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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yng bHOz--oc /v/ BTFO Game

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 536
Thread images: 141

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/v/ BTFO

Game looks sick as ever. Can't wait for them to send me my backer code
people are still developing games for the gamecube?
Shut the fuck up
This looks like an early 360 game.
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Looks like it, and it's another megaman clone
Wow she really knows how to work a cock!
4 million dollaroos /v/, never forget 4 million...
This is the definition of shill. Please stop, go shill on reddit please. Thanks and fuck off
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Post yfw you didn't back MN9!
I hope it's all you want OP. I just hope that after all is said and done, it's not a steaming pile of garbage.
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>That narration

What were they thinking
>"Do you like AWESOME things that are AWESOME."

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>that shitty shader/lighting
>"make the bad guys cry like an anime fan on prom night"
>"Retro Hero" DLC with Minecraft Beck

My god did I dodge a fucking bullet by not backing this
>That fucking announcer

That is Nintendo levels of bad.
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Four million dollars.
I don't personally think it will be steaming garbage, but I really, really don't think it will feel like a $4m game. Not even a notable fraction of that.
Is this a fucking joke? Specifically talking about the trailer, we all know the game is.
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>That will make you cry like an anime fan on prom night

They do realize who their audience is right?

Cringemaster 9 is coming out?
I cringed atleast 9 times in that trailer so they are doing pretty well.
>Dashing into shit that's in your way anyway and spaced in a convenient way is a combo system
>Keji Inafune complains video games are dying
>creates a game with game grumps style commentary and graphics that look like an actual asshole

I knew inafune was unsympathetic, but I never knew he had his brain removed. This fucker needs to leave the industry, preferable in a bodybag.

Because cringing is now a reddit thing?
Can you tell me about it, I haven't been over there in years unlike you.
I don't care about the graphics, the gameplay is what matters. Also inafune is the creator of megaman so I am not worried
Spot the Becker!
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this ad is so cringey. nothing about it makes me want this.
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>awesome things that are awesome
Inafune didn't create megaman, but I'm 100% sure you know that.
All the delusion.
It's crazy how mankind can praise literal shit like its the second coming of Christ cuz hey paid for it.
He also made zero
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Jesus fucking chirst was this writen by Anthony Burch
I almost closed the video 3 times
what do you think its like in the MN9 offices? creating threads like this to build hype and people literally laughing at them en masse.

It must be pretty depressing. knowing some chinese hitmen might be on a plane right now to your office would make me a nervous wreck.
that's a character in megaman X. i don't know if you mean he made him or he made zero games. both is probably true.
Pretty sure they outsource this shit to people.
Why are there text popping out when you kill something so goddamn big.
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>yfw mn9 is the anthony burch of platformers
>"Hey guys, I got a great idea."
>"What about if we make a trailer for our super delayed game but we shit on the people we are marketing the game towards."

Genius marketing right there.
Also, the game looks shit.
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Who did they even shit on?
yeah and capcom shut him down for years making zero the hero of x. He was so butthurt about it he killed x and ran his name thru the mud once he got to make the zero series.

Such a good guy, can't wait to further enable him!
Anime fans. Which has a crossover between video game nerds. Which I'd say is a good chunk of the people that backed a megaman revival.
>"make the bad guys cry like an anime fan on prom night"

Guess they are salting the MN9 Anime kickstarter failed.
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doubly ironic considering all the money going into a red ash anime instead of a video game.
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>Anime fans

Good. fuck em

>Dashing around like a friggen moonman

/pol/ goty
Plenty of Japs already dislike Inafune for his westaboo comments, so this game would only confirm what a total hack he is in the game design realm.
/v/ and /m/ generally have pretty good taste
>mocking a paying market of people

Good. fuck em hard.
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Does this game let me kill niggers?
Should have stuck with the 2D sprites. Depth is a meme dimension.
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/v/ once again displaying that they are the true patricians of the weeaboo side of the site.

Cromartie is also great
Is this even official, or fan made? Because this is so fucking stupid, I just can't see it being official. So many stupid decisions.
They never changed, it was always going to be 3D. That was concept art. Making shit 3D is actually easier if you want to get a certain fidelity. High quality sprites take a lot of work.
>there are people out there RIGHT NOW who got paid for a trailer like this
>people backed this clusterfuck

wew lad
>High quality sprites take a lot of work
They also had 4 mirrion dollars.
Even now I'm still butthurt he hijacked the X series and was even looking to kill off X to promote his oc donut steel.
astigmatism bros unite!
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>That will make you cry like an anime fan on prom night
>bullying your potential buyers

Whatever game look like shit but im gonna fap to that cutie robot girl.
I didn't back it

But I have no actual way to determine what a 4 million dollar game is.

I'm sure the game wont be complete dogshit and it will likely be better than double fine adventure which was 3 million + more.
/a/ has such fucking garbage taste.

And the ironic thing? They try to say we're normies and only watch entry-level anime.
And see what they did with it. If you take the same approach, with the same amount of money, but instead of easier 3D you do harder 2D, you'd get even less than you have now. And they aimed for lower I think.
If only they had at least 4 million dollars..
But Zero was better than X in every single way. Including his gameplay in the X games and his standalone games.

They really should have let him do his own thing.
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>taking this bait image seriously

Why is /v/ so stupid?
Dragon's Crown
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>that voiceover
Fucking atrocious.
Why does he have a penis?
I'm saying Inti Creates are fucking incompetent, and they can't do 2D with 4 million. Not that doing 2D is impossible with 4 million.
I actually meant to say /m/ on my post, I just wasn't gonna correct myself until I got called out. Thats why I mentioned cromartie out of the blue. I just haven't been to /m/ in months because tokufags have ruined that board.
Sprites cost quite a bit to develop properly.
the money you spend on talent is never gonna be easily measured. inafune has wasted his on a trash team of collage fuck ups, which goes to show how this game went into development hell into this final product.
Nobody cares /a/ you have shit taste!
middle comment here.

it's not that i was commenting on the image but the context of his reply.

yours seem more like bait to me. so have a (you), you go getter.
>will make you cry like an anime fan on prom night

You mean, this game will actually make me cry and phisically feel sick/alone/like dieing?

PLease, sign me up! LOLOLOL

/m/'s got good taste, although it's hard to have bad taste when your selection is focused on space and giant robots, which are cool as fuck.
Inafune is such a fucking westaboo.
and not even one with good taste, like Kojima. fucker watches my little barney.
>Dat terrible art
>Dat lack of challenge
>Dat low poly everything

You know the industry is in trouble when even shitty indies get downgraded.

What a massive failure.
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that is one awesome loop
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worth the money
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>mfw i backed mn9
>mfw i didn't get a refund

i will experience the exact same emotions as this man when holding the copy in my hand
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>Inafune made his OC the better character

No fucking shit you retard. He castrated X in protest of Capcom not allowing Zero to be the main character.
So where's the best place to sell a steam key?
>cry like like an anime fan on prom night

Do you like Megaman?
>>cry like like an anime fan on prom night
Why do you? It's not like you're ever going to use it
Wait, can't only admins do the fake thumbnaol thing?

Moot wouldn't reference a video of a man holding a dog's cock and balls while some jap bitch rides it
>anime fan
I guess nobody told them that making fun of anime online is as dangerous as making fun of race/sex IRL.
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>D A S H
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jesus christ this is probably the biggest dissapointment since duke nukem forever or post-demo area undertale

It's almost like the incredible sprites that came from Megaman 8 cost less than 4 billion dollars to make.

The bottom line is that the whole ______ costs a lot to make a is a complete bullshit excuse when many other games have done the equivalent with less and still look better.
>It's almost like the incredible sprites that came from Megaman 8 cost less than 4 billion dollars to make.
>4 billion dollars
Your point?

