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Which is the better of the Sorrow games?

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Which is the better of the Sorrow games?
Aria. No contest.
Trap Soma > Animu Soma
Aria is best too
Aria, it's not even a question.
That's like asking what's better, a pile of gold or literal shit.
Wow that lower style looks fucking awful.
Dawn isn't as bad as people say, but Aria is a better game.
I rike the anime one
playing Dawn was the moment of my life when i discovered how awful anime looks.
>shitty bosses
>shitty castle design
>absolutely terrible "final dungeon" and final boss
>ANIMUH art style that doesn't apply to only portraits but also the backgrounds and sprites

Fuck you anon it's terrible.
The only good thing about the game was the CV3 mode with Julius filling for Trevor, Alucard filling for himself and Yoko filling for Sypha. And Soma Dracula being final boss in that mode.
Both are shit for people with OCD. I'd rather kill myself than collect all the souls again.
The art style went to hell, but Dawn was a way more fun game. Aria spiraled into "too easy" territory way too fast, had mostly bland bosses, and not as good of a castle.
>implying you have to have OCD to want to 100% a game you like

fucking Minish Cap though, I'm never getting all of those goddamn figurines again

You guys are just hating it because of the art style (which only fucking shows up during cutscenes anyway), it was the better game hands down.

I bet you thought PoR was shit for the same stupid reason
the DS games have good boss fights

aria's bosses are weak and there isn't much strategy since the controls are so fluid / swift moving and it's comparable to sotn in that it's easy to tank boss attacks without bothering to dodge since they give crap damage
>(which only fucking shows up during cutscenes anyway)
Objectively fucking false, blatant fucking lie and you know it.

Aside from when the characters are talking to eachother, when does the game force you to look at it?
>when does the game force you to look at it?
The sprites are in anime style
The backgrounds are simplistic and anime-ish
So to answer your question, ALL THE FUCKING TIME!?
They're both terrible. AoS is literally "I FIGHT FOR MY FRIENDS"
The one that doesn't look like low budget anime.
0.01% drop rates can make you hate any game you love.

Except that's wrong....I own both games and Soma looks almost exactly the same as he did in Aria...and the backgrounds/enemies are typical Catlevania.

I'm sorry anime touched your nono spots as a child but come on....
But Julius isn't shit to make space for ARIKADO, the art is cool, and they even made art of him for the Dracula transformation
Dawn has better core gameplay, largely due to the item sets, some souls being changed to relics (fucking undine), weapon creation, and souls becoming more powerful as you get more of them.
Aria has a vastly better castle layout, bosses, and music.

Aria is overall the better game even if Dawn improved on the basics. If Aria were remade with Dawn's new conveniences and features it'd be fucking amazing.
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Yeah, not really.
>it's too easy

Then play on hard mode. Yes, it's shit that it's not available from the start, but you can easily download a clear save.
I didn't even bother with the drop rates that low, I just grinded rupees to buy shells to get the drop chance to 100%. Still took a fuckton of time though.

hard mode is still weak compared to the ds games and it doesn't change that the bosses patterns are weak and poorly coordinated with the player controls
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>I own both games and Soma looks almost exactly the same as he did in Aria




>that Julius
>not cartoony as fuck
You're retarded.
You must be fucking joking. Ecclesia was the only remotely difficult DS game, PoR and DoS were both complete jokes in difficulty. Aria also has one of the best Death fights in the series, and Balore and Graham are also great fights.
>People saying Aria has better bosses
The Julius fight stands as the highest high point (even if you've easily broken the game by then with little to no effort), but all around Dawn had way more interesting boss fights for 90% of the game. A little more lame on the big story fights, but infinitely better bosses.

>Aria has vastly better bosses and music...




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>DS Castlevanias

He's standing up straighter and has more pixels in the second one....oh the horror
hate to break it to you, but top is anime too.

Forgot the best one

But it isn't shitty, low quality mid-00's anime like the bottom is
>tfw jumping to the top and then doing the skeleton kick to the ground to hit him
Shit was comfy as fuck
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And has LESS detail on his sprite
AND has shitty cel-shade black contour.

Just look how much detail Julius lost.
Both better.
Or you are in some maniac's basement and can choose only one before death?
>higher res
>less detail
How though

Aria. And I'm not sure WHY. Dawn is technically a bit better, but it just feels like the same thing over again. Animu style art is a bit of a downer too.

