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I'm excited to play as Pharah, too.
2 > 3 > 1 for me
Why would you put 3 above the first one?
1 > 3 > 2

Anything other answer is wrong.
I'd accept 2>1>3

3 was ok, but it seriously did not have a decent tone
The game felt action-oriented most of the time

I also take credit away for its fucking awful controls
I liked motion controls, I just didn't like the stupid button pushing and lever pulling gimmicks
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The only correct order
2 = 1 > 3
Used to enjoy the first game most, but I've played it to death and echoes has funner bosses

the controls were fine, only problem was that they made the game too easy (and retroactively made the other prime games way too easy in the trilogy version)
I felt like Echoes and Corruption both had more exciting and fleshed out settings, more interesting lore, cooler equipment, higher difficulty, more memorable boss battles and deeper combat. The first Prime was a great transition of Supers philosophies from 2D to 3D but the later Prime games built on top of its base, did more interesting things with it and the series took on its own identity.

Like, there's areas I don't like in both but I feel the same way about the first. Phendrana Drifts was a standout but Magmoor and Phazon Mines were boring. Echoes and Corruptions' highlights like Sanctuary Fortress, Elyssia and Pirate Homeworld were much higher than Prime's.

They just feel better all around to me. They're less like Super but I don't think that's inherently a bad thing.
Just a reminder Prime killed Metroid Dread and eventually the entire series.
2 is the best one fag

>posting the yurocuck version

If there isn't a 60hz option, I seriously feel sorry for you.
Mah niggah
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I like 2 a lot but I think I have to admit that 1 is better.

1's world is just designed better, 2 is just a hub with 3 branches, and then the whole thing is copied. It really feels rushed. Then there's the ammo system, and the lore, which kind of copies the first game's lore without adding much. 2 does have strengths over 1, though, like the better difficulty, some amazing bossfights, sanctuary fucking fortress.

If you think 3 is better than either then you have the taste and eye for quality of a barnacle.

Those things are pretty quick to die if you freeze them with the Dark Beam's charge and some missiles.
I've been looking for this webm for ages. You're a fucking hero.
Coincidentially played them in that order, too.
I think 2 had the best atmosphere and OST, 3 had the best Bosses and best design and 1 had... uhh...
Prime isn't canon
That's every enemy in the game.
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>3 had the best anything

3 was a disgrace
Hyper Mode was pretty great.
>Sanctuary Fortress
I struggle to think of other areas as good as that in videogames in general.
2 > 1 > 3

or perhaps 2 = 1 > 3, I'd need to play them again.

I always loved Torvus Bog and that shit hot black hole super missile in 2. Plus 2's final battle is so intense.

I've yet to see that work on doors for a room that's still loading.

It was a good idea but pretty badly handled

>pirate that usually takes two missiles to kill goes into hypermode
>now takes three super missiles to kill, unless you go hypermode too
I always preferred Dark Samus' design in 2 over 3.

In 3 she's just sort of in a blue suit, but in 2 there's a load of creepy organic elements (rib-cage esque chest, toes) which really add to the overall design.
Finally came back to the game recently and got all the dark temple keys, planning on beating it when I get home from work. What am I in for?
Prime 1's map is actually less interconnected though.

It's three main areas regions never connect to each other once. You always gotta take a detour through Magmoor Caverns or Talon Overworld to get anywhere, and those areas basically exist for the sole purpose of being bridges between the regions. You don't do anything else in them.

Prime 2's map on the other hand actually gives you access to every other region in each part of the map. You can go directly from Agon to Sanctuary Fortress or Torvus Bog using two hidden elevators, or warp directly to its temple from any other using the light suit.

>Then there's the ammo system
This was a good thing.
It gave you a reason to touch the power beam and having to balance your resources made combat less spammy.
it was actually only 60Hz, that's why the box art has that symbol on it
The final has three forms
som bretty gud music and intense fights.

Epic final boss theme
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Name one thing Prime 1 does better than this game.

Endgame key hunt.

>Can gather Chozo Artifacts as you progress through the game.

>Prime 2
>Can only get like 2 Sky Temple keys throughout the game and the rest of them are cockblocked by Ingstorm and other shit until you get the Light Suit at the very end.
No ammo
does these games have alot of back tracking ??
and can prime games ne played all right with 360 controller?
More like 1>2>>>>>>>>>3

Fuck 3

If you think 2>1, that's cool, since I feel like 2 really did do a lot of things better than 1. But 3 was so disappointing.
How did they make the games easier? I remember 3 shredding me on higher difficulties.
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>ton of first person games that are about exploration or puzzles or shooting
>there's literally nothing that combines those three elements like the Prime games do
What the actual fuck?
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I remember playing Prime 2 and coming across that fucking glitch the makes the game unbeatable. I think its the place in Main Research. Fuck that shit.

Didn't end up beating this until replaying it 2 years. Great game though
How does it make the game unbeatable?

Torvus Bog killed my interest in 2 for a LONG time, fuck that place.
The Prime series' focus on backtracking and key collection honestly ruins it for me. Why did Retro take a series that has always focused on replayability and speedrunning and insert a 2 hour collection spree at the end?
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I just looked it up again. There's a room in main research where you have to destroy all the sonic transmitters to open a door. But if you leave the room before doing so, it's locked permanently and you can't continue.

Apparently there's a way around it that I didn't know of.
There's more than one room like this.
Annihilator beam best beam

Phazon Suit is still better than light suit tho
Upper Torvus Bog is fucking great and has fantastic music.

I'll admit that I don't care that much for Lower Torvus Bog either but once you get the suit upgrade that lets you move through the water easily, it's not bad either.

I don't care for the key hunting, but Metroid has always been about backtracking to previous areas. Sometimes the games do take it too far. One thing about the keys though, is that if you know where they are, you can collect a lot of them as you go once you start the game.

I do want the next Prime game to be more like the 2D games. Fuck the key hunting, just almost pure speedrunning, faster gameplay, more mobility options, etc. Maybe a few less puzzles as well.

Shame Prime 2 never did much more with the Echo Visor besides open doors and such, that would've been really cool.

Also Sonic Boom best Boom
Nah man, Prime 2 had the best suits in the entire series.

Best version of the Varia Suit, plus the Dark and Light Suits.

Makes me lament that there will probably never be a proper third person, OTS Metroid game with great character models. Cuz I just want to look at those things all day.
Chino, you don't understand, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption had the best suit in the entire series.
>liking the PED Suit at all
Fucking bleh

I'll admit that by the end of the game, the fully upgraded version of it was pretty cool-looking, but MP3 was literally a game with only one full suit upgrade. Fuck that shit.
Phazon Suit Best Suit
It was pretty cool looking, save for the huge metallic plate on the chest. Better than the Light Suit in Prime 2 which looked like an insects exoskeleton.
That thing was sleek as fuck aside from the jagged kneecaps. I don't know why they couldn't follow the smooth aesthetic there.

I want a new Metroid game with some new suits already. Maybe even a game where you needed to switch between suits like an Anon suggested on here once.
i own this game but never had the chance to play it. also i must finish the first one
The Fusion suit was the last canon suit we had in more than one game.
How was 2's Multiplayer?
You're referring to the suit being a bonus costume in MP1?

I don't know why Nintendo doesn't do that sort of thing more often. A Metroid game with actual unlockable alternate skins would only make sense.
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Unlockables kind of ebb up against the concept of the exploration theme, which was something I hated in Metroid Prime.

But it is the only suit that was carried over into another game. I hope they give Samus more suits though, a War Machine looking suit or anything would be nice right about now, though I feel with the recent remodeling of Zero Suit, we might be seeing something much more passive.
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>first person
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>Game title is the final boss

Also, am I the only person who immediately caught on in Prime 3 how Hunter Lord's theme is a remix of Arachneus-X's. Really subtle too. Or how the Robo-Lord or whatever in Elyssia is Mother Brain's?

I dig things like that.
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>Unlockables kind of ebb up against the concept of the exploration theme, which was something I hated in Metroid Prime.
They can be done well. Maybe they can be a reward for NG+ or if you get 100% or something.

>a War Machine looking suit or anything would be nice right about now,
Speaking of, I really do hope that they take some inspiration from Iron Man in the MCU and give us a super detailed suit that makes logical sense or something like that. I don't want anything like the Other M suit. I want something that looks fucking 'real' so to speak.
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At the time Retro Studios had a combined effort with Nintendo to link the GBA copy of Metroid Fusion up to the game. I still think it kind of ruins the experience, having any extra unlockables at all..

It would be better if you could just get the suit through conditions, or in an extra quest.
that was pretty rad
tracking down those keys right at the end nearly ruined the game for me
I should probably beat Echoes.

Everyone says this game is fun, and I'm only 3/4ths in.
Post yfw 2:10
Why are you here?
The Ing remind me of The Flood.
are these games any good with motion controls? I was thinking of picking up the trilogy on vc then learned you can't use the pro controller.
They're unholy spawn of Chaos and Tyranids.
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3 > 1 > 2

Have you guys played 1 recently? It's fucking outdated trash and all your fancy non-linearity is a lie.

>go to pirate spaceship before I must
>end up facing a dead wall and game LITERALLY telling me "you are missing an item, come back later"
>have to walk all the disgusting way back underwater, literally wasted one hour
>map always shoows you story target anyway
>even the most annoying enemies (chozo ghosts) always respawn after switching room
>that retarded sand tower puzzle that repairs itself when you leave the room to get more missiles
>all those terrible bosses

The town in the sky in 3 alone shits all over 1 and 2. 3 also has by far the best lore. The 1 scan stories are fucking terrible. Literally every scan is "there iz evbil virus, we kill."

Literally nothing wrong with this. Are you dumb?
Its a great a great game but I just think the first one is better. they both have their flaws though.
Anon if you wanted people to bump the thread you could've just asked.
I dont get it, need explanation.
If I play them through Dolphin, should I load up the Wii Trilogy or the GC versions separately? I'm just going to be playing with an XB1 controller.
2 is seriously underrated. The ammo system is dumb but the rest of the Dark Aether environments are fun as fuck.
Has anyone played Metroid: Other M?

I've played it after playing Prime and I'm just baffled at how a Gamecube game from 2002 manages to look way better that a game released in 2010, my fucking god. Other M just looked and felt so lifeless, it hardly had any soundtrack to it either.
Late reply but if you are still in the thread:
Not having to be locked onto an enemy to fire at them, being able to strafe in whatever direction you want while still being able to fire accurately.
It let you move around a lot more while still dishing out damage, enemies shaking your lock on isn't really a problem anymore etc.
These issues are much greater in prime 1 and 2 since they never were designed with motion control in mind.
3 also had the Hypermode which basically meant press button to win, with no consequences whatsoever.
Play the GC version then
>It would be better if you could just get the suit through conditions, or in an extra quest.