>The bottom line is that the whole ______ costs a lot to make a is a complete bullshit excuse when many other games have done the equivalent with less and still look better.
So, you don't think they chose to do 3D because they're shit? Why did they do it then? Do you think they think it looks better or something?
I can't get over how much it looks like some amateur's webkit demo
Read the fucking thread dipshit.
>people waited years for this
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There have been 3 or 4 kickstarters I genuinely wanted to back, but then I remembered MN9 existed and I couldn't do it.

They really poisoned the well.
I really wanna see the actual thumbnail image now

Someone post it
I'm saying that everyone excusing the game looking so poor compared to the amount of money that was given is unjustifiable when other games have done much better in the past with smaller budgets.

"High quality sprites take a lot of work."
With the money they had they should have put in said work. If they went 3D just to make it easier, fuck them for wasting their backer's money. If they did went 3D as a stylistic choice then they still did a shit job with these extremely low poly... everything...
>plan a game that costs $900k
>people give you $4M
Now it's a $900k game on 8 platforms.
It looks really mediocre but not exactly "bad"

Maybe being mediocre is worse than being bad.
>I'm saying that everyone excusing the game looking so poor compared to the amount of money that was given is unjustifiable when other games have done much better in the past with smaller budgets.
Then why do you reply to >>338847468?
>With the money they had they should have put in said work.
So you don't think Inti Creates are shit, and are actually capable of making a good game, without wasting a ton of money on anime and what not? Because that seems silly mate.
Is this what passes off as "humor" nowadays?
>even wanting to play it
>ever taking the time to hoard it on your hard drive
Doesn't he also plan on making it a TV show and do a whole bunch of other shit that'll cost a lot of money before he even finished the game? Dunno man... seems like some of the money went other places.
May as well see how shitty it is for myself for free rather than paying for it and bringing it back to the store 3 hours later
just watch a stream of it. saves you effort.
Well, yeah. When you make it clear that the game will take $900,000 to develop, you have to find something to do with the excess $3,100,000.
Story behind this picture?
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Holy shit, are you rich or just retarded?
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>the level design is almost nothing but staircase pattern long hallways
>the graphics look like that of an original Xbox game
>that cringy trailer
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should have been half genie hero the superior indie
>tfw no fully voice acted shantae
> Being this excited for a mobile platformer
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soiled it

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>Do you like awesome things that are awesome? Then you gotta play this DOOD. It's friggin kool. And crazy addictive, like popping bubble wrap addictive XD
Wow, so this is the Mega Man audience
it looks like it could be fun, but why does it look like ass? the art direction and graphics are 2002 pc game tier
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>Like a friggin' Moon Man
>Insulting anime fans in the trailer, literally your target audience

2D games are better off without voices. HUP, HAH, HOO, HYA, HAP, HAA with every little input is fucking obnoxious in 2D games, just a couple of sound effects is fine.
>But that's not...

Did you just google anime and slapped the first 23 pictures on there you could find?
I've come to learn that people who say this haven't played or seen a ganecube/ps2/xbox game in a long time
Has worse textures than most gc games
The graphics don't look that great but i've seen extensive gameplay on this so it looks like i'll enjoy the game.
Should have learned what concept art is. Retard is a meme disease.
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Am I a bitch in thinking I wouldn't use the work Friggin' around kids? Its not really a swear word but it seems too close to comfort.

I find it conflicting that the angle of the script/trailer is directed at children yet the word choice suggests differently. Like, "an anime fan on prom night" what?
You must not have younger siblings
I do like Nichijou and Berserk and browse mostly /v/.
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Confirmed, youngest of 4. Currently 24 years old.

What am i missing?
No idea. Probably to break the monotony of silly interview questions.
Im sick of you fags and your Muh SHANTAE shit. Is that game out yet?
No shadows, low poly, an ad narrator that made me close the video after one line, horrifying graphics overall (e.g. what the hell are those flames doing in a cel-shading-based artstyle).
What's this? Did Gearbox take over development or something? Jesus christ!
You're not missing anything, it's just that using rough language around kids doesn't seem particularly taboo to me. Obviously I wouldn't tell them to fuck off, but "friggin" seems pretty safe

This would have been better.
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Not him, but your younger siblings growing up is the easiest way to start feeling old. You always felt like you were the top of the ladder and they always seem like the younger generation in your eyes, but then you hear your little brother and sister are starting to turn 21 and it's fucking weird because it still feels like they should be kids even though they're as tall as you and taking part in adult activities now.

everyone knows kikestarter games always take 3-4 years longer to come out than promised.

>liking gurren lagan
baka senpai
>mfw MN9 is still coming out before Shantae

Might as well be vaporware.
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Change the .png to .jpg.
Melee looks better than MN9

I think Melee looks better than Smash4 as well but that's not related
why is he a chipmunk now?
>Steven Universe
Have you fell for being a faggot too?


At least post a better girl, like the green one
chipmunks sell
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I don't watch the show but I like the dank memes from it

Is that the invader zim one?

I don't watch the show, she have yellow hair and don't have fingers, just some robotic cylinder fingers
>"hey, hey you, look at the screen, want something awesome? [shilling]"

it's so painful to watch, trying to shove inside jokes, selling the game with words instead of gameplay segments.
also did they shit on their target audience? what is this, they announce the game like the public was retarded and put strong irony without transition or it's stupid?
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thats Jasper
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yes, the invader zim one
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>robotic cylinder fingers

This one?

look more like green sausages
i thought she was supposed to be a womanlet

yes that one



What happens to her? some magic shit make her tiny?
>make the bad guys cry like an anime fan on prom night
Weebs will never recover from this. NEVER.
what does invader zim got to do with her?
She has like robot limbs or something that make her look bigger. She's small without them.

I don't even watch that shit I just spend too much time around fans of it.
her arms and legs are fake, she actualy has really short limbs, im ashamed i know this
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This is the first image I saw of her. I have no idea if it means anything.

>What happens to her?
I don't fucking know. Maybe the design or style changed over time?
She is. She has leg and arm extenders on in that pic
she is.
It didn't get downgraded, it just never improved from its original graphics. No polish whatsoever appears to have been applied to the final product vs its earliest beta footage.

It legitimately comes across like they finished this turd like 2 years ago and then sat on it for some reason. And in those 2 years they called up folks working in every form of media imaginable, asking if they would like to help turn MN9 into a franchise... Despite its reputation being lukewarm at best as an IP, and its launch constantly delayed due to glitches and technical problems...

In that 2 years they announced a feature length film, toys, and even did a CG trailer for a cartoon everyone promptly forgot existed:
and the tv series was announced july 2014, literally a few months later

When I saw the announcement Fuze made regarding their newest Chinese knockoff Android machine, and noticed both MN9 and Red Ash listed as launch titles, it became a lot clearer to me that this is just internet sleuths being too clever for companies to be able to hide their shady dealings anymore. this kind of crap is probably unfortunately common
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OH now I get this image
>ayy briefs

what did he mean by this?

ok, thanks for the information


>she have hands
>not amputated hand

Welp, she isn't worth it anymore for my fetish
when she first appears in the show she locks herself in the bathroom... so i guess thats the joke with that image, i dunno... fuck SU
You seem to know a lot for someone who doesn't watch or like the show, anon.

I don't watch but I don't have the irrational hate that a lot /v/ seems to have for it
>Not enjoying both Nichijou and Nichibros

Get out of my face.

>amputation fetish
>i'm not the only one here

Welp, I'm not alone after all
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i cant remember where i heard of it, but i heard the name peridot and i was like "who's that?" and ended up watching a "FUNNIEST CLIPS OF PERIDOT" video

curiosity did indeed kill the cat
>irrational hate that a lot /v/ seems to have for it

Seems like that's more a result of the fanbase than the show itself. I've got nothing against the show, but some of the fans are absolutely insane and embody the worst aspects of sites like tumblr.

