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More Sanic 25th Anniversary Details

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>possibly up to four new sonic games this year
(fire and ice, Mario and Sonic at Rio, new 2d classic sonic game, and new 3d modern sonic game)
>celebration will be throughout the ENTIRE year, not just in summer or fall
>more events
>sonic boom is getting recognition
>Archie Sonic is now called "comic book Sonic"
>Classic Sonic is being referred to as "Pixel Sonic"
>they are claiming 2016 to be Sonic's best year yet

Get your dicks ready folks. This is it. How will they fuck it up this time.
I almost believed you until sonic boom
>How will they fuck it up this time

More Sticks, everywhere, all the time, always.
Oh boy, I'm just hoping the latter 2 platformers won't be a mess. I think they'll do the 3D platformer alright but the 2D will be make or break depending on how much they choose to butcher Clas- I mean, Pixel Sonic.
>Classic Sonic is being referred to as "Pixel Sonic"
that fucking reading comprehension, it literally means they're using the old sprites on merch
oh my fucking hell. no fucking way. theyre seriously making boom sonic official? i thought that was just a spin off by sega america and nothing to do with sonic teams plans?

jesus fucking christ this is going to be a disaster
the show is doing well
>celebration through the whole year
calling it now, they'll just shit out merchandise
>up to four games
they never mention that. it's just boom, olympics, and anniversary game. sonic stadium just likes stirring up shit
>comic book sonic
>pixel sonic
this is just for dumbasses who don't know what a genesis and archie are

i can't say i have much faith, since they said the 15th anniversary would be the best thing ever. they are merely trying to cash in on the hype of casuals as usual that don't know sonic's shit history. all we can do now is wait and see everything crash down.
It's a poster used to sell the brand to merchandisers you idiots, not a game
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>The Classic Sonic licensing programme is a celebration of the brand's heritage as the most popular and most iconic video game character of all time

Wait what? Are they saying he's more popular than Mario?
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Sonic nendo rerelease W H E N?
I bought a bootleg one because scalpers.
>classic sonic proportions
>modern sonic features

Why the fuck is boom sonic there then?
Kind of like the SA1 model.
>Boom Sonic

Why must they keep acknowledging his existence?
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The unleashed model is still the best and cutest 3D sonic model.

Everything but the games did pretty well.
>new 2D Sonic
can't wait for them to fuck it up.
The show is pretty good for a chuckle, but it has this weird void-like atmosphere where everything seems stilted.
>tfw 2D sonic is shit

Cant wait to see the new 3D game though, lost world used way to much 2D. Generations was better but by default at least 50% of the game was 2D and then add the modern sonic 2D sections, so maybe 70% 2D total. Colors was literally almost all 2D, 3D was just used for cinematics and stunts and reminding you sonic goes fast. I feel like Unleashed was the last fully 3D game so Ive been waiting forever
Because other than the games it has been a success?

Sonic Boom was made for the show intentionally more priority

The game just exists as a tie in prequel to the show
Maybe because low budget?

Personally I want them to get better music in the show.
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they should just call classic sonic "retro" sonic

also holy fuck i miss old eggman
Well, SEGA already fucked up by acknowledging sonic boom as something worth celebrating
>Maybe because low budget?
It's definitely a budget thing. They've got some french animation team pumping out episodes in rapid fashion.

>Personally I want them to get better music in the show.
This along with more audio work overall would probably help alleviate some of the stiffness in scenes. It's amazing what good sound composition can do to make things seem more alive.
>sonic boom is getting recognition
Because of the show, not the games
Eggman is 6 feet tall? His roundness is really throwing me off
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I used to love Sonic so much. I used to play house with plushies of sonic characters with my siblings. I followed anything sonic related back then. I even enjoyed 06. Around the time of generations, I lost my love for him. I just want another good game. Fuck Sonic 4. Fuck Lost World. Fuck Boom.
I should feel excited for this, but I feel nothing. I don't think I can really say I'm a Sonic fan anymore.
Whatever it is, they should stay away from Nintendo
Super secret leak

It has Sonic
He collects rings
He goes Fast
Eggman has been confirmed
Repeat Eggman is confirmed
Don't forget plenty of new friends!
Because it's part of the Sonic franchise? Are you being serious?
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>4 Sonic games in a year

sega pls, what did i ever do to you

I honestly like Boom's design, and glad that they're still using it./spoiler]
Havent played Sonic Generations. Should I give it a try?
Unleashed had plenty of 2D sections as well, anon.
It's pretty good
Anon, that hasn't been a thing in the sonic series for a decade.
Even if its on 360?

PC port of Unleashed when?
Stop listening to the "Sonic Generations is good" meme that's spouted on this board.

It's not good, even the demo sucks.

No modern Sonic is good.
You'll miss out on the Unleashed mod
Yes. Best 3D Sonic.
The Sonic Boom show is by far the best Sonic tv show.
I'd say Unleashed was much better if it weren't for all the filler.
And the majority of Generations is 2D anyway.
go to bed, arin
Unleashed Day stages are certainty much better and it is faster, but the controls are better in Generations. I actually didn't like colors much.
Nah cartoon was better
Technically, there's the Generations mod that includes all of the daytime Unleashed levels aside from Eggmanland and the night stages. I wouldn't mind an actual port of Unleashed if they changed the night stages to where the stage music always plays even during combat instead of being overridden by the battle/fight music.
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>yfw they'll all be mediocre
Yeah but it was still fairly balanced, especially compared to what came after. The werehog being a full 3D platformer really helped it feel like 3D was the predominant genre in Unleashed as well

I just want that feeling again of a primary 3D platformer. I miss when you stuck to the handheld games if you wanted 2D and console sonics if you wanted 3D
pirate it if you're getting it for pc, it's fun but its short as fuck and you'll never play it again afterwards.
Whatever happened to the Sonic movie that they were planning to do?
>you'll never play it again afterwards
Do you not enjoy trying to beat your best time?
Do you not enjoy finding different paths and shit?
Most good Sonic games are designed almost primarily with replay value in mind, and Generations is no exception.
Are you really playing it like some linear story-focused AAA game?
Thats nothing a quick mod cant fix.




Man Unleashed is really a work of art. The way it so lovingly celebrates major cultures in a style that inspires childish wonder is something else. The night stages are very under rated because of the constant battles and battle music. A mod to make the werehog 1 hit kill everything and disable the battle music would show that there was a great puzzle platformer buried in there all these years that everyone unfairly shat on
No news since the announced it. Writer said they are aiming for a PG-13 rating, though.
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>All this shit

Laffo. What a joke.

Sonic will always be dead.
>them balls
OMFG Why the fuck would they put Uncharted Sonic in there?
Because his show is a runaway success?
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>possibly up to four new sonic games this year
>celebration will be throughout the ENTIRE year, not just in summer or fall
If they put out 3-4 games, of course it'll be all year.
>sonic boom is getting recognition
Not surprising
>Archie Sonic is now called "comic book Sonic"
>Classic Sonic is being referred to as "Pixel Sonic"
Those are just how they are described. Pixel just refers to Classic Sonic as a sprite, and comic book Sonic is self-explanatory. Hell, they say Classic Sonic in the pic in the article.
>they are claiming 2016 to be Sonic's best year yet
Yeah, and they claimed pic related too.
> sonic boom a smashing success
> no TV station has ever played it

I don't think people know the meaning of success. Sonic cartoons were on more
I'm sick of all the stupid fucking teases.