I dont' know, I can just jump back into Aria over and over again.
That's actually more common than you can imagine.
People get lazier with higher resolutions and no longer try to cram in as much detail as possible while trying to surpass hardware limitations.
Ok, I can get why people are triggered by the character art in Dawn of Sorrow, but what the fuck did Order of Ecclesia ever do to you?

Best metroidvania style castlevania and best art. I actually love the art more than Ayami's work.
I actually thought it was Kojima's art when I first played OoE, didn't realize it was some different artist until someone else told me.
OoE is the only good DS castlevania.
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Both of them are absolute shit. Go play a real Castlevania game like pic related, you scrubs.
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He's right though. The only thing making the change in style in the sprites even the littlest bit hard to notice is how tiny and how few colors the GBA sprites are.

Is this a trick question?
By having a more simplistic design.
Do you think a large Kirby sprite is more detailed than, say, a Battle Garegga sprite?
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I can't get past the first level without dying when I play as John on Expert mode in this.
I wouldn't go as far as "absolute shit", but I can't deny that this is my opinion on the subject, otherwise.
>Is this a trick question?
>By having a more simplistic design.
Yeah no shit.

Konami wanted to appear to wide weeb audience
It failed.
It literally isn't.

By any definition. You'll have to try much harder than that to disregard Kojima's art as simple anime, but even if you put any effort into, it you are still blatantly wrong and stupid.
Pretty sure it was because Kojima was busy working on art for other title at the time and finding japs that aren't incompetent anime drawing cripple pieces of shit is kind of hard.
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>not liking both classicvanias and igavanias
Favorite classic is nes 1 and iga is aria.
That only works if you apply it to portraits.
They could've made anime portraits and have the usual sprite artist make detailed sprites but alas that didn't happen.

>as simple anime

Please stop trying to act like you're some kind of patrician art lover over a fucking video game; it's embarassing
Wait, you are the guy trying to argue the character sprites were meant to look like anime?

Because that's pretty fucking dumb. Soma's original sprite looks way more anime than DoS's in both proportions and color palette, and Julius's doesn't even look like it was made by a pixel artist at all, it was clearly downscaled, which is probably why they ended up adding the blatant black outline. I don't think they intended to make them look anime. Julius in particular looks western shovelware tier.
Ebin shitpost anon, they're clearly anime and you're clearly blind.
I'm not sure why but I ended up playing Aria of Sorrow to almost literal death. I managed to get the boss rush down to like, 1m 26s when I was 13.

Anybody with two brain cells would rank Kojima's art over simplified korean sweatshop cartoons any day, don't need to be a patrician art lover to see the difference. And I say art because I wouldn't even call them paintings since she's known to actually embed materials over her paintings to embellish the details, so I'm honestly not sure if they still qualify as just paintings since they kind of overlap with embossing.

I'm sorry you are so familiar with feelings of embarrassment but I assure you I have nothing to do with them.
No, anon. It's your shitpost that is ebin and I fucked you're mom.
>shitty bosses

Yeah, Aria sure had it good with all those regular enemies as bosses.
Ebin retort

I kinda' love how pimpn' he looks in Aria.
No, your retort was ebin, take the credit, it's all yours.
Ebin, simply ebin
Aria.. better art, story, characters, music.. everything. except i liked how you can level your souls in dawn
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Fixed the Dawn sprite.
Go to play lord of shadows sonypony.
If there's a difference I don't see it. but you didn't give him his fur collar coat back so it's still worthless shit.
Dawn. I just replayed Aria the other day, and realized how tiny the game is. You collect a bunch of weapons and souls, but you progress so quickly through the game, that all of those items are worthless.

Dawn feels like a more fleshed out game. You end up getting a meatier experience.
Got rid of the black and replaced it with a more natural dark shade of from his sprite.
Weird, Aria's castle felt fucking massive to me.
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Except the sprite doesn't look like that on an actual GBA with GBA colors.
You forgot to fill the space between his arms and body.

Also, there was nothing wrong with the darker outline. GBA games typically have brighter palettes, in order to compensate for the lack of light in the original GBA model. And the dim light of the first backlit models.