Of course a lot of people translate hatred for fans of a thing into hatred for the thing itself, which is pretty irrational.
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Well yeah, fanbase is almost always shit. But just posting reaction images from the show warrants triggered replies.

And I love it

Wait, wait wait. Why is Beck all white now? He has no color.
Looks pretty shit desu
>anime fans can't handle the bantz
He has no grace
>Also inafune is the creator of megaman

I know you're not being serious, but it's mind blowing how Inafune got away with that scam. He joined the MM1 team late in development. He then somehow gets to take credit for the characters and game.

Akira Kitamura directed MM1 and created Mega Man.
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>just dash through anything

It's like watcing the Smash 4Bayonetta reveal all over again.
You have to put enemies in a weakened state first which can be done jumping on them, shooting them, using environmental hazards, or reflecting shots back at them, etc. Some enemies can only be put in the weakened state by having weaker enemies around them weakened and combo'd first. It gets pretty hectic and it is pretty slick on the whole. It's no Devil May Cry but it gets pretty intense for a 2D sidescroller.
How could Inafune make Mega Man and Mega Man X, then create such a failure as MN9?
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Remember when they promised boss kills would give you their powers and not power ups?
Because he didn't make either of them. He was part of a larger team.
What do you think Steve Jobs built the i Phone or something?
>How could Inafune make Mega Man and Mega Man X
he didn't nor is the reason why the games were good
>see that ? that's cringe
>and you can cringe and cringe and cringe on
>and I've saved the best for last, the dash boost
>with this you can absorb your funders' cringe to leave them crying in a pool of their own regret
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>All of those dislikes
Hilarious, just hilarious.
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Just preordered it and there's nothing anybody can do about it >;)
I'm almost disappointed the punchline wasn't BACON XD at any point.
What confuses me more is that he's got Inti Creates on this, and Inti Creates has proven capable of making damn good Mega Man games, and yet this game looks like trash.
If your good judgement didn't stop you I can't see how we could

How abotu you guys stop bullshitting?

>Series creator Keiji Inafune unknowingly designed an icon for Capcom, a hero who would be remembered for generations to come. Though the series’ debut didn’t provide immediate sales success, it quickly earned both critical and popular acclaim (terrible Western box art aside). The first outing was followed up by numerous sequels on the NES, in addition to spin-offs on future consoles like Mega Man X and Battle Network. The Mega Man franchise became Capcom’s crown jewel, selling more than 29 million games worldwide since its debut in the 80’s.

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>>Series creator Keiji Inafune

Stopped reading there.

>I just shat on my pants and decided to eat all of it, and theres nothing you can do to stop me!

You go, man!
I will be happy to play it.

Truth hurts too much? Mega Man (or Rock Man in Japan if you didn't know) is Inafune's baby. He loves Rock n' Roll music and its common for his characters to have music themed names.
>dash like a moonman
Inafune was nothing but an artist for the series.
He was hired by Capcom to draw artwork for the already created Mega Man for NES.
All his involvement in MMX were character designs and story, not gameplay, not level design, not anything.

Inafune is not MM creator, only a shitty artist who claimed he created him.
>shitty artist
fuck i want a fat juicy burger right now but im stuck eating kale and carrots with hummus

pls guy ferrari gimme a fat one

Do you have a SINGLE citation for any of your wild claims? I can name hundreds of articles saying Inafune is the series creator of Mega Man.
>all those delays and it still looks like shit
i didn't back it and i'm still disappointed.
wasn't this game suppose to come out 3 years ago?
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Now fuck off
The character was created by Akira Kitamura for the first Mega Man game released in 1987, with artist Keiji Inafune providing detailed character artwork based on Kitamura's pixel art design.
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1 year ago
>he bought the inafune created mega man meme

wew lad
all these cucks backing megaman game probably didn't even play at least 3 games of the series, I'm tired of 2d platformers because ps4/xbone keeps giving me all these sidescrollers and I don't even fucking play them
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remember this ?
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and this
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and this?
No joke: I honestly have a friend who's defending the shit out of the graphics. Claims the game looks fine and that the graphics are irrelevent because "it's Mega Man - who gives a shit about the graphics".

>Not willing to accept that being a backer was a mistake
We don't talk about this here...delete this..
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I backed it. I'll see if I a like the game or not when it's out.

Still amazing how butthurt you people got over this. Gamergate 0.5 right here.
did you also back the castlevania manga bitch game? That one looks better than might no9
>"it's Mega Man - who gives a shit about the graphics".

What planet is he living on? Mega Man is one of the best looking Famicom games. The X series looked great too.
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You mean Bloodstained?
i praise iga all day erryday.
>This game looks like shit for a current gen game. It looks like it belongs on the Gamecube/Very Early 360 Arcade game

It looks like a budget Gamecube came running in Dolphin. Not a high budget game either, a cheap shitty forgetable one.
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>Make them cry like an anime fan on prom night.
More like make them cry like someone who backed this.

Kill me.
Still looks like trash, why the fuck did i back this? why did i fall for it /v/?

I see you Peridot.

people who pretend to hate on anime to sound cool?
whip or sword ?

>The Father of Mega Man wants to make a new Mega Man game. Let's give him money.

That's why.
>this fucking meme commentary

>thinking anyone gives a shit about points anymore

this looks stupid, this sounds stupid, this only made it worse.
the father of megaman is doctor light.
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how many of those were a letdown and or a waste of money
While everything about this game has been a shit show, the gameplay at least looks good and fun
>delayed twice
The only ones BTFO are the backers.
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Out of the 97 Kickstarter project I backed, maybe 40% were "4-6/10"? They are lower quality games for the most part.

For example, Sir, You are Being Hunted is not great but it was fun to play.

Other games are great like Giana Sisters or Grim Dawn.
Around 40 % too

20% are just 2-4/10.

So far the only time I've been burned is the first time too. A RPG game that never even got released.
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>Out of the 97 Kickstarter project I backed

i refuse to believe this unless you are undeniably clinically diagnosed on the spectrum autistic
>all they had to do was lighting and filters to mimic this
>they likely would of still fucked it up like their current ones

It's really sad when this was done with games in the fucking 90's yet here were are 2016 and Le Conman still can't fucking do it right.
I see games that I like, so I back them. They get funded, I pay less than the release cost and get swag with it.

Kickstarter has tried to warn us.
No, the gamecube could do much better than this unless the game was super low budget
I feel bad for the announcer, I really do.

Oh well, at least he got paid I guess.
Just days later something cringier than the #FE ad comes out
Who the fuck are any of these people trying to market to
>awesome things
>that are awesome
Since when has cringe been anything but a 4chan thing
So anons, after watching the trailer did you still want to play Mighty Number 9?

Be honest, there's no wrong answer.
Cromartie is some top shit. /v/'s got good taste
Is this Lego Island?
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Aww, crap; singing. Mind if I broke?

Delay's are awful; you don't need 'em
You just need to get off your fat ass,
what the- sorry buddy;
missed the release and you're, outta money!
here on level one of Indie Hell!

Scams are wrong and so is shilling,
So it's forging phony IPOs
Let's let IGN decide what type of rating's justified;
Are fit for us here on level two!

Ooh, six point 7!

Just tell me why!

Please watch this angry rant on YouTube

There must be Indie worse than I!

We checked around, there really aren't!

Then please let me explain; my plans were merely little hopes


Aww, don't blame me; blame my creator

You mean that worthless illustrator?

Scamming mega fans is wrong;
neckbeards need that income to survive.

Hey, faggot gonna steal your game
with your vidya dumped to the Pirate Bay!

That's what-cha, what-cha, what-cha get on level five!