Prime trilogy on the wii had it as a unlockable on disc (since obviously you can't connect GBA with it).
My issue is that everything that wasn't samus looked like hale CE terrain textures up close.
GC versions, the trilogy version was made easier (too easy imo) even on the harder difficulties.
Also a couple of animations and such were removed like frost on your arm cannon and a couple of others I can't remember at the moment.
They'll also let you sequence break assuming you get the original version of the games and not the patched release.
An actually tough boss fight

And a timer
Other M's art director had never worked on a 3d game before, which is pretty fucking baffling.

Nobody on Sakamoto's side of things really understood what they were getting into.
2 > 1 >> 3

I enjoyed each one of them a lot, I just somehow loved the dark world of 2 and it's zones a lot more.
>3 also had the Hypermode which basically meant press button to win, with no consequences whatsoever.
It eats HP to engage it.

Also, after a certain part of the game, if you stayed in Hypermode too long you died. You could then even be forced into it by certain enemies where you had to immediately fire frantically to vent out the excess Phazon or face instant death. This became a huge double edged sword if you were playing on Hypermode difficulty.
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Prime is only non-linear if you use glitches. Otherwise it's a very linear game that just disguises it so well that a lot of people don't realize it.

But if you do crack it open with glitches it's pretty fun.
>mfw used power beam always because I disliked the cannon changing forms
The enemy is overloading your suit system with trash data, drastically lowering the amount of frame per seconds your can see.

tl;dr: It's a cool and unique enemy.
>It gave you a reason to touch the power beam and having to balance your resources made combat less spammy.
Once you have both Dark and Light Beams you never have to touch the Power Beam again though. Enemies frequently drop the ammo opposite the beam you used to kill them. So if you're heavily using one or the other you just switch for a couple enemies then go right back to what you were using.
>This became a huge double edged sword if you were playing on Hypermode difficulty.
I disagree, it was a saving grace.
The few difficult bosses and areas were eaily beaten by abusing hypermode, you just make sure to drop out of it before you spend too much health, or in some cases even letting it overheat so you could get a longer hypermode duration for free.
The things you killed while in hypermode would drop more health items than you'd lose most of the time.
If there had been some sort of long term consequence, like gradually becoming more corrupted by using hypermode (instead of the 25% increase after each phazon seed boss which was only an aestethic change) it would have been a much better mechanic and would have added a lot to the general immersion.
What you said literally just proved my point.
You have to manage it well, or you fucking die.
That's what a double edged sword is.
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Once you get the annhilator beam it's even easier, as every enemy killed with it usually drops a ton of ammo for both beams.
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I love the atmosphere of 2 the most, but holy fuck do the space pirates look like a bunch of dumb assholes when you see them trying to mess with the dark-world
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Underrated post.

Holy shit I never knew that.
Happened during my first playtrough, never touched the game again.

Dark Torvus is nightmare fuel.

2 > Everything
I really want to enjoy Metroid Prime but I just can't for some reason. The 2D titles will always be the best in my heart
How do we improve scanning?
>dumb assholes
The space pirate were portrayed as in over their heads. The clearly weren't ready for the Dark Aether, all their attempts at making proper protection from the corrosive environment failed and most workers who went through the dark side and returned came back dying and heavily mutated.

Shit, by the end I felt sorry for these guys.
The prime games had some good title themes


My point being that it's very easy to manage and will save you from any difficult situation, it's a crutch
GC. If you have the Wii-U GC controller adapter use that for your Dolphin instead.
We don't. It's fine as it is, but I can clearly see how it would be unpopular with the modern audience. Having to wait defenseless while scanning enemies would be too ''unpowering'' for normies.
If there's one thing that was stupid, is the Dark Ray.

So yeah there's dark creatures, let's shoot at them with dark energy to overload them!
Dark beam is basically just ice beam
Can't you play the trilogy using m+kb?
2 broke some unwritten rules of decent boss battle design which made them very frustrating and unfair. But I read that Trilogy may have fixed some of those issues.
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They nerfed the boost guardian and the spider guardian is easier with the spring ball
When it comes to Echoes I'm all about that menu theme myself

Wish I knew what they were saying.
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biggest threat to space pirates is space pirates
It is sad how easy that boss was. I know by then you probably have masterised the game mechanics, but that doesn't make the encounter any less underwhelming.

Man, I don't remember metroid being this slow and floaty
I really wasn't a fan of most bosses in 2. It just felt like they wanted to force the various gameplay gimmicks into the fights. In 1 most bosses let you fight them however you liked.
he just dropped to much health
if he dropped nothing it would have been an awesome attrition type battle
personally I liked Spider Guardiant
I took it less as an actual boss battle and more like a timed puzzle
Aside from maybe the touchy hitbox on the Spider Guardian, I loved 2's bosses. Lots of elaborate weaknesses and multiple forms to keep things interesting. Made you work for it, at least for Metroid standards.
Although I love Quadraxis, I think Chykka is my favorite boss of the trilogy. There's something so satisfying about grappling over poisoned water while charging seeker missiles, and I like how long the fight is.
Good boss theme too
Good boss fight, the first form has fucking god-tier bgm.
Torvus Bog had an all around GOAT soundtrack.

Anyone else desperately hoping we get the Power Suit back after Fusion?
Screw the power suit, I want the gravity suit back. Especially after we got the half-assed purple glow shit from Other M.
There will never be a game set after Fusion.
Definitely this, she feels like a biological monster rather than a reskin.

I disagree about the beams. The ammo is very commonplace, and the two beams are pretty dang powerful. I suppose the designers thought their power was acceptable on account of the ammunition, but that was a mistake.

Contrast that with the Ice beam in 1, which had a slow as shit base rate to compensate for freezing. The Wave beam homed but still fired slower, and the Plasma was acquired late in the game in any case, by which point the Power beam had Super Missiles to its name, compared to the useless flamethrower.
>What Prime 3 did well
- Remote control was nice
- Concept of using the ship as an actual mobile base was nice, albeit underused
- Diversity of lore was top-tier
- Good integration of the Federation into combat and cooperative roles. Feds were underused.
- Cool idea of co-bounty hunters
- Sky Temple was gorgeous, a joy to explore, good enemies, bosses and puzzles, honestly no flaws and great execution

>What Prime 3 didn't do so well
- Art direction was questionable, felt more wanky than the earlier titles. Things that were used in balance and moderation in 1 and 2 were recycled and overplayed in 3, though nothing was spammed
- Pirates looked weird
- Bryyonians were confused. Did they evolved six limbs after the empire fell?
- Dark Samus looked boring
- Tiny planets
- Beams were just straight upgrades, no switching or layering fun; I understand this was because the Hunter upgrades (Ice Missiles, Electro Upgrades) were meant to fill in but come it. Robodude should've given power bombs or something to make it consistent.
- Samus looked at her dumbest outside the suit.
- Somethings felt a bit rushed or wrapped-up too quickly and neatly
- Could've been something way huger based on design documents, trimmed back into something fun but formulaic to make room for Other M
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>Subterranean theme is a Red Soil remix
Other M pretty much kicked the franchise into the sea of darkness it is currently mired. There's pretty much nothing that didn't go wrong with that game.
MP1 and 2 are close. I can't decide which one I like more. 1 was great but those fucking color coated pirates forcing beam switching was dumb, and the game as a whole was too easy. 2 was much better for difficulty, and I'm alone, but I liked the ammo for beams. Encouraged more switching without that pallet swap shit.

Power gap on 3 though. It wasn't bad, it still stands head and shoulders over most other games these days, but it is the reason why I'm glad Retro hasn't made another Metroid since, and I hope that stays true.
I only played Prime 1 and 2, vastly prefer the first one but the second is good too.

How does 3 compare to the rest of the series?
That second one is kinda cheating, don'tcha think?
How would we remix the best of the two games to create a flawless, if straightforward, Prime 4?
Honestly, MP3 is one of the lesser Metroid games as a whole. It's still a good game, but it's the worst good game in the series if that makes sense
Get Platinum to make it.
Interestingly. Larger scale world, but the game itself isn't any bigger - each level is on its own planet for largely aesthetic purposes. Very diverse and developed lore, aesthetics are wilder than previous. The previous games had a feel of being caught between various competing entities, but in this one the bad guys are just rolled into one Phazon/Pirate/Metroid clusterfuck, which is boring but there are silver livings. You work with Federation Marines near the beginning and end of the game. And of course the game is first person using the Wiimote as a targetter.

At least we got two perfect games

That's more than can be said about anything else that got cucked by newtendo
The beginning of Prime 3 actually reminded me a lot of Doom 3.
Platinum would make an awesome sidescrolling Metroid, but it's a different question/equation altogether.
Agreed with all except some of the visuals. I remember loving everything viusally except suitless samus and Dark Samus
>Two Soldiers in Prime 3 namedrop the Horus Heresy.
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Just make Metroid Prime 2, but not as slow.

The pacing in MP2 is the only thing that holds it back from being the best, at least, for me. Multiple worlds means multiple load times, dark atmosphere means you'll wait in light bubbles to heal, especially before the dark suit, ect. And this is just anecdotal, but my first time against Alpha Blogg was a nightmare. I didn't mind losing, but the fact that you cannot save for a long time before getting the gravity suit and trying again was just frustrating.

There is so much goddamn waiting.
1>2>>>3. theres some days where i can actually aprreciate 2 the most
Shit, I thought I recollected a warhammer reference, where was this?

Right from day 1 I felt that Retro were taking Metroid in a Warhammery direction with Prime. In my early teens on GameFAQs I practically made several Metroid: The Wargame threads that used the enemies in Prime 1 as Warhammer units.
To elaborate on my original statement, I think the diversity and use of colour in Prime 3 is astounding and the best in ~the Metroid franchise. I liked the look of Bryyo and the two looks of its natives, even if they didn't make too much sense. However while I think Pirates had appeal, they were . . . I don't know, they felt less threatening than in previous games. Too over-the-top in many cases, and less like a race of nasty-ruthless raiders with scavenged/jury-rigged gear and more like things bred in vats for the purpose of looking weird.

At the end of the day, the Sky Temple/Elysia? was bliss.

