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>drink potion to resist poison attacks >drink potion to

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Thread replies: 78
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>drink potion to resist poison attacks
>drink potion to increase defense
>drink potion to increase attack
>drink potion to resist elements
>drink potion to increase stamina
>drink potion to temporarily increase HP/MP
>not dying of overdose after drinking that cocktail of potions
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>yfw you never use stat affecting potions

They'd probably save me some time if i remembered that they existed in my inventory.
I hope things get better for you SHiN!
W-What do you mean? ;_;
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>Take Tums to relieve stomach ache irl
>Drink muscle milk to increase defense irl
>Drink red bull to increase attack irl
>Drink hot chocolate to resist elements irl
>Drink coffee to increase stamina irl
>Take vitamins to increase HP/MP irl
>not die of consuming all these potions.
What are you fuckin gay?
>drink potion to suck cocks better
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it's okay don't worry don't worry!
>play morrowind
>roid out and pummel vivec
>effects end
>feel fine and bang my 10/10 kajiit
>implying OP needs a potion for that
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>mfw thinking of the stomach ache eating and drinking all that at once like in vidya would cause.
The OP class in 4chan has a really shitty endgame. The skill tree is linear as fuck and the only three skills that are even ever used are shitpost, abandon thread, and smug anime face. Plus the sucking cocks passively thing was kind of a weird thing for the devs to implement.
Witcher actually does this
every potion has a toxicity value
when it reaches maximum you're fucked
>drink potion as certain class
>gives incredible buff
>drink potion as any other class
>it kills you
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I'm high on this acid and I didn't need you to post that picture. It's hard enough trying to read. Pic related.
Well, that would only mean that those potions are almost natural and has no toxic effect to the body.
u like tires?
Excuse me?
What are you talking about?
the nsa is gonna track your ip address down anon-chan
Fuck off Cebruz
>leaving acid out in the open exposed to light and air
you dumbass you're supposed to wrap it in tinfoil to keep its effects from diminishing
>patio to increase cuteness
he doesn't even post like cebruz you idiot
Do you really think acid means LSD in the year of our lord and savior 2016? Dawg it's 1400ug 25i-NBOMe complexed. You could run these blotters through the wash in your pocket and they'd still be 100x more intense visually, mentally, and physically than "real" acid (aka LSDeez nuts). Plus it's only 40 bucks for 100 of them and they resell for $15 each making that something like a 3500-4000% profit margin.
Search for that screencap as proof.
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someone's never played The Witcher 1
Just look at how he posts you dumbass, with punctuation, and good grammar, already sounds more smarter than cebruz will ever be with his sad pathetic life. He also doesn't have cebruz's mannerisms
dude lick my asshole lmao
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acid guy here just letting you know your comment made me sit on the floor and wonder why you would post something that doesn't make sense. It's like when people just comment random incomplete nonsensical sentenced on my videos cus they think it's a dank meme or some shit. Also my captcha was milkshakes and one of the pictures was a statue of a hand on a table and I really had to think about that one
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sluuuuuurp slrp slrp slrp slrpslrpslrp and also it's *ayy lmao
>eat a dozen different ingrediants to discover their properties
>fall over paralyzed and almost die
Also isn't it crazy how like in the future all the kids won't be doing the drugs we grew up doing they'll be doing all these RCs just straight wildin out. I can't wait until the mainstream public realizes the future of drugs is here and it's really colorful.
yeah i'd rather do the old kind, the new shit is too synthetic
>1400ug 25i-NBOMe complexed
This is the shit I imagine when people talk about "designer drugs". Just crazy complicated chemical names for shit no one understands and could just be made up. At least MDMA has a hundred years of testing/use behind it. You know to stick with strictly pure MDMA and not fuck with anything "chemically similar but not the same"
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>drinking small doses of different potions
Why did that Potion Seller video go viral?

What game?

In TES games all raw ingredients have minimal effects so you can eat like 200 poison mushrooms no problem

>eat a dozen unknown ingredients at once
>somehow able to instantly determine which ingredient causes which effects
are there any games where you actually just take a sip of anything in a bottle rather than just gooning the whole fucker? All I can think of is milk in OoT

I was talking about Morrowind specifically. when you're low enough level that you don't know any alchemical properties yet and actually need to do wortcraft you can easily die from it if you're not careful, I've had the exact experience I detailed many times. in the case of proper paralysis, you may not even make it to the floor.
>Plus it's only 40 bucks for 100 of them and they resell for $15 each making that something like a 3500-4000% profit margin.
Really pham? Where? And I was wasting time selling weed.
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Fucking shit, this.

Health potions and sometimes magic, that's it. Everything else is saved as a last resort on a boss that I have been fighting for a long time and I'm almost dead. Which rarely happens.

