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New Mighty No. 9 trailer

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Thread replies: 512
Thread images: 156

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>make your enemies cry like an anime fan on prom night

What did they mean by this?
Thank you con man
The presentation is really immature and pretentious. They're glorifying generic platformer abilities while showing off graphics that look like a Playstation game.

I don't get the impression this is a game for Mega Man fans, I get the impression this is a product aimed at small children.
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yfw you diddn't back mighty blunder 9
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I can't wait to see their attempt at porting this to 3DS. So glad I didn't fund this after Inafune said Jap games were behind western games, then proceeded to make a Kickstarter for a Chinese knockoff of Capcom's most rehashes series. What a fucking hack and retarded gamers fell for it as usual.
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>you're dashing around like a freaking Moonman, and I love it
Butt hurt weeb detected
The engine he used for this literally does not work on 3ds. This port will never come out.
>I get the impression this is a product aimed at small children.
He does have plans for a toy line, cartoon, and a movie so seeing the ads these childish ads shouldn't surprise you.
Holy shit that was cringy as fuck
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>mfw I did
They are talking shit about us.
Race war now.
I know, that's why I want to see what happens when they try and port it. If this is all they can do on Unreal Engine I'm eagerly anticipating their own game engine designed for extremely old hardware. They probably won't even try.
I hope you didn't donate too much then.
Reminds me of this abomination

Hmm wait, nah imana play freedom planet instead
>then proceeded to make a Kickstarter for a Chinese knockoff of Capcom's most rehashes series.
Don't forget that MN9 is now directly funded by the creators of an upcoming knockoff Chinese android console, and will be a launch title alongside Red Ash
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This shit is fucking ridiculous. It's a textbook example of how not to make videogame trailers. You can't make this up.
Capcom should've made a new Megaman game to release along side this just to fuck with his sales a little.

I can't wait to watch this train crash into its station.

Grab the popcorn niggas, this is gonna be good.
I'd back a Megaman 11.
>do you like awesome things that are awesome
Closed it there.
>This shit still isn't out
>Its a fucking indie game that isn't even impressive graphical , core gameplay wise and probably won't even have more content then the average older Megaman game level selection wise.

What a fucking hack. Even Mikami with The Evil Within was atleast somewhat enjoyable but this? I can almost guarantee the real talent behind Megaman just like the real talent behind Insomniac wasn't the retarded faggot we see on both ends now.
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is this the ONE MIRION DOLLAR game?

I don't get it though, what else is this game than mega man x nostalgia? Are there literally any other gameplay elements to it?
>make your enemies cry like an anime fan on prom night

Seems a bit harsh, I've been a massive weeb my entire life and I had a great time on my prom night.

At least the "basement dweller" stigma of being into vidya is dying, so that's one cliche going away.
No, this is the FOUR MIRION DOLLAR game.
Fuck Inafune.
What is this? Why are they mocking their target audience/backers? Jesus fuck, is like smacking away the hands that feed you. So confused right now.
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>expect the trailer to have some epic in-game story telling with awesome music alongside
>mfw it's just random dude telling how awesome the game was despite it is not, and then proceedings to insult anime fan
It's cringey as fuck and a slap to the face if you're anime fan
Shit taste manchild detected
Why does this game look so EMPTY?
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there's a difference between those two insults?
Tight budget.
Know ckstarter, tight 4 million dollar budget
>So friggin' cool
>Showed a full minute of the same bland gameplay
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>mfw they delay this again with this new date
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>extremely cringy
>looks like ass
>insulting your fans (because 90% of them are weebs)
>written by a retarded '90s kid
Holy shit, literally everything is wrong with this trailer.
Blew the budget on funding an anime and toy line
All joking asisde, when ARE Shantae, Yooka Layle, and Yarnbo coming out? I want to know what the non-con jobs are doing.
The faggot in the trailer is trying so hard to be Egoraptor. I don't know why they didn't just ask him to do it, he probably would have worked for free (or at least less than a professional voice actor).
Steam just got Gunvolt, is a megaman ripoff that is good, go and buy that instead.
can we still call him a con man if he actually delivers?
I'm not even anime fan but i feels offended by this trailer
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I've never been more glad to have never backed a kickstarter.
>not Megaman X9
Shantae in a few months and yoka laylee by the end of the year I think
I could bought a Tenga egg or two with that 20 dollars.
This I woukdnt be suprised about. The second fundraiser stuff was mostly for media tie in shit, so they may have not realized all the fees and copyright ing that they needed to do that. Imagine tried to pull a Level 5, but fell on his ass.
If your trailer needs to hype the shit out of a fucking dash ability then that's a terrible sign
>What did they mean by this?
This isn't a game for nerds who actually care about anime and video games. We want the casual audience!
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I thought a trailer's job was to make people want to buy the game. Even if I didn't know of all the bullshit surrounding this game and saw that trailer it sure wouldn't make me want to spend money on it.
Steam will be getting Rosenkreuzstilette soon too which is another good Megaman clone.
X series is over. Anything else that comes from there will be shit.
Its symbolic of the creators talent.
Let's hope so. If either of them get pushed back, /v/ will be made to look like idiots and will try thier best to say that they never supported them.
>Megaman X9 in 16bit

I'll take 10 copies
Is this some kind of joke?

This game could literally be made by a 1 man indie developer. It's a fucking generic 2D action platformer.

How the fuck does it have any hype surrounding it?
I hope it gets delayed just for Proto to release it
Pretty much they want it to be mandatory, there's also even a stage where you need to dash to an enemy to get a power up for you buster to proceed the stage, pretty much fucked up if you forgot to dash into the enemy
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people paid money for this?
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>207 dislikes

What do you mean with this, guys?
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>like an anime fan on prom night.
This got way too real...
Why are they insulting anime fans when they are making an anime themselves?


Doesn't this seem illogical?
>Went to Year 10 formal ("Prom" for Year 10s in Australia).
>Had a shit time because everyone hated me and made fun of me.
>Year 12 formal rolls around (basically the "big important" one to celebrate the upcoming end of high school).
>Stay at home alternating between playing Crazy Taxi and masturbating to ebony milfs fucking white guys until my dick was sore.
My year 12 formal experience was one of the highlights of my education.
I got my first CRAZY license and came about 5 times over the course of 9 hours.
Four million in fact.
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Someone should tell Inafune that fire produces light.
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>The game is already bad enough people despise it
>Proceed to insult the fans
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I really, really, really thought they'll fix the fucking explosions, as it looks awful as fuck.
They didn't even bothered.
This seems like the kind of garbage trailer that would be popular with westaboos in Japan
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>do you like awesome things that are awesome
Everything's fine, guys.
Video games are supposed to entertain and BOY am I entertained right now!
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>narrator uses dude lingo
I don't even remember dudebros playing megaman at all
I didn't realize this was the 90s and the audience for "Mega Man -like" was 10 year old kids.
>Video game club at High School last year (I'm 19)
>XD Tumblr girl does a presentation on MightyNo9
>"A lot of people have been calling them out for delays but thats only because they want it to be great for their fans :D"
>Ask why they started developement on Red Ashes and are starting an animated series before the game is even out.
>"Because they want to give us as much content as possible"
Are people really this bluepilled?
I imagine there exists in this world people who can take jokes.
Someone post someone damage controlling this piece of shit, posted anywhere on the last week

I want to feel angry
Great trailer that actually makes me want to purchase the game.
I find it amazing that anime fans get so butthurt when they're lifestyle is mentioned with jest. The same people that were only a few days ago laughing when Notch was going mental at the SJW feminists.
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Thank you for linking the trailer OP posted.
I just...