Just do it so we can get on with our lives.
What the fuck is up with Boom? So you've got this video game franchise that's lost 95% of its audience due to poor quality games. Then you've got this same franchise made into a modestly successful children's television show. And to tie in with the show, you've got games that Sega knows are terrible beyond redemption in either quality or infamy and they just keep releasing them. It's like a snake eating itself to survive. Where the fuck is this going in the longrun and who is making this stuff up?
I hope we get some Knuckles stages in the supposed new 3d game.
If they would be like the stages from Adventure 1/2, then no thanks.
Can't say I agree. Modern Sonic looks like a goofy idiot.
Im assuming the 2d sonic is just going to be sonic 4 episode 3
Knuckles would be perfect for a character action segment, if only Sonic Team could do it without fucking it up.
Unless they change the style, that wouldn't happen. If we were to get a 2D game, it'd be something Classic Sonic related.
It annoys me that Sonic Boom is there as if it's something significant at all.
Perhaps I'm just being stupid but maybe Unleashed would have been better if the nigger animal stages were just knuckles instead and not at night.
There is no way people enjoyed knuckles levels. They slowed the game down to a halt and how many times can knuckles loose the emeralds because he was asleep

will we FINALLY get a sonic game that doesn't introduce a new character?
>sonic unleashed 2
>as ambitious and complete as the first one
>knuckles replaces werehog, same general style and design of werehog stages remain; combat, platforming, light puzzles and exploration
>sonic is hunting for the chaos emeralds in the day
>dark gaia fucked with the master emerald, so knuckles has to look for the pieces at night
>tails replaces chip
>amy has her same role as cute doting sonic fan

Do you count the little alien things in Sonic Colors as characters? I don't.

There hasn't been a new, mainstay character since 06, Sticks aside.
I'm still mad Sonic Boom didn't at least have good music.
It's really sad to think that one day Sega will die and be bought out by EA.
I remember hoping the reveal would just pan out to show the gang making shadow puppets and making fun of drastic redesigns.
I read the post in OP and I saw literally nothing worth note aside from the "throughout the year" bit.

I'll care about sonic's anniversary when I actually see something new from sega.
Blame Richard Jacques
I had to look up who Sticks was.
I watched someone play through Sonic Boom, and I don't remember her.
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She's not in the Wii U version.
Sticks was non-noteworthy NPC in Boom for Wii U. Kinda like she was never meant to be in the role she is in the show and other game.
I didn't even know there was more than one Sonic Boom game till this thread.
I remember the first one came out and was a huge disappointment. They kept making them anyways? Doesn't seem like anyone paid attention after the first ether.
Will people FINALLY realize this hasn't been an issue for the past decade, or recognize that the issue was the different gameplay types and not the characters themselves as no one seemed to mind every game adding at least one character until Adventure came along?

knuckles was the last worthwhile new character
I know, but there must be some way they can implement him effectively without resorting to a snoozefest treasure hunt.
>Man Unleashed is really a work of art
I fucking cringed
There was the Wii U and 3DS game that came out around the same time.

A new 3DS game coming up called Fire & Ice.

And a mobile endless runner that is a sequel to Sonic's other endless runner.
E-102 Gamma was fun and interesting.
Too bad they just fucked up his gameplay format immediately with SA 2.
Unleashed sucked
That was the fanbase. The very shitty fanbase.

SA2 and Sonic Battle were fine, but Rush and '06 CROSSED THE FUCKING LINE.

But nooooo, /v/ had to drool all over Blaze, and the turbo autists latched directly onto Silver's ass and never let go, and now it's just fucked.
Richard Jacques worked on the 3DS Version not the Wii U one
SA2 was ass.

shoulda just put Sally in the games. make her a techno nerd ala Coco Bandicoot or the like
Rush was an okay game. I'd hardly put it in league with 06. Blaze didn't even play differently from Sonic.
Jacques worked on both versions.
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Come on now, the game is beautiful.
No he didn't
Wikipedia fucked that up
Shadow and Rouge were fine additions. Although I wish Shadow hadn't gone full edgelord, was more of a "perfect warrior" type.

We're not talking gameplay.
a fine ass game
Too bad that and the music is all it's got going for it
The game is terrible
Can Boom just fuck off, please?
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You dont think so? Suit yourself

Nothing has yet to surpass unleashed in graphics or art style and design. And that was in 2008
>We're not talking gameplay.
>recognize that the issue was the different gameplay types and not the characters themselves
Ehhhh, if the comics hadn't become such drama, I'd agree.

Rush is playable.
'06 is just UGH
The gameplay types were fine.

The characters were what was shit.

Fucking alternate dimensions. Same shit wrecked Kirby.
Richard Jaques is shit regardless of whether he worked on Boom or not.
>shoulda just put Sally in the games.
How about no?
Sorry anon. The TV show did good, so that means we have to deal with it until it gets canned.
I wasn't bothered by Boom initially, even though I knew it was a sub par game. But the way they are continuing to force it is making me hate it a bit more every time I see it.

And no, I don't care about the cartoon any more than I care about the comics. Sonic is a video game series to me. The characters and setting works well for colorful platformers, but as their own entity they fail to interest me at all.
Any content that isn't a daytime level is generally pretty poor, but those daytime levels are fucking great, and Colors and Generations mostly just took steps back from it aside from removing the QTEs.
Colors had better art design.
>Fucking alternate dimensions. Same shit wrecked Kirby.
What are you talking about now?
Kirby has never been wrecked. There's like maybe two bad games in the whole series.
Not a chance in hell buddy
The 2D sections in the daytime stages were terrible, and played worse than Sonic 4. 3D parts were nice though. Too bad they only made up like 40% of the game.
>Richard Jacques
>The man who composed the legendary Sonic R soundtrack
>The man who composed the legendary Sonic 3D Blast Saturn Soundtrack
>The man who composed shit like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMTi5b1ca4U

Fuck off
Uh what Kirby game had alternate dimensions besides Amazing Mirror?
What's wrong with him? The Saturn OST for 3D Blast has some damn good tracks here and there and he contributed to Jet Set Radio Future.
I never got why people thought Unleashed was terrible. The speed stages looked and felt great and the night stages where wild and fun. My score was better on the night stages than the day stages.
>played worse than Sonic 4
Stopped reading here.
>>The man who composed the legendary Sonic 3D Blast Saturn Soundtrack
Sonic R had catchy music, but Saturn 3D Blast just sounded like stock music they borrowed from some unrelated library.
I'm talking about
>Shadow Kirby
>Dark Metaknight
>Dark Mind
>Dark King Dedede
>Star Rod came from Halcandra instead of being something novel
>Dark Crafter

It still makes me fume.
The daytime levels are terrible
And Generations kind of improved on them by making the level design more multi-tiered but it was still shit because Sonic still controls like a car
3D blast genesis had better music than the saturn version
Liking the Werehog stages is a minority opinion anon.
Sonic R soundtrack was legendary for being cheesy as fuck and not fitting the game. It was still enjoyable though. Saturn 3D Blast soundtrack was mediocre as fuck and pales in comparison to the Genesis one.
The shadows look a lot better than the actual designs

Can't be worse than 06 right?
That's true, but both soundtracks are great.
Amazing Mirror, RtDL, TD. Was the wizard from MA from another dimension? What about Dark Nebula?
Overall yes, but don't tell me Rusty Ruin, Gene Gadget, and Panic Puppet on the Saturn aren't great too.

Also don't forget how superior the Special Stage was to the Genesis one.

>I never got why people thought Unleashed was terrible.
Because it's not a good game
And the "speed stages" consisted of running on a linear hallways most of the time
Werehog was a shovelware beat 'em up at best

I don't think it's that bad...it's an average game that I wouldn't mind playing again but it's not a good game
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you can't be serious
Its really not. The only good songs in 3d blast saturn are the special stage and panic puppet act 1. Everything else sounds bizarre and doesnt fit at all. Genesis has a more arcadey classic feel to it which perfectly fits the game
Stay in denial I guess. The boost games all have terrible 2D stuff, but Unleashed was the worst offender.
>Saturn 3D Blast just sounded like stock music they borrowed from some unrelated library.
I don't want to even talk to you anymore anon
>The boost games all have terrible 2D stuff
I agree, but they are still better than Sonic 4.

Also Colors' 2D was worse because it was the entire game.
>Sonic R soundtrack was legendary for being cheesy as fuck and not fitting the game
How exactly did it not fit the game?
The songs described the stages(kind of) and were fitting

There's also the Instrumental Soundtrack(where you can turn off the vocals) which imo is better than the one with the vocals but that's just me
Level designs were better than Sonic 4 but I'm talking about the controls and physics. As shitty as Sonic 4's were he at least handled okay unlike the boost games.

