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How long till PSN and Xbox Live stop support for the PS3 and 360?

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How long till PSN and Xbox Live stop support for the PS3 and 360?
Once it stops support for the Xbox One and PC.
people still play ps3 and 360? nobody can be this poor
I'm honestly surprised it's still going
why should they? there is still a huge population of players on those consoles
I'm playing Yakuza 4 at this moment.
Why the fuck?

How the hell would someone be able to access their backlog of digital games?
xbox live for 360 still brings money, free PSN for PS3 still working is surprising
They don't. Never buy digital on console.
Black Ops 2 and TLOU stll have active MP.
I think they might start selling 360 and ps3 in poorer markets, akin to the master system being in Brazil in the 2000s.

So hopefully not for a long time. 360 and PS3 each sold 80 million each, they could easily make that 200 million each if they aggressively sold their systems in 3rd world countries with cheap as hell games.
What about the PS+ free shit?
Prob 2-3+ years.

There's still old ass 2006/2007 games with running servers that no one plays. I don't see PS3 servers being totally shut down until at least 2020
Literally years. They can switch to virtual servers these days if they need to save money and they make money from PS+/Live subscriptions and selling games.
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PSN survived all those years on PS3 being free with PSN of PS4 making bank for Sony I doubt they'll cut support to online play to all the PS3 games anytime soon.

Also not to mention both PSN and XBL still get a great number of sells from the PS3 and 360 stores

>dat feel when I know a 30 year old dumbass who has spouted for 2 years in a row now that Sony are shutting down online for the PS3 THIS YEAR (2014, 2015, now 2016) and that everyone needs to buy a PS4 as soon as possible to transfer over your accounts
>This would be amazing. Imagine booting up Modern Warfare 2 in 2025 and a bunch of people are still playing it like it was the hottest shit.
Stupid fucking response.

Sony can't just lock away all those games just like that, there'd be an outrage.
I can confirm the online for all the COD, BF, GTA, RDR, and Uncharted games are still pretty packed.

Hell Killzone 2 tends to be more popular in a day than Killzone 3 does in a week
>I think they might start selling 360 and ps3 in poorer markets, akin to the master system being in Brazil in the 2000s.
They won't as they're too expensive to manufacture. Compare with Master System/Mega Drive/NES all using cheap off-the-shelf shit which is why there's a shitload of clones. There's a reason they still cost a fortune new.

Microsoft wanted to develop a mini-360 without a disc drive for streaming and shit but they clearly couldn't make the finances work.
Fucking ps3's are still fucking expensive as shit
>There's a reason they still cost a fortune new
I mean the 360/PS3 still cost a fortune new.

Crazy custom hardware. $599 is why the PS3E struggles and dumping all that bullshit is why the PS4 won.
Nothing but hackers now.
360 live was migrated to a different server structure within Microsoft's massive server farms since the friend list change way back so it never has to shut down. They can just switch to a virtual server any time.

PS3 probably depends on how much Sony is footing the bills for rackspace to keep it up. They already killed PSP online.
really I see em selling on craigslist all the time for $100 to $200 at most with usually a bunch of games and shit with em

Hopefully not soon, it's the only thing letting me get digitals on my Vita
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PSN and XBL aren't going to die for a while for those systems. They are still strong.

Sonyggers would defend it
Get a job
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>tfw have a backlog of about 20 PS1 games shared between my PS3 and Vita
Sony can't just take that shit away from me, there'd better be some severe complaints if this ever happened.

I have CFW so hopefully there'll be a workaround for me.
There's not enough reason to update to the PS4 if you aren't interested in multiplats.
Only game I'm interested for the PS4 is Persona 5. There are many people who do feel like buying a new system. PS+ being required to access online features for retail games is bullshit too.

Being poor isn't the same as spending your money wisely and being a smart consumer. If anything, the poor guy's the one who'll buy the lastest shiny piece of shit.
Ah, I didn't realize that. I still wonder if they will release something though. Perhaps a revised system similar to Nintendo's Ique in the distant future.

These companies are going to try to find new ways to sell all those 360/PS3 exclusive games again for sure.
Yours doesn't pay enough
>who don't feel like buying a new system.

Hate using phones
I know this a little unrelated but How much should I sell my xbox 360 with 2 controllers, a 250gb hard drive, and 2 games?
Naw this year is pretty great for Japanese releases
I'll get one soon enough
Like R$300 or so
>PS+ being required to access online features for retail games is bullshit too.