Don't feel ok!

It's up to us to rescue Beck.

Maybe his game won't be delayed.

It's us who sent him here to heck!

His game does look real fucking gay.

Come on, Knight, don't be scared
I'm sure at least one of us will spared
so just sit back; enjoy the ride.

My armor's chipping from the slide!

Cutting gameplay; wasting money, pissing on those rabid mega-fans,
You will pay for every crime, you aren't worth a single dime!
You'll suffer 'till the end of time, enduring shitposts; most of
which rhyme
Trapped forever here in Indie Hell!

Redid this to make it slightly less shit.

Anyone have the Robot Devil pic actually? I swear I had it but I guess not.
>the gameplay at least looks good and fun
In what fucking universe? Because it sure as hell isn't this one.
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I like it
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Look at all these dislikes

Ray gameplay is fun, but that's DLC
>Minecraft DLC Character
>Deep Silver

Very cringey trailer and graphics look like ass, but I did have fun with the demo
Trailer is a pretty shit representation of how the game plays. Not that I'd expect much better from a publisher trailer.
More like Mighty Number Nein
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>I backed this shit

c o o l d u d e
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Yeah, day one Disc Locked Content that costs $10. Great, based Inajewne.
>disc locked
majority of copies will not be physical, theyll be digital
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Holy fuck, what part of the game is this from?
No talent on the team.

Tight budget
>No talent on the team.

The director has literally never made a 2D platformer before.

Why hire this guy? Why not someone who has experience with this?
from the ray dlc
thats what you see when you kill a boss as her

here take this.

not showing the ray dlc was a bad idea for the trailer
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>I backed this
At this point I'm just waiting to play this turd and be done with it. And I'm sure I'll be waiting a long time.
Did it look any better than the beta?
i said id release the builds i have if they fail to meet the date.
i believe they may have actually stepped shit up (except trailers) to make sure I dont.

I have a 360, PC, and PS3 builds, and if they fail to release the game those will be going up.

PC version looks somewhat okay. I cant honestly say I enjoy Beck's stages. Ray just feels far better to play as
>big O
I'm still not over that bullshit ending, what the fuck even happened? All I took from it was near crippling sadness that such enjoyable characters had to end.
Oh I saw that one. Ray's voice is a tad grating during the more CRAAAWLING IN MY SKIIIN moments, but overall looks cool as fuck. I was just wondering when that particular animation showed up.

I think the game looks damn fine to be honest. It only looks bad when you see the models up close. Something as simple as having mouth animations during dialogue would've done wonders.
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I do, to be honest. It's mostly Deep Silver's fault the trailers suck ass. If Inti was in charge of them, they'd be far better.
>And I'm sure I'll be waiting a long time.
One month doesn't take that long, anon.
yes, I'm sure them getting gold from the consoles is all because of your "threats"
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2.090.104 £
>~$ 3.100.000 i guess

I'm happy with my decision
>One month doesn't take that long, anon.
It does for Comcept.
>Something as simple as having mouth animations during dialogue would've done wonders.
If this doesnt change I'll be sure to voice my opinion in a view using static mouths.

In all honesty, the Ray playthrough isn't bad (but a bug is stopping me from beating Number 3). I want to show a quick video of the intro stage just because people keep asking me about showing that shit.

Guess I'll do that now...

For 360 and PS3 I also have files to reverse engineer the game.
The PS3 specificlly I have 3 builds for. one for US, one for EU, and one for Asia (not japan which is somewhat saddening to me)
I thought transformations had been cut from the game?
you get that one from the Mine boss Seismic
>That will make you cry like an anime fan on prom night
That's not something a Japanese developer says,that's something and SJW ex-community manager says, or a similar minded PR person. Jesus christ.
What's the date for the PC build?

Enemy induced transformations are cut.
Boss transformations (read: weapons) are still in.
in order
>June 2015
>July 2015
>July/August 2015
Doesn't Japan have the same stereotypes about otakus, if not worse?
So game crashed again.

Better redo everything... Again
>mighty number 9

more like mighty number 2 amirite
so is this kid gonna samefag that one post this whole thread or
i've waited 4 years to play this 2 hour game

Inafune is the devil and I sold my fucking soul to the bastard
Uploading 1 stage of ray footage for you anons.

Once its up I'll move onto another build I've been wanting to get to
don't original backers get the ray dlc for free?
They do.
Hey,thats pretty good. You should put that on the /v/: the musical when that thing starts again.
You don't have to samefag that much around here. You only have to do it a little and then everyone's herd mentality will kick in and continue the trend naturally.

Hell, that kind of post was started long before this thread, now it's just standard for MN9 threads so it likely isn't samefagging at all anymore.
yes. slacker backers do not
>slacker backers do not
Huh, I thought they did.
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EmptyHero made a comment and I'm the first one in /v/ to notice? What the hell happened to you?

>The Desolate Hope
>500 dollars

Wow, really? I know the game was insanely cheap to make because he used alot of stock things, but there must've been licenses or whatnot.
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Don't worry, I am.

Gonna see if I can do something with Activision as well.

I was the one who made Wise Idort's Thesis.
sigma /v/ hates smegmaking
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Unless I'm wrong then reading the FAQ section as well as the rewards for slacker backers you do not get it.

Speaking of this, I should have a CoD Prototype in my hands soonish.
Cancelled CoD game
inafune broke me with the delays so many times that I ended up not sending out any of my reward surveys (I'm too embarassed to have any merch in my house, kinda don't want it anymore) Do you think they're gonna give enough of a fuck to get me my stuff if i contact them, or am I gonna have to jump through a billion hoops to get it?

I kinda of just want to sell the shirts and artbook on ebay, they're too shameful to own.
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Damn, Ray is thick though;
Can anyone please explain to me why this game is such a big deal?
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the Megaman games as well, but that was fucking years ago.

In a world where every second indie game released looks to play exactly like this game or BETTER, why does anyone care for it?
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ProtoFaggot, thanks for sharing everything. How good would you say this game really is? Is the writing in the game as shit as the trailer?
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>newfags will take this image seriously
Main dude annoys me.

Looks like Megaman fucked Psychonauts.
This is my first seeing this obvious Zero rip off.

I really dont fucking like what I am seeing and I used to be the biggest zero fanboy ever
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That's the problem. It SHOULD be better than the average indie MM-like, but it isn't.
I backed this for $20
But I asked for and got a refund as soon as Dena was hired

Woah..this is the power of kickstarter...
Its a megaman reboot by the "father" of megaman. Any megaman fanboy worth their salt were hyped out of their mind when the kickstarter was announced.

4 years later, the game is completely mediocre looking and will probably play worse than most fan made megaman games. People are embarrassed they backed this. I am embarrassed I backed this. I did not enjoy the beta builds. I hate myself.

Yeah, that edit was made before we knew how much Scott spent on music fees. Here's an updated list.

Also, for autism reasons, I re-arranged them from most expensive to least expensive.
I don't get it what's with the pizza?
>do you like awesome things that are awesome

Feel bad for people who spent money on this.
Which is exactly what we fucking wanted. Fuck off.
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>ProtoFaggot, thanks for sharing everything.
Sure I guess.

>How good would you say this game really is? Is the writing in the game as shit as the trailer?
Writing isn't that bad, it's just not the most interesting either.

Jokes on them, I know their secrets

Why'd you post the same image a-OOOOH.

Wow, that's actually hilarious in hindsight.
>Video Games & Social Media
Does anyone else think the dash mechanic looks fucking stupid and awful?