And yes I forgot about how much 2D shit was in Colors. I retract my statement about Unleashed being the worst offender.
going fast would be an improvement over boom
generations is the best game to come out since SA2. the 2d and 3d sections both control great and if the throwbacks don't give you an erection you aren;t a real sonic fan
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I'm confused.
A lot of those were awesome boss fights.
Are you seriously flipping out about Kirby canon? Something that hardly exists?
Not that it matters if it exists or not, since Kirby belongs to such a fluid, dynamic universe.
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Unleashed on PC can help fix that.
>I'm talking about the controls and physics
I know. That's why you're wrong.
At least in the sometimes 3D boost games you kept moving forward in the air when you let go of left or right and couldn't casually stroll up walls and shit.
Sonic Boom Shattered Crystal had such great music
>boom knuckles
>boom anything

Can you guys stop talking about the past and start talking about the future?!
>generations is the best game to come out since SA2
I'm assuming you're ignoring handhelds.
It's crap! This is Kirby, for FUCK'S SAKE! None of this shit fits!

Galacta Knight is okay, except his backstory could have been better,

And the dragons, which were Halcandra's Kirby, should have made it to Dream Land or been more of a single, marketable unit, or something.
As shitty as that was I still prefer 4's controls to Sonic slipping and sliding all over the place in the boost 2D stuff.
Colors definitely fucking had way better art design than Sonic Unleashed's boring ass Real World shit

Too bad that it was stuck on the Wii so it doesn't look as good as it could have looked
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There is no Future for you SONIC
You just seem upset that the fictional world of Kirby didn't elaborate in a way that matched your personal vision.
But why does it matter anyways? Kirby is not a story heavy series. Everything that happens in the games happens to service the game mechanics or make something cute/creepy appear on screen.
I agree Colors had the better art design but I wouldn't day Unleashed's was boring.
The future looks bleak
Why has the music for sonic always been great where as the games have not been on par?
Not to say that colors wasnt creative but I thought it was amazing how well modeled yet stylized the real world was in unleashed. Being in a small chinese or south east asia village, or a town in europe, or the big city new york in the united states was an incredible feeling since it looked so real but kept it surreal by having those pixar like humans.

If it looked bland like 06 i would agree but Unleashed has a really great engine and style powering it all which makes it win in the end
Sega has always been god tier at music, it's not just Sonic.
Outside of Generations, Sonic music has been forgettable since 06.
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But it works perfectly man without having to redo every animation.

Plus you'd love everything knuckles would have to say.
It was boring for Sonic
You get what I'm sayin'...it looks good but it's too realistic/not fantastical enough for Sonic
Sonic Chronicles and Sonic Boom are here to ruin your wonderful theory.
Best Sonic song

Because Sega always has fantastic composers.
Sounds like PSO2 music. Same composer maybe?
The art style was done well...it just doesn't fit Sonic

And I didn't like how the NPC's looked...they looked like Mii's
Give me anime-ish NPC's from SA1 anyday(not that I want NPC's in a Sonic game in the first place)
Kirby villains have almost always been some personification of darkness. Even Meta Knight is to some extent supposed to be a darker Kirby.

Like, what about Nightmare or Dark Matter? That's about as classic as you can get with Kirby villains.
Sonic 4 episode 2 was actually good, but everyone overlooked it because episode 1 was so shit.
You think Unleashed's NPC's looked like Mii's. You must be high. Every one of them are pretty distinguishable too.

I don't want 06 Shit tier npc's again.
I would want the humans to look like Eggman and the Billy Hatcher characters, actually in the style of the main cast.
So it didn't turn out to look like Kirby's Adventure or Dream Land 1. That's fine, I guess. Although KA was pretty fucking sweet.

But all these edgy characters? Why? Can't it just be Dedede and Metaknight?

Can we have something different than "Evil Sorcerer For The Fifth Time In A Row" and "Not-Dark Matter"?
Secret Rings, Colors, Unleashed, and Rush Adventure all have pretty good music.
Yes actually, 2/3 of the PSO2 composers worked on zero gravity
Same Sound Team works on both series
With Hideaki Kobayashi and Kenichi Tokoi working on both

Fumie Kumatani also worked on the original PSO
The NPC's should look more Bioshockish.
>I don't want 06 Shit tier npc's again
How about no NPC's...EVER
It was definitely better than episode 1. I would stop short of calling it good but it was probably the best they could do with that busted ass physics engine.
Yes, but Nightmare bit the dust, and Metaknight's no longer a recurring villain. Or even a villain.
Dark Matter was a good antithesis to Kirby.

Nah man youre nuts. They didnt look like miis. They looked like typical cartoony characters youd see in maybe a pixar movie or whatever.

It was great how the npcs actually had side stories, missions, and interesting dialogue etc in Unleashed. It was the first time the hub and npcs felt useful in a sonic game.
Never speak again.
They looked ugly as shit...like they came from a Dreamworks Movie and I hate that style
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Dark Matter and it's various incarnations are often considered a fan favorite when it comes to Kirby antagonists, are still some of the more visually disturbing things in the series.

And Nightmare existed as early as Adventure. The only game with just Dedede is Dreamland. That's a very small portion of the series history.
No human NPCs at least. I wouldn't mind finding Knuckles or somebody hanging out in a level (or hub or whatever) but no humans.
Because they literally serve no purpose in a Sonic Game
I'm sorry you are against decent ideas.
Yeah that wouldn't be bad I guess
Any maybe Sonic's little animal friends(the ones he frees from the Badniks) could be NPC's too
Do you want hub worlds with no life in them?
I didn't mind the Unleashed NPCs at all. It was Chip that annoyed me.
Fuck that. We don't need Sonic living in Furryvile. If the Loony Tunes can live with Humans with no problems, so can Sonic.

I don't remember Sectonia being in the intro of Triple Deluxe.
If the humans are mixed up with the anthropomorphic animals, and are also in the Sonic style, what's the problem?
>Do you want hub worlds
There shouldn't be a bunch of NPCs to begin with. If any show up they should be rare, and they should be one of the established characters. The only human should be Robotnik/Eggman.
I blame the voice
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are we ever going to get a good super sonic ending battle again?

the last good one that felt like it properly ended the game was unleashed, where you fucked up eggman followed by destroying a dark god UNDER THE CRUST AND AT THE CORE OF THE EARTH

fucking hell the budget for unleashed mustve been insane
Who gives a shit, they are almost always interesting fights.
fuck super sonic ending battles, I just want super sonic to be a bonus for playing through regular stages
Which Kirby game recently has even done that? Besides /maybe/ Rainbow Curse?

And if anything, Kirby villains have gotten less dark as time has gone on. Most of the recent examples you gave are colorful characters that don't even come off as dark or edgy (but more like final bosses which tend to look sort of villainous sometimes)
You people just want Sonic games to have nothing. It's no wonder that the games are shit if you are what Sega listens to.
Hub worlds =/= Sonic '06 hub worlds
Episode II is the shinning example of a game being so painfully average in every way that I can't even muster up a fuck to give about it and barely remember anything of note beyond that one song no doubt created by someone stomping on ducks.
It is THE 5/10 game for me.

Episode I was at least so fucking terrible on all fronts that I felt an identifiable emotion playing it.
At least I can say that for it.

See >>323531128
I'm against having a bunch of NPCs. Also I agree with >>323531102
No hub worlds. All of that shit is a waste of resources and the hub worlds have never done anything but bog Sonic games down.
I dunno about that guy, but I don't want hub worlds. Worst party about Sonic Adventure and Sonic Unleashed, games that had a lot of strong points otherwise.
And if you gotta have them, have something small and simple like the early Crash Bandicoot Games or Wario World.
>are we ever going to get a good super sonic ending battle again?the last good one that felt like it properly ended the game was unleashed, where you fucked up eggman followed by destroying a dark god UNDER THE CRUST AND AT THE CORE OF THE EARTH

Are you fucking kidding me?
That shit was done to death for years and years
Not as long as those Happy Tree Friends writers are on the games
>he only human should be Robotnik/Eggman.

I'd rather know what big the cat is up to.
I hope bestiality comes back this year in some form or another!! Sonic 06 part 2 maybe?
Do you want another Egg-Nega Wisp copypasta battle like they've been doing with every game so far?
Super Sonic just broke physics, replaced great stage music with repetitive and annoying invincibility music, made precision platforming retarded, and made already too easy games even easier.

It's shit as a bonus.