This is the main thing holding me back from getting a new system.

At this point Im just going into Gamestops and getting all the games I've missed for cheap, just waiting for those last couple of good games from the ass end of 2014 and all of 2015 to drop to a reasonable price
Try for 200
If no one is biting then drop to 150
I sold mine for 120 but mine was a 4 GB slim model + 2 games and one controller

I hated the 360
360 will be supported for a long time.

PS3 will be yanked in a couple of years, tops.
2 years now I think. They said 5 after current gen released
>PS3 will be yanked in a couple of years, tops.

I doubt it, PS1 was supported well into over halfway past the PS2 life cycle and the PS2 was supported well into over halfway past the PS3 life cycle.

Only way I see it happening is if the amount of people playing online on PS3 drops significantly to the point where enough shit won't be raised and that won't happen for a good long while

They will want to get rid of it asap since it's only costing them money, unlike XBL
I don't think the ps3 will go offline for a long, long, long time.

there were 80 million PS3s sold, and what, 30 million ps4s right now? I mean there might be more ps3s active than ps4s.

Also, sony supported the ps2 up until 2 years ago, some games still had their official online servers, the psp still has its servers iirc and got a game last year

ps3 will be online for a long time im calling

also this is a generation without a real reason to upgrade desu
They make money by selling games on PSN. I'd also bet they have a surprising amount of PS3 PS+ subscribers.
This c-can't be true pham. They can't just take away my digital games??

Not any more. The PS+ lineup for PS3 has been shitty ever since PS4 came out


Download them all and back them up to HDDs desu
yeah man just like how long the og xbox servers were

oh wait

they were yanked before the ps2s even though people paid for it
still making money off of sells from the store plus PS+ for PS3.

Also if im not mistaken shit like Crackle, Netflix and Hulu are all tied into PSN some which way
>killzone 2
>go online
Couldn't you just authorize to download your digital games on the internet or something?

Like go to your download list on the desktop store and download them from there, that could work.
Buy broken ones for 20 bucks and fix em, thats what i did
10 years ago, you needed to maintain physical servers. These days, you just virtualise it and make the instance smaller. OG Live was also way less popular than online services these days.

>you had Gold when you downloaded that free 360 game, it's cool man you can keep it
>have a AAA game on us

>You no rike indie game? Okay we give you Driveclub..FREE EDITION! You no expect us give away full game do you?!

Why is Microsoft so bro tier?

They're the underdog.
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So there's this vendor at the swap meet selling a ps3 (ps2 and ps1 backwards compatible) for $129? Should I bite or look for a better deal on craigslist
Battlefield 2 MC on PS2 servers still up with some DNAS change, any CoD game for Wii still up and with many people playing on them
Because they know they fucked up at E3 and now theyre trying to be everyones "gamer bro"
Fuck you Microsoft started this paid online bullshit they still fucking suck
I got one from a retro game shop near me for like $80

doesn't have wireless, and came with a 20gb hard drive. I didn't know how easily you could replace those things though that was a pleasant surprise
All the playstation devices uses the same servers for everything zeus.dl.playstation.net for content as an example.
So they will linger on for quite a bit.
Some games on PS2 still online senpai
Fat PS3 is best PS3. I kind of regret not buying one for five hundred and ninety nine US dollars.
That was Sega
they changed it on the Xbone. need gold to play the "free" games
This anon gets it, I think that it's very likely that they keep virtual servers up for years to come. It won't cost much to do it once the playerbase shrinks down, and it sure will be easier to keep a virtual skeleton server up for the occasional user than take the PR lashback from closing it down.
Fat PS3 died in mass when GTAV came out,.
easy enough

Having had 2 fats over the years (1 destroyed in a fire, other broke) the only downside to the Fats are for some reason the solder in em are easier to break

Last model fully backwards compatible was the 80GB model and had the least problems when it came to solder but it still does it.

If you're not worried about backwards compatibility go for those first slim models
80GBs actually emulate their games, not natively playing them. However, majority of games work. Only a handful (like a dozen or so?) don't and those got ports anyway. It's mainly CD based PS2 games.

Also, fat PS3s had fucking dogshit build quality, which is painful to know, since they're possibly the one of the best consoles that existed in terms of what it can do.
to add to this pretty much what happens is Sony had to be environmentally friendly when doing the solder for the PS3s and thus its some low quality shit that has a tendacy to break under extreme heat.