Comfy as fuck.
Honestly I like Prime 3 because of how it fleshed out the Galactic Federation and its place within the galaxy at large. Also I still maintain that F-Zero is in the same universe as Metroid. Just in the civilized parts. Where Samus doesn't frequent.
Is Prime 2 better than 1?

I always read praises as if Prime was the second comming of Jesus, but it simply isn't clicking with me.
>Halo shit.
Mix of natural environments from Metroid Prime with super-futuristic, beautiful worlds of MP3

Remove beam ammo, but keep some incentive for using the power beam without making other weapons boring

Boss fights were good in all games

No more missions from the federation integrated into the story, but more scannable federation logs in addition to space pirate ones
Greatest game ever made Tbh

>mfw bitchboys complain about backtracking in metroid

Go play mario instead
Prime 1 and 2 have superb atmosphere. Prime 1 focuses on diverse locations with a feeling of solitude and wilderness.
Prime 2 focuses on a few locations (desert, fortress, jungle) with their respective dark-world variant. The feeling is more of isolation and discovering a long dead and decayed civilization through war.

2>1 for me but they each have their own charms.
Snap, I meant to type three games here

If you read what Retro had planned for future Prime games after 1, you can see it really wasn't Retro that made Prime 3 what it was. This (plus Prime 2 being about a light vs dark world) is classic Nintendo.
This is incorrect, Metroid: Dread didn't happen because of development troubles and because Sakamoto wanted to make his passion project "Other M".
I'm a hardcore Metroid fan, and Prime 2 is one of the most obstinately tedious games I've ever played.
Prime 3 feels more like a StarFox game than a Prime game (as 1 and 2 defined Primes)
More memorable areas. Less backtracking. Better endgame key hunt. Less narrative. More diversity in its weapons.

Seriously, the 2>1 meme needs to end. Just replay the games.
You say this but the decrepit dark-world is more memorable than most of Prime 1 to me, with exception to the Space Pirate lab in Phandrea Drifts.
Let's talk about these rules.
>More memorable areas
Lava land, ice land, ruins land. Felt like Super Mario cut-outs
I can't remember more than a single zone or 2 from the dark world. I just remember it being a tedious obstacle that elongated backtracking. And I liked backtracking in super and prime. It just felt worse in echoes to backtrack to a point in the light world, so I can backtrack to a point in the dark world so I can be where I need to in the light world then have to do it in reverse. Fuck it

Do your best to preserve the rest of your brain cells
>I don't know about metroidvanias

>tfw my Wii is in storage
I really want to to play Prime 2 again and my PC is too shitty. Fuck.
I only played through it once a few years ago so my memory is a bit hazy. I remember one of the bosses (forgot the name) moved around sporadically sometimes and I guess Samus was intended to be in morph ball mode during that time. Every now and then the boss would revert to a default position, but suddenly without warning, faster than when it was moving before and certainly faster than Samus can move out of the way in time to avoid contact and therefore damage if she was in its path, and with no way to stop it, and maybe during then it was immune to damage as well (I don't remember).
Imagine how frustrating Other M must have been for the people at Retro.

Like "holy fuck, THIS is the guy that had veto power over everything?"
>that part when the Space Pirates theme phades in
Awwwww yeah. Does anybody have that gif of Metroid characters dancing to Thriller?
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That's the Boost Guardian alright. He's generally regarded as the low of Prime 2, a poorly-implemented and frustrating boss.

On every single level, from the telenovella plot with strange, sexist undertones to pic fucking related on a Wii game
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>every time I play Prime I get splitting headaches
>cant play the game for more than an hour because of it
>literally the only game(s) it happens
Boost Guardian was nerfed in the PAL version of the game. Then nerfed even more for the trilogy. In the US release, his boost attack deals around 50 damage, while in PAL it only deals 30 or something. No idea about trilogy though
.>>336252219 Charge light beam shots and shoot him when he's a purple puddle. That's the best way to DPS him.
probably somehing to do with camera motion
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I've been playing them recently. Right now I'm at Corruption. I've never played the prime trilogy till now. I can say that I've been rushing them in the span of about... a month or something. I can say a couple of things about them since it's my first time and I've been a metroid fan since I was 6 years old or something. I'll try to be brief:

>Really good game. The way the areas merge is seamless. Level construction is pretty good.
>Lore is also great but rather simple.
>Forgettable bosses except for Ridley and Metroid Prime.
>Metroid Prime was a fucking chore. Second phase was better imo.
>Backtracking was kind of annoying from time to time.
>Colored beams without proper gimmicks was boring
>Samus's face is hideous

>Prime 2
>Great world building
>Luminoth lore is way better than chozo. Makes you feel sorry for their fate
>Ammo usage was a good idea but poorly implemented
>Transitioning to and from the dark world took too much time.
>Light suit was pretty baller.
>Key hunting was kind of annoying
>Bosses were fucking great, even if there were some rather easy bosses.
>Final BOSS
>Samus's face is decent

>Prime 3
>Holy fucking shit Samus is badass as fuck
>Is that guy taking out multiple pirate ships by himself?
>Jesus christ thats a fucking Gundam!
>Straight upgrades are reminiscent of 2D games but having multiple beams is a better idea.
>Sky temple is GOAT
>Robo lore at sky temple and Briyyo is real comfy so far.
>Great bosses so far.
>Lassoing niggas right and left
>Shooting missiles right into Ridley's mouth.
>Samus's ship is comfy as fuck

Haven't finished it yet but I'm really digging it. I can see why a lot of people don't like the action oriented Corruption but it's not bad by all means. Echoes was better than Prime in my opinion. Corruption is good too, but adventure/exploring fans won't find it as appealing
People like the First one because it's the most nonlinear Prime game.

Glad to see there's another fan of the series.
Isn't Prime 1's sequence pretty linear unless you use sequence breaking glitches? I don't remember it having much freedom in terms of where to go, it guided you most of the way.
Same, my nigga.

Third best Metroid behind Prime and Super, just barely edging out Zero Mission.
Oh also... The first 2 hours of Echoes were horrifying in a good way. Seeing the feds get fucked up by the Ing was both scary and awesome
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I liked the multiplayer
>Forgettable bosses except for Ridley and Metroid Prime
Flaahgra and tharadus seem memorable to me
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We're on the same page on everything except Samus's face. The bimboface introduced in Zero Mission is a trainwreck, while Prime 1 actually felt believable and non-ugly. Thanks for the refreshing analysis otherwise.
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>Tfw using Sonic Boom for the first time in Echoes

I was 13 when Prime 2 came out and I gotta tell you, that shit kinda shocked me in a good way. I was not expecting THAT out of a Nintendo game at the time.
It's flawless
I can't say so much about Prime 1's freedom, but I will say that sequence-breaking is a big deal for some people, maybe a majority.
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Yes, but it's extraordinarily easy to sequence break in Prime.
Space jump boots first, early backdoor into Phendrana through Magmoor, early power bombs, early plasma beam... Once you know how they're pulled off you can do them reliably each time.

It's amazingly fun learning each of these tricks and experimenting with how many different paths you can take through the game.

Just don't screw yourself over in the pirate base in Phendrana
I have to put it down after a few hours because I get sore hands but other then that it's great.

I have that issue with a lot of wii titles.

If that isn't an issue you for I'd recommend it even more.
I guess that's why I differ.
I still love Super and Prime but I never got into the sequence breaking or speed running community. The worlds in those games are just really enjoyable to explore thanks to a mix of great mechanics and great atmosphere.
There was a scan in prime 2 that mentioned inter dimensional tag was not allowed and keeping metroid as pet was punishable.

Fucking idiots those pirates.
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>Scan a metroid in the pirate base
>Says it's sick because it's been fed a diet of pet food

Fucking pirates
>inter dimensional tag was not allowed
>no fun allowed

Seconding this. I love slow paced action adventure games but I cannot into speedrunning or sequence breaking to save my life.
So what do you do after finishing the trilogy? Do similar FPS games even exist?
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You mourn the loss of a great franchise because nothing like it will ever be created by Nintendo again.

Then you buy an Xbone because the director of the trilogy and members of the studio that made Echoes is working on a game for it

1>3>2 for me.

I like 3, it was a bit too linear and last boss was a bit anti-climatic but it's a pretty damn solid trilogy overall.
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Science team, truly, has vapour for brains.

On an irrelevant tangent, as I was looking for a picture with space pirate lore in it, I found this nice high-res of the Prime 1 pirates. I miss this look, it's grimy and nasty without being as cluttered as some of the others. Prime 2 pirates were pretty cool as well.
GC is 30 bucks
me too. used to play it with my dad
Which game?

I just hope Retro working for other consoles doesn't go the way of Rare.
I wish they just made a good third person Metroid so that it could actually be like the 2D games instead of a slow FPS with poor platforming.
You guys always collect the Chozo artifacts are you play, right? You don't wait like an idiot to get them all at the end.
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My GC disc is in storage with it.

Also, it's not Retro but Comcept which worked on Corruption, my bad.

I'm gonna throw it out there that Keiji Inafune is producing this game. Make of that what you will.
You talking about ReCore? It's apparently coming out for PC too, probably as a Win10 exclusive (but not yet confirmed for the Win10 thing).

No, Retro worked on all 3 Prime games. Comcept didn't even exist in 2007.
***Armature Studios did Corruption, fuck I'm retarded.
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I love splatoon but
>Shitting on prime
>Spatoon reaction image

you are the cancer killing current nintendo
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Fucking pirates
I don't get what the connection is supposed to be there, but Splatoon's a hell of a lot faster and more fun than any Prime game.

He could very well find first person viewpoints disorienting and nausea inducing. That is a thing, you know. A thing felt exclusively by faggots, anyways.

If you equate speed to fun then sure. I like Splatoon well enough but Prime is WAY more my kind of game.
i cant wait until my vive arrives tomorrow.

true first person metroid.
When the slapstick, half-assed multiplayer that was Metroid Prime 2 multiplayer is more fun to bro-out to than Splatoon, you have a serious problem.

If you're treating Metroid Prime as the same genre of game as Splatoon, you're missing the point.
So where does Hunters rank?
I feel Hunters is in it's own category because it had GOAT online back when that was a thing.

1 > 2 > 3 = Online Hunters >>>>>>>> SP Hunters

So ultimately it's the worst.
I personally liked the other Hunters & want to see more of them. If there was ever a Hunters 2, I want the other Hunters & their stories to be playable.

Hunters was not like the other Prime games.
Hinters single player was shittier than the other Primes by a significant margin.