It's ok for his sprite to have a darker outline in the DS games, because the screen was properly lit. And his sprite was surrounded by an environment with darker shadows.
>actual GBA
>posts the shitty FatBA that nobody used

Aria's castle is only 1000 map squares.
More like
>actual GBA
>posts "authentic" emulation of FatBA that nobody used
It only took me like 4-5 hours to beat it. Granted, the game is easy to beat. But still. My save file currently has 9 hours and 24 minutes on it.
This time is after I collected all the souls, and now I'm on my way to collect all the rare drops. So I'll essentially have 100% the main game in about 10 to 10.5 hours.

After that, I'm going to see about getting a good boss time.
I don't know what it was, I played Dawn shortly after Aria but it just didn't feel as fun. I doubt this was just because of the art.
There were better animations in the DS games, but they cut some corners and made them more cartoony at the same time. Part of that may be an attempt to make them more easy to see on the small screen, though.
I just replayed both and Aria is definitely better. I don't even mind the art, but Dawn was simply less memorable, more gimmicky and had less tight controls.

Getting a good boss time is just a matter of putting on the chaos ring and red minotaur soul, and the one that increases your damage the lower your health goes, then using the healing items that hurt you as soon as it starts and spamming red minotaur axes.

You'll easily get a time of like 30-45 seconds.
Too similar. After spending hours grinding shit in Aria, the last thing you want is to do the same in a direct sequel. Jumping straight to Portrait of Ruin or Order of Ecclesia is the logical thing to do.
Thanks for the spoiler. Now I can't say I figured it out on my own.
Hm. Looks like I'm missing the chaos ring. I guess my file isn't as complete as I thought. Strange. The map says 100%... Unless there's some super secret. 101% room.
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>DS castlevania
>Not the triumvirate of Metroidvania

Scratch that it's more like a minute and a half, I forgot how long some of the boss animations take (like Headhunter and Death and Graham's second forms )
>An inferior sequel
>A game based entirely on the stupid two character gimmick
>A game that can't even decide if it's a metroidvania

Chaos ring is gotten for getting 100% souls, it shows up somewhere in the final area near the final boss room.

Aria's boss rush is a little shitty because of how easily you can cheese it. I liked the ones in the other games.
My philosophy with Aria was not to grind nothing though. I didn't even fully explore the castle, get the real ending, or try to re-enter rooms for specific souls. I decided to simply not skip an enemy who's soul I didn't have, but keep on rolling if I didn't get it.
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PoR > OoE >>>>>>>> DoS
Literally the best, the only other comparable one is Symphony of the Night
Aria isn't bad, but the other GBA ones are SOOOOO HORRIBLE
Circle of the Moon is very good with the always run hack.
I think Dawn is longer but I liked Aria more.
also, HoDissonance is god-tier in terms of content . SO MUCH vidya in this game. holy fuck.
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only reason PoR is the best is it has the best dracula design
>Main game is great
>Optional content is a merciless grind for autists
Every fucking metroidvania. Be it Alucard's familiars, Soma's souls or Jonathan's sidearms, it's always such a fucking grind.
Aria. It's not even a matter of the anime style. Sorrow's level design is simply boring.
Someone should make a hack that replaces the animu portraits with the original artwork.

>Jonathan's sidearms
Those were pretty easy to grind.
>Soma's souls
Fuck these, some take forever to appear even with every luck boost on.
>get some rare soul
>lol too bad, you have to use it or you'll be stuck with shitty weapons
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Hey, you liked collecting souls?

Nice, now go collect 30 of the same thing to max out your summons :^)
If dawn had aria's art, it would have been considered the best portable CV ever
if it had Harmony of Despair's assets and gameplay perks, aside from the MP and episodic shit, it would have surpassed Symphony and put CV back on its tracks before Lords of Shadow doomed the series to eternal pachislot hell.
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Any games like the Handheld castlevania's where it's really fun to fill out the Bestiary by getting all the rare drops etc. The second ps2 Castlevania was really fun in this regard also because each enemy also had a steal-able item
Aria is better but both are horrible
>pig disgusting Castle design with fucking circuses and shit
>even worse enemies design. fucking clowns, fucking karate maidos with spoopy vacuum cleaners, Jesus Christ what the fuck, seriously?
>mostly shit music
>0 atmosphere
>japanese series of vidyagaem
>animu ever since rondo of blood, if not even before that
>now it's suddenly bad
I bet you loved the refreshing western makeover lately, didn't you?
>series acquire's artist with pretty unique, gothic and universally well-regarded style
>drops it for generic bottom of the barrel trash
>b-but it's always was japanese anyway!
>b-bet you like Lords of Shit t-too!
Pathetic, famalam
Curse of Darkness had almost everything I wanted from a 3D Symphony, too bad the combat was clunky and it had massive corridors.
have you played Portrait, Ecclesia and Dissonance?
Shantae doesn't have a bestiary, but it was almost as fun for me.
it might be a bit easier tho.
you aren't making much sense nigga
you complain that they dropped Ayami Kojima but then you turn around and say Aria is just as bad.
I'm surprised everyone in this thread has subconsciously blocked all memory of DS's shitty stylus mechanic

