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Super Robot Wars OG Moon Dwellers

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>Ashuari Kreuzel
>Kurae = "Feel the weight of my blade"
>Kataki = "And the animus of our comrades"
>Katia Grignarl
>Die, Granteeeeeeeed!
>Raftclanz Faunea
>Leonisis Hagar
>Leonisis Virga
>Finger Gleave
>Release date: Summer 2016

lol enjoy your shitty translation EOPs
Nobody cares about this kusoge.
no one cares about your opinion

>/v/ isn't for videogames!
Is Rai-Oh in this?
Why would you shitpost about a perfectly fine translation of such a great /m/ game on fucking /v/? You're supposed to be promoting this shit, it's niche enough already for fucks sake, fuck off and die.
>he wants to shill bamco's shitty practices


>Super Robot Wars UX never came out in the West
>instead a game of the same quality is released on PS4
I will never understand Bamco. Sometimes they are based as fuck and other times it's like they are literally Nintendo.
Because MD is going to be shit and will fail regardless of /m/ shilling.
>translating games is a shitty practice now
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>a game of the same quality
>giving it to a bunchc of outsourced singaporeans

>such a great /m/ game
So you've already played it? Although I guess you did, because it's same shit since 1991
None of the crossover games will ever come to the West.
And MD is a mainline OG game, so of course it's going to be released on consoles.
Every OG game has been better than the last one, so I know it's gonna be great.
shitposting about games is a better way to shill on /v/
OG2nd had actual good content to work with.
MD isn't so fortunate.
The crossovers will never come over because they'll get fucked by all the licensing they'll need to do.

OG is all we can get.
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Hell yeah motherfucker!
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Eh, I guess the PS4 one has slightly better visuals.
The only good one was OGs and arguably the first Masoukishin
J is fun and GC in MD will literally be completely new so you have no idea how it's going to be.
It has J. And they still haven't shown everything.
But CotE is the best Masoukishin.
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>slightly better

2ndOG was the best one and that was the last one.

OGDP was pretty good for what it was too.
Can we stop this "licencing" meme already?

We already got Project x zone 1 and 2 and theres a Gundam VS game coming for the Vita
Not to mention the GBA SRW OG got a overseas release as well

I love UX, but the graphics and animations were not the reason.

Meanwhile OG is fucking fierce in both categories.
GBA OG didn't have licensing issues

PXZ didn't have licensing issues

Gundam brand belongs to Bandai Namco

>Macross is in the game
>He thinks it'll ever get translated into english
Apples and oranges. Those companies own all their shit both in the East and in the West. When it comes to regular SRW, it's a miracle it even exists in Japan, and it'll never happen overseas because there's way too much shit involved.
Only if by "is the best one" you mean "has better visuals".
>We'll never get a DYRL Hollywood live action movie
The one thing that would work perfectly as a Hollywood movie and the thing that will never happen. Fuck everything.
Be "the best one" I mean the one which had better writing, better gameplay and better graphics.
It also has the best combat system.
It's okay. Hikaru would have been brown, Minmay black and Misa would have been a gay man.
It has the best music by far as well.
I prefer BX, but that's just me.
care to explain how PXZ doesn't have licensing issues?
and what do you consider licensing issues to begin with?
wow that looks like shit
As long as Misa was the top I'd be fine with it.
>care to explain how PXZ doesn't have licensing issues?

Probably because it was, I dunno, actually published in the fucking West.
Because the license holders of the games in Japan are the same as the ones in the rest of the world, game companies.
>many dislikes
>comments disabled

haven't really followed the game so far, so fill me in here. Is it just because of the weird romanizations/translations or is there something else I've missed?
Bamco always disables comments

The dislikes are because /m/ memes like you've been seeing in this thread. The translation is awkward in places but fine.
because it's the shit game of the series
The translations are shit.
>The translation is awkward in places but fine.

You're going to tire yourself out with all this apologism, anon.
I'm being a realist.

