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>Couldn't steal anything.

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>Couldn't steal anything.
>Couldn't steal anything.
>Couldn't steal anything.
>Couldn't steal anything.
>Couldn't steal anything.
Stealing's illegal dude
Thankfully I was never one to use steal in these kind of games so I guess I never noticed that.
Is stealing really that good in Final Fantasy, apart from the Genji equipment you can acquire?

depends on the game.

9 had some good shit
In IX you should be doing it as much as possible, since you have to use Zidane anyways, and getting enough steals gives you a free 9999 damage move.

You also get really good shit from stealing from bosses.
Why is 9 the only final fantasy to have a black protagonist? Is Square racist?
What do you mean by a free move that does 9999 damage?
Zidane's Thievery attack deals damage equal to the amount of times he's successfully stolen multiplied by his speed stat and then divided by two. Meaning that if you steal enough times, thievery will always hit for 9999 damage.
Shitpost successful!
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>steal~ steal~ cmoooon steal fairy flute~


>was never one to use steal

Your thievery damage will be shit then

So basically 400 successful steals

The worst part is it's not even that great of a flute.
I swear to god, stealing that ought to be an achievement in the PC version with the level of bullshit they're putting the player through.
is it just me or is there a clearly defined vulva on that purple haired girl?
Nah, you're just a pedo.
That's a dick bro.
but you do see it right? I thought it was just crap on my monitor


what the fuck

Because he steals and is a monkey anon, that's the joke.

9000 hrs in mspaint
>Is a filthy ape
>Tries to rob everyone and is bad at it
>Main love interest is a white girl with a fat ass
>Primary form of attack is to shank enemies with a short blade
How is he not black?

He has a pleasant personality?
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American Education
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>Try to steal all of Beatrix's shit
>lel Stock Break

I want to steal Garnet's poop.
What about apes?

Apes aren't monkeys
He has a tail, dipshit. He's a monkey.
>He's a monkey
Actually hes a genome, dumbass.
muh strong female should of charged that bitch with war crimes for genociding the furries
Ia zidane some sort of sayajin hybrid?
Played FFIX once when I was a kid and played it again last year. Not once through both playthroughs did I ever steal anything with Zidane.

He was mainly my melee attacker.
>genociding the furries

If anything she deserves a medal for that.

It's more or less his origin atory
>I never once attempted to steal with the thief character thats forced into 90% of the fights in the game across two playthroughs
Are you trying to brag bout being retarded?
No. I'm just saying that its kinda pointless. Half the time you get shit and you waste an opportunity to do some real damage. It's more like thinking outside the box anon.
>It's more like thinking outside the box anon
I dont think you understand what that term means.
Genome's a monkey then. Semantics, semantics.
I kinda agree with >>323626198, because my first playthrough I also never stole anything, because, well, 4.5k-ish dmg from Ultima Weapon is somewhat enough for me. Also I can change my party for the final boss, and I just spam Freya's Dragon Crest, Vivi's Flare, Steiner's Shock for my 9999 damage. Eiko and Garnet are only there to occasionally Curaga.

It also works for Ozma, albeit a bit less because IIRC you can't swap Zidane, and it's more luck-based boss anyway.
I know it wasn't the right phrase, but I'm distracted with playing vidya at the moment.

the mage masher you steal in the first fight of the game is a lot of saved time in the first disc

Fuck Beatrix. Worst girl in a game with only shit girls.

You can tell a game is shit when the best girl is a furry.
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>Couldn't steal anything.
>Dagger couldn't concentrate!

How is this the best Final Fantasy, again?
>the best FF

That's a pretty minority opinion. People just really like it
It's not. IX is honestly pretty low on the totem pole outside /v/ or the internet. Most people like VII, VIII, and X
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>most people like X
If there was a mod to jack the steal rate up to something non miserable and speed up the battle transitions to not take literally hours of my life I would play this game again in a heart beat.
Aside from giving you an easy max damage attack, there is a ton of VERY good gear you can get from stealing, and lots of abilities you can get super early from that stolen equipment.
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>most people like VIII

Normies do.

How they understood the junction system is beyond me though.
Has a release date been announced?
>Characters looked retarded
Even then it's only a vocal minority who played it as their first and/or have extremely shit taste.
I liked that stealing was actually useful this time
What other RPGs have good steals
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The OFFICIAL Final Fantasy Tier List

>God Tier:

>Good Tier:

>Allright Tier:

>Mediocre tier:

>Bad Tier:

>Shit Tier:
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The OFFICIAL Official Final Fantasy Tier List

>God Tier:

>Good Tier:

>Alright Tier:

>Overrated tier:

>Mediocre tier:

>Bad Tier:

>Shit Tier:
The entire 13 trilogy
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