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Will it be good?

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Will it be good?
The core combat, from what we've been able to play, is just okay, so probably not.
You tell me.

I think it will be alright. I'm not getting my hopes up.
>The core combat, from what we've been able to play, is just okay
Do you mean it's better than all other FF games, yet still "just OK" compared to good JRPGs, or is it "just OK" compared to FF games and absolute garbage overall?
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dead on arrival
It's just okay and worse than some FFs.
But the combat in all mainline FFs has been at best "just okay".

Honestly though, I've always liked the FFs for the comfy vibe you get from them, and this looks to have cranked the comfy level up to maximum. That Alice in wonderland carbuncle stuff, chilling with your bros at campfires, running around wildernesses on chocobos.
looks like Japanese boyband + Kingdom hearts, minus 20fps

It'll at least look nice
The former, for the most part. But bad gameplay becomes more noticeable in action RPGs because you expect turn based games to be garbage. Not because they have to be, but because developers want them to be.
>complaining about the car

Did these retards not play VII or VIII?
>and this looks to have cranked the comfy level up to maximum
It hasn't though. It's a fucking open world third person action game, that's nothing like the simple top-down games with a focus on exploration of the past.

There aren't even humorous characters in the party, or females.

It's the opposite of comfy unless you think being surrounded by a weaboo gay club is comfy.
>action game
If only. If it were a full action game, at least in terms of how combat functions, then it might have actually had some weight.
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>It'll at least look nice
About that.
It's god a shitty combat system but it's still an action game. It's kind of like Kingdom Hearts but worse.
I'm surprised XVfag hasn't shown up yet.
Looks like it will be the weeb version of Skyrim.
This combat system would be perfect for a power rangers game
>silly kung fu and impossible acrobatics
>weapons being pulled out of various metaphorical orifices
>the power of teamwork
>particle effects just everywhere
I hope so, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it'll be MGSV 2.0.

Other than that, other people complain about the combat being shit, but I think it's kind of, I dunno...comfy? In a good way. It's kind of like it hits similar notes as Devil May Cry, but also the kind of game where I sit down and enjoy a nice shandy as I play.
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Bruh, I don't know how to break this to you, but almost all FFs have been open world. Do you not remember over world maps? Same shit except 1:1 scaling. Also, why are you implying there's not going to be treasure chests and shit to dig up every-fucking-where? FFs always have shitloads of treasures, even the shitty corridor ones.
I don't understand the point here
>but I have a sneaking suspicion that it'll be MGSV 2.0.
This sounds about right except the hype for this game is much much lower and there's no multiplayer.
Probably not. Square hasn't made a good game in a long time. It looks promising and impressive at first glance, but when you actually play it, it's hard to get excited about what's to come.
but silly kung fu nonsense has been in every game
There's already more character interaction and characterization in the demo than in the entirety of MGSV
It's the only game where I get to do sick aerial spear combos and dragoon jumps in real time instead of picking the attack from a menu, so I hope to God it's good because that's why I'm getting it.

Fucking sick of vidya pandering to sword faggots.
"Open world" and "JRPG" are two different genres. FF has never had a world inspired by Skyrim and other shitty games.
Overworlds are not open world. In many ways they are the antithesis.
>I have a sneaking suspicion that it'll be MGSV 2.0.
Atleast MGSV had fun gameplay and ran smoothly. XV won't even have that.
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It's literally the most generic and uninspired looking open world I've ever seen my life and I don't understand why no one ever criticises it on casual forums like NeoGAF or Leddit.
>FF has never had a world inspired by Skyrim and other shitty games.

XII was literally inspired by MMOs, and MMOs have been open world before open world was a thing.
He actually believe that outdated graphics Witcher 3 stands a chance to FF15 graphics.
I know! They've mastered the art of it!
MGSV's disappointments were in the story and the fact that it was unfinished. What was actually there was mostly excellent, if unconventional for the series. The problem is what wasn't there.

Nobody had any expectations for FFXV's story, so it can't be like MGSV there, and I doubt it will feel unfinished.
First image is from Versus XIII, at a standstill, which was much smaller in scope and only 20% developed in 2011, second image is a screenshot of a youtube video mid-movement and mid-fight.

XV looks like shit, but fuck you for cherry picking, mongo.
XII wasn't an open world game though. It had loading screens everywhere and all of the areas were corridors.

I'd like to see your citation for that though, it sounds like pure bullshit.
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I am SO glad they didn't stick to just swords for Noctis.
I'm hoping that they're saving the really interesting dungeons and areas for the game, and not showing them in trailers.

How many areas have we actually seen? Duscae, that desert, and one other mountainous region? We also haven't seen any big time bosses yet either, which might spice up otherwise boring areas.
Don't play the semantics game. Both FF7 and FFX13 are JRPGs, but one has a world to explore and the other has railroad to follow.
This honestly looks worse than GTAV and Xenoblade X.
Bro, loldrg fag as well. Please, please let there be high jumps and other crazy shit, square.

how? just curious.
FF7 has a world map that simulates world exploration, but it isn't open world.
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Xenoblade X's world at 1080 looks so much better than this and so much more inspired, it's not even funny.

No idea what SE is doing for 10 years.
>MGSV's disappointments were in the story and the fact that it was unfinished.
No it was from the fact it was garbage in almost every single way..

And I think it will feel unfinished, it still looks and feels(in the demos) like a tech demonstration. And today SquareEnix said some very worrying things about their team.

What the hell are you talking about? FF7 has an overworld and while I haven't played 13 it seems linear. Neither are open world games inspired by Skyrim.
>high jumps and other crazy shit
Well the basic Jump is already confirmed, and there's a big dashing thrust too. Hopefully each weapon type will have at least 5 skills.
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Agreed, but it's the open world aspect that bothers me.