/m/ is being retarded as usual. I guess the better option is no english version as usual.
Mediocre translations, uninteresting headlining cast, heavily casualized, and so-on.
/m/ being /m/ and wanting their favorite things to stay in their secret club

game is awesome and it has different difficulties and some OPTIONAL features to welcome in newcomers through in game libraries, summaries and difficulty settings and that triggers the /m/
Because /m/ always throws a shit fit when they don't like a single aspect of something, however little (remember Ornac). It's a shit game, of course, but SRW hasn't been good since Z1 or even α3, so the hate for this one is a but unjustified in my opinion.
>heavily casualized
The only thing Easy Mode does is force you to pick Touya and prevents you from unlocking Hard Mode.

How difficult the actual game is unknown at this point but considering that this is SRW, its probably not going to be hard anyway.
>I guess the better option is no english version as usual.

The only retard here is you. People aren't allowed to badmouth whatever it is you're shilling, else they get nothing?
Please take your tired ultimatums and go back to whatever hole in Singapore you crawled out from.
OG2nd's easily up there with Z1 for best overall SRW game.

If you're focusing solely on plot, then UX is considered to be a good game by most of the Japanese speaking fanbase.

>newfag J baby defending his shitgame
The OG series didn't go down the shitter because it's different people making the games

The now defunct Winkysoft made all the Masoukishin games.

AI made all the Nintendo GBA/DS/3DS games and GC.

TOSE made Impact/MX/OG series

Literally who made NEO/OE/XO

BB Studio made Z3 Tengoku and Jigoku
How can you say the game is awesome if you haven't played it?
If this shit had any singlish I would understand the shitflinging, but it's does not. It simply has a few awkward translations and /m/ is already calling the whole script shit.

Like I said, better no english version at all. I certainly don't need it.
>shitty practice

They are giving the western audience the ability to play and understand a game that wouldn't be localized anyways because it is niche as fuck.

They could say fuck off and we would have to understand fucking moonrune to even play it.
Why does Banpresto put more effort into their Original characters as opposed to the license series?
The autofellatio got really bad by the seventh generation.
UX is pretty fine gameplay wise, too. Same tired formula, but still presented well enough with a healthy amount of content. Only really beaten out by W for best handheld SRW.
Shame BX couldn't keep up.
Because I trust TOSE to make good SRW like they've done before several times? If it's literally more of 2ndOG it's going to be great and that's exactly what it'll be.
>Why does Banpresto put more effort into their Original characters as opposed to the license series?

OG games have more budget to use due to not having to license individual series and their music.

And as it stands, Banpresto's recent OGs have been fucking terrible.
maybe you should stop being an EOP then
See this: >>334710318

BB Studio is shit at making SRW games.
You know what they say about assumptions, anon.
Because licensing fees? That shit is expensive as fuck, no wonder the "mainline" games have been hit or miss in many aspects, with OG's it's all on them and it sure as fuck pays off, OG2nd looks and plays gorgeus
At least Banpresto is actively making an effort to have them interact with other series. That's always been a huge sticking point about them and the reason why people actually liked Crowe and Hibiki even if their actual characters aren't that interesting.
And it has 3D maps.
Impact has 3D maps and its complete shit.
There's no possible way for them to screw up when they'll just lift almost everything out of 2ndOG.
I can't hear you
/m/ being nazis over translations even more than /v/
>3D maps meme

found the Z3 shitposter
Holly shit, all those robot (Except the first and second) are shit as fuck.
This is a franchise of recycling content and finding ways to make the next iteration worst than the last.
This game is being produced by the same producer of PXZ2, it'll be fine and great.
Found the real robot faggot.
More like western robot
but PXZ2 was shit
>worst than the last

Go back to Singapore shitposter.
Yeah, Banpresto's design teams are not their strongest factor.
Thankfully, Itoi and Chiyoko are doing more of the character designs nowadays, so at least that is getting better.
Mechanical designs are still overall trash, even their best regular designer has done some seriously bad work.
No, PXZ was shit. PXZ2 was great.
both were shit, one was just less shit than the other
W to K
Z to Z2
Z2 to Z3
UX to BX
The robots are literally designed by the people who do your shitty Gundams.