I just want my $20 back

I agree, Japan is garbage and is completely inferior to the West. We should all purchase MN9 to support this notion.
>those comments
>the fucking :^) and unzips dick
Pretty accurate according to the dislike bar
>Anime fans
That "ebin burn" was the least of that trailer's problems. Nobody cares about anime shitters.
What in the actual fuck. A game trailer should SHOW, not tell. And what it showed was mediocrity.
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>you didn't back MN9
So which one is the worse trailer, /v/?
OP or https://youtu.be/psJD48GsHqE ?
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>Absorb enemy powers
>Get stat boosts

What the fuck? I thought it was gonna be like Mega Man Zero 4. Game is even shittier than I thought.
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I fell out of my chair
Kirby like mechanics are hard to code bruh so we scrapped it over the online mode you never asked
>That anime fan line

Oh shit they just supplied /v/ with shitposting material for months.
At least this game has good graphics and art direction.

Is this what SMTxFE became?


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tight budget etc. etc.
Who the hell is NoA trying to market this for anyway? The only people that give a fuck about this game already know everything there is to know about it.
So where the fuck DID the money go? I can't accept that it took 4 million dollars to make this.
FromSoft know how to make great trailers using in game footage.
Jesus fuck those explosions look awful
Given that trailer, dudebros
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I feel triggered
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Some paid $2,500.
It went into the toy line, anime, and movie.
>Do you like awesome things dude?
Pandering to americans is never a good thing.
I like ps1-era sprites more
I still don't see what this has to do with SMT or Fire Emblem.
Oh. Poor Arin
The whole game's been leaked and datamined anyway, in fact someone here on /v/ made pics and webms of the bulk of the game including the final level, aka the only interesting part of the entire game.
Five Nights At Freddies has a toy line too, dont see no childish presentation for that shit and you can get them from your local Wal-Mart in the toys isle next to Ninja Turtles and shit.

Also FYI
The Classic Turtles figures are pretty high quality, even removable heads with different expressions, pretty interesting.
has there even been a single game lately that did something similar?
Max got it worse
>pay some furries to add his pet as a character
>ran away with the money
But then again he was the dumb one that expected furries to make a fighting game
Is this fagget's face going to be in every kickstarter game?
now that's quality advertising
I'm really excited for From's new game. IT'S GONNA BE SOMETHING NEW FUUUUUUUUCK

also, I really love Eygon's lines. Great voice.

Now we all have to see his fucking faggot face in it.
That Ray DLC he was posting about earlier today seemed like it might be good though.
I was very surprised.
The main difference is that Scott didn't make FNaF with the mind of making all this different shit, he just made a game that got a huge following and went from there. Inafune is trying to force this shit to be big right from day one instead making a good game.
I think it's funny that they basically insulted at least half the people that pitched money to them
I don't think he's reached the level of that Korean guy yet.
He's black, you dumb cunt.
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it better be for them to put it on the front of the box as a fucking sticker
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Dudebros own a real console
At least this guy seems to be giving legit information about the game as opposed to talking down to the target audience.
>showing contempt for your audience
Business man.
I like how they didn't even bother with the female robot and just gave it the same face as the male one

what a piece of shit game lol
I see what they were going for, but they missed the mark.

Here's what they wanted to do.
I remember this.
That's the point.
Who are they even marketing this towards?
Do all backers getting a digital copy also get the Ray DLC?
You can never be sure with Con Man.
There are betters
What`s with the music. Too country, too American
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>take a dump on the face of common sense
This is so fucking stupid it looped around to being somewhat funny.
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They just made me buy the game. Fuck weebs.
If we are talking about kickstater has anyone ever seen this?
I think it's fucking hilarious.
children who most likely have no interest in classic 2D platformers.
>buying something just to spite a group you hate
that's retarded, but it's your money so w/e
Surprisingly, yes.
How could they fuck up this badly?
This image is definitely made by an underage. You can just tell.
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This is still one of my favorite English trailers I've ever seen. Captures the spirit of the game remarkably well and doesn't resort to cringy lines, and instead brings forth the feeling of genuine excitement.
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>September 15th
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>pay for the digital and dlc or buy the physical version for the same price (plus tip)!
How does he dew it
Someone inserting Skullgirls in there at the wrong spot afterwards triggers my autism
Weebs BTFO
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This is one of the ugliest looking games I've ever seen. How can anyone defend this shit?
waut was that the green kangaroo fucker?
I bet all the delays are from trying to port to all the different devices they promised
oh good, another attention whoring tripfag to filter.
I don't get why they went with the fuccboi design when they had something that made him not look like I wanted to punch him immediantly
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>mfw I backed it at $40
I hope Ray will be cool at least. Yo combine Bass and Zero, surely that will be kinda fun... r-right?
I've seen /agdg/ games that look better than this
Well, it makes fun of anime fans, so we should totally buy it to spite those weebs! >>338842330
Hi, Arin. Excited for another delay?
How much did he put into this trainwreck?
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Never forget those early days.
I'd rather be a virgin than have that monster of a girlfriend.
This. Its the one for of thr 4 MIRRION DORRARS meme that people leave out. The game itself is still only being made with, like 600,000 fundbucks. The rest was going into marketing, merch, devkits, and oiling some palms to make sure all the versions can release on time.

How could it all go so wrong when there was so much optimism?
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>mfw I gave them $250
Because of so much optimism. You faggots didn't make a background check on the conman
I'd love for Capcom to announce a brand new Mega man game at E3, just to rub the salt in the wounds.
Will you buy me a video game?
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Don't tell me you're serious.

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she looks like a surgery victim holy shit
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>make your enemies cry like an anime fan on prom night
This made me laugh but come on niggas, I had a date when going to prom but some anime fans didn't have one. That's just cold.
This looks miles better than the official model desu.
That is just an awful trailer
Backer here

Got my confirmation email today, it'll be out to us in a week.

