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What did you play today?

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Thread replies: 147
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What did you play today?
Something that wasn't a meme game.
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Yes, what game(s) did you play today, that was the question.
Road Redemption. Its like that old Biker game except modern. Its okay
I got up to chapter 8 and then quit, this game does an exceptional job of making you feel absolutely powerless
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What exactly is a meme game? it it a game that is only popular because it's popular, like how memes are only popular due to their popularity?

Or is it a game that uses memes to replace originality?
Nothing, woke up like a hour ago.
bloodborne, dong freeze, wizardry 8, smash, some roms

i'm off today
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I'd say it was fun as FUCK
needs more content, but holy shit this game is fun. lot's of fun.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, Puyo Puyo Tetris, Taiko no Tatsujin: Don & Katsu's Space-Time Adventure.

Oh, and Project Diva F 2nd.
It's a game you don't like. So every game is a meme game.
It needs content....
>Far Cry 2
>Zelda 1
>Doom 3
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it's really a demo right now, but it's fun as fuck with what's there.
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>>Far Cry 2
Ahh, the best Far Cry game.

Hope you aren't having too much trouble with those checkpoints

cracked me up for some reason fuck im off to bed

It's a game he doesn't like.
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I'm about to finish Legend of Grimrock 2. Best game I've played in years.

post soups or stuff you can eat after a tonsillectomy, please
You get used to them.
>playing games
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Games people making them gave a shit about are the best games.

And sorry, i'm just posting random pictures of my food i use to spam /fit/ with
I tried playing the new season of diablo 3... but got frustrated because the 'brand new' laptop I'm on is a piece of shit that cant handle anything on even the lowest graphics settings.

Then I tried playing xcom, and got frustrated.

Then I tried playing ps3, and got frustrated because dust514 is a broken poorly balanced mess... and my controller has fucked analog sticks.

I'd happily play on my desktop, but it has a failing 500gb C: drive (brand new as of 5 months ago or so) and I had to pull not one but two sticks of ram from it (one was brand new and replaced at the same time as the hard drive).

I want to cry, it feels like all of my shit is breaking on me and I'm too much of a poorfag to replace most of it.
Forgot to mention that the brand new piece of ram didn't even last a month after getting it replaced. I had to pull both sticks because they were corrupt.
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I played:
>The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
>Super Smash Brothers U
>Shantae and the Pirate's Curse

Four Swords: Was bored, started a new file.

Sm4sh: Did some Classic Mode on 7.0 with a few characters. Also bought Cloud and checked him out. Finally figured out how to do Ryu's flamedouken.

Shantae: Beat it 100% for the first time. Took 8 hrs and 47 minutes. Started a new file with Pirate mode on to do a 100% speedrun.
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Ace Combat 4.

And after that I cleared an ending in Tsukihime.
Me and a friend finished our Co-op run through of Shovel knight. Jesus christ the amiibo ridiculously overpowered.
Just the usual, some RO, some BF4 and some Hypnosis Aristocrat.
I worked so I didn't have much time before. I played some Helldivers then got on Rocket League to practice with my team8s for the ESL weekly on Sunday. Then I got ready and went to work and now I'm about to play either more Rocket League or Helldivers.
Just got up, havent played anything yet.
Might play Splatoon or Smash later on, dunno.
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I was playing Mario 64 on a poorly coded Nintendo64 emulator
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Added 2 more 11s to my clear folder.
Oh and I also modded Fallout 4 some more
Mass effect 2
I might play something else because I cant sleep. Its fucking hot and my roommates are being loud.
Animal Crossing new leaf :3
Resident Evil 4 and Banjo-Tooie
Guild wars 2
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Played a few games of DoTA with my friends who are WAY above my level, watched some Smash at Genesis, went to dinner with some pals, then played some GTA V.

>Games people making them gave a shit about are the best games.
That's actually really true.
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Third Strike
Super Turbo
Alpha 2
Killer Instinct
Rocket League
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who watches this shit? this video is like a parody of let's plays this is gold. i'll never get why let's players are somehow entertaining even to some people from here

I'm digging the Tonitrus and Stake Driver.
oh hey that was me.
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>Games people making them gave a shit about are the best games.
This is such a simple statement I almost typed angrily in caps at you and then I remembered how often it doesn't happen.
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played some Garou with my buds today
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I played Killer instinct for the first time
Got some pretty convincing wins, boosted my confidence.
That's about it
The hacker or the anon who got ass fucked?