I have a sneaking suspicion that it'll be a lot of places to run around in, plenty of flora and fauna to look at, food to eat, minigames to play, but story content will be sparse in comparison to older games and the gameplay will get repetitive after awhile.

>Atleast MGSV had fun gameplay
>What was actually there was mostly excellent, if unconventional for the series.

Nah, it had STELLAR mechanics, but hilariously bad execution. The mechanics lend well to a Peace Walker/Ground Zeroes style game, but what we got was a huge open world with not much to do and very little reason to care about exploring it or accomplishing missions. It's a game where you HAVE to manufacture your own fun (and even that got old,) and if playing normally isn't fulfilling, then the game isn't worth playing.

It should have been a usual linear-style MGS game like 1 or 3, or a mission based game with optional side missions put in well-thought out areas like Camp Omega. What we got just simply didn't hit any of the right notes outside of movement and shooting feeling good, which Ground Zeroes did + executing the gameplay in the right environment that took advantage of it.
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Why /v/?
Why do you like the shitty Game of Thrones design?

You could have had the coolest dad, a yakuza boss that doesn't give a fuck about a motherfucking gun pointing at his head.

But you chose the old cripple guy that is about to shit himself and needs a fucking cane and a leg brace to keep himself standing.

Why didn't you stop it /v/?
>No it was from the fact it was garbage in almost every single way..
You are delusional. It had some very well designed areas, levels, and mechanics. Everything flowed very well and the game controlled wonderfully. It was the most fun I had with a AAA game in years.

It was also disappointing, because it wasn't finished and the story sucked.
I'm not defending the blandness, but I think they're going for a "FF look", like it looks like the classic fields of previous entries, if that makes any sense.
I agree that Ground Zeroes was better and was the way to go, but MGSV was still a very good, unfinished game. Unfortunately it has no replay value. It's a one time thing.
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i am so sad /v/ hold me
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Will she save the game, bros?

I don't like this. It's easy to create beautiful giant pieces that you can see. But creating an amazing world that is actually traversable nearby and through is another thing and an actual real accomplishment.
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Stop, this isn't a thread for your dead game, if you want to spam Xenoblade shit make a thread for it.

No, she'll likely be a minor recurring character with little characterization.
>actually traversable nearby and through is another thing and an actual real accomplishment.
Not sure how this doesn't apply to Xeno.
>whines about FF having too many teen characters
>says he loved FFVIII, the first game in the series to feature an all teen cast

This is Sonic fandom levels of autism right there. He's literally just shitting on the game because it's not what he grew up with. Then again all the faggots whining about "modern fantasy" are just as bad.
I need super high jumps. I want to see Noct fly up into the sky and rocket down into an enemy like a human missile.
>there is a huge optional boss inside that thing
>you must explore and find the entrance all yourself like with everything else optional
>not a shitty symbol on the map
I won't argue with you since you're delusional.

They're clearly just being lazy like most open world developers. All of the previous games were packed full of landmarks, even the classic fields you see in the overworld. FFXV's is really really generic given the massive budget they have.
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u niggas all gay, wait until the game is out to judge
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>people care about this
>adult people
when has the series had anything other than "just okay" combat? it literally never has. FFT is the best in that department, and it's not a proper mainline entry.
I hope the cities are like Gran Soren in Dragon's Dogma, with lots of hidden items you can jump around and find.
Never, see here >>338687659
Looks like the Hollywood Overwatch map but ugly and without the colors.
This would actually be great.

But it won't happen.

here have his twitter if you want to summon him.
not really fair since it's going for a more "grounded" aesthetic.
And that's the pre-downgrade version of FFXV.

Cities won't be as generic as the overworld so they will be 100% linear.
He's supposed to be 60, not 40.
what am I supposed to be seeing?
Guess that's the problem.

I want fantasy from a FInal Fantasy. Not an uglier GTA V without the possibilities.
*unzips dick*
I'll buy that's its grounded when the main characters stop wearing black leather that clashes with everything around them.
I 100%'d the game, and you are wrong on all counts except gameplay. The controls were phenomenal, really literally a feat deserving of some kind of award, like damn. Shame the rest of it was fucking awful. Nothing flowed, it was all divided up into mission chapters, and even within those nothing flowed. "Here, have a slow stealth mission where you talk to an old indian about some semi-mystical shit, cool right? LOL TOO BAD NEXT MISSION IMMEDIATELY AFTER, FIGHT A BUNCH OF SUPERZOMBIES IN AN AIRFIELD!"
He's currently at school due to being an underage australian.
What a fucking sperglord.
Tabata was a fucking mistake. The guy eats his own shit so much.
>"Here, have a slow stealth mission where you talk to an old indian about some semi-mystical shit, cool right? LOL TOO BAD NEXT MISSION IMMEDIATELY AFTER, FIGHT A BUNCH OF SUPERZOMBIES IN AN AIRFIELD!"
What's wrong with that? After escorting EVA you fought The Boss.
>whining about fasion

/fa/ please go.
That's a big dick.

>Going on 16 years of bad to terrible Final Fantasies
>SE has never been particularly good

I don't know, you tell me.
At least he's realistic with the fact that FF is a tarnished brand, and that this is the last chance for anyone to take them seriously again. Go look up some of his interviews and he seems pretty honest when he talks about how people actually feel about the series at this point, he recognizes that the series has been shit for years, and I do think he wants to change it, but I also think he's in over his head.
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No, what you want is cartoony world of warcraft shit.
The art direction for XV is fucked. Fujoshis have SE by the balls.
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Okay I lold at this.
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>people on a weeaboo image board interested in a weeaboo video game
>mongo morongo is amazed by this
It's a zombie franchise, which means it will continue to sell very well even if the series is still shit 20 years from now. I doubt Square Enix is very worried.