Can't wait to start this trainwreck.

Post a screenshot of it.
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what the fuck
it looks like the wonderful 101 but the wonderful 101 had an excuse to look like that and added visual effects and zoomed out the camera to make it look better
How many delays did this have? 9?
>Xbox One
Chinks hate the kekbox
>Caring about prom
Fucking americans
Because the modeler put more than 10 minutes into it.
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I tried warning people back then, everybody just called me paranoid and parroting le /v/ hates video games meme. Whose laughing now?
This, why is it such a huge event there?
Not yet.
It's a 2017 game
on mobile
and probably a tie-in for the cartoon
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Oh no, a mediocre looking game exists. How will we ever survive?
Thank you con man.
>Got my confirmation email today, it'll be out to us in a week.
Wait, do the backers get it early or something?
I thought it wasn't coming out until the day No Man's Sky comes out.
Post a screenshot of the confirmation email.
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>Those dislikes

I didn't realize it was that hated.
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>he didn't listen to japanese phil fish
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>Download backer demo
>It doesn't even come with a game EXE

Is this a fucking joke?
Yes, he asked for million of dollars to make a flash game without any of the gimmick promised in the campain

Hey Mighties,
As of this week, all of our backers who are eligible for a digital copy of Mighty No. 9 should have received their platform selection survey in the mail.
If any backers haven’t received their survey yet, please contact us and we will deal with any issues on an individual basis.
As of 5/22 we had only received completed surveys from around 70% of our backers. If you haven’t made your selection yet, please make sure to do it before the deadline.
When searching for your survey, please make sure you are checking the right email address and make sure to double check your spam filters."
Did everyone suddenly forgot that the Megaman series is more miss than hit?

Did everyone forgot how badly designed the X games were besides a handful?

Did everyone forgot how bland the classic series got after 2?

Did everyone just ignore how badly designed the Battle Network games were?

The Megaman series in general is garbage, no different than Sonic; "terrible with some really good games that save its ass"

I'm just baffled at the people who thought he was going to do a good job when the games were really shitty even before the moment he left Capcom
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Inafune really fucked up hard with this game. He took all the good will he had along with the seething hatred of capcom and proceeded to fuck up every step of the way.
are you trolling ?
executables should be in binaries
That doesn't say anything about backer's getting it next week at all.
It's in one of those folders.
Are you retarded or do you legitimately not know what a binary is?
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Daily reminder Anons of /v/ doomed you all.
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>that narration
Now people have a seething hatred for him and now understands why Capcom shafted him. BRAVO, such an innovator
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This is all thats in binary
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Oh wow that prom night joke hurt. I didn't sign up for this. I was actually crying on prom night and just getting into anime at the time.

I don't know what to do, should I complain to them? Can I still get a refund? If not should I sue? For opening an old scar? Some trans person recently sued Valve for 3.1m. >>338841637
Amongst all the voice actors who are in almost every dub, Patrick Seitz ranks pretty high up for me. That voice is too enjoyable for me to care how often it's used.
so, what did the guy actually do at capcom that this resulted in such a piece of shit?
>MM9 and 10 were terrible
>MMX8 and Command Mission was terrible
>MMZX and A were terrible
>MMSF3 was terrible
>MML2 was terrible

If you looked at all the latest games of each iteration, you would realize that you are wrong. The games were at least looking up and showed promise, most even ended with cliffhangers. The games were far from terrible, sir.
Post your boipussi
Sue the fuck out of them, anon. You're American, right? It's in your blood. Go get 'em.
put a trip on so your life stories is more moving
There should be a win32 folder somewhere
Seriously just google it m8 they literally have it on their KS page
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>I was actually crying on prom night and just getting into anime at the time.
You can't make this shit up. How much of a faggot are you? Maybe you should go cry for a refund to their HQ
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This isnt even remotely surprising, all Unreal3 game says that
>parroting le /v/ hates video games meme
It's funny, because the only faggots who spew this shit are those who don't even post about games.
Either off-topic shit, begging for keys, begging for service money (eshop, steam, etc.), or begging for spoonfed recs when they are too lazy to do shit themselves and/or just go to the proper places to do so. EVERY DAMN TIME.

Almost ironic how a frogmeme cunt posts it out.
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>Did everyone suddenly forgot that the Megaman series is more miss than hit?
What are you on about?

>Did everyone forgot how badly designed the X games were besides a handful?
X1-X5 and X8 were very strong games for the most part. It was X6 that was a bit mediocre and X7 that was ass. Hell even X Command Mission was good.

>Did everyone forgot how bland the classic series got after 2?
Apparently so because I did a marathon of all of the classic games and had a pretty good time. MM2-MM6 are a bit samey, but not in a bad way, they changed things up just enough to stay interesting without sacrificing what made them fun. Then MM7 came out on the snes and it was pretty great. MM8 was a bit weird though.

>Did everyone just ignore how badly designed the Battle Network games were?
Most people love the BN games except for BN1 and BN4. 2 and 3 are considered masterpieces and 5 is pretty good while 6 is great.

>The Megaman series in general is garbage, no different than Sonic; "terrible with some really good games that save its ass"
Sonic was way more hit or miss than Mega Man ever was, but Sonic was strong for a good long while.
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The game looks very good, the only annoying thing is the voiceoff

I said the series in general were more miss than hit. Without going into "BUT I LIKED IT SO ITS GOOD" territory;

>Megaman 3-7 are considered mediocre games
>X3, X5-7 are considered bad games
>MML2 ends with a cliffhanger and it was a great series that never got the sequel it diserved (Wich is a another bad move from the dev teams)
>MM9 and 10 are just nostalgiabait anon, would put them in the same level as 2 though.

And so many other games that rank from mediocre to below, that's the point i'm making. For every 4-5 games they release only 1 of them is good, the others are trash

I just don't know why people trusted Inafune to begin with. The fact that he needed such a huge budget to make a Megaman clone shows that he either has no idea what the end cost of the game would be or he planned to scam as much idiots as he could.

I don't want to go into detail of why every game is bad or good, i'm just pointing out at least the "general opinion" among those who played it and me
That was concept art, not graphics.
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Google how to kill myself
the concept art isn't supposed to look leaps and bounds better than the final product literally years of work later
It's not hard to do though, especially looking at this image >>338840610
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Why make a trailer for a game thats never coming out?
They used that image to advertise for the game, they basicly said "THIS IS HOW THE GAME IS GOING TO LOOK"

At no point they refered to that image as concept art, also, i don't know about you but i've never seen concept art that included a HUD
>Backing nostalgia games ever
You guys need to understand that the 90s are over. Move on. You either try to understand we live in a new era of video games or you stop playing.
Did you reply to the wrong post?
>Backing anything without a playable demo
I don't mind nostalgia pandering, but i just can't stand people throwing money into smoke
Some time ago I would've laughed at you, but the MN9 trainwreck has become so tragic that it's not even funny anymore.