But multiplayer and even bot matches were fun as fuck.
Hunters multiplayer would have been better if matches didn't devolve into who picks up the imperialist first.
How strong are the Hunters & their equipment anyways? The Judicator approaches absolute 0, the Magmul gets its heat in a similar way to stars & just Hunters taking place in another Galaxy has implications on the speed of their ships.
It's the enemy's attack.
god that subterranean theme is so fucking good.

Coincidentally it's Torvus Bog's main theme that is my all time favorite in the series.
So who's the best of Hunters' new characters?

I liked Noxus and Sylux the most but I have a thing for freezing shit and the Shock Coil life drain was a scrubchecker.
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I'm pretty sure I'm the minority on this though.
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>Hunters is 10 years old
>We still haven't seen a new Metroid Prime with a good solo campaign mixed with multiplayer from Hunters
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Who was this guy?

might be one of the people from the crashed frigate, or might be a G-fed scout.

either way

thats X leaking out from his suit.
I'm guessing some dude from the crashed ship

Was that a pirate ship or a GF one?

One is a perfect game. The only possible flaw I can imagine is how your power bomb count starts so low that clearing power bomb walls at first can be annoying. 2 suffered too much from its rushed development.
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Visually it's a tie between Kanden, Weavil and Sylux. Trace and the goron have cool themes. There's stuff to like about the gangly blue monk but the overall package just doesn't work for me, it was better executed with Rundus (and I think the developers agree, hence why they tried again)
Why would there be X on Zebes, and only on a single dead guy?
The ending of 1 felt much more natural than 2, that's for sure

Because it's yellow duh
I still forgot and thought my browser was dropping frames
Every time I try to play through MP2 I give up shortly after getting the grapple beam, it's so boring and ugly I can't stand it.

If you just waited it out a bit longer you could have reached easily the best location in all of Metroid.
it was fun
but it was a fucking mess, everyone running for the annihilator beam camping it and shot people on the other side of the level, and everyone jumped off the level before they died to not let other people score
I agree. The Pirates felt kinda weak on a whole to me, and I feel like they sent a lot more at ya than in previous games. Like, they felt even more disposable than they normally are.
There may never be another good Metroid game but at least the ones we have won't be taken away.


Not him but off the top of my head I'd imagine Metroid 5 could have a strain of X parasite that has evolved to the point where Samus can't handle it, and then through in-game shenanigans end up working with the Space Pirates (for the greater good) to reverse engineer ultra Metroids from Samus' DNA to fuck with the new parasites. That way, Metroids are back and there's now good reason to NOT exterminate them. Now if this sounds outlandish then you're not alone but think of it this way - how else can you write your way out of the corner trap that is Fusion?
>>Samus's face is hideous
It really wasn't. It fit the art style way better than what they were going for with the rest of the Prime series.
Samus' bf.
Power Bombs honestly felt completely unimportant except as a gate for a few powerups. I completely forgot there were capacity upgrades in my recent playthrough until I found one.
>how else can you write your way out of the corner trap that is Fusion
Samus is currently wanted by Federation, they've been developing copies of her weapons, armor & enemies for a while now & they're sending guys to kill her.

Could be Hunters 2 or something Federation Force (lol) could allude to.
This is EXACTLY the scenario that I was thinking of.

They could even use the opportunity to introduce cool new characters, like new Hunters that are after Samus. Hunters that are cool and actually memorable unlike in MP:H or Corruption.
>Hunters that are cool and actually memorable unlike in MP:H or Corruption

I liked some of the hunters in both games. Hell, Gandrayda is probably my favorite boss fight in Corruption.
Only Sylux and Weavel (sp?) were any good in MP:H.

MP3's Hunters kinda sucked actually.
It had other flaws. There is literally no reason why beam doors shouldn't have worked like missile doors, what a waste of time. Chozo ghosts were annoying to kill but did almost no damage. Beam pirates were lame. Probably more things I've forgotten.

Still a fantastic game.
This better be bait.
They were boring as hell and even though the game tried to build them up and characterize them, to me, honestly, they just fell super flat aside from maybe Rundus, who was kinda cool I guess. He had dat theme.

Sorry but it's the way that I feel. I'm not even trolling, I was legitimately looking forward to that game but it just disappointed me as the worst Prime game imo.
Mah nigga.
That motherfucking slug morph was life-changing for me.
I'm still pissed nothing like those multiple hunters with highly unique morphs will happen ever again.
>They were boring as hell and even though the game tried to build them up and characterize them, to me, honestly, they just fell super flat aside from maybe Rundus
The problem with Hunters is that despite the interesting backstories & designs of some of the characters, all that didn't have any role in the single player.
Just make another game in the vein of Prime 1 or 2, but with gameplay more like the 2D games, so make them faster all around.

Give me more beautiful environments, improve the combat just enough (bring back beam switching, PLEASE), more boss fights that aren't puzzle fights (though more that justified the usage of your abilities would be nice), and boom. Perfect 3D Metroid game.
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>Prime isn't canon
>Have too look at the canon all the time
Why does that look like the dead body of Grey Bird from the manga
Prime being canon makes more sense. I don't get why anyone'd be calling it non-canon.
From what I can tell it's mostly just so people can have another reason to hate Sakamoto, because apparently the entirety of Other M just isn't enough.
I don't get the Other M hate. It's nowhere near the quality of the Prime games but people are bitching harder than it's worth. Its very tell & not show storytelling was crap but many things were explainable.

Everything that could have gone wrong with Other M did go wrong. It was awful and I wish we'd just stop talking about it.
3 had the best art direction.
>it's bad because it's bad
Did you write Other M or Destiny for that matter? Your "there's so much wrong that I can't explain where it's wrong" is the bane of storytelling.
>I wish we'd just stop talking about it
Considering how you brought it up, I'm not sure if you're serious.
I find myself agreeing with your post but for me it still goes.


Prime 1 scans are still quite good, not sure if it's 1 or 2 that has the morph ball one.
Oh shit what the fuck

other m is so bad, it ruins every single game by the lore surrounding it. If you believe in the games lore, then it makes every game non cannon.

not a single game agrees with it lore wise.

plus, the voice acting. JESUS CHRIST that was terrible to sit through.
I'm the one that brought it up and I'm not that guy. I just brought it up because it's the main reason this whole ludicrous "Prime isn't canon" thing started.
>Art direction was questionable, felt more wanky than the earlier titles
Whaaaatt. 3 has the best art direction in the series.
>if the game doesn't hand hold me its shit
neo /v/
>other m is so bad, it ruins every single game by the lore surrounding it. If you believe in the games lore, then it makes every game non cannon
Horrible grammar aside, you're no better than Other M. How? Even Other M explained shit. You're saying "It's so bad that it's bad" & I'm asking "How?"
>not a single game agrees with it lore wise.
Fusion. Heck even the whole "Ridley never died & survived each encounter" makes sense considering how he survived original/Zero Mission to end up as Meta Ridley & shit.
>plus, the voice acting. JESUS CHRIST that was terrible to sit through
Not going to disagree but you're still claiming "it's bad because it's bad".
It's mediocre at best
My apologies then. I find that Prime fits into the timeline just fine even with Other M as it occurs prior to Metroid 2 & is rather self contained. I don't see the problem.
So? Is it worth the enormous bitching? Instead of moving on, I still find people bitching.
Man it feels good to see a good Metroid thread again after so long.

In my opinion.
Art Direction
Who fucking knows. 2 had Quadraxis but fuck the morph ball fights, 1's were mostly forgettable and 3 had cool ones but is docked points for that fucking shit final boss.
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>Is it worth the enormous bitching?
>Story is awful and shits on other games
>art direction is awful
>gameplay is awful
>music is awful/non-existant
What's there to like?
It's mostly because Samus claims early on that she hadn't worked under the Federation since before her bounty hunting days, which directly contradicts Prime 3.

But like others have said, Other M contradicts everything anyway. I'm pretty sure it contradicts itself a few times. Reading too much into it is just looking for reasons to get mad, especially when Sakamoto himself has gone on record to say the Prime games are canon.
get the fuck out.

other m was terrible, story/art/writing/plot/pacing/characters/lore/items/combat/camera/music/sounds.

i could wirte everything out wrong with other m, but i wont.

my synopsis is EVERYTHING is bad and wrong with it.

it even clashes with its own story within seconds of explaining a concept.

its a bad game, not JUST a bad metroid game, but a bad game in general.

How do we all feel about Metroid remixes and covers?

It's worth the enormous bitching because it effectively killed the franchise. If the series moved onto greener pastures Other M could be forgotten as "that bad one" but that's not the case.
>no new power ups

No it's not.
I hate the game from top to bottom and I'm just sick of it. I don't want to see it.
You are correct
>it's so awful that I'm not going to explain why certain aspects are awful
Not going to disagree with you on some parts but truly you people make Other M's writing look good.
Man this shit was so retarded. Not only does he shoot her in the back quite literally, but that somehow disables her magical girl suit as well.

AND the fucking self-destruct is found INSIDE the dangerous research facility instead of in the fucking secure control room or some shit. What the fuck?
Steamage's Metroid Metal is GOAT
Holy shit I forgot about that one. Except the diffusion beam, but that's basically just a wider radius.

1>3>Other M>>>>>>shit>>>>>2

Metroid Prime 2 is the worst game I own and Nintendo should be ashamed that they ever let a game release in an unplayable state.

Don't forget that they blew up the whole ship at the end of the game anyway.
>she hadn't worked under the Federation
She works for them but isn't affiliated with them. They hire her, she does shit, they pay her & that's it. Is Boba Fett a member of the Galactic Empire?

>I'm pretty sure it contradicts itself a few times
I'm sure that over half of /v/ are underaged shits who can't spell.
It's almost six years later man, does this shit need explaining again? I was just listing them off to show how none of the facets of the game are redeemable so it is worth the hate.

The game is perfectly playable, you're just a faggot.
not only that but the huge plot hole here.