All it takes is marketing to make anything sell.
It's not grounded in any fucking way though.

Witcher 3 is grounded, FFXV is nearly Skyrim tier of lazy and uninspired.
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>we'll never have a game with the scale of FFXV, the mech idea from xenoblade X, the actually fun combat from Mechwarrior 3, and a story NOT revolving around emoting teenagers or crying or pretty guys right out of N'Sync
>and that this is the last chance for anyone to take them seriously again
It's not. ARR did fine. Bravely Default did fine. Tabata should stop hype his fujoshi bait as the make or break of the Japanese games industry. If it fails, it's because the game is shit and Tabata is an insecure director too obsesses with external criticism. Guy is running development like a fucking MMO.
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>brotherhood is gay
>the scale of FFXV
Why do people keep saying this?

I feel your feels though.
>tfw cool mech games never
>I doubt Square Enix is very worried.

kek, you need to go look up interviews from Tabata right now, they're 100% pumping everything they have into FFXV because they know they're in a sinking ship.

Why the fuck do you think they're doing a movie and a shitty anime for the game? Because they want to? No, it's for marketing because they're getting extremely desperate to get some steam back into the franchise. They NEED this game to succeed.
I guess don't play it then. you should probably just leave.
This better have a PC release, it's fucking 2016 and they have no excuses
The difference is that it was a slow fight, a CQC battle with your former master that had meaning, with her playfully taunting you and enjoying the thrill of battle with you. The fight with the zombies is a boring slog out of left field, after a helicopter crash, with no buildup, no tension, no developed characters or anything. Generic mooks as generic mooks can get serving as a boss battle in a MGS game is a sin.
Yes, Witcher 3 uses supernatural elements but grounds them and makes it seem like people could actually live in such a world.

In FFXV a man can summon giant monsters, teleport, and use all sorts of crazy magic and flip around and there's giant monsters outside of every city but there are still nice, safe paved roads and the majority of the population is no different from the people in our world. All this batshit insanity hasn't influenced their development in any way.
FF7 R didn't even save them and they ALWAYS said that game was their last resort.
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The funniest thing is i am the only who knows his twitter and his accounts on neofag/gamefaqs but nobody believes me.
DX:HR was good.
And the desperation to make this game for everyone is bringing it down. FF needs a strong visionary like Sakaguchi back. Tabata is too obsessed with numbers and popularity.
It's guaranteed to happen.
>FF7 R didn't even save them
It's not out yet though, and they fucked it up by changing the combat system and other things, so of course it isn't going to save them.

But you just said it, FF7 R is supposed to be their last resort, so with that, and all the shit they're pumping into FFXV, do you really believe they aren't worried?
The game can't not succeed. It will sell millions of copies even if it's a turd, and even if people realize it's a turd they'll buy the next one. That's a zombie franchise.
What's his neofag account? Do you know this guy?
I was just adding onto your post, I completely agree with you and find it hilarious yet sad that Square-Enix is about to sink.
Their excuse for making it now, is that they don't want certain people in their staff who worked on the original ff7 to be dead or retired by the time they start on it.

Yeah it was, but SE didn't develop it.
SE is more profitable than ever.
>SE is selling more shitty games than ever

Profits don't mean good games.
yeah i know him.

It was bazztek there too but he got banned, you can still find some of his posts.

Now he has another one but he won't tell me his username.
It's been in development hell since forever so no, it won't be good. It'll probably be an incredibly polished turd though. Like, you'll see the golden kernels of undigested corn that would make great story and gameplay mechanics but the rest of it is just shit. Kind of like the rest of the Final Fantasies.
Eh, magic isn't widespread. It's mostly a monopoly of one country that has a passive stance and isolationalist about it. The rest of the world is mostly technological, and is fairly advanced.

"Giant" monsters are mostly in the wild.

You could at least read a bit about the setting.

They do have some amazing budgets for their roads though.
At a distance it looks like it's going to be maximum comfy roadtrip.

>he doesn't wanna go on a roadtrip with his bros
>tfw equally fine with brotherhood or gay fujo pandering

Both will be comfy for me.
How do you know him? Is he an SE employee? Why is he so autistic about XV?
I'm excited, but /v/ will shit on it anyways, like it does with everything.
Sinking doesn't mean you having shit taste.
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>no sheaths
>no stella
>downgraded graphics
>no airships
>world map too big

fat fucking chance
>Eh, magic isn't widespread. It's mostly a monopoly of one country that has a passive stance and isolationalist about it. The rest of the world is mostly technological, and is fairly advanced.
This in and of itself is unbelievable. If one faction has crazy magic and the others don't, then either that one faction would take over the entire world or everyone else would steal and reverse engineer their magic pretty damn quickly. It only took the Soviets a few years to get nukes after the Americans did, and to rival them.

>"Giant" monsters are mostly in the wild.
What is "the wild"? The area in-between two major cities? Because they seem to be visible from the roads people drive on.
fujos don't play games. quit this shit.
Final Fantasy is a turn based RPG series Period. No. Debate.
Trying new things never meant being a new genre entirely, and that's what Square has forced on its fans for 15 years.
They refused to even make spin offs or sequels that followed the formula, no games at all since X-2 and that one was pretty much unplayable because the story was so shockingly embarrassing.