I hear carbon monoxide is the most painless
People paid 4 million dollars for its production and after years of delays
we're getting >>338845674
a mediocre game
If I wanted to watch all that I'd rent a movie.
>>Megaman 3-7 are considered mediocre games
Only by retards that only played 2 for that retro cred

What gimmick was that?
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>Estimated delivery: April 2015
I'm very sorry for your loss, anon.
>The Megaman series in general is garbage, no different than Sonic; "terrible with some really good games that save its ass"
This. Mega Man was the Call of Duty of 2D platformers. They kept churning out a new one every year until everyone just got tired of them eventually.
I'd back a remake of X5, X6 and X7 that makes them not shit.
But Yooka Laylee and Bloodstained are looking great
X5 and 6 are fine
Not a bad trailer.

said no one ever
>retro hero dlc looks like a minecraft character
gee I wonder
Bloodstained looks great for the moment.

Yooka Laylee is... I hope they'll release a demo.
I kinda agree with >>338847424
>Note: All images on this page are concept art and not actual in-game screens
Written right underneath that picture on the Kickstarter page.
>i don't know about you but i've never seen concept art that included a HUD
You clearly haven't seen much concept art then you dumb cunt. Concept art can cover everything from character design and game displays to NPCs and clothing.
Of all the reasons to complain about the game, you're bitching because you're too stupid to read.
3 is mediocre in stage design and some boss design, but god-tier in terms of X's armor
Cheese armor is easily the best in the series.
Even infinite nova tackles can't make up for X4-X6's ultimate armor's lacking factors.
They really should've worked on a high-poly model for close up scenes.

The player model looks like complete ass in these trailer videos.
Like, I can appreciate the dashing gameplay, reminds me of the best stuff about Mega Man X1 - good pacing and blowing shit up quickly and whatnot,

But it's so far buried underneath a bunch of gimmicks and an awful aesthetic.
I bet $300 on IGA, he better not fuck it up
Do your fucking research.
Maybe you'll be able to resell it.
You can sell Touhou fangames now?
I said 3, not X3. Also the Zero and ZX games were great, if anything the Megaman franchise was in a better state than when X6 -X8 released
Yeah I agree about the demos, thats why Indivisible was so appealing to me.

Yooka Laylee looks like what I would want it to

>Concept art looks better than final product art
In what world is this not retarded?
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My sympathies
I was once a fool as well
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It's that shitty ingame character model that really ruins it for me. Why can't they replace with a better one? The current one looks like shitty concept art. They changed the GTA V protag models multiple models throughout the development, why can't these guys? Does Inafune really lack this much self awareness?
see >>338847936

I remember when I was 12.
I bet 150 on him, I don't think the man will disappoint.
What familiar did you vote for?
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>yfw MN9 is a massive flop

>Inafucking starts crying back to Capcom
Well the only thing good about this new trailer is that it triggered Jason "The Sorceress from Dragon's Crown is a lolicon fantasy" Schreier enough to write an article on that anime part of the trailer

Exit bag.
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Haha what the fuck. Anyone else keep thinking this was a parody made by someone mocking the game? Like, whoever made actually hates MN9 and was just joking with it? And then had a slowly dawning realization that no, they were serious, they thought this was good marketing? Fucking wow, I had to keep checking the description.

Frankly the entire MN9 project is proving to be such an utter clusterfuck that I think I might get a few bucks worth of amusement value anyway. It's just incredible, like, every time I try to imagine what choice they could make for a situation they pick the worst, most obviously stupid one. Like some over the top cartoon incompetent super villain, except it's real.


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>WHEW LAD: the trailer
I voted for the winged monoeye imp, along with 5 other people.
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I think that might be what they are going for, they are making fun of themselves and the target audience just to make sure they get the attention from the people they are offending and score some extra sales

That's literally the only logical thing to do, make youself hated and infamous in order to raise awareness
That's not the actual game right?
It looks like something I could make in Unity during a very boring weekend.
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>the placeholder demonstration looks better than the actual game 3 years later

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Ya dun goofd anon
Can you upload it to a Dropbox? I wanna play
My nigga
I love how Igarashi was told that they should have a female protagonist by marketers and he just went "ha ha naruhodo baka gaijin" and just made a hot chick with huge tits and hips
I bet 250$ on hin, he better not fuck this up
Sorry, breach of contract, no can do.
How come Bloodstained looks so much better if it's by the same studio?
Only way they could fix X7 is to just remake it from the ground up. Even just porting it to X8's engine and fixing it with aspects from it won't make the stage design and the boss weapons stop being rancid shit.
X5 all you have to do is remove the time shit, remove the cannon and rocket shit, remove Alia, balance the boss life bars on xtreme better (they are way too fucking big), have parts along with life and weapon ups be unlocked through a non-shit method (seriously, fuck tying that shit up to the time factor and making you game over twice, only to get only half of everything), make gaea armor less shit, make the x vs zero chalked up to sigma virus particles or something instead of that nurse bot talking shit like a fucking playground schoolkid.
Sounds like a lot, but really, it's just tweaking a few things and removing things that didn't need to be there in the first place.
LOL No, no, no, no, no, no, nooooo
I like parts of X6, I like aspects of X6, but the whole of X6 however, is severely flawed.
Not even because of the hideofbeast minimalist videos showing how unarmored x gets shit on in the game, but because of all the other problems I experienced and agree on him with (and before you say anything, the donuts are in the middle of the list, and not the first problem they need to fix, but definitely a big one)). Above all else, they need to fix the stages and properly do the nightmare phenomenons. Also, fix High Max. Why the fuck would you make a boss like that in a megaman game, fucker was MM2 wily walls tier in terms of mandatory bullshit. Once more, adjust the fucking parts and life/weapon ups. Holy shit. How can you have such a perfect (in theory) system in Xtreme 2, and NEVER use it again? God damnit. This is just the tip of the fucking iceberg. There's tons more shit that needs fixing in X6. What I wouldn't do to have those armors in better games.
>implying they wouldn't make you fags back a MML3
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No they aren't.
So you did.
My bad, homers.
Daily reminder that Inafune is producing

>Red Ash

all at the same time, even while MN9 was delayed multiple times.
This is fucking disgusting
Speaking of, i've never heard much about ReCore since E3 2014
MN9 was just a product
Bloodstained is a labor of love
Mostly because he had an actual RUN and not that retarded ass hopping-jaunt bullshit he has.
That shit looked dumb in MM7 and it looks even worse in 3D.
like seriously what did he mean by this??????
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Jesus fuck what a downgrade. People always post that original concept art and then others respond with B-B-BUH CONCEPT ART, a lot of people have already forgotten that they did post actual engine using short clips in motion, and they looked pretty decent. Not amazing, but perfectly respectable and with decent atmosphere for a indie dev in pre-alpha.