>they bred out the cold vulnerability

the cold vulnerability is lost at the next metroid evolution.
Someone get this man that long ass fucking screencap of the game's flaws.
Damn son, you're behaving like a toddler.
>I could wirte everything out wrong with other m, but i wont

This summarizes your entire argument. You claim that you can but you aren't. You're making a proposition without backing it up. How? Is it so deep that my mind can't comprehend it without exploding?
shut the fuck up.

get the fuck out.
So instead of going against the grain and complaining that replies aren't "explaining their opinion" why don't you explain why it's not that bad?
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Xqw2w6hPC4 [Remove]
This is so good.
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>the cold vulnerability is lost at the next metroid evolution naturally
Didn't anyone know that the Bottled Ship's shit stayed there & that the Fusion Metroids were vulnerable to cold? Did anyone defeat the final Omega Metroid with Super Missiles like in Metroid 2? They retconned shit so that cold is their #1 weakness.
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Hell, you can kill Metroids without using an ice beam in the Prime games, and Mother Brain herself kills a Metroid by just shooting it enough. The whole idea of "Metroids can literally only be killed with ice" didn't seem to become a thing until Fusion. It just seemed like trying to get story importance out of what was originally just a game mechanic and seemed wholly unnecessary.

Not even him but we must've had a million fucking threads about Other M by now. It's just a tired subject that anyone who's been here for longer than a month is already sick of.
>glitches everywhere
>several different ways to permanently ruin your save file

yeah no, Metroid Prime 2 is an objective piece of garbage that belongs in a dumpster.

Even if it wasn't glitchy, it still has that retarded ammo system, it still has shitty bosses, it still has the shitty end-game filler key hunt, and it still has the awful dark world.
Cry me a river.
Well first of all, plenty of the complaints make no sense.

It's been established at the very beginning of the game that Samus believes Ridley is finally dead. Metroid 1? They fixed his ass & he became Meta Ridley. Prime 1? We clearly know about Phazon & its healing powers. Samus has encountered Ridley plenty of times & there was always a half logical explanation as to why he's back. He isn't just "Hey guys I'm back", he's "I was made into a robot/Phazon/etc". When Samus defeated Ridley in Super Metroid, she blew up all of Zebus & the Space Pirates too. Ridley is dead as shit & she had no knowledge that the Feds too have vapor for brains & cloned Ridley. To see Ridley return within a week is an impossibility unlike any other for her. If she wasn't traumatized, she'd be calling bullshit on reality for Ridley not only conveniently recovering within a week despite the Space Pirates being gone but also somehow appearing at her exact location.

It's like I'm one of the only ones who knew about Fusion. Samus monologues quite a few times about the Baby, the SA-X & more there. That baby was the reason why Super Metroid even happened.
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It still blows my mind that these games looked as beautiful as they did on the fucking gamecube.

>Your visor fogging up
>First time in the magma area
>First time in Sanctuary, holy shit
>That Quadraxis fight

Absolute bliss

>>several different ways to permanently ruin your save file
The only times I have seen that happen is when you're intentionally exploiting glitches to sequence break.
I've played MP2 dozens of times, my save file has never become unwinnable except when I used the "keep your items" glitch.
thats a pathetic explanation.
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I've attempted to play the game 4 times and on all 4 attempts the save file got ruined by a glitch.

3 of those happened within the week of release when nobody had mapped out the glitches and there was no way of knowing what the fuck was happening.
Just freeze them with the dark beam

My purest nigga

So what circumstances caused your save file to get broken?
>Samus monologues quite a few times about the Baby, the SA-X & more there

I don't really get how this is any sort of defense of Other M. If anything it's just another reason why Fusion was basically the proto-Other M, which is why it was considered the black sheep of the series before Other M cranked all of its faults up to eleven.

The Anthony in Other M is an X-parasite imitating him.
first three playthroughs I got the Sonic Switch glitch at the Sanctuary gate (over halfway through the game) and that's that.

Fourth time I ended up accidentally sequence breaking my way into an area I needed double jump to get out of, but not into, and saved down there.
Ah this piece of shit!

1. It's nice to see that no one ever plays Pokemon, watched Alien or any sci-fi. Don't people remember the Omega Metroid from Fusion's shells all over the place? That growth rate puts Ridley to shame. I didn't hear any bitching about that.

2. Samus only encountered Ridley as an adult & it's like this anon never scanned everything on Prime & found a few unknowns before. You don't know shit that you don't know. Samus' power suit isn't God.

3.Judging by how Ridley & Kraid survived & can seemingly operate independently, as well as the existence of Phantoon & Dragoon whom Samus didn't encounter prior to Super Metroid, looks like some can do shit themselves. In fact, given how Phantoon appears in Other M after MB is dead, there do exist "bosses" who are independent.

This isn't even starting.
I thought he was just melted due to the eye door killing him.
And that's a pathetic retort. Are you even old enough for this site? At least try to behave like you're not from reddit.

I have actually heard about the first glitch, and I think it's pretty hilarious that you got it three times.
I'm saying that this was here before. The Baby is of enormous plot importance as anyone who played Super Metroid and/or Fusion can testify. Other M is immediately after Samus had her ass saved at the end of Super Metroid so it's obvious that she'll be thinking of it a lot.
Who cares that she thought Ridley was dead? In none of the others titles was a big deal made out of it. She beats his ass multiple times. Fuck, one time she did it falling down some fucking LOTR tunnel. At most it should prompt a "oh shit Ridley's back". It wasn't surprise at Ridley being back anyway, it was clearly trauma and what he did to her as a kid, that's why they have that whole sequence of her little being a little child in front of Ridley. She then starts crying that he's going to get her and shit. It's absolutely absurd.

Samus monologues about the baby in Fusion but not to this ridiculous extent. It's all she ever talks about. Even outside of that, she makes the most asinine comments about basic shit, like when she sees the furby eating the honey or whatever. All of her interactions with GFed also portray her as not knowing what she's doing, or putting up with everything they tell her to do. Amist all the bullshit complaints of games being "sexist" nowadays, Other M is the one game I'd say genuinely fits that label.

Outside Samus, the plot is fucking retarded. Metroids are bred to have an invulerability to cold. Okay, blowing them up seems to be just fine. Even that shit is inconsequential because they blow the whole ship up in the end, Adam's sacrifice is entirely pointless.

How are the Space Pirates feral creatures without a ruler? They act just fine in the Prime series, and even then they rebuilt Ridley, Kraid and Mother Brain before Super.

What was the point in the Deleter plotpoint? They sub-plant an assassin to stop word getting out about this? Why don't the higher-ups just say "no Adam we'll send in our own team" if they had the capabilities to subplant someone to do their dirty work? Why does he try to kill Samus with a fucking tractor? Why does the plotline go unresolved? I know by logic it's most likely James, but the plotline has no overall bearing on the plot other than drama for drama's sake, it adds nothing to the story.
Worst part is it happened to my brother twice within the first month of release as well.

Neither of us have bothered ever trying to beat it again. I understand I just have unbelievably shitty luck, but those glitches shouldn't have fucking existed in the game in the first place. Anything that makes a game legitimately unplayable is an unforgivable design flaw, probably the worst design flaw you can put in a game.
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Yes, those too.

Mind blown yet?
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Fairly blown yes, mostly because i haven't seen a GOOD Metroid thread on /v/ in like 8 months.
And that's just the story.

The environments are bland, copy-pasted Mario worlds. The same complaint can be made about Prime 1 but those at least offered a slight twist on "fire/ice/grass world" by giving them actual architecture and history to make them feel lived in.

The gameplay is dogshit, anyone who says it's great has never played an action game before. The dodge can be spammed ad-nauseum and has a gorillion invincibility frames. This broken dodge ALSO allows you to immediately get a charge shot, turning you into a broken killing machine. For an action game the moveset is also shockingly bad, you have jump, dodge, and shoot, that's one attack, two if you count the melee kills that are just automated anyway.

The music is horrendous, not only are the few original tracks (so not the Ridley theme) forgettable, but there's barely any music. This is Metroid, a series with a huge repertoire of memorable and iconic tunes and this game just has ambient noise throughout.

The fucking Varia suit shit.

No exploration in a Metroid game.

Final boss is just a boss from another game. The game is so intent on shitting on the core of earlier games while also desperately clinging to superficial stuff like Super designs to have the appearance of a Metroid title.
This shit is incredibly telling. There's so much creativity and imagination behind the Prime games, especially 3.

Other M's art direction pales in comparison, especially the rancid enemy designs.
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>they bring back the laser cheerios in other m
>Who cares that she thought Ridley was dead?In none of the others titles was a big deal made out of it
Did she ever think to herself "Ridley's gone & is never coming back" after each time she defeated him? That's the point I'm making, that despite all the times Ridley has been defeated, THIS TIME HE'S DEAD. It's not "I think he'll be back next week", it's "He's gone for good."

>Fuck, one time she did it falling down some fucking LOTR tunnel. At most it should prompt a "oh shit Ridley's back".
In Prime 1, what did Ridley fall into? Was Phazon somehow only healing for non-Ridleys?
>Other M is the one game I'd say genuinely fits that label
Well darn whatever G4 or SJW you are, you're talking about Samus during the most emotionally vulnerable moment since her parents were eaten by Ridley. Didn't you at least listen to the dialogue?
>Okay, blowing them up seems to be just fine
I guess somebody not only assumes that all Pokemon have the skill Wonder Guard but that Super Effective means Only Effective. Their #1 weakness was Ice, you freeze the babies & blow them up with a Super Missile unless you want to waste a few Power Bombs, the Omega Metroid at the end of Fusion was taken down by ONLY the Ice beam. If I ripped a Queen Metroid's head off, would it die? According to you, it won't work unless I'm Sub Zero even though it's been said to be their biggest weakness & that they're not magically immune to every other form of attack.

Continuing with rest later. I got shit to do.
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Same here, this has been going on for a few good hours and it's been holding steady. Sure the Other M guys are here to yell and shout but, they have a reason to do so.

You know, let's get some more tunes in here. Posting best Fusion song.
2nd part of the song is very well done.
What level of pathetic Other:M autistic apologist do you gotta fucking be to make this post?
God damn you're sad.
Most of the Fusion's music is fucking amazing, not the individual track like Prime, but in that it sets the fucking tone and compliments the setting of that game in such an amazing way.

Personally, the minimalist narrative, the FUCKING AMAZING boss fights (the best in ALL the 2d MEtroid games), and setting all make Fusion a much better game than Zero Mission IMO.
It's a distress call

>Personally, the minimalist narrative... make Fusion a much better game than Zero Mission IMO.
That does not compute.
>I guess somebody not only assumes that all Pokemon
>It's nice to see that no one ever plays Pokemon
What's with you relating Pokemon to Metroid? Is it autism?

Regardless, who cares if she thought Ridley was dead? If he'd caused her horrible trauma every time he'd come back then fine, but at this point Samus has defeated him five times without a hitch. If this was a remake of Metroid 1 it would work, but it's absurd to see such a hardened veteran of fucking space shit up be reduced to tears by this chucklefuck returning.