It all boils down to Toriyama Kitase Nomura and Tabata want their own style of game, before ever giving their core fanbase what they want instead, and they've done it for so long they've created this melting pot of people that fight all the time. In the end Final Fantasy rightfully belongs to the turn based community and they should have never had to share with other demographics in the first place.
The Witcher's world has been medieval for thousands of fucking years. Technology has barely advanced since the dwarves arrived 3500 fucking years in the past.

Grounded my balls, it's the same retarded eternally medieval fantasy as ever.
>Final Fantasy is a turn based RPG series Period. No. Debate.
The 2 most beloved FF games, III/VI and VII, are not really turn based games with their active battle system.
Do you really believe this? FF games are huge with jap women.
Are you seriously fucking saying isolationalism doesn't exist?

Holy fucking shit you are retarded.
How mush is/was SE paying him to shill XV?
no it's not.

ATB isn't even turn based you dip.
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Defend this. Please someone defend this.

>B-but, it makes sense within the confines of the story!

If the story bottlenecks the entire main playable cast into looking like a bunch of faggy boyband rejects from the early 2000's then I'm afraid the story itself needs to be changed. That doesn't excuse it, and it probably wasn't any good to begin with.

>Eh, magic isn't widespread. It's mostly a monopoly of one country that has a passive stance and isolationalist about it. The rest of the world is mostly technological, and is fairly advanced.

I dislike this motif so much. I guess I can't fault it because it's such a recurring theme in FF, but I want a game that kind of reverses the roles. Everyone is stuck in magic land, and you're the inquisition bringing them enlightenment.

But nobody is interested in such a cool concept. Too busy summoning gay little dragons
That's literally the plot, the empire finally has the firepower to take over Nocti's kindgom and the crystal.

There's nothing unbelievable about religious nuts being isolationalist.
My house is close to his and we were classmates but he dropped out a few years ago, he is not a marketer he is an autistic manchild with legit personality disorder.

He bought a PS4 when Type-0/Ed demo released, but he didn't wanna go out of his house to buy one so he send his mother and his little brother to buy him one.

His brother picked the white ps4 model and he got so fucking mad he hit his brother in the head with it.

He also hates Nomura because he didn't reply to his fanletter or some shit.

Lastly, XV-kun was already an e-celeb and you can even find pictures of him around the internet.

He was notorious on both neofag and gamefaqs for being a FFXII autistic fanboy that hept making up shit and creating the same threads.

His name was Galvanization, also known as 1Truth.
>Are you seriously fucking saying isolationalism doesn't exist?
Not in powerful countries with unique warfare technology that trumps everything else, no. The most powerful and advanced societies have always been highly aggressive and expansive, or else they collapsed quickly.

Even if we accept that that one kingdom is so magically and perfectly good that they would never attack anyone else, everyone else would steal their magic pretty quickly anyway.
prove it
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I looked up bazztek on neofag. It's definitely XV-kun. No wonder he's so butthurt about Kagari since she most likely banned him.

Guys, we found our shill.
The entire cast of XV together has less belts than Lulu.

Your point is invalid.
you can have ONE game like that. quit being a baby. this is getting old.
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Let's be honest with ourselves. Final Fantasy as a whole is WAY too overrated. It became insanely noticeable around FF4.

Answer me this: would you defend a game being perfect if it had hours of unskippable cutscenes, major game breaking bugs, exploits and glitches everywhere, and combat that's just outright unbalanced?
>playable cast
What game are you talking about?
Oh man. This is is almost tragic. Was he Galvanization before bazztek?
>Will it be good?

How long has it been delayed? LEt's go back and look at Duke Nukem Forever, was that good after being in limbo for years?

No, XV will be horrible. It might have a couplde good things but they won't outweigh the plethora of shit.
It's a comfy roadtrip with ya bros. There that's all we need.
what game?
>The most powerful and advanced societies have always been highly aggressive and expansive, or else they collapsed quickly.

Nigga what, China has been isolationalist since the 15th century.

>Even if we accept that that one kingdom is so magically and perfectly good that they would never attack anyone else, everyone else would steal their magic pretty quickly anyway.

Whcih is the plot of the story.
Burden of proof is on you, buddy.
We're talking about the art you autist.
>Nigga what, China has been isolationalist since the 15th century.
China also fell apart repeatedly, stagnated, and became completely worthless for centuries until communists turned it into a global sweatshop. And it's now dropping its isolationist policies and integrating its systems with other Asian countries, even trying to create a new reserve currency.

>Whcih is the plot of the story.
Should have happened hundreds of years before the story started, unless they got magic yesterday.
Dude, that's literally the plot of the game.
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Welp, it checks out. You're right after all.

This is too good to be true, somebody please screencap this thread.

FF6 to be precise.

>massive bloated story often with filler everywhere, that you can't skip past or even speed up
>multiple bugs that are easy to run into, like Relm's sketch bug which destroys the game, or a reset bug that puts you back in the WOB even if you were in WOR, and you can't get your airship
>game is easily exploited thanks to vanish+Doom, vanish+X-zone, and even in recent releases, there's ATB bugs that make it so enemies often won't even get a turn
>combat is a whole coleslaw of disasters and bad decisions, from skills being absolutey useless (you would never use bushido on cyan if you could just teach him to spam meteor every turn). Stats and abilities literally do nothing (blind stat, magic evade,etc) and half the enemy roster doesn't execute their AI script properly

I could go on and on. But the point is that these games, while good in some areas, are so heavily flawed that it's detrimental to the future of the industry to just gloss over their flaws.
What's the point of naming carbuncle in PD? Doesn't seem to be a saving feature at all considering you have to make a new save every time you go through
Difference: same devs have been crafting this since the beginning, with the same vision.
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I would be more okay with it if they just simply wore more colors. This isn't Reservoir Dogs, it's Final Fantasy.
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You're literally doing gods work right now. You should get some live footage of him with your phone. Go ring his door bell or something and call him XV-kun.

