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What kind of games do you play with your girlfriend, /v/?

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What kind of games do you play with your girlfriend, /v/?
phil looks that sleazy italian gangster man
Every game I play is with my girlfriend. My hand.
the one that fucks the protags love interest?
Well, you got the "sleazy italian" part right.

Sometimes we take turns playing KH2 or I'll just sit with her while she plays Silent Hill 2.

We'll probably do it more often when KH3 is out.
fighting games
Just imagine. There is a gay DSP fan that wants to get into bed with Phil and wishes that were him.
I'm a girl, so I think you mean bf. We play mostly our fav old N64 and gamecube, since most new games don't have local multiplayer. Mario Kart <3
that man is fucking fat, holy shit
I don't believe that for one minute
I was playing Silent Hill 4 recently with mine. She thought the dogs screaming like jungle cats and monkeys were silly but found the ghosts and twin victims go be awesome.
My wife is really mad that we stopped playing Wooly Word together when XCX came out
>My wife
damn even on /v/ we got cucks
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epin ;^)
why did panda leave dsp?
I like to play Minecraft with my wife's son.
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Girlfriend enjoys Vidya, here she is right now playing Vidya.

Playing some weebshit
started watching this guys blind bloodborne playthrough yesterday. lol this guy is funny as fuck. are all his playthroughs like this? dose he have a blind playthrough for ds1 and 2 like this?

Please don't tell me that you're seeing a Juggalo.
Hearthstone right now, used to play a bunch of shit free games on steam together from time to time.
How does your wife's son feel about you being let out of the cuckshed.
Anon, I'm a Juaggalo myself.
They're both fat fucks.
dont know about the blind part but yes he does
Some shitty Korean ripoff of Counter-Strike called Sudden Attack. It's fun I guess.
alright thanks, I'll watch them after I finish watching the bloodborne one.
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Not a juggalo. She's allergy to blueberries, and blueberry faygo is the one thing that doesn't trigger it. Hahaha.
are they on his youtube chanell? or where can I find them to watch?
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never had one
I work at a supermarket and find myself repeating "fucking niggers" and "uuhh, niggers..." all the time in my head. Seriously, they're the only ones who cause trouble, aside from children.
yes they are on his YT channel
just be prepared in case you're going to watch the DS1 playthrough
I feel your pain anon, I'm only 19 though so all goods... r-right?
>tfw no bear bf to cuddle with
We watch eachother play games whenever and join up when the game allows it, otherwise it's similair to playing together but one has the controller (switches player every now and then). Can be any game any of us plays, even if it's not preferential to the other, it's still fun. I mainly like to play rpgs, action/hack&slash and horror survival games.
thanks man
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snowballs from there

don't care much anymore though, feel it's better this way
32 yo here. No gf ever, it doesn't get better
She's not fat. It's the angle and face she's making. Look up Panda Lee.
We're going through Shadow of the Colossus together. Currently on that little bastard with the fire. He's stomping us but she wants him dead so I know she's got the willpower to complete tough games.
Angle of the picture, the face she makes and the fact that she pulled her face backwards into her neck to make the neckflabs come out. Don't think she fat but definitely not skinny either.

Niggah, Faygo was created around 1905... just cause some one is drinking it, doesn't mean they're one of those gay juggalo. Stop being a faggot and stereotyping ppl for some thing they drink.
her husband and daughter on the right?
>Don't think she fat but definitely not skinny either.
So she's normal.
why do you keep making threads, just to post this bitch?
Fuck off, Juggalo.
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What video game lets you play as a disgusting, manchild loser that looks dirty as all fuck as if he gave up on himself completely? Bonus if this fuck also chugs down alcohol like water.
whatever you need to think to maintain your 2 inch erection anon
she did?
only one i know is a visual novel where you play as a neet fat stalker otaku who kidnaps his loli neighbor because she looks like his favorite anime character, and then gives her the d non-consentually
its not translated
Hide the sausage

Anything that isn't an FPS type, she gets motion sickness. Which is fine by me because I love platformers. We've bought everything worth buying on steam, and own all the shit for consoles that is good (currently working on the four PS2 Baldur's gate games) and now emulating MAME games so we can replay shit like Turtles in Time.
Fighting Games
I get Rekt so hard by my gf
gonna need a name anyway, anon.
>work nights at burger king
>you can always tell if it's a nigger ordering
>"ya'll got x" even though I'm in fucking michigan and not texas
>nuggets or chicken fries
>any sandwich usually has 3-4 qualifiers and one of them is usually cut it in half
>always want fruit punch or "orange" to drink
>always ask for extra sauce
>always want it all fresh and half the time they wait until paying to request it
Nah, he was just joking.
We used to take turns playing games a lot and sometimes I'd just play online in Smash or something and she'd watch. Lately we haven't been on the same schedule much though.