A frustrating mechanic that interrupts gameplay
it's not a stupid reason. Castlevania is dark fantasy, not anime trash
currently playing dawn of sorrow. and i am starting to loose it. got about a million dead ends and starting to loose track of it all. send help
IIRC it was some pretty small forgettable shit, not that intrusive unless you lost the stilus and had to use a pen or a toothpick or something
there's the sisters in PoR, the boss glyphs in Dawn of Sorrow and nothing in Ecclesia, i think
hating a game because of its artstyle is even more retarded, famalamadingdong
igavanias in general are just like the classic labyrinth game, you bump into a gorillion dead ends until you eventually find the right path.
the more you miss, the easier it gets due to all the shit you find on the way, not to mention the grindan
Ecclesia used it for Albert's teleport
>nothing in Ecclesia
ah, i forgot. there's Magnes
but playing with the physics was fun
yeah, only problem is that the solution to a dead end could be any random soul of an enemy. and you have no way to know beforehand. i'd be lying if i'd say it isn't a little frustrating
Didn't you have to let your familiar kill things for it to level up?
I remember at least one of them being like that.
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>The sprites are in anime style
Nigger DoS reused assets from AoS
Obviously >animu doesn't apply to Aria since it's Ayami's art, i should've been clearer with that i guess.
Still, even she lost her touch later on around Curse of Darkness with Hector's pants literally slipping off his waist and revealing his cock and her site if i'm not mistaken getting more and more of art like that
And honestly, dropping previous facetiousness, i'd say all Castlevania's post SotN are pretty badly flawed in their own ways, enough to fuel arguing in this types of threads forever.
I was especially bitter at Yamane after she told in one of the interviews that she dislikes "classic" style of music she had been working with in SotN and LoI and really wanted to arrange simple pop songs instead, which she iirc was allowed to do in OoE, explaining why it's the absolute worst in terms of music.
Read the thread m8aroo
You're fucking wrong.
Yeah I played all of them. Shantae is alright, not too great. Other than the good pixel art I don't get why people like Wayforward games. They feel like cheap licensed games.
they all reuse sprites. the whole seires is literally copy and pasted from games 15 years ago.
Akshully only Harmony of Dissonance reused SotN and Rondo sprites. And even then they were resized, so it's not a simple copy paste job.
>the solution to a dead end could be any random soul of an enemy
Mostly bosses or souls from those breakable stand things.
True ending requires some random souls, though.
come on now, its not like SotN is that far ahead from the DS games.
the exploration is there, the difficulty, grinding, farming and variety of themes in each area are similar enough to place them all side by side. also, any complains about rehashed assets could be argudes about SotN too, thanks to Dracula X and Rondo.
if anything, it's ecclesia that shakes things up by being more streamlined and harder than average.
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That's because Wayforward specializes in cheap licensed games and educational software.

Huh, well ain't that some shit. Still, it's really flimsy ground to stand on as to why DoS is worse because it isn't. Aria had some of the shittiest and unmemorablebossfights of any Castlevania. I legitimately cannot remember any bosses in that game beyond Balore and Julius. The game was pretty unremarkable on the whole now that I think about it.

don't think there's ever a point where a random soul drop is needed to progress except the "avoid the bad end" thing
Why every katana in Dawn uses that weird 45-degree moveset?
So it can hit something.
Some isn't fucking Vergil.
I think Harmony of Dissonance may have most original sprites out of the metroidvanias after SotN. The DS games definitely use more SotN and Rondo sprites than the GBA games.
there's Chaos, you know, the one where you jump and waggle your Claimh Solais like a fly swatter until everything starts exploding
Isn't the Egyptian looking chick Astarte?
Dawn had better soul selection, which gives it more replayability since you aren't always using the same set of souls each playthought. Dawn also had some really good boss fights (although the drawing afterwards was stupid) and a better Julius mode.