Look at that. Holy shit the guy is mental. Thanks anon for spilling the truth about XV-kun. This might save XV threads.
>somebody please screencap this thread.
Way ahead of you senpai. XV-kun's shilling ends today.
I am not lying man, i am actually kinda scared of him.

As far as i know he has 4 personalities but two of them are completely inactive, he stopped using them.

One was named Andre Grant and the other one was Galvanization.

yes bazztek is his 3rd personality, born in 2014 right after he killed his 1st and 2nd.


I called him XV-kun once, it was about 6 months ago, he tried to spit on me and then bite me, he called me a "sad thundercunting faggot" whatever the fuck that is and then he wouldn't talk to me for a month.
I've played both demos, which were both really fun. I'm cautiously optimistic, but it'll be a pretty big blow if it sucks
There's nothing implying Nocti's country isn't stagnated compared to the rest.

>Should have happened hundreds of years before the story started, unless they got magic yesterday.

No, but the rest of the countries lost their crystals only so much ago, and only with the advent of technological warfare do they have the firepower to attempt a take over.

It'd be more fucking unbelievable if they could take over a magic goddamn country with swords and bows like you expect it to.
Zeldafags are one of the least annoying fanbases in all of vidya. Someone probably jokingly said Link could beat Noct and he sperged.
>It'd be more fucking unbelievable if they could take over a magic goddamn country with swords and bows like you expect it to.
I never suggested they should do that.
Escorting Eva was tense, it strengthened snakes relationship with her, and it led up to the aforementioned boss fight, which also felt tense, but it also had a very depressing edge to it, the build up to it was slow, but tactile, and the fight itself wasn't all too bombastic, with an incredibly poignant end that few games have matched. That scene that was covered above in mgsv, was a train wreck. It went from code burger rambling about wolbachia, and parasites, and language, and some other nonsense, to not boss snake fighting zombies, and crashing a helicopter, and fighting super zombies for some reason, probably skull face, then it abruptly ends.
>Should have happened hundreds of years before the story started
They are pretty bad though, and suffer from the same fandom wars and nostalgia bias that FF and pretty much every other fandom suffers from.

But aside from that this is amazing, this is 10 kinds of amazing, this is the fucking holy grail, we found the truth about XV-kun.
This is his true twitter, notice how his bazztek twitter is full of XV autism while his real one is full of XII autism.

What the fuck? This is getting more and more absurd. I'd buy you a beer IRL for real for spilling the beans. Doing God's work.
What if this is XV-kun's latest personality, mocking himself?
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>I called him XV-kun once, it was about 6 months ago, he tried to spit on me and then bite me, he called me a "sad thundercunting faggot" whatever the fuck that is and then he wouldn't talk to me for a month.
I said they should have stolen the stuff instead of launching a dramatic invasion against a superior power just in time for the story to begin.
>I called him XV-kun once, it was about 6 months ago, he tried to spit on me and then bite me, he called me a "sad thundercunting faggot"

Holy shit
Witcher 3 is a game where a supernaturally talented asshole single handedly solves everything, and fights giant dragons for a living. It's not grounded in the slightest.
>he's a nigger too
The Boss fight was amazing though. It was the highlight of the game. Everything about it was wonderful and special.

Did you notice the white snaked nailed to the tree?
Wait, he's actually an XII autist? The guy shits on XII the moment I compare XV designs to Yoshida designs.
Don't ever call him a nigger, his current personality is a white 16yo boy, he will sperg out, he might even hurt his brother or some shit.

Because he has multiple personalities.
It is grounded, in that they developed the setting in such a way that it is believable and internally consistent. There are giant dragons, but the world isn't constantly under threat from them, it's usually small scale stuff like drowners ambushing people, local problems like that.

There are systems (such as Witchers) set up to deal with these problems and they are facts of daily life that influence their setting.

Grounded doesn't mean realistic, it means believable.
Yeah they should just call Naked Snake to infiltrate and steal the crystal amirite.
Worked for Israel. That's how they got nukes.
The game is Duke Nukem Forever tier. You heard it here first. Ask me anything
Are there tits? Duke Nukem Forever had tits.
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And just like that I'm starting to look forward to XV threads. Thanks anon, keep doing His work.
Those look like the protagonists OF FFXV
>There are giant dragons, but the world isn't constantly under threat from them, it's usually small scale stuff like drowners ambushing people, local problems like that.

No, instead It's a world where elves from another dimension are constantly trying to invade and annihilate the human race but fail to because plot.
include these too these memes are funny
Not optimistic.
When I saw Cindy today I was thinking her tits looked bigger than in ep duscae, but maybe they were just always fucking huge. But no, no bare tits
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Guess who.png
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>instead It's a world where elves from another dimension are constantly trying to invade and annihilate the human race but fail to because plot.
They didn't steal it, they bought it. Can't stop capitalism.
Now I kinda look forward to XV-kun showing up again. I have so much ammo now. Thank God for user-required forums.
No, they literally stole it by bribing Israeli American agents to hand material and documentation over. They also copied it and sold it to the Chinese and others before using it for themselves.
>claims to hate all that shit
>it is pretty much the only shit he posts
>ESPECIALLY the 'opinions as facts' shit
The Wild Hunt has been happening for at least 300 hundred years. They've been failing to obtain the lara gene for three fucking hundred years.
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Good lord, he has his own ED page.
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Anyone remember this webm?
Oh for fucks sake. How deep does the rabbit hole go?
he posts it every day
Are you talking about the NUMEC investigation? Because they totally sold it.
So he never even finished high school? Top fucking kek.
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Also when he kept saying Stella is still in but now he says Stella was shit and was changed by Nomura himself in 2012 FUCK YOU KAGARI.
i don't have a reaction image good enough to express my laughter
Some autist took the time to make this. Kek
if the box art looks as dogshit as that, then I'm not even gonna buy it
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>tfw we found XV-kun
I've saw this shit on MTV or vh1 once, I can't remember, people who have multiple personality disorders are some of the weirdest and off motherfuckers I have witnessed. I'm sure it was dramatized or fake in a way as most reality TV is now though.
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add this >>338694756
>His brother picked the white ps4 model