>saw it happen today in Heide's
>named Weeabo Jones
I know it was one of you faggots
CS:GO. I'd play a few games on some emulators but my DS3 is broken. Also played DD and was underwhelmed.
Something like Neptunia

In case you don't know, Neptunia is a game literally about console war, and the character use all manner of 4chan/reddit/tumblr/facebook memes in their conversation. The game is also not a fan-made shitty flash, but a real game
by a real game studio.

This is what I would call a meme game.
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the webm maker.
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Just some Darkest Dungeon.

>Grimrock 2
Mah nigga, absolutely fantastic game.
Still playing Fallout 4, I'm beginning to really burn out on it. Halfway into story I think got the Courser Chip
It's a term to piss autists like you off.
Persona 3

all this stuff with Ryouji being Death or whatever is retarded
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Wipeout HD with my flatmate in the background constantly complaining about why I'm playing it when I could be playing F-Zero GX instead

>It's too slow and floaty anon
>It's like air hockey anon
>It's dull and I don't understand how anyone could like this

Etc. Now he's trying to beat Chapter 5 on Very Hard and I can hear his woes from upstairs

Both are fine games.
>and the character use all manner of 4chan/reddit/tumblr/facebook memes in their conversation

That's because of the translators not the actual game. NISA is notorious for butchering the script in order to shove maymays in.
I played Hearthstone, a tiny bit of Rocket League, and DOOM for a few hours to check out Romero's new map.
Fallout 3, nobody gave a shit, it sucked
Fallout NV, they gave a shit, it was good despite it's problems
Fallout 4 has the best game-play of the 3D fallout games, but sucks

Bethesda stopped caring after Oblivion, they just don't care about the game, they only care about their sales. A good game and a successful game are far from the same thing.
It would help that Obsidian developed NV
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Devi's Third. The flack it got from game bloggers who suck at games and fanboys who were pissed Nintendo picked it up is completely unjust.

Siege is some of the most fun I've had in years for a multiplayer since you join a clan, build a base. And you actually can attack other people's bases or have to defend your own. And anything that can be built, can also be destroyed.

Yes, delivery? One round of new sister please.
I made a character in Dragons Dogma but then he ended up looking like my dad so I had to stop playing.
I dunno, videos Ive seen of it make the negative reviews seem pretty justified. It just looks really dull and mechanically bland.
>Am I winning, son?
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>You're such a bligatigono
>what's a bligatigono?
>It's a term to piss autists like you off
Splatoon and a bit of a VN

That's my point, it was the same engine, same potato graphics that made the whole thing look like some 16 year old made it in unity, same shit combat. But it was good, because they cared about the game, not just the sales.

At least it didn't look like your wife's son
Apparently, while the single player sucks dick, the multiplayer has more stuff in it then it has any business having.
I thought it was an Indie Kart game with Shovel Knight.
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Ubisoft can't breath if they don't release a new assassin's creed every five minutes
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I played this and 100%'d the achievements
Took me like 7 hours, game is hecka comfy
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I'd really like to play this game, if only I could find a fucking copy of it.
Super Smash Bros. Melee for the Nintendo GameCube, while I was watching Genesis 3, one of the biggest Melee tournaments ever
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Been learning maths on khanacademy. I get points and make progression so maybe it technically counts.
>had to stop myself from making poo and rape jokes
Maybe it's time for a break
means you're not australian.
The game looks pretty neat tho
it's a pretty "shit" game ain't it?
>level 2:rape your sister
>level 3:marry your first cousin
>level 3:publicly defecate
When is the online for PC coming? was really interested in trying it out
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getting ready to zero
Whats it like being cancer?
Hey I played that too. I suck at it.
I also played some Blood, does that make it better?
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This game does not run well.
Also this level kinda sucks.
Why does it straight up have Rainbow Road in there? I'm guessing a mod?
Level 4: make love to the holy cow
Level 5: publicly defecate
Level 6: shill Windows Phones from your 400 series lumina
Level 7: tell everybody online you will be a super power by 2030
Level 8:publicly defecate and rape a 6 year old girl
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it's the final level of the early access, it's a reference
That's because the segments were cherry picked. The cover mechanics and being able to switch from melee to gun on the fly is extremely tight. Also I've not had any issues with the AI. Plus the one boss battle where the guy cheeses it with a shotgun only works for that one.