Same solder in all the PS3s but the fat models just liked to get hotter under extended game play compared to the slim models.

It hurts to live trying to play Scarface the Game on a PS3, has some kind of tiny amount of lag but you can't get any further than a few missions in when you get to your first timed mission.
>you're lagging and moving is slower than you want to
>the countdown clock moves at normal speed
>even at your fastest you still are around 20 to 30 seconds short
No PS4 support for PS1/PS2 Classics.

The only online PS3 games that I care about are on PC too, if I cared enough to still play them.
Sony has been cockblocking PS3 releases of Japanese multiplats for games like Dragon Quest Heroes and Star Ocean 5. It's pretty fucking clear that they DON'T want to support the PS3.

Shit like this is why I'm skipping this generation of video games.
Most of the ps3 versions are pretty bad, Yakuza Zero for example runs like shit and stutters all the time.
I know of Yakuza Zero, but that's coming out in 2017. I would have been fine with DQH since it doesn't have as much enemies as every other Musou, but there's a PC version so that doesn't matter anymore. Either way I don't like this business practice of PS3 versions of Japanese games being blocked.

I'm not trying to be edgy with what I said in the last post. If something great comes, I'll buy a used PS4 because fuck giving Sony money. That "something great" would have to be on par with DQXI and Yakuza 6 being localized which will be years from now.
Is MGO3 active on PS3?

What the fuck were you expecting to happen? One day you'll lose those games
Are you seriously implying Sony wouldn't develop something to let us access the games even if PSN went down?
Apparently, next year. Don't remember where I read this and I think this only applies to XBL.
I know MGO that came with MGS4 is shutdown
It varies from publisher to publisher, like Square is completely skipping ps3 versions now, but Koei is still publishing Arslan Musou and Samurai Warriors 4 Empires on the ps3, Atlus is still publishing Persona 5 on ps3.

There are private servers with CFW

Like what?


Just like those psone games on your ps4 and oh, those ps2 games too, right?

Fanboys are so dumb.
The original MGO has also been brought up too.
Probably never, or at least no in it's entirety.

PSN as it is right now is pretty much a single service that serves PS3, PSP, Vita and PS4. Shutting down online access for any console would be pretty much arbitrary. If they were ever going to shut anything, down the PSP would have lost access years ago.

Xbox Live is more or less the same, where's it's a single service that serves the 360 and boner. Now the Xbox Huge's online network was shut down because it was based on a seperate online network that was becoming more expensive and less reasonable to support. Same reason why nintendo shut down NWFC in favour of Nintendo Network.

Either way, if they ever did shut down online access for either network there's no fucking way in a million years that they'd lock people out of their store accounts. The backlash would be unbelievable.

>Same reason why nintendo shut down NWFC in favour of Nintendo Network.
I thought that was out of their hands.

I've got a backlog of PS3 games to play while PS4 only has one title I'm interested in
well, yeah. NWFC was ran on gamespy, and when gamespy died it just became a mess to support.
32 hours
Xbone can play 360 games
>there were 80 million PS3s sold, and what, 30 million ps4s right now?
36 million, with 40 million shipped.
Even worse, when it goes down that's it. You're never getting those games back whereas you can at least maintain those digital games.
They died promptly after it.

I wish more people were boycotting sony when that shit was announced instead of fucking cheering.

I will never understand why people feel the need to defend a faceless corporation. It's not their friend. If they wouldn't go along with the paid online bullshit, they would drop it, but instead people decide to ride their dick and ake excuses for why it's a good thing. God damn
I think people expected the online to improve because of it.
They're poor.
They need to validate their purchase.
I still have a few backlog games i want to finish before i feel comfortable selling my PS3

If they were poor they wouldn't want to waste 50 bucks a year for no reason
That's exactly why they need to validate it.
I have hundreds of dollars of digital games on ps3, i would be pretty pissed off if somehow i couldn't access that anymore.
It's inevitable anon.
PS3 has a better library than the PS4 at the moment.
No way.

What i can see is them cutting of multiplayer support etc.

But they will face extreme backlash if they stop supporting game downloads.
Just finish any of them you haven't completed yet, there's still a good 2 or 3 years left.
Looking at the route gaming is taking that won't change either.
My backlog is filled to the brim with ps3 games.

I think i still have around 30 ps3 games i want to play.

And i've already reached 200 titles played.

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