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He seems pretty happy for an autistic manchild who hit his brother for it.
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the high points will be at the end of the game
like Kingdom Hearst it'll be piss easy 90% the way through
then get retardely hard for the last boss and the secret ones (if any)
Not sure if I'm going to wait for the NEO version
I don't know about you guys but now I'm REALLY looking forward to the next XV thread.
>I called him XV-kun once, it was about 6 months ago, he tried to spit on me and then bite me, he called me a "sad thundercunting faggot" whatever the fuck that is and then he wouldn't talk to me for a month.

Can you pretty please record and upload it next time?
>this thread
oh boy...can't wait for e3
>Because he has multiple personalities.
What do you mean?
It's going to be glorious.
Add these to have some proof on the image


These are 100% pure XV-kun autism
Or just this: https://boards.fireden.net/v/thread/338686856
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How many split personalities do you think he'll use to whiteknight himself?

The archives are very unreliable and are prone to crashing.
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this is fucking stupid
>Director Hajime Tabata states Square Enix has "Final Fantasy Disease" where people within the company can't imagine anything other than their own view of Final Fantasy.

>Says that employees find themselves special if they're working on a Final Fantasy game and delude themselves into thinking everyone will love it despite that not being reality.

>At one point told his team that they are not special snowflakes just because they're working on a Final Fantasy game.

Based Tabata. I think it's fair to say we're in good hands.
Are you Kagari?
>we're in good hands.
if you only had any idea how wrong you are
Are you XV-kun?
So where was that rationale when he directed that steaming turd Crisis Core?
I suffered through Final Fantasy 13, this can't be any worse. The special snowflake thinking is how we got that game.
No, but you're definitely XV-kun levels of autism for making that image.
Kagari doesn't exist.
But I never hit my brother after forcing him to buy me a PS4.
13 never came close to the development hell 15 is in. That's right, IN. Still in right now, At least 13 existed
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Main Villain looks sick as fuck.
>will it be a good game
who knows
>will the graphics blow our fucking minds
you bet your ass they will
This sadens mean
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The only time we actually WANT XV-kun in a fucking thread and he is nowhere to be found.

I am now more hyped for the next XV thread than i am for the game.
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gimme back my car you faggots
>Final Fantasy XV will bomb

oh /v/..


>Final Fantasy XV Ultimate Collector’s Edition has managed to sell out in record time once again

So XV-Kun goes by Galvanization, Andre Grant, Finalisfantasy, Bazztek, DrBretto, NeithOF, Azure Sky, Vagrant_XII and G-zay?

Upon my research on gamefaqs, neogaf and twitter these are all XV-kun.
Seems about right.
Doesn't change the fact that 13 is absolute shit.
>DrBretto, NeithOF

I post on gfaqs, DrBretto is a senior member, there is no chance he is xv-kun.

neithof is a massive nomura fag that has even argued with the bazztek guy and even Drbretto, so by default he is not xv-kun, that faggot is always anti-nomura

I would say TalesRevenant is probably one of his accounts though, that guy repeats the same shit as xv-kun
Add this >>338699919
1Truth,Galvanization, Andre Grant, Finalisfantasy, Bazztek, Azure Sky, Vagrant_XII and G-zay,TalesRevenant,1Truth
But XV-Kun makes alts just to argue with himself, one shitting on XV the other cock sucking it. It's a common shill tactic.
Man we don't need these faggots coming here proving they're not him, our argument will lose weight.

We don't want the faggot to get any chances to fight back do we? if we make a mistake we're fucked.

I am pretty sure they're not him, especially DrBretto.
I just read a thread on gamefaqs with NeithOF and Bazztek calling each other XV-Kun and making the same long winded autism posts. They are definitely both his alts shilling both sides.

XV-Kun was shilling Nomura hard here like 3 years ago.
Come back in like 5 hours.
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Fuck you.jpg
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Yeah fuck you too guys.

>making long winded autism posts

It's a fucking text based board what the fuck did you expect me to do? shitpost with /v/ memes?
I'm getting a 3-month bargain bin vibe from it. Maybe it will be a good game but the hype will be too much to satisfy a lot of people which will devalue the game fast.
Sup XV-Kun aka Gal aka Finalisfantasy aka bazztek aka 1 truth aka neithof aka gzay
And speak of the devil...

>It's a fucking text based board what the fuck did you expect me to do? shitpost with /v/ memes?

Why not? It would at least be kind of funny instead of pure autistic cringe.
He's here!
Thanks for proving that NeithOF and bazztek were both you. Why don't you go hit your brother and bite your friend again to relieve some stress?
That's some extreme security precaution you got there XV-Kun. Seriously? PMing your alts?
Should we upgrade him to XV-sama?
I actually feel kind of bad imagining this autistic nigger manbaby pounding away furiously at his keyboard REEEing the whole time. I would hate to be your brother right now.
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Whatever, this is why it took so long for you autists to bust the nigger faggot.

Just when you get to him you let him go to go after the guy that hates his guts.