We were playing Ni no Kuni and Sly Cooper for a while. I kinda got burned out by Ni no Kuni with all the "go here" shit so it fell mostly on her to play it, and for some reason when I get home I'm never in the mood to start up Sly Cooper. We're in the swamp right now, I believe.
>complain about you playing games
Depends, really. She might be justified in saying that if the amount of time you're sinking into games is negatively effecting other, more serious aspects of your life. If it's just nagging for the sake of nagging though, it's silly. Most successful relationships have both parties have some overlap in hobbies, but at the same time have their own interests. Plus most good SOs are prepared to generally go along with stuff to make their other happy, even if they're not particularly into it.
It's okay if your gf dislikes vidya, but if she complains about it, you should drop that bitch.
Is that Brian O'Halloran or that fat porn dude Torbe.
>DSP confirmed to have a bara physique
Ace Attorney and Yoshi's Wooly World, recently
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>veiled 1/10 thread
It's DarkSydePhil, the king of whining like a bitch about how "It's the games fault!" and then wondering why he's losing subs. also he's an absolute cuck.
I'm laughing my a off at this post and I dunno why
but he also gets mad bux for doing it, so give a grifter his due
That actually sounds hilarious.
Me too. WTF?

We play on a local server, with just ourselves building endlessly.

One day we hope to save a copy of the ark, onto a public server and have a bit of an open exhibition.
fuck off scrawny bitch

mario cart 64

we only played this once, and never any other game. she crushed me

6' 130 pounds

what the fuck

i'm 6' 170 and very thin
>implying anyone here has a girlfriend
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Battle block Theater. She liked Castle Crashers too but cannot stand Hominid.

Other than that, she'll play GTA. It's hard to convince her about anything else. Surprisingly she enjoys hearing me talk about them, and has recently encouraged me to get achievements I never bothered with because of the explanation of its novelty, such as "little rocket man" in HL2.
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I've never had a GF who likes video games.

I had one that would talk about them with me anyways cuz she didn't like saying she didn't care, it was sweet but we both ended up feeling bad when she did that.

I miss her.
All the ps1 spyros. Ps2/later ones aren't the same. Ps1 spyros are the ultimate comfy games to play together somehow.
We 'played' the MGSes together but that was more like watching movies, fun nonetheless
We play a lot of mario kart and recently a shitton of layton, but I only help her with puzzles and I don't follow the story.

Battle block theatre until it got too hard
I'd fuck a clown.

I hope she misses you too, anon.
Ehh desu racism caused niggers to be stupid. It sounds like SJW propaganda. But if we didn't treat niggs like disgusting, stupid animals they probably wouldn't be.
She probably does. We broke up cuz I had to move, not cuz of lost feelings.

thats probably one of the stupidest things ive ever heard
Fighting games and Pokemon when we're playing together. Most of the other games we play are single player, but we'll take turns swapping controllers when one of us dies or completes a level in a bunch of single player games.
We tried playing Original Sin. She sucked.
If I had one, it'd probably be DoTA 2, which means I'd have to learn to play DoTA 2. Yay...
My gf and I play WoW together, and when her son comes over for the week I usually will play lego super hero games with him, and we all play the wii u together.
My fiancee and I play Diablo 2 and 3 on occasion, and we plan on playing WoW a little once Legion comes out. Mario Kart happens with friends on the Wii U, but that's really as far as it goes.

Trying to get her to co-op Contra on the NES with me, or even Super C at the very least, or really ANY side scrolling co-op SHUMP or beat-em-up (hell, Streets of Rage is fun no matter who you play it with)

Call her, anon.
mw2, l4d2, csgo
As a race, they may have natural inclination to violence, but their attitude is also highly fueled by stereotypes of how they generally act as a race (which influences individual behavior, further increasing the race stereotypes) and being raised in a shitty environment

Not all negros are the same, obviously
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>what kind of game do you play

I play sex
My wife and I will sometimes play a few party games on her son's Wii U. Doesn't last long since the little bugger always wants to get involved soon after. You can't blame kids that age however. Haha.
I'm really, really sorry anons. I hate his sack of shit personality though.
Nice bait>>323388798
Heres your (you)
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>her son
a bastard child from a previous marriage?
we play PSO2, age of empires 2, yoshi's wooly world, diablo 3, sometimes smash bros but she doesn't like it very much cause i'm too good at it and like the second match we play she start killing herself
not knowing the meme
DnD mostly, but also LoL and Mountain Blade
He's not really a bastard if he's from a previous marriage then, is he?
Anon that's pedophilia

Not him but he has a point. Look at rap videos. Most niggs want to be like that. When you mix poor with that type of mindset, you get literal niggers.
WoW, kart racers (mostly sonic all-autism racing), any game we can co-op, like diablo-likes (torchlight), souls game etc.
Read the tipping point. It's a pretty good book about what really makes things to change. In a chapter it talks about how kids in bad families but in good neighborhoods grow much better than kids in good families but bad neighborhoods.
>implying that hasn't been accounted for in studies
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