I did listen to the dialogue, it was awful.

>According to you, it won't work unless I'm Sub Zero even though it's been said to be their biggest weakness & that they're not magically immune to every other form of attack.
That's the opposite of what I'm saying, retard. Metroids have been invulerable to cold in the past, it's not a big deal. What I'm saying is they make such a big deal out of them not having a cold weakness any more but they blow them up just fine. Even then, it's thematically incredibly weak as you're just TOLD about these Metroids but never get to actually fight them.

>Continuing with rest later. I got shit to do.
Which means "I can't think of valid Pokemon-related retorts".

Fuck man, this thread was good before the Other M defense squad showed up. If there's one thing that game undoubtedly shit on, it's the quality of Metroid threads.
Fusion really does get too much shit.

The fact that they had less buttons to work with than the SNES and yet made the controls infinitely superior is a considerable achievement.
I'd kill to play a version of Super Metroid where I don't have a clunky fucking sprint button or have to hit Select 5 times to get items.
Zero Mission doesn't really tell you anything, where as Fusion at least tried. I mean, I'm extremely biased against the Zero suit in ZM.
They're both good but there was something i felt that i like about Fusion.
I can't place it, but i do truly love the ZM cutscenes seeing Samus' roots with the Chozo.
It sounds like you're just taking Other M's word for everything without really questioning why any of what it's saying makes sense.

Like, why would this be the one time she assumes he's dead and gone forever, and not literally any of the other times she's killed him? She had no reason to assume he could be revived the first time she killed him. You'd think in the subsequent six or so times she fought him after that she'd get the idea. Assuming any one time she killed him is the end just makes her look stupid.

And why is this suddenly the most emotionally vulnerable time for her? Why was she so attached to an alien space monster that she must have spent less than a day around, and why would that manifest as fits of crying, making dumb assumptions, and obsessing over a guy that hates her?

Oh, but I know the reason. It's because the game is sexist. Seriously the whole theming of motherhood and babies was dumb as shit and seemed like the writer's idea of Samus was as a woman first and everything else second, and their idea of a woman was automatically that they must be obsessed with babies and men.

I understand liking Fusion, but it did not have a minimalist narrative. Zero Mission and Super did.
True, forgive me. It's minimalist, but in the face of ZM of Super, you are absolutely correct.
While I like Prime more I do agree with your opinion. The Prime series really set itself as it's own seperate thing when Prime 2 came out. Even though Prime 1 was the first by name it mostly felt like Super in 3D. The aesthetics and themes really stood out when Prime 2 came along.
>Oh, but I know the reason. It's because the game is sexist
Hate ot admit it but it's really true. It's funny as fuck how SJWs never latched onto the one legitimately misogynist AAA game in recent memory but instead go for shit like Assassin's Creed or whatever.

Not only that but the mother shit is so forced. Metroid: Other M, M.O.M., I get it. The "bottle" ship, baby's cry. It was all just there for the sake of it.
Most SJWs are casuals and casuals don't care about Nintendo.

Funny how they went after Bayonetta as well when that's one of the few examples of a legitimately strong female character in vidya.
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Aye, it's the best canonical depiction as far as I'm concerned. None of the hammy crap that the Japanese feel they need to shove into the series.
I always get a laugh when I remember Movie Bob and Dobson, two literally huge SJW white knights, love Other M and will defend it to the death.

But seriously is there a single woman in Other M that doesn't make huge mistakes as a result of being so utterly captivated by maternal instincts, motherhood in general, and/or men?
I think people mostly just hate the Ridley Metamorphosis thing because it was in Other M, it was one of the only ideas in that game that was actually good.
Basically the ending of Fusion is a total goldmine for interesting game scenarios, plays and plots. But Nintendo is totally crusty at the top and doesn't know what to do with the sheer creative freedom this presents. They've probably been sat around a table saying "How are we going to do for Super Metroid what TP did for OoT" for a decade now.
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The shoulders look like the generic type of Chozo armour, it could be any of them somehow
>hidden elevators
That is the point. Prime 2's areas are isolated from each other until either very late game or to go out of your way to get extra ammo. Prime 1's map design felt like it was a large world switching between each area was exactly like Super.
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Echoes did atmosphere and gameplay really well. Better than the first even. But, goddamn the fetch quest at the end was unnecessary. If they had spread it out during the course of the entire game it'd be a lot better, but still not good. I get that they want players to explore more, but, honestly, if you're playing a Metroid game, chances are you have enough incentives to do that without it being required to beat the game.
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I know you've got seven replies already but, for the record, Other M is that bad. Have just one of many caps summarising its many failings.
I can't say I hated it, it just seemed totally unnecessary. Like, the only reason it was there was just to make a mystery out of something that I don't think even needed to be a mystery.

I like the idea of encountering Ridley multiple times and having him be upgraded each time but the execution was just odd.
It really wasn't that bad. It was just as neutered of a metroid series as prime. At least other m had better platforming
>the only reason it was there was just to make a mystery out of something that I don't think even needed to be a mystery.
This, exactly this.
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Lovely, incapable of refuting or using common sense so you just call the other one pathetic.
Being able to get into the crashed frigate without gravity suit is really shitty, yes. Nothing to defend that.
However, you can definitely turn hints off. Before starting a game, or after. I always make sure to do that, because the fucking thing won't shut up about it otherwise.
I agree. Sequence breaking in Prime is fucking insane.
>Getting Space Jump as the first item
>Get to skip half the game
It's great, but clearly not intended. Though, it's strange that the game lets you skip as much as you can, instead of placing arbitrary blocks on you, like many others do.
I thought of it as a neat little world building detail that makes Ridley just a little bit more interesting than if he was simply a space dragon that grew bigger as he aged.
I went back over this a few posts ago here >>336247294. The colours are great, Elysia is a godsend, Bryyo has many nice features. But I would say it's conclusively the wankiest in design.

The pic is an example of something I consider to be fairly cool, but terrifically wanky. It's a problem with a lot of WoW designs, for instance.
MovieBob calls people sexist for HATING Other M, his fucking argument is "You don't like to have other men (Adam) order Samus around that's why you hate the game".
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Agree. Samus should look realistic and not like whatever the hell they've been doing since Zero Mission.

I think they could do with prettying her up a bit as well but please let's not go too far in the other direction. That's how we get stuff like Other M.

Pic related, but older-looking (like in her 30's or so), would be my ideal Samus, probably.

> At least other m had better platforming
Doesn't compare to any of the 2D games, but OK.
I've got to say it's impressive that Moviebob can pull off such mental gymnastics considering his obesity.
>If MB dies from gunshot wounds, how did she kill the Deleter
I don't know why I'm even bothering to be fair to a game as garbage as Other M, but I thought it was pretty clear in retrospect that she had one of the Desbrachians kill him.
To be fair, Prime has always had a lot of overdesigned technowank. I'll excuse Retro for it, because the art is still amazing and most of their ridiculous concept designs didn't make it into the game.

Massive retcon considered the Prime 1 and 3 made it very clear that neither they nor the pirates can reverse engineer Chozo tech to anywhere near the original capilities. Ignoring Other M's ass pull about them sqeezing a copy of Mother Brain into a human size androids.
Judging from Zero Mission you would think it would be the Space Pirate ship but the god of Metroid enlightened us that it isn't... so I guess it's a galactic federation ship.

Prime 2 is also great for sequence breaking.
You can skip the whole item loss, and gain a huge amount of freedom about how you play the game afterwards.
The problem is, it also makes it easy to break your game. Very easy actually.
So like superflous details? I get what you're saying, but personally I felt like there's a shitload more detail and planning than anything in the other games.

3 has the colours of 1 and the creativity of 2, meshed together in this beautiful package. Rooms and environments feel like they have a purpose and are actually part of a real world, especially shit like Elysia and Bryyo. There's genuine architecture and history behind them.

There's also loads of lovely environmental touches. Shit like when you get closer to either the Metroids or that mech guy, I forget, you open a door and a pirate crumbles right in front of you. As you get closer to the Metroid place there are pirate bodies lying all over the place.

Same shit in the Valhalla, all the broken glass and dead soldiers lying everywhere, some with genuinely horrific scans on how they died. the world in Prime 3 felt much more realised, whereas in Prime 1 there were obviously other priorities.
I thought his argument was that Metroid fans were sexist because they want Samus to be an ''ice queen''. That is, an emotionless character, thus, not a proper woman.
Maybe I'm confusing him with some other faggot.
On a level though, the fact that Prime 3 looks so good for its time and hardware and runs at 60fps on the fucking Wii is genuinely astounding. Never saw the framerate drop. Retro are techno wizards, I can't wait to see what they do with the NX.
Eh, not so much. Prime 2 has the energy collecting and locks you into Agon unless you do it right. There are many points where you can fuck your game up if sequence breaking. That's not the case for Prime, as far as I know.
Prime 2 also requires a bunch of OoB to speedrun well, while Prime does not. I just prefer Prime because it's simpler. Not difficulty wise, but design. You just go pick up whatever items and beat the bosses. No need to worry about order or checking off flags. If you can get there, you'll be okay.

That's what I said, MP2 is a lot easier to make unwinnable with sequence breaking.

The only time I've seen that happen in Metroid Prime is when entering the Phendrana pirate base from behind.
I'm really hoping all those rumors of them working on a new IP are true. I haven't been Nintendo's number 1 fan lately and I'm skeptical of the NX but something like that would probably be too tempting to ignore.
>The only time I've seen that happen in Metroid Prime is when entering the Phendrana pirate base from behind.
You mean due to the barrier in the room with the Metroid? You can actually easily get a pirate to jump through it like he does regularly, but you have to walk out in the middle of the room and wait until you hear him die before trying to climb it. Otherwise, you can just walk out two rooms and reset it.
Unless you're referring to something else.
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>What's with you relating Pokemon to Metroid? Is it autism?
>What are examples

>but at this point Samus has defeated him five times without a hitch
And each time there's a logical reason to why he's back. Here's no reason that Samus knows of when he encounters Ridley. Do you have to be babied through some pretty basic common sense? If Osama Bin Ladin came back to life, there would still be pants shitters regardless.
>but it's absurd to see such a hardened veteran of fucking space shit up be reduced to tears by this chucklefuck returning
Another idiot who can't read or comprehend basic common sense. There's a difference between "He's run away and still out there" & "He's finally dead". Do you even have access to Youtube to rewatch the videos?
>What I'm saying is they make such a big deal out of them not having a cold weakness any more but they blow them up just fine
The cold is their #1 weakness but they can be killed otherwise. This is what the Pokemon analogy means. Remember the SA-X in Fusion? Surely it froze you before a Super Missile. Even freezable Metroids were hellish enough on ecosystems that Samus was sent to eliminate them. Ever since Fusion, regular, SR-388 Metroids were supposed to be weak to cold even though you killed flying Omega Metroids with Super Missiles back in Metroid 2. The Fusion Omega Metroid eats Diffusion Missiles for breakfast, could you beat that if it was immune to the Ice Beam?
>Which means "I can't think of valid Pokemon-related retorts"
Or it means I had a few emails to send & didn't want to delay any longer.