But it's ok, hopefuly after a few XV threads the faggot will GTFO of this fucking board for good, but i will still be here posting Regis.

Now hurry up and make him cut his wrists or something, faggots.
every FFXV fan seems to be an autist, whenever it's one person or not.
>being a fan of the game which is not out.
it's kinda obvious honestly
XV-Kun no need to be so tsun~.
Just call him by one of his alts.

Hopefully we can get the rest of your split personalities off the board too.
>this damage control
You should be lucky your brother didn't kick your head in.
>Just when you get to him you let him go to go after the guy that hates his guts.

You mean his alter ego?
Isn't that one of the bosses from Demons Souls
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You're honestly retarded all of you.
You can call an autist for making long posts or even for taking xv-kun seriously but i am not him.

Pic related, i am just another "Fuck off Kagacuck" and "Fuck you Pesmerga" to him.

And i can actually prove i am not him since i have made 1 single fucking collage from a persona thread that clearly shows him quoting me (YOU)

fucking idiots.
I have just one question
why you, other you, not you, or actual another people care about unreleased game this much?
Aside of being autists.
There are probably tons of games which are out you can spend your time on instead.
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I can't even tell which personality this is anymore.
I'm looking forward to r34 for Aranea and Cidney desu

Also I can't wait to walk around and explore Altissia because I am a sucker for water cities
XV-Kun the 1truth is out there. You can easily get separate "(You)'s" by posting from a PC and a phone so you aren't fooling anyone.

NeithOF is your Nomura cock sucker alt while Finalisfantasy, bazztek, TalesRevenant are your Tabata cock sucker alts. Galvanization, G-zay, 1truth, Azure Sky your Matsuno cock sucker alt.

Who knows how many more you have.
LOL just looked up FFXV on rule34 and there is Stella porn by Bazztek.
Topkek how far is this rabbit hole.

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I don't know about anyone else, i definitely don't know about the fucking xv-kun retard since he has been doing this shit literaly for YEARS.

But i don't understand your question bro, it's a fucking game that will release soon, and i want to talk about it, i want to talk about the story or the gameplay, it's not like i care if the game is shit or not, it's not like i defend the game to death like that nigger does. I have a tons of complains for XV.

Why the fuck does anyone on /v/ care about FE or XenoX getting censored? or actually, why the does anyone care about FF7R being arpg instead of ATB?

it's because it's fucking normal to want to talk about games you like.

What is not normal is this fucking faggot coming in every single fucking thread and destroying it.

And with this i am out. It's okay to put the username NeithOF wherever the fuck you want, it's not like i use it anywhere else besides gfaqs.

Hurry up and get rid of the faggot before E3.

I am not even a native English speaker you sperg, my vocabulary is poor as fuck and my grammar atrocious.
Holy fuck XV-Kun.

So now we can add "Persona-kun" to the list too, right?
Your autism levels are off the charts.
>it's because it's fucking normal to want to talk about games you like.
except that usually works well only when games actually released.
Talking about unreleased game in such amounts is just stupid, considering that to do so you need to be literally obsessed to point of gathering any hint on information.
Do that AFTER game is released and nobody will ever judge you. Right now "discussion" you try to have is completely useless guesswork.
You can be autist about subject all you want, but do so about subject which actually exists, not about some cloud castle nobody but you sees.
Wait I thought XV-kun hated Stella so why is he making Stella fap material?
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It will be bad. Gameplay is boring as fuck. The need to seriously up the complexity and lower the automatism if they want it to good.

Even with the advanced tech explained on that weird website it's still quite shallow.
Why screencap yourself talking to yourself?
Actually getting information about a game can be very simplistic if you just look careful enough, but I don't expect most people to have the experience or sharp eye to do so.
He's been using alternate personalities and identities with different alignments.
You can't trust any information about game till game is actually released.
> considering that to do so you need to be literally obsessed to point of gathering any hint on information.

all i fucking did was google "nomura ffxv e3 2013"

then this fucking article gave me every single interview nomura gave back then


It wasn't that hard to fight against xv-kuns lies.
Everything you need to know to understand that xv-kun was making shit up was read this article, which is all i honestly did.

Then i was just copy pasting that shit to him and he would sperg everytime.
There's only one thing in this game that doesn't look like complete shit to me, the summons. But that's not enough, everything else is extremely unappealing, I don't know who this shit is aimed at, but it's not me.
Holy fucking shit they read one of his tweets during the gamescom ATR.

XV-Kun stop already. We know you've been shilling both sides.
How are you still going after being exposed? You've literally destroyed any potential for any FFXV discussion and every XV thread for three fucking years now.
no nigger, you know shit.

Just two hours ago every fucking XV thread on /v/ was at his mercy.

Just because someone came and told you everything doesn't mean you suddenly know everything.

Keep making retarded assumptions like the one you're making right now and soon you won't even be able to do shit to him.

It's ok to have one person wrong from a whole fucking list of alt accounts, i don't give a fuck about "neithof" you assume that i am him and he is me, but keeping doing the same shit and in the end you will become the autists and he will just make a new character and shitpost for another game.

Either throw him out of /v/ for good or shut the fuck up.

For your own good pls. Think of your brother.
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>he's still going after his cover was blown wide open

Jesus Christ.
True. But I can make my own deductions about how the game will turn out, and those are often reliable I can say from experience.
>Just two hours ago every fucking XV thread on /v/ was at his mercy.
being a huge shitposter to point being able to bait people is not that huge of achievement
>another long ass post
Yep that's our XV-Kun.
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>you are XV-kun just as much as anyone else is.
>It's a meaningless buzzword now

I told you, but you didn't listen.
Man this is like desperation personified
Is FFXV-kun finally dead? Is he Australian like I suspected?
This thread was fucking beautiful.
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>he's a nigger
Don't forget to save and repost in every thread.
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Talk about gameplay. Not ff-kun you dull boring simpletons.
The game play sucks
there is demo out there, you can see boring gameplay for yourself
This is XV-kun 100%


Add him to his alts.
But you can climb that.
No, but being good isn't a requirement to sell millions.
Hold on, is neighbor-anon a nigger too?