It also doesn't make much sense as a reward for getting emeralds or whatever in a modern game with saves and shit.
Eggman should have a romantic relationship with Cream's mother.
You're a fucking faggot
The games are shit because Sonic Team is shit
SA1's Station Square was fine but that's about it(hated Mystic Ruins...it was creepy and the forest part was confusing as fuck)

Either way it's unnecessary padding that serves no real purpose
The hub in sonic adventure is useless but the ones in unleashed are very small and have useful npcs and side missions and stuff. They range from tiny (empire city, adabat, holoska, chun nan) to small (spagonia, shamar, apotos) and really helped you get into the world traveling theme of the game.
When will those fuckers die as horrible a death as a happy tree friend?
The series needs this.
I'd be okay with an ending battle if it was how Sonic 3 & Knuckles did it: Super (or in this case Hyper) Sonic is still playable normally but if you have him unlocked you get an additional "true" final boss.

I don't want the games to have superfluous bullshit. They need to focus on nailing the core gameplay and making sure the levels are well designed. We don't need some shitty hub world full of NPCs who contribute nothing to the game. It's not a fucking RPG.
The hub worlds in SA1 are relatively small, filled with easily-recognizable landmarks so you never get lost, add to the game by having atmosphere and making the levels feel connected with an actual world, and are great for doing random spindashes off ramps and hills to get some extremely satisfying air.
Whatever they do it doesn't concern me
If the game isn't good in the first place(which it never is and will never be) I don't give a shit

If you ask me what I want for a Final Boss I would want a Classic Giant Death Egg Robot fight with no Wisp/Godzilla bullshit
it's good but it's not as good as everybody says, especially iif you don't like one of the two play styles, and double especially if it's 2d, because the 3d levels have 2d sections for some fucking reason.
I'm not that guy, but what the flying fuck do hub worlds have to do with shitty and gimped gameplay-styles?
I'm criticizing the argument.
The "if you don't want stuff that doesn't have any place in Sonic, you must want absolutely nothing" bullshit.
yeah I loved the world travelling theme of Sonic Unleashed. I'd be up for another game like that, imitating real world places. Strangely Sonic's never been to a Japanese type city yet, in any game I can think of.
wtf is that on his chest?
Define "doesn't have a place in Sonic".
messed up shadow.
But hub worlds in Sonic games are fine if they're done correctly like in SA1 and Unleashed.

Speed Highway has some Japanese-looking neon signs.
Yeah i thought it was weird how china and south east asia got represented before japan...but i guess there was a small bias since its 2 asian countries. An Unleashed 2 with new continents or locations in established places (like a different major city in the united states, or germany or spain instead of italy for europe, have japan now etc) would be fucking perfect
Nah. That game was great
Things that make the game worse. Like, say, every hub world in the series. Yes even the shitty Unleashed ones.
At the very least Unleashed had semblance of layout design for them compared to Adventure and 06. Some people just don't like it.
are you 18 years old and grew up playing it or something? unleashed is trash, the good parts of it were ported into generations entirely
I'm of the opinion that the hubs in Adventure were mediocre, the hubs in Unleashed were pretty good, and the hubs in both added absolutely nothing to the experience of playing a Sonic game.

By the same token, I wouldn't have enjoyed Big even if he had the most masterful, finely crafted fishing mechanics of any fishing game ever made.
The point isn't the quality of the content, but whether it belongs at all.
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But there is seriously nothing inoffensive about the unleashed hubs. Anyone who played it remember how tiny but dense and comfy they were. This is empire citys hub, its literally this big. A fountain in the middle in a park area with some food stands and tables on the side. Small things like this helped the atmosphere intensely and it wasnt just random open world garbage spewed out like in adventure and 06.
describes adults playing video games
I'll take Station Square over any of the Hub Worlds from Unleashed
That hub world was very comfy at least and it was more sonic-y in the sense that Sonic was vacationing there

Fuck Mystic Ruins though...that place gives me the creeps
Same person every thread with the shit taste.
Sonic Colors is the worst Sonic game of the games I played, I couldn't even finish it as I was too bored, but I did finish Sonic 06. Colors is junk.
I'm 22 and I don't think Unleashed isn't terrible but its the best complete Sonic game we've gotten in years.

Sure its not Sonic 2 or 3 bullshit. But yeah its going to be 8 years since Unleashed and 10 since Sonic 06 ( I feel sorry for the people who liked that game) . So some people are gonna like that game.

Station Square the area with the worst cameras ever. Yeah alright.

I agree with this here. small and have you do something simple to reach the level and no bullshit fetching.
As a matter of fact, it's the ONLY sonic game I ever returned to the store.
piss off
No! They don't.
I can't disagree with this.
Shame too, because the presentation was fucking masterful.
>Station Square the area with the worst cameras ever. Yeah alright.

>Good camera
>In a Sonic Game

Station Square had awesome music and it had some funny ass NPC's at least
And you could talk to fucking Beach Babes in the pool...that's maximum comfy

"The train to Mystic Ruins will be departing soon"
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This guy gets it, no bullshit like fetching stone keys to unlock a level. Just small but deliberately crafted hubs that only enhanced the experience and gave you a taste of the different locations of the world. And if you wanted? you can just jump > homing attack spam to get the level teleporter in 3 seconds.
That's what makes Sonic 4 all the more depressing. Sonic games always have music going for them if nothing else, yet for Sonic 4 of all fucking games, they did a horribly shit job. I swear to christ it was all on purpose for some reason.
The camera wasn't even that bad.
>This guy gets it, no bullshit like fetching stone keys to unlock a level
>Instead you have to collect a lot of Sun/Moon Medals

Oh the fucking irony
Unleashedfags are retarded
>16-Bit Sonic the Hedgehog 5 & Knuckles
>Sonic Adventure 3

It's MegaMan 9 all over again.
>with every game so far?
Lost World is the only one that copied it so far.
>Sonic Unleashed 2
>Mexico/Brazil country
>German country with cozy-ass Gothic German architecture
>Japanese country, set in a Tokyo-inspired city
>Hawaiian country
>American country set in the west
>Egyptian country set around the pyramids where they're doing some kind of archaeology expedition
>Spagonia is still there
Medals were super easy to get and encouraged replaying and exploration. Were talking about purely about the inclusion of hubs in a sonic game. Theres nothing wrong with medals unless you want to rush to the end and drop the game
The Unleashed hubs were so tiny that they were pointless. The only purpose they served was to waste resources that would have been better spent making the 2D and werehog portions less shit.
Sonic Generations did it. The only difference is you can fly.
You have poor taste in music then that grates my ears hearing it for too long.

Unleashed is the only Sonic game in recent that has a controllable camera. Colors and Generations and Lost World ditched it. And the boost trilogy games didn't have that bad of a camera since it was scripted out for where cameras should be showing you stuff anyways.

Literally they made those games to not have as much camera fuckups . Only time it would fuck up if you went into a corner of a level.

>Wow backtracking in a sonic level sure is hard.

Most of them are right there unless you wanted to get that B rank so badly cause you know you weren't at max stats when starting the game.
You'd fucking wish nigger
What you'll get is Sonic 5:It's the same shit Sonic 4 was but now with a few rehashed from Knuckles Chaotix and Sonic 3D Blast
are you baiting? unleashed had day/moon medals that were garbage, obviously made me to prolong the game

unleashed is fucking terrible
Let's not use that word here.
You have poor taste in games, so I guess you guys are even.
I fail to see how scrapping them would suddenly vastly improve everything else. I would say that without hubs, Unleashed wouldnt be the same since its the type of game that really benefits from more visual cues
Implying any of those games had a problem because of alternate dimensions,
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>talk to some nerd in the pool area
>he warns you the camera may be shit
>don't worry though
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>Finished 06
>Didn't finish Colors

What the fuck? What does a game have to do for you to finish it?
>the medals aren't so bad!
>talking to npc's is cool guys!
cmon, are you fucking kidding me. kill yourself
Great ideas actually familia. does australia have any interesting sights? Maybe that could get swapped for hawaii since we got that with adabat.
>Medals were super easy to get
Bullshit,they were a pain in the ass to get and you fucking know it
Fetching a stone key to unlock the door to Windy Valley is nothing in comparison to that shit

>You have poor taste in music then that grates my ears hearing it for too long.
Nah you have poor taste in music...that music is comfy as fuck

>Wow backtracking in a sonic level sure is hard.