Pic related: Still not the right time for a stat potion.
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>Taking any potions other than recovering HP/MP.
These are for you.
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Nah but that's (kinda) like saying "oh I like the old way we used to do things. On horses and with morse code! This new stuff is to dependent on crude oil and electricity." I know it's not a good analogy but holy fuck is it hard to type and think at the same time. Like I'm thinking so fast but clear at the same time that I am able to think the thought and then just look at my thumbs and they type it without me doing it. Like I can think the thought send the signal to my thumbs and already be done thinking about it before the signal to type even gets to my thumbs then I sit there and watch them do it they're like little robot claws like the ones that build cars but with kittens on the end jnstead cause they're all pat pat pat pat also earlier I was at the store and I saw these they're fuckin Chex mix/gordettos with just the brown toasts
>selling weed.
anybody can grow weed you dumbass, might as well sell oranges in the street corner
>gooning the whole fucker?
There's the thing. You don't know how big the whole fucker is.
How much does a 1/4 ounce usually sell for? I don't smoke but a homestate friend who's coming to visit asked me to pick up for him when he gets here.

>eating an unknown ingredient doesn't just automatically label its effects for you
>you have to look at your status page and figure it out /remember it yourself

They sure don't make games like that anyone
we need a better way to talk that's not 4chan. It's against the rules and I don't wanna get banned haha i love this place too much. Send me a picture of some weed with a timestamp and your post number in the timestamp to [email protected] and we can get in touch, but let's not break any rules here:) I'm not offering to sell to you though for real, if any mods are reading this. Also make the subject something I'll notice. Oh and also copy and paste my email into a notepad cuz you might think you remember it but it's got a mispelling in there when I made it.
>anybody can grow weed you dumbass
Yet here I am, haven't worked more than 35 days in my entire life and I'm living better than all the wage-slaves I know.
>enchanting in Elder Scrolls Online
>have to use every rune to know what it does
>doesn't actually tell you even after unless you inspect the rune specifically
>end up learning some runic language irl just from grinding the ingame profession
I'm Europoorean so I don't know about Murrican prices.
on the d4rkn37 it can go for as cheap as 90 USD acid trippin guy here
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Is that what American rye bread looks like?

This is what Canadian rye bread looks like.

I obviously don't mean the fact that the bagged ones are dehydrated bread chips, but the coloring of them.
A 1/4 ounce is about 7 grams. A life of selling and buying drugs teaches you weights and currency values really well.
no, rye looks like that here in California.
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Acid guy here and you made me lick my desk thanks it felt good though
i get for 60. would never pay more than 80 and even that's too high
oh hey lemme know on here when you send the email or contact me. I just am going on a walk and want to conserve battery so I have my email app closed atm. The only reason I want timestamp is so I know it's k to discuss illegal stuff with you lol
you can stop pretending to be high on drugs
no one is falling for that and its just making you look like a retarded 12 year old who thinks being on drugs makes you awesome
I was including express overnight shipping I always do out of habit.
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You've never done RCs have you buddy?
Who the fuck buys weed online?
>wanting to get seizures
hallucinogens are shit tier anyway
The type of people who drop acid then browse /v/.
I assumed you are American so I didn't wan to bother you with questions that are not going to help in the end.
Thanks for trying to help, though.

I said I don't know USA prices not that I don't know how much 1/4 ounce is.
I sell it way cheaper than >>323535551 though.
>take pill to lower cholesterol
>take pill to stop allergies
>take injection for osteoporosis
>take pill for arthritis pain
>take pill for diabetes
>take inhaler for asthma
>not dying from overdose
>continuing to contribute to medicare's insolvency
That was the earlier days (2010-2013) when people would take the powdered form and snort it cause they didn't know the doses yet. It only started being used in 2010, no recorded human use before that to my knowledge but the date 2003 seems familiar.
I have the same problem. Spell scrolls are another thing that I keep forgetting to use.
Oh I know people in EU and have a dual citezenship with Estonia. I'm all over Europe every summer lol. I have contacts everywhere but Asia and Africa. I enjoy helping people out:3
So feel free to contact me anyways dawg! brb gonna go lay down for a minute thanks for letting me wild out in this thread. Sorry for derailing what I thought was a legit interesting concept for a thread:\
You know what, I'll save the e-mail, make some calls and ask some questions to see if people might be interested in the stuff and hit you back if things are positive.
Worry not, if I do hit you back I'll do it with the timestamped request or whatever.
1maybe hipsters eat that but average canadians subsist on the same mass produced presliced rec1tangles as muricans
Stop calling 25I-NBOME acid.
y tho
Because acid is LSD. You are probably too young to have ever tried real LSD though, so you wouldn't know the difference.
>implying it's any harder to get real lsd than 25i
plz. plz anon. it's 2016 mayne.
this anon is right, the only thing sometimes making it hard is people not actually doing lsd and so the dealers won't have any because it doesn't sell
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