Sounds like a story from detroit or something
According to XV-kun's twitter he's in London.


he has a Twitter?!
The real XV-kun
Updated. Remember to save and repost.
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>he's black

Maximo keko
top lel
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So XV-kun's real name is Andre Grant?
Andre the Giant Faggot
>you were on /v/ when XV-kun was officially exposed as a mentally retarded fucktard hated by every single human being he comes in contact with

It's a good feeling. It's been a good day on /v/.
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>play episode duscae
>see what I think is Lestillum in the distance
>can't get to it until September

it hurts
bump for no death
has xvkun committed suicide
we'll know after the next few FFXV threads, although there's the chance he's too autistic to even lay low for one.
>"I don't want to give too many examples from the nasty side of my imagination as they may be too extreme.

>Well, for a not so intense example, the demon Paraphilia makes The Prince have sex with a girl around the same age as Sunny from Metal Gear Solid 4 and if she doesn't do it he'll kill her parents who are chained and mouth taped in the same room. He fucks her senseless and Paraphilia makes him go into all sorts of disgusting positions and makes him force the kid to do all kinds of nasty shit and after all that, after he's beat that green banana pussy senseless he kills her parents anyway, right in front of her.

>He doesn't kill the girl though, nah, the mental scar is enough damage. There is some very small kindness to The Prince though, some small degree of consideration as he asks the girl more than once in this scene, “Are you ok?”
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It's the FF disease most nostalgia fags have

When people say something is going to be bad, that isnt the same as them saying it isnt going to sell well
To 'bomb' means sell poorly. As in box office bomb. Quality is irrelevant. Transformers is one of the worst series to ever be put on the silver screen, yet none of them are bombs.
grass looks better, you might need glasses
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The lack of females will bore me after a while, it's simply not a good setup for these kind of games, I get what they are trying to do with the "all male" cast since they would be required to act differently with a female presence, but it's still bullshit, I don't want to play as sasuke uchiha for 50+ hours, I can guarantee there will be DLC where you play as a semen demon.
>FFXIII was shit because it was linear corridor!
>FFXV will be shit because it's open world garbage!



they flat out admitted they'll quit console gaming if this fails
It'll probably be a decent game for those who take the time to get in to it.
>try demo
>0 hp
>summon ramuh
>0 hp
>summon ramuh
>0 hp
>summon ramuh



They are actually Queue based games, hell, final fantasy 7 was about spamming shit as quick as possible to have an edge, even final fantasy 13 which is hated for its linearity is fondly remembered for the mastery that was it's complex combat system, so much so that they needed to add an auto battle feature that would queue basic actions since paradygm shifts were too constant.
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It's not the demo's fault you're retarded.
Has he fucked off now that he's been outed again? What's his new Gaf name?
>Literally just talks about and retweets FFXV shit
Is he a literal shill or what
See >>338712195
Post pictures

Reminder that he threatened to track down and rape another gaffer
m8 this is XV-kun >>338694756 >>338695464
I'm really over the cheesy and immature as fuck FF typical writing desu. I'm no edgelord but I certainly hate games that use the status quo trope so they only deliver half assed character development. I have my animu for that
Wait a minute this is that troll that bought Xenoblade X specifically to bitch about it. He posted a few pictures in X threads with his copy of the game citing how he hates every moment, despite putting 80 hours in
FFXV kun is from London?

I could literally go and beat him up

post vid
If only I had his address
You have his name. >>338714987
This thread is glorious

Thank you, Deliver-kun
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>Quality is irrelevant
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we need 2 go deepur
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>quoting, out of context, a statement that makes perfect sense in context, and does not represent the poster's opinion in any way

Congratulations on your mental handicap.
Ok guys I went from hype to okay-ish after the release of Platinum Demo. Today I purchased a Duscae Code off ebay for 15bucks and holy shit, this game will be GOAT no fucking competition. Bantz between the guys is some next level fun. Same goes for the fucking quests. Some missions have plans and coordination that's better than GTA. Exploring the open world nature is fucking fun.

Episode Duscae is the best thing I have ever played on my PS4 so far.

Holy shit it just turned night and now I am surrounded by zombie soldiers, Walking Walruses, Harry Potter creatures and fucking crazy hyenas while doing dragoon jumps and majorly fucking up with my wirlwind attack.

Holy shit I was skeptical but now I am so fucking hype. GOAT thanks Square
Wait you can still activate ED codes? I thought they went in active in March?
we know your lying, duscae's codes dont work anymore and havent for months
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They said they'd expire but plenty of people have gotten them to work after the date. Maybe because they made 2.0 which wasn't planned when they released it.
I researched specifically on google like a pro and everyone said they still work. They were right.

It's fucking amazing.
Don't have to accuse me of lying faggots could have just google it yourself. Back to hype.
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So when is the fact that he is known as XV-Kun on /v/ going to be documented in the article?
[citation needed]
Just google it you unbelievably dense nigger.

If anyone has question on Duscae, just ask bruh.
So wait there actual black people on this site?
top fucking kek
No chance.
It will be life changing. It will be harder on your fucking life than a DMT trip, it will be a new era of gaming.

>watch 1997 tier cutscene 8 times to kill a dinosaur

woah so deep gameplay

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