>Most of them are right there unless you wanted to get that B rank so badly cause you know you weren't at max stats when starting the game.

>actually defending bullshit padding
If they make the day stages better and removed the Warehog I'm all for this.
Back to reddit with you faggot
I don't care
Just make a good game.
Seeing a Trainwreck from beginning to end is more interesting than just watching Train drive by the station.
That was probably to get newcomers to 3D gaming accustomed to 3D but goddamn that's unintentionally funny nowadays
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>Classic Sonic is being referred to as "Pixel Sonic"
I was thinking of replacing the American Southwest with the West Coast, with a '60s surf theme, and replacing Spagonia with an India country. The Tokyo city would probably be the "home" area of the game.
Why? You have people crying for more exploration and to slow down in sonic and they get the chance to do so by keeping an eye out for medals and playing carefully. And then they start crying again saying they actually dont want exploration? Need to make up their fucking mind. I only had to hunt for medals once in the game near the end because I was missing like 10. I wasnt even trying to hunt them down and yet I pretty much had enough. Later when i went to platinum the game I thought it was actually fun to play it different and explore more with both sonics to find medals.
Not if you're a fan of trains, which you dont seem to be. I bet you own a Wii u
I know I like a game that people hate.

Anyone who likes sonic games has poor taste.

Just Sonic 1-3 fags get annoyed when someone likes a 3d Sonic game.

Better than doing shit missions in a hub world to open up a level gate.

In Unleashed you didn't even have to talk to the NPC's to get further with the story Most of it was for achievement completion.

You just suck thats all.


This or the day time music is better then Station Squares shit.

Yeah only time I had trouble when I first played I didn't have enough to get into Adabats stage gate like most people probably did. If you got stuck earlier you just fucking suck at the game.
>You have people crying for more exploration
yea, you're baiting.
My hype carried me the entire way, I wasn't enjoying myself playing 06 but I had to complete it, I HAD to, I could only complete it with Sonic as that was the only character I give a shit about in that game..
>Need to make up their fucking mind
The game needs to make up it's mind.
You don't make the fastest and most linear Sonic yet, and then require you keep an eye out for medals and explore to progress. The design is schizophrenic.
you guys all suck we need sonic 3d blast style again.
>Archie Sonic is now called "comic book Sonic"
and if you think this has anything to do with the games you're a fool
sega likes the licensing $ but thats as far as they go with it, otherwise they really want nothing to do with it
good lord, no
3D Blast minus the flickies and actually 3D would be pretty cool.
Like a california beach? That would be an awesome location and surfboard gimmicks could potentially be great in the ocean. I would keep spagonia though, there is tons of countries in europe that could be swapped out with italy. Swap mazuri because who cares about africa. Id say mazuri and holoska could be free slots while theres enough differences in locations in the current countries to make it exciting
>Why? You have people crying for more exploration and to slow down in sonic and they get the chance to do so
Are you fucking kidding me?

First off
There's barely anything to explore in the Unleashed Hub Worlds
Medals are nothing but McGuffins

Second off
The exploration should be in the levels themselves like in the classic games not relegated to it's own section you retard
You clearly played this when you were age 15 and now you're forcing everyone in this topic to like this shitty ass game.
Why not? It was better than most people give it credit for. Certainly better than most of the 3D games.
>You just suck thats all.
>this or the day time music is better then Station Squares shit.
They're all great to me son
The music is awesome in both games
He was talking about the levels though....
isometric platforming with momentum would still be shit
So Sonic Generations 2 is pretty much confirmed sorta?
Gimme Richard Jacques music(and tell him to fucking lay off his Cinematic/Orchestral Style of music he enjoys using nowadays and go full on 90s Rave Music) and I'm there
I actually played the PS2 version of Unleashed 2 hours ago. Horrible, just horrible
No, it's on the same level as ShtH, and only '06 is worse than it.
It worked fine in 3D Blast though. Although I was thinking something with a controllable camera when I said I wouldn't mind a similar game.
Yeah it was with adabat now that I remember since the spike was higher than usual, but it still was easy as fuck to find a couple medals to continue.

If its linear then shouldnt it be even easier to find medals since theres not that many places to hide them?

The exploring for medals is in the main gameplay levels. The hubs have a couple medals tossed in but theyre all majority in the levels.

Nice try, was 20 when Unleashed came out and still waiting for a Sonic game to come out as half as good as it and full of content, like unleashed.
I bet you own a dick your ass.
>It worked fine in 3D Blast though.
No it didn't.
Then that's even more funny considering that majority of the levels are linear hallways

Add to the fact that the game pushes you to go fast all the time there's no real reason to slow down for a tiny corridor here and there
Adventurefags disgust me. You can tell they played them on Gamecube too, probably their first Sonic. So what you have is Nintendo fans coming in to your Sonic threads and telling you that the Adventures are good games. Quite sad, some people actually buy it too
>Matpat could of done some research and found this
>instead he guessed it using shitty math and a canonically taller version of Sonic
Fucking hell.

Sonic's a fucking manlet though. 3 foot 7 inches is tiny.
Anon, stop.

You are defending trinkets used only for gating that added literally nothing of value to the game.

Just stop.
Just stop. 3D Blast was shit. Nobody likes it for a reason.

Knuckle's Chaotix on the other hand was actually a great game.
oh ok
Let me guess, you guys are casuals who thought he was hard to control? The game played fine to anyone with an iota of skill. The level designs were solid and the bosses were great. It was much better than tripe like Heroes, 06, Unleashed, Secret Rings, and Lost World.
>The exploring for medals is in the main gameplay levels
It's collectathon bullshit in a game that isn't a collectathon

Don't mix up slowing down for collectables with exploration
Explain how SA1 is bad without resorting to "Big the Cat"
I love the Adventure games, played the Classics years before I knew anything about them, played them on the Dreamcast and never a Nintendo console, and like their gameplay, controls, and level-design.
Yeah I have no probs with the music just the experience when going back to that game that hurts my heart.

That's why we'll have 2d with no momentum at all.

Thank you here's hoping he does something good if he shows up.

In the early parts of the game you shouldn't even be boosting a lot unless you raised up your boosting the whole time to make yourself have a terrible time with the Werehog. Otherwise you aren't going that fast to miss those >narrow corridors

>Yeah it was with adabat now that I remember since the spike was higher than usual, but it still was easy as fuck to find a couple medals to continue.

Yeah I remember screwing up and having to check through levels and finding out I missed those side acts that had medals in them.
>Sonic's a fucking manlet
He's not even a man.

>Knuckle's Chaotix on the other hand was actually a great game.
No. Levels were way too samey and bland for the game to be enjoyable.
I liked the special stages though.
My first Sonic was the original on Genesis. I never owned a Gamecube, and played both Adventure games on Dreamcast. They're great games. Try not to project so hard next time you shitpost.
No, it's just that it's slow as shit and isometric platforming is fucking stupid. Also the game is just boring and ugly.

Its replayability and gives you something to look for in the levels (exploring) besides brute rushing to the end
>Levels were way too samey and bland for the game to be enjoyable

Oh, ok so you've never played it.
Anon, there's a reason it got mixed reviews, even in the '90s when people still knew how to play non-movies, but I guess every game has an audience.
Finally, fucking thank you.

3D Blast's good music is all in the Genesis version, fuck that shitty off-sounding Saturn OST.
>more popular and iconic than pacman
>more popular and iconic than mario
it dont add up
>Thank you here's hoping he does something good if he shows up.
He did Sonic Boom:Shattered Crystal
The stuff he did which was more electronic/techno-ish was great like these

It's just the atmospheric/cinematic shit that while good just isn't my shit(I also don't think it suits Sonic) and there were a lot of those 1611
It's not slow if you know what you're doing. Speed came from playing well, as it should. The platforming worked fine too. You either sucked at the game or your ADD didn't let you get through it. Sonic games shouldn't be about going fast all the time. You only get to go fast once you get good at them. That's what the boost games got wrong.
It's padding not replayability
Why is it padding
If you were saying this about the classics I'd agree
But...Sonic 3D Blast...nah fuck no

Sonic 3D Blast was a weird game with Sonic in it
Even based Hirokazu Yasuhara himself disapproved of it(and he worked on it too)

"I was opposed to [Sega's] decision to create games that use 'Sonic-something' so that they can sell it easily. I wanted to make good games, not any games that used the Sonic character in a haphazard way."
- Yasuhara on his work on the Traveller's Tales-developed Sonic titles
It would be replayability if it didn't block off the rest of the main content.
>It's not slow if you know what you're doing

Except it is. If you went to fast, you got hit from shit that came at you from an awkward angle. There are no straight or open areas where you can run and advance to the next part. 3D Blast is about exploring and collecting Flickey's, not going fast and getting to he end of the stage.