It doesnt even look slightly fun to me. I want to shoot shit with big fucking blasts, or maybe a sword like Zeros, not use a shitty little stun gun and fabulously bump into shit.
It was a very special set of circumstances that made this game so popular. The Kickstarter went up around the time when hatred for Capcom was at its peak over shit like DmC, the cancellation of every single Mega Man game in production including MML3, all of the DLC shit they were pulling, etc., while Inafune was viewed as not only the creator of Mega Man, but also as a martyr that Capcom that unfairly removed from the company.

So he comes up and says "Capcom won't let me make the games I want to make, please help me revive Mega Man" and naturally everyone wanted to stick it to Capcom by funding it, and they'd get to see one of their favorite series come back from death.

Of course, after that Inafune went crazy with greed and made a million additional Kickstarters, forgot to get competent people in charge so the game looks like ass, and delayed it numerous times, plus people have had time to cool down and stop hating Capcom so that's no longer blinding their vision. Now everyone can plainly see how much of a disaster it is.
that's it i'm a #MightyBecker now

its the fact that its used for literally everything, instead of being situational like the dash/slide its ripping off

That's fucking Zero.
You know exactly what I mean, asshole.
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Do you fags even try anymore?
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>Make the bad guys cry like an anime fan on prom night
Okay that got me.
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Here anons

Here's your Ray gameplay.

anon please, all the dlc is digital. the only thing on the physical versions will be the base game
why? because the ray dlc is 77mb, and the rest are under 1mb
Holy fucking shit, these vermin post on /v/ now.
Newflash: Not everyone is dirt poor. Some of us like to spend money and show support.

Stop acting like your money is sacred in only your hands and being a hoarder.
Vermin? I've been on /v/ for 8 years bro.

Stop trying to make it a "New people are the problem" thing. I have money. A lot. Deal with it.
Holy fuck. That looks kinda easy, but fun as fuck at the same time. Reminds me a bit of Zero on Mega Man Unlimited.


I don't understand though, you can just dash at some enemies without even attacking?
>giana sisters

That game was broken and extremely stale.
THe only fun I had was obtaining collectibles that i shouldnt be able to obtain by cheesing the mechanics.

I've never been so bored of the atmosphere and music in a game before playing giana sisters
>Of course, after that Inafune went crazy

He's been like this forever. Why do you think Capcom fired him? He's a TERRIBLE businessman.
Since the very beginning. Back in '85 Nintendo designed the Goomba late in development because they realized having to do a finisher on every enemy was slowing the game down. MN9 still hasn't learned.

It's still not obvious to me when enemies are spewing particles because you need to run into them or for other reasons, like because part of their model spits them out constantly. Is there even a sound effect for it? Can't hear shit besides the same plink every shot makes.
Why are anime fans so upset at this trailer? Shouldn't you be used to being a laughingstock already?
shame ray doesn't look far and away better in every possible way like the proto zero mode was
>Health gradually decreases
What's the reason for that?
I really liked it. The music is great too.
They were still labouring under the delusion that Japan would accept them.
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Japan is not a weeaboo country bro.
Dash does damage. That's pretty much the reason. All the intro enemies are weak and can die with just the dash.

>Prototype robot
>Requires Xels to live
>Has to kill to live
Yeah, maybe "went crazy" was the wrong way to put it, more like he made it more clear to everyone than ever that he's a putz who doesn't know what he's doing.

It seemed pretty clear he was off his rocker long before that with how he simply could not stop going on about how much he despised Japanese video games and told Capcom to get western devs to make gritty reimaginings for games like Bionic Commando and DmC.

Mario Sunshine looks better than this. Prove me wrong
Could someone explain this whole thing to me? What is this game? Why is everybody getting so mad? Why is the dislike bar so huge? It just looks like a generic platformer to me.
You're not wrong.
Google will bring literally everything you need to know from it.
I don't think there's anything left that you can't find through Google just by searching "Mighty No.9" or some variant of the name
>Not liking kill la kill
I'm mad because I unironically like vaporwave.
It looks like a worse version of Network Transmission

No but it already looks better than whatever the fuck MN9 is trying to be.
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Real concept art from Infantking himself.
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The hatred hasn't subsided, not even one iota.




At Least Beck looks kinda different. That is litereally just Zero. Can Inafune just not let go of his baby?
Xenoglossia is the shit. Fuck anyone who says otherwise. The other Idolm@ster stuff not so much. But Imber is bro of the year all years.
Can she dash downwards too?
>Can Inafune just not let go of his baby?
I don't think that's the issue, I think he's incapable of making anything else that doesn't suck balls.
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Why does he sound like a woman?
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This game has been such an entertaining trainwreck. Has there been a bigger fall from grace than this?
ray is a girl, you can tell even in concept art.
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Wow, looks a lot lamer than her illustration. She went from a cool Getter Robo/Zero hybrid to an angry midget. This game is a travesty.
because its name is raychel

at least robot ryuko is a more entertaing character than beck
Oh, how sarcasm is described as meme'ing
this son of a bitch can't be bothered to draw more than a 30 second sketch

and he still gets assmad when fans shit on his designs

fucking hack
Holy fuck. Inafune actually turned Zero into a girl, the absolute madman.
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What the fuck that's a scribble
I like how he signs everything he makes no matter how trash it is. the fucking ego on this guy is ridiculous.
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guess I won't be able to post this anymore

lol j/k, I'll still post it.
blondie basically already was, the big green tittymonster
Has nice art and shit animation.
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I know that feel man...I know that feel....
honestly shes constantly crouching or bending over, my real complaint is that her cape is to small and glows way too bright.

I get its based off the game but that yellow gets at my autism

I got to get one of these btw they look amazing
jesus it even has classic megaman feet, how shit is infune?
The footage I put up shows it to be a bit longer than the concept art.

I like the animation when you acquire a weapon from a boss.
>Beat boss
>This plays >>338868372
>Mission clear
>Slow zoom on Ray
>Clearly in pain
>Claw arm shaking and growing
>Clearly in more pain
>Arm transforms to your new weapon
Pretty graphic in a cartoon way

Only way to make it better is by adding screaming to it.
>lol j/k, I'll still post it.

His series is dead after this. There will be no sequels or films or anything. So it still fits.
How the fuck do you have a game so heavily criticized but the end product looks the EXACT FUCKING SAME as the first trailer from two years ago? It was in development for three years, they couldn't use the two years to make it not look like shit?

Shovel Knight was pretty fun and looked WAY better than MN9. God damn. MN9 is so fucking incompetent.
Hope your going to SDCC or have a middleman going. Otherwise you'll be like me hoping to find them a set on Ebay that dosen't cost an arm and a leg. hoping for just an arm
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>SK is a better MM revival than MN9
Oh shit, pain. That's hardcore.
The gameplay looks almost entirely like you just run right in a narrow corridor occasionally jumping over waste-high walls shooting at enemies that conventiently take up the entire corridor in height.

Either this trailer is awful or the game is that awful or both I don't know but that trailer does not convince me to want to get it at all.
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it looks like they smeared pizza on the screen, jesus christ
>The gameplay looks almost entirely like you just run right in a narrow corridor occasionally jumping over waste-high walls shooting at enemies that conventiently take up the entire corridor in height.

WElcome to every single level. I've seen play throughs of the demo and yes that is what every single level is like. Also


It is. It isn't just a straight copy too. It's Mega Man mixed with Zelda II. I've been waiting for a platformer with a downward stab for ages.
Visually its pretty fucked when you look in detail. I can get footage but I'd have to reset the save data and that's not really worth the effort.

But since they're already dying by the second it seems fitting.

The edits for Cheetos and pizza have been fantastic. I want more to show up.
>The gameplay looks almost entirely like you just run right in a narrow corridor occasionally jumping over waste-high walls shooting at enemies that conventiently take up the entire corridor in height.
That's literally what it is, play the betas and trial demo for proof. Or alternately just watch the playthroughs of each level Proto Faggot uploaded.
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That sounds like the Gamestop guy though. Pretty much only thing I have left on Wii U.
Can we get a list of Mega Man spiritual successors that are worth playing?
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I'm still on suicide watch
so ots just an edgyer protoman with some bass mixed in to make her grittyer then?
What Kickstarters have irreversibly damaged the site's reputation for video games?