Going from that to the final, just wow. Man did they ever fuck up and fuck up hard.
I never even heard of it until this thread.
>tfw kaio king of pirates never ever
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I'm sorry you guys didnt get it
I'm also sorry I helped you not get it
Maybe theyll add more
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Nevermind the anime shit, how did they get away with referencing fucking MOON MAN?
>Half Genie Hero ever coming out
>3 years ago
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>Apr 2015

If they didn't slip "from the creators of Metroid Prime" in the title it would be totally forgotten

regardless I think it'll suck and it's an Xbone game regardless
look you cant be making good games when you have toys cartoons and movies to make

It's on track to be submitted to first parties in July and they've supposedly landed a publisher for a retail release. It'll be out "soon".
One is being developed by a game creator and not a businessman.
on 0:34
Wayforward time is almost as bad as valve time
>Games take time

Shocker. It can take 5 years more for all I care, I'm fucking tired of this mass demand videogames have fallen into where we expect videogames of such high calibvur to be out in 2-3 years tops, of course they suck. People have unrealistic expectations if they think an massive Open world adventure game that doesn't suck can be perfected in only 2-3 years, it'd take at least 6, but human attention spans wouldn't be interested anymore by the time it comes out.

In short: Longer it takes, better the product.
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>stay woke
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Could be worse!
You're a fucking retard.
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>yfw the credits roll and see all the fools who backed this shit
He has an animal nose?
You are aware those are the conglomerate studios right? Thats pocket change to them.
Fucking horrible.

>He will obviously play it to completion just because of this, regardless of how shitty the game is
>He'll also praise it every chance he gets
>The million underages that love him will do the same and buy the game
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>In short: Longer it takes, better the product.
YOU are a fucking retard
And an asthmatic fat fuck as well
Everything about this looks so incredibly cheap and shitty. The explosions, effects, models, and so forth. It's not even funny. There is nothing even aesthetically pleasing about this, it's just trash. The concept art alone from the early stages looked so promising. They should have stuck with that. I want off this ride.
Whatever, you memequeen.
Years of work you idiot, not years of sitting on your ass.
What the fuck are you even talking about? At least a few of those people were just individual fans with more money then sense, one of them posted some video of their dinner a while back.
Wow this game screams under age. I thought the backers were adults?
Tell that to 3d realms.
So let me get this straight...

...This is the result of roughly 4 million dollars? What would have happened if they only made it to just the original goal of 900k? Only one level? Wouldn't that be an extremely tighter budget?
>what are time stamps?
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Yeah, be a good jewboy and fuck off my sight
>>Megaman 3-7 are considered mediocre games

3 and 7 are great though. They're both better than 8 at least.

>>X3, X5-7 are considered bad games

X3 was great and X4 was merely okay, but not bad.
It took a grand scam for people to open their eyes. At least the guy is pretty much finished in the gaming industry. No one will ever support him after the Mighty no 9 fiasco and back his other projects which already showed with the spectacular failure that was the Red Ash kickstarter. He lost any faith and credibility he had with the fans and people will think twice before calling him "the father of Mega Man".
Posts like this are what make /v/ worth coming back to.
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They put in years of work anon, not sitting on their asses. However, not all "work" is equal, and in a very long development cycle for certain game types it's a well known issue that inefficiencies can skyrocket. It's not a problem for something like DORFS sure, there are absolutely games (and software projects in general) that labor on for ages and just get better. But for most vidya it's easy to end up with a death spiral like this:
- Initial assets, coding and so forth are targeted for good systems of the time.
- Delays happen because stuff isn't "good enough"
- More fingers end up in the pie, more surveys are done, major changes are requested to features of the game.
- This has knock on effects on the whole project, it's hugely more work to change stuff that's already done and has new things based on it.
- Months delays turns to years
- Now stuff like the engine looks utterly dated and needs to be redone
- Now all the work on older assets doesn't fit and needs to be redone
- More years
- Key people leave, causing institutional knowledge drain. New people have to be trained up, wasting more time, plus the project now has the stink of failure and despair so really talented people tend to steer well clear and you end up with dregs.
- More time.
- Eventually someone in management forces it to ship or pulls the plug.

It's a really well known set of effects and can easily turn into a financial blackhole, and DNF is a textbook example. It's not that they didn't sink tons and tons and tons of effort, it's that huge percentages of that ended up just being an inefficient forced redo of previous effort, on and on.
Inafune is a level designer and character artist, yes he made Mega man 2-4 the gems that they are, but he wasn't in charge, he was a programmer.

You took a man who has no buisness or finance experience and let him run silly with 4 million dollars, and spent it on everything BUT the game,

Animated TV series pilot, Toys, he tried to hype up advertisement more then work on actual game production.
They'd probably play the "8-bit retro" card like they did with mighty gunvolt (which sucked ass).

Inafune isnt a scam artist, he's just bad with money. He didnt intentionally sucker everyone out of their money, he just squandered it and had no idea what to do with it. Which in some cases is just as bad.
>This game still isn't out.

The fuck?
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Looks mediocre, but I can respect anyone who makes Weebs butthurt.
>All the angry weeb profile pics in the comments
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What about them?
OP linked the video in the opening post, no need to post it a second time.
Knightbro was my second choice so I'm not that buttpained
it comes out next month, Gamestop already has copies for XBONE and PS4 in store, but can't sell them yet.

June 22.
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>At least the guy is pretty much finished in the gaming industry. No one will ever support him after the Mighty no 9 fiasco
Yes, yes anon, you are so correct. People are certainly not gullible idiots with short memoryspans who will quickly return to a scammer when he puts on his
song and dance! They totally get tossed right out rather then lingering on and on for ages until finally finally significant numbers give up.

I applaud your sparkly optimism and faith in markets and humanity sir.
Looks dope
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>hey you looking at the screen
thanks for making me feel look stupid, i am sure willing to buy this product now.

>its crazy addictive
i dont get why this is used in ads. you are supposed to tell that to the investors, not the customers. why would a customers think "gee whiz, i want a game that's not cool and fun, but addictive!"
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Anyone else notice the framerate drop during the dash move?
And anon linked to a specific time on the video.
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post yfw you backed this piece of shit
>Megaman 3
>Hope you like replaying stages with bosses you already fought in addition to the boss rush!