The game is incredibly easy and boring. Stop acting like it takes any skill to beat it.
maybe "Pixel Sonic" means the 2d sonic game will actually be a legit sprite game.
Because it's not fun
Nobody in their right mind enjoys collecting worthless bullshit
That's Shovelware mentality right there
>Anything that makes me have to go back to a level to get something is always padding if it doesn't make me progress.

Unleashed had a lot of shit. If you collected medals enough you'd unlock music and other artwork that you don't normally find in levels along with the CD's and the Books in the levels as well. Its not just the medals but searching for the medals often lead you to find the other things as well.
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Maybe this year will be Sally Acorn's year.
And that was in Generations too. But you didn't have to collect it to beat the main game. You do in Unleashed. It's padding. Dont try to hide it, even the devs acknowledged that "we need to make sonic games longer somehow" at the time
But it's not nearly as fun as playing Sonic 3K and after 20 years still finding secret areas in Marble Garden
But >>323535669

So what about all those "platformers" from the n64 that barely have any actual platforming and is just a randomly generated shitty giant world with shit scattered around for autists to collect? The n64 must be king of shovelware then if collecting things in a platformer is the new criteria to make it bad
>"we need to make sonic games longer somehow
Which is the dumbest shit ever

What they need to do is make the gameplay good

Sonic 1 is an hour long yet it never feels too short for a reason
I can't speak for others but except for Mario 64 I absolutely loathe N64 platformers
Fucking hate Rare's bullshit during that time period...they were the ones who invented this shovelware bullcrap with Banjo Kazooie
>The n64 must be king of shovelware
Right on the money actually
You cant charge sixty bucks for a 1hr game
The best thing about having the lowest possible hopes for this shit is that if anything is even remotely decent, it'll be a pretty pleasant surprise.
Yes it it is. Even if you know what you're doing, you STILL have to slow down and make sure you collect the Flickies.

On a regular Sonic game, you can speed by and avoid enemies if you can, or know how to avoid them. On Sonic 3D Blast, you at have to fight at least 5 enemies, and in later stages, some of them don't have the Flickys inside!

The only way to make 3D Blast passable is if you took out having to hunt down these birds, and even then the games' quality is still questionable.
Generations had you complete shitty missions for artwork, music, and they did it to make you move on to the next level. I'd rather collect medals then play their missions.
Oh...well fuck because I agree that the n64 is nothing but shovelware trash but despite being terrible ideas and shittily executed in n64 shovelware, i love medal hunting in unleashed because of how well crafted the worlds are
Even then, 3D Blast is pretty slow.
You don't need to
Just make them Downloadable for 15 bucks

But yeah I hate how the video game industry works nowadays
The missions in Generations were far more fun than the medal collecting imo
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Dragon Road
It depends on how the game's made. Unleashed and Generations were pretty expensive to make. That's why Lost World was slower and looked so shitty in comparison. You really can't justify trying to sell a modern Sanic game for fifteen dollars. Too much money and resources are put into the stages for that. Also, as a major game franchise, it'd look extremely bad for them to try to sell an hour-long $15 game as a flagship title. It's bad press.
>Sonic Boom

As long as they don't try to make anymore games. The show's fine on its own.
But this is what people want sadly. Colors and Generations are about 3 hours each and despite having more levels, are filled to the brim with shitty forgettable acts/missions. Colors in particular, anything past Act 2 more than likely sucks. Generations has some creative and good platforming challenge missions but theres tons of duds too. Both games have shitty final bosses.

Unleashed, like it or hate it for the werehog and medals, was a very long and fulfilling game. The few main acts in Unleashed are all easily better than every Act 1 in Colors and every Act 2 in Generations, not to mention harder and much longer (average Unleashed stage is 4-6 minutes, Generations is half that, Colors is 1/3 that). It was around 15 hours and maybe you didn't like all 15 of them, but at least it felt like a full and complete game that you got your moneys worth for.

This is the problem I have with Colors and Generations fags, but most notably Colorsfags. They put quantity and MUH PURE EXPERIENCE above a full, complete feeling game. You didn't like the werehog combat? Big deal, it went fast and there was decent platforming and exploration to make up for it. You didn't like medal hunting? What, you didn't like replaying the levels to find new shit, get new times, and get more EXP to level up the Sonics? Why even play past Apotos then if you hated the structure? Fuck that. I would rather take a Sonic game that has a great main course with some padding on the side than just non stop filler act/mission, one after the other.
It wouldn't have to be necessarily very high budget
Like if they could make a 2D Classic Sonic game that was actually good and lived up to the classic games but used 16/32 bit graphics I'd be fine with that(that's just me though)

But I get what you're saying with the whole budget thing
It's sad that Video Games are so expensive to produce these days

But forcing bullshit on us to make the game longer is unacceptable
That's what gave us the fucking Werehog after all
>are filled to the brim with shitty forgettable acts/missions
Better than Werehog and Medal Collecting any fucking day

And un
thats what I'm hoping for this new sonic game to be something like Unleashed being a complete experience since Unleashed took 5 years to make and roughly around 3 years for Generations the boost gameplay takes a lot of resources.

Most stages in Unleashed are around 10 meters long. Generations is about 5-6 meters long.

Werehog wouldn't be bad if it didn't have to interrupt us every time saying HEY FAGGOT YOU CAN'T MOVE ON NOW TILL YOU BEAT THESE GUYS

That and the battle music kills me. Otherwise I didn't think it was that bad.
And its cucks like this that result in short shitty games that have zero world building, zero significant story, and zero memorable acts. I'm not buying another Sonic until its as long and ambitious as Unleashed was. All this slowed down, back to the basics 2D garbage plagued Colors and Generations and made them suffer hard for it. Classic Sonic, easily, is the weak half of Generations.
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>yfw Sonic Adventure 3
5 years? They were working on Unleashed since 2003? How?
Err 3 years for the game itself but 5 years cause thats when they started working on that Hedgehog Engine.
>Sonic Boom incorporated in it

Instant pirate, I want Sonic to burn.
>sonic boom sonic

and they already ruined it i think that is a record
>Werehog wouldn't be bad if it didn't have to interrupt us every time saying HEY FAGGOT YOU CAN'T MOVE ON NOW TILL YOU BEAT THESE GUYS
It's a generic showelware beat 'em up...it's not that bad but isn't good either
Either way it's not what I want from a Sonic Game and feels out of place

>That and the battle music kills me. Otherwise I didn't think it was that bad.
Battle Music itself was fine
The problem was that you heard the fucking beginning of that song way too many fucking times
And it was the only battle theme in the game...it would have been nice if every zone had it's own battle theme(like in Kindgom Hearts)

Personally I would have used that theme only for the last battle before the goalpost since the regular music for the night stages was just so fucking good and I hated it when it got interrupted
For the love of god kill yourself
Unleashed is a piece of shit
Oh that makes more sense. The heavy lifting for making the engine is done and it resulted in the gorgeous, scalable, adaptive hedgehog engine they have today. All thats left is to build levels and new assets for new ideas with it and make a full COMPLETE package out of it. Like Unleashed.
3-4 games in 2016

2 of then are Fire & Ice, and Rio Olympics


Off to a great Sonic year

50% of it is crap
Unleashed was a complete package alright...a complete package of SHIT

Can somebody ban this fag?
A complete package of well thought out padding and thought out ideas that all joined together to make a game much bigger and better than Colors and Generations can only hope to ever be.