>Broken Age
>WElcome to every single level. I've seen play throughs of the demo and yes that is what every single level is like.
Only stage that doesn't fit this is Number 8 which is essentially a loop that lets you go either direction for a game if cat and mouse.

>People actually saying watch my videos
Well fuck.
Guess I better get on more of this.

The artwork flashed as cutscenes is actually better than what you see in game.
But it's quite edgy regardless

Let this be a lesson.

Be wary of Kickstarters. Lots of big promises. Playing your emotions.

But don't abandon it entirely. I was very cynical on them. But I ended up loving Shovel Knight.

I'm going to say that 95% of the Kick starters games are mediocre or bad. But that's why you should give smaller donations. 5-10 dollars is fine. It's a bet. A risk.
Hookers and blow?
>>People actually saying watch my videos
Well as far as I know you're the only one that uploaded footage of every main level so far, so who else would I direct people towards?
Now that's how you make a gif.
Usually seems pretty easy to tell, just don't back anything that has nothing going for it beyond concept art or "big ideas". If they don't have any gameplay footage or, even better, a demo, then they aren't worth the time and certainly aren't worth the money.
Didn't Broken Age end up a success, though?
I guess Homestuck can applies but that would imply anyone sane expected it to end up well.
HOLY SHIT. Fucking children, are you serious? 4million dollars is not a lot of money. You're insane if you think you're going to get HD frame-by-frame animated sprites for only 4mil.

Mega Man 8 was SPRITE work. Way easier to produce. Much smaller resolution.
Is this SFM?

It dispelled the "le publishers are evil" myth and proved that sometimes publishers are necessary to rein in devs with no sense of control.
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>Me too
the claim from the very beginning of the TV announcement, is that none of the game's money goes to that. The studio handling the production agreed to do it on the promise that the show will be profitable in the future.
>Mega Man 8 was SPRITE work. Way easier to produce. Much smaller resolution.

Maybe MN9 should have been a 640x480 sprite based game then?
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hes right you know? the funniest thing is anime fans are the ones waiting for this game

>That monologue

I swear Egoraptor had to be behind that.
Sprites are seen as indie/nostalgia games. If you want to be regarded as a major production, then you have to go 3D.
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>like an anime fan on prom night


Damn guys...
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Who cares?
Ima pirate anyway
>Shitty 3d recreation of that opening Highway from MMX, down to falling bits.
>Actual weapon looks like weak shit just to set up the fucking dash.
>constantly draining health that needs to keep killing to keep it up? Have fun until you get to a boss!

Jesus fuck, this doesn't look fun.

Not buying
I suppose that's fair. Would explain the sudden spike in views lately.
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Also, I'm fairly certain MM8 was half that resolution. Most likely. 320x240, or somewhere about. So you're still asking for twice that size.
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>was SPRITE work. Way easier to produce.
Love this meme. Also refer to: >>338869619
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Just wait until the people who "invested" on Mr.Shitface newest game get shafted
>Mega Man 8 was SPRITE work. Way easier to produce.
hahahaha oh jesus this guy is serious
>major production

It's a damned Kickstarter game. Inafune thinking it was anything more than that is where he fucked up. You really should never get too ambitious when you're being forced to rely on the money and good faith of fans.

He should have just let Inti Creates use the same style that they did for Gunvolt.
>He should have just let Inti Creates use the same style that they did for Gunvolt.
I don't know senpai. I'm not a huge fan of MN9's design but Gunvolt's art style and design design was absolutely fucking garbage. Not to mention Gunvolt didn't look anything remotely like Megaman.
I hope you understand how retarded you are.
I really do.

You're worse than the one faggot commenting on my videos about not showing off the English VA

luckily he stopped but goddamn, ive never seen someone so mad that i dont find the english VA work enjoyable. I cant even get the French VA to work but still.
I would murder a puppy to be able to sprite like the fuckers who made Metal Slug
Do you think those things would magically be easier to do if they were made to be in HD, or did you just not read the post correctly? Cause I'm not even that guy but I don't understand what point you two are trying to make.
>Gunvolt's art style and design design was absolutely fucking garbage
Your average Inajewne apologist everyone, fucking hell.
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seriously? this guy seems weird
>inajewne apologist
nice assumption there
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There's a good chance he's young.
Like I understand there's interest in the English VA, but I'll let people hear it for themselves later on when others upload footage.

The JP and English subtitles are also not direct translations.
Most of /v/ dislikes Gunvolt because it's not a carbon copy of Megaman and plays more like an Arcade game/speed game, which is off-putting to /v/ because this board is really casual.
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Dragon Crown's art is almost completely produced by one savant artist. It's not reasonable to suggest that everyone have some wacky genius on their team.

Half Genie Hero doesn't use frame-by-frame animation. They use warping and tweening to shortcut. Also, they went through the same dev time as MN9, as they were only announce like a week apart, right? Shantae still hasn't come out. Wayforward also has their own funds they can dip into. As they produce other games to fund their pet projects. Comcept has to campaign for money, since they're fresh. Also, Wayforward did hold further fund raising post-kickstarter.

Serious Sam is 3D.

The animators of Skullgirls talk about how much money they lost developing that game, and how they got screwed in the publishing deal, seeing almost no money back on the game. Their new game ran a compaign for 3mil, just so they could convince their publishers to give them 7mil(if I remember correctly), making it so that their budget is actually 10 mil. And even then, they still say the budget is tight.

Shovel Knight is low res pixel art.

I don't know what Valdis Story is, so I can't comment on that.

The desolate hope is done another savant, who produces these indie games on his free time, in between work and family. Because he has another job, he doesn't need to factor in living costs, and all that. Also, they're 3D.

Freedom Planet is low res pixel art.

I don't know Armikrog, so I can't comment on it. However, seeing how it's claymation, it likely saves production time and cost. Claymation effects are a long-used time saving effect, used in cinema and video games of old. They're more convenient than drawing sprites from scratch, but less convenient than fully digital 3D.

And lastly, metal slug, as fan-fucking-tastic as the game looked, was STILL only low resolution sprite art. It STILL wasn't fully HD animation.

When you're only working in a 320x240 space, then it's easier to produce.
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what are you talking about
only shitposters and inafune apologists hate the game, even those who try to hate it claim it's decent at worst.
>Dragon Crown's art is almost completely produced by one savant artist. It's not reasonable to suggest that everyone have some wacky genius on their team.

It's not unreasonable to ask that a game being released in 2016 doesn't look like a 2006 game.
>saves time and cost
Yeah, no.
I think there's more hate for the removed braided hair in the US release.

>When you're only working in a 320x240 space, then it's easier to produce.
That's the native PS1 output resolution, and shit like megaman legends 2 has a debug tool to zoom in by 2, 4, and 8 times to check if pixels appear correct on screen. Even in 3D they checked this shit for detail.
PS1 also does 640x480 interlacing but few games took advantage of this, legends 2 being one of them
that was unrelated but it bugs me that the 3DS has a similar resolution on both screens when it can easily have more. 400x240 is the screen res for it, but double to 800x240 when 3D is enabled. I feel it could be higher res but hey, that's just me
Looks like shit desu senpai
Glad I didn't back this shit when they first showed off the concept art (which actually looked baller as fuck),
Are those cone-head guys even in the game?
>Their new game ran a compaign for 3mil, just so they could convince their publishers to give them 7mil(if I remember correctly), making it so that their budget is actually 10 mil.
You fucking what?
never back anything.
if you love the work of someone donate to the guys and never pirate.