Either way

Siege is still the tits
publicly defecate on a six year old?
adam get off of 4chan
That's level 18
It's shit. Guy is probably a scalper on ebay hoping he'll finally fool some moron into paying $70+ for it.
What the fuck did I just watch
MHX, but I got bored pretty quick. It's getting harder and harder to fill the hole in my soul.
That constant screen shaking sure looks irritating.
>Far Cry 2
>the best Far Cry game.
Not even close.
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I played Hyrule Warriors and finally beat Ganon's Survival Level 3 to unlock Cucco's Fury.

I think this mode is just Omega Force's way of laughing at me.
Man, I've watched LP's of the game and have seen nothing close to what you're saying, as far as single player goes.
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Just finished recruiting every Pokemon in Super Mystery Dungeon. I'm content with stopping now and not pursuing the remaining treasures, since recruiting Arceus was a more satisfying ending that the shitshow that was Story Mode.
The hypest shit for me would be if they announced a new Monster Hunter thats current gen with cutting edge graphics.

Monster Hunter on PS2 was top of the line graphically when it came out, shame its going nowhere now graphically.

I mean it looks good for a 3ds game, but shit I just want a new gen MH with great graphics.

Id like to be able to play MH on a TV is part of my wish. I don't think they are gonna do any more wiiu ports.
Kingdom hearts 1 5
Well, now if you say it like that
I played a bit of that new GITS shooter
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those low density lipids increasing arterial plaques and causing heart disease tho...
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Why is this making me hard?
I would prefer if they would just move the IP to a different platform. Having MH on a system like the PS4 would do it more justice than the sub par systems from Nintendo. What do I know though I'm just some random neckbeard.
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>implying DT is good
Not so fast criminal scum.
Well the Vita is dead in the water while the 3DS is booming, and portable gaming is where its at in Japan right now.

So from a business perspective, they would be crazy to drop Nintendo and go to Sony.
more blops 3 with my friends
All games are inherently meme games though
Publicly defecate out a six year old?
That's true, but it would be nice to get a version of MH on PS like MHP3d.
Sure it would. Id be all over a MH on PS4.

Its probably just not gonna happen
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Both are dead, too.
I didn't play any games today.
Might play some DOA and listen to a podcast.
>marry your first cousin
you can legally do that pretty much everywhere
Great Thing is hard

Also Ultra Street Fighter 4 and I hate Sakura.
It's more like

>Held in purtagory and still used for the odd Captain Falcon/Mute City reference and Smash appearance, which is about as alive as it can get
>The property is still owned by Sony, they just have nobody to make the vidya yet they've got time to make Resogun skins of the ships

As far as F-Zero is concerned Nintendo is just dicking about, how the hell has an enhanced re-release of X with the expansion kit stuff not been thought of? I mean fuck we've already got so many re-releases this generation it's only fitting

Wipeout though yeah I doubt ever seeing a comeback, especially when the fans are already divided over the classic and modern series
That's coke and milk.
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I stayed up all night due to sleeping problems and played hexcells and listened to podcasts.
You're inherently retarded.
I played a little of Dragon's Dogma
A little of Subnautica
Daily dungeon in FFXIV

I'm pretty much a normie casual
I went back to this today just to waste a couple of minutes. I like falling/gliding from the ship with the distant camera angle.
That's becuase Nep is full of Jap memes the average lowtier weeb wouldn't understand. They just localized that shit.
I don't know whether to laugh or fap
I played Tetris for like 30 mins
I played with my cock.
It smelled.
>Pink shit still inside the steak

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Devil Survivor 2 and Dragon's Dogma
i played yokai watch while i was at work
Nothing. Got home late from work and wasted the entire evening being high and jacking off.
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I beat KOTOR 1 again and started KOTOR 2, remembered that Peragus and Telos suck shit, and then played Radiant Dawn instead.
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Magic: The Gathering.
dat FOV
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Thread images: 48

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