>Megaman 7
Hope you like this carbon copy of Megaman 2

>X3 was great
You have to be kidding, this has to be one of the most boring games in existence

ALL BOSSES follow the same fucking pattern, move left, move right, move left, move right

The OST is atrocious with the overuse of the electric guitar and it sounds horrible

They give you Zero but you can't fight bosses nor pick up items as him

NOTHING happens plotwise

The first game to do the shit of "Pick up all the armor pieces before you can use them!"

Backtracking for items is the worst in the series

Production values are lame compared to X4

X4 is tied with X1 as the best X games in the series, i just can't understand what taste in videogames you got
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>the other language trailers aren't dubbed

Whats worse /v/
Or mn9 trailer?
>Still trying to push the Vernon meme.
Why can't i be a smart human being and ignore both?
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i swear this is the source film maker
what the fuck are thise graphics ???
wow looks like fun for someone who is a fan of that sort of thing. for me it looks like a desperate coal burning single mom on a dating website. "I have a son and he is my world. Are you ready to step up to the plate that another man left on the table?"
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Let's make this the most disliked trailer on youtube!
My fucking Nintendo's Mii has more definition than these models
Man, this game still looks like a cheap romhack.
This dudebro trailer doesn't fit at all.
>pre-order DLC
>still no release date
I hope it flops really fucking hard, I want Inafune to fuck off from video games forever.
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>Inafune isnt a scam artist, he's just bad with money. He didnt intentionally sucker everyone out of their money, he just squandered it and had no idea what to do with it. Which in some cases is just as bad.
Yeah, if anything he's the classic example of a good creative type who actually needs to be under the oppressive, dickish thumb of a corp like Capcom and does his best work while suffering under pressure and being denied budget and resources except whatever he can painfully extract. It's the limitations that allow their flaws to get suppressed and their strengths shine.

But of course it's ALSO classic with this type that they constantly bitch about how if only they were allowed full creative freedom and were released from all the middle management and such they'd truly flower. And from their point of view it's easy to see why they think that, and fans of course often believe them because they made good to great products. People want to think that happiness and freedom produces better stuff then constraints and miserable grind. With art though that often is not the case.

It's a classic pattern basically EVERYWHERE creative, not something new to vidya. Like with books:
1) Young, talented author has good ideas, decent writing and so on, comes up with stuff. But too young to have much power.
2) Editors ruthlessly cut their precious masterpiece, force them to rethink things, etc. But the result is much much stronger.
3) Sells like mad.
4) Author becomes more and more financially successful, obtains superstar status and no one can tell him what to do.
5) Immediately his word count balloons like 10x, turns into meandering stuff with a few good bits buried in mounds of fluff.

Very few creative people have the self-discipline when given no limits to actually keep things tight and fucking ship.
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>MM2 shitter
opinion discarded
Is he supposed to look like a fucking mole?
This is unacceptable.
>What is reading comprehension
AFTER Megaman 2

Nah they will probably put "and thank everyone that backed this game".
/v/ was shitting on this video 3 years back.

I learned my lesson, anon. I backed this.

Everything about this game is cringe-inducingly bad. The demo is nothing special, a 6 or 7/10. I'm guessing the sequel will be better if we follow Mega Man logic.
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>Retro Hero DLC
>It's a minecraft character
Thank Mr. con man
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I miss the early days.

>"You can dash through enemies and get powerups!"

Why this bothers me so much? Isn't enemies giving you powerups been a thing since the beggining of vidya?
reminder that the first megaman X ost's are glorious
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>Make your enemies cry like someone who actually backed Mighty No. 9.
Do you think they will resort to the Ghostbusters defense and claim all the hate stems from misogyny?

>X Dash is much longerand not mandatory to use except for some instances
>MN9s dash is short and is mandatory to use through the game, both in level design and killing your enemies
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Ain't even mad, I'm not particularly nostalgic about MM and I got suspicious and dropped my pledge to $20 right before the campaign ended. Within another few months I'd gone ahead and blocked them from sending me anything else and added them to my spam filters. I took more of a super low investment scatter shot approach to crowdfunding, figuring if I kept investment to $10-20 across a number of titles then if half worked out and half were trash even it'd be fine, and I've actually ended up batting a higher average then that.

The failure has been so complete though it's gone full circle to hilarious, so I figure I've gotten a few hours of entertainment out of it anyway. If you're one of those people who put in $100+ though then ouch. That's like 5-10+ projects for me.
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That trailer was Tubular!
The dash momentum in this game is fucking amazing. You can long jump as far as you can, or dash jump a really short distance, and same goes for dash wall kick and stuff.

Fuck that MN9 garbage. I'll just play the first X games.
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Basically, it would make an anime fan cry because he'll realize just how inferior 3D women are compared to 2D girls.
It got me interested in the game desu. I didn't know anything about this before and now I do.
There are people who pledged for a dinner with the Conman itself
Is this appealing to 10 year olds? "DUDE its better then awesome bubblewrap!" Jesus
UGH! Did you even WATCH the trailer?
They have short and LONG dashes!
Why does this look like a PS2 game?
What, so you could get conned again? Haha loser I bet you donated.
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>like a freaking moonman
>Literature comparison

What are some authors/books that go through this? I can't think of anything other than GoT.
Misogyny doesn't make sense given the context. Racism and oppressed minority would work though.
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They're japanese, the only miso they know is this one
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4 million dollars? I'LL STEAL IT, NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW.
Thanks doc
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I did.
Who were those people?

Surely some anecdotes or pictures would've surfaced by now?
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I would give the game a chance if it actually looked like that.
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>1 like to 10 dislikes
I don't even care for this game and all its bullshit delays, but isn't that a bit harsh?
No one is good at everything no matter how hard they try, I guess. Self-discipline itself is a lot of hard work.

Still, look at Notch. Things like that are one-time hits anyway.
It's supposed to be chleb you pleb.
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The dinner already happened
If people don't like something they should make that clear. They baked it, after all.
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>like an anime fan on prom night


Who the fuck wrote the script for this trailer? I refuse to believe someone green lit that fucking thing. Did the VA just improvise or something?
Only reason i care about the game
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>Is this appealing to 10 year olds?
No, it definitely isn't. A see a lot of people on /v/ going
which basically shows most have forgotten their childhood or don't actually interact with children and just have some sort of hazy set of templates about them. Actual normal children wouldn't be caught dead with something as stupid as this, they're more attuned to "cool" and "retard adults trying to be ONE OF THEM XD" then adults usually are.