Yes, I'm talking about that room. I couldn't get the event to trigger if I cut the power by getting the thermal visor.
They're just not even trying, are they? Other M seemed like the result of one big incestuous chucklefuck around by the devs, like when a bunch of 12 year olds try to write a story and tickle themselves silly writing naughting words and having their school teachers killed gorily. It's very fun for the kids, but the product is garbage.
>And each time there's a logical reason to why he's back. Here's no reason that Samus knows of when he encounters Ridley. Do you have to be babied through some pretty basic common sense? If Osama Bin Ladin came back to life, there would still be pants shitters regardless.
She didn't know why Ridley came back in Super, did she? Why didn't she shit her pants during the Space Colony fight?
Either way, I get the point you're trying to make, but no matter if it's realistic, it doesn't mean it's an endearing character. Other M Samus isn't necessary and only makes her unlikeable whereas before she was more of an avatar for the player and easy to relate to.
>Like, why would this be the one time she assumes he's dead and gone forever, and not literally any of the other times she's killed him?
>What are Space Pirates who made Meta Ridley being dead
>What is the lack of Phazon
>What is his blown-up corpse being destroyed when Zebes was
Did you play Super Metroid?
>Why was she so attached to an alien space monster that she must have spent less than a day around, and why would that manifest as fits of crying, making dumb assumptions, and obsessing over a guy that hates her
>What is Baby saving her life
Looks like you never played Metroid Fusion either.
Are you a SJW or something?
Aha, that would be it then. I always just go up there and get the artefact of elder before getting the thermal visor.
Oh my shit, actual attention to Serris's theme? That's been my highlight of the Fusion soundtrack for a while, it's about time it gets some love!

Well, I was experimenting with some sequence breaking and I made the game unwinnable by picking up that visor.

I couldn't get the Artifact from behind because the pirate wouldn't leap through the window.
I couldn't get it from the front because I couldn't activate the observatory.
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>Why didn't she shit her pants during the Space Colony fight?
>ignoring the opening of Super Metroid was one of the only times Ridley kicks her ass

>but no matter if it's realistic, it doesn't mean it's an endearing character. Other M Samus isn't necessary and only makes her unlikeable whereas before she was more of an avatar for the player and easy to relate to.
Did I say Other M was well written? I bashed that toddler with the shit grammar by saying his reasoning is worse than Other M's plot & comparable to Destiny. I claimed that this shit was explainable & that plenty of Other M's story related complaints are evidence of never playing Metroid.
You can get through the observatory by doing some tricky jumps, can't you? I'm pretty sure I've seen it, but never done it. Or, does it lock the doors on you?
>What are examples

But they're completely unrelated examples that have no place in this argument. Why would anything in Metroid be like a Pokemon?

I played all of those, none of them provide an adequate explanation for the points you're making. She had no reason to expect Ridley to come back the first time but he did and she didn't flip out, and I don't see why she would suddenly assume the Space Pirates are all neatly destroyed and wouldn't have a backup or some shit given everything she'd seen.

And for the record SJWs didn't invent sexism.
No, it was bad. Even if the game wasn't the worst member of a great franchise, it would be bad compared to video games as a whole. Ironically, reviews of the game by publications would probably be accurate without the protection of the Nintendo label.
Speedrun strats for this boss makes it into more cutscene than gameplay. It's pretty great.
>What are examples
You repeatedly compare the story aspects of Metroid with the gameplay aspects of an RPG designed for rock-paper-scissors like combat.

The shit about logical reasons for him coming back id dumb as well. Not only is it not reason enough for, again, a hardened space killing machine to break down crying, but in Metroid 1 he blows up, in Prime you shoot him off a cliff and he falls to the bottom, in 3 he does the same in a tunnel then blows up in a phazon explosion (I think). You'd think by now she'd be used to fighting this dickhead. And as I said, the breakdown is presented to be far more about him killing her parents.

The freezing thing again you miss my point. They're killed easily by blowing them up. What was the big deal? They even blow up the whole station anyway so what was the point?

You also don't respond to the point about it being thematically terrible.

What was the point of the deleter plot?

Even aside from the story, there's a plethora of problems with the game. >>336271575

I couldn't see how it was possible to do those jumps.
>ignoring the opening of Super Metroid was one of the only times Ridley kicks her ass
Yeah, he kicks her ass. But when he shows up Samus doesn't throw a fit, she just gets on with fighting the dude.
>I bashed that toddler with the shit grammar
Why is it that resorting to talking about spelling and grammar are your only defences? You've done this multiple times in this thread in reply to people who are making perfectly legible points.
I remember seeing this image posted in a thread months back (man, there really hasn't been any good Metroid thread for a while has there?) and thinking - if Nintendo is going to go down the direction they've taken with Samus, at least they could execute that properly with pic related.

Either they currently go for senseless, bait-like-a-master fanservice ala Smash Bros, or the weird plastic looking stuff from Prime 2. I'd take the glurge from the early Metroid mangas over that.
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>Other M apologists STILL exist in 2016
Holy shit when does it end
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>man, there really hasn't been any good Metroid thread for a while has there?
Wrong. Check back late at night when we're having Super and Prime threads. Or, lurk around Metroid threads until the Other Mfags are done with the same discussion and shitposting we have every thread.
Metroid threads usually turn out great, but it takes a while. Be patient.
This one was pretty great before the Other M apologist showed up to derail discussion.
>Why would anything in Metroid be like a Pokemon?
Why would Metroids be outright invulnerable outside of cold? It's their greatest weakpoint but that doesn't mean they're immune to everything else.
>I played all of those, none of them provide an adequate explanation for the points you're making
Doubtful, you don't remember how brutally Samus destroyed the Space Pirates? All their leaders? I remember feeding Kraid missiles, blasting Phantoon, letting Dragoon grab be so I can electrocute him with the grapple beam & Ridley's corpse falling a part when he died. Who could revive Ridley when all traces of his corpse are blown up on Zebes? I remember my confusion as to why Ridley's frozen corpse was on the ELS Laboratory on Fusion. I remember shoving Super Missiles up his ass.
>back up
>Ridley, Mother Brain & all their remaining leaders dead
>blown up with planet their corpses were on
>back up
Even assuming that such exists, they wouldn't be able to recover in a week.
>And for the record SJWs didn't invent sexism
>implying I implied that
They didn't invent it but they bitch hard about it.
Maybe doing some bomb space jumps or scan dashes could get you up there. I'd have to go back and look it up, but I'm too lazy.
Well, kinda. I mentioned that the Pirate tech in Prime 1 looks like scavenged and jury-rigged stuff for the most part earlier in the thread, and maybe it's just my taste (I grew up with 40K, and Ork tech has always been cool to me) but it feels justified. The right balance of creative/fantastical with not-completely-extraneous or senseless.

The Ing and darkworld stuff in 2 introduced random spikes and feathery-plate things, which I felt was fine because hey, evil alien mutant darkworld. But I felt it became commonplace and overplayed in 3.

I basically agree with all of this. The Galactic Fed stuff was unanimously well designed in 3, I forgot to mention this earlier. It doesn't get my boner going like the Sky Temple however.
it is not nearly as bad as people say it is gameplay wise
This has to be fake there is no fucking way the art they had for Other M was this bad.
>showed up to derail discussion.
So, ignore them. No one is saying you have to engage in a discussion, especially if you think it'll be detrimental to the thread.
I don't know, I've just learned to sort of deal with it and make use of the few opportunities to actually talk about my favourite game series.
That's a better argument that the previous Adam-jealousy one, which actually sounds like it could come straight from fucking Roosh V or CH's mouths, displaying a total lack of self awareness (so what else is new?). But it's still totally retarded, as part of the problem in Other M is that Samus never speaks outside of a monotone and is totally emotionally repressed and aloof, as opposed to warmer depictions in the manga and Fusion.

It's mediocre, bordering on bad.
>Let's shove a cannon in her arm!
>It's their greatest weakpoint but that doesn't mean they're immune to everything else.
Other M itself goes against this https://youtu.be/DrIrGiXzunc?t=183
It presents these Metroids are dangerous as shit, deadly as hell to the point where Samus shouldn't go fight them off.
you probably played with a S-Video cable.
I feel sorry for you
I only remember the shortened version of the theme in my PAL copy of the game. Weird.
Wanna combat the points made about its gameplay then? >>336271575
In addition to this, no new powerups in a series revolving around powerup-based progression.
Movie Bob please calm down no one wants to hear you rant about your Super Metroid experiences.

If you'd played the games before you'd know they make a point of showing that Space Pirates are fucking everywhere. They're on multiple planets, they've got multiple fleets, they're even seen operating in the Prime games without Mother Brain or even Ridley, there's no reason whatsoever to assume that destroying one planet would mean the end of them.
What is the best boss battle in the entire series? Expecting a lot of Quadraxis answers.
Because it is correct.
Well my bad, I don't browse /v/ with any frequency. All I remember is not having seen anything for months, compared to several Metroid threads daily about this time last year.

>Metroid threads usually turn out great, but it takes a while.
I see no pattern to this effect. Some threads start out poor and become good, others the opposite. This very thread started out good, decreased a little because of OM anon having a fit and is now rectifying. There's no pattern.
>Be patient
...about what? I think you're inferring a lot here.
>You repeatedly compare the story aspects of Metroid with the gameplay aspects of an RPG designed for rock-paper-scissors like combat
And you're treating it as though cold is something that Metroids are ONLY capable of being killed by, ignoring that taking out one weakness doesn't remove the rest.

>The shit about logical reasons for him coming back id dumb as well. Not only is it not reason enough for, again, a hardened space killing machine to break down crying, but in Metroid 1 he blows up, in Prime you shoot him off a cliff and he falls to the bottom, in 3 he does the same in a tunnel then blows up in a phazon explosion (I think). You'd think by now she'd be used to fighting this dickhead. And as I said, the breakdown is presented to be far more about him killing her parents
>anon is illiterate
>anon doesn't know that there were reasons for shit
Did Ridley just magic his way into being Meta Ridley or did the Space Pirates do that? Every time there was a reasonable explanation & it's been said that Super Metroid was Ridley's true death. Phazon or otherwise, there was reason. Even in Other M Ridley was cloned.