You can come up with any stupid excuse you want to convince yourself that this game isn't a turd and you didn't waste your money on a 5/10 platformer at best but at the end of the day, MN9 was given a budget that vastly exceeded Inafune's asking price (like 950k IIRC) yet we ended up with a game that not only looks like shit and apes megaman in the laziest way possible but the mechanics that would've set it apart from the other megaman clones ended up getting cut because of a "tight budget."

I mean, the fact that it got delayed like four times and still looks like runny dogshit is proof enough that the game is, was, and shall forever be, DOA.
That's really beside the point I was making. Which is 2D sprite work is more time consuming and difficult to produce than 3D work.
Why are MN9 threads so popular?
I heard that Symphony of the Night was only produced for something like 1 million dollars. Detailed sprite work seems pretty cheap for low resolution. There's still a lot of good quality 480p sprite work in Japanese games.

A lot of them seem kinda cheap though. The backgrounds are especially lacking. I imagine with some decent budget, say 4 million dollars, you could produce a truly gorgeous game.
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It needs a miracle to be good now, and it just ain't coming
See that HUD?
That's the HUD that should be in game.

It's clear, it's simple, it looks good, and doesnt have discrepancy when you get hit because you can clearly see how much you have left.
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I don't even care that I lost money to this farce anymore, holy shit I want to see how they keep topping themselves on making things worse. What's Inafune even going to do after Mighty No 9? No way he has any good will left to make this work out for him.
The new game, What's it called? Indivisible? The fund raising campaign was used to seduce a publisher into giving them more money. It was an interest gauge. If the campaign failed, then the publisher wouldn't have given the money, everyone who donated would have been refunded their money, and the game would have been trashed.

If you're going to have a game that's being worked on by industry veterans who have made better games on shittier hardware then the whole "2D sprite work is more time consuming" thing goes out the window.

I could make a shitty 6 frame walking animation of a stick figure on shit like flipnote or tweener (assuming I didn't fuck up the name, it was that animation software that let you use stick figures) and I'm not even an artist or a video game developer.
see >>338885158
Skullgirls had half the budget and they had something insane like 11,000 hand-drawn frames.
>seeing how it's claymation, it likely saves production time and cost.

>Metal Slug
>When you're only working in a 320x240 space, then it's easier to produce.

Spoken like a true retard who never made anything in his entire life. Classic /v/ Tbh.
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This is honestly the sweetest silver lining to all this. Since Inafune likely blew all the money, he'll be desperate for work when this bombs but he burned his bridges. The schadenfreude feels so good.

Right now he has Chinese money. But I don't think it will last. I can't see MN9 or any other game being a big seller. Expect Comcept to limp along for a few years before closing shop.
Good sprite art is very difficult and tedious to produce.
see >>338885480
I know what it is, you retard. And before you reply to me with another shitpost how about you do some basic fact checking?
That's because they lost money. They've talked about how making that game put them in debt.
It really depends on the scope of the project and the level of detail in the artwork. Low res and simple sprites can be pretty easy to deal with (which is why most indie devs default to it) especially since we're talking about a team with plenty of experience in 2D games but very little experience in 3D.

More than that, though, I think 2D art would be far more portable without as much noticeable loss in quality. MN9 has to be designed with handhelds and smartphones in mind, I'm sure that plays a part in how terrible it looks.
>shitting on anime fans
It's like inafune is literally giving you faggots the finger even after successfully scamming you. This is too much.
>That's because they lost money. They've talked about how making that game put them in debt.


Why the fuck did they do that? I mean. It's a new IP. You can't become super succssful over night.
>MN9 has to be designed with handhelds and smartphones in mind, I'm sure that plays a part in how terrible it looks.

They gave up trying to make it one game. They have to remake it for the 3DS and VITA.
>Those faces
>Dat ugly mess of a level design

Did they actually work on it? This and the demo from a year ago look the same.
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>people browsing this thread actually backed this disaster
wait what year is this?
>Did they actually work on it? This and the demo from a year ago look the same.

Apparently the game has mostly been done for ages. The delays are due to the handheld versions, that they have to remake, and the release of some new Chinese hand held that they want MN9 to be a realease game for.
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>$4 million dollars meme
Game cost $900k and that was with Inafune explicitly stating that part of those costs went into overhead for the company and not just the game. So it's, at worst, $900k of game. That's a $3.1 million dollar profit, immediately, before the game hits shelves.

It seems like nobody knows how crowdfunding works. You get sales for a product upfront, and price the campaign based on what it's worth for you to bring to the table at all (base cost). You don't then up and retroactively use all your profits from the project to make the project better- that's literally making it a zero-sum affair.

Y'all act like Inafune pissed away $4mil. Inafune just paid a dev team barely $1mil and pocketed the remainder. That's doing incredibly well as a businessman.
Claymation is easier, for the fact that you can manipulate the figures, rather than redrawing them.

A 320x240 metalslug is far easier than a 1920x1080 metalslug.

Far less work to produce than HD sprites though.
Megaman is at most 32x32 pixels in MM8? It takes time, but not AS much time compared to HD sprites.
had a laugh at the pitchman after slowing down the playspeed in the video.
Huh, well, I still imagine it had some effect on their design process, and I'm sure any time wasted on attempting to port it and remaking it for other systems could have been avoided if it were a simpler 2D game.
Is this the end of kikestarter?

The entire budget of the game and then some was eaten up by development. I would not be suprized if the Chinese didn't give it additional funding. The game is ported to every console known to man for some ungodly reason. There are fees to just get them on those platforms, plus the porting. Plus he has to remake the game for 3DS, VIta.


Unreal Engine 3 is an engine NOT meant for hand helds. It's a last gen console engine. What the fuck were they thinking?

Except for the fact that the is most likely going to bomb and Inafune burnt all his bridges before MN9 even came out.

I mean sure, if your retardation is correct, he made $1 million from scamming the megaman fanbase but in the grand scheme of things, $1 million actually isn't that much money in terms of business.

Think about it, there are games that sold a million copies yet were still considered commercial failures by their publishers, how is $1 million "doing incredibly well" in this industry?
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Uh...I highly doubt it. Might be the beginning of the end for Inafune's career though.

It looks worse than fucking Rockman 7.
Can you wire me $1 million? I mean it's """only""""" $1 million which is nothing right?
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>Implying we backed this fraudulent westaboo.
>You're insane if you think you're going to get HD frame-by-frame animated sprites for only 4mil.
Dragon's crown is all sprites
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I can't put my finger on it, but there's just something about that dash that really fucking bothers me. The entire game just looks fucking slow in general though.

And it assumes that Inafune himself gets a check for 3 million.

Inafune wanted this game to SELL so he'd be the rights holder to a big name property. All the toys and spin off rights would go to him. He'd personally stand to make tens of millions of dollars if MN9 became as even partially as big as Mega Man.

But this isn't gonna happen. MN9 looks like it will be released to a collective thud. The future of Comcept is really in question.
You did support the not-con man, right, /v/?
Akira Kitamura comes out tomorrow says he would like 50,000 to produce Cocoron 2.

Do you guys go for it?
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What have these industry veterans worked on the the past that suggests they're capable of producing high quality HD sprites?
Mega Man 8 is a visual masterpiece... on playstation 1. By today's standards though, the game seen as a pixel indie style.

>I could make a shitty 6 frame walking animation of a stick figure on shit like flipnote or tweener
And what is that supposed to prove?

Are you suggesting they go low res? Because that wasn't really the thing I was focused on. I was focused on the notion that just because they have 4million, it's expected of them to produce high quality HD sprites. That's a silly notion. Now, if they went low res, then I can see how 4million is plenty of money. But we're not talking about going low res.