Really, the whole thing stinks instead of, well, exactly what you see on /v/: some adult trying to appeal to what he imagines children are like with no real idea. Reminds me of some of those old DARE drug commercials they had back in the day (I'm in my 30s), shit like
>Scrawny kid and big mean bully drug pusher in locker room
>Bully: hey kid you want to try some DRUGS, everyone is doing it. What's the matter you chicken?
>Actual literally DARE commercial kid response: "I'm not a chicken, you're a turkey!"
>How DARE government bureaucrat adults imagined bully would respond: looks shocked and ashamed, walks away.
>What would actually happen: little snot gets the shit beat of him, entire rest of the class is not sympathetic at all but rather laughs at him being such stupid nerd.
>Also, nobody ever "pushed" expensive substances like that in the first place, rather they got shared around at parties and the like.
I remember us all get a lot of good laughs over that shit in school. It significantly increased interest in drugs.
You think she's not going to look like a melted lego man?
>To sum it up , the dinner was more than worth the $10k each we pledged and surely an unforgettable experience. I thought i would regret paying that much earlier but boy i was so wrong.

>He shared with us his vision and the potential of Mighty No.9 and how it's gonna take over platform gaming by storm. All in all he's a very down to earth kind of guy, softly spoken and good mannerism.

What did he mean by this?
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>He shared with us his vision and the potential of Mighty No.9 and how it's gonna take over platform gaming by storm.
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>still posting that fake troll thread as real
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What's this? A double-dubbing thirty-niner triple dipper? You fucking madman!
To be fair, how many people actually interact with children on a day to day basis without actually having them? How many gamer parents do you know?

And if this game is not aired towards children then what the fuck is going on
It was a (actually funny, good) fakepost you retards. Cheese was a serial troll of the classic variety, who actually did stuff that was mildly subtle and amusing rather then memespouting shitposts. He ban evaded for ages on GameFaqs, though unfortunately but understandably I think he got bored of them in the end.
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>They delayed the game a thousand times
>Think is because they are overhauling the ugly visuals
>It looks just as bad now
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>make anime game
>have your trailer mock anime fans
This hurts me. I can't even find humor in it anymore. This is just a sad, sad state of being, and I feel pity for anyone that backed it.
They might be too stupid for that
>tfw I donated $90

feels bad man
>To be fair, how many people actually interact with children on a day to day basis without actually having them?
That's not "fair" anon it's irrelevant. I mean sure, regular people may not know, fine but we're talking actual marketers here doing ad campaigns right? It's their JOB to know, that's what they're being fucking paid for. If they wanted to target kids I'd expect them to actually get off their asses and go find people who understand kids and interact with some kids themselves.

>How many gamer parents do you know?
Well, me for starters. Seriously anon, NES was THIRTY ONE YEARS AGO. Vidya isn't some new young person thing anymore and hasn't been for ages, people who spent their whole conscious lives with it are now having kids of their own. It's one of the biggest media industries now, it's everywhere, even if most players are casual they still have at least some familiarity with the concept.

>And if this game is not aired towards children then what the fuck is going on
Everyone involved in decision making with this game without exception is a hack. That's what is so great, there is no silver lining, it's a clusterfuck start to finish, from the overall high levels down to small details like teasing people whose favorite Call lost out with blueprints floating around.
It's almost like concept artists don't have to worry about things like controls or level design and whatnot.
How many of you /v/irgins had a prom date? I had a junior and senior prom date but went as friends and didn't fuck them. It was a waste of money.
>Best of all was the Mighty No.9 T-Shirt we received as a parting gift to end the night

I always wonder, how do they know which size to give out if they prepare gifts like that. If they ask about the shirt size beforehand they kind of ruin the surprise.
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You were warned, anon. Really you should have known better.
There are no proms on my country
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Why do they all look like Goemon 64 character models?
I didn't know it was going to be a shitshow until after the project had been backed for months.

The Dina disaster was the first sign. I should have done something.

I am ashamed.
I had High School Graduation.

What the fuck is prom and why do you go multiple times?

He might be talking about Beast's Fury
They don't look that good.
That game looks ass.
Hopefully not
oh that thing, the shark mob boss is a tol teir idea though.
I had plenty of friends and hung out with a cool group in highschool even though I was more nerdy myself, luckily I'd gotten over my real awkward and introverted stage mostly in middleschool. None of us went to the prom though, which was heavily commercial, regulated and chaperoned even back then, instead someone organized a 31 person party at their rich parent's house when the parents were away. It was awesome and illegal and way more fun then the Official School Sponsored Fun on offer. Nobody died, was seriously injured, burned anything down, OD'd, wrecked the place or anything either so in retrospect I think we actually did pretty well, it was decently organized and there were a few guys staying reasonably sober. Those without too bad hangovers the next morning helped clean everything up like guests, it wasn't "anyone could come" so bros were bros. Nobody wanted neighbors calling the police or shit like that anyway.

I guess prom is a big deal in some places, everywhere has their own culture. Even to this day however I sort of feel like Officially Regulated Safe Fun For Kids misses the whole fucking point.
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Well, at least we still have gunvolt.
What happened to that Kaiju game that got overrun by furfags?
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I don't believe what I'm seeing and hearing. Thank you Con Man.
>not E

who gives a fuck

Let's not forget a.r.e.s. extinction agenda and 20xx
At least you didn't spend 50 like a friend of mine , funny thing is I never recall him playing a lot of megaman when we were kids.
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>a shittier roll
>that you can't play as

So why again?

I think it's in development limbo, the kickstarter was mainly for a franchise establishment rather than games, since the company owner wanted a medum where he could make multiple kaiju games without having to cry to ToHo

Not sure if a game is coming out or not at this point.
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my friend who has one year experience with blender can make something more appealing looking than this
I thought it was pretty funny
What did the other ones look like again?
actually you do play her, its a stealth mission style
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>Did everyone suddenly forgot that the Megaman series is more miss than hit?

I personally love every mainline Megaman Classic game besides &Bass, and I guess 8 is mediocre.

MN9 is an abomination that barely resembles Megaman.

Why are they throwing so much money in this game, but it looks so fucking horrible. People over in AGDG make better explosions and effects.
Nothing is ever over, Maverick.
With all the development that went into this, this game better not be over after a few levels
They already tried. At least, Con Man "tried", I mean.
That looks more appealing than most of the shit i've seen from MN9
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seriously i want the names of the fucking 3d artists hackfunie hired, this is fucking inexcusibly bad, I WANT NAMES
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so basically beck without the ability to dash? lmfao
wasn't this game supposed to be SMT x FE?
that didn't look like either?
>Steam will be getting Rosenkreuzstilette soon
Need source.
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Why thank you. I did the concept art and he turned it into 3D.

Money can't buy good art if the guy in charge is a fucking idiot. Inafune isn't an art guy so that's most likely why MN9 looks so shitty.
SMT is fucking dead.

They changed it to AtlusxFE shortly after its announcement.
>What would have happened if they only made it to just the original goal of 900k?