Sounds like this is triggering you :)


Theres also this when they talked about about the Hedgehog Engine.

Also talked about how anything can look good with GI when showing a Black Knight level port to Unleashed.

In another interview Hashimoto talked about having the engine being able to handle real time GI but todays consoles around the time of 360 couldn't handle it. Hopefully we get something like that now. But maybe not since Hashimoto has long since left. But Iizuka has said that he's wanted that though.
I would be ok with hubs, npcs, medals, all that crap as long as there was no fucking werehog. that game is awful.
your baiting is obvious, unfortunately for you people here are most likely sonic general regulars, so they don't mind. they even enjoy it
Can't watch video, says I gotta log in
get a load of this faggot

Oh man I cant wait for Chris-Chan to fucking rage quit life.
Ahh that should be working fine if you try to works for me.


There is this also its in Japanese but can translate it to try to make sense of it. Its very interesting stuff.
Pixel Sonic
>Pixel Sonic
Pixel Sonic
>Pixel Sonic
Pixel Sonic
>Pixel Sonic
Pixel Sonic
>Pixel Sonic
Pixel Sonic
>Pixel Sonic
Pixel Sonic
>Pixel Sonic
Pixel Sonic
>Pixel Sonic
Pixel Sonic
>Pixel Sonic
Pixel Sonic
>Pixel Sonic
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>that fucking soundtrack
Unleashed is so good.

It's my favorite generations mod
Colors was pretty good. Generations was alright. Wish they hadn't fucked up with Boom and that Wii U Sonic game.
Two of them we already know what they are, the other one has to be smartphone. that leaves one last unannounced masterpiece. Boom 2
I refuse to believe it. When was the last time Sega did a sprite game. Like... Sonic Advance 3
would be nice though
I don't think it be too taxing on them. Making a new sprite based game and all. Especially for the 25th anniversary.
They'll never make another Unleashed style world travelling game again.

The amazing looking levels took a long ass time to design obviously, and all the resources were mostly waisted because you just sanic past them instantly

Its the same reason why generations only has 9 modern levels total. As gorgeous as the levels look, its a lot harder and time consuming to create levels like that it is to make stuff like the original green hill zone for example
Is Granddad Sonic shamed of his children?
This. 100x this. The past five years have been pure misery for me. Not saying that my disinterest in Sonic is the cause, but back when I was a massive Sonic fag I was so happy. I'm probably just an old man now, but I miss those days, I miss being a Sonic fanboy.
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I lost faith as soon as they hired those terrible new writers for Colors. 2serious4u Sonic I can tolerate, bad attempts to be funny Sonic I can't stand.

Except the Boom Cartoon, I actually don;t mind that.
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Doublenigger detected
What happened to Crush 40?
They tweeted they were doing something for Sonic this year then deleted it.
Was Sonic Generations just a fluke? They got so much of the game right and then did nothing with it.

That is one tasty ass.

All they had to do for a future game was replace Boost with spindash, and introduce Tails and Knuckles back into the 3D formula.

only thing i didn't like was 2D platforming as modern sonic.
I just want a sequel to Sonic Battle for the 3DS...
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>Sonic Generations was 5 years ago
This is too much to take in.
How does swapping the werehog out change anything? It's still the same gameplay.
Sonic 06 was 10 years ago
>for the 3DS...

Why? PC please.
It changes nothing, but the crybaby sonic fans would probably would eat it up. The Werehog was a divisive subject in the sonic comunity it seems
What was wrong with Generations and Lost World? No really?
>The original sonic game was now 25 years ago
>Sonic is literally older than I am
Lost World is a prototype that got a Sonic skin. Like Sonic 3D-2 or Sonic Xtreme 2
Plays nothing like a sonic game
I can't believe I'm in a thread where people are unironically shitting on the perfectly stylized NPC designs for Unleashed.
They brought in fucking Guruhiru for that shit and everything.
The main problem with the new writers is that Sonic, by all means, SHOULD be a fucking goldmine for gags. The series is full of goofy animal characters with very simple, defined quirks and personalities to bounce off of each other. Even "serious" Sonic was already hilarious, even if it was for the wrong reasons.
But then they throw all that shit out and just write a bunch of generic, boring "cocky, arrogant fool hero and smart, sarcastic straight man" dialogue for Sonic and Tails. They wrote the characters to fit the jokes instead of writing the jokes to fit the characters.
Sure, their Eggman quips in Colors were great, but you'd pretty much have to be clinically retarded to fuck up writing for Eggman.
>theres only been two sanics since the last anniversary
>one of them was okay
Who else liked Lost World and hopes the new game is basically a polished version of that?
I wish you fucks would stop making anniversary threads. we're two weeks into 2016, if there's a big game coming it will be release in december at best. and will probably be smartphone tripe
Yes lets make some more Bowie threads instead, because at least they're video games.
There's a thread because there was fucking news.
There's a magazine for toys? What in the fuck

I'd love that. No wisps, no 2D, less stage dominating gimmicks.
Mainline Sonic hasn't introduced a new friend since Unleashed, and at the end of the game he died in the fiery pits of hell.
Sticks the smelly badger
His Smash 4 model is best.
The first cartoon was better dumb entertainment.
Underground is fantastic for its cringeworthy "so bad it's good" aspect

It's better than SatAM though
All these threads manage to accomplish is getting me to boot up Sonic 2 or 3&K and playing a couple levels while openly weeping.
New content would be: Unleashed 2
Nostalgia fap would be: Gens 2

Neither of these things will happen. Sonic doesn't get sequels. That was back in the 90s.
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Why does sonic have giant feet?
I want a more openly designed Sonic game. Not open world or sandbox or anything, but not restricted to scripted hallways more narrow than Crash Bandicoot.
Oh hey cool detail. Makes more sense than his exposed, fleshy underbelly somehow actually being brown fur this whole time.
Have you never seen a hedgehog?
Wait, it was never portrayed as brown fur. It is a fleshy underbelly

And it's a fucking disgusting detail.
Sonic Mega Collection had some of the most chill Sonic music this side of Sonic Adventure 2 - in a compilation game of all things. Why is this allowed? Where are the composers of Mega Collection now?
that's a rat anon
is pretending to be retarded fun? is this what its like to be a 9gag epik meme'r
>mainline sonic games

keep in mind sonic boom is mostly an american thing separate from the main series developed in japan
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>Sonic Boom is getting recognized

Fuck yes, Sonic Boom is underrated. Well, at least the show/comic are, those are GOAT.
Not to mention that they also blew millions of dollars on advertising and on in house 15 minutes of CG Halloween Special animation. I think this is one of the reasons why we'll never go back to those times.
Nah, it's rated fairly and accurately.
Think I'm gonna download Lost World today. Anything I should know in advance?
the show is generally recognized as pretty good, if not the best TV series he's had, or at least the best thing to come out of boom
First playthrough is frustrating because the game doesn't properly explain the mechanics. Second playthrough, the game feels much better. Also, the story and characters are the worst they've ever been. That's about it.
Expect awful gameplay.
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it's garbage
At least Wii U is... polarizing, some people like it others hate it. I only played demo and it's average to me. I don't like the controls
It's been on CN for a while, anon. It's one of the few Saturday Morning cartoons left.
Only if they has doorbell sound from Unleashed everytime he does a combo so he can go full on "knock knock its KNUCLES!"
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Y. But only if the Knuckles stages were entirely optional stages/side quests.
Lets not forget the amazing mod support the game has.
I think same as Wii U
the main problem is that when holding the run button you control fine until the minute you want to go in a direction that isn't a straight line, think unleashed/colors/generations controls without boosting, more acceleration, and a clunky parkour system that makes you climb any walls you run into

basically going fast sacrifices good control, and I feel like the game would be fine if it controlled like an adventure game with the run button being dedicated parkour button
That's pretty nice and all but when are they gonna use the Hedghog engine again? I know they've used butchered versions of it in Colors and Generations but I want a Sonic game that looks as good as Unleashed again, god damn it.
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>disagrees with hedgehog fleshy underbelly theory
>posts proof of fleshy underbelly

My goodness look at those thick tufts of fur that hedgehog has down there!
Looks more like a shading glitch to me.