>more shitposting from /m/ because the ip counter isn't going up
>GC and Neo
Except those two games hardly shared anything cast wise.
and gundams have shit designs what's your point?
Not really.
Katoki, Okawara, and Yanase, but that's it.
Yanase and Katoki's work is alright, though Yanase did do the K OGs unfortunately. Hiroshi Ando is pretty good.

And then there's everybody else like Daisei Fujii, Tatsunosuke Yatsufusa, and so much more. The appeal to these designs is always because of the attachment people have to them over gameplay and the characters who pilot them. On their own, Grungusts are terrible designs as are the Choukijin, Gespies, and the majority of the other machines.
actually they have licensing issues with the SRW GC designs since its from G-Breaker stuff.

Thats why the enemies are using slightly modified looks from their GC counterparts
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>Grungusts are terrible designs as are the Choukijin, Gespies, and the majority of the other machines.
shitty bait/10
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Please tell me mah boi Ialdabaoth is in the game
It COULD be. It appeared in a card being released for the 25th anniversary.

Nothing has been confirmed though.
he's right, Gespsents are pretty shit. grungusts are okay and choukijin dont even look like robots. the only good og designs are the super special snowflakes.
Grungust are grotesque monstrosities with terrible color pallets.
I only like them because I like F/Final's OG characters.
doubt it, unless Folka is a suprise hidden until the release(like G-Bankaran) then it's not happening. Most probable scenario is that they come back later when we hit "giant alien fleet wants to rape earth" part
It's just a real robot shitter.
Post your favorite attack animations.
But my favorite designs in OG are Ialdabaoth and Dis Astranagant.
>Dis Astranagant
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>he doesn't like ow the edge designs
Trannies are still considered males, sorry.
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OG a shit
The mecha design is godawful
Everything is gundam ripoff with German name
This dude is fucking Heero for crissake

thats Galilnagant
fuck off already samefag
yeah and? dis and galilnagant are pretty edgy
He doesn't know that SRW OG characters and mechs are living tropes of every single mecha anime
yeah and that makes it terrible because it's all the worst things packed into one
>this thread
I remember why I don't go on /m/ now.
whats edgy about a pilot being a amnesiac and tsundere?

You so mad I bet you crying right now
I remember back in the days when SRW used to be very anticipated. Right now it's whatever.
I didn't say anything about the pilots at all, just one look at the mech and it screams edge
pretty much. it's too bad that their autism makes it impossible to showcase a good series like this one.
>giving a shit about the pilots
It's all about the bots bro
Many dislikes because OG games are typically casual waifu trash

>How to play SRW properly
>Put UC gundams and Getters on the front line
>Everyone else take five
>OG units can jump off the cliff cept' Cybuster, that thing is alright
>Cybuster is a thing because they couldn't get the license for Dunbine
I like the design better than anything in Dunbine to be honest.
>120 replies
>23 unique IPs

/m/ is a shit hole.
Says while posting on a literal containment board.
Reminder that you can get better discussions on /a/ than /m/ for most of their series at this point.
I used to browse /m/ years ago, nowadays I just go there for the Geah threads.
You can also get better SRW discussion on /v/ than /m/. Or at least you would be able to if /m/ could stay in /m/.
What do you expect from a shithole that think G-Recturd is gud?
Be happy that we will get it in english. You fucking faggot.
And i got better discussions of Kamen Rider here of all places than in /m/
Back to A/Z, faggot.
>be happy that you are getting shit

if you're not going to put in any effort then why bother at all
Just stop being a filthy EOP.
Kamen Rider discussion on /v/ is pretty legit unless the showa troll is online.
We should try to sneak a thread about it without letting them know.
Your best bet would be a TRPG thread and have the series discussed along side other TRPGs like Tactics Ogre, Fire Emblem(gameplay) and FFT.
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