I actually think the game might have turned out better if it only just made its planned funding. They bit off way more than they could chew with all these stretch goals, and then probably planned their budget horribly thinking "we have 4x the money we needed, we can go full retard!"

Not saying it would be good but it might be better.
Holy fuck, THIS. I get that it's supposed to be """inspired""" by the Mega Man series, but you faggots really picked the shittiest "not-Roll" for the game.

So fucking mad.
It's "the devs of SMT" x "stuff they know about fire emblem"
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Looks like shit!
I remember this. I told you how to fix your colors and you never did
>without the ability to dash
You CAN dash with her, you fuckboy.
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I wonder if I will know this feel after backing Shenmue 3
I changed them slightly. When you're going for an NES style you have a hard-coded palette so there's very little I could fix.

But now we're doing it in 2.5D so you can relax. Good pixel animation is sadly unrealistic these days.
How long before they start charging people to remove their name from the credits?
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I have nothing more to add other than it looks atrocious
All I know about MN9 is that a bunch of obnoxious gg types flipped out when they hired a girl who drew girl robots.

Shame it ended up being a bad game,.
They can't fix the run because the hands on everyone's models are Xbox huge for no reason. It'd clip through their bodies if they did animated an actual run. Even their stance animations looks stupid because of it.

Of course why they couldn't just model everyone with normal sized hands is beyond me.
Thanks anon, I'm going to replay X2.
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If you want to call it drawing, sure.
plus mn9's physics suck ass as there's no real momentum
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>even jeff is making fun of it on twitter
Man I cant wait for it to come out, its going to be a bloodbath
I hope Inajewne enjoyed his hookers & blow.
So morse code is a gameplay mechanic now?
Hope you're ready to wait even longer at this rate.
>He shared with us his vision and the potential of Mighty No.9 and how it's gonna take over platform gaming by storm. He even gave us insights on future Gunvolt sequels. All in all he's a very down to earth kind of guy, softly spoken and good mannerism. Though he messed up few times when he said Mega No.9 few times instead of Mighty. Seems like that capcom toxin still in his system.
Wouldn't he be calling it "Rockman No. 9" or something? That was his actual original name.
So honest to god, no memes or jokes here, why in gods green earth is it taking this fucking long to come out?
Because as it turns out Inafune is more or less the George Lucas of vidya and doesn't actually know what he's doing
because of online multiplayer, a feature nobody asked for.
>capcom toxin
Capcom actually comes out looking better by comparison, lol.
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>Take a dump in the face of the common sense
Inafune made sure to stow away some of the cash to pay off for those 9's and 10's
Wait, dashing? A cyborg #9? I seriously only just got that this is a Cyborg 009 parody.
It is a big turd, so it's gonna take a while.
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These are my Cheezy Poofs.
It's like watching a Cartoon Network promo
I already got it off Nuuvem for ten bux, so it's not like I care.
Oh my fucking god I'm buying this right now
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>All I know about MN9 is that fans flipped out when they hired an SJW who didn't know anything about Mega Man as a forum moderator and started blocking backers who didn't agree with her.

They're going after the demographic of people who are "acceptably" nerdy, that watch the "acceptable" anime and loudly signal their virtues and disgust at anything non-puritan in games and film. Presumably these people are also expected to buy and play games purely to spite the nebulous 'dudebro' gamers crowd.
>6 minutes


Only if you're retarded
CONcept art
literally in the name

Not even the guy in charge. The art guys having great taste, and a vision is so fucking important.

I have seen artists that try, but had little experience, or just straight up refused to look up things to make it look good, or polish a piece to make it look nice.

And the shit in that video? It feels like whoever was making those stages and animations never ever looked at references of things. Be it fires, explosions, or generally mechanical stuff.

The thing you posted from concept art -> 3d, looks fucking amazing compared to OPs video.

Serious sam should be exempt from that list. They used a lot of slav magix to make it look that good, and everyone knows slav magix cant be bought with money.
>make fun of anime fans despite the game being japanese, using anime aesthetics and being backed by mostly weebs
>highlight the enemy absorption when anyone who backed this knows they didn't include transformations from regular enemies because "tight budget"
>most of the trailer is just the guy talking about dashing
>once again they used the "dude he's playing a girl LMAO"

I don't get it. Are they trying to piss off backers at this point? Is trying to reach to a "wider audience" worth making fun of the people who made your game possible in the first place? Would this "wider audience" even care for this game in the first place?
>I sort of feel like Officially Regulated Safe Fun For Kids misses the whole fucking point.
What point? Being a degenerate?
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Look at their other published games, they're just trying to be "hip and radical" to their audience

If they hired someone competent i bet he could imitate this style in any 3d program. And it would look leagues better.
I'm sorry anon
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Fucking cringe
Don't forget that the "retro skin" isn't actually retro but looks like a minecraft character instead.
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wtf is the retro skin for anyways?

is it for the game? is it for a different game? kinda like a tf2 hat or something?
its an ingame skin.
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>all these retards in this thread who backed it

literally can't
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Don't forget the great Z.H.P trailer they also made:

>tfw NISA isn't this based anymore
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I don't even know what to call this anymore.

A several train wrecks? Suicide in slow motion? Can you sink below rock bottom?
>Shit on anime fans while concurrently planning an anime based on the same IP, though. Bravo.
my sides.
For whatever reason, vidya devs cannot into humor. It really shouldn't be that hard but most of them can't. I'd say the only games that were really laugh out loud funny were No More Heroes 1 and 2, plus a few Nintendo games have had some humorous moments here and there. Plus Tim Schafer's games have had some humorous bits as well.

But most of them just don't know how to be funny.
Forgot to add that the game itself actually looks pretty good though and I like the depth that all the slides and dashes bring.
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>Suda games
>Laugh out loud funny

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>as a thanks to all backers for their support & patience
>even though that was more of an apology when they made the whole slacker backer thing for said DLC, which supposedly wasn't gonna delay the game in the first place
Come on, No More Heroes 1 and 2 both had some great bits and it helps that they were actually self-aware and made fun of themselves unlike when Western devs try to do the same thing.

>that whole cutscene were Jeane explains everything to Travis but fast-forwards through it all
>Sir Henry Pussy Motherfucker!
>almost everything Henry says in NMH2

Fuck most games are awful when they try to be vulgar but NMH did it right by somehow being ridiculous but not going over the top in a stupid way like most Westerners tend to do.

Madworld was another good one.
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Its not even that advanced, it's literally just a cloud noisemap with hue filter. It might have even been a decent starting point if they hadn't fucked it with the saturation. Made basically the exact texture in 5 minutes on freeware.

No its really not, it's Rare-ware level of Toilet humor and toilet humor hasn't been funny since 1992.

In other words, it tries to hard to the point that its plain annoying.
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