>What was the big deal? They even blow up the whole station anyway so what was the point?
>anon doesn't recognize how deadly freezable Metroids were
Anon, you're removing the greatest weakpoint on an already deadly race. Try beating the Omega Metroid at the end of Fusion if it were immune to the Ice Beam. Also, the X-Parasites can be blown up too.
>You also don't respond to the point about it being thematically terrible
That's because I never argued against it. I'm not saying "Other M is the best", I'm saying "Over half the complains regarding Samus are bullshit"
Did any other Metroid game not have Ridley in it

The Ridley fights outside of Prime 3 kind of sucked, and Prime 2 was a better game for leaving him out
Hypermode was boring and OP because it made you totally invincible to attacks during it.

The energy tank cost to enter it only really mattered for the first major boss in the game.
That's been a Space Pirate thing since day 1, to be fair. There's concept art for cannon-claw Pirates for Prime 1 and everything.
Naw man. Just chill out and wait for the wrong people to get bored.
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>deadly as hell to the point where Samus shouldn't go fight them off
Seeing as how easily the Omega Metroid wrecked her Gravity-suited, but still weaker due to Fusion suit, ass in the end & how the only way to kill it was the Ice Beam, sure.
Hence the ''Classic''.
RoS, Hunters and Prime 2 are the only ones.
Don't forget that it doesn't matter which direction you dodge. Ridley and the Metroid Queen both have sweeping fire breath attacks, and you are totally capable of dodging in the game direction the breath is going, ending up in the breath again, and immediately dodging AGAIN when the first dodge ends, with no damage dealt.
Meta Ridley in MP1, Quadraxis, Emperor Ing, and Gandrayda are all standouts from the Prime series.
Metroid 2.
The Omega Metroid in Metroid 2 wasn't nearly as strong, and you only had Varia in that game. Maybe the Fusion suit was just a lot weaker due to the incident at the start?
>And you're treating it as though cold is something that Metroids are ONLY capable of being killed by, ignoring that taking out one weakness doesn't remove the rest.
"And if that's true, there's no way you can destroy them." - Adam Malkovich, Metroid: Other M, 2010

Even then you miss the point yet AGAIN. I'm saying the game makes a big deal out of the cold shit, but they die by you blowing them up anyway, so it was a big deal over nothing.

Once again miss the point about Samus fighting Ridley multiple times so him being "dead" shouldn't be enough to make hery cry, instead calling me illiterate. Who cares if he's "meant to be dead", he was the first time, and Kraid, and Mother Brain. He's become such a common foe that reacting in such a way is laughable, and once again, it was to do with the death of her parents.

>Anon, you're removing the greatest weakpoint on an already deadly race. Try beating the Omega Metroid at the end of Fusion if it were immune to the Ice Beam. Also, the X-Parasites can be blown up too.
So why did Adam have to sacrifice himself if they blew up the ship anyway?
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Anyone speedrunning here? What are your any times for Super and Prime? I have a shitty 1:39 in Prime and just below an hour for Super. Don't really remember.
>there's no reason whatsoever to assume that destroying one planet would mean the end of them
>leaders all dead & not even corpses to revive
>Metroid research project caused Metroids to eat their own guys
>Galactic Federation still exists & is stronger than ever because Space Pirates are weaker
This isn't even counting how badly fucked the Space Pirates got in Prime 3 with the Pirate Homeworld taken & Phazon gone.
Metroid Prime 2 is probably my favorite game ever.

Prime was my favorite game, then a new, longer, harder one came out.
...again, I think you're reading into things. I'm not unrelaxed, at all. I am however happy that we're having a decent Metroid discussion, in what I recently released has been a while. No need to be a downer.
>then a new, longer, harder one came out
Prime 2 fans confirmed for gays

Quadraxis was GOAT.

If you ever want an awesome challenge, try doing Metroid Prime 2 without the Dark Suit. There are many ways to approach this challenge but it always culminates with the most hectic battle against Quadraxis.

I only manage a time of 2:23 in Prime.
>just below an hour for Super

Is that in-game time that shows up at the end, or real time using a timer?
All of this really only works if we work under the idea that Samus, like you, assumes that "weakened" is equal to "all of them are dead and gone forever and we never have to worry about them ever again"

And frankly believing that would just make Samus look like a big idiot.
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Just checking we're on the same page. We were just talking about ott artwork, after all.

That reminds me, there were actual character models made for Space Pirates in the style of the japanese games. I wonder why they didn't go with those, and instead reinvented the pirates in every game.
No, in-game. I'm not that good.
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3 wanted to be halo and sucked ass.
pretty much my opinions, I would rate fusion between 1/2 and zero mission though
I'm not that much into speedrunning, but I still like sequence breaks.
I utilized the grapple beam skip in Super for the first time ever and got 1:16. I think I could get under an hour if I actually tried.
Metroid 2's Metroids.
Your comment doesn't exactly match the image.
>Even then you miss the point yet AGAIN. I'm saying the game makes a big deal out of the cold shit, but they die by you blowing them up anyway, so it was a big deal over nothing
>missing point
You sound like a Sam Harris apologist. I'm saying that they took an already deadly threat & made it even deadlier.
>but they die by you blowing them up anyway, so it was a big deal over nothing
Both the freezable Metroids & X-Parasites can be blown up yet are big deals.
>He's become such a common foe that reacting in such a way is laughable, and once again, it was to do with the death of her parents
>anon hasn't played Metroid very much too
Anon, you that Ridley is still a super deadly threat right? Meta Ridley got Samus running & losing her Varia Suit. Had Rundas not arrived, Samus would have fell to her death. Super Metroid's opening had Ridley practically kick Samus' ass. (Unless you went the long way & damaged him until he nearly drops the Baby.) Ridley isn't Team Rocket or the Villain of the Week.
>So why did Adam have to sacrifice himself if they blew up the ship anyway?
Because Adam blew up that portion of the ship before the rest of the Feds arrived. Maybe if they waited and thought the threat wasn't urgent they may have gotten out alive.
pretty much any of the prime 2's major bosses as well as ridley in every iteration except 1
>I utilized the grapple beam skip in Super for the first time ever and

The quick charge into the Wrecked Ship?
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I made the image some years ago, i had only played corruption around 3 times back then.

i recently replayed it and noticed how weak it is compared to 1 and echoes.

it really has no exploration or atmosphere/isolation.
>Game title is the final boss
The huge Metroid in the SNES game is called the Super Metroid.
>"weakened" is equal to "all of them are dead and gone forever and we never have to worry about them ever again"
This ain't weakened. This is screwed like nothing else. This is all their bosses being dead, no way of reviving them, & their enemies being stronger than ever. After Prime 3, I got new perspective on Super Metroid. You know how deeply the Phazon shit messed them up? How Dark Samus controlling the Pirates got so many killed?
Most accurate one of those pictures I've ever seen on /v/
Yeah, that one. I had heard about it earlier and thought it would be somewhat complicated, but it was actually really easy.
Only correct answer
That's such a cool trick though. Nice.

I'm trying to get into the wrecked ship without grapple or shinespark.
Amorbis was pretty forgettable.
I really don't how to describe my point any more simply. I don't know why I even bother with Other M apologists.
Maybe Sakamoto should have addressed people's criticisms instead of vanishing from the face of the earth.

Would it really kill them to say "We get it, it was bad"?
Tbh it's memorable because it looks like dick and balls

his design is whatever but the fight itself is great
>I really don't know how to use my brain & think with common sense
All I'm saying is that Other M, while having shit tons of flaws, has equally if not more flawed complaints. I heard no one complaining that you didn't kill the Omega Metroid in Fusion with Super Missiles. I heard no one saying that the Metroids nor Ridley were laughable as threats. I heard no one claim that Atari will make a return, seeing as even they were less fucked as the Space Pirates. I do not understand you people & question if you've even played the games.
A lot of big-name designers seem to be responding to fuckups by just going AWOL lately. Look at Andrew Hussie after Homestuck's letdown ending.
You want to know why? Because those games weren't about plot, they were about gameplay. Other M was about plot, and its writing was somehow even more garbage than everything before. There's your reason, now go away.
It's pretty telling. Sakamoto has talked about Metroid during the 8 year gap after Super and also during the 6 year gap after Zero Mission.

Other M though? Nothing. Not a single mention of the series that he's supposedly still in charge of.

I wonder if you're even allowed to ask him about Metroid during interviews. That's the very first thing I would ask him about.
>You want to know why? Because those games weren't about plot, they were about gameplay. Other M was about plot, and its writing was somehow even more garbage than everything before
So? "They didn't focus on it so it's okay?" Maybe I should say "It's okay that Sonic 06 was a rushed, glitch-filled mess" too.
People who have worked on Animal Crossing have said more about the future of the series than Sakamoto. Something's going on.

Nope, played with a component cable. I have one unlike you poor faggot.
I disliked the Quadraxis fight for all the item drops, but then I realized they allow you to do the fight with no dark suit and one energy tank. I gotta try that some fay.
I want a Hunters 2.
After Splatoon took off, I don't see why not. Just put it on consoles and offer lots of updates and junk.
Maybe even DLC for extra missions. Some of these Hunters likely have all sorts of offscreen adventures.
Chykka on the front page!
490 comments well done fellas we should do this more often.
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And with so much good music to go back and listen to
Always good to go back through a thread for it
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>tfw late to the Metroid bread
It's like DKC threads, there's just too much to listen to so by the time you get to the 50th post or so you're about 200 behind

There'll be another one immediately after, and that will be the one that gets hit with flamewars
the deleter
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And HOW!

>GOAT design
>GOAT music
>GOAT challenge
I would agree, albeit that I don't browse DKC threads but I do know the music is baller.

Also that is pretty bob on about the second thread, the desperation and tribalism cranks up for some reason once we've had one productive thread. Maybe knowing there's been a good one recently brings the shitflingers out of the woodwork, thinking they're safe?
I think it's just early threads are more likely to get shitposted, and successive threads are more prone to have the hurr-durr go to the general
See you all next mission.
But this is the early thread, and there's been no shitposting. Only one OM apologist went off on one.
how cinematic

Seeing this at the end of every game is probably the best part.
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