And I misread that post, I wasn't disagreeing.
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>Sonic Unleashed 2 never
>Wait what? Are they saying he's more popular than Mario?
He was in the 90s, yes. Hell, Sonic was even more recognisable than Mickey Mouse back then.
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>Plain white square buildings
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Any Generations mods that make Sonic play like he did in the genesis games? I hate how the 2D levels physics feel.
Hedgehog Engine was used in its entirety in Generations. Don't blame the engines used, blame the fact that Generations used an intentionally crappier shader (probably to run better on toasters) and had an art direction that couldn't decide what it wanted to be (the whole trip down memory lane factor probably caused that issue)
>>Archie Sonic is now called "comic book Sonic"
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Sonic 3D World when?
Considering how they rebooted the whole thing to match the games, maybe?
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Fuck that, give me Sonic Sunshine
Nope and there never will be.
Pac-Man has faded into being irrelevant for decades.

More Iconic than Sonic or Mario? Yes.
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>Sonic Team keep making Sonic games that play like a racing game in the 3D sections and Sonic Rush in the 2D sections
>They could be making Sonic games that play like the Adventure Sonic levels in 3D and Sonic 3 & Knuckles in 2D
Why live?
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this thread is full of retards
Much like yourself.
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>They could be making Sonic games that play like Adventure
I'll pass
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>I even enjoyed 06
>I just want another good game
I don't think you know what a good game is.
Yes, it's called "Fixing Generations Forever"
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It's almost as if it's based on a real place or something.
Not him but an Adventure game that's made by competent devs and isn't a technical mess would be pretty fucking rad
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>Archie Sonic is now called "comic book Sonic"
>Archie Sonic is getting officially recognized

Because if you're dead you can't play Adventure and S3K
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>Alex Kidd's 30th anniversary
>year of the monkey

Nah, don't make a new Alex Kidd game though. Just keep pretending Sonic is your only franchise.
It's really a shame that most of those ips died along with the 90s
At least they tried some things with the 00's
No, actually read the pic in the article.
Just hire M2 to deal with your good franchises SEGA holy shit
Honestly this, I fucking love the skating animation and orange homing attack effects. Hell how hard would it be to include some of the other characters as unlockable sanic reskins for getting red rings or whatever?
One of the problems with 3D Sonic, as I see it

In Sonic Adventure and Adventure 2, Sonic and Shadow controlled well at low-to-mid speeds. Their turning was good and they felt weighty. At high speeds in the Adventure games, Sonic didn't steer well. If you press left when you're running forward at high speed, you'll veer off in some diagonal direction incredibly quickly. It doesn't feel correct.

In the Boost Trilogy, Sonic controls like a tank at lower speeds, and it fucking kills the platforming sections in particular. At higher speeds however, he controls much more like we would probably expect him to.

What they need is some kind of middle ground. Sonic's turning, among other things, needs to work on a sliding scale, in which you have near instant 360 degree turning at low speeds, Unleashed levels of control at the highest speed, and everything inbetween.

Personally I'd also opt for them to replace the Boost with an actual abusable Sonic Adventure 1 styled spindash, but either personally works for me
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From what I recall back when modding Generations was new, people said that the Classic Sonic stages are so heavily scripted that removing just one would make the stage near uncompletable. Like, there's scripts for just basic slopes and ramps.

My point is, I'm sure someone could do it, but it would basically be redoing the entire engine from scratch, since what they have is so flaky it requires scripted events out the ass to function halfway decently. You don't notice this as much with Modern Sonic because the boost does a better job covering it up. You get caught up in the spectacle of it, the first time around. Then after repeated playthroughs you start to notice the cracks, which upon closer inspection are really fissures, in the foundation of this game.

Sonic Team seems hellbent on putting the cart before the horse when it comes to Sonic gameplay. They want it to be all flash and no substance. Naka was doing this since SA1, when it started to become an "action game" rather than a platformer. Reading between the lines this essentially absolves the developers of any responsibility to properly translate what made the classics so great (namely, Sonic's pinball physics) into 3D, and they instead focus on making the games as "thrilling" as possible. And no, holding up and sometimes homing attacking doesn't count as platforming, especially with how you're not really in control because of how scripted everything is. Boost Sonic is the most guilty of this. You have to build an engine that suits Sonic first, and then build a level around that. At the end of the day that's what made the classic trilogy so great.

I think it's possible to have this Sonic again, but I think it's going to take Sega/ST pulling their heads out of their asses first so they can actually address the real issues. But I seriously doubt it going to happen anytime soon, and your best bet is to hope one day the fans can actually finish a project to make what I'm saying here a reality.
>inb4 sonic 06 3.0
Adventure 1 and 2 are crap games. There's no competent devs in that situation
They all live on though, in our hearts but mostly in pachinko parlors, fuck the jap higher ups jesus christ
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Play Sanic Racing, anon
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and our 3DS's
Other than 3D, what's different about Sonic 1?
>Angry Paul
>neckbeard youtuber or something
kill me
ALL your favorite characters! including the car from Daytona!
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>Nights is the fucking car, only comes out as him/her/itself during the ultimate ability for like 10 seconds
>Beat never uses his skates
>Danica. Fucking. Patrick.
I liked the game but christ they just tried to fuck up everywhere they could
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what about Fixing Generations Forever?

also, fixed
>Sonic drawn in Pokémon style

Looks gr8
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>Year of SANIC! 4 GAMES!
>Fire and ice
>Mario and Sonic at Rio
I chuckled. Wait, not really.
What a Knuckle head
So it's good?
Mixed bag. Some episodes are boring, some are okay and some are gr8.
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I just want more Metal.
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>Sonic in the title for some reason
>7 Sonic characters, 3 too many
>non-characters from strategy games, race tracks of those games would've been enough
>Heavy, Pyro, and Spy from TF2
>A neckbeard let's-player
>Wreck-it Ralph
>Alex Kidd looks like shit
>NiGHTS and Reala as cars look like disgusting abominations
>No Alis from Phantasy Star
>No Bocke or Asha from Monster World
>No Vectorman
>No Billy Hatcher
>No Astal
>No Sir Pepper from Clockwork Knight
>No Arle or Amitie from Puyo Puyo

If they were going for a pure fanservice game they did a pretty shit job at it. It is fun though.
>No Billy Hatcher
I feel like they did that specifically to piss me off. He was my go-to in the first game.
Why? He just gets destroyed everytime.
>non-characters from strategy games
To be fair general winter drives around in a fucking soviet tank, submarine, and fghter plane. You get to race sonic in russian war machines, that's pretty fucking great, and hilarious in practice. Danica Patrick, the NiGHTS cars, the missing characters, and neckbeard on the other hand, are just plain wretched additions to this game. I don't mind the TF2 guys and Smash-em Sam, honestly, but they're certainly not plusses
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I want more Mecha
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hahaha cool thread....

but can anyone defeat knight of the wind sonic the hedgehog? and i dont mean regular knight of the wind sonic the hedgehog. i mean full-power knight of the wind with gold sacred armor and excalibur fusion w/ all 100 arabian rings and 7 world rings which let him to turn into darkspine and use fire abilities and warp time fly and regenerate with the soul gauge , the seven chaos emerals enhanced with the master emeral so he can turn into hyper sonic energy projection and clone ability of excalibur together with no emotions when he turns into darkspine . i dont think so
Too bad, SEGA is never using him again.
Actually, he only used 3 of the World Rings to turn into Dark Spine Sonic
Yea, at least they can't ruin him that way.
Considering his design, they already ruined him.
I don't understand.
Are you saying he has a bad design? That's funny.
His design is shit.
Mecha Sonic > Metal Sonic
he looks shit. hes basically a poorly redesigned metal goku sonic.
But it isn't?
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The extended Uchiha Madara copypasta could beat Knight Sonic.

>Uchiha Madara includes base Uchiha Madara copypasta so you won't even know which version of Uchiha Madara I'm talking about.
>Has access to the Speed Force which grants Madara access to A FUCKING ATTOSECOND
>Has Kamen Rider Black RX suit which turns him into a literal God see pic related
>combination of three super memes into one whereas Sonic is just one
>defeated Power Man and Saitama which is why Power Level topics are a thing again
Metal has a way better design. It's no wonder they used him over Mecha.
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