But to address portability, it actually becomes more difficult to port the lower the resolution is. Because it's easy to scale an object down and maintain quality. But much harder to scale an object up and maintain quality. Plus, variences in screen ratios will make everything you've produced just slightly misaligned. So you have to go back through everything, and make sure it's framed properly to each ratio.
I think you're the one that doesn't understand crowdfunding.

You don't just pocket all the additional cash, there's stretch goals and such to consider. Not to mention that they've no doubt gone over the original 900,000 budget and had to start blowing through the rest to keep it afloat.

The entire fuckin' point is to get the money just to get the thing MADE, the profit comes afterwards when it starts selling, which they've already fucked up since no one is going to want to touch the game after this and no one will ever trust Inafune again.

So no, he did not do good as a business man. He had a surefire way to make cash and he completely blew it so spectacularly he'll probably have trouble finding work.
>digital sprites take more time than fucking claymation
Yeah I'm done here
They would have made more money, but they agreed to a very shitty publishing deal.
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I trust Iga, he knows what he's doing unlike Inafune. If by any chance Bloodstained is a blunder, I'll never believe in nothing anymore.

It's nothing within the context of the industry anon.

This is a man who wanted to turn MN9 into a multimedia franchise like Mario or Sonic, yet all he has to show for it is a shitty game, and $1 million that'll likely be eaten up by his other projects, which will likely fall flat just like MN9 did.

Inafune's career is going to tank once this game bombs and since people have started to realize that the bulk of Capcom's failings came from Inafune's bullshit, people are going to be wary of doing business with him, kinda like how Hamburder Helper's career tanked after DA2 released and her mere presece was enough to sink a kickstarter single-handedly.
>literally implying $4 gorillian went into the shit we got
Either he pocketed it or blew it on hookers, because it sure as shit doesn't look like he put it into the game.
You missed my post where I addressed all of that already. How about reading the replies of the post you're referring to.
Still sounds easier than completely remaking the game in a different engine just to get it to work.
>Psychonauts 2
Never trust Tim Schafer.
>Shovel Knight
Was genuinely fucking awesome.
>Wasteland 2
Was genuinely fucking awesome.
Cautiously optimistic.
>That One Lab Zero Game With the Waifus
Skullgirls was awesome so maybe
>La-Mulana 2
>Hyper Light Drifter
Came and went, bunch of cut content
Really good but completely overhyped
>Banner Saga
Surprisingly good.
>Unsung Story
literally who
>Broken Age
I want to fist Shantae's asshole and use her like a muppet.
>Furry bullshit
Furry bullshit
>Sonic furry bullshit
Fun furry bullshit.
>Mighty No. 9
Dumpster fire.
Why would anyone think this would ever succeed?
>Divinity Original Sin
Holy shit really awesome and totally underappreciated.
>Hunie Pop
who fucking cares
>Shenmue III
Does anyone actually have ANY fucking hope for this?
>Mega Man 8 is a visual masterpiece... on playstation 1.


It has a high degree of technical qualities but it's a bit of a mess.

MM himself looks like a lifeless doll. His poses don't really convey much of anything. The art style is full Western cartoony. The original MM were more 60's anime.

MM's sprite is too big relative to the screen. You also have to do the ridiculous thing where you need to have part of your left toe on platforms to make jumps.

There's a reason why MM9/10 didn't go back to the MM8 style. And they were better games for it.

If you want to make a better MM game, take MM9/10, exact same scale and everything, and just improve the colors and animations.
>damn he only made an easy million instead of multi millions, what a fucking loser lmfao
Again, can you wire me a quick million since it's nothing?

>lol he's going to just blow it all on nothing anyway i mean he wouldn't invest it or anything nah he'll definitely throw it all away and end with nothing
Literally delusional.
I'm hedging it all on Yooka Laylee
I loved MM7 and fucking hated MM8

I hated the animations and art especially, and how weird MM himself handled in 8, but 7 was fine by me.

>What have these industry veterans worked on the the past that suggests they're capable of producing high quality HD sprites?

They don't necessarily need to be high quality HD sprites, it just needs to look good, as in, the graphics match the concept art and everything's clear and easy to distinguish.

Not the shitty 3D bullshit where the character's look like action figures and their mouths don't even move when they're speaking.

>Mega Man 8 is a visual masterpiece... on playstation 1. By today's standards though, the game seen as a pixel indie style.

People love retro-indie garbage so it's not like it'd be that much of a detriment if its sprite quality was equal to a PSX game.

Fuck, for most, a pixel game that looks like MM8 would probably be quite popular considering how some indie devs think an indistinguishable block of pixels counts as sprites and shit.
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I agree, MM8's style was bright and colorful but the sprites themselves weren't all that great.

I honestly think 7's style was the best. It did a great job just transitioning the 8-bit sprites into better detailed ones. The only problem is of course the one everybody brings up, that they were too fucking big.
>>Unsung Story
>literally who

The music producer that also led the Under the Dog kickstarter gathers some big names for the "revival of JRPGs" that falls apart because the programmer was too busy with Ori to have any progress made on Unsung story.
Why was Megaman so angry in that game?
I guess their story really will remain bad joke
Well, I mean it depends on what you're animating.
in 2D, if you draw a rotating object, some parts leave sight, and other parts enter sight. This essentially means, you have to redraw the frame from the ground up. But with clay, you simply only have to turn the object slightly.

>Again, can you wire me a quick million since it's nothing?

Whether you believe me or not, a million dollars for a "multimedia franchise" is nothing.

This is also assuming that your retarded idea of him pocketing $1 million is even true.

>Literally delusional.

Inafune is delusional enough to think his IP would be popular enough for TV shows, toys, anime, etc. before he even released the damn game.

You can invest in something but it doesn't mean that the investment isn't going to fall through.

Look at MN9's kickstarter.
>Mega Man 8 is a visual masterpiece
I didn't mean it as seriously as you're taking it. Just that the game looks very very good.
Because he's had enough of Wily's shit.
>Also, Wayforward did hold further fund raising post-kickstarter.

And they still got less than a quarter of what MN9 got.
>as in, the graphics match the concept art and everything's clear and easy to distinguish.
OK, you work at inticreates, you're a veteran PIXEL artists. Someone comes to you and says, "we're going HD". How much does your skill benefit the new production? How secure is your job?
Will you or will you not wire me $1 million? It's nothing isn't it? You couldn't live comfortably off that for several years could you?

And he got over 4x what he asked for in kikestarter contributions, so I wouldn't say his beliefs were unfounded. It's just that he decided to pocket the difference and shat out a shit game instead of actually putting in effort.

I have similar thoughts. I think this game is gonna fail here, but might get a little traction in Japan.

The graphics really are a disaster. Lazy, barren, uninspired.
It's slightly harder than "only having to turn the object slightly" you clueless cocknozzle, and the time savings you get from that are compensated by actually sculpting the damn thing and touching it up between and during the shoots. Not to mention that if you have to make a small cosmetic change to the model, it's gonna get really fun really fast.

Churning out high-res sprites is an utter cakewalk in comparison. If you would've said anything about classically animating them on paper Cuphead-style you might have a point, albeit a weak one, but digital sprites are far, far faster and easier to produce
No, it was more than that. I forget how much, but it was definitely over a mil. I've done the math in the past, with the amount of time they're taking, the meager funds they've raised couldn't support a full staff over these years. They must have some supplementary income. I suspect they're dipping into their own wallets. They're no way they're stretching the money they made from the kickstarter THIS far.

1 million is nothing for a company. It's decent for a person, sure. But this is supposed to be a multi-media company, with toys, movies, tv shows, merchandise, etc.
>But with clay, you simply only have to turn the object slightly
You have zero idea what you're talking about. Claymation is absurdly time-consuming.
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