it a chance guys
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>Mega man gets an animated series
>Mighty Number 9's 3 million spent on it's TV series will go completely unnoticed now.
Better make it a desert eagle for extra meme magic.
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What twitter?
She will be a SJW and you know it
Can we at least till the first episode before we completely shit on it? Sure the design isn't the best and the Aki Light is shit but I feel this is a bit premeditated.
>the show treats it's audience like retards

It's a show for kids wth did you expect
Says the fag calling MM5 top-tier.
>he is a megaman fan
Its by the same people who made Gwen tenysson.

She'll be fine.
gtfo joe kelly
You realize she was redesigned into an ugly bitch right
To be like Spectacular Spider-Man and not treat us like retards

Why is megaman getting a cartoon now of all times?

You guys don't think they are going to pull some tie in promo shit with THIS megaman design, do you?
They also ruined her
>Devil May Cry is never coming back
holy shit, please dont remind me of that pachinko game.
Its a franchise reboot
Expect shit games too
incoming mowhawk
Newsflash. Comic book heroes are designed to be campy and fun, Not grimdark edgelords. This is the problem with Batmans movies, everyone thinks comics need to be super serious and dark now.

Spiderman is a kid with web canisters and a red jumpsuit swinging through new york and trying to prove himself better then the Fantastic 4. Not some deep dark brooding teen with issues about justice and life.
>What you don't think I can do it just because I'm a girl?
>heh, stand back Megaman
>*unzips Z-Saber* *solo's the entire cast*
Mighty No. 9's cartoon will be better on the merit that Beck is on-model.
They most certainly will.
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>The design is fine
>The design
>is fine
Its literally subtier deviant art.
The person who drew this cannot even do hands.

This cannot be the actual art of the show. if it is they went and got the lowest and cheapest person to do so
Right about now I'm feeling like Dr. Light right around the middle of Act II
Absolutely defeated
the other megaman animey was pretty good
>3/4ths of the budget spent on a shitty tv show
Oh, so that's what conman meant by "tight budget"
>Roll is now blonde Alien Force Gwen
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But I don't like Beck's model. I think he looks stupid.
let's see...
>top tier level design
>top tier music
>some of the best graphics on the NES, short of MM6
>weapons were kinda mediocre but can be useful if you aren't shit

>rockman 7 FC
>shit graphics
>shit music
>ruined most of the original weapons
>copy-pasted level design without accounting for difference in sprite:screen ratio

i really wonder which one is better

Megaman fps

>Shitty kids cartoon coming out
>A gritty live-action movie in the works too
Who the fuck are they trying to target with this franchise?
But he's doing "the hand" anon.

He does look like he belongs in an old 70s anime, yes.
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Y'all a bunch of whiney babies, MOA does good shit and I can't wait for this.
>if it is they went and got the lowest and cheapest person to do so
That seems to be all the rage these days.
Hopefully there will be other good shota in this show
Get back Mega Man's Powered Up voice actor
The Sonic Twitter
the live action movie isn't real. that's not actually happening.
Maybe they are deluded enough to think anyone under 30 gives a shit about megaman.
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Man of Action didn't do Brave and the Bold though.
This needs an update now.
Did I say they did? Its called a reaction image for a reason.
I expect several games. All on mobile.
Literally nobody who wants a good spider-man show wants it to have a dark tone. What you're saying might have some application with almost any other superhero and it's fans, but spider-man? fuck off. It is possible to do both good and bad upbeat stories.
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I enjoyed the goodtimes threads at least.
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And she went from being the best loli ever into this
>not the one where he's just sitting in the house like a smug cunt while it burns
>Wanting flamboyantly gay Elecman and EEEENERGIIIZZZZZZEEEE~~~!

Fuck no.
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>tfw X's voice actor became a doctor so we can never get him back
fucking normies
Well, their job is to make people under 30 care.

And they already fucked up.
twitter was a mistake
But the thing is Light isn't Japanese, hell in MM8 you see they live somewhere in Texas going by the world map.
Wait you DON'T want flamboyantly gay Elecman?
I have zero faith in Man of Action but it will give developers an excuse to make some new games.

Spectacular Spider-Man was great and it wasn't edgy at all
>clasky ksupo reject
Between those weird whisker-esque doodles on his face and his janky looking movement, I don't want the 70s to come back.
>we respect fans
>shit all over the original lore and design
Fuck off you only respect yourself and the money these cheap cartoons get you
I don't have twitter account. Spoonfeed me.
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He's doing the thing with his hand that pretty much every robot master does in their official artwork. The little W with the fingers.
Not them, but yeah. Megaman was supposedly always from america.
I mean, he even learns about japan in the ovas.
Okay, basically the Sonic Twitter is incredibly fucking self aware. I'm talking Sonic Boom taken up to fucking 20 levels of self-awareness and meme posting. Just google the Sonic Twitter and seei t for yourself
But megaman wasn't built by wily (but neither was shadow man supposedly).
Way to prove you're not a real mega man fan chump.