Aria has a better most everything else.
not even that, since what's important at that point is to face Dario again.
you need the random enemy soul to fight him, but until then, the boss room is easily accessible and you realize something's up. it's far less cryptic than Symphony's clock room and the rings.
Yeah it's not ringing a bell. I think it reused the big body ball from SotN though.
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Worst Castlevania coming through.
I thought both were fun. Aria had a cooler castle but the game got too easy pretty quickly. Dawn had a bit more challenge to its bosses and more interesting souls along with a great Julius mode, but the finale was a shitshow and the "castle" was boring
Dawn is the better game.
Normies just fuel their anime hate with this, but other than the poor art style choice, the game is superior in every way.
It's also not a commentary on anime of any kind, they could've gotten a decent anime style if they spent some shekels on an actually decent studio and designer.
Blame the shitty producer.
>only game with full whip control
get a load of this faggot
>casualised babby game on babby console
>massive sprites mean not much is on screen at once
>whip is now long enough to hit things behind solid obstacles, bypassing many challenges
>second most disappointing Dracula fight after Simon's fuckig Quest
I bet all the scholars in this thread fell for the iga kikescam anyway.
classic example of full player control not always being the best thing
the whole basis of the game couldn't fit that in and it fell apart
post snes+game with timestamp. you could've just said you never had an snes. jesus, embarassing, guys
Tears of a fanboy, ambrosia.
The full whip control is great, except for the fact that it's VERY clear that it was the last feature they added in to the game, and not a planned one at that. The whole game feels like it was designed with the classic whip controls, so with the full directionaly whip controls the game becomes ridonkulously easy. It's not the worst Castlevania by far, but it is the most overrated one.
Wow, entered the thread expecting some nice castlevania discussion but i see that this fanbase is going shit like the series itself.
It's super metroid all over again. Congrats underages, go back to your lord of shadows and muh symphony.
You're just upset that this thread isn't your personal hugbox. Fuck off nancy boy.
4 is grabbage senpai. At least praise 3 or Rondo.
Magnes was R+opposite direction you wanted to go on d-pad.
I think the only touch screen gimmick was Albus's teleport.
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AoS has the better:
alternate character mode, artwork

DS has the better:
gameplay, music, graphics, soul variety, equipment variety, bosses, length,

level design

DS is the better game, but Aria is still great

also posting this remix that came with the official soundtrack, I think, and I bet a lot of people never heard it

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oh shit, it's the /vr/ anti-SC4 autist again, holy shit, I never thought I'd see you again
>everyone who disagrees with me is one person
>AoS has the better:
>alternate character mode

You can't be serious, Julius mode in AoS is the worst alternate mode out of all Castlevanias, because you can just run straight into the final boss, (which isn't even the final boss in the main game) kill it and get the credits. DoS one however is the best since it picks up where the bad end left off, has three playable characters and a unique final boss.
I really can't stand anime shit but PoR was a lot of fun
Best nintendovania coming through.
I like Rondo of Blood
Weeaboo. Play New Generation or Vampire's Kiss instead.
>linear shit
>What went wrong the pic
What a dumbfuck you are.
why not just play the PSP version and get the best of both worlds
Because the PSP was a piece of shit?
Can't I just like both?
Why do I have to choose?
how can that be true when it has the definitive version of the best castlevania
They're both good but in Dawn I can transform into a giant woman so that's better.
OoE isn't a metroidvania and it's fucking trash.
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aria of sorrow is the best castlevania game
Is it for faggots who never got a PC Engine?
picture: Before 4chan and after 4chan,
>you can just run straight into the final boss

Julius fucking wrecked dracula in 1999, he ain't got no time to waste on low grade moonk.

>julius wrecked dracula in 1999

Castlevania featuring the 1999 vampire hunter war when?

This, Dawn has Dio, the penis monster, Doll Master.

Aria's bosses are mostly trash, Julius is the only standout.

Aria has a better castle, and the character artwork are obviously trash in Dawn, but Aria isn't a significantly better game, and Dawn has points that are better.
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