Every single robot master has that pose. You'd know this if you actually played the games and didn't parrot /v/ opinions like word of god.
Didn't they do that because they were sick of all the porn made of her?
Does that mean this Megaman's builder is Wily and not Light?
>That final panel

Oh, its started to rain.
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>Not liking flamboyant Elecman
What are you, a faggot?
>aki means bright
Are they too lazy to check even the most basic of online translators
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>Robotboy without the sweet MILF ass
It looks like a W but I don't think it was ever meant to indicate an affiliation with Wily. It's just the one way that Inafune knew how to draw spread fingers
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Your idea is perfect anon.
Behold! It fits perfectly!
Sorry for the jpg. 4chan won't let me upload my .tiff
There is nothing to be smug about
Yeah idiots, everyone knows that its actually Ra. I watched stargate.
I can't wait to watch this on my sangsong tv and play the game on my porystation 5!
Sorry I'm not him, but I'm pretending I won a competition of Joust in the 80s, and therefore you have lost the arguement. Please do not reply as it will be mansplaining.
>Not knowing the Capcom hand
Goddamn, /v/ really is filled with underage.
Its a funny thing, but rigor mortis in the face can produce a rictus-grin of quite impressive smugness . There's also the smell, but that might just be Mighty No.9
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The design is not really that bad.

I wished it didn't fucked up the face.
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I got you two
Sorry I didn't know your made-up term for it? I don't play any other capcom series that have ever used done that, but I know it started in Mega Man because it was how Inafune drew it.
The belly isn't a vest, its a circle tied into the underwear.
In my defence, the modern version of a "capcom hand" is paying someone to give you a hand job and they charge you $50 per finger but the fist up your ass comes free.
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What about Copy Bot?
>Both of ZX's reps are happy inside of the treehouse.
That's so fucking wrong. They would be likely side by side with Volnutt there.
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>still not getting it right
It's awful. It's not even functional. It's not even aesthetically sound.
Legends has been sitting on that cliffhanger for way longer than ZX has even existed.
I don't really care, RollxMega is hot as fug.
What if new Roll is new Gwen Tennyson tier?
Look at the hand though.
if you are telling me that those hands look right then i will give up right now.
That doesn't mean that ZX should be happy there either.

>The series that sold less
>Ends in a cliffhanger too.
Both suffer a lot.
I want Rock to be my son.
Back when Dwayne Glenn McDuffie ran them they were pretty great.

Ugh, I HATE flash animation done poorly, I can already see this character move like a fucking puppet, I hope this is at least on par with Wakfu in terms of animation, THAT shit was flash as well and didn't look like a cheap cartoon, like Peppa pig and the like.

Remember that disgusting speed racer cartoon on nick a few year ago? That's what I fear, also, his design is fucking complex for an animated show, why not have the fucking original design? It works, it's simple and easier to animate than this.
No it's actually shit.
It's unnecessarily dark, especially for something like megaman.
They added in a bunch of lights that don't actually add anything to the design other than make it more of a clusterfuck and an eyesore.
The helmet looks hideous, not to mention it's taking cues from X's helmet which is supposed to be edgier than OG megaman.
You know what it looks like.
It looks like one of those emblems you can make in Call of duty of gta 5

like they couldnt draw a smooth megaman because the pieces they put together were sharp and couldn't do proper coloring
Well, then it's just awful all around.
M-Maybe they feel bad about doing that/maybe the Capcom execs will prevent them from uglifying her, and she'll be like old Gwen.
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Which Gwen Tennyson are we talking about here?
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I'm trying not to be upset.

The cartoon isn't really supplanting anything. The franchise was, for all intents and purposes, dead. All being mad about it brought us were more re-releases of MM1-6 and Mighty Fucking Number 9.

Maybe it'll be good. Maybe it won't. We'll all be dead one day. Why feel anything?
I assume they are using Flash animation due to "tight budget"...
why tf does he look like some gay ass ricer pc. All he's missing is the stupid razor logo on his chest
nice middle ground between EXE megaman and X.
Presumably this thing >>338953469
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Wasn't there one with MN9? Should continue from that if the guys who made these is still around.
Boom is really hit and miss, some episodes are legit funny but others have the most generic bland unfunny writing I've seen in every other mediocre cartoon
Because this is the unjust universe where you would have had 5 5's otherwise.

We must harness our torment and consume this universe and all its suffering to begin a new,with gets for everyone, megaman legends 3, and spore actually was that one where you could actually do shit, and the ps3 actually had games, but nobody actually argues about what format you use because its just a consumer choice, and then I woke up.
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She'll be a perfectly inclusive character, not at